Pain Basic Consideration PDF
Pain Basic Consideration PDF
Pain Basic Consideration PDF
- BASIC : 331 - 334 331
It is to be noted that pain is not just a physical 3. Any one attempting to take up pain medicine needs to
sensation. It is also an emotional experience. It varies learn the fundamentals of psychosocial support and
from person to person and in the same person from time to principles of communication.
time. There may be a strong emotional component
What is Chronic Pain?
contributing to the pain experience; but that does not mean
Chronic pain is defined as pain which persists
M.D. MNAMS, Medical Director a month beyond the usual course of an acute disease
Trivandrum Institute of Palliative Sciences
or a reasonable time for an injury to heal, or is associated
TC 4/436, Rose Nagar, Ambalammukku,
Trivandrum 695005, Kerala, India. with a chronic pathological process which causes
E-mail : continuous pain, or pain which recurs at intervals for months
or years.3
Mechanism of pain sensation stimuli normally; but are activated in the inflamed
tissues. Once they are recruited, the same degree of
peripheral stimulus generates more number of
electrical impulses, thereby resulting in worsening of
pain (fig 2).
that neurons subserving input from A-beta fibres form Neural injury pain can be said to involve anatomical
functional connections with neurons in lamina-2 abnormality in peripheral nerves, in pain receptors or in
subserving input from A-delta and C fibres. Thus, the central pain pathway. The following three features help
stimulation of A-beta fibres, which normally causes to diagnosis a neuropathic pain.
sensations only of touch and pressure, in this case
1. The nature of the pain may be shooting, stabbing,
causes pain.8 This is called allodynia. (Such abnormal
pricking, aching or burning.
sensations can occur also in peripheral nerve lesions.)
2. It has a neural or dermatomal distribution.
5. Anatomical and genetic changes: It has been clearly
proved now that persistent unrelieved pain can cause 3. It is often associated with abnormal sensation in the
anatomical changes in the nervous system, as well as area of pain. This can take the form of hypoaesthesia
genetic changes in the dorsal horn cell.9 or hyperesthesia. Unfortunately it often takes the form
of dysaesthesia, that is, an unpleasant abnormal
Box 2 sensation whether spontaneous or evoked. Allodynia
1. Pain must be treated early. Unrelieved pain causes and hyperalgesia are examples. Allodynia has already
worsens pain both in extent and severity. been described. Hyperalgesia is increased response to
2. In long-standing pain associated with central a stimulus, particularly a repetitive stimulus, as well
sensitization, NMDA antagonism with ketamine would as an increased threshold (an exaggerated response
have a role to play. with an increase in pain threshold).
3. Once anatomical changes in the nervous system have Nerve compression pain occurs when there is
occurred in chronic pain, total relief may be unlikely. extrinsic pain on the neural structure, as for example with
a nerve root compression in prolapsed inter-vertebral disc
Classification of Pain
or with collapsed vertebrae from metastatic lesions.
The peripheral nerve ending (nociceptor) transmits
the pain impulse to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, Neuropathic pain can also be sub-classified into
where it gets modified before onward transmission to the peripheral and central, depending on site of origin of abnormal
brain. Any pain caused primarily by stimulation of the impulse. The relevance is that central pains often behave
nociceptor can be said to be nociceptive pain. If pain is not differently from peripheral neuropathic pains, particularly
caused by a stimulus applied to the nociceptor, but is caused in their response to drugs. Central neuropathic pains are
by impulse generation within the pathway proximal to the commonest in injury to the CNS – for e.g. Spinal cord
nociceptor (this could be in the nerve, the spinal cord or injuries, stroke etc.10 It must be remembered that pain
the brain), it is called neuropathic pain (fig. 3). originally of peripheral nerve origin, can become centrally
established – by somehow altering the CNS. Once this has
This does not mean that all nociceptive pains are happened, a peripheral nerve block or neurolysis may not
similar in presentation or management. For example pain successfully remove the pain.
arising out of smooth muscle spasm can be very different
from the pain of skeletal muscle spasm. Box 3: Points of clinical application
1. Depending on site of origin of pain, different types of
pain may warrant different modalities of management.
It is necessary to understand the type of pain, to
decide on management.
2. Neuropathic pain is often burning, aching, stabbing or
pricking, is of neural or dermatomal distribution and
is usually associated with abnormal sensation in the
area of pain.
Fig. 3 : Basic classification of pain Evaluation of pain : A proper evaluation of pain is
essential for proper treatment. Patients often have more
Nociceptive pain can be subdivided to somatic and than one type of pain. Some of them may be unrelated to,
visceral pain, depending on site of origin. or only indirectly related to the basic disease. The different
pains, for e.g. muscular, neuropathic etc. would need
Neuropathic pain can be of three sub-types :
different modalities of treatment.
i) Neural injury pain ii) Nerve compression pain
iii) Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).