Astm E1640 - 1 (En)
Astm E1640 - 1 (En)
Astm E1640 - 1 (En)
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 1640
decrease in storage modulus marks the glass transition. placement (or strain), frequency, and temperature. Tempera-
5.3 A glass transition temperature ( Tg) is useful in charac- tures should be measurable with an accuracy of 60.5°C, force
terizing many important physical attributes of thermoplastic, to 61 %, and frequency to 60.1 Hz.
thermosets (see SRM 18R-94), and semi-crystalline materials 7.2.4 Temperature Controller and Oven, for controlling the
including their thermal history, processing conditions, physical specimen temperature, either by heating, cooling (in steps or
stability, progress of chemical reactions, degree of cure, and ramps), or by maintaining a constant experimental environ-
both mechanical and electrical behavior. T g may be determined ment. The temperature programmer shall be sufficiently stable
by a variety of techniques and may vary in accordance with the to permit measurement of specimen temperature to 60.5°C.
technique. The precision of the required temperature measurement is
5.4 This test method is useful for quality control, specifica- 61.0°C.
tion acceptance, and research. 7.2.5 Output Device, capable of displaying the storage
modulus (either linearly or logarithmically) on the Y axis
6. Interferences increasing in the upward direction and temperature on the X
6.1 Because the specimen size will usually be small, it is axis increasing to the right.
essential that each specimen be homogeneous and/or represen- NOTE 2—Some instruments suitable for this test may display only
tative of the material as a whole. linear or logarithm storage modulus while others may display either linear
6.2 An increase or decrease in heating rates from those and/or logarithm storage modulus. Care must be taken to use the same
specified may alter results. modulus scale when comparing unknown specimens, and in the compari-
6.3 A transition temperature is a function of the experimen- son of results from one instrument to another.
tal frequency, therefore the frequency of test must always be 7.3 Nitrogen, Helium or other gas supplied for purging
specified. (The transition temperature increases with increasing purposes.
frequency.) Extrapolation to a common frequency may be 7.4 Calipers or other length measuring device capable of
accomplished using a predetermined frequency shift factor or measuring dimensions (or length within)6 0.01 mm.
assuming the frequency shift factor of about 8°C per decade of
8. Precautions
8.1 Toxic and corrosive, or both, effluents may be released
7. Apparatus when heating some materials and could be harmful to person-
7.1 The function of the apparatus is to hold a specimen of nel and to apparatus.
uniform dimension so that the sample acts as the elastic and 8.2 Multiple Transitions—Under some experimental condi-
dissipative element in a mechanically oscillated system. Dy- tions it is possible to have transitions secondary to the primary
namic mechanical analyzers typically operate in one of several glass transition. Secondary transitions may be related to the
modes. See Table 1. glass transition of a second polymeric phase, melt processes,
crystallization, chemical reactions, the motion of groups pen-
dent to the main backbone or the crankshaft motion of the
TABLE 1 Modes for Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers
polymer backbone.
Mechanical Response
Mode 9. Samples
Tension Flexural Torsional Compression
Free/dec ... ... X ... 9.1 Samples may be any uniform size or shape, but are
Forced/res/CA ... X X ... ordinarily analyzed in rectangular form. If some heat treatment
Forced/fix/CA X X X X is applied to the specimen to obtain this preferred analytical
Forced/fix/CS X X ... X
form, such treatment should be noted in the report.
Free 5 free oscillation; dec 5 decaying amplitude; forced 5 forced oscillation; 9.2 Due to the numerous types of dynamic mechanical
CA 5 constant amplitude; res 5 resonant frequency; fix 5 fixed frequency;
CS 5 controlled stress. analyzers, sample size is not fixed by this method. In many
cases, specimens measuring between 1 3 5 3 20 mm and
1 3 10 3 50 mm are suitable.
7.2 The apparatus shall consist of the following:
7.2.1 Clamps, a clamping arrangement that permits gripping NOTE 3—It is important to select a specimen size appropriate for both
of the specimen. Samples may be mounted by clamping at both the material and the testing apparatus. For example, thick samples may be
required for low modulus materials while thin samples may be required
ends (most systems), one end (for example, torsional pendu-
for high modulus materials.
lum), or neither end (free bending between knife edges).
