Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Friendly
Products among Low-Income Households along
Coastal Peninsular Malaysia
Abdullah Al Mamun 1, * ID , Syed Ali Fazal 2 ID
, Ghazali Bin Ahmad 3 , Mohd Rafi Bin Yaacob 2 and
Mohd. Rosli Mohamad 2
1 Global Entrepreneurship Research and Innovation Centre (GERIC), Universiti Malaysia Kelantan,
16100 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
2 Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, 16100 Kota Bharu, Kelantan,
Malaysia; (S.A.F.); (M.R.B.Y.); (M.R.M.)
3 Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, 16100 Kota Bharu, Kelantan,
* Correspondence: or; Tel.: +60-13-3003630
Received: 5 April 2018; Accepted: 23 April 2018; Published: 24 April 2018
1. Introduction
Several significant factors, such as climate change, waste generation, air pollution, and natural
disasters, have substantially changed the world environment, hence impacting all living organisms,
along with the social and economic status of people [1]. The rapid growth of global economies is to be
blamed for the escalating trend of consumerism worldwide, which, in turn, has caused over utilization
of natural resources, thus leading towards severe environmental degradation [1,2]. Within the context
of Malaysia, the rapidly rising population, coupled with accelerated industrialization and urbanization,
has led to some major environmental issues, such as increment in solid waste and greenhouse
gas emissions as byproducts [3,4]. Concerns pertaining to the deteriorating natural environment
have compelled both organizations and consumers to minimize damages inflicted towards the
environment [5]. Out of such motivation of altruism, consumers have begun to progressively pay more
attention towards environmentally friendly products as a key effort to preserve the environment [6].
Environmentally friendly or green products are ecological products that do not pollute the
environment and have less negative impact over the environment than their traditional alternatives [2].
Besides, Mishra and Sharma [7] asserted that ‘green products’, as authentically grown, reusable,
and recyclable consumables containing natural and recycled ingredients protect and revive the natural
environment by conserving energy resources and minimizing pollution, waste, and toxic agents.
Chen and Chai [8] contended that green products contain more environmentally sound content and
packaging, thus reducing their environmental impact. Qader and Zainuddin [9] claimed that unlike
conventional goods, green products do not deplore natural resources and can be recycled. In terms of
market demand, Maichum et al. [1] stated that green products that produced the following sustainable
development principles are among the most widely used products globally due to the environmental
benefits embedded in them, such as safety for purchasers (health) and superior quality. Particularly
within the local context, Mei et al. [2] noted that an escalated demand for environmentally friendly
products exists within the Malaysian market, hence portraying the subsistence of green consumers
within the country who are willing to support green consumerism.
Lanzini, Testa, and Iraldo [10] stressed that willingness among consumers to pay for green
products is one of the key driving factors for companies to implement the aspect of eco-friendliness in
their products and services. On this, Ha and Janda [11], in elaborating the reasons of limited success of
green products in the mass market, noted that discrepancies between consumers’ perceptions about
environmental issues, their willingness to pay, and their actual purchase behavior are responsible
for the inconsistent trend of purchasing green products, hence highlighting the importance of
understanding perceptions among consumers towards environmental issues and their willingness to
pay for consuming green products. Within the local context, the issue highlighted by Ha and Janda [11]
can be translated as a lack of attention towards low-income communities, which apparently represent
the mass market in Malaysia. Al-Mamun et al. [12] noted that economic activity amidst the low-income
sector plays a significant role in Malaysia, primarily because around 1.3 million individuals (9.7% of
the total workforce) are actively engaged in micro-economic operations and informal businesses.
As portrayed in the existing literature, consumers may avoid environmental-friendly products, perhaps
due to their socio-economic characteristics [13] or communal issues [14]. This indicates that it is highly
significant and timely to identify consumers’ perceptions and intentions towards the adoption of
environmental-friendly products, especially from the stance of low-income households in these rapidly
emerging economies, such as that experienced in Malaysia.
The growing significance of green consumption and the increasing purchase of less polluting
products that reflect environmentally friendly behavior have turned the topic into a popular research
issue among scholars [6]. However, Mei et al. [2] specifically highlighted that in comparison to
Western counterparts, studies pertaining to green purchasing are relatively scant among Asian
countries. In a similar vein, Maichum et al. [1] echoed that information regarding purchase intentions
for environmentally friendly products among consumers in developing nations is still inadequate.
