958 Martial Law and Ayub Khan Reforms Su

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1958 Martial Law And Ayub Khan Reforms

Submitted By
Syed Mohibullah
Prof.Dr Kaleemullah Barech
Department Of History
University Of Balochistan
1. Introduction
2. 1950’s Politics In Pakistan
3. Paving Path For The Military Coup
4. 1958 Military Take Over
5. Ayub’s Reforms;
 Judicial Reforms
 Agricultural Reforms
 Land Reforms
 Educational Reforms
 Medical Reforms
 Social Reforms
 Rural Development
6. Conclusion

Pakistan became independent after the struggle of the Muslims of the
subcontinent in 1947.The political struggle started in 1906 with the formation of All India
Muslim League which passes through phases to achieve it’s aim to gain an Independent land
for the Muslims of subcontinent.It lays a path for the leadership which would later play its in
the making and running Pakistan after its formation.Pakistan after its formation saw a phase
which could not be imagine before its creation.Politics of self interest,lust of power and
gaining power at any cost was introduced in the first decade of the Pakistan’s
formation.Landlords,knights,rich capitalists,etc took over the politics of Pakistan instead of
the seasoned public politicians.It deprived the country from the foundation of the democratic
norms and values.The institutions which is vital and base of providing leadership to the
country were disintegrated.Instead of pure democracy which lies on the interest of the mases
nepotism,corruption,smuggling,feudalism,etc were promoted,it kept the government
unpopular in the masses.They turned to saw the alternate to came to take over during a worse
political situation facing by the country.Martial Law was imposed and the constitution was
abrogated,it opens the door to the prolong military rule in Pakistan.Ayub Khan, a Chief
Martial Law Administrator later became President took over the country.He suspend
democratic institutions freedom and introduced the controlled democracy.The much needed
reforms were initiated by Ayub’s regime which brings the country towards
stability,development and self efficient.Martial Law’s imposition was the failure of
Politicians by weakening the democratic institutions and pretended the collective interest of
the masses.This era would always be written in the dark pages of the history.

1950’s Politics In Pakistan:

Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the President of the Muslim League
the leading politician in Asia at the time.He work hard to sovle the Innitial issues
like,administration,refugees,economy,constitutional,etc.Jinnah’s demise was very unfortunate
in the early stages of the making of the newly born Pakistan.After him the mature leadership
of Muslim league was side lined,ignored and retired.It pave the path for the young
inexperienced leadership which dominated the politics of Pakistan in the first decade of
Pakistan.[ CITATION MDZ07 \l 2057 ] The main reason for the failure of the parliamentary
system in Pakistan has been that after independence society has been kept from the adequate
changes in thoughts and actions.Successive changes of Prime Ministers deprived the country
of having stable government and peace in the country.They were failed to deliever to the
masses.Drastic change was the need of the hour.In One and half year three PM’s were
changed on which Indian Prime Minister said his famous words ‘’I did not change much
pajamas as Pakistan change it’s Prime Ministers’’[ CITATION Ham161 \l 2057 ]

Paving Path For The Military Coup:

Before the imposition of the martial law country has been
forgotten altogether Justice was being auctioned openly and the common man’s life had
become extremely difficult.Failure of the political and parliamentary democracy shows the
sign of the failure of the leadership in their promises.Financial reputation was blemished and
it became totally dependent on the foreign funding of western countries for the completion of
its devlopmnt projects.[ CITATION MDZ07 \l 2057 ] The tussle of power disrupted the affairs of
the state because it could not concerntrate on the burning issues like Refugees
Rehabilitation,canal water and Kashmir Disputes,educational,industrial and
commercial.Which disappoint the masses very much.This situation create a scenario for the
ambitious Army establishment to take the country’s rule in it’s hands an opportunity
provided by the weak political elite of the country.

1958 Military Take Over:

Military interventions in the politics in Pakistan have given roots
to lots of queries and interpretations .It is often as to what have been the causes and reasons
of the military being lured into the politics after the regular intervals.Jawaher Lal Nehru the
First Indian Prime Minister once spoke of the military interventions in Pakistan,’’it is not the
inordinate ambitions in a special taste for the politics but the failure of the political classes to
govern effectively that the military interventions take place in Pakistan’’. [ CITATION MIk16 \l
2057 ] 7 October 1958 Martial Law was imposed and the constitution was abrogated by the
then President Sikandar Mirza.Ayub Khan was appointed the Chief Martial Law
administrator.The ambitious Ayub, later, on 27 March 1958 [ CITATION MDZ07 \l 2057 ], he
took resignation from President Mirza and sent him on exile,where he remained till his
death.Then Ayub Khan formally started his administration with full force.Initially,he focuses
on the reforms which was badly needed by masses in government structure and it’s institution
concerned with the people.

Ayub’s Reforms:
After taking over the government Ayub Khan initiated the
much awaited Reforms in the government structure.Particular commissions were formed for
every department to give its report on it by the commission.

