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Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau

Nr. 88

Karlsruhe • August • 2005

ISSN 0572-5801
No. 88
of the
Federal Waterways Engineering
and Research Institute
(Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau)

Principles for the Design of

Bank and Bottom Protection
for Inland Waterways

Karlsruhe • August• 2005

ISSN 0572-5801
Published by:
Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau
Kußmaulstrasse 17, 76187 Karlsruhe, Germany
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Phone: +49 721 9726-0
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e-mail: info.karlsruhe@baw.de
Internet: http://www.baw.de

No part of this bulletin may be translated, reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means without the
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© BAW 2005

Cover photograph:
Field tests on the Wesel-Datteln Canal below Flaesheim Lock (at km 46.500), in October 2002 with the tug Mignon
sailing close to the slope at almost critical speed. The motor vessel MS Main can be seen in the background.

The Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration designs and constructs bank and bot-
tom protection for inland waterways in compliance with the Code of Practice Use of Standard
Construction Methods for Bank and Bottom Protection on Waterways (Merkblatt Anwendung
von regelbauweisen für Böschungs- und Sohlensicherungen) (MAR) which describes tried and
tested standard methods of construction. However, the standard methods are only applicable in cer-
tain circumstances, depending on the impact of waves and currents caused by shipping and the
loads acting on the subsoil. A new concept for the design of bank and bottom protection, which took
ten years to develop, is proposed in this publication; it describes a more general approach to design
and extends beyond the scope of the MAR. Apart from the specially developed geotechnical calcu-
lation methods and the well-known principles for calculation used in waterway design, it is now also
possible to take account of

• the effects of propeller wash and bow thrusters on the banks and botttoms of waterways
• secondary waves caused by small ships sailing at high speeds
• the influence of the ratio of the length of a ship to the width of the waterway
• running waves, slope supply flow and
• wind waves.

Compliance with the speeds and modes of operation stipulated in the shipping regulations was
assumed when specifying the parameters of ships in motion for design purposes. The loads to
which bank protections are exposed increase disproportionately whenever ship speeds approach or
reach a critical level and taking account of such cases would result in very uneconomic designs. It
is therefore assumed that ships do not exceed a maximum of 97 % of the critical ship speed, as has
hitherto been the case for designs based on the MAR and which is also in keeping with an econo-
mic mode of operation.

Large, very powerful recreational craft or pusher craft sailing alone can give rise to wave loads on
bank protections that exceed those caused by the vessels and modes of operation on which this
publication is based. The inclusion of such load cases, which occur very rarely these days, as
design load cases would lead to a considerable increase in the cost of constructing bank and bottom
protection. Owing to the unlikelihood of such loads occurring, it is recommended that any damage
resulting from overloading caused in this way be repaired during maintenance work. However, it will
also be necessary to consider whether the current shipping regulations need to be revised, taking
account of economic considerations.

In addition to this, attention must be paid to the new types of propulsion and vessels that are being
developed so that prompt action can be taken if they seriously affect the durability of bank protec-
tion. To this end, it will be necessary to document and analyse the cost of maintaining bank protec-
tion more systematically in future.

This publication describes the theoretical and experimental principles for the design of bank and
bottom protection for inland waterways. Thus it is not intended as a practical aid to design. The
Code of Practice Use of Standard Construction Methods for Bank and Bottom Protection on
Waterways (MAR) is one such practical aid for design engineers. It is currently being revised on the
basis of this publication.
The publication has been drawn up by the working group “Revetments for Waterways” in which
members of staff of the Waterways and Shipping Administration, the Federal Ministry for Transport,
Building and Housing and the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute participated,
assisted by external experts on certain matters. I should like to thank the members of the working
group for their intensive and successful work, their perseverance in discussions on what were often
controversial subjects and for conducting and evaluating the required field tests. I should also like to
thank Professor Schulz (University of the German Federal Armed Forces in Munich), the former head
of the working group, our colleagues in the “AK 17” group of experts on revetment construction, as
well as Professor Römisch and Professor Wagner (both formerly of the Technical University of Dres-
den) and Dr. Daemrich (University of Hanover) who assisted us in recent years by taking a critical
look at the text and putting forward proposals for its improvement.

Dr. H.-H. Witte

Director and Professor
of the Federal Waterways Engineering
and Research Institute
Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection
for Inland Waterways

Working Group “Revetments for Waterways“

Founded in October 1992


ABROMEIT, Uwe BOR, Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Karlsruhe

ALBERTS, Dirk † Dipl.-Ing., Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Dienststelle Hamburg
BARTNIK, Wolfgang BDir, Wasserstraßen-Neubauamt Datteln
FISCHER, Uwe BOR, Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen
FLEISCHER, Petra BOR, Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Karlsruhe
FUEHRER, Manfred (until February 2000) Dr. rer. nat., ehem. Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Karlsruhe
HEIBAUM, Michael BDir, Dr.-Ing., Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Karlsruhe
KAYSER, Jan BDir, Dr.-Ing., Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Karlsruhe
KNAPPE, Gerd Dipl.-Ing., Wasserstraßen-Neubauamt Datteln
KÖHLER, Hans-Jürgen Dipl.-Ing., Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Karlsruhe
LIEBRECHT, Arno Dipl.-Ing., Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Mitte Hannover
REINER, Wilfried LBDir, Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Mitte Hannover
SCHMIDT-VÖCKS, Dieter LBDir a. D., Wasser- und Schifffahrtsdirektion Mitte Hannover
SCHULZ, Hartmut (Obmann bis 1996) Prof. Dr.-Ing., Universität der Bundeswehr München
SCHUPPENER, Bernd (Obmann seit 1996) LBDir, Dr.-Ing., Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Karlsruhe
SÖHNGEN, Bernhard BDir, Prof. Dr.-Ing., Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Karlsruhe
SOYEAUX, Renald Dr.-Ing., Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Karlsruhe
Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways
Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways


1 Preliminary remarks 15

2 Terms and definitions 17

3 Summary of the hydraulic actions on the banks and bottoms of rivers and canals 23
3.1 General 23
3.2 Currents 23
3.3 Waves 23
3.3.1 General 23
3.3.2 Effect of unbroken run-up wave 24
3.3.3 Effect of breaking run-up wave 24
3.3.4 Effect of breaking waves travelling parallel to a bank 24
3.4 Effect of water level drawdown 25
3.4.1 General 25
3.4.2 Slowly falling water levels 25
3.4.3 Rapidly falling water levels 25 General 25 Effect of excess pore water pressure 25 Magnitude and development of excess pore water pressure 25
3.5 Groundwater inflow 26

4 Safety and design concept 27

4.1 General 27
4.2 Hydraulic analyses 28
4.2.1 Aspects of the specification of the design values 28
4.2.2 Recommendations for hydraulic design 29 Primary wave field 29 Secondary wave field 30 Propeller wash 31 Wind waves 31 Recommendations for hydraulic design in standard cases 31
4.3 Geotechnical verifications 32

5 Determination of the hydraulic actions 33

5.1 General 33
5.2 Data on waterways 33
5.2.1 Geometry of waterways 33
5.2.2 Geometry of fairways 33
5.3 Data on vessels 34

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

5.4 Hydraulic actions due to shipping 35

5.4.1 Components 35
5.4.2 Sailing situations 35 Sailing at normal speed 35 Manoeuvring 37
5.5 Magnitude of ship-induced waves (design situation: "sailing at normal speed") 37
5.5.1 Hydraulic effective cross-section of canals and ships 38 Influence of shallow water 38 Influence of boundary layers 43
5.5.2 Critical ship speed for canal conditions 44
5.5.3 Mean drawdown and return flow velocity for vessels sailing in the centre of a canal 45
5.5.4 Hydraulic design parameters and geotechnically relevant drawdown parameters for any
sailing position 49 Definition of wave height 49 Maximum drawdown at bow and associated return flow velocity without the influence of eccentricity 49 Maximum drawdown at stern and associated return current velocity without the influence of
eccentricity 49 Maximum heights of bow and stern waves due to eccentric sailing 50 Slope supply flow 51 Increase in wave heights for vessels sailing with drift 53 Drawdown velocity of ship-induced waves 53
5.5.5 Secondary waves 55 General 55 Calculation of the heights of secondary waves 57 Additional secondary waves in analogy to an imperfect hydraulic jump 58 Secondary waves caused by small boats at sliding speed and when sailing close to a bank 58
5.5.6 Passing and overtaking 59
5.6 Hydraulic actions on waterways due to flow caused by propulsion (propeller wash) 59
5.6.1 Induced initial velocity of the propeller jet for stationary vessels (ship speed vS = 0) 59
5.6.2 Velocity of the propeller jet at ship speed vS ¹ 0 61
5.6.3 Jet dispersion characteristics 62 Standard jet dispersion situations 62 Characteristics of the decrease in the main velocity 63 Calculation of the distribution of the jet velocity orthogonal to the jet axis 65 Multi-screw drives 67
5.6.4 Simplified calculation of the maximum near bed velocity 67
5.6.5 Loads due to bow thrusters 68
5.7 Wind set-up and wind waves 69
5.7.1 General 69
5.7.2 Wind data 70
5.7.3 Fetch and period of wind action 70

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

5.7.4 Wind set-up 71

5.7.5 Wind waves 72
5.8 Wave deformation 74
5.8.1 General 74
5.8.2 Wave shoaling and breaking of waves 74
5.8.3 Diffraction 76
5.8.4 Refraction 77
5.8.5 Reflection 78
5.8.6 Wave run-up 78 Incoming waves 79 Parallel waves 80
5.8.7 Change in wave height at the transition from a vertical bank to a slope revetment 80
5.9 Other waves 80
5.9.1 General 80
5.9.2 Positive surge/drawdown waves 80
5.9.3 Flood waves 81
5.10 Excess pore water pressure as a function of rapid drawdown za 82
5.10.1 General 82
5.10.2 Maximum drawdown za and drawdown velocity vza 82
5.10.3 Magnitude of excess pore water pressure Du 82

6 Hydraulic design of unbound armourstone cover layers 85

6.1 General 85
6.2 Stone size required to resist loading due to transversal stern waves 86
6.3 Stone size required to resist flow due to propulsion 87
6.3.1 Stone size required to resist jet attack 87
6.3.2 Stone size required to limit the depth of scour due to propeller wash 88
6.4 Stone size required to resist loading due to secondary diverging waves 89
6.5 Stone size required to resist wind waves 89
6.6 Stone size required to resist combined loads due to ship-induced waves and wind waves 90
6.7 Stone size required to resist attack by currents 90
6.7.1 Stone size required to resist attack by currents flowing largely parallel to the slope 90
6.7.2 Stone size required to resist loads on the slope due to slope supply flow 91
6.8 Stone size as specified in the Technical Supply Conditions for Armourstones (TLW) 91
6.9 Thickness of the cover layer 92
6.10 Determination of hydraulically equivalent revetments 93
6.11 Minimum thicknesses 93

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

6.12 Length of revetments in the line of the slope required to resist wave loads 94
6.12.1 General 94
6.12.2 Above the still-water level 94
6.12.3 Below the still-water level 94
6.13 Design for the transition from a vertical bank to a slope revetment 94

7 Geotechnical design of unbound cover layers 97

7.1 General 97
7.1.1 Guidance on design 97
7.1.2 Input parameters 97
7.2 Local stability of permeable revetments 98
7.2.1 General 98
7.2.2 Depth of the critical failure surface d krit 98
7.2.3 Weight per unit area of cover layers required to protect slope revetments against sliding failure 98 General 98 Method of calculation 99 Procedure for stratified ground 100
7.2.4 Weight per unit area of cover layers to inhibit hydrodynamic soil displacement 100 General 100 Method of calculation 100
7.2.5 Weight per unit area of cover layers taking a toe support into account 100 General 100 Failure mechanism 1 at the toe of a slope 101 Failure mechanism 2 for toe blankets 102 Failure mechanism 2 for embedded toes 104 Failure mechanism 2 for a sheet pile wall at the toe 106
7.2.6 Weight per unit area of cover layers taking a suspension of the revetment into account 107 General 107 Verification of the external load-bearing capacity 108 Verification of the internal load-bearing capacity 108
7.2.7 Slope revetment above the lowered water level 108
7.3 Local stability of impermeable revetments 109
7.3.1 General 109
7.3.2 Weight per unit area of impermeable cover layers required to resist sliding 109
7.3.3 Weight per unit area of impermeable cover layers required to resist uplift 109
7.4 Verification of the global safety of the water-side slope 110

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

8 Hydraulic design of partially grouted armourstone cover layers 111

9 Geotechnical design of partially grouted armour-stone cover layers 111

9.1 General 111
9.2 Local stability of permeable revetments with partially grouted cover layers 111
9.3 Local stability of impermeable revetments with partially grouted cover layers 111
9.4 Verification of the global stability of the water-side slope 111

10 Literature 113

11 Nomenclature 125
11.1 Abbreviations 125
11.2 Symbols 125

Annex A

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

1 Preliminary remarks · Craft that do not displace water such as hovercraft

and planing recreational craft.
This publication describes in detail the principles of · Ocean-going vessels and other vessels whose
the design of bank and bottom protection for inland design differs from the usual design of inland navi-
waterways, taking into account the results of recent gation vessels, e.g. ships with bulbous bows
research. The principles include the verification by (which give rise to different types of secondary wa-
calculation of the stability and resistance to erosion of ves).
canal embankments and, with certain limitations, the
banks of rivers exposed to natural hydraulic influences · Depth-based Froude numbers greater than 0.8
and to those caused by shipping. vS g hm > 0.8
The publication is devided into three main sections: (where the secondary wave system is altered
· The first section includes definitions of the relevant
terminology, explanations of the hydraulic and geo- · Sailing lines whose axis deviates considerably
technical principles and an introduction to the sa- from that of the canal (causing pronounced chan-
fety philosophy and the design concept ges in the primary and secondary wave systems).
(see chapters 2 to 4). Design procedures based on readings, e.g. for ship-
· The second section deals with the determination of induced wave heights, if available, can be applied
the hydraulic actions (see chapter 5), that consti- directly when determining the size of armourstones
tute the input parameters for the design. (see chapter 6).

