Storm Clouds Over Stonehenge: Case Study

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration



April 2019 Vol. 12 Issue 1

Storm Clouds Over Stonehenge

The Vehicle Management System Computer
Try to imagine a machine built today that does not involve software in some form.
(VMSC) commanded postlanding actions
while Watchkeeper was airborne. The VMSC Can you do it? Even a two-piece, hinged metal can opener was likely conceived on
software logic was susceptible to sensing a computer screen using a computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing
and latching a false Ground Touch.
program. Since software is pure design by nature, it cannot ‘fail’ in the classical

UNDERLYING ISSUES sense. However, flawed design assumptions and a failure of imagination can lead
Causal factors included false readings from to unintended or even fatal consequences. When short-sighted specifications or
the laser altimeters, cloud cover and flawed
requirements reveal undocumented features, software performs exactly as designed
VMSC software logic. Contributing factors
included limited understanding of technical — but not as intended. Accidents where nothing fails are called “systems accidents,”
issues, lack of training, lack of communication
a term that was coined by Yale sociologist Charles Perrow in his book “Normal
regarding weather restriction and scarcity of
landing phase documentation. Accidents.” This study examines the circumstances surrounding a systems accident
and the unexpected outcomes.
Threatening conditions can lead human
When a nearly £6M British Army Unmanned hostile day or night missions (similar to the
operators to make needlessly risky decisions
Air Vehicle (UAV), tail number WK006, U.S. Air Force Predator drone). They awarded
when the current and optional modes of
operation aren’t fully understood. When pitched down and smashed on to a wet Thales UK a prime contract to upgrade its
system performance confuses an operator, Salisbury Plain runway on Nov. 2, 2015, no own Hermes 450 platform. The program was
the instinct is to simplify the system to regain one should have been surprised. Another named Watchkeeper.
control. Pushbutton software logic that Watchkeeper UAV had committed suicide a
A system of UAVs, optical and UAV radar
lacks feedback short of a crashed aircraft year before in a similar way. The government
demands a different, more intensive sensors, data links, and ground control
investigation documented good reasons and
training focus. systems, Watchkeeper was designed to
recommended fixes. So why did another
conduct Intelligence, Surveillance, Target
Watchkeeper dive to its death? NASA
Acquisition and Reconnaissance missions.
engineers and operators would do well to
learn from this case study as we embark on Airborne mission requirements included high-

more complex missions involving software, desert weather flying and adverse takeoff/
automation and human factors. landing surfaces. However, according to the
WK006 Service Inquiry report, the Release
BACKGROUND to Service document “did not contain any
WATCHKEEPER PROGRAM specific environmental limitations concerning,
In 2005, the British Army needed an aerial precipitation, cloud or visibility, during the
platform to target weapons delivery during recovery and landing phase.” 1
Pilot experience and judgment were implicitly expected by Thales UK semiautonomous UA in providing monitoring and control, automated flight,
preceding a decision to launch and recover this expensive drone as instrument/sensor feedback, and navigation throughout all phases of flight.
such judgment was already required for Hermes. Neither Hermes nor
The VMS was controlled directly by software within the Vehicle
Watchkeeper possessed traditional pilot joystick or pedal flight controls;
Management System Computer (VMSC), which was mounted in the
all controls were pushbuttons that commanded software actions leading
forward section of the fuselage. The VMS had full authoritative control of
to hardware responses.
the UA wing and tail surfaces using onboard navigation instrumentation
The Watchkeeper program started flying in 2010. Operated by a civilian and sensors. Watchkeeper operators in the GCS made command
crew from UAV Tactical System Ltd., WK031 crashed while making an inputs to the VMS via pushbutton commands sent to the UA. Under
approach to land at West Wales Airport (WWA) in October 2014. Crew normal operation, onboard software rules prevented these indirect GCS
operation of the Automated Takeoff and Landing System (ATOLS) and commands from overstressing, stalling or crashing the UAV. Placing the
UAV response were both precursors to the WK006 mishap. Watchkeeper onboard software in charge (even over the human pilot) was a similar
flying operations resumed from MoD Boscombe Down (BDN) military design concept to the control laws design used by Airbus in its airliners
airport in March 2015. with success. Unlike Watchkeeper, however, Airbus incorporates
two-fault tolerance in hardware and software controls.
Thales UK had conducted flight testing at WWA. Army Watchkeeper
flight training occurred at BDN and was conducted by Royal Artillery. The VMS monitors and controls the various systems on the UA where
The Hierarchy of WK Rules and Regulations (1ISR Bde Flying Order real-time information was relayed via the data links to the GCS for display
Book) defined the hierarchy of orders pertaining to Army Watchkeeper on the client server Human Computer Interface.
operations. This document specified pilot currency requirements for live VMSC
flying, simulator flying and simulator emergency training. The VMSC responded to the preprogrammed flight mission plan and
reacted dynamically to real-time commands received from the GCS
V-Tails via the data links. From Engine Start to Engine Cut, it was designed to
automate routine tasks through all phases of flight, including Automated
Takeoff and Landing (ATOL).