The committee was established under the former chief Justice od Pakistan Justice
Shahabudin a man of dignity and honesty[ CITATION Ham161 \l 2057 ] .It proposed a
Presidential system.New constitution was enforced on 8 June 1962.The Judiciary was
regularized and time was set for the retirement of the Judges and pensions.Courts were
established in both the provinces.It gave the whole government a structure and Though the
commission recommended a democratic structure based on the Bicameral legislature.But the
regime took a one eighty degree angel turn and change the whole the structure.This was
proved disastrous in the end of 1960’s when it was collapse after resignation of Ayub Khan.

The purpose of the reforms in reforms in the agricultural sector was to improve the
igh quality the Agriculture Agricutural Development Bank was set up to provide high quality
seeds and educate new trends with modern techniques to the farmers.Loans were provided to
the farmers to irrigate more land for the state.To provide high quality seeds, fertilizer plants
were established in the country.Canals,Dams and Barrages were established to irrigate more
land and reach the water to far flung areas where a land could be irrigated.It turn the 20 lac
barren land into irrigated land with help of Barrages.Agricultural Universities were
established in Faisalabad and Meymensingh[ CITATION MDZ07 \l 2057 ].

The land Reform commission was formed under Akhtar Hussain having vast
experience objectives:Firstly, to prescribe the maximum limit of land possession of
agricultural land.Secondly, to improve the way of farming and to increase the agricultural
produce.The commission proposed the ceiling of unirrigated should be limited to 1000 acres
and 500 acres of irrigated land.The rest of it would be distributed to the farmers having no
properties.The owners would be given the pension [ CITATION MDZ07 \l 2057 ].These reforms
were remarkable and helpful for the poors but it was a big blow to the landlords.

According to the recommendations of the commission the whole curriculum was
revised from class 1 to 12.A number of educational experts and writers were entrusted with to
write new books for the national curriculum.The regime emphasied on the technical
education as well,for that purpose in the subject of Civil,Machenical,Electrical and
Automobile engineering Polytechnic colleges were established[ CITATION MDZ07 \l
2057 ].Engineering universities were established in Lahore and Dacca.Arrangements were
also made aleniate the higher education from the secondary education.They were proved
fruitful in the upgradation of education sector after the independence.

Medical education have a vital in providing the services at Health sector.After
independence Pakistan having only two medical colleges.The numbers of medical colleges
were raised to six.Nursing schools were established in Quetta,Lahore,Hyderabad,etc to
provide more nursing services and training.Before that student move to foreign countries for
higher medical studies arrangements were made in the Post Graduate Medical Centre in
Karachi for the basic subjects.However,students were still send for higher studies on
government scholarships to foreign countries under the Colombo Plan,CENTO and World
Health Organisation (WHO)[ CITATION MDZ07 \l 2057 ].

After the making of Pakistan,millions of refugees moved towards it their rehabilitation
issue arises.Country’s leadership was involved in their own matters instead of taking step
towards the solution of the problem.Ayub Regime worked with an unprecedented speed to
solved the issue once for all.Within a year large number of cases relating to abandoned
properties was decided.In 1964, 92% of the abandoned properties were allotted to the new
owners.Steps were taken for the eradication of the social evil in the society.Restriction was
imposed on useless customs in marriages,prohibition on wine and other narcotics.Embargo
was put on Polygamy which arose a strict opposition from religious schools[ CITATION
MDZ07 \l 2057 ]

Rural Development:
In Pakistan majority of the population lived in the rural areas.Rural areas are lack
facilities with compare to Urban areas.To developed the Rural Areas,Ayub regime started a
scheme named ‘’Village Aid Programme’’[ CITATION MIk16 \l 2057 ].The aim of the scheme
was that people of rural areas should take responsibility on their shoulders in the construction
of schools,canals,roads and drains and meet all local needs on self-help basis.It helped in
providing employment to many people and pressing needs.A sense of self-confidence was
created in the people to solve problems of their own.Many miles of roads were restored and
many abandoned canals were repaired and brought in use. The development programme
helped the government to bring many areas to mainstream which was ignored even in the
British rule.

Pakistan after its inception surrounded in a deep trouble due to the problems left by
the Britshers.Under the leadership of Jinnah,Pakistan starts its journey towards its aim and
objective which was set in the independence movement by the Muslim Leauge.After the
demise of Jinnah and Liaqat Ali Khan,Pakistan lost its track for which it was made.The
young leadership having lust for power and lack of farsightedness weaken the country to
make strong democratic values.It pave the path for the civil military establishment to fill the
space left by political rulers between them and masses.The military establishment, took the
advantage of the weak governments in the centre and provinces and their tussle for power,
motivate the military to take over in the bloodless coup without any opposition from the
Ayub Khan the ambitious Army General,planned the whole
military take over.After grabbing the power and make full control on the country’s
administration started a huge reforms under the recommendations of the commissions
appointed for particular sectors.His reforms brings a drastic change in the development of the
country.His charisma was in full swing on the national as well as international level due to
the change he bring in the country which none of the previous leader did in the past.He was
praised by the foreign leaders and have a historic welcome in the United States on his
visit.His reforms would be remembered in the rest of the history of the country.

Khan, Hamid. 2016. Constittutional And Political History Of Pakistan. Karachi: Oxford University

Rabbani, M.Ikran. 2016. Pakistan Affairs. Lahore: Caravan Book House.

Zafar, M D. 2007. A Short History Of Pakistan. Lahore: Aziz Book Depo.

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