Susp. Medifen: Product Testing Method

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Document No MED/QC/PT/019

Department Quality Control

Effective date
Revision No 00
Susp. Medifen Replaces Rev# - Dated: -
Review schedule by QA/QCM with 1year 2year 3year 4year5year 6year
Head of the Department.
(Not valid without signature)

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

1.0 PRODUCT: Suspension Medifen

2.0 COMPOSITION: Each 5ml contains
Ibuprofen (USP) …………100 mg
Product Complies USP Specifications
Mobile Phase (500ml):
200ml acetonitrile +300ml 0.01M Phosphoric acid/500ml solution & filter it through 0.2um and sonicate it.
Sample Solution:
Take 100mg or 5ml Ibuprofen suspension (with help of weight / ml) and dilute in 30ml acetonitrile. Again add 10ml
acetonitrile and 10ml of 0.01M orthrophoshoric acid shake it. Then dilute up to 100ml with 0.01N orthrophoshoric
acid. Filter the solution through filter paper # 42 then with 0.45um filter.
Standard Solution:
Take 100mg Ibuprofen WS in 40ml acetonitrile and mix well. Then dilute up to 100ml with 0.01N orthrophoshoric
acid and filter through 0.45um.
0.01M orthrophoshoric acid:
0.67ml Approx (0.7 ml) Phosphoric acid (85 %) to 1000ml distilled water.
Chromatographic Conditions:
Column: C – 18, 250 x 4.6 mm Flow rate: 2 mL/min
Wavelength: 220 nm Injection Vol: 50 uL
Injection Loop: 20 µL R.Time: 7 mins (Approx)

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%age = Avg. Peak area of final sample solution x Standard Conc x 100
Avg. Peak area of final standard solution Sample Conc

Note: After performing the test enter the results in intimation to QA/QC for Test / Analysis, for Production
4.0 References

Analytical Balance
Ultrasonic bath
Receiving, Storage and handling of chemicals
Safety Rule and Regulation in Quality Control Lab.
Handling of Spilled Material

5.0 Records

Document No. Description

MEDICON/PD/QF/011 Intimation to QA/QC for Test / Analysis

6.0 History

Revision No. Description

00 --

7.0 Distribution List

The followings are in Controlled Distribution List.

Copy No. Designation Issued To
Copy # 01 Master Document D&RC
Copy # 02 Quality Control manager Quality Control Department
Copy # 03 Production Manager Production Department

Note: In case of revision and circulation of new copy of the SOP, The obsolete copy will be returned to
D&RC for disposition.

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