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Percentage Tax

 Index for Percentage Tax:

      Percentage Tax Description

        Quarterly Percentage Tax
o      Who are required to file?
o      How to file/pay?
o      What are the Quarterly Percentage Tax Rates?
 Percentage Tax for Transactions Involving Shares of Stocks
o      Who are required to file?
o      How to file/pay?
o      What are the Transactions Involving Share of Stocks Tax Rates?
 List of Relevant Revenue Issuances

Percentage Tax Description

      Percentage tax is a business tax imposed on persons, entities, or transactions specified under
Sections 116 to 127 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 (also known as Tax Code), as
amended, and as required under special laws.

Quarterly Percentage Tax under Sections 116 to 126 of the Tax Code, as amended

BIR Form 2551Q - Quarterly Percentage Tax Return 

Who are required to file?

Persons refer to individuals and non-individuals, which include, but are not limited to, estates,
trusts, partnerships, and corporations.

1. Persons, who are not VAT-registered, who sell goods, properties or services, whose annual gross
sales and/or receipts do not exceed three million pesos (Php3,000,000.00) and are exempt from
value-added tax (VAT) under Section 109 (BB) of the National Internal Revenue Code, as
amended by Republic Act (RA) No. 10963.
2. Persons who lease residential units where the monthly rental per unit exceeds fifteen thousand
pesos (Php15,000.00) but the aggregate of such rentals of the lessor during the year does not
exceed three million pesos (Php3,000,000.00)
3. Persons engaged in the following industries/transactions:
a. Cars for rent or hire driven by the lessee, transportation contractors, including persons
who transport passengers for hire, and other domestic carriers by land for the transport of
passengers (except owners of bancas and owners of animal-drawn two-wheeled vehicle)
and keepers of garages
b. International air/shipping carriers doing business in the Philippines on their gross receipts
derived from transport of cargo from the Philippines to another country
c. Franchise grantees of – 
i. radio and/or television broadcasting companies whose annual gross receipts for
the preceding year do not exceed Php 10,000,000.00 and did not opt to register
as VAT taxpayers, and
ii. gas and water utilities.
d. Overseas dispatch, message or conversation transmitted from the Philippines by
telephone, telegraph, tele-writer exchange, wireless and other communication equipment
services, except those transmitted by:

i. The Philippine Government or any of its political subdivisions or instrumentalities;

ii. Diplomatic services;
iii. Public international organizations or any of their agencies based in the
Philippines enjoying privileges, exemptions and immunities which the Philippine
Government is committed to recognize pursuant to international agreement; and
iv. News services for messages which deal exclusively with the collection of news
items for, or the dissemination of news item through, public press, radio or
television broadcasting or a newsticker service furnishing a general news service
similar to that of the public press.
e. Banks, non-bank financial intermediaries performing quasi-banking functions
f. Other non-bank financial intermediaries (including pawnshops as clarified under Revenue
Regulations [RR] No. 10 – 2004)
g. Person, company or corporation (except purely cooperative companies or associations)
doing life insurance business in the Philippines
h. Fire, marine or miscellaneous agents of foreign insurance companies
i. Proprietor, lessee or operator of cockpits, cabarets, night or day clubs, boxing exhibitions,
professional basketball games, Jai-Alai and racetracks, including videoke bars, karaoke
bars, karaoke televisions, karaoke boxes and music lounges as clarified under Revenue
Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 18 – 2010
j. Winnings or 'dividends' in horse races

How to file/pay?

Documentary Requirements

1. BIR Form 2551Q - Quarterly Percentage Tax Return Form

2. Duly issued Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld at Source (BIR Form 2307), if applicable
3. Duly approved Tax Debit Memo, if applicable
4. For amended return, proof of payment and the return previously filed
5. Authorization letter, if filed by an authorized representative
6. Copy of Certificate of Registration issued by Cooperative Development Authority for cooperatives,
and from the National Electrification Administration for electric cooperatives


