Examining Student Satisfaction With The Student Services Center at A Local Community College

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Examining Student Satisfaction with the Student Services Center at a Local Community College

After the completion of the study, when the researcher was asked about the findings, there seemed to be a lot
of interest in proposed recommendations and strategies for the improvement of Student Services. In response
to the question, one student remarked to another that the college “can’t do everything” for its students. It was
discovered that not enough time was dedicated to opportunities for building sustainable relationships and
evaluation of services. The results of this study calls for further exploration of student needs and more frequent
evaluation of services to meet those needs. The college is not asked to “do everything,” but to make intentional
efforts to provide individualized and meaningful experiences for students. The results of the research indicate
that students overall believe that staff is willing to go above and beyond, and that they are able to form
personal connections with them. Areas such as staff knowledge and demeanor and consistency of services
between campuses could use improvement, however. Following recommendations such as open
communication with students, professional development to address staff knowledge and demeanor, and
establishing an Office of Multiculturalism will assist staff in supporting students so that they can ultimately be
empowered to achieve their educational goals.
Perceived service quality and student satisfaction in higher education
Discussion And Conclusion
Based on the objectives of research, the aim of this study is to investigate the relationship of the factors of
perceived service quality (advising, curriculum, teaching quality, financial assistance and tuition costs and
facilities) with student satisfaction. Also examine the levels of student satisfaction with the factors of advising,
curriculum, teaching quality, financial assistance and tuition costs and facilities. Based on the findings of mean
analysis, almost the majority of students are satisfied with service quality being offered (mean score= 3.45).
Furthermore, the findings of this research shows that, there are a positive and significant correlationbbetween
the factors of advising, curriculum, teaching quality, financial assistance and tuition costs and facilities with
student satisfaction. Also, all these factors except teaching quality have positive and significant impact on
satisfaction of students. So, the findings of this research provide support for previous researches (e.g.,
Gamage, Suwanabroma et al., 2008; Tessema and Ready, 2012; Letcher and Neves, 2010; Elliott and Healy,
2001; Helgesen and Nesset, 2007) that express similar findings which factors of advising, curriculum, financial
assistance and tuition costs and facilities have significant impact on student satisfaction. On the other hand,
the outcomes of this research indicate that teaching quality do not have impact on student satisfaction which
contradicts with the result of Arambewela and Hall (2009) that indicate this factor has impact on student
satisfaction. Therefore, based on the study outcomes, increasing the quality of these factors can result in
increasing in the levels of student satisfaction. So, to increase the satisfaction of students, it is important for
operators of higher educations to increase the quality of services being offered to their students. So, this study
will particularly be useful for the managers and educators within the universities and other institutions in the
market by emphasizing the major elements that affect the satisfaction level among students. In general, the
outcomes of the present research will assist the managers of these institutions to be able to find outthe weak
points and strong points of their institution in providing quality services to their students and apply
improvements wherever it is necessary in order to increase the students‟ satisfaction. To sum it up, higher
education institutions will be able to effectively allocate their resources once they are able to prioritize the
major elements that help them evaluate their students‟ perception of service quality.

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