Root Methods - A Handbook (PDFDrive) PDF
Root Methods - A Handbook (PDFDrive) PDF
Root Methods - A Handbook (PDFDrive) PDF
Root Methods
A Handbook
i Springer
Dr. Albert 1. Smit Dr. Meine van Noordwijk
Plant Research International ICRAF, JI CIFOR
(Wageningen UR) PO Box 161, Situ Gede
Postbus 16,6700 AA Wageningen, Sindang Barang Bogor 16680
The Netherlands 16001 Bogor,Indonesia
Cover illustration: Maize root system (see Fig. 4.3a in Chap.4 by 1. Pages et al.)
This book is the result of a project financed by the European Union: Concerted Action
AIR3-CT 93-0994: The dynamics of rooting patterns in relation to nutrients and water in soils.
Development, standardisation and documentation of methodologies. The contents of the book
is the sole responsibility of the Editors and Authors and does not represent the views of the
Commission or its services.
ISBN 978-3-642-08602-1
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Root methods: a handbook I A.L. Smit ... [et al.], (eds.). p. cm. Inc1udes bibliographical refer-
ISBN 978-3-642-08602-1 ISBN 978-3-662-04188-8 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-04188-8
1. Roots (Botany) 1. Smit,A. L. (Albert L.), 1950-
QK644.R6562000 575.5'4-dc21
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Although improvements have been made recently for some methods, working
on roots is stiH tedious and time-consuming. Compared to some other disci-
plines, a root researcher requires a considerable budget for his or her work. It
is for this reason that in root research careful planning, the choice of appro-
priate methods and also a clear idea of which root characteristic should be
observed in relation to the goal of the research question are fundamental. Con-
sequently, it is recommended to make use of "root experience" developed else-
where as much as possible.
A logical choice is then to produce a handbook in which root methods in
current use are made available to a broader public. Since B6hm's book several
new methods have been developed: e.g. the use of mini-rhizotrons (already
mentioned in his book) has increased considerably and several (time-saving)
new methods of observing roots using mini-rhizotrons have been developed.
However, many older methods have also been revised and are described in
this book.
Scientific Contents
At a time when researchers are often forced to reduce their budgets, root
research is under pressure because of its time-consuming and expensive char-
acter. This book enables the researcher to make use of the expertise and knowl-
edge available worldwide as much as possible, as it gives a broad overview of
an available methods.
VI Preface
Not only sophisticated new methods (image analysis, CT scans etc.) are
described, but also time-saving "quick and (hopefully not too) dirty tricks" to
quantify root growth and root distribution in the soil profile.
Each chapter of the book was written by authorities on the subject. Virtu-
allyall methods which can be used to expose "the hidden half" of the plant (in
reference to a well-known book on root growth and function, Waisel et al. 1996)
are described.
In the introductory chapter the importance of roots in ecology and crop
production is explained (why and what to measure). The following two chap-
ters deal with methods to measure root system properties (anatomy, root hairs,
mycorrhizae) and to measure the effect of environmental interactions (mechan-
ical stress, water, oxygen, temperature) on root growth and functioning, under
both laboratory and field conditions.
A number of chapters focus on the assessment of root distribution and root
dynamics under field conditions. Advice is given on sampling strategy and
statistics, before treating in detail auger sampling, in-growth cores, pinboard
methods, trench profile techniques and core break methods. AIso, the use of
transparent interfaces in a soil profile (mini-rhizotrons and root windows) is
explained in detail. One chapter is devoted to processing the data from root
observations to analyse (fine) root longevity, an important aspect in ecosystem
processes. Relatively new methods described in the book include modelling
(describing root growth and architecture as well as functioning), the use of root
image analysis (IA), computer-assisted tomography (CAT) and magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI).
Finally, techniques for the experimental determination of functioning of
roots are described in the second part of the book, e.g. a review on the use of
isotope techniques in root research and methods to assess nutrient acquisition,
water uptake and plant anchorage.
We hope that this book will be a guide for research workers in many areas
of the plant and soil sciences, agriculture, forestry and horticulture, to the
benefit of production systems and natural ecosystems.
More people than the mentioned authors contributed to this book. Several
participants of RootAction, who are specialists on a certain topic, shared their
expertise with the authors. They are gratefully acknowledged. Furthermore, to
guarantee scientific quality, the individual chapters were reviewed by at least
two independent reviewers. Special thanks are extended to these reviewers
(listed on the pages IX, X). They not only thoroughly reviewed the chapters but,
in many cases, also made valuable suggestions to the authors.
We also thank many colleagues and editors of journals for permission to
use photographs and figures. Many thanks also to Springer-Verlag (Germany)
for excellent and efficient support in the final stages of the production of
this book.
Finally, we hope that this handbook will not only be found in libraries of
institutes and universities, but will also have a permanent place on the desks of
many scientists working on roots. This would be an indication that the book is
used as it was intended: as a handbook!
Bohm W (1979) Methods of studying root systems. Ecological Studies 33. Springer Berlin Hei-
delberg New York
Waisel Y, Amram E, Katkafi U (eds) (1996) Plant Roots. Marcel Dekker, New Yok
The Editors
Chapter 6. Auger Sampling, Ingrowth Cores and Pinboard Methods ..... 175
M. do Rosario G. Oliveira, M. van Noordwijk, S.R. Gaze, G. Brouwer,
S. Bona, G. Mosca, and K. Hairiah
Chapter 7. Trench Profile Techniques and Core Break Methods ......... 211
M. van Noordwijk, G. Brouwer, F. Meijboom, M. do Rosario G. Oliveira,
and A.G. Bengough
Chapter 13. Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition . . . . .. 403
Ch. Engels, G. Neumann, T.S. Gahoonia, E. George, and M. Schenk
Chapter 3: Dr. W.R. Whalley, Silsoe Research Institute, Wrest Park, Silsoe,
Bedford, MK45 4HS, UK, tel. +44 1525860000, fax +44 1525860156,
Chapter 7: Dr. M. van Noordwijk, ICRAF, Il CIFOR, P.O. Box 161, Situ Gede,
Sindang Barang Bogor 16680,16001 Bogor, Indonesia, tel. +62251 625415,
fax +62251625416, e-mail:
Chapter 10: Dr. W. Richner, ETH Ziirich, Institute of Plant Sciences, ETH
Zentrum, LFW A4, 8092 Ziirich, Switzerland, tel. +41 1 6324237,
fax +41 1 632 1143, e-mail:
Chapter 11: Dr. S. Asseng, CSIRO Division of Plant Industry, Private Bag
PO, Wembley, WA 6014, Australia, tel. +61 893336615, fax +61 893878991,
Chapter 12: Prof. Dr. D. Robinson, Department of Plant and Soil Science,
University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB 24 3UU, UK, tel. +44 1224 273 662,
fax +44 1224 272 703, e-mail:
Chapter 13: Prof. Dr. Ch. Engels, University of Bayreuth, Institut fUr
Geowissenschaften, Abt. Agrar6kologie, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany, tel. +49
921/552292, fax +49921/552315, e-mail:
Chapter 14: Dr. J.E. Fermindez, Inst. de Recur. Natur. y Agrobiol. de Sevilla,
Avenida de Reina Mercedes, No. 10, Aptdo 1052,41080 Sevilla, Spain,
tel. +34 954 624711, fax +34 954 624002, e-mail:
Chapter 15: Dr. P. de Willigen, Alterra, Green World Research, Postbus 47,
6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands, tel. +31317474204,
fax +31 317419000, e-mail:
Chapter 16: Dr. S. Pellerin, INRA, B.P. 81, 71 Avenue Edouard Bourleaux,
33883 Villenave d'Ornon Cedex, France, tel. +33556843051,
fax +33 556843054, e-mail:
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Why Study Roots? 2
Ecologica! Significance 2
Resource Capture 2
Soil Microbes 2
Resource Allocation 3
Plant Interactions 3
Soil Structure 3
Anchorage 3
Root Products 3
Basic Biological Information 3
1.2.1 EcologicaI Significance 3
1.2.2 Resource Cap ture 6
1.2.3 SoiI Microbes 7
1.2.4 Resource Allocation 8
1.2.5 Plant Interactions 10
1.2.6 Soil Structure 10
1.2.7 Anchorage 12
1.2.8 Root Products 12
1.2.9 Basic Biological Information 13
1.3 What Should Be Measured? 13
1.3.1 Available Methods 21
IA The Interconversion of Values 22
1.4.1 Methodological Interconversions 22
1.4.2 Spatial and Temporal Interconversions 24
1.5 Functiona! Relationships Between Traits 24
1.6 Appropriate Scales for Measurement 27
1.7 Individual and Populat ion Measurements 27
1.8 Data for Modelling Studies 28
1.9 What Is the Functional Significance of Field Measurements? 28
1.10 Future Trends 29
References 30
1.1 Introduction
A volume on available methods for the measurement of roots must begin by
questioning why such a volume is needed and thus with questions such as "Why
measure roots?" "What root parameters need to be measured?" and "What is
the functional, physiological, or ecological significance of a particular morpho-
logical assessment?" To provide some perspective to this volume, these key ques-
tions are discussed here. Measurements of root properties are made and used
by those involved in quantifying and managing both agricultural and natural
ecosystems. It is important therefore that methods and definitions can be used
in relation to the full range of species found in a complete range of habitats.
Resource Capture. Roots represent the principal means whereby plants extract
resources such as nutrients and water from soil. Current expenditure on irri-
gation systems and fertilisers aUest to the importance of nutrient and water to
crop production. An understanding of roots will help to eliminate wastage and
adverse environmental effects.
Soil Microbes. The root system represents the major pathway for the flow of
carbon to the soi! and to soil organisms, especially those in the rhizosphere. As
1 Root Characteristics: Why and What to Measure 3
rhizosphere organisms are responsible for many key processes, such as N immo-
bilisation, NH4 oxidation, denitrification, and root nodulation, the supply of
resources to the soil is potentially critical to the evaluation of soil carbon
budgets. In addition, there is an increasing body of information on the effects
of plant species on soil microbial composition. This has gained additional
emphasis as a consequence of the debate about the impact of raised atmos-
pheric levels of CO 2 and nitrous oxide.
Plant Interactions. Roots represent one of the key means whereby plants of the
same and other species interact. These interactions are now being seen, both in
relation to temperate and tropical multi-crop systems, as means of improving
the efficiency of resource use.
Soil Structure. The root and its associated microflora have a major effect upon
soil structure and the stability of aggregates. The input of organic matter to
the soil which they represent will influence key soil properties such as cation
exchange capacity.
Anchorage. Roots are essential for plant stability and anchorage. While this is
particularly important for tree crops, it has significant economic implications
for many fie1d crops, e.g. cereals.
These topics are reviewed briefly to provided a background to the later discus-
sion of methods.
have species which are both characteristic of and different between habitats, we
are still unaware of the cycle of interactions between soil characteristics and
the amount of root. It is clear that in most plants roots exist to absorb nutri-
ents and water and to anchor the plant to its substrate. "Roots are natural
selection's design solution to the problems of obtaining these resources from
a heterogeneous, porous, semi-compressible medium containing solid, liquid
and gaseous phases" (Robinson 1991). Against this basic requirement, plants
have evolved a series of strategies to solve the problem of maintaining an
upright stance; at least for their reproductive structures, and to cap ture suffi-
cient assimilates to reproduce and transfer their genes to the next generat ion.
This variety of strategies alIows for different genotypes to co-exist and for the
acquisition of resources from different soils. These adaptations occur at several
levels (Robinson 1991) and are illustrated in Fig. 1.1. Although activity at sub-
celIular, celIular, organ and whole plant levels must have a molecular basis, it
seems that such higher level functions as morphological variation probably
account for much of the variation in the response to soil factors. Atkinson
(l990a) reviewed variation in morphological and physiological traits and found
that while a morphological feature such as root length density could vary
between species and habitats by a factor of lO3, physiological attributes nor-
malIy varied only by around lOl. This emphasises the need for the types of
values which are measured in field studies of roots.
Developments in soil microbiology (see also Sect. 1.2.2), especialIy in the use
of molecular methods to identify organisms and their effects, indicate the asso-
ciation between specific microbes and individual species. This suggests that
roots may be critical to the establishment of microbial populations in soil which
then influence fac tors such as soil structure and nutrient transformations, which
go on to influence vegetation development. This and other ecological processes
suggest that in natural ecosystems a range of measurements, which are wider
than commonly made in crop situations, will be necessary. In a crop situation,
plants principalIy interact with other plants with whom they share the whole or
most of their genotype. AlI individuals are relatively similar and so the purpose
of studies tends to be the prediction of the use of soil water or the extraction of
nutrients, which will then inform either a fertiliser or irrigation programme. In
natural ecosystems, a range of genotypes will be present. A range of strategies
will be exhibited with the possibility of particular characteristics leading to
effective resource acquisition in a limiting situation. As roots are not effective in
radiation capture, or the production of reproductive structures, there will be
many situations where resource allocated to the root system, even when needed
to absorb water and nutrients, represents a reduction in total productivity. The
challenge of having sufficient plasticity to cope with variations in environmen-
taI resources, is illustrated in Fig. 1.2.
1 Root Characteristics: Why and What to Measure 5
Fig. 1.1. Hierarchies of (al
o (bl
nutrient and water fiux in H"
The balan ce, in terms of root system design, between risk and insurance
strategies is poorly understood, but some elements have been discussed by
Grime et al. (1991) for some of the species found in natural vegetation. Grime
(1974) suggested that plant evolutionary strateg ies could be divided into three
trait groups (1) competitors, (2) stress tolerators and (3) ruderals. Competitors
are associated with rapid growth rates and therefore depend upon the ability
to sustain high rates of resource capture. Morphological plasticity is important
here. These species have high rates of reinvestment of the captured resources
in new roots. This type of investment must result in access to significant edaphic
resources. Stress tolerators depend upon their capacity to both capture and to
retain scarce resources. This tends to mean that roots will be long lived with
plasticity expressed by physiological changes. Ruderal species exhibit the
premature development of reproductive structures. In their vegetative phase,
6 D.Atkinson
adaptive foraging for nutrients will be important. The complexity of the above
attributes indicates the need for a varied range of methods for the study of
natural ecosystems.
Our understanding of the impact of individual root and root system prop-
erties on nutrient capture is limited, so that it is easier for us to list root system
parameters than to specify the functional and ecological significance of these
parameters. The linkages and interdependence of properties means that a cor-
relation between a property and function may not indicate an unambiguous
functional role for that characteristic, but merely that it is a good surrogate for
a root or root system key characteristic. During the 1970s, considerable efforts
were made to relate nutrient supply to root length (Nye and Tinker 1978). The
ability of plants to absorb nutrients, in a range of glasshouse trials, could be
substantially explained in terms of the intensity of nutrient supply from the soil
and the length of root present in the soil. This led to the assumption that in
relation to nutrient supply, contact between root length and the soil was the
key element in root system design. The correlation between root length and root
mass, itself a complex character, means that true interpretation is far from
simple. In addition, it is clear that evolutionary success has given importance
to other characteristics. A high specific root length (SRL, length per unit mass)
represents an effective use of resources to maximise soil contact. However, SRL
varies between species (Atkinson 1990a). Recorded values for SRL are as low
as 5 m g-l for apple and as high as 750 m g-l in Lolium perenne. In general, SRL
seems lower in dicotyledenous species than in monocotyledonous species. The
amount of root in the soil, root length density (RLD), also varies in the same
way as seems evident for SRL. These properties are also influenced by soil
microbes and will be affected by the ecological strategies discussed above. Unt il
the interaction of these factors is wholly understood, there will be a need for a
suite of measurements to characterise root system performance.
amounts of root and shoot are functionalIy related and can only vary within
certain limits, a range of studies indicate that for alI species a certain minimum
proportion of root is needed to supply a given quantity of leaf or shoot
(Atkinson and FogelI997). HelIriegel (1883) formulated his fundamentallaw of
agriculture, a consequence of which is that every limitat ion to root growth leads
to reduced shoot growth. Brouwer (1962) proposed the concept of a functional
shoot-root equilibrium and showed that, in situations of good supply of water
and mineral nutrients, small root systems can alIow maximum shoot produc-
tion (the risk strategy of Fig. 1.2). Large root systems may result in an increase
in the efficiency of water and nutrient extraction, especialIy when nutrient
supply is patchy in either chemical, spatial or temporal terms (the insurance
strategy of Fig. 1.2). This type of variation is shown in Fig. 1.3 for young trees
of Betula pendula (Lavender 1992) supplied with low or high levels of nitrogen.
With low rates of N, shoot growth was limited but constant, while the root-shoot
ratio varied between 0.45 and 0.85. In contrast, with a high N supply, shoot
growth was substantial, around 5 times that with low N but varied from 3.5 to
6.5 x mean low N growth. The R: S ratio in contrast varied only between 0.3 and
0.5, i.e. to a much smaller extent than under low N conditions. Under conditions
of low N supply, available resources were used to increase the size of the root
0.8 '0 0
00 0
0.1 o o
0.6 o
6::: o
0.5 • • •
o • ••
•• •
• • •
• •• •
• • •
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 10 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 S.S 6.0 6.S 7.0
Fig.1.3. The relationship between R: S and shoot dry weight (g) for four Betula pendula clones
at two levels of nitrogen addition. Clased circles represent high and apen circles low levels of
nitrogen addition. Each point represents one plant. (After Lavender 1992)
10 D.Atkinson
Soil structure influences the growth of roots (Passioura 1991; Tardieu 1994;
Atkinson and Mackie-Dawson 1991). The whole "soil cultivation" industry
depends upon this fact. Although species respond to different extents, a relatively
mild mechanical stress reduced root elongation in wheat by 47% and in maize
by 68% (Goss et al. 1989). Conversely, roots and their associated organisms can
also influence the structure of soils. Miller and Jastrow (1992) have shown that
roots and mycorrhizal hyphae "as a result of a series of mechanisms" are
involved in the creation of water-stable soil aggregates. The formation of these
Root Characteristics: Why and What to Measure 11
% %
31 [
12 16
3 4
10939 547 9
13 84 9 22
Fig. 1.4. Golden Deiicious/M9. The effect of spacing on the form of the root system, the weight
of root and shoot and the % distribution of root weight with depth. (After Atkinson 1978)
1.2.7 Anchorage
Anchorage is a critic al feature for alI trees and many other woody perennials.
Listing the features of a root system which provide good anchorage (Coutts
1983) remains far from definitive. McKay and Coutts (1989) identified a series
of components of which the weight of roots to be pulled from the soil, the resis-
tance of roots pulled from the soil (related to root system diameter), and the
soil area exploited by the root system were important. Root system properties
inftuencing the anchorage of herbaceous plants have been discussed by Ennos
et al. (1993). The bonding between root and soil is important in resisting verti-
cal forces such as those occurring during grazing, while the production of a
rigid vertical structure extending to a distance below the soil surface and with
horizontal members at this depth also seemed significant in this situation.
These architectural properties are distinct from those reviewed in Section 1.2.1.
Many of the properties needed for anchorage will differ from those which relate
to nutrient acquisition. A number of key properties need to be measured at a
substantial geographic scale.
An early publicat ion (Evelyn 1662), indicates a means of recovering roots for
use as an energy source, firewood (Fig. 1.5). Currently, there is interest in roots
Most field studies of roots and root systems are carried out for applied or strate-
gic reasons. Information from field studies, e.g. total root length, root length
density and specific root length are needed to validate the output from basic
models and for use in detailed studies of individual root properties. The para-
meters needed for process orientated models of crop growth have recently
been reviewed by Van Noordwijk and Van de Geijn (1996). They identified a need
for parameters related to root-soil geometry, soils and plants. The plant
parameters included both state parameters and physiologically linked charac-
teristics such as hydraulic conductance and the minimum effective nutrient con-
centration at the root surface for uptake to occur. The investment in time to make
many of these measurements asks difficult questions about minimum data sets
and the ability to estimate particular root parameters from other properties. In
addition to their role in resource acquisition, roots have a role in producing hor-
mones such as ABA and in storing carbohydrates and proteins (Hennerty
et al. 1980).
In the absence of absolute and unique links between particular root properties
and functional objectives, there will be a need to measure a number of para-
meters to obtain a full picture. In addition, establishing functional and allo-
metric links between different parameters will be important for the use of data
in a wide range of circumstances. In many situations, available time and equip-
ment will limit the measurements made and so the ability to estimate other
parameters will be important. In addition, in other situations, only rough esti-
mates of root presence or function may be needed. There is a need, therefore,
to reconcile root measurement with function, to assess the extent of our knowl-
edge on the interrelationships of root parameters and to ask what information
exists on what can be obtained from rapid root system assessments. It is impor-
tant to begin by defining key root system parameters which are then related
to functional significance and to methods of determination (Table 1.1). These
Table 1.1. The definition of key root system parameters and their usual units ""
Parameter Definition Function/significance Usual means of measurement
(alternatives; unit)
Root length Length of ali root members present. Total root system size. Potential for Monolith methods - soi! coring, needle
(m) absorption of nutrients or water from soi!. boards, etc.
Indicator of bas eline soi! microbial, Rhizotron and mini-rhizotron methods can
especially AMF, activity in soil and of be used but rely on assumptions (Atkinson
microbial functioning, e.g. organic 1985). Profile wall methods (Atkinson and
phosphorus catabolism. Mackie-Dawson 1991) can be used when
Basis for most functional calculations. Large limited precis ion is required.
temporal variation.
Root weight Oven-dry weight of the total root system Total root system size. Monolith methods, especially soil coring,
(mass, standing crop; g) (and attached micro-organisms). Corrections Standing crop of below-ground materia!. but may involve partial or total excavations
may need to be made for attached soi! Amount of assimi!ate moved below-ground. for woody perennials.
Root number The total number of individual roots Hormone production (e.g. cytokinin) Counts of samples obtained by soi! coring,
(~1 °,2°,3°,4°,5°). potential, meristematic activity, presence in profile walls, rhizotron or mini-rhizotron
volume of soi!. methods. Root tips equal to 50% of alilinks
regardless of system topology. Specifying
whether total number or number of tips is
Root: shoot ratio The ratio of the dry weight of root to the dry Relative allocation strategy. Used against a Estimated from root and shoot weight. ~
(dimensionless) weight of leaves + stem (branches). bench-mark of plant nutrient status. '"o
Root length density The length of root present in a unit volume Probable limitations to soi! nutrient and Calculated from root length and soi! volume
(intensity; cmcm-3 of soi! to or at a specified depth. This is water exploitation. to which measure applies. O
ormlmt') commonly identified as Lv. O
Cumulative root density The length of root present under a unit area ::r
(mmcm-2 soi!) of soi! surface to a specified depth. This is ii!
commonly identified as LA' ID
Specific root length The length of root associated with a unit Within-root system allocation strategy, Calculated from root length and root ..'"
(SRL; mg-') of dry weight. (This is not always a good relative importance of soi! exploitation. weight. !Il
indicator of diameter for which it is :e::r
sometimes used.) '<
Root fresh weight: The ratio of the wet and dry weights of the
dryweight root system. (FW/DW-l has been used to ::r
(dimensionless) give an estimate of volume.) ..:e
Root density The length of root associated with a unit 3:
(mmt') volume of root tissue. (Together with SRL III
can be used to estimate root diameter.) c
Root radius The radius (diameter) of an average Potential for mycorrhizal development, Measured directly or calculated from root
(diameter; mm) individual root; usually assumed to be a regulation of water stress, potential for length and volume.
plain cylinder. (Frequently calculated from apoplast-symplast exchange, growth
length and volume or FW.) potential, influences and responds to soi!
physical condition.
Root of secondary A root with at least some woody tissues and For perennial species the amount of Measured in terms of weight or length.
structure where the externallayer is usually a bark investment in root system infrastructure.
(woody, brown root) ceH. (Many of the roots of perennial species
are in this category.) U1
Table 1.1. (cont.) '"
Parameter Definition Function/significance Usual means of measurement
(alternatives; unit)
Root system branching Relative intensity of soi! exploitation, mean Measured lengths or number of roots
pattern root longevity, soi! exploitation strategy. of different orders.
Root longevity The length of time for which an individual Potential for rapid adjustment in root Measured on cohorts, identified using
(d) root either is physically present or alive in length. Plasticity in relation to reduction rhizotrons or minirhizotrons.
the soil. Under soi! conditions where in length. Flux of carbon to rhizosphere,
decomposition is slow, defining whether nutrient release. Indicator of soi!
longevity relates to present or alive is exploitation strategy.
critical. This is most commonly given as a ţJ
mean value or as a range for a population.
This may not necessari!y relate to the length ~
of time for which the root is functional. '"
Root cohort A group or population of roots which are ~
initiated (or become obvious) during a n
short, defined period of time.
Root production An estimate of the total amount of root Overall potential for soi! exploitation, over Sequential soi! core estimates or a it..
(kgha-1yr-1) produced during a given time period for a specific time periods. The ability to increase combination of baseline standing crop and i-
given land area (commonly a growing season root system length. The ability to exploit rhizotron or mini-rhizotron measurements. ~.
or year) and estimated either from the sum the soi!. :e
of new root production on a weekly basis or ~
from the difference between live root and III
dead root (necromass) amounts at the
beginning and end of the assessment period.
Root growth rate The rate of increase in the length of an (ţ
(mm day-l or g week-1) individual root or the short -term gain in 3:
mass. III
Mycorrhizal infection The degree of infection of a root with, Carbon allocation strategy, soi! health, real
Estimation from stained root samples. ii!
(AMF;%) usually, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. effective surface for nutrient uptake.
Infection is usually scored on a presence
rather than intensity basis with scores based
upon the proportion of 2 mm-long root
sections containing evidence (hyphae,
arbusc1es, vesic1es) of fungal presence.
Vertical distribution
-Rooting depth The depth of the deepest root found on Physical stability or anchorage, depth of soi! Soi! core samples. Profile walls. Diagnostic
(m) a plant root system. exploited, potential for resource use and the pits for coarse estimates.
estimation of avai!able nutrient and water
Horizontal Distribution
-Root system diameter A semi -quantitative estimate of the area of Stability of anchorage. Profile walls, partial or total excavation.
(m) soi! under which the root system is found or Potential for interaction with other species.
which, at a particular point in time, is Estimation of available soi! nutrients and
influenced by the activities of the root water.
system and its associated organisms. ~
Root activity Temporal changes in the amount of a soil Root system functioning, uptake per unit Depletion of soi! water, or uptake of isotopes
(varied) resource or evidence of a material being amount of root, km, kmio> exudation of from soi!. ::s-
moved into the above-ground part of the physiologically active molecules, nutrient ii!
plant. This may also include evidence of storage potential. ID
hormone production or of storage and ~.
mobilisation. ;::i'
Root uptake ability The Michaelis-Menten constant for uptake of
(kmor k min ; ţ1m) a specific nutrient at 50% of the maximum ~
rate of nutrient uptake ("optimal" rate) bya :::1
unit length of root. This is calculated as the ::e
minimum soi! solution nutrient ili
concentration (Cmin) from which a nutrient
can be absorbed. s:
Viable (functional) root The length of root present which is able to 11\
length carry out resource capture ar physiological ;;
(m) activity under field conditions. This is
difficult ta measure and sa is frequently
assumed ta be equal ta total (unsuberized)
root length.
Phenology (periodicity) The period(s) during the year when root Functional plasticity, ability to complement Rhizotron and mini-rhizotron methods.
production ar growth is occurring. activities of other species, potential ta use
temporarily avai!able resources.
20 D.Atkinson
indicate that the various direct measures and estimated root parameters will
have a different functional significance. The measurement of a number of the
critical attributes of roots e.g. hormone production, require those measure-
ments to be made under the controlled and commonly homogeneous condi-
tions normally found only under laboratory conditions. These laboratory
measurements need to be linked with field measurements to allow the full sig-
nificance of the laboratory measurement to be interpreted (Atkinson and Fogel
1997). Physiological and other more detailed features of roots, often measured
in the laboratory, but interpreted in field context or used in a field based model
(Van Noordwijk and Van de Geijn 1996) are detailed in Table 1.2. The key ques-
tions in root methodology will thus be joint1y advanced by novel means of mea-
suring root and root system parameters and by increased understanding of the
relationship between key morphological and physiological features of the root
system and root functioning. This will link with issues relating to scale and
effects based at the individual root and population levels. Decisions on what to
measure, thus depend upon:
Table 1.2. Physiological parameters associated with root systems and their significance and
Harper et al. (1991), reviewing the problems of analysing root behaviour, com-
mented "more energy may have been spent on developing technologies than on
studying roots. Each method so far developed has serious shortcomings ... No
one technique, of the many so far developed, informs us about alI aspects of
root growth and structure". They divided available methods into two groups.
The first containing whole plant excavations, profile walI methods, pinboards,
soil cores, the use of isotope applications to soil, resin embedding techniques
and NMR. This group was able to provide information on root distribution and
on the mass of the standing crop. The second group included rhizotrons, mini-
rhizotrons and in-growth bags. This group alIowed the assessment of changes
with time. Although methods do exist for the assessment of mass and tem-
poral changes, there are fewer methods available to measure either three-
dimensional architecture or demographic parameters. Since 1991, however,
considerable progress has been made in both of these areas. The use of NMR
and tomography, together with the combination of information from soil sec-
tions (Krebs 1995) has developed our ability to see soil and the roots within it
on a 3-D basis. Similarly, methods for viewing and establishing cohorts of roots
have alIowed progress in establishing values for root longevity and the demog-
raphy of root populations. These are discussed further in Section 1.6.1.
Other analyses of our needs in relation to methods have been carried out.
Bohm (1979) described a whole range of methods which could be used to
measure roots in the field. Atkinson and Mackie-Dawson (1991) reviewed
methods of root measurement which could be used to relate roots to the phys-
ical properties of soils. They concluded "There is no single method of root mea-
surement applicable for alI situations ... The principal factors infl.uencing the
choice of methods are likely to be the availability of equipment and facilities,
22 D. Atkinson
the crop and or soil to be investigated and the type of root system effect of inter-
est". When measurements are made on the above-ground parts of plants, a
range of features are recorded. Similarly, with the root system, a range of mea-
surements are required so as to be able to characterise factors such as the rate
and type of root growth, the standing crop and root activity. Mackie-Dawson
and Atkinson (1991), who also reviewed a range of methods, concluded "The
main criterion influencing the selection of a method is probably whether infor-
mation is needed on changes with time or whether spatial data on distribution
at one moment in time will be adequate. Where time is involved, an observa-
tional method will be indicated. Where spatial distribution is the key issue a
direct sampling method will be the best". This dichotomy in objectives and
methods still seems to exist and these two groups appear to be the most diffi-
cult to reconcile and to interconvert (Atkinson and FogelI997). Wherever roots
growing in soil are sampled, in addition to the measurement of the quantity of
root present, there is also a need to determine the soil volume with which this
quantity of roots is associated. In extractive methods, this is simply measuring
the volume of the core containing the roots, although alIowances are needed for
compression dur ing sampling if a complete depth section is taken and later sub-
divided. For samples derived from observation methods, estimation of the
depth of field represents a significant element in the scaling process (Atkinson
and Fogel 1997).
Data on root systems is expensive to acquire and so there is a need to make the
best use of available information including deriving new, or related values from
exist ing parameters. The major interconversions of data which seem to occur
are: (1) the estimation of information of one type from measurements of a dif-
ferent type, e.g. root length from root weight, (2) the estimation of information
of the same type but for a different spatial or temporal situation.
1.4.1 Methodologicallnterconversions
Table 1.3 shows some of the more commonly attempted interconversions. Of alI
of those listed, the interconversion of weight and length is the most common.
This interconversion is used to calculate length values in studies of nutrient
inflow from fresh weight which can be estimated non destructively from
volume, and as a means of relating root length values, assessed by observation
methods such as the mini-rhizotron technique, to root weight values obtained
by soil cor ing in method comparison studies and in attempts to derive total
1 Root Characteristics: Why and What to Measure 23
a: ./'
Fig.1.6. Variation in root length with increase in root weight for fine and woody roots of Betula
pendula. Data after Lavender (1992). The length scale for woody roots has been increased by a
factor of 30
carbon budgets. For Betula pendula, Lavender (1992), found that for fine roots
the relationship between length and weight was good but it was poorer for
woody roots (Fig. 1.6). Similarly, the relationship between root length assessed
using the mini-rhizotron method and root length assessed using other
methods, although significant, was limited (Mackie-Dawson and Atkinson
24 D.Atkinson
Although predictions of the size of the root system, in terms of weight, can be
made from small numbers of infrequent measurements, many studies require
detailed information about the distribution of root weight or length with depth
(see Table 1.1 for rationale). Difficulties in understanding the vertical growth of
root systems has meant that compromises between the level of sampling at any
one point in time, and the frequency at which field sites are sampled, have to
be made. This has often resulted in inadequate amounts of data being acquired
for each of a number of time periods.
Plant breeding programmes rarely involve any assessments of root system
development; most measurements are made on relatively few occasions. The
issues discussed above therefore influence apparent minimum requirements for
breeding programmes. For both physiological and crop breeding purposes,
there is a dear need to establish whether the depth distribution of a root system
can be evaluated from a basis of selected measurements and whether measure-
ments made at one point in time, on a root system, can be used to estimate the
size and distribution of the root system at a later point in time. A case study,
carried out using 24 different varieties of spring barley, illustrates the possibil-
ities of predicting spatial and temporal data from a given data set. Considera-
tion of these points is important in the context of the use of data from any root
measurement exercise and in respect of minimum data sets required from
particular field experiments.
Although root growth at various depths are on some occasions correlated, and
although some future properties can be predicted, by and large the case study
shows that where a detailed understanding of root growth and development is
1 Root Characteristics: Why and What to Measure 25
Table 1.4. Correlalions between root growth at a number of depths for 33-day-old spring
barley grown in transparent growth units, with root growth at other depths. NS = non-
5 0.32 NS 0.36 NS NS NS NS
15 0.46 0.41 0.36 NS NS NS
25 0.56 0.33 NS NS NS
35 0.74 0.61 0.54 0.49
45 0.76 0.57 NS
55 0.72 0.42
65 0.76
15 25 15 35 45
to bridge the gap between current field experiments and so allow the extrapo-
lation of laboratory data (Atkinson and FogeI1997).
Even for measurements made in field studies, the appropriate scale for deter-
minations, and the limitations of scaling data up to field or landscape cause
difficulties (Atkinson and FogelI997). The development of the mini-rhizotron
method, and its use in a wide range of field studies, has drawn attention to
a number of scaling issues. These have been identified by Hendrick and
Pregitzer (1992b) and by Atkinson (1992). With the mini-rhizotron method,
measurement of root length, root morphology or root survival are made using
a window area of under 400 mm 2• This information must be converted from the
2-D basis on which it is measured to a 3-D basis to allow the estimation oflength
per unit volume. This estimate, based on a volume of 1-2ml must be trans-
formed to a volume representative of 104 m 3 for a 1 ha field. Although estimates
with appropriate error terms can be obtained, there remains a need to express
the functional variation and the difficulty of obtaining sufficiently precise
estimates to generate useful field-scale estimates. In addition to the size of the
variance term associated with field-scale estimates derived from small initial
samples, there is also the problem of estimating the length or mass of a large
root system e.g that of a tree from a limited number of small samples. In addi-
tion to spatial variation, there is likely to be pattern in the variat ion within the
root system both with depth and distance from the trunk. Both actual values
and variance are likely to vary along these gradients (Atkinson and Wilson
1980). Attempts to scale estimates of root system size from core samples must
work with these gradients.
Hendrick and Pregitzer (1992a) introduced the concept of the cohort, a group
of roots, to form the basis of demographic assessments, for example of root
longevity. The cohort approach has made the volume of information captured
by the mini-rhizotron method, used to estimate values such as longevity, man-
ageable. The cohort assessment gives a population value for root longevity. The
population is composed of a series of individual roots. Variation in soils suggest
most individual roots will experience a different set of physical, chemical and
microbiological conditions to other roots and that the total response of the plant
will be the sum of the activities of individual roots which may be separately
controlled and which may respond in a different manner to a stress such as
28 D. Atkinson
drought, (Gowing et al. 1993). Hooker et al. (1995), in a study of poplar roots,
found that within a cohort of non-mycorrhizal roots 10% survived only 14 days
and a further 40% only 42 days. The distinguishing features of roots surviving
less than 14 days and greater than 42 days are not known but may be of func-
tional significance. Infection with AMF increased the proportions, given above,
to 20% and 50%. Again the distinguishing features of these roots is not known,
but it seems important to understand at both individual and population levels.
Different studies will require estimates to be based on either individuals or
populations depending upon specific objectives. It will be important, however,
and especially in studies of natural vegetation, to be sure whether values relate
to single individuals or to populations.
The difficuhy of measuring roots has meant that their growth and production
are not uncommonly estimated as a fixed fraction of net assimilation. The
development of models would benefit from:
1. Improved allometric models to aid estimates of partition, and
2. The specification of a minimum data set for different types of models.
In many carbon allocation models, root values and variations between species
for root values can have a significant impact. In the carbon storage model
developed by Cannell et al. (1992) litter production represented by woody roots
was around 50% of that due to branches. Production due to fine roots exceeded
that for leaves. Par am eter iz ing models with the right root characteristics is
important. A range of root, shoot and soil parameters needed for process
models of crop growth have been specified by Van Noordwjik and Van de
Geijn (1996).
Table 1.2 attempts to identify some of the more obvious links between root
properties and function. These are expanded in Section 1.4.1 above. The clear
answer to the question "What is the functional significance of, for example, large
root diameter or a particular root length?" is, in general, that we do not know.
We may, however, be able to assign value to features in particular situations e.g.
to deep roots under conditions of drought or to a high root length under con-
ditions of P deficiency. This is partially because the functional significance of
1 Root Characteristics: Why and What to Measure 29
even major attributes has not been definitively determined, but more so because
plants have a range of root features which are designed to cope with more
extreme conditions than they will or may normally experience during their
life, i.e. there is a substantial functional excess capacitance built into root
systems. This in-built functional redundancy, or insurance, c1early confuses the
correspondence between a root property and the quantity of a function,
e.g. N0 3 uptake. Field measurement of a wider range of root characteristics
would give a more complete understanding of functional plasticity and the
ranges of morphological and physiological variation possible and he1p the
development of an understanding of re1ationships between environmental
profiles and roots.
The concept of"fit for purpose" is now being widely used to ensure that facili-
ties and equipment are designed for specific needs but without unnecessary fea-
tures. Many of the measurements made on and of root systems are not used or
are used in a qualitative (presence or absence) manner. Refining the question
to be asked by c1early specifying the information required will allow the con-
siderable effort required for any root study to be used to maximum effect,
usually by increasing the number of measurements taken. The development of
easily accessible modelling capabilities, computerised decis ion support systems
and data bases to aid the design of sampling strategies should greatly enhance
future root sampling exercises.
The capture of data, either from images of a mini rhizotron camera system
or from systems designed to assess root length from washed root samples, will
deve10p as a result of improved capacity for image analysis (Glasbey and
Horgan 1995). Deve10pments should improve our ability to extract data of
increasing complexity from direct and video images and to distinguish roots at
a range of deve10pment stages, inc1uding decaying, from a wide range of back-
grounds, inc1uding soils. A restricted ability to document root deve10pment
has, to date, aggravated a limited capacity to produce root systems with a
desired set of characteristics on new, and other, cultivars. Developments in
biotechnology now present the possibility of creating transgenic plants with
specific genes controlling particular root or developmental features, or the
ability, through the use of anti-sense genes of turning off particular aspects of
gene expression. This will allow the production of material which can be used
to test hypotheses on root functioning. The developments in rhizo-technology
discussed here will be needed to allow these biotechnological developments to
be realised.
30 D.Atkinson
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1 Root Characteristics: Why and What to Measure 31
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2.1 Introduction 35
* Principal author
References 69
2 Anatomy and Histology of Roots and Root-Soil Boundary 35
2.1 Introduction
Sampling of roots for anatomical studies is more difficult and elaborate than
for stems and leaves, because roots usually grow in soil. Adhering soil
particles must be carefully removed by washing and careful brushing as they
otherwise may interfere during preparation for microscopy. The cleaning
problem may, in some cases, be avoided if plants are grown in a liquid
nutrient medium or in a substrate from which the roots are easily removed.
For anatomical studies, actively growing roots should be sampled. A soil-free
white elongation zone inimediately proximal to the root caps indicates actively
growing roots (McClilly 1995). When sampling the roots of target plants
in fields, the roots of weeds may pose a problem. Roots for anatomical
studies should be processed immediately or stored frozen in liquid nitrogen
to avoid anatomical changes prior to further processing. Root segments can
36 E. de Neergaard et al.
Whole mounts of finer roots and rootlets may be studied directly with a
light microscope at lower magnification (Fig. 2.1). Part of the root, e.g. the
root tip, may be bathed in a drop of water, a clearing agent, or a suitable
stain. It is thus possible to study the root zones comprising root cap, root
meristem, elongation zone, root-hair zone, and branching zone where the
formation of lateral roots occurs. Individual structures in the tissue may be
viewed by focusing at different levels. Mounting in iodine (2 g KI + 1 g Iz + 100
mlHzO) may reveal the presence of statoliths in the root cap.
Staining of whole mount plant tissues can be done using appropriate stains
and procedures (Sect. 2.3.6). Entire plant parts normally do not take up
stain readily and, therefore, it is time-consuming to infiltrate plant tissue with
2 Anatomy and Histology of Roots and Root-Soil Boundary 37
Studies on chromosome number and morphology are very often carried out
on root tips using squash methods (Box 2.1). Pre-treatment of the roots
with colchicin, 8-hydroxyquinoline, or a-monobromnaphtalene for 3-4h
wiU often make the chromosomes more distinct in the microscope (NB! Longer
pre-treatment causes multiplicat ion of the chromosomes). Sudden cooling of
root tips is an alternative to the chemi cal treatment and may also be useful.
The preparation may keep for a few days if the cover slip is framed with nail
Permanent slides can be made as described in Box 2.2.
Observation of gross anatomical structxures can take place using whole mounts
(see Sect. 2.3.1), or by hand sectioning of fresh tissue (see Sect. 2.3.5). However,
before detailed studies of the fine structures of tissue can be done in LM or
TEM it must be fixed, embedded, and sectioned. Prior to killing and fixation of
the plant material it must be cut into appropriate pieces depending on the final
investigation. For TEM at least one dimension should not exceed about 2 mm
in order to facilitate a quick penetration of the fixative. The tissue compounds
are immobilized and preserved by the fixation procedure and the purpose of
the subsequent embedding is to stabilise and support aH ceH components at
their original site during sectioning. Two fundamentaHy different methods of
fixation are described: freeze fixation and chemical fixation.
By freeze fixation the conservation of the tissue and immobilization of its com-
ponents take place by low temperature and the supporting medium is the
frozen water content of the tissue. Freeze fixation is generaHy faster than chem-
ical fixation and the risk of chemical alterations of the ceH components is much
lower since aH biologic al processes are rapidly arrested. Thus, changes of dis-
tribution of elements and loss of diffusible ions are kept at a minimum. As a
consequence enzyme- and immunological properties of the tissue are relatively
unaffected. The negative effects are mainly caused by the formation of ice crys-
taIs, which may damage ceH components, especiaHy the membranes. Liquid
nitrogen is therefore extensively used because the freezing is rapid and strongly
diminishes the formation and size of ice crystals. Most plant tissues, including
roots, can be frozen directly from the living state.
Freeze fixation can be used prior to both light and electron microscopy. In
the foHowing, the first procedures described aim at light microscopical work.
Freeze substitution and high pressure freezing can be used for both light and
electron microscopy, depending on the embedding medium used.
General Freeze Methods for Light Microscopy. Most simple freezing of plant
tissue takes place by infiltrating smaH specimens with a proper cryoprotective
substance (Table 2.2) and freezing them on a freeze stage, preferably placed in
a cryostat. This is a cooled chamber in which freeze fixation and sectioning
42 E. de Neergaard et al.
take place. The frozen tissue adheres to the freeze stage by the frozen cryopro-
tective substance and is supported by more cryoprotectant added gradually on
alI sides prior to sectioning. Knox (1970) recommends tissue infiltration before
freezing with dimethylsulfoxide or glycerol. These chemicals can be used as
anti-frost additives to gelatin used as supporting medium during freezing.
Wood can be saturated with water before freezing, but most tissue types should
be treated with cryoprotective substances.
A number of commercial products are available, marketed under various
trade names.
Glycerol is a good cryoprotective substance, but diffuses very slowly into
plant tissue. A precaution is to let the plant take up glycerol in the living state,
but glycerol is osmoticalIy active and there is a danger of plasmolysis unless
applied in gradualIy increasing concentrations. When infiltrated gelatin is used
as a cryoprotective substance, a graded series of gelatin solutions can be used
for dehydration and as an embedding medium. Dehydration takes place by
using 10%-40% (up to 70%) aqueous gelatin. After partial drying at 37°C for
some hours pieces are cut and dried in a vacuum desiccator.
Commonly Used Fixatives for Light Microscopy. Formaldehyde has a high dif-
fusion rate compared with other fixatives and therefore is a rapidly working fix-
ative. Used alone as a formalin solution (1-8% in buffer) it is commonly used
as fixative. Formalin (2-4% aqueous solution, Table 2.3) in combination with
acetic acid and ethanol (FAA) is a widely used fixative for routine anatomic al
studies both for LM and SEM.
Other ratios are found in the literature and should be tried if unsatisfac-
tory results are obtained. The dehydration process following FAA fixation starts
with 70% ethanol. FPA (formalin-propionic acid-alcohol) is made by replacing
acetic acid in FAA with the same amount of propionic acid and is considered a
good fixative.
Glutaraldehyde (2-4% in phosphate-buffer) is used for both light and elec-
tron microscopy. It is used alone or in combination with other fixatives (Sect.
2.3.8). If cytological details are required, aldehyde fixation is strongly recom-
mended; this is especially good for TEM. See O'Brien and McCully (1981) and
Glauert (1975) for fixation methods.
Percentage formaldehyde: 2% 4%
70% ethanol 90 mi 8Sml
40% formalin Sml lOml
Glacial acetic acid Sml Sml
44 E. de Neergaard et al.
Clarke jixatives consist of mixtures of ethanol and acetic acid (for example
3 + 1). They can be used for studies of chromosomes (Sect. 2.3.3), but do not
work well for tissue fixation.
CRAF jixatives are mixtures of chromium trioxide, acetic acid and for-
maldehyde in different ratios, depending on the tissue character. CRAF fixatives
have similar properties to FAA (Sass 1961; O'Brien and McCully 1981).
Embedding. Tissue is embedded to stabilize the cell components dur ing sec-
tioning, thereby facilitating the production of thin uniform sections. Most
simple is soaking in water (under vacuum) and embedding in ice or an aqueous
cryoprotective substance (see text on freeze fixation in Sect. using a
freeze microtome or a cryostat. Tissue infiltration with embedding media is nor-
mally done at room temperature because the media are generally highly viscous
and their diffusion into the tissue is slow at low temperatures. Cell walls, crys-
talline substances and storage structures such as starch in roots are difficult to
infiltrate with embedding media and may create special problems. Starch may
be removed with amylase prior to embedding for LM, but not for TEM (Lyshede
Paraffin wax or different types of resins are common embedding media. Wax
embedding media include paraffin wax (Paraplast) and Steedman's wax. Para-
plast is a commercial product, whereas Steedman's wax is produced by poly-
ethylene glycol400 distearate mixed with l-hexadecanol, 9 + 1 (w/w; Norenberg
and Barrett 1987).
2 Anatomy and Histology of Roots and Root-Soil Boundary 45
Acrylic resins include the Lowicryls, the London Resins (LR White and LR
Gold), and the methacrylates. The methacrylates and the London Resins are
used for light microscopy.
All these are available as commercial products. Epoxy resins (Epon, Araldite
and Spurr) are the most frequently used embedding media for trans-
mission electron microscopy (TEM). The acrylic resins (Lowicryls and LR-
resins) are used for special purposes for TEM, such as studies involving
Protocols for Fixation, Dehydration and Embedding of Tissues for Light Micro-
scopy. Common procedures are suggested below with reference to only the
most well-known fixatives, dehydration media and embedding media. The pro-
tocols should be modified to suit the user's special situation.
The duration of each single treatment step depends on size and cha-
racter of the material. Since infiltration is based on diffusion, the degree of
permeability of the tissue should be considered. Infiltration is regarded as
complete when the root specimen sinks to the bottom of the infiltration
vial. The suggested time course in the schemes will apply for tissue not exceed-
ing 2 mm in at least one dimension, which means that no distance from a
cut surface is more than 1 mm. In other cases all treatments should be
The dehydration procedures (in Boxes 2.3 and 2.4) apply if the embedding
medium contains approximately 5% water. Otherwise the dehydration proce-
dure should continue to 100% ethanol followed by 100% ethanol/infiltration
solution (1 + 1, v/v).
2.3.5 5ectioning
Fresh or fixed plant tissue can be sectioned using a razor blade. Small or thin
plant parts can be supported between pieces of elderberry pith (Sambucus
nigra) or different types of roots or tubers (carrot, potato) or other relatively
soft, homogenous materials (soap, cork, foam plastic) to facilitate hand
Lindauer (1972) gives an overview of sectioning methods. Treatment
with ethanol is effective in removing the air from the plant tissue and further-
more it hardens soft tissues. On the other hand, glycerol-ethanol (1 + 1 (v/v)
mixtures can soften hard tissues. Increasing the glycerol ratio augments the
Woody roots may be sectioned directly in the fresh state by hand or after
clamping in a sliding microtome. To soften the material (under vacuum, if nec-
essary) it may be pre-treated by boiling in water or placed in a mixture of equal
amounts of water, ethanol, and glycerol.
Embedding Of fresh tissue may be carried out in solid paraffin. This is a fairly
rapid and simple method giving sufficient support to the tissue during the sec-
tioning. The tissue is immersed in molten paraffin and then cooled down to a
temperature slightly above the melting point. After a suitable period of infil-
tration the specimen is cooled down. If necessary the paraffin can be removed
using xylene.
Paraffin infiltrated and embedded material is ready for sectioning imme-
diately after the cooling of the paraffin. Material embedded in plastic can be
sectioned shortly after polymerization. Hard or brittle blocks may be moist-
ened on wet filter paper before sectioning. Warming in an incubator may harden
soft plastic blocks.
The microtome is equipped with a holder(s) for glass knives or metal knives
or adapters for disposable knives. Glass knives are produced on a special knife
maker. They have a more perfect cutting edge, but for most light microscope
work metal knives will provide sections of sufficient quality. In addition, they
allow large sections and in this way one benefits from the advantages of many
plastic embedding media in making large sections of less thickness. Metal
knives are available as disposable knives or as knives which can be resharpened.
Cutting angle, cutting speed, humidity and temperature are critical factors
during sectioning. Generally, most of the necessary information appears in the
instruction sheets of the commercial embedding kits.
During sectioning, the material is compressed and the sections need to be
stretched on a water surface, most conveniently on droplets or on a thin layer
on the glass slide. Stretching is best obtained with pure, distilled water with
maximum surface tension (Gerrits et al. 1987). Low concentrations of additives
are occasionally required (for instance 1% acetone). As temperature affects
surface tension the stretching and the subsequent water evaporation should
preferably take place at room temperature, but often a heating plate is used to
speed up the process.
2.3.6 Staining
Staining increases the contrast of biological material when observed under the
microscope. Furthermore, depending on specificity, the staining performs a
cyto-/histochemical analysis of the tissue components. There exists a wide
range of stains for different purposes (Table 2.4). For TEM, staining with uranyl
acetate followed by lead citrate is routinely used to increase contrast. Selected
stains for special compounds may be used.
Paraffin-embedded material must have the paraffin removed and the tissue
hydrated prior to staining. This is most often done through xylene (xylene/l 00%
50 E. de Neergaard et al.
Staining procedure for suberin, lignin and Staining method for evaluation of tissue
callose water contents
Berberine-aniline blue Sulphorhodamine G
ity to acid stains after treatment by either of these two fixatives (formaldehyde
and Cr0 3 ).
Other control measures include inhibition of the assumed process or
extraction of the tissue component in question followed by comparison with an
untreated specimen (negative control). Stains
NB!!: Almost all stains are somewhat harmful to human health. Use a fume hood
and take care when preparing the staining solution and when handling the
stain. Waste should be deposed of in suitable waste containers. The most com-
monly used stains are listed in Table 2.4.
Staining for specific tissue components is relevant for more detailed studies.
More Information concern ing this can be found in Lillie (1977), Clark (1981),
Gahan (1984) and Neergaard (1997).
Neutral Red is a non-toxic stain used for studies of living cells, for example to
observe plasmolysis. The stain is used as an aqueous solution (0.1 %, w/v) and
stains lipids in vacuoles and certain cell walls.
Sudan III and Sudan IV. Saturated solution in 96% ethanol. Stain in solution
for few minutes. Lipids, cutin and suberin are red.
Sudan Red 7E. The stain is dissolved (0.1 % w/w) in polyethylene glycol 400-
glycerol (I + 9). Lipids are positive. It is especially good for demonstrating the
presence of suberin.
2 Anatomy and Histology of Roots and Root-Soil Boundary 53
Trypan Blue. A 0.01-0.2% aqueous solution is used for root staining. The
method is often used for investigation of mycorrhizas. Suitable for whole
mounts as well as sections. Aiso used as a stain for vitality, as living cells gen-
erally remain unstained.
2.3.7 Mounting
After staining, the sections are ready for mounting and microscopy. Initial
observation is recommended using water (a drop of distilled water before the
cover slip is placed). For permanent slides different embedding media are com-
mercially available.
After staining with water-soluble stains, the use of non-aqueous media has
the advantage of stabilizing the material without leaching the stain. The change
from the hydrophilic staining phase to a hydrophobic mounting medium is done
by drying or by dehydration through an ascending series of ethanol, ethanol-
xylene (1 + 1) ending with 100% xylene before mounting. Often the mounting
medium has to be hardened by heating in an incubator. Xylene-containing media
must be stabilized in this way only under conditions with sufficient ventilation
(fume hood or other arrangement), as the evaporating xylene is hazardous
to health. For plastic-embedded sections drying is sufficient before mounting.
Fluorescence microscopy requires a non-fluorescent mounting medium.
Aqua-mount contains phenol and is thus poisonous. Certain aqueous stains
are destained by Aqua-mount. DPX and Canada balsam contain xylene (must
be handled in well-ventilated places such as fume hoods). Specimens stained
with zincchloride-iodine, Millon's reagent, Sudan IV and J-KJ should not be
mounted in Canada balsam.
54 E. de Neergaard et al.
Specimens of plant tissue are usually observed in distilled water or 70% ethanol
or 0.1 M CaClz or 0.25 M sucrose. If the mounting medium evaporates too
rapidly, glycerol or lactoglycerol can be used instead. It should be kept in mind
that these chemicals may cause swelling of the tissue.
Glycerol and Ethanol or Tween. This can be used as a mounting medium for
specimens for immediate observation using 50% aqueous glycerol. In order to
facilitate infiltration and remove air from the tissue, a small amount of ethanol
or a drop of Tween 20 is added. Alternatively, an aqueous solution of Tween 20
(1 drop in lOOml water) is often sufficient as a mounting medium.
The polyvinyl alcohol should be added very slowly to the water (magnetic
stirrer) and it dissolves in 1-2 h. Lactic acid is then added (vigorous stirring is
necessary), followed by glycerol.
Scanning electron microscopy is used for studies of surfaces, including cut sur-
faces. The material may be chemically fixed or cryo fixed.
Chemical fixation may be done with either FAA or glutaraldehyde with or
without postfixation with OS04. Chemical fixation should be followed by"crit-
ical point drying". The material is pas sed through an ascending acetone series
and in the pressure chamber of the CPD-apparatus exchanged with liquid
carbon dioxide. By elevating temperature the pressure is raised and when the
critical point of CO 2 has been reached it passes from liquid to the gaseous phase.
56 E. de Neergaard et al.
The pressure is slowly released and the material coated with gold or gold/pal-
ladium in a sputter coater prior to observation.
For cryo fixation the material is immersed in nitrogen slush prior to trans-
fer into the cooled microscope (-195°C). After sublimation to remove con-
densed ice from the surface, the specimen is sputtered with gold prior to
investigation. Both fixation methods are suitable for the study of root hair mor-
phology and ultrastructure.
Cryoscanning electron microsocpy has been used to observe the contents
of cortical intercellular space in roots (Watt et al. 1996) in studies concerning
the influence of soil water contents on deposits in root tissue.
Roots modify biological activity, structure, water status and mineral constitu-
tion of the surrounding soil. These changes can be observed by in situ micro-
scopic examinat ion of the root-soil boundary. For this purpose, thin sections of
soil with roots in place are needed (Jenny and Grossenbacher 1963; Lund
and Beals 1965; Fitzpatrick 1990). Soil blocks for preparing for thin sections in
situ can be obtained under field conditions by freezing the blocks with liquid
nitrogen. Under laboratory conditions, plant roots can be grown in small tubes
filled with soil. Undisturbed soil blocks are taken out of the tubes and are pas sed
through procedures of fixation, dehydration, embedding and polymerisation
in polyester re sin. These procedures are described in Sections 2.3.4 and 2.3.5,
but Tippkotter et al. (1986) provide very useful information on the procedures
for preparation of thin sections for biological studies. Thin sections of desired
thickness are prepared by grinding or by cutting the blocks with a diamond
saw or microtomes, depending on the details to be observed under the micro-
scope. Use of fluorescence microscopy and staining of the thin sections with
acridine orange (1:1000 in 10% HCI) improve brightness and contrast between
soil and plant material (Altemiiller and van Vliet-Lanoe 1990). Blue light exci-
tation exhibits cell walls of the root tissue as green or yellowish green. Soil mate-
rial becomes orange to reddish, hence contrasts well with the root tissues.
Microorganisms and fungi generally show green colours and are discernible in
contact with soil particles. However, they may be invisible if they are attached
to root cell walls. Trolldenier (1965) also used acridine orange in rhizosphere
studies for producing good quality colour micrographs of bacteria on root
hairs. Many of these thin section methods, however, provide mainly qualitative
information, but they allow in situ observations of the processes occurring close
to roots.
2 Anatomy and Histology of Roots and Root-Soil Boundary 57
Root hairs extend effective root surface area and thereby increase root-soil
contact. The initiation and development of root hairs occurs due to cellular dif-
ferentiation in the root epidermis. In the majority of plant species, any proto-
derm cell has the potential to form a root hair. In a few plant species, root hair
formation occurs only in "trichoblasts". Peterson and Farquhar (1996) have
recently reviewed the cytological and functional aspects of root hairs. Quantification
Root hairs have typically been measured using a microscope and occular
micrometer (Caradus 1979; F6hse and Jungk 1983; Lamont 1983; MacKay and
Barber 1984). For root hair studies, the roots should be disturbed as little as
possible. Root hairs are often measured on roots grown in nutrient solution
culture, because it allows sampling of roots with minimum damage of root
hairs. For studying root hairs of solution-grown roots, nutrient concentrations
close to those found in the soil solution should be used. For soil- or field-grown
roots, the roots bearing root hairs must be cleaned without damaging the root
hairs. Ultrasound treatment is useful for cleaning roots for root hair studies
(Gahoonia and Nielsen 1997; Box 2.9).
58 E. de Neergaard et al.
The treatment with ultrasound removes the soil particles without damaging the
root hairs and leaves roots with root hairs comparable to those grown in nutri-
ent solution culture (Fig. 2.2), facilitating measurements of root hair parame-
ters using image analysis as described below. Roots with longer and denser root
hairs may have to be treated for longer with ultrasound.
Depending on the size of sampled root system, root hairs can be quantified
on whole or sub-sampled root systems. To make sub samples, the root system
is laid out in a film of water in a shallow plastic tray. The length of the root is
measured from the root to shoot junction to the longest root tip, and a mark
placed midway down the root. Excess water is blotted from the tray, and a ca.
l-cm strip of root is cut across the midway line using a scalpel and ruler. The
top and bottom portions of the root are removed and placed into bags for dry
weight determination. The l-cm segments are re-floated in water, and ten seg-
ments are randomly chosen for root hair studies. The surplus segments are
placed with the rest of the root, as are the ten segments after they have been
analysed for root hair length and number.
Root hairs and root parameters can be measured on the roots grown in
nutrient solution (Care 1995) or on roots washed out ofthe soil (Gahoonia and
Nielsen 1997) using image analysis. A typical image analysis system for root hair
studies consists of a microscope connected to a video camera, which is further
interfaced with a computer containing appropriate software and cards. The
quality of the optical system is critical for image clarity, as there is loss of image
resolution from the microscope to the computer. The combinat ion of micro-
scope and image analysis package can be critic al and should be evaluated
beforehand, if possible. Though other combinations may be equally good, Care
(1995) and Gahoonia et al. (1997) found that a Leica Wild M8 stereo microscope
(Leica AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerland) to be the most appropriate when coupled
with the MD30™ image analysis software package (Leading Edge Pty. Ud.,
Australia). Each image requires a minimum of 0.2 Mb computer memory.
2 Anatomy and Histology of Roots and Root-Soil Boundary 59
Fig.2.2. Root hairs of two spring barley cultivars, Salka and Zita. A Root hairs on roots of Salka
grown in nutrient solution culture. BRoot hairs on roots of Salka grown in a field experiment.
Root hairs were extracted from the soi! using ultrasound treatment (120 W, 47 kHz). CRoot hairs
on roots of Zita grown in nutrient solution culture. D Root hairs on roots of Zita grown in a
field experiment. Root hairs were extracted from the soil using ultrasound treatment (120 W,
47kHz). (Photos by Tara S Gahoonia)
This should be kept in mind when planning experiments since cap turing images
of entire root systems may require a large data storage system.
To make root hairs clearly visible, appropriate magnification and illumina-
tion is needed. The best magnification must be determined for each particular
case, and then all the root hair images captured at this magnification. The best
illumination for root hair resolution is achieved by dark phase transmitted light.
The image analysis system must be calibrated using a micrometer (usually sup-
plied with the microscope) at the same magnification at which root hair images
are captured. The calibration procedure is normally described in the accompa-
nying user manuals.
To determine the length of the root hairs, an image is recalled on the com-
puter screen and individual root hairs are selected and highlighted, using an
60 E. de Neergaard et al.
"anchor and drop" process with the computer mouse. As each root hair is high-
lighted, its length in pixels or millimetres (depending upon the calibration scale
chosen) and also the number of root hairs is recorded in a data file. An root
hairs visible on each image are measured. The diameter of the root is also mea-
sured. The stored data files can be imported into an Excel spreadsheet.
To calculate the number of root hairs on the fun root hair cylinder, it is nec-
essary to determine the depth of field of the microscope (Box 2.10) and the
diameter of the root because on thin roots a higher proportion of root hairs
will be seen than on thicker roots. It should be noted that changing the micro-
scope magnification and/or the aperture setting will alter the depth of field,
hence an measurements should be done at the same settings that the depth of
field is calculated at. To maintain the focus of as many root hairs as possible,
the centre of focus should be close to the longitudinal axis of the root, and at
the widest part of the root.
If a root map is done and the total root length measured (for methods see Chap.
10) and the length of root with root hairs is known, then the contribution of
root hairs to total root surface area can be ca1culated. This is done by using the
totallength of root hairs (e.g. by multiplying mean root hair length by the total
number of root hairs) in the equation for the surface area of a cylinder as 2m:l,
where r is the root hair radius and 1is the totallength of root hairs. Vitality
Root hairs are often subjected to biotic and abiotic stresses that affect their
vitality and activity. Various stains (Table 2.4) can be used to test the viability
of root hairs. Oprisko et al. (1990) compared the effectiveness of some stains
for assessing root hair viability and reported that Evan's blue (0.5 g/l) gave great-
2 Anatomy and Histology of Roots and Root-Soil Boundary 61
est precis ion and least variability. Evan's blue performs basically on the reten-
tion or loss of semi-permeable properties of the plasmalemma (Gaff and
Okong'o-ogola 1971). Live root hairs remain colourless because of exclus ion of
Evan's blue and the dead root hairs are permeable and turn blue. To obtain dead
root hairs (control), the root segments can be boiled in water for 10 min (Fischer
et al. 1985).
The role of root hairs in nutrient uptake can be assessed with microelectrodes.
Recent work (Jones et al. 1995) using a vibrating microelectrode with Limno-
bium root hairs has shown that Ca2+ is taken up at the root hair tip, and K+ is
taken up over the whole root hair surface. This highlights the importance of
root hair number for Ca2+ and root hair length for K+ uptake.
Gahoonia and Nielsen (1998) described a direct method to measure uptake
of soil phosphorus via root hairs. Only root hairs penetrated a tightly stretched
nylon screen (53 Jlm) glued to the bottom of a PVC tube. The penetrating root
hairs grew for 2 and 4 days in soillabelled with radioisotope phosphorus tracer
32p (185 kBqg-l dry soil) in another PVC tube. Transparent plastic rings of thick-
ness ranging from 0.25 mm to 2.0 mm were inserted between the two PVC tubes.
This provided slit width for microscopic observations in situ, which confirmed
that only root hairs were growing into the 32p labelled soil. The uptake of 32p
from soil via the root hairs was quantified by measuring activity of 32p in the
plant shoot C2p uptake only via root hairs). In some cases, no rings were
inserted between the two PVC tubes so that both root hairs and root surface
could participate in 32p uptake from the labelled soil (total 32p uptake). This
study provided direct evidence on the substantial participation of root hairs in
uptake of phosphorus from soil.
Root hairs are the primary sites of infection with Rhizobium in nitrogen fixa-
tion of legumes. The infection process follows curling and deformation of root
hairs. The rate of root hair deformation can be used to compare the activities
of different Nod factors (nodulation genes of Rhizobium). Heidstra et al. (1994)
adapted the method of Bhuvaneswari and Solheim (1985) to assess root hair
deformation induced by different Nod factors. To perform the assay, sterilised
seeds are germinated for 2 days and transferred to Fâhraeus slides, modified as
small trays, containing 1 mI of Făhraeus medium (Fâhraeus 1957). AlI roots are
examined under a microscope, and those with already deformed root hairs are
discarded. The 1 mI medium is replaced by medium containing Nod factor and
62 E. de Neergaard et al.
2.4.3 Mycorrhiza
Mycorrhizas are symbiotic associations between plant roots and certain fungi.
They are almost universal, with most vascular plants forming a mycorrhizal
symbiosis with a fungal partner. It is widely recognized that the association nor-
mally brings mutual benefits to partners; the plant receives mineral nutrients
and the fungus receives carbon compounds derived from photosynthesis. Dif-
ferent types of association, involving different plant and fungal groups, have
been identified and organised into the following four major categories:
1. Arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) - the most widespread, involving many agri-
culturally and ecologically important plant species;
2. Ectomycorrhizas (EM) - involving most forest tree species;
3. Ericoid mycorrhizas - confined to plants in the Ericales;
4. Orchid mycorrhizas - confined to orchidaceous plants.
These divisions may be seen as arbitrary. For example, it is now evident that
although such divisions are useful, in practice many variations exist (e.g. ecto-
mycorrhizas can also be arbutoid, monotropoid and ectendo types: see Smith
and Read [1997] for more details). Individual mycorrhizal associations thus
need to be treated as specific cases and clearly characterized. It is therefore
important, when making measurements of mycorrhizas, to identify the possi-
bIe nature of the association and not to make assumptions based on any pre-
conceptions. Therefore, it is the aim of the methods described here (which deal
only with AM and EM) to provide guidance. Because each circumstance will be
different they are not prescriptive protocols but should be seen as starting
points, being revised where appropriate. Finally, it should be mentioned that
these methods provide a single-point assessment of a mycorrhizal symbiosis
and any assumptions made on the basis of data collected should take into
account both spatial and temporal factors.