· The third section deals with hydraulic and geo- The following points are not covered by the procedure
technical design procedures (see chapters 6 to 9). for determining the size of armourstones given in
chapter 6. (This does not affect the geotechnical de-
The scope of the hydraulic design approaches prima- sign process.)
rily covers waterways with predominantly parallel
banks, with confined fairways, whose depths are vir- · Banks with gradients of less than approx. 1:5 (at
tually constant (i.e. no berms) except in the vicinity of which significant deformation of the incoming wa-
the banks, that have a maximum ratio of the water ves occurs) and greater than approx. 1:2.
surface width to ship’s length (bws/L) of around 2:1 and · Wave deformation at the slope (although this is
with shipping traffic comprising mostly displacement taken into account indirectly in the design procedu-
craft (including recreational craft), the displacement res covering wave heights at the toe of the slope).
being relevant to the design. Within certain limitations,
the methods described can also be applied to wide- · Slope revetments comprising shaped stones, ga-
ned stretches of canals and to canalized rivers, if ves- bions or asphalt.
sels sail close to the banks and those banks are re- The design of bank and bottom protection comprises
gular, i.e. without any projections or funnels where a hydraulic and a geotechnical component (see Figure
ship-induced waves can accumulate. Within these 1.1). The two design components must be carried out
limitations, the influence of the shape of the bank, the separately.
turbulence and the current on wave propagation can
be disregarded. The influence of shallow water (i.e. if
bws/L is greater than 2/1) on possible ship speeds and
drawdown in the vicinity of ships can be taken into
account by considering an equivalent canal cross-
section by way of an approximation. Approximation
equations have been included to enable the decrease
in wave height as the waves move away from a vessel
to be calculated. Approximation methods are also
used to estimate the hydraulic actions caused by re-
creational craft and craft with short stocky hulls (such
as pusher craft and tugs).
Methods of calculating the hydraulic design parame-
ters (wave height, flow velocity) described in chapter 5
do not cover the following situations:
Figure 1.1 Procedure for the design of bank and bottom
· Very irregular waterway cross-sections and water- protection
ways with irregular banks.
· Unconventional propulsion such as Schottel pro-
pellers or jet propulsion.

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 15

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Hydraulic design deals with the determination of the

required stone size and the length of the revetment
along the line of the slope, depending on the wave
and current loads. The purpose of geotechnical de-
sign is to establish the required mass per unit area of
the revetment to ensure adequate resistance to sliding
failure, uplift and hydrodynamic soil displacement. In
addition to this, a geotechnical verification of the over-
all stability is required.
Finally, the results of hydraulic and geotechnical de-
sign serve as the basis for determining the required
minimum thickness of armour or cover layers. It must
also be checked whether sufficient protection is ensu-
red in the event of a ship colliding with the revetment
as well as against anchor cast and ultraviolet radiation
and that the filtration length is sufficient to safeguard
against the transport of particles.
The methods described in this publication apply in
conjunction with the latest versions of the following
specifications and codes of practice for bank and
bottom protection on waterways:
- Code of Practice Use of Standard Construction
Methods for Bank and Bottom Protection on Wa-
terways (Merkblatt Anwendung von Regelbauwei-
sen für Böschungen und Sohlsicherungen an
Wasserstraßen) /MAR/
- Code of Practice Use of Granular Filters on Wa-
terways (Merkblatt Anwendung von Kornfiltern an
Wasserstraßen) /MAK/
- Code of Practice Use of Geotextile Filters on Wa-
terways (Merkblatt Anwendung von geotextilen
Filtern an Wasserstraßen) /MAG/
- Use of Cement Bonded and Bituminous Materials
for Grouting of Armorstones on Waterways (Merk-
blatt Anwendung von hydraulisch und bitumenge-
bundenen Stoffen zum Verguss von Wasserbau-
steinen an Wasserstraßen) /MAV/
- Technical Supply Conditions for Armourstone
(Technische Lieferbedingungen für Wasserbau-
steine) /TLW/
- Guidelines for Standard Cross Sections of Ship-
ping Canals (Richtlinien für Regelquerschnitte von
Schifffahrtskanälen) /BMV 1994/

16 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

2 Terms and definitions width restriction; this situation obtains in large, deep
lakes and in seas.
Advance ratio of a propeller: Ratio J of the velocity
Depth, critical: The depth at which a failure surface
of the approach flow towards the propeller vA to the
parallel to and close to the surface of a slope occurs
product of the propeller speed n and propeller diame-
in the underlying soil after the shear resistance of the
ter D (J = vA/nD)
soil has been reduced to a minimum as a result of the
Armour layer: The upper layer of a Þ revetment; it Þ excess pore water pressure caused by Þ rapid
must be resistant to erosion and have adequate re- drawdown (Þ local stability).
sistance to anchor cast and impacts by shipping.
Diffraction: Occurs when a wave front hits an
Backwater at the bow: Accumulation of water in front obstacle. Waves are generated at the end of the
of the bow over the influence width, caused by ves- obstacle that is exposed to waves and propagate on
sels on accelerating or when sailing steadily along its leeside as each point of a wave crest is the starting
channels with rough surfaces (water surface elevati- point for new circular wavelets. The wave celerity is
on); unlike Þ bow waves, backwater at the bow oc- not altered but the wave height and direction change
curs over large widths (canal width). at the open flanks.
Bow thruster: A ship’s propeller (standard model) Diverging waves: Part of the Þ secondary wave
that accelerates water in a tube in the bow section system in which the wave crests diverge at an acute
orthogonal to the axis of the vessel. It exerts a trans- angle to the vessel’s direction of travel.
versal thrust that acts in the same way as a rudder. It
Drawdown: Lowering of the water level adjacent to a
is most effective at low speeds over ground.
vessel caused by the displacement flow.
Bow wave: Accumulation of approaching water di-
Vessels in motion cause the water to flow around
rectly in front of the bow of a vessel (stagnation point)
them in a particular way which is accompanied by
that gives rise to the formation of Þ secondary waves deformation of the water surface. The relevant termi-
on either side of the vessel.
nology is given in Figure 2.3 (longitudinal section) and
Breaking of waves: A wave will break if the Þ wave in Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2 (top views).
steepness reaches a critical value as a result of Þ Drawdown, rapid: Drawdown in which the rate at
shoaling. The process is accompanied by the formati- which the water level drops is higher than the per-
on of a water-air mix and a loss of wave energy meability of the bed and banks of the river or canal.
(Þ plunging breakers).
Drawdown velocity: Average rate at which the water
Breaking waves Þ breaking of waves level falls at any point on a bank.
Canal conditions: Confined waterway (with restricted Ducted propeller: Propeller enclosed in a cylindrical
depth and width). Canals are the most common type duct to increase its efficiency.
of inland waterway.
Excess pore water pressure: The water pressure in
The effect of the width limit (“canal case”) becomes the pores of a soil in excess of the hydrostatic pore
noticeable when the ratio of the water surface width water pressure. It arises when the volume of the pore
bws to the length of the vessel L is equal to or less water is prevented from increasing (if the pore water
than 2 to 3 (bWS/L ≤ 2 – 3) /Schuster 1952/. pressure changes) or when the volume of the granular
Canal conditions exist at low blockage ratios. As a structure is prevented from decreasing (if there are
rough estimate, n = A/AM ≤ 25 – 35 for motor vessels changes in the total or effective tension of the granular
and large inland cargo vessels, the higher value structure). It is caused by Þ rapid drawdown. As a
applying to long, narrow vessels with a shallow result, the pressure in the subsoil is higher than at the
draught and the lower value to short, wide vessels water/soil interface.
with a deep draught. Fetch: Area of the surface of a body of water in which
Channel: Wetted perimeter of a canal or river compri- Þ wind waves are generated. The effective fetch
sing the bed and banks. takes into account any restrictions in length or width
owing to topographical features (such as banks or
Cross-section ratio: The ratio n of the cross- islands) and/or meteorological conditions (e.g. wind
sectional area A of a waterway at a particular water direction).
level (which affects the return flow) to the cross-
sectional area AM of the submerged part of a vessel Fetch length: Linear extent of a Þ fetch.
(n = A/AM). The reciprocal value of the blockage ratio,
Fetch width: Width of a Þ fetch.
k = 1/n, (known as the blockage coefficient) is mostly
used in the literature in Britain and North America. Influence width (~, effective): The effective influence
width bE is the imaginary width in which the entire
Deep water: Waves can propagate or diminish enti-
return flow field is concentrated around a vessel. It
rely unhindered due to the absence of any depth or
enables the maximum drawdown and return flow

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 17

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

velocities of vessels sailing in shallow water to be Revetment: Permeable or impermeable lining of a

calculated for an equivalent waterway cross-section of waterway intended to prevent changes in its bed and
the same width. banks.
Manoeuvring situation: Navigation at low speed for Permeable revetments allow an unhindered exchange
the purposes of manoeuvring vS ~ 0, i.e. at an Þ ad- of water between the subsoil and the waterway. They
vance ratio of the propeller of J ~ 0 and maximum generally comprise an armour layer placed on a filter.
propeller thrust loading (for starting, stopping and Impermeable revetments prevent the exchange of
turning). water between the waterway and the subsoil. They
Midship section, submerged: Maximum cross- comprise an impermeable armour layer – generally
sectional area submerged in the water of a vessel at placed on a geotextile separation layer - or a perme-
rest (beam multiplied by the draught). able armour layer placed on a flexible lining – gene-
rally with a geotextile or mineral separation layer as
Plunging breaker: The velocity of approaching wa- an intermediate layer.
ves decreases close to the ground as the water be-
comes shallower; at the same time, the steepness of Running wave: When Þ transversal stern waves
the wave front increases without any significant ab- travelling along a bank break they are referred to as
sorption of air. Intensive absorption of air occurs when running waves. Running waves are particularly high
the wave front is more or less vertical and the wave when a vessel is moving at a speed approaching criti-
front plunges. When a plunging wave hits a bank, it cal speed.
breaks with substantial force, releasing a great deal of
Sailing at normal speed: Navigation at a speed per-
its energy, owing the compressibility of the absorbed
mitted on open stretches of canals in the Regulations
air. This type of breaker can be observed at steep
for Navigation on Inland Waterways or at a technically
feasible ship speed.
Positive surge/drawdown waves: Variations in the
Sailing line: Position of the actual axis of the path of
water level are caused by sudden changes in the flow
a vessel in relation to the axis of the waterway.
of water owing to the operation of the waterway. They
are similar to single waves in shallow water. Secondary waves (secondary wave system): The
secondary wave system is caused by two centres of
Primary wave (primary wave system): Consequen-
pressure at the bow and the stern that ideally move in
ce of the interaction between a vessel and the water-
unison and generate wavelets. Unlike the Þ primary
way as a result of the flow around the hull due to
wave system it is a disturbance of the equilibrium that
displacement. The lowering of the water level on ei-
propagates away from the vessel and compri-
ther side of the vessel and the backwater at the bow
and stern are part of the displacement flow. The pri- ses Þ diverging- and Þ transversal waves (see
mary wave advances with the vessel, diminishing with Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2).
its distance from the sides (see Figure 2.1 and Figure
Reflection: When waves strike a boundary surface
(wall, groyne, training wall, steep bank, etc.) they are
partially reflected, resulting in a loss of wave energy.
The height of the reflected wave is usually lower than
that of the incoming wave. Incoming waves and re-
flected waves are superimposed on each other.
Refraction: Change in the direction and magnitude of
a wave front owing to friction on the river or canal bed
caused by a change in the depth of the water in the
vicinity of a bank. Applies to waves that initially travel
parallel to the bank but are bent towards it, and to
diverging ship-induced secondary waves. One side of
the Þ wave crest is in shallower water than the other.
As the velocity of shallow water waves diminishes with Figure 2.1 Deformation of the water surface (top view).
Least favourable superimposition of primary
the depth of the water, the wave flank closest to the
and secondary wave systems.
bank moves more slowly than the flank furthest away
from the bank, resulting in curvature of the wave crest.
Refraction causes the Þ wave height to diminish and
is accompanied by Þ wave shoaling.
Return flow: Water flowing in the opposite direction
to the vessel; it is caused by the displacement action
of the vessel and drawdown.

18 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Figure 2.2 Deformation of the water surface (top view).

Primary wave system and running wave at criti-
cal speed caused by a short vessel sailing clo-
se to the bank.

Shallow water: Fairway of limited depth but unconfi-

ned laterally. Unlike Þ deep water, shallow water
affects wave movements (Þ wave deformation). Late-
ral wave movements can diminish unhindered (for
example, in wide, free-flowing rivers).
Shallow water starts to affect the shape of waves
when the ratio of the wave length L to the mean water
depth hm is greater than 2 (L/hm > 2).
Shallow water starts to affect the resistance of vessels Figure 2.3 Deformation of water surface in the direction of
when the ratio of the water depth h to the draught of a travel, squat and direction of return flow (vector
vessel T is equal to or less than 4 (h/T ≤ 4). The effect arrows) for a conventional inland navigation
is very pronounced at h/T ≤ 2 /Binek, Müller 1991/. vessel with a full bow as described by /Kuhn
Ship-induced waves: The moving vessel generates
(a) Lowered water level and ship-induced
waves on the surface of the water owing to hydrody- waves
namic effects.
1 vessel at rest, 2 vessel in motion, 3 still-
Ship speed, critical: Speed of a ship vkrit in shallow water level, 4 lowered water level (primary wa-
water or in a canal at which the water displaced by the ve), 5 superimposed secondary wave,
vessel is prevented from flowing fully in the opposite 6 backwater at the blow, 7 stern wave,
direction to the ship and past its stern at subcritical 8 return flow,
flow. The transition from subcritical to supercritical ∆t squat,
flow begins (the Froude number in the narrowest tfl dynamic underkeel clearance,
tv draught of vessel while sailing,
cross-section adjacent to the vessel is equal to 1). In
general, displacement craft cannot exceed vkrit. Any (b) d (-) trim angle, bow-heavy
attempts by displacement craft to sail faster than vkrit,
(c) d (+) trim angle, stern-heavy
e.g. by increasing the driving power, generally result
in even higher return flow velocities and in a greater (b) and (c) without deformation of the water
drawdown than at vkrit, causing the speed of the ves- surface
sel over ground to diminish further and/or the vessel
to be drawn towards the bed of the river or canal. Slope failure: Slippage of part of an embankment,
Sliding failure: Specific case of Þ slope failure on a generally on a deep sliding surface due to the shear
sliding surface close to the surface and parallel to the resistance of the soil being exceeded.
slope. Slope supply flow: The depression caused by draw-
Sliding speed: Speed at which a vessel (recreational down at a sloping bank is refilled from astern by a Þ
craft) begins to slide and ride up on its bow wave. running wave.
Soil displacement, hydrodynamic: The flow of
groundwater from the slope into open water due to Þ
excess pore water pressure in the soil causes defor-
mation of the slope (loosening of soil, heave) if the
surcharge is insufficient. It can result in a deleterious
displacement of particles, sometimes down the slope,
once the plastic limit state has been reached (Mohr-
Coulomb failure conditions) if the excess pore water
pressure in the soil below the armour layer is suffi-
ciently high.