Additionally, findings from prior, related studies appear to be in disagreement, therefore indicating
the pressing need for deeper research penetration into the subject matter. This study, in order to
bridge a gap in the body of knowledge, investigated the influential factors of willingness to pay and
payment behavior for green products among low-income households residing at Coastal Peninsular
Malaysia under the premise of an extended Theory of Planned Behavior framework [15], which
appears to be a prominent choice in explaining the pro-environmental behavior amongst the existing
literature [6,16–27].
2. Literature Review
socio–cognitive factors, such as attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control [15]. In fact,
Ajzen [15] asserted that favorable or unfavorable attitudes towards a particular behavior are caused by
one’s behavioral beliefs; subjective norms result from normative beliefs and personal moral norms,
while perceived behavioral control originates from control related beliefs. Collectively, attitudes
towards behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control influence the formation of a
behavioral intention, which determines the actual behavior [15].
Although the TPB reflects robust explanatory power in behavioral decisions, its integrity is yet
questioned [28]. Based on the review of relevant literature, the exploration of additional constructs
that may enhance the predictive power of the TPB has revealed that vast studies did deploy the TPB to
investigate the factors of purchase intention for environmental-friendly products and services, such as
customers’ intentions to visit green hotel [17–19,22], to engage and willingness to pay premium prices
for ecotourism [21], to purchase organic personal care products [20], to be willing to purchase organic
foods [23–25], to be willing to pay for green electricity [26], and to select eco-friendly restaurants [27].
In particular, Chen and Tung [17] extended the TPB model by integrating the aspects of
environmental concern and perceived moral obligation to predict consumers’ intentions to visit
green hotels. The outcomes of the study revealed that consumers’ environmental concern did exert a
positive influence on their attitudes towards green hotels, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral
control (i.e., the antecedents of the TPB model), as well as their perceived moral obligation, which,
in turn, influenced their intention to visit green hotels. Meanwhile, Kim and Chung [20] contributed
towards the TPB by amalgamating health consciousness, environmental consciousness, and appearance
consciousness into the original model as additional antecedents of consumers’ attitudes towards buying
organic skin/hair care products. In a similar attempt, Tarkiainen and Sundqvist [24] improvised the
TPB to better fit their data by integrating health consciousness and subjective norms as predictors of
attitudes towards buying organic food. Nevertheless, these studies appeared to have disregarded
the impacts of other domain-specific and significant environment-related constructs, for instance,
eco-literacy [28] or environmental concern [17], especially within a single extended TPB framework.
Environmental concern has been acknowledged as a significant determinant of environmental
behavior that is predicted by the attitude displayed by consumers towards a specific behavior [1].
On the other hand, eco-literacy, due to consumers’ lack of environmental knowledge, could cause
an attitude-behavioral gap, resulting in inadequate intention towards purchasing green products [1].
Furthermore, in terms of subjective norms, as a combination of normative beliefs and personal
norms, it is presumed that in a collectivist society, such as Malaysia (being an Asian country), certain
individual traits, such as personal moral norms, values, or obligation (significant aspects in the
individualistic western nations), do not contribute much to influencing intention and adoption of
green products [14,29]. As such, this study embedded eco-literacy and environmental concern in the
original TPB model as antecedents of consumers’ attitudes towards environmentally friendly products,
along with normative beliefs (as an independent variable) and perceived behavioral control, in order
to determine willingness to pay (intention) and payment behavior for green products from the stance
of low-income household heads in Malaysia. This work also appears to extend the application and to
broaden the predictive power of the adapted TPB framework, particularly from the stance of green
purchase intention behavior.
positive impact on consumers’ behavioral intentions. Meanwhile, from the stance of Malaysian
consumers, Mei et al. [2] revealed that a significant antecedent that affects green purchase intention is
environmental attitude. In a prior study, Tsen, Phang, Hasan, and Buncha [30] had similarly observed
consumers’ attitudes in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia to be the most consistent explanatory factor in
predicting willingness to pay for green products. Hence, after weighing in both theory and existing
literature, the following hypothesis is drawn:
Hypothesis 1 (H1). Attitudes Towards Environmental-Friendly Products Have a Significantly Positive Effect
on Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Friendly Products among Low-Income Households in Coastal
Peninsular Malaysia.
