White Paper: Lubrisense

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Lubrisense TM

The Chemistry and Physics of Grease

The Advantages of Grease
The Chemistry and Physics of Grease

The Fundamental Grease Formulation G R E A S E M AT R I X

The science of lubrication focuses on optimising
the separation of contact surfaces on moving
equipment. For several thousand years, both oil
and grease have been the lubricants challenged
with this task.
Key elements are reduction of the wear, the
frictional heat and the energy losses encountered in
machinery throughout its working life and modern
greases offer several significant advantages in
many applications. There are three basic components that con-
Grease is, of course, a mixture of chemicals tribute to the multi-phase structure of lubricating
and inevitably, chemistry contributes fundamentally grease; a base fluid, a thickener and very frequently,
to the design and manufacture of the product. in modern grease, a group of additives.
However, it is the understanding of tribology, the The function of the thickener is to provide
science of friction and abrasion, coupled with a a physical matrix to hold the base fluid in a solid
knowledge of the rheology of grease, the structure until operating conditions, such as load,
deformation characteristics of the lubricant, which shear and temperature, initiate viscoelastic flow in
drive innovation forward. the grease.
The development of the chemistry of grease To achieve this matrix, a careful balance of
formulations is closely linked to an understanding solubility between the base fluid and the thickener
of the physics at the interfaces between the is required.
machinery and the grease. With this insight, it is
possible to formulate greases that are capable of
operating in increasingly demanding and wide-
ranging conditions.

T H E A D VA N TA G E S O F G R E A S E solid until shear between component surfaces reaches

such a level that the grease starts to flow and becomes
Grease and oil have different performance characteristics mobile.
and the benefits of grease are unique compared to oil.
The rheological properties and corresponding lubricating
The basic components of grease (base fluid, thickener abilities can be enhanced by properly formulating the
system and various additives) are held together in a grease to respond appropriately to combined effects of
structured matrix. Grease is not simply a highly viscous shear, strain and temperature.
oil but a complex, physical, multi-phase system. It can
demonstrate the properties of a solid or a liquid, The gel structure provides grease with its main physical
depending on the conditions to which it is subjected. characteristic, a rigidity commonly referred to as
The structure of grease enables the lubricant to remain In a lubrication application, one of the main benefits of

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Mineral Oils Perhaps the most important factor in the choice of
A wide range of lubricant base fluids is used in the oil phase is solubility. This criterion affects both
grease technology. However, the largest segment the manufacturing process and the final matrix
consists of a variety of products derived from the structure of the grease and is vital to the performance
refining of crude oil and downstream petroleum characteristics in any particular application.
raw materials. These mineral oils can contain a The decline in the use of oils containing
very wide spectrum of chemical components, aromatic and polyaromatic components has
depending on the origin and composition of the reduced the range of solubility characteristics
crude oil as well as the refining processes to which available to the grease technologist.
they have been submitted. However naphthenic oils contain not only
There are three basic groups of mineral oils: polyaromatics but also similar, less toxic, poly-
aromatic, naphthenic and paraffinic. Historically, cyclic compounds without a benzene ring structure.
the first two have represented the principle volumes Using modern selective refining techniques, it is
used in grease formulation, largely due to availability possible to remove only the unwanted components
but also due to their solubility characteristics. and produce oils with low toxicity. Thus these
However, concerns about the carcinogenic severely refined oils provide a range of beneficial
aspects of molecules containing aromatic and poly- solubility properties, similar to conventional types
aromatic ring structures have led to their replace- of naphthenic oils, but without the toxicity
ment by paraffinic oils as the mineral fluids of problems.
choice. Modern base oils in lubricating greases are
The oil components of grease must offer a therefore often a blend of severely refined paraffinic
range of appropriate properties in order to fulfil and naphthenic oils, designed to provide the final
their roles in a wide range of applications. product with the appropriate characteristics of
Viscosity and its temperature dependency are mechanical stability, lubricity and dropping point.
obviously key requirements, but loss of volatile
components and oxidation stability can also be
important selection criteria. In the latter case, the
response of the base oil to antioxidants also needs
to be taken into account.

consistency is that the grease stays in place, where it is on the other hand, remains effective in the presence of a
intended. The mass of grease acts as a lubricant reservoir variety of contaminants even at higher concentrations.
and minimises problems related to leakage.
It also makes it easier for the equipment design engineer Compared with a fluid base oil, the thickener system
to select mechanical seals. within a grease provides viscosity and elasticity benefits,
which will result in higher temperature performance and
In practice, the gel structure offers additional capabilities, better load carrying capabilities.
e.g. it stops external contaminants, whether liquid or solid,
from penetrating through to the metal surfaces. In effect, In most grease applications, the thickener acts as an active
this permits extended maintenance intervals. component at the interface between the equipment surfaces.

If a lubricating oil is contaminated by the smallest amount Protective effects are enhanced by selecting a thickener
of water, the lubricating film may fail completely. Grease, with the right chemical polarity, resulting in strong attraction

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than the oil distillate cuts that comprise the mineral
INGREDIENTS oil range.

