HSK Vocabulary Flashcard Level 5F

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HSK Vocab Review by Chinese2020.

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Level 5 - Word 751~900

欠 【751】qiàn: deficient; to owe; to lack; yawn

枪 【752】qiāng: gun; firearm; rifle; spear

强调 【753】qiáng diào: to emphasize (a statement); to stress

强烈 【754】qiáng liè: intense; (violently) strong

抢 【755】qiǎng: fight over; to rush; to scramble; to grab; to rob; to snatch

悄悄 【756】qiāo qiāo: quietly; secretly; stealthily; quiet; worried

瞧 【757】qiáo: to look at; to see; to see (a doctor); to visit

巧妙 【758】qiǎo miào: ingenious; clever

切 【759】qiè: definitely; to grind; eager

亲爱 【760】qīn ài: dear or beloved (way of starting a letter)

亲切 【761】qīn qiè: amiable; friendliness; gracious; hospitality; intimate

亲自 【762】qīn zì: personally

侵略 【763】qīn lüè: invasion; encroachment

勤奋 【764】qín fèn: hardworking; diligent

勤劳 【765】qín láo: hardworking; industrious; diligent

青 【766】qīng: green or blue, youth, young

青春 【767】qīng chūn: youth; youthfulness

青少 【768】qīng shào nián: an adolescent; a youth; young person; teenage;


轻视 【769】qīng shì: contempt; contemptuous; to despise; to scorn; scornful

清 【770】qīng
dàn: light (of food, not greasy or strongly flavored); insipid; slack

情景 【771】qíng jǐng: scene; sight; circumstances

情绪 【772】qíng xù: mood; state of mind; moodiness

请求 【773】qǐng qiú: request

庆祝 【774】qìng zhù: to celebrate

球迷 【775】qiú mí: soccer fan; crazy about ball sports

趋势 【776】qū shì: trend; tendency

取消 【777】qǔ xiāo: to cancel; cancellation

娶 【778】qǔ: to take a wife; to marry (a woman)

去世 【779】qù shì: to pass away; to die

圈 surround; to circle
【780】quān: circle; ring; loop; classifier for loops, orbits, laps of race etc; to

全面 【781】quán miàn: all-around; comprehensive; total; overall

权力 【782】quán lì: power; authority

权利 【783】quán lì: power; right; privilege

劝 【784】quàn: to advise; to urge; to try to persuade; exhort

缺乏 【785】quē fá: shortage; be lacking; to be short of; to lack; scarcity

确 【786】què dìng: definite; certain; fixed; to determine; to be sure; to ensure; to

make certain; to ascertain; to clinch; to recognize; to confirm

确认 【787】què rèn: to confirm; to verify; confirmation

燃烧 【788】rán shāo: combustion; flaming; kindle

嚷 【789】rǎng: blurt out; to shout

【790】rào: to wind; to coil; to rotate around; to spiral; to move around; to
by-pass; to make a detour; to confuse; to perplex

热爱 【791】rè ài: to love ardently; to adore

热烈 【792】rè liè: warm (welcome etc)

热 【793】rè
xīn: enthusiasm; zeal; zealous; zest; enthusiastic; ardent;


人 【794】rén cái: talented person; distinguished person; persons looks; an

attractive woman

人口 【795】rén kǒu: population

人类 【796】rén lèi: humanity; human race; mankind

人生 【797】rén shēng: human life

人 【798】rén shì: human affairs; ways of the world; consciousness of the world;

personnel matters; facts of life

人物 【799】rén wù: person; character (in a play, novel etc); protagonist

人员 【800】rén yuán: staff; crew; personnel

忍不住 【801】rěn bu zhù: cannot help, unable to bear

日常 【802】rì cháng: daily; everyday

日程 【803】rì chéng: schedule; itinerary

日历 【804】rì lì: calendar

日期 【805】rì qī: date

日用品 【806】rì yòng pǐn: articles for daily use

荣幸 【807】róng xìng: honored

荣誉 【808】róng yù: honor; credit; glory; (honorable) reputation

融 【809】róng huà: to melt; to thaw; to dissolve; to blend into; to combine; to


如何 【810】rú hé: how; what way; what

如今 【811】rú jīn: nowadays; now

软件 【812】ruǎn jiàn: (computer) software

弱 【813】ruò: weak; feeble; young; inferior; slightly less than

洒 【814】sǎ: to sprinkle; to spray; to spill; to shed

嗓子 【815】sǎng zi: throat; voice

【816】shā: to kill; to murder; to fight; to weaken or reduce; to smart (topolect); to
counteract; (used after a verb) extremely

沙漠 【817】shā mò: desert

沙滩 【818】shā tān: sand bar; beach

傻 【819】shǎ: foolish

晒 【820】shài: to dry in the sun; to sunbathe; to share files (loan from "share")