2.2.1. Eco-Literacy
Ecological knowledge or eco-literacy is defined as one’s ability to identify ecological symbols,
concepts, behavior, etc. [31]. In general, knowledge reflects the characteristic that influences all
phases in one’s decision-making process [2], which may form either positive or negative attitudes
towards a certain behavior. In an attempt to promote pro-environmental behavior, consumers will
need to be educated in order to comprehend the general impact of a product on the environment,
along with the knowledge of the product itself if it is produced in an environmental-friendly manner.
According to Laroche et al. [31], one’s knowledge about the environment or eco-literacy enlightens
one with knowledge about action strategies and issues, aside from aiding to shape attitudes and
intentions through the belief system. This would eventually lead towards the practical aspects of the
knowledge variable as the significant leverage points, in which marketers and agencies can influence
pro-environmental behavior, are emphasized. Empirically, Cheah and Phau [32] have highlighted
that the level of eco-literacy is significantly correlated with consumers’ attitudes and behavioral
tendencies, hence implying that awareness amongst consumers about the environment is indeed
crucial to forming a favorable mindset towards environmental-friendly products. Particularly within
the Malaysian context, a recent study revealed that its students possess high levels of environmental
knowledge, which nurtures positive attitudes towards environmental issues [33]. From the discussion
above, the notion upheld in the likelihood model [34], denoting the situation-specific cognition of an
individual, was weighed to establish that eco-literacy can process information in central route through
a substantial amount of environmental cognition, which is thus positively linked with positive attitude
towards environmental-friendly products.
Hypothesis 2 (H2). Eco-Literacy Has a Significantly Positive Effect on Attitudes Towards Environmentally
Friendly Products among Low-Income Households in Coastal Peninsular Malaysia.
green consumption by means of influencing behavioral attitudes and intentions. Mostafa [36] also
reported that environmental concerns might have a positive impact upon individuals’ attitudes
towards environmental-friendly products, which, in turn, could affect their environmentally friendly
purchase intentions. As elaborated previously, it could be perceived that, in accordance with the notion
emphasized in the likelihood model [34], consumers become more concerned about the environment
upon consuming higher levels of green energy, in comparison to the general population [35],
thus indicating that environmental concern processes information in central route with massive
environmental cognition. This suggests that environmental concern is positively associated with
positive attitude towards environmentally friendly products. With that said, the following hypothesis
is proposed.
Hypothesis 3 (H3). Environmental Concern Has a Significantly Positive Effect on Attitudes Towards
Environmental-Friendly Products among Low-Income Households in Coastal Peninsular Malaysia.
Hypothesis 4 (H4). Attitudes Towards Environmental-Friendly Products Mediates the Effect of Eco-Literacy
on Willingness to Pay for Environmental-Friendly Products among Low-Income Households in Coastal
Peninsular Malaysia.
Hypothesis 5 (H5). Attitudes Towards Environmental-Friendly Products Mediates the Effect of Environmental
Concern on Willingness to Pay for Environmental-Friendly Products among Low-Income Households in Coastal
Peninsular Malaysia.
As for pro-environmental behavior, Oskamp et al. [41] revealed that friends and neighbors who
practiced recycling significantly influenced recycling behavior among individuals, thus signifying
that peer influence, as a form of normative pressure, appears to be a significant determinant in one’s
decision to recycle. In the case of green purchasing, Kai and Haokai [28] promulgated that one’s
decision related to green behavior largely depends on the perceptions of family, friends, and significant
others towards an individual. Particularly within the context of Malaysia, Mei et al. [2], found that one
of the most significant antecedents that had an effect upon green purchase intention was peer pressure.
Thus, based on both theory and existing literature, the following hypothesis is drawn:
Hypothesis 6 (H6). Normative Beliefs Have a Significantly Positive Effect on Willingness to Pay for
Environmental-Friendly Products among Low-Income Households in Coastal Peninsular Malaysia.
Hypothesis 7 (H7). Perceived Behavioral Control Has a Significantly Positive Effect on Willingness to Pay for
Environmentally Friendly Products among Low-Income Households in Coastal Peninsular Malaysia.
Hypothesis 8 (H8). Perceived Behavioral Control Has a Significantly Positive Effect on Payment Behavior for
Environmental-Friendly Products among Low-Income Households in Coastal Peninsular Malaysia.