Polyalphaolefins are low molecular weight synthetic
polymers, which provide advantages in oxidation
stability coupled with good viscosity characteristics
over a wide range of temperatures. Greases made
from PAO exhibit excellent low temperature
properties and can offer low friction and optimum
energy saving performance.
Synthetic Fluids
Synthetic fluids can be tailored to provide properties ESTERS
that might be impossible to achieve using con- Synthetic esters are produced from a variety of
ventional mineral oil products. Typical examples long-chain fatty acids, derived from petrochemical
are applications with a wider range of operating or renewable animal or vegetable sources.
temperatures or where chemical resistance is The acid is then reacted with a specific alcohol
required. to give the chemical and physical properties required
Furthermore, compatibility with rubber or by the grease formulator.
plastic components and seals, the lubrication of The large range of esters available generally
non-metallic surfaces and improved electrical pro- offers good thermal stability, lubricity and, in some
perties are all areas where synthetic base fluids can cases, excellent biodegradability.
make a contribution. Ester based greases offer enhanced physical
Environmental considerations, such as bio- performance at low temperatures, combined with
degradability, are increasingly becoming factors low evaporation losses at high temperatures, and
influencing the selection of synthetics. this makes them useful in a wide range of
There are several groups of synthetic base applications and environments.
fluids that find applications in grease and most of Esters tend to swell elastomers, and this can
these are specifically designed products, rather cause problems with certain types of seals. How-

to the metal surface of the machine component. ADDITIVE SOLUBILITY IN OIL AND GREASE
Fluid oil formulations are limited by the need for any
A multi-phase system comprising of a thickener and a base additive or component in the lubricant to be dissolved or,
oil can also improve performance at low temperatures at least, very reliably suspended in the base oil. Phase
since the thickener system can counteract any tendency of separation of the components can result in harmful effects
the fluid lubricant to crystallise as operating temperatures such as sediment formation.
The need for an additive to be soluble in a liquid base oil
The solid structure of grease offers considerable advantages may well prevent it from performing as expected. For
in many applications. In fact the grease technologist has example, an anticorrosion additive, which is properly
many more possibilities and a whole range of benefits for dissolved in the base oil, may not be present in sufficient
the end user at his disposal that would simply not be concentrations at the metal surfaces.
available using lubricating oils.
Additive solubility is however not a necessity in grease

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ever, this property can be used to advantage in, for POLYETHERS
example, a blend of small amounts of ester in poly- In their chemical structure, polyethers provide a
alphaolefin. A grease based on this blend will particularly inert polymerised backbone, and this
show an equivalent compatibility towards rubber property is further enhanced in the fluorinated poly-
seals when compared to a mineral oil grease. ether derivatives.
A synthetic grease, when properly formulated, Perfluoropolyethers are inert to almost all types
can therefore replace a mineral oil grease without of chemicals, leading to their use in application
the need to change seals. areas where such exposure is expected. Typical
examples are the lubrication of bearings in contact
POLYGLYCOLS with strong acids and alkalis, with aggressive
Polyglycol chemistry offers a very wide range of solvents, or indeed, with oxygen.
polymeric structures, providing a great diversity of These fluoroethers also have a very low ten-
properties in both the liquid and solid state, together dency to evaporate and can be used in high vacuum
with a complete range of solubilities from water to equipment.
less polar compounds such as mineral oils. In grease, The fact that they do not react with oxygen is
a correctly selected polyglycol offers excellent also very beneficial in high temperature applications.
performance opportunities, including a wide However, at extremely high operating temperatures
temperature range, specific rheological properties, above 300°C, the fluoroether structure can break
exceptional thermal stability and good com- down, forming toxic by-products.
patibility with plastics and rubbers.
Some polyglycols offer advantages at high
temperatures, where their degradation products
evaporate completely, leaving no harmful residue.
Unfortunately, most polyglycol greases are
incompatible with mineral oil based products and
relubrication with the wrong product can be
extremely problematic.

formulations. The solid matrix structure and the consistency The benefits of positioning the additive optimally at the
of the grease allow much more flexibility in formulation. metal surfaces become more important when it comes to
additives which reduce the effects of extreme pressure
Indeed, even completely insoluble solids or liquids can be and wear.
suspended in the multi-phase grease matrix to deliver the
required functionality at the metal surface; classic examples Extreme pressure additives are required to function in
in grease technology are the use of solids such as acute situations when the lubricant film has been severely
molybdenum disulphide, graphite and zinc oxide. reduced in thickness by high loads, elevated temperatures
or low speeds.
In a similar way, selecting corrosion inhibitors is not con-
strained by the need for solubility since careful formulation This type of additive must be positioned in the grease matrix
can enhance the delivery of an insoluble liquid additive to react immediately with the metal surfaces in order to
to the metal surface where it is needed to perform its task. prevent seizing.