It is not possible to see root colonisation with vesicular-arbuscular mycor-
rhizae (VAM) fungi without staining and microscopic observation. However, the
staining process does not require expensive instrumentation.
2 Anatomy and Histology of Roots and Root-Soil Boundary 63
After washing and acidification of the root sample, fungal structures in the
roots are stained with trypan blue, acid fuchsin, chiorazole black or other com-
pounds (Brundrett et al. 1984; Grace and Stribley 1991). Staining of active fungal
parts only may also be possible (Schaffer and Peterson 1993). After staining, in
most cases the percentage of the total root length colonised by mycorrhizal
fungi is determined (Giovannetti and Mosse 1980).
Spores of mycorrhizal fungi can be isolated from soil by a wet sieving and
decanting technique (Box 2.12). AIso, the length of the external mycorrhizal
mycelium in the soil can be determined after washing the hyphae from soil and
subsequent staining (HameI et al. 1990). In the future, DNA-based methods are
expected to facilitate characterisation and distribution of different fungal pop-
ulations in the soil and in the roots.
Before designing a protocol to assess mycorrhizas it is important to
establish the hypothesis being tested. Is the aim, for example, to establish the
presence or absence of a particular type of mycorrhiza, the extent of the colo ni-
sation or perhaps the function? Each will require a different approach and
In this section, only a selection of the major methods is provided. Readers
are encouraged to further read the papers referenced or for a more in-depth
account of methods are referred to Ingleby et al. (1990), Norris et al. (1991a, b),
Sieverding (1991) and Brundrett et al. (1996). Marschner (1995) and Smith and
Read (1997) give a summary of the role of mycorrhizas in plant growth.
External Mycelium. In the simplest case, Graham et al. (1982) proposed that the
weight of a plant-soil root baU would be proportional to the quantity of AMF
hyphae that bind the unit together. They thus estimated the relative quantity of
64 E. de Neergaard et al.
AMF hyphae by weighing the plant roots with and without adhering soil.
However, this view has subsequent1y been considered too simple as many
other factors are also involved in the attachment of soil to plant roots (Kough
and Linderman 1986). The determination of chitin content has also been
used (Bethlenfalvay and Ames 1987). However, because chitin is also present in
other fungi and insects, the use of the technique is limited to only very specific
controlled situations where they can be eliminated. Schiiepp et al. (1987) esti-
mated the extension of AMF hyphae in soil by using a membrane which pre-
vents the passage of roots but allows hyphae to pass. By using receiver plants,
the roots of which became colonized by the hyphae, it was possible for them to
calculate the distance that hyphae travel through the soil as well as the speed of
growth. However, it is likely to be difficult to accurately calculate the latter
because of the sensitivity of the technique to time for colonization of the
receiver root.
Direct methods involve three steps: extraction, detection and measurement.
The first, extracting the hyphae from the soil is arguably the most difficult. A
sample of soil is normally first suspended in solution with water. Sieving
(250 Jlm) is then used to separate the hyphae from the soil particles (Abbot et
al. 1984). Although the concept is simple and straightforward, it is difficult to
apply it in practice and recovery can be poor and uncertain. To increase recov-
ery, Vilarino et al. (1993) immersed a rotating wire in the suspended soil. The
hyphae present became attached to the wire and were subsequently washed off
with water.
Hyphae of AMF must be distinguished from other hyphae in the extracted
sample. The diameter of hyphae has been the most often used criterion for
detection (Abbot and Robson 1985; Bethlenfalvay and Ames 1987). The varia-
tion in morphology of AMF hyphae makes distinguishing AMF on this basis
very difficult and in some cases impossible. Thus, although it may be possible
to distinguish the hyphae of AMF from other fungal hyphae in some very spe-
cific situations, in most it is not and data obtained using such methods should
be interpreted cautiously. Hyphae are often, for example, stained with trypan
blue or acid fuschin before identification. Staining also helps in the measure-
ment of hyphae length with the gridline intersect method (Giovannetti and
Mosse 1980). The future hope lies in the possibility of using immunological or
molecular techniques to routinely distinguish between AMF and non-AMF
hyphae in samples extracted from soils.
tially due to the deposition of tannins and the poor transparency of cell walls.
There is thus no prescriptive method for preparing roots in order to observe
The simplest methods are mechanically teasing roots open (Redhead 1977)
or staining by immersing roots in solutions of cotton blue (Gallaud 1905) meth-
ylene blue (Daft and Nicolson 1966) or acid fuschin (O'Brien and McNaughton
1928). Improvements were subsequently made to staining by using lactophenol
(Mosse and Hepper 1975), extracting phenolic compounds from roots using
potassium hydroxide (Bevege 1968) and bleaching in hydrogen peroxide
(Philips and Hayman 1970). For many years the most common method applied
was that described by Philips and Hayman (1970), often modified by removing
phenol from the procedures (Kormanik and McGraw 1982). Nowadays the most
commonly used method is a modification of the Philips and Hayman technique
by Koske and Gemma (1989). The procedure essentially involves six steps (Box
2.11). It is best carried out on fresh material, although roots can be stored in
70% ethanol for short periods.
Most laboratories will further modify and optimize this technique for specific
situations but it is often useful to begin with this protocol, inspecting roots
at each stage using a microscope. When making assessments, even when
optimized, it is essential to inspect stained roots very closely. A dissection
microscope is frequently used but experience shows that the use of a higher
power compound microscope is frequently necessary. This is partic-
ularly important because not all parts of the AMF are always stained, even when
the method is applied very carefully. Another problem is that it is extremely
difficult to visually differentiate between the hyphae of AMF and other fungi.
Sometimes differentiation is possible because of the presence of arbuscles and
or vesicles. Immunological techniques are available which will permit dif-
ferentiation (Hahn et al. 1994) but they require much preliminary work and
66 E. de Neergaard et al.
are not appropriate for the screening of large numbers of roots. Quantification
of AMF is obtained by estimation of percentage occupancy of roots, usually
using a gridline intersect method (Giovannetti and Mosse 1980). Measures
of colonization by AMF have usually been made only with alI AMF structures,
i.e. grouped, with no separation into the different structures. However, there
is now a consensus amongst many researchers that a breakdown of coloniza-
tion into different structures is likely to be informative. More detailed studies
of histology are possible folIowing sectioning (Gianinazzi and Gianinazzi-
Pearson 1992). Procedures again need careful adaptation to the tissue being
studied. FinalIy, it should be remembered that although the above methods
inform on the presence of AMF structures they do not identify function.
This may be determined, of course, by bioassay but these data do not provide
any information on localization. Techniques are now available to detect func-
tional enzyme activity, e.g. alkaline phosphatase (Tisserant et al. 1993) and the
more widespread use of this and similar techniques is likely to provide valuable
Spores. The quantification of spores extracted from the soil can be a useful
measure. However, it should be emphasized that extrapolations between spore
numbers (relatively easy to obtain) and the extent of colonisation by AMF or
the extern al mycelium cannot be made, because they are likely to be unreliable
and misleading.
The first step is to obtain a suitable soil sample. This should be taken from
the field using a spade or soil corer, sterilized using 70% ethanol and rinsed in
water. Soil from a pot(s) should be mixed before sampling. The precise number
of samples will depend upon individual circumstances. However, it should be
noted that the distribution of spores can be highly heterogeneous and that the
design of an appropriate sampling regime should be a priority. The final sample
size should be between 50 and 100 g. It is best to extract spores from fresh soils
but dried soils can also be used. A procedure for quantification of spores is given
in Box 2.12. Ectomycorrhizas
Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) colonise the roots of many important forest trees.
Ectomycorrhizas are thus widely distributed in forest ecosystems. Many differ-
ent morphological features are distinguishable. Undoubtedly, the most distinct
structures are the fruiting bodies, which are frequently observable under forest
trees. These structures have been widely studied (see Brundrett et al. 1996 for
methods) for accurate identification of genera and/or species. Here we limit the
description of methods to observation of structures within the root and on its
2 Anatomyand Histology of Roots and Root-Soil Boundary 67
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3.1 Introduction 76
References 106
3.1 Introduction
Analyses of the responses of root growth rate to the plant environment in the
last 10 years have greatly increased our understanding of the main mechanisms
which control root growth and development, and have led to the analysis of root
system architecture. However, we currently lack a global approach to plant
growth in varying environments, including growth of the root system. This
leaves a large, and nearly empty'ecological niche' for studies carried out at the
whole plant level, which analyse root system growth as a function of the envi-
ronment. This chapter provides guidance on how to manipulate the rooting
Mechanisms which control root elongation at the root tip level have been
analysed in detail by several groups. We have methods to analyse ceH division
rate and expansion spatiallywithin the growing zone of a root (Sharp et al. 1988;
Fraser et al. 1990), thereby allowing us to analyse the effect of environmental
conditions on these processes. Seminal roots are probably the tissues most
frequently studied for responses of cell elongation to temperature, water
deficit and salinity. These studies alllead to the conclusion that the mechanical
properties of ceH walls largely determine the response of root growth to envi-
ronmental conditions such as temperature (Pritchard et al. 1990) or water
deficit (Saab et al. 1992). Proteins involved in the process of elongation are start-
ing to be identified (e.g. Saab et al. 1995; Cosgrove 1993). Turgor of growing
cells, which is the driving force for elongation, tends to be buffered against the
same environmental conditions (Spollen and Sharp 1991 for water deficit,
Pritchard et al. 1990 for temperature) and increases in the case of mechanical
impedance (Clark et al. 1996). Overall, these studies suggest that changes in
elongation rate are a primary process with their own control and can in many
cases be seen as a cause, rather than a consequence, of changes in local con-
centrations of solutes (Sharp et al. 1990), especially in carbohydrates (in the
case of mechanical impedance, see Atwell 1990). These studies, carried out at
the single root level, now need to be extended to the whole plant level, thereby
integrating processes over longer timescales, and taking into account the
branching rate and branch abortion as constitutive mechanisms of root
Analyses and models of root system architecture have been developed, and
now give a reasonable approximation of root branching, root development rate
and 3-dimensional root geometry (e.g. Pellerin and Pages 1994; Jourdan et al.
1995) in cases without appreciable environmental constraints. However, the
effect of environmental changes on the parameters of these models has received
little attention (e.g. Aguirrezabal and Tardieu 1996). Systematic analyses of the
effect of root environment on architecture are crucial for a better prediction of
root system growth under variable and fluctuating environments.
3 Control and Measurement of the Physical Environment 77
This chapter deals with the methods available for these studies at the whole
plant level. They essentially deal with the manipulation of water deficit, me-
chanical stress and oxygen stress under laboratory conditions, and with the
measurement of these variables in the field, where they usually cannot be
manipulated as easily.
Questions arising on control and manipulation of the environment in root
1. Is the control of root growth local (i.e. depending on the conditions of a few
mm around the root) or integrated (i.e. depending on the conditions expe-
rienced by the plant as a whole)?
This question is crucial for determining the relevant measurements of the
plant environment in growth studies. A root system does not usually sense
uniform conditions over the whole soil profile. Under common water deficits,
some roots experience a severe water deficit, while deeper roots stiH grow in
soil at near field capacity. To what extent do unfavourable conditions sensed
by part of the root system, or by shoots, affect the growth of roots subjected
to favourable conditions? In addition to their role in water and nutrient
uptake, roots act as sensors and can send chemical or hydraulic messages to
the rest of the plant (see Davies et al. 1994). This is certainly the case for
water deficit, during which roots synthesise abscisic acid which is translo-
cated in the plant and affects growth of distant organs. It has been argued
(Tardieu 1994) that this is also the case for mechanical impedance: the
changes in characteristics of the whole root system cannot be accounted for
by local effects alone. It is therefore relevant to consider the effect of local
changes in the root environment on the growth of the whole plant, both roots
and shoots. Split root techniques, in which part of the root system is sub-
jected to a constraint while the rest of it is not, are a powerful tool for inte-
grated analyses, and are described in this chapter for several environmental
conditions. A careful analysis of field experiments, where 'split roots' develop
naturally because of uneven soil depletion, can also be very useful, provided
that accurate measurements of soil physical conditions are carried out in the
whole soil profile.
2. To what extent does root growth depend on shoot development?
Roots depend on shoots for carbohydrate supply. Several studies suggest that
root development can vary appreciably even in constant and favourable soil
conditions, when the availability of carbohydrates to roots varies. This is the
case when the intercepted radiation varies, between days or between growing
seasons (Aguirrezabal et al. 1994), in plants with periodic shoot growth
(Thaler and Pages 1996) or if carbon dioxide concentration changes in the
air (Idso and KimbalI1992). Changes in leaf area and intercepted light are,
therefore, a crucial variable for analysing root growth. This is obviously the
78 W.R. Whalley et al.
case when air temperature or radiation varies among experiments, but may
also be the case when an adverse condition sensed at the root level alters leaf
growth (e.g. Beemster et al. 1996 for soil compaction; Ben Haj Salah and
Tardieu 1996 for water deficit). In this case, it is essential to consider light
interception as an integrating mechanism at the plant level. Adverse condi-
tions sensed by roots can affect leaf growth, which in turn affects assimilate
availability to roots and root growth.
We have not presented methods for studying light interception in this
chapter as this is a common method in ecophysiology, but we consider it a
crucial measurement to be taken into account in root studies, especially in
the field.
3. What spatial and temporal resolution of environmental conditions is accept-
able in a study of root growth?
Due to the low conductivity of the soil to fluxes of water, heat, oxygen, etc.,
local conditions are often variable. To what extent is it necessary to charac-
terise this variability, and to what extent is it acceptable to measure mean
conditions in a soil volume? Physical processes in the soil are frequent1y non-
linear (e.g. responses of soil water potential and hydraulic conductivity to
soil water content), and local conditions sensed by a part of the root system
can affect the growth of the whole plant. In this case, measuring mean envi-
ronmental conditions may not be adequate, depending on the problem under
study. It is therefore safe, especially in the field, to combine local measure-
ments (e.g. given by tensiometers or electrodes) with more integrated mea-
surements (such as pre-dawn leaf water potential for water deficit). The
location of sensors, in relation to the studied phenomenon, and the choice
of integrated vs. local measurements, are frequent1y causes of success or
failure of analyses. We give suggestions in this chapter for taking appropri-
ate decisions.
The control of water stress has been reviewed by Krizek (1985), where the
various options for the experimental control of water stress are described. They
are the regulation of water supply; the control of the matric potential of the soil
water; and the use of osmotica.
Before consideration of these approaches in more detail, it is pertinent to
consider the conclusions of Krizek (1985). He considered that withholding
water was the most natural, but gave results that were difficult to interpret. In
contrast, the use of osmotica gave more precise control of water potential, but
3 Control and Measurement of the Physical Environment 79
care should be taken to avoid the possibility of toxic side effects. However, since
Krizek (1985) wrote his review, the control of soil matric potential has been
developed further. High molecular weight polyethylene glycol, PEG (e.g. 20000)
is relatively common in current literature, in comparison with the widespread
use of PEG (6000) as described by Krizek (1985).
3.72 -30
0.6 -200
0.15 -810
0.08 -1600 Control of Soil Matrie Potential
The requirement for subjecting plants to water stress in a controlled way whilst
avoiding possible toxic effects of osmotica, has led to the development of
sophisticated methods for controlling soil matric potential. There are two prin-
cipal methods of controlling water stress, but in each case the soil must have a
large hydraulic conductivity in order to be certain that the potential at the soil-
root interface is the same as that of the bulk soil. This requirement restricts the
use of this technique to relatively coarse soils at high water potentials (usually
no lower than -20 kPa), if accurate control of the potential at the soil-root inter-
face is required.
BOX 3.1
An experimental system suitable for controlling matric potential is
shown in Fig. 3.1. This represents a refinement of the system described
by Snow and Tingey (1985) in which the growth medium was maintained
above a fixed water table. In the apparatus of Lipiec et al. (1988) ceramic
tubes are connected to a water reservoir in a closed loop. The water
reservoir is a sealed vessel and can be subjected to a pressure below
atmospheric. The pump circulates water to prevent air collecting in the
ceramic tubes, which would seriously limit the performance of the
apparatus. The water uptake by roots can be estimated directly from the
level in the reservoir, provided the system is initially in equilibrium and
there is no change in water storage. Taps can be closed to replenish the
water reservoir.
, . . /10
:: -:. :: 9
._ .............. .
Fig. 3.1. An experimental system for controlling matric potential of soil (9). Water in reser-
voir (6) is held under a negative pressure and recirculated using a pump (7) through ceramic
tubes (8) in contact with the soil, which operate in a similar way to tensiometers. The pres-
sure in the reservoir (6) is controlled by an automatic pump and pressure control device (s,
1,2,3,4 and 5). (From Lipiec et al. 1988)
3 Control and Measurement of the Physical Environment 81
Experimental systems as shown in Fig. 3.1 (Box 3.1) have been found to be
useful for studying root infection by pathogens. Iwama et al. (1994) used a
similar system to study the effect of water potential on the infection of tur-
nips (Brassica rapa L.) with Plasmodiophora brassicae which causes club root
disease. They found that for the soil they used (humic volcanic ash) a potential
greater than a critical value of about -11.2 kPa resulted in the initiation of club
root disease. The critical potential was thought to be related to pore size which
dictates the upper limit of the size of mobile spores.
An analogous experimental system is described by Painter (1966). In this
system the soil is packed between two dialysis membranes which are then
surrounded by PEG (20000). With this approach it is theoretically possible to
extend the range of potentials to below the -85 kPa limit (i.e. tensiometer limit)
with the system described by Lipiec et al. (1988). However, care should be taken
to ensure that steep gradients in water potential do not result in more negative
matric potentials at the root surface.
Hsieh et al. (1972) described how the surface of a soil connected to a water
table could be covered with a fine mesh with openings of 28-30 Jlm, to enable
water uptake by root hairs to be quantified. They grew bean (Phaseolus vulgaris
L.), maize (Zea mays L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) on the surface of the
mesh with no apparent ill-effects. They used gamma attenuation to obtain water
content profiles with a resolution of 1 mm. Fig. 3.2 shows a time sequence of
potential profiles (estimated from water release curves) following the dis con-
nection of the soil water table. This diagram gives a clear illustration of the
uncertainties of the potential at the soil-root interface when the water-
withholding method is used to apply water stress.
For convenience, osmotic solutions are widelY used to subject plants to water
stress. The osmotic agents most widely used are polyethylene glycol (PEG)
and mannitol. Caution should always be exercised when osmotic agents are
used, because it is necessary to demonstrate that any effect is caused by
water stress and not toxicity or an other property of the osmoticum. PEG is
available commonly in molecular weights between 200 and 20000. Lawlor
(1970) made a detailed study ofthe problems associated with PEG and manni-
tol solutions and, as far as we are aware, it is stiH the most comprehensive. PEG
has been criticised because of the impurities that certain grades sometimes
contain. Lawlor (1970) concluded that this is not a serious problem, although
Janes (1974) observed that the toxicity of PEG 4000 can differ between differ-
ent batches.
Figure 3.3 shows the effect of root damage on PEGs entry into the root for
PEGs of different molecular weights. When undamaged roots were placed in
82 W.R. Whalley et al.
o OCI:C~:J:1"":1:JO:00'00::JOC:oaoo)O(ol:""O:::X>ClooC oOCOoa,I()(Or::lOCl:JX>::JO~OOOO",,:;1:a::1()(0OlOCO0)0(:ClOCeOX>OOO:::
::oc:::oe::1()(:C""::X>:o:""ooc J: :00:Screen : o o o o oe::::: :: :: C::::J:
Days since termination of water supp1y Root hair zone
2 8 11 13 15 18 24
~---""-.,,,,- --- ~
~, 3
!=: 4
..c: 5
E 6
u 7
Ei 8
Fig.3.2. Matric potential as a function of distance from the root hair screen during the growth
of maize. Parameter is the time elapsed since the termination of water supply. (From Hsieh
et al. 1972)
PEG at -200kPa, little PEG entry occurred for molecular weights of 1000,4000
and 20000, while in damaged roots, PEG 1000 and 4000 entered the root. At a
potential of -1.0 MPa, even in damaged roots, the entry of PEG 20000 was only
small. Lawlor (1970) observed that PEG entry was proportional to the amount
of damage, which is presumably likely to occur in ageing annual plants sub-
jected to mechanical impedance or in perennial plants due to increasing root
Both PEG 200 and mannitol can enter undamaged roots, but they have dif-
ferent effects on the leaf compared with higher molecular weight PEG. Zhu and
Boyer (1992) demonstrated that for giant algal cells, mannitol disrupts the
normal process of cell wall metabolism. The use of mannitol to stress roots has
produced some convincing results (e.g. Pritchard et al. 1990). However, it is
uncertain whether some other metabolic effect of water stress or the effect of
mannitol is being observed.
Mexal et al. (1975) have demonstrated that oxygen solubility is decreased
in PEG and the solubility decreases with increasing PEG concentration and
increasing molecular weight. They considered that this problem was sufficiently
3 Control and Measurement of the Physical Environment 83
(a) (b)
.:g, 30
'b;, 20
~ 10
2 3 4 5
6 7
8 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Days from cutting
Fig.3.3. The effect of cutting the root systems of cotton plants on the entry of different mole-
cular weights from a -0.2 MPa and b -1.0 MPa PEG solutions. Cut roots: open triangles 20000,
open square 4000, open cirele 1000. Uncut roots: elosed triangle 20000, elosed square 4000, elosed
cirele 1000. (From Lawlor 1970)
serious that plants growing in nutrient solution containing PEG could suffer
from oxygen stress. Mexal et al. (1975) suggested that solutions of PEG should
be aerated which might allow oxygen to reach the roots directly in a gaseous
form. Verslues et al. (1998) have made a detailed study of oxygen concentrations
around roots growing in PEG (8000) aerated with gas with an oxygen partial
pressure of 20.8kPa, 30AkPa or 45.9kPa. From measurements of oxygen con-
centration profiles around the surface of roots, they concluded that PEG should
be equilibrated with a gas with a higher than ambient oxygen partial pressure
to give root surface oxygen partial pressures equivalent to roots grown in
moist vermiculite. Root elongation rate was observed to be higher when PEG
was aerated with gases containing supplemental oxygen and this effect was
particularly noticeable at water potentials higher than -800 kPa. By making
comparisons between the elongation rates of roots growing in vermiculite equi-
librated at various potentials and PEG, Verslues et al. (1998) concluded that
similar elongation rates could not be taken as evidence against hypoxia. This
was because the elongation rate of roots growing in vermiculite was lower than
that of those growing in PEG aerated with gas with an ambient oxygen partial
pressure at the same water potential. Thus comparisons between the effects of
water stress induced by PEG and other methods (e.g. equilibrated vermiculite)
must be made with caution. However, Verslues et al. (1998) do conclude that
PEG can be used without the complication of oxygen stress if the solution is
aerated with a gas containing supplemental oxygen. The work of Verslues et al.
84 W.R. Whalley et al.
Table 3.2. Influence of various membrane types and thickness on leaf water potential and the
PEG concentration in the root-vermiculite mass. (From Tingey and StockwellI977)
Membrane combinations' Leaf water potential kPa PEG 20000 content mg/g
Fresh wtb
• Minimum molecular weight exclusion limits for dialysis membrane and Spectrapor are
12-14000 and 6-8000 respectively.
b Expressed as g fresh wt. of the combined root and vermiculite mixture.
, The PEG was extracted from the root-vermiculite mass of plants grown in the membrane
systems for 7 days at -600 kPa. Each mean is based on seven observations. SE = 0.3 for both leaf
water potential and PEG content.
Split root systems for studying the effect of water stress on root and plant
growth can be relatively simple. The work of Coutts (1982) is a good example
of a split root experiment. Coutts (1982) described how the roots of a 2-year-
old sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis L.) seedling were divided between two plastic
tubes, 605 mm tall and 109 mm in diameter. The tubes were packed with sandy
loam soil equilibrated to given matric potentials. An example of the treatment
Coutts used is as follows. Both sides watered to -6kPa (determined using ten-
siometers),one side watered to -6kPa and the second side kept to -60kPa or
both sides kept at -60 kPa.
The vertical variation in soil water potential is usually much greater than
the lateral variation. Sommer (1988) describes how it is possible to isolate
compartments in a soil monolith, with the water potential in each compartment
being controlled by a system similar to that shown in Fig. 3.1 and described
by Lipiec et al. (1988). Water movement between adjacent compartments at
different water potentials was prevented with a 2-3 mm thick wax layer
between compartments. A similar experimental system has been used by
Vetterlein and Marschner (1993) to study hydraulic lift in sandy soil planted
with pearl millet. Vetterlein and Marschner (1993) used two compartments,
separated by a 2 cm perlite layer, to prevent capillary flow of water. The lower
86 W.R. Whalley et al.
layer was wetted by capillary movement of water and the upper layer was
not watered.
When studying the effect of mechanical stress on soil, the principal experi-
mental objective is to change soil strength independendy of soil aeration, water
potential and hydraulic conductivity. Voorhees et al. (1975) show that, when soil
is used as a growth medium for roots, the range of water contents and bulk den-
sities used must be carefully selected to avoid poor aeration.
Table 3.3 gives the elongation rate of pea seedling seminal roots in relation
to bulk density, water potential, air-filled porosity and penetrometer resistance.
Any credible experiment with compressible soil which is designed to study the
Table 3.3. Primary root elongation rates, probe measurements, and porosity characteristics of
a Sverdrup sandy loam. (From Voorhees et al. 1975)
Soi! core Primary root Total point Normal point Volumetric Air
bulk elongation resistance, a p resistance, a p water filled
density rate MPa MPa content porosity
gcm- 3 cmhr- t
a= 5° a= 30° a= 5° a= 30°
(Gill and Bolt 1955; Eavis et al. 1969; Pfeffer 1893; Misra et al. 1986; Souty and
St~pniewski 1988; Whalley and Dexter 1993; Whalley et al. 1994; Clark et al.
1996). Several different apparatus for measuring a max have been reported, all
of which are "home-made". The principle of the measurement is to allow a
root to elongate into a small blind hole in a piece of ceramic which will com-
pletely impede the root. If the root is anchored securely, the maximum
growth force can be measured using a force transducer attached to the ceramic
(Fig. 3.4). The rate of growth force development is dependent on tempera-
ture (Bengough et al. 1994; Whalley et al. 1994). At 25 ac the roots of pea
approach a maximum growth force in about 24 h. Although growth force
may continue to in crease gradually beyond that point, the value of amax is
stable. The value of a max in pea was not found to be sensitive to temperature
Uptumed glass
Ceramic cone
(C) Plaster of Paris
stand '--......
Digital balance
Fig. 3.4. Apparatus for measuring the maximum growth force generated by a seedling root.
(From Whalley and Dexter 1993)
90 W.R. Whalley et al.
over the range 5 to 30°C (Bengough et al. 1994; WhaHey et al. 1994). A major
Iimitation of this approach of measuring root growth pressure is that it can
only be easily used with seedlings. An important advance is described by
Misra (1997) who measured a max in both lateral and primary roots of pea and
eucalypt (Eucalyptus nitens) seedlings. As far as we are aware, measurements of
a max have not been made on the mature roots of seedIings more than a few
days old.
One of the main benefits of maximum growth pressure measurements has
been to provide data which help explain how individual roots respond to envi-
ronmental stresses. The approach has the advantage of providing a direct esti-
mate of root growth pressure. The most important data have been provided by
experiments in which a max was measured as a function of oxygen, water and
temperature stress. Eavis et al. (1969) have shown that in the case of pea, a max
was not significant1y affected when the oxygen partial pressure was reduced
from 21kPa to 3kPa and was in the range 1.1 to lAMPa. In the case of cotton
(Gossipium hirsutum L.), a max was reduced from l.lMPa to 0.5MPa when the
oxygen partial pressure was reduced from 2lkPa to 3kPa. In experiments on
young maize, Souty and St~pniewski (1988) varied oxygen partial pressures
from Oto 20 kPa either around the whole seedIing or just the radic1e. The values
of amax decreased with oxygen partial pressure in both cases, although the
decrease was less severe when only the radic1e was subjected to oxygen short-
age, probably because oxygen cou1d diffuse inside the root. Eavis et al. (1969)
measured no significant decrease in a max for pea and cotton roots when they
were subjected to matric potentials of -0.03 or -0.01 MPa. Whalley et al. (1998)
extended the range, of water stress for pea down to -0.45 MPa. Over this larger
range, the value of a max almost halved (i.e. from 0.66 MPa to 0.35 MPa).
Clark et al. (1996) combined measurements of maximum growth pressure
with micro-pressure probe measurements of ceH turgor. The micro-pressure
probe technique is described by Pritchard et al. (1990) and it was based on the
use of a micro-pipette which is connected to a pressure transducer. By making
turgor pressure measurements in impeded pea roots, mounted in a speciaHy
adapted device for measuring a max, Clark et al. (1996) were able to demonstrate
that when pea roots become impeded, turgor increased from 0.55 to 0.78MPa
and confining pressure due to the ceH wall tension decreased from 0.55 to
0.26 MPa.
As far as we are aware, spIit root systems have not been used widely in relation
to mechanical impedance per se. SpIit root systems have been used to study the
effect of water relations on plant growth. Gowing et al. (1990) spIit the roots of
3 Control and Measurement of the Physical Environment 91
young apple plants between two pots 300 mm long and 60 mm in diameter and
were able to demonstrate the role of hormones in root-shoot interaction in
plants which were growing in soil, when the strength increased as a conse-
quence of soil drying.
Bar-Yosef and Lambert (1981) used two coaxial acrylic cylinders, in which
the roots were split between six 2.55 compartments. A range of soil strengths
were obtained by varying either soil bulk density (by packing) or matric po-
tential (by surface irrigation and suction). The experiment was performed
with Norfolk sandy loam packed to bulk densities between 1.35 and 1.80 g cm3
and matric potentials -3 to -60kPa. The authors found that at penetrometer
resistances greater than 2 MPa, roots continued to grow under a matric poten-
tial of -16 kPa and soil density of 1.85 g cm 3 but not under a matric potential
of -60 kPa and soil density of 1.45 g cm-3• For a given penetrometer resistance,
the root elongation rate was always lower when the matric potential was
more negative.
Thus, for the complete reduction of one oxygen molecule, four electrons are
required. The measurement is made with an electrode made from inert plat-
inum which is negatively polarised in relation to a reference electrode. This ref-
erence electrode can be a saturated colomel electrode or a silverlsilver chloride
92 W.R. Whalley et al.
electrode. The relationship between the potential at the electrode surface and
the current generated from the reduction process is complex (Fig. 3.5). As the
potential of the electrode is decreased from Oto -0.4 V the current will increase,
until a plateau region is reached. In this region current is proportional to the
rate of oxygen reduction, which is in effect the rate at which oxygen molecules
collide with the electrode (i.e. the oxygen flux at the surface of the electrode).
As the potential is decreased further, the electrode current increases sharply in
response to the reduction of hydrogen ions. The plateau region, in which
the current is proportional to the oxygen flux, is normally between -0.4
and -0.7V.
Platinum electrodes (or any other inert electrode) tend to over-estimate
oxygen flux at the surface of a root, because the oxygen concentration at the
surface of an electrode is zero. In contrast, at the surface of a root, the oxygen
concentration is normally greater than zero.
Measurement of oxygen flux with polarographic methods has several prac-
tical limitations. In unsaturated soils there may be no plateau region, and in
such circumstances the method should not be used. Glinski and Sttypniewski
(1985) note that the method is only valid when the electrode is completely
covered with a water film. This corresponds to a matric potential of greater than
about -0.1 MPa. Armstrong (1994) recommended that polarograms should be
frequently checked if there is any doubt. He noted that naked electrodes are very
prone to plateau shifts, usually at the upper boundary of voltage potential. With
time, carbonates and hydroxides can precipitate on the electrode and impair its
~ 6
C 2
~ 5 Fig.3.5. Current versus applied
o voltage characteristics of a platinum
1 electrode in (1) saturated sandy
3 loam, (2) stirred soil suspension and
2 (3) an unsaturated sandy loam. Note
that no plateau is present in the case
of the unsaturated sandy loam, and
the measurement cannot be used to
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
estimate oxygen flux. From Glinski
Applied voltage (V) and Sttypniewski (1985)
3 Control and Measurement of the Physical Environment 93
Oxygen stress can be controlled directly by flooding the soil air space with dif-
ferent gas mixtures. In this way, the effect of particular components of the soil
atmosphere can be studied independently. Examples of this approach are
described by Geisler (1967) who considered the effect of the concentration of
oxygen and of carbon dioxide and also Drew et al. (1979), Konings and Jackson
(1979) and Smith and Robertson (1972) who studied the response of roots to
ethylene (ethene). Sarquis et al. (1991) studied the interaction between ethylene
and mechanical impedance. They grew maize seedlings in a triaxial cell (see
Sect., that was continually flushed with ethylene-free air. Using the same
system, Sarquis et al. (1991) studied the effect of applying ethylene exogenously
by flushing the triaxial cell with air containing l/le e- 1 ethylene at a rate
of 1.5eh-1•
The use of different gases to either flood the pore space of soil or bubble
through a soil suspension results in redox potentials varying from +550 to
-350mV (Sttţpniewski et al. 1991). To obtain a redox potential of 500mV, air
was flushed through a Mississippi sandy loam, flushing the soil with gas con-
94 W.R. Whalley et al.
taining 10 000 Ilg g-l oxygen in nitrogen, resulting in a redox potential of approx-
imately 400 m V, while oxygen concentrations less than 100 Ilg g-l in nitrogen alI
produced redox potentials between O and 100 m V. When soil suspensions were
used, bubbling with air gave a redox potential of 550 m V, while alI other gases
containing less than 10 000 Ilg g-l oxygen gave redox potentials between -200
and -350 m V. It should be noted that the environment of the soil or soil
suspension can take up to 3 days to attain a reasonably stable value of redox
One of the best examples of an experiment designed to estimate the values
of oxygen flux that limit root growth is described by Blackwell and Wells (1983).
In this experiment oat plants were established in a 1-m-long perspex tube. The
tubes were then flooded, by lifting the water table slowly, and tilted so that the
elongation of the roots could be observed against the side of the perspex
columns. Oxygen stress was induced due to consumption by microbial activity
and a low diffusion rate due to water logging. Blackwell and Wells (1983) mea-
sured oxygen flux by using both the procedure of Armstrong and Wright (1976)
and also by assuming that a single excitation voltage of 0.65 V could be used
(i.e. assuming that there is no need to check for a plateau in the voltage-current
relationship). Comparison of the results from these two approaches clearly
demonstrates the importance of measuring the voltage-current relationship
(e.g. Fig. 3.5) to establish that the current flow is limited by the oxygen flux. We
recommend Blackwell and WelIs (1983) to readers who intend to make labora-
tory measurements of the value of oxygen flux that limits root growth.
More commonly, indirect approaches are used to modify soil aeration. The
water content or the bulk density can be manipulated to change the air-filled
porosity (e.g. Sttţpniewski and Przywara 1992). Typically, air-filled porosities of
less than 10% are associated with oxygen stress, but this depends upon soil type.
As increased bulk density can result in increased mechanical impedance to root
growth, it is more usual to adjust water content to decrease the air-filled
Van Noordwijk and Brouwer (1993) used a split root system in which the roots
were split between two 8 e pots containing nutrient solution. The solution was
either permanently aerated in both pots, permanently non-aerated or the aer-
ation was stopped in half the root system at a certain growth stage approxi-
mately two weeks before measurements of root porosity. The air-filled porosity
of the roots of maize, tomato and gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) was greater in
the plants which were not aerated. When half the roots were transferred to a
non-aerated nutrient solution, the air-filled porosity of the roots increased in
3 Control and Measurement of the Physical Environment 95
young plants, but not in older plants. Van Noordwijk and Brouwer (1993) noted
that aeration of the solution involved complex factors such as agitation due to
stirring. They developed a recirculation system in which the oxygen partial
pressure could be varied between 1 and 4kPa. The oxygen partial pressure in
the aerated system stayed close to 20 kPa. Again they found that, for most
species, older roots did not respond when half the root system was transferred
to a decreased oxygen environment.
Air-filled porosity of a root can be measured either with the pycnometer
method (Jensen et al. 1969) or by examination of sections of root under a micro-
scope. Both of these methods are compared by Van Noordwijk and Brouwer
(1988). For maize, these methods compared well. However, Van Noordwijk and
Brouwer (1993) showed that this is not always the case.
StCfpniewski and Bennicelli (1992) and StCfpniewski et al. (1994) have devel-
oped a split root technique based on two rhizotrons filled with soil that can be
flooded with various gases (Fig. 3.6). At the end of the experiment, the soil can
be washed away, with the roots being held on a pin-board. StCfpniewski et al.
(1994) observed compensatory growth in the aerated part of the root system. In
a more complex experiment, W. StCfpniewski and G. Przywara (unpubl.) divided
the root system into four parts and modified aeration indirect1y by adjusting the
water content. Their results are presented in Fig. 3.7. The mass of the root system
decreased as the fraction of the root system, that was flooded, increased.
The rooting environment can also be split into independent horizontal
strata, with thin layers of wax petroleum separating the layers of soil (e.g. Sect. Soft wax can be used to avoid impeding the root system mechanically.
Procedures for inspecting soil in the field are described by Batey (1988). We rec-
ommend Batey's handbook (1988) to readers as an excellent practical guide to
field inspection of soil conditions. Table 3.4 (Box 3.2) can be used as a rough
guide to help decide on the probable causes of poor root growth and then on
appropriate measurements which provide data beyond visual observation.
1 11
Fig. 3.7. Data from a four part split root system used to study the effect of partial or total flood-
ing on a root system. (From W. St~pniewski and G. Przywara, unpubl.)
Wilting point Solid, hard, cannot Light colour, darkens Water stress (H) Water content
be moulded, darkens strong.1y when Mechanical Small cone
strongly when moistened impedance (H) penetrometer
Intermediate Semi· solid, can be Darkens slightly when Water stress (L) Water content
between field moulded, cracks and wened Mechanical Small cone
capacity and crumbles when rolled impedance (M) penetrometer
wilting point by hand into 3 mm
threads, darkens
slightly when wetted
Field capacity; Plastic, can be roLled Fingers get slightly Poor aeration (L) Large cone
free water absent into 3 mm threads moist, no water escapes Mechanical penetrometer
without cracking, no soil pores upon impedance (M) Redox potential
colour <hange upon compression, no colour
wetting change upon wetting
Free water present, Soi! soft and can be Fingers moisten rapidly Poor aeration (M) Large cone
saturating part of roLled into a thread when soil is worked and Mechanical penetrometer
soil pore space <3 mm diameter visible oUltlow from soil impedance (L) Redox potential
pores upon compression
Temperature Temperature
AII pores full, free Ali pores appear AU pores appear \Vater Poor aeration (H) Large cone
\Vater present water filled and free filled and free water penetrometer
water present present Redox potential
Soil surface Soil surface covered Soi! surface covered by Poor aeration (H) Large cone
covered by water by water water penetrometer,
redox potential
3 Control and Measurement of the Physical Environment 99
simplest of these is to take a core of soil of known volume and oven dry it to
obtain the mass of dry soil per unit volume. A second group of methods involve
excavation of a known mass of soil. The volume of the hole is then obtained by
filling it with particles that pack to a known density. If high spatial resolution
is required gamma attenuation can be used to measure bulk density. An excel-
lent review of methods for estimating bulk density is given by Campbell and
Henshall (1991).
Direct comparisons of bulk density between different soil types are of little
value. To overcome this problem, Hâkansson (1990) proposed the use of the
degree of compactness. This is defined as the ratio of the actual bulk density to
the bulk density of the wet soil under a static load of 200 kPa.
An alternative index is defined by Bennie (1991) as:
[ Pactual- pminJ,
Pmax -pmin
where P is soil bulk density and the subscripts refer to actual and reference
maximum and minimum densities. The minimum bulk density was estimated
from the mass of unsieved dry soil required to fill a 0.2 e container and the
maximum bulk density was determined with the ASTM Proctor test (Felt 1965).
Using the index of Bennie (1991), the values of <0.5,0.5-0.6,0.6-0.7 and 0.7 cor-
respond to low, medium, high and very high degrees of compaction respectively.
Relative compaction parameters give a useful characterisation of soil compact-
ness in studies of root and crop responses to compaction (van Ouwerkerk and
Soane 1994).
Methods for studying the interaction between soil structure and root growth
are perhaps the least well developed. This is because soil structure is a
complicated concept which has no simple definition. Dexter (1988) defines
soil structure as "the spatial heterogenity of the different components
of soil".
To illustrate the care that must be taken when relating soil structure to root
growth, it is pertinent to consider two separate classic laboratory experiments.
Firstly, Voorhees et al. (1971) used carefully prepared mixtures of aggregates,
which differed in density. During the experiments, certain density classes were
labelled with 32p. Voorhees et al. (1971) demonstrated that dense aggregates
restricted root growth more than porous aggregates. In the case of very dense
aggregates, root growth was restricted to the periphery of aggregates, while root
growth within the aggregate was affected by the strength and pore size distri-
but ion of adjacent aggregates.
100 w'R. Whalley et al.
Secondly, Scholefield and Hall (1985) demonstrated that roots were able to
penetrate pores smaller than their nominal thickness. From the work of
Voorhees et al. (I97I) and Scholefield and Hall (I985), it is clear that the rela-
tionship between root growth and soil structure is far from trivial. A further
complication is that the relationship between root structure and soil structure
is dynamic. An excellent recent review is presented by Cresswell and Kirkegaard
Ehlers et al. (1983) studied the growth of oat roots in tilled and untilled
soils. They characterised the soil structure in several ways. Penetration resis-
tance profiles were measured weekly with a penetrometer which had a 60° cone
angle, Il mm in diameter, and a relieved shaft. The mean penetration resistance
was determined in 5-cm-deep layers down to 40 cm, then in 10-cm-layers
down to a depth of 60 cm. Bulk density profiles were also measured in two layers
with six samples per layer. Bio-pores (root or earthworm holes) were counted
after excavation of the soil to the required depth in an area 50 cm x 50 cm. Ehlers
et al. (1983) used a butane flame to heat the excavated surface of the soil and
then used suction to lift off the loose dry aggregates, so that the bio-pores
could be observed. Ehlers et al. (I983) demonstrated that oat roots exploited
bio-pores, and as little as 2% of bio-pores could improve rootability of the soil.
A similar study on soybean (Glycine max 1.) roots was described by Wang
et al. (l986).
For more detailed studies, the method of preparing thin polished sections
of soil impregnated with resin is particularly useful (McBratney et al. 1992;
Van Noordwijk et al. 1992; Krebs et al. 1994). An excellent example of a thin
section is shown in Fig. 3.8. Van Noordwijk et al. (I992) note that small thin sec-
tions contain insufficient information for quantative analysis, although qualita-
tively they are extremely useful. In the case of Fig. 3.8, the extension of root
hairs into aggregates is clearly visible. Root soil contact is an important
input for models of oxygen, water and nutrient uptake (De Willigen and Van
Noordwijk 1987).
Methods for studying the inter-relationships between soil structure and
root growth need greater development.
The polarographic method for mea sur ing oxygen flux described in Section is also suitable for use in the field (BlackwellI983). Similarly, the mea-
surements of redox potential described in Section can also be used in
the field. Armstrong and Wright (l976) and Blackwell (I983) describe devices
which enable large numbers of probes to be monitored. Their equipment can
be used to measure both redox potential and oxygen flux. Readers should be
3 Control and Measurement of the Physical Environment 101
Fig.3.8. Thin sections of a soil showing different degrees of soil-root contact (black void, light
grainy structures sand particles, thin lines root cell walls). aTransverse section through two roots
growing on the surface of soil peds. b Longitudinal section of root in void between soi! aggre-
gates, establishing contact with soil via root hairs. c Transverse section of root in void with root
hairs reaching for the soi!. d Longitudinal section of root penetrating through and branching
in the soil matrix. (Photographs courtesy of Dr. M.J. Kooistra, SC-DLO Wageningen, the
for gas sampling wiH tend to sample the gas between the soil structural units.
The gas sampling chamber is a convenient method for obtaining repeated
measurements of oxygen concentration in the field and depending on the
availability of laboratory methods for gas analysis it can be extended to
other gases.
Ball et al. (1994) describe a research apparatus which monitors the diffu-
sion of a radioactive gas from an excavated hole in the soil. The experimental
data were used to obtain estimates of relative diffusivity near the soil surface
using a numerical simulation based on Fick's equation. They noted that there
was poor agreement between field and laboratory tests, which they attributed
to variation in air-filled porosity with depth. This technique appears to be
promis ing, but is stiH being developed. BaU et al. (1994) iHustrates clearly how
gas diffusion depends on bulk density, water content, and soil type.
Gas diffusion measurements in the field are rarely made because they are
labour intensive (Gliftski and StfTpniewski 1985) and the air-filled porosity is
often quoted instead.
.... •
30 l;
~ a
... o
• °0'" • •V'
"'" 20 0l;
» IOa ° b" 'II
... "
oo •
" ..!!
oo o
• ... 0
o o
~ ~ la
° '"
• °" "
6'.... ~"
l; ....
° ","
o DT." ~ o ... 'tI
o 500 1000 1500 2000 o 500 1000 1500 2000
Fig.3.9. Data for wheat from Barraclough and Leigh (1984), showing the accumulation of total
root dry matter or totallength as a function of accumulated thermal time. Solid symbols, 1980
Crops; open symbols 1981 Crops; circles, Rothamsted early-sown; triangles, Woburn early-sown;
squares, Rothamsted late-sown; inverted triangles, Woburn late-sown
Root growth in the field is affected by many fac tors which vary in space and
time, and can interact. Establishing which factors are limiting root growth is
104 W.R. Whalley et al.
very difficult. Figure 3.10 shows how both penetrometer resistance and air-filled
porosity are related to matric potential and dry bulk density. An air-filled
porosity of 10% and a penetrometer resistance of 3 MPa are regarded frequently
as critical for root growth. Figure 3.10 illustrates that as bulk density increases,
the range of matric potential, in which aeration and mechanical impedance do
not limit root growth, becomes narrower. In compacted soils, therefore, rela-
tively small changes in water content (either drying or wetting) can lead to
reduced root growth. This has been demonstrated in field experiments by Grath
and Hăkansson (1994). In areas of compaction (e.g. headlands, wheel
tracks), and in depressions, leaf yellowing occurred. Plant species responded
differently to combinations of stress (Goss et al. 1989). In wheat, the effect
on root elongation of a combination of mechanical impedance and poor aera-
tion could be predicted from measurements of the effects of the stresses act ing
independently. In contrast, for maize the combined effect was greater than that
predicted (see Goss et al. 1989) indicating a significant interaction between
The effects of soil compaction, temperature, nitrogen and water supply on
the growth and distribution of roots of winter wheat were studied by Barra-
clough et al. (1991). They found that drought-stressed roots grew deeper than
roots in irrigated soil, and soil porosity or mechanical impedance appeared to
be major factors affecting root distribution.
Dense layers such as ploughpans, claypans or fragipans in soil profiles
restrict root growth by large mechanical impedance, insufficient aeration and
sometimes reduced water availability to roots (Unger et al. 1981). These layers
have large values of bulk density and cone resistance. The thicker the layer and
the nearer it is to the soil surface, the greater the restriction of root growth. The
negative effect of the dense layers can sometimes be alleviated by compensatory
root growth. Barraclough and Weir (1988) showed that when water was not a
limiting factor in the topsoil and N was added, the pan had a negligible effect
on the grain yield of winter wheat.
In soils with a water table within the root zone, root development may be
affected adversely both by anoxic conditions, and by the lower soil temperature
in cold climates. In hot climates, salt in the water table may limit root growth.
The techniques that we have described for controlling the rooting environment
in the laboratory are almost alI designed to provide an environment that is con-
stant with time. The exceptions are the withholding of water which provides an
in crease in both mechanical impedance and water stress with time, but in an
uncontrolled way. For a single root axis the approach of Bengough et al. (1994)
provides the possibility of changing the mechanical impedance as a function of
time. There is a need for more development of systems that alIow root growth
to be studied in an environment with controlled temporal variation in physical
stresses, particularly mechanical impedance and water stress. The data obtained
should be related to the root architecture.
The approaches for measuring maximum growth pressure of a single root
axis need to be extended to the whole root system. Misra (1997) has made an
important contribution to this objective. There is also a requirement for
methods which alIow the maximum axial growth pressure of roots in mature
plants to be measured.
Significant progress has been made in our understanding of the response
of roots to water stress by Sharp and co-workers and to mechanical stresses by
Bengough and co-workers, but the interaction between these two stresses is less
well understood. More work is needed to identify improved methodologies for
looking at combinations of these and other stresses.
Laboratory approaches for studying the effect of soil structure on root
development are poorly developed. Approaches are needed to study the inter-
act ion between root architecture and soil structure which can elucidate the
function, both for soil structure and the root system.
There is a need for better integration between field work and laboratory
experiments. Both of these approaches are important, but there is a tendency
for them to be conducted in isolation.
We hope that the approaches that we have described in this chapter will
help to raise the level of awareness of the need to conduct root growth experi-
ments in a carefulIy controlled environment.
Acknowledgments. W.R. WhalIey and J. Lipiec thank the British Council and the
KBN in Warsaw who partly funded this work. We thank Dr. A.G. Bengough, Dr.
106 W.R. Whalley et al.
M.C. Drew, Dr. J. Tisdall and Dr. W.B. Voorhees for the constructive comments
made on an early manuscript. W.R. Whalley was supported by Silsoe Research
Institute which is grant aided by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
Research Council.
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4.1 lntroduction 114
4.2 Root Depth and Root Length Density Models 115
4.2.1 Root Depth Models 115
4.2.2 Root Length Density Models 117
4.2.3 Root Depth-Root Length Density Models 117
4.2.4 Soi! Impacts on Root Distribution 118
4.2.5 Shoot -Root Interactions 120
4.2.6 Exudation, Mortality, Respiration and Activity 121
4.2.7 Conclusions 122
4.3 Models of the Root System Architecture 123
4.3.1 Describing Branching Patterns 123 Statistical Descriptions 123 Hydraulic Networks 124 Fractals 125
4.3.2 Formalisation of Developmental Rules 126 General Rules 126 Root Emergence 127 Growth Process 127
Elongation Rate 128
Growth Direction 128 Branching Process 129
Branch Location 129
Branch Initial Direction 130 Mortality and Abscission 131
4.3.3 Parameter Estimation 131
4.3.4 Evaluation of Models of Root System Architecture 133
4.3.5 Utilisation 135
4.1 Introduction
For any complex system, and particularly for the root system interacting with
the rest of the plant and the environment, a model can be a helpful tool for syn-
thesising knowledge to produce more global representations and for testing
hypotheses on the interacting mechanisms derived from experimental results.
The models presented here are mainly devoted to a description of the kinetics
of root system development and the spatial arrangement of roots, with differ-
ent viewpoints and varying levels of detail according to different objectives.
They have been separated into two main categories that correspond to differ-
ent ways of consider ing the root system.
In the first category are models of root depth and root length density which
aim to describe the root system relative to the soil volume, mapping the pres-
ence (or absence) of roots and/or their density (e.g. root length or root mass
per soil volume). The root system is considered as an abstract object whose
selected characteristic is the spatial distribution of roots, which is described
like a concentration throughout the soil. These models are generalIy one-
dimensional, and they alIow the simulation of various types of root profiles
(especialIy root length density versus depth). They give a simple representation
of the shape of the plant/crop root system in which alI roots are equivalent and
are not explicitly connected. These models have been developed mainly as part
of dynamic hydraulic, plant/crop or ecosystem models. Their ultimate aim is to
simulate carbon, water and nutrient cyeles.
The second category of models considers the root system as a set of con-
nected axes that grow and branch according to a number of production rules
which formalise morphogenetic rules and local (at a root scale) interactions
with the environment (mainly the soil). Therefore, they simulate the whole
architecture of the system, i.e. not only its shape (spatial arrangement of it com-
ponents) but also its structure and topology. The structure refers to the specific
identification of its components, the roots, and to their relationships (connec-
tions, branching patterns, and morphogenetic gradients). Hence, these models
are more specificalIy devoted to the study of root system structure and mor-
phogenesis. The simplified representation which they give alIows inference on
different aspects of root functioning, which depend on both the shape of the
system (e.g. water and nutrient transport from the soil to the roots), and its
4 Modelling Root System Growth and Architecture 115
structure (e.g. uptake and transport within the root system). These root system
models are sometimes part of more integrated plant growth models.
Root depth and root length density models simulate the shape of a root system
in terms of root elongation to the depth and root length density distribution
over the soil profile. They are based on the assumption that the root system is
usually in contact with several parts of the soil profile which differ in water, air
and nutrient content, texture, bulk density, organic material and pH, whereas
the soil profile is generally considered to consist of layers, and the conditions
in each layer are treated separately. These root models commonly abstract from
the dynamics of a real root architecture to homogeneously distributed roots in
each of the horizontal soillayers. In some cases, only the single process of down-
ward penetration of the deepest roots or the active rooting front (in terms of
uptake capacity) is simulated.
Root models vary in their complexity both in simulating a root system and
in the response of the roots to their environment and are often part of more
complex crop models. Some of them have been reviewed by Klepper and
Rickman (1990).
A summarised overview of root models is given in Table 4.1.
One of the simplest concepts of root modelling is based upon the assumption
that the roots in each centimetre of rooted depth absorb the same amount of
water and nutrients, regardless of the quantitative presence of roots and provided
that alllayers are equally moist. As a result, only the advancing rooting front or
deepest root without root distribution is simulated. Some of these models cal-
culate a root system using a predetermined downward penetration rate to a
maximum depth (Wessolek 1993; P.D. Jamieson pers. comm. 1996). In others,
depth increases as a function of air temperature (T.R. Sinclair pers. comm. 1993)
or phenological growth stage (Chapman et al. 1993).Another example in this cat-
egory of models is the one by Borg and Grimes (1986). They developed a descrip-
tion of the time course of rooting depth as a sine function on a normalised scale
without considering any environmental growth impact.
The root models by Stapper (1984), O'Leary et al. (1985), Groot (1987) and
Penning de Vries et al. (1989) also simulate a growing root system only as an
in cre as ing rooting depth, but they account for some soil constraints. Most of
these models include a restriction of the downward penetration due to
unfavourable soil moisture. Some additionally consider soil temperature
116 1. Pages et al.
Table 4.1. Summarised root depth and root length density models according to crop
specification, with effects on shoot:root partitioning, root depth and root distribution
(Stapper 1984; Groot 1987), soil aeration (Penning de Vries et al. 1989) or soil
resistance (Van Keulen and Seligman 1987) at the deepest penetrated soillayer
for calculating the advancing root. An acceleration of the downward penetration
can result from plant water (Stapper 1984) and plant nitrogen deficit (Van
Keulen and Seligman 1987). However, the model by Penning de Vries et al. (1989)
reduces downward penetration with increasing plant water deficit.
4 Modelling Root System Growth and Architecture 117
The simplest empirical descriptions of root systems which result in more than
just root depth are models which calculate the distribution of roots with depth
under non-limiting growing conditions. Examples are the models by Page and
Gerwitz (1974), Gerwitz and Page (1974), Monteith et al. (1989) and Nielsen and
Mackenthun (1991). Page and Gerwitz (1974) introduced a mathematical model
where roots grow in a manner analogous to the diffusion movement of solutes
in a liquid medium, by calculating the radial root dis tribut ion start ing from a
point or line source into a infinite medium. Monteith's model describes declin-
ing root length with depth as an inverse square root function of depth, whereas
the model by Gerwitz and Page (1974) assumes an exponential decline in root
length density with depth, and supplies the percentage of roots between the
surface and any soil depth:
A more complex class of models simulates a root system by exploring the soil in
two separate growth processes: (1) downward penetration of an abstract verti-
cal axis and (2) proliferation of root length in any given soillayer within the pen-
etrated depth. In these models the downward penetration is independently
calculated from the proliferation of roots within the soillayers. This approach is
employed in a range of crop models, for example the CERES-models by Ritchie
et al. (1985) and Jones and Kiniry (1986), the crop models by Hansen (1975),
Andrew (1987), Denison and Loomis (1989), Robertson et al. (1993),Asseng et al.
(1997b) and Keating et al. (1998), and the stand-alone root models by Hoogen-
boom and Huck (1986) and Jones et al. (1991). In "root depth-rootlength density
models", the downward penetration serves as the basis for root distribution over
the soil profile and therefore limits the root distribution with depth at a given
time. Root development over the soil profile is then usually distributed propor-
tional with depth. This characteristic, together with a continuously advancing
rooting depth usually results in a negative exponential function of monotonie
decrease of root distribution with soil depth.
118 1. Pages et al.
Ract(t) = RpotSzC(t),
where Ract(t) is the actual downward penetration rate at time t, R pot is the poten-
tial downward penetration rate which might be a function of crop development
stage or air temperature, Sz is the soil physical constraint at the deepest rooted
depth z and C(t) is the water or nitrogen deficit status of the crop at time t. Note
that in the models by Ritchie et al. (1985), Addiscott and Whitmore (1987) and
Robertson et al. (1993) soil constraints influence only the root proliferation
within soillayers and not the downward root penetration.
Addiscott and Whitmore (1987) have modified the simple root growth model
by Gerwitz and Page (1974) to be sensitive to its environment by incorporating
a growth factor Fi' This factor considers the effect of varying soil moisture and
mineral soil nitrogen contents on root growth distribution, calculated as:
4 Modelling Root System Growth and Architecture 119
where Ni is the quantity of mineral nitrogen and ei the water content in layer i.
N and e are the means over the rooted soil profile. Note that the model by
Addiscott and Whitmore (1987) does not simulate root length density develop-
ment. However, it defines a fraction of water and solute that is root accessible
in a layer i. Nevertheless, most root length density models distribute the new
growth over the rooted soil profile by using the same or a similar approach. For
example Jakobsen and Dexter (1987) partition available carbon between layers
according to a potential root growth in each layer, which is driven by a number
of soil fac tors. A slightly different method is used in the model by Asseng et al.
(1997b) where, in a first step, aU carbon for root growth is offered to the topsoil
layer. Only under unfavourable growing conditions in that layer is carbon
pas sed to the next deeper layer and so on, until the layer with the deepest root
is reached and aU remaining carbon is used in that layer. In case of an aeration
deficit in a soillayer reached by the root system, carbon is then given back to
the topsoil for root growth.
Impacts of soil moisture on root growth distribution are taken into account
in most root distribution models, such as those by Huck and Hillel (1983),
Ritchie et al. (1985), Hoogenboom and Huck (1986), Penning de Vries et al.
(1989), Asseng et al. (1997b) and Keating et al. (1998). Other effects on root
growth considered in these models are soil nit ro gen (Asseng et al. 1997b;
Keating et al. 1998), soil temperature (Huck and Hille11983; Groot 1987; Jakob-
sen and Dexter 1987), soil resistance (Jakobsen and Dexter 1987; Van Keulen
and Seligman 1987; Robertson et al. 1993; Asseng et al. 1997b), soil cracks
(Jakobsen and Dexter 1987), soil aeration (Williams et al. 1984; Penning de Vries
et al. 1989; Von pfeil et al. 1992; Asseng et al. 1997a,b), aluminium toxicity
(Williams et al. 1984; Hoogenboom and Huck 1986) and calcium deficiency
(Hoogenboom and Huck 1986). Simulated root length density distributions
affected by different initial soil nitrogen concentrations and its change over
time are shown in Fig. 4.1 using the root model by Asseng et al. (1997b).
The root model by Jones et al. (1991), combines aU of the above growth
impacts, but does not account for soil nutrients and cracks. AdditionaUy, Jones'
model considers the effect of coarse structure in the soil on root proliferation.
The growth impacts are expressed as stress factors, which range from 0.0 (no
growth) to 1.0 (no stress). In cases where more than one property affects a
process, the property with the most unfavourable stress is considered limiting
in the Jones model. Note also that in the Jones model the soil water content does
not directly influence root growth, but indirectly via its effect on soil strength.
Some root models employ an extra root soillayer specific hospitality factor, to
account for static soil impacts on growth dis tribut ion or genotype differences
in root morphology. These factors can be user-defined estimates (Ritchie et al.
1985; Keating et al. 1998) or be defined within the model (Jones et al. 1991;
Robertson et al. 1993). In the root model by Keating et al. (1998), hospitality
120 L. Pages et al.
Root Length Density [cm cm-, Fig. 4.1. Simulated root distribution under
a winter wheat crop in early spring (thin
02468 lines) and 50 days later (thick lines) with an
initial high (--) and an initiallow
10 nitrogen concentration (......... ) in the
20 soi! profile. (After Asseng et al. 1997b)
E 30
~ 40
O 60
factor for root distribution is defined independent1y from the hospitality factor
for root depth penetration. A few root models consider the previous root dis-
tribution in the calculation of new root growth (Hansen 1975; Denison and
Loomis 1989; Jones et al. 1991; Adiku et al. 1995; Asseng et al. 1997b).
A quite different approach in estimating the change of root distribution in
cereals with time is the one introduced by Wessolek and Găth (l990). First, root
distribution is calculated at anthesis on the basis of field capacity and wilting
point of each soillayer. Then root distribution is estimated for pre- and post-
anthesis development stages taking into account the soil type and extreme wet
and dry seasons. While it is not a dynamic model, calculating the changing root
distribution with time in the way that most crop models do, it still allows for
estimating root distribution over a growing season.
nitrogen deficit. The rate at which carbon is utilised by the shoots and roots
depends upon their masses and the internal concentration of carbon and N
in a model by Thornley (1977). In another model, Reynolds and Thornley
(1982) adjust the shoot: root partitioning of carbohydrates according to the
ratio of carbon: nitrogen in the plant storage pools. An additional parameter is
used which determines the degree of control that the plant exhibits over parti-
tioning. Some of the above approaches to modelling shoot: root carbon
partitioning are relevant to trees, if roots are redefined as only the fine
roots, and shoots as the foliage (Cannell 1985). In a tree model by Voit and
Sands (1996) carbon partitioning to the root system is affected by an internal
N level and foliage biomass. A temperature-dependent partitioning is intro-
duced by O'Leary et al. (1985) as temperature either rises or falIs from an
optimum level.
Under optimal growing conditions, shoot growth is favoured in alI of these
models, but roots become more favoured as the conditions change. The folIow-
ing equation modified after Adiku et al. (1995) generalises the shoot: root inter-
action in a range of these models:
Ll W r (t) = XrC(t)Ll Wg (t),
where Ll W r is the availability of carbon for the root system, Xr is a constant frac-
tion of plant-available carbohydrates partitioned to the root which is modified
by a phenologicalIy driven shoot: root ratio, water or nitrogen deficit or sub-
optimal growth temperature represented by C. Ll Wg is the overall amount of
crop-available carbon for growth at time t.
Note that some of the root models in the literature do not take into account
any shoot: root interactions like, for example, the models by Jones et al. (1991),
Addiscott and Whitmore (1987) and Williams et al. (1984).
Root models, which consider a carbon supply from the shoot, usually trans-
form it into length as a basis for later uptake modelIing. This transformat ion
can be done by using a constant parameter for length: mass ratio, hence any
environmental impact is not taken into account (Huck and Hillel 1983; Ritchie
et al. 1985; Hoogenboom and Huck 1986) or by considering soil strength
(Jakobsen and Dexter 1987; Jones et al. 1991; Asseng et al. 1997b) and other con-
straining soil physical properties such as aluminium toxicity and soil coarse
fraction (Jones et al. 1991).
Some of the root models with carbon coming from the above-ground crop con-
sider a constant (Ritchie et al. 1985; Denison and Loomis 1989) or a plant devel-
opment dependent (Asseng et al. 1997b) exudation rate which is a percentage
of the carbon supplied to the root system for growth.
122 1. Pages et al.
4.2.7 Conclusions
The model by Gerwitz and Page (1974) is often utilised in different crop models
because of its simplicity and low parameter requirement. With a few additional
expansions, such as downward penetration and soil impact fac tors (Addiscott
and Whitmore 1987), it can be sufficient for a range of simulation requirements.
Probably the most commonly employed root model is the one incorporated
in the CERES-models (Ritchie et al. 1985; Jones and Kiniry 1986). This root
model is widely tested as part of its crop model (e.g. Otter-Nacke et al. 1986;
Toure et al. 1995) but is also frequently criticised because of its overestimation
of downward root penetration (e.g. Savin et al. 1995), which might be due to
neglecting soil constraints for the downward penetration. The model by Keating
et al. (1998) has derived its root routines from the CERES-models, but incor-
porates soil water, crop water status and a user-defined hospitality factor for the
downward root penetration. In particular, the introduction of an user-defined
hospitality factor made this model more applicable for a range of soil types with
severe root growth constraints (e.g. Asseng et al. 1998).
Jones et al. (1991) constructed the most comprehensive root length density
model in terms of considering soil constraints. It simulates a root system with
most of the possible soil constraints which occur on agriculturalland and offers
a set of required parameters suitable for a range of crops. To be incorporated
into a crop model, however, it stiH needs to be linked via shoot: root interaction
routines as introduced in other models.
4 Modelling Root System Growth and Architedure 123
These models consider the root system as a set of connected axes, i.e. a tree in
the mathematical sense, with nodes (vertices) and links (edges). Thus, they
manipulate objects which are more concrete than the root length density
models described in the previous section. Their concepts are closer to those
used by botanists to describe real root systems, and they allow both geometri-
cal and structural descriptions of the root system.
Root architecture has been described with a more or less dynamic per-
spective, depending on the objectives and the experimental methods used, thus
leading to different types of models. This distinction between static models
(aiming to describe root systems as particular branching patterns) and dynamic
models (aiming to generate root systems from developmental rules) is very
apparent in the literature. Nevertheless, bridges exist between these two
approaches, as underlined by Shibusawa (1994) who simulated pseudo-fractal
objects with L-Systems (Prusinkiewicz and Lindenmayer 1990).
There are several interesting methods for describing the root systems as par-
ticular branching patterns.
Henderson et al. (1983a) analysed the branching pattern (topology and geome-
try) of the structural root system of 16-year-old trees. They showed that it could
be described by a small number of characteristics (lengths, growth directions,
bends, branching angles, and branching frequencies) whose distributions were
124 L. Pages et al.
This approach has been developed by Fitter and colleagues, from 1982 (Fitter
1982) onwards (Fitter 1996). The general idea was to characterise the root system
architecture, and especially the topology, using the mathematical tools that had
been developed in hydrology in order to describe drainage networks.
For that purpose, the root system is defined as a set of links [linear portion
between a terminal meristem and a branching point (externallink) or between
two branching points (internallink)], being characterised by a few topological
parameters: its magnitude (number of externallinks); altitude (the number of
links in the longest path between an externallink and the base link); topological
index (altitude divided by expected altitude in the case of random branching).
Two extreme topological types ofbranching patterns can be distinguished (Fig.
