Geometry Optimization of Exhaust Manifold Using CFD: Research Article

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International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN 2277 – 4106, P-ISSN 2347 – 5161

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Research Article

Geometry optimization of exhaust manifold using CFD

S.B.Girase*, R.J.Yadav, C.K.Patil3, K.C.More and S.P.Shisode

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITCOE,Pune

Accepted 12 March 2017, Available online 16 March 2017, Special Issue-7 (March 2017)


It is well known that a appropriately designed Exhaust manifold is important for the optimal performance of an IC
engine. Though, the intake system is dominant on the cylinder filling process, the exhaust manifold has ability to
influence the gas exchange process in various important aspects, like the piston work done during the exhaust stroke,
the short-circuit of fresh charge from the intake into the exhaust. We know that if the back pressure of Exhaust gases
is higher, it reduces efficiency of the engine. So aim should be to reduce the back pressure of the engine. Also amount
of pressure drop is equal to back pressure. So ultimate goal is to reduce its pressure drop by changing its geometry,
reducing friction in the manifold . In this paper only Geometry optimization is done. This paper presents 3-D
simulation of Exhaust manifold of 4 cylinder, 4 Stroke, turbocharged diesel engine(4G11 Greaves Engine) of
generator by using ANSYS-CFX code and results are discussed. A Steady state CFD simulations have been
accomplished and experimental results are compared for validation. The CFD results gives an idea for changing its

Keywords: Exhaust Manifold, CFD Analysis, Optimization

1. Introduction improve the engine power and efficiency, and reduce

1 The
the emissions of pollutants. Also the amount of
exhaust system of an internal combustion engine pressure drop in exhaust system is equal to the amount
have a significant influence on the engine operation, of back pressure. So ultimate goal is the reduction of
not only in the field of acoustic emissions, but also in the pressure drop in exhaust system.
the domain of its performance and pollutant emissions. The field of engine design and analysis has been
Among the different components of the system the
changed dramatically over the past few years with the
manifold has a paramount relevance on the gas
fast growing computational technology. Computational
exchange process. It is imposing the boundary
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has become the most popular
conditions on the cylinder at the exhaust valve and
consequently it is able to heavily influence the exhaust design technique for the engine designers. CFD
flow. Also, it is affecting scavenging process during the provides illustration of flows, where in the past,
valve overlap period, and even into the intake flow requiring significant investment on instrumentation
conditions at the start of the inlet process. and prototyping to obtain the equivalent results
Though the intake system is dominating in the In this paper, CFD analysis of the exhaust manifold
cylinder filling process, the exhaust manifold has of 4 cylinder, 4 stroke, turbocharged diesel engine
ability to influence the gas exchange process in various (4G11 Greaves Engine) used for generator was done in
important aspects, like the piston work done during ANSYS-CFX software. The CFD analysis provides
the exhaust stroke, the mixing of fresh charge from the illustration of flows i.e. pressure, velocity &
intake into the exhaust and even the charging of the temperature analysis. CFD simulation has been
cylinder. In this sense, the most influencing boundary accomplished and experimental results are compared
condition imposed by the manifold is the back- for validation. From this flow analysis, we can change
pressure at the valve. The mean back pressure is the geometry of it to get optimal performance.6
determined mainly by the elements, such as the
turbine, the silencer, catalytic converter. The
instantaneous pressure generation imposed by the 2. Literature review and Problem statement
manifold at the exhaust valve depends mainly on the
layout and dimensions of the pipes, therefore an Governing Equations
appropriate design of the manifold geometry will
CFD is based on fundamental governing equations of
*Corresponding author: S.B.Girase fluid dynamics,
389| MITCOE, & DIAT, Pune, AMET-2017, IJCET INPRESSO Special Issue-7 (March 2017)
Rupesh Yadav et al. Place the running title here in this space

 Continuity Equation, Engine: 4G11 Greaves Engine.

 Momentum Equation Application: Generator.
No. of Cylinders: Four Cylinder(Inline).
 Energy Equation.
Cycle: Four Stroke.
Firing Order: 1342.
These equations are solved for the analysis of exhaust
Crank Position: 0,180,180,0.
Type: Turbocharged, Diesel Engine.
M. Safari et al. have worked on Inlet Manifold
Speed: 1500 r.p.m.
Optimization. He said in his paper Pressure drop in
Power: 68 kw.
individual runners can be found by steady state
analysis. It also gives internal Pressure variation in the Exhaust valve Position: Exhaust valve opens 33
manifold. For steady state condition, constant pressure BBDC & Closes 1 ATDC.
boundary conditions are applied. Another purpose of
this simulation is giving readiness for unsteady 3. Experimental Validation of the Exhaust Manifold
simulation of Exhaust manifold.
J. Benajes et al. has worked on Dimesions of Exhaust The Internal Volume of the Component Which Is As
Manifold and its effect on back pressure and engine Shown Below, is Prepared In Modeling Software And
efficiency. The mean back pressure is determined Imported.
mainly by the elements, such as the turbine, the Experimentation on Exhaust manifold was carried
silencer, catalytic converter. The instantaneous out. Mass Flow rate, Pressure, Velocity, Temperature
pressure generation imposed by the manifold at the were measured at four inlets named A, B, C, D and two
exhaust valve depends mainly on the layout and
outlets named E and F of the Exhaust Manifold.
dimensions of the pipes, therefore an appropriate
design of the manifold geometry will improve the
engine power and efficiency, and reduce the emissions
of pollutants. Also the amount of pressure drop in
exhaust system is equal to the amount of back
pressure. So ultimate goal is the reduction of the
pressure drop in exhaust system.
The standard k-ϵ model is used in industry which
allows turbulent velocity and length scales to be
independently determined.
Ansys CFX has given the Tutorials about CFD work
has explained CFD Methodology

CFD methodology Fig. 1 Internal volume of exhaust manifold

Experimental Results are as under
CFD can be used to determine the performance of a
component at the design stage or it can be used to Table 1: Experimental Results
analyze difficulties with an existing component and
which will lead to its improved design .For example, Inlet Inlet Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet
the pressure drop through a component can be A B C D E F
excessive: Pressure
The first step is to find the region of interest: The (Gauge
geometry of the region of interest is then defined. If the Pre.)
0.141 0.142 0.139 0.137 0.130 0.130
geometry already exists in CAD, it can be imported (MPa)
directly. The other elements of the simulation can be
then defined, including the boundary conditions and 22.15 21.96 21.08 20.68 62.16 61.06
fluid properties
The flow solver is then run to produce a file of
ure 913 935 934 911 928 921
results, which contains the variation of Pressure,
velocity and any other variables throughout the region (K)

of interest. Mass
The results can be visualized and provide the Flow rate 25.9 26.7 26.2 25.1 52.1 51.7
engineer with a complete understanding of the (gm/s)
behavior of the fluid throughout the region of interest.
This can lead to design modifications, which can be
tested by changing the geometry of the CFD model and Boundary conditions were applied to software. Mass
seeing the effect. flow rates and temperatures were applied to inlets A,
B, C, D and Pressures were applied to outlets E and F.
Engine Specification of Exhaust manifold: Following software results were obtained.
390| MITCOE, & DIAT, Pune, AMET-2017, IJCET INPRESSO Special Issue-7 (March 2017)
Rupesh Yadav et al. Place the running title here in this space

Simulation details

CFD Software used: ANSYS-CFX.

Meshing done in: ICEM CFD.
Mesh: Tetrahedral
Mesh quality: 0.25 (industrial requirement is 0.25 to
No. of Elements: 685303(Tetrahedral)
Type of CFD simulation: Steady state.
Fluid used: Air Ideal Gas
Turbulence model: k-epsilon model.
Scheme used: High resolution. Fig. 3 Contour plot of Temperature
Time required for simulation: 1 hr.51 min.
Residual target: 10exp. –4
Reference pressure: 1 atm.
Heat transfer coeff.: 45 w/m2k
Surface roughness: 0.00508 mm.
Boundary conditions: At inlet A,B,C,D Pressures &
Temperatures are applied & at outlet E,F Mass flow
rates are applied.

Simulation gives following results

Table 2 ANSYS-CFX Results

Inlet Inlet Inlet Inlet Outlet

Fig. 4 Vector plot
Location Location
5. Result and Discussion
(Gauge Pre.) 0.131 0.131 0.131 0.131 0.130 0.130
(MPa) 3-D CFD analysis were done on exhaust manifold of 4
Velocity cylinder, 4 stroke, turbocharged diesel engine. A high
19.46 19.92 19.39 18.96 56.16 54.42 resolution (second order) scheme with k -  turbulence
model were used.
915 931 928 908 923 924 Results observed from the software were
experimentally validated. From the CFD analysis, we
Mass Flow
are getting pressure, velocity, and temperature
rate 26.0 26.4 26.1 25.3 52.4 51.4
analysis of the flow. From this we are getting an idea
about the changes to be made in the manifold to
optimize its performance. Exhaust manifold design
parameters are
Above results of Experimentation and CFX results are
having variation of 10-15 %. So CFX Results are
1) Properly design of exhaust manifold geometry to
reduce its pressure drop.
2) Minimum possible resistance in the runners.
4. Post processing Results
3) Eliminate the unnecessary turbulence and Eddies
in exhaust manifold.
For CFD analysis k- turbulence model, high-resolution
4) For the manifold average pressure values are
scheme was used. From it contour plot of Pressure,
calculated at four places namely Inlet A, Plane-1,
Velocity, Temperature and streamline plot, vector plot
Plane-2 and Outlet E as follows:
were obtained as under.

Fig. 2 Contour plot of Velocity Fig. 5 Exhaust Manifold showing the locations
391| MITCOE, & DIAT, Pune, AMET-2017, IJCET INPRESSO Special Issue-7 (March 2017)
Rupesh Yadav et al. Place the running title here in this space

Results of pressure values obtained by the software

Table 3 Results of Pressure at the locations

Location Average Pressure (Pa)

Inlet A 131510
Plane-1 131508
Plane-2 131172
Outlet E 130104
Fig7 Modified Shape 2

It is observed that there is highest pressure drop at the Pressure drop obtained for modified shape2 by
outlet. So the geometry near the outlet is to be applying same simulation Procedure and boundary
improved. conditions is =
0.01189 bar = 1.189 kpa.
So optimization suggestions are Net decrease in pressure drop is = 0.088 kpa.

1) To change the manifold geometry near the outlet Conclusion

where there is higher pressure drop.
2) Surface roughness of the internal surface is to be This paper has presented a CFD methodology to
changed to make smooth surface. evaluate an exhaust manifold performance. The Results
3) Sharp changes in the direction of the flow can be of CFD simulation have been explained in detail. From
changed within the limitations of engine layout, it these results some changes in geometry are made to
will reduce the pressure drop. improve the performance of this exhaust manifold.
4) If some changes can be made to guide the flow, Finally, it can be stated that from the experience of this
performance of the manifold will be improved. work, 3 – D simulation can be used as a strong and
useful tool for design or optimization of exhaust
So Modified Shape 1 is as follows: manifold.


Desmond E Winterbone & Richard J Pearson, “Design

Techniques for Engine Manifolds”, Professional
Engineering Publishing, 1999, Page no. 213-217.
John D. Anderson, Jr. “Computational fluid dynamics – the
basics with application”, Mcgraw-Hill international
Fig 6: Modified Shape 1 Editions, 1995, page no. 146-239.
M. Safari, M. Ghamari and A. Nasiritosi, “Intake manifold
Pressure drop obtained for modified shape1 by optimization by using 3-D CFD analysis”, SAE paper no.
applying same simulation Procedure and boundary 2003-32-0073. page no. 1-5.
conditions is = J. Benajes, E. Reyes, V. Bermudez and J. R. Serrano, “Pre-
design Criteria for Exhaust Manifolds in I.C. Automotive
0.01237 bar = 1.237 kpa. Engines”, SAE paper no. 980783. page no. 1-7.
Net decrease in pressure drop is = 0.04 kpa. Meda Lakshmikantha and Mathias Keck, “Optimization of
Exhaust Systems”, SAE paper no. 2002-01-0059. Page no.
By considering all the above suggestions Modified 1-3.
shape 2 is made as shown below. Website:

392| MITCOE, & DIAT, Pune, AMET-2017, IJCET INPRESSO Special Issue-7 (March 2017)

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