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The Thickener have several inherent weaknesses, not least water
The history of the development of grease is closely sensitivity. A sodium soap is therefore unable to
linked to the invention of various thickeners that provide a stable and long-lasting matrix structure
can be used to hold the base lubricant in a gelled for the grease.
matrix. One of the earliest groups of soap thickeners
Metal soaps have been dominant in the used successfully in the manufacture of grease was
progress of thickener development. based on calcium. The widespread availability of
Domestic soap, used for hygiene and washing calcium hydroxide derived from limestone encou-
purposes, is the sodium derivative of a vegetable or raged the use of this material in soap compositions.
animal fatty acid. Traditionally, this has been made Metal soaps based on aluminium and barium have
by reacting animal fat or vegetable oil with sodium also found a variety of applications.
hydroxide dissolved in water. In use, the long soap However, it is the range of soaps based on
molecule combines water solubility at one end, lithium that have been predominant in the develop-
with fat and dirt solubility at the other, thus ment of modern thickener systems.
enabling the cleaning process to occur.
However, ‘soaps’ can be made from a whole ADVANCED SOAPS
range of metals other than sodium, and each Of more recent importance are mixed base greases,
derivative has its own specific properties. This is involving combinations of different metal soaps to
related to the character of the metal used to modify the matrix structure and thereby optimise
neutralise the fatty acid, along with the chemical the contributions made by each component.
structure and length of the carbon chain in the fatty In so called complex greases, combinations of
acid itself. metal salts and soaps are co-crystallised into the
grease matrix structure during the manufacturing
METAL SOAPS process.
Sodium soaps, similar to domestic soap, were
widely used in grease formulations during the early DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGY
stages of the industrial revolution and, indeed, The driving forces in the search for improved
some of these types of product are still used today. thickeners are many and varied, but in general, the
However, greases based on such thickeners principle motivation is the desire to improve the

An anti-wear additive offers similar protection under less BENEFITS OF GREASE

severe conditions, but again, it must still be available at The major advantages of grease over lubricating oil focus
the interface to coat the metal surface by physical on four basic capabilities:
– as a lubricant, involving the properties of the base oil,
The multi-phase structure of grease allows great flexibility the thickener and any functional additive,
in the choice of soluble or insoluble active components.
– as a sealant, to protect the working surfaces from the
Soluble additives, such as certain antioxidants, can of effects of contamination by gases, liquids or solids,
course be selected for their specific solubility in either the
base fluid or the thickener system and the additives are – as a matrix, to provide a carrier for a wide range of
thus appropriately positioned to neutralise the chemical beneficial additives and to improve specific performance
intermediates that promote oxidation. capabilities of the grease,

6 L U B R I S E N S E W H I T E PA P E R 0 4 - 0 1
capabilities of grease across an increasingly wide
range of operating conditions. Improved per- In coming White Papers we will address the
formance at high or low temperatures and, in role of the thickener in grease and different
some cases, capability at both extremes, remains kinds of thickener systems, incl. complex
an ongoing challenge. soaps and in particular the dominating
The key to providing a grease matrix that is lithium based technology.
stable, both over time and under the operating
shear within machine components, can be found in The contribution made by additives is
the thickener system. The thickeners themselves another topic to be covered.
also contribute significantly to the extreme
pressure and antiwear characteristics of grease and We encourage our readers to give us feed-
additionally, thickeners provide a grease gel capable back and requests for grease technology
of carrying additives which, in turn, extends topics they want us to cover in future White
performance in these areas. Papers.
Water resistance, surface adhesion and
tackiness, dropping point and compatibility with Editor:
other greases are all properties where the selection Graham Gow I graham.gow@axelch.com
of the right thickener is important. Increasingly,
for centralised lubrication systems, pumpability is
becoming an additional prerequisite.
And finally as with all other grease com-
ponents, human toxicology, ecotoxicology and
biodegradability of the thickener have become
important issues.

– as a corrosion inhibitor, both directly as a sealant and These benefits can be maximised by carefully matching
indirectly as a matrix for corrosion inhibiting additives, the choice of grease to three important factors: the
machine components to be lubricated, the operating
The benefits to the user are significant. They include temperature and the surrounding environment.
reduced wear, extended relubrication and service
intervals, less vibration and noise and lower energy
consumption, all of which have the potential of con-
tributing to a considerable reduction in total maintenance

And if the grease technologist is able to exploit the wide

flexibility of formulation possibilities, the range of
operating conditions in which a grease can offer
optimum performance can be greatly expanded.

L U B R I S E N S E W H I T E PA P E R 0 4 - 0 1 7
SWEDEN: A X E L C H R I S T I E R N S S O N A B , P. O . B O X 2 1 0 0 , S E 4 4 9 1 1 N O L , S W E D E N
T E L + 4 6 ( 0 ) 3 0 3 3 3 2 5 0 0 , FA X + 4 6 ( 0 ) 3 0 3 3 3 2 5 9 0

THE NETHERLANDS: A X E L C H R I S T I E R N S S O N B V, 1 F E B R U A R I W E G 1 3 , 4 7 9 4 S M H E I J N I N G E N , T H E N E T H E R L A N D S
T E L + 3 1 ( 0 ) 1 6 7 5 2 2 9 8 0 , FA X + 3 1 ( 0 ) 1 6 7 5 2 2 2 7 1

W W W. A X E L C H . C O M





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