删除 【821】shān chú: to delete; to cancel

【822】shǎn: to dodge; to sprain; to pull a muscle; lightning; spark; a flash; to
flash (across ones mind); to leave behind

扇子 【823】shān zi: fan

善良 【824】shàn liáng: good and honest; kind-hearted

善于 【825】shàn yú: to be good at; to be adept at

商品 【826】shāng pǐn: good; commodity; merchandise

商业 【827】shāng yè: business; trade; commerce

上当 【828】shàng dàng: taken in (by sbs deceit); to be fooled; to be duped

勺子 【829】sháo zi: scoop, ladle

舌头 【830】shé tou: tongue

蛇 【831】shé: snake; serpent

舍不得 【832】shě bu de: to hate to do sth; to hate to part with; to begrudge

设备 【833】shè bèi: equipment; facilities; installations

设计 【834】shè jì: plan; design; to design; to plan

设施 【835】shè shī: facilities; installation

射击 【836】shè jī: to shoot; to fire (a gun)

摄影 【837】shè yǐng: to take a photograph; photography; to shoot (a movie)

伸 【838】shēn: to stretch; to extend

身材 【839】shēn cái: stature; build (height and weight); figure

身份 【840】shēn fèn: identity; status; capacity; dignity; position; rank

深刻 【841】shēn kè: profound; deep; deep-going

神话 【842】shén huà: fairy tale; mythology; myth

神经 【843】shén jīng: nerve

神秘 【844】shén mì: mysterious; mystery

升 【845】shēng: to raise; to hoist; to promote; metric liter (also written 公升)

生产 【846】shēng chǎn: childbirth; parturition; to produce; manufacture

生动 【847】shēng dòng: vivid; lively

声调 【848】shēng diào: tone; note; a tone (on a Chinese syllable)

胜利 【849】shèng lì: victory

绳子 【850】shéng zi: cord; string; rope

省略 【851】shěng lüè: to leave out; an omission

失眠 【852】shī mián: (suffer from) insomnia

失去 【853】shī qù: to lose

失业 【854】shī yè: unemployment

诗 【855】shī: poem; poetry; verse

石头 【856】shí tou: stone

时代 【857】shí dài: age; era; epoch; period

时刻 【858】shí kè: moment; constantly; always

时髦 【859】shí máo: in vogue; fashionable

时期 【860】shí qī: a period in time or history; period; time (interval); phase

时尚 【861】shí shàng: fashion

实话 【862】shí huà: truth

实践 【863】shí jiàn: to practice; to put into practice; to fulfill

实习 【864】shí xí: to practice; field work; to intern; internshi

实现 【865】shí xiàn: to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about

实行 【866】shí xíng: to implement; to carry out; to put into practice

实验 【867】shí yàn: to experiment; experiments

实用 【868】shí yòng: practical; functional; pragmatic; applied (science)

食物 【869】shí wù: food

使劲儿 【870】shǐ jìn r: to exert all ones strength

始终 【871】shǐ zhōng: from beginning to end; all along

士兵 【872】shì bīng: soldier

事实 【873】shì shí: fact

事物 【874】shì wù: thing; object

事先 【875】shì xiān: in advance; before the event; beforehand; prior

试卷 【876】shì juàn: examination paper; test paper

是否 【877】shì fǒu: whether (or not); if; is or isnt

收获 【878】shōu huò: benefit; reward

收据 【879】shōu jù: receipt

手工 【880】shǒu gōng: handwork; manual

手术 【881】shǒu shù: surgical operation; operation; surgery

手套 【882】shǒu tào: glove; mitten

手续 【883】shǒu xù: procedure; formalities

手指 【884】shǒu zhǐ: finger

寿命 【885】shòu mìng: life span; life expectancy

受伤 【886】shòu shāng: to sustain injuries; wounded (in an accident etc); harmed

书架 【887】shū jià: bookshelf

梳子 【888】shū zi: comb

舒适 【889】shū shì: cozy; snug

输入 【890】shū rù: to import; to input

蔬菜 【891】shū cài: vegetables, produce

熟练 【892】shú liàn: practiced; proficient; skilled; skillful

鼠标 【893】shǔ biāo: mouse (computing)

数据 【894】shù jù: data; numbers; digital

数码 【895】shù mǎ: number; numerals; figures; digital; amount; numerical code

摔 【896】shuāi: to throw down; to fall; to drop and break

甩 【897】shuǎi: to throw; to fling; to swing; to leave behind; to throw off

双方 【898】shuāng fāng: bilateral; both sides; both parties involved

税 【899】shuì: taxes; duties

说不定 【900】shuō bu dìng: cant say for sure; maybe

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