4.2): the "herringbone" pattern, in which branching is localised only on a main
axis (high hierarchy), and "dichotomous" pattern, in which branching occurs on
every axis, dividing into equivalent axes (low hierarchy). Between these two
4 --_./
4 5
Fig.4.2. Diagrammatic
representations of A
4 dichotomous and B
herringbone topologies.
7 Numerals are exterior path
lengths, the number of links
8 in the path from each
exterior link to the base link.
4 8 (After Fitter 1991)
4 Modelling Root System Growth and Architecture 125
extreme types, actual root systems present many intermediate patterns that can
be globally quantified by these cited parameters. This method is potentially
useful for the description of functional properties of root systems. It has been
shown to be particularly suitable for describing excavated root systems on which
it is not always possible to distinguish the developmental branching orders.
with K being a proportionality coefficient, and D being the frac tai dimension.
Note that a straight line has a fractal dimension of 1, whereas a plane filling
object has a frac tai dimension of 2. According to Tatsumi et al. (1989), D is a
synthetic parameter to quantify the intricacy of shape.
Tatsumi et al. (1989) showed that root systems from different species could
be approximated to fractal objects, with self-similarity within the scale range
0.3-20 mm. Moreover, they estimated fractal dimensions D range from 1,48 to
1.58 depending on the species.
The value of D quantifies an overall space-filling property, and so it may be
very useful for quantifying globally colonisation by the root system. The
problem is that the relationship between D and biological or geometrical para-
meters (e.g.length of roots, branching density, number of branching orders) is
not straightforward.
126 1. Pages et al.
Moreover, the application of this method using images, which are two-
dimensional objects, for evaluating the fractal dimension of 3-dimensional
objects raises a number of questions (Berntson 1994b).
These models are essentialIy single-plant models, simulating each plant sepa-
rately, even though it is stiH possible to create theoretical crops by simulating
and gathering several plants, providing that the parameters would be estimated
in the same field conditions (Pages et al. 1989). They are more or less stochas-
tic, since they are made up of different sub-models, with some of them being
deterministic, and others being stochastic. Consequently, each run gives a dif-
ferent simulated root system.
The existing models (e.g. Pages andAries 1988; Fitter et al. 1991; Clausnitzer
and Hopmans 1994) work in approximately the same way. At a given time, the
virtual root system is coded as a list of linear root segments, which describe and
store the characteristics of these segments: geometric coordinates, time of
origin, and references to topological position within the root structure (e.g.
branching order and connection with other segments; Pages and Aries 1988;
Fitter et al. 1991; Clausnitzer and Hopmans 1994). The development of the root
system is simulated in discrete time steps, by applying three formalised devel-
opmental processes to the existing root system at each time step. These are root
emergence (i.e. generation of new root axes from the shoot system), growth (i.e.
elongation of existing axes), and branching (development of new lateral axes).
AlI developing axes of the structure are modified according to the growth and
branching they experience at the given time step.
One of the important characteristics of these models, compared with root
density models (see previous Sect.), is that they do not assume that growth and
branching processes are uniform among root axes. The simulations may take
both the topological position and the spatial position into account. This alIows
the simulation of different developmental behaviours of the axes according to
their morphogenetic origin. A preliminary axis typology is necessary to distin-
guish axis types with analogous behaviours. These types often correspond to
4 Modelling Root System Growth and Architecture 127
the branching orders (Diggle 1988; Pages and Aries 1988; Fitter et al. 1991;
Clausnitzer and Hopmans 1994). They may depend also on inter-node of origin
for maize (pages et al. 1989), or they may be the result of a more complex typol-
ogy combining branching order and development process (Pages et al. 1995).
In several recent models (Diggle 1988; Pages et al. 1989; Clausnitzer and
Hopmans 1994), growth and branching are functions of the local conditions as
well. These conditions are either fixed at the beginning of the simulation (Diggle
1988; Pages et al. 1989) or they can be time-dependent (temperature in some
models, like Porter et al. 1986, or Clausnitzer and Hopmans 1994), or be the
output of another combined model (e.g. water potential in Clausnitzer and
Hopmans 1994).
This process generates new root axes, directly originating from the shoot
system. They will be called order 1 axes or axile roots in the following.
By the classification of Cannon (1949), two main types of root systems may
be distinguished, according to the importance of the root emergence process:
primary root systems, and adventitious root systems. Primary root systems
originate entirely from a single root - the radicle - which branches and gives
rise to lateral roots of order 2, order 3, and so ono In this case, the root
emergence process is reduced to emergence of the radicle, some time after
germination. Most roots in such systems originate from the branching process.
In adventitious root systems, several axile roots are emitted from the shoot
system throughout plant development. This type of root system is typical of
grasses. In several different species, it has been shown that the root emergence
process is highly organised in space and time, and requires a specific model-
ling approach. In maize, for example, axile roots appear sequentially on the suc-
cessive basal phytomers from the lowest ones to the highest. The rank of the
phytomer on which the emission occurs at a given time was modelled as a linear
relationship of growing degree days (Pages et al. 1989; Pellerin 1993). In a
similar way, in wheat, each nodal axis pair is initiated after a given thermal time
has elapsed (Diggle 1988). Moreover, a probability of occurrence for each axis
of the pair can be used to simulate variations in the number of such axile roots
(Diggle 1988).
Elongation Rate. Most, if not alI, of the root architecture models use different
growth rates for different root types. Even in a homogeneous environment,
between-root variation in growth behaviour is high (Fitter 1991, 1996; Waisel
and EsheI1991), and these models typically allow the representation of this bulk
Moreover, in several models devoted to field simulations (Diggle 1988;
Pages et al. 1989; Clausnitzer and Hopmans 1994), attempts were made to model
elongation rate as a root-type-dependent rate modified according to various soil
Elongation rate generally decreases as root branching order increases. Axile
roots may have growth rates up to several centimetres per day whereas order 3
branches grow only some millimetres per day (Diggle 1988; Pellerin and Pages
1996). The basic growth rates are constant (linear growth) in several models
(Hackett and Rose 1972; Rose 1983; Porter et al. 1986; Diggle 1988), but more
recently, several authors have suggested different refinements for representing
either continuous, decreasing, or determinate root growth (Pages et al. 1992,
1995; Berntson 1994a). Clausnitzer and Hopmans (1994) have suggested repre-
senting alI types of growth function as series of data points where values
between the points are calculated by linear interpolation.
Stochastic growth models have also been developed to describe the large
variations in growth rate that can occur within root types (Pages et al. 1992).
Stochastic methods were used because part of this variation in growth rate was
considered to have an endogenous origin, which could not be described by a
deterministic model at the scale being considered. In these stochastic growth
models, some of the parameters of the growth functions are drawn at random
for each root from normal or lognormal distributions.
The environmental alteration of the "morphogenetic" component of the
growth rate has been simulated in several models (Diggle 1988; Clausnitzer and
Hopmans 1994) by multiplying it with an impedance factor (from O to 1) cal-
culated from several different soil characteristics. In Diggle's model, the imped-
ance factor (called soil resistance) is specified by the user as a parameter for
each soillayer. In Clausnitzer and Hopmans' model, the impedance factor is the
result of a submodel calculat ion that uses soil water content and bulk density
as inputs.
The different aspects which determine the trajectories of roots have been
simulated in architecture models (Diggle 1988; Pages and Aries 1988; Pages
et al. 1989; Berntson 1994a; Clausnitzer and Hopmans 1994) by modifying the
direction of growth of each root tip at each time step. In these models the influ-
ences of the various factors which affect direction are summed to produce a net
directional effect (e.g. by adding mathematical vectors, whose modules are
parameters that are defined for each root type). In one of the most accomplished
descriptions (Clausnitzer and Hopmans 1994), these components include the
direction of the root tip at the previous time step, a random deviation repre-
senting the space-exploring behaviour of the root tip, geotropism along an
angle with the horizontal plane that is user-specified, and the negative soil
strength gradient.
This type of direction model can generate quite realistic representations of
the major trends of actual trajectories, even though the small scale tortuosity
is not very well rendered.
Branch Location. Most of the models presented here have dealt only with
acropetal branching, which is the predominant type of root branching in many
species. This acropetal branching takes place on young parts of the root, and
typically results in a branching front which follows the apex of the mother root
at a more or less definite distance (generally some centimetres). The acropetal
branching process has been formalised in slightly different ways by the various
authors. Some of them (Hackett and Rose 1972; Rose 1983) described it as a
purely temporal process that takes place at given time intervals, and at a given
time lag after emergence of the mother root. Conversely, Lungley (1973) or
Pages and Aries (1988) described it by spatial parameters: an inter-branch dis-
tance, and a minimal distance to the apex of the mother root. According to these
models, branches appear distally from previous branches, at a fixed given inter-
branch distance, until the distance from the last branch to the apex is less than
a threshold distance (the apical non-branching length).
Other authors (Diggle 1988; Pages et al. 1992; Clausnitzer and Hopmans
1994) combined both temporal and spatial hypotheses to model the acropetal
branching, considering that branches appear at given fixed distances from
one to the other (inter-branch distance), and that they can only appear on
130 L. Pages et al.
parts of the mother root having reached a given age (duration of apical non
Fitter et al. (1991) proposed a stochastic model for the location ofbranches,
defining potential nodes for branching which are created during the growth
process. These potential nodes are given a branching probability, and branch-
ing is tested during a temporal window.
In alI these models, the branching parameters are defined for each root
type, with branching densities which tend to decrease with developmental
branching order. To our knowledge, no models integrate relationships between
root branching characteristics and soil properties.
Even though acropetal branching is very important in root system
development, other types of branch roots may appear out of the acropetal
sequence in some species. On rubber tree for example, Le Roux and Pages
(1994) described "late lateral roots", that appear near the base of the taproot in
zones where density is low, and that have an important fate as main and
perennial lateral roots. The emergence of such roots has been observed and
modelled as a rhythmic process synchronised with the development of shoot
flushes (Pages et al. 1995). This type of branching process can easily be
implemented as an extension of the root emergence process that was described
Root mortality and turnover are important aspects of the development and
function of root systems, especially in perennial plants like trees, but to date
this process has received little attention in root architecture models (Pages
et al. 1995). This is probably because of the difficulties involved in formalising
this mortality process, and also because many of the models have been devoted
to the description of young plants, up to some weeks, in which mortality is not
yet a dominant phenomenon. The difficulties with formalisation are due firstly
to the determinism of mortality, which is complex, and secondly because mor-
phological markers are not reliable and are linked to functional aspects.
In an attempt to include root decay as an aspect of root architecture dynam-
ics in their model on Hevea brasiliensis trees, Pages et al. (1995) considered root
abscission to be the final, and most reliable marker of root decay. Root abscis-
sion is very clear at the base of old perennial axes that become gradually bare.
Decay was modelled using the concept of life expectation. A life expectation
value was attributed to each root according to a normal distribution with para-
meters for each root type. Fine roots are fragile, and have a short life expecta-
tion, whereas some of the big roots are perennial. According to this model, a
root is partially or completely eliminated after a given duration (life expecta-
tion), calculated from the moment when it stops growing. It is completely elim-
inated when it does not support any living branch roots. Otherwise, only its
most dis tai end, beyond the last living branch, is eliminated.
Fig.4.3. Projection of
simulated 3·dimensional
root systems. a Maize root
system at the 700 growing
degree days stage (After
Grabarnik et al. 1998, with
kind permission from
Kluwer Academic
Publishers). b Root system of
a 2-year-old rubber tree root
system. Note the abscission
affecting some of the basal
lateral roots. (After Pages
et al. 1995)
1 10CM
aspects of the image, like resolution, colour, or texture rendering are important
criteria for making a picture more or less realistic, and they may hide aspects
of the simulated geometry that the model should represent.
ro evaluate developmental aspects of the models more specifically, Pages et
al. (1992) suggested comparing the observed and simulated kinetics of the
4 Modelling Root System Growth and Architecture 135
o ...
,,. • t ;-
N E N ~ ;. : t
"; '.;
O "
O O .:.'\.- .' :
, . ~. O O
"'I~ '-. ! ,
O ~ O ~
""" AOw
Fig. 4.4. Actual and simulated examples of horizontal root maps. Big dots are primary roots,
and small dots are other roots. Note the clustered pattern. (After Pellerin and Pages 1996)
length and number of roots of different branching orders. The stochastic nature
of the model alIowed the simulation of mean relationships as well as confidence
intervals. These could be used to test the hypothesis that observed individuals
could be accepted as members of the set of alI possible runs of the model for a
particular set of parameters.
Geometrical aspects of these models have been tested indirectly using one-
or two-dimensional summaries of global outputs from these models. Porter
et al. (1986) qualitatively compared observed and simulated root length density
profiles, and discussed the possible explanations for the discrepancies. More
recently, Pellerin and Pages (1996) compared observed and simulated maize
root densities and root aggregation on 2-dimensional horizontal maps, and
showed the quality and limits of the geometrical representation produced by a
model of root system architecture (Fig. 4.4).
4.3.5 Utilisation
Root architectural models have only been developed in recent years, so their
utilisation by biologists is stiH extremely limited. Several applications
are, however, expected in the ne ar future, and there are already some pioneer
The most immediate applications of root architectural models are those
directly stemming from the modelling approach: synthesis of scattered pieces
of information about the root systems of several species (Diggle 1988 on wheat;
Pages et al. 1989 on maize), bringing to the fore apparent lack ofknowledge and
suggestion of new hypotheses for further experimentation. Sensitivity analyses
136 1. Pages et al.
will help in studying the relative importance of root parameters on the final
root distribution (what is the consequence of an alteration of one root para-
meter on the final soil colonisation?). Summarising root architecture in a
limited set of parameters provides a basis for comparison of genotypes (Colin-
Belgrand et al. 1989; Lynch and van Beem 1993). At the extreme, fractal branch-
ing models provide relationships between one or two easily measured
parameters (the proximal root diameter for instance, which is close to the plant
stern) and total root length or surface area (Spek and van Noordwijk 1994; Van
Noordwijk et al. 1994; Van Noordwijk and Purnomosidhi 1995).
Important applications of three-dimensional architectural root models lie
in their combination with classical methods for root observation. Spatial
and temporal information about root distribution given by the model may
help in selecting an appropriate sampling strategy. This point is discussed in
Chapter 5. Additionally, simulations may help in investigating both practical
and theoretical problems associated with these classical methods. Using a
model, Pages and Pellerin (1996) have investigated practical problems associ-
ated with the trench profile wall method, namely the effect of the roughness
of the observation face on the rooting profile observed. Bengough et al. (1992)
have used an architectural root model to study the relationships between the
number of root intersecting horizontal and vertical planes and the root length
Another area of application for root architecture models is in studying the
response of the root system to its environment. Root architectural models are
well-adapted for simulat ing interactions of roots with dynamic and spatially
variable soil processes. A pioneer work in this area was proposed by Clausnitzer
and Hopmans (1994) who have developed a model for simultaneous, dynamic
simulation of soil water movement and plant root growth, with the effect of
current soil water content on soil mechanical properties and subsequent
root growth being considered. A similar work was also proposed by Tsegaye et
al. (1995). Important soil features for root growth, such as soil cracks or earth-
worm channels, are unevenly distributed within the soil volume, so that the
geometrical information contained in architectural models is relevant for cal-
culating the probability that roots encounter such features. Architectural
models are also a good support for associating responses of individual roots to
their local environment, and the whole root system response to the percepted
environment, which involves chemical signalling and assimilate distribution
between shoots and roots. Aguirrezabal et al. (1994) have shown that the
response of roots to carbon nutrition depends on their position in the root
system architecture, thus emphasising the idea that architectural models are a
necessary tool for understanding and predicting the root system response to
carbohydrate availability. An attempt at combining these two categories of
processes (local, and general, through carbon distribution) was proposed by
4 Modelling Root System Growth and Architecture 137
Root depth and root length density models have reached an advanced state of
development. These models can be used to quantify plant growth effects via the
root system of any soil factor and shoot: root interaction in an empirical way.
They can make direct predictions of readily measurable characteristics of root
138 1. Pages et al.
systems under field conditions. For this reason, the accuracy of their predic-
tions can be verified from straightforward field trials.
Future development of these models is likely to occur in two areas. The first
is in selecting of the particular factors which are most important for any par-
ticular situation being examined, and custom tailoring a root model to deal with
those factors. This effort will be driven by the limitations which are inherent in
increasing the complexity of models. Beyond a certain point, the errors associ-
ated with estimating additional parameters outweigh any possible improve-
ments in precision due to refinement of the structure, as discussed by Passioura
(1996). Because of these limitations, obtaining accurate predictions from
models will depend on skilful selection of the optimal parameter set.
The second area of development of these models is likely to be the con-
tinuing quantification of effects of site and season-specific conditions on
proliferation of roots. Root depth and density models are highly abstract rep-
resentations of root systems and, as a consequence, estimating these effects
can be complicated. The simulation of increased heterogeneity of root distri-
bution deeper in the soil profile represented with one-dimensional models will
be a continuous challenge, in particular when they are the basis for water and
nutrient uptake under supply-limited conditions. It may be that architectural
root models, which concentrate more on mechanism than on measurability, will
prove useful as part of this process.
In the case of models of root system architecture, there are a number of areas
where further development or new applications are likely to prove fruitful. This
potential arises from the richness of the information which models of this sort
can store about roots.
Architectural models have complete information about the locations of alI
parts of the root system. For this reason architectural models of root systems
will be increasingly used to simulate interaction of roots with dynamic soi!
processes. Examples have been presented of the use of these models in concert
with models of soil water and soil strength (Clausnitzer and Hopmans 1994).
They can, and no doubt will, also be used with models of the distribution pat-
terns and dynamics of mobile and immobile nutrients, pH, oxygen, and soil
temperature. The three-dimensional nature of the spatial information in these
models will make them particularly relevant to the study of inter-plant compe-
tition for resources.
Furthermore, architectural models store complete information about the
geometry of roots. This information can and, to some extent, already has been
used to examine and add value to various measurement techniques. Many types
4 Modelling Root System Growth and Architecture 139
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146 L. Pages et al.: Modelling Root System Growth and Architecture
Further Reading
Jones CA, Bland WL, Ritchie JT, Williams JR (1991) Simulation of root growth. In: Hanks J,
Ritchie JT (eds) Modeling plant and soi! systems. Agron Monogr 31: 92-124
Klepper B, Rickman RW (1990) Modeling crop root growth and function.Adv Agron 44: 113-132
Lynch J (1995) Root architecture and plant productivity. Plant Physiol109: 7-13
5.1 Introduction 147
5.2 Root System Structure and Spatial Distribution 150
5.2.1 Systematic Trends 150
5.2.2 Clustering 152
5.2.3 Anisotropy 152
5.3 Choosing a Measurement Technique 154
5.4 Sampling Design 157
5.4.1 Architecture-Guided Sampling 157
5.4.2 Measuring the Distribution of Root Length Density 158
5.4.3 Sample Location 159
5,4,4 How Big a Sample, and How Many Samples? 160
5.5 New Developments 165
5.5.1 Using Root Growth Models to Improve Sampling Strategies 165
5.5.2 Applications of Geostatistics to Study Spatial Variability 166 Semivariograms 167 Kriging and Cokriging 169 Conditional Simulations 169
5.6 Conclusions 170
References 170
S.l Introduction
Many experiments aim to understand how some aspect of the aerial and soil envi-
ronment of a plant influences its growth. Considerable biomass is often allocated
to the root system, and it is the roots that absorb most nutrients and water
(Russell 1977). The property of the root system which is most appro-priate to
measure depends on the objective of the experiment. Root length should be mea-
sured to calculate the inflow rate of water and nutrients (see Chaps. 6, 13, 14). Root
dry mass indicates the carbon allocation to the root system. Branching patterns
and the number and lengths of each class of root, together with the distribution
of root diameters gives a more complete pic ture of root architecture, but requires
a large investment oflabour. Detailed information on root architecture may be of
interest in constructing mathematical models of root growth (see Chap. 4), in
comparing the structure and function of root systems of different species or
genotypes (e.g. Fitter and Stickland 1991), and in evaluating root responses to
environmental conditions (e.g. Robinson 1994).
It is not easy to design an appropriate scheme to adequately sample the root
system, because of the complex and variably branched structure of roots (see
Fig. 5.1), the variability of root distribution in space and, most importantly, the
opaque growing environment, which means the experimenter works continu-
ally"in the dark". Root researchers face the peculiar problem of only being able
to see or sample a small fraction of the root system at any time, using sampling
procedures that are often destructive (e.g. see Chaps. 6 and 7). The design
of sampling schemes for roots that are adequate and appropriate for different
situations has received little study. This is despite the large effort that has been
directed, and sometimes misdirected, towards sampling roots in the field. Many
studies have considered different techniques for measuring roots, but the
problem of where to sample, and how big a sample to collect, is rarely consid-
ered (van Noordwijk et al. 1985).
The "problem" of large variation between replicate samples of roots is
widely known. This has often been seen as a nuisance, making it necessary to
sample many times to obtain an accurate estimate of the mean. However, it is
becoming recognized that the variation itself is worthy of study. This is also
being seen in the soil sciences, where interest is increasing in the study of soil
heterogeneity, and the resources that the root system is trying to exploit (e.g.
Fig. 5.1. Root systems vary widely in architecture and in spatial distribution. Examples are
shown of: a A 54-year-old Austrian pine (Pinus nigra) in sandy soil in the Netherlands - roots
weighed a total of 30 kg and extended about 5 m from the base of the tree. b An excavated hor-
izontal lateral root of a 3-year-old rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) in sandy soi! in the Ivory
Coast. c The thick vertical taproot and horizontallateral roots near the base of the trunk of a
3-year-old rubber tree. In deeper horizons the lateral roots are finer and less horizontal. d An
excavated nodal axis of maize (Zea mays L.) at silking, in a loamy clay soi! at Colmar. e Maize
grown for 690 Kd (above base temperature 6 ac; seven visible leaves present) in aeroponics. f and
g Root systems ofbean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and rye-grass plants grown in root boxes for 2 weeks
under glasshouse conditions. Photos kindly supplied by Drs. F. Egas (a), Yannick Le Roux (b,c),
S. Pellerin (d,e), and F. Meijboom (f,g)
5 Sampling Strateg ies, Scaling, and Statistics 149
150 A.G. Bengough et al.
Jackson and CaldwellI993a,b).A plant with a root system that explores an area
of soil with a 50 cm radius may experience a variability in nutrient distribution
equivalent to that across a 100 m2 field plot (Jackson and CaldwellI993b). A root
system that is distributed non-uniformly can extract water and nutrients much
faster from areas where the root length density is large. In contrast, resources
may be largely inaccessible in regions of the soil that are rooted sparsely. The
superposition of soil and root data in space promises to give new insights into
how roots explore the soil environment.
The aim of this chapter is to guide the reader towards designing effective
schemes for sampling roots in the field. Specific statistical analyses appropriate
to particular methods are discussed in the appropriate technique chapter (e.g.
cohort analysis in Chap. 9). We examine the spatial properties of root systems,
and the problems associated with the techniques for measuring them. The
coefficients of variation of root systems of different crops are detailed to
help determine the likely number of samples required. The potential uses of
root growth models in experimental design are described, together with how
geostatistics can be used to study spatial variability.
In the following sections, we identify three main properties associated with the
spatial distribution of root systems: (1) systematic trends in the root length
density of root systems - i.e.large scale (several decimetres) gradual variations;
(2) root clustering - variations at a small scale (several centimetres); and (3)
root anisotropy - the non-uniform directional distribution of roots.
The form of a root system depends both on the plant genotype and on its
interaction with the environment. Species may be grouped into classes that have
broadly similar forms of root system. Monocotyledons generally form dense
fibrous root systems. The seminal and nodal axes of cereals and other grasses
produce several successive orders of fine lateral roots. The total root length of a
single 16-week-old winter rye plant (Secale cereale) was measured to be more
than 500km long (Dittmer 1937). Dicotyledons form root systems often initially
centred around a tap root from which many lateral roots emerge (e.g. sugarbeet,
Beta vulgaris). Trees may also have a taproot system; a more surface "plateroot"
system consisting of horizontal main root axes; or a "heartroot" system which
consists of more evenly distributed main axes that split into smaller roots (Wilde
1958). Certain species of tree (e.g. Populus tremuloides) grow new shoots from
5 Sampling Strateg ies, Scaling, and Statistics 151
buds on roots in the surface layers of soil: Such groups of interconnected trees
form very extensive root systems, exploring huge volumes of soil.
The depths and distributions of root systems vary enormously according
to species, climatic zone, and soil type. In a comprehensive review of rooting
depths around the globe, maximum rooting depths varied between <0.3 m in
some tundra species, to 68 m for Boscia albitrunca in the Kalahari desert
(Canadell et al. 1996). Maximum rooting depths averaged about 9m in the
desert, with only about half of that root biomass being in the top 0.3 m (Jackson
et al. 1996). In contrast, tundra vegetation averaged 0.5 m maximum rooting
depth, with 80-90% of root biomass being in the top 0.3 m. When plants are
grouped across biomes by functional group, trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants
had global average rooting depths of 7 m, 5.1 m, and 2.6 m respectively.
The length of root per unit ground surface are a has been reviewed briefly
by Newman (1969). Perennial grasses had the densest root systems, with
360-3400 cm/cm2 of root in the top 10 cm layer of soil. This corresponds to 36
to 340cm/cm 3 volume of soil. Cereals and non-gramineae herbs had smaller
root lengths per unit area than grasses, but generally greater root lengths per
unit area than woody shrubs and trees.
The spatial distribution of roots depends on the spacing and arrangement
of individual plants in an ecosystem (van Noordwijk et al. 1985). In grassland,
the plants are spaced closely in all directions, so that the root length density
varies mainly in one dimension with depth. In cereaI crops planted densely in
rows, the pattern of root length density is essentially two-dimensional. As dis-
tance between plants increases, the pattern becomes three-dimensional. In
agroforestry systems, trees, often arranged in rows, are interplanted with grass
or an arable crop, leading to two interacting root system structures. Large vari-
ations in the height of the soil surface, as occurs across the ridges and furrows
of the potato crop, create even more complex three-dimensional patterns (e.g.
Parker et al. 1991). Natural ecosystems in which plants are randomly spaced
or clumped on an undulating landscape may mean that the plants have to be
treated as isolated individuals or small groups, without any of the symmetry
afforded by agricultural practice.
Root systems originate from seeds, rhizomes or shoots that are near to the
surface of the soil. The root system extends and branches gradually, extending
away from this origin. This creates a pattern of root length density that is ori-
ented centrifugally. Root length density decreases with increasing distance from
the stern base, both in the horizontal and in the vertical directions (Gajri et al.
1994). Gradients in soil characteristics, such as soil-water content, soil strength,
and temperature, interact with the development of the root system (e.g. Tardieu
and Pellerin 1990). Such gradients often restrict the spread of the root system
with depth but, in practice, it is very difficult to separate the effects of genotype
and environment on root distribution.
152 A.G. Bengough et al.
The gradual decrease of root length density with depth is a feature that is
general to most root systems. A negative exponential function has been used to
model the relationship between root distribution (measured as length density
or root mass) and depth for vegetable crops, cereals, and grasses (Gerwitz
and Page 1974). The exponential model accounted for at least two thirds of the
variation in 70 of 10 1 cases.
The variation in root length density across a crop has been measured by
several authors (see Fig. 5.2; van Noordwijk et al. 1985; Gajri et al. 1994; Pellerin
and Pages 1996). The variation was greatest near the surface for crops grown
in widely spaced rows. The variation was small in established forest stands
(Persson 1978). The horizontal variation in root length density tends to de crease
with increasing depth, because the "fan" shape of the root systems tends to
smooth out fluctuations between neighbouring plants.
5.2.2 Clustering
Large variations in root length density occur across distances of several cen-
timetres because of root clustering or clumping. Roots cluster in space because
of their branched connections with daughter roots necessarily concentrated
close to their mother root (Logsdon and Allmaras 1991). The constraint caused
by the connection of roots, and the consequent aggregation of roots in space
is exacerbated in root systems that have many short branches, with short
link lengths between branches (e.g. Varney et al. 1991). A large percentage of
the total root length is segmented into roots shorter than 10 cm, even in root
systems that explore a total volume of several cubic metres (Lyr and Hoffman
1967). Such short roots are generally much thinner than the main axis, and
can represent an economical way for the plant to increase the surface area
of the root-soil interface, and perhaps exploit a nutrient source before its
Clustering of roots can also be induced by changes in the local environ-
ment of the root. Roots grow preferentially in cracks or biopores in compacted
soil, such that the soil space is colonised irregularly (Wang et al. 1986; Tardieu
1988; Logsdon and Linden 1992). Patches of nutrients or residues from previous
crops may also cause local increases in root length density, and this localised
branching has become the subject of many studies (see review by Robinson
5.2.3 Anisotropy
u 0.8
.~ 0.6
.c 0.4
O 0.2
O 2 4 6 8 10 12
Distance from row (cm)
(b) maize
OJ 0.5
Fig. 5.2. Root length density at different a:
2O-30crn A_A
distanees from rows of erops of a wheat O
IResearch question?- see chapter 11
Property of root system to be measured?
• accuracy required?
• spatial information required?
Technique appropriate?
• depends on a priori knowledge of root system structure.
(see Table 5-1, and chapters 1,6, 7, and 8 in this book)
Sampling scheme?
• how many samples? (example coefficients ofvariation in Tables 5-2 & 3)
• location of samples? (gradients in field, spatial arrangement of plants,
• when to sample?
• re-assess experimental design, if experiment is to be repeated
Fig. S.3. Flow diagram of steps in deciding on experimental technique and sampling procedure
Table S.l. Root system properties, measurement techniques, and their associated advantages and problems
Property Technique and description Advantages Problems iD
Root length density Auger (Chap. 6). Soi! cores sampled. Roots Most accurate method for root Labour intensive. Many (e.g. 30%) 11'1
in cores washed from cores in the lab length density roots lost during washing. Sample !.
size determined by auger :i"
Root end distribution Trench wall and root mapping techniques Relatively fast. Good spatial Many fine roots go undetected. Do
in excavated planes (Chap. 7). Vertical or horizontal planes are resolution Problems converting la
excavated in the soil to expose root ends. Root measurements to root length ..!a-
end locations are plotted on transparent sheet, density n'
and number of ends per unit are a calculated
Root end distribution Core-break technique (Chap. 7). Root ends Relatively fast Many fine roots go undetected.
in excavated cores are counted on the face of a cut soil core Problems converting
measurements to the root length
density. Sample size determined
Root end or length Minirhizotron (Chap. 8): roots are observed Non-destructive, in situ. Equipment expensive. Root grow
distribution on cylindrical with an endoscope around a transparent Can monitor temporal preferentially along tube walls.
surface cylinder buried in the soi! variation Poor correlation with root length
Whole root system Excavation and washing (Chap. 6) - with woody Three-dimensional root Much fine root materiallost.
architecture root systems, much of the soil may be washed or distribution Roots moved dur ing excavation
or blown from the root system to expose the
main roots
Root turnover Rhizotron/minirhizotron (Chap. 9) Non -destructive Preferential root growth along
interface. Equipment expensive.
Difficult to determine live and
dead roots
S sampling Strateg ies, scaling, and statistics 157
The root length density can be measured by separating the roots from a soil
sample of known volume. Another method of assessing density relies on count-
5 Sampling Strateg ies, Scaling, and Statistics 159
ing the number of intersections that roots make with a surface of known area
in the soil. The properties measured, with a brief description of the techniques,
are listed in Table 5.1, together with some advantages and problems associated
with the techniques. Fuller information about each technique is given in the
appropriate chapters of this book as indicated in Table 5.1.
None of the techniques are entirely satisfactory: the auger technique is the
standard method for measuring root length density although, using this tech-
nique, up to a third of the fine root length may be lost dur ing washing. The root-
mapping technique is better for measuring the spatial distribution of individual
roots. It is possible theoretically to calculate the root length density from the
density of root intersections with a plane, although corre1ations obtained from
field data suggest that a large proportion of the fine roots are often overlooked
using the root -mapping techniques, leading to underestimates in the root length
density - this is discussed in Bengough et al. (1992).
When designing any field experiment, it is important to assess the major sources
of variation in data. Standard texts on experimental design discuss these
sources of variation (e.g. Pearce 1983), which can be divided into patterned and
non-patterned sources. Factors, such as slope, soil fertility, soil depth, shading,
and variation in soil texture, are sources of patterned variability, and their
relative importance will vary with weather conditions between seasons. Much
more information is now becoming available on the spatial variation of yield in
arable crops, due to the advent of precision agricultural equipment, which
makes use of global satellite position references (Robert et al. 1996). The yield
data from such systems gives an indication of plant performance, but there is
no fixed relation between yield and root system development. Sources of non-
patterned variability include errors such as loss of root material during washing
and measurement.
When sampling real root systems, it is not possible to recover the whole
root system of individual plants. Special consideration must be given to decid-
ing which part of the root system should be sampled. Root systems of neigh-
bouring plants are often intermingled, although this depends on the species
concerned: Nelson and Allmaras (1969) found that maize roots intermingled
with neighbouring soybean roots to a much greater extent than with neigh-
bouring roots of the same species. It is possible to define a "unit soil area" for
crop plants that are spaced regularly (Fig. SA, after van Noordwijk et al. 1985).
The soil below each unit area is expected to contain a total root length equal to
the mean root length per plant. Many of the roots within the unit area may
be10ng to neighbouring plants but, similarly, an equal number of roots from the
plant may have extended outside the area.
160 A.G. Bengough et al.
Row midpoint
• • •
• • •
• •
Unit soil area for
le a single plant
• .1-_._---_.
--- ---
i • Each unit area con be
split into four symmetrical
• • • areas
• •
Fig. 5.4. Plan view showing unit area for single plants, represented by black circles, in a row
crop. By symmetry, each unit area consists of four smaller representative areas. (After van
Noordwijk et al. 1985)
The unit area can be divided into four equal parts which are equivalent,
because of symmetry. The quarter area represents the fundamental unit in
which the distribution of root length density should be studied. The most
appropriate sampling schemes have been modelled for a range of crops (Fig.
5.5; after van Noordwijk et al. 1985). The assumptions of root distribution that
underlie the choice of these sampling schemes are discussed in detail in van
Noordwijk et al. (1985). Systematic trends in the root length density can bias
the estimates of mean root length density, if the way that the quarter area is
sampled over-represents either the dense or sparsely rooted areas (Fig. 5.5).
Simply averaging the root dry weight in the row and the inter-row of cereals can
overestimate the total root dry weight by as much as 30%.
Grassland - alilocations
valid equally
Cereai row crops - central auger
has double the weighting of outslde
samples (20 cm inter-row distance)
o ~-L__~-L__~~
25cm, row midpoint
Potato - most practical scheme
samples top, middle and inter-row,
at and between planfs (74 cm inter-row
Fig. 5.5. Plan view of locations where samples should be taken in grassland and in crops of
cereals, sugar beet and potato. Black circles represent the plants, open circles represent sampling
locations using a cylindrical auger. (After van Noordwijk et al. 1985)
distributed, and that the variance for the two data sets is similar (see Box 5.1).
The number of replicates required to give a good chance of finding a signifi-
cant difference between treatments is discussed in Box 5.1 for a T-test.
Approaches to estimating sample number for more complex experimental
designs, for example involving blocking, are discussed in Mace (1964, especially
Chap. 3) and Cochrane and Cox (1957, especially Chap. 2).
If the assumptions associated with parametric statistics are invalid (e.g. the
quantity is not normally distributed), it may be possible to transform the data
so that the transformed values can be tested. Failing this, or for rank or root
count data, it is necessary to use non-parametric statistical tests, such as the Chi
squared test. These tests can be relatively simple to perform, although they use
less information than the parametric tests, and so are weaker.
In planning an experiment it is necessary to have some prior estimate of
the degree of variation that is expected. In Tables 5.2 and 5.3 the coefficients of
variation are listed for measurements made using the auger technique from
crops grown under a variety of conditions. In the crops studied the coefficient
162 A.G. Bengough et al.
Coefficient of variation
25 33 40 50 60 75
0L ----=-----=-----=----=
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Difference belween means (%)
Fig. 5.6. Plot of the number of replicates required to give a 50% chance of distinguishing
between two means in a two-sided I-Iesl at 95% significance level. (After van Noordwijk el
al. 1985)
of variation increased with depth of sampling (Tables 5.2 and 5.3). The reason
for this may be partly associated with the sparse rooting of these deeper layers,
with relatively few main axes present, surrounded by associated clusters of
lateral branch roots (Grabarnik et al. 1998). Another contributing factor is
changes in the soil structure with depth - in compacted subsoils, roots may be
confined to continuous cracks and biopores in the soil to a much greater extent
(e~g. Ehlers et al. 1983).
The coefficients of variation for root dry weight in auger samples from
grassland are typically between 30 and 50% (Table 5.3). There is considerable
variation between the coefficient of variation of root dry weights measured in
5 Sampling Strateg ies, Scaling, and Statistics 163
Table 5.2. a Coefficients of variation for root length density from Kueke et al. (1995). Samples
were taken from fields of sugar beet, wheat and rye, using an auger (6.5em diameter by 15em
long) from soils of different texture. b Coeffieients of variation for the root length density of
maize. Samples taken using an auger (5.1 em diameter by 15 em deep)
0-15 12 27 21
15-30 28 8 54
30-45 76 12 57
45-60 129 60 41
60-75 74 71 69
75-90 113 35 60
15 42 30
30 42 22
45 33 49
60 71 61
75 54 45
90 69 53
different studies - they average 38% for studies j to 1 in Table 5.3, but 59% for
mI and nI. Data from samples taken in the row should not be pooled with data
from samples taken between the rows, as the root samples represent distinct
populations. This is shown by the increased variance when the data is pooled
(see columns headed m3 and n3 in Table 5.3). The root weight is large in the
surface layer of soil immediately around the stern base. The ratio of the mean
root dry weight in the row to that between rows is generally bigger than for the
ratio of root length densities. This is because the root mass per unit length
is normally greatest in the topsoil at the base of the stern. The coefficient of
variation for root length density of cereals is often between 30 and 70%
(Tables 5.2a,b), depending on the particular study.
Table 5.3. Coeffieients of variation of root dry weight in auger samples of grassland and eereals.' (After van Noordwijk et al. 1985)
Ref a b e d e f g h k mI m2 m3 nI n2 n3
Samples 100 100 20 20 20 20 20 50 50 25 25 20 4 4 8 47 32 103
Diameter 7 4 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 105 36 70
0-5 34 30 51 45 41 29 43 30 43 41 89 100 36 31 33
5-10 33 38 34 36 33 48 29 37 83 56 73 42 44 43
10-20 30 45 44 30 55 36 50 34 27 47 40 32 37 63
20-30 36 41 40 38 75 43 56 31 28 64 65 59
30-40 35 41 55 38 53 35 38 36 37 43 45 69 46
40-50 35 41 52 31 48 47 59 46 31 35 29 78 45
50-60 44 44 54 54 76 51 53 39 35 50 54 46 62
60-70 100 56 39 56 47 48 106
70-80 85 75 46 53 53 43 125
80-90 76 61 63 72
90-100 76 44 50 54
a The key to column headings is as follows: a, b homogeneous grassland (1949); e, d young grassland (at Gilze, 1966); e, f same fields as e and d, 4 years
later (June 1970); g established grassland (1976); h, i established grassland: root dryweight and root eounts (estimates from Sehuurman and Knot 1957); :>-
j, k oats: root dry weight and root eounts (estimates); 1 winter wheat on eraeking day soil (Biddinghuizen, May and June 1977); m, n spring wheat on 0
day loam and sandy loam, respeetively (Ulrum 1957); mI, nI samples in row; m2, n2 samples between rows; m3, n3 equal number of row and between i:I
row samples eombined. o
5 sampling Strateg ies, scaling, and statistics 165
Relations between root length density and root intersections with planes
have been investigated with models that simulate root architecture in three-
dimensions (Bengough et al. 1992). The use of minirhizotron tubes to measure
rooting depth in a maize crop has been simulated using a three-dimensional
model of root architecture of a small plot of 51 maize plants (Pages and
Bengough 1997). It was shown that the maximum rooting depth measured using
minirhizotrons was very variable and could strongly underestimate the true
rooting depth. Underestimation was a particular problem if the tube radius
was smaller than 3 cm, and when the tube was close to the vertical. In this
simulation study, however, the interactions between the growing root and the
tube were not modelIed. Some aspects of root growth and orientation along-
side the minirhizotron tube may be modified by the presence of the tube itself,
but there was insufficient detailed information on root-tube interaction to
enable a realistic model of the interaction to be developed.
The fractal dimensions of two-dimensional projections of root systems
have been compared with the three-dimensional fractal dimension of simulated
bean root architecture (Nielsen et al. 1997). The model showed that the three-
dimensional fractal dimension differed from that in two-dimensions, suggest-
ing that the washing and flattening of the root system is not an acceptable way
of measuring the frac taI dimension of root systems in situ. The use of root
intersection data with horizontal and vertical planes was found to give accurate
estimates of the fractal dimension in three-dimensions, suggesting that this is
a much better way of characterising root distribution in soil.
Geostatistics is a relatively new technique that can be used to study the spatial
variation of roots in a particular depth layer across a field site. It can also be
used to study spatial variation in root systems with depth, although any sys-
tematic trends in vertical root distribution must first be subtracted. A major
disadvantage of geostatistical techniques is that large numbers of samples
(typicalIy >100, but sometimes 300 or more; Jackson and Caldwell 1993b) are
required, each at a known location, and at a range of separations.
The traditional statistical tests used in biology as sume that the data in the
populations being tested have the same distribution, and that each datum is
independent of alI other data. Roots form interconnected branched structures
that may be correlated spatialIy and temporalIy: the presence of a root in a
particular volume is often more likely if a root is present in a neighbouring
volume, or was present when the volume was sampled previously. The scale
and timing at which the sampling is performed determine whether such spatial
and temporal correlations are present.
5 Sampling Strategies, Scaling, and Statistics 167 Semivariograms
1 ~) 2
y(h) = - () 2..[R(i)-R(i + h)] l (5.1)
2N h j~1
- range -
l\j 0.4 , _fi.-... -- ~- - - - ... ----.----.----. ---.• ---.---.
• rootmass
0L-~-'--~-'----'---_--1 Fig. 5.8. Semivariogram from root
O 2 4 6 8 mass data measured by Jackson
Separation distance (m) and Caldwell (l993a)
5 Sampling Strateg ies, Scaling, and Statistics 169
difference between the semivariance at the sill and that at the nugget represents
the variance that can be modelled as a spatial dependence, based on the
available sampling grid. A small nugget/sill variance ratio indicates spatial
When values of semivariance are being compiled into a semivariogram, it
is assumed that there are no systematic trends in the quantity measured (Aiken
et al. 1991). If such trends exist, functions characterising these trends must first
be subtracted from the data. For example, vertical trends must be removed
before generat ing a variogram of root intersection density with minirhizotrons
or washed root length density with depth. Semivariograms constructed from
data containing trends show in cre as ing semivariance with increasing distance
between observations.
Z*(x )= I [A.Z(x.)], (5.2)
o i-1 1 1
where the weight fac tors (Ai) are chosen such that the mean value of the dif-
ference [Z*(x o) - Z(xo) 1is zero, and the variance of the difference is minimised.
The semivariogram determines the values of Ai and the relative weight of obser-
vations decreases with distance from the interpolation points.
Cokriging can be used where two or more variables are correlated in space.
Measurements of one variable may be used to produce predictions of how a
second variable is distributed. For example, very hard regions of the soi! may
be rooted sparsely, and so the root length density would be correlated nega-
tively with penetration resistance. Measurement of one variable may be used to
produce predictions of how a second variable is distributed. ConditionalSimulations
5.6 Conclusions
Root systems are complex branched structures that vary in space and time. The
structure of the root system must be appreciated before it can be studied in the
field. It is important to consider the aims of any experiment carefully when
choosing an appropriate measurement technique from the many available, as
root sampling is very labour intensive. Auger sampling gives the most reliable
estimate of root length density, but losses of about 30% can occur during
washing procedures (see Chap. 6). Abias of about 30% for cereals can result in
estimates of root length density, per plant or per layer of soil, made using
traditional sampling schemes. The scientific basis of where to sample roots is
still understood relatively poorly, and there is a need for new experimental and
theoretical studies of root distribution to address this problem. Modelling is
starting to become a useful aid in investigating the consequences of different
temporal and spatial sampling schemes. Geostatistics is also providing new
ways of studying spatial heterogeneity in roots, although large numbers of
samples (e.g. 100 plus) are often required to provide sufficient data for the
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Persson H (1978) Root dynamics in a young Scots pine stand in central Sweden. Oikos 30: 508-519
Robert PC, Rust RH, Larson WE (1996) Precision agriculture. Proc 3rd Int Conf on precision
agriculture, Minneapolis, 1996
Robinson D (1994) The responses of plants to non-uniform supplies of nutrients. New Phytol
Rossi RE, Mulla DJ, Journel AG, Franz EH (1992) Geostatistical tools for modeling and inter-
preting ecological spatial dependence. Ecol Monogr 62: 277-314
Russell RS (1977) Plant root systems. Their function and interaction with the soil. McGraw Hill,
Sanders DH (1990) Statistics: a fresh approach (4th edn). McGraw-Hill, New York
Schuurman JJ, Knot L (1957) Het schatten van hoeveelheden wortels in voor wortelonderzoek
genomen monsters. Versl Landbouwk Onderz 63: 31
Singh JS, Lauenroth WK, Hunt HW, Swift DM (1984) Bias and random errors in estimators of
net root production - a simulation approach. Ecology 65: 1760-1764
Spek LY (1997) Generation and visualization of root-like structures in a three-dimensional
space. Plant Soil197: 9-18
Spek LY, Van Noordwijk M (1994) Proximal root diameters as predictors of total root system
size for fractal branching models. II. Numerical model. Plant Soil164: 119-128
Tardieu F (1988) Analysis of the spatial variability of maize root density II. Distances between
roots. Plant Soill07: 267-272
Tardieu F, Pellerin S (1990) Trajectory of the nodal roots of maize in fields with low mechani-
cal constraints. Plant Soil124: 39-45
5 Sampling Strategies, Scaling, and Statistics 173
6.1 Introduction 176
6.2 Methods of Root Sampling 177
6.2.1 Auger Sampling 177 Hand Sampling 179 Mechanised Techniques 179 Core Diameter 180 Sampling Strategy in the Field 180
Position of Sampling 180
Depth of Sampling 181
Number of Replications 181 Special Techniques for Tree Roots 182 Drawbacks 182
6.2.2 Ingrowth Cores 183 Concept 183 Drawbacks 183 Results and Perspectives 185
6.2.3 Pinboard Method 186 Concept 186 Procedure 187 Drawbacks 189 Results and Perspectives 190
6.3 Procedures for Root Washing 191
6.3.1 Hand Washing 191
References 206
6.1 Introduction
This chapter oudines those methods for assessing root systems structure and
function in the field which are based on washing roots free from the soil in which
they grew. Some of these methods are included in previous reviews (Kolesnikov
1971; B6hm 1979). The methods are either disruptive or totallydestructive to the
root system being studied and to the immediate environment (Taylor et al. 199I).
6 Auger Sampling, Ingrowth Cores and Pinboard Methods 177
The spatial variability of root systems requires that a large number of repli-
cates be sampled to obtain reasonably accurate estimates of root parameters.
Intensive, destructive sampling disrupts the remaining roots, which may in turn
affect results in the future. Consequent1y, due to the large variability of results,
it is not possible, in practice, to estimate root turnover from frequent sampling
schemes (Van Noordwijk 1993). Nevertheless, soil cores from auger sampling
or pinboards often yield the best quantitative informat ion on root system
biomass and root length per volume of soil (Caldwell and Virginia 1991). These
methods are therefore the basis for calibrating other techniques, including those
for estimating root turnover.
Monolith samples can be taken using a pinboard, which enables the com-
plete root system to be observed after washing the soil away. In contrast, augered
samples are taken at discrete locations in relation to the horizontal and vertical
distance in the soil profile from the plant (stratified sampling). Auger sampling
provides a soil-root sample of a limited volume from the root zone.
The ingrowth core technique (Steen 1984; Fabiăo et al. 1985) is based on
mesh bags filled with root-free soil, placed at different depths and removed at
prescribed intervals. Differences between soil conditions inside the bags and in
the surrounding undisturbed soil, such as soil strength and mineral nutrition
status, can change the pattern and quantity of roots. However this method is
particularly suitable for recording root response to localised fertiliser applica-
tion or other heterogeneity in the soil (Cuevas and Medina 1988; Hairiah
et al. 1991).
The destructive sampling methods described in this chapter are the basis
for quantifying root length, diameter, surface area, volume, biomass, disease,
mycorrhizal association and ion content. Depending on the goal of the further
analysis, however, one may need correction factors to account for the changes
in root properties during sampling, handling and storage.
Table 6.1 indicates the information that can be obtained from different
methods of root measurement. Auger sampling, ingrowth cores and pinboard
methods are described in this chapter. Core break and root mapping methods
are described in Chapter 7. Minirhizotron and related methods are described
in Chapter 8.
The best sampling technique for obtaining volumetric soil-samples is the auger
method. With this method soil samples are taken from the field using hand-
operated or mechanical samplers and washed to separate roots from soil.
, Symbols are as follows: - no information on parameter, + qualitative interpretation may be drawn, ++ semi-quantitative interpretation through a
ranking, +++ fully quantitative information obtained.
b length of minirhizotron is 1-2.1 m. :s::
6 Auger Sampling, Ingrowth Cores and Pinboard Methods 179
The simplest method for taking soil samples is to use a hand-driven corer. One
of the most commonly used corers is that described by Schuurman and Goede-
waagen (1971; Fig. 6.1).1t comprises a cylindrical tube 15cm long with an inside
diameter of 7 cm. A T-handle at the top of the auger shaft facilitates rotation of
the auger to aid penetration into and removal from the soil. Many authors have
modified this simple hand auger, mainly by varying the tube diameter, or by
using mass impact to drive the auger into the soil.
Albrecht (1951) and Albrecht et al. (1953) describe an auger consisting of
two halves held together by a metal ring. These halves can be separated to allow
for recovery of intact soil cores. A new manual cor ing system has been proposed
by Prior and Rogers (1992, 1994) which includes a manual driver of adjustable
weight, a manual core extractor and steel core tubes with clear plastic liners
which encase the soil core for retrieval and transport.
Various materials have been used for the augers but the most frequently
utilised are metal (stainless steel) or Plexiglas, bevelled at one end to minimise
soil dis rupt ion during sampling.
When core samples must be recovered from depth or from difficult soils, mech-
anised equipment is used. One of the simplest ways is to use an auger driven into
the soil by a hand-held motorised drop-hammer and removed by a puller or a
screw-jack (B6hm 1979). Soil core samplers can also be mounted on tractors,
typically on the drawbar, which has hydraulic power for the movement (upward
and downward). It is also possible to utilise special machines constructed for
agricultural engineering purposes, such as for drainage studies and soil survey
mapping. Hydraulic devices transported by large tractors have reduced the time
and the labour required for taking soil cores but their use is limited to situations
where damage of a large portion of the plot is not a problem.
One of the most important fac tors in field sampling is the core diameter (see
Bohm 1979). The core must be large enough to obtain a reasonable sample
volume, yet small enough to enable the cores to be obtained by the sampling
method to be used. With decreasing core diameter an increasing number of
replicates must be taken to maintain sampling accuracy (see Chap. 5). Small
diameter cores can be a particular problem where there are low rooting densi-
ties. Furthermore, Schuurmann and Goedewaagen (1971) reported average root
length densities were lower using a 4 cm diameter core than with a 7 cm diam-
eter core. The difference could not be accounted for by the actual soil volume
sampled and was attributed to the increased frictional resistance between the
soil core and the bore of the tube in the smaller diameter tube. They recom-
mended a core diameter of 7 cm, and the most commonly used core diameters
range from 5 to 8 cm (Van Noordwijk 1993).
In dry sandy soils, a smaller auger diameter may be required to avoid soil
loss during core extraction. In very wet soils special augers may be needed
which allow air entry into the mud (Schuurman and Goedewaagen 1971).
pling scheme care must be taken when estimating a field average value from the
data. Serious biases may be introduced if the average value for alI samples is
assumed to be the average for the field.
For treatment or variety comparisons, one sampling position per treat-
ment may be sufficient, though this would need to be replicated throughout the
experiment. For more detailed process or model calibration studies it may be
necessary to quantify the total root expansion or the root depth or the soil
layers in which the root length density is above a certain threshold (Passioura
Depth of Sampling. Ideally the core should be driven to the Iim it of rooting
depth but the deepest layers are difficult to reach, and within those horizons
the variability is often high. The maximum sampling depth can be estimated
in some cases by extrapolating from the root length densities in the upper
soil using a negative exponential equation (Van Noordwijk 1993). In any case,
all soils must be sampled to a minimum depth of 30 cm or the bottom of the
plough layer because most of the roots will probably be concentrated in this
lf clearly differentiated soil horizons are present in the sampled soil, the
first approximation is to separate the different soillayers and then to sub divide
the cores in standard length intervals. The most widely used core length is
10 cm. However, in grasslands and no till systems, it may be worth separating
the 0-10 cm layer into 0-5 and 5-10 cm. Shorter core lengths will increase
sample variability and it is difficult to cut portions of the core shorter than the
diameter of the core itself.
sation of several cores from a plot, with consequent subsampling for root
extraction. This method, similar to the composite sampling schemes usually fol-
lowed for soil chemical analyses, allows an increase in the number of soil
samples and/or a reduction of processing time. However, the method introduces
a new source of error dependent on the homogeneity of the total sample before
subsampling and it is not appropriate when the root turnover is studied.
Sampling tree roots requires special techniques because of the large range of
root diameters within a tree root system and the large volume of soil occupied
by the roots. Knowledge of the species' root system structure is necessary if it
is desired to sample a particular portion of the root system (see Chap.l). Veller
(1971) proposed a sampling scheme consisting of concentric circles, centred on
the stern of the tree, the diameter of each circle being chosen according to the
nature and age of the tree under study.
Generally, for taking soil cores in tree root systems it is necessary to
utilise mechanised sampling techniques because of the hardness of the large
For some purposes it is relevant to investigate the finer parts of the woody
roots (e.g. spatial distribution, biomass turnover). Methods defined by Kalela
(1950) or Nielsen (1990, 1994) are suitable. The"Nielsen sieve" is 45 x 45 cm with
25-cm-high walls, and ribs, 0.5 cm thick, placed in two perpendicular layers,
defining holes of 3 X 3 cm squares. Depending on the soil and the hypothesis
to be tested, the soil material is extracted separately from a number of soil
horizons to the sieve. Stones and soil material are sieved in the field, and the
collected root material is washed, sorted, dried and weighed in the laboratory.
Roots are sorted into biomass and necromass, the living roots being sorted to
the following diameter classes (root material below 0.1 cm diameter is removed
after drying): fine roots «0.2 cm), thin roots I (0.2-0.5 cm), thin roots II (0.5-
1 cm), thin roots III (1-2 cm) and coarse roots (2-5 cm). Coarse roots can not
be adequately sampled with any auger sampling scheme and one may have to
resort to methods predicting ratios of roots in different diameter classes based
on fractal branching analysis (Spek and van Noordwijk 1994; Van Noordwijk
et al. 1994; Van Noordwijk and Purnomosidhi 1995). Drawbacks
Auger sampling requires a large number of samples since the volume of auger
samples is small compared with the total soil volume. In very small plots prob-
lems may arise if coring damages a relatively large portion of the plots.
6 Auger Sampling, Ingrowth Cores and Pinboard Methods 183 Concept
The basic concept of the root ingrowth core technique is to present root-free
soil to the growing root system for a fixed length of time, so that root growth
during that period can be quantified (Steen 1984, 1991; Hansson et al. 1991).
The method reduces uncertainty about the time interval during which the roots
in a particular soil core developed, but may introduce biases, as it is not possi-
bIe to create root-free soil which is identical to the undisturbed soil conditions.
It is therefore best to use the method mainly as a relative indication of the main
periods of root growth, by comparing mesh bags placed at various times or left
in the soil for various time intervals.
Practica! instructions for using ingrowth cores are given in Box 6.1. Drawbacks
The main difficulty in interpreting data from soil ingrowth cores arises from
the unknown degree of disturbance upon introducing the mesh bags. Some
of the roots growing into the core may be branch roots of roots severed by the
coring, and this may cause an overestimate of the root growth which would
otherwise have occurred in this volume of soil. More important1y, however, the
process of sieving and re-packing the soil modifies soil conditions. The alter-
ation of sandy soil properties is small but on other soil types, the disturbance
to the aggregate structure accelerates mineralization of soil organic matter
and affects soil aeration. When results are compared for mesh bags placed
at different time periods, one has to be cautious of the fact that the degree
of disturbance may vary with soil moisture content, even if exact1y the same
184 M.R.G. Oliveira et al.
BOX 6.1. Procedure for Installing the Mesh Bags for the Root Ingrowth
Cores Technique
The procedure is summarised in Fig. 6.2. Remove long cores of soi! and
sieve the soi! ta remove any roots. Then, place a tubular nylon ar
polypropylene mesh bag (0.5-0.7 cm mesh) in the hale, loosely attached
ta a plastic pipe which is slightly smaller in diameter than the soil core.
Fill the hale with the sieved soi! via this tube (using a funnel), re-packing
the saH ta the original bulk density. The filling procedure is critical and
results depend an saH texture, structure and moisture content. The best
results are obtained by measuring the amount of soi! ta be filled per 1 cm
layer (ar less) and pressing the soillayer by layer with a pestle which fits
into the tube. After pressing a layer, scrape the surface ta create
roughness which allows good contact with the next Iayer of soi!.
a b ( d e f
[1 ..;. ~
Fig.6.2. Procedure for installing the mesh bags for the root ingrowth cores technique
procedure is used for placing the mesh bags. If large variations in soH moisture
contents are to be expected, it may be better to compare different intervals for
root ingrowth into bags placed at the same time, rather than constant time inter-
vals for bags placed at different times. Concept
Monolith samples can be obtained with pinboards ("fakir beds"), where the pins
hold the root system in an approximately correct position during washing. The
equipment needed to take a pinboard sample is shown in Box 6.2 and Fig. 6.3.
Fig. 6.3. Construction of a pinboard and some of the other equipment needed for taking
samples. A pins, B trowel, C car jack, D blade, E string
6 Auger Sampling, Ingrowth Cores and Pinboard Methods 187
The method has recently been improved by putting a coarse mesh screen (e.g.
with openings of 0.5 cm) on the pins before the board is pushed into the soil, and
gradually lift ing this screen while washing away the soil. This screen prevents the
movement of roots by "surface runoff" during the washing process.
Pinboard samples can be taken of individual plants, of row crops (usually
perpendicular to the crop row), or of grassland vegetation. The size of the pin-
board is determined by the vegetation rooting habit and practical considera-
tions (samples of 100 x 60 x lOcm of soil weigh about 100kg). Procedure
Practical guidelines for taking a sample are detailed in Box 6.3 and Fig. 6.4.
A set of pictures showing different steps of the pinboard method for sam-
pling crop root systems is presented in Fig. 6.5.
An alternative sampling device for monolith samples, which avoids the
need for a soil pit, is described by Floris and Van Noordwijk (1984). A metal
Car jac k
5 mm mesh screen
Fig. 6.4. Procedure for taking pinboard samples: after pushing the pinboard into a
smoothed profile wall, the board is supported on a car jack; soil below and on both sides of
the board is cut away by sawing movements with a stainless steel wire
stands in the soil pit to control the process while two people pull the
cable. When loose, pull the board backwards and carefully lift it from
the pit. Cut away the edge of the soil monolith to the level of the tips
of pins.
LabeI the sample and cover it with a plastic bag for transport to the
box is driven into the soi! by a hydraulic cylinder and supported by a strong
metal frame, anchored into the soi!. When the desired depth is reached, the
bottom is cut by pulling a cable (as in the pinboard sample) and a pair of claws
is inserted into the soil by tightening screws on top of the box. Asmall metal
tube provides air and thus prevents suction on the soi! while the box is pulled
to the soil surface. In constructing the box a delicate balan ce must be main-
tained between keeping the walls thin and smooth enough to allow easy inser-
tion into the soil, and providing enough grip on the soil that the sample will
not be lost from the box while it is pulled up. In practice, the equipment
described by Floris and Van Noordwijk (1984) is no more time efficient than
the pinboard method, but it involves less destruction of the surrounding soil
(except for the soil anchors) and may thus be desirable in long-term experi-
6 Auger Sampling, Ingrowth Cores and Pinboard Methods 189
Fig.6.5. Pinboard method for sampling crop root systems. a M.A.]. Goedewaagen (author of a
classical description of root research methods) in the 1930s with a washed out sugarbeet (Beta
vulgaris) root system. b Pinboard just pushed into a soi! profile. c Cutting away redundant soi!
after the monolith has been cut free from the profile wall. d Washing a pinboard sample directly
in the field (a small stream in the forest). e Washing a pinboard sample in the laboratory with
a rotating sprinkler. f Sugarbeet root system washed free. (Photographs a and f courtesy of
archive AB-DLO, Haren, the Netherlands, b-e Meine van Noordwijk) Drawbacks
Taking the pinboard samples requires some skill and takes more labour than
sampling with augers. The major drawbacks for many situations are probably
the destruction caused by the soil pit and the limits to sample size by the weight
of the soil. Compared with auger samples, larger losses of fine roots during the
washing process can occur, especially for roots entering the sample volume from
the outside, instead of from the plant in the centre of the board.
190 M.R.G. Oliveira et al.
Overall, the pinboard method provides useful information per unit effort. The
distinction between live and dead roots is easier with pinboard sampling
than with methods where the root system is not sampled in its entirety. In
comparison with other sampling methods, based on blocks of soil or auger
samples, pinboard samples contain more coherent parts of a root system
and can thus be washed on a coarse mesh screen rather than on a fine mesh
sieve. This facilitates the washing process and leads to root samples without
much organic debris. The main gain in time is dur ing the sample cleaning stage.
Apart from being faster, the pinboards also allow a more coherent view of the
branching pattern and allow the tracing of individual roots to their origin. For
an analysis of intercropping systems or in situations with a prominence of
"weed" roots, this can be a clear advantage. The washed system can be pho-
tographed to obtain a visual impression or can be conserved as such. If com-
bined with a resin cast of a small slice of the soil profile (Schuurman and
Goedewaagen 1971) a visuallink can be made between soil conditions and root
response. Examples of root systems washed free on pinboards are presented in
Fig. 6.6.
To save time when quantifying roots after washing, a visual estimate of the
amount of roots per block of soil (5 x 5 x12 cm3 ) can be made, with a repre-
sentative selection of samples recovered to calibrate the vis ual ranking. Results
then depend on the consistency of the person doing the visual assesment and
'. "\ - ~
'j (;:..
. , ~
- 1./-- \.;., ~..;...
[~J '~
~ ")
: ' '
Once sampling in the field is finished the roots must be separated from
the soil. This is done in different ways but usually soil is washed away from
the root samples. Ideally, the best approach is to wash roots from the
samples immediately upon arrival from the field but core samples may be
stored in sealed polyethylene bags under refrigeration, or frozen until
Roots may be separated from soil by dry-sieving but this method is
only appropriate for very sandy soils, and its use is limited to tree root studies,
where roots with a diameter greater than 2 mm are to be investigated
(Bohm 1979).
Soil Cores. Roots must be washed gently to minimise loss or damage. The water
flow of the sprinkler must be very low because the roots are easily damaged by
high water flows. Large roots may be removed by hand.
If roots and soil have not separated with sprinkling, it may be necessary
to soak and gently agitate the sample. The soil particles should then settle
while the roots and other organic matter float to the top and can be poured
into another bucket or sieved for further cleaning. The procedure must be
repeated as many times as necessary until a clean root sample is obtained. The
sieve size used is critical to minimising root loss during washing (see Sect., though the sieve size used will depend on the type of root material and
the objective of the research. If there is a lot of organic matter, a coarse sieve
(e.g. 0.2 cm mesh) can be used to split the sample into a first fraction, with roots
192 M.R.G. Oliveira et al.
and large organic particles, and a second fraction, with fine short roots and
When the main purpose of the research is chemical analysis of roots, it is
important to reduce the washing time and a coarse sieve only can be used to
save time.
Washing Pinboard Samples. Washing the soil from pinboard monoliths requires
a different procedure than that described for auger or ingrowth samples.
Washingpinboard samples is facilitated by soaking overnight in water, deep
freezing (for clay soils), soaking in oxalic acid (for soils with free calcium car-
bonate) or soaking in hexametaphosphate, preferably under vacuum. Whatever
the pretreatment used, gent1e washing must follow; a rotating or oscillating
sprinkler is ideal, but pinboard samples can also be washed under more primi-
tive conditions with a hose attached to pressurised water or a locally constructed
"water tower" or by pouring small buckets of water over the sample. The pin-
board is put at a slight angle and washing starts at the lower part. During the pro-
ce dure some caution is need to avoid the formation of sharp ridges in the profile,
which can cause the breaking of roots. Even when the roots do not break, there
is a change in their positions, moving downwards which affects root distribu-
tion. To avoid this, the coarse mesh screen is lifted, and supported with wooden
strips when the soillayer becomes very thin. The roots then become fixed on
the mesh screen and are not pushed downwards by the water. Root losses from
a pinboard can be collected by placing a large sieve under the waste-pipe. This
indicates how carefully washing is being conducted and how well the root system
is secured. Some losses are acceptable if the main purpose is the rooting pattern,
but for quantitative studies care must be taken to minimise root displacement.
During the washing process large-sized organic debris can be carefully
removed from the board using forceps. Soil layers or other feautures which
become visible during the washing may be marked with string using the pins
as points of reference.
After washing away the soil, the root system is lifted by the mesh screen, pho-
tographed (on a black cloth as background) and/or cut according to soillayers,
depth zones and/or distance to the plant to obtain root biomass and/or root
length. Total plant root biomass can be estimated by integrating root weight
densities measured per zone and deptl). over the relevant soil volume.
Various root wash devices have been developed (B6hm 1979). The first to be
commerciallyavailable (the Gillison root washer), was a hydropneumatic elu-
triation system (Fig. 6.7) developed by Smucker et al. (1982).
6 Auger Sampling, Ingrowth Cores and Pinboard Methods 193
Fig.6.7. Schematic representation of (
Smucker's system. A High kinetic-
energy washing chamber, B elutriation
chamber, C transfer tube, D low
kinetic-energy primary sieve,
E secondary sieve
For soils with a high clay content, chemical dispersing agents can be used to
help disperse the soil particles and facilitate root washing. A list of some of these
chemicals is presented in Table 6.2. Some form of sodium metaphosphate is
the most commonly used chemical. Weak acids can be used on soils containing
calcium carbonates as binding agents.
Chemical dispersing agents can damage the root system, creating problems
for further observations. For example, Van Noordwijk (1993) mentions that
soaking the samples in a 5% sodium hexametaphosphate solution speeds up
the process of washing roots from clay soil, but the roots become discoloured,
particularly in soil with high organic matter content, making the subsequent
identification of live roots more difficult. So, the decision of when to use these
chemicals must depend on the objectives of a given study.
