End-Term Exam (PGDM 2019-21), Term-V Introduction To R in Business Applications (Open Book and Online) Max. Marks - 40 Max. Time - 4 Hours
End-Term Exam (PGDM 2019-21), Term-V Introduction To R in Business Applications (Open Book and Online) Max. Marks - 40 Max. Time - 4 Hours
End-Term Exam (PGDM 2019-21), Term-V Introduction To R in Business Applications (Open Book and Online) Max. Marks - 40 Max. Time - 4 Hours
Instructions –
There are four questions based on a case. Download the case dataset in your
working directory. All four questions are compulsory.
Work on a .Rmd file, knit the output as .html file.
All other instructions are as per the official guidelines
They were asked to think about an adorable brand in any category they choose
and rate the brand on four parameters on a 10-point scale. They were allowed to
use upto one decimal digit to precisely record their perception.
Similarly, they were asked to think about a not-adorable brand in any category
they choose and rate the brand on the same four parameters on a 10-point scale.
They were also asked, if they need to repurchase the same brand, how much
efforts, they would make to repurchase the same brand. Efforts are in term of
visiting multiple stores, checking multiple e-comm sites, waiting for some time till
the brand is available, willingness to pay some additional money etc. Their
responses were captured on a 10-point scale.
The one outcome variable is binary, ADORABLE captured as Adorable and Not-
adorable. The other outcome variable, EFFORT is continuous.
The data is compiled and saved as adorable.xlsx. Attempt the following questions.
1. Build a classification model using linear discriminant analysis [10 marks]
a. Check assumptions before carrying the analysis. Comment on the
b. Create two scatter plots, one using CONNECT, DELIGHT as variables and
two, using EXCITED, GRATIFIED as variables. Comment on the
c. Create a model using LDA. Write the linear discriminant equation from
the model output.
d. Check the accuracy of the model