Energy Passport: Extra Ecq From 350 To 2,000 KN

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Extra EcQ
from 350 to 2,000 kN

from 500 to 2,100 kN

from 1,000 to 7,000 kN

from 500 to 1,500 kN


_Energie Broschüre10.06 gb.indd 1 01.12.2006 11:55:42 Uhr


Saving energy makes sense

No question: never before has saving
energy been more important than to-
day. Energy costs are rising dramatical-
ly – with no end in sight. Besides the
cost of materials, energy is another im-
portant cost category in injection moul-
ding. And more than ever is it causing
plastics processors to look for solutions
to get to grips with their costs.

Power costs are rising Europe-wide

Surveys of the industry have revealed
that plastic processors have had to ab-
sorb increases in power prices between
10 and 50% in 2006. According to an
analysis of the EU Commission, power
prices for industrial users have again
reached the high level of 1995. In 2000,
prices were still 12% below those in
1995. Forecasts are for further increases.

_Energie Broschüre10.06 gb.indd 2 01.12.2006 11:55:46 Uhr

Intelligent investments
lower operating costs
In the face of keen competition, proces-
sors are finding it unfeasible to trans-
fer these extra costs to their customers.
Therefore, they have to look for and find
other ways of stopping the avalanche of
cost increases. It has long been part of
Demag Plastics Group‘s mission to assist Energy consumption
its customers in their efforts to cut costs. 100

Examples are electrical screw drives, mo- 80


dular drive technology or the develop- 60 65%

ment of the all-electric injection mould- 40

ing machine, to name just a few. 20

Using energy more efficiently – 1 2 3 4 5
with Demag‘s backing
1 Conventional injection moulding ma-
Apart from precision, reliability and long chine with constant-delivery pumps
life, Demag‘s focus in designing its in- 2 Injection moulding machine with con-
jection moulding machines has been on stant-delivery pumps and electrical
screw drive
such targets as energy-efficient opera-
tion and optimal performance while cut- 3 Injection moulding machine with var-
iable-delivery pump, hydraulic power
ting costs at the same time. For short cy- pack and electrical screw drive
cle times, fast machine movements, ef-
ficient energy utilisation, and reduced
maintenance costs will noticeably cut 5 IntElect

operating costs.

_Energie Broschüre10.06 gb.indd 3 01.12.2006 11:55:47 Uhr


Electrical screw drive for highest

plasticising performance coupled
with economical operation
Energy saving has long been a tradition
for Demag. As early as 1996, the elec-
trical screw drive was a standard option
offered with Demag machines. It ena-
bles metering to be performed in paral-
60% lel with mould movements and cooling
energy saving and is more energy-efficient than a hy-
draulic motor.

Modular drive technology for highest

Mould Injection
movements: movement: performance through a combination of
AC servodrive Hydraulic drive
with accumulator
hydraulic and electrical drives
An important success story of Demag
Plastics Group has been the EL-EXIS S fea-
Secondary Metering-
movements: plastication:
turing the right drive for each move-
Hydraulic drive Electrical screw ment axis. Launched in 1998, it soon oc-
cupied a leading position in the market
for high-performance machines. It has its
two largest energy consumers – meter-
ing and mould movements – electrically
30% driven. Compared to its full hydraulic
energy saving
and hydro-mechanical competitors, this
drastically cuts energy usage.

_Energie Broschüre10.06 gb.indd 4 01.12.2006 11:55:49 Uhr

All-electric drives for extreme precision
with efficient energy usage
In 2003, Demag, based on the excellent
experience gained with the EL-EXIS S, movements:
three distributed
launched its all-electric machine, the Int- movements:
Elect, as a consistent further develop- direct drive
ment for all injection moulding areas.
Direct drives for all main movements
provide an extremely high degree of pre- Injection Metering/
movement: plastication:
cision and precise reproducibility – with High-torque High-torque
direct drive direct drive
energy consumption further reduced.

Demag‘s energy milestones

• 1996 – First speed-controlled
electrical screw drive as stand-
ard option

• 1998 – El-EXIS S with patented

hybrid solution

• 2003 – IntElect: First all-electric

Demag injection moulding ma-
chines with direct drives

• 2006 – First energy-saving mo-

tor with efficiency class EFF1
on stream

_Energie Broschüre10.06 gb.indd 5 01.12.2006 11:55:51 Uhr


• 350 to 2,000 kN
Extra EcQ:
• Ultrasonic stroke-measuring
Efficiency class EFF1
Hydraulic special offer machine: Up to
• Oil microfiltration 20% less energy consumption compar-
ed to classic small hydraulic standard ma-
• Quality package with print- chines. Central energy-saving motor of
er, automatic hold-pressure efficiency class EFF1 and SMART varia-
change-over and process ble-delivery pump ensure minimal ener-
data acquisition gy consumption and highest efficiency
in standard injection moulding applica-
• Optional maintenance inter-
val indicator


