Master's Dissertation Methodology (Literature) DR Wassila MOURO

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Master’s dissertation methodology (Literature)

Dr Wassila MOURO

It is a ONE BLOCK paragraph

We say: this work deals with………….

We have to be direct to the point and by the end we provide chapter divisions

General Introduction (7 steps to be followed) start from general to specific

1) Topic: Literature in general; period; movement….
2) Theme: Writer / theme and the selected work to be analysed
3) Observation: all what you have noticed about the selected work/period. These
observations trigger the following questions
4) Research questions: One main Question (it is general and envelopes the whole
work, then sub- questions that will have their answers in each chapter.
5) Hypotheses (Propositions): these are you possible answers to the questions you
have asked (may be, could be, it seems…., perhaps…)
6) Methodology: a/ techniques used, concepts and theories
b/ Chapters’ division

The step that is not discussed here is MOTIVATION, because it tends to be rather too
subjective we will not use it. It’s place is after the 2nd step, where the researcher is
supposed to state the reasons for his/her choice of the topic and theme.

General Conclusion Start from general to specific

You provide answers to your questions of each chapter

It is the conclusion of conclusions

You state your findings (if there are any)

In the last paragraph you try to make the link with the title.

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