Kirabo Rosco-Mcs2

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Explain how the following audits are done

 Light

A lighting audit is an investigative process that measures conditions against standards to

determine where cost-effective changes can be made. Below is a brief description of the steps to
be followed when conducting an energy audit for lighting. The following are steps

 Walk through the plant to observe the quantity and quality of available light. Problems
are noted such as an area where lighting levels are too high, where lights are left on
unnecessarily, or where factors leading to visual discomfort may inhibit productivity or
safety. The type, quantity, location and height of lamps and fixtures are recorded.
 Detailed measurements of illumination levels are taken with a lux meter, both at task
areas and for general overall lighting.
 Simple retrofit possibilities, such as switching from general lighting to task lighting are
considered. For example, by simply lowering the fixture height, a lighting system can be
changed from general to task-oriented with a desirable increase in contrast between the
task area and the general workplace. Also, painting equipment slightly lighter than the
surrounding area adds contrast and aids workers in discerning moving parts, thereby
increasing safety. Possible areas for these improvements are noted during the audit.
 After all the simple retrofit options are examined, a plan for the general modification of
the plant lighting is devised. Such a plan integrates simple modifications and major
improvements into a cohesive, energy efficient system.

 Boilers

Boiler and Air preheater operational data collection is carried out with calibrated instruments.
The required parameter for energy audit analysis of different system or utilities was measured
and the power consumption was measured. For energy audit data collection the standard
formulas as per PTC standards and CEA, BEE guidelines for Energy Auditing of power plants
are used.

It is true that there is no exact methodology, which can be its own method for conducting energy
audit. It can be classified in to two types:

 Preliminary Energy Audit or Walkthrough audit;- this study is typically done in three
 Identify the quantity and cost of various energy forms used in the plant.
 Identifies energy consumption at the Boiler house and APH.
 Relates energy input to production, thereby highlighting energy wastage in
major equipment like Boiler and APH/ processes.
 followed by above three steps is, a set of observation and recommendations for
immediate low-cost action, and identify of major area Projects
 Detailed Energy Audit; - A comprehensive audit provides a detailed energy project
implementation plan for a facility, since it evaluates all major energy using systems.
This type of audit offers the most accurate estimate of energy savings and cost.
It considers the interactive effects of all projects, accounts for the energy use of all
major equipment, and includes detailed energy cost saving calculations and project cost.
In a comprehensive audit, one of the key elements is the energy balance. This is
based on an inventory of energy using systems, assumptions of current operating
conditions and calculations of energy use. This estimated use is then compared to utility
bill charges. Detailed energy auditing is carried out in three phases: -Preparation,
Execution and Reporting

 Electric motor

Energy audits are an important instrument for increasing the efficiency of motor driven systems:
An energy audit is a systematic analysis of energy consumption within a defined system
in order to evaluate opportunities for improved energy performance. It is therefore an
effective instrument to detect optimization potentials for existing in-service motor driven
systems. A comprehensive audit should expose over-sized, old and inefficient equipment,
equipment without proper control or operating with a wrong control strategy, leakages, and
inappropriate applications or end uses. Furthermore, reducing running time or turning
equipment off when not required can often provide significant energy savings. Some of these are
the steps that can be taken

 Take a look at what the motor system does. This involves process study with respect to
the motor, system rating and condition in which the system is operating
 Do a competence audit by acquiring accurate information; this involves measuring
currents drawn by motor winding, vibrations, torques, meggering, RPM and voltage
supplied. This information is analyzed and energy wastage gaps are acquired for
appropriate efficiency increase with respect to energy saving costs.
 Write a detailed report that includes not to mention; any gaps based on key motor
parameters that consume and depreciate energy such as power factor improvement,
relocation, changing system coupling to capture more efficiency , changing motor
control to more automated and safer operations to avoid energy wastage due to poor
operation, etc
 Specialized equipment

Specialized equipment is machines that have the ability to do certain tasks that regular equipment
are not capable of doing. These are the machines that have special features which are considered
an upgrade from their regular equipment counterparts. The audit steps should involve

 Preliminary information about the equipment in terms of location, how it operates, energy
consumption, initial cost, importance of equipment and usage (in terms of frequency).
 Comprehensive information that is detailed with accuracy is captured using the right
tools, equipment and methods. The information avails operation parameters such as
lumens, volts, hertz, RPM, etc, which information can be used in energy calculations to
establish cost saving options or even need to acquire a new equipment.
 A detailed energy audit report is made detailing all the above but also including the pay
back periods on the suggested energy cost saving options.

 Air compressor

Its utility equipment used to supply compressed air to other devices in operation. The steps
carried out in energy audits are as follows

