Percentage Tax: o o o o o o
Percentage Tax: o o o o o o
Percentage Tax: o o o o o o
Percentage tax is a business tax imposed on persons, entities, or transactions specified under
Sections 116 to 127 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 (also known as Tax Code), as
amended, and as required under special laws.
Quarterly Percentage Tax under Sections 116 to 126 of the Tax Code, as amended
Persons refer to individuals and non-individuals, which include, but are not limited to, estates,
trusts, partnerships, and corporations.
1. Persons, who are not VAT-registered, who sell goods, properties or services, whose annual gross
sales and/or receipts do not exceed three million pesos (Php3,000,000.00) and are exempt from
value-added tax (VAT) under Section 109 (BB) of the National Internal Revenue Code, as
amended by Republic Act (RA) No. 10963.
2. Persons who lease residential units where the monthly rental per unit exceeds fifteen thousand
pesos (Php15,000.00) but the aggregate of such rentals of the lessor during the year does not
exceed three million pesos (Php3,000,000.00)
3. Persons engaged in the following industries/transactions:
a. Cars for rent or hire driven by the lessee, transportation contractors, including persons
who transport passengers for hire, and other domestic carriers by land for the transport of
passengers (except owners of bancas and owners of animal-drawn two-wheeled vehicle)
and keepers of garages
b. International air/shipping carriers doing business in the Philippines on their gross receipts
derived from transport of cargo from the Philippines to another country
c. Franchise grantees of –
i. radio and/or television broadcasting companies whose annual gross receipts for
the preceding year do not exceed Php 10,000,000.00 and did not opt to register
as VAT taxpayers, and
ii. gas and water utilities.
d. Overseas dispatch, message or conversation transmitted from the Philippines by
telephone, telegraph, tele-writer exchange, wireless and other communication equipment
services, except those transmitted by:
How to file/pay?
Documentary Requirements
Note: "No payment" returns filed late will result on imposition by the RDO of penalties, which shall be paid
at the concerned AAB.
When to File/Pay
Within twenty-five (25) days after the end of each taxable quarter
Overseas dispatch, message or conversation Amount paid for the service 10%
originating from the Philippines
Banks and non-bank financial intermediaries Interest, commissions and discounts from lending
performing quasi-banking functions activities as well as income from financial leasing,
on the basis of remaining maturities of instruments
from which receipts are derived:
• If maturity period is five years or less 5%
• If maturity period is more than five 1%
Dividends and equity shares and net 0%
income of subsidiaries
Royalties, rentals of property, real or 7%
personal, profits from exchange and
all other items treated as gross
income under Sec. 32 of the Tax
Code, as amended
Net trading gains within the taxable 7%
year of foreign currency, debt
securities, derivatives and other
similar financial instruments
Other non-bank financial intermediaries Interest, commissions, discounts and 5%
all other items treated as gross
income under the Tax Code, as
Interest, commissions, discounts from lending
activities, as well as income from financial leasing
on the basis of remaining maturities of instruments
from which such receipts are derived:
• If maturity period is five years or less 5%
• If maturity period is more than five 1%
Life Insurance Company/Agent/Corporation Total premiums collected 2%
(except purely cooperative companies or
Agents of foreign insurance companies (except reinsurance premium):
Insurance agents authorized under the Insurance Total premiums collected 4%
Code to procure policies of insurance for
companies not authorized to transact business in
the Philippines
Owners of property obtaining insurance directly Total premiums paid 5%
with foreign insurance companies
Proprietor, lessee or operator of the following:
Cockpits Gross receipts 18%
Cabarets, Night or Day Clubs, videoke bars, Gross receipts 18%
karaoke bars, karaoke televisions, karaoke boxes
and music lounges
Boxing exhibitions (except when the World or Gross receipts 10%
Oriental Championship is at stake in any division,
provided further that at least one of the
contenders for World Championship is a citizen
of the Philippines and said exhibitions are
promoted by a citizen/s of the Philippines or by a
corporation/ association at least 60% of the
capital of which is owned by said citizen/s)
Professional basketball games (in lieu of all other Gross receipts 15%
percentage taxes of whatever nature and
Jai-alai and race track Gross receipts 30%
Winnings on horse races Winnings or 'dividends' 10%
Winnings from double 4%
forecast/quinella and trifecta bets
Prizes of owners of winning race 10%
[return to index]
Percentage Tax for Transactions Involving Shares of Stocks under Section 127 of the
Tax Code, as amended
BIR Form 2552 - Percentage Tax Return for Transactions Involving Shares of Stocks Listed and Traded
Through The Local Stock Exchange or Through Initial and/or Secondary Public Offering
1. Every stock broker who effected a sale, barter or exchange of shares of stock listed and traded
through the local stock exchange other than the sale by a dealer in securities, which tax shall be
paid by the seller/transferor
2. A corporate issuer, engaged in the sale, exchange or other disposition through Initial Public
Offering (IPO) of shares of stock in closely-held corporations
3. A stock broker who effected a sale, exchange or other disposition through secondary public
offering of shares of stock in closely-held corporations
How to file/pay?
Documentary Requirements
1. BIR Form 2552 - Percentage Tax Return for Transactions Involving Shares of Stocks
2. Duly issued Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld at Source (BIR Form 2307), if applicable
3. Proof of Exemption for transactions not subject to tax, if applicable
4. Duly approved Tax Debit Memo, if applicable
5. For amended return, proof of payment and the return previously filed
6. Authorization letter, if filed by an authorized representative
Note: "No payment" returns filed late will result on penalties that will be imposed by the RDO, which shall
be paid at the concerned AAB.
When to File/Pay
1. For tax on sale of shares of stocks listed and traded through the local stock exchange (LSE) –
within five (5) banking days from the date of collection
2. For tax on shares of stocks sold or exchanged through primary offering - within 30 days from the
date of listing in the LSE
3. For tax on shares of stocks sold or exchanged through secondary public offering - within five (5)
banking days from the date of collection
Note: Aside from BIR Form No. 2552, a stockbroker or corporate issuer is also required to submit a true
and complete return to the Secretary of the Stock Exchange of which he is a member. The said return
shall contain a declaration of all transactions effected through him during the preceding week and of taxes
collected by him and turned over to the BIR.
[return to index]