The Watchkeeper’s ailerons, flaps and twin V-Tails (which serve as

a combined rudder and elevator) were moved by dual, electrically-
redundant single-linkage electromechanical actuators (in the wings and
rear fuselage), which were controlled by the VMSC.
Engine EOP Radar Payload Flight Control Software (FCS) within the VMSC maintained controlled flight
within a predesignated operational envelope, providing a safety margin
Figure 1: Watchkeeper aircraft components (Source: Service Inquiry report)
against structural and flight limitations. The FCS was programmed to
protect against operation outside of the flight envelope design limitations.
The Weight on Wheels (WoW) function was relevant to the mishap.
The Watchkeeper system included components and support equipment
that enable preflight preparation, launch, operation and recovery, WoW SYSTEM
controlled from a Ground Control Station (GCS). Ground support There were two separate WoW systems on the aircraft. The WoW1 was
equipment allowed transportation, storage and maintenance. a pseudo WoW system, which determined via an algorithm (instead of
sensing actual compression or ‘squat’ of landing gear against a surface)
Major Unmanned Air System (UAS) components included the GCS,
whether the UA was on the ground or in the air by determining Ground
Ground Data Terminal and the ATOLS (comprised of the Arrestor System
Touch and Air Jump — based on measured accelerations and rotation
and Portable Aircraft Test Equipment).
rate. A physical WoW squat switch had been incorporated into the initial
Since manual stick-and-rudder flying skills were designed out of the design, but was removed when deemed unreliable during operations
GCS, crew training was assumed to be physically faster, cheaper and from rough, unprepared terrain. The pseudo sensing worked by doing
thus better. the following:
VEHICLE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (VMS) • Once a Ground Touch had been sensed, the WoW1 could either
The Unmanned Aircraft’s (UA) VMS described the essential electronic declare the aircraft to be in Air Jump (if vertical acceleration meets a
installations within the UA and the associated top-level tasks it carries out. threshold) or on the ground.
According to the Service Inquiry report, it consisted of a combination of • Once the vertical acceleration met the second threshold value for a
Line Replacement Units, which were designed to fully prioritize and task the period of time, Air Jump ended and the UA was declared to be on the
ground. (There was a different set of parameters used to declare the
UA airborne on takeoff.)

Two laser altimeters supplied accurate height measurements to the

Figure 2: VMSC when the aircraft was close to the ground to ensure a smooth
GCS operating landing. To gauge height reference during flight, the aircraft used
position (Source:
Service Inquiry barometric altitude as the primary height reference within the Inertial
Navigation System.

