Facially Generated and Cephalometric Guided 3D Digital Design For Complete Mouth Implant Rehabilitation: A Clinical Report
Facially Generated and Cephalometric Guided 3D Digital Design For Complete Mouth Implant Rehabilitation: A Clinical Report
Facially Generated and Cephalometric Guided 3D Digital Design For Complete Mouth Implant Rehabilitation: A Clinical Report
Presented at the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry’s 87th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Ill, February 2017.
Private practice, São Paulo, Brazil.
Private practice, São Paulo, Brazil.
Private practice, Madrid, Spain.
Private practice, São Paulo, Brazil.
Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; and private practice, São Paulo, Brazil.
Figure 1. Data acquisition in first clinical appointment. A, Facial frontal view. B, Frontal view with lips retracted. C, Facial profile at rest. D, Facial profile
in smile.
Figure 1. (continued). Data acquisition in first clinical appointment. E, Bird’s-eye view. F, Occlusal view. G, Smartphone video. H, Panoramic radiograph.
I, Digital smile design.
then superimposed on the CBCT Digital Imaging and extraoral scans and CBCT data, created the virtual
Communications in Medicine (DICOM) files and guided patient; however, the static scans did not express the
the virtual planning of implant surgery. The superimpo- facial movements.33 Moreover, they reported that up to
sition of various digital files has been proved to be a now, no systems and software allow 4-dimensional
reliable procedure.25-29 Some authors have reported videos to be fused with DICOM and STL files.
limitations to this pathway, especially related to esthetic In view of this, photographs of the smile may be
outcomes.30,31 To overcome this limitation, intraoral superimposed on digital casts and could guide virtual
photographs overlapped with digital diagnostic impres- waxing in the digital workflow. This clinical report
sions for complementary information in virtual tooth describes a facially generated and cephalometrically
arrangements31,32 have been used, but without a facial guided 3-dimensional (3D) digital design for planning
approach that could guide virtual waxing. guided implant surgery and immediate CAD-CAM
The use of extraoral scanners allows visualization of interim complete fixed dental prostheses with a digital
the facial soft tissues, which, superimposed on the workflow.
Digital photographs/videos
Intraoral or cast scan CBCT scan
with DSD facially guided
Figure 2. Digital workflow guided by face (adapted from Arunyanak et al24). Clinical appointments are highlighted.
Figure 3. A, Two-dimensional (2D)/3-dimensional (3D) calibration: overlapping 2D photograph with smile frame to 3D scanned cast, bringing
facial references to intraoral situation. B, 3D digital waxing of maxillary arch guided by 2D facially generated smile frame. C, Overlapping
cephalometric analysis to 3D model and digital waxing to position central incisor according to face. D, Evaluating facial esthetics and lip dynamics digitally.
Figure 3. (continued). E, Evaluating intermaxillary relationship digitally. F, Evaluating vertical dimension digitally. G, Evaluating occlusion digitally. H, 3D
digital waxing of mandibular against maxillary arch to create ideal intercuspation and guidance.
Figure 4. A, Printed cast and vacuum-formed tray. B, Clinical trial restorations. C, Trial restorations in harmony with face.
Figure 5. Superimposition of cone-beam computed tomography data and virtual cast and approved virtual waxing. Prosthetically driven implant
surgical plan for maxilla and mandible.
Figure 7. CAD-CAM interim prostheses. A, CAD. B, CAM. C, Interim prosthesis positioned in mouth. D, Interim titanium copings connected to prosthesis
with autopolymerizing acrylic resin. E, Occlusion trial. F, Pink composite resin to simulate tissue color. CAD, computer-aided design; CAM, computer-
aided manufacturing.
(Fig. 7F). The immediate dentures were finished, polished, represent unreliable references and require correction.
and screw retained with 10 Ncm torque (Fig. 8A, B). The Among these situations are those patients with partial
screw access holes were sealed with Teflon tape and edentulism, who may present with indications for
composite resin. The patient received postoperative in- extraction of all the teeth. This is a challenging situation
structions, and weekly evaluations were made for 4 because the clinical evaluation of teeth for the new
months until the definitive prostheses were fabricated. dental prostheses may be difficult, even impossible. The
use of digital resources may be the only way to
DISCUSSION visualize the future dental arrangement before the
Complex rehabilitative situations commonly present extractions are performed. This virtual waxing must be
unbalanced esthetic and occlusal clinical conditions that guided by facial references and has to be in harmony
Figure 8. Facially driven functional smile design and postoperative situation. A, Intraoral view. B, Facial frontal view.
with the smile, making a facial approach to planning Multiple digital data were combined in a single software
essential. program that allowed virtual planning, guided dental
The use of photographs and videos combined with implant surgery, and permitted immediate CAD-CAM
scanned casts or intraoral scans and CBCT improves interim complete-arch fixed dental prostheses from a
diagnosis and allows the visualization of patient out- facial perspective.
comes. They allow the surgical position of implants to be
guided by the design of the future prosthesis, as rec- REFERENCES
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2008;37:641-6. Copyright © 2016 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.