_Energie Broschüre10.06 gb.indd 6 01.12.2006 11:55:54 Uhr


Minimises energy consumption
A modular general-purpose machine:
Available at four levels of sophistication
with hydraulic motors and custom-spec-
ified, advanced SMART variable-pump
technology, it uses just as much energy
as needed. Up to 30% less plasticising
energy compared to full hydraulic ma-
chines through optional electrical screw • 500 to 2,100 kN
• New NC5 controller

• Active mould protection


• Ultrasonic stroke-measuring

• Electrical screw drive op-


• Four levels of sophistication

_Energie Broschüre10.06 gb.indd 7 01.12.2006 11:55:54 Uhr


Economical fast-cycling machine

High-speed, high-performance hybrid
machine: Between 30 and 40% less
energy consumption on average than
that of full hydraulic high-performance
machines. The use of electrical drives for
the two major energy loads, viz. mete-
Highlights ring and mould movements, provides
extremely fast response without com-
• 1,000 to 7,000 kN promising performance, but achieves
uncompromising energy economy.
• Patented hybrid concept

• Distributed electrical drives Modular high-speed machine

for screw and mould move- Electrical drives for plasticising and
ment mould movements as well as hydraulic,
high-speed injection – Demag‘s philos-
• Independent parallel move- ophy of modular drive technology put
ments in a nutshell: independent drives mean
parallel movements, optimal dynamics,
• Active mould protection
short machine times and, consequently,
also short cycles, reduced energy con-
• Oil microfiltration sumption and, all considered, an im-
proved bottom line.
• Cooling power reduced by
approx. 40%

• Ultrasonic stroke-measuring

_Energie Broschüre10.06 gb.indd 8 01.12.2006 11:55:55 Uhr

Proportional valve Electrical screw drive

AC servo- Variable- M Servo-valve Hydraulic central

drive delivery pump accumulator

Weight Cycle time Energy saving Cost saving

(g) (s)

33.5 2.97 0.45 kWh/kg 4,850,- €/year

68.9 6.03 0.49 kWh/kg 5,060,- €/year

137.5 6.59 0.21 kWh/kg 4,110,- €/year

_Energie Broschüre10.06 gb.indd 9 01.12.2006 11:55:56 Uhr


Intelligent energy consumption

All-electric precision machine: Up to
40% less energy consumption, in indi-
vidual cases even up to 70% less com-
pared to machines with conventional
hydraulic pumps. For its motors will
be operated only when they are real-
ly needed. The independent electrical
Highlights drives on all drive axes provide parallel
• 500 to 1,500 kN movements – without energy losses,
but with gains in cycle time.
• All-electric drive concept
All-electric precision machine
• Beltless direct drives
As the worldwide first all-electric injec-
• Ultrasonic stroke-measuring tion moulding machine with water-
system cooled and high-torque direct drives for
all main movements, the IntElect com-
• Active mould protection bines short cycle times with a high de-
activeQ gree of precision in metering and injec-
tion. Its beltless direct drives as well as
• High process consistency
water-cooling of the motors and con-
verters eliminate the need for fans. This
means that the IntElect is cleanroom-
compliant with no problem at all.


_Energie Broschüre10.06 gb.indd 10 01.12.2006 11:55:57 Uhr

High-torque, High-torque, direct drive
direct drive for linear movements

Distributed drives for High-torque, direct drive

secondary movements for rotary movements

Energy Energy
Article Weight Cycle time consumption consumption Energy
(g) (s) hydr. machine InElect saving

16.1 16.3 1.62 kWh/kg 0.62 kWh/kg 62%

19.1 19.0 1.72 kWh/kg 0.82 kWh/kg 52%

23.7 20.0 7.34 kWh/kg 2.46 kWh/kg 67%

41.8 20.5 11.63 kWh/kg 6.14 kWh/kg 47%

2.2 11.7 8.30 kWh/kg 2.20 kWh/kg 73%


_Energie Broschüre10.06 gb.indd 11 01.12.2006 11:55:58 Uhr


Demag Ergotech GmbH Demag Hamilton Ltd.

Werk Schwaig Hamilton House, Broadfields
Altdorfer Str.15 Bicester Road, Aylesbury
90571 Schwaig Bucks, HP19 8AY
Tel.: +49-911-5061-0 Tel.: +44-12 96-31 82 00
Fax: +49-911-5061-265 Fax: +44-12 96-42 62 22
E-Mail: E-Mail:

_Energie Broschüre10.06 gb.indd 12 01.12.2006 11:55:59 Uhr

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