Management Ass 2
Management Ass 2
Management Ass 2
The Scientific management approach was developed in the late 19th century by a gentleman
called Fredrick W Taylor. He emphasized that work requires some scientific observation and
study. Before Taylor came along with the scientific management approach it was not
believed to be the function of management to tell employees what to do. The Scientific
management approach however emphasizes that it is the function of management to study
work and develop the science of work and be able to work out how jobs should be designed
so that they can be done efficiently. He further emphasized on the following major
Science, not rule of the thump
Scientific selection, training ,and development of workers
Harmony, not Discord(conflict)
Cooperation, not individualism
Maximum, not restricted output
Equal Division of responsibility between management and workers
Ability to control
One of the best part of the scientific management principle is that managers can have a
good control over production and employees become specialist in their filed because they
do the same task repeatedly .This approach makes it easy for the managers to have control
over the employees. In short the scientific management approach makes the control
function of the management easy and it is every person wish to do work in an easy manner.
In that respect this approach is very applicable to the modern business world.
Decision making
The scientific management approach promote planning well ahead of time and decision
making can be very promt.Planning being one of the functions of management it means this
management approach allows mangers to easily plan well ahead and this makes it very
useful and applicable approach .
Contribution to the Nation.
The scientific management approach is not only beneficial to management and workers only
but it brought about enhanced benefits to the nation which includes increased production,
less cost of production, industrial harmony and peace, enhanced national income. With this
theory there is also quick industrial development.
Having taken this into consideration Boone and Bowden (1997) argued that the scientific
management approach has proved beyond any doubt that it is vital in the development of
business and remains very relevant. Most businesses have their qualities and efficiencies
improved with the use of specification and standardization process, as well as using
production control for example Sino –Zimbabwe having been ISO certified of late has seen a
very very huge improvement in the quality of its products, thanks again to Taylor who
introduced the scientific management theory.
In their support for the relevance of the scientific management approach to the world of
business, Parker &Lewis (1995) stated that business environment in the modern day is very
similar to the early day’s scientific management, for example product diversification,
corporate mergers, intense competition, technological changes have remained the same
and for this reason the scientific management approach can still be used in to today‘s
business world. Mergers can be done using scientific analysis, increasing productivity,
competing well in business environment all requires scientific management.
Having been supported by so many schools of thoughts as being very applicable to the
modern business does not mean that the scientific management approach is applicable to
all business .It is argued that his approach is only applicable to big business and is not
applicable to small businesses as it is very costly. Other scholars argue that it puts emphasis
only on production leaving other areas of management such as marketing and accounting.
From the workers side, the scientific management approach has the negative impact of
dehumanizing the work place as most of the workers are replaced by machines
In conclusion it is beyond any reasonable doubt to say that the scientific management
principles are immensely contributing to management in the current business world.
Although Fredrick Taylor propagated his ideas way back in the late 19 th and early 20th
century, they still have a place in the modern business world .It is therefore advisable for
very manager, regardless of the position held to embrace Taylor ‘scientific management
approach and use it carefully. Managers are also advised to continually make improvements
by continually learning the work process, designing and implementing the relevant changes
Drucker, P. (1973) Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, New York: Harper and Row
Kotter, J. P. (1990, May–June). What leaders really do? Harvard Business Review,
Peters, T. J., & Waterman, R. H. (1982). In Search of Excellence. New York: Knopf