Unilateral Deed of Absolute Sale
Unilateral Deed of Absolute Sale
Unilateral Deed of Absolute Sale
THAT we, _______________________________________, both of legal age, Filipino citizens and with residence and
postal address at _____________________________________________________, are the absolute and registered owner of a
parcel of land thereon situated at _______________________________________________, containing an area of
_________________________________________________________ covered by TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO.
_________________________________________________________ of the Registry of Deeds ___________________________________, and
more particularly described as follows:
Technical Description
___________________________ ___________________________
Vendor Vendor
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Before me, a Notary Public for and in the above named jurisdiction personally appeared _______________________
with ___________________________________ and ____________________________________ with ____________________________________,
and were identified by the undersigned Notary Public through the Competent of Evidence of Identity, further
known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instruments and acknowledged to me that
the same are their free and voluntary act and deeds.
This instrument consists of one (1) page and refers to a Deed of Absolute sale, signed hereof by the vendor
and their instrumental witnesses.
IN WITNESS HERETO, I have hereunto affixed my signature and notarial seal this ___ day of _____________, 20___
at _____________________________________________.