6.3.4 Errors
The errors that occur during the washing and cleaning of samples are loss of
fine roots, loss of dry weight; changes in nutrients content of the roots; incom-
plete separation of root, soil and debris; poor distinction between live and dead
roots; and personal screening differences. Precautions to solve the problems can
lead to conflicting situations. To quantify errors, samples can be split or a few
samples analysed as a control, checking the Iosses.
It is almost inevitable that not alI the roots in the soil-root sample are recov-
ered during the washing and cleaning stages. Most of the Iosses during this stage
Table 6.2. Listing of some dispersing chemicals used for root studies by different authors
are fine roots, which can comprise a major loss in terms of root length but are
not so critical in terms of root weight.
The mesh size of screens used to collect roots plays an important role
in determining the amount and size of the recovered roots. Amato and Pardo
(1994) compared 2 and 0.2mm mesh sieves (4 and 0.04mm2), and found
that recovered root length for wheat and field beans tended to be an order of
magnitude higher when using the smaller mesh sieve. Roots collected on the
2 mm sieve represented on average 55% of the weight but only 10% of the
total length collected using a 0.2 mm sieve. With a 1 mm sieve the recovered
root weight was 75%, but the recovered root length was stiH only 34% of the 0.2
mm sieve. Caldwell and Fernandez (1975) recovered more than twice as much
root biomass using a mesh of 0.03mm2 instead of 0.2mm2• The use of coarse
screens is therefore more acceptable for root weight than for root length deter-
minations and reduces the time needed for cleaning the samples from organic
Loss of root dry weight during washing and storage of root samples has been
observed for several crops grown in nutrient solution (Van Noordwijk and
Floris 1979; Floris and De Jager 1981; Grzebisz et al. 1989). Losses were typically
20-40% of the original root dry weight. Some combinations of washing and
storage treatments resulted in up to 50% loss of the original root dry weight.
Five to 10% losses in dry weight was reported over the 24 h immediately after
harvest (stored at 20 ac in a moist environment), prior to any washing or longer
term storage treatments being imposed. This initialloss was attributed to root
respiration (Floris and De Jager 1981). Using sodium pyrophosphate as a dis-
persing agent tended to increase losses at the washing stage by 10-15% com-
pared with washing without a dispersing agent.
Grzebisz et al. (1989) found that, for most of their washing and storage
treatments, loss of cell walI material was limited. They therefore concluded that
most of the dry matter loss comprised cell contents, not root tissues such as the
epidermis or cortex. This agrees with the lack of change in root diameter during
washing and storage reported by Floris and De Jager (1981).
It has been suggested that a correction factor in the range 1.4 to 2.0 could
be used to account for dry matter losses of 30-50% due to handling of root
samples (Grzebisz et al. 1989). As the authors point out, these correction values
were obtained from roots grown in nutrient solution, which may result in a
different root structure and chemical composition from field-grown roots.
However, Grzebisz et al. (1989) suggest relative root dryweight losses from field-
grown crops could be even higher, particularly when grown in conditions of
limited water or nutrient availability.
196 M.R.G. Oliveira et al.
Variation in dry weight losses can be reduced by treating alI samples uni-
formly. When working with a large number of samples it is recommend that
the samples be frozen after washing. This treatment gives high dry weight losses
but extra handling of the roots after thawing does not involve new dry
weight losses.
There are conflict ing reports concerning the importance of nutrient loss from
roots during washing. B6hm (1979) cites work showing nutrient loss during
washing of agricultural root systems was not significant. In contrast, G. Brouwer
(unpubl. data) has observed that the nutrient content (N, P, Ca, K), as a per-
centage of dry matter remaining, can change considerably in a short time. For
calcium, manganese and iron contents, Evdokimova and Grishina (1968) report
a de crease of lO-15% in samples that were washed for 2h compared with
samples which were washed quickly. Grzebisz et al. (1989), comparing different
washing and storage treatments, found that N losses were smaller than dry
matter losses. Consequently, the root N content (as a percentage of dry matter
remaining) in some cases increased by up to lO% of the original value. This can
lead to overestimates of N content.
B6hm (1979) suggested that nutrient loss during root washing depends
mainly on how old the roots are. Brown, decaying roots Iose more nutrients than
white, young roots.
Lignin content typicalIy increases as a percentage of dry matter during
decomposition of organic residues (Parr and Papendick 1978; Jawson and Elliot
When the root biomass is used for chemical analyses, quick washing on
a coarse sieve, with some control samples is preferred. Samples should not be
frozen before the effect of freezing on the analytical results is known. Nutrient
contents are generalIy only reliable if sample handling is completed within 1
day (Van Noordwijk 1993).
The amount of debris and soil particles present in washed roots is variable,
depending on the conditions under which roots are grown. In the last stage of
cleaning the distinction between small roots and debris can be difficult and for
this reason it is better to try to standardise the cleaning procedure as much as
When washing by floatation (as opposed to sprinkling) it is possible to sep-
arate the majority of debris from roots by repeating the decanting process.
6 Auger Sampling, Ingrowth Cores and Pinboard Methods 197
Debris which are lighter than living roots fioat more readily than roots and can
be picked up. Some care during this process is needed because some fine roots
can come together with the debris.
The type of soil can modify the amount of roots separated from the soil
itself. In general, the coarser the soil the easier is the recovery of roots. Small
particles can adhere more closely to the roots, especially when the roots have
an abundance of root hairs. This can break the root hairs during washing.
The adherence of fine soil particles to the fine root fraction in particular,
despite careful washing, can be a problem and results in an overestimate of
root dry weight. B6hm (1979) reported that soil particles could account for up
to 50% of the sample weight. This error can be avoided, or at least checked, by
determining the weight of the ash-free organic root matter (see Sect. 6.5).
In organic soils, where the microbialload is usually high, the roots present
in the soil cores can be degraded rapidly.
Separation of soil particles and organic debris from roots stiH remains
a big problem which has led some investigators to concentrate on developing
techniques to determine accurately the totallength of roots in samples without
removing the debris. Dowdy et al. (1995) developed a technique for partition-
ing live root images from debris using imaging techniques, based on the
assumption that the length : width ratio for root segments differs greatly from
that of soil and organic debris.
It can be difficult to distinguish between dead and live roots. Probably the best
method is to check root elasticity dur ing the washing procedure. Annual roots,
which break when stretched a Httle, are dead and those with some elasticity
are alive. With the auger method it is useful to have a fallow treatment to test if
roots are stiH present from the previous crop, especially if sampling early in the
growth of the current crop.
Many staining techniques are available (see Chap. 10), not only for increas-
ing the discrimination between live and dead roots but also for increasing the
contrast for automatic measurement of roots. The most appropriate technique
for any particular experiment should be determined by testing a few samples
taken before the main sampling date.
Differences between opera tors in sample handling, mainly during the stages
of decantation and cleaning up the root samples, can cause errors. The resolu-
tion of the human eye, time pressure, operator fatigue, different criteria for dis-
198 M.R.G. Oliveira et al.
tinction between dead and live roots, the decision to stop cleaning, etc. are
reasons for these errors.
It is preferable if the same person does the work, since this gives more
comparable data. When several people are involved in the same work care should
be taken to avoid bias in the measurement results. It is advisable to record the
operator for each sample, to allow calculation of a correction if necessary.
Drying. Drying the root samples is another long-term storage option. Samples
should be dried at 60-75 °C to avoid the pulverisation that can occur when roots
are dried at 100°C (Schuurman and Goedewaagen 1971).
Table 6.3. Listing of some chemicals used for root storage by different authors
Storage methods can affect the condition of the roots. IdeaHy, a storage method
should be chosen that does not influence the root property that is to be mea-
sured. AH samples must be stored in the same manner.
For chemical analyses, roots need to be dried as quickly as possible before
storage. When this is impossible, it is recommended that a zero control be taken
to quantify the changes prior to drying. Samples must not be stored in a freezer
because soluble nutrients can be lost from the roots when subsequently thawing
the sample for analysis. Nutrient content, as a percentage of dry matter, begins
to change after a few days in cold storage at 4°C.
For physical analyses, a wide range of storage methods is acceptable, though
the best method is to store the fresh samples in a freezer. Alternatively, samples
can be dried at 60-75 °C (Schuurman and Goedewaagen 1971) and then stored.
On re-wetting, the roots more or less completely recover their original root
length and diameter. Any effect of drying and re-wetting on the physical para-
meters should be similar for aH the samples. Williams and Baker (1957) report
that stor ing roots in formalin solution had no significant effect on herbaceous
root dry weight.
Root weight is estimated either from fresh roots or, more frequent1y, from oven-
dried roots. Fresh weight is often used in plant pathology studies, for example
investigating nematodes and fungi in roots (Bohm 1979). For determination of
root fresh weight, it is recommended that a standardised procedure be applied
to remove alI the water adhering to the roots, before weighing. This can be
achieved by submitting the roots to low-speed centrifugation, typicalIy for 30 s
(van Noordwijk and Floris 1979; Grzebisz et al. 1989).
Root dry-matter is a useful measure of plant investment in the root system
and also of the contribution of roots to the soil humus, particularly when related
to shoot biomass. However, it is not valid to assume that root weight is corre-
lated with root activity (Bohm 1979). Root length, particularly of fine roots, is
generalIy considered a better indication of root activity.
Root dry weights are generally recorded for root samples which have been
oven-dried at 65-75 DC until there is no further change in weight (typicalIy
24h). Adherence of fine soil particles to the roots is sometimes a problem. In
these situations the weight of the ash-free organic root matter is determined.
The procedure involves placing the weighed oven-dry roots in a muffle furnace
at 650 DC for 5 h to burn off the organic matter. The weight of the residue is then
recorded. The difference between root dry weight and the weight of ash residues
represents the ash-free organic dry weight.
Various techniques, both manual and automated, are available for determining
root length. This section considers primarily manual methods. Automated
methods, in particular the use of image analysis software, are considered
separately in Chapter 10.
Direct measurements of root length can only practicalIy be made on large diam-
eter roots, e.g. tree roots. Direct measurements of herbaceous plant root lengths
202 M.R.G. Oliveira et al.
are rarely made, and then only primary roots (e.g. Sivakumar and Salaam 1994).
It is simply not feasible to undertake the direct measurement of the total root
length (including fine roots) of a plant, or even of a root sample.
The root length of a sample can be estimated using intercept counting tech-
niques (Newman 1966; Tennant 1975). Newman's technique is based on the rela-
tionship between root length and the number of intercepts between roots,
spread over a surface of defined area, and randomly arranged lines of known
length in that area. Marsh (1971) simplified Newman's method, and Tennant
(1975) tested and popularised this modified method.
The modified line intersect method has become the standard manual tech-
nique for estimation of root length (See Box 6.4). The line intersect method
gives an estimation of the root length of the sample, and is not a direct mea-
surement. Sources of error arise from the random arrangement of the roots on
the grid, root visibility, the definition of an intersection, and operator bias and
fatigue. With care, it is possible for a single individual to obtain coefficients of
variation of the root length estimate of 5% or less (Tennant 1975). However, this
is the minimum likely error. Coefficients of variation for the line intersect
method are typically 10 to 15% (Bohm 1979; Bland and Mesarch 1990; Farrell
et al. 1993). Bland and Mesarch (1990) reported a bias in root length estimates
by observers, with some observers yielding consistent1y low or high estimates
relative to the mean.
Steps can be taken to minimise the error associated with the technique.
These include: training new observers and comparing their results against
experienced observers; ensuring adequate lighting; using a magnifying glass to
aid root visibility; improving the colour contrast between the roots and the back-
ground; and ensuring the observers have regular rest breaks to avoid fatigue.
The line intersect technique can be mechanised, using photoelectric coun-
ters such as those of Rowse and Phillips (1974), Richards et al. (1979) and
Wilhelm et al. (1982). The automation eliminates operator bias from the esti-
mation and should therefore reduce error. However, root samples do need to be
cleaned more carefully since it is difficult for automated systems to distinguish
between roots and debris. Details of automated methods for root analysis are
given in Chapter 10.
The visual estimation of the root length is a rapid low-cost method for estimat-
ing root length. At its simplest the sample root length can be described by a sub-
jective rating where, for example, 1 indicates low root length and 9 indicates high
root length. This method has been used to screen for cucumber root length as
part of a cultivar evaluation programme (Walters and Wehner 1994). Visual esti-
mation may also be used to obtain a quantitative root length estimate of samples
recovered using the pinboard method or from auger samples (Naab 1994; Gaze
1996). This essentially involves visual comparison of root samples of unknown
length with standard root samples of known length, enabling a reasonable esti-
mate of the unknown root length to be made (see Box 6.5).
.!! 150 I
~ I
m I I
'O 100 I I
c: 50
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
. time (man hours)
Fig.6.8. Time required to determine root length using the line intersect method (solid line)
and visual estimation (broken lines). The comparisons assume that 5 samples per h can be
counted using the line intersect method, and that 30 samples per h can be estimated using
the visual estimation method. For the visual estimation method: line a assumes standard
samples are already available; line b assumes 30 standard samples are first counted once using
the line intersect method; line c assumes that 30 standard samples are counted twice before
visual estimation of the remaining samples
There is inevitably some loss in the accuracy of the estimation of root length
when using a visual estimation method as opposed to the line intersect method.
However, other measurements of root length, such as the line intersect method
and image analysis techniques, are themselves in fact only root length estimates.
For visually estimated root lengths of millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.], the
coefficient of variat ion was reported as just over twice that of the line intersect
method (Gaze 1996). No systematic bias was found between observers using the
visual estimation method. There can, however, be a tendency to underestimate
root length using the visual method at high root lengths (Walters and Wehner
1994; Gaze 1996). This upper limit is probably a function of root length density
in the sample solution volume, rather than absolute root length.
Root diameter can be measured on samples spread out on a grid, using a binoc-
ular microscope with an ocular micrometer.According to Van Noordwijk (1993)
at least 20 readings per sample are required.
Total root surface area has been estimated from other root parameters, like
root length and diameter, by solution adsorption measurements, or by using
photoelectric devices (B6hm 1979).
Recently, the availability of image analysing computers has made the deter-
mination of root length, diameter or surface area possible with more accuracy
and with less time investment (see Chap. 10).
Root length and root weight are often related to soil volume and are referred
to as root length density - Lv (cmrootcm-3soil) or root weight density
(groot cm-3soil). These are particularly useful for describing the spatial distribution
of the root system, and are also useful data for soil-vegetation-atmosphere
transfer models.
Root length and weight can also be related to soil surface area - La (cm root
cm-2soil) and (grootcm-2sOil). This facilitates comparison of root data with mea-
surements of above ground plant production, which are typically made per unit
soil surface area (e.g. yield, leaf area index).
The specific root length (cmroot g-l root dry weight) is used to give an indication
of root thickness.
Comprehensive summaries of published rooting data have been made by
Van Noordwijk and Brouwer (1991), Canadell et al. (1996) and Jackson et al.
206 M.R.G. Oliveira et al.
Crozier CR, King LD (1993) Corn root dry matter and nitrogen distribution as determined by
sampling multiple soi! cores around individual plants. Commun Soi! Sci Plant Anal 24
(11&12): 1127-1138
Cuevas E, Medina E (1988) Nutrient dynamics within Amazonian forests: Part II. Fine root
growth, nutrient availability and !itter decomposition. Oecologia 76: 222-235
De Jager A (1982) Effects oflocalized supply of H,PO., NO" SO., Ca and K on the production
and distribution of dry matter in young maize plants. Neth J Agric Sci 30: 193-203
Dowdy RH, Smucker AJM, Dolan MS, Ferguson JC (1995) Root length measurements of
segments washed from soil cores without removal of extraneous debris. Proc 14th Long
Ashton Int Symp: Plant roots - from cell to systems. Sept 1995. Long Ashton, Bristol,
Evdokimova TI, Grishina LA (1968) Productivity of root systems of herbaceous vegetation on
flood plain meadows and methods for its study. In: Methods of productivity studies in root
systems and rhizosphere organisms. Int Symp USSR 1968. USSR Academy of Sciences,
Nauka, Leningrad, pp 24-27
Fabiăo A, Persson HA, Steen E (1985) Growth dynamics of superficial roots in Portuguese plan-
tations of Eucalyptus globulus Labili. studied with a mesh bag technique. Plant Soi! 83:
Farrell RE, Walley FL, Lukey AP, Germida JJ (1993) Manual and digitalline-intercept methods
of measuring root length: a comparison. Agron J 85: 1233-1237
Floris J, De Jager A (1981) Een schatting van het verlies aan drogestof en van de verandering in
diameter van wortels van engels raaigras (Lolium perenne) dor bemonsteren, bewaren en
spoelen. Inst Bodemvruchtbaarheid Haren-Gr Rapp: 1-81
Floris J, Van Noordwijk M (1984) Improved methods for the extraction of soi! samples for root
research. Plant Soil 77: 369-372
Gaze SR (1996) Water balance of farmer-managed millet and fallow-savannah on sandy soi!s in
south west Niger. PhD Thesis, Department of Soi! Science, University of Reading, Reading
Gregory PJ, Tennant D, Belford RK (1992) Root and shoot growth, and water and !ight use effi-
ciency ofbarley and wheat crops grown on a shallow duplex soil in a Mediterranean-type
environment. Aust J Agric Res 43: 555-573
Grzebisz W, Floris J, Van Noordwijk M (1989) Loss of dry matter and celI contents from fibrous
roots of sugar beet due to samp!ing, storage and washing. Plant Soil 113: 53-57
Hairiah K, Van Noordwijk M, Setijono S (1991) Tolerance to acid soil conditions of the velvet
beans Mucuna pruriens var. utilis and M. deeringiana. 1. Root development. Plant Soi! 134:
Hairiah K, Van Noordwijk M, Stulen 1, Meijboom FW, Kuiper PJC (1993) P nutrition effects on
aluminium avoidance of Mucuna pruriens var. utilis. Environ Exp Bot 33: 75-83
Hansson A, Andren O, Steen E (1991) Root production of four arable crops in Sweden and its
effect on abundance of soil organisms. In: Atkinson D (ed) Plant root growth: an ecologi-
cal perspective. Blackwell, Oxford, pp 247-266
Henry CM, Deacon JW (1981) Natural (non pathogenic) death of the cortex of wheat and
barley seminal roots, as evidenced by nuclear staining with acridine orange. Plant Soi! 60:
Heringa JW, Groenwold J, Schoonderbeek D (1980) An improved method for the isolation and
the quantitative measurement of the crop roots. Neth J Agric Sci 28: 127-134
Jackson RB, Canadell J, Ehleringer JR, Mooney HA, Sala OE, Schulze ED (1996) A global analy-
sis of root distributions for terrestrial biomes. Oecologia 108: 389-411
208 M.R.G. Oliveira et al.
Jawson MD, Elliot LE (1986) Carbon and nitrogen transformations during wheat straw and root
decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 18 (1): 15-22
Kalela EK (1950) On the horizontal roots in Pine and Spruce stands.Acta For Fenn 57 (2): 62-68
Kaspar TC, Logsdon SD, Prieksat MA (1995) Traffic pattern and tillage system effects on corn
root and shoot growth. Agron J 87: 1046-lO51
Kolesnikov VA (1971) The root system of fruit plants. Mir Publishers, Moscow
Kiicke M, Schmid H, Spiess A (1995) A comparison of four methods for measuring roots of field
crops in three contrasting soils. Plant Soil 172: 63-71
Mackie-Dawson LA, Atkinson D (1991) Methodology for the study of roots in field experiments
and the interpretation of results. In: Atkinson D (ed) Plant root growth, an ecological per-
spective. Blackwell, London, 25-47
Marcum KB, Engelke MC, Morton SJ (1995) Rooting characteristics of buffalograsses grown in
fiexible plastic tubes. HortScience 30 (7): 1390-1392
Marsh B.a'B (1971) Measurement of length in random arrangements of lines. J Appl Ecol 8:
Mitchell AR, Shouse PJ, Rechel EA (1993) Using acetic acid to wash roots from the soil. Soil Sci
Plant Anal 24: 15-16
Naab JB (1994) Interaction of canopy and root system in water use of potato. PhD Thesis, Uni-
versity of Reading, Reading
Newman EI (1966) A method for estimating the totallength of root in a sample. J Appl Ecol3:
Nielsen CCN (1990) Methodische und okologische Untersuchungen zur Sturmfestigkeit der
Fichte. In: Einfiiisse von Pfianzenabstand und Stammzahlhaltung aufWurzelform, Wurzel-
biomasse, Verankerung sowie auf die Biomassenverteilung im Hinblick auf die Sturmfes-
tigkeit der Fichte, Schriften aus der Forstl Fak Uni Gottingen ud Niedersiichs Forst
Versuchsanst. JD Sauerliinders, Frankfurt
Nielsen CCN (1994) Aspects of sustainability by afforestation of agricultural set-aside areas:
Development of roots and root/shoot-ratios (AIR3-ct93-1269), lst Progress Report, Royal
Vet Agric University, Kirkegaardsvej 3A, DK-2970 Hoersholm
Pallant E, Holmgren RA, Schuler GE, Mccracken KL, Drbal B (1993) Using a fine root extraction
device to quantify small diameter corn roots (::;0.025mm) in field soils. Plant Soil 153:
Parr JF, Papendick JR (1978) Factors affecting the decomposition of crop residues by mir-
cooorganisms. In: Iscwald WR (ed) Crop residue management systems. American Society
of Aoronomy, Madison, pp lOl-129
Passioura JB (1980) The transport ofwater from soil to shoot in wheat seedlings. J Exp Bot 31:
Prior SA, Rogers HH (1992) Portable soil coring system that minimizes plot disturbance. Agron
J 84: 1073-1077
Prior SA, Rogers HH (1994) A manual soil coring system for soil-root studies. Commun Soil Sci
Plant Anal 25: 517-522
Richards D, Goubran FH, Garwoli WN, Daly MW (1979) A machine for determining root length.
Plant Soil 32: 69-76
Rowse HR, Phillips DA (1974) An instrument for estimating the totallength of root in a sample.
J Appl Ecolll: 309-314
Schroth G, Kolbe D (1994) A method of processing soil core samples for root studies by sub-
sampling. Biol Fertil Soils 18: 60-62
6 Auger Sampling, Ingrowth Cores and Pinboard Methods 209
Schuurman JJ, Goedewaagen MAJ (1971) Methods for the examination of root systems and
roots, 2nd edn. Pudoc, Wageningen
Sivakumar MVK, Salaam SA (1994) A wet excavation method for root shoot studies of pearl-
millet on the sandy soils of the Sahel. Exp Agric 30: 329-336
Smucker AJM (1992) Contemporary analytical methods for quantifying plant root dynamics.
In: Hiibl E, Lichtenegger E, Persson H, Sobotik M (eds) ISSR Symp. Root ecology and its
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Smucker AJM, McBurney SL, Srivastava AK (1982) Quantitative separation of roots from
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Spek LY, Van Noordwijk M (1994) Proximal root diameters as predictors of total root system
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Steen E (1984) Variation of root growth in a grass ley studied with a mesh bag technique. Swed
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210 M.R.G. Oliveira et al.: Auger Sampling, Ingrowth Cores and Pinboard Methods
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7.1 Introduction 212
7.2 Practical Aspects 212
7.2.1 Preparing Protile Walls for Root Observations 212
Choosing an Observation Plane 212
Preparing Access 213
Smoothing the Observation Plane 213
Removing Last Layers of Soil 213
Recording Roots and Protile Features 214
7.2.2 Root Counts on a Grid 214
7.2.3 Root Maps on a Plastic Overlay 215
7.2.4 Calibrat ion Samples 216
7.2.5 Core-Break Method 217
7.2.6 Time and Labour Requirements of the Methods 218
7.3 Data Analysis 219
7.3.1 Digitizing Root Maps and Overlays 219
7.3.2 Relation Between Intersection Point Density
and Root Length Density 220
7.3.3 Empirical Correlation for Core-Break and Profile Wall
Observations 222
7.3.4 Root Counts as Function of Depth and Horizontal Distance 223
7.3.5 Root Distribution Pattern Within a Zone: Nearest Neighbour
Distances 225
7.3.6 Spatial Correlation of Mapped Features 227
7.3.7 Root Position Effectivity Ratio, R pe r 227
7.3.8 Transition from 2-D to 3-D Distance 230
7.4 Conclusions and Perspectives 231
References 231
7.1 Introduction
Field methods for root mapping include the following steps: a plane of obser-
vation must be chosen, and an access trench dug (Fig. 7.1A, B). The number of
profile walls observed per treatment is usually one but further observation
planes can be obtained from the same trench, a few centimeters (depending on
plant space in the row) beyond the previous profile wall. The surface of the plane
is then prepared and root locations recorded on plastic overlays or as tabulated
data (Fig. 7.1C, D). We will consider these steps in turn, as there is a range of
options for each of these.
Fig. 7.1. Direct root observations on trenches and profile walls. a Direct observations in a deep
trench perpendicular to hedgerows, b direct observations in a plough layer of an arable system,
with minimum disturbance to the soi! profile, c brushing away soil from a sugarbeet root system
to observe its interactions with different layers in the soi! profile, d mapping root intersections
on a polythene sheet, with a grid system as a guide. (Photographs: courtesy of Meine van
Preparing Access. For "plough layer" observations a trench 0.3 m wide and 0.3
m deep may be enough, as the observations can be made without the observer
having to get into the trench. Otherwise, a trench about 1 m across is needed
for access by the observer, with a depth and width depending on the size of the
maps to be made. To reduce damage to long-term experimental plots, sampling
locations are normally chosen close to the border of plots; this may compro-
mise on the representativeness of the sample. The soil from the soil pit or trench
should be put on the outer side, so as not to inBuence the observations. If topsoil
and subsoil are separated by canvas sheets dur ing excavation, disturbance to
the soil profile can be reduced, but the sampling sites should be marked and
avoided in future.
Smoothing the Observation Plane. A long knife blade is normally used to obtain
a Bat and smooth plane of observation. No further preparations are necessary
if the soil and root have very good contrast in colour, provided that the observer
examines the profile closely.
be done with a knapsack sprayer, working from the top of the profile down-
wards; a disadvantage of spraying is that in a wet soil 'smearing' of surfaces can
easily cover fine roots. On heavy clay soils washing can be facilitated by cover-
ing the profile with a cloth soaked in sodium pyrophosphate (see Chap. 6) to
disperse the clay. As an alternative one can carefulIy blow away fine soil with a
"vacuum cleaner" (used in reverse) -live roots are remarkably resilient to this
and will generalIy remain visible.
Recording Roots and Profile Features. The number of root intersections can be
counted using a sampling grid, or the positions of the roots can be mapped on
polythene (plastic) overlays. This latter method gives most flexibility in subse-
quent analysis of the data. Appropriate light conditions should be created for
observation. Avoid direct sun-light, as it dries out roots quickly and gives too
sharp a contrast and willlead to water condensation if plastic overlays are used
for mapping. An umbrella or screen can be used to shade the plane of obser-
vation and give diffuse light.
Maps on plastic overlays can be made with permanent marker pen; roots are rep-
resented as 'dots', with different colo urs used for diameter classes or roots of dif-
ferent species where these are recognizable. Other features can be included such
as soil horizons, cracks or finer soil structural features, or local accumulations of
organic residues (Fig. 7.2). By spraying suitable dyes onto the excavated soil
surface, spatial patterns in other features of the profile wall such as soil pH or
redox status may be recorded. Water infiltration patterns via macropores can be
visualized with dyes such as methylene blue or fluorescein (the latter requires
UV light for observations and may be poorly visisble when adsorbed to the soil).
Macropores can also be made visible by infiltrating an iodine solution and cov-
ering the soil surface with a fine layer of starch powder; a blue colour will appear
where the iodine has reacted. Root maps should be wrapped in paper on a roll,
rather than being folded to avoid a "printing" process during storage.
As a special case of profile wall observations, resin-impregnated blocks can
be prepared and used for more detailed observations. This is similar to the "thin
sections" used in soil micromorphology (Kooistra and Van Noordwijk 1996;
Ringrose-Voase 1996).
t x
o\~~~~ '~
x x
o x
o • o o x
x / " x o
_' x o
'. - _B.
o x o
x x
x x
o x
~~ o
x o
Fig. 7.2. Example of a root map with a number of features: x and o indicate two types of roots
(different species or diameter), the continuous lines indicate major structural features of the soi!,
the broken lines protile layers, the hatched areas recognizable plant residues ploughed into the
topsoil, and the shaded areas re Rect anaerobic areas (bluish-grey)
216 M. van Noordwijk et al.
The number of root intersections per unit area of observation plane can be cal-
ibrated against the root length density per unit volume in the soil directly
behind the plane of observation by taking shallow sample boxes from well-
marked places in the profile (Fig. 7.3). The box size should correspond with (a
multiple of) the grids used for direct counts; where root maps are made, the
size of the sample box is arbitrary, but it should be marked on the root map.
Shallow sample boxes (about 2 cm deep) are better where large gradients of root
length density are expected. In very shallow samples, however, the root seg-
ments obtained may be so small that washing losses increase; variability in
actual sample size may also increase when the boxes are made shallow. The cal-
ibration samples can be washed and treated as described for other washed
samples in Chapter 6. Oliveira-Carvalheiro and Nepstad (1996) made profile
wall observations and empirically calibrated these against small block samples
up to a depth of 9 m.
A. B.
D. o c.
Lrv o
T o
sharp edge
Fig. 7.3. Root maps ean be eombined with small bloeks from which roots are washed (see Chap.
6) to derive an empirical relationship between root length density (em per em') and intersee-
tion point density on the map (em em-2 )
7 Trench Profile Techniques and Core 8reak Methods 217
Fig. 7.4. Core-break method for estimat ing density of roots intersecting with a horizontal plane
of observation
218 M. van Noordwijk et al.
A rough estimate of the time involved is given in Table 7.1. The number of
replicates to be used, especially for the calibration of samples depends on
Table 7.1. Estimated time involved in profile wall and core-break method; estimates are based
on an experienced crew and soils which are easy to work; they serve as a first approximation
Profile wall
Fieldwork to make 0.25 4 7
maps of 1 x lm2
Digitizing and analysis 1.5
Washed calibration 0.15 16 2.5
samples: processing
Core break
Fieldwork 0.08 25 2
Calibration of samples: 0.25 10 2.5
7 Trench Profile Techniques and Core Break Methods 219
For a set of randomly oriented line pieces, the basic relationship between length
density per unit volume Lv and the point density of intersections with any plane
of observation N, was derived as Lv = 2N by Lang and Melhuish (1970) and
Melhuish and Lang (1968). The derivation has its origin in the 18th Centuryand
is known as Buffon's problem (Marriot 1972). The derivation considers the
probability that a randomly positioned and randomly oriented line section (of
unit length) with its centre within a specified volume of space will intersect with
a given plane of observation (any plane or a plane bordering the volume), and
then integrates over all possible positions and orientations, to obtain an ave rage
probability of being observed per unit root length. For a population of line
pieces, the expected number of intersections per unit area of observation plane
can then be related to the totallength of line. Taking the inverse of this equa-
tion, the length can be derived from the number of intersections. The fact that
root systems in a unit volume of soil are not independent little sections of line,
but tend to be interconnected may cause some doubt on the applicability of the
Lv = 2 N result, but the connections will increase the variance rather than affect-
ing the expected value and mean.
Random orientation can, however, not be taken for granted in root systems
and a modified form of the equation is Lv = 2XN, where the factor X depends on
root orientation (see Box 7.1). Ifthe N in the equation represents the average for
three mutually perpendicular planes of observation (Nm = (NX1 + N x2 + N y )/3), the
deviations of X from 1.0 are relatively small (Lang and Melhuish 1970; Baldwin
et al. 1971, 1972). In practice, however, one wants to estimate Lv from observa-
tions in one (or maximum two) plane(s) of observation.
Information on root orientation, or at least on the NxlNz ratio (e) is obvi-
ously needed to convert intersection point density measurements on profile
walls or core-break planes into estimates of Lv. Counting root intersections in
both vertical and horizontal planes may give the most direct approach. Avail-
able estimates show that this ratio will at least vary in the 0.5-4 range, and may
thus cause substantial deviations from the Lv = 2 N equation.
Theoretically, one can reconstruct root angles from observations of the
elliptical shapes of root intersections, e.g. on resin-imbedded soil thin sections.
In practice, however, slight deviations of root shapes from a cylinder shape and
errors in measurement make this approach unreliable (Van Noordwijk et al.
A number of authors (Bengough et al. 1992; Pages and Pellerin 1996;
Pellerin and Pages 1996; Jourdan and Rey 1997; Pages and Bengough 1997;
Lynch et al. 1997; Grabarnik et al. 1998) have used three-dimensional root
distribution models (ef. Chap. 4) to predict root intersections with any plane of
7 Trench Profile Techniques and Core 8reak Methods 221
where the tirst equation applies to a 'linear' and the second to a 'planar'
si tuation with (0,0,1) and (1,1,0) roots in the extreme cases, and Â.. < 1 and
Â.. Q 1, respectively. Root anisotropy will have a relatively mild effect on
the calculated Lvvalues based on this X, provided that the average point
density N m is used. For the core-break method we are, however, mainly
interested in the LvlN: relationship and for the protile wall observations in
LvlNx, or LvlNy.In these ratios we tind much stronger effects of anisotropy,
as Â.. also influences Nm/Nz or Nn,/Nx. Van Noordwijk (1987) derived from
the above equations that for preferentially vertical root orientations with
The equations for LviNx (profile wall) show a sharp de crease in the
trajectory up to A = 0.5, stabilize around 2.0 for 0.5 < A < 2 and show a
mild decrease for A> 2 (Fig. 7.5). The equations for LviNz (core-break)
are monotonously increasing functions of A start ing at 1.0 for A = o.
14 14
____ Lv/Nx
12 _ _ Lv/Nz 12
10 10
...1 6
6 ...1
4 4
2 2
O 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3
Â. = Nx/Nz
Fig. 7.5. Theoretical relationship between root length density per unit volume (L,)
(cm cm-3 ) and intersection point density Non the map (cm cm-2 ) ofhorizontal and vertical
planes of observation for cases where the densities in the two possible mutually perpendi-
cular vertical planes of observation are equal
observation. This has provided a valuable tool for exploring the effect of the
type of deviations from random root orientation to be expected for real-world
root systems.
Real world calibrations of the method contain observation errors (in both
profile wall and washed samples) and may deviate from the theoretical values
which primarily depend on root orientation. Table 7.2 presents a selection of
published data on empirical calibration factors. Schuurman and Goedewaagen
(1971) gave calibration results for "root coverage" (related to N) versus root dry
weight for grassland roots.
A point of warning may be that not all these studies have corrected for
trends of root length density and comparisons may be based on intersection
density on a plane external to the volume for which Lv data are obtained rather
than for a plane halfway through this volume (Bengough et al. 1992).
7 Trench Profile Techniques and Core 8reak Methods 223
Table 7.2. Examples of published values of calibration factor X in Lv= 2 X N relation between
root intersection section N and root length density Lv. (Extended from Bengough et al. 1992)
Grid counts can be made from root maps in the laboratory by using a plastic
sheet overlay. Grid size can be adjusted, and more fiexibility is retained than
with field grid counts. Non-rectangular grids, e.g. following soil horizons, can
be used, as long as the surface area of each section is measured so that results
can be expressed as number of points per area mapped. Point densities of root
intersections can be converted to estimates of root length density Lv on the basis
of empiric al correlations or estimates of root anisotropy (Table 7.2).
Recording the x and y coordinates of each root is equivalent to a very fine
grid, where the data get a presence-absence character rather than a number of
points per grid. When x,y coordinates are recorded one can easily derive a grid
classification (by taking the integer part of the coordinates divided by grid size).
It usually is best to use grid sizes in which inter-row distances are multiples.
224 M. van Noordwijk et al.
. \ ....;. (.t .:\~:.... \
... . .. / "" :
. J.t·<·
o 1;1 • - ,
" , " II
- ' 1
" I
r , ,1
Fig. 7.6. Methods for analyzing root maps obtained in a vertical plane (A). BBy overlaying the
map with a grid, we can obtain histograms of intersection point density (number of intersections
per unit areal as a function of horizontal distance (Bl), vertical depth (B2) and distance to the
nearest plant (B3). C By classifying the map by distance to cracks (or any other mapped feature)
one can test the homogeneity of the relative point density for the strata so obtained (CI). D If two
types of roots were mapped (x and o in this example) the point density of x can be sampled by
strata differing in distance to the nearest o to test their spatial correlation (Dl)
When a specified layer of soil is washed away from the profile wall, the
number of points per grid or soil depth can also be converted into root length
per unit of soil surface are a (B6hm 1976). This can be achieved for a known
length of profile wall by assuming that each root has the same length in the
removed layer. Calibration of this technique with washed samples (blocks or
cores) is very desirable.
Various root distribution functions can be fitted to the data (see Chap. 4),
once grid counts are made. The grids are classified by their depth z below the
soil surface and radial distance r to the nearest plant and root intersection. Den-
sities are converted to root length densities on the basis of the conversion factor
X(z,r), which may depend on depth z and distance r. In soils without major
restrictions to root growth an exponential decrease of root density with increas-
ing distance from the plant may be expected. Van Noordwijk et al. (1996)
expanded on the one-dimensional form of Gerwitz and Page (1974) and
L,(z,r ) = La Ir=oae
- a ~z2+f3r2
. (7.1)
7 Trench Profile Techniques and Core Break Methods 225
This function has three parameters: Lalr=O is the total root length per unit area
(cmcm-2) at a distance r = O from the tree stern, a is the parameter (m-1)
governing the de crease with depth of root length density (for r = O, at a depth
of 0.699/a the root length density has half of its value at the soil surface), and
f3 is the dimensionless parameter governing the shape of the root system; values
less than 1 indicate shallow-but-wide root systems, values of 1 give a circular
symmetry, and values >1 indicate deep-but-narrow root systems.
If f3 does not differ significantly from 1 and we ignore possible variation
in X(z, r) with distance r, the equation may be simplified to a one-dimensional
distribution of root length density with depth:
Lv(z) = Laae- az •
Root maps in the horizontal and vertical plane (trench method) not only yield
information on average root length density per soil layer, but also allow
quantification of the distribution pattern within each layer (Barley 1970; Diggle
1983). The 'null model' of root distribution, against which one would usually
want to test, is of independent roots with a homogeneous probability of occur-
rence within (a section of) the plane of observation. A Poisson distribution in
the observation grid thus gives the appropriate comparison. A number of tests
have been proposed, especially in plant ecological literature (Pielou 1969).
Several of these use the fact that in Poisson distributions the mean of the
number of points per cell equals the variance; the ration of mean and variance
in a sample can thus be compared with the confidence intervals for finite
samples. A variance/mean ratio above 1 indicates clustering, a ratio below 1
regularity (Fig. 7.7).
A different category of test is based on a comparison of "point-root" and
"root -root" distances, where "points" are chosen randomly in the plane of obser-
vation. If roots behave as mutually independent points, the two distributions
should be essentially identical. Where roots tend to cluster, root-root distances
tend to decrease while point-root distances increase. Where root patterns tend
towards regularity, the point-root and root-root curves will change in an oppo-
site direction. The difference between these two distributions thus gives a sen-
sitive test (Pielou 1969).
To derive the frequency distribution of nearest neighbour distances, two
basic approaches are:
1. Start with a "source" point of measurement, calculate the distance to alI
neighbours and select the shortest distance (nearest neighbour);
226 Mo van Noordwijk et al.
o o 000 o
o o o
o o o o
o o o o
o o o o o
o o o o o
o o o
o o o
1/ 000: : : : ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fig. 7.7. Basic terminology for spatial point patterns and a nearest neighbour distance
frequency diagram which can be used to test randomness of the pattern; if the lines for random
points to the nearest root are not essentially different from those for roots-to-roots, the root
pattern may be called random itself
2. Start with alI target points and classify the are a surrounding them by dis-
tance - this is the equivalent of drawing circles of increasing diameter
around alI "target points" o
BOX 7 .2. Steps in the Derivation of the Root Position Effectivity Ratio,
R per (Van Noordwijk et al. 1993c):
1. Digitize a map of root distribution in a horizontal or vertical plane to
derive a list of X, Y coordinates and estimate the corresponding root
length density Lv>
2. If desired, introduce 'barriers' in the root map, e.g. representing
incomplete root-soil contact or cracks in the soil,
3. Derive a cumulative frequency distribution (Fig. 7.8A, B) of distances
from points in the soil to the nearest neighbour root, taking into
account the existence of barriers (this can be done by 'expanding' the
area taking roots as starting points and measuring surface area after
each distance increment),
4. Derive an 'annulus fraction' representation (Fig. 7.8C) of these nea rest
neighbour distances by dividing the fraction of soil in each distance
increment by that for an equivalent annulus,
5. Transfer the annulus fractions into fractions fi of complete circle
models with radius Ri ('cutting the pie'; Fig. 7.8C).
6. Calculate the total transport capacity to a sum of cylinders with
radius Ri for a given uptake model; since the zero-sink uptake of water
as well as nutrients is proportional to a G -function (De Willigen and
Van Noordwijk 1987a; ef. Chap. 15):
1- 3 2 41n 2] 2R 2
G(Ri) = 0.5 [ --p-+ P 2 P and p - i - --;=== (7.2.2)
4 P - 1 - Dr - Dr.JlrL v '
The Rper factor (root position effectivity ratio) was introduced (Van
Noordwijk et al. 1993a; Van Noordwijk and Brouwer 1997) to derive a correc-
tion factor, such that when Lv is multiplied with this factor an equivalent root
length density L~ is obtained for a simple model geometry (regularly spaced,
parallel cylinders), with the same opportunities for transport towards the root
surface. The method (Box 7.2; Fig. 7.8) can potentially be applied to any root
distribution pattern, but it assumes that the soil resources themselves are homo-
geneously distributed (initially). For homogeneous resource distributions, a
regular root spacing maximizes uptake, so Rper will be less than 1.0 for non-
regular root distribution. lf resources are non-homogeneous, non-regular root
distributions may be superior if roots and recources tend to coincide.
Van Noordwijk and Brouwer (1997) reported values of Rper in the range of
0.3 for winter wheat and sugar beet in the plough layer of arable land. Haberle
et al. (1994) explored how Rper varies with the plane of observation based on
three-dimensional root branching models (See Chap. 4).
A. B. c . . 14
o ,
13 ,
r .... ........
<t: .. ""1"
Distance to
nea rest root
O @
11 + 12 + 13 +
Fig.7.8. Analysis of root distribution pattern. By applying a 'distance transform' to the map on
the basis of ali roots mapped; measurement of the nearest neighbour distances (B) can be used
to derive the area in each distance c\ass for an 'average' root (e); by 'cutting the pie' we can derive
the relative frequency of cylindrical models with 1 . .. x layers which together may represent
the possibilities for uptake by the root pattern (D); for a given root uptake function, we can
finally derive the equivalent homogeneous root density which would allow the same uptake
to occur and express the ratio of this hypothetical and the measured point density as the root
position effectivity ratio, Rp" (Van Noordwijk et al. 1993a,c)
230 M. van Noordwijk et al.
A partly unresolved problem in interpreting root maps is the fact that the
real three-dimensional distances are smaller (except for roots growing perpen-
dicular to the mapped plane) than the two-dimensional distances measured on
the map. For randomly orientated roots, the frequency distribution of three-
dimensional distances coincides with that for 0.71 times the two-dimensional
distances (Van Noordwijk 1987). For non-random root orientation the problem
is unresolved; a serious complication is the fact that a plane represents a biased
sample of roots, as roots growing almost perpendicular to the plane are
over-represented and roots growing almost parallel to the plane are under-
represented. For a 2-dimensional map of the Z-plane, the frequency distribu-
tion of point-root distances in case of a random distribution of roots can be
derived from a Poisson distribution (Pielou 1969; Marriott 1972):
The profile wall methods discussed in this chapter for observing roots span a
wide range of applications: from "quick and not-too-dirty" impressions of
overall spatial patterns, which can be much faster than methods based on
washed samples, to methods aimed at extracting specific spatial information
which cannot be obtained from washed samples at alI.
The geometrical relations between three-dimensional root systems and
observations on any two-dimensional plane of observation are far from trivial
and further progress is to be expected from links between root architectural
models, and predicted and observed point patterns on a range of planes of
observation. For several root ecological questions analysis of "spatial correla-
tion" of roots and other phenomena (roots and cracks and/or anaerobic spots,
roots of species A and those of species B, roots and concentrations of organic
inputs, roots and decaying root channels formed by a previous vegetation) is
crucial, but refined observation techniques may be needed and the standard
"root map" may be too coarse.
Baldwin JB, Tinker PB, Marriott FHC (1971) The measurement of length and distribution of
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232 M. van Noordwijk et a!.
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7 Trench Profile Techniques and Core Break Methods 233
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8.1 Introduction 236
8.2 Minirhizotrons 236
8.2.1 Introduction 236
8.2.2 Types of Minirhizotrons 238 Solid Tubes 238
Tube Material 238
Dimensions 238
Marking System/Depth Registration 239 Flexible or Pressurised Tubes 239
8.2.3 Installation Technique 241 Installation Equipment 241 Installation 243
Angle of Installation 243
Spatial Distribution in Relation to Rows 244 Light Leaks and Temperature Effects 244
8.2.4 Observation Equipment 245 Scopes 245 Video Cameras 245
The Use of Ultra Violet Light in Root Observation 245 Telescopes, Mirrors and Still Cameras 246
An Inexpensive System 246
8.2.5 Observations with Minirhizotrons 247 Introduction 247 Estimation of Bulk Soil Parameters 248
Root Distribution in the Profile 248
Rooting Depth 248
Root Length Density and Numbers of Roots 249
Conclusions 251 Estimation of Root Morphology and Root Dynamics 252
8.1 Introduction
Glass windows are often installed in rhizotron facilities to observe root growth.
The same principle has been applied under field conditions, using "root
windows" and "minirhizotrons" (transparent glass or plastic tubes pushed
into the soil: Bates 1937), through which roots are observed non-destructively
in situ at the interface between the glass and the soil. The possible observations
include recording root growth and decay - processes which are difficult
to measure otherwise - by stiH photography or videos, thereby providing
time series that reveal the dynamics of root growth. Root researchers also
use transparent interfaces when estimating the rooting characteristics of
the surrounding bulk soil, such as root length intensity (Lv) and root mass
per unit volume of soil (Wv ), although this often necessitates a (cumbersome)
conversion from 2-D to 3-D.All these methods and tools used to view roots are
reviewed in this chapter.
8.2 Minirhizotrons
8.2.1 Introduction
Inserting clear tubes into the soil through which roots can be observed in situ
with various items of equipment (see Fig. 8.1), has several advantages over other
methods of root quantification.
8 Root Observations and Measurements at (Transparent) Interfaces with Soil 237
One such advantage is that studying root dynamics at the interface between
a transparent viewing medium and the soil is usually less labour-intensive than
core sampling, in-core growth or profile wall methods. Another is that individ-
ual roots (and their properties) can be followed in time. Root characteristics
such as the growth rate, branching, longevity and the presence of root hairs can
best be assessed through an in situ viewing medium. Moreover, this technique
makes it possible to quantify infection with mycorrhizae, fungi or nematode
species and to assess the diameter distribution of the root system in situ (Majdi
and Nylund 1996).
Minirhizotrons allow the same are a/volume of soil and the same population
of roots to be monitored continuously, but questions have been rai sed about how
representative these observations are compared with bulk soil methods.
238 A.L. Smit et al.
Tube Material. Tubes made of glass (borosilicate, trade name e.g. Pyrex),
acrylic (Perspex, Plexiglas), polybutyrate and polycarbonate (Lexan) have
been used as minirhizotrons. Glass tubes are cheaper than commercially avail-
able polybutyrate tubes, but may break if large roots and rocks are encountered
in the profile, or if the soil is subject to severe freeze-thaw and shrink-swell
McMichael et al. (1992) mention that polybutyrate is sometimes preferable
to acrylic tubes because of its flexibility and resistance to excessive scratching
during installation. Kloeppel and Gower (1995) described the construction of
tubes from inexpensive acrylic tubing (according to them this is 42% cheaper
than glass), marking them with an easily constructed etcher and installing the
tubes with a tree seedling auger.
Although Taylor and Bohm (1976) suggested that soil adhered more readily
to glass windows than to acrylic plastic windows, they did not specifically
compare the two materials. They also suggested that if the soil touching the
plastic dries, it will shrink at higher soil water contents than if it is touching
glass. They concluded that the resulting cracks and voids encouraged higher
root densities at the plastic face compared with the bulk soil.
It has also been suggested, although not quantified (Voorhees 1976), that
using acrylic material might allow electric charges to develop, which would
interfere with root growth. Although many researchers have voiced concern
about the material used to create an interface to observe root growth, the mate-
rials have never been explicitly compared. This suggests that the material itself
is not a crucial factor for the minirhizotron method. In many cases it is the soil
and environment that determine the choice of material.
Dimensions. Upchurch (1987) argued that larger tube diameters increase the
sample size, which improves precision and reduces variability. Mackie-Dawson
and Atkinson (1991) mentioned that a 5.6cm o.d. (outer diameter) tube would
"sample" a volume of 352cm3, assuming a view 2-mm deep. If a strip of 2cm
only is observed at the upper side of the minirhizotron, only about 40 cm3 would
be "sampled", a small volume compared with the volume of soil sampled by soil
coring. Coring to a depth of 1 m yields samples over 2000cm3 of soil, depend-
ing on the diameter of the corer. But note that when Itoh (1985), cited by Brown
and Upchurch (l987), evaluated tube sizes from 1-3 cm, he found that accuracy
increased with decreasing diameter.
The preferred diameter for round tubes is about 5 cm, mainly because this
will accommodate commercially available video-camera systems. Square tubes
8 Root Observations and Measurements at (Transparent) Interfaces with Soil 239
have also been used (Vos and Groenwold 1987; van Noordwijk et al. 1994) but
are not a standard stock item and do not allow the viewing equipment to be
rotated. A further disadvantage is that they require a custom-made soil probe
for creating the minirhizotron access hole.
It has been mentioned that it is more difficult to uniformly illuminate in
round tubes than square tubes (Brown and Upchurch 1987) but modern video
equipment seems to have overcome this problem.
One factor crucial to the success of the minirhizotron method is the contact
with the surrounding soil. Imperfect contact prevents an accurate estimate of
the bulk soil root density. If there are voids, the roots will grow into them or
will track along the surface of the tube. One of the signs of poor contact between
tube and soil is condensation on the tube surface and a tendency for roots to
produce more root hairs when growing in the space between the tube and soil.
In soils with layers which hinder root penetration, a tunnelling effect can be
created, with these gaps promoting deeper rooting along the tube than in undis-
turbed soils (Vos and Groenwold 1987).
An alternative minirhizotron design has been developed, with improved
contact with the surrounding soil. The pressurised wall minirhizotron devel-
oped by Merrill et al. (1987) and Merrill (1992) consists of (see Fig. 8.2):
1. A central tube of dear, extruded acrylic plastic,
2. A O.05-cm-thick cylindrical piece of dear polyvinyl sheeting fitted over this
central tube and damped to both its ends, and
3. A PVC collar at the upper end of the tube, through which air pressure tubing
is introduced.
240 A.L. Smit et al.
roots were growing in one plane of the soH/tube interface. They advised taking
special care at the points where the frame ribs meet the soH, because voids will
occur here if the frame is too thick or the pressure too low. The transition can
be made more gradual by bevelling the ribs of the frame to prevent gaps from
Volkmar (1993) compared an adjusted pressurised tyre system with rigid
minirhizotrons (transparent polybutyrate plastic tubes (5.4cm o.d.). From his
observations of root growth at horizontal minirhizotrons at bulk densities
increasing from 1.5 to 1.7 g cm-3 he concluded that significant differences in root
counts between the two systems became apparent with increasing density.
When he examined the relationship between root counts (minirhizotron) and
root density of the bulk soH, he found that with rigid tubes, root counts were
higher at the higher bulk densities. With the flexible tubes, the relationship
between root counts and root density remained more or less stable with dif-
ferent bulk densities. This implies that rigid tubes probably overestimated
rooting, especially at higher bulk densities. Volkmar (1993), however, also noted
that inflatable tubes have a drawback compared with rigid tubes: the pressure
is difficult to maintain and even under controlled environment conditions the
tubes gradually Iose pressure or deflate suddenly if the rubber wall develops a
weakness. For this reason, minirhizotrons have to be checked daHy after instal-
lation. In the pressurised system described by Merrill (1992) the pressure is
maintained by a solar-driven air pressure system. Both these sophisticated mod-
ifications increase the cost of the apparatus and its maintenance, often beyond
research budgets.
The technique for installing tubes (glass and plastic) in an undisturbed soH
profile in the field is critical. The main concerns are to establish good contact
between the tube and the surrounding soH, to avoid compaction of the soil
during the installation of the tube in the soH and to minimise the creation of
voids at the tube/soil interface.
Hand augers can be used in conjunction with an angled support (see Fig.
8.3A), to make a hole slightly smaller than the outside diameter of the minirhi-
zotrons. Box et al. (1989) used hydraulic soH coring machines for this purpose
(see Fig. 8.3B).
They took soH cores of 5.5 cm o.d. prior to installing a tube of 5.7 cm
o.d. The cutting points of the soH sampling tubes were machined, so that
soH displaced by the sharpened tip was compressed toward the interior of the
sampling tube, thus preventing compaction at the interface. The angle of the soH
242 A.L. Smit et al. Instal/ation
Angle of Installation. A wide range of angles to the vertical has been used
when inserting the tubes. OriginalIy, researchers inserted the tubes verticalIy,
but later various angles were used. Minirhizotrons have even been positioned
horizontalIy (Smit et al. 1994; Dubach and Russelle 1995). Most studies,
however, have used a range of angles between 30° and 45° to the vertical. Bragg
et al. (1983) claimed that installing the tubes vertically would induce preferen-
tial tracking of the roots alongside the tube and that this could be eliminated
with an angled insertion. They reached this conclusion after comparing 45° and
vertical tubes with soil coring. When the data from the top 30 cm of soH were
omitted, angled tubes showed a better relation with coring than vertical tubes.
However, it has been pointed out (De Ruijter et al. 1996), that this conclusion is
not supported by the data shown in the original publication. OveralI, consider-
ing alI depths, vertical tubes showed even better correlation with coring than
angled tubes.
In a pot experiment with Sitka spruce and sycamore, root tracking was
found to occur to the same extent on vertical tubes and on tubes angled at 45°
(Mackie-Dawson et al. 1989). The root counts were higher at vertical tubes, espe-
cialIy in the first 7 cm, but this was attributed not to tracking but to a more hor-
izontal root growth in this layer. Evidence was also found with vertical tubes
that there was greater variance associated with the measurement of root length
(Mackie-Dawson and Atkinson 1991).
Many investigators have installed their tubes at an angle to the vertical,
usualIy 45°, although vertical positioning is still used (Campbell et al. 1994;
De Ruijter et al. 1996), particularly when conditions are unfavourable for
angled tubes. Horgan et al. (1993) acknowledge the importance of the ins talla-
tion angle, especially if root growth orientation deviates from isotropic
(isotropic = alI orientations are equalIy likely) and if the observations of the 2-
D-surface are to be converted to a 3-D environment. If isotropy cannot be
assumed, the "point process" will depend on the orientation of the surface on
which the observations are made. Horgan et al. (1993) derived an optimal angle
of 54° theoreticalIy. At this angle the influence of a non-random orientation of
root growth would be minimal (bias should not exceed 3% whatever the
distribution of root angles). They also suggested two further strategies to
minimise the influence of root anisotropy: one was to give the horizontal
count per unit root length twice the weight of the equivalent vertical count if
horizontal and vertical tubes can be used, as then bias will be close to zero.
Another strategy would be to have groups of three tubes of equallength; two
positioned perpendicular to each other in horizontal planes and the third posi-
tioned vertically. Both strategies alIow examination of variation in root density
244 A.L. Smit et al. Scopes
The Use of Ultra Violet Light in Root Observation. It has been reported that the
roots of many plant species fluoresce (emit light in the blue wavelengths) under
UV light, and that there is a relationship between root functionality or age and
the intensity of UV fluorescence (Dyer and Brown 1983). Although some
modern minirhizotron camera systems are equipped optionally with a UV
lighting system, few results obtained with this observation method have been
reported. UV-transmission through the minirhizotron material used should be
246 A.L. Smit et al.
Wang et al. (1995) investigated whether UV lighting was better than visible
light in estimating the proportion of living roots. Their results implied that
visible light should be chosen in grass-dominated communities and UV light
in communities dominated by broad-Ieaved herbs or woody plants. Under UV
light some dead roots apparently stiH fluoresced and were easily misidentified
as living.
Smit and Zuin (1996) studied two plant species: Brussels sprouts (fast
growing, many roots) and leeks (slow growing, low rooting intensity). Leek
roots fluoresced more than Brussels sprouts roots. With increasing age, the UV
fluorescence decreased in Brussels sprouts roots but increased over time in leek
roots. The authors therefore concluded that UV fluorescence could not be used
as a universal indicator of root age or root functionality. However, they sug-
gested that the technique might be used to identify the roots from a species in
mixed cropping experiments.
Fig.8.4. Basic set-up of inexpensive observat ion equipment for minirhizotrons. A camera with
telelens, B minirhizotron wall, C flash, D halogen light, E mirror, Fviewing aperture. See Poelman
et al. (I996) for a detailed description. (Fig. courtesy Dr. Johan van de Koppel) Introduction
Researchers are interested in responses of roots in the bulk soil. However, only
the roots in contact with the minirhizotron surface can be observed with
minirhizotrons. Therefore, the root parameters measured at this interface
should be directly related to the desired bulk soil root parameter, and the inftu-
ence of the interface on the measured parameter should be minimised
(Upchurch 1987). So, the minirhizotron surface must represent a transect
through the soil rather than a root collection or inhibition zone (Mackie-
Dawson and Atkinson 1991). For this reason it is important to be clear about
what you want to use the minirhizotron method for:
1. To estimate a bulk soil parameter like volumetric root length density, root
distribution etc., or
2. To observe a root characteristic or property such as longevity, diameter,
branching, which is visible at the minirhizotron surface.
In both cases, but particularly in the first case, where a translation from 2-D to
3-D is necessary, the effect of the interface is important.
248 A.L. Smit et al.
Smit et al. (1996) used data from horizontal minirhizotrons and applied an iter-
ative statistical regres sion procedure to calculate rooting depth, assuming that
rooting increases linearly with (thermal) time over a certain period.
Andren et al. (1993) used the following formula to calculate the mean
rooting depth, although a better description of this calculation might be the
average depth of a root:
Root Length Density and Numbers of Roots. The following observations can be
made at the tube interface. However, to estimate values of the surrounding soil
conversion procedures are required:
1. Length of roots (cmcm-2 minirhizotron surface, La). The length of the roots
on the minirhizotron surface can be calculated by counting the
number of intersections on a grid for each observation. The grid may be
inscribed on the tube or projected on a recorded image. Using the modified
Newman-line-intersect method (Tennant 1976), the number of roots inter-
secting the grid is then converted to length and can be expressed per cm 2
Some researchers (e.g. Heeraman and Juma 1993) have subsequent1y
assumed a certain "depth of view" of 0.2 or 0.3 cm and calculated the volu-
metric root length density (Lv) direct1y. Although simple, the assumption
about the depth of view seems rather arbitrary, as good contact between the
soil and tube would imply a depth of view of Ocm!
When assessing this parameter (length) it should be considered whether
the length of roots on the minirhizotron surface is influenced by the minirhi-
zotron itself, as roots may grow slower or faster than in the bulk soil. If
this is so, root length is not the most appropriate parameter to assess. It has
been suggested that the number of roots arriving at the surface (Upchurch
1987) or first intersections as described by Mackie-Dawson and Atkinson
(1991) would show a better relationship with the rooting intensity in the bulk
2. Number of roots on the minirhizotron surface (N ra ). This parameter is prob-
ably less influenced by the conditions at the interface than length and is inde-
pendent of any property expressed by the root after that root has touched
the minirhizotron. The effect of the interface on results obtained is therefore
probably minimal. Upchurch and Ritchie (1983) proposed the following pro-
cedure. Given a certain minirhizotron area, all roots that intercept the tube
are counted. Each individual root is assigned a count ofl; branched roots
250 A.L. Smit et al.
receive a score of 1 for the primary root and an additional score for each
branch. The hypothesis is that the density of the roots in the surrounding
soil determines the number of arrivals of roots at the interface. This is
in contrast to the length of the root at the interface, which is a function of
both the arrival of the root and growth of the root after it has touched the
The minirhizotron root counts can be converted to Lv using either an
empirical calibration obtained from the regression of root numbers on
length of roots washed out of soil samples, or a theoretical model. Several
theoretical models have been developed to predict the relationship between
the number of roots on the minirhizotron surface and the root length density
in the surrounding soil,
The theories, with different assumptions, have resulted in a wide range of
values for c (Table 8.1).
Bland and Dugas (1988) compared these c-values in a study with cotton
and sorghum and concluded that c = 2 provided the best estimate of Lv for
cotton and the data were sufficient to reject the c = 1 model (empirically, c
was found to be 2.8). However, no simple relationship between minirhizotron
data and measured root length was found for sorghum.
Using horizontal minirhizotrons in the Wageningen Rhizolab, Smit et al.
(1994) found that most crops largely followed the c = 2 relationship, when
minirhizotron counts had been calibrated with core sampling.
Studies with wheat have yielded c-values of 2.8 (Bragg et al. 1983),3.5
(Meyer and Barrs 1985) and as large as 20 (Belford and Henderson 1985).
Values of c larger than 15 were also found by Murphy et al. (1994) for
creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass turfs; they concluded that a
single value of c probably does not apply throughout the growing season.
Parker et al. (1991) found likewise for potatoes, as did Smit et al. (1994)
when working in the Wageningen Rhizolab with horizontal minirhizotrons
where no voids were present. However, the Wageningen researchers found a
stable relationship in time for other crops (leeks, wheat, Brussels sprouts).
There are reports of the reverse effect, however: Samson and Sinclair
Value of c Reference
Fig. 8.5. Points of contact
on minirhizotron frames, O 3
according to Buckland et al.
E;J 1 1
[SJ 3 O
(1994) and Wiesier and Horst (1994) found a shift over time for maize and
3. Points of contact. Instead of counting alI root segments (with or without
branches), Buckland et al. (1993) proposed counting onIy the first and last
points of contact with the minirhizotron (see Fig. 8.5). A root that intercepts
a tube, grows away from it, then intercepts it again is considered to have two
points of contact, so that it is not necessary to determine whether one root
intercepts the tube more than once in this method. A tracking root "passing
by" is not counted at alI.
Conversion to root Iength density is done under the assumptions that:
(1) root growth orientation is random, and (2) tubes do not affect the growth
of the root except by diverting.
Volumetric root Iength density is estimated by:
Lv = N/(p Te Tr Ti) = n/(p Te Tr ), (8.3)
in which TI is the total Iength of tubes in the sampIe, Tr is the radius of each
tube, N is the total count of points of contact of roots with tubes in the sample
(comprising first and Iast points of contact and root tips), and p is the pro-
portion of the tube surface that is counted. n = NITl gives the average number
of counts per unit Iength of tube.
According to Buckland et al. the point of contact method agreed well
with measured root Iength densities in cores for wild cherry roots, but not
for roots of pasture species.
Table 8.2. Root directionality ratios (upper side/lower side) for four hypothetical probability
distributions of root orientation at minirhizotron installation angles from 50 to 600
where y denotes the total amount of new roots (y",.) and dead roots (yd,,)
at time t. The sum a + c is the total amount to be reached ultimately, b is
a shape factor, and the value of m is the date at which 50% of the roots
are produced.
The standing root intensity, the amount of roots available at time t
can be ca1culated as:
Root windows are transparent viewing planes installed in soils, allowing the
non-destructive monitoring of root growth and detailed studies of individual
roots and of rhizosphere soil. In contrast to minirhizotrons (see Sect. 8.2), the
viewing area is usually much larger and not curved. In addition to viewing
roots, roots and soil can be assessed, so that small-scale manipulations and sam-
plings are possible in addition to continuous measurements. Root windows are
much cheaper to install than rhizotron facilities, and allow roots and soils to be
8 Root Observations and Measurements at (Transparent) Interfaces with Soil 257
observed in situ. They have to be installed with great care, to avoid water or
light penetration into the window-soil interface.
8.3.1 Introduction
The idea of viewing roots growing in field or forest soil behind a transparent
panel is quite old. In most early experiments, glass plates were installed against
vertical soil profiles. Horizontal glass plates were also used to observe root
growth in forest topsoil (McDougallI916). Root windows allowed the study of
in situ root growth periodicity in perennial plant species, for example in fruit
trees (Head 1966), forest trees (McDougallI916), shrubs and bushes (Fordham
1972; Fernandez and Caldwell 1975), in grassland plant communities (Speidel
and Weiss 1974; Hayes and Seastedt 1987) or in crop plants (Pearson and Lund
1968). Root windows allow a continuous and long-term observation of roots
and soil with minimum disturbance. Non-destructive techniques can be com-
bined with coring techniques to increase their validity by helping to assess
the best time to core. The seasonal pattern of root growth and the periods of
minimal and maximal root growth can be determined in root windows (Vogt
et al. 1986).
Non-destructive techniques are also important when dynamic changes
of roots in response to the environment are to be studied (McMichael et al. 1992).
Because their field of observation is larger than in minirhizotrons, root windows
are especially suitable for studying roots in particular soil microsites, interac-
tions with soil micro-organisms (Egli and Kiilin 1991), and soil fauna (Wilson et
al. 1995). They enable results obtained under controlled conditions by using soil-
filled pots or boxes with glass or perspex front plates for root growth studies (for
example, LeNoble et al. 1996) to be verified under field conditions.
At present, root windows are not widely used. However, the need to under-
stand in situ root-soil interactions and to study effects of soil micro-organisms
on root activity rather than "average" root biomass or root length at a site will
foster interest in this inexpensive technique. Root growth along the transpar-
ent panel is, of course, not directly comparable to root growth in bulk soil,
because three-dimensional root exploration is reduced to two-dimensional
growth. The situation at the panel may be similar to, for example, the surface
of a smooth flintstone (Kolesnikov 1971; Bohm 1979).
8.3.2 Materials
The same materials used for minirhizotrons (see Sect. or permanent
rhizotrons may be used for root windows, but Plexiglas (Hiiussling et al. 1985,
258 A.L. Smit et al.
1991) or glass (Rutherford and Curran 1981; Egli and Kălin 1991) are most
common. The disadvantages of the individual materials have not been tested
thoroughly. Assumptions that plastic windows induce irregular conditions by
electric charges (Voorhees 1976; Rutherford and Curran 1981) have not been
substantiated (Reid et al. 1992), but close contact between soil and the plastic
plate may be more difficult to obtain with Plexiglas than with glass plates (Taylor
and Bohm 1976; Huck and Taylor 1980). The contact between soil and plate must
be close for meaningful observations at the window.
Root windows can vary in area according to the specific needs of the inves-
tigations. Individual windows for observational purposes are usually as large
as 1-3m2 (Pearson and Lund 1968; Fordham 1972; Teskey and Hinckley 1981;
Tscherning et al. 1995). "Observation pits" (Kolesnikov 1971) or root windows
in a size range of 0.7-0.8m2 are more suitable for replicated observations and
for the study of treatment effects (Egli and Kălin 1991; Hăussling et al. 1991).