Hypothesis 9 (H9). Willingness to Pay for Environmental-Friendly Products Has a Significantly Positive
Effect on Payment Behavior for Environmentally Friendly Products among Low-Income Households in Coastal
Peninsular Malaysia.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 1316 7 of 19
Hypothesis 10 (H10). Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Friendly Products Mediates the Effect of
Attitudes Towards Environmental-Friendly Products on Payment Behavior for Environmental-Friendly Products
among Low-Income Households in Coastal Peninsular Malaysia.
Hypothesis 11 (H11). Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Friendly Products Mediates the Effect of
Normative Beliefs on Payment Behavior for Environmentally Friendly Products among Low-Income Households
in Coastal Peninsular Malaysia.
Hypothesis 12 (H12). Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Friendly Products Mediates the Effect of
Perceived Behavioral Control on Payment Behavior for Environmentally Friendly Products among Low-Income
Households in Coastal Peninsular Malaysia.
3. Research Methodology
This study employed a cross-sectional design and gathered quantitative data via structured
interview to determine the effects of selected variables on willingness and behavior towards
payment for environmental-friendly products among low-income households in Coastal Peninsular
Malaysia. The study population is comprised of the low-income households from Coastal Peninsular
Malaysia with a net income below RM2000, as retrieved from the Prime Minister’s Department [47].
The Implementation and Coordination Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department (ICU-JPM), Malaysia
had prepared a database of low-income households in Malaysia with specific information, including
name, address, and contact details. After obtaining formal request from researchers, the ICU-JPM
provided a list of 500 low-income household heads living in 36 coastal districts from 10 states in
Peninsular Malaysia. These 500 low-income households were selected from a database that had
information regarding 78,118 low-income households via random sampling method, from 38 coastal
districts in Peninsular Malaysia. Prior to data collection, the data collection team contacted the selected
household heads to brief them about the survey and set appointment for interview. Complete data
were collected in July and August 2017 from a total of 380 respondents, who allowed the researchers
to visit their premises and to gather data via structured interview. Among them, 40 were from Johor
(8 from Pontian, 9 each from Johor Bharu and Batu Pahat, and 7 each from Muar and Mersing), 35 from
Pahang (20 from Pekan and 15 from Rompin), 36 from Kedah (10 from Kota Setar, and 13 each from
Kuala Muda and Yan), 37 from Kelantan (9 from Bachok, 11 from Kota Bharu, 10 from Pasir Puteh, and
7 from Tumpat), 35 from Perlis (15 each from Kayang, Kuala Perlis, and Sanglang), 38 from Terengganu
(6 each from Kuala Terengganu, Setiu, Kuala Nerus, Besut, and Marang, and 8 from Kemaman),
39 from Penang (7 from Seberang Prai Selatan, 8 from Utara, 5 from Tengah, 10 from Timor Laut,
and 9 from Barat Daya), 40 from Selangor (10 each from Sabak Bernam, Kuala Selangor, Klang, as well
as Kuala Langat and Sepang), 41 from Perak (11 each from Hilir Perak and Larut Matang & Selama,
Sustainability 2018, 10, 1316 8 of 19
10 from Manjung, and 9 from Kerian), and lastly, 39 respondents from Melaka Tengah, from the state
of Melaka.
4. Summary of Findings
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Research
modeland analysis.
and analysis.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 1316 11 of 19
Finally, the path coefficients, as noted in Table 4, display that the coefficient value for perceived
behavioral control on payment behavior for environmentally friendly products among the low-income
household heads in coastal Peninsular Malaysia (Hypothesis 8) is 0.418 with a p-value of 0.000 (below
5% level of significance). The findings exhibit that the level of perceived behavioral control among
the respondents has a significantly positive effect on their payment behavior for environmentally
friendly products. The f 2 value of 0.206 points out a moderate effect of perceived behavioral control
on payment behavior for environmentally friendly products among the respondents. The coefficient
value for willingness to pay for environmental-friendly products on payment behavior for green
products (Hypothesis 9) is 0.286 with a p-value of 0.000 (below 5% level of significance). The outcomes
show that willingness among the respondents to pay for environmentally friendly products has a
significantly positive effect on their payment behavior for green products. The standardized regression
coefficients signify that perceived behavioral control has a relatively higher effect on payment behavior
for environmentally friendly products than that of willingness to pay for green products. Moreover, the
f 2 value of 0.096 indicates a weak effect of willingness to pay for environmentally friendly products on
payment behavior for green products among the respondents, which is also relatively lower than that
for perceived behavioral control. Meanwhile, the r2 value, which is 0.380, points out that a significant
proportion (38.0%) of the variation in respondents’ payment behavior for environmentally friendly
products can be explained by their level of willingness to pay for environmentally friendly products
and perceived behavioral control. Finally, the Q2 value of 0.326 shows that the level of willingness
to pay among the respondents for environmentally friendly products and perceived behavioral
control have medium-to-high predictive relevance for their payment behavior for environmentally
friendly products.
relationship between eco-literacy and willingness to pay for environmentally friendly products. As for
environmental concern (Hypothesis 5), it displays a significantly positive (p-values < 0.05) and indirect
effect on willingness to pay for environmentally friendly products among the respondents, which
confirms that attitudes towards environmentally friendly products mediate the correlation between
environmental concern and willingness to pay for green products.
The findings further revealed that attitudes towards environmental-friendly products (Hypothesis 10)
have a significantly positive (p-values < 0.05) and indirect effect on payment behavior for environmentally
friendly products among low-income household heads in Coastal Peninsular Malaysia, which affirms
that willingness to pay for environmentally friendly products mediates the relationship between
attitudes towards environmentally friendly products and payment behavior for green products.
The outcomes also show that normative beliefs (Hypothesis 11) have a significantly (p-values < 0.05)
indirect effect on payment behavior for environmentally friendly products among the respondents,
thus sanctioning that willingness to pay for green products mediates the correlation between normative
beliefs and payment behavior for green products. Finally, the results for perceived behavioral control
(Hypothesis 12) reveal a significantly positive (p-values < 0.05) and indirect effect on payment behavior
for green products among low-income household heads in Coastal Peninsular Malaysia, which ratifies
that willingness to pay for environmentally friendly products mediates the relationship between
perceived behavioral control and payment behavior for green products.
individuals’ perceptions of the performance of green purchase behavior determines their willingness
to pay for environmentally friendly products.
Meanwhile, normative beliefs held by the low-income household heads were also found to have
a significantly positive effect on their willingness to pay for green products. This finding supports
the theories of and is in line with Wang et al. [29] and Adnan et al. [14], who advocated that in
a collectivist society, such as that in Malaysia (being an Asian country), social norms have more
contributory effects at influencing behavioral intentions towards purchase of green products than
their personal counterparts. This finding further extends the notion presented by Wu and Chen [16],
which suggests that in a collectivist society, normative beliefs do not only effect behavioral intention
indirectly (through subjective norms), but also directly. As for behavioral control, the outcomes reveal
that the level of perceived behavioral control exerted a positively significant influence on willingness
among respondents to pay for green products. This finding further draws support from the TPB [15],
which is also in line with the relevant existing literature [1,3,29].
The results further portray a significantly positive effect of the level of perceived behavioral
control and willingness to pay for green products among the respondents on payment behavior.
This finding empirically supports TPB, thus re-establishing both perceived behavioral control and
intention (willingness to pay) as significant predictors of behavior (payment behavior), in particular
within the context of environmentally friendly products among selected low-income households of
Coastal Peninsular Malaysia in the sphere of the emerging economy [15,16,42]. Interestingly, in regard
to this finding, the higher effect value of perceived behavioral control indicates that payment behavior
for green products is a non-volitional behavior, which poses difficulties in execution and therefore
depends more on perceived availability of recourses and individual abilities instead of their willingness
to pay [28,43].
On the other hand, in terms of mediation effects, attitudes towards environmentally friendly
products appeared to significantly mediate the correlation of eco-literacy and environmental concern
with willingness to pay for environmentally friendly products. This finding supports the extended
TPB model employed in this study and falls in line with prior related studies [1,28,35,37]. Finally,
as hypothesized, willingness to pay for environmentally friendly products was found to significantly
mediate the relationships of attitudes towards environmentally friendly products, normative beliefs,
and perceived behavioral control with payment behavior for green products. Furthermore, this finding
reflects the significantly indirect effect of attitude among the respondents towards environmentally
friendly products, normative beliefs, and perceived behavioral control on their payment behavior
for environmentally friendly products, which is in agreement with Ajzen [15]. Last but not least,
the results for performance and total effects signify that perceived behavioral control and willingness
to pay for environmentally friendly products are the factors that contribute most towards the payment
behavior for environmentally friendly products among selected low-income household heads in
Coastal Peninsular Malaysia [15,16,42,43].
6. Conclusions
In line with Kai and Haokai [28], this study argues that developing and championing
environmentally friendly products and services demands effective public behavior in favor of
the socio-economic environment. As such, this study investigated the influence of consumers’
psychological factors (i.e., attitudes, normative beliefs, and perceived behavioral controls) on
willingness to pay and payment behavior for environmentally friendly products among selected
low-income households in Coastal Peninsular Malaysia. The overall outcomes from various statistical
tests have confirmed that the extended TPB model employed by this study is indeed appropriate for
the studied group. Moreover, the literature review has revealed interesting but scant insights into
consumers’ willingness to pay for green products, particularly in light of the emerging economies.
Theoretically, this study seems to make a substantial contribution towards the growing body of
relevant literature pertaining to intention behavior by empirically validating a comprehensive model
Sustainability 2018, 10, 1316 16 of 19
for environmentally friendly products within the context of low-income households in Malaysia.
In fact, this study does not only contribute towards the TPB by simply providing empirical evidence
that reaffirms its applicability, but it also significantly contributes towards the TPB by broadening the
explanatory power of the TPB through integration of subcomponents (eco-literacy and environmental
concern) with certain constructs (attitudes) of the theory. Hence, this study extends the TPB and
widens its scope by examining willingness to pay and payment behavior towards environmentally
friendly products through the lenses of low-income households.
In terms of practical implication, this study draws the attention of policy makers and green
organizations towards the focus areas so as to enhance public sensitivity towards environmental
issues and further drive consumer preferences towards ecologically-conscious purchasing behavior,
thus resulting in increased demand and adoption of green products that support the growth of
green businesses. Furthermore, governments and developmental organizations should adopt policies
and programs in order to enhance environmental knowledge and awareness among low-income
households to promote the purchase of green products. Moreover, relevant authorities should work to
encourage positive social norms, mainly to induce green consumerism. In addition, adequate resources
and facilities, for example, subsidiaries, availability of green products, etc., have to be ascertained so as
to improve the perceived behavioral control, which in turn, generates willingness to pay and payment
behavior of environmentally friendly products, particularly among those with low income.
As for green firms, the findings of this study could be applied to identify the source of green
product purchase intentions among consumers, which can immensely aid in devising viable strategies
and acquiring market share for environmentally friendly products. On top of that, relevant firms may
use the outcomes of this study to formulate policies and strategies to develop products, to understand
customer needs, and, ultimately, to retain consumers. In particular, from the stance of the local
perspective, the results of this study could serve as a guideline for organizations that plan to penetrate
into the Malaysian market in strategizing their marketing approaches that would further encourage
consumers to pay for green products.
Nevertheless, all studies, including this one, have limitations. It is noteworthy to highlight that
this study could not accommodate all factors that may affect consumers’ willingness to pay and
payment behavior into this model. Furthermore, this study only focused on a specific income group
from a single country, thus limiting the generalizability of its findings. In terms of methodological
limitation, this study depended solely on the cross-sectional quantitative approach. Perhaps, a multiple
method approach that determines the aspects of robustness and causality based on qualitative methods
or longitudinal data could further prove the reliability of the findings retrieved from this present study.
Finally, this study perceives environmentally friendly products as generally representing all
green products. In reality, purchase intention and adoption of specific categories of green products
and services, such as green vehicles, organic food, environmental-friendly hotels, etc., could take
a different direction. Hence, it is recommended that future researchers should focus on specific
environmentally friendly products and services, drawing their samples from varied economic and
social groups living across the globe, which could reveal new and interesting research angles that lead
to a better understanding of environmentally friendly consumption, which appears to be essential for
sustainable development.
Author Contributions: Lead author Abdullah Al Mamun, who was also the lead researcher of the research grant
that was received, prepared the research proposal, managed the research project, designed the questionnaire,
analyzed the data, and wrote this paper. Syed Ali Fazal, Ghazali Bin Ahmad, Mohd Rafi Bin Yaacob and Mohd.
Rosli Mohamad contributed to the development of the research model, the literature review, the sample selection,
the data collection, and the preparation of the manuscript.
Acknowledgments: This study was funded by the RMIC, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia under the
grant titled ‘Short Term Research Grant (SGJP-USM) (Grant Code: R/MyRA/A01.00/00826A/002/2017/000404)’.
Project title: Intention and Behavior towards Eco-Friendly means to Eradicate Poverty: A Study among Low Income
Households in Coastal Peninsular Malaysia. Total Grant: RM31224.93 (Ringgit Malaysia).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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