7.2.2 Oscillatory Stress (Strain), for applying an oscillatory 10. Calibration
deformation (strain) or oscillatory stress to the specimen. The 10.1 Calibrate the storage modulus and temperature signals
deformation may be applied and then released, as in freely in accordance with manufacturer’s recommended procedures
vibrating devices, or continuously applied, as in forced vibra- and report the method used.
tion devices.
7.2.3 Detector, for determining the dependent and indepen- 11. Procedure
dent experimental parameters, such as force (or stress), dis- 11.1 Mount the specimen in accordance with the procedure
recommended by the manufacturer.
11.2 Measure the length, width, and thickness of the speci-
Ferry, D. “Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers,” John Wiley & Sons, 1980. men to an accuracy of 60.01 mm.
E 1640
11.3 Maximum strain amplitude should be within the linear
viscoelastic range of the material. Strains of less than 1 % are
recommended and should not exceed 5 %.
11.4 Conduct tests at a heating rate of 1°C/min and a
frequency of 1 Hz. Other heating rates and frequencies may be
used but shall be reported.
NOTE 4—The glass transition temperature measured by dynamic me-
chanical measurements is dependent upon heating rate and oscillatory
frequency. The experimental heating rate and the frequency of oscillation
should be slow enough to allow the entire specimen to reach satisfactory
thermal and mechanical equilibration. When the heating rate or oscillatory
rate is high, the experimental time scale is shortened, and the apparent Tg
is raised. Changing the time scale by a factor of 10 will generally result in
a shift of about 8°C for a typical amorphous material. The effect of these
variables on the temperature of the tangent delta peak may be observed by
running specimens at two or more rates and comparing the results (see
FIG. 1 Storage Modulus
NOTE 5—Where possible in automated systems, a minimum of one data
point should be collected for each °C increase in temperature. At low and
high frequencies, use care in the selection of scanning rate and frequency
rate; select test conditions and a data collection rate that will ensure
adequate resolution of the mechanical response of the specimen. For
example, select a heating rate that allows the specimen to complete at least
one oscillation for each° C increase in temperature.
11.5 Measure and record the storage modulus, from 30°C
below to 20°C above the suspected glass transition region.
12. Calculation
12.1 For the purpose of this test method the glass transition
shall be taken as the extrapolated onset to the sigmoidal change
in the storage modulus observed in going from the hard, brittle
region to the soft, rubbery region of the material under test.
NOTE 6—Storage modulus may be displayed on a linear or logarithmic
scale. The reported glass transition temperature will differ depending upon
the scale chosen. The scale type (for example, linear or logarithmic) shall
be reported and must be the same for all parties comparing results.
12.1.1 Construct a tangent to the storage modulus curve
below the transition temperature.
12.1.2 Construct a tangent to the storage modulus curve at
the inflection point approximately midway through the sigmoi-
dal change associated with the transitions.
12.1.3 The temperature at which these tangent lines inter- FIG. 2 Loss Modulus
sect is reported as the glass transition temperature, T g (see Fig.
NOTE 7—Under special circumstances agreeable to all parties, other 12.3 For measurements made at frequencies other than 1
temperatures taken from the storage modulus, loss modulus, or tangent Hz.
delta curve may be taken to represent the temperature range over which 12.3.1 Using a predetermined frequency shift factor (k) (see
the glass transition takes place. Among these alternative temperatures are appendix), calculate the first approximation of the glass tran-
the peak of the loss modulus (Tl ) or tangent delta (Tt ) curves as illustrated sition temperature (Tl8) using equation 1.
in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, respectively. These temperatures are generally in the
order Tg < Tl < Tt. T2 F
Tl 8 5 T 1 k log 1 Hz (1)
12.1.4 The value of Tg reported from this document shall be
the mean value of duplicate determinations. 12.3.2 Calculate the glass transition temperature using
12.2 For fixed frequency measurements at 1 Hz. equation 2:
12.2.1 Report the mean value of duplicate determinations as T T1 8 F
T1 5 T 1 k log 1 Hz (2)
E 1640
14. Precision and Bias
14.1 An interlaboratory study of the measurement of the
glass transition temperature of an epoxy composite was con-
ducted in 1992. Following temperature calibration using a
polystyrene thermoplastic polymer (a secondary reference
material specifically prepared for this test program) each of 13
laboratories tested 4 test specimens. Seven laboratories used
linear storage modulus while nine laboratories used logarith-
mic storage modulus. Instruments from five manufacturers
were employed. The results were treated by Practice E 691 and
are given in an ASTM Research Report 6.