Smaller windows are often in better contact with the soil than larger planes
(Rutherford and Curran 1981) and are easier to replicate.
8.3.3 Installation
altered. The steel plate is then carefully removed from the soil profile. No
top soH, not even a small amount, may be transferred down the profile during
the installation. If necessary, the soil profile may be smoothed by gently rubbing
it horizontally from side to side with dry paper. Any small voids in the profile
(for example, from small stones or cutting of woody roots during installation)
can be filled with soil from a corresponding soH depth. Large voids, however,
cannot usually be filled adequately, and if there are any, the window must be
The concave-shaped plate is tightly placed with its convex side snugly
against the soil profile. If required, a sheet of clear hard plastic can be inserted
between the soil profile and the plate, to minimise root damage when the plate
is later removed for destructive measurements. To the left and right of the
plates, wooden sticks are hammered deep into soil, perpendicular to the plate,
so that wedges can be pressed between them and the Plexiglas plate (Fig. 8.7).
With the help of the wedges, the sides of the plate are pressed tightly against
the soH profile (Fig. 8.8). Because of the concave shape, the Plexiglas is also in
close contact with the soil in the centre of the plate. In some soils, it is neces-
sary to press down the wedges further several months or years after installa-
tion, in order to maintain the close contact between the Plexiglas plate and the
soil profile. For example, soil movement can be appreciable in soils with mont-
morillonitic clay (Huck and Taylor 1980).
260 A.L. Smit et al.
So il surface
Cove r
Alternatively, jacks can be used to press the plate against the soil profile
(Schuurman and Goedewaagen 1971). However, this is more expensive and the
jacks reduce the free viewing area of the window. Elaborate systems with spring-
loaded windows (Rutherford and Curran 1981) or support frames (Kolesnikov
1971) also bring about a tight soil/plate contact, but require a relatively high
technical investment. Large nails or pins are often used to fix the plates directly
onto the soil profile, but this may lead to variable soil contact (Bohm 1979) and
be appropriate for only a relatively short duration, some soil types, and in
certain moisture conditions.
After installation, the soil profile and the pit must be insulated against
light and against temperature fluctuations different from the bulk soil (Fig. 8.8).
8 Root Observations and Measurements at (Transparent) Interfaces with Soil 261
This can be done by covering the pit with a block of commercially available
insulation material (e.g. Styrodur). The block must completely cover the pit
to prevent light entering but should not be excessively large. Other materials
used for insulation include thick spun glass stapled to plywood covers (Keyes
and Grier 1981), expanded polyurethane (Rutherford and Curran 1981),
expanded polystyrene (Reid et al. 1992), grass mulch (Fordham 1972), Styro-
foam boards (Tscherning et al. 1995), Styrofoam covered with burlap (Hayes
and Seastedt 1987) or Styrofoam chips and black plastic foiI (Egli and Kălin
New roots will appear on the window surface soon after installation,
depending on vegetation type and time of year. A high number of new roots
may originate from old roots cut during installation (for instance when
windows are installed into an established forest are a or in grassland; Speidel
and Weiss 1974). In any case, some time should be allowed after installation
before measurements begin. When roots start to appear at the window, it can
be seen whether they have grown in soil and are developing their own rhizos-
phere, or have grown in an air space between soil and the window plate. The
window should not be used if the latter situation applies to many roots, because
air spaces not only provide room for uninhibited root growth but also allow soil
solution to flow freely from the topsoil to deeper soillayers.
In an alternative approach, the plate is fixed a few millimetres from the
original profile, and sieved material from the appropriate soil depths is used
to reconstruct a soil profile directly behind the window surface (Fordham
1972; Hayes and Seastedt 1987; Reid et al. 1992). Though perhaps providing
better control over experimental conditions (Huck and Taylor 1980) this
may, of course, lead to unrepresentative root growth in the reconstructed
profile (Durrant et al. 1973; Rutherford and Curran 1981). Furthermore, the
spatially distinct arrangement of, for example, soil nutrients is lost in this
case, as is the original physical condition of the soil. For these reasons, the
use of reconstructed soil should be avoided (Zillmann 1956), except when
it is impossible to maintain good plate/soil contact with the original soil
8.3.4 Placement
In many cases, root windows have been used to determine root growth dynam-
ics of plant species in relation to their shoot growth cycles. Observations from
a few or even a single root window were considered adequate for such basic
informat ion. A large number of replicated windows are necessary for more
detailed studies or for comparisons of sites or plots. Four root windows per
plot were used by Keyes and Grier (1981), whereas Hăussling et al. (1991) used
ten windows per plot in a Norway spruce forest. Hahn and Marschner (1998)
262 A.L. Smit et al.
Almost alI measurements that can be taken in permanent rhizotrons (Huck and
Taylor 1980) can also be carried out on site at root windows. For example, soil
moisture and soil temperature can be measured at different depths and at
different distances behind the root window (Fordham 1972; Fernandez and
CaldwelIl975; Rutherford and Curran 1981; Teskey and Hinckley 1981). Sensors
can easily be installed into the soil through small holes drilled into the plastic
windows. These measurements have usualIy shown that temperature and
moisture conditions behind the plate do not differ distinct1y from those in
the bulk soil (Kolesnikov 1971; Fernandez and Caldwell 1975; Bohm 1979) if
the window is well insulated. Additional measurements could include soil
O2 and CO 2 concentrations and soil pH (Taylor et al. 1990; Reid et al. 1992).
Novel methodology to sample and analyse very small volumes of soil solution
(Gottlein et al. 1996) can be applied to root windows to study ionic concentra-
tions in the rhizosphere and bulk soil solution under natural conditions.
Destructive samplings or measurements can be carried out in smaller addi-
tional windows (Rutherford and Curran 1981) or after briefly removing the
plate from the soil profile (Hăussling et al. 1991). It is possible to remove the
plate if the windows are properly constructed, but this interferes with mea-
surements of root growth dynamics because some roots may be affected or even
displaced during the removal.
Root length along the plate is usually traced with pens onto acetate sheets
placed on the window plane. Different coloured pens can be used to mark new
root growth in different time periods (Fordham 1972; Belgrand et al. 1987; Pages
and Serra 1994; Wilson et al. 1995), different root size classes (Neufeld et al.
1989), brown and white roots (Reid et al. 1992) or roots of different plant species
8 Root Observations and Measurements at (Transparent) Interfaces with Soil 263
8.3.6 Applications
Root length and the number of roots can be measured at the window plane.
This results in comparative data sets of, for example, cultivars or species with
different drought resistance (Fernandez and Caldwell 1975) or plants in plots
with different fertiliser levels (Speidel and Weiss 1974), or plants in competition
experiments. This may often be sufficient to test the original hypothesis of an
experiment (Wilson et al. 1995). As with minirhizotron data, measurements
can be converted into values for bulk soil root density and root numbers or
even root biomass (see Sect. These conversions, however, are based on
assumptions or empirical calibrations and are usually only of some predictive
value (Glinski et al. 1993). No interface method can substitute for destructive
soil sampling (see Chap. 6) in the accurate assessment of mean root length den-
sities in the bulk soil. Root windows are better suited than other field methods
to determine root branching patterns (Fernandez and Caldwell 1975; Sword
1998). The measurements are similar to those in rhizoboxes in laboratory
studies (Glinski et al. 1993; Pages and Serra 1994; LeNoble et al. 1996), but have
the additional value of being carried out on site.
The main advantage of the non-destructive techniques (minirhizotrons and
root windows) is, of course, that dynamic changes of root appearance and dis-
appearance, root length and root numbers can be observed. The time between
observations is variable, but 2-week intervals are often used (Speidel and Weiss
264 A.L. Smit et al.
1974; Fernandez and Caldwelll975; Keyes and Grier 1981; Haussling et al. 1991;
Wilson et al. 1995). The number of roots at the plane may be a more appropri-
ate parameter than root length to measure rooting density (see Sect.
However, both parameters may be important for dynamic measurements. For
example, in a white oak forest Teskey and Hinckley (1981) observed different
peaks during the season for the number of roots and for root elongation. With
the help of root windows it can be shown that root elongation in temperate
forests is highly positively correlated with soil temperature, except in dry soil
(McDougallI916), but the production of new root tips is correlated with shoot
growth events and peaks in spring and autumn. For measurement of root
distribution in the soil profile, the number of points in contact with the plate
should be assessed (Fernandez and Caldwelll975), because roots are deflected
after their first contact with the plate.
Observations on the appearance and disappearance of new roots can also
be used to estimate root turnover (Keyes and Grier 1981; Wilson et al. 1995). It
has to be kept in mind, however, that roots at the interface for a relatively long
period after installation are comparatively young and not representative of the
total root system including older roots (Hayes and Seastedt 1987). Rates of root
longevity measured at the interface cannot therefore be used uncritically to
calculate turnover of the total root biomass. However, root longevity and root
turnover can be assessed with root windows individually for different root types
and in relation to measurements of the soil environment.
habitats for mycorrhizal fungi and thus contribute to a high fungal diversity
(Bruns 1995). Such hypotheses can be tested with root windows.
It is also possible to manipulate soil moisture and nutrient supply. For
example, Larigauderie and Richards (1994) injected small amounts of nutrients
into small soil areas. Subsequent1y, they observed the effect of the local nutri-
ent enrichment on root growth of several arid-Iand grass species (Larigauderie
and Richards 1994).
When the Plexiglas plate is taken off, filter papers or agar sheets can be
placed direct1y on the roots. This allows for the quantification of, for example,
soil pH changes in the rhizosphere (Hăussling et al. 1985, 1991). Other possible
measurements include the determination of phosphatase activity, manganese
oxidation or release of phenolics in the rhizosphere (Dinkelaker and Marschner
1992; Dinkelaker et al. 1993).
Root screens are nylon mesh planes inserted into soil. Some time after
installation, the number of roots crossing the mesh is evaluated. Root
screens are a new and inexpensive technique for studying rooting intensity in
field sites.
To install a root screen, a sharp blade is used to cut a slit into soil, usually
at an angle of 45°. Fibreglass screens are then fitted into the slit at different
soil depths, the blade removed from soil and the soil faces pres sed firmly against
the screen. The screens are 5 to 10 cm wide and have a mesh size of 1 mm
or more (Fahey and Hughes 1994; Parsons et al. 1994). The sites of screen
installation must be marked for later retrieval. In forest soHs, screens can
also be placed horizontally to investigate roots in the soil surface layer. These
screens allow root growth to be observed non-destructively (Fahey and Hughes
To remove the screens, soH must be lifted from the upward face of the
screen. The number of roots penetrating the screen is counted at the site or
later in the laboratory. Live and dead roots may be distinguished by visual cri-
teria. After repeated samplings, newly produced root length and even biomass
can be calculated from these counts (Fahey and Hughes 1994). As with other
interface methods, these calculations require the use of several conversion
Similar to the ingrowth core method (see Chap. 6), the root system is dis-
turbed dur ing installation in plant stands. This may affect root productivity. In
contrast to ingrowth cores, no foreign or sieved material needs to be used as a
root growth substrate in the root screen method. However, it may be difficult
to use root screens in dry soH or at high soil bulk density (Parsons et al. 1994).
266 A.L. Smit et al.
The main advantage of root screens is that they are relatively quickly installed
and evaluated. This allows observations with a high number of replications at
different times of the growing season or in plots with different treatments.
The effect of small-scale fertilisation near the screen on root growth can also
be studied (Fahey and Hughes 1994). So far, root screens have been used in
temperate forests only, but may well be applicable to root studies in agro-
Further Reading
Andren O, Hansson AC, Vegh K (1993) Barley nutrient uptake, root growth and depth distribu-
tion in two soi! types in a rhizotron with vertical and horizontal minirhizotrons. Swed J
Agric Res 23 (3): 115-126
Bates GH (1937) A device for the observation of root growth in the soil. Nature (Lond) 139:
Belford RK, Henderson FKG (1985) Measurement of the growth of wheat roots using a TV
camera system in the field. NATO Adv Study Inst Ser Ser A Life Sci 86: 99-105
Belgrand M, Dreyer E, Joannes H, Velter C, Scuiller I (1987) A semi-automated data processing
system for root growth analysis: application to a growing oak seedling. Tree Physiol 3:
Beyrouty CA, Wells BR, Norman RJ, Marvel JN, Pillow JA Jr (1987) Characterization of rice roots
using a minirhizotron technique. Minirhizotron observation tubes: Methods and applica-
tions for measuring rhizosphere dynamics. ASA Spec Publ 50: 99-108
Blaker NS, MacDonald JD (1986) The role of salinity in the development of Phytophthora root
rot of citrus. Phytopathology 76: 970-975
Bland WL (1993) Cotton and soybean root system growth in 3 soil temperature regimes. Agron
J 85: 906-911
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Bohm, W (1979) Methods of studying root systems. Ecological Studies 33. Springer, Berlin
Heidelberg New York, 188 pp
Box JE, Smucker AJM, Ritchie JT (1989) Minirhizotron installation techniques for investigating
root responses to drought and oxygen stresses. Soil Sci Soc Am J 53: 115-118
Bragg PL, Govi G, Cannell RQ (1983) A comparison of methods, included angled and vertical
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8 Root Observations and Measurements at (Transparent) Interfaces with Soil 267
Brown DA (1984) Characterization of soybean root distribution. Arkansas Farm Res 33: 3
Brown DA, Upchurch DR (1987) Minirhizotrons: a summary of methods and instruments in
current use. Minirhizotron observation tubes: Methods and applications for measuring
rhizosphere dynamics. ASA Spec Pub150: 15-30
Bruns TD (1995) Thoughts on the processes that maintain local species diversity of ectomycor-
rhizal fungi. Plant Soil 170: 63-73
Buckland ST, Campbell CD, Mackie-Dawson LA, Horgan GW, Duff EI (1993) A method for
counting roots observed in minirhizotrons and their theoretical conversion to root length
density. Plant Soil 153 (1): 1-9
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Cheng W, Coleman DC, Box JE Jr (1990) Root dynamics, production and distribution in agroe-
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for root observations with improved soil/tube contact. Plant Soil134 (2): 261-270
268 A.L. Smit et al.
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Hansson AC, Andren O (1987) Root dynamics in barley, lucerne and meadow fescue investigated
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9.1 Introduction 274
9.1.1 The Importance of Fine Root Longevity in Ecosystem
Processes 274
Carbon Cycling 274
Nutrient Cycling 275
Resources Acquisition 275
9.1.2 Factors Affecting Fine Root Longevity 276
Symbiosis 276
Soil Temperature 276
Soil Moisture 276
Nutrient Availability 277
Carbon Dioxide 277
9.2 Indirect Methods 277
9.3 Direct, Observation-Based Methods 278
9.3.1 Cohort Selection 279
9.3.2 Cohort Size 279
9.3.3 Imaging and Birth Intervals 280
9.3.4 Censoring 284
9.3.5 Survivorship versus Longevity 284
9.3.6 Survivorship Comparisons 285
9.3.7 Longevity 286
9.3.8 Survivorship and Survival Distrihutions 288
9.3.9 Among-Cohort Life Span Comparisons 289
9.3.10 Survival Effects Models 297
9.4 Nutrient Fluxes and Root Longevity 299
9.5 The Future 301
References 302
9.1 Introduction
Carbon Cycling. The need to quantify both root biomass and turnover
has become more important as a consequence of interest in global
climate change. Cannel et al. 1992, summarizing data from a range of sources,
suggested that soil, which contains around 1500Gt relative to 500Gt in the
terrestrial biosphere, is a major component of the global carbon budget.
They acknowledged that, as the part of the biosphere embedded within the
soil, plant root systems represented one of the principal means for the
movement of carbon from both the atmosphere and the terrestrial biosphere
into the soil. However, estimates of the quantity of photosynthate passing
9 The Measurement and Analysis of Fine Root Longevity 275
to root systems as a whole, and to new root production, and of root turn-
over in terrestrial ecosystems, are more uncommon than their importance
would warrant. This deficiency relates principally to methodological problems
in quantifying temporal changes in root production and mortality. Current
estimates include those of Atkinson (1985) who, in a study of an estab-
lished apple plantation, quantified root system production as 2.5 Mgha- I
year- I and estimated that 75% of this new production turned over within a
single year, i.e. an annual root turnover figure of around 1.9Mgha- 1 year- l •
Cannel et al. (1992), obtained figures of a similar magnitude when they esti-
mated fine root production in stick spruce, eucalyptus and beech woodland as
2.8, 1.8 and 2.2Mgha- 1 year- 1 respectively. More recent1y, R. Fogel (unpubl.
data) quantified the annual production for a Populus woodland in northern
Michigan, USA as 16.5Mg and calculated that 5.1Mg i.e. about 30% was in the
form of fine roots. However, neither of the latter studies included estimates of
root survival.
Soil Temperature. There are only a few reports on the effects of soil temperature
on the longevity of plant roots. In the first, Head (1966) studied variation in the
longevity of apple roots over a complete season. He found that root longevity was
maximal during the winter period (approximately 12 weeks), fell to a minimum
value in mid May (approximately 3 weeks) and remained at this rate until
autumn. Later, Hendrick and Pregitzer (1993) compared the pattern of fine root
mortality in two Acer saccharum forests located approximately 80 km apart on a
north-south transect. They measured an enhanced rate of root mortality at the
southern site and hypothesized that this could be linked to the warmer soil tem-
peratures found at this site. These studies thus both suggested that soil temper-
ature has an effect upon longevity and this was recently confirmed by Forbes et
al. (1997) in experiments with Lolium perenne. Here they found that increases in
temperature resulted in a de crease in the longevity of roots but, because they
used soil, could not exclude indirect effects such as changes in soil nutrient levels
due to altered microbial activities. However, Forbes et al. (1996) had previously
reported the direct effect of temperature on root system architecture of Plantago
lanceolata in carefully controlled microcosms. The scale of the effects they
observed i.e. increased branching with increases in temperature would concur
with the data from the later study and (assuming that higher order roots do not
survive for as long as lower order roots) strongly suggest that temperature is an
important determinant of longevity.
Soil Moisture. Although it is well-known that low soil water potential will
adversely effect the rate of root growth (Gregory 1987; Klepper 1987), there have
been relatively few studies investigating the effect of soil water potential on root
longevity. The potential effect of soil water potential on root longevity will be
more complex in perennial crops because of soil water potential effects upon
9 The Measurement and Analysis of Fine Root Longevity 277
root branching (Atkinson 1993) which in time interacts with root longevity.
However, the absence of informat ion on root longevity makes it difficult to
assess whether reported effects of low water potentials on root length are a con-
sequence of accelerated root death or impeded new root production, or a com-
bination of both. This question needs to be resolved.
Nutrient Availability. Despite the large number of studies of the effect of nutri-
ent supply on root production and morphology (Drew 1987), there have been
relatively few studies of the effect of nutrient supply on root longevity. However,
in 1993 Pregitzer et al. assessed the effects of enhanced nitrogen supply on root
turnover in Prunus. They found that the supply of nutrients greatly enhanced
root initiation and that the flush of roots initiated in response to an enhanced
nutrient supply had a shorter longevity than those roots which developed in
non-enriched patches. It is known that the appHcation of nutrients to a root
system can cause a major alterat ion to root branching (Drew 1987). It is, though,
unclear as to whether the response identified by Pregitzer et al. was a direct
response in terms of the roots produced, or one consequent upon the produc-
tion of a number of higher order lateral roots which would themselves survive
a shorter period of time than lower order root branches. This is an are a which
is likely to benefit from future investigation.
The use of demographic methods to estimate root production and turnover has
been reviewed by Fogel (1991). A number of studies have attempted to estimate
root production indirect1y by assuming that the ratio of production to mass is
similar for root and shoot systems. However, the ratio of root production to
shoots is known to vary considerably and has been estimated to be between 20
278 J.E. Hooker et al.
and 100% of the above ground ratio (Harris et al. 1980). Moreover, assumptions
are likely, in most cases, to be invalid and provide misleading data because of
spatial and temporal changes in root systems which may not be reflected above-
ground. The use of this approach has recently been discussed by Atkinson and
Fogel (1997).
An alternative approach is to base estimates upon sequential harvests (see
Chap. 8). Production is estimated from measurements of differences in biomass
on successive sampling dates with these estimates being corrected for losses
(Fogel and Hunt 1979). This process is described by the equation:
Until recently, most observational studies of fine root dynamics have reported
only net temporal changes in root dry weight or at best total root length or
numbers. We now recognize that failing to document changes on an individual
9 The Measurement and Analysis of Fine Root Longevity 279
Cohort-based studies depend upon repeated measures of the same roots, and
hence require the ability to return to the same location on either a minirhi-
zotron tube or an observation window (Atkinson 1985). Repeatedly sampling
the same area can be accomplished by physically marking sampling locations
on tubes or windows, drawing of the root system (Atkinson and Fogel1997) or
via a mechanical guide on the device used to record stiH or video images.
Marking and re-Iocating individual roots can be accomplished either with com-
puter-aided image analysis programs (e.g. ROOTS and RooTracker) or by hand
if using acetate overlays and tracing.
Cohort sizes should be as large as the time and logistic al constraints involved
in collecting and processing the data wiH allow. The degree of precision with
which survivorship and mortality rates can be estimated necessarily increases
along with cohort size, and accuracy typically increases with sample size as well.
Cohort sizes in our own research have ranged from 26 to 245 individual
roots. The rooting characteristics peculiar to the plant species and soil
environment under study will dictate root densities in observation tubes or
windows, and hence the number of roots or root segments encountered per
unit sampling area. When compiling cohorts in studies in which sampling areas
280 J.E. Hooker et al.
Given that cohorts are defined as all individual roots produced or "born" at
approximately the same time, it is appropriate to ask as to how wide a time inter-
Level of d
1. What percentage of the entire cohort born within a given time interval is
represented at the time of first observation, and is the likelihood of a root's
demise markedly higher in the first few days of existence?
2. How precise must estimates of survivorship and longevity be?
3. In mixed-species experiments, are the observed roots dominated by one or
more species with known or suspected root longevities markedly longer or
282 J.E. Hooker et al.
Annual crops Overall production and mortality 1-2 weeks (best); monthly
or generallife span (coarse)
Early mortality or precise life span 2-5 days (best); 1-2 weeks
3. Where are most of the roots physically located in the soil? Are the roots of
primary interest mycorrhizal or those most important for nutrient uptake
(likely to be shallow, perhaps within the upper 20-30cm of the soil), or are
deep roots that may be important during periods of high water demand also
of interest? The general vertical distribution of roots, as well as those most
appropriate to the research question being posed, should guide the selection
of minirhizotron length or rhizotron depth.
4. What is the extent of the financial and labour resources, and time, that
can be devoted to the study? For example, a 2 m minirhizotron con-
taining perhaps 150 potential images with roots might take only lOmin
to image in the field, but image analysis of that tube for a single date's
sampling could take from under 30 min to more than 3 h to analyze, dep-
ending upon the image analysis system used, the type of data desired
and the density of roots along the minirhizotron surface. Moreover, it is
our experience that analyzing images in the upper 25-40 cm consumes
as much as 75% of analysis time, as most roots are located there. For a
minirhizotron 1 m in length and inserted at a 25-45° angle to the soil
surface in a perennial plant community (e.g. forest or grassland), perhaps
1.5-2.5 h should be allocated for laboratory image analysis for each sampling
date. Time requirements in agricultural systems could be either greater or
less, depending upon root densities. Although the specific requirements
will vary, completely analyzing images from one sample of 12-15 2m
minirhizotrons, or 24-30 1 m minirhizotrons might take a skilled operator
284 J.E. Hooker et al.
5. What is the nature of the soil into which the minirhizotron is to be instaHed?
Soils with a high clay content often cause problems when the clay settles
and forms films along the surface of the minirhizotron, thereby obscuring
roots. We have partially overcome this problem by hand-digging narrow
trenches into which the minirhizotrons are laid, after which soil is hand-
packed over the minirhizotrons, rather than sliding the minirhizotrons in a
9.3.4 Censoring
IdeaHy, cohort studies terminate after aH the subjects (i.e. roots) have died.
However, a root longevity study wiH often end prior to the death of aH roots
under observation. When this occurs, those roots stiH alive at the study's end
are said to be right censored. That is, they are known to live for at least the dura-
tion of the study, but their exact survival times are unknown. When the roots
under study are aH comprised of a single cohort, or if cohorts of the same age
are being compared, the censoring is said to be singular. Another example of
singular censoring is when aH roots within a cohort are foHowed until a certain
percentage die, at which time the study is terminated.
Progressively censored data are encountered in studies in which roots pro-
duced under a single treatment but at different times are stiH alive at the time
of termination. Such roots do not comprise a cohort, but progressively censored
data can be analyzed in ways analogous to singularly censored data. We wiH
concentrate primarily on analyses of singularly censored data in our discus-
sions of data analysis below. TechnicaHy, most of the roots studied via direct
observation wiH also be left censored, in that their exact date of birth is
unknown, regardless of their fate during the course of the experiment. Provided
that an acceptably short period defining the cohort birth interval has been
established, given the investigator's objectives and constraints, this left censor-
ing can be ignored without much consequence.
Before discussing statistical tests appropriate to analyzing root life span data, it
is important to distinguish between survivorship and longevity. Survivorship
refers to the proportion of one or more cohorts alive at a particular point in time,
while longevity refers to the length of time between birth and death. Survivor-
ship analyses are concerned with the number of root deaths within a particular
period of time, while longevity analyses address the length of time until death
occurs. With respect to the former, one might wish to compare the root response
9 The Measurement and Analysis of Fine Root Longevity 285
North 14 6 20
South 8 12 20
Totals 22 18 40
= 14 In 14 + 6 In 6 + 8 In 8 + 121n 12 = 94.1518
2. Calculate 'Lf,lnf, for row and column totals:
= 40 In 40 = 147.5552
9.3.7 Longevity
Given that it is most appropriate to determine the life span of individual roots,
this presents both practical and analysis questions. Earlier we explained that
the age of the root using any of the currently available direct observational
methods will (in practice) be an estimate, with an accuracy related to frequency
of observation. However, equally important is how to determine, from obser-
vation alone, if a root is alive or not. Discerning live and dead roots is a diffi-
culty long associated with studying root life span and dynamics. A variety of
staining techniques have been devised for distinguishing between live and dead
roots extracted from the soil, none of which have proved either universally
acceptable or consistently accurate. Observational approaches are fraught with
similar difficulties. Dead roots are typified by some combinat ion of a dramatic
9 The Measurement and Analysis of Fine Root Longevity 287
Annual species (ali roots) Change colour from white to paie brown.
Decrease in diameter
Roots disappear
Herbaceous perennials ("short roots") Usually change colour from white to dark brown
or black
Roots appear white
Roots disappear
Level of arthropod activity around root increases
Woody perennials ("woody roots")· Change from mid brown to dark brown/black
Loose diameter unevenly
Uneven decrease in diameter
Code Description
N New root. This is assigned only once in a root's life, on the first occasion it appeared.
W White root. Assigned if the root was white and healthy.
B Brown root. Assigned if the root was brown and intact.
X Disintegrating root. Assigned if the root was clearly starting to break up.
A Absent root. Assigned if the root had disappeared. After a root has disappeared it
continues to get an a coding on every sample date.
If none of the roots in a study are censored (that is, alI roots have died prior to
the complet ion of the study), standard non-parametric tests for equality of dis-
tributions can be used. When only two such distributions are being compared,
the Mann-Whitney U-test is appropriate (Conover 1980; Lee 1992). The Mann-
Whitney U-test is a rank test, in which the life spans of two different samples
of roots are arranged and ranked in ascending order. The ranks of one sample
are then summed (and corrected for rank ties if present), and the resulting test
statistic T is compared with the area under the normal distribution at a desired
level of a. The two samples need not have the same number of roots.An example
is given in Box 9.2.
Censored data are more common than non-censored data in many if not
most longevity studies. Lee (1992) has summarized five non-parametric tests
appropriate for pair-wise comparisons of fine root life spans in which the data
are censored, alI of which are also rank tests. These are: Gehan's generalized
Wilcoxan test, the Cox-Mantel test, the logrank test, Peto and Peto's generalized
Wilcoxan test and Cox's F-test. The first four are appropriate for both singular
and progressively censored data. The particular test to use depends upon the
size and structure of the data set under consideration (Lee 1992).
The two generalized Wilcoxan tests give relatively more weight to roots that
die in the study and are more sensitive to early differences in mortality than
the logrank test, which gives a more equal weight to all roots and is more likely
to detect differences manifested late in the study. None of these three tests are
effective at detecting differences in instances where the mortality or survivor-
ship curves of functions cross; for example, when early mortality is much less
in one cohort than the other, but in which a large number of roots die towards
the end of the study such that final survivorship is lower. If the sample sizes are
less than 50, the data approximate to Weibull or exponential distributions and
the data are singly censored, then Cox's F-test has greater statistical power than
the Wilcoxan tests. The reader is referred to Lee (1992) for more detail on the
strengths and weaknesses of each test.
290 J.E. Hooker et al.
Treatment 1 Treatment 2
10 1 18 4
15 2 19 5.S
16 3 24 7
19 5.5 25 9
25 9 25 9
45 13.5 35 11
65 15 37 12
71 18 45 13.5
69 16
70 17
Suppose that an experiment designed to asses the impact of two soil treat-
ments on fine root longevityyields the above hypothetical root life spans,
and that an a level of 0.10 is to be considered statistically significant.
1. Arrange life spans (scores) in ascending order in each treatment.
2. Assign ranks within each treatment based upon score position within
the combined data set. Tied scores receive an average rank that would
have been assigned without ties. For example, the 19-day scores (Iife
spans) are the sth and 6th ordered observations, receiving an average
rank of 5.5. Similarly, the 2s-day scores would be the 8th, 9th and 10th
ordered observations in the absence of ties, receiving an average score
3. The ranks for one treatment are summed to calculate the test statistic
T (treatment 1 in this case, since the number of observations are
smaller and hence the calculations simpler).
T = 1 + 2 + 3 + 5.5 + 9 + 13.5 + 15 + 18 = 67.0
4. In the absence of ties, the above value of T can be used unadjusted as the
test statistic. With ties, it must be adjusted by subtracting the mean rank
and dividing by the standard deviation using the following formula:
N +l
T - n- -
_ 2 - 2 '
nm 'f 2 nm(N +1)2)
N(N _ l)~Ri - 4(N -1)
9 The Measurement and Analysis of Fine Root Longevity 291
where N is the total number of root life spans, n is the number oflife
spans in the sample used to calculate T, m is the number oflife spans in
the other sample, R is the score rank, and L Rf is the sum of squares of alI
N ranks in both samples. In the above example the equation takes the
18 +1
_ 2
Tadj - 2 = 0.8022,
(8)(10) (2106) _ (8)(10)(19)2 )
(18)(17) 4(17)
1. If Xi > Yj or 2:: Yj' then Uij
= 1
2. If Xi = Yj or xt < Yj or Y/ < Xi or (xt,y) then Uij =O
3. If Xi < Yj or Xi :::; Y/ then Uij
= -1
i=l i=l
z= W (9.4)
If the number of roots in each sample is large, calculating W can be laborious.
Lee (1992) demonstrates Mantel's (1967) alternative for calculating W that
involves combining both samples and then scoring each root based upon its rel-
ative life span ranking. In effect, each root's life span is compared with aU other
roots in the combined sample. Each root's Ui (where i = 1 to ni + n2) score is
then the sum of the number of roots with a life span less than its own, minus
the number of roots with longer life spans. In this case, the U;'s comprise a pop-
ulation with a mean of zero, and:
If, instead of root life spans, the data are expressed in terms of the number of
roots in the original cohorts surviving and dying between each observation,
then Pyke and Thompson's (1986) approach combining the methods of both
Gehan (1965) and Mantel (1967) in a tabular format can be used, as demon-
strated in Box 9.3.
BOX 9.3. Gehan's Generalized Wilcoxan Test for Life Span Differences
in Two Root Cohorts
, Censored
The above table summarizes survival (5) and mortality (d) data for two
root cohorts (ni = 149 roots and n2 = 196 roots) from the time of first
9 The Measurement and Analysis of Fine Root Longevity 293
VarW= n l n2 LDt(Ut/
(ni +n2)(nl +n2 -1) t=1
(149)(196) (2 2 2
=( )( )22323) +27(274) + ... 92(-253)
149 + 196 149 + 196-1
When more than two samples or cohorts are to be compared and the data
are not censored, the Kruskal-Wallis H test may be use in a manner analogous
to a one-way analysis ofvariance F-test. The H-test is a rank-based test, in which
the life spans in each treatment sample are ranked relative to all other roots in
the treatments. H is calculated as:
12 R2
I,-' -3(N+l),
H= (9.6)
N(N + 1) j=l nj
where N is the total number of roots in the K samples or treatments, nj is the
number of roots in the j th treatment, and Rj is the sum of all ranks in the j th
When some of the ranks are tied, H, as computed above, is divided by the
1 g
1--3-~)j' (9.7)
N -N j=l
where g is the number of tied groups and Tj = tJ - tj, with tj equal to the number
of tied observations in a tied group (Lee 1992).
The number of roots (nj) in each sample need not be the same. If the number
is greater than or equal to five, H is distributed approximately as (Sokal and
Rohlf 1981). When the number of roots is less than 5, exact distributions can be
found in Kruskal and Wallis (1952). An numerical example with hypothetical
root life span data from three different plant species is shown in Box 9.4
When overall significant treatment effects are detected, as in this example,
multiple comparisons ofthe rank sums of each treatment can be made to iden-
tify particular pair-wise differences. The particular form of the test depends
upon whether the number of roots in each sample are equal, and upon the
number of roots in each sample. Lee (1992) has summarized four such tests,
one each for both large and small equal-sized samples; and large and small
unequal-sized samples.
When more than two (e.g. K) samples need to be compared in which some
of the data are censored, an alternative rank test (the K-sample test) can be used
in which the ranks are scored as in the Cox-Mantel test. Instead of one set of
ranks, two sets, one based upon ascending (R 1) and one based on descending
(R 2 ) scores are calculated, from which the difference between Rl and R2 is used
to compute a score Wi for each observation i. These values are used to calculate
a test X2 , which is assumed to be distributed approximately as chi-square, and
is computed as follows:
K S2
2 j=l nj
X =--2-' (9.8)
9 The Measurement and Analysis of Fine Root Longevity 295
45 4.5 21 1 58 8
55 7 27 2 64 10
67 Il 32 3 75 12
80 13 45 4.5 87 14
90 15 51 6 91 16.5
91 16.5 62 9 102 18
1. Rank the life spans in each species in ascending order, with ranks for
n tied scores equal to lIn of the combined ranks, had the scores not
been tied.
2. Compute rank sums (Rj ) for each species,
3. Compute the correction factor using Eq. 9.7. In the example, the
number of tied groups g is 2, and the nu,?ber of tied scores (tj ) in
both groups is 2 and the total number of scores N is 18. The
correction factor is then computed as:
-12- ((67)2
-- +-(25.5/
-+- (78.5)2) ()
- - 319
18(19) 6 6 6
H = - ---'---- - - - - - - - - < . . . . - -
= 9.1138
The value at an a of 0.05 with 2 d.f. is 5.991 , and thus we can reject the
hypothesis that the root life spans of aH the species are the same.
296 J.E. Hooker et al.
S =i=1- - , (9.9)
N is the total number of root life spans in the sample, and w/ are the squared
scores for each life span i. The test statistic X2 is compared with the appropri-
ate chi-square value for K -1 degrees of freedom at the desired level of a. The
number of life spans in each sample need not be equal. A numerical example
using this test is given in Box 9.5.
BOX 9.5. K-Sample Test for Equivalent Root Life Spans for Three Plant
Species with Censored Observations
Sp. 1 R'.il Wil Sp.2 R'.i2 R2.i2 W j2 Sp. 3 R'.iJ R2JJ w"
45 4 20 -16 21 1 24 -23 58 10 15 -5
55 8 16 -8 27 2 23 - 21 64 12 13 -1
67 13 12 32 3 22 - 18 75 14 10 4
71+ 14 1 13 45 4 20 - 16 87 15 9 6
90 16 8 8 51 6 19 - 13 91+ 18 1 17
90 16 6 8 54 7 18 -11 93 19 4 15
91 18 6 12 55 8 16 -8 96 20 2 18
94+ 20 19 62 11 14 -3 102+ 21 20
Sums 37 - 113 74
Consider the above hypothetical root life span data for three species of
plants. We wish to test the hypothesis that the life spans in aH three
species are the same, with an acceptable a level of 0.05.
1. Rank aH non-censored observations in ascending order (= R. for
each observation i).
2. AII censored observations receive a score which is one higher than
the adjacent, lower uncensored observation.
3. Reduce the rank scores of tied observations to the lowest value for
the score.
4. Rank ali observations (both censored and non-censored) in
descending order (= R2 for each observation i) .
5. Reduce the rank scores of tied observations to the lowest value for
the score.
9 The Measurement and Analysis of Fine Root Longevity 297
In root longevity studies, the relationship between root life span and some envi-
ronmental or treatment factor, or an inherent property of the roots themselves,
may be of interest. The covariates presumed to be causalIy related to longevity
and survivorship falI into one of two classes: group-based, or individual-based.
Examples of the former might include irrigation level, soil temperature, or
species, or any other factor to which alI roots in a sample are exposed.
Individual-based covariates might include root diameter, length or colour. The
statistical models used to test these relationships are known as survival effects
models. The details of computing both group and individual-based survival
effects models are too complex to cover here. Moreover, they are too cumber-
some to do by hand. We will thus limit our discussion here to the general prin-
ciples behind the models' analyses, and some current statistical packages
capable of performing such analyses.
Tests of association for individual-based covariates are made with likeli-
hood ratio tests. Likelihood ratio tests are used to test the hypothesis that a
model incorporating the effects of one or more individual-based covariates
better describes root life spans (in terms of the maximum likelihood estimator
It) than a reduced model in which the covariate(s) has been removed. Since It
can be calculated for exponential, WeibulI, lognormal and gamma distributions,
and for both censored and non-censored data, likelihood ratio tests can be used
298 J.E. Hooker et al.
with a wide variety of data sets. Among survival analysis programs, SURPH
(Center for Quantitative Science, School of Fisheries, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, USA) uses likelihood ratio tests in the construction of survival
effects models, and further details of the procedure can be found in the SURPH
operating manual and in Hoffmann (1993).
Lee (1992) describes Cox's proportional hazards regres sion model in which
the relationship between group-based covariates and survival times can be
examined. The model is non-parametric, and can be used with both censored
and non-censored data. The hazard function underlying the survival distribu-
tion of the sample serves as the dependent variable, and the covariate effects on
the hazard function are proportional to one another; that is, in a sample in
which the roots are exposed to one of two covariates, the effect of covariate 2
on root longevity is equal to the effect of covariate 1 multiplied by a constant
factor. To estimate the f3 values associated with each covariate in the regression
equation, a maximum likelihood procedure is used where the likelihood func-
tion is based upon a conditional probability of failure associated with each
covariate. The fJs in the model can be added and removed based upon their
effect in the presence of other covariates in a step-wise fashion in a manner
analogous to multiple linear regression using log-likelihood values.
Two other group-based analyses are available in statistical software pro-
grams. The LIFETEST procedure in the SAS (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) uses
a rank test of covariate association with life spans that is based upon the rank
tests for comparing life span distributions discussed above. Rank statistics are
derived from the sum (across all observations) of the product of individual
observation rank scores and corresponding covariate values. Ranks are cor-
rected for censoring in one of two ways, depending upon whether the scores are
log or Wilcoxan values. Chi-square values for each covariate are generated in
the output, as is a stepwise regression model showing the relative improvement
in the fit of the model as covariates are added from most to least significant.
Further computational and output details can be found in the SAS/STAT user
guide. In addition, Allison (1995) has published an excellent manual describing
applications and examples of SAS's survival estimation procedures, including
suggestions based upon particular data types or desired tests.
The effects of group-based covariates for both single and multiple samples
of root life spans are evaluated via analysis of deviance (ANODEV) in the
program SURPH. ANODEV is somewhat analogous to an analysis of variance
(ANOVA). However, instead of being structured around decomposing sums of
squares in order to evaluate treatment effects as with an ANOVA, ANODEV is
based upon decomposing the discrepancy between the log-likelihood value
attained with a "maximum" model incorporating the effects of all covariates and
those models with one or fewer covariates, including the minimum or null
9 The Measurement and Analysis of Fine Root Longevity 299
---x250gm-2 =500gm-2 year-1 •
If mean fine root biomass is stable from year to year, biomass and nutrient allo-
cation to production can be assumed to be equivalent to mortality. However,
biomass would not be stable in an immature, developing ecosystem, and the
magnitude of inter-annual fluctuations in root biomass and nutrient content in
even mature systems are unknown. Even if root biomass and nutrients are stable
300 J.E. Hooker et al.
We believe that the prognosis for continued and improved use of observational
techniques to study fine root longevity is good. With respect to data collection,
continuing improvements in video technology are constantly being made in
consumer products (e.g. video camcorders) and it is these developments that
underpin the advances we are able to make in camera-based research tools.
More specialized instruments, like the Bartz Technology (Santa Barbara, CA,
USA) minirhizotron cameras are also improving. The Bartz carne ras are now
available in two sizes (2.86 and 5.1 cm), and options include a IOOx zoom func-
tion as well as a UV light source. Recent developments by Bartz Technology will
allow direct recording of root imagery onto digital media in the field, bypass-
ing the cumbersome and quality-degrading digital-analog-digital conversions
associated with image acquisition (digital camera), collection (analog video-
tape) and analysis (image redigitization).
Further developments and refinements in image analysis tools are also
being made. ROOTS (Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA), the first
commercially available program developed for analyzing minirhizotron data, is
in the early stages of a much-needed update. RooTracker (Duke University,
Durham, NC, USA), a Macintosh-based program, also continues to be refined.
Scientists working with the Desert Research Institute (Reno, NV, USA) have
developed a more automated system (ARCOS) that is also undergoing refine-
ment based upon user feedback. Scientists at the Rhizolab (Wageningen,
Netherlands) use a public-domain program (NIH-Image, Macintosh or PC)
developed by the US National Institute of Health (
image). Finally, the development and application of new software programs (e.g.
MARK, SURPH) and upgrades of existing software (e.g. SAS) facilitate the
design and analysis of more complicated experiments and the extraction of
more information about the dynamics of roots and root systems.
The population of scientists studying root longevity and related demo-
graphic processes is relatively small, and time and monetary investments into
improving our ability to study roots are likely to be also. However, we do stand
to benefit tremendously from continuing improvements in consumer electron-
ies and the importance of demographic statistical and numerical computational
techniques to a wide array of other disciplines, including forestry, wildlife man-
agement, medicine and pharmaceuticals, and the insurance industry. Our task,
then, is perhaps not so much to develop novel techniques, but rather to adopt
or adapt novel means of applying existing, evolving or new techniques and tech-
nology to the study of roots.
302 J.E. Hooker et al.
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304 J.E. Hooker et al.: The Measurement and Analysis of Fine Root Longevity
10.1 Introduction 306
10.2 Image Analysis of Washed Root Samples 306
10.2.1 Preparation of Samples 306 Mechanical Separation of Roots from Extraneous Objects 306 Staining Roots 307 Spreading of Roots in the Recording Tray 309
10.2.2 Image Acquisition 310 Recording Devices 310
Cameras 312
Scanners 313 Storage of Images 314
10.2.3 Image Analysis Techniques 317 Segmentation of Images ofWashed Roots 317
Grey-Level Thresholding 317
Alternative Segmentation Techniques 318
Editing of Segmented Images 319 Extraction of Morphological Information from Binary Images
of Washed Roots 320
Line-Intercept vs. Chain Methods 320
Determination of Morphological and Architectural Root
Parameters 320
Discrimination of Roots from Extraneous Objects 327
Differentiation Between Viable and Dead Roots 327
10.2.4 Root Image Analysis Systems 328
10.2.5 Priorities for Image Analysis of Washed Roots 329
10.3 Image Analysis of Minirhizotron Images 330
10.3.1 Segmentation of Minirhizotron Images 330 Enhancement of Minirhizotron Images 331 Segmentation of Minirhizotron Images 332
10.3.2 Extraction of Information from Binary Minirhizotron Images 334 Determination of Morphological and Architectural Root
Parameters 334
10.1 Introduction
For the description and modelling of root and shoot growth, quantitative infor-
mation on root morphology and architecture has to be gathered in ecological,
agronomic, biological and physiological studies of soil exploration and water
and nutrient uptake by root systems. In the past, root length and surface are a
of washed samples were measured manually, using linear measurement devices
(B6hm 1979), solution adsorption methods (Sattelmacher et al. 1983) or line-
intercept techniques (Newman 1966; Tennant 1975). In more recent years, image
analysis systems have become available for these measurements. Compared
with traditional methods, image analysis is faster, more accurate and less prone
to human error; with these techniques it is also possible to measure morpho-
logical parameters other than the totallength of root samples.
Contrary to classical destructive root investigations, the rhizotron and
minirhizotron techniques allow the nondestructive monitoring of root dynam-
ics in situ. Due to the complexity of root images recorded through transparent
viewing surfaces against the soil, they have been analysed manually so far.
However, automated or at least controlled image analysis techniques are
necessary for measuring other morphological root parameters on images taken
in situ, owing to the large number of pictures that have to be recorded in
rhizotron or minirhizotron studies and the limited amount of informat ion that
can be obtained by manual counting or measuring.
This chapter will present state-of-the-art image analysis of washed root
samples and minirhizotron or rhizotron recordings, describe important steps
in the processing of root samples and discuss research needs in these fields.
When root samples are washed free from bulk soil, they generally contain soil
aggregates, sand grains, plant residues (remains of shoots and roots of
previous crops or weeds), bodies and eggs of soil animals, as well as weed
10 Root Image Analysis and Interpretation 307
and crop seeds. The kind and amount of such unwanted objects left in the root
samples depends on the soi! type, the crop rotation, the way in which the roots
are washed (see Chap. 6) and especially on the mesh size used for collecting
washed roots. Automated washing systems allow for smaller mesh sizes. Thus,
root samples washed through finer sieves generally contain more fine roots
(Livesley et al. 1998), but also more extraneous objects than samples washed
manually with coarser sieves. Therefore, mechanical separation of roots from
extraneous objects usually precedes measurements of root morphology.
Decanting or flotation techniques (Schuurman and Goedewaagen 1971) can
separate roots from unwanted objects that have a specific weight markedly
different from that of the roots, such as soi! and sand fractions and heavy seeds
of weeds. Murphy and Smucker (1995) separated the majority of extraneous
objects from roots by repeated decanting of the organic debris that floated
more readily than roots. Subsequently, tweezers are used to manually extract
some or all of the remaining extraneous objects. lf an image analysis system
were able to discriminate between roots and extraneous objects according to
differences in their shapes, the manual removal process could be less meticu-
lous and could concentrate on removing large extraneous objects, which
might cover roots partly or completely, and on residue parts that have a shape
similar to that of root objects. lf measurement techniques are employed
which cannot discriminate between roots and unwanted objects, then the use
of tweezers to remove extraneous objects should be done as thoroughly as
possible; remaining objects that have a size above the lower limit of spatial
resolution of the image acquisition device will be detected as roots, and thus
contribute to an overestimation of the total root length. Cleaning roots by hand
is very tedious. Thus, image analysis systems should be able to discriminate
between roots and unwanted objects (see Sect. if these systems are to
be truly advantageous.
Roots are usually soaked in the dye solution from a few hours to a few days,
depending on the dye, until staining is complete. After staining, roots of alI
diameter c1asses should be sufficiently and evenly stained; if not, the staining
time may have been too short. Thicker roots sometimes require longer stain-
ing, depending on the plant species or dye. It is not always possible to achieve
complete staining of the whole sample. Thus, several dyes may have to be tested
to determine optimal staining of roots for a given species and plant age. To
prevent a degradat ion of samples, root samples should be placed in a refriger-
ator or cooling room during sta in ing at temperatures slightly above freezing
(usually around 4°C). Prior to the spreading of the roots for recording, they
must be removed from the dye solution with a s ieve whose mesh size is smaller
than the smallest root objects. Then the dye adhering to the roots in the sieve
should be rin sed off with water to avoid staining the scanning tray and the water
10 Root Image Analysis and Interpretation 309
Table 10.1. Dyes for staining washed roots to enhance the con-
trast between roots and a light background
Dye Authors
in which the roots will be placed. If this were to occur, then the contrast between
root boundaries and the background would be strongly reduced.
Contrast can be enhanced by choosing an appropriate background. If white
unstained roots are to be measured, a duH dark background is desirable. We
found that duH matt black velvet is a suitable background under a transparent
scanning tray for recording unstained maize roots, because the rough surface
of the velvet does not reflect light to the same extent as smooth objects painted
black. On the other hand, stained roots should be measured against a light back-
ground. Light boxes or light tables are sometimes placed under a transparent
scanning tray; the emitted light is often diffused by means of a milky glass plate,
such as white opal glass (Barnett et al. 1987).
Roots are usually spread out in shaHow transparent trays that aHow for back-lit
camera recording from above or for recording with flatbed scanners from
below. Glass trays are generally preferred to plastic materials, because they are
more resistant to scratches, which may be resolved as false roots. The trays are
usually filled with 2 to 3 mm of water. In this way, roots may be easily separated,
and yet are prevented from floating around in the tray. Because the slightest
movement of the tray will cause smaller root parts to move around, the final
spreading should preferably be done at the place of recording.
Roots should be spread out in the scanning tray so that individual roots do
not overlap, thus causing root length to be underestimated and root diameters
310 w. Richner et al.
The most frequently used devices to record images of washed root samples for
image analysis are electronic cameras and scanners (Fig. 10.1), both based on
CCD (charge coupled device) sensors. Other devices, such as densitometers
(Voorhees et al. 1980) or photocopiers (Collins et al. 1987), are no longer very
important because of generally limited spatial resolutions or their intricate
least about three times the pixel size of the recording device to ensure a reli-
able detection of roots and an accurate measurement of root diameter (see Sect. Thus, the practical maximum resolution of an imaging device is some-
what lower than the theoretical maximum resolution (Table 10.3).
Cameras. Electronic cameras turn analogue voltage signals into digital signals
using analogous-to-digital (A/D) converters, such as computer frame grabbers,
whereas digital cameras and scanners do not require such converters. The main
advantage of cameras is their short scanning time and, in the case of CCD
cameras, their high spatial resolution. While the outdated tube cameras often
had optical resolutions too limited to detect higher-order lateral roots
(Voorhees et al. 1980; Lebowitz 1988; Cunningham et al. 1989; Harris and Camp-
bellI989), newer CCD cameras usually have typical spatial resolutions of about
700 x 500 pixels. More expensive CCD cameras have superior resolutions of up
to 5000 x 5000 pixels (Krumenaker 1994).
By keeping scanning areas relatively small, however, the necessary spatial
resolutions for recording fine roots may also be achieved with cheaper
cameras. Especially with low-resolution cameras, however, this may lead to
very small recording areas. Because preparing and spreading roots in a
number of small scanning trays is more time-consuming than using a larger
tray covering the same area, recording samples may be optimised by using
robotic cameras that are mounted on an X- Y moving gantry (Murphy
and Smucker 1995). This allows a large scanning area to be divided into several
sub-images of constant dimension, which are recorded automatically one
after the other. Thus, spatial resolution may be kept sufficient1y large for the
individual sub-images. Additionally, optical distortion at the boundaries of
10 Root Image Analysis and Interpretation 313
the recording area is reduced when scanning areas are smaller compared
to recording larger areas with a greater distance between the camera and
the tray. However, some of the recorded objects may be truncated by the
sub-image borders, thus dividing a root into two parts. This is a potential
problem when roots are discriminated from extraneous objects by shape
indices (see Sect., because the truncated root segments may no
longer meet the shape requirements of roots, and thus would be eliminated
as extraneous objects, leading to an underestimation of total root length and
A general problem with camera-recording is achieving uniform lighting of
the scanning area. Samples are lit from the top and/or sides using incandescent
or speciallamps, or from the back using light trays. Lighting from above using
lamps may produce shadows, especially of thick roots, and extraneous light may
infiuence the recording. Therefore, it is usually preferable to back-light the
objects. In this way roots can be recorded as dark objects before a light back-
ground. A milky glass plate is usually used with light-boxes to produce diffused
light. To prevent refiections from the room lighting or sunlight from windows,
shields or boxes are sometimes used to prevent extraneous light from reaching
the scanning area. To reduce a further source of error, Russ (1995) suggests
avoiding automatic gain or brightness circuits that are available in some types
of standard cameras, because they may change the image contrast or linearity
in response to bright or dark regions that do not even lie within the digitised
portion of the image.
Scanners. Like CCD cameras, scanners use a solid-state detector array for
recording images, but in contrast to cameras, this array is linear only and moves
along the scanning area for recording (Russ 1995). Scanners have been used for
recording washed root samples that are spread in transparent trays (Krstansky
and Henderson 1989; Pan and Bolton 1991; Smit et al. 1994). These are generally
standard fiatbed scanners, which are primarily designed to scan fiat objects,
but there are also special 3-D scanners that have a depth of resolution of
several centimetres (Smit et al. 1994). Roots are usually spread in 2 to 3mm
of water; therefore, the depth of resolution of standard flatbed scanners is
usually sufficient for accurate recording of root samples (Kirchhof and
Pendar 1993).
Desktop scanners provide high quality optical characteristics for recording
images, thus enabling accurate and precise estimates of root length and other
morphological root parameters (Pan and Bolton 1991). A major advantage
is their high spatial resolution, which is up to 600dpi even with mid-Ievel
scanners, which is often better than the resolution of cameras (Smit et al. 1994).
Only the optical resolution of scanners should be considered, because the higher
interpolated resolutions that are given by many scanner manufacturers do not
314 W. Richner et al.
While older root image analysis systems (e.g. "Delta-T Mk II", Delta-T Devices,
Burwell, UK; Table 10.4) were designed for real-time processing of root samples,
with neither necessity nor possibility of storing digital images, the majority of
newer systems require the creation of digital images prior to processing. For
most projects involving measurements of morphological traits of washed root
samples, it is worthwhile storing the recorded images at least until the end of
the project so that samples can be remeasured if necessary. Furthermore,
Table 10.4. Overview of widely-used root image analysis systems ...
System Platform Principle Individual object Major root parameters provided Manufacturerl programmer O
Delta-T Mark II Modified area Line-intercept method (Harris and No Length, area, mean diameter Delta-T Devices Ltd., Burwell, ID
ROOTEDGE 2.3 DOS Edge chord algorithm (Ewing and Yes Length, width. perim eter R.P. Ewing and T.C. Kaspar.
Kaspar 1995; Kaspar and Ewing USDAIARS National Soi! Tilth
1997) Laboratory, Ames, IA, USA (public
domain software:
WinRHIZOI Windowsl Skeletonisation method (Bauhus Yes Length (grouped into user- Regent Instruments Inc., Quebec,
MacRHIZO Macintosh and Messier 1999) definable diameter dasses), Canada
area, diameter, number of (
root tips and root forks,
topology and fractal analysis,
colour analysis (see Chap.4)
, "Scion Image", a Windows version of"NIH Image", is available from Scion Corporation, Frederick, MD, USA ( ,...
316 W. Richner et al.
stored at a place other than the original data. In this way, the risk of losing
images, and ultimately data, can be kept at a minimum.
What is required of an image analysis system for analysing washed root samples
will depend on the type of samples to be analysed and on the parameters to be
measured. If the samples contain roots only and if length is the only parame-
ter to be measured, then automated line-intercept techniques may be sufficient.
If the root sample contains extraneous objects, and more specific measurements
(e.g. diameter, branching) are required, then more sophisticated analysis tech-
niques will be needed.
In image analysis, segmentation (see Box 10.1) of objects from the background
is a necessary task before being able to assess morphological parameters of the
objects. Although the background of washed root samples is relatively uniform,
segmentation is crucial for the automated analysis of root images (Smucker
et al. 1987). This section will discuss grey-Ievel thresholding, which is most often
used for the segmentation of washed root samples, and alternative segmenta-
tion techniques.
Fig. 10.2. Effect of choosing different brightness levels in grey-Ievel thresholding on the quality
of the resulting binary image showing an unstained maize root segment. A threshold grey-
level: 221; B threshold grey-Ievel: 222 (original image: 256 grey-Ievels, spatial resolution:
P ' •
'- I
A B .\..
Fig. 10.3. Original 256-grey-scale image (A) of washed white clover (Trifolium pratense 1.)
roots, and resulting image (B) after image segmentat ion and length analysis. Green lines are root
objects, red crosses are ending points of individual root segments and blue circles are extrane-
ous objects discriminated from roots using a 4: 1 length-to-diameter ratio. (Photos with per-
mission from U. Zimmermann, Institute of Plant Sciences, ETH Ziirich)
this algorithm (Fig. 10.3) into a program which provides local shape attributes
(position, width and direction of the centre line) that are necessary for the
morphological description of root segments directly during the detection of
curvilinear objects, i.e. roots.
Root length has been used more often to describe root systems than other
parameters (Berntson 1992). In the early days of root research, root length was
determined using linear measurement devices such as callipers, rulers or opi-
someters. These techniques are generally accurate and precise (Reicosky et al.
1970), but prone to human error. Additionally, they are too time-consuming for
studies involving large numbers of root samples, but for special purposes, such
as determining the lengths of individual main axes or laterals, these methods
are still applied.
Based on the principle of Newman (1966), later modified by Marsh (197l)
and Tennant (1975), line-intercept methods were widely used for measuring
root length. According to Tennant (1975), root length L is equal to:
L=(tr oN L oDL )j2, (10.1)
where NL is the number of root intersections with parallellines, and DL is the
distance between these lines.
Initially, intersects of roots with parallel, regularly spaced lines were
counted manually, but this was tedious work and prone to human error (Bland
and Mesarch 1990). In the 1970s, photoelectric detection was used increasingly
to determine root intersects with regularly spaced scan lines (Rowse and
Phillips 1974; Goubran and Richards 1979; Richards et al. 1979; Wilhelm et al.
1983; Ottman and Timm 1984; Collins et al. 1987; Morita et al. 1988). Such pho-
toelectric systems, based on line-intercept principles, were reasonably accurate
at relatively high resolutions, but root parameters other than length could not
be measured. Furthermore, they were rather expensive and complex (Harris and
Campbelll989). Later, line-intercept methods were developed to process root
images recorded with video cameras (Voorhees et al. 1980; Barnett et al. 1987;
Burke and LeBlanc 1988; Cunningham et al. 1989; Harris and Campbelll989)
or flatbed scanners (Krstansky and Henderson 1989; Kirchhof 1992). Byestab-
lishing a regression function between the number of pixels and root length
using samples of known size, the total root length in a sample can be estimated.
This "grid-intercept" approach is an improvement over the manual line-
intercept method; the digitised image represents a very fine pixel grid whose
intersections with roots are counted.
Line-intercept based systems are much faster than manual measurement
techniques. Accuracy and precision depend on the root size in a sample, orien-
tation of the root objects and root overlap (Melhuish 1968). Random orienta-
tion of root objects is a requirement of the line-intercept calculation of root
length; non-random placement results in lower accuracy and precision. To
prevent negative effects of non-random root orientation, roots can be reposi-
tioned and recorded for a second time after rotating the scanning trays by
90° (Harris and Campbell 1989). Spreading of roots, however, is very time-
consuming. The line-incercept method is prone to errors due to root overlap at
322 W. Richner et al.
higher densities of root objects in the scanning area (Barnett et al. 1987). Several
authors (Harrris and Campbell1989; Kirchhof 1992; Kirchhof and Pendar 1993)
provided correction factors for compensat ing for the underestimation of root
length due to root overlap.
Apart from line-intercept methods, chain methods are used for measuring
root length. Using chain algorithms, object length can be measured directly
after thinning the objects to a skeleton (see Box 10.2), i.e. a line of one pixel
width, or by utilising algorithms to calculate length from perim eter and area.
The skeletonisation approach has been most often used for the image
analysis of washed root samples (e.g. Lebowitz 1988; Zoon and Van Tienderen
1990; Travis et al. 1993; Smit et al. 1994; Tanaka et al. 1995; Pietola and Smucker
1998). Prior to measurements, a thinning algorithm is applied to create root
skeletons. The success of measurements based on thinning algorithms depends
10 Root Image Analysis and Interpretation 323
on the quality of the previous segmentation process. If the borders of the objects
are irregular, skeletonisation may produce spurious lateral branches (Russ
1995), thus leading to an unrealistic description of roots, especially to an over-
estimation of length and branching. After finishing the thinning process, the
length of the object can be measured as a function of the number of vertically,
horizontally and diagonally adjacent pairs of pixels in the skeleton (Lebowitz
1988). It is important to take into account diagonally adjacent pairs of pixels,
because the distance between them is theoretically greater by a factor of..rz than
the distance between vertical or horizontal pairs of pixels. Thus, length L can
be calculated as (Lebowitz 1988):
L=N·C/R, (10.3)
where N is the number of root skeleton pixels, C the correction factor (1.12),
and R the spatial resolution of the imaging device in pixels per centimetre.
Compared with the direct measurement of root skeleton length, root length
is less often derived from perim eter measurements without a preceding skele-
tonisation of root objects (Pan and Bolton 1991; Kokko et al. 1993; Dowdy et al.
1995; Ewing and Kaspar 1995); this approach is less demanding on computer
memory and time than the above-mentioned skeletonisation process (Ewing
and Kaspar 1995). To overcome the above-mentioned problems of non-random
orientation of objects, Ewing and Kaspar (1995) developed an edge chord algo-
rithm (Fig. IOA) that calculates the length of lines drawn between the edges of
steps along the perimeter of the digitised objects. Its advantages are the small
memory requirement and the fact that the orientation of root objects has only
a minimal effect on measured length. The calculation of object length from area
324 W. Richner et al.
~ the grid-intercept method
u (GRID), a chain method
::J according to Freeman (1970)
!Il as corrected by Kulpa's
0.99 --o- GRID
~ -o- CHAIN (1977) estimate of the
---v- ECA theoretical error (CHAIN)
2.0 and the edge chord
B algorithm by Ewing and
~ Kaspar (1995; ECA). Wire
10 100 1000
and perim eter, which was measured by a chain-type method and the edge chord
algorithm by Ewing and Kaspar (1995), has been shown to be more accurate
(Fig. IOAA) and more repeatable (Fig. IO.4B) than length measurements by the
grid-intercept method.
There is abundant information on comparisons of true lengths or manual
line-intercept measurements with digitallength measurements of root samples
or calibration objects. Although experimental conditions, imaging devices
and image analysis approaches varied widely, most of the reported coefficients
of determination V) of the association between manual and digital length
measurements were greater than 0.95 (e.g. Barnett et al. 1987; Morita et al.
1988; Farrell et al. 1993; Shuman et al. 1993), and, in some cases, nearly 1
(e.g. Wilhelm et al. 1983; Harris and Campbelll989; Zoon and Van Tienderen
1990; Kirchhof 1992; Smit et al. 1994; Dowdy et al. 1995, 1998; Tanaka et al. 1995).
There were no clear-cut differences in the coefficients of determination
between digitalline-intercept techniques and chain methods. However, results
of a direct comparison of algorithms by Ewing and Kaspar (1995) suggest that
chain-type algorithms may be more accurate and precise than the line-
intercept method.
10 Root Image Analysis and Interpretation 325
Farrell et al. (1993) and Murphy and Smucker (1995) attributed weaker rela-
tionships between manually and digitally measured root lengths to the lower
spatial resolution of the imaging devices compared with the human eye, leading
to an underestimation of digital measurements. In the study of Murphy and
Smucker (1995), this was only relevant for perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne
1.), whose root system is characterised by a large portion of very fine roots, but
not for the coarser-rooted alfalfa (Medicago sativa 1.). This underlines the need
for high-resolution imaging devices that allow reliable recording of the thinnest
roots in a sample (see Sect.
Average coefficients of variation for repeated measurements of root length
and for different operators are usually larger for the manualline-intercept tech-
nique than for digital methods (Farrell et al. 1993). Thus, digital image analysis
techniques may provide more accurate and reproducible measurements of root
length than manual methods.
Projected root area was initially determined with photoelectric devices
designed to measure leaf surface areas (Morrison and Armson 1968; Armson
1972). Because the spatial resolution of these devices was rather poor, this tech-
nique was problematic if too many fine roots were present in the samples
(Kemph 1976). These systems usually required calibration for measuring root
area as was the case when measuring leaf area.
With more recent systems, projected root area is usually measured as the
sum of alI root pixels, which is converted to the appropriate real units of
measure; total root surface area can then be calculated by multiplying the pro-
jected root area of a sample by 1r, assuming that roots are cylindrical (Kokko
et al. 1993). Systems that yield length and mean diameter of roots allow calcu-
lation of root surface area by multiplying the product oflength and mean diam-
eter by 1r. However, this method may be inaccurate when root diameters in
the sample are not evenly distributed above and below the mean diameter
(Kirchhof 1992). Thus, the alternative calculation of total root surface area as
the sum of root surfaces of groups of roots belonging to predefined comple-
menting diameter classes is preferable. The preferred method is to directly
measure the root area of individual root segments or to calculate it from their
lengths and diameters; total root surface area is the sum of the areas of single
root segments. In this way, surface area measurements are expected to be more
accurate, and large, compact extraneous objects, which falsely increase the
area of a sample even more than the length, may be eliminated from the
measurement according to shape parameters.
In line-intercept systems, mean root diameters can be calculated by divid-
ing projected root area by the totallength of a sample, provided that the system
allows for area measurements. In contrast, chain methods using skeletonisation
algorithms enable the direct measurement of the root diameter of individual
objects (Lebowitz 1988). The diameter is, for each point on the object's skele-
326 W. Richner et al.
Dye Authors
commercially available, but was widely used in recent years. While "NIH Image"
is a general purpose program for which task-specific macros have to be written,
the other systems have no option for user-written extensions.
AH these systems are designed for measuring root length and, in most cases,
root surface area. Some of the programs, e.g. "Delta-T SCAN" (Kirchhof 1992;
Kirchhof and Pendar 1993), and "MacRHIZO"I"WinRHIZO" (Arsenault et al.
1995; Bauhus and Messier 1999), have algorithms for correcting errors in the
measurement of root length and area due to root overlaps. In addition to
measurements of root length, area and diameter, some of the systems can be
used for evaluations of other morphological parameters. Among other para-
meters, "Delta-T SCAN" allows for object counting and root tip counting;
"MacRHIZO"/"WinRHIZO" for morphological measurements using user-
definable colour classes, root tip counting and root topology analyses.
If roots washed from soil containing unwanted organic objects are to be
measured, then the systems should aHow for individual object measurements
and, thus, the possibility of discriminating between roots and extraneous
objects. The "MacRHIZO"/"WinRHIZO" and the "ROOTEDGE" (Kaspar and
Ewing 1997) programs and the system described by Murphy and Smucker
(1995) have this feature. However, if only root samples from hydroponics or
solid substrates without soil are measured, then the systems that do not allow
for object-based measurements can also give accurate results because such
samples usually contain no or only few extraneous objects. The "Delta-T SCAN"
programs stands between these two groups, because it allows for single-object
measurements of various parameters but not of root length.