The Ground Flight Control Computer (GFCC) was responsible for

processing all flight command instructions for the aircraft. It checked

approach. This is in contrast to the U-TacS [Army] standard operating
procedure, where only ATOL is used, a practice driven by the Army’s
original requirement to have a fully automatic capability for Watchkeeper.
Furthermore, the U-TacS [Army] did not have the trained personnel to
use an EP. Since The Designer considered the use of MO [MASTER
OVERRIDE] only for serious emergencies (e.g., engine fire), they had no
requirement to specifically develop MO procedures …” According to the
report, the “Designer had provided U-TacS [Army] employees with MS
PowerPoint presentations during their initial training. These presentations
contained one slide that gave limited information on the use of MO.
In the Panel’s opinion, given the intended operating procedure for UK
Figure 3: ATOLS ground components: GBU (left) and GRU (right) (Source:
Watchkeeper, there was insufficient information provided to the crews.”
Service Inquiry report)
In a vacuum of manufacturer MASTER OVERRIDE information or
procedures, Army students and instructors developed informal notes that
the panel found ‘normalized’ the Army crews toward the use of MASTER
the validity and safety of commands (e.g., terrain clearance, air-space OVERRIDE. ATOLS Abort and Override procedures contained multiple
compliance, etc.). The VMSC would only accept valid commands from references to the use of MASTER OVERRIDE without enough facts about
the GFCC, thereby protecting the aircraft from “erroneous inputs.” the system to understand its limitations. Further, MASTER OVERRIDE

The ATOLS had a Ground Radar Unit (GRU) and a Ground Beacon had been used 10 previous times without mishap — earlier and earlier in

Unit (GBU) next to the runway. Based on the initial position data from the recovery process. Crews gained confidence that it could be used in

the GCS, it tracked the position of the aircraft and provided steering adverse situations without understanding the crash-preventive logic they

information to the vehicle via the GCS and datalinks using the GBU as were bypassing.

a surveyed reference to enable accurate target positioning. If the Following the incident, recommendations were made to improve
ATOLS failed/malfunctioned, the aircraft could still perform ATOL using software, hardware, training and procedures. Yet, an eerily similar mishap
a GPS Takeoff and Landing (GTOL) system. During the landing phase, would unfold just over a year later.
the VMSC would select the ATOLS or GTOL system — based on the
one that was more accurate.
The goal of the sortie was to provide currency training for two recent
WK031 MISHAP: THE PRECURSOR graduates of Watchkeeper Pilot Conversion to Type Training (CTT). It was
On Oct. 16, 2014, one year and two weeks prior to the WK006 mishap, the pilot and payload operator’s first flight since completing Watchkeeper
an accident occurred during the WK031 flight. Despite forecasted CTT in mid-October 2015. This would mark the beginning of an
thunderstorms, the crew thought they could recover at WWA in between accelerated program to become Watchkeeper captains and instructors.
storms. The instructor pilot was using this flight to maintain 30-day sortie
The WK006 flight plan included taking off from BDN between 11
currency requirements. The student had flown five Watchkeeper training
and 11:30 a.m. The flight was scheduled to take place in segregated
sorties and completed nearly eight hours in the Watchkeeper simulator.
airspace, in the area of the Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA), which
On the day of the flight, briefings, engine start and takeoff occurred was approximately 12 kilometers northwest from BDN.
according to plan. As student training was completed, storms
approached the airport and the crew elected to recover the UA. To
preclude an abort over a wet runway, the crew selected ALT DiFF
OVERRIDE with laser altimeter unreliability detected by the VMSC. Due to
a thunderstorm upwind of the landing point (directly in the abort path), the
student proposed and the authorizing officer agreed to select MASTER
OVERRIDE to prevent the UA from entering the storm. On final approach,
witnesses observed the UA pitch rapidly nose-down from 10 to 15 feet Figure 4:
WK006 route
altitude and impact the runway at 11:13 a.m. (Source: Service
Inquiry report)
According to the MoD Service Inquiry into the WK031 mishap, the cause
of the accident was as follows: “The sequencing of the landing logic within
the Vehicle Management System Computer functioned as designed but
not as intended. The VMSC commanded the post-landing actions (V-tail
full deflection to pitch the nose down) whilst the UAV was still airborne,
after recognizing a false ‘Ground Touch.’” Simulator runs conducted after
the mishap found that the UAV’s landing algorithm tolerances appeared
According to the Service Inquiry report, the captain thought the overcast
incompatible with both highly turbulent gusts of wind and very smooth
fog/cloud conditions presented an excellent opportunity to demonstrate
air conditions.
to the crew the capabilities of the Synthetic Aperture Radar. The authorizing
The WK031 mishap report further stated: “The Panel established that officer believed that the weather conditions allowed them to help the recent
the Designer predominantly operated the UAV with an External Pilot CTT graduates explore system functionality in poor weather, develop as
(EP) available if there was a requirement to land the UAV from the first aircraft captains and gain confidence in the system.

According to the Service Inquiry report, the VMSC commanded
postlanding actions while the UA was airborne. The VMSC software logic
was susceptible to sensing and latching a false Ground Touch.

The Service Inquiry report identified the following casual factors related to
the mishap:

• Use of the laser altimeter height at the Connect Point (CP) to

open a Ground Touch identification time window: False readings
from the laser altimeters sent to the VMSC, after the CP was reached,
initiated a chain of logic events that led to the loss of WK006. Laser
altimeter readings were used by the VMSC to open a Ground Touch
identification window. If readings of less than 1 meter had not been
Figure 5: WK006 wreckage (Source: Service Inquiry report)
used by the VMSC, the window would not have been opened at the
CP and a Ground Touch would not have been sensed.

• Cloud at the CP: Laser energy reflection from clouds at the CP

caused the laser altimeters to mistakenly read less than 1 meter.
WK006 MISHAP: WHAT HAPPENED • Flawed VMSC software logic: The VMSC used laser altimeter
On Nov. 2, 2015, preflight weather and mission briefings, engine readings to open a Ground Touch identification window. The VMSC’s
start, and takeoff went as planned. However, the weather WoW1 logic sensed a Ground Touch, followed by an Air Jump and
conditions were not favorable to flight. For example, surface then declared that the UA was on the ground — all while the aircraft
visibility was 150 meters, with the sky obscured (so-called “RED was still 300 feet Above Ground Level. The automatic protection
conditions” where the lowest cloud base was below 200 feet measures were overridden by the selection of MASTER OVERRIDE.
and visibility was less than 800 meters). The cloud base and Once the aircraft reached the semi-flare point, postlanding actions were
visibility did not improve during the course of the day. According commanded, resulting in the pitch-down maneuver and impact with
to PrivateFly, crewed military aircraft do not usually launch in RED the ground. Basically, the VMSC software declared that the aircraft was
conditions in the U.K., but records of previous Watchkeeper flights on the ground and ultimately commanded postlanding actions while
using MASTER OVERRIDE showed eight aborted flights in RED the aircraft was still in the air.
(or nearly RED) conditions. This indicates that crews expected the
UAS to take off and land in very low cloud cover and low visibility,
The Service Inquiry report identified the following contributing factors
which was not specified as a design requirement.
associated with the mishap:
Shortly after the 11:05 a.m. takeoff, the External Air Temperature
• Limited U.K. understanding of the technical issues concerning
Sensor 1 and 2 failure message displayed to the crew as the aircraft
the recovery of Watchkeeper: According to the Service Inquiry
climbed out to SPTA. The crew referred to Flight Reference Card
report, “The Panel believe that in the absence of a detailed
(FRC) guidance and decided to continue the sortie. This warning
understanding, the Unmanned Air Systems Team could have been
was continuously displayed to the crew until the recovery began.

At 2:45 p.m., the recovery started after the main part of the
sortie was completed. During this time, the crew found that the
ATOLS was unusable in its normal mode, despite troubleshooting.
Since ATOLS was unavailable, the crew decided to conduct
its landing sequence using the backup GPS/inertial navigation
GTOLS system. They selected the ATOL “Alt Dev” override per
their FRC for the first attempted approach. However, the UA
aborted the approach, displaying the LAND STATUS TIMEOUT
caution alert. The UA navigated toward the beginning of its
recovery profile despite the crew retransmitting the LAND
command. A second approach was made but yielded the
same results.

After the crew discussed the problem with the authorizing officer
in the GCS, they selected MASTER OVERRIDE to preclude a UA
abort. The UA flew a normal approach profile until over the
runway at 23-feet altitude. At 3:50 p.m., WK006 abruptly pitched
nose-down and impacted the runway at a 35-degree angle, just
like WK031 had done in 2014. Figure 6: Damage to the WK006 aircraft (Source: Service Inquiry report)

more questioning of the DAOS [Design Approved Organization within FRC guidance, the use of MASTER OVERRIDE “was predicated
Scheme] organisations and allowed an optimism bias to form, possibly on the decision to continue to attempt to land with cloud at the CP.”
in the face of program pressures.” The report also mentioned that “… As other options existed, the Panel believed that the decision to use
it would seem that this optimism bias percolated as far as the Captain MASTER OVERRIDE was premature given the warning about the
of WK006, who having been involved in many of the post WK031 potential loss of the UA within the FRC and in the context of the revised
discussions concerning the use of MO [MASTER OVERRIDE], procedures introduced following the loss of WK031. According to
also believed that a repeat of the WK031 accident, even with the Service Inquiry report, “MASTER OVERRIDE did not cause the
MASTER OVERRIDE selected, would require a repeat of the same accident, but failed to prevent it in the same way that the absence of
meteorological conditions.” a manual abort action being taken after seeing the LAND STATUS
TIMEOUT and Air Jump messages failed to prevent it.”
• Scarcity of information on the landing phase within the Aircraft
Document Set: According to the Service Inquiry report, the Interactive • The pitch down maneuver to intercept the glideslope following
Electronic Technical Publication (IETP) 7.1 contained limited information the CP: According to the Service Inquiry report, the aircraft was
designed to select the final waypoint on the recovery route to use
about the landing regime and did not provide operators with sufficient
as the CP (Waypoint 6). On each approach, the CP was declared
information to deal with the landing of WK006. This contributed to
approximately 300 meters before Waypoint 6. As the aircraft initiated
the crew’s limited understanding of the landing logic and messages
a turn after declaring the CP, Waypoint 6 was never actually flown
displayed to the crew during the WK006 recovery.
through. According to Thales UK, this was because the aircraft
• The Unmanned Air Systems Team Type Airworthiness Authority “declared waypoints within a lateral tolerance, which was a function of
(TAA) was not informed of the weather restriction in place at Ground Speed, where the faster the UA was moving the greater the
WWA: Thales UK had been aware of the system limitations regarding tolerance.” An analysis of the VMSC data showed that the UA was
cloud at/beneath the CP and had limited the operating envelope of above the 3-degree glideslope when it declared the CP, which caused
Watchkeeper when operating from WWA under the Military Flight it to pitch nose-down to attain the glideslope. This, in turn, triggered
Test Permit. However, Thales UK did not communicate this increased the Ground Touch.
limitation to the TAA. Also, “the opportunity to introduce similar weather
limits” at BDN “was missed.” The Watchkeeper was not an all-weather
aircraft, and the quote above represents an indirect confirmation of
that fact. The apparent hazard was the VMSC
software logic’s susceptibility to
• The absence of role-specific authorizing officer training: The
sense and latch a false Ground Touch.
authorizing officer of WK006 had attended the Flight Authorizers
Course but not the regulatory article authorizing officer briefing day.
“The Panel found no evidence that the Authorizing Officer had received
any further training for his role as an Authorizing Officer.” The panel WK031 AND WK006 COMPARISON
looked at other Remotely Piloted Air System units and established According to the Service Inquiry report, both the WK031 and WK006
that their authorizing procedures were borne from many years of crashes were the result of the VMSC commanding postlanding actions
experience, both in the UA and manned aviation world. while the aircraft was in flight. The apparent hazard that caused this
was the VMSC software logic’s susceptibility to sense and latch a false
• Normalization of the use of the Low Cloud Recovery Procedure:
Ground Touch.
The IETP stated that due to changing weather, occasionally the
aircraft may need to be recovered with cloud at or below the CP and The hazard entry conditions surrounding both crashes were different.
directs crews “to perform the procedure for UAV recovery in low cloud According to the Service Inquiry report, the Ground Touch identification
conditions.” The wording and lack of formal limitations led the crew to window was opened using different logic and the Ground Touch was
think they could routinely conduct flights when clouds were expected at triggered by a VMSC commanded maneuver in the case of WK006,
or below the CP. rather than a gust of wind in the case of WK031. The fact that different
and unforeseen technical entry conditions exposed the system’s
• The decision to operate when low cloud was forecast during the
vulnerability to falsely sense a Ground Touch demonstrated that mitigating
planned recovery period: According to the Service Inquiry report, the
the known hazard entry conditions alone was insufficient to prevent
panel considered that the operation of Watchkeeper when low cloud reoccurrence, as other hazard entry conditions existed. “The operation
was forecast during the planned recovery period made the accident of WK [Watchkeeper] with the flawed VMSC logic carries, at present, an
more likely. The crew’s preflight risk assumption of being able to make undefined safety risk, unless it can be demonstrated that there are no
a safe landing during the allocated recovery period and in the prevailing other conditions that exist that could lead to a false Ground Touch being
conditions drove the decision to pursue landing attempts with cloud sensed,” stated the Service Inquiry report.
at the CP.
The WK031 causes related to WoW logic were not addressed prior
• The decision-making process that led to the premature to WK006. In addition, WK031 pointed to operator use of MASTER
selection of MASTER OVERRIDE: MASTER OVERRIDE, an OVERRIDE to simplify the UAV and get it on the ground quickly. Although
emergency function, “had inhibited the protection measures that would the operators wanted a way to manually land the WK006, they did not
otherwise have resulted in the final landing attempt being aborted by understand that without any safety controls, the flare-pitch down flaw
the system.” Although the decision to use MASTER OVERRIDE was was certain.

had used a hazard analysis method that included “non-fault” scenarios
(where the Control Algorithm worked as built) it would have been possible
to find out where the software worked as designed, but not as intended.
Classic event-chain fault analyses cannot capture a non-fault situation
where the system acts reliably but not safely. According to the Service
Inquiry report, the WK031 investigators “had not been able to gain a
full and detailed understanding of the VMSC landing logic and the flight
control system …”

Many directions for learning stem from this case study. In a human-
machine interface where automation plays a dominant controlling role,
APPLYING LESSONS LEARNED TO CURRENT threatening conditions can lead the human operator to make needlessly
AND FUTURE NASA MISSIONS risky decisions when the current and optional modes of operation aren’t
In these two mishaps, Army crews normalized deviance. They fully understood. Designers, planners or managers who assume that
increasingly used MASTER OVERRIDE to complete training and test operators don’t need to know such information are unintentionally but
flights under conditions where the manufacturer would not even operate certainly building future failure modes.
the UAV. A limited number of successful outcomes established a false
When system performance confuses an operator, the instinct is to simplify
“normal” expectation among operators and deciders. Even after the
the system to regain control. This is a sound concept, provided the new
WK031 mishap, crew behavior did not change.
risks inherent in the simplified mode are understood. Stick-and-rudder
A lack of training and comprehension concerning the software “defenses” controls become intuitive after training because feedback pressures inform
normally intended to prevent a crash landing contributed to every the pilot; pushbutton software logic that lacks feedback short of a crashed
previous flight decision to land using MASTER OVERRIDE. If the designer aircraft demands a different, more intensive training focus.


• Where software logic controls your system’s operation, can you identify each of the constraints required to maintain safety?
(For example, WK006 needed constraints to prevent Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT). One constraint should be that the VMSC should not
cause or contribute to CFIT.)
• Above the level of software logic, which social systems govern safety constraints in your system? (One example would be the interaction between
the project manager and the software development lead.)
• Within the aforementioned social structure, how can a lack of budget resources as well as payment milestones tied to project milestones prevent
a software safety constraint from working, or even being developed or tested?
• For your system, when automated operation cannot meet a mission demand, will the manual mode(s) allow a human operator to adapt, complete
the objective and recover safely?
• Are all system operating modes simple enough to train the human operator to choose the best mode for each contingency?

a. Service Inquiry into the Watchkeeper (WK006) Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) accident at Boscombe Down Aerodrome on 2 November 2015,
Ministry of Defence and Defence Safety Authority, Dec. 15, 2016.
b. Service Inquiry into the Watchkeeper (WK031) Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) accident at West Wales Airport on 16 October 2014, Ministry of
Defence and Defence Safety Authority, Aug. 12, 2016.
c. PrivateFly: What are the weather colour codes used by RAF pilots?
aviation.html Accessed Feb. 20, 2019.

Visit to read this and other case studies.

Responsible NASA Official: Steve Lilley

This is an internal NASA safety awareness training document based on information available in the public domain. The findings, proximate causes, and contributing factors identified in this case study do not
necessarily represent those of the Agency. Sections of this case study were derived from multiple sources listed under References. Any misrepresentation or improper use of source material is unintentional.
Thanks to Mr. Simon Whiteley for his insightful peer review.

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