Statement PDF
Statement PDF
Statement PDF
Transaction Effective Narration Total amount/ Fund Type/ Investment Unit Price/ Units
Date/ Date/ Penerangan Jumlah Jenis Dana Value/ Harga Unit Bought/ Sold/
Tarikh Tarikh Keseluruhan Nilai Pelaburan/ Unit
Transaksi Berkuasa Pelaburan Bersih dibeli/dijual
* Premium, Policy Fee and Insurance Charges are inclusive of GST/SST, if applicable
* Misc Debt is unpaid policy fee and insurance charge
Policy No / No. Polisi : 0091715383 Page / M/s : 3 of 4
Life Assured : TAN KOK MUN
Premium / Premium
Investment premium due 06/01/2019 189.20
Pelaburan Premium kena bayar pada
Total 189.20
Total investment value available / Jumlah nilai pelaburan sedia ada 15,274.27
Total investment value available / Jumlah nilai pelaburan sedia ada 15,161.24
The Company will continue to deduct the insurance charges on the riders (if any) on monthly basis, the total investment value(TIV) will be exhausted
eventually if it is not replenished by allocation from premiums due and payable under the policy. You may opt to reduce the coverage or cancel the
attaching benefits, if any. You may also surrender the policy as an option but not recommended as by doing so your policy will be terminated and
you will only receive the TIV which is much less than the premiums paid. Any unpaid policy fees and insurance charges will reduce the Total Benefit
Payable of your policy.
Syarikat akan terus menolak caj insurans bagi rider (jika ada) secara bulanan, jumlah nilai pelaburan (TIV) akan susut jika tidak menerima
peruntukan daripada premium yang perlu dan hendaklah dibayar di bawah polisi. Anda boleh memilih untuk mengurangkan perlindungan atau
membatalkan manfaat yang dilampirkan, jika ada. Anda juga mempunyai pilihan untuk menyerahkan polisi namun ia tidak digalakkan kerana ia
menyebabkan polisi ditamatkan dan anda hanya menerima TIV yang kurang daripada premium yang telah dibayar. Sebarang yuran polisi dan caj
insurans yang tertunggak akan mengurangkan jumlah pembayaran keseluruhan manfaat polisi anda.
E & O.E
Policy No / No. Polisi : 0091715383
Page / M/s : 4 of 4
l The Company must be notified promptly of any change in address of the nominee(s)
Pihak syarikat mesti dimaklumkan tentang apa-apa perubahan alamat penama.
Data Protection Notice / Notis Perlindungan Data
For information on how we process your personal data and your rights over your personal data, kindly refer to our Personal Data Protection Notice posted at
Untuk maklumat berkenaan pemprosesan data peribadi dan hak anda ke atas data peribadi anda, sila rujuk Notis Perlindungan Data Peribadi yang dipaparkan dalam
laman web
E. & O.E