No information can be given yet on the comparative accuracy of the
different systems, because there are no data on comparisons between
image analysis systems or programs. It is not possible to give general recom-
mendations on the use of root image analysis systems, because their options
and drawbacks vary greatly, and the requirements of scientists studying roots
are diverse.
fus ion of light due to tube curvature may result in inconsistencies in brightness
observed in digitised images (Brown and Upchurch 1987). Non-perpendicular
viewing or camera-tube non-linearity may lead to geometrically distorted
images (Heeraman et al. 1993). Low battery power can also contribute to
photometric distortion due to poor illumination by the incandescent bulbs of
the minirhizotron camera (Heeraman et al. 1993).
The major problem in the automated analysis of minirhizotron images
is the much more complex background compared with washed samples, both
in colour and in texture. A variety of objects, such as reflective soil partieles,
droplets of condensation, scratches on the tubes, electronic noise and soil fauna,
may have similar brightness values as the roots (Smucker et al. 1987; Casarin
et al. 1991; Heeraman et al. 1993; Andren et al. 1996). Furthermore, the
brightness of roots may differ due to variable luminance along the same root,
to loss of root contact with the tube wall, to roots being out of focus (leads
to greater apparent diameters of roots or to a more reflective background)
and to the structure of small roots, which appear to be fragmented (Casarin
et al. 1991).
Additionally, the background of a given minirhizotron image position may
not be constant over time due to varying soil moisture contents, settling of soil
(Bohm 1979), diurnal variations in root diameters (Huck et al. 1970), reorien-
tation of soil partieles during root elongation (Goss 1991), the displacement of
soil partieles into pores adjacent to the tube wall by percolating water, move-
ment of the minirhizotron tube (Heeraman et al. 1993) and activity of soil
animals. As a consequence, the major problem in segmentation (see Box 10.1)
of minirhizotron images is the discrimination of roots from a very complex,
changing background.
Fig. 10.5. Original minirhizotron image of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) roots (A)
and roots identified by median and convolution filtering, multiple grey-level thresholding and
skeletonisation procedures according to Andn!n et al. (1996; B). (Photos with permission from
E Sindh0j, Department of Soil Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala)
Global techniques, such as grey-scale thresholding, can only be used for the seg-
mentation (see Box 10.1) of images if the objects to be recognised are consis-
tently lighter or darker than the background. Roots in minirhizotron images are
usually lighter than the background, but the resulting light intensity histograms
are not bimodal (Nater et al. 1992). Andn!n et al. (1996) applied grey-level
thresholding using a fixed brightness level for differentiating roots from the soil
background (Fig. 10.5). To avoid background scatter, they chose a conservative
(Le. high) threshold level; as a consequence, only the lightest parts of roots were
detected (Andren et al. 1996). Thus, the discrimination of roots from the soil
background by grey-Ievel thresholding is not reliable, especially in the case of
thin secondary and higher order roots (Casarin et al. 1991). In addition, the
manual selection of a threshold level is dependent on the operator's judgement
and, thus, may lead to error. To overcome this limitation, Smucker et al. (1987)
applied grey-Ievel thresholding, with the mean intensity value of all the pixels
along previously tracked root edges automatically set as the threshold. This
approach gave good results when the roots had a similar and constant inten-
sity. Although roots exhibit large, localised changes in light intensity, other fea-
tures such as pores and cracks may exhibit the same rate of change as do roots
(Nater et al. 1992). Thus, segmentation techniques based on thresholding or
edge detection only are inappropriate.
Because global segmentation techniques are not feasible, several groups
applied local techniques. Casarin et al. (1991) used linear flat-hat transforms
10 Root Image Analysis and Interpretation 333
Fig.10.6. Original minirhizotron image of alfalfa (Medicago sativa 1.) roots (A) and the centre
lines of roots resulting from a ridge detection approach (B). (Photos from Smucker (1993), with
permission from the Annual Review of Phytopathology, Volume 31, Annual Reviews)
(Meyer 1979) at different diameters for segmenting images. With this approach,
the extraction of medium and large roots presented few problems (Casarin et
al. 1991). Other approaches for identifying roots in minirhizotron images are
ridge detection by identifying the parallel edges of each root segment
(Ferguson et al. 1990), allowing an identificat ion of 94-96% of the roots,
depending on the complexity of images (Fig. 10.6). Smucker (1993) reported
token-based algorithms, which are an example of a knowledge-based feedback
approach, for improved identification of roots on a complex background. A
further development of Nater et al. (1992) tested several artificial neural system
architectures for segmentat ion. Inputs to their models were horizontal and
vertical derivative images produced from the raw image by smoothing and
differentiation with least square procedures. A training image was created by
hand-editing the original image. After about 40 iterations, most pixels in the
training image were correct1y classified, whereas accuracy was much reduced
when processing other images for which the system had not been trained. The
ability to adjust classification, even in the presence of noise, is a major advan-
tage over classical segmentation approaches (Nater et al. 1992).
In addition to the above-mentioned contour-based approaches, a region
growing approach was recent1y reported by Jankowski et al. (1995). After the
initial detection of seeds, Le. significant root regions, these were expanded
to optimal root contours by a heuristic search for parallel root structures.
Jankowski et al. (1995) detected at least one seed on each root segment in 28
out of 32 tested images, but no seeds could be detected if the inner part of root
segments were strongly structured. Results of the segmentation technique used
by Jankowski et al. (1995) were better than when processing the same test
images with the technique reported by Smucker et al. (1987).
334 W. Richner et al.
niques may be applied to increase the contrast for easier visual or automated
evaluation of images. There are two possible approaches to automatically digi-
tising minirhizotron images. First, images could be directly digitised during
recording, thus eliminating the need to temporarily store them on video tapes.
Second, image code information as provided, for example, by a screen marker
system (Bartz Technology, Santa Barbara, California) could be used to capture
video frames from a video tape and to select an individual frame to be saved
for each tube position according to unique coded information corresponding
to this tube position.
A major conclusion of previous attempts to process minirhizotron
images is that segmentation techniques based only on conventional grey-Ievel
thresholding are inappropriate. Thus, more sophisticated segmentation tech-
niques specifically adapted to discriminate roots from a complex background
have to be developed.An artificial neural systems approach and a contour-based
technique have already shown some potential for automatic analysis, at least
of images with relatively good, uniform contrast between roots and the
soil background. This requirement, however, is usually not met for the
majority of minirhizotron images. Thus, semi-automated systems that allow
for user-input, as proposed, for example, by Daneels et al. (1993) for iden-
tifying and outlining objects in images, should be evaluated as intermediate
steps in the image analysis of minirhizotron images, especially when dealing
with a very complex background or plant species with very thin or translucent
Results from the digital analysis of images that cover a wide range of soil
conditions, plant species and growth stages should be compared with those
from manual measurements of the same images. To date, such comparisons
have only been made with a very limited number of images. Thus, a conclusive
assessment of exist ing approaches for the digital processing of minirhizotron
images is not yet possible.
Further Reading
Glasbey CA, Horgan GW (1995) Image analysis for the biological sciences. John Wiley, Chichester
Price TV, Osborne CF (1990) Computer imaging and its applications to some problems in
agriculture and plant science. Crit Rev Plant Sci 9: 235-266
Russ JC (1990) Computer-assisted microscopy: the measurement and analysis of images. Plenum
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Russ JC (1995) The image processing handbook. 2nd edn. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida
Smucker AJM (1993) Soi! environmental modifications of root dynamics and measurement.
Annu Rev Phytopathol31: 191-216
Tillett RD (1991) Image analysis for agricultural processes: a review of potential opportunities.
J Agric Engin Res 50: 247-258
10 Root Image Analysis and Interpretation 337
Andren O, Elmquist H, Hansson AC (1996) Recording, processing and analysis of grass root
images from a rhizotron. Plant Soi! 185: 259-264
Armson KA (1972) Distribution of conifer seedling roots in a nursery soi!. For Chron 48:
Arsenault JL, Pouleur S, Messier C, Guay R (1995) WinRHIZO™, a root measuring system with
a unique overlap correction method. HortScience 30: 906 (Abstr)
Barnett CE, White RA, Petrovic AM, Good GL (1987) An automated apparatus for measuring
root length. HortScience 22: 140-144
Bauhus J, Messier C (1999) Evaluation of line root length and diameter measurements obtained
with RHIZO image analysis. Agron J 91: 142-147
Beckers ALD, Smeulders AWM (1992) Optimallength and distance estimation in three dimen-
sions. Comput Vision Graph Image Process 55: 296-306
Berntson GM (1992) A computer program for characterizing root system branching patterns.
Plant Soi! 140: 145-149
Berntson GM (1994) Modelling root architecture: are there tradeoffs between efficiency and
potential of resource acquisition? New Phytol127: 483-493
Berntson GM, Lynch J, Snapp S (1998) Fractal geometry and the description of plant root
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(eds) Fractals in soi! science. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp 113-152
Bland WL, Mesarch MA (1990) Counting error in the line-intercept method of measuring root
length. Plant Soi! 125: 155-157
Blum H (1967) A transformation for extracting new descriptors of shape. In: Whaten-Dunn W
(ed) Models for the perception of speech and visual form. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massa-
chusetts, pp 153-171
Bohm W (1979) Methods of studying root systems. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York
Box JE Jr, Ramseur EL (1993) Minirhizotron wheat root data - comparisons to soi! core root
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Brown DA, Scott HD (1984) Dependence of crop growth and yield on root development and
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Soi! Science Society of America (SSSA), Madison, Wisconsin, pp 101-136
Brown DA, Upchurch DR (1987) Minirhizotrons: a summary of methods and instruments in
current use. In: Taylor HM (ed) Minirhizotron observation tubes: methods and applica-
tions for measuring rhizosphere dynamics. ASA Spec Publ 50: 15-30
Burke MK, LeBlanc DC (1988) Rapid measurement of fine root length using photoelectronic
image analysis. Ecology 69: 1286-1289
Casarin M, Jacquey S, Fouere A, Girardin P (1991) Digital picture processing applied to the eval-
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Sweden. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 570-575
Castleman KR (1979) Digital image processing. Prentice-Hall, Eng1ewood Cliffs, New Jersey
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338 W. Richner et al.
Collins RP, Gregory PJ, Rowse HR, Morgan A, Lancashire B (1987) Improved methods of esti-
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10 Root Image Analysis and Interpretation 341
Computer-Assisted Tomography
and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
S. Asseng 1, L.A.G. Aylmore 2, J.S. MacFalP, J.W. Hopmans 4 and P.J. Gregori
1 CSIRO, Division of Plant Industry, Private Bag, PO, Wembley, Western Australia 6014, Australia
2 The University of Western Australia, Soi! Science and Plant Nutrition, Nedlands, Western
Australia 6907, Australia
3 School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706, USA
4 University of California, Dept. Land, Air and Water Resources, Hydrology Program, 123
Veihmeyer Hali, Davis, California 95616, USA
5 Department of Soil Science, The University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 233, Reading,
11.1 Introduction 343
11.2 X-ray Computed Tomography 345
11.2.1 Applications 345
11.2.2 Limitations 348
11.3 Gamma-Ray Computer-Assisted Tomography 351
11.3.1 Applications 352
11.3.2 Limitations 352
11.4 Dual-Energy Scanning 353
11.4.1 Applications 353
11.4.2 Limitations 353
11.5 Magnetic Resonance Imaging 354
11.5.1 Applications 355
11.5.2 Limitations 358
11.6 Future Prospects 358
11.6.1 Conclusions 359
References 360
11.1 Introduction
Until recently, techniques for direct measurements on roots and soil water in
the rooting zone have been largely destructive, or simply lacked the spatial res-
olution necessary for meaningful definition of root and water content distrib-
incident transmitted
Fig. 11.1. Attenuation of a narrow beam of radiation by absorption and scattering. (After
Aylmore 1993)
11 Computer-Assisted Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging 345
11.2.1 Applications
Fig.11.2. An image of 14-day-old bush bean (Phaseolus yulgaris 1.) roots in situ, derived from
a high-energy industrial X-ray CT. (After Heeraman et al. 1997; with kind permission from
Kluwer Academic Publisher)
1989; Vaz et al. 1989; Hopmans et al. 1992) have demonstrated that conventional
X-ray medical scanners can provide information otherwise not obtainable on
the spatial distributions of bulk density and water content in soil columns and
in particular that associated with plant roots (Hainsworth and Aylmore 1983,
1986; Aylmore and Hamza 1990; Hamza and Aylmore 1991, 1992a, b).
Total root length has been estimated from an image of a plant root system
in situ (Fig. 11.2) with a resolution of 0.16mm by Heeraman et al. (1997;
Box 11.1). The image was derived with a high-energy industrial X-ray CT
system. Although alternative CT techniques using, for example, cone beam
geometry in combinat ion with an areal detector array, could potentially
improve the spatial resolution to 5-20 Jlm, it would not necessarily make
possible the imaging of very fine roots of this size. First, it would greatly
reduce the maximum sample size to 1 cm diameter or smaller. Secondly, when
reducing the voxel size further, it would become much more difficult to
separate roots from the soil matrix, as roots and water-filled pores have similar
attenuation values.
11 Computer-Assisted Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging 347
in the selected region, its area and volume, and the distance between two points
are instantly available.
In root water uptake studies by Hainsworth and Aylmore (1983, 1986, 1989),
changes in volumetric water associated with single radish roots in a non-
swelling 15% kaolinite clay and 85% sand mixture provided the first detailed
observations of this type. Uptake of water along the radish roots was clearly
shown to be non-uniform with depth, with the roots first removing water from
the top, and later drawing water at greater depths, as soil hydraulic resistance
became a major limiting factor in the upper soillayer (Hainsworth and Aylmore
1989). Subsequently, Aylmore and Hamza (1990) and Hamza andAylmore (1991,
1992a, b) used a combinat ion of CT scanning and a Na-ion specific microelec-
trode technique to measure concomitantly the spatial distribution of soil water
content and Na+ ion concentration in close proximity to lupin and radish plant
roots (Box 11.2). Figure 11.4 illustrates the detail and accuracy with which the
CT technique was able to resolve the changes in water content by root water
uptake at different positions along the root resulting from differences in water
content and electrolyte. Recently, Hamza et al. (1996) have used CT to study the
spatial dis tribut ion of water content in the vicinity of interacting multiple radish
roots and the effects of water stress on root shrinkage and recovery.
11.2.2 Limitations
et al. (1989) was about twice the spatial resolution determined by the scanner.
This results from the volume averaging that oecurs if the interface of two or
more materials with different attenuation values are present within a voxel. For
350 s. Asseng et al.
0.30 Fig. 11.4. Water drawdowns
near top, middle, and
0.25 bottom sections of a single
Ci radish root after 2 h of tran-
c spiration measured by CT
J!!c 0.20
scanning. (After Hamza and
...u Aylmore 1992a)
! 0.15
O 2 4 6 8 10 12
Distance from root surface (mm)
example, if two materials each occupy half of the volume of a voxel (e.g., a root
surrounded by a soil matrix), then the attenuation of the voxel will be the arith-
metic average of the two. Consequently, studies have been largely limited to soils
having macropores of a dimension equal to or larger than the voxel size.
Another limitation of X-ray CT in soils arises from the selective absorption
oflow-energy X-rays. The energy spectrum of X-ray scanners is polychromatic,
and preferential absorption of the lower energy X-rays occurs as the beam tra-
verses the soil. This process is referred to as "beam hardening" (Herman 1980).
Physical or mathematical filters can partially correct for beam hardening
(Brooks and Di Chiro 1976), but such artefacts will undoubtedly occur in soils
when using relatively low-energy X-rays.
When only very small differences in attenuation exist between an object
and the surrounding soil, the ability to accurately resolve the object (imaging
contrast) is also reduced. While X-ray CT provides excellent resolution for some
studies, its usefulness in soil systems has invariably been restricted by its
inability to distinguish between changes in water content and bulk density
in swelling soils. Consequently, the applications of X-ray CT to quantitative
soil-water studies in swelling soils have been largely limited to statistical
assessments of macroporosity distributions before and after complete wetting
and drying cyeles (Phogat and Aylmore 1989), and the measurement of water
uptake in proximity to plant roots in non-swelling soils (Hainsworth and
Aylmore 1986; Aylmore and Hamza 1990; Hamza and Aylmore 1992a, b). Even
in non-swelling soils, however, localised changes in bulk density may occur
elose to roots caused by the root displacing partieles when elongating. These
changes are not detected by current X-ray systems' and may lead to errors in
estimates of water uptake.
Their quantitative limitations, great expense and low accessibility have
seriously limited the use of medical X-ray scanners for soil-water-plant studies.
Moreover, these scanners are designed to monitor patients in a horizontal posi-
11 Computer-Assisted Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging 351
tion, and their construction is not generally suitable for studies involving plants
growing in vertically-positioned soil columns. Finally, the proprietary nature of
these commercial systems makes software modifications difficult.
Fig.11.5. Block diagram of r-ray CT scanning system constructed at the University ofWestern
Australia, consisting of three subsystems: computer, data acquisition, and mot ion control
systems. (After Aylmore 1993)
352 s. Asseng et al.
The main platform supports the lead shielding for the source and scintillation
detector. The CT scan platform is placed at a fixed level in an opening in the
middle of the y-platform, so that the y-platform can move independently of the
CT scan platform. This system is capable of scanning columns up to 10 cm in
diameter and 150 cm in length. The systems developed by Crestana et al. (1986)
and Brown et al. (1993) use a similar parallel beam approach.
11.3.1 Applications
Gamma attenuation measurements have been used for many years to monitor
changes in average bulk density and water content in sections through soil
columns (Gurr 1962; Groenvelt et al. 1969; Ryhiner and Pankow 1969).
The application of CT to y-attenuation is illustrated in Fig. 11.6, showing
how the development of a lupin tap root in a soil column can be accurately
defined by subtractive imaging, thereby eliminating the soil's contribution to
the image.
11.3.2 Limitations
Brown et al. 1993), and measurements are largely restricted to slowly changing
or steady state processes. As with X-ray cr, measurements of the spatial dis-
tribution of water content in soils by a single 'fsource is limited to uniform and
non-swelling soils.
A major limitation of the use of single energy X- or 'fray cr scanning has been
the necessary assumption of uniform or constant bulk density. As soil aUenua-
tion is a function of both bulk density and volumetric water content, an accu-
rate determination of water content in soils by these methods is impossible
if the bulk density changes during the experiment (Petrovic et al. 1982;
Hainsworth andAylmore 1983; Anderson et al. 1988; Phogat andAylmore 1989).
Even in non-swelling soils, the general non-uniformity of packed soil columns
makes accurate measurement of water content distribution near plant roots
difficult, since the technique requires exact positioning of the soil column in a
sequence of scans.
ro monitor changes in the spatial distribution of both bulk density and
water content in swelling and shrinking soils, independent estimates of at-
tenuation associated with both bulk density and water content with different
energies can be combined. In dual energy 'fCr scanning, a low-energy and a
high-energy 'fsource have been used (e.g., Cs-137 and Am-235 or Yb-169;
Aylmore 1993).
11.4.1 Applications
Effective studies of plant root development and water uptake demand the ability
to accurately and simultaneously monitor changes in water content and bulk
density in close proximity to the roots. Phogat et al. (1991) demonstrated that,
using dual-source 'fCr scanning, it is possible to measure the spatial distribu-
tions of bulk density and water content in swelling soils simultaneously and
non-destructively with a satisfactory level of precision.
11.4.2 Limitations
Unfortunately, the relatively long scanning time required has limited the effi-
cient application of 'fcr to plant root studies. For example, the study of Phogat
et al. (1991) showed that about 169 s was needed for an individual ray-sum. In
their study, 112 h were needed to complete a dual-source scan, which resulted
354 S. Asseng et al.
in an average standard deviation in pixel water content values of 0.025 cm3. Such
large counting times limit its applicability to steady-state systems only.
11.5.1 Applications
It has been demonstrated that large roots (Omasa et al. 1985) and seedlings
(Rogers et al. 1985) can be detected in soil by MRI. In an extensive examination
of the MRI properties of soil, plant roots were imaged when grown in 30 dif-
ferent agricultural and 8 artificial soils. Image quality and the ability to detect
roots suffered significantly when the ferromagnetic particle content was larger
than 4%. Below 4%, there was still significant variation in the suitability of a
soil as a root imaging substrate. Seven native soils, however, presented excellent
delineation of the root systems, suggesting that MRI holds great promise for
the non-destructive study of roots within a soil matrix (Bottomley et al. 1986;
Rogers and Bottomley 1987). Magnetic resonance imaging has also been
demonstrated to give information on the pore structure and wettability of
natural sandstone, providing visualisation of wetting heterogeneities (Guillot et
al. 1994). The TI relaxation time of natural sandstone was shown to increase
significantly with salinization, changing the wettability of the surface from
356 S. Asseng et al.
Fig. 11.8. Magnetic resonance images acquired of a pine seedling root system at two points in
time. Views A (side view) and C (top view) were acquired soon after plants were transplanted
into fine sand. Views B (side view) and D (top view) were acquired 6 weeks after the initial
imaging experiments and ciearly show the extent of root growth over this period. (J.S. Mac Fali,
unpubl. data)
root length of the root systems of potted Loblolly pine seedlings over a period
of several months. Similar studies can be done with other plants, allowing study
of many topics such as pathogen effects, root turnover, comparative growth
rates, etc. More recent work with pulse sequence parameter optimisation has
demonstrated that three-dimensional root images can be acquired, both of
intact, entire root systems within a container and of roots within intact field soil
cores, further enhancing the potential utility of the technique. Roots can also
be studied in a solid, synthetic matrix. Root decay was observed by three-
dimensional imaging techniques of detopped root systems embedded in plaster
of paris. As roots decayed, preferential patterns of water flow could be observed
following the root channels (Liu et al. 1994).
358 S. Asseng et al.
11.5.2 Limitations
The presence of paramagnetic elements such as Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+ and Cu2+ at levels
commonly found in soils may cause interference, thus requiring plants to be
grown in porous media other than soil or in synthetic soil mixes (Cassel and
Nielsen 1994).
One major difficulty is in the adsorption of water to soil particles such as
clays. The signal becomes non-detectable when water becomes tightly bound to
a solid substrate and less mobile, creating difficulties in quantitatively measur-
ing water which is physically bound within the soil matrix (MacFall et al. 1991).
In many cases, however, when the water content becomes low enough that
detection becomes limiting, the water potential is also so low that the remaining
water would be unavailable for plant uptake. Preliminary work has shown a cor-
relation between water content (and relaxation time) with soil water potential
(J.S. MacFall, unpubl.), therefore, from the perspective of water flux, the inability
to detect bound water may simply reflect a limiting soil water potential.
Another constraint to the application of MRI is the available scanner
time. For the acquisition of a three-dimensional data set, the imaging time
required is the product of the time for each slice and the number of slices in
the three-dimensional image set. For measurement of water depletion zones,
the acquisition time may be up to 8 h, and if the plant is rapidly transpiring,
there may be substantial changes in the shape of the depletion zone in this
period. Nevertheless, as rapid pulse sequences (e.g. fast spin echo) are devel-
oped for plant imaging applications, much shorter acquisition periods will be
Similar to X- and y-ray CT, most existing measuring systems are non-
portable and plants have to be grown in soil cores or taken as core samples from
the field. The size of MRI systems limits the size of the sample, with sample sizes
ranging from <1 cm to 80 cm diameter depending on the opening size of the
magnet and field strength. Generally, the larger the sample which can be accom-
modated, the larger the voxel sizes comprising the image. A limitation of MRI
is also the high cost of the system.
11.6.1 Conclusions
Table 11.1. Summarised applications, advantages and present constrains of X-ray, J-ray, dual
energy systems and MRI for root related studies. Note that an applications refer to studies with
soil columns
Dual energy Soil water content Can simultaneously Very slow scanning
scanning and bulk density quantify changes
in soH water content
and bulk density
(swelling soils)
Despite some of the current limitations there is no doubt that the application
of these innovative techniques will, with further developments, provide major
tools for soi! and plant scientists and have the potential to resolve major con-
troversies with respect to the dynamics of plant root systems and water uptake
by plant roots.
Anderson SH, Hopmans JW (eds) (1994) Tomography of soil-water-root processes. Proc Symp
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Isotope Techniques
1.J. Bingham\ A.D.M. Glass 2, H.J. Kronzucker2 , D. Robinson 3*,
and C.M. Scrimgeour4
1 Scottish Agricultural College, Craibstone Estate, Aberdeen AB21 9YA, UK
2 Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, V6T lZ4, Canada
3 Department of Plant and Soi! Science, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3UU, UK
4 Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 SDA, UK
12.1 Introduction: Why Use Isotopes in Root Studies? 366
* Principal author
References 392
The short answer to this question is detection. Isotopes allow materials in certain
pools (e.g. roots) to be distinguished from those in the rest of an experimental
system (e.g. soil). This is useful when studying the detailed locations (Baldwin
and Tinker 1972; Brownlee et al. 1983) or C dynamics of roots in soil (Milchunas
et al. 1985; Swinnen et al. 1994), both ofwhich are almost impossible to accom-
plish using non-isotopic techniques. The effectiveness with which roots access
certain nutrient pools or water in soil can be estimated using isotopically labelled
nutrient (e.g. Powlson et al. 1986; Hodge et al. 1998) and water sources (Caldwell
and Richards 1989). The isotope dynamics of certain pools can provide useful
information about the structure and function of the system. For example, the
efftux kinetics of radioactivity from labelled roots into an unlabelled bathing
solution reflects the sizes and permeabilities of the various compartments in the
root - apoplast, symplast, vacuole, etc. (Elliot et al. 1984; Kronzucker et al. 1997).
These are just some of many of the possible applications of isotopes in root
studies; others are listed in Box 12.1 (see also Appendix).
Most such applications involve introducing an isotopically distinct
(but chemically indistinguishable) tracer into an experimental system. This
approach has been used widely in laboratory and pot-scale studies and field
experiments (Box 12.1). Experiments from <1 h up to 1 year are possible with
this approach. Longer experiments are impracticable as tracers are eventually
diluted beyond detection (but see, e.g. Clark 1977). It is sometimes possible, and
more convenient (especially at field scales), to use distinct natural abundances
of isotopes as natural tracers, provided that isotopic abundances in different
parts of the system of interest are distinguishable and do not change apprecia-
bly during transformation and transport processes. The appearance of an iso-
topic abundance characteristic of a certain source pool in a sink pool may
indicate transfer of material between pools. For example, Watkins et al. (1996)
used differences in the natural abundance of l3C in C3 and C4 plants to measure
12 Isotope Techniques 367
Useful further reading includes: Vose (1980), Slater (1990), Smith (1991a) and
Smith and Cresser (2001) for radioisotopes (although the first is now rather
dated); Lajtha and Michener (1994), Boutton and Yamasaki (1996) and Scrim-
geour and Robinson (2001) for stable isotopes; Coleman and Fry (1991) and
Knowles and Blackburn (1993) for C and N isotopes, respectively; and Rorison
and Robinson (1986) and Caldwell and Virginia (1989) specificalIy for some
isotope applications in root studies.
AlI work with radioisotopes is potentialIy hazardous. It must be done
according to the health and safety regulations of your institution, and only after
you have consulted the appropriate safety officer. The information given here is
for guidance only.
Values of Rstandard are listed in Table 12.l. Laboratory working standards are
12 Isotope Techniques 371
Table 12.1. Isotope ratios (IR) in the international standard materials for the analysis of D, J3C,
15N, 18 0 and 34S
o o
Os,mple is the of the sink. OA and Os, the of each source, are the end members
of the line along which alI isotopic mixtures of "g' and "B" must lie (e.g.
Lajtha and Michener 1994, p. 18). The precis ion of fA depends on the difference
between OA and Os relative to the precision with which can be measured.o
If this precision is 1%0, a difference of 5%0 between OA and Os limits the
precis ion of fA to 20%, at best; i.e. we can say only that O, 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100%
of the isotope carne from source "B". In practice, the precis ion will be even
less than this, as the analytical error will also apply to the of each end member.
If there is a difference of 20%0 between OA and Os, and the analytical precision
is 0.1 %0, then we can estimate fA to within 1%, good enough for most practical
372 I.J. Bingham et al.
12.2.2 Radioisotopes
Some of the most commonly used radioisotopes (e.g. 3H, 14C, 35S, 32p) decay
by emitting negatively charged beta particles (/3-). Others emit positrons (W)
produced when a proton decays to a neutron. Positrons are unstable and are
annihilated by interacting with electrons, liberating gamma (11 radiation. The
measurement of yradiation can be used to detect /3+ emitters (e.g. 13N: see Sect.
12.5.3). yrays may also be released from some isotopes after the emission of
/3- or alpha (a) particles. a particles consist of two protons and two neutrons,
i.e. they are He nuclei (4He 2+); a emitters are used rarely in biological work. More
detailed accounts of the chemistry of radioisotopes are given in Slater (1990)
and Vose (1980).
Radioactive decay is random. The number of decaying nuclei at a given time
is proportional to the number of atoms present. So, the decay of an isotope over
time is exponential. Decay rate is characteristic of the isotope and is described
by its half life (t1/2). This is the time taken for the radioactivity present to falI by
half. t1/2 varies widely among isotopes: see Appendix. When conducting experi-
ments with short t1/2 isotopes such as 42K and 13N (Behl and Jeschke 1982; Glass
et al. 1985), a large proportion of the activity initially present in a root or soil
sample may be lost through decay before the sample is counted. Thus experi-
ments must be kept short (~6 x t1/2 ) and the final measurements adjusted to
account for the decay occurring during the experiment. High initial activities
must be used to ensure that there is sufficient remaining at the end of the exper-
iment to detect accurately. One of the major reasons for using the analogue 86Rb
instead of 42K in early studies of K+ uptake kinetics was its more convenient t1/2
(Kochian and Lucas 1982,1983; Appendix).
The energy associated with radioactive decay is also characteristic of the
isotope. This is measuredin units ofkeV (1 eV = 1.6 x 1O-16 J). Thetraditional unit
of activity was the Curie (Ci). 1 Ci == 3.7 x 10 10 disintegrations per second (dps)
or 2.22 x 10 12 disintegrations per minute (dpm). Its definition was based on the
amount of radioactivity in 1 g of 226Ra. AIthough stiH widely used, the Ci has been
replaced by the SI unit, the Bequerel (Bq): 1 Bq = 1 dps; i.e. 1 Bq == 2.7 X 10-11 Ci.
Specific activity is the amount of radioactivity (Bq) of a substance per
unit amount of material. A particular radio-labelled compound can sometimes
be purchased at a range of different specific activities. It is then usually diluted
to the required specific activity with a known quantity of a carrier, compris-
ing the stable isotope(s) of the element. An accurate knowledge of the specific
activity is not necessary in applications where only the presence or absence
of activity in a sample is of interest, such as mapping the location of roots
in the soil (Baldwin and Tinker 1972). But the specific activity of the source,
and in some cases individual metabolite pools, must be known when quan-
tifying nutrient fluxes, translocation or compartmentation of ions and metabo-
lites in roots (Behl and Jeschke 1982; Atkinson and Farrar 1983; Chap. 13).
12 Isotope Techniques 373
12.3.1 Instrumentation
Most root studies which involve stable isotopes will require the measurement
of IRs using a continuous-jLow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS); see
Scrimgeour and Robinson (2001). This requires relatively large samples (Jlg to
mg dry wt.) and pre-conversion to a suitable form for measurement. An IRMS
measures the IR of only a few simple gases (H l , N l , COl' SOl)' A CF-IRMS is
usually a bench-top system requiring relatively few services and costs ca. $US
Solid samples (e.g. plant and soi! material) are oven-dried and ground
to powder in a ball-mill to ensure homogeneity. Sub-samples of 1 to 10mg
are weighed into tin-foiI cups and loaded onto an auto-sampler, a standard
feature in modern CF-IRMS. It is good practice to re-dry stored, previ-
ously dried samples before weighing to remove any adsorbed moisture.
Carry-over of samples in successive grindings must be avoided. Scrupu-
lous cleaning of the ball-mill capsule and avoidance of excessively dusty
working conditions are essential, especially if measuring natural isotopic
Liquid samples (e.g. soi! and hydroponic solutions) often have to be pre-
concentrated (e.g. by micro-diffusion or ion exchange) so that a small aliquot
can be pipetted into a tin cup, before being freeze dried in situ. If extracted frac-
tions or individual metabolites are to be analysed, they must be highly purified
and free of any solvents or reagents containing the element of isotopic interest.
Gas samples (e.g. COl from root respiration studies) can be introduced
directly into the MS via an auto-sampler if many samples are to be run. Trace
gases require collection over long periods to ensure that enough sample is avai!-
able for analysis.
Standards are included between every 10-20 samples to calibrate the analy-
sis. Calibration is checked by including a standard sample (e.g. plant material
of a known isotopic composition) within each batch of samples.
Scintillation counting is the most widely used technique for measuring radioac-
tivity.lts advantages over other techniques include its sensitivity, versatility and
ease of use. The basic principles are the same whether determin ing a, f3, or r
radiat ion.
The kinetic energy associated with a, f3 or r radiation is transferred to a
fluorescent molecule (scintillator or fluor). This transfer is either direct (solid
scintillation or rcounting) or indirect via a solvent (liquid scintillation count-
ing). The resulting excitation of the fluor causes it to emit photons ("scintilla-
tion"). These are then detected by photomultiplier (PM) tubes and counted
electronicalIy. Radioactivity is reported as counts per second or minute (cps or
cpm). Not alI disintegrations are measured and so it is essential to know the
counting efficiency to convert cps to dps. AlI instruments will register back-
ground counts in the absence of a radio active sample. This must be subtracted
from the sample's cps. In most instruments this is do ne automaticalIy. See
Simonnet (1990) and Goulding and SI ater (1994) for more detailed accounts of
the principles of scintillation counting.
Liquid scintillation counting (LSC) is used mostly in biological work for
measuring weak or medium energy f3- emitters. A sample is placed into a vial
with a scintillation cocktail. This cocktail consists of an organic solvent and one
12 Isotope Techniques 375
extracts or excised roots, are placed in water and counted directly (Behl and
Jeschke 1982; Lefebvre and Glass 1982; Glass et al. 1985). It is a simple, cost-
effective method of counting because no organic cocktail is required; it is not
affected by chemical quenching, although colour quenching can occur. Self-
absorption can be a problem with excised roots. To overcome this, establish a
calibration curve by varying the root mass in the vi al (Glass et al. 1985). Count-
ing efficiencies range from 0.1 to 0.8 depending on the isotope. Efficiency
increases with increasing Emax above the Cerenkov limit (Vose 1980; Goulding
and Slater 1994). Autoradiography
the roots are oven or freeze dried before a sheet of X-ray film is clamped
tightly against the tissue and exposed for a period of hours to days (Vose
1980, p. 212 et seq.; Farrar 1993). An alternative to drying is to secure the
film over fresh roots (protecting the emulsion with a layer of thin cellophane)
and freezing at -20 ac during exposure. The exposure time required will depend
on the isotope used, its activity, the type of film and the temperature. As in
alI types of autoradiography, a certain amount of experience and trial and
error is required to judge the period accurately. If replicate samples are
available, try developing these for different times to check for adequate expo-
sure. Typical applications include identifying major sinks for assimilates
in roots and root-mycorrhizal associations (e.g. Brownlee et al. 1983) and
determining the systemic activity of root -applied pesticides (d' Arcy-Lameta
and Bompeix 1991).
In situ autoradiography has been useful in mapping the distribution of
roots growing in soil. This has been done in two ways. Soil is loaded with a
radioisotope, roots are grown though the soil, the soil and roots are embedded
in resin and then sectioned horizontally. The cut surface is placed in contact
with X-ray film for a period of time and developed (Nye and Tinker 1977 p.
141). This technique also allows ion depletion zones around roots to be visual-
ized (Kraus et al. 1987). Second, the tops of plants are injected with radioiso-
topes of readily translocated elements. Sheets of X-ray film are driven into the
soil through the root system, or placed against the window of a root observa-
tion box against which roots are growing. The distribution of labelled roots
contacting the plane of the film is indicated by the appearance of dark spots on
the autoradiograph. Suitable isotopes are those which are phloem mobile, have
medium to high energy to overcome absorption by adhering soil, and a t1/2 of
several days or more (e.g. 14C, 32p, 35S; not 45Ca or 3H). Baldwin and Tinker (1972)
visualised the distributions of the inter-penetrating root systems of two plants.
Each plant was injected with a [3 emitter differing in Emax (see Appendix): 35S or
33p in one plant, and 32p in the other. The difference in Emax allowed the smaller
energy to be screened out by a sheet of Melinex covering the film. Baldwin and
Tinker (1972) give some useful hints about the practical application of this
For studies of cellular and sub-cellular localisation (micro-
autoradiography), liquid emulsion is used to provide the close contact needed
between the section and film (Laskey 1990). After development, the slide can be
viewed under bright or dark field optics to reveal, respectively, black or white
grains where the isotope is located. Isotopes which are not incorporated into
structural material during labelling of the roots may become redistributed
during slide preparation. This can be avoided by freeze-substitution of the root
before embedding (e.g., Kochian and Lucas 1983). Micro-autoradiography is
best suited to the weak [3- emitters 3H, 14C and 35S. Their energy is soon dissi-
12 Isotope Techniques 379
pated within the emulsion producing a discrete, high resolution image. Higher
energyemitters (e.g. 32p) generally produce insufficient resolution for micro-
scopic examination.
eomparing the autoradiograph with a photograph of the same structure
allows the distribution ofthe tracer to be determined (e.g. Brownlee et al. 1983).
The autoradiograph can be quantified by densitometry or image analysis
(Kochian and Lucas 1983) against standards of known activity. But note that the
density of image is proportional to the logarithm of exposure and that, above
a threshold exposure, further exposure does not lead to an increase in density
(Farrar 1993).
Electronic systems are now available for imaging radioactivity (e.g.
InstantImager, Packard). By combining direct nuclear counting with image
analysis, the distribution of radioactivity in samples can be quantified in real
time without the need for lengthy exposure and development of film. Its advan-
tages over standard autoradiography are its speed, ease of use, sensitivity and
linearity of response. Because results are generated within 10-30 min, autora-
diography of short tl/2 isotopes is possible. Techniques for autoradiography in
biochemical and molecular work, e.g. visualising 32p probes, are covered by
Laskey (1990).
within roots after labelling with D20. For further information on the use of
NMR in plant nutrition studies see Lee and Ratcliffe (1993). General Radioisotopes
Basic safety points are described fully by Vose (1980) and Prime and Frith
(1990). Most importantly, alI radioisotope work must conform to acceptable
health and safety standards in addition to those that are in force to ensure good
generallaboratory practices. These differ from country to country, although the
basic rules apply everywhere. AlI workers with radioisotopes should be prop-
erly trained in their use, monitoring and disposal.
Radioisotopes pose an internal hazard if material is ingested, inhaled or
absorbed through the skin and an external hazard from the radiat ion field sur-
rounding an exposed source. The external hazard should be minimised by using
appropriate shielding and by maximising the distance between the operator
and the radioactive source. Access to "hot" areas should be restricted. If pos-
sible, glasshouses or growth rooms should be designated specialIy for radioiso-
tope work. At the very least, the presence of radio active material should be
displayed clearly and shielded from other laboratory areas. When using high
energy sources, the external hazard should be monitored during the experiment
and the acute and cumulative exposure kept as low as possible and certainly
within the legal safety limits. Operators may be required to wear personal
dosimeters or film badges. However, these provide an indication of the level of
exposure only after the dose has been received.
12 Isotope Techniques 381
Laboratories should have work surfaces and floors that are as continuous
as possible to minimise the extent to which radio active materials can lodge
and which can be cleaned and decontaminated easily. This includes walls with
washable paintwork.
Operations that generate dust, e.g. grinding, sieving and sectioning of
plant and soil material should be carried out in a negative-pressure glove box
or a fume hood. Particular care is necessary when conducting experi-
ments using e.g. 14C and 35S to avoid accidental release of 14COZ' 35SOZ or
H/ 5S into a confined atmosphere. Degeneration of 35S-amino acids during
storage can release radio active volatile compounds. 14COz may be respired
from plants and microbes labelled with 14C. Where accumulations of radio-
actively labelled gases are likely, apparatus should be vented in a fume
cupboard. Alternatively 14COZ may be trapped by e.g. self-indicating soda
lime or KOH, and the radio active material disposed of as solid or liquid waste
The minimum containment for solid or liquid materials is a tray large
enough to contain any spillage on an open bench in a designated laboratory.
The minimum personal protection should be laboratory coat, safety spectacles
or goggles and vinyl or latex gloves. Handle alI radioactive materials with
forceps. Before, during and after each experiment or operation involving
radioisotopes, monitor the working area and laboratory clothes for contami-
nation. This is usualIy done with swab counts or calibrated count rate meters
suitable for the isotope in use.
The use of radioisotopes in the field is possible (e.g. 14C to measure rhi-
zodeposition of C; Swinnen et al. 1994), but presents some practical difficulties
in terms of containment, control of public access, long-term contamination and
waste disposal. A complete risk assessment of the fate of the radioisotope in the
environment is required. As the Chernobyl incident demonstrated alI too welI,
the uncontrolled introduction of radioisotopes to large areas of land can have
unforeseen long-term consequences. Where possible, the use of stable isotopes
should be explored for field experiments.
Fewer specialised facilities are needed to handle and use stable isotopes.
An important one that is essential for natural abundance 813 c experiments is
to grow plants in a welI-ventilated glasshouse. This avoids unacceptable fluctua-
tions in the 813 C of source COz which might confound later analyses of 813 C.
For this reason, 813 C experiments in controlled environment chambers should
be avoided, unless those chambers have accurate and reliable control of the
internal [CO z) and 813 c: few do.
382 I.J. Bingham et al.
12.4.2 13e
l3C tracers are readily available as 13C02 or as a wide range of labelled organic
compounds up to 99 atom %. Most commercially available compressed CO 2 is
isotopically distinct from atmospheric CO 2 (Schnyder 1992). Whereas the 8 3c
of the latter is ca. -8%0, CO 2 produced (industrially in, e.g. distilleries, brew-
eries, petrochemical plants) has 8 3c of -25 to -50%0. A working standard for
natural abundance determination of 8l3 C by CF-IRMS is a leucine/citric acid
mixture (Handley et al. 1993). An internal standard "plant" material of com-
mercially available flour is always included in each batch of samples. To measure
8 3c of CO2 produced by roots and soil microbial respiration, Robinson and
Scrimgeour (1995) used as a standard 5% CO 2 in N2, calibrated against V-PDB
by comparison with other gas samples (Table 12.1).
Natural variations in 8l3 c are potentially very useful tracers of C. The dif-
ference in 8 3c between C3 and C4 species may be used to detect C from one
source against a background of C from the other, e.g. root C of maize (C4 ) in
soil containing soil organic matter derived only from C3 vegetation (Balesdent
and Mariotti 1996).
Within plants, different C-containing molecules have different 8 3c values.
These arise because of l3/12C fractionations that occur during their enzyme-
catalysed synthesis. Compared with hexose, lignin is up to 4%0 more depleted
in l3C; cellulose is ca. 2%0 more enriched; and chitin - not a constituent of
plants, but an important one of pathogenic and mycorrhizal fungi - is up to
4%0 more enriched (Gleixner et al. 1993). Protein and, particularly, lipids
are depleted in l3C relative to carbohydrate. Knowing the J3C composition of
individual compounds allows deeper interpretations to be made of, e.g. the fate
of decomposing root residues (Lichtfouse et al. 1995) or of the metabolic
interactions between roots and associated fungi (Gleixner et al. 1993).
J3C is also quantifiable by NMR given sufficient sample size and isotopic
enrichment (Dieuaide-Noubhani et al. 1995; Sect.
12.4.3 15N
15N has been used most often as a field- or pot-scale tracer for N, in "fertiliser
recovery" trials. 15N enrichments of ca. 1 atom % are usually adequate in the fer-
tiliser. 15N-Iabelled inorganic salts and organic compounds are readily available
with 15N abundances of up to 99 atom %. 15N-enriched N2 is also available. Less
widely known, but of potential use in solution culture experiments, is 15N_
depleted material. This is produced as a by-product of the 15N enrichment
process (industrial 15/14N fractionation), and it is much cheaper than the 15N_
enriched fraction. It is useful for growing plants at a very small background of
384 I.J. Bingham et al.
ISN as the ISN depleted material can have a ISN abundance of ca. only 0.005 atom
% (Vose 1980, p. 165-7).
ISN is quantified by CF-IRMS as for 8 3c (see above). For natural abundance
measurements of both 8 3c and 8 sN on the same sample, % N is measured first
during a run optimised for 8 3c. This information is then used to calculate how
much sample is required to give enough N in a subsequent analysis optimised
for 8 sN. This can greatly improve the accuracy of the 8 sN determination.
Working standards are as for 8 3c, calibrated against atmospheric N2•
When ISN is used as a tracer in soil, data interpretation may be problemat-
ical if the mixing of ISN labelled materials with native N pools in the soil is
incomplete or, in some way, influences N turnover. This can cause the so-called
added N interactions that Jenkinson et al. (1985) and Powlson and Barraclough
(1993) explain fulIy.
Natural variations in 8 sN are not as useful as are those of 8 3c to trace the
element. Variations in whole-plant 8 sN can be greater than that of the 8 sN of
putative external N sources (be they N0 3-, NH/ or N2 : Handley and Scrimgeour
1997). This means that it is rarely possible to attribute changes in plant 8 sN to
the uptake of different sources of N unless corroboratory evidence is available
(preferably complete analyses of the amounts and 8 sN of alI N sources, some-
thing which is not yet technicalIy feasible). Many 8 sN studies in the literature
should be read with a critical eye and not taken at face value. No methods are
yet available to routinely measure the 81S N values of soil N constituents such as
N0 3- reliably (see Scrimgeour and Robinson 2001). The isolation of N0 3- from
soil by diffusion or distillation is not specific to N0 3- and "N03-" thus isolated
may contain contaminants which contribute to the apparent 8 sN value of the
sample. Samples must be screened for the presence of potential contaminants.
This is done most easily by comparing mass amounts of N measured colori-
metrically (which is specific for N0 3-) with those measured by CF-IRMS (which
are not specific). If the two amounts do not agree to within 10%, say, reject the
data (Robinson and Conroy 1999).
NMR may quantifiably distinguish different ISN-IabelIed fractions in root
tissues or extracts (Fox et al. 1992; Sect.
12.4.4 34 5
There are only a few sources of 34S labelled tracers, available mainly in inorganic
forms; e.g., Ca34S04 which costs around $US 4000 per g isotope. NaturalIy, dis-
similatory reduction of SO/- by microbes depletes 34S in the sulfides that are
produced by up to 50%0 (see Lajtha and Michener 1994, p. 59).
A major reason why S-containing compounds in the environment may
differ in 8 4s is, however, not because of 34/32S fractionations, but because of pol-
12 Isotope Techniques 385
12.5 Radioisotopes
12.5.1 3H
isotope because of the better sensitivity of detection that its gre ater specific
activity allows.
A potentiallimitation of 3H is isotope exchange. 3H attached to -COOH, -
OH and -NH2 groups may exchange with H20, thus compromis ing the inter-
pretation of tracer experiments (Vose 1980, p. 148). Labelling should therefore
be on parts of the molecule that do not exchange (d' Arcy-Lameta and Bompeix
12.5.3 13N
The opportunities and practicalities of using high energy, short t 1l2 isotopes in
root studies are illustrated by 13N. The greater sensitivity of detection possible
with 13N compared with lsN has alIowed low capacity constitutive N transport
systems in roots (Lee and Drew 1986; Kronzucker et al. 1995a), N influx (Siddiqi
et al. 1990; Kronzucker et al. 1995a) and efftux (Lee and Clarkson 1986;
Kronzucker et al. 1995a,b) to be analysed in detail. The ability to measure efftux
direct1y and sensitively, makes it possible to estimate N exchange times for sub-
celIular compartments. Then, using labelling times <t1l2 for exchange of a com-
partment, it is possible to measure the unidirectional flux across a particular
membrane rather than the net N flux (balance between influx and efftux). For
example, knowing that t 1l2 for exchange of the cell walI and cytoplasm was ca.
20 to 30s, and ca. 6 to 8min, respectively, Kronzucker et al. (l995a,b) designed
protocols to measure plasma membrane influx in roots of Picea glauca (white
spruce), rather than the "quasi-steady" flux to the vacuole (Cram 1968). It is
impossible to distinguish the component fluxes (influx and efftux) by ion deple-
tion (Chap. 13).
As with llC, the high energy of the 13N yemission (0.5 MeV maximum emis-
sion energy) permits non-invasive translocation studies using whole plants
and repeated observations on the same plant after alIowing for isotopic decay
(Caldwell et al. 1984). Yet, experiments lasting as long as 75 to 90min are feasi-
bIe if coupled to methods such as HPLC, to investigate the metabolic fates of
13N tracer (Meeks 1993). However, because of the short t 1l2 , longer-term studies
(» 1 h, e.g., to resolve vacuolar characteristics by compartmental analysis), are
impossible. In this case, lsN becomes the isotope of choice.
Special problems associated with the use of 13N falI into two categories;
both arise from its short t 1l2 (9.96 min). First, rapid decay dictates that much
more radioactivity (> 100x) be delivered to the laboratory than is required
for longer-lived tracers, to compensate for decay during the experiment.
Second, alI procedures must be rigorously pre-planned to avoid needless
time losses, and experiments performed close to a cyclotron where the 13N is
12 Isotope Techniques 389
12.5.4 32p
32p is one of the most widely used radioisotopes in root studies. It has been used
to measure P uptake, to visualise root locations in soil, and P depletion zones
around roots. Some of the most interesting applications have been in con-
junction with its sister isotope, 33p, such as interspecific root competition for P
(Caldwell et al. 1987) and distinguishing between P influx and its simultaneous
efflux (Elliot et al. 1984).
The usual aim of adding 32p to soil is to label the plant-available pool(s)
without increasing P availability significantly. But labelling soil with 32p presents
problems due to the exchange of inorganic P between solid and liquid phases.
Drew and Nye (1970) incubated 32P-Iabelled soil for up to 2 months before using
it in a P uptake experiment to allow isotopic equilibration to occur. In such
applications, the 32p content of the soil solution should, idealIy, be measured
sequentially to check the approach of the soil to isotopic equilibrium. Phosphate
does not move greatly in soil (unlike N0 3-, for example) and considerable
spatial variability of [Pl can occur over short distances «10 cm). If a uniform
distribution of 32p with depth is required, inject it at several depths rather
than rely on downward percolation of solution which produces very uneven
distributions of 32p (Jupp et al. 1987).
390 I.J. Bingham et al.
The high energy [3- particles represent a significant external hazard when
dispensing isotope stocks and conducting experiments in solution culture.
However, field experiments are possible because the activity is greatly reduced
when P becomes adsorbed in the soil. The risk of leaching is low, and the short
t 1l2 means that activity rapidly decays. Vose (1980, p. 268 et seq.) discusses the
practicalities of using 32p in field experiments. If 32p is to be used in a p-fertiliser
experiment, uniformly labelled material cannot be produced by adding carrier-
free 32p to a unlabelled P fertiliser; it must be purchased ready-Iabelled (Vose
1980, p. 278).
JupP et al. (1987) described a neat, non-destructive, semi-quantitative
method to measure 32p uptake by plants in soil. They measured the activity of
32p in a leaf to which a scintillation probe had been attached. This allowed the
time-course, but not the amount, of 32p uptake to be obtained.
12.5.6 35 5
days later. Other examples of the use of 3SS with hydroponically grown plants
are in Lee (1982), Holobradâ and Kubica (1989) and Sunarpi and Anderson
3SS is also widely used in studies of root metabolism. The effects of treat-
ments on current protein synthesis can be determined by incubating roots in
3SS-methionine and measuring its incorporation into proteins. Quantitative
autoradiography of 3sS-labelled proteins on two-dimensional gels has shown
that synthesis of specific proteins may be regulated by the carbohydrate supply
to the root (Baysdorfer and VanDerWoude 1988).
This chapter has illustrated the breadth of applications that stable and radioiso-
topes have in root studies. As instrumentation evolves, this range is sure to
increase, e.g. we expect to see in the near future many uses of electronic auto-
radiography to show how roots work in real time. In some are as, further devel-
opments are needed in basic chemistry, rather than in isotope chemistry per se,
e.g. in the isolation of plant and soil N species for reliable 81S N determinations.
If that particular development occurs, there will be a parallel need for improved
theories to usefully interpret such 81S N data. In physiology, too, certain break-
throughs are required, e.g. micro-sampling of plant tissues and organelles for
the measurement of their isotopic composition to address still-unanswered
questions about metabolite compartmentation. Whatever the developments, the
use of isotopic (or any other) techniques should be driven by biological ques-
tions, and not the other way around.
392 I.J. Bingham et al.
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Appendix. Commonly Used Isotopes in Root Studies (Based on Vose, 1980, pp. 143-144)'
Calcium 40Ca Sb
45Ca 0.254 162 days LSC;AR T: Marschner and Richter (1973); Jensen and
Kylin (1980); Macklon and Sim (1981);
Bengtsson (1982); Zocchi and Hanson (1992)
Carbon "C 0.9600 20.5min (c.p.) rcounting GR: Spence and Sharpe (1991)
T: Minchin et al. (1994); Minchin and Thorpe
l2C Sb
(1980) '"
Nitrogen 13N 1.19 0.51 9.7min (c.p.) ycounting GR: Meeks (1993)
T: Lee and Clarkson (1986); Siddiqi et al.
(1989,1990); Kronzucker et al. (1995a, b);
Clarkson et al. (1996)
14N Sb
15N s MS;NMR GR: Jenkinson et al. (1985); Robinson and
Smith (1991); Handley and Raven (1992);
Blackburn and Knowles (1993)
T: Clark (1977); Powlson et al. (1986); Robinson
and Miliard (1986); Jackson et al. (1989);
Grignon et al. (1992); Clarkson et al. (1996)
NT: Androssoff et al. (1994)
Oxygen 16 0 Sb
86Rb 1.77, 1.08 18.7 days r counting; Cerenkov T: Clarkson et al. (1968); Drew et al. (1969);
0.7 Kochian and Lucas (1982,1983); White et al.
Sulphur 32S Sb
13.1 Introduction 405
13.1 Introduction
Roots may modify the physical, chemical and biochemical characteristics of the
soil in their vicinity (rhizosphere) by uptake and rele ase of different compounds
(Grayston et al. 1996). These alterations lead to modifications of the biomass
and species composition of microorganisms which in turn change rhizosphere
conditions. In view of the large diversity of substances which can modify the
rhizosphere soil, this chapter does not cover analytical methods for measure-
ment of the various compounds. It is confined to techniques for collection of
root exudates directly and for sampling rhizosphere, as opposed to bulk, soil
for subsequent extraction and analysis of rhizosphere compounds.
Various techniques have been used for the collection of root exudates in a solu-
tion surrounding the roots (Fig. 13.1). Of course only water soluble, diffusible
('_._....' ; C
! ~
Closed tap glass
tube (remeved
i alter preculture)
.. Nutrient solution
Nr Pipelte tip
_ Nroutiet
XAD-4 resin .... -..
Membrane filler
Glasswool ..... . . 0-2 IIm
Fig. 13.1. Examples of plant culture systems used for the collection of root exudates. APlant
culture in solid medium (quartz sand); root exudates are eluted from the sand with the circu-
lating nutrient solution and may be selectively retained in exchange resin at the bottom of the
system (Tang and Young 1982, reprinted with permission of ASPP). B Plant culture in nutrient
solution; root exudates are concentrated within a dialysis membrane around the roots (Tadano
and Sakai 1991, reprinted with permission of Japanese Society of Soi! Science and Plant Nutri-
tion). C Hydroponic system for plant culture and collection of root exudates under axenic
culture; for further details see Box 13.1 (von Win!n et al. 1995, reprinted with permission of The
New Phytologist)
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 407
exudates can be measured in the solution, whereas exudates adhering to the root
surface (e.g. mucilage) are not or only partially sampled by these techniques.
Exudation is not uniform over the whole root system, and considerable longi-
tudinal gradients may exist in exudation rates along the roots. For example,
enhanced release of organic acids in P-deficient rape (Hoffiand et al. 1989) or
of phytosiderophores in Fe-deficient maize (Romheld 1991) is largely confined
to the root tip (apical cm). As the density of microorganisms which may catab-
olize exudates is higher in basal root zones (Uren and Reisenauer 1988), the
localization of enhanced exudation in the root tip is expected to increase the
efficiency of exudates in mobilizing P and Fe in the rhizosphere. Moreover, a
distinct diurnal rhythm exists for the release of phytosiderophores from Fe-
deficient plants (Marschner et al. 1986), which may also increase the proba-
bility that phytosiderophores mobilize Fe in the rhizosphere before being
degraded by microorganisms. For the assessment of the ecological relevance of
exudation for nutrient acquisition, it may therefore be important to measure
the variability of exudation in space and time.
The variability of exudation in time can be measured well with the above
mentioned methods, e.g. by frequent exchange of the solution surrounding the
roots. There are also several methods to evaluate the variability of exudation
along the root axis. For' example, Hoffiand et al. (1989) spread roots of plants
grown in nutrient solution on a glass plate, and placed small plastic rings (diam-
eter 1.2 cm) over the root zone from which exudation was to be measured. After
covering the roots outside the rings with agar solution, a small volume of nutri-
ent solution (200,ul) was pipetted into the rings. The solution in the rings was
collected after incubation for 2 h at room temperature and high humidity, and
analyzed for exudates. Delhaize et al. (1993) transferred solution-grown plants
to large Petri dishes filled with nutrient solution, and sealed the plastic rings
for separation of distinct root zones with vacuum grease. Alternatively, the
whole root system may be covered with a thin prefixed layer of 1% agarose (low
electroendosmosis type; Marschner et al. 1987). During incubation the agarose
layer should be moistened with distilled water to prevent desiccation. After
incubation the agarose is cut into pieces according to the position of the
root segments below, from which 'exudation is to be measured, and subsequently
analysed for exudates (Marschner et al. 1987). However, exact localization of
the diffusion zones of exudates is difficult when using agarose sheets for
exudate collection. It is also possible to spread the root system on a layer of
fleece which is covered by a sheet of filter paper and moistened with water. Roots
selected for exudate sampling are underlaid by small sheets of polyethylene
foil, and different root zones are placed between two discs of moist chro-
matography paper (5 mm in diameter, preparative quality) which was previ-
ously washed with methanol and distilled water. The rest of the root system is
covered with filter paper, and moistened with nutrient solution to avoid desic-
410 Ch. Engels et al.
cation. During incubation the filter discs are occasionally remoistened with
lO.u1 of distilled water. After 3 h the filter discs are removed and exudates are
extracted in a small volume (I00.u1 per three discs) of distilled water by cen-
trifugation (Iamin) in a microliter centrifuge. In the case of organic acids, the
samples can be analyzed directly by HPLC, and quantitative determinations of
exudates originating from single root tips or root segments with a spatial
resolution of 5 mm even from plants with low exudation rates are possible
(Neumann, unpublished results). Similarly, spatial variation of fiavonoids
released from roots of soybean seedlings has been examined by placing the
roots between two layers of cellulose acetate filters as a medium for sorption of
root exudates (Kape et al. 1992).
For collection of root exudates from soil-grown plants, as described above, pieces
of absorbent material (e.g. chromatography paper, glass fibre filters, solid agar
sheets, polyacrylamide gels) may be placed on the roots for several hours. During
collection the absorbent material has to be pres sed onto the roots to ensure
proper contact with them. To avoid root injury during uncovering from the soil,
exudates can be collected from roots growing along the internal surface of root
observation windows (rhizoboxes or windows installed in the field, see Chap. 8).
This also allows localized collection from well-defined root segments. To prevent
roots sticking to the plastic lid when the window is opened, a transparent plastic
sheet is placed between the front lid and the soil. Using small sheets of filter paper
as an absorbent material, temporal changes have been monitored in the concen-
tration of organic acids in the soil solution obtained from the rhizosphere of pro-
teoid roots of Hakea undulata (Neumann et al. 1995; Dinkelaker et al. 1996).
When using agarose gels for exudate collection, gel shrinking sometimes occurs
due to diffusion of water into the soil matrix.
In principle, in soil-grown plants the solution surrounding the roots can
also be collected and compared with the solution from the bulk soil. Recently,
Gottlein et al. (I996) described the construction of miniaturized suction cups
which allow the microscale collection of soil solution from the rhizosphere. The
solution is sampled in micro ceramic cells (outer diameter 1 mm, length 5 mm)
which are connected to a vacuum collecting device. AIso, extraction of root exu-
dates from rhizosphere soil (see Sect. 13.2.2), collected from proteoid roots of
Banksia integrifolia L. (Grierson 1992) and Lupinus albus L. (Dinkelaker et al.
1989; Gerke et al. 1994) has been reported.
For the techniques of exudate sampling from soil-grown plants described
above it has to be considered that exudates may be degraded by micro organ-
isms and adsorbed to the soil matrix. Thus, for collection of root exudates,
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 411
Root Injury. During transfer of root systems into trap solutions, as well as during
application of absorbent materials or preparation of root systems for exudate
collection, roots may be exposed to stress due to mechanical damage (e.g. rupture
of roots hairs, epidermal celIs) or rapid change in the environmental conditions
(e.g. temperature, pH, oxygen availability), which may affect exudation rates. The
general influence ofhandling during exudate collection on plant growth may be
assessed by comparing plants either subjected or not subjected to the collection
procedure (Barber and Gunn 1974). The effects ofthe routine procedure of han-
dling on root exudation may roughly be estimated by comparison of the quali-
tative and quantitative changes in patterns of exudation of plants subjected to
handling procedures of different intensity.
Shaking Of! Soil Adhering to Roots. This simple method for separation of rhi-
zosphere and bulk soil involves careful excavation of plant roots. The soil
loosely adhering to the roots (regarded as bulk soil) is collected by gently shaking
the roots until most soil has dropped onto elean paper. Separation of soil
from roots is facilitated by a short period of air drying, which dries the soil
without making the roots brittle. The more tightly adhering soil (regarded as
rhizosphere soil) is then shaken off separately on another elean paper. Alterna-
tively, tightly adhering soil can be washed off from the roots and air dried.
AlI visible root debris should be removed using forceps or by sieving to
avoid contamination of the rhizosphere soil with root residues during analysis.
The method can be applied to plants grown in pots or in the field (Smiley 1974).
The method was first described by Starkey (1931) and was used to study e.g. the
pH (Riley and Barber 1971; Smiley 1974), or the concentrations of various
mineral elements in the rhizosphere (Sihna and Singh 1976; Hendriks and
Jungk 1981).
Using this method, rhizosphere soil can be obtained from plants growing
under natural conditions, both in pot and field experiments, without the need
for technical equipment. The main disadvantage of the method, however, is
the low spatial resolution of sampling not only along the root axis but also in a
radial direction. Depending on the sand and elay content and thus the forma-
tion of aggregates, different amounts of soil are removed from the roots by
shaking (Hendriks and Jungk 1981). Therefore, the method is applicable mainly
for qualitative assessment of modifications in the rhizosphere, particularly if
large differences exist between rhizosphere and bulk soil.
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 415
controlled nutritional conditions (Fig. 13.2). Plants were precultured for about
10 days in PVC tubes filled with vermiculite as illustrated in Fig. 13.2A. The
bottoms of the tubes were closed with fine nylon cloth impervious to roots. The
plants were supplied with a nutrient solution via two wicks covered with black
PVC foiI. When a root mat had developed on the nylon cloth after about 9 days,
the nylon was removed and the PVC tube with plants transferred to the test soil
columns (Fig. 13.2B). A nylon screen of inner mesh size 53 ţ1m at the bottom of
the upper soil column prevented penetrat ion of roots to the lower column. The
roots grew quickly into the 1 cm soH layer of the lower column and formed a
new root mat on top of the nylon screen. To maintain defined soH moisture
content, the soil columns were placed on a small cup-shaped sand bath, con-
nected to a reservoir of distilled water with a wick. To obtain rhizosphere soil
of defined distance from the roots, the columns were separated from the root
mats, quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen and sliced into thin layers using a freez-
ing microtome.
nutrient solution
k pump
Fig. 13.2. Example of a plant culture system for obtaining rhizosphere soi! at defined distance
from the root surface (root mat). A Pre-experimental system. B Experimental system. For further
explanation see text (Gahoonia and Nielsen 1992; with kind permission from Kluwer Academic
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 417
13.2.3. 1 Rhizosphere pH
Plant roots are able to influence the redox state of the rhizosphere soil either
by reduction or oxidation. Reduction of iron or manganese oxides due to the
activity of plasma membrane-bound reductases (Bienfait et al. 1983) or by
release of reducing substances (Marschner et al. 1986) such as phenolic acids
or carboxylic acids (Hether et al. 1984; Dinkelaker et al. 1993b, 1996) can
increase the availability of iron and manganese especially in soils of neutral
or alkaline pH (Cairney and Ashford 1989). In contrast, in marsh plants such as
rice, growing in wet or flooded soils, excessive uptake of reduced iron, man-
420 Ch. Engels et al.
Fig. 13.3. Examples for the demonstrat ion of chemical and biochemical modifications of the
rhizosphere; further details in the text, and Boxes 13.3 and 13.4. a Formation of yellow colour
in agar containing bromocresol-purple, induced by dec1ine of pH around roots of P-deficient
buckwheat (V. Romheld, unpubl.). b Formation of a red complex in agar containing BPDS,
induced by the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe'+ in Fe-deficient groundnut (left; V. Romheld, unpubl.). c
Decolorization in agar containing brown MnO" induced by the reduction of Mn4+ to Mn' +
(Dinkelaker et al. 1993b; with kind permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers). d Oxidation
power of roots of Phragmites australis (Armstrong et al. 1992, reprinted with permis sion ofThe
New Phytologist). Above: formation of blue colour in agar containing colourless leuco methyl-
ene blue, induced by oxidation to methylene blue. Below: iron oxidation also becomes visible as
an orange-brown precipitate in the rhizosphere of soil-grown plants. e Decoloration in agar con-
taining red Al-aluminon complexes induced by root exudates of Lupinus luteus forming more
stable complexes with Al (B. Dinkelaker, unpubl.). fFormation of redish-brown colour on filter
papers soaked with 1-naphtyl phosphate and Fast Red TR, induced by the formation of 1-
naphtol through phosphatases (B. Dinkelaker, unpubl.)
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 421
ganese and sulfides is avoided by an increase in the redox potential of the rhi-
zosphere relative to the bulk soil. In these plant species an internal channel
system (aerenchyma) allows diffusion of oxygen from the shoot to the roots and
subsequent release into the rhizosphere (Trolldenier 1988). For demonstration
of redox changes in the rhizosphere agar gels or filter papers impregnated with
redox indicators are applied to the root surface (Box 13.3).
Exudation of citric acid from proteoid roots of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.)
grown in a calcareous soil has been detected by eye due to precipitation of crys-
taIs of calcium citrate in the rhizosphere (Dinkelaker et al. 1989). Low mol-
ecular weight compounds may be sampled on absorbent materials such as
chromatography paper, agarose gels (Dinkelaker et al. 1996) or cellulose acetate
filters (Kape et al. 1992). For example, phenolic compounds in the rhizosphere
of several tree species grown in rhizoboxes have been visualized after a 4-h
collection period with chromatography paper (MN 260, Macchery and Nagel,
Diiren, Germany) or agarose gels (1 % w/v, 2 mm), and subsequent spraying with
Folin Ciocalteau reagent (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and 20% w/v Na2C03
(Dinkelaker et al. 1996). Similarly, other spray reagents commonly used for
detection of different groups of compounds in paper- or thinlayer chromatog-
raphy may be suitable for visualization of rhizosphere compounds (e.g. ninhy-
drin for amino acids, ani1inphtalate for sugars). Moreover, many phenolics
become visible by examination of the carrier media in UV-light (360 nm,
254nm) due to intense autofluorescence (Kape et al. 1992).
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 423
Plant Culture. Most frequently, plants are grown in flat rhizoboxes (depth of the
soillayer 0.5 cm) in which the roots grow along the removable front cover. A
thin (e.g. 8 J.lffi) plastic foil or mylar film can be placed between the front cover
and labelled soil, on which the film is placed at the end of the experimental
period (Bhat and Nye 1973; Claassen et al. 1981). As this technique is non-
destructive, several autoradiograms can be made with the same plants during
their development. Ernst et al. (1989) cultured the plants in rhizoboxes with non-
labelled soil. After different growing periods, the front cover was removed and
the soH-root interface covered with a prefixed sheet (2.1 mm thickness) of 0.75%
(w/v) agar containing 32p. After an uptake period of 24h the soil-root interface
induding the agar sheet was covered by X-ray film for autoradiography. The
above mentioned methods of plant culture have been criticized because nutri-
ent flow towards the root takes place only in the direction of the plane but not
radially from aH around the root as would be the case under "natural" condi-
tions (Kraus et al. 1987). To overcome this problem, plants were grown in cylin-
drical pots· containing an additional small cylinder in the centre, which was
filled with labelled soil. The top of the inner cylinder was covered with a nylon
net. A small maize seedling was transplanted to the experimental device with
its primary root forced into a small hole which was bored vertically through the
nylon and the first 2-3 cm of the central cylinder. The rest of the roots were
allowed to grow in the non-Iabelled soil outside the central cylinder. At the end
424 Ch. Engels et al.
of the experimental period the soil core from the inner cylinder was separated
and frozen in liquid nitrogen. The whole soil core was cut into disks of about
0.5 cm thickness using a stone cutting machine and these disks were used for
autoradiography (Kraus et al. 1987).
Mechanisms for Nutrient Uptake. In the soil, nutrients are transported to the
root surface by massflow and diffusion. Transport of nutrients by these physi-
cal processes is restricted within the apoplast of roots by hydrophobic suberin
deposits in the endodermis, and in some plant species also in the exodermis.
So, even if membrane transport does not occur at the root periphery (root hairs,
epidermis), nutrients stiH have to cross the plasma membranes at the endoder-
mis before they can reach the symplasm of the roots. The plasma membrane is
an effective barrier to diffusion of nutrients and is the site where selection and
metabolic control of nutrient uptake takes place. Across the plasma membrane
between the external solution and the cytoplasm, an electrical potential differ-
ence of 100-200mV (inside negative) exists, which is generated by the activity
of the membrane-bound H+-ATPase, pumping H+ from the cytoplasm into the
apoplasm. The electrochemical potential gradient of H+, generated by this
enzyme, is used for the membrane transport of nutrients via transport proteins.
The electric potential drives ions through channels. The activity of both trans-
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 425
porters and ion channels is metabolicalIy controlIed. The direction of ion flow
through an open channel is determined by the electrochemical gradient across
the plasma membrane. Therefore, ion channels are very likely to provide the
mechanism for ion efflux, i.e. release of ions from the cytoplasm to the exter-
nal solution. In principle, one can envisage that net uptake of ions into the cell
may be controlled by both influx and efflux (Deane-Drummond 1990; White et
al. 1992; Lee 1993).
Parameters for Estimating the Ability of Roots ta Take Up Nutrients. The ability
of roots for nutrient uptake and/or translocation to the shoot can be estimated
by various parameters which assess different root characteristics. The actual
activity of the transport systems mediating membrane transport of ions from
the external solution into the cells may be estimated by measurement of ion
influx, i.e. the unidirectional flux of ions from the external solution into the cells.
Influx can only be measured under laboratory conditions (see Sect. 13.3.6),
but the roots used for influx studies can be sampled from the field (Chapin
et al. 1986).
The ability of roots to absorb nutrients from the external solution (soil solu-
tion or nutrient solution) may be estimated by measurement of net uptake (net
influx) of ions into roots. Net uptake of an ion is the result of mechanisms medi-
ating influx and efflux.1t can be determined for roots from field-grown plants in
situ (see Sect. 13.3.2) or under laboratory conditions (see Sect. 13.3.3).
lf ion influx is mediated by saturable transport mechanisms, the relation-
ship between influx and extern al concentration obeys Michaelis-Menten
kinetics and may be characterized by lmax (maximum influx at external ion
concentrations saturating the activity of the transport system) and Krn
(Michaelis-Menten constant, external concentration where influx = Imax12). If the
relationship between net uptake and externa! concentration obeys Michaelis-
Menten kinetics, the potential ability of roots for net uptake can also be char-
acterized by lmm Krn, and Cmim where Cmiu is the minimum concentration to which
roots may deplete the external solution, i.e. the concentrat ion where influx =
efflux. The kinetic parameters for influx and net uptake can only be determined
under laboratory conditions (see Sect. 13.3.6).
The ability of roots to translocate nutrients to the shoot may be assessed
from measurement of net accumulation rates of ions in the shoot (net translo-
cation rate), or from ion fluxes in the exudate of decapitated plants (gross
translocation rate). Both net translocation rates and xylem fluxes can be
assessed in plants grown in nutrient solution or soil (see Sect. 13.3.4).
U is a parameter to estimate mean uptake rates of the roots between the har-
vests. The time interval between sequential harvests (t2 - ti) may vary from a
few days (Engels and Marschner 1992) to several months (Headleyet al. 1985).
The lower limits of the time interval are given by the need for a significant
increment in either biomass or nutrient concentratiop. between two harvest
dates. With long intervals between harvests, U, as calculated by the Williams
formula, is only a rough parameter for estimating root activity, and may be
falsified by (1) biomass losses e.g. through herbivores or leaf falI, (2) nutrient
losses e.g. by leaching or retranslocation to the roots and subsequent release
into the rhizosphere, and (3) nutrient uptake or release via aerial parts of
the plant, which may be considerable for nitrogen and sulfur. Furthermore,
it is obvious that increasing the time interval between harvests complicates
the assessment of the mean root biomass that has contributed to the
observed nutrient uptake, because root growth under field conditions is neither
linear nor exponential but is strongly dependent on plant age and environ-
mental conditions in the shoot and root zone. If uptake rates are based not on
root biomass but on root length or surface area, additional sources of error may
arise because specific root length and root diameter may also vary depending
on plant age and soil conditions (e.g. temperature, mechanical impedance,
In the field it is difficult to obtain data for root biomass. Furthermore, con-
siderable nutrient losses from roots may occur during washing out from soil
(Grzebisz et al. 1989). Therefore, often only nutrient accumulation rates in the
shoots are considered in the Williams formula, i.e. net translocation rates from
the roots to the shoot. In large perennial plant species like trees, it is not easy
to gain data for the nutrient accumulation in the above-ground organs of the
plant. From data on nutrient accumulation rates in individual plant parts, e.g.
young growing leaves, conclusions on root activity can be drawn only if tracers
are applied to the soil, because increment of nutrient content in the organs may
428 Ch. Engels et al.
be the result of both uptake by roots or remobilization from other plant organs,
e.g. roots or stems.
The importance of adequate experimental design for the statistical analy-
sis of data was emphasized byChapin and van Cleve (1989). For example,a com-
parison of the effect of two treatments on nutrient uptake requires that a block
containing sufficient individuals of both treatments for aH harvest dates is
established. This block constitutes an individual replicate and should be repli-
cated sufficiently to provide the necessary sample size. At each harvest date a
plot is randomly selected from within each block, and individuals of the two
treatments are harvested from that plot. At the next harvest date another plot
is randomly selected from each replicate block etc. An example of an experi-
mental design for four individuals per treatment, tree harvest dates and five
individual replicates is given in Fig. 13.4.
In conclusion, growth analysis and calculation of the net uptake rate by
the Williams formula estimate the in situ root activity of intact plants growing
under specific environmental conditions, as an average of the whole root
system and the time interval between sequential harvest dates. The main
advantage of this method is that there is no need for any manipulations of
the plants or soil surrounding the roots during the uptake study, thus exclud-
ing the risk of measuring artefacts. Disadvantages of the method include
the poor resolution of nutrient uptake in time and space and, at least for field-
grown plants, the difficulty of estimat ing the root size on which net uptake
is to be based. Furthermore, from nutrient accumulation rates in field-
grown plants it is not possible to differentiate whether observed variations in
nutrient uptake between treatments are due to differences in the ability of the
roots to take up nutrients or to modifications of nutrient availability in the
Harvest 1
Fig. 13.4. Experimental design for comparing net uptake rates of treatments 1 and 2 during
two time intervals, using the Williams formula
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 429
Nutrient uptake within a root system can vary depending on e.g. root age
(Marschner and Richter 1973; Ernst et al. 1989) or local nutrient availability
(Drew and Saker 1975; van Vuuren et al. 1996). In principle, differences between
various root regions in their ability to take up nutrients can be assessed using
excised roots (see Sect. 13.3.3) or intact root systems. With intact root systems,
several methods have been used which may be differentiated according to
whether nutrients are supplied to the whole root system or only to specific root
regions, whether mineral nutrients or tracers are supplied, whether nutrient or
tracer depletion is measured in the root medium or whether tracer accumula-
tion is in whole plants or root segments (Fig. 13.5). With intact root systems,
nutrient uptake into various root regions is most commonly assessed by local-
izing nutrient supply to specific root zones, e.g. by injection of tracers into
various soil zones, by applications of nutrient -containing agar on specific root
zones, or by forcing the roots into compartmented containers.
Injection of Tracers into Various Soil Zones. The variation in time and space of
the relative activity of roots for nutrient uptake can be assessed by injecting
tracers into the soil at various dates and depths or distances from the plant, and
subsequent measurement of tracer depletion from soil or accumulation within
the plant. For tracer injection, holes are usually drilled into the soil with an
auger. The application of the tracer (solid or solution) is made through pipes
which are inserted into the holes. After tracer applications, the holes are refilled
carefully with soil. Further details of tracer application are described by
B6hm (1979).
Fig. 13.5. Methods to assess the variation of nutrient uptake within an intact root system
430 Ch. Engels et al.
Various tracers have been used, including rare chemical tracers such as Li,
Sr, Rb and Br (Fitter 1986; Benjamin et al. 1996), stable isotopes e.g. lsN (McKane
and Grigal 1990), or radioisotopes e.g. 32p (Kurien et al. 1992). As mineral
nutrients are absorbed by uptake systems which are specific to each nutrient,
studies with rare chemical tracers may give an indication of the distribution of
living roots rather than of the ability of the roots for uptake of essential min-
erals. Even with isotopes, the quantitative assessment of the ability of specific
root regions for nutrient uptake is tied to several prerequisites: (1) supplyof
the tracer to the uptake sites is not limited, (2) supply of the tracer is confined
to the specific root region, and (3) the specific activity of the tracer at the
uptake sites is uniform in the various root regions which are tested (Pearson
1974). To meet these requirements, the amount of applied tracers should be suf-
ficiently high (possibly a slow-release tracer source), the uptake period should
be sufficiently short, the tracer should be biologically, chemically and physically
inert under the specific soil conditions (e.g. potassium in a non-fixing soil),
and the nutrient/tracer application should at least transiently equilibrate dif-
ferences between various root regions in the rhizospheric concentrations of
native nutrients (resulting e.g. from differences between root regions in root
activity). From this listing, which is certainly not complete, it becomes obvious
that tracer injection techniques under field conditions may at best lead to semi-
quantitative answers concerning the ability of different root regions to take up
Local Application via Nutrient-Containing Agar. If the roots are readily acces-
sible, e.g. roots growing along a removable plexiglas cover either in rhizoboxes
or in the field (see Chap. 8), nutrients or tracers can be applied carefully directly
to specific root segments via agar. The uptake ability of the root segment may
be assessed by measuring tracer uptake into the plant (Ernst et al. 1989; Brady
et al. 1993) or nutrient depletion from the agar (Reidenbach and Horst 1995;
Box 13.5). Generally, measuring nutrient depletion from the medium sur-
rounding specific regions of the root system allows the assessment of the uptake
ability of different root regions within one plant, and measurements can be
repeated in the same plant or even root segment e.g. in course of its develop-
ment. Furthermore, nutrient concentration in the rooting medium can be a
parameter which responds much more sensitively to nutrient uptake than the
nutrient concentration in the plant, particularly if nutrients are supplied to
small root segments in large plants, but the method is indirect. The change in
nutrient concentration in the rooting medium may result not only from uptake
by roots but also from physical (gaseous losses, leaching, desorption, adsorp-
tion), chemical (precipitation) and biological processes (mineralization, immo-
bilization) in the medium. To assess the importance of the latter processes,
which should be of minor importance in nutrient-containing agar, the change
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 431
De ta il of t reatment zone
1975; Lazof et al. 1992; Box 13.5). Exposure to labelled solutions must be suffi-
ciently short to minimize translocation among root regions. Results from short-
term time courses of uptake by intact roots indicate that radial ion transport
across the root to the xylem can occur within a few minutes (Siddiqi et al. 1991;
Lazof et al. 1992), and considerable interregional transport is likely to occur
with exposure to labelled nutrients for 30 min or more. In view of the brief expo-
sure of the roots to labelled nutrients (tracers), the ratio of apoplastic to sym-
plastic tracers is high. To remove tracers from the apoplast before analysis,
careful rinsing of the roots is necessary, e.g. with a solution containing non-
labelled nutrients (see Sect. 13.3.3).
suring ion activities in the unstirred layer immediately external to the root
surface using ion-selective electrodes (Newman et al. 1987; Henriksen et al.
1992). From the measurements of ion activity at several positions in the
diffusion boundary layer net fluxes of ions into the root can be estimated
(Henriksen et al. 1990, 1992). With this method ion fluxes can be estimated with
high resolution in time and space, and with minimal disturbance of the root
system. But, the method is only suitable for plants growing in nutrient solution.
Principles. The ability of roots to take up nutrients may be estimated from iso-
lated root segments by measuring either nutrient depletion from solutions
(Cruz et al. 1995), or nutrient accumulation in the roots (Hogberg et al. 1995).
As uptake studies with isolated roots have to be confined to a short time dura-
tion (see below), the roots are usually supplied with tracers to increase the sen-
sitivity of measurements. For uptake studies roots may be sampled from plants
growing in the field (Jackson et al. 1990), or in pots with soil (Matzner and
Richards 1996) or nutrient solution (Cruz et al. 1995).
Methodology. In principle, the method involves the following steps: (1) adap-
tation of the roots to the temperature and pH at which uptake will be measured,
(2) transfer to the uptake solution containing the tracer, (3) termination of
uptake and removal of tracer from the root surface and free space of the cortex
by rinsing the roots in cold (e.g. 4°C) washing solution, and (4) measurement
of tracer content in the roots, or in the uptake and washing solutions. To facil-
itate the transfer of roots from one solution to another, the roots may be
enclosed in "tea bags" (Epstein et al. 1963) or "swimfeeders" (Harrison et al.
1978). Instead of transferring the roots from one solution to another, the solu-
tions may be exchanged e.g. via vacuum withdrawal (Fox et al. 1996). For steps
(1) to (3), the solutions must be aerated, and it is recommended to add Ca (final
concentration about 0.2 to 0.5 mM) to maintain membrane integrity. The pH
may be buffered during the uptake period, e.g. with 10 mM MES, pH 5.5 (Leon
et al. 1995) or 5mM Mes-Tris, pH 5.0 (Fox et al. 1996). The washing solutions
(step 3) may contain the non-labelled form ofthe nutrient being studied at con-
centrations much higher (10-100 fold) than that in the uptake solutions. Alter-
natively, the washing solutions may contain CaC12 for the exchange of ions.
Cations like Cu which are tightly bound to exchange sites in the free space may
be exchanged with Pb(N03)2 (Harrison et al. 1979). The adequacy of the des-
orption regime must be checked by measuring desorption (tracer content of the
washing solution) in relation to the duration or frequency of rinsing. In chill-
ing sensitive plants like cucumber or maize, a rapid decrease in solution tem-
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 435
perature during transfer of the roots from the uptake to the washing solution
may not only stop nutrient uptake into the root cells but cause substantial efflux
from the cells into the washing solution (Minorsky and Spanswick 1989). There-
fore, rapid changes in root temperature during washing should be avoided. To
test the nutrient loss from the symplast to the solution, nutrient efflux during
the washing procedure can be measured in roots from plants which were fed
with labelled nutrients during preculture (Lazof et al. 1992).
Root Characteristics Assessed. With excised roots, their ability to take up nutri-
ents may be assessed under the specific experimental conditions provided in
the uptake solution (e.g. pH, temperature, nutrient concentration). Because the
experimental conditions in the uptake solution and the length of the uptake
period can be exacdy regulated, the kinetics of net uptake or influx (see Sect.
13.3.6) may also be measured (Chapin et al. 1986). If root samples are taken
from specific regions along the root axes, uptake characteristics can be related
to root age or distance from the root tip (Cruz et al. 1995). The method has also
been used to assess the uptake ability of roots subjected to drought (Matzner
and Richards 1996) or a non-homogenous supply of nutrients in the field
(Jackson et al. 1990).
Problems. Measuring nutrient uptake in excised roots suffers from two severe
problems: (1) root injuries occuring during handling of the roots and (2) phys-
iological changes associated with isolation of roots or root segments from the
rest of the plant. Both factors impair nutrient uptake. Therefore, this method is
appropriate for comparing relative differences between treatments in the ability
of roots to take up nutrients rather than absolute values or actual in situ uptake
rates. The extent of root injuries, e.g. loss of fine lateral roots and root hairs or
damage of root epidermal cells which are of particular importance for nutrient
uptake from soil (Marschner 1995), varies with the experimental system. It may
be expected that injuries are more severe in root samples washed from soH cores
taken from the field than from plants grown in nutrient solution. But, even
gently cutting the roots or transferring roots from one solution to another may
decrease nutrient uptake (Bloom and Sukrapanna 1990), presumably because
of a transient decrease in the transmembrane electrochemical potential gradi-
ent (see Sect. 13.3.1). Pretreatment of the roots e.g. for 30 min in a solution con-
taining Ca (see above, step 1) may lead to a recovery of the roots from this
transient decrease in uptake ability. The effect of root injuries on nutrient
uptake can be roughly estimated from comparison of the measured data on
uptake with data in the literature obtained from intact plants.
Isolation of roots from the rest of the plant may de crease nutrient uptake
within hours because of the interruption of both import of sugars and other
"shoot signals" via the phloem, and export of nutrients via the xylem (see Sect.
436 Ch. Engels et al.
13.3.1). The effect of these factors on nutrient uptake increases with time from
excision, and is dependent on the specific nutrient (Bloom and CaldwellI988).
In order to find out the period after which root isolation leads to a marked
depression of uptake, it is therefore necessary to make a time study of nutrient
uptake with increasing time from excision.
Prin cip le. Nutrients are translocated from the roots to the shoot in the xylem
by massflow with water. In transpiring plants, the massflow in the xylem vessels
is driven by the water loss from the plants to the atmosphere, which occurs
mainly via the open stomata. Under conditions of low or no transpiration, e.g.
during the night or before leaf emergence in spring, or in decapitated plants,
the massflow is driven by"root pressure". The permeability of plant membranes
to water is much higher than to ions. Therefore, roots behave as osmometers,
and "root pressure" may develop as a consequence of metabolically driven
nutrient uptake into the roots and rele ase into the xylem vessels, creating a dif-
ference in the osmotic potential between the extern al solution and the xylem
sap (Marschner 1995). The amount of nutrients exuded with the xylem sap from
detopped plants or individual roots can be taken as parameter to estimate the
actual delivery of nutrients from the roots to the shoot. For the estimation of
the amount of nutrients exuded, the nutrient concentrat ion in the xylem sap,
and the amount of xylem sap which is exuded per unit of time have to be
Collection of Xylem Sap. In field-grown plants bleeding sap has been obtained
from the stern cut just above the ground (Engels et al. 1994), or from individ-
ual nodal roots (Canny and McCully 1988) and laterals (Jeschke and Pate 1995)
after care fuI uncovering of their distal end from the soil while the rest of the
roots were still undisturbed in the soil. To collect the xylem sap a sloping cut
can be made and the sap running down to the lower edge of the cut sampled
with a micropipette (Canny and McCully 1988). For quantitative analysis of
xylem sap, a sleeve of silicone rubber tubing is fitted over the cut surface and
sealed at the base e.g. with silicone grease. To reduce bacterial growth during
exudation, the cut surface can be cleaned with a paper towel and moistened
with a drop of Micropur.
The duration of the collection period should be as short as possible to
collect enough xylem sap for nutrient analysis, because translocation of nutri-
ents from the roots to the shoot is increasingly affected by interruption of
phloem supply from the shoot with carbohydrates and other "shoot signals" (see
Sect. 13.3.1). Exudate sampled during the first 5-lOmin after decapitation is
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 437
often discarded for technical reasons (time needed to fit and seal the rubber
tubing), and also because it may contain abnormally high concentrations of
nutrients and hormones due to mechanical stress on the stern tissue during
cutting or contaminat ion with the contents of severed cells from the cut surface
(Else et al. 1994).
The instantaneous content of the xylem vessels of field-grown roots or root
segments may be sampled by applying a mild vacuum or pressure to excavated
roots (Canny and McCully 1988; Jeschke and Pate 1995). To protect the root seg-
ments from drying they should be wrapped e.g. in a damp paper towel. In maize
nodal roots to which reduced pressure was applied with a syringe, each 1 cm of
bare root yielded about 1 mg of xylem sap (Canny and McCully 1988).
In plants growing in pots or nutrient solution, root xylem sap may be
obtained by applying (1) a positive hydrostatic pressure to the whole root
system (Else et al. 1994) or (2) a negative hydrostatic pressure (suction) to the
cut surface to simulate transpiration (Gil de Carrasco et al. 1994). To pressur-
ize root systems (method 1) the culture vessels includ ing the roots are placed
in Scholander-bomb-like vessels in which the pressure can be raised with com-
pressed air (see Fig. 13.7). By varying the hydrostatic pressure, the sap flow rates
can be adjusted to those measured in intact plants. Aiso roots (including the
pot) of intact plants can be placed in pressure chambers allowing collection of
xylem sap exuding from the cut leaf tips (Passioura and Munns 1984; Jeschke
et al. 1996).
root size in the field, and problems in differentiating between root characteris-
tics associated directly with nutrient uptake and translocation to the shoot and
those modifying the nutrient availability in the rhizosphere. Furthermore,
several fac tors have to be considered in the interpretation of xylem exudate
analysis. Xylem sap contains shoot-derived nutrients cycled from the shoot to
the roots in the phloem and reloaded to the xylem again in the roots (Marschner
1995). Translocation of solutes in the exudate of decapitated plants may sub-
stantially differ from that of intact plants because of not only the interruption of
the supply of "shoot signals" (see Sect. 13.3.1) but also the differences in water
flux rates. However, in contrast to the translocation rates of hormones, those of
most nutrients seem to be not very sensitive to the rate of water flux in the xylem
either in intact (Tanner and Beevers 1990) or decapitated plants (Else et al. 1995).
General. Mycorrhizas are symbiotic associations between plant roots and soil
fungi. In annual plants and also in fruit trees, the most common type of asso-
ciation is formed by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi (also called
arbuscular mycorrhizal [AM] fungi by some authors) of the order Glomales
(Zygomycotina). Roots colonized by VAM fungi are characterized by intern al
fungal structures (hyphae, and often arbuscules and vesicles) and by external
hyphae growing away from the root (Fig. 13.8). Spores are formed in the soil on
the extern al mycelium. The external hyphae are well suited to absorb mineral
elements from root-distant soil and transport them to the plant.
Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi occur in most terrestrial ecosys-
tems, in agricultural fields, and can colonize most crop and pasture plants. Myc-
orrhizal fungi have probably been associated with roots since the occurrence
of vascular land plants more than 300 million years ago (Taylor et al. 1995;
Simon 1996) and only a few plant species (for example, lupins or some Brassica
species) have developed a resistance against mycorrhizal colonization. In addi-
tion to a contribution to plant nutrient uptake, mycorrhizal fungi also modify
the carbon economy, the water use, and the pathogen susceptibility of plants.
In particular, non-nutritional effects of mycorrhizal fungi in disease resistance
have recent1y received much interest (St-Arnaud et al. 1997). A summary of the
current view on the role of mycorrhizas in plant growth is given by Smith and
Read (1997) and Marschner (1995).
In this chapter, only a small part of the methodology used in mycorrhiza
research is described. For a more detailed description, the reader is referred
to, for example Schenck (1982), Sieverding (1991), Norris et al. (1992), and
Brundrett et al. (1994).
Estimation of Influx. Net uptake of mineral nutrients into the roots is the result
of simultaneous influx i.e. nutrient flux from the external solution into the cells,
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 441
~ 20
o '-'-------1----'="--
Freshly -AM +AM
Tube closed with ferti-
20-J.lm nylon net soil
Fig. 13.9. Concentration of extractable phosphorus in the soi! of a hyphal tube at the onset of
the experiment (freshly fertilized soi!) and after 40 days of growth of non-mycorrhizal (-AM)
and mycorrhizal (+AM) ryegrass plants (right side). Uptake of phosphorus from the soi! tube
by mycorrhizal hyphae is indicated by depletion of extractable phosphorus in the soi! enclosed
bya 20,um nylon net (lefi side; E. George et al. unpubl.)
and efflux i.e. nutrient flux from the cells into the external solution. For sepa-
rate estimation of influx, accumulation of labelled nutrients (tracers) in the
plants or depletion from the external solution may be measured in time dura-
tions short enough to exclude substantial efflux of labelled nutrients into the
external solution. Because efflux of labelled nutrients from the cytoplasmic
pool of the roots to the external solution willlead to a time-dependent under-
estimation of influx, the measurements have to be done well within the time it
takes to fill the cytoplasmic pools (Clarkson et al. 1996). Typical periods for the
measurement of tracer accumulation in plant tissue which take into consider-
ation the probable turnover times of cytoplasmic pools are 5 min for 4SCa2+
(White et al. 1992),5-15 min for lSN-nitrate and -ammonium (Muller et al. 1995;
Clarkson et al. 1996), and 10 to 25 min for 32p-phosphate, 33P-phosphate, 86Rb,
and 3sS-sulfate (Elliott et al. 1984; Siddiqi and Glass 1987; Clarkson et al. 1989;
Lee 1993).
The lower time limits of influx studies are given by the sensitivity of mea-
surements of tracer accumulation in the plant tissue or tracer depletion from
the extern al solution. This is no problem with radioactive tracers which can be
measured very sensitively against a very low background in the plant tissue, but
possibly is with lsN, particularly if the kinetic parameters of influx are to be
determined, because this requires measurement of influx from low extern al
concentrations (see below). The discrimination of lsN absorbed from the uptake
solution from that already in the tissue should be improved if the natural "back-
ground" is reduced by supply of lsN-depleted N sources during preculture.
However, it has been suggested that the trade-off for improved discrimination
442 Ch. Engels et al.
would be decreased precision, because the lsN "background" of the lsN -depleted
plants may become more variable. This would result from differences in the con-
tribution of N sources with natural lsN abundance to the N supply of the plant,
such as seed N reserves, NH 3or NO x absorbed via the stomata, or symbiotically
fixed N2 (Clarkson et al. 1996). For laboratories sufficiently close to a cyclotron,
the radio active isotope 13N provides a sensitive tracer for investigating fluxes of
nit ro gen in plant material over short periods (Lee and Drew 1986; Kronzucker
et al. 1995; Clarkson et al. 1996; see also Chap. 12).
It is obvious that influx studies over short, well-defined periods of time can
only be done with roots to which the tracers are supplied in a nutrient solution.
The procedure for removal of tracers from the apoplast at the end of the influx
study is described in Section 13.3.3.
Estimation of Efflux. Efflux of nutrients from the roots to the external solution
may be estimated either as the difference between influx and net uptake
(Macduff and Jackson 1992; Lee 1993), or directly by measurement of nutrient
release from the roots into the external solution (Lee and Clarkson 1986; Aslam
et al. 1994). For the latter method the roots are transferred from an uptake solu-
tion which contains the nutrient or tracer to be studied to an efflux solution
which is identic al to the uptake solution except for lack of the specific nutrient
or tracer (Aslam et al. 1994). possibly, efflux is affected by the nutrient concen-
trations in the external solution, and related to the concurrently occuring influx.
To study efflux from roots into which concurrently influx takes place, the plants
are loaded with a tracer for time periods long enough to ensure isotopic equi-
librium, or near equilibrium, even in the slowest -exchanging compartments
under investigation. Preloading periods reported are variable, e.g. 15 h for
loading of lsN into soybean seedlings (Muller et al. 1995), or 2 days to label the
P pools of maize with 32p (Elliott et al. 1984). After preloading and short rinsing
of the roots to remove apoplastic tracers (see Sect. 13.3.3) plants are transferred
to efflux solutions which are identical in composition to the preloading solu-
tions except that the nutrient being studied is supplied in its natural form (non
radio active, natural mass), and tracer accumulation is measured in this efflux
solution. As tracers released from the roots by efflux may be recaptured by the
roots again, leading to an underestimation of efflux, the periods for efflux
should be short (l0-20min) and the volume of the efflux solution large.
However, tracer efflux is not linear with time even within short time periods
after transfer of plants to the efflux solution (Lee and Clarkson 1986; Muller et
al. 1995). This is because the cytoplasmic tracer pool which is the immediate
source for efflux is continuously diluted e.g. by nutrient influx and tracer
fluxes to the external solution and the xylem. This becomes a problem partic-
ularly for nitrate and ammonium where the cytoplasmic pool size in the roots
is small (about 0.25 to 1.25 .umol g-l root fresh weight, calculated on the basis of
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 443
the cytoplasm occupying 5% of the total root volume and nitrate concentra-
tions in the cytoplasm ranging between 5 and 25 mM) and influx is high (about
10 to 20,umolesh- 1 g- 1 root fresh weight; Muller et al. 1995). In maize, influx
and efflux of P in roots of intact plants have been simultaneously measured
by preloading of the plants with 32p for 48 h. Then the plants were transferred
to a solution containing 33p for 10 min to measure 32p accumulation in the
external solution (effiux) and 33p accumulation in the plants (influx; Elliott
et al. 1984).
. __ .. _-_._-_._._. __ I max
tracer and nutrient efflux (see above). It is obvious that for the estimation of
kinetic parameters for influx several sets of plants have to be used regardless
of whether tracer depletion from the external solution or tracer accumulation
in the plant is measured.
At the end of the experiment the plants are harvested for determination of
the root parameter on which uptake rates are to be based (e.g. weight, length,
surface area). When depletion is measured over time periods long enough to
have an appreciable root growth, root size (R) at time (t) can be calculated using
the expression
where Ro is the root size (weight, length, surface area) at the start of the exper-
iment and k is a constant describing the rate of root size increase with time
(Claassen and Barber 1974).
Calculations. The net influx (In) between two sampling dates is calculated from
the volume of the nutrient solution (V), the decrease in its concentration per
unit time (6C/6t) and the root size (R e.g. root fresh weight or root length or
root surface area) according to the following formula:
In = -VIR 6C/6t.
To calculate the kinetic parameters for net uptake, the experimental data are
fitted to the Michaelis-Menten equation as described by Claassen and Barber
In =[Imax x Cj(K m +C)]-C min ,
where In is the net influx, expressed as .umolh-l (unit roott\ Imax is the
maximum net influx at saturating concentrations, C is the nutrient concentra-
tion in the nutrient solution (.umoU-1) and Km the Michaelis constant. Cmin may
be directly obtained from the final concentration reached in the "depletion solu-
tion" (see above). Imax and Km may be estimated by the least-squares method, or
after linear transformation of the Michaelis-Menten equation, allowing the
results to be plotted as points on a straight line (Cornish-Bowden 1995; see
Table 13.1).
Due to experimental errors, frequent sampling is associated with large vari-
ability in uptake rates if calculated for an interval of two subsequent samplings.
To overcome this problem, the data obtained from the depletion experiment
can be fit to a series of cubic equations using a cubic spline computer program
(Swiader and Freiji 1996). The equation of the cubic spline is differentiated
to obtain In as a function of time. Imax is calculated from the negative slopes of
the linear portion of each curve. Km is calculated from the derivative equations
of the cubic spline by computing the solution concentration at which Imax/2
occurs (Swiader and Freiji 1996). Further methods for the calculation of the
kinetic parameters are described by Claassen and Barber (1974) and Drew
et al. (1984).
446 Ch. Engels et al.
X-axis Y-axis
The methods of sampling, handling and analyzing plant tissue for mineral
nutrients are well described in handbooks of plant analysis (Jones and Case
Sample Preparation. If the plant samples are contaminated with dust or pesti-
cide residues, they should be washed e.g. with a weak (0.1-0.3%) detergent
solution, followed by rinsing in deionized water. Only fresh plant samples
should be washed and the washing procedure should be done quickly and
gently, to avoid leaching of mineral nutrients from the plant tissue. Washing is
always recommended if the tissue is to be analyzed for Fe, Al or Si (Jones and
Case 1990).
After washing, the samples are dried at 65 °C to constant weight to stop bio-
logical activity of the tissue which can reduce the plant mass by respiration.
Drying at temperatures much lower than 65°C, e.g. 50°C, may leave too much
moisture in the tissue and lead to enzymatic degradation of the tissue during
storage. Drying at temperatures much higher than 65°C, e.g. 105°C, may lead
to thermal decomposition of the tissue, particularly if ground tissue samples
are re-dried before nutrient analysis (Steyn 1959).
If only a subsample of the collected plant tissue is used for nutrient analy-
sis, the dried material has to be ground. The purpose of grinding is to obtain
subsamples of uniform composition. The partide size which is necessary to
obtain uniformity is mainly dependent on the size of the subsample needed for
analysis. Grinding with a commercial coffee miU (partide size reduction to pass
a 20-mesh screen) may be sufficient if 500 mg aliquots of plant tissue are ana-
lyzed, whereas fine pulverization of the tissue is necessary if only 3-10mg
aliquots are analyzed e.g. for 15N in a mass-spectrometer. During grinding, the
plant tissue may be contaminated mainly with Al, Cu, Fe or Zn (Jones and Case
1990). So, when these elements have to be analyzed, the tissue should be ground
with an agate miU (Steyn 1959). The ground material should be dried again for
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 447
24 h at 65°C to remove any moisture added during grinding, and then stored
e.g. in sealed bottles until analysis.
Chemical Analysis. The dried and ground material may be directly used for
analysis of S in automated sulfur analyzers and N in automated Dumas instru-
ments or by Kjeldahl digestion. Methods for the determination of other ele-
ments involve destruction of the tissue's organic component to convert the
elements to a soluble form for analysis. There are essentially two decomposi-
tion procedures, wet acid digestion and high temperature dry oxidation, fre-
quently referred to as wet and dry ashing, respectively (for a detailed discussion
ofwet and dry ashing see Jones and Case 1990). Wet ashing is not recommended
for B, since this element can be partially lost by volatilization during wet oxi-
dation (Feldman 1961).
For dry ashing, aliquots of the sample are weighed into commercially avail-
able ashing vessels or small glass bottles in which contamination of the sample
e.g. by B or Na should be exduded. The plant tissue is ashed for 6-8 h in a muffle
furnace at 450-500 aC. Complete oxidation of the plant tissue is indicated by the
"white" appearance of the remaining ash. If a dean white ash is not obtained after
8 h, re-ashing for 2 h after addition of ashing aids such as HN0 3 or 10% H2S04 is
necessary. Thereafter, the ash is dissolved in dilute acid (HCl or HN0 3 ). The dear
solution is ready for elemental assay, with or without further dilution.
Wet ashing is the destruction of organic matter by high temperature acid
digestion. The common acids used are H2 S04 , HN0 3, and HCl0 4, usually in some
combination of two or alI three. The wet oxidation is frequently done in com-
mercially available sealed digestion tubes inserted into ports of a temperature-
controlled digestion block. Alternatively, plant tissue can also be digested in a
mixture of HN0 3 and 30% H20 2 heated by ultraviolet radiation (Ogner 1983)
or in a microwave oven (White and Douthit 1985).
Further Reading
Brundrett MC, Melville L, Peterson RL (1994) Practical methods in mycorrhizal research. Myco-
logue Publications, Waterloo, Canada
Clarkson DT (1996) Root structure and sites of ion uptake. In: Waisel Y, Eshel A, Kafkafi U (eds)
Plant roots: the hidden half. 2nd edn. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp 483-510
Grayston SJ, Vaughan D, Jones D (1996) Rhizosphere carbon fiow in trees, in comparison with
annual plants: the importance of root exudation and its impact on microbial activity and
nutrient availability. Appl Soil Ecol 5: 29-56
Jones JB Jr, Case VW (1990) Sampling, handling and analyzing plant tissue samples. In:
Westerman RL (ed) Soil testing and plant analysis. Soil Science Society of America,
Madison, pp 389-427
Marschner H (1995) Mineral nutrition of higher plants. Academic Press, London
13 Assessing the Ability of Roots for Nutrient Acquisition 449
Alef K (1995) Sterilization of soi! and inhibition of microbial activity. In: Alef K, Nannipieri P
(eds) Methods in applied soi! microbiology and biochemistry. Academic Press, London, pp
Amann C, Amberger A (1989) Phosphorus efficiency of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum). Z
Pflanzenernăhr Bodenkd 152: 181-189
Armstrong J, Armstrong W, Beckett PM (1992) Venturi- and humidity-induced pressure flows
enhance rhizome aeration and rhizosphere oxidation. New Phytol120: 197-207
Aslam M, Travis RL, Huffaker RC (1994) Stimulation of nitrate and nitrite effiux by ammonium
in barley (Hordeum vulgare 1.) seedlings. Plant Physioll06: 1293-1301
Azaizeh HA, Marschner H, Romheld V, Wittenmayer L (1995) Effects of vesicular-arbuscular
fungus and other soi! microorganisms on growth, mineral nutrient acquisition and root
exudation of soi!-grown maize plants. Mycorrhiza 5: 321-327
Barber DA, Gunn KB (1974) The effect of mechanical forces on the exudation of organic
substances by the roots of cereal plants grown under steri!e conditions. New Phytol 73:
Barber SA (1984) Soi! nutrient bioavai!ability. A mechanistic approach. John Wi!ey, New York
Barber SA, Ozanne PG (1970) Autoradiographic evidence for the differential effect of four
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Bartlett EM, Lewis DH (1973) Surface phosphatase activity of mycorrhizal roots of beech. Soi!
Biol Biochem 5: 249-257
Basson WD, Bohne RG, Stanton DA (1969) An automated procedure for the determination of
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Water Uptake
J.E. Fernandez', B.E. Clothier2, and M. van Noordwijk 3
1 Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia de Sevilla, Avenida de Reina Mercedes,
No. 10, Apartado 1052,41080 Sevilla, Spain
2 Environment and Risk Management Group, HortResearch, PBII -030, 5301 Palmerston
North, New Zealand
3 ICRAF,1I CI FOR, PO Box 161, Situ Gede, Sindang Barang Bogor 16680,16001 Bogor,lndonesia
14.1 Introduction 462
14.2 Evaluation ofWater Uptake from Changes
in Soil Water Status 465
14.2.1 Methods for Determining Soil Water Content 465
The Gravimetric Method 465
The Neutron Scattering Method 467
Gamma Densiometry 467
Dielectric Methods 468 Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) 468 Frequency Domain Method (FD) 469
14.2.2 Methods for Measuring Soi! Water Potential 471
Electrical Resistance Blocks 471
Tensiometers and Microtensiometers 472
Soi! Psychrometers 472
14.2.3 The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Technique 474
14.2.4 Applications to the Study of Water Movement Between Soi!
Layers via the Root System 474
Measurement of Water Efflux and Hydraulic Lift 475
Split-Root Boxes 475
14.3 Evaluation ofWater Uptake from Water Movement in Plants 476
Heat-Pulse 478
Heat Probe 478
Heat Balance 479
Sap-flow Measurements in Individual Roots 479
The Water-Budget-Meter 483
14.4 Measuring Stable Isotopes in Plants to Assess Water Uptake
from Different SoH Depths 483
Deuterium 483
The 18 0/ 16 0 Ratio 485
14.1 Introduction
Fig. 14.1. Soi! water balance evapo~ /_----- --- -- --" rainfall and
!~:~I~~ ""~.~~. .
for a unit of soi! with
vertical as well as lateral ••• ation
inputs and outputs / plant surface (j)
:' water evapo- 1 surface
run-on !f@ uptake ration 0 inftltration ~ run-off
- _-o\:SO~I~:t:;-;;-1---®' -
e:: ('D ""1
' - - retentlOn 0 top- r::r
1--1.1--- -~---~::~::---l:r~!
subsurfa- subsurfa-
ce lateral ce lateral
El- ·1 b o'"
jlaw e. = . G) jlaw
::; 1» CD
I:t. 1» SOI water SU -
::;o g: retenuon
soli ~
infiltration ~
' - - - leaching
rooting--. ----t
depth !; water
i extrac-
1 !ion
, profile
wilting field C Transport model:
point capacity
Fig. 14.2. A Definition of "effective rooting depth" for water uptake and "available water" (McK-
eague et al. 1984) In this pragmatic definit ion error 1 cancels error 2, so that the total amount
of water available for the plant per unit soil area can be estimated from the difference in volu-
metric soil water content between field capacity and wilting point, times the "effective rooting
depth"; B and C provide alternative concepts to estimate total water uptake on the basis of the
complete root system and relative water depletion efficiencyas a function on root length density
(de Willigen and van Noordwijk 1987)
Table 14.1. Spatial resolution of the methods used for assessing water uptake by roots
first discuss methods for measuring water uptake by roots that can be detected
via changes in the soH's water content or water potential. We then describe
methods for determination of water fluxes in plants, as well as methods to assess
the sources of water absorbed by roots, and determination of the resistance to
flow and uptake. We conclude with methods to quantify root-shoot communi-
cation via plant hormones. These methods alI differ in their temporal and
spatial resolution, and thus they are intended for use for different purposes
(Table 14.1).
The Gravimetric Method. The water content of soils can be determined from
the moist and dry weights of soH samples. To obtain the moist weight, samples
466 J.E. Fernandez et al.
Fig. 14.3. An apple tree whose root zone has been isolated by a 3 x 3m trench. This isolated
tree can also be covered by a ground level rainout shelter. The tree is instrumented with heat-
pulse sensors of sap fiow measurement in both the trunk and diametrically opposite structural
roots. The soil is instrumented with TDR probes, minirhizotron tubes, and tensiometers. (Cour-
tesy of Peter Spring, HortResearch, New Zealand)
are weighed at the time of sampling, or later if they are kept in sealed contain-
ers in a cold environment. To determine the dry weight, the sample is dried to
a constant weight in an oven at 105 De. The water content per unit soil dry weight
or gravimetric wetness is the ratio of the weight loss by drying, to the weight
of the dried sample. lf bulk density of the soil is known or measured, volumet-
ric soil water content can be calculated by multiplying the gravimetric reading
by the bulk density.
The method does not require expensive instrumentation. However, it is
destructive and time consuming. Errors can be made at every step - sampling,
transporting, drying and weighing. Recommendations about the use of the
technique can be found elsewhere (Hillel1980; American Society of Agronomy
14 Water Uptake 467
1986). Errors can be reduced by increasing the size and number of samples, but
this requires more time and effort, and eventualIy disturbs the experimental
The Neutron Scattering Method. This is one of the methods most widely used
for determining soil water content. It requires the use of a neutron probe, an
instrument with a source of fast neutrons and a detector of slow neutrons
(Gardner and Kirkham 1952). When the probe is lowered into an access tube
inserted into the soil, the fast neutrons that are emitted collide with various
atomic nuclei in the surrounding medium. Through repeated collisions the
neutrons are deflected and "scattered", and Iose kinetic energy. Their speed
decreases to the characteristic speed for particles at the ambient temperature.
Those slow neutrons are said to be thermalised. The nuclei of hydrogen, being
of similar size, are the most effective in thermalising the fast neutrons, and so
the flux of slow neutrons scattered by the soil is proportional to the soil water
content. The source of fast neutrons is obtained by mixing a radioactive emitter
of alpha particles (radium or americium) with beryllium. The flux of slow neu-
trons is converted to a count rate by an electronic scaler.
The neutron scattering method is less time consuming and not as labori-
ous as the gravimetric method. It is less destructive, and repeated measure-
ments can be made at the same locations, directly surrounding the access tubes.
The main disadvantages are the high cost of the neutron probe and the emis-
sion of neutron and gamma radiation. In addition, the method is not suitable
close to the soil surface zone due to the escape of fast neutrons through the
surface. The effective volume of measurement is a sphere which varies in size
with soil water content. It ranges from a radius of less than 10 cm in a wet soil,
to more than 25 cm in a dry soil (Stone et al. 1955; Holmes 1956). The neutron
probe has to be calibrated, usualIy by making many measurements of soil mois-
ture with the neutron and the gravimetric methods simultaneously. Once cali-
brated, it should work on different soil types, except in unusual soils, like very
heavy clays or in soils with a high boron content. When changing soils, one or
two readings can be obtained gravimetricalIy to see if points falI on the cali-
bration line, to tind out whether a new calibration is required. Different soil
layers may require different calibration lines. A good example of the use of
the neutron probe to in fer root uptake is the work by Rambal (1984). He used
the technique for 7 consecutive years to examine seasonal water extraction to
4.5 m in a Quercus coccifera evergreen scrub system. Different calibration curves
were required for soils with different rock distributions.
radiation passing through the soH decreases in proportion to soH water content,
if bulk density is constant. Simultaneous measurements of bulk density and
soH moisture changes can be made with dual-source gamma-ray scanners, in
which both 137Cs and 24IAm are used (Gardner 1965). Small changes in soH
water content can be detected with spatial resolution and precision that is
difficult to attain using other methods (Baker and van Bavel 1986, 1988). For
example, the effective depth resolution of measurement is about 1 cm, much
better than the neutron probe (Table 14.1). The access tubes for the source and
detector probes must be strictly parallel, which make installation difficult in
certain soHs. The technique is likely to be used less in future, as non-nuclear
methods improve.
Dielectric Methods. Over the last decade a revolution has occurred in the tech-
nology of soH water measurement. The water content and electrolyte concen-
tration of a soH can be accurately determined from the measurement of its
dielectric properties. Two methods can be used, one with measurement in the
frequency domain between 30-3000 MHz (Schmugge et al. 1980), and the other
in the time domain at frequencies above a GHz (Topp and Davis 1985a). These
methods, based on the measurement of the electrical capacitance of the soH,
depend on the fact that water has a much higher dielectric constant than either
air or the dry constituents of soil. The dielectric constant for free water is about
80, and for soH-bound water varies between about 4 and 80, whHe for dry soH
it is about 5 and for air, 1.
For the time domain method, the most popular instrument uses time domain
reflectometry (TDR). The principle of the technique is well explained by Topp
and Davis (1985a). TDR determinations are based on the propagation of high
frequency (=GHz) electromagnetic waves through the soil. The propagation
constants for electromagnetic waves in the soH depend on the soH properties,
especially its water content and electrical conductivity. In the TDR technique,
a voltage pulse is propagated along a transmis sion line which terminates with
a wave guide inserted in the soil. Wave guides are composed of two or three
parallel metal rods. The signal is reflected from the end of the wave guide
and returns to the TDR receiver. The propagation velocity and the amplitude
of the reflected signal are then recorded. Because the propagation velocity
depends on the dielectric constant of the medium, it is proportional to volu-
metric water content, becoming smaller as water content increases (Fig. 14.4).
The determination of water content is essentially independent of soH texture,
temperature and salt content. However, Herkelrath et al. (1991) found that
calibrations run on soH cores did not compare well with published curves
14 Water Uptake 469
components for measurement TOR LINE
of soi! water content by TDR UNIT
(tap) and idealised output ~
Length l.
trace. Electrical conductivity
is calculated from the signa!
travel time (t) between the A
beginning (A) and the end
(B) of the soil transmis sion
line, and from the refiected PULSE Ţ
signal amplitude (v2-vl). (J)
~ ~
(From: Topp and Davis o I
> I B
developed for mineral soils, probably because of high soil organic matter
content. The authors did not explain why organic soils shift the calibration.
Measurements in dry cracking soils may also be difficult, due to the poor
contact between probes and soil.
The TDR technique has the same order of accuracy and reproducibility as
nuclear methods, and usually does not require site-specific calibration (Wraith
and Baker 1991). Several wave guides can be multiplexed and continuously
monitored by an unattended TDR unit (Baker and Allmaras 1990; Heimovaara
and Bouten 1990). This makes TDR a powerful technique for studying root
water uptake. Wraith and Baker (1991) used an automated TDR system to study
water uptake and reported high spatial and temporal resolution with high
precis ion; standard deviations in water-content measurements were between
0.0008 and 0.001 m 3 m-3• Clothier and Green (1994) used 22 TDR probes around
a kiwifruit vine to monitor the pattern of root water uptake (Fig. 14.5). The ne ar
surface preference of roots for wetted soil can be seen in the lower figure. They
also used a bank of tensiometers and sap ftow measurements in the stern of the
tree, in an example of the combined use of several techniques to understand
and quantify the spatial and temporal pattern of water uptake by roots.
Further developments of the TDR technique will continue to improve the
precis ion and accuracy of measurement and reduce cost.
The first dielectric soil water content sensors that worked with frequency
domain (FD) were developed in the 1930s (Ferguson 1933; Smith-Rose 1933;
Liick 1964). Modern instruments (Turski and Malicki 1974; Wobschall 1978;
470 J.E. Fermindez et al.
South Norlh
...., -0.5
..c AfJ
Fig. 14.5. An example of the spatial resolution of measurements by TDR where the ordinate is
soi! depth and the abscissa is the radial distance from the kiwifruit vine. The upper part shows
the average dai!y change in soi! water content around a kiwifruit vine over a 4-week period; the
lower part gives results for a 2-week period following irrigation of the south side (left side); the
rate of water extraction !+.O/!+.t is given in m 3 m-3 day-l. (From Clothier and Green 1994)
Hilhorst et al. 1992) use improvements that make the technique an accurate
method of measuring soil water content, suitable for automatic measurements
in situ (Hilhorst and Dirksen 1994; Dirksen and Hilhorst 1994). The FD method
involves the measurement of capacitance and conductivity at a fixed frequency.
Most commercially available FD sensors have an operating frequency between
10 and 150 MHz. A sinusoidal current is fed through an impedance formed by
two electrodes with the soil as the dielectric. From the amplitude of the voltage
developed across the electrodes and the phase angle between current and
voltage, the dielectric properties of the soil can be calculated. Electrodes can be
plates, rods or rings. The electronic equipment associated with the FD technique
is less expensive than that of TDR, and they are easy to operate. Calibration,
however, is soil specific and non linear (Ben et al. 1987). A description of dif-
ferent instruments using capacitance probes and a comparative study with the
TDR method can be found in Paltineanu and Starr (1997) and Robinson et al.
14 Water Uptake 471
Measurements of the dielectric properties of soil in the time dom ain and
the frequency domain were compared by Hilhorst and Dirksen (1994). Despite
the advantages attributed by the authors to the FD technique, TDR instruments
have become more widely used.
The measurement of water potential both in the soil and in roots is used for
determining the state of water in both systems. It is the thermodynamic poten-
tial of water that provides the continuous and causallink in the transport chain
from water in the soil, to the plant and to the atmosphere.
The main components of the total soil water potential are the matric poten-
tial, the osmotic potential and the gravitational potential (Kramer and Boyer
1995). The matric potential results from the capillary and adsorptive forces
imposed on water by the soil matrix. The osmotic potential is due to the pres-
ence of solutes in the soil water. The gravitational potential of the soil water is
deterrriined by the elevation of a given point relative to a reference level, usually
the soil surface or the water table. For measuring matric potential - the main
component of the total water potential in the field - resistance blocks and ten-
siometers are used. Total soil water potential can be measured with thermo-
couple psychrometers. Hydraulic gradients can also be determined, with several
tensiometers placed at different depths, so that Darcy's Law can be used to
compute fluxes of water in the soil.
(Iemperolure meosuremenl)
u++-+-- Pin
-ft+H-- - Teflon spocer
(psychromeler junclion) - --f'I--=--- Porus ceromic
Teflon plug
Fig. 14.6. Structure of a typica! soi! psychrometer. (From Pearcy et al. 1989)
ters can be used when the potential is below the tensiometer range, but they are
not accurate above -0.2 MPa.
Thermocouple psychrometers have been used to measure soil water poten-
tial by many authors. Savage et al. (1987) described the use, calibration, instal-
lation and maintenance of commercial soil psychrometers, both in disturbed
and undisturbed soil. They listed precautions necessary for accurate measure-
ment of soil water potential in the laboratory, glasshouse and lysimeters. Thus,
direct sun on the aluminium covered lead wires of the soil psychrometers has
to be avoided to achieve an acceptable value of zero offset. In addition, the
screen cage cover cannot be in contact with soil, in order to reduce thermal gra-
dients within the psychrometer to acceptable levels. Differences in temperature
between soil and instrument, as well as within the psychrometer circuitry itself,
can greatly affect the accuracy and precision of measured water potentials.
Brown and Chambers (1987) discussed the magnitude of these errors and
analysed the influence on results of temperature gradients between psych-
rometer and soil. Fonteyn et al. (1987) and Schlesinger et al. (1987) used soil
psychrometers in the field. They found a good cor reIat ion between soil water
potential and predawn plant xylem sap potential.
Soil psychrometers are easily installed, but should be placed parallel to the
soil surface to minimise thermal gradients. They retain calibration characteris-
tics for several years, but salt deposition in saline soils can seriously degrade
their performance.
474 J.E. Fernandez et al.
The principles and other features of proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
imaging are described in Chapter Il. Here we show main applications to the
study of water distribution and transport in plant root systems, a field in which
the technique has been widely used since the 1980s (Bottomley et al. 1986, 1993;
Brown et al. 1986). The technique is ideal for determining water distribution
around and within roots. The signal intensity in NMR images is most sensitive
to protons with a high degree of molecular-Ievel mobility such as those of
hydrogen in water (Rogers and Bottomley 1987). Bottomley et al. (1986) were
able to analyse uptake and movement of water within Vicia faba plants growing
in pots with different potting media. They were able to monitor the process of
plant wilt and recovery by using a CuS04·5H20 solution with Cu2+ as a tracer
(Cu2+ is paramagnetic) and water application alone to a plant growing in a plot
with dry soil. NMR imaging has been used by Omasa et al. (1985) for monitor-
ing changes in root and soil water content. MacFall et al. (1990, 1991) used it for
observing the development of a water depletion zone around suberized pine
The major advantage of the technique is that it is non-destructive, as it
employs non-ionising radiation that penetrates the soil media. This has no
known effect on plants (Bottomley et al. 1986). The technique is sensitive to the
presence of ferromagnetic particles occurring naturally in the soil, which can
disturb the magnetic field and thereby dis tort the NMR information. Rogers
and Bottomley (1987) investigated the range of potential applications of NMR
imaging in root systems and assessed the impact of soil magnetic properties
and water content on the results from the use of the technique. They found that
the NMR technique was not useful in soils with ferromagnetic particle contents
greater than about 4% by weight. The equipment is expensive and requires
highly trained technicians. The technique cannot provide images of large root
Water efflux from roots into surrounding soil can occur under certain condi-
tions. Water will move out of roots that are permeable to water when the water
potential of the soil falls below the water potential within the root. Hydraulic
continuity via root systems can lead to transfers of water between soil layers,
on the basis of water potential and resistance. If the subsoil is wet and the
surface layers are dry, this process is called "hydraulic lift" (Baker and van Bavel
1986; Caldwell and Richards 1989; Xu and Bland 1993). The reverse process,
14 Water Uptake 475
transfers from wet surface layers to dry subsoil is possible as well and has
recently been observed in Machakos (Kenya; Smith et al. 2000). Although the
total quantities involved in these water transfers may be relatively small, it
can be important in the competition between shallow and deep rooted plants.
Hydraulic lift can re-wet nutrient-rich dry topsoil layers and thus facilitate
nutrient uptake. The reverse process, deep water storage by deep rooted plants
after moderate rainfall which only infiltrates into the topsoil, can increase their
overall resource capture vis-a-vis shallow rooted plants.
Water efflux from roots is a phenomenon that needs to be taken into
account when considering survival and competition within a plant community.
Thus, hydraulic lift can help the plant to withstand a period of drought. It can
even benefit neighbouring plants with shallow root systems. On the other hand,
rapid storage of water in subsoil around the deep roots of trees, beyond the
wetting front, may give trees a competitive edge over rather shallow rooted
Measurement of Water Efflux and Hydraulic Lift. Water efflux and hydraulic lift
can be determined by detailed measurement of local changes in soil water con-
ditions. Vetterlein and Marschner (1993) used microtensiometers to measure
the transfer of water to upper soillayers from lower layers by hydraulic lift. The
microtensiometer technique was sensitive enough to detect water release by
roots in the top soil. Vetterlein and Marschner (1993) mentioned other attempts
to measure hydraulic lift by using gamma densiometry or psychrometers
(Mooneyet al. 1980; Dirksen and Raats 1985; Baker and van Bavel1988; Saab
and Sharp 1989). Dawson (1993) used standard water relations methods
and stable hydrogen isotope analysis to determine the magnitude and
radial extent of hydraulic lift by sugar maple trees. He observed that ground
water taken up by the trees was redeposited at night into the upper 35 cm of
soil, benefiting neighbouring plants. Direct measurements of the direction and
rate ofwater movement in roots based on heat-pulse methods will be discussed
Split-Root Boxes. Water movements within the root system can be also studied
using split-root boxes. In these experiments, the root zones of plants are divided
by barriers so that water can move from one side to another only through root
systems which bridge the partitions. Different conditions can be imposed on
each side. Split-root experiments were used by Zhang and Kirkham (1995a) to
determine the effect on crop behaviour of having half of the root system under
water and nutrient stress. The authors explain a way of splitting the root systems
of grain sorghum and sunflower. Baker and van Bavel (1986) worked with
Cynodon growing in a split-root box. After creating a large difference in soil
water potential between the two sides of the root system, they observed noc-
476 J.E. Fermindez et al.
turnal transfer through the plant of significant amounts of water from one side
to the other. This was detected by frequent measurements of volumetric water
content in the box with a gamma probe. Overnight movements of water from
wet to dry soil in a split-box (Fig. 14.7) were also observed by Baker and van
Bavel (1988) when the potential gradient between dry and wetted compart-
ments reached 1.0 MPa.
Some 60 years ago Huber (1932) used heat as a qualitative tracer of sap fiow in
plants, by monitoring the downstream temperature rise following application
of a short pulse of heat. He observed the rate of ascent of sap. Three thermal
tracer techniques have been developed to quantify the volumetric rise of sap;
the heat pulse method, the heat probe, and that of heat balance technique. These
methods have been applied to a wide range of woody and herbaceous plants,
both in the stem and in roots (van Bave11992; Swanson and Perttu 1994; Zhang
14 Water Uptake 477
. __
HEATER Ht-+-- .... CORI(
......~+-If--~ THERMOCOUPLE
'-'~' T'
-p '
,'1 - - --, B,
1- I
--- - J
xl vH
q, +-- ---+- q, ~
p ----.
.-- p
Fig_ 14_8_ Principles of heat balance and heat pulse technique for recording water fiow through
roots and sterns. (Frorn Srnith and Allen 1996). a Vertical cross section through a stern heat
balance gauge. The dashed box in a is expanded in b to show wiring details of therrnocouples
in the gauge; copper wires are shown as solid lines and constantan wires as dotted lines. For the
determinat ion of sap fiow, the ternperature differentials tlT., tlTb and tlT, are obtained frorn
rneasurernents of the voltages across AH, BH and CH, respectively. c The heat balance of the
length of stern heated by the gauge, where P is heat applied to the stern, qv is the rate of verti-
cal heat loss by conduction, q, is radial heat loss by conduction and qf is heat uptake by the sap
strearn. d Configurat ion of a single set of heat-pulse probes irnplanted radially into a stern of
radius R at the carnbiurn and h at the heartwood boundary. The upstrearn ternperature sensor
is installed at a distance X u below the heater and the downstrearn sensor at a distance Xci above
the heater. For calculat ing the heat-pulse velocity, the systern rneasures the tirne delay for the
ternperatures at points Xu and Xd to becorne equal
478 J.E. Fernandez et al.
and Kirkham 1995b). Smith and Allen (1996) reviewed principles and applica-
tions of both the heat balance and heat pulse methods (Fig. 14.8). Scaling up
from measurements of individual plants to that of a whole stand over a growing
season requires special attention.
Heat-Pulse. In the heat pulse technique, which is best adapted to woody plants,
a line-source heater is inserted radially into the stern, or root (Fig. 14.9). Every
so often, say every 15-30 minutes, a short (1-2 s) pulse of heat is applied by the
heater. Temperature sensors can be located both upstream and downstream of
the heater, as in the case of the compensation method (Swanson and Whitfield
1981); or simply on the downstream side (Cohen et al. 1981). Solution of the
heat ftow equation (MarshaIl1958), with appropriate wound factors (Green and
Clothier 1988), allows the local velocity of sap ftow to be inferred from the mea-
sured time-of-travel of the heat pulse. Sap ftow rate is then obtained by inte-
gration of sap velocity over the cross-sectional area of the stern.
Heat Probe. In the probe technique of Granier (1985) the dissipation of heat
from a heater probe is empirically related to sap ftow rates. Two probes are
inserted radially into the stern or root of a woody plant; one probe is both a
heater and temperature sensor, whereas the other measures the reference
temperature upstream of the heater. From the regularly measured rise in
temperature whilst the heater is supplied with a constant current, an empirical
reIat ion provides the time-varying trace in the local sap velocity.
14 Water Uptake 479
Fig.14.9. Heat-pulse
sensors for both
measurement in the trunk
using thermistors, and a
miniaturised version for use
in roots which uses
thermocouples. Also shown
is the stainless steel heater
probe. (Courtesy of Dr. Brent
Clothier, HortResearch, New
Heat Balance. Unlike the two previous techniques, wherein a tempera ture
change is related to a sap velocity, the heat-balance technique relies on
measuring all-but-one of the components of the thermal balance of a stern or
root section. The basic equation is:
qi = qv + qr + qf> (14.1)
where qi is the heat input to the stern, qv is the vertical heat loss by conduction
in the stern, qr is the radial heat loss and lJiis the heat uptake by the moving sap
stream, the only term of the equation which cannot be measured directly; it
must be found by difference.
In closing the thermal balan ce, the amount of heat carried away by the
ascending sap can be used to determine the volumetric efflux of sap from the
stern, or root section. This technique is well adapted to herbaceous plants or
fruit rachilla (Sakuratani 1981), as well as for larger trunks of woody species
using a different configurat ion (Cermak et al. 1973).
Over the last 25 years, these three techniques have been extensively applied
in the trunks and stems of a wide variety of plants. These data have provided
many insights into the aerial mechanisms controlling the amount of water
transpired by plants, and also into the mechanisms of plant hydraulic
functioning. More recently these techniques have been applied in roots so that
the subterranean functioning of plants has become observable in more detail.
42 49 56 113 70 77 84 91
o 1.0
42 49 5& &3 70 77 84 91
Dcy of Yecr
Fig. 14.10. Sap fiow in kiwifruit roots measured with the heat-pulse technique: a relative sap
fiow in two roots, Rl and R2, relative to their total, Rr. RlIRr is the top line, and R2/Rr the lawer.
In b the root fiow is expressed as a ratio to that measured in a control vine R3. Here RlIR3 is
the tap line, and R2/R3 the lower. On day 70 the soil surrounding Rl only was wetted and on
day 84 the entire root zone was wetted. (From Green and Clothier 1995)
from growth of new roots, as sap flow in Rl was higher, after rewetting, than
prior to the dry down.
For apples, Green, Clothier, McLeod (1996) reported quite a different
response to localised wetting (Fig. 14.11). The sap flow in Rl shows an imme-
diate and sustained response to the localised wetting of DOY 47. The rapidity
of the response, and the subsequent1y unchanging ratio to stern flow would be
the response expected from Gardner's (1960) hydraulic model of water uptake.
14 Water Uptake 481
..r:: ".0
Rool R1
\\ 0.10 I - ..r::
...J i i ...,.
~ ,I
I '\
;: r/ O
2.0 O.OS
Vi It:
a 0.0 0.00
...... /Iem ~ .,
I ".0
i A ." li 0.10
.l ) \
..r:: I \ROOI R2
• ..r::
...J \ ~. I
- -
~ ~
~ o
E o
1/) It:
0.0 0.00
b ..6 <4a 50
Doy of Yeor
Fig. 14.11. Response of sap fiow in two apple roots to localised wetting around R1 at the time
indicated by the arrow in the top diagram (from Green et al. 1996). a The dotted line is the sap
fiow measured in the trunk and the ordinate scale is on the left. The sap flow in root R1 is given
as the solid line and the fiow can be seen to rise immediately following the irrigation on Day 47.
The ordinate for root fiow is on the right. b Again stern sap flow is given as the dotted line, and
here the sap flow in root R2 is given as the solid line
In the case of apples, the root form is one of high occupancy in the explored
zone, and so it would appear that with such a root system form, apple uptake
functioning does not rely on root growth. Kiwifruit root system form, in com-
parison, has Iow occupancy in the explored zone, so that uptake functioning
relies in part on the growth of new roots, much as Nobel et al. (1990) found with
desert succulents.
Using the heat-probe technique, Cabibel and Do (1991) observed the
diurnal trace of sap flow in apple roots that were either drawing water from a
482 J.E. Fernandez et al.
zone of localised wetting, or from drier soil. They found sap flow in the dry root
tended to be out of phase with that in the trunk such that flow actualIy peaked
at night, and they attributed this to be a result of nocturnal recharge of the tree's
Using the heat-balance technique on the roots of the African tree Croton
melagocarpus, Ong and Khan (1993) were able to examine, by branch pruning
and root amputation, the ability of the root system to function when the soil's
water is depleted, or when the root system is damaged. A commercialIy
available brand of heat balance equipment (Dynamax Inc., Houston, Texas,
USA) was used to monitor sap flow in 20-30 mm diameter roots of Eucalyptus
grandis (Lightbody et al. 1994). By sequential root severance, they noted that
other remaining roots were able to increase their flow to accommodate the flow
required by the tree. Thus flow in individual roots and shoots of perennials can
be quite decoupled, whereas this might not be the case in annuals.
For the sclerophyllous olive, Moreno et al. (1996) used the heat pulse tech-
nique to observe the inability of near-surface roots to recover immediately from
emboli caused by water stress, despite a thorough but single wetting of the soil
around the once very-dry root.