14.2 Precision:
14.2.1 Using a linear presentation of storage modulus,
r 5 95 % repeatability limit ~within laboratory! 5 4.1°C (3)
R 5 95 % reproducibility limit ~between laboratories! 5 12.3°C
(4) Two values, each the mean of duplicate determina-
tions, should be considered suspect if they differ by more than
the limits described above. The respective standard deviations
among test results, related to the above values by the factor 2.8,
FIG. 3 Tangent Delta are:
s r 5 repeatability standard deviation 5 1.5°C (5)
sR 5 reproducibility standard deviation 5 4.4°C (6)
k 5 Predetermined Frequency Shift Factor (see Appen- 14.2.2 Using a logarithmic presentation of storage modulus,
dix X1.1) r 5 95 % repeatability limit ~within laboratory! 5 2.6°C (7)
F 5 Frequency of Measurement (Hz) R 5 95 % reproducibility limit ~between laboratories! 5 7.7°C (8)
T 5 Glass Transition Temperature Observed at Fre-
quency F (K) Two values, each the mean of duplicate determina-
Tl8 5 First Approximation for the Glass Transition Tem- tions, should be considered suspect if they differ by more than
perature at 1 Hz (K) the limits described above. The respective standard deviations
Tl 5 Glass Transition Temperature at 1 Hz (K) among test results, related to the above numbers by the factor
2.8, are:
Example: s r 5 repeatability standard deviation 5 0.9°C (9)
k 5 −12,417K
F 5 2 Hz sR 5 reproducibility standard deviation 5 2.7°C (10)
T 5 100°C 5 373K 14.3 Bias:
T8 5 ~373K! ~373K! 14.3.1 The glass transition temperatures ( Tg) of the poly-
373K 1 212,417K log 2 5 373K 2 3.37K
5 369.62 K styrene calibrant and epoxy composite used in this study were
T 5 ~373K! ~369.62K! assigned by thermomechanical analysis using Test Methods
373 1 212,417K log 2 5 373K 2 E 1363 and E 1545. Tg for the polystyrene was established to
3.34K be 101.4 6 1.8°C with 16 degrees of freedom (df) while Tgfor
5 369.66 K 5 96.5°C the epoxy composite was established to be 121.2 6 0.4°C with
21 df.
13. Report 14.3.2 Using a linear presentation of storage modulus, the
13.1 The report shall include the following: value for the epoxy composite glass transition by this dynamic
13.1.1 A complete identification and description of the mechanical test method was 120.8 6 4.2°C with 18 degrees of
material testing including dimensions and any pretreatment. freedom.
13.1.2 A description of the instrument used to perform the 14.3.3 Using a logarithmic presentation of storage modulus,
test. the value for the epoxy composite glass transition by this
dynamic mechanical test method was 118.6 6 2.6°C with 24
13.1.3 A description of the temperature calibration proce-
degrees of freedom.
dure used.
13.1.4 Whether linear or logarithmic storage modulus was NOTE 8—The glass transition derived from the linear presentation of
displayed. storage modulus was 2.2°C lower for polystyrene and 2.3°C higher for the
epoxy composite than those obtained for a logarithmic data presentation.
13.1.5 The calculated glass transition temperature.
13.1.6 The frequency of test and any extrapolation proce-
dures used to provide results comparable at 1 Hz.
13.1.7 The dynamic mechanical curves recorded. 6
A Research Report is available from ASTM. Request E37-1015.
E 1640
15. Keywords
15.1 dynamic mechanical analysis; elastic modulus; glass
transition; modulus; storage modulus; temperature; thermal
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