1. For Manual filing and/or payment:

a. Download the newly-revised BIR Form 2551Q pdf file format under the BIR Forms-
VAT/Percentage Tax Returns section of the BIR website.
b. Properly fill-up BIR Form 2551Q in triplicate copies.
c. Proceed to any Authorized Agent Bank (AAB)located within the territorial jurisdiction of
the Revenue District Office (RDO) where the taxpayer is registered and present the duly
accomplished BIR Form 2551Q and other requirements. If paying manually, present the
aforementioned documents together with BIR-prescribed deposit slip, and payment to the
respective AAB. The Quarterly Percentage Tax shall be paid at the time the return is filed
by the taxpayer.
d. In places where there are no AABs, the duly accomplished BIR Form 2551Q, together
with the required attachments and payment, shall be filed/paid with the Revenue
Collection Officer (RCO), thru the Mobile Revenue Collection Officers System (MRCOS)
facility, or duly Authorized Treasurer of the city or municipality where said business or
principal place of business / where the taxpayer is registered, who will issue an Electronic
Revenue Official Receipt (eROR).
e. Receive copy of BIR Form 2551Q duly validated/stamp-received by the
AAB/RCO/authorized City or Municipal Treasurer.
f. Manual Filers who want to pay online can pay through GCash Mobile Payment,
LandBank of the Philippines (LBP) Linkbiz Portal (for taxpayers who have ATM account
with LBP/Bancnet ATM or Debit Card), or DBP Tax Online (for holders of VISA/Master
Credit Card/Bancnet ATM or Debit Card).
2. For eFPS filing and/or payment:
a. Use the existing and enhanced old BIR Form 2551Q in the eFPS system which contains
all the alphanumeric tax codes (ATCs) enumerated in the said form in filing the return.
b. Taxable amount to be indicated in the quarterly percentage return shall be the total gross
sales/receipts for the quarter.
c. In case percentage taxes for the first, second and/or third month of the quarter had been
paid, payment/s made are to be reflected in BIR Form 2551Q in Item No. 20A-Creditable
Percentage Tax Withheld per BIR Form 2307.
d. After e-filing, proceed to online payment by clicking the proceed to payment button and
pay the quarterly percentage tax due.
3. For eBIRForms filing and/or payment:
a. Use the existing enhanced old BIR Form 2551Q in Offline eBIRForms Package V7, which
contained all the alphanumeric tax codes (ATCs) enumerated in BIR Form 2551M in filing
the return.
b. Taxable amount to be indicated in the quarterly percentage return shall be the total gross
sales/receipts for the quarter.
c. In case percentage taxes for the first, second and/or third month of the quarter had been
paid, payment/s made are to be reflected in BIR Form 2551Q in Item No. 20A-Creditable
Percentage Tax Withheld per BIR Form 2307.
d. Proceed to any AAB located within the territorial jurisdiction of the RDO where the
taxpayer is registered and present the duly accomplished BIR Form 2551Q and other
requirements. If there is payment that will be done manually, present the aforementioned
documents together with BIR-prescribed deposit slip, and payment to the
respective AAB. The Percentage Tax shall be paid at the time the return is filed by the
e. In places where there are no AABs, the duly accomplished BIR Form 2551Q, together
with the required attachments and payment, shall be filed/paid with the RCO, thru the
MRCOS facility, or duly Authorized Treasurer of the city or municipality where said
business or principal place of business / where the taxpayer is registered, who will issue
an Electronic Revenue Official Receipt (eROR).
f. eBIRForms Filers who want to pay online can pay through GCash Mobile Payment,
LandBank of the Philippines (LBP) Linkbiz Portal (for taxpayers who have ATM account
with LBP/Bancnet ATM or Debit Card), or DBP Tax Online (for holders of VISA/Master
Credit Card/Bancnet ATM or Debit Card).

Note: "No payment" returns filed late will result on imposition by the RDO of penalties, which shall be paid
at the concerned AAB.
When to File/Pay

       Within twenty-five (25) days after the end of each taxable quarter


Quarterly Percentage Tax Rates Table

Coverage Taxable Base Tax Rate

Non-VAT registered persons under Section 109 Gross sales or receipts 3%
Domestic carriers and keepers of garages Gross receipts 3%
International air/shipping carriers doing business Gross receipts on transport of cargo 3%
in the Philippines from the Philippines to a foreign
Franchise grantees: 2%
Gas and water utilities
Radio and television broadcasting companies 3%
whose annual gross receipts of the preceding Gross receipts
year do not exceed Php10,000,000 and did not
opt to register as VAT taxpayer
Gross receipts

Overseas dispatch, message or conversation Amount paid for the service 10%
originating from the Philippines
Banks and non-bank financial intermediaries Interest, commissions and discounts from lending
performing quasi-banking functions activities as well as income from financial leasing,
on the basis of remaining maturities of instruments
from which receipts are derived:
•  If maturity period is five years or less 5%
•  If maturity period is more than five 1%
Dividends and equity shares and net 0%
income of subsidiaries
Royalties, rentals of property, real or 7%
personal, profits from exchange and
all other items treated as gross
income under Sec. 32 of the Tax
Code, as amended
Net trading gains within the taxable 7%
year of foreign currency, debt
securities, derivatives and other
similar financial instruments
Other non-bank financial intermediaries Interest, commissions, discounts and 5%
all other items treated as gross
income under the Tax Code, as
Interest, commissions, discounts  from lending
activities, as well as income from financial leasing
on the basis of remaining maturities of instruments
from which such receipts are derived:
•  If maturity period is five years or less 5%
•  If maturity period is more than five 1%
Life Insurance Company/Agent/Corporation Total premiums collected 2%
(except purely cooperative companies or
Agents of foreign insurance companies (except reinsurance premium):
Insurance agents authorized under the Insurance Total premiums collected 4%
Code to procure policies of insurance for
companies not authorized to transact business in
the Philippines
Owners of property obtaining insurance directly Total premiums paid 5%
with foreign insurance companies
Proprietor, lessee or operator of the following:
Cockpits Gross receipts 18%
Cabarets, Night or Day Clubs, videoke bars, Gross receipts 18%
karaoke bars, karaoke televisions, karaoke boxes
and music lounges
Boxing exhibitions (except when the World or Gross receipts 10%
Oriental Championship is at stake in any division,
provided further that at least one of the
contenders for World Championship is a citizen
of the Philippines and said exhibitions are
promoted by a citizen/s of the Philippines or by a
corporation/ association at least 60% of the
capital of which is owned by said citizen/s)
Professional basketball games (in lieu of all other Gross receipts 15%
percentage taxes of whatever nature and
Jai-alai and race track Gross receipts 30%
Winnings on horse races        Winnings or 'dividends' 10%
       Winnings from double 4%
forecast/quinella and trifecta bets
       Prizes of owners of winning race 10%
[return to index]

Percentage Tax for Transactions Involving Shares of Stocks under Section 127 of the
Tax Code, as amended

BIR Form 2552 - Percentage Tax Return for Transactions Involving Shares of Stocks Listed and Traded
Through The Local Stock Exchange or Through Initial and/or Secondary Public Offering

Who are required to file?

1. Every stock broker who effected a sale, barter or exchange of shares of stock listed and traded
through the local stock exchange other than the sale by a dealer in securities, which tax shall be
paid by the seller/transferor
2. A corporate issuer, engaged in the sale, exchange or other disposition through Initial Public
Offering (IPO) of shares of stock in closely-held corporations
3. A stock broker who effected a sale, exchange or other disposition through secondary public
offering of shares of stock in closely-held corporations
How to file/pay?

Documentary Requirements

1. BIR Form 2552 - Percentage Tax Return for Transactions Involving Shares of Stocks
2. Duly issued Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld at Source (BIR Form 2307), if applicable
3. Proof of Exemption for transactions not subject to tax, if applicable
4. Duly approved Tax Debit Memo, if applicable
5. For amended return, proof of payment and the return previously filed
6. Authorization letter, if filed by an authorized representative


1. For Manual filing and/or payment:

a. Properly fill-up the existing old BIR Form 2552 in triplicate copies using the new tax rate
then compute the tax due thereon.
b. Proceed to any AAB located within the territorial jurisdiction of the RDO where the where
the broker or corporate issuer is registered, and present the duly accomplished old BIR
Form 2552, together with the required attachments.
c. If paying manually, present the aforementioned documents together with BIR-prescribed
deposit slip, and payment to the respective AAB. The Percentage Tax Involving Shares
of Stocks shall be paid at the time the return is filed by the taxpayer.
d. Receive the BIR Form 2552 taxpayer's copy duly validated and stamp-received by the
teller of the AAB.
e. Manual Filers who want to pay online can pay through GCash Mobile Payment,
LandBank of the Philippines (LBP) Linkbiz Portal (for taxpayers who have ATM account
with LBP/Bancnet ATM or Debit Card), or DBP Tax Online (for holders of VISA/Master
Credit Card/Bancnet ATM or Debit Card).
2. For eFPS filing and/or payment;
a. File online using the existing BIR Form 2552 in the eFPS and pay online the
corresponding taxes due thereon by proceeding to payment. The result of this transaction
is deficiency tax.
b. To cover the deficiency tax, eFPS filers shall likewise file and pay online the deficiency
tax using BIR Form No. 0605 and fill in the corresponding information in the Tax Type
(ST Percentage Tax – Stocks) and ATC field (ATC MC 031 – Deficiency Tax) in lieu of
the correct BIR form that should have been used.
c. eFPS filers who want to pay online can pay through GCash Mobile Payment, LandBank
of the Philippines (LBP) Linkbiz Portal (for taxpayers who have ATM account with
LBP/Bancnet ATM or Debit Card), or DBP Tax Online (for holders of VISA/Master Credit
Card/Bancnet ATM or Debit Card).
d. Note: Once the enhanced version of the BIR Form 2552 is available in eFPS, there will
be a notification/announcement through a Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC).
Guidelines shall be issued accordingly if there is a necessity whether or not to amend the
previously filed returns in eFPS.
3. For eBIRForms filing and payment:
a. File online using the existing BIR Form 2552 in the eBIRForms Package and pay the
corresponding tax dues via over-the-counter (OTC) of AAB under the jurisdiction of the
RDO where the taxpayer is registered.
b. For eBIRForms filers who want to pay online, you can pay thru GCash Mobile Payment,
LandBank of the Philippines (LBP) Linkbiz Portal (for taxpayers who have ATM account
with LBP/Bancnet ATM or Debit Card), or DBP Tax Online (for holders of VISA/Master
Credit Card/Bancnet ATM or Debit Card).
c. The result of this transaction thru eBIRForms is deficiency tax.
d. To cover the resulting deficiency tax, eBIRForms filers shall likewise file and pay online
the deficiency tax using BIR Form No. 0605 and fill in the corresponding information in
the Tax Type (ST Percentage Tax – Stocks) and ATC field (ATC MC 031 – Deficiency
Tax) in lieu of the BIR Form 2552 that should have been used.

Note: "No payment" returns filed late will result on penalties that will be imposed by the RDO, which shall
be paid at the concerned AAB.

When to File/Pay 

1. For tax on sale of shares of stocks listed and traded through the local stock exchange (LSE) –
within five (5) banking days from the date of collection
2. For tax on shares of stocks sold or exchanged through primary offering - within 30 days from the
date of listing in the LSE
3. For tax on shares of stocks sold or exchanged through secondary public offering - within five (5)
banking days from the date of collection

Note: Aside from BIR Form No. 2552, a stockbroker or corporate issuer is also required to submit a true
and complete return to the Secretary of the Stock Exchange of which he is a member. The said return
shall contain a declaration of all transactions effected through him during the preceding week and of taxes
collected by him and turned over to the BIR.

Percentage Tax for Transactions Involving Shares Rates Table  

Coverage Basis Tax Rate

Sale, barter, exchange or other disposition of shares of Gross selling price or gross 6/10 of 1%
stock listed and traded through the Local Stock value in money
Exchange other than the sale by a dealer of securities
Sale, barter or exchange or other disposition through: Gross selling price or gross value in money
 Initial Public Offering (IPO) – the issuing
corporation shall pay the imposed tax Proportion of disposed shares to total
 Secondary Public Offering – the seller shall outstanding shares after the listing in the
pay the imposed tax local stock exchange:
 Up to 25% 4%
 Over 25% but not 2%
over 33 1/3%
 Over 33 1/3% 1%

[return to index]



Issuance No. Subject Date of Issue
RR No. 9-2018 Prescribes the rules and regulations implementing the increase in the Stock February 26,
Transfer Tax pursuant to RA No. 10963 (TRAIN Law) 2018
(Published in Manila Bulletin on February 28, 2018)
Digest| Full Text
RR No. 8-2015 Amends RR No. 6-2015 on the definition of raw cane sugar for purposes of May 27, 2015
the imposition of advance business tax (Value-Added Tax or Percentage
Tax) and for other related purposes
(Published in Manila Bulletin on May 28, 2015)
Digest|Full Text
RR No. 6-2015 Implements regulations imposing advance Business Tax (VAT or March 31, 2015
Percentage Tax) payments on sugar and for other related purposes
(Published in Manila Bulletin on April 1, 2015)
Digest|Full Text
RR No. 8-2008 Supplementing Revenue Regulations No. 9-2004, as Amended by Revenue  August 29, 2008 
Regulations No. 10-2004, Clarifying that the Transactions of the Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Entered into the Exercise of its
Governmental/Regulatory Authority are outside of the Coverage of the
Gross Receipts Tax Imposed Under Sections 121 and 122 of the 1997
National Internal Revenue Code, as Last Amended by Republic Act No.
(published in Philippine Star on August 30, 2008)
Digest|Full Text
RR No. 9-2007 Prescribing the Updated Minimum Monthly/Quarterly Gross Receipts in August 1, 2007
Computing the Percentage Tax of Domestic Carriers and Keepers of
Digest | Full Text
RR No. 9-2004 Implements certain provisions of Republic Act No. 9238, re-imposing the June 25, 2004
gross receipts tax on banks and non-bank financial intermediaries
performing quasi-banking functions and other non-bank financial
intermediaries beginning January 1, 2004
(published in Manila Standard on July 1, 2004)
Digest | Full Text
RR No. 15-2002 Governs the imposition of Income Tax on the Gross Philippine Billings, other October 7, 2002
income of International Air Carriers and Common Carrier's Tax, as well as
the manner of claiming deductions on travel expenses and freight charges
(published in Manila Bulletin on Oct. 11, 2002)
Digest|Full Text
RR No. 1-2003 Implementing Section 5 of Republic Act No. 8424, Otherwise Known as the January 7, 2003
Tax Reform Act of 1997, and Other Pertinent Provisions of the National
Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as last Amended by Republic Act No. 9010,
Imposing Value-Added Tax (VAT) on Sale of Services by Persons Engaged
in the Practice of Profession or Calling and Professional Services Rendered
by General Professional Partnerships; Services Rendered by Actors,
Actresses, Talents, Singers and Emcees; Radio and Television
Broadcasters and Choreographers; Musical, Radio, Movie, Television and
Stage Directors; and Professional Athletes, as Well as Services Rendered
by Customs, Real Estate, Stock, Immigration and Commercial Brokers,
beginning January 1, 2003.
(published in Phil. Daily Inquirer on Jan. 8, 2003)
Digest|Full Text
RR No. 3-1995 Implementing Republic Act No. 7717, An Act Imposing a Tax on the Sale, February 7, 1995
Barter or Exchange of Shares of Stock Listed and Traded Through the Local
Stock Exchange or Through Initial Public Offering, Amending for the
Purpose the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended, by Inserting a
New Section and Repealing Certain Subsections Thereof


Issuance No. Subject Date of Issue
RMC No. 26- Circularizing the Revised BIR Form No. 2551Q (Quarterly Percentage April 25, 2018
2018 Tax Return) January 2018 (ENCS)Full Text | Annex A | Guidelines
RMC No. 2-2018 Provides the transition procedures for all taxpayers filing tax returns January 8, 2018
affected by the revised tax rates pursuant to the provisions of RA No.
10963 (Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion or TRAIN Law)
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 104- Circularizes the copy of RA No. 10963 (Tax Reform for Acceleration and December 29,
2017 Inclusion [TRAIN] Act) and President Duterte’s VETO message to the 2017
Digest|Full Text|VETO|RA 10963
RMC No. 62- Clarification on proper tax treatment of passed-on Gross Receipts Tax June 14, 2016
2016 Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 71- Allows taxpayers who are mandated to file their tax returns thru October 30, 2015
2015 Electronic Filing and Payment System and Electronic BIR Forms in
areas affected by Typhoon Lando to temporarily file their tax returns and
pay their taxes manually
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 40- Clarifying the Nature and Extent of the Agricultural Cooperative Being July 15, 2015
2015 the Producer of Sugar for Exemption from Advance VAT and
Percentage Tax Purposes Pursuant to Section 5(b)(c) of Revenue
Regulations (RR) No. 8-2015; in relation to Section 4(a) of RR No. 13-
2008, and in line with Section 8(b.2.1.2) of the Joint Rules and
Regulations Implementing Articles 60, 61 and 144 of Republic Act (RA)
No. 9520, or the Cooperative Code of 2008.
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 25- Clarifies pertinent provisions of RR No. 6-2015 more particularly on the May 6, 2015
2015 imposition of advance business tax (Value-Added Tax or Percentage
Tax) on raw cane sugar and refined sugar
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 24- Clarifies pertinent provisions of Revenue Regulations No. 2-2015 more May 6, 2015
2015 particularly on the submission of scanned copies of BIR Form Nos. 2307
and 2316
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 21- Provides alternative modes in the filing of BIR Form Nos. 2551M, April 20, 2015
2015 2551Q, 2550M and 2550Q using the electronic platforms of BIR
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 9-2013 Clarifying the taxability of association dues, membership fees and other January 30, 2013
assessments/charges collected by homeowners’ associations
Digest | Full Text
RMC No. 49- Further Amending Certain Portions of RMC No. 30-2008, as Amended June 7, 2010
2010 by RMC No. 59-2008, on the Subject of the Taxability of Insurance
Companies for Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT), Business Tax
and Documentary Stamp Tax Purposes
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 18- Clarification on the Coverage and Taxability of Amusement Places under March 8, 2010
2010 Section 125(b) of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 16- Clarifying the Instruments Embraced by the Term "Deposit Substitutes" March 17, 2009
2009 Under Revenue Regulations No. 8-2008
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 59- Amending Certain Portions of RMC No. 30-2008 on the Subject of the August 27, 2008
2008 Taxability of Insurance Companies for Minimum Corporate Income Tax,
Business Tax and Documentary Stamp Tax Purposes
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 46- Clarification of Issues Concerning Common Carriers by Air and Their June 20, 2008
2008 Agents Relative to the Revenue and Receipt from Transport of
Passengers, Goods/Cargoes and Mail, and from Excess Baggage
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 30- Clarifies the Taxability of Insurance companies for Minimum Corporate April 8, 2008
2008 Income Tax, Business Tax and Documentary Stamp Tax Purposes
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 73- Guidelines and Policies Applicable to the Business Tax Applicable to November 26,
2004 Pawnshops as a Result of the Issuance of Revenue Regulations No. 10- 2004
2004, Including Pawnshops Under the Classification of Other Non-Bank
Financial Intermediaries in Accordance with the Power Granted the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue Under Section 4 of Republic Act No.
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 37- Settlement of the Value-Added Tax Liabilities of Pawnshops for Taxable June 16, 2004
2004 Years 1996 to 2002
Digest|Full Text|Annex A|Annex 1|Annex 2
RMC No. 10- Guidelines and Policies to Supplement RMC No. 9-2004 issued in February 23, 2004
2004 Relation to the Implementation of Republic Act No. 9238 for Banks and
Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries, Specifically for the Re-imposition of
Gross Receipts Tax
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 9-2004 Guidelines and Policies Applicable to the Business Tax Applicable to February 19, 2004
Banks and Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries Performing Quasi-
Banking Functions and other Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries as a
Result of the Enactment and Effectivity of Republic Act No. 9238, An Act
Amending Certain Provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code of
1997, as amended, by Excluding Several Services from the Coverage of
the Value-Added Tax and Re-Imposing the Gross Receipts Tax on
Banks and Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries Performing Quasi-
Banking Functions and Other Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries
Beginning January 1, 2004
Digest|Full Text | RA 9238
RMO No. 69- Clarifying the Tax Base for Purposes of the Percentage (Gross October 22, 2003
2003 Receipts) Tax Imposed under Sections 121 and 122 of the Tax Code
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 14- Waiver of Penalties on Persons Engaged in the Practice of Profession or March 26, 2003
2003 Calling and Professional Services Rendered by General Professional
Partnerships; Services Rendered by Actors, Actresses, Talents, Singers
and Emcees, Radio and Television Broadcasters and Choreographers,
Musical, Radio, Movie, Television and Stage Directors, and Professional
Athletes; and, Services Rendered by Customs, Real Estate, Stock,
Immigration and Commercial Brokers Becoming Liable to VAT or
Percentage Tax, Whichever is Applicable, Beginning January 1, 2003
Who Failed to File Their VAT/Percentage Tax Returns for the Months of
January and February on the Due Dates Specified Under Revenue
Regulations No. 1-2003, as amended by Revenue Regulations Nos. 3-
2003 and 11-2003
Digest|Full Text
RMC No. 6-2003 Clarifying Certain Issues Relative to the Services Rendered by Individual January 22, 2003
Professional Practitioners, General Professional Partnerships,
Entertainers, and Professional Athletes who are subject to the Value-
Added Tax or Percentage Tax, whichever is Applicable, Beginning
January 1, 2003
Digest|Full Text|Annex A
RMC No. 51- Imposition of the Gross Receipts Tax Under Sections 121 and 122 of the November 15,
2002 Tax Code on Items of Gross Income Subject to Final Withholding Tax 2002
and Clarifying the Tax Base thereof

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