By extension into roots of heat tracer techniques of sap flow monitor ing,
new observations are being made of the link between root form and function-
ing (Fig. 14.12). This includes details of root response to localised wetting, the
nocturnal recharge of a plant's capacitance, the respective roles of near-surface
roots and roots deeper in the profile, the impact of emboli, and the fraction of
the plant's uptake functioning that can be carried out by just some fraction of
the root system. Further use of heat-tracer techniques will be useful in provid-
ing modellers with data that have hitherto been unavailable. It is important to
realise that water flow in any part of a stern or root can be in alI directions, and
deep roots may pump water out of subsoil during droughts, but may also leak
water taken up after rainfall has rewetted the surface layers.
inner and outer containers mounted on a
balan ce; 2 gas exchange cuvette for
determining co, exchange and
transpirat ion; 3 steel cage connecting control
unit with platform of the balance; 4 outer
container on the pan of the balance with oii
seal to prevent evaporat ion to ambient air; 5
air-tight seals fixing the plant to the control
unit and gas exchange cuvette; wind and
radiation shields not shown. (From Flach et
al. 1995)
The principles underlying the use of stable isotopes for understanding of water
uptake processes are explained in Chapter 12. In this section we only mention
illustrative applications of these techniques that can be used for assessing the
sources of water absorbed by roots.
where OXstd is the isotopic ratio in delta units relative to the standard, and
R sam and R std are the isotope abundance ratios of the sample and standard
respectively. Water is the only hydrogen source for a plant under the natural
conditions of rainfall. Water absorbed by roots can either come from pre-
cipitation during the growing season, or from stored soil water, or from the
groundwater. The values of OD, the deuterium/hydrogen ratio of the water
from those sources can be quite different. This difference arises from the fact
that in temperate areas, with a continental elimate, OD values of precipitation
commonly show a seasonal cyele. High OD values occur in summer, with
lower OD values in the winter (Dansgaard 1964; Gat 1980). Thus, the OD values
of rain falling during the summer growing season are generally different
from those of stored groundwater. Flanagan et al. (1992) used measurements
of the D/H ratio in stern water to determine the relative uptake of summer
precipitation by four co-occurring plant species in southern Utah. They found
that it was possible to determine the uptake of summer precipitation by mea-
suring the stable isotopic composition of stern water (Flanagan and Ehleringer
1991). Since no isotopic fractionation occurs during water uptake by plant
roots (Dawson and Ehleringer 1991), the isotopic composition of water in
roots and stems reflects that of water taken up by roots. White et al. (1985)
carried out measurements of D/H ratios of tree sap to determine the source of
water. They took sap samples from the trunk around noon, when sap flow
rate was high. Wood samples were taken from the trunk using an increment
borer and the sap drawn into capillary tubes. They demonstrated that the OD
values of sap could be used to quantify the relative contributions of sum-
mertime rainfall and groundwater. Dawson and Pate (1996) were able to
identify the sources of the water taken up by the lateral and tap roots belong-
ing to several woody shrubs and trees. They did this by studying the seasonal
changes in the OD of xylem water within different parts of the root system
and lower shoots.
Dalton (1988) studied water extracted by the roots of tomato plants. He
explained that water will be either H20, characterised by water when both
hydrogen atoms are the isotope lHI> or HDO (D for deuterium) when one hydro-
gen atom is the isotope 2Hl' The vapour pressure of the lighter H20 molecule is
slightly greater than that of the DHO molecule. Therefore, vapour phase water
in equilibrium with liquid phase water will have a slightly lower ratio HDOIH 20
than that of the liquid phase. lf there is no vapour component to root water
extraction, then the proportion of HDO in the residual soil water will remain
constant. This experimental technique and isotopic ratio measurements were
shown to be useful for determining the vapour component of water uptake by
the plant roots.
14 Water Uptake 485
Water uptake by roots can be assessed with the methods described so far. In
this section, we refer to methods for studying the ability of roots to take up
water, and the role of root-shoot signalling mechanisms which lead to stomatal
closure and, ultimately, to water uptake.
the xylem in the root, and (4) the axial pathway from root to shoot in the xylem
(Huang and Nobel 1994). The conductance of this pathway is not independent
of rate of flow or soil water content, and the relative importance of the four main
components varies. Changes in the conductivity of the soil-root-shoot pathway
can be due to:
l. Reduction in soil water conductivity as the soil dries out,
2. Changes in continuity of the soil-root pathway by air gaps and reduced
root-soil contact,
3. Changes in osmotic potential outside of the root,
4. Changes in true permeability of the cell walls along the pathway,
5. Changes in osmotic potential inside the root,
6. Changes in the continuity of the axial pathway by embolism.
Different perspectives exist on the relative importance of these processes (Sands
et al. 1982; Weatherley 1982; Passioura 1988; Riidinger et al. 1994; Stirzaker and
Passioura 1996), but there is now general agreement that past conclusions on
the importance of (4) ignored a number of alternative explanations. When the
soil's water content is high, water movement from the soil to the shoots depends
mainly on the hydraulic conductivity of the root itself (3-5 and possibly 6;
Blizzard and Boyer 1980; Passioura 1988). As the soil dries, the conductance of
the soil-root interface (2) can become limiting for water movement, due to root
shrinkage (Taylor and Willatt 1983; Fernândez et al. 1992), but possibly also
because of increases in the osmotic potential of the soil solution (3; Stirzaker
and Passioura 1996). At lower soil water contents, the soil conductivity (1)
becomes the primary limitat ion on water movement in the root-soil pathway.
See Box 14.1 for the components related to the permeability of roots.
A range of techniques is available for determining Lp, Lr and Kh' usually
based on measuring the volume of water flowing through a root that is exposed
to a known difference in water potential, by varying hydrostatic or osmotic
pressure (Huang and Nobel 1994). L p has been determined for individual roots
by measuring Iv induced by applying a partial vacuum to the distal end of an
excised root (Nobel et al. 1990), but also by applying external pressure to the
whole root system. Typical results for Lp' Lr and Kh' as measured by different
authors in different species are reviewed by Huang and Nobel (1994). They show
how hydraulic conductivity changes with plant stage and environmental
conditions. From all the techniques, the root pressure probe technique seems
to be the most widely accepted method to determine Lp' Lr and Kh (Sect. 14.5.1).
The relative importance of the axial and radial component of Lp varies with
plant species and the developmental stage of the root (Huang and Nobel 1994).
Rowse and Goodman (1981) studied water movement in broad bean roots. They
analysed the relative effects ofaxial resistance, calculated from the xylem
dimensions, and radial resistance calculated using a potometer developed to
14 Water Uptake 487
Lp = J (~su'face - ~xylem ),
y / (14.3)
where Jv (m 3 m-2 S- I) is the volumetric flux density of water into the root,
'Vsurfoce (Pa) is the water potential at the root surface, and 'Vxylem is the
water potential of the root xylem. Also,
Lp = Qv/(I1P A), ( 14.4)
where A (m 2) is the root surface area, Q v is the volumetric flow rate of
water (m 3 S- l), and I1P (Pa) is the pressure drop along the root. Lp can be
partitioned into two components: radial conductivity (L r ) for water
movement into the roots and up to the xylem, and axial conductance (K,.)
for water movement along the root xylem (Dryden and van Alfen 1983;
Nobel et al. 1990). For a root segment of length L (m), K" (m 4 S- I Pa- 1) can
be expressed as:
measure the rates of water uptake by small portions of an intact root system.
They found that axial resistance was not likely to be important. This conclusion
may apply to most dicotyledonous plants with secondary development of xylem
transport capacity; in monocots without the capacity to adjust xylem dimen-
sions, however, axial resistance may dominate L p in well-branched root systems.
The continuity of the axial pathway may be dramatically reduced in alI plants,
however, by embolism.
Sperry and Tyree (1990) observed that embolism caused by water stress
reduced hydraulic conductivity in roots of Picea rubens. The appearance of air
embolism in the xylem, as the soil dries, caused a marked reduction of Kh. The
488 J.E. Fernândez et al.
root system ---l::-+--rfifţ~ circuloting
quortz sond solution
L.!::.=~ strip-chort
Fig. 14.14. Device for measuring root pressure and root pressure relaxation on spruce roots;
root pressure was monitored by a pressure transducer connected to an amplifier and display;
movements of the oii water meniscus are recorded in a measuring capillary (stereo microscope);
hydrostatic pressure relaxations are measured by moving the micrometer screw rapidly into and
out of the pressure probe. (From Riidinger et al. 1994)
The Pressure Probe Techniques. The cell pressure probe technique has been
adapted for use on excised roots (Steudle and Jeschke 1983). The root pressure
probe is described by Hallgren et al. (1994), Melchior and Steudle (1994), and
Steudle (1994). Root pressure is measured using a small manometer tightly fixed
to the cut end of excised roots (Fig. 14.14). Excised roots exude xylem sap
because of the active accumulation of solutes in the xylem. When exudation is
stopped by attaching a "root manometer", the system reaches a root pressure
which can be recorded continuously. Half of the interior of the root pressure
probe is filled with silicone oiI and the other half with water, so a meniscus
is formed. The position of the meniscus is monitored with the aid of a stereo-
microscope. Volume changes can be induced in the measuring system, being
responses of root pressure monitored. Measurements begin when a steady root
14 Water Uptake 489
pressure is attained. Changes in pressure with time can be converted into water
flows (Melchior and Steudle 1993). Hydraulic conductivity can be calculated
from analysis of the pressurelfiow relations (Peterson and Steudle 1993;
Peterson et al. 1993). Riidinger et al. (1994) used the root pressure probe to
determine the hydraulic and osmotic properties of a spruce root.
Root pressures can be measured on root tips, segments, or whole root
systems. In a single root tip, measurements are usually possible for 1 to 2 days.
In root systems, measurements have been performed for up to 10 days (Steudle
1994). Measurements on excised roots may not, however, be representative of
those of intact plants.
Pressure in individual xylem vessels of intact plants can be directly mea-
sured by the xylem pressure probe, described in detail by Balling and
Zimmermann (1990) and Zimmerman et al. (1994). Zhu et al. (1995) used this
technique to measure hydraulic properties in roots of maize. This technique
allowed, for the first time in intact plants, the direct measurement of diurnal
and seasonal changes in xylem pressure, plus xylem flow and, in principle, the
solute composition of the xylem sap at the single vessel level. The xylem
pressure probe is filled with "denucleated" water and incorporates a pressure
transducer. A microcapillary probe is advanced slowly through xylem tissue
until the transducer registers a pressure below atmospheric. In order to verify
that the probe is present in a vessel, the microcapillary is loaded within a dye
solution prior to insertion, so that the penetrated vessel can be seen in cross-
sections after the removal of the probe (Benkert et al. 1991). Model experiments
have shown that the probe can accurately read pressure values down to at least
about -1 MPa (Balling et al. 1988; Zimmermann et al. 1994).
Zimmermann et al. (1995) stated that single measurements with the xylem
pressure probe indicate that the xylem tension in the leaves of intact, transpir-
ing plants is often much smaller than that predicted for transpiration-driven
water ascent through continuous water columns. Studies with the xylem pres-
sure probe, together with other evidence, indicates that different mechanisms
need to be considered to explain water movement within plants.
Principle. The relation between applied hydrostatic pressure and flow out of
decapitated root systems is non-linear (Fig. 14.15). This non-linearity was
initially interpreted as a change in the inherent conductance of roots with
increasing flow rates. Fiscus (1975) and Dalton et al. (1975) showed that the
non-linearity can be explained by the interaction of osmotic and hydrostatic
pressures, at a constant hydraulic conductance of the roots. In fact, the osmotic
490 J.E. Fernandez et al.
A measurement B
pipette _ _ I
coUection of -.> I
air bubbles .:i I
pot with ""
sample Applied pressure
regulating vaI ve
and manometer
Fig. 14.1 S. A Pressure bomb design to measure the rate of water flow through excised
root systems at different external hydrostatic pressures. B Typical result, showing non-linear
relationship of flow rate and applied pressure. (From de Willigen and van Noordwijk 1987)
pressure component changes with changing flow rates, depending on the solute
reflection coefficient eTr of the membrane. The models were initially based on a
single membrane in a well-stirred solution, but can be extended to a membrane
in an unstirred solution with salt accumulation in front of the membrane, coun-
teracted by diffusion away from the root surface (Fiscus 1977; Passioura 1984;
de Willigen and van Noordwijk 1987). Recently, Steudle and Peterson (1998)
described the composite transport model, to explain how external fac tors may
influence water passage across roots, and how plants optimize water uptake
according to demands from the shoot.
flow on a root length basis (x) from the two points obtained for each plant,
assuming linearity. The y-intercept of the regres sion gives the minimum gradi-
ent required for flow through the root system (Passioura and Munns 1984;
Rieger and Motisi 1990), and the reciprocal of the slope gives L p• With this
technique, Lp measurements are time consuming.
Measurements of the flow rate through decapitated root systems can be
made for single roots or whole root systems in permeable pots, by enclosing the
roots in a pressure chamber with the stern attached to a pipette (Fig. 14.15). At
low applied pressures (around 0.1 MPa) the osmotic component is not negligible
and samples of the exudate can be collected for analysis. At high applied pres-
sures (around O.5MPa) the osmotic component is negligible, but physical
damage to the roots may occur. If root systems are used which were grown under
incomplete aeration and have created cortical air spaces in response to this, a sub-
stantial volume of air may bubble out of the root, as the cut end of the stern
includes the cortex. The air bubbles can disturb the measurement of flow rates,
but their escape from the root can also cause physical damage to the root. A
sequence oflow and high pressures should be used, including zero-pressures to
check for root leakiness under the pressure of the water column in the pipette.
The method can be applied with large potted plants, provided the dimen-
sions of the pressure chamber are suitable. For roots in their natural habitat,
however, a revers al of the direction of flow is needed. Tyree et al. (1994, 1995)
developed a novel method of measuring hydraulic conductance of tree root
systems using a high-pressure flow meter in the laboratory and field. They mea-
sured the amount of water flowing into root systems through a cut end on the
proximal side (either close to the tree stern or at some distance away) at a range
of pressures. By rapidly testing a range of pressures, total water flow during the
measurements is small and therefore osmotic adjustments or changes in soH
water content around the roots are probably negligible. By pressuring the roots
internally, root-soH contact may be improved. At pressures above 0.1 MPa a
linear response of flow Iv to applied pressure ~P can be obtained, from which
L p for the whole root system can be derived if total root surface area is known.
The latter will need destructive measurement on the root after completing mea-
surements, and/or the use of allometric equations relating tree root diameter
to total root surface area. When the method is applied to dead roots very high
flow rates can be obtained, so a check on the integrity of the root system is
needed, especially for "oudiers".
Tardieu and Davies (1993) consider that the root-shoot signalling mechanism
acting over the stomatal conductance of plants in drying soH is better explained
492 J.E. Fernândez et al.
ethylene precursor ACC increased in shoots of tlooded plants. Trejo et al. (1995)
determined ABA concentration in leaves of Phaseolus acutifolius. Sampled
leaves were frozen in liquid nitrogen and freeze-dried. Bulk leaf ABA concen-
tration was determined using a radioimmunoassay. The monoclonal antibody
AFR MAC 62 was used, which is specific for (+)-ABA. Samples were extracted
using different ratios of extraction (leaf dry weight: solvent) depending on the
concentration of the ABA fed (1 :65-1: 150), and further dilutions were made
when found necessary.
Measurements of the plant water status at a certain time could give us valuable
information for estimating water uptake rates by the roots. Techniques for
measuring stern diameter changes are also discussed in this section, as a more
direct way to estimate water uptake.
Root water potential can be indirectly calculated (Jones 1983) from measure-
ments of leaf water potential made using the pressure-chamber technique
(Scholander et al. 1965). For more direct determination, thermocouple psy-
chrometers, the sucker method or the root pressure probe can be used. However,
these are alI techniques that, by virtue of their delicate nature, are limited to use
in the laboratory.
The Pressure-Chamber Technique (Sucker Shoots). When leaves are not tran-
spiring, the pressure chamber (Scholander et al. 1965) can be used to determine
496 J.E. Fernandez et al.
Omm Sto pp er
Fig. 14.16. Apparatus for measuring root axial resistance to water flow. (From Yamauchi et al.
root water potential. Simonneau and Habib (1991) developed the sucker shoot
method. They used sucker shoots of young peach trees (Fig. 14.17) to estimate
the water potential at the root-sucker branching point. They enclosed the sucker
shoots in plastic bags and aluminium foil to prevent transpiration and mea-
sured the water potential of sucker shoots with a pressure chamber. As there is
no ftow in the suckers, the measured water potential should be equal to the water
potential in the root xylem at the branching point.
Turner (1981, 1987) detailed the main precautions for measuring water
potential with a pressure chamber. Thus, in rapidly transpiring leaves, mea-
surements with the pressure chamber have to be taken as soon as possible after
14 Water Uptake 497
'--_ _ ESWP
excision (not later than 10-30 s); the leaf petiole should not be recut; the length
of the petiole left outside of the pressure vessel should be as short as possible;
gas must not escape from the pressure vessel during the measurement process;
pressurization in the vessel has to be slower than 0.005MPas- 1• The pressure
chamber is robust and inexpensive. Time required for each measurement varies
among species. The technique is, however, destructive and, in some species, the
determination of the end point is complicated by resin exudation from ducts in
the xylem or fluid exudation from the pith and cortex (Ritchie and Hinckley
Water stress in a plant can lead to shrinking and swelling of the stern. Mea-
surement of stern diameter variations and the analysis of the relation with the
water status of the plant have been made in both herbaceous and woody plants
(Molz and Klepper 1973, in cotton; So et al. 1979, in soybean; Brough et al. 1986,
in apple trees; Castel 1994, in citrus trees). Molz and Keppler (1972) found that
the relationship between stern diameter and leaf water potential had significant
hysteresis, mainly due to the time lag in transmittance of water potential
498 J.E. Fernândez et al.
e 9
changes from the xylem into the phloem and its surrounding cor tic al tissues.
Using an analogy between a tensiometer-soil system, and a linear variable dif-
ferential transformer (LVDT - other authors use the word 'transducer' instead
of'transformer') plant system, So et al. (1979) developed a dynamic method to
correct for the time lag observed when using stern diameter fluctuations to
predict changes in plant water potential. They used a LVDT system continuously
to monitor changes in stern diameter. The holders were similar to that used by
Klepper et al. (1971; Fig. 14.18). They reported small errors due to wind fluctu-
ations. LVDT holders with a low expansion coefficient have also been described
by Huguet (1985) and Li et al. (1989). The holder and sensor system can reach
a precis ion of 5 Jlm. The system can be mounted on a stern or branch. Outputs
can be electronically recorded and stored in a data logger.
Simmoneau et al. (1993) used a LV DT system in roots of a 4-year-old peach
tree growing in pots supplied with nutrient solution. The sensor and holder was
of the type described by Huguet (1985). They observed that the diurn al evolu-
tion in diameter of the terminal shoot, main branch, trunk and main root
followed a similar pattern, close to changes in climatic conditions.
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15.1 Introduction 510
15.1 Introduction
where S is the bulk density of the substance [L.T-3 ], F is the flux [M.L-2.T-1], v
is the gradient operator [L- 1], T is time [T], and U is the production or
consumption [M.L-3.T-1]. The flux of the substances under consideration can,
at least within the scope of this book, be assumed to consist of two components:
a convective component and a diffusive component:
F=Fc+FD. (15.2)
The convective flux is due to movement of the fluid which contains the sub-
stance, brought about by e.g. gradients of total pressure. The moving fluid
carries with it the substance it contains:
Fc= VC, (15.3)
where Vis the volume flux of the fluid [L. T-1], and C is the concentration of the
substance in the fluid [M.L-3]. The diffusive flux is assumed here to be given by
Fick's first law, Le. proportional to the gradient of the concentration:
FD=-DVC, (15.4)
where D is the diffusion coefficient W.T-1]. Substitution of Eqs. (15.2), (15.3),
and (15.4) into (15.1) results in:
ar=-V.VC+V.DVC+U, (15.5)
and this then is the general equation that is used to describe transport in the soH
to the root. It assumes a particular form where water or solutes are concerned.
The same symbols C, S, U and D (with the exception of diffusivity Dw) will be
used. From the context it will be clear whether they refer to water or solutes.
Though the earlier descriptions of nutrient transport and uptake bya root con-
sidered a single root in an infinite medium (Bouldin 1961; Nye 1966), most single
root models consider a single cylindrical root confined in an isolated soH
cylinder. The single root is assumed to be representative of a set of roots alI having
512 P. de Willigen et al.
the same dimensions and operating under the same conditions. In order to solve
the partial differential equation (15.5) boundary conditions have to be formu-
lated. Two boundary conditions have to be formulated, one at the outer bound-
ary of the medium and one at the inner boundary, the surface of the root.
For a root in an infinite medium the boundary condition at infinity is that
of finite bulk density of the substance. For a root confined within a soil cylin-
der, with radius R J the condition at the outer boundary of the latter is that of
vanishing flux:
R=R J, Fc+FD=O (15.6)
At the inner boundary, Le. at the root surface where R = Ro, the boundary
condition is usually that of prescribed flux:
R = Ro, Fc + FD= Fo, and (15.7)
sometimes that of given bulk density:
R=Ro,S=So (15.8)
where both Fo and So can be functions of the spatial co-ordinates, time, and in
the case of flux of the concentration at Ro.
The initial distribution of the bulk density in the soi! cylinder is generally
given by:
T=O, S=Sj (15.9)
where the initial bulk density can be a function of the spatial co-ordinates.
15.2.4 Nutrients
The total bulk density of nutrient in inorganic form is composed of the amount
in solution, which is mobile, and that in the solid phase, which is considered
immobile. The latter consists of a pool Q which exchanges at a fast rate with the
pool in solution and a pool from which transfer to the solution is so slow that
in that can be ignored for our purposes:
S =Q+ ec, (15.10)
It will be assumed here that at any time there exists a unique functional
relation - the adsorption isotherm - between Q and C, symbolised by:
15 Modelling Water and Nutrient Uptake 513
Q =fiC). (15.1I)
Substitution of (15.1I) and (15.lO) into (15.5) yields an equation with only
C as the dependent variable:
[f'(C)+O] ar =V ·DVC- V· VC+U. (15.12)
When transport is dominated by diffusion and the mass flow component
can be neglected, Eq. (15.14) simplifies to:
[f'(C) + O] ac
ar =~~DRac.
When the root has contact with the soil solution only over a part of its radial
surface, tangential gradients will develop, and when transport is by diffusion
alone, Eq. (15.12) becomes:
In the case of an infinite medium, the outer boundary condition states that the
concentration converges to a finite value:
R~oo, C~Ci' (15.18)
When the root is confined within a soil cylinder, the boundary condition
at the outer boundary of the soil cylinder is that of vanishing flux Eq. (15.6), in
cylindrical co-ordinates:
R=RJ, -D aR +VC=o. (15.19)
The boundary condition at the root surface usually involves some assump-
tions about physiological properties of the root. Bouldin (1961) and later the
school of Nye assumed a relationship between uptake rate and concentration at
the root surface. Nye and Tinker (1977, p. 116) state: "It is most usual to con-
sider root uptake in relation to solution concentration at the surface as the
boundary condition". The earlier models (Bouldin 1961; Nye 1966) assumed
uptake to be proportional to the concentration at the root's surface:
where a is the root absorbing power [L.r J ]. Later models used Michaelis-
Menten kinetics, sometimes with some modification, to describe the relation
between concentration and uptake (Nye and Marriott 1969):
de C
R=Ro, -D-;-+VC=Umax - - - , (15.21)
dR Km+C
where Umax is the maximum uptake rate, occurring at very high values of C, and
Km is the Michaelis-Menten constant.
De Willigen and van Noordwijk (1978, 1987) took as a starting point the
demand of the plant, which generally is a function of time, but in the case of
15 Modelling Water and Nutrient Uptake 515
Jc A
R=Ro, ifC~C/jm, D-= , elseC=C/jm. (15.22)
aR 2nHLrvRo
Generally, analytical solutions can only be found for linear conditions, i.e. a
linear adsorption isotherm and the diffusion coefficient and flow of water being
independent of the concentration.
The exact solutions are generally quite complicated, consisting of infinite
series of special functions, therefore simpler approximations are used. These
can be employed in macroscopic uptake models. Baldwin et al. (1973) proposed
to describe the concentration-distance profile around a root, taking up with a
rate proportional to the concentrat ion at its surface, by a sequence of steady-
state solutions. In this approach, at each time the average concentration in the
soil cylinder - when transport is by diffusion alone - is given by (for conve-
nience of notation dimensionless variables are used, Table 15.1 gives the
meaning of the symbols used.):
ro = 2 c. (15.24)
1- 1 + p_P- Inp
2 p 2 _1
The approximate cumulative uptake calculated with Eqs. (15.23) and
(15.24) was shown to give good agreement with the uptake calculated by a
numerical model (Nye and Mariott 1969) especially for p < 5. Taking the limit
of Eq. (15.24) as p ~ yields the solution for zero concentration at the root
surface. Moreover, if one can assume p » 1, as usually is the case, Eq. (15.24)
simplifies to:
516 P. de Willigen et al.
T Time T t= DT/Ro2
R Radial co-ordinate L r=RlRo
Ro Root radius L
RI Soil cylinder radius L p
&. Root length (Iayer thickness) L 11
A Plant demand for nutrients M.L-2.11 ro = p' B/(2</111)
Si Initial amount of nutrient M.L-3
</1 Supply/demand parameter </1= D MARo)
C Concentration M.L-3 c
Ci Initial concentration M.L-3
B (=K.+0) Buffer capacity f3 = (K. + 0)/0
w Water uptake rate L3.T-I
V Flux of water 1.11 v = WI(27rHD)
Il = EI{2nHD(p'l)}
L" Root density L-2
K. Adsorption constant
0 Water content
D Diffusion coefficient L2.11
a Root absorbing power 1.11 P= aRolD
Km Michaelis-Menten constant M.L-3 1(= Km/Ci
W= C. (15.25)
Claassen (1989) used the same approach as Baldwin et al. (1973), but used
Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The uptake rate can now be given as:
W= , (15.26)
where f(p) is defined as: f(p) = lnp - 1/2. In the case of zero-sink uptake, Le.
when Co = 0, Eq. (15.26) is identical to Eq. (15.25).
De Willigen and van Noordwijk (1987) described the development of the
concentration distribution as a sequence of steady rate situations, in accordance
15 Modelling Water and Nutrient Uptake 517
with the boundary condition of zero concentration at the root surface. Now the
average concentration is given by:
518 P. de Willigen et al.
Availability. The concepts of soil fertility and nutrient availability have shifted
from essentially static approaches to ones in which the transport of solute in
the soil-root system plays an important role, a tale well told by Nye and Tinker
Bray (1954) was among the first to point out the significance of the
mobility of nutrients in the soil with respect to plant nutrition. Barber (1962)
formulated this more precisely when he distinguished two mechanisms of
transport towards the plant root: transport by mass flow and transport by dif-
fus ion, concepts which are now generally accepted (Nye and Tinker 1977). How
much of the available amount will actually be taken up by the plant at the
required rate depends on the rate itself, the path length of transport (which is
a function of root length density), the transport possibilities in the soil, and the
rate of depletion by sinks other than the plant root. The available amount (in
the definition of de Willigen and van Noordwijk 1987) is that part of the total
amount present in the root zone which can be taken up by the crop when trans-
port through soil is not limiting. Within the root zone during the uptake period
many processes can occur which render part of the originally available pool, at
least temporarily, unavailable (chemical fixation, microbial immobilisation), or
transform former unavailable fractions into a readily available forms (mineral-
ization, rele ase from minerals). When relevant, considerations about crop
uptake have to take into account these amounts released or fixed.
Because of its finite root density and because transport rates in soil are
finite, the plant can take up only a fraction of the available pool. The amount
that can be taken up at the required rate, will be indicated as the unconstrained
uptake capacity. Then the total uptake capacity is that amount which will be
taken up in a certain period, e.g. a growing season, with a rate less than or equal
to the required rate. The difference between total uptake capacity and available
pool is the amount remaining in the soil due to transport limitations. De Willi-
gen and van Noordwijk (1987) applied the steady rate solution to estimate
the amount of a nutrient which is unconstrained and available, for p» 1, it is
given by:
Figure 15.1 shows the fractional depletion, Le. the fraction of the available
nutrient which can be taken up with the required rate. For the parameters used
it shows that in absence of adsorption, e.g. in case of nitrate, a rather sparse root
system can take up almost alI of the available nutrient.
Application to Pot Experiments. The single root models are especialIy suitable
for analysing laboratory and pot experiments. A good example of the use of a
model with simple geometry is given by the study of Gahoonia et al. (1994) con-
cerning the transport of phosphorus to the rhizosphere as influenced by soil
moisture. By employing a special technique in pot experiments, the effects of
water content on transport of P and water could be studied separately, Le. iso-
lated from effects of water availability on root growth and physiology. The
experimental set up was such that transport in one direction in a plan ar
geometry and zero-sink uptake could be assumed. The adsorption isotherm of
P was taken to consist of two linear branches, so that for each branch separately
an analytical solution could be used. There were two treatments comprising a
(constant) moisture content of 0.14 and 0.20 respectively leading to diffusion
coefficients differing by a factor of 4. Figure 15.2 a and b show the good agree-
ment between theory and experiment, i.e. the differences in distribution of
(available) P around the root could, to agreat extent, be explained by the
differences in diffusion coefficients, which in their turn are caused by difference
in water content, so confirming the validity of the transport theory.
Claassen (1989) added to the usual form of the transport equation (15.14) a
sink term to account for the uptake of root hairs. The strength of the sink
was calculated by using an equation like (15.26), where now Ro and RI de note the
radius of the root hair and the half-distance between root hairs respectively. The
model was put to the test by calculating P-uptake by a number of species in pot
experiments. Taking uptake by root hairs into account considerably improved
the agreement between measured and calculated uptake (Fig. 15.3a and b).
15.2.5 Water
as = -V.Pc.
(ff (15.35)
The convective flux is given by Darcy's law which states that the flux of the
soil solution is proportional to the gradient of total potential. The total potential
is the sum of various component potentials, but as we deal with horizontal
transport only, we will only take into account matric potential, reflecting the
forces by which the water is held by the soil matrix. The treatment below is taken,
with some modifications, from Stroosnijder (1976). Darcy's law reads:
where Kw is the hydraulic conductivity [M- I .L3 .T], Pr the total potential
[M.L- I .T-2 )], and Pm the matric potential. It is convenient and commonly done,
to express the potential in terms of length of water column. The flux equation
then becomes:
v = -KVh, (15.37)
where h is the pressure head [L], and K the hydraulic conductivity [L.r- I ].
Substitution of Eq. (15.3) and Eq. (15.37) into Eq. (15.35) results in:
15 Modelling Water and Nutrient Uptake 521
.5 0.2
0.15 • ••
o 2 4 8 la
a measured 10- 14 moi em-1 S-1
dT =V·KCVh. (15.38)
As S = ee, where Ois the volumetric water content of the soil and since C
can be taken to be constant because of the low concentration of solutes, one
finally obtains:
To solve Eq. (15.39) the relation between Pm (or Hp ) and Oshould be known.
This relation is usually called the water retention curve. Now the water
diffusivity Dw( O) can be defined as:
D =-K- (15.40)
W dO·
The same type of boundary conditions as with nutrient uptake apply, viz. given
flux or water content. The former is mostly used, where the flux at the root
surface is related to root length density and transpiration.
But contrary to uptake of nutrients, uptake of water is usually assumed to
be a passive process, a consequence of gradients in water potential in the path:
bulk soil-rhizosphere-root-Ieaf-atmosphere. The models dealt with here pertain
to a part of the path viz. to the transport of water from bulk soil to the rhizos-
phere and from there into the root. This leads to a boundary condition of the
form (CampbellI985; De Willigen 1990):
R=Ro, D w dO =~ , (15.43)
dR 2nRo
524 P. de Willigen et al.
where Ro is the root radius (L), and FI is the uptake rate per unit length of
root (L2.rl ). The uptake rate is assumed to be proportional to the difference in
pressure between water in the rhizosphere and in the roots (the root water
where hRO is the pressure head of the rhizosphere (L), hp is the pressure head in
the root (L), and K p is the conductance of the root (L.T- I ). Equation (15.44) thus
describes the flow across the root surface. On the other hand, FI is also equal to
the transpiration rate per unit root length:
1\=--, (15.45)
ilzL rv
where E is the actual transpiration rate (L.T- I ), and Llz (L) is the layer thickness
(root length). Equation (15.45) describes the flow of water from bulk soil to the
root surface. From Eqs. (15.44) and (15.45) it follows that
The actual transpiration rate in its turn may depend on the root water
where Epal is the potential transpiration rate, as determined by atmospheric evap-
orative demand (L. T- I ) and f(h p) denotes the reduction of potential transpiration
due to root water potential. Campbell (1991) proposed the function:
f(h p ) = - - - (15.48)
1+ ( hp )a
where hp.1/2 is the leaf water potential where E = Tpa l2, and the exponent a is a
species dependent constant.
When the level of dissolved salts in the soil solution becomes appreciable,
the difference in total soil moisture potential (including the osmotic as well as
the matric potential) between the soil and the root-water potential must be
taken into account. A detailed description of water and solute transport from
soil to root must consider both the differential hydraulic conductance and the
differential osmotic permeability of the various tissues and flow paths, with the
osmotic factor being particularly important at the endodermis.
Because the membranes of the roots exclude most solutes from the stream
of solution passing through them, there will be a build-up of solutes at these
membranes and hence the osmotic pressure at the membranes will be greater
than that of the extern al solution. Localised draw-downs of both matric and
osmotic components of soil moisture potential around the roots can be impor-
15 Modelling Water and Nutrient Uptake 525
tant, particularly in the case of young plants and/or if the irrigation water or
the soil is saline. Water and solute transport through root systems or segments
of roots is more precisely expressed in the plant physiologicalliterature by the
which derives from irreversible thermodynamics and is routinely used for
describing the flow of water across an individual semipermeable membrane
(Dainty 1976). llP is the drop in hydrostatic pressure across the membrane; (J'
is the reflection coefficient, which takes into account the permeability of the
membrane to a given solute; and lln: is the rise in osmotic pressure, across the
membrane. Equation (15.49) applies, strictly, only to a well-defined membrane
with uniform properties.
Contrary to the flux equation for solutes, which for our purposes can be
assumed to be linear, i.e. the diffusion coefficient and the flux of water are inde-
pendent of the solute concentration, the flux equations for soil water are highly
non-linear, the conductivity decreasing strongly with de cre as ing pressure head
and water content. Next to the non-linearity of the flux equation there is a non-
linear relation between the pressure head and the water content. Due to these
non-linearities, the transport equation generally has to be solved numerically.
However, some analytical approximations are mentioned in the literature and
will be discussed here.
Van den Honert (1948) introduced the attractive analogue of a electric al
current flowing through a series of resistances. For the analogy to apply, a
steady-state situation should exist. Gardner (1960) described the drying of soil,
due to root water uptake, as a sequence of steady-states.
For a homogeneous soil and horizontal transport, the non-linearity of the
flux can be removed by introducing the matric flux potential (Raats 1970),
defined by:
f f
where eI> is the matric flux potential (L2.r-1), hrej is a reference value of the
pressure head and the corresponding water content. This transforms Eq.
(15.37) into:
v = -VeI>. (15.51)
Next to the non-linearity of the flux equation there is a non-linear reiat ion
between the pressure head and the water content. By assuming a steady-rate
526 P. de Willigen et al.
Moreover, there will be a gradient in the water content around the root. The
unconstrained available water Wu which can be taken up at the required
rate, taking into account the transport possibilities of the soil/root system, is
defined by:
f f
~ ~
The integral on the right hand side of Eq. (15.56) can be evaluated using
Eq. (15.52), where <I>Ro is evaluated with (15.50) at h = hRO' with hRO given by Eq.
(15.55). The fractional depletion of the available water realised in the period of
unconstrained uptake is:
FDw =-=1
, W (15.57)
Root and Soil Resistance. The single root uptake model can be used to asses the
relative importance of soil resistance with respect to root resistance. The root
resistance is calculated as:
528 P. de Willigen et al.
Fractional depletion
o 2 3 4 5 6
Lrv cm cm- 3
Fig. 15.4. Fractional depletion as a function of root length density for a clay soil. Critical root
water potential -2 MPa, potential transpiration rate 5.10-3 m day-l
Figure 15.5 shows the plant and soil resistance as a function of the average
pressure head (given as pF), for a root length densityof 103 mm-3, and trans-
piration of 5 10-3 m day-l, for a clay, sand, and peat soil in the Netherlands
(Wosten 1987), and a root conductance of 23.IO--4 m d- 1, the highest value found
in the literature (De Willigen and van Noordwijk 1987). Clearly, even with this
high value of root conductance, plant resistance exceeds the soil resistance for
pF-values up ta 3 (sand) ar even 4.5 (clay). This is an illustration of the con-
clusion of Molz (1981): "... it [the root resistance] seems certain ta dominate
in the upper 75% of the water content under normal rooting conditions".
Herckelrath et al. (1977) were the first ta quantitatively evaluate the effects
of limited root-soil contact for water uptake. The uptake rate in their approach
is multiplied with the water content relative ta the water content at saturation.
15 Modelling Water and Nutrient Uptake 529
The same procedure has been used by Hansen et al. (1991) and Bouten (1992).
The approximation in Eq. (15.32) can be used to estimate the extra resistance
in the soil due to incomplete contact, again the matric flux potential plays an
analogous role to the concentration. For the clay soil and the parameters of Fig.
15.5, the point where the soil resistance exceeds the root resistance shifts from
2.77 MPa in case of complete contact to 1.57 MPa when contact is 10%.
15.3.1 Nutrients
model is rather trivial, the uptake rate per unit soil surface simply is the product
of the root length density and the uptake rate of a single root. Upscaling is
considerably more difficult, even for parallel identical roots confined to a single
soillayer, when roots or nutrient are not regularly distributed. Barley (1970)
proposed constructing a polygon around each root, consisting of the locus of
points in the soil nearer to that root than to any other. Such a construction
is called the Dirichlet tessellation (Green and Sibson 1977). Barley then
considered the uptake from a cylinder with the same area as the polygon.
Uptake rate was assumed to be proportional to the concentration at the
root surface. He found small effects of non-regular root distribution. Baldwin
et al. (1973), using an electrical analogue, found considerably larger effects. De
Willigen and van Noordwijk (1987) constructed a Dirichlet tessellation for root
maps made in the field, and calculated the potential uptake from equivalent
cylinders, as Barley had done, but also took into account the eccentric position
of the root in such a cylinder. They found no reduction in uptake for mobile
solutes like nitrate, but a reduction of 75% for a nutrient with an adsorption
constant of 20.
Rappoldt (1992) presented a highly interesting theory on the use of an
equivalent model system to which the relevant diffusion equation can be
applied. The model system consists of spherical, cylindrical or plane aggregates,
which do not represent the individual aggregates of the soil, however. The
length scales in the real and model system are the same. A model of diffusion in
soil aggregates is evaluated by solving a differential equation in the model system.
The overall result for the soil is then found as a weighted sum of the results for
the various length scales (ef. Sect. 7.3.7 on the root effectivity ratio Rper ).
Claassen and Barber (1976) presented a model of a growing root system,
where it was assumed that the roots do not interfere [boundary condition,
Eq. (15.18)], Le. it deals with a single root, the length of which is increasing in
time. Barber and Cushman (1981) extended this model to one where the bound-
ary condition Eq. (15.19) was used, but where root length density apparent1y
stayed constant.
Hoffland et al. (1990) simulated phosphate uptake for a regularly distrib-
uted root system where roots behave as zero-sinks, increasing in root length
density in time. With increasing density the radius of the soil cylinder allocated
to each root decreases and the concentration gradients in the soil volumes sur-
rounding the root are truncated. Newly grown roots sample the soil with the
largest concentration. The model was successfully applied to a pot experiment
with rape. Later (Hoffland 1991) this was extended to include exudation of
organic acids by the root system in order to explain the unexpected1y high
uptake when rock phosphate was applied.
Geelhoed et al. (1997) extended this model with a sink term for zero sink
uptake by root hairs. The zero sink influx term was taken from de Willigen and
15 Modelling Water and Nutrient Uptake 531
van Noordwijk [1994b, ef. Eq. (15.29)]. The model appeared to give good results
for P-uptake of maize plants grown in a medium of quartz sand coated with
goethite, at least when the level of adsorbed phosphate was high (Fig. 15.6). Low
level uptake was severely underestimated, due to the large decrease in pH in the
course of the experiment, which was not incorporated into the model.
Most crop growth models contain a module which deals with uptake by the
root system. Van Keulen et al. (1975) used a numerical model to calculate the
uptake possibilities of a root system. They carne to the conclusion that in case
of non-adsorbed nutrients, like nitrate, under normal conditions availability is
almost 100%, even at low root length densities (see also Fig. 15.1). Based on such
calculations, in many crop growth models (Greenwood et al. 1985; van Keulen
and Seligman 1987; Rijtema and Kroes 1991) dealing with uptake of nitrate the
(distribution of) root length density does not play a role, the only relevant
parameter being the vertical extent of the root system.
120 •
~ 80
- ••
p., 60
u 40
20 •
Fig.15.6. Observed and
calculated P uptake by maize O
plants. Uptake calculated
O 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
with zero sink Eq. (15.29).
Observed P uptake Ilffiol plant- 1
(After Geelhoed 1998)
532 P. de Willigen et al.
_ [ ln p21] p
2nD(C-C r) ---- v=O
p2 -1 2
(p2 -1)(' - G,l np 2
1= v=2,
qr (p2 -1)-l np 2
(p2 -1)(1- v)(' _ (p2-2V -l)C r
qr (2 )( ) (2-2V -1 ) else
where qr is the radial water flow rate (L 3 .L- 1.T- 1), and Cr is the concentration in
the soil solution at the root surface (M.L- 3).
If the uptake is limited by the availability of nitrogen, the concentrat ion
at the root surface is assumed to be equal to zero and hence the root will
act as a zero sink. In this case total uptake of nitrogen is calculated by
integrat ing the flux over the entire root system. In the case of ample nitrogen
supply, the total nitrogen uptake is determined by the potential nitrogen
demand. Then total uptake is distributed over the entire root zone by
assuming a common concentration to exist along the root surfaces of the
entire root system. Soil layers in which the concentration is less than the
common concentration are assumed not to contribute to nitrogen uptake.
The calculations are performed for both ammonium and nit rate. It is assumed
that ammonium is taken up by the plant roots in preference to nitrate. The
mobility of the ammonium in soil is considered less than that of nitrate
due to adsorption of ammonium to soi! colloids which is described by an
adsorption-desorption isotherm. The vertical movement of nitrogen is model-
led by means of a numerical solution of the convection-dispersion equation
for ammonium as well as for nitrate. The source sink term in the convection
dispersion equation integrates the transformation processes for ammonium as
well as for nitrate.
534 P. de Willigen et al.
where U is uptake in kgha- I day-I, Lv,; is the root length density in cmcm-3,
lXw is a reduction factor depending on relative water content, Azi is the
thickness of the layer in cm, the maximum uptake rate per unit root length
(mgcm-1d- I) and Fav an availability factor depending on the nitrate content
(NN03,i in mgkg- I):
The factor 100 is for conversion to kgha- I day-I. Total uptake is calculated
by summing the uptake rates from the individuallayers. Then a nitrate uptake
factor is computed as the ratio of demand and total potential uptake. If this
factor exceeds 1, the actual uptake equals the potential uptake, otherwise the
actual uptake is calculated as the potential uptake multiplied by the nitrate
uptake factor.
For a situation as given in Table 15.2, and a plant demand of 4kgha- I
day-I, the uptake distribution was calculated using the three models. Results are
given in Fig. 15.7, where it is shown that the Ritchie formulation leads to a total
uptake rate of less than half the demand, whereas the two other uptake models
do satisfy demand completely or almost.
15 Modelling Water and Nutrient Uptake 535
Table 15.2. Distribution of roots, nitrogen and water with depth as used for the calculations
of distribution of nitrogen uptake by three different uptake models
0-20 1. 20 0.2
20-40 0.5 10 0.2
40-60 0.25 8 0.2
60-80 0.12 5 0.2
80-100 0.06 2 0.2
w H
..I<i 2.5
- - - - - -R
U 1.0
Fig. 15.7. Cumulative uptake
rate with depth for the situation
given in Table 15.2, as 0.5
caleulated with the uptake
module of Hansen et al. (1991;
indicated with H) the Ceres 0.0
model (R) and that of de O 50 100
Willigen and van Noordwijk
(1995) (W) Depth em
536 P. de Willigen et al.
15.3.2 Water
A first example is the water uptake module as used in the SWATRE model
(Feddes et al. 1978). First, a potential water uptake rate is calculated, which is
corrected for the pressure head in the soil. In its simplest form the potential
water extraction rate (5 maJ is assumed to be equally distributed over the root
zone (Zr):
Later (Bouten 1992), the potential uptake was distributed according to the rel-
ative distribution of the root length density:
The actual uptake rate (5) in a certain layer depends on the pressure head of
that layer:
5 = a(h)5 max• (15.65)
De Willigen and van Noordwijk (1995) used a water uptake model (WATUP)
based on an extension of the single root model treated in Section 15.2.5. Again,
for a root system distributed over several soillayers (or compartments), they
assumed that within each layer (compartment) the roots are regularly distrib-
uted and that again in each layer flow of water from the bulk soil to the rhi-
zosphere equals that from the rhizosphere into the root:
15 Modelling Water and Nutrient Uptake 537
where the subscript i denotes the number of the layer. AIso, the total uptake
should equal transpiration:
This yields N + 1 equations with N + 1 unknowns: the N values for hRo,; and the
root water potential hp • Again, the equations have to be solved by iteration
because of the non-linear relation between <l> and h, and the non-linear nature
of f(h p ). For a relatively wet soil the major resistance is found in the root (Fig.
15.5), and the gradients in the soil are accordingly very small, i.e. <l>Ro,; "" <Îl;, and
hp is much larger than h;. The uptake from a certain layer is then proportional
to the relative root length density in that layer as in Eq. (15.64). So for relatively
wet conditions, both models yield the same distribution of uptake.
The models are applied to results of an experiment of Sharp and Davies
(1985). They measured root length and water uptake distribution of maize
plants. After a preliminary growth period, half of the plants were watered daily,
the other half were not watered at alI. Figure 15.8a shows the results of the welI-
watered treatment. The results show that measured water uptake is more or less
proportional to root length density as predicted by WATUP and SWATRE with
a potential sink term as given in Eq. (15.64). The sink term in Eq. (15.63) leads
to a uniform distribution of water uptake.
Figure 15.8b shows the uptake distribution for the treatment where no
water was given during 18 days. Now the distribution of uptake is not deter-
mined by distribution of root length density but by distribution of pressure
head, as presumably the resistance in the soil now exceeds that in the roots. The
three models yielded more or less the same distribution as found in the exper-
iment although the measured transpiration amounted to 0.93 cm day-l, WATUP
calculated 0.85cm day-l, and SWATRE, using Eq. (15.63), yielded 0.62cm day-l,
and using Eq. (15.64) arrived at 0,49cm day-l.
Though it can be said that we have come a long way in modelling uptake by
root systems since the beginning in the eariy 1960s, a large number of uncer-
tainties stiH exist. One of the difficulties is the validation of the uptake models
as such in field situations. EspecialIy in the case of uptake of nutrients, it is
compulsory to consider other processes as well e.g. mineralization, dissolution,
538 P. de Willigen et al.
"C 0.5
u 0.4
1\1 0.3
~ 0.1 M
O 20 40 60 80
... 0.6
Depth cm
0.5 W
u 0.4 M
1\1 0.3 SI
:1 0.2 S2
al 0.1
~ O
O 20 40 60 80
b Depth cm
Fig. 1 S.8. a Distribution of water uptake with depth as observed (Sharp and Davies 1985, M),
and calculated by SWATRE (Feddes et al. 1978, S1), modified SWATRE (Bouten 1992, S2) and
WATUP (de Willigen and van Noordwijk 1995, W). Well-watered treatment. b As for a but during
18 days no water was given
ties of the soil with respect to phosphate in such a way that availability is
increased.A fewmodels (e.g.Hoffland 1991; Geelhoed 1998) have included these
processes. Other processes triggered by root activity are temporal immobilisa-
tion of N and P by micro-organisms, and production and exudation of iron
mobilising substances. Darrah (1993) gives a nice review of the relative impor-
tance of such processes. Future models should, where relevant, include more
details of the processes in the rhizosphere and their interaction with root activ-
ity and functioning.
Another interesting area, but now at the scale of a root system rather than
of a single root, is that of the influence of root architecture on efficiency of
uptake. Fitter (1987) estimated this by combining his topological model with
the depletion zone as defined by Baldwin and Nye (1974). Doussan et al.
(1998a,b) coupled a model ofroot system architecture (Pages et al. 1989) with
laws describing flow of water into and within roots. They used the model to
investigate the influence of conductance varying with time on the distribution
of water potential in a maize root system. They found that considerable gradi-
ents in water potential could develop. It is to be expected that coupling of archi-
tectural models with appropriate uptake models wiH be one of the main
activities in the field of modelling of uptake and functioning of root systems,
but the influence of growth and decay of roots should also be dealt with.
On a stiHlarger scale, there are models describing the competition between
root systems of different species, which is of relevance for e.g. agroforestry
systems or where interaction between crops and weeds is studied. Recently, two
models investigating agroforestry systems have been published, Wimisa (Mayus
1998) and Wanulcas (Van Noordwijk and Lusiana 1998), the first one dealing
with competition between trees and a crop for water, the second also dealing
with competition for nutrients. Wimisa has been put to the test with reasonable
results, Wanulcas is stiH at the development stage. Developing and validating
such complicated models offer a major challenge to future research.
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Plant Anchorage
A.R. Ennos l and S. Pellerin 2*
1 The University of Manchester, School of Biological Sciences, 3.614 Stopford Building, Oxford
Road, Manchester, M13 9PT, UK
2 INRA, Domaine de la Grande Ferrade, B.P. 81,71 Av. Ed. Bourleaux, 33883 Villenave d'Ornon
16.1 Introduction 545
16.2 Mechanics of Anchorage 547
16.2.1 Resistance to Uprooting 547
16.2.1 Resistance to Lodging and Windthrow 548 Systems Transmitting Vertical Forces to the Soi! 548 Systems Transmitting Horizontal Forces to the Soil 549
16.3 Methods for Measuring Anchorage Components 551
16.3.1 Measuring the Relative Contributions of Anchorage
Components 551
16.3.2 Measuring Root Properties 553 Tensile Tests 553 Bending Tests 555
16.3.3 Measuring Soi! Properties 556
16.4 Methods for Evaluating Plant Anchorage Taken as a Whole 558
16.4.1 Direct Methods 558 Vertical Tests 558 Horizontal Pushing or Pulling Tests 559
16.4.2 Indirect Methods 559
16.5 Conclusion 560
References 562
Further Reading 565
16.1 Introduction
* Principal author
This chapter focuses on methods used for measuring plant anchorage. The
reader must bear in mind, however, that most anchorage studies are only valu-
able if combined with investigations on aerial parts of the plant. Basic descrip-
tions of the mechanics of plant anchorage are given in Section 16.2. Available
methods for measuring anchorage components, or anchorage as a whole, are
given in Sections 16.3 and 16.4.
Roots resist uprooting in just the same way as tent pegs (Ennos 1989, 1990);
friction transfers tension from the roots into the surrounding soil. Such a
system can fail in several ways depending on the size and strength of the root
and the strength of the soil. If a root is short and strong and the soil weak it
will pull out of the ground. In contrast, a long, weak root in strong soil will break
before the soil fails. In practise, unstrengthened roots more than a few mil-
limetres in length would break long before being pulled out of the soil, and at
very low forces.
Most c1imbing and procumbent plants which have to resist being uprooted
have their anchorage systems improved over a single unstrengthened root in
three ways (Ennos 1991a, 1993). First, the friction between root and soil is
increased by possession of root hairs which are glued to soil partic1es. However,
even then the rate at which tension can be transferred is ultimately limited by
the shear strength of the soil. Hence in weak, wet soil friction is stiH transferred
slowly. Second, their roots are strengthened towards their base where they are
most highly stressed. Third, most of these plants produce fibrous root systems
using large numbers of adventitious roots or a highly branched primary root
to produce a root system with a large surface area. In these ways, therefore, the
anchorage strength is maximised for a minimum investment in strengthening
548 A. R. Ennos and S. Pellerin
At one extreme of the range of anchorage systems which transmit vertical forces
to the soil are plants which have a broad, spreading root system with many hor-
16 Plant Anchorage 549
izontallateral roots and some vertical sinkers. Such plants include many trees
including spruce (Coutts 1983,1986), larch (Crook and Ennos 1996b), poplar
and many buttressed rainforest trees. In these spreading systems the resistance
of the soil to downward movement of the laterals will be very high because of
the large are a of the root system and the high compressive strength of soil. For
these reasons failure occurs mostly on the windward side, the plant being
levered up about a hinge on the leeward side (Fig. 16.lA). Exactly what happens
depends on the soil conditions, just as it does during uprooting of climbers. In
wet soil a large root plate may be levered out of the ground together with many
sinkers which are pulled out intact. In contrast, in drier, stronger soil a smaller
root plate may be formed, windward roots may be broken and sinkers sheared
off. In such systems three components of anchorage may be identified (Fig.
16.lA): the resistance of the leeward hinge to bending; the resistance of the
windward side to uprooting and the weight of the root -soil plate.
At the other extreme of the range of anchorage types are plants which have
a narrower root system with large numbers of nearly vertical roots. Such
systems are found in the coronal root systems of winter wheat (Crook and
Ennos 1993) and the prop root systems of maize (Ennos et al. 1993b). In such
systems the resistance of the windward roots to being pulled out of the soil is
higher than the combined resistance of the soil beneath the narrow root plate
to being compressed and the leeward roots to buckling. As a result, the system
will rotate about a windward hinge (Fig. 16.lB) and a cone of roots and attached
soil will be levered into the ground. The size of the cone will depend on the soil
strength, being large in weak wet soil and smaller in strong dry soil. There are
only two possible components of anchorage: the resistance of the soil to com-
pres sion and the buckling resistance of the leeward roots.
A final extreme form of anchorage system is the simple tap root system seen in
many members of the Brassicaceae (Ennos and Fitter 1992) and some pioneer
rainforest trees, such as members of the Euphorbiaceae (Crook et al. 1997). In
such systems anchorage is almost entirely provided by the vertical root which
acts just like a foundation pile. When such a plant is pushed over the tap root
rotates about a point some way below the soil surface, the top moving to leeward
and the bottom to windward (Fig. 16.lC). These movements are resisted by two
components: the compressive resistance of the soil to lateral motion and the
bending resistance of the tap root itself. Resistance of the lower regions of the
tap root to uprooting may also play some slight role. As in the other systems
the exact mode of failure will depend on the soil strength: soft, wet soil will fail
deep into the ground and the plant willlean over permanently; in stronger, drier
soil the tap root or stern are more likely to snap.
550 A. R. Ennos and S. Pellerin
Fig. 16.1A-C
16 Plant Anchorage 551
Fig. 16.1. Failure modes due to horizontal forces in three types of root systems. In widely
spreading root systems with sinker roots such as those possessed by trees and some herbaceous
dicots (A) the system rotates up around a leeward hinge. Uprooting is resisted by three compo-
nents: the stiffness of the hinge; the resistance to pullout of the windward sinker roots; and the
weight of the root/soil plate. In the narrower systems seen in cereals (8) and other monocots,
rotation occurs about a windward hinge. Lodging is resisted by two components: the resistance
of the soil beneath the root/soil cone to compression; and the buckling resistance of the coronal
roots. Simple tap root systems (C) are supported by the resistance of the soil on either side to
compression. Rotation occurs directly beneath the stern
552 A. R. Ennos and S. Pellerin
Once the pattern of failure has been observed, and the possible components
of anchorage identified, their relative importance can be determined by carry-
ing out a further series of tests.
In plate systems in particular it has proved possible to determine the rela-
tive size of the different components. This is do ne by comparing the torques
required to pull over single plants both before and after particular components
are destroyed. Typical procedures involve cutting of the leeward hinge and
trenching around the root system (Coutts 1986; Ennos et al. 1993a). It is
also possible to estimate the strength of the leeward hinge by summing the
strengths of individual lateral roots on one side of the trunk against being bent
upwards (Crook and Ennos 1996). In all the species that have so far been
investigated the largest anchorage component is the uprooting resistance of
windward roots.
In other systems it has proved much harder to work out the relative size of
the different anchorage components. For some systems this is due to practical
difficulties. In cone systems, for instance, it is hard to determine the importance
of the buckling resistance of the basal roots because each buckles at a different
depth and at a different distance from the centre of rotation (Crook and
Ennos 1993). The importance of the resistance of soil to compression in such
root systems can be determined, however, by rotating a model cone into the soil.
For other anchorage systems the difficulty in determining the relative size of
the anchorage components is intrinsic to the mechanics. The soil will only
help prevent tap-rooted systems from lodging, for example, if the tap root
has bending rigidity. It is therefore theoretically impossible to separate the
The most obvious technique to determine anchorage components, and
one which has been extensively used by many early workers who investigated
the lodging resistance of wheat and maize (Neenan and Spencer-Smith
1975), is to measure the force required to extract individual roots. Unfortunately
this technique has very little value because roots are not pulled out of the
ground when these species are pulled over. A further problem is that the
failure which occurs when an individual root is pulled out is quite different from
that which happens when the whole system fails and many roots pull out in
a block.
In cases in which it is difficult to calculate the size of the components of
anchorage it is perhaps best to simply measure the mechanical properties of the
roots and the soil in which they are embedded. Measurement of root proper-
ties can provide much more information about the anchorage system and will
allow much easier direct comparison between different varieties or species
of plants.
16 Plant Anchorage 553
Two sets of mechanical tests can be carried out on roots depending on their
morphology and function. These are best performed on a universal loading
frame that has been purpose built for materials testing (eg. Instron Corpora-
tion, Lloyd's).
Fibrous roots resist only tensile forces so their properties are best investigated
by carrying out tensile tests, in which the upper regions of the roots are held
in the clamps of a universal testing machine and stretched (Fig. 16.2A). The
machine will produce a graph of force against extension (Fig. 16.2C) which can
be used (see Box 16.1) to determine the root's mechanical properties: breaking
strength, and the breaking stress and stiffness of the material from which it is
made. The "overalI" strength of the root system can finalIy be characterised as
the sum of the basal strengths of alI the roots.
E= dF 4L , (16.2)
dy nD 2
where dF/dy is the initial slope of the force/extension curve, and L is the
initiallength of the root between the clamps (Ennos 1989).
554 A. R. Ennos and S. Pellerin
-+---++--Load Cell
Support -
_ ~reaking~trength
Fig. 16.2. Methods for determining the mechanical properties of roots using a universal testing
machine. In tensile tests (A), fibrous roots are gripped by two clamps and are stretched by
upward movement of the crosshead. The load cell measures the force required. In three point
bending tests (B), a length of rigid root is balanced between two supports and is bent by a probe
which is moved down and hits it midway between them. Both tests produce a force/deflection
graph (C) which can be used to determine both the maximum bending moment a root can with-
stand, its rigidity, and the stiffness of the material of which it is composed
16 Plant Anchorage 555
There are two main problems with tensile tests. The first is a theoretical
problem; the strength of roots decreases with increasing distance from their base,
so the results obtained may not correspond well with uprooting resistance. The
second is practical; when stretched by the machine, roots tend to break at the
clamps, at forces well below their breaking strength. Gluing the roots to the clamp
using cyanoacrylate "superglues" may reduce this problem to an extent but when
this is done the stele may simply slip out of the cortex at the clamps.
The more rigid laterals and tap roots are broken more frequently in nature by
being bent rather than by being stretched, so their properties are better inves-
tigated by carrying out bending tests. To study uniform bending forces on their
own without additionally imparting shear to the roots it would be theoretically
best to carry out four point bending tests, which are equivalent to holding a root
section at its two ends and bending it. This provides a uniform bending load to
the whole section. However, these four point bending tests are tricky to perform
and roots are never, in fact, loaded this way. It is easier and just as valid to carry
out three point bending tests. In such tests, the upper region of the root is rested
between two supports and the root is bent by a probe which impacts on it half
way between the supports (Fig. 16.2B). In these tests the centre of the section
is subjected to the greatest bending loads, while the ends get no loading in
bending. However, from the force/deflection curve {Fig. 16.2C) both the bending
strength and rigidity of the root can be calculated, along with the stiffness, or
Young's modulus, of the root material (Ennos et al. 1993b), but the calculations
(see Box 16.2) are rather more complex than for tensile tests.
Bending tests have the advantage that they are very quick and easy to
perform. Their disadvantages are that roots are seldom cylindrical, as the test
assumes, but taper gradually. Hence the calculations of the strength, rigidity
and Young's modulus are subject to some error. Despite this, three point bend-
ing tests have been extremely useful in comparing anchorage systems of dif-
ferent species (Ennos et al. 1993a,b), varieties ofplants (Crook and Ennos 1994)
and plants subjected to different treatments (Crook and Ennos 1994, 1995;
Goodman and Ennos 1996). The rigidity and strength of the stern can also be
measured for comparison using this technique. A simplified pocket device exists
for field measurement of the material properties of woody tree roots (Mattheck
et al. 1994). This measures both the lateral breaking stress and longitudinal
compressive breaking stress of the wood (Stokes and Mattheck 1996). Though
these properties are not the same as those calculated by the three point bending
test, they are still useful because the breaking stress of wood tends to be pro-
portional to its stiffness.
556 A. R. Ennos and S. Pellerin
The stiffness of the material, E, which has units of newtons per metre
squared, can therefore also be readily calculated for each root section by
combining the last two equations ta give:
Just as with the tensile tests, the sum of the bending strengths ar
rigidities of aU the roots can then give a measure of the strength of the
root system.
As we have seen, the strength of a plant's anchorage system and even its uproot-
ing behaviour depends greatly an the strength of the soil in which its roots are
embedded. In turn this crucially depends an the water potential of the soil. It
is therefore extremely important when performing lodging and uprooting tests
16 Plant Anchorage 557
Because the mechanics of plant anchorage is complex, and involves several root
and soH characteristics, a convenient way to evaluate anchorage resistance is to
measure it directly. The most commonly used method is to measure the verti-
cal root-pulling resistance of the plant. Its basic principle is to measure the peak
force required to pull the plant's root system from the soil. Practical problems
may happen if stern breakage occurs instead of uprooting. This is most likely
when the soH is very dry, so these conditions should be avoided. Simple exper-
imental devices have been proposed which may be used for field studies (Nass
and Zuber 1971; Rogers et al. 1976; O'Toole and Soemartono 1981; Peters et al.
1982; Jenison et al. 1981; Kevern and Hallauer 1983; Penny 1981). The equip-
ment used includes a scale to measure force, a lever and a hand-operated clamp
to grasp the plant, and a tripod or some other portable platform. The clamp,
sash cord, or leather strap is placed around the base of the stalk and the plant
is uprooted with a hand-powered winch, the force necessary being measured
by a force transducer. This type of device has some limitations with respect to
the standardisation of the test and the time required. More sophisticated devices
have been proposed with a tractor or a skid-steer loader providing the required
hydraulic power. These devices are less labour intensive and use a standardised
root-pull measurement (Donovan et al. 1982; Beck et al. 1987). A device aimed
at more accurate vertical tests performed on young plants in laboratory
conditions was proposed by Ennos (l991b). In this latter case, the whole
force/vertical displacement curve was recorded.
Significant correlations were found by some authors between this vertical
test and the resistance to lodging of a range of maize genotypes (Fincher et al.
1985). Contradictory results were, however, found by other authors who found
low or no correlations between this test and lodging resistance (Armara and
Crosbie 1982; Kevern and Hallauer 1983; Melchinger et al. 1986). One major
advantage of this method is its simplicity, but the mode of faHure is very dif-
ferent from what happens during natural lodging; the anchorage is tested
vertically, whereas lodging involves resistance to a horizontal strain. Weak cor-
relations between this test and resistance to lodging are therefore not surpris-
ing. Clearly, this method seems more adapted to studies of plant resistance to
16 Plant Anchorage 559
Many authors have tried to find correlations between important features of the
root system and plant anchorage, measured with one of the previously men-
tioned methods, or resistance to lodging. Correlations with individual root
characters are often weak because of the complexity of anchorage mechanics.
The closest correlations were often found with characters which affect the size
of the root-soil cone, such as the angle of spread of adventitious roots from
higher internodes (Hebert et al. 1992). In wheat, the link between the diameter
of the root-soil cone and anchorage resistance was theoretically and experi-
560 A. R. Ennos and S. Pellerin
(front view)
ANGLE SENSOR - - - - -
(fn box)
a b
Fig. 16.3. General view of the portable electronic device for horizontal pushing test proposed
by Fouere et al. (1995). The free rotating nails are anchored in the ground, thus creat ing a hor-
izontal rotation axis passing through the plant base and preventing back-sliding of the device
during the pushing operation. During the pushing operation, the force sensor measures and
transmits the force to the stalk. Afreely rotating PVC pulley prevents any friction between the
force sensor and the stalk. (Reproduced from Agronomy Journal)
mentally demonstrated by Crook and Ennos (1993). Obviously the search for
root characters which are correlated with plant anchorage resistance should be
based on a preliminary investigation of the anchorage mechanics of the species
under considerat ion. Most promising developments are based on attempts to
model root anchorage, which may help in identifying the most important root
and soil characters for anchorage (Ennos 1991b; Crook and Ennos 1993).
16.5 Conclusion
properties have also been used in the context of comparison between species
or genotypes.
Because the scientific investigation of anchorage is stiH in its early stages,
there is, however, stiH a strong need for simply understanding how it works.
Observation-based methods, which describe what happens when a plant is
pushed or pulled, are stiH useful in this context. An important contribution may
be expected from the use of strain gauges which record the distribution of
mechanical strains in the stern and roots (Stokes et al. 1995; Crook and Ennos
1996b; Crook et al. 1997). A further step wiH be to model plant anchorage by
simultaneously considering the root system architecture, the mechanical prop-
erties of the roots, and the mechanical properties of soils. Pioneer models have
been proposed by Ennos (1991b), and Crook and Ennos (1993), but future
models wiH probably have to be more sophisticated and make use of the criti-
cal state theory of soil mechanics, which up until now has mostly investigated
the movement of narrow tines through topsoil. Such models, combined with
experimental studies in which model roots are pulled through the soil, wiH help
in identifying the most important root and soil characteristics for anchorage.
Future work must also investigate the development of root systems over time,
and the effect on the secondary growth of roots of the constriction imposed by
soils of different strengths.
Finally, if the ultimate aim is to account for the ability of plants to with-
stand adverse climatic conditions, anchorage factors have to be combined with
aerial factors. Although plant response to wind pressure and anchorage
mechanics are both very complex, the most promising approaches for under-
standing plant resistance to lodging are those based on the simultaneous con-
sideration of these two phenomena. As a plant develops and becomes taller, the
mechanical demands imposed on the stems and root system increase. The equi-
librium between aerial parts and anchorage has to be considered with a
dynamic approach. Examples of such "safety factors" accounting for the equi-
librium between shoot and root system have been proposed by Crook et al.
(1994) for wheat, Duparque and Pellerin (1994) for maize, and Nielsen (1995)
for trees. An even more sophisticated general approach has been developed by
Baker (1995) and is being applied to the lodging of wheat.
Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank Alexia Stokes and John Graham
for helpful comments on the manuscript.
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Further Reading