Veterinary Public Health: Dr. Sujit Kumar Behera, M.V.SC., Ph.D. (I.V.R.I.) Points To Remember

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Dr. Sujit Kumar Behera, M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (I.V.R.I.)

Points to Remember:

1. VPH Division was established by the recommendation by National commission on

agriculture in 1976.
2. Father of Veterinary Public Health is J.H. Steele.
3. Schwabe is associated with one medicine and written the book Veterinary Medicine and
Human Health.
4. Quarantine was first introduced by Lancisi.
5. First animal virus FMD and was identified by Loeffer & Frosch.
6. WHO was established in the year 1948 and Zoonosis Division was also established in the
same year under the Chairmanship of M. Kaplan.
7. WHO South East Asia HQ at New Delhi.
8. Disease which do not produce any overt clinical sign is Subclinical infection.
9. Study of outbreaks in avian population is known as Epiornithics.
10. Descriptive epidemiology involves observing and recording disease and possible causal
11. Genetic epidemiology is the study of cause, distribution and control of disease in related
individual and of inherited defects.
12. Survey is an examination of aggregation of units.
13. Survey records events occurring at a particular point of time. Cross sectional survey.
14. Unit of an epidemiologist is Population.
15. Screening is the identification of undiagnosed cases of disease using rapid tests.
16. Monitoring is the making of routine observation on health, production and
environmental factors and recording and dissemination of these observations.
17. Cross sectional study investigate relationship between disease and hypothetic causal
factors in a specified population.
18. Iceberg phenomenon is associated with subclinical disease.
19. Cohort study is comparison of exposed group with non exposed group to the factors
with respect to development of disease.

20. Survey records events occurring for a long period of time is longitudinal survey.

21. Precipitating factors are associated with the definite onset of disease.

22. Constant occurrence of disease in a population or usual frequency of occurrence of

disease is known as endemic.

23. Amount of disease in a population is given by morbidity.

24. Amount of death in a population is given by mortality.

25. Time of occurrence of a disease constitute temporal distribution.

26. Place of occurrence of disease constitute spatial distribution.

27. Prevalence is the number of instance of disease or related attribute in a known population
at designated time, without distinction of new and old cases.

28. Incidence is the number of new cases occurs in a known population over a specified
period of time.

29. Secondary attack rate is the proportion of cases of a contagious disease that develop as a
result of contact with primary cases.

30. P α I X-D

31. Surveillance is more intensive form of data recording.

32. Total mortality rate of all disease is known as death rate.

33. Map where line joining equal morbidity rate is isomorb and mortality rate is isomorts.

34. Determinants are any characteristic that affects the health of a population.

35. Pathogenicity is quality of disease induction.

36. Sites within genome that frequently mutate is hot spot.

37. Infection transmitted from one segment of population to the other segment of the
population is known as horizontal transmission.
38. Infection transmitted from one generation to next generation is known as vertical

39. Inanimate vectors are called as fomites.

40. Generation time is the period between infection and maximum infectiousness.

41. Home range is the natural restriction where animal can roam.

42. Part of the animals home range that it defend aggressively from invaders is known as

43. Avoidance of competition is usually in sympatric animals.

44. World Health Day is April 7.

45. World Environment Day June 5.

46. World Earth Day 22nd April.

47. World Food day 16th Oct.

48. World Population day 11th July.

49. Prevention of cruelty of animals act -1960.

50. An area that has ecological, social, and environmental condition that can support a disease
is known as nosogenic area.

51 Nosoarea is a nosogenic territory in which a particular disease is present.

52. If all animal in a population are surveyed then it is known as census.

53. Codex is established in 1962.

54. Culling of infected animals during epidemic is often accompanies by the slaughter of
animals that may have been exposed to infection and therefore be at risk of developing
disease is known as pre emptive slaughter.

55. Proportion of animals that are resistant to infection or disease in population is herd

56. AVMA has given Veterinarian Oath.

57. World Veterinary Day has been started since 2000.

58. FAO/WHO reference centre for brucellosis -Izatnagar, IVRI.

59. WHO collaborating centre for rabies surveillance and research Tubingen, Germany.

60. WHO collaborating centre for rabies epidemiology -New delhi

61. Millenium Development Goal (MDG) was given by United Nations.

62. Tuberculosis is a notifiable disease in India since 2012.

63. Thottapalaym virus is related to Hanta virus reported first time in India from Tamilnadu
Vellore 1964.

64. A: M ratio in B. abortus , B. melitensis, and B. suis is 20:1, 1:20, 12:9 respectively.

65. MPN was given by McCardy in 1915.

66. GAS bacillus or Welch Bacillus is Clostridium perfriengens.

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