 Conduct a Site Survey;- It is important to list and understand all the equipment in a
compressed air system before installing any measurement devices so that the devices are
properly placed, and system dynamics are properly understood. The person responsible
for collecting information should note: environmental conditions, physical layout, details
on all air system components including clean air treatment, piping, electrical energy
consumption, storage and controls. Processes at the facility should also be documented.
Many auditors will have a questionnaire which they will complete to compile the details
into one document.
 Understand the System Dynamics; - The system information collected should be
thoroughly analyzed and areas of improvement should be identified. Multiple scenarios
should be considered to lower the compressed air system’s energy consumption,
including an analysis of the major compressed air users within the facility to determine
whether compressed air is the most efficient option for each application. The average
compressed air supply at the required plant pressure is set point. The measured
compressed air supply range is measured so as to traces pipe leaks, location dynamics of
system or un necessary pipe works
 Prepare an energy audit report about the system that also details the energy options that
may not only be electrical but rather dynamics analysis such as relocation, changing pipe,
works, improving storage, installing better electrical and air pressure controls, etc. this
should also be accompanied with pay back periods to determine the feasibility of the
measures recommended to the client
 HVAC system
 Important to understand what the system does, its age, components and how much energy
it consumes. These are a times defined on the equipment manual or catalogue
 Then the next step is finding out when the energy use by the system is heaviest and
lightest. This requires uses of measuring instruments to monitor reactive, apparent and
actual energies consumed by the system and establishing a power factor value. This
exactly how inductive losses of the equipment in the HVAC system.
 Write detailed report that captures the detailed energy saving options such as power
factor correction methods, replacing aged components and peak hour energy
consumption. It should also articulate the safety and health risks of the system and the
pay back periods of stated energy saving options suggested

Explain the process data sources and technology that can be used and the safety consideration
put in place during an industrial energy audit

 Process data sources and technology used with safety considerations


Accurate data collection is paramount not only to analyze energy consumption, but also to
evaluate the effectiveness of proposed changes suggested in an energy audit report while
considering the credibility of safety of the changes. Some energy-saving electrical retrofits may
introduce electrical power quality problems that may not be accounted for by traditional meters,
causing erroneous data. With inaccurate data, the conclusion of an energy improvement project
holds no validity

Preliminary or walk-through energy audits are the most suitable. A preliminary energy audit is a
process during which an auditor examines an existing energy consuming system according to a
predetermined set of procedures. The procedures are outlined as a result of a historical data
analysis of the targeted system and conversations the auditor had with the owner or the operator
of the system. These procedures include taking electrical and other measurements under certain

Measuring temperature, flow rates (heat, liquid, and air), intensity of light, electrical current,
voltage, power, power factor (PF), humidity, pressure, or vibration may be required to determine
the energy consumption and waste. New measuring equipment is pouring into the measurement
world making data collection easier, more accurate, and safer. The folloeing are some of the
common measurements required for most audits

 Electrical measurements:- data collection of any system that consumes electrical energy
requires at least three basic measurements;-voltage, current and PF for energy analysis
calculations. Utility meters collect all these data at a building service entrance point or at
any other sub-metering location, if such meters are installed. By contacting the utility
provider, one can easily obtain the historical data related to the above parameters and
more for a given facility
 Light measurements: - On average, lighting consumes 35% of energy used in commercial
buildings and 25% in industrial facilities. Lighting levels directly affect the productivity
of employees. However, many lighting systems are improperly designed and unattended
over the years. Lighting is one of the areas where companies can save energy with the
least amount of capital investments.
Light meters are very easy to use. They measure light intensity in Lumen and light
density in foot-candles (fc). The purpose of measuring light is to determine the incident
light on a horizontal or vertical surface. Illumination Engineering Society of America
(IESA) publishes recommended light levels for specific tasks. Using a light meter, one
can record the available light intensity in fc on horizontal and vertical surfaces with and
without artificial lights. This would yield a light distribution map. Now compare the
available light with the recommended light to determine levels and locate poorly
illuminated or over-illuminated areas. Most classroom and labs are illuminated by
fluorescent light fixtures. The amount of light generated by fluorescent light deteriorates
with time.
 Thermal imaging: - During any energy conversion process, heat is produced as a by-
product. Poor insulation of buildings and pipes carrying hot or cold liquids causes energy
wastes. New retrofits and devices containing switching power electronic circuits may
introduce harmonics, which may overheat the neutral conductors. Poor connections of an
electrical distribution system are the major contributor to system inefficiencies and may
lead to a catastrophic fire. All of the above could be avoided, if one could detect them in
advance. To detect such abnormalities, one requires a thermal imager. A thermal imager,
compared to an IR thermometer, is capable of measuring temperature variation between
two adjacent points. In the past, the cost of thermal imagers prevented widespread use in
energy management and plant-maintenance activities. Industries hired a consultant to
survey all electrical distribution panels and other critical locations in a facility to
determine the thermal profile annually.
 Combustion analysis: - The effectiveness of fossil-fuel burning receives little attention
during an energy audit process unless the auditor is well trained to perform mechanical
tests. The mechanical test, a tedious process, requires a set of data from several different
pieces of equipment such as draft gauges, thermometers, carbon monoxide (CO) stain
length tubes, wet chemical absorption instruments, etc
New electronic combustion analyzers provide more reliable and provable data than a
traditional “eyeballing the flame” analysis. It also produces faster professional analysis
than a mechanical test
 Ultrasonic leak detection: - A leak, whether it is a compressed air, steam, or conditioned
air, is a waste. Hidden costs due to leaks can be significant in very competitive market
environments. And considerably, leaks display safety hazard to equipment and people
operating them hence need for a resolve. Some leaks are very easy to detect, while others
are not. Most leaks go undetected due to ambient noises. To detect some types of leaks,
one has to use ultraviolet (UV) dyes, special lamps, bubble solutions, etc. Leak detection
takes time and money. Any instrument that detects different types of leaks within a very
short time would be the most practical solution. Ultrasonic leak detectors minimize
traditional problems associated with leak detection.

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