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 19

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Spilling breaker: Air is absorbed at the crest of a Trim, dynamic: Additional inclination of the longitudi-
wave once a Þ critical wave steepness has been nal axis of a vessel in relation to the horizontal caused
reached. A water-air mixture (spume) then develops by dynamic processes occurring while the vessel is in
at the front of the wave. The steepness of the front motion (Þ squat).
remains approximately the same as the wave crosses
Trim, static: A greater draught at the bow than at the
the surf zone. This type of breaker occurs particularly
stern can be chosen to ensure, for safety reasons,
at slopes with gentle gradients.
that the bow of the vessel (not the stern) touches the
Squat: Hydrodynamic effect produced by a vessel bed first at shallows in bodies of water with moving
when sailing. Inland navigation vessels sail in the beds, e.g. rivers.
zone of the lowered water level (Þ drawdown) and
Water depth, mean: Depth of a waterway obtained
therefore drop below the still-water level (see Figure
by dividing the flow cross-section by the water surface
2.3). In addition to this, local peaks in the velocity of
the water flowing past the vessel caused by the cur-
vature of the contour of the ship and its propulsion Some important terms relating to the hydraulic fea-
system give rise to negative pressures that pull the tures of rivers and canals as well as to the dimensions
hull towards the bed at varying degrees at bow and of waterways and fairways as used in this publication
stern. As a result, squat can increase or decrease and are given in Figure 2.4.
cause the vessel to float at an unwanted angle of trim
(Þ trim).
Stability, global: The resistance of the water-side
slope to failure conditions in the ground in which the
curved sliding surface of the sliding wedge penetrates
relatively far down into the ground, i.e. to below the
depth that is critical for local stability (failure surface)
Þ critical depth.
Stability, local: The resistance of the water-side slo-
pe to failure conditions in the ground in which the sli- Figure 2.4 Dimension of canal and fairway according to
ding surface of the sliding wedge is relatively close to /Kuhn 1985/
the surface, i.e. at the Þ critical depth. 1 canal cross-section or river channel relevant
to the design, bF width of fairway, bWS water
Stand-by propeller test: The propeller operates at an surface width, h' depth of fairway, h water
advance ratio J equal to 0. depth, T draught, ∆t squat, tv draught while sai-
ling = T + ∆t, tf underkeel clearance = h' - T, tfl
Superposition of waves: Waves of different origins,
dynamic underkeel clearance, tfl,min minimum
directions or celerities are superposed upon each dynamic underkeel clearance, A canal cross-
other when they meet, their heights being added to- section, AM submerged midship section of ves-
gether if the waves are low in relation to the depth of sel, lu wetted perimeter of canal (without ves-
the water. sel), BW operating water level
Surging breaker: Air is absorbed once a Þ critical
wave steepness has been reached. The wave does Water depth-to-draught ratio: Ratio of the water
not plunge although the steepness of the wave front depth h to the draught of a vessel T (h/T).
diminishes. The very extensive water-air-mix at the
Wave crest: Peak line of a wave orthogonal to its
wave front surges up the embankment as a wall of
direction of propagation.
surf. Surging breakers occur on steep slopes.
Wave deformation: Changes occur in the wave crest
Toe protection: Lower part of a slope revetment.
and in the wave heights in particular if waves are un-
(Transversal) stern waves: Type of wave at the able to propagate unhindered (e.g. due to a change in
stern of a vessel caused by the primary and the se- the water depth in Þ shallow water, beds of rivers or
condary wave systems, the Þ wave crest being per- canals, structures, approach angles etc.). The princi-
pendicular to the vessel’s direction of travel. Trans- pal types of deformation are Þ wave shoaling, Þ
versal stern waves caused by primary and secondary breaking, Þ diffraction, Þ refraction and Þ reflection.
wave systems may be superimposed on each other.
Wave height: The wave height of regular waves or
Þ Running waves are a particular type of transversal
stern wave. specified design waves is defined as the vertical diffe-
rence between a wave trough and the preceding
Transversal waves: These form part of the Þ se- crest, for example. The length of time between the two
condary wave system in which the wave crests are points is half a wave length or wave period. Statistical
perpendicular to the direction of travel of the vessel. methods can be used to determine the design wave
height of natural, irregular waves.

20 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Wave length: Defined as the horizontal distance bet-

ween two wave crests or troughs, for example, for
regular waves or specified design waves. Statistical
methods can be used for natural, irregular waves.
Wave run-up: Occurs when a wave, either broken or
unbroken, runs up the bank for a certain distance.
Wave shoaling: Waves in Þ shallow water are al-
ways in contact with the bed. A reduction in the depth
of the water causes a decrease in the wave celerity
and the wave length as well as an increase in the
wave height although the wave period remains
constant. The front and back of the wave become
steeper. Þ Refraction also occurs when waves run up
a bank at an angle.
Wave steepness: Ratio of Þ wave height to Þ wave
length. It is a variable geometrical wave characteristic.
Wave steepness, critical: Þ Wave steepness at
which an incoming wave breaks (Þ breaking of wa-
Wind set-up: Rise in the water level at the lee of a Þ
fetch due to the shear stress between the air flow and
the surface of the water during constant wind action
over a relatively long period of time.
Wind waves: Waves caused by the action of the wind
on the surface of the water.

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 21

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

22 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

3 Summary of the hydraulic

actions on the banks and
bottoms of rivers and canals

3.1 General
The bottoms and banks of rivers and canals are expo-
sed to the following hydraulic actions that can occur
alone or at the same time:
· currents Figure 3.1 Characteristic quantities of a sinusoidal wave
movement with a low wave height
· waves
· drawdown The behaviour of free waves and their effect on the
beds and banks of rivers and canals is not affected by
· inflow of groundwater the way in which the waves are generated. Free wa-
Currents and waves can cause erosion of the bottoms ves are identified by the following characteristic para-
and banks of a canal or river while rapid drawdown or meters (see also Figure 3.1):
a considerable inflow of groundwater may result in - wave height (H)
sliding or loosening of the soil (heave).
- wave length (L)
The resistance of the bottoms and banks of rivers and
canals to such hydraulic actions must be verified if - wave celerity (c)
any changes to the cross-section of the waterway are
- wave period (T)
unacceptable. Protection methods of banks and/or
bottoms must be provided if resistance (stability) is - wave depth, mean (hm)
As wave behaviour is influenced by a variety of factors
as of a particular water depth (see 5.8 on wave de-
formation), it is common practice to make a distinction
3.2 Currents between deep and shallow water, depending on the
Only turbulent currents are of significance for water- ratio of the mean water depth hm to the wave length L
ways as they can cause erosion, depending on the (see Figure 3.2).
particle size of the material present in the banks and
beds. Highly turbulent currents occur, in particular, in
- the tail water of weirs

- the propeller wash

- the return flows due to shipping
- in the slope supply flow.

3.3 Waves
3.3.1 General
Waves on waterways are generated by shipping and
strong winds. However, they can also be caused by
the operation of weirs, locks and power stations (sur-
ge/drawdown). Ship-induced waves are divided into
primary wave system and secondary waves. The pri- Figure 3.2 Waves zones as a function of the mean water
mary wave system includes drawdown which occurs depth (hm = A/bWS) and the wave length L
in the vicinity of a vessel and moves at the same
speed. Secondary waves can travel a long way from
the vessel and then behave in the same way as free The celerity c in deep water of free waves, i.e. waves
waves. Free waves are dealt with in 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. not bound to a vessel as primary and secondary wave
Primary wave system is described in 3.3.4 and 3.4. systems are, depends on the wave length only:

c= (3-1)

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 23

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

where of a river or canal reach a level at which the particles

that have been set in motion are transported along the
L is the wave length [m]
g is the acceleration due to gravity [m/s ]
The celerity of free waves in shallow water, c or c0, is
3.3.3 Effect of breaking run-up wave
determined by the mean water depth only:
Breaking waves are divided into three types of brea-
gA ker, depending on their shape /Pilarczyk 1990/. These
c = c 0 = g hm = (3-2) are spilling breakers, plunging breakers and surging
breakers (see 5.8.2).
where For waves running up slopes, the shape of the brea-
2 kers depends essentially on the inclination of the slo-
A is the flow cross section [m ] pe on which the wave breaks (see Figure 5.42 and
bWS is the water surface width [m] Table 5.2).
hm is the mean water depth [m] The way in which free waves and ship-induced se-
condary waves affect the stability of slopes is deter-
The celerity of free waves in transitional zones de- mined primarily by plunging breakers.
pends on the water depth and the wave length:
The plunging water and the resulting run-up and run-
12 down caused by plunging breakers have a highly ero-
æg L 2 p hm ö sive effect (displacement of stones) on the slope zone
c = çç tanh ÷ (3-3)
è 2 p L ÷ø concerned (zone of fluctuating water levels) owing to
the flow force and high level of turbulence.
The celerity of ship-induced secondary waves is lin- The impact of plunging breakers also generates ex-
ked to the speed of the vessel (see 5.5.5). cess pore water pressure, which may be several times
In general, the following distinctions are sufficient for the hydrostatic head of the waves, in the saturated
practical calculations according to /Press, Schröder subsoil in the zone in which water levels fluctuate. Its
1966/: effect is relatively small if the waves break in a water
cushion or an armour layer with a large number of
Deep water: hm / L ³ 0.5 cavities (e.g. rip-rap). It is also associated with a very
turbulent run-up and run-down flow.
Shallow water: hm / L < 0.5
The impact of the breaker reduces the stability of the
Accordingly, ship-induced secondary waves are gene- bank as the resulting excess pore water pressure in
rally regarded as deep water waves and the primary the subsoil is unable to diminish quickly enough. If
wave due to drawdown as shallow water wave. several plunging breakers follow each other the ex-
cess pore water pressures are superimposed on each
other, reducing the shear strength of the soil.
3.3.2 Effect of unbroken run-up wave
Rapid hydrostatic pressure changes occur at slopes
below water level when an unbroken wave passes. As 3.3.4 Effect of breaking waves travelling
the pore water pressure in the subsoil cannot keep up parallel to a bank
with such changes in pressure (see 3.4), the pore The shape of breakers caused by waves travelling
water pressure in the soil may be greater or less than parallel to a bank, such as those that occur at the
the external hydrostatic pressure (i.e. caused by wave stern of a vessel, depends primarily on the wave
troughs and wave crests respectively), depending on steepness and the Froude number or on the ratio of
the water level at any given moment. As a result, wa- the ship speed to the critical speed. If the waves are
ter either flows out of or into the subsoil. steep and the Froude numbers are high, it is primarily
The flow of pore water out of the subsoil reduces the the transversal stern wave (running waves or slope
weight of individual soil particles, which has already supply flow) that breaks. Combined with the slope
been diminished by buoyancy, and may cause loose- supply flow, the local flow velocities occurring at the
ning of the soil. It may promote erosion if actions due wave front may be so high that armourstones are
to flow occur at the same time. dislodged from the revetment.

In transitional zones and in shallow water, the or-

bital movement of a wave can give rise to a reciproca-
ting motion in individual soil particles, causing them to
shift slightly. In some cases, it may even result in ar-
mourstones being moved. A significant degree of ero-
sion does not occur until the flow forces at the bottom

24 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

3.4 Effect of water level drawdown The dimensions of the rapidly falling water surface do
not affect the level of excess pore water pressure.
3.4.1 General
Natural and man-made influences can cause the wa-
ter level of a river or canal to change slowly or rapidly. Effect of excess pore
To ensure the geotechnical stability of the channel it is water pressure
important to establish whether the pore water in the
Excess pore water pressure in the soil occurs when
underlying soil is able to follow the changes in the
the drawdown rate exceeds the rate at which the
water level of the river or canal without significant
hydrostatic pore water pressure in the soil is able to
excess pressures being generated.
adapt (vza ³ k) (cf. Figure 3.4). Excess pore water
A comparison of the drawdown rate of the water level pressure is caused by the delay in pressure equaliza-
(vza) and the permeabiliy of the soil (k) can initially tion owing to gas bubbles that increase in size as the
provide a conservative estimate of whether excess pressure decreases /Köhler 1993; Köhler 1996/.
pore water pressure is being generated:
The excess pore water pressure gives rise to seepage
(a) slowly falling water level: vza < k flow towards the ground surface (see Figure 3.3)
which reduces the stability of the bank and/or bed and
(b) rapidly falling water level: vza ≥ k
may result in slides or loosening of the soil.

3.4.2 Slowly falling water levels

There is always a delay in the decrease in the
hydrostatic pore water pressure in the soil of the bed
and banks of a river or canal when drawdown occurs
as pore water can only flow out of a slope when a
pressure differential exists.
If the drawdown rate is lower than the permeability of
the soil of the bed and banks (vza < k) the possible
gradient is also small and the pore water pressure is
only slightly above the effective free water level at any
given moment. The associated flow force can be dis-
Figure 3.3 Flow lines and equipotential lines in the ground
regarded with respect to the stability of the banks and below a permeable slope revetment during ra-
the bed of the waterway. pid drawdown of the water level

3.4.3 Rapidly falling water levels Magnitude and development of General excess pore water pressure
Rapidly falling water levels cause excess pore water The magnitude and development of excess pore wa-
pressures in the soil (see 3.4.1) and can occur in ter pressure due to rapid drawdown are governed
conjunction with the following: primarily by the drawdown za, the drawdown time ta,
a) over large areas the permeability of the soil k and the compressibility of
the water-soil-mix (including the gas that it contains) in
- drawdown due to shipping (depending on the the zone of the banks and bed of the river or canal
draught and cross-section of the waterway) that is close to the surface. The last three parameters
- tides are reflected in the pore water pressure parameter b
(see 5.10.3).
- receding flood waves (immediately after the flood
peak has passed) The excess pore water pressure ∆u, which increases
- impoundment (initial phase) exponentially with the depth z, is at its highest when
the maximum drawdown is reached, after which it
- positive surge/drawdown waves due to the opera-
decreases over time (see Figure 3.4).
tion of weirs, locks and power stations
The excess pore water pressure can reduce the ef-
- failure of embankments
fective stresses in the soil, and thus the frictional
forces to such an extent that sliding failure occurs in
b) over small areas banks (with or without a revetment) along a failure
- bow and stern waves of sailing vessels, particularly interface parallel to the slope at depth dkrit (Annex A).
of unladen vessels, passenger crafts and recreati- If sliding is prevented (e.g. by means of supported or
onal crafts sailing at high speed suspended revetments, on very gentle slope inclinati-
- wind waves ons or at the bed of a waterway), loosening of the soil

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 25

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

may occur near the surface, resulting in hydrodynamic 3.5 Groundwater inflow
displacement of the soil.
Groundwater will flow into a river or canal if the
The provision of a sufficiently heavy revetment can groundwater table in the slope is higher than the still-
prevent such limit states occurring in the ground. water level, e.g. where a river flows through a cutting
or after a flood. The inflow means that a higher
hydrostatic water pressure acts in the subsoil of the
slope, giving rise to flow forces in the direction of the
river or canal. All geotechnical design calculations
must take such actions into account.
If groundwater flows out of an unprotected slope, the
limit state for local slope stability will be reached at a
slope inclination of

β £ φ'/2 (3-4)

β is the slope angle [°]
φ' is the effective angle of shearing resistance of
the soil [°]
Any outflow of groundwater from the surface over a
fairly long period of time should therefore be avoided.
A continuous grass cover will provide an adequate
level of protection for slope angles β of less than φ'/2
if groundwater emerges rarely or only for short periods
of time.

Figure 3.4 Hydrostatic pore water pressure and excess

pore water pressure during rapid drawdown

26 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

4 Safety and design concept · Determination of the size of stones required to

withstand loads due to transversal stern waves (for
4.1 General ships sailing at normal speed) in accordance with
No distinction according to the load cases specified in
/DIN 1054/ is made for the design of bank and bottom · Determination of the size of stones required to
protection. withstand loads due to propulsion-induced flow
(while a ship is manoeuvring) in accordance with
An appropriate extreme load constellation with a very
low probability of occurrence is determined for geo-
technical analyses. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, · Determination of the size of stones required to
the analysis must demonstrate that the limiting equi- withstand loads due to secondary waves in accor-
librium state is maintained under the relevant combi- dance with 6.4
nation of actions. A higher safety level involving the
use of partial safety factors as laid down in /DIN 1054/ · Determination of the size of stones required to
will only be specified if verification of global stability is withstand loads due to wind waves in accordance
required (see 7.4). with 6.5

The requirements regarding the probability of occur- · Determination of the size of stones required to
rence of the actions to be used in the design are less withstand loads due to a combination of ship-
stringent for hydraulic analyses, the purpose of which induced waves and wind waves in accordance with
is to determine the stone size required to provide re- 6.6
sistance to movement on exposure to currents and · Determination of the size of stones required to
wave loads, than for geotechnical analyses. This is withstand actions due to currents in accordance
because the displacement of individual stones – with 6.7
despite accumulating over time – does not jeopardize
the stability of revetments or canal embankments. · Determination of the minimum thickness of the
Hydraulic design should therefore really be based on armour layer, which depends on the size of the
a cost-benefit analysis in which the additional cost of stones as required by the hydraulic design, in ac-
providing a heavier or partially grouted revetment is cordance with 6.9, if necessary, modified as speci-
compared with the cost of repairing and maintaining a fied in 6.10
lighter revetment over its lifetime instead of on the
· Compliance with the minimum thicknesses of the
method applied here in which limit values of the loads armour layer specified in 6.11
are used. In addition to the structure of the revetment,
the most important parameters as regards maintenan- · Determination of the length of the armour layer
ce costs are the volume of shipping and fleet compo- above and below the still-water level as specified
sition. The number of stones that are displaced from a in 6.12
revetment and move to its toe increases with the vo-
The design values required for the hydrodynamic
lume of traffic as passing ships subject revetments to
analyses, such as the height of transversal stern
high levels of loading.
waves or the flow velocities caused by propeller wash
However, such cost-benefit analyses require compre- near the bed of a river or canal, can either be measu-
hensive and detailed data on the cost of maintaining rement data or obtained by means of the formulae
the various types of revetment, which depends on the given in 5 if the appropriate measurement values are
volume of shipping and fleet composition. Such data not available, e.g. in the case of forecasts.
are not yet available.
The following geotechnical analyses are required:
Nevertheless, sailing tests conducted recently with
various types of vessel /BAW 2002/ have been used · Determination of the mass per unit area of perme-
in addition to published calculation methods and test able armour layers in accordance with 7.2
results in order to establish an initial design approach. · Determination of the mass per unit area of imper-
The sailing tests caused considerable, but quantifi- meable revetments to ensure resistance to sliding
able, displacement of stones in new revetments as a failure (7.3.2) and uplift (7.3.3)
result of loads due to waves and currents. More
systematic documentation of the level of maintenance · Global stability of the water-side slope including
required for revetments should be conducted in future the revetment as specified in 7.4
so that, in conjunction with the test results for the ac- The values relevant to the design are either the lar-
tions, a broader and more reliable experience-based gest stone size required and the greatest thickness of
understanding of the problem can be developed as a the armour layer as determined in the various analy-
basis for the design of revetments. ses or the greatest mass per unit area of the armour
The design concept presented in this chapter includes layer.
the following hydraulic analyses:

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 27

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

4.2 Hydraulic analyses · Size of canal cross-sections: In narrow canal

cross-sections, e.g. in those designed for one-way
The design method discussed below applies primarily
traffic, boatmasters have only limited scope for va-
to revetments comprising non-grouted rip-rap. Some
rying the speed of their vessels (between the nau-
aspects of the use of partial grouting are dealt with in
tical minimum speed and vkrit), with the exception
chapters 8 and 9.
of manoeuvring courses, in order to sail with ease
and safety. The probability that vkrit will be reached
is higher in such cross-sections than in wide ca-
4.2.1 Aspects of the specification of the nals as even vessels with not particularly powerful
design values engines may also reach the critical ship speed in
The appropriate limits for the design values must be narrow canal cross-sections. Supercritical sailing
selected when designing bank protection. The values conditions have also been observed in narrow ca-
are determined primarily by the ship chosen for design nal cross-sections when vessels sailing at vkrit in
purposes, the ship speed, position in the cross-section the centre of the canal change course and sail to-
of the river and the sailing situation (a ship sailing wards the bank. The reason for this is that the criti-
alone, one ship passing or overtaking another). When cal ship speed is lower for vessels sailing steadily
selecting these parameters, their probability of occur- close to a bank than for those sailing in the middle
rence and any possible damage should be taken into of a canal. The probability of this load case occur-
account. Consideration must be given to the following ring is lower in wide canals as vessels lose speed
aspects: on approaching the (initially distant) bank.

· Risk of failure: The stability of a bank can be en- · Sailing situation (ships sailing alone, passing
dangered by the drawdown caused by a single or overtaking): Observations have shown that the
vessel passing at high speed. The highest realistic greatest loads are usually caused by vessels sai-
ship speed (critical ship speed vkrit or the maximum ling close to the bank. This applies to wide canals
permitted speed vzul) must therefore be used in in particular in which ships can pass or overtake
analyses of the global stability of banks. A repre- each other without having to reduce their speed
sentative maximum ship speed may be used if fai- considerably. Such situations must therefore also
lure of the structure cannot be caused by single be taken into account when designing wide canals.
cases of damage, such as displacement of stones, · Permitted ship speeds: The ship speeds permit-
but would result from the sum of such cases (per- ted on German canals vary. They mostly depend
manent damage). Generally speaking, it is recom- on whether vessels are loaded or empty although
mended that 97 % of the critical ship speed be usually only a draught-related limit is stated. Ob-
used in the analysis, as specified in /MAR/. servations of shipping traffic have shown that ves-
· Volume of shipping and fleet composition: If sels sometimes sail at far higher speeds than per-
modern vessels whose engine power enables mitted if their engine power and the blockage ratio
them to reach the critical speed vkrit predominate in enable to do so. Conversely, modern loaded ves-
the stretch of the canal being considered and/or it sels are not always able to reach the permitted
can be argued that the vessels in that stretch sail speeds owing to the low blockage ratio, i.e. the cri-
at particularly high speeds the design speeds will tical ship speed limits the possible speed. This
have to be higher than if older vessels and units must be taken into account when the design speed
with less powerful engines are more common. The is specified.
percentages of recreational craft, tugs and pusher
craft sailing alone, including their respective engine
powers and sizes, must also be taken into account
when the composition of the fleet is considered.
For these types of vessel, it is the sliding speed
that limits the possible ship speed, and thus the
wave height, rather than the critical ship speed. It
will be necessary to check whether the vessel's
engine power will enable it to reach this speed.
· Traffic volume: The rate at which permanent da-
mage accumulates is proportional to the volume of
traffic. The greater the volume of traffic, the higher
the probability that the high ship speeds relevant to
the design will be reached, whether intentionally or
not, especially when vessels sail close to the bank,
for example during evasion manoeuvres. The de-
sign ship speeds can therefore be lower for low
volumes of traffic than for high volumes.

28 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

4.2.2 Recommendations for hydraulic - vessels travelling close to the critical ship speed
design which will usually have a stern-heavy dynamic
trim, increasing the drawdown and thus the
The relevant hydraulic actions on the bed and banks height of the stern wave (see Additio-
of rivers and canals are obtained from the parameters nal transversal stern waves similar to the
described below. rippling flow of an imperfect hydraulic jump may
also occur (see; Primary wave field - recreational craft designed for planing but which
displace water when accelerating to sliding
The primary wave field comprises the following com- speed, in which case the transversal waves of
ponents: the bow and stern wave systems are superim-
· Drawdown: The maximum drawdown is caused posed (see Distance case C and
by large inland cargo vessels and units sailing at
their maximum draught and governs the following The required stone size (see 6.2) is determined by
quantities: the pressure gradients and flow velocities caused
- The required minimum depth of the revetment by the orbital movement and the plunging water of
below still-water level (see 6.12.3), the broken wave that also occur at banks. The
height of the bank revetment (see is de-
- The dynamic underkeel clearance owing to the termined by the height of the waves above the still-
squat associated with drawdown of a sailing water level – which is much greater than the wave
ship. As a result of that there is an increase in trough owing to the asymmetrical shape of such
the impact of the propeller wash on the bed of waves – even if the waves stay mainly parallel to
the waterway. The impact determines the size the bank, i.e. where there is little wave run-up due
of the stones required to protect the bed of the to refraction.
waterway (see 6.3),
In the case of vessels with a considerable static
- The period of time during which the water level trim, the greatest degree of drawdown may occur
drops, thus reducing the stability of the slope. It at the bow as opposed to the stern. The transver-
will need to be examined on a case-to-case ba- sal stern wave may also break under such sailing
sis whether a shorter drawdown time, such as conditions. The exposure of banks to this type of
in the case of vessels sailing at high speed loading is not dealt with here.
where the drawdown at the bow is less than at
the stern, results in less favourable design va- · Slope supply flow: Running waves close to a
lues than a longer drawdown time. The latter bank are usually accompanied by a current flowing
occurs between the bow and the stern and is parallel to the bank that refills the depression cau-
associated with a greater drawdown at the stern sed by drawdown from astern. In limiting cases,
(see the slope supply flow velocity umax may even reach
the same speed as the vessel (see This
· Transversal stern wave: When vessels approach occurs when the momentum of high transversal
critical speed the transversal stern wave (see stern waves causes the wave celerity to increase may break and form a running wave (like a to such an extent that the wave threatens to over-
moving hydraulic jump), especially if the vessel is take the vessel. However, the fact that the wave
sailing close to the bank in which case the wave system is bound to the vessel prevents this from
length will decrease and the wave steepness, and happening and the wave breaks. This effect is
thus the wave height, will increase. It is the running most pronounced in narrow canal cross-sections
waves that are usually responsible for the displa- and when vessels sail close to a bank at a speed
cement of stones in bank revetments. Very high approaching the critical ship speed. The higher
transversal stern waves occur in the following situ- speeds at which empty vessels or tugs may sail
ations in particular: means that this case may be relevant to the design
- eccentric paths, in particular those close to the despite the fact that the ratio of umax to vs is lower
banks; than for vessels sailing at their maximum draught
(see 6.7.2).
- empty vessels, which usually exhibit a stern-
heavy dynamic trim and vessels that are stati- · Return flow: The mean return flow velocity inc-
cally trimmed by the stern (i.e. sailing with bal- reases with the ship speed, the displacement by
last); the vessel and the reciprocal value of the effective
cross-sectional area. The local return flow in the
- pusher craft, tugs and recreational craft sailing vicinity of the bed and bank will exceed the mean
alone that generate large diverging waves at value, especially at the bilge at the bow or, more
the bow (which may be blunt) that may be su- generally, at all pronounced curvatures of the
perimposed on the transversal stern wave (see contour of traditional inland navigation vessels as Distance case B and; the vessel approaches the bottom or the banks.

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 29

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Significant local lowering of the water level may - Shallow water conditions in wide canals or vessels
occur at these points, resulting in a further increa- that are short in relation to the canal: an equivalent
se in the return flow velocity owing to the narro- canal cross-section and approximation equations
wing of the flow cross-section. This effect is most are used to modify the height of the wave between
noticeable between the ship’s side and a sloping the vessel and the bank (see 5.5.1),
bank when a vessel sails close to the bank (see
- The inclination of the water surface between bow It must be established which of the follo-
and stern and the shape of the vessel: the mean
wing load cases give rise to the highest return flow
drawdown and mean return flow velocity are inc-
reased to enable the maximum values at the bank
- Vessels at their maximum draught sailing along closer to the vessel to be estimated (see
the centre of a fairway where higher ship to,
speeds are possible, resulting, in conjunction
- Eccentric sailing line: a smaller equivalent canal
with the greater displacement, in high return
cross-section is used to take account of the pos-
flow velocities,
sible ship speed and the mean drawdown and
- Vessels at their maximum draught sailing close mean return flow,
to the bank where, although the ship speed
- Vessel shape and dynamic trim: the mean values
tends to be lower, the narrowing effect results in
of the hydraulic parameters are increased (see
an increase in the return flow velocity at the and,
- Flow supply flow rate: stated as a function of the
- Empty vessels sailing at high speed close to the
ship speed and wave height (see
bank where the higher ship speed, together
with the greater draught of such vessels at the
stern, may be more significant than the displa-
cement effect of an empty vessel which is less Secondary wave field
pronounced than for a vessel at its maximum The waves generated by the discontinuities and pro-
draught. nounced curvature of the ship’s contours are divided
The influence of an eccentric sailing line on the into diverging waves and transversal waves. They
distribution of the return flow velocities and thus originate primarily at the bow and stern and give rise
their local maximum values is small compared with to interferences that diverge at stern along a line at an
that of the wave height. angle. It is at these interferences where the highest
waves occur. The diverging wave system is focused
Generally speaking, the return flow in narrow ca- on a narrow strip along the line. For energy-related
nals, e.g. those designed for one-way traffic, in- reasons it diminishes exponentially at –1/3 with its
fluences the size of the stones required for a slope distance from the vessel. Transversal waves diminish
revetment to a greater extent than waves. In the more rapidly, i.e. at a power of –1/2, in the direction of
case of wide canals, it is usually the height of the the bank. Therefore, the highest waves at the bank
transversal stern wave that is relevant to the de- are generally caused by the diverging wave systems
sign. when vessels sail far from the bank and by the trans-
versal wave systems when vessels sail close to the
The hydraulic parameters described above are deter-
bank (see 5.5.5).
mined by means of the one-dimensional canal theory
(see 5.5.3) which is based on the following important Generally speaking, it is the distance of a ship from
simplifications: the bank at which the interferences generated result in
the highest waves locally at the bank that is relevant
- a constant return flow velocity over the canal
to the design. Thus, the sailing line closest to the bank
needs not necessarily to result in the highest waves in
- a constant drawdown over the length of the vessel, spite of the fact that the wave height diminishes least
at the bank. This must be checked on a case-to-case
- the drawdown corresponds to the squat (the
basis (see
draught at the bow and at the stern is the same),
The secondary wave system determines
- frictionless flow.
- the wave run-up and thus the maximum height of
The one-dimensional canal theory provides the cor-
the slope revetment (see 6.12.2), the largest wa-
relation between the mean drawdown, the mean re-
ves being caused by vessels with a blunt bow form
turn flow velocity and the ship speed. It also provides
sailing at high speeds and by pusher craft, tugs or
a reference value for the critical ship speed.
recreational craft with powerful engines sailing alo-
Owing to the simplifications listed above, corrections ne; and
are required to take the following influences into
- the size of the stones required to prevent erosion
due to the impact of waves (see 6.4).

30 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Furthermore, secondary waves generated at the bows Wind waves

of short vessels and transversal stern waves may be
In comparison with ship-induced waves, wind-induced
superimposed (see case B in Large stern
waves may be relevant to revetment design if a canal
waves are caused by recreational craft designed for
high speeds, and thus for planing, when the craft is wide and the fairway is far from the bank (see 5.7,
reach sliding speed. Long deep-going recreational 5.8 and 6.5). The relevant equations are therefore
dealt with in this bulletin. In many cases it will also be
craft produce the largest stern waves (see and
important to consider the comparative sizes of wind- It will have to be checked on a case-to-case
induced and ship-induced waves.
basis whether such waves need to be taken into con-
sideration in the design and whether speed limits
need to be set and effective speed controls enforced.
The equations for the wave heights provided in this Recommendations for hydraulic
publication can also be used to estimate which ship design in standard cases
speeds should be permitted in order to minimise the Based on present-day (as at 2003) fleet on German
damage caused by waves. inland waterways and experience with constructed
revetments, designs that take account of the following
loads due to shipping will provide embankments with Propeller wash sufficient resistance to erosion and adequate stability,
The weight of the stones forming a bed revetment although a certain minimum amount of maintenance is
and, in certain cases, an embankment is determined assumed:
by the propulsion-induced flow velocities (see 6.3). Vessels sailing alone and close to the bank (vessels
The flow velocities near the bed are greatest for sailing over the toe of the slope or edge of the fairway
- ship’s propellers with large diameters and high less the safety margin), i.e.
design pitch ratios, - large loaded inland cargo vessels (return flow,
- ship’s propellers designed for high rotational running waves and slope supply flow determine
speeds or high performance, the size of the stones; drawdown and drawdown
time define the thickness of the revetment and the
- unducted propellers with middle rudders located required depth of anchoring below still-water level)
behind them owing to the division of the jet caused and
by the angular momentum,
- large inland cargo vessels that are empty or are
- if propagation of the propeller wash is limited, e.g. stern-heavy owing to ballast (running waves and
in the vicinity of a quay wall, and for slope supply flow at the slope determine the size of
the stones and the height of secondary waves the
- small dynamic underkeel clearances (see 5.6.3).
required height of the bank revetment above still-
Generally speaking, the load case of relevance to the water level) and
design will be a vessel remaining in a certain position
- large inland cargo vessels that are capable of rea-
or starting off, which makes full use of its installed
engine power when manoeuvring to leave a mooring, ching the critical ship speed owing to their engine
for instance. Moving vessels generate lower impacts. power.
The erosion resistance of bank and bottom protection
The main propulsion of a vessel causes significant
exposed to the propeller wash of ships is determined
loads on the bank when the main rudder directs the
by a vessel with a powerful engine, a large propeller
propeller jet towards the bank, for instance when the
diameter and a small dynamic underkeel clearance
vessel is leaving a mooring. It can also subject banks
to high levels of loading when a vessel is manoeuv- after casting off (i.e. remaining in a given position in
ring in order to turn. the relevant design situation for a short time only).
Loads exerted on banks by bow thrusters will need to
If directed towards a bank, the jet produced by an be taken into account at moorings. The damage can
active bow rudder when a vessel is leaving a mooring be minimised by anchoring the stones.
can cause local scour and hence a great deal of da-
mage to unanchored revetments (see 5.6.5 and The loads on revetments and wave run-up heights
6.3.2). Any revetment design that includes the loads caused by pushers and recreational craft sailing alone
will need to be taken into account if they occur fre-
produced by bow thrusters may result in over-
quently or if it is not possible to limit them by suppor-
dimensioning when compared to a design that only
ting measures, such as speed restrictions.
covers the other loads. It will need to be considered
whether such damage should be repaired during All other types of damage must be dealt with during
maintenance work or if it is advisable to anchor the maintenance work.
revetments in the affected areas.

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 31

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

4.3 Geotechnical verifications · The following equations are to be used to calculate

the drawdown rate and drawdown time of wind
The purpose of the geotechnical verifications is to
waves or ship-induced secondary waves:
determine the mass per unit area of the revetment or
the armour layer.
vza = p H/T (4-1)
· The most unfavourable combination of bank geo-
metry and water level must be established for each
analysis as it will determine the design water level. ta = T/2 (4-2)
The upper operating water level BWo (resulting in
the greatest slope length under water Lu) will apply where
to analyses in accordance with 7.2 for banks with
unchanging geometry of canals while the greatest H is the wave height [m]
potential difference between the groundwater level ta is the drawdown time [s]
and canal water level will apply in all other cases.
T is the wave period [s]
· Unscheduled emptying of a canal due to damage
needs not be taken into account in the design of · The design groundwater level is the maximum
the bank revetment. However, any damage to ad- possible groundwater level (e.g. as established by
jacent property caused by failure of the slope re- measurements taken over many years). A safety
vetment must be ruled out. margin may be added in certain cases if insuffi-
cient experience is available.
· If a canal section is emptied as scheduled, the
slope revetment can be designed for the combina- · Imposed loads shall be taken into account as area
tion of actions occurring at that time. Structural loads of 10 kN/m as from the slope edge. The
measures (such as ponding) may be taken into ac- most unfavourable load position shall be used if it
count. is not possible to position the load directly on the
slope edge owing to structural measures.
· Geotechnical design does not take into account
actions due to currents. · The various stages of construction need only be
taken into account if they give rise to even more
· The drawdown due to wind set-up is taken into unfavourable combinations of actions.
account by the water level BWu in canals.
The design soil resistance shall be the characteristic
· The maximum difference between the lowered soil resistance without a safety factor as the probabi-
water level and the groundwater level occurring at lity of a limit state occurring is considered to be suffi-
the slope must be included in the design to take ciently low. However, partial safety factors as speci-
account of the drawdown due to tidal fluctuations, fied in /DIN 1054/ must be applied in analyses of the
the operation of locks or other relatively slow global stability in accordance with /DIN 4084/. The
changes in the water level. characteristic value selected should be on the "con-
· The maximum possible drawdown over the toe of servative side" of the mean value, as stated in /DIN
the slope caused by a vessel passing at the se- 4020/. The difference between the characteristic value
lected design ship speed must to be taken into ac- and the mean value may be small if the data pool is
count if conditions are such that the design ship large enough; however, it must be large if insufficient
speed may be reached. data are available.

· The design drawdown due to pure wind waves is The angle of shearing resistance required to ensure
to be taken as a quarter of the wave height and the appropriate shear strength of armour or cover
considered as a steady state for design purposes. layers may, without further verification, be taken as
j D' = 55° (cohesion c' = 0) for loose armourstones of
· Secondary waves due to drawdown of the ship classes II to IV in accordance with the 1997 edition of
need not be taken into account. /TLW/ or classes CP90/250, LMB5/40, LMB10/60 to
LMB40/200 in accordance with the 2003 edition of /TLW/
· The design rapid drawdown due to long waves,
e.g. drawdown waves (wave length L > 20 m) is and as j D' = 70 (c' = 0) for partially grouted cover
half the wave height H and is to be considered as layers.
a steady state for design purposes.

32 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

5 Determination of the a) for hydraulic design (chapter 6)

hydraulic actions - maximum wave height
The procedures described in chapter 5 are not requi- - maximum flow velocity
red if the hydraulic characteristics needed to determi- b) for geotechnical design (chapter 7)
ne the size of the stones and the thickness of the re-
vetment have been obtained from measurement data - maximum drawdown velocity
for each of the relevant design situations. Measure- - maximum rapid drawdown or excess pore water
ment data are preferable to calculated values as the pressure in the soil
latter are subject to the following limitations: The values of these parameters can be determined
(1) Generally speaking, they are obtained by calcula- either by measurements or by calculation.
tion methods that are based on assumptions re- Calculation methods are specified below along with a
garding the relevant physical processes, that work guide on how to determine the values of the following
with simplified fundamental equations and use hydraulic actions and the reactions of the soil:
simplified geometrical data for the boundary con-
ditions (for instance, the flow field around a mo- - wave height (wind, shipping)
ving vessel is approximated as one-dimensional in - return flows of vessels
an equivalent canal cross-section). - propeller wash
(2) Any necessary empirical corrections to the design - rapid drawdown due to shipping
approaches based on the simplifications, such as - rapid drawdown due to the operation of weirs,
those taking account of wave shoaling when ves- locks or power stations
sels sail close to a bank, only apply to the cases
- rapid drawdown in conjunction with a receding
for which measurement data are available.
flood wave
(3) Experience is not available on the applicability of - value of the excess pore water pressure in the soil
all of the methods described here to the individual when rapid drawdown occurs
design situation (e.g. for the wave heights caused
by recreational craft). Furthermore, certain input parameters for the water-
way and shipping as well as meteorological data are
It is for this reason that partially more than one equa- required for the design. Guidance on how to determi-
tion, e.g. for the wave height, will be offered to the ne such parameters is also given below.
user, that may deliver equally plausible results. They
also can be used to illustrate different aspects of de-
sign, e.g. the influence of the slope inclination or wave 5.2 Data on waterways
steepness on the stability of individual revetments. It
is the responsibility of the project engineer to select 5.2.1 Geometry of waterways
the appropriate design parameters by comparing the The geometry of the river or canal affects both the
results of calculations based on equally feasible me- natural and the ship-induced hydraulic actions. The-
refore, the dimensions, shape and course of the wa-
As regards the accuracy of the calculation methods it terway in the reach or section considered must be
should be noted that the loads resulting from the pri- known in order to perform a stability analysis.
mary wave field can be determined more accurately Actual profiles must be used for rivers. The “Guideli-
than those arising from the secondary wave field, the nes for Standard Cross-sections of Shipping Canals”
slope supply flow and wind waves. Particularly it is /BMV 1994/ apply to the cross-sections of canals.
very difficult to determine the loads due to the propul-
sion units of ships as the latter depend largely on the
ship design and it is not possible to deal with each
5.2.2 Geometry of fairways
special case.
Minimum fairway widths are specified in the “Guide-
lines for Standard Cross-sections of Shipping Canals”
5.1 General /BMV 1994/.
The following design parameters are required for the The fairway depth depends on the waterway class
design of revetments as described in chapters 6 und 7 stated in the CEMT Classification of European Inland
below to resist possible hydraulic actions on the bot- Waterways /BMV 1996/.
tom and banks of rivers and canals:
The fairway must be known and the positions of the
design ship must be selected in a meaningful way to
enable the ship-induced hydraulic actions on the
banks and bottom of rivers and canals to be determi-

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 33

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

5.3 Data on vessels

The length, width, draught, installed engine power and
propeller diameter of the design ship are important
input data for the determination of the hydraulic ac-
tions on the bed and banks of rivers and canals. The
upper limits that apply to common classes of water-
ways are laid down in /BMV 1996/. Data for powered
coastal vessels, pushed lighters and push tow units
are included in /EAU 1996/. The values for large in-
land cargo vessels are specified in Figure 5.1.
The different types of pushed barge trains sailing on
the section of waterway under consideration need to
be taken into account when specifying the dimensions
of the design ship. Large inland cargo vessels may
also operate as composite units.

Figure 5.1 Examples of common types of inland cargo

vessel according to /Kuhn 1985/; a value of
2.8 m only is permitted on canals in Western

Propeller wash is not generally a relevant action for

bank and bottom protection when a ship sails at nor-
mal speed. However, revetments may be damaged by
the wash caused by the main propulsion unit or by
bow thrusters when a vessel is manoeuvring (e.g.
while mooring, casting off, turning, etc.). The diameter
and rotation rate of the propellers, the number of pro-
pellers and the thrust coefficient of the propeller
and/or bow thruster or, alternatively, the propeller
diameter and the propulsion power of the types of
vessel under consideration need to be known for de-
signs taking account of such actions. Guide values
are given in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 Technical data for inland navigation vessels in

use today (Guide values; it will be necessary to
obtain data for inland navigation vessels to be
used in future)

34 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

If no exact data are available for the design ship, pro- line becomes more eccentric (e.g. closer to one of the
peller rotation rates n between 300 [1/min] (large pro- banks). The following must be considered with regard
peller diameter) and 500 [1/min] (small propeller dia- to the effect of eccentricity:
meter] can be used for inland navigation vessels. The
(1) The effect of eccentricity, which would result in
relevant rotation rates will have to be obtained for
a reduction of the possible ship speed during a
pusher craft. The rated rotation rates given in Table
steady course, is disregarded below in order to
5.1 are approximate values and may be exceeded by
take account of the unsteady sailing situation in
up to 20% in certain cases. The lower limits apply to
a canal in which a vessel approaching a bank
ducted propellers.
maintains the higher ship speed possible in the
Bow thrusters are generally installed such that they centre of the canal.
are flush with the bottom of the ship hull. Special
(2) By contrast, the much greater influence of the
forms such as pump jets must also be considered.
eccentricity of the sailing line or of the proximity
The jet is discharged at a speed of up to 14 m/s and
to the bank on the critical ship speed is taken in
strikes the bed at an angle of between 8° and 17°.
account in shallow water conditions.
(3) The influence of eccentricity on the drawdown
5.4 Hydraulic actions due to and wave height at the slope must always be
shipping taken into account, not only for vessels sailing
on canals but also where shallow water effects
5.4.1 Components occur.
The hydraulic actions on the bed and banks of a river The draught and bank distance must therefore be
or canal due to shipping are caused by regarded as parameters of fundamental importance
· drawdown, when specifying design situations.
· ship-induced waves (primary and secondary wave Vessels sailing alone usually travel either along the
systems), centre of the waterway or eccentrically at the edge of
· return flow (flow due to displacement) and a single lane along the canal axis (see Figure 5.2 a/b).
As a general rule, a value of 0.97 vkrit is recommended
· propeller wash (flow due to propulsion). for the design ship speed of vessels sailing in the
These factors, which usually act simultaneously, affect centre of a waterway. When a vessel is preparing to
the bed and banks in different ways depending on the pass or overtake, it can also sail along the outer edge
way in which the fairway is restricted (laterally unre- of the double lane specified in the Guidelines for
stricted shallow water or canal) and the range of ship Standard Canal Cross-sections /BMV 1994/ (see
speeds (subcritical, critical or supercritical) (see Figure 5.2 c). The ship’s bilge in the midship section
4.2.2). will then lie over the toe of the slope. Given a draught
of 2.8 m, a squat of 0.5 m and a minimum dynamic
underkeel clearance of 0.2 m, a lateral clearance of
5.4.2 Sailing situations 1.5 m between the vessel and the bank will be requi-
red in accordance with the aforementioned guidelines.
A distinction must be drawn between the two situati- This value can also be used for other canal cross-
ons described below for design purposes. sections in order to specify the position of the vessel
when it is sailing close to a bank. The ship speed
stated above should also be assumed for eccentric Sailing at normal speed sailing positions when a vessel is sailing alone.
The vessel sails at the permitted speed. For example, The special cases involving vessels passing or over-
the following speeds, which depend on the ship’s taking each other are dealt with in 5.5.6.
draught, apply on canals (DEK, RHK, WDK, etc.) (see
Section § 15.04 of the German Code for Inland Navi- The shallowest draught that can be considered in the
gation Waterways (Binnenschifffahrtsstraßenordnung methods described in this chapter is approx. one third
BinSchiStrO)). of the water depth.

T < 1.3 m νzul = 12 km/h

T > 1.3 m νzul = 10 km/h
νzul is lower for small canal cross-sections.
The ship may sail along the centre of the canal or its
sailing line may be eccentric. In theory, the highest
critical ship speeds are associated with sailing lines
along the centre of a river or canal and with shallow
draughts. The critical ship speed tends to decrease
with an increase in the draught and/or if the sailing

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 35

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

a) Europe ship (ES) sailing in the centre of the lane, without a drift angle

b) Europe ship (ES) sailing on an eccentric course over the edge of the single lane (B1 = 15.5 m),
without a drift angle

c) Large inland cargo vessel (GMS) sailing on an eccentric course, at the outer edge of the double lane,
without a drift angle

Figure 5.2 Examples of positions of a Europe ship (ES) and of a large inland cargo vessel (GMS) in a standard trapezoidal

Abbreviations: KA – canal axis BF – toe of slope

Symbols: B – beam of a vessel bWS – width at water level
B1 – width of single lane h – depth of water
bS – width of bed of waterway T – draught of vessel

36 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

The relevant hydraulic actions on the bed and banks relevant influence parameters, which are the length of
of a waterway or on the slope and bank revetment the vessel, the width of the canal and the distance of
that result from the above sailing conditions are as the vessel from the bank. The approximation equati-
follows: ons are based on the 2D potential theory for vessels
/BAW 2002/.
- drawdown due to the ship-induced primary wave
system and Approximation equations for the ratio of the drawdown
- wave run-up and run-off at the banks due to the at the bank to that at the vessel are also included in
ship-induced secondary wave system. on the basis of the same theory. The ratio is
taken into account when specifying the hydraulically
Other hydraulic actions are equivalent slope inclination of the equivalent canal
- return flow and cross-section, which is approximated to a trapezoidal
profile. This enables the mean water depth of the
- propeller wash (which decreases as the advance
equivalent canal cross-section to be calculated. The
ratio of the propeller increases, i.e. it diminishes as
effective cross-section of the vessel required for the
the ship speed increases).
application of the 1D canal theory is determined in, taking account of the draughts at the bow and Manoeuvring stern and the displacement effect of the boundary
Ships manoeuvre at low speed, vs @ 0 (propeller ad-
These data are used in 5.5.2 to calculate the critical
vance ratio J = 0) and with maximum propeller thrust
ship speed upon which the choice of design ship
in the following situations:
speed is based. The latter is generally specified as a
- mooring and casting off, percentage of the critical ship speed. The mean draw-
- acceleration phase when a vessel sails out of a down and mean return flow velocity at the design ship
lock (situation similar to stand-by propeller test). speed in the equivalent canal cross-section are de-
termined in 5.5.3. They are subsequently used to cal-
The relevant hydraulic action on the bed and banks of culate the values at the bank, using the approximation
a canal or river or on the slope and bank revetment equations given in The drawdown and return
results from flow velocity are corrected in to take account
- the propeller wash that is caused by the main and of the effects of the difference in the water levels bet-
bow thrusters and strikes the slope and bed. ween the bow and stern and the dynamic trim. This is
necessary as the 1D canal theory does not take into
account the potential flow due to the difference in the
5.5 Magnitude of ship-induced water levels at the bow and stern.
waves (design situation: The continuity equation is used to calculate the maxi-
"sailing at normal speed") mum return flow velocity at the bank from the maxi-
mum local drawdown obtained above. Finally, the
The primary wave field around a moving vessel is
design wave heights at the bow and stern are deter-
unevenly distributed. When the vessel is sailing in
mined (see In doing so, the influence of the
shallow water, the greatest return flow velocity occurs
wave steepness and shoaling effects have to be taken
directly at the vessel and rapidly diminishes with the
into account. This can be done by applying an empiri-
distance from it. This effect does not occur at the bank
cal equation for the effect of the eccentricity of the
nearest the vessel when the latter is sailing close to a
sailing line /PIANC 1987a/.
bank and the water is shallow. In this case, the draw-
down and return flow velocity at the bank may even The diagram in Figure 5.3 illustrates the entire proce-
exceed those in the vicinity of the vessel. The return dure described here.
flow and drawdown caused by ships sailing on canals
are distributed more or less uniformly. Further aspects of the primary wave field are exami-
ned below in sections to These are the
The lack of uniformity of the return flow field is taken slope supply flow, influence of the drift angle and
into consideration in the calculations by assuming that drawdown velocity. Finally, section 5.5.5 deals with
the entire return flow is concentrated in the influence secondary waves which generally occur indepen-
width bE, i.e. occurs in an equivalent canal cross- dently of the primary wave field and can therefore be
section, with the same values of the return current considered separately.
speed as in the vicinity of the vessel. This enables the
one-dimensional canal theory to be applied. The theo-
ry provides the drawdown and return flow velocity in
the vicinity of the vessel and thus the critical ship
Approximation equations are included in to
enable the cross-sectional area of the equivalent ca-
nal cross-section to be determined as a function of the

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 37

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Figure 5.3 Procedure for determining the hydraulic design

parameters such as the maximum return flow
velocity and maximum wave heights due to the
primary wave field of ships sailing in shallow
water when subject to shallow water and boun-
dary layer effects, including the relevant secti-
ons of this publication

Particular hydraulic actions on canal linings such as

propeller wash, wind waves and other types of wave
(positive surge/drawdown waves, flood waves) are
considered in sections 5.6 to 5.9. Finally, the excess
pore water pressures required for the geotechnical
analyses are determined in section 5.10.
Figure 5.4 Basic cases for the ratio of the influence width
bE of the return flow field to the average width br
of the waterway (approximative rectangular
5.5.1 Hydraulic effective cross-section of profile of the same cross-section and the same
canals and ships water depth):
A: canal: bE > br Influence of shallow water B: shallow water: bE < br
The partial waterway cross-section that governs the C: transitional situation: bE includes one bank
drawdown and return flows and determines the equi-
valent canal cross-section depends on the calculated
width of the waterway
Width case A: “Canal“
b r = A/h (5-1) Long vessels, narrow canals
The return flow acts over the entire width of the canal
(where when a ships’ hull is long in relation to the canal width.
A flow cross-section [m²] not modified A canal cross-section with the dimensions
h water depth [m] (see Figure 5.4)) bWS width of the canal at water level [m]
in accordance with Figure 5.4, the effective influence h depth of water [m]
width of the return flow field (bE) and the position of
the vessel (eccentricity) within the cross-section of the m slope inclination [-], corresponding to the cotan-
waterway. As a result, there are three width cases, gent of the slope angle b (tan b = 1/m)
which are illustrated in Figure 5.4. The differences can be used without modification for the following
between the width cases and the associated design calculations based on the 1D canal theory:
principles apply to ratios of water depth h to draught T
where 1.25 £ h/T £ 5 /Kreibel 2003/ and ratios of AK,äqui = AK (5-2)
ship’s length L to beam B where L/B ³ 5.
A sketch showing the dimensions of the cross-section, AS,äqui = AS,eff (5-3)
influence width and position of the vessel is recom-
mended in practice to enable the correct case to be
established. mK,äqui = m (5-4)

38 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

where The following approach applies to bE; it is dependent

2 on the type of ship.
AK is the canal cross-section [m ],
AK = h (bWS - m h) > ubr
2 Influence width bE of the return flow field [m]
AK,äqui is the equivalent canal cross-section [m ]
AS,äqui is the equivalent cross-sectional area of the
2 p
ship [m ] bE = (L + f B B ) (5-7)
AS,eff is the effective cross-sectional area of the
ship [m ], taking into account boundary layer where
effects and the drift angle, where appropriate
B is the ship’s beam [m]
mK,äqui is the equivalent slope inclination [-]
fB is the factor of the influence width [-], which is
dependent on the type of ship
This situation, which applies only to canals, occurs fB = 3 common inland navigation vessel
when the maximum of the left or right distance bet-
ween the ship’s axis and the imaginary banks of the fB » 1.5 modern sea-going vessel that can
approximative rectangular profile, ur,max (see Figure also navigate inland waterways; ship
5.5), given a constant water depth, satisfies the follo- with bulbous bow
wing equation:
fB = 0 elliptical body plan (in accordance
with theory)
u r,max £ (5-5) L is the overall ship’s length [m]
The diagrams in Figure 5.7 and Figure 5.8 illustrating
where more precise calculations are based on equation (5-7)
ur,max is the maximum bank distance in the approxi- for fB = 3.
mative rectangular profile [m] (see Figure 5.5) Equation (5-7) can also be applied in general cases,
i.e. where fB ¹ 3, by substituting Leff /B for the ratio L/B
bE is the influence width of the return flow field [m] in Figure 5.7 and Figure 5.8 The following applies to
the effective ship’s length for slender ships:

Effective ship’s length Leff [m]

Leff = L + B (fB - 3) (5-8)

Slight shallow water effects may occur in canals and

can be taken into account in the equivalent cross-
sectional area for a more precise calculation in accor-
dance with Figure 5.7, which has been derived from
the simplified 2D potential theory. The equivalent
cross-sectional area of the canal AK,äqui is obtained as

Equivalent cross-sectional area of the canal AK,äqui

Figure 5.5 Definition of the bank distances u r,min and
ur,max AK,äqui = br,äqui h (5-9)

Equation (5-6) applies to trapezoidal profiles featuring br,äqui is the calculated width of the equivalent canal
slopes with the same inclination: cross-section [m]
h is the water depth [m]
br = bWS – m h
The change in the return flow velocity and drawdown
ur,min = ½ br –y (5-6) between the ship and the bank is slight for canals and
A = br h can generally be disregarded. The following procedu-
re can be followed for the transition from width case A

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 39

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

to width cases B and C to achieve a more precise These exact values will need to be interpolated as
calculation: appropriate when Figure 5.7 and Figure 5.8 are ap-
The parameters determined using the equivalent
cross-sectional area of the ship, i.e. The slope inclination mK,äqui to be used in this case to
obtain a more exact calculation for the equivalent
- mean drawdown Dh in accordance with eq. (5-25) canal cross-section may differ slightly from that of the
in 5.5.3 and original canal cross-section. It is obtained as follows:
- mean return flow velocity v rück in accordance with
eq. (5-23) in 5.5.3 Equivalent slope inclination mK,äqui [-] in an equiva-
lent canal cross-section
diminish or increase between the ship and the bank
(index “u”), resulting in different values (see
eqs. (5-26) and (5-27)): 1 ∆ hu,lks ∆ h u,rts
m K,äqui » (m lks + m rts ) (5-10)
2 ∆h ∆h
Dh ® Dh u
v rück ® v rück,u where

where mK,äqui is the equivalent slope inclination [-], only for

the hydraulic calculation of drawdown and re-
Dh is the mean drawdown in the longitudinal and turn flow (equivalent slope inclination = cotan-
transverse directions [m] gent of the angle of the slope of an equivalent
canal cross-section)
Dh u is the drawdown averaged in a longitudinal
direction at the bank [m] mK,äqui does not apply to the calculations in
chapters 6 und 7
v rück is the mean return flow velocity averaged in the
mlks is the slope inclination on the left bank [-]
longitudinal and transverse directions [m/s]
mrts is the slope inclination on the right bank [-]
v rück,u is the mean return flow velocity averaged in a
longitudinal direction at the bank [m/s] is the relative drawdown at the equivalent left
bank [-] in accordance with Figure 5.8

is the relative drawdown at the equivalent
right bank [-] in accordance with Figure 5.8
The values AK,äqui, mK,äqui and h thus apply to the cal-
culated equivalent trapezoidal profile, i.e. the one
used in subsequent calculations. The equivalent width
at water level bWS,äqui can then be obtained from those
Figure 5.6 Sketch showing the equivalent bank distances values, i.e.
and the calculated width of the approximative
rectangular profile of the waterway
Equivalent width at water level b WS,äqui [m]

Depending on the ratio of the ship’s length to the ave-

b WS, äqui = m K,äqui h + AK,äqui / h (5-11)
rage canal width L/br, the ratios Dhu Dh and
v rück,u v rück , which apply to the right bank, can be
determined approximately from Figure 5.8 as a functi- 2
on of the equivalent right-hand bank distance ur,rts / b r AK,äqui is the equivalent canal cross-section [m ] in
(see Figure 5.6 for definitions), with the ship acting as accordance with eq. (5-9) in 5.5.1
a dipole with a flow around it. Figure 5.8 must be re-
versed for the left bank (substituting ur,lks for ur,rts). The
figure makes a distinction between important cases of
L/B. Typical length-to-width ratios (L/B) are:
Europe ship ES : 8.4
Large inland cargo vessel GMS: 9.7
Push tow unit with 2 lighters 2SV: 16.2
Push tow unit with 4 lighters 4SV: 8.1

40 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Figure 5.7 Average width of an equivalent canal cross-section br,äqui as a function of the calculated canal width br (see
Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6 for definition); the equivalent bank distances ur,rts and ur,lks for the right and left banks
respectively (see Figure 5.6 for definition); ship’s length L and beam B for L/B = 5, 10 and 20. (Substitute Leff in
accordance with eq. (5-8) for L where where fB ¹ 3 in eq. (5-7))

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 41

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Figure 5.8 Mean return flow velocity ( v rück,u,rts ) or drawdown ( Dhu,rts ) at the equivalent (Index r) right (Index rts) bank

(Index u) in relation to the corresponding values at the ship ( v rück , Dh ); the bank distances ur,rts and ur,lks for the
equivalent right and left banks respectively (see Figure 5.6 for definitions) ship’s length L and beam B for
L / B = 5, 10 and 20.
(Substitute ur,lks for ur,rts to calculate the values for the left bank)

42 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Width case B: “Shallow Water“ Width case C: “Transitional situation“

Short vessels, large bank distances Transition from canal to shallow
water conditions
Shallow water conditions exist when a vessel is short
in relation to the width of the canal and for very large The influence width bE and the bank nearest the ves-
bank distances. This width case occurs when the sel overlap in the transitional area between a canal
smallest bank distance ur,min as shown in Figure 5.5 and shallow water conditions. The transitional area
satisfies the following criterion: thus satisfies the following criterion:

bE bE
u r,min > (5-12) u r,min £ £ u r,max (5-15)
2 2

where The approximate equivalent canal cross-section is

obtained by disregarding the ineffective portion of the
bE is the influence width in accordance with
influence width bE (see Figure 5.4). The associated
eq. (5-7) [m]
equivalent cross-sectional area AK,äqui is then:
u r,min is the minimum bank distance in an equivalent
canal cross-section [m] (see Figure 5.5 for defi- æb ö
nition) AK, äqui = çç E + u r,min ÷÷ h (5-16)
è 2 ø
The 1D canal theory can then be applied to the follo-
wing equivalent canal cross-section AK,äqui, its width
being limited by bE by way of approximation: The associated equivalent slope inclination mK,äqui is
approximately equal to m/2.
AK,äqui = bE h (5-13) It can be assumed in the first approximation for the
bank nearest the ship that v rück,u = v rück and
The slope inclination of the equivalent canal cross- Dhu = Dh . For a more exact calculation, see equa-
section mK,äqui for very large bank distances, i.e. where
ur,min >> bE/2, is approximately equal to zero. In this tions (5-9), (5-10) and (5-11) as well as Figure 5.7 and
case, the return flow velocity and the drawdown dimi- Figure 5.8
nish towards the bank (distance ur) approximately as
follows: Influence of boundary layers
v rück, u Dhu 1 The effects of boundary layers are taken into conside-
= » (5-14)
v rück Dh 2 ration separately for the bow and stern by means of
æu p ö
1 + çç r ÷ an effective cross-sectional area of the ship AS,eff in
è bE ø the prismatic section of the hull (midship). They en-
able the energy losses disregarded in the 1D canal
The much smaller decrease in the return flow field theory to be determined approximately.
must be taken into account if a more exact calculation Bow (negligible boundary layer effects):
is required. This applies in particular to the transition
from width case B to width cases A or C. In this case,
the following procedure should be followed: Effective cross-sectional area of the ship at the bow
AS,eff,B [m ]
- AK,äqui in accordance with eq. (5-9)
- br,äqui in accordance with Figure 5.7 AS,eff,B = AS,B = BB TB g B (5-17)
- mK,äqui in accordance with eq. (5-10)
- bWS,äqui in accordance with eq. (5-11) where
AS,B is the cross-sectional area of the ship at the
- Change Dh and v rück between the ship and the 2
bow [m ]
bank to the new values Dhu and v rück,u as shown
BB is the beam at the bow [m]
in Figure 5.8
TB is the draught of the ship at the bow [m]
gB is the block coefficient of the cross-sectional
area of the ship at the bow [-]; it is generally
equal to 1.0 (prismatic midship section)
N.B.: Not to be confused with the block coeffi-
cient of the ship’s volume.

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 43

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Stern (greatest boundary layer thickness): gradient required for the transition to supercritical flow
in the vicinity of the ship starts to develop unsteadily
when the critical ship speed has been reached.
Effective cross-sectional area of the ship at the
stern AS,eff,H [m ] An analysis of the results of field tests conducted with
a modern large inland cargo vessel /BAW 2002/ in a
canal (with approx. the standard trapezoidal profile in
accordance with /BMV 1994/) indicates that calculati-
AS,eff,H = AS,H + d 1H B m + 2 T m ) ons of the critical ship speed should include AK,äqui and
AS,eff to account for the boundary layer around the
ship’s hull and the shallow water effects described in
AS,H = TH BH g H (5-18) 5.5.1. The tests /BAW 2002/ showed that the influen-
ce of eccentricity on the critical ship speed only pro-
ved to be significant for width case C in 5.5.1, i.e.
-2.5 when ships that are short in relation to the width of the
æ L ö canal sail close to a bank, taking into account the
d 1H = 0.645 L H çç1.89 + 1.62 log10 H ÷÷
è K SS ø unsteady course on approaching the bank. The in-
fluence of eccentricity is taken into consideration be-
where low by reducing the width of the original canal cross-
section. The critical ship speed observed during the
AS,H is the cross-sectional area of the ship at the tests was slightly affected by the trim. The critical ship
stern or at the point of greatest displacement speed of vessels with a static trim by the stern or with
[m ] a loaded stern dynamic trim tends to be lower, leading
BH is the beam at the stern [m] to higher waves, than for vessels without a dynamic
trim. Accordingly, the following equations apply to the
Bm is the mean beam between bow and stern [m] mean drawdown at critical ship speed Dhkrit and the
KSS is the equivalent sand roughness of the ship’s critical ship speed vkrit (speed in relation to the water)
hull [m] (Figure 5.9):
K SS ≈ 0.3 × 10 -3 - 0.5 × 10 -3 m

LH is the development length of the boundary layer

between the bow and the end of the midship Critical ship speed vkrit [m/s], associated mean
section [m] drawdown D h krit [m]
TH is the draught of the vessel at the stern [m]
Tm is the mean draught of the vessel between bow D h krit = xkrit hm
and stern [m]
g H is the block coefficient of the cross-sectional
v krit = y krit ghm
area of the ship at the stern [-] generally equal
to 1.0 (prismatic midship section)
N.B.: Not to be confused with the block coeffi- The values of xkrit and ykrit are calculated iteratively
cient of the ship’s volume. using the following auxiliary equations:
d 1H is the thickness of the boundary layer at the 1
b = 1-
stern [m]; it cannot exceed the depth of the dy- n
namic underkeel clearance
~ m hm
If the vessel does not have a prismatic hull, as is often f =
the case for tugs, the cross-section with the greatest
displacement may be selected by way of an approxi- ~
mation of AS,eff. The thickness of the boundary layer f = 1 - x krit f
will then need to be determined for that cross-section.
(The value of xkrit (see below) must be provided
here – return address for iteration.)
5.5.2 Critical ship speed for canal 2
conditions f* = (1 - 2f )
The flow around a ship and wave formation are sub-
1- f *
ject to typical changes in restricted cross-sections r~ =
when the ship speed increases. While the water 3
displaced by the ship flows in the opposite direction to
the ship in case of subcritical ship speed, the critical

44 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

ìïp 1 é b f * ù üï
x~krit = -2 r~1 / 2 cosí + arccos ê ~3 / 2 ú ý
ïî 3 3 ëê 2 r ûú ïþ

N.B.: Calculations in radian measure

b - x~krit
xkrit =
N.B.: At this point return to calculation of f until
the result is sufficiently stable.
1/ 2
é 2 xkrit ù
y krit =ê ú
êë (b - xkrit f ) - 1úû

The auxiliary functions are associated with the follow-

ing parameters of the canal and the ship:
Figure 5.9 Graph illustrating how the critical ship speed vkrit
AK,äqui equivalent canal cross-section [m ] in accor- and the associated mean drawdown Dhkrit are
dance with eq. (5-9) in 5.5.1
dependent on näqui by reference to a standard
AS,eff effective cross-section of vessel [m ], allowing trapezoidal cross-section (T-Profil) and a stan-
for boundary layer effects at bow and stern in dard rectangular cross-section (R-Profil)
accordance with 5.5.1 and
b WS width at water level [m] Modified approaches, which are described inter alia in
b WS = b WS,äqui in accordance with eq. (5-11) in /Römisch 1989/ and may serve as an alternative to the approximation equation (5-19) given here, apply to
the critical speed in special cases such as waterway
hm mean water depth [m], hm = AK,äqui / b WS,äqui cross-sections with a very irregular water depth (e.g.
m inclination of slope [-] cross-sections with berms or dredged fairways).
m = mK,äqui in accordance with eq. (5-10) in A larger effective ship’s cross-section must be used for vessels sailing with drift (see
n blockage ratio [-]
n = näqui =AK,äqui / AS,eff (equivalent blockage
ratio) 5.5.3 Mean drawdown and return flow
velocity for vessels sailing in the
centre of a canal
During iteration, the solution for a rectangular cross-
The one-dimensional calculation of the return flow
section can be used as an initial estimate of xkrit as
velocity and drawdown occurring when a vessel sails
steadily along a canal is based on Bernoulli’s equation
ép 1 ù (energy conservation) and the continuity equation
xkrit = b + 2 cos ê + arccos(- b )ú (conservation of mass). The equations are applied to
ë3 3 û the undisturbed canal cross-section in front of the
The dimensionless values ykrit for the critical ship vessel and the restricted cross-section adjacent to the
speed and xkrit for the critical drawdown depend pri- vessel reduced by the plunged midship section and
marily on the blockage ratio 1/n. The form parameter drawdown (see Figure 5.10). The canal cross-section
~ flows towards a hypothetical “fixed” vessel at the ship
f , describing the shape of the canal cross-section
speed vs (in relation to the water). It is assumed in this
has a slight effect on vkrit (see Figure 5.9). The in-
~ case that the flow distribution over the cross-section is
fluence of f on vkrit can be disregarded in rough cal- uniform, the squat of the vessel corresponds to the
culations. The value of vkrit is then obtained from Figu- mean drawdown in the narrowest flow cross-section
re 5.9 for typical blockage ratios. The influence of (cross-section with the greatest drawdown) (simplified
~ assumption: squat = drawdown) and any energy los-
f on xkrit can be seen in Figure 5.9 and Figure which
can be used to determine approximate values. ses are disregarded. Furthermore, the dynamic trim of
the vessel, if any, is not taken into consideration. With
the exception of flow cross-sections with rough beds
and high levels of turbulence due to a pronounced
flow field, the 1D canal theory provides reliable re-
sults, in spite of the simplifications referred to above, if
the influences that are not taken into account are sub-
sequently corrected empirically.

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 45

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Allowance for boundary layer effects at a vessel and 2. In accordance with the continuity equation
shallow water effects can be made to enable the 1D
canal theory to be applied approximately using the
algorithms given in 5.5.1 with an equivalent cross-
[ (
A v S = A - AM + bm Dh )] (v S + v rück ) (5-22)
sectional area of the canal AK,äqui and an effective
cross-sectional area of the ship AS,eff. The influence of the associated return flow velocity at the bow
a natural current on the calculation of the drawdown and stern, averaged over the cross-section, is:
for a specified ship speed over ground vSüG is taken
into account by calculating the ship speed through Return flow velocity averaged over the cross-
water vs: section v rück [m/s]

Ship speed through water vS [m/s]

AM + bm Dh DA
v rück = vS = v (5-23)
A - ( AM + bm Dh ) A - DA S
v S = v SüG ± v Str (5-20)

(+: travel upstream, -: travel downstream) where

where A is the canal cross-section [m ]
A = AK,äqui as defined in
vStr is the flow velocity [m/s] of the currents
AM is the plunged midship section (making allo-
vSüG is the ship speed over ground [m/s] wance for boundary layer effects and shallow
If it is assumed for design purposes that vs = 0.97vkrit, water effects at bow and stern) [m ]
AM = AS,eff as defined in and
it is this speed that will correspond to the ship speed
through water. The flow velocity is then irrelevant to ∆A is the reduction in the cross-section of the canal
the calculation of the drawdown. Accordingly, each of due to the cross-section of the ship and draw-
the speeds given below is measured in relation to the down [m ]
surrounding body of water. The effect of the currents DA = AM + bm Dh
must be considered when determining the required
size of stones as it will result in either an increase or a bm is the mean width at water level in the draw-
decrease in the size, see eq. (6-13) in 6.7.2 down area [m]

bm = bWS - Dh m

bS is the width of the bed [m]

bWS is the width at water level [m]
bWS = bWS, äqui in accordance with eq. (5-11) in
g is the acceleration due to gravity [m/s ]
Figure 5.10 Diagram illustrating how to calculate the flow h is the depth of the water in the canal [m]
due to displacement; see text and eqs. (5-21)
and (5-22) for symbols hx is the depth of water in the narrowest flow
cross-section [m]

Dh is the maximum drawdown in the narrowest flow

cross-section, averaged over the width of the
The following two basic relationships then apply: canal [m]
1. The maximum drawdown Dh in the narrowest m is the slope inclination [-]
flow cross-section adjacent to the ship, aver-
aged over the width of the canal, is obtained by m = mK,äqui in accordance with eq. (5-10) in
means of Bernouilli’s equation (see Figure
vS is the ship speed through water [m/s]
in accordance with eq. (5-20)
D h = h - hx =
v rück is the mean return flow velocity [m/s]
a (v + v rück ) - v S
2g 1 S
2 2
] (5-21)
(in relation to an observer moving at vStr)
a1 is the correction coefficient [-] in accordance
with eq. (5-24)

46 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

A correction coefficient describing, amongst other Dand, White 1978; Führböter et al. 1983; Jansen,
things, the influence of the irregularity of the return Schijf 1953; Söhngen 1992/. The mean drawdown
flow field depending on how close the actual ship Dh provided by each of the methods referred to here
speed is to the critical ship speed is stated by is obtained by averaging over the primary wave only.
/Przedwodjski et al. 1995/:

a 1 = 1.4 - 0.4 (5-24)
v krit

The implicit method of calculating the relationship

Dh = f (v S ) is derived from eq. (5-21):

Correlation between ship speed vS [m/s] and mean

drawdown Dh [m]

2 g Dh
vS = 2
æ A ö
a 1 çç ÷÷ - 1
è A - DA ø

The calculation is performed iteratively after specifying

Dh (usually a value between 0.2 and 0.5 m) until the Figure 5.11 Ship speed vS as a function of the mean draw-
calculated speed corresponds to the design ship down Dh in accordance with the 1D canal the-
speed. Plotting the calculated ship speed vs against ory for a large inland cargo vessel (length
Dh is recommended (see Figure 5.11). v rück can L = 110 m, beam B = 11.4 m, draught
T = 2.8 m, thickness of boundary layer at bow
then be calculated using eq. (5-23). section d 1H = 0.19 m) in standard trapezoidal
An exact calculation in accordance with eq. (5-25) is and rectangular profiles, calculated using
not necessary if only a rough estimate is required in eq. (5-25)
which case calculations can be performed with vs/vkrit,
the blockage ratio 1/n, form parameter f and Figure
5.12 instead.

The return flow velocities v rück and the drawdown Dh

must be multiplied by the ratios given in and
Figure 5.8 to allow for their reduction between the ship
and the bank and to obtain the corresponding values
at the bank, v rück,u and Dhu :

ìï Dh üï
Dhu = Dh í u ý (5-26)
ïî Dh ïþ
Fig. 5.8

ì v rück,u ü
v rück,u = v rück í ý (5-27)
î v rück þ Fig. 5.8

Dh and v rück are design values for ships sailing in

the centre of the waterway. They serve as input data
for other empirical calculations to allow for the influen-
ce of the water surface gradient and eccentric sailing
lines in accordance with to
Numerous other calculation methods have been de-
veloped for the 1D canal theory /Bouwmeester 1977;

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 47

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Figure 5.12 Relative values (in relation to D h krit and hm ) of the mean drawdown Dh as a function of näqui and the form
parameter f for typical relative ship speeds vS / vkrit calculated using the 1D canal theory

48 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

5.5.4 Hydraulic design parameters and for modern large inland cargo vessels and tugs, ex-
geotechnically relevant drawdown cept in cases where the influence of eccentricity
parameters for any sailing position needs to be considered. The equation takes account
of, amongst other things, the water level elevation Definition of wave height DhWA,B in front of the bow:
The design ship-induced wave heights H at the bow
(HB) and stern (HH) are calculated taking account of Maximum drawdown near the bank at the bow
the canal width in the centre of the slope. Any chan-
ges in the waves running up the slope are not dealt Dĥu,Bug [m] without the influence of eccentricity
with separately but are incorporated into the overall
design calculations.
Dhˆu,Bug = 1.1 Dhu,Bug (5-28)
The basic primary and secondary wave patterns, as
they would be perceived by a stationary observer on
the bank, are shown in in Figure 5.13. where

Dĥu,Bug is the maximum drawdown near the bank at

the bow [m]

Dhu,Bug is the mean drawdown near the bank at the

bow [m], calculated for the blockage ratios at
the bow as described in 5.5.3
Remark: The coefficient may be greater than 1.1 for
full bows.
The influence of eccentricity on the bow wave is taken
into account in
The maximum return flow at the bow v̂ rück,u,Bug can be
calculated approximately by means of the continuity
equation (eq. 5-23) substituting Dĥu,Bug for Dh .
It should be borne in mind that both bm and DA are
effected by Dĥu,Bug . Maximum drawdown at stern and

associated return current velocity
without the influence of
The difference between the maximum drawdown at
the stern and Dhu (see eq. (5-26)) depends on the
following influences:
Figure 5.13 Formation of ship-induced primary waves at
subcritical (vS < vkrit) and critical (vS » vkrit) (1) Ratio of draught to water depth. (The ratio
speeds Dhˆu,Heck / Dhu,Heck tends to be greater for smaller
T / h ratios.)

(2) Type of propulsion. ( Dĥu,Heck tends to be greater Maximum drawdown at bow and
for twin-screw vessels sailing close to a bank than
associated return flow velocity
for single-screw vessels.)
without the influence of
eccentricity (3) Closeness to vkrit. (Due to the increase in the wa-
ter surface gradient between the bow and the
The cross-section of the vessel at the bow must be stern, the associated stern-heavy trim and the se-
known in order to calculate the maximum drawdown condary waves caused by the transversal stern
at the bow. Boundary layer and shallow water effects
wave as described in 5.5.5.)
as described in 5.5.1 must be taken into account, if
necessary. The following equation /Przedwojski et al.
1995/ applies to the height of bow waves at the bank

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 49

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

(4) Superimposition of secondary waves originating must be added to Dĥu,Heck in accordance with eq.
at the bow for short vessels or wide canals.
(Distance case B as described in (5-29) or eq. (5-30).

Influences (1) and (3) can be taken into consideration The maximum return flow velocity at the stern
approximately by means of the following equation v̂ rück,u,Heck can be calculated approximately by means
according to the approach of /Przedwojski et al. 1995/:
of the continuity equation (5-23), substituting Dĥu,Heck
for Dh . It should be borne in mind that both bm and
Maximum drawdown near the bank at the stern
DA are affected by Dĥu,Heck .
Dĥu,Heck [m] without the influence of eccentricity

Dhˆu,Heck = CH Dhu,Heck (5-29) Maximum heights of bow and stern

waves due to eccentric sailing
where There is a steep increase in the wave heights at the
slope as the distance between the vessel and the
CH is the factor for consideration of the influence of banks decreases. One of the reasons for this effect is
the type of ship, draught, trim and different in the reduction in the length of the waves between the
water levels between bow and stern [-] vessel and the bank. As stated in 6.2 the wave length
CH ≈ 1.3 for modern inland navigation vessels depends on the bank distance (eq. (6-6)) which is why
(T / h ≈ 0.7) the wave height increases as the bank distance de-
creases, given a constant wave energy level. The
CH ≈ 1.5 for partially laden, in particular ballas- increase in wave height at the bank nearest the ship is
ted, modern inland navigation vessels calculated as follows as described by /Przedowojski et
and tugs (T / h ≈ 0.4) al. 1995/ as a function of the ratio of the cross-
CH ≈ 1.1 for sea-going vessels that can also sectional area between the ship and the bank to the
navigate inland waterways, as they canal cross-section (or, for vessels sailing in shallow
usually have a bow-heavy trim. water, to the equivalent cross-sectional area of the
canal in accordance with 5.5.1) (see Figure 5.14):
Dhu,Heck is the mean drawdown near the bank [m],
calculated in accordance with 5.5.3 for the blo-
ckage ratios at the stern

Dĥu,Heck is the maximum drawdown near the bank at

the stern [m]
Additional transversal stern waves may occur at ship
speeds close to vkrit; they are described in
They may affect Dĥu,Heck to a greater extent than the
influences (1) to (3) described above, in particular if
the additional influence (4) occurs.

If this is the case, Dĥu,Heck is obtained by using the

following equation instead of eq. (5-29) /BAW 2002/.
Figure 5.14 Definition of A' for eccentric sailing in width
Dhˆu,Heck » Dh + 1 H Sek,q (5-30) case A in accordance with

Maximum bow wave height Hu,Bug [m] at the bank
closest to the vessel for eccentric sailing
HSek is the height of the additional secondary wave
in accordance with obtained by eq. A' ˆ
(5-47), taking eq. (5-50) into consideration H u,Bug = (2.0 - 2 ) Dhu,Bug (5-31)

If influence (4) occurs, the part of the height of the

Maximum stern wave height Hu,Heck [m] at the bank
secondary bow wave below the still-water level
closest to the vessel for eccentric sailing
(SWL), obtained by means of eq. (5-43) (see

50 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

A' ˆ the ratio of the ship speed to the celerity of the break-
H u,Heck = (2.0 - 2 )Dhu,Heck (5-32) ing wave (calculated with the local water depth corre-
A ~
sponding to the wave height) (characteristic Fr ). The
where following approximation equation for umax has been
derived from data obtained in measurements per-
A is the relevant cross-sectional area of the canal formed on the Wesel-Datteln Canal by the Federal
[m ] Waterway Engineering and Research Institute /BAW
A' is the cross-sectional area between the ship’s 2002/:
axis and the bank [m ] (see Figure 5.14)
A'/A is the blockage ratio [-] in accordance with the Maximum velocity of slope supply flow umax [m/s]
individual cases described in and
Figure 5.4 ~
u max » 0.3 v s for Fr 2 > 1.83
A¢ ur,min
Width case A: = ³0
A br
æ F~r 2 - 0.71 ö
umax » 0.3 v s + 0.7 ç1 - ÷ vs (5-33)
A¢ ç 1 .12 ÷
Width case B: = 0. 5 è ø
A ~ 2
for 0.71 £ F r £ 1.83
A¢ u r,min
Width case C: = ³0
A bE ~
+ u r,min umax » 1.0 v s for Fr 2 < 0.71

Dĥu,Bug is the maximum drawdown near the bank at where

the bow [m] in accordance with ~
Fr is the Froude number at the location of the
Dĥu,Heck is the maximum drawdown at the bank near maximum height of the stern waves [m]
the stern [m] in accordance with vs
Fr 2 =
If a vessel is sailing very close to a bank, the point of g H u,Heck
impact of the interferences caused by the diverging
waves of the secondary bow wave system may coin- Hu,Heck is the maximum height of the stern waves [m]
cide with the maximum drawdown at the bow that in accordance with, eq. (5-32) (design
occurs at the transition to the midship section. In this wave height)
case, half the height of the secondary wave must be
added to the height of the bow wave by way of ap- vs is the ship speed [m/s]
proximation (special situation for distance case A in umax is the maximum velocity of the slope supply flow at the height of the revetment stones [m/s]
Hu,Bug and Hu,Heck can be taken as Dĥu,Bug and An approach in which the roughness of the slope re-
vetment is taken into consideration has been de-
Dĥu,Heck respectively at the bank furthest from the scribed by /Verhey, Bogaerts 1989/.
vessel for design purposes. ~
In addition to the characteristic Fr , the local Froude
The influence of the proximity to the bank on the re- number and the ratio of the wave height Hu,Heck to the
turn flow velocity is small and is disregarded. The stern wave length LH, respectively to the bank dis-
design values are therefore obtained directly as de- tance ueff (for the correlation see eq. (6-6) in 6.2), de-
scribed in and termine whether a significant slope supply flow will
occur or not. Sailing tests carried out on the Wesel-
Datteln Canal /BAW 1994/ have enabled to define a Slope supply flow breaker criterion, see Figure 5.16. The Froude num-
ber is obtained from the maximum return flow velocