Geometry Optimization of Exhaust Manifold Using CFD: Research Article
Geometry Optimization of Exhaust Manifold Using CFD: Research Article
Geometry Optimization of Exhaust Manifold Using CFD: Research Article
Research Article
Accepted 12 March 2017, Available online 16 March 2017, Special Issue-7 (March 2017)
It is well known that a appropriately designed Exhaust manifold is important for the optimal performance of an IC
engine. Though, the intake system is dominant on the cylinder filling process, the exhaust manifold has ability to
influence the gas exchange process in various important aspects, like the piston work done during the exhaust stroke,
the short-circuit of fresh charge from the intake into the exhaust. We know that if the back pressure of Exhaust gases
is higher, it reduces efficiency of the engine. So aim should be to reduce the back pressure of the engine. Also amount
of pressure drop is equal to back pressure. So ultimate goal is to reduce its pressure drop by changing its geometry,
reducing friction in the manifold . In this paper only Geometry optimization is done. This paper presents 3-D
simulation of Exhaust manifold of 4 cylinder, 4 Stroke, turbocharged diesel engine(4G11 Greaves Engine) of
generator by using ANSYS-CFX code and results are discussed. A Steady state CFD simulations have been
accomplished and experimental results are compared for validation. The CFD results gives an idea for changing its
of interest. Mass
The results can be visualized and provide the Flow rate 25.9 26.7 26.2 25.1 52.1 51.7
engineer with a complete understanding of the (gm/s)
behavior of the fluid throughout the region of interest.
This can lead to design modifications, which can be
tested by changing the geometry of the CFD model and Boundary conditions were applied to software. Mass
seeing the effect. flow rates and temperatures were applied to inlets A,
B, C, D and Pressures were applied to outlets E and F.
Engine Specification of Exhaust manifold: Following software results were obtained.
390| MITCOE, & DIAT, Pune, AMET-2017, IJCET INPRESSO Special Issue-7 (March 2017)
Rupesh Yadav et al. Place the running title here in this space
Simulation details
Fig. 2 Contour plot of Velocity Fig. 5 Exhaust Manifold showing the locations
391| MITCOE, & DIAT, Pune, AMET-2017, IJCET INPRESSO Special Issue-7 (March 2017)
Rupesh Yadav et al. Place the running title here in this space
It is observed that there is highest pressure drop at the Pressure drop obtained for modified shape2 by
outlet. So the geometry near the outlet is to be applying same simulation Procedure and boundary
improved. conditions is =
0.01189 bar = 1.189 kpa.
So optimization suggestions are Net decrease in pressure drop is = 0.088 kpa.
392| MITCOE, & DIAT, Pune, AMET-2017, IJCET INPRESSO Special Issue-7 (March 2017)