Research 1 PDF
Research 1 PDF
Research 1 PDF
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This article presents the performance analysis of both ideal single-stage and single-effect double-lift
Received 14 June 2007 adsorption cooling cycles working at partially evacuated and pressurized conditions. Six specimens of
Accepted 16 April 2008 adsorbents and refrigerant pairs, i.e., ACF (A-15)/ethanol, ACF (A-20)/ethanol, silica gel/water, Chemvi-
Available online 23 April 2008
ron/R134a, Fluka/R134a and MaxsorbII/R134a have been investigated. The relationships between equilib-
rium pressures, adsorbent temperatures and equilibrium adsorption concentrations (Dühring diagram)
Keywords: are presented. Parametric analyses have been carried out with various regeneration (desorption) and
evaporation temperatures. Theoretical analysis for adsorption cycles working in single-stage mode shows
Thermal activation
that ACF (A-20)/ethanol can achieve a specific cooling effect (SCE) of 344 kJ/kg_ads, which is followed by
Single-effect double-lift cycle the silica gel/water pair with 217 kJ/kg_ads at a regeneration temperature of 85 °C. On the other hand,
when the regeneration temperature is below 70 °C, single-effect double-lift cycle has a significant advan-
tage over single-stage cycle, at which the SCE is higher due to the reduction in adsorption bed pressure in
single-effect double-lift cycle.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction between the bed adsorbing vapor from the bed in desorption
mode. They reported that the SCE of a single-effect double-lift cy-
The study of thermally activated adsorption cooling cycle is cle can be improved up to 20% when the mass ratio of upper to
motivated by two factors, namely the need to switch to bottom bed is fixed at 2.5 provided that the cycle is driven by a
ozone-friendly working fluids for refrigeration in the wake of heat source of temperature 80 °C and the delivered chilled water
the ratification of the Montreal Protocol by several countries temperature is achieved at 7 °C [4]. However, since the system is
and environmental concern in reducing the greenhouse gas driven by low-temperature waste heat, Ng [5] has classified that
emissions in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol [1]. Thermally the COP of this thermally activated adsorption systems is nor-
activated adsorption cooling cycles or vapor adsorption refrigera- mally very low.
tion systems are considered to be the alternatives of conventional The primary step for developing vapor adsorption refrigeration
vapor compression cycles as they can be driven by low tempera- systems is the characterization of adsorbent/adsorbate pair, which
ture heat sources [2], i.e., industrial waste heat, solar hot water includes the experimental determination of adsorption parame-
system, etc. Apart from this, the systems are relatively simple ters. Recently, extensive effort has been put in to investigate the
to construct, as it has no major moving parts. Electricity is needed possible adsorption working pairs [6–9]. The performance of zeo-
for the pumping of heat source and coolant flows only. Moreover, lite/water [10], activated carbon/ammonia [11], activated carbon/
the heat source temperature can be further reduced as low as methanol [12], and silica gel/water [13–15] have been analyzed.
50 °C if single-effect multi-lift (multi-stage) regeneration is The adsorption parameters enable the derivation of the relation-
implemented [3]. Recent study shows that the cooling capacity ship between adsorption uptake (the quantity of adsorbate ad-
of the single-effect double-lift silica gel/water refrigeration cycle sorbed per unit mass of adsorbent), adsorption pressure and
can be improved by optimizing the adsorbent mass allocations temperature. From these perspectives, the current study aims to
analyze the performance of sub-atmospheric and pressurized
adsorption cooling cycles without heat recovery at which ACF (A-
* Corresponding authors. 15)/ethanol, ACF (A-20)/ethanol and silica gel/water function as
E-mail addresses: (K.C. Ng),
adsorbent/refrigerant pairs for sub-atmospheric cycles, whilst
(B.B. Saha).
Permanent address: Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of
Chemviron/R134a, Fluka/R134a and Maxsorb II/R134a are em-
Engineering, Mansoura University, El-Mansoura, Egypt. ployed for pressurized cycles.
1359-4311/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
794 W.S. Loh et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (2009) 793–798
a; b constants in Eq. (10) (–) T e;d temperature at the end of desorption process (K)
CE cooling effect per unit volume of adsorbent (MJ/m3) T s;a temperature at the start of adsorption process (K)
Cp specific heat capacity (kJ/kg K) T s;d temperature at the start of desorption process (K)
COP coefficient of performance (–) W adsorption capacity per unit mass of adsorbent at equi-
E characteristic energy of the assorted adsorbent/adsor- librium (kg/kg)
bate pair (J/kg) W0 maximum value of W (kg/kg)
hfg specific enthalpy difference between saturated vapor
and saturated liquid (kJ/kg) Subscripts
LH latent heat (kJ/kg K) ads adsorbent
n exponential parameter describes isotherm, (–) c condenser
P pressure (Pa) cri critical
Ps saturated pressure (Pa) d desorption
Qh heat added or rejected (kJ/kg_ads) e evaporator
qst heat of adsorption (kJ/kg) fg difference in property for saturated vapor and saturated
R gas constant (J/kg K) liquid
SCE specific cooling effect (kJ/kg_ads) g regeneration
T temperature (K) ref refrigerant/adsorbate
T e;a temperature at the end of adsorption process (K) w water
AðT S Þ ¼ A0 þ A1 T s þ A2 T 2s þ A3 T 3s
BðT s Þ ¼ B0 þ B1 T s þ B2 T 2s þ B3 T 3s
Ps ¼ 133:32 exp 18:3 : ð4Þ
T 46:1
The single-stage and single-effect double-lift adsorption cooling
cycles were superimposed onto the Dühring diagram in Fig. 1. The Fig. 1. Qualitative Dühring diagrams (P–T–W) for both single-stage and single-
single-stage cycle was represented by the solid lines whereas the effect double-lift cycles.
W.S. Loh et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (2009) 793–798 795
cally equilibrium, all the thermal contributions are calculated 3.2. Single-effect double-lift adsorption cycle
based on heat and mass balance from the Dühring diagram. The
COP of the adsorption cooling cycle is defined as the ratio of the The working principle of the single-effect double-lift adsorption
SCE and heat input to the system, Q h , as shown in Eq. (5). cycle has been proposed by Saha et al. [18]. The ideal cycle as
The heat added to the system which is shown in Eq. (6) is simply shown in Fig. 1 by dotted lines, consists of two sequential thermo-
the summation of both the heat added to the adsorbent (Eq. (7)) and dynamic processes (I and II). These sequential thermodynamics
adsorbate or refrigerant (Eq. (8)). In Eq. (7), the specific heat capac- processes employed the same principles as in the single-stage sin-
ities of the assorted adsorbents are 924 J/kg K for silica gel, 900 J/ gle-lift cooling cycle, at which the pre-heating, desorption, pre-
kg K for activated carbon fibers and 930 J/kg K for activated carbons, cooling and adsorption processes for the first and second stages
respectively [19,22,23]. The first term of Eq. (8) is the isosteric heat- are indicated as c ? d0 ? a0 ? b and c00 ? d00 ? a00 ? b00 , respec-
ing of the adsorbate, while the second and third terms represent the tively. In the single-effect double-lift adsorption cycle, there is an
sensible heat added to the adsorbate and heat of adsorption, respec- additional pair of adsorbent beds incorporated in between the
tively. Heat of adsorption is described by Eq. (9) and the function evaporator and condenser of the system. These extra adsorbent
f ðTÞ as given in Eq. (10) is deduced through experimental isotherm beds allow the refrigerant pressure to increase via two consecutive
data for ethanol on activated carbon fibers (A-15 and A-20), HFC- steps from evaporator to condenser. At the same time, this enables
134a on activated carbon powder (Fluka and Maxsorb II) and acti- the single-effect double-lift cycle to reduce the regeneration tem-
vated carbon granule (Chemviron), whereas the heat of adsorption perature of the adsorption cycle by dividing the evaporating pres-
for silica gel/water system is equal to 2800 kJ/kg [20,2]. sure lift (pressure difference between the condenser and
The specific cooling effect (SCE) is defined as the difference be- evaporator) into two smaller steps. In the present simulation, the
tween the evaporator load and heat dissipated to cool the adsor- total mass of adsorbent for single-stage cycle is assumed to be
bate from condenser temperature to evaporator temperature, and equal to single-effect double-lift cycle, meaning that each bed in
is shown by Eq. (11). the single-effect double-lift cycle will carry only half the amount
of adsorbent of the adsorbent bed in single-stage adsorption cycle.
SCE The simulated performances of single-effect double-lift adsorption
COP ¼ : ð5Þ
Qh cycle are compared with the single-stage adsorption cycle in terms
Q h ¼ Q ads þ Q ref : ð6Þ of COP and SCE.
Z Ta
Q ads ¼ C pads dT: ð7Þ
Tc 4. Results and discussion
Z Td Z Ta Z W min
Q ref ¼ W max C pref dT þ WC pref dT þ qst dW : ð8Þ Simulations for the six working pairs [ACF (A-15)/ethanol, ACF
Tc Td W max
1=n (A-20)/ethanol, silica gel/water, Chemviron/R134a, Fluka/R134a
qst ¼ hfg þ E½lnðW 0 =WÞ þ E f ðTÞ: ð9Þ
and Maxsorb II/R134a] are carried out at partial vacuum and pres-
f ðTÞ ¼ aðT=T cri Þ : ð10Þ surized conditions. The working pressures for ACF (A-15)/ethanol,
Z Tc
ACF (A-20)/ethanol and silica gel/water are between 1 and 10 kPa.
SCE ¼ ðW max W min Þ LHT e C pref dT : ð11Þ The Chemviron/R134a, Fluka/R134a and Maxsorb II/R134a based
Table 1
Adsorbent temperature and uptake capacity for idealized adsorption/desorption cycle simulated at T evap ¼ 6:7 °C and T cond ¼ 29:4 °C in accordance to ARI Standard 560
Adsorbent/refrigerant pairs
ACF (A-15)/ethanol ACF (A-20)/ ethanol Silica gel/water Chemviron/R134a Fluka/R134a Maxsorb II/R134a
Single-stage cycle
Temperature (°C) Ta 80 80 80 80 80 80
Tb 52 52 50 53 53 53
Tc 30 30 30 30 30 30
Td 55 55 55 55 55 55
Uptake (kg/kg) Wmin 0.28 0.25 0.04 0.31 0.36 1.39
Wmax 0.47 0.58 0.12 0.34 0.45 1.75
DW 0.19 0.33 0.08 0.03 0.09 0.36
Table 2
COP and SCE for single and two-stages ideal adsorption cooling cycle, simulated at coolant temperature of Tevap = 6.7 °C and Tcond = 29.4 °C in accordance to ARI Standard 560
Table 3
Cooling effect for single-stage and single-effect double-lift of ideal adsorption cooling, simulated at coolant temperature of T evap ¼ 6:7 °C and T cond ¼ 29:4 °C in accordance to ARI
Standard 560
Single-effect ACF (A-15)/ethanol 1.13 3.54 6.44 9.72 13.25 16.91 20.58 24.18 27.61
double-lift cycle ACF (A-20)/ethanol 3.06 10.06 17.00 23.56 29.52 34.74 39.15 42.77 45.64
Silica gel/water 10.67 32.54 48.74 60.91 70.18 77.33 82.93 87.37 90.92
Chemviron/R134a 0.15 0.44 0.75 1.09 1.45 1.83 2.22 2.63 3.04
Fluka/R134a 0.37 1.11 1.80 2.45 3.07 3.65 4.20 4.72 5.21
Maxsorb II/R134a 0.91 2.53 4.20 5.91 7.63 9.35 11.06 12.75 14.40
eration temperature. However, COP values of the single-effect dou- (b) Silica gel/water pair gives the highest value of cooling effect
ble-lift adsorption cycles are higher than those of the single-stage per unit volume of adsorbent at the specified packing
cycle at T g ranging from 45–55 °C, as shown in Table 2. This is be- densities.
cause at relatively lower regeneration temperatures, it is impossi- (c) Silica gel/water pair is found to be the most feasible adsor-
ble for a single-stage cooling cycle to operate. The minimum bent/adsorbate pair among the six assorted adsorbent/
desorption temperature for the six working pairs at single-stage refrigerant pairs. However, increasing the packing density
mode is about 55 °C [24], but for the single-effect double-lift cycle, of ACF (A-20) in the reactor beds may lead the ACF (A-20)/
it can operate at temperatures below 55 °C, which means single-ef- ethanol based adsorption cooling systems promising for
fect double-lift cycle is possible to operate at near ambient temper- cooling application.
ature, i.e., between 45 and 55 °C, which can be achieved easily from (d) Partial vacuum adsorption cooling cycles provide better per-
a solar hot water system or industrial waste heat. This shows the formances in term of COP and SCE as compared to those of
major advantage of single-effect double-lift cycle. If higher temper- the pressurized cycles at the same operating temperature
ature heat source is available, single-stage adsorption cycle tends conditions.
to provide relatively higher performance. The effect of T g on COP (e) The main advantage for single-effect double-lift adsorption
for ACF (A-20)/ethanol pair is also shown in Fig. 2. cycle is the ability to operate at relatively lower heat source
From the design point of view, the compactness of reactor beds temperature i.e., about 45–55 °C.
is essential to achieve high cooling load at smaller chiller footprint. (f) At lower regeneration temperature (less than 70 °C), the sin-
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per unit volume (m3) highly depends on the packing density, qeff of cooling effect.
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that can be packed in a unit volume. Thus, cooling effect per unit the single-effect double-lift cycles at relatively higher heat
volume (CE) can be determined by multiplying the specific cooling source temperatures.
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