Protected Cultivation Course
Protected Cultivation Course
Protected Cultivation Course
The favourable environmental conditions of mid and high hills are ideally suited for
flower cultivation on commercial scale in naturally ventilated greenhouses. High
temperature coupled with hot winds during June to September makes it difficult to grow
quality flowers in north- western plains, therefore, causes shortage of flowers in the
major cities like Delhi, Chandigarh, Amritsar, Ludhiana and Pathankot, where flower
prices shot up sharply during this period. The farmers from mid and high hills can take
this advantage of congenial mild climate during May to November and can earn higher
profit. It is evident from the progress made in flower cultivation in the state that the area
under flowers has gone up from 30 ha in 1993-94 to around 813 ha in 2010-11 and more
than 3000 farmers have taken up flower cultivation. The total area under protected
cultivation in the state has been estimated around 100 ha. The major flower crops being
brown under greenhouses in the state are Carnation, Lilium, Gerbera, Chrysanthemum,
Rose, Alstroemeria, Daffodils, etc. During 2010-11 floricultural products of about
Rupees Seventy-seven crores were sold from the state.
• Ensures the production of any plant at any place and throughout the year
• The average radiation received at Quito-Equator and Nairobi is 434 and 462
cal/cm2/day, respectively at 1800m AMSL the best centres in the world producing
quality cut flowers, which is at par with radiation received at Bangalore (450 cal/cm2/day
at 1000m AMSL)
• Ideal temperature
• Shorter production cycle • Good production during the main international events when
demand for flowers is high in Europe and USA.
• Planting material, Growing system, Plant protection, Post harvest handling ,Supporting
facilities for analyzing quality of water and growing media, Management and
Ground beds
Raised beds
• Benches • Pots
Characteristics of growing medium: • Provide adequate nutrients to the crop • Support
or anchorage the plants grown • Good moisture holding capacity • Sufficiently porous
• Not saline • Withstand pasteurization with steam or solarization • Free from weed seeds,
nematodes, etc.
Managing High Temperature: • Using Naturally ventilated polyhouses with side (1.5m)
and top (1m) ventilation
• Use of fan and pad system for cooling • Use of 50% intensity shade nets (12 noon to 4
pm) installed inside the polyhouses
• Use of foggers/ misters during afternoons once/ twice only in vegetative phase of flower
• Photo-selective shading paints with less reduction of PAR allowing 69% light and are
useful in late spring and summer@ 450kg/ha in a ratio of 1:3 (paint : water) says Evans,
Important flower crops commercially grown in greenhouses:
1. Rose:
Rose is the leading cut flower in the international cut flowers trade and is also the leading
cut flower exported from India. In India, over 90 per cent greenhouses grow rose as cut
flower. The leading export cultivars of rose are Cora, Corvetti, Diplomat, Femma, First
Red, Grand gala, Kiss, Konfetti, Lambada, Laser, Nicole, Noblesse, Osiana, Papillon,
Parea, Passion, Pavrotte, Rodeo, Rossini, Sacha, Samura, Sandy, Sangaria, Soledo,
Susanne, Texas, Tineke, Vivaldi. The salient characters of rose cultivars for cut flowers
More number of petals, Petals open slowly, More longevity, Attractive colour, Long
and strong stem
Environmental factors:
Soil and growing medium: Light, well drained, pH - around 6.5, EC less than 1.0
Humus 10-12%
In greenhouse single, double or four row planting system in bed is being followed and
spacing of 30 x 25 cm is kept.
Stenting method (Budding done on cuttings, which are planted for rooting in mist
Rosa bourboniana
Rosa multiflora
pH: 6.2-6.8 Calcium: 55 EC: 0.7 Magnesium: 20 Nitrate: 180 Ammonium: 2 Phosphate:
4 Iron: 0.39 Potassium: 45 Manganese: 0.04
Sodium: 25 Zinc: 0.07 Chloride: 35 Boron: 0.08 Sulphate: 105 Copper: 0.05 Bi-
carbonate: 30 Calcium: 55
Pruning: Cultivar, Class or category of rose, Health and vigour of plant, Spacing, Soil
fertility, Desired quality
Irrigation is done through drip irrigation with one line along every row.
One drip if inserted about 15cm below the soil level helps to maintain optimum moisture
around root zone. Daily water requirement varies with the outside temperature from 2 to
5 litres/m2. Water soluble fertilizers are also given along with irrigation. During
vegetative phase irrigation through sprinkler/ mister/ fogger is beneficial.
Physiological Disorders:
Bull head, Bent neck, Limp neck, Blind shoot, Vascular plugging
White, pink and yellow cultivars are harvested earlier to red as red may not open if
harvested at tight bud stage
Popular grades:
Large flower cultivars: Stem length 60-90 cm and bud size 3-3.5 cm.
Small flower cultivars: Stem length 40-50 cm and bud size 2-2.5 cm.
Average yield:
2. Carnation:
Carnation is the leading cut flower grown in 52 ha area during 2009-10 under
greenhouses in Himachal Pradesh. This has become popular on account of its following
Excellent vase life, Wide range of flower colours and forms, Ability to withstand long
distance transportation, Rehydrate easily, Lighter weight
Florist carnations:
Dona, Pink Dona, Malaga, White Dona, Rony, Rhodos, Lipstick, Empire, Romana,
White Tendra, Corleone, Design, Natila, Dark Tempo, Bagatel
silvery pink, Solar, Cobra, Pendy, Lorella, Cabaret, Tanga, Sonsara, Dakar, Liberty,
Solar, Green Lady, Tempo, Varna, Sun Shine and Charment.
Environmental factors:
Light: Photoperiod (long days over 16 hours) and intensity (100 watts bulb spaced at
10.5m at 1.5m height)
Temperature: Night ( winter: 10-11o C, spring: 12.7o C and summer: 13-15.4o C) and
day ( 18-23o C)
Light texture loam or sandy loam soil which is well drained and aerated.
High : 40 plants/m2
Standards: 20 x 20 cm
Spray: 30 x 30 cm
Optimum nutrition:
Irrigation is done through drip irrigation with three lines in five rows in a bed.
Daily water requirement varies with the outside temperature from 2 to 3 litres/m2.
In pinching terminal growing shoot about 2-3 cm long is removed to overcome apical
dominance and to promote side branching when the plants are at 6-8 leaf pair stage.
Pinching types:
When the side shoots after pinching are 3-5 cm long then retain 3-5 shoots per plant in
standard cultivars.
When the side shoots after pinching are 3-5 cm long then retain 6-10 shoots per plant in
spray cultivars.
Wire mesh, plastic nets, string or bamboo canes are used to support plants.
Wire mesh or plastic nets having inner size of 10-15 cm squares are placed on the
ground in three layers, which are erected at 20, 35 and 50 cm above the ground level with
the growing plants. String or rope is erected in three rows at the same distance along the
In standard cultivars terminal bud is retained and all the lateral buds are removed.
In spray cultivars terminal bud is removed and lateral buds are retained.
Chemicals viz., oxidiazon and napropamide @ 2.2 and 4.5 kg a.i. per hectare are good in
In open fluchloralin (basalin) and pendimethalin (stomp) @ 1.0 a.i. per hectare each are
Standard cultivars for local market are harvested when flowers are half opened or at
painting brush or outer petal is perpendicular to stem, while for distant market cross is
developed on buds and colour is visible.
Spray cultivars are harvested for local market when two flowers have opened and others
have shown colour, while for distant market when 50% flowers have shown colour.
Red or Standard
B: 30-45 cm
C: less than 30 cm
Viral diseases
A concentrated liquid or powder colour is mixed in small amount of warm pure water
(37oC) and stems are placed in it. The colour develops in different patterns on the petals
after 10-24 hours.
Average yield:
3. Chrysanthemum:
Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora) has origin in Northern hemisphere in China.
Chrysanthemum is grown for cut flower, loose flower, pot mum, hanging baskets and
bedding and border plant. It has become popular on account of its excellent vase life,
wide range of flower colours and forms and lighter flower weight. It is classified on the
basis of inflorescence, photoperiod and temperature.
The important cultivars of chrysanthemum for export are Snow ball, Snow Don White,
Mountaineer, Sonar Bangla, Bright golden, Anne, Chandrama, Ajay, Birbal Sahni,
Lehmans, Nanako and Sonali Tara. Although, chrysanthemum is a short day plant
flowering when the critical day length is less than 9.5 hours. However, now the cultivars
have been developed which can flower in any season. The important off-season blooming
cultivars of chrysanthemum are given below:
• Feb.-Mar.: Maghi.
• Light (Intensity: 1.2-1.6 MJ/m2/day, Quality: 600-800nm, Photoperiod: less than 9.5
• Terminal stem cuttings (4-5 cm) during June-July, and • Suckers during February to
Planting density and spacing: • Greenhouse cut flowers: 40-54 plants/m2. • Loose
flowers: 30 x 20 cm or 20-25 plants/m2
• Loose flowers: FYM: 10-15 ton, N: 150kg, P: 100kg, K: 120 kg/ ha) • Spray of light
solution of cake + SSP at bud developing stage is very beneficial. Apply nitrogen through
CAN source as urea causes phyto-toxicity.
Disbudding: Remove lateral buds in standard and terminal bud in spray cultivars.
Soil should have 60-70 per cent moisture. Depending upon weather 8-10 irrigations of
2.55 cm depth are required.
Wire mesh, plastic nets, string or bamboo canes are used to support plants. Wire mesh or
plastic nets having inner size of 10-15 cm squares are placed on the ground in three
layers, which are erected at 20, 35 and 50 cm above the ground level with the growing
plants. String or rope is erected in three rows at the same distance along the rows. In pots
for standard cultivars single bamboo stick is used and in spray cultivars 3-4 sticks are
placed on the sides to protect the plant.
Three-four hand weedings are sufficient. Atrazine @ 1.0 a.i. per hectare is effective
before transplanting.
Diseases: Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. chrysanthemi) Stem and foot rot (Rhizoctonia
solani) Root rot (Pythium, Phytophthora spp.) Bacterial rot (Erwinia chrysanthemi)
Powdery mildew (Oidium chrysamthemi) Leaf spot and flower blight (Alternaria,
Septoria spp.) Gray mould (Botrytis cinerea) Viral diseases (chrysanthemum stunt,
tomato spotted wilt, tomato aspermy, flower distortion, chrysanthemum mosaic and
chrysanthemum rosette)
• Aphids • Red spider mites • Hairy caterpillars • Thrips • Grubs • Leaf miners, and •
• Premature budding • Quilling of florets • Crown bud formation • Heat delay, and
• Petal burn
Harvesting Stages:
Standards: When outer row of florets start unfurling for distant market and for local
market half opened flowers. Sprays: Harvested for local market when two flowers have
opened and others have shown colour, while for distant market when 50% flowers have
shown colour. Loose flowers: Fully open flowers Pot mums: 50% buds have developed
Commodity Grade
• Standard: 2.5 to 4.5 lakh/ ha • Spray: 1.5-1.75 lakh/ ha • Yield in Greenhouse: 150-250
flower stems/m2/year.
4. Gerbera:
Gerbera is commonly known as Transvaal daisy or Barberton daisy or African daisy. Its
name was coined in honour of German naturalist, Traugott Gerber and it has origin in
Natal and Transvaal in South African and Asian region. Important species in genus
Gerbera are given below:
Diana, Thalsa, Sonsara, Paganini, Anneke, Nette, Rosetta, Gloria, Ginna, Ingrid, Pricilla,
Alexias, Intense, Sunway, Zingaro, Balance and Monique.
Division of plants
8-10 plants/m2 or 30 X 30 cm or 40 x 25 cm
White fly, Red Spider Mites , Nematodes , Aphids, Leaf miner , Caterpillars
Harvesting stages of cut flowers:
5. Lilium:
Lilium species has origin in Asia (49), Europe (12) and North America (24). The genus
Lilium has two distinct groups as Oriental and Asiatic. The cultivars which do not stain
clothes and table with their pollen like Tiara (pink single), Aphrodite (pink double) and
sphinx (red double) are preferred by most of the flower lovers.
• Derived from species Lilium aurantium, L. speciosum and L. rubellum. • These are late
flowering lilies. • Flowers are mostly white and pink. • Flowers are mostly fragrant. •
Leaves are broader and almost parallel to ground, and • Bulbs are large 16-22 cm.
• The important export cultivars are Star Gazer, Macropolo and Casablanca.
Characteristics of Asiatic lilies: • Derived from hybridization of 12 species viz., Lilium
amabile, L. bulbiferum, L. concolor, L. dauricum, L. davidii, L. hollandicum, L.
maculatum, L. leichtlinii, L. pumilum and L. tigrinum. • These have extended range of
flowering period. • Flower colour varies from orange, red, yellow, etc. • Flowers are
mostly odourless • Leaves are narrow and upward growing, and • Bulbs are small 10-16
cm. • Important export cultivars are Connecticut King, Gran, Paradiso, Elite, Pollyana,
Prato and Solemio.
Well drained soil, rich in organic matter and having pH 6.5-7.5. Adequate growing
medium is soil: peat moss:: 1:1 or soil: peat moss: perlite:: one part each.
Climate: • Temperature (Day: 18-25oC and Night: 12-18oC) • Partial shade (40-50%) •
Good aeration/ ventilation
Planting time:
• Low hills: Oct.-Nov. • Mid hills: Feb.-Mar. and July-Sep. • High hills: March-April
Treatment of Bulbs:
Dip bulbs for about 20 minutes in a solution of Emisan (0.2%), Thiram (0.3%), Captan
(0.2%), Bavistin (0.2%) or Benlate (0.2%). Dry in shade before planting or storing.
Before planting treat bulbs in systemic fungicide and before storing in contact fungicide.
These must be thoroughly dried before planting or storage.
Planting density and spacing depends upon group of Lilium, bulb size and place of
cultivation. In open planting density is 20-40 bulbs/m2 and spacing is 40 x 15 cm.
Oriental: Bulb size (cm) 16-18 18-20 20-22 >22 Bulbs/m2 40-50 35-45 30-40 25-35
Asiatic: Bulb size (cm) 10-12 12-14 14-16 >16 Bulbs/m2 65-90 55-80 45-70 40-65
NPK:: 30: 20: 20 g/m2 and for liquid feeding of NPK::14 : 10: 14. Fertilizers should not
come in direct contact with bulbs as it leads to rotting.
Three-four hand weedings and herbicides like Propyzamide @ 2.25kg/ha and chloropham
3.5 l/ha are applied as pre-emergence.
Soil should have 60-90 per cent moisture and no watering is required until bulbs sprout.
Depending upon weather 8-12 irrigations of 2.5-5 cm depth are required.
Wire mesh or plastic nets having inner size of 15-20 cm squares are placed on the ground
in three layers, which are erected at 20, 35 and 50 cm above the ground level with the
growing plants. String or rope is erected in three rows at the same distance along the
• Gray mould (Botrytis elliptica, B. cinerea) • Soft bulb rot (Rhizopus stolonifer) •
Fusarium bulb rot (Fusarium oxysporum f. lilii) • Brown scale (Colletotrichum lilii) •
Root rot (Pythium splendens) • Bacterial soft rot (Pseudomonas spp.), and • Viral
diseases (mosaic)
Leaf scorch: It is due to deficiency of Mn, Al which occur at over dose of nitrate level
and add lime @ 10 ton/ha. Bud blast: It is due to storage of water at top of plant,
competition for nutrients, fluctuating carbohydrate level, low light intensity and high
nitrate level. Puffy foliage: It is due to frost injury and stunting of plants.
Harvesting Stages:
Local market: When 1-2 florets open Distant market: When 1-2 florets show colour. Cut
stems few centimeter above ground level for increasing bulb size.
Harvest bulbs after 40-50 days of flowering or foliage start turning yellow. Store the
bulbs in moist sand at -2o C for initial three weeks and later on at 0-2oC until two weeks
before planting. In hilly areas, bulbs can be stored in moist moss and sand. 6.
Alstroemeria: Alstroemeria was named in honour of Klas von Alstroemer who brought
rhizomes of Alstroemeria pelegrina to his tutor father of plant taxonomy Linneaeus in
1754. Alstroemeria species have origin in countries like Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru,
Paraguay, Venezuela and Argentina. Presently maximum acreage under this flower crop
is in the Netherlands, USA and UK. The different uses of Alstroemeria are cut flower, pot
plant, herbaceous border and garden flower, as it is regarded as herbaceous perennial in
warmer climatic regions. In India, so far it has not gained popularity and no effort has
been made to popularize it as either cut flower or pot plant. Recently, Directorate of
Horticulture, Himachal Pradesh has made an attempt to popularize it among the flower
growers after importing few cultivars from the Netherlands. Mid and high hill areas of
the state are very suitable for growing Alstroemeria. Its cut flowers are finding good
market in the adjoining flower markets in Delhi and Chandigarh and lucrative price of
Rs. 200-300 per dozen is being earned. Individual plant of this is sold by nurserymen @
Rs. 75-100. The flower lovers or consumers prefer to keep it in their homes or offices
because of its uniqueness and longer vase life up to 2-3 weeks in ordinary tap water in
comparison to lily or other cut flowers. There is also significant prospectus for export, as
demand in international market for the last one decade showed progressive increase in its
The important cultivars of Alstroemeria for export are Sangria, King cardinal, Tiara,
Mona Lisa, Jessica, Gold finger, Aladdin, Victoria, Diana, Ursula, Azula, Amanda,
Rostita, Jupiter, Purple sensation and Granada.
Cool well drained rich in organic matter medium is good for Alstroemeria. The optimum
soil pH is 6 to 7. The ideal medium has one part each of sphagnum peat-moss, soil and
sand or Soil, perlite, expanded clay and gravel.
Alstroemeria prefers cool climate with partial shade. The control of flowering process
requires thermo and photo-phase and thermo-phase requirement must be fulfilled before
photo-phase. The optimum temperature in greenhouse during night and day is 15 and
18oC, respectively. The newly planted rhizomes/ plants should not get more than 13
hours light at least for 6-8 weeks, which will allow the roots to develop sufficiently
before flowering. After which supplementary light of more than 16 hours a day ensures
early, profuse flowering for longer duration. During summer, when the air- temperature
exceeds 30oC and soil temperature exceeds 18oC, the plants become dormant and should
normally be divided.
September-October or February-March
Planting Methods:
Alstroemeria is planted in the field and greenhouse conditions in the beds which should
be 15 to 20 cm deep allowing the roots to grow during the three- four year production
cycle. The growing-point of rhizomes is planted 7 to 10 cm deep.
The spacing varies with cultivar and purpose whether cultivation is for cut flower or
planting material production or both. The optimum spacing between plant to plant and
row to row is 40 to 50 cm. For growing Alstroemeria in pots the rhizomes should be
plated shallow with growing tips 2.5 to 3 cm deep from the surface of soil, which allows
plants to produce more branches, therefore, the pot looks filled.
As Alstroemeria prefers soil with rich in organic matter, therefore, leaf mould or well
rotten farm yard manure @ 3 to 5 kg/m2 should be added to the soil. The recommended
dose of nutrients is N (3.8-5.6%), P (0.3-0.7%), K(3.7-4.8%) Ca (0.6-1.8%) and Mg (0.2-
0.4%).The mixture of (20N: 8.8P: 16.6K) @ 2.5g per litre is also ideal for growing
Alstroemeria. The nitrogen should be applied in nitrate form. The soluble salt reading
should always be less than 1.5m mhos/cm.
Irrigation depends upon the prevailing weather condition. However, to keep the soil/
medium moist is beneficial for better growth, flowering and development of rhizomes for
which irrigation at 7-10 days interval is ideal. Nutrients can also be applied with the
irrigation water.
Galvanized or plastic wire mesh having a square of 20x20 cm should be erected in three
rows at 30 cm height from one another. Bamboo sticks along with string can also used in
the beds in three rows for supporting Alstroemeria plants.
Diseases: Root rot (Rhizoctonia and Pythium) and plant or flower rot, (Botrytis spp.) are
important diseases of Alstroemeria.
• Thrips (These thrips also carry Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus) • Caterpillars • Spider mites
• Slugs • Snails • Aphids, and • White fly
Flower abortion or blasting: May occur due to low light or when roots are damaged by
excessive salts or over-watering. The aborted florets appear as small brownish bumps on
the tip of shoot within the whorl of cymes. Fluctuating humidity as very high or very low
within 24 hours causes blasting in which fully developed flower buds senesce before
reaching complete development, which is even not reduced by increasing light intensity
as well as duration.
Harvesting Stages:
Harvesting of spikes depends upon cultivar, market and consumer preference. For local
market the shoots/spikes are cut when 4-5 florets have opened. For distant market when
first floret has started opening and others have developed 50% colour. Shoots/spikes
should be pulled rather cut which will encourage further shoot production.
Post-harvest Handling:
Flowers are very sensitive to ethylene injury, therefore, spray of 0.5 mM Silver
Thiosulphate (STS) before harvesting protect the plants from wilting. The 0.5mM STS +
2% sucrose is ideal vase solution. Normally in fresh water the shoots/spikes remain
presentable for 2-3 weeks and vase life further increases a week by using preservative
solution. The flowers can be stored as wet at 4oC for 2-3 weeks in water buckets. These
are packed in bunches of 10/20 in corrugated cardboard boxes. The boxes should be
transported vertically to avoid negative geotropism of spikes.
Bose, TK, Maiti, RG, Dhua, R S and Das P 1999. Floriculture and Landscaping. Naya
Prokash, Kolkatta. Chadha, KL and Bhattacharjee, SK 1995. Advances in Horticulture,
vol.12 Part I & II, Ornamental Plants. Malhotra Publishing House, New Delhi. Dadlani,
NK 1999. Development of new production technologies for rose in India. J. Ornam. Hort.
New Series 2(1): 25-31. Evans, A 2009. Reflection of short wave infrared. FloraCulture
International, 19 (2):18-19. Desh Raj 2005. Floriculture in Hills, Agrotech Publishing
Academy, Udaipur, Rajasthan. Desh Raj 2010. Floriculture at Glance. Kalyani
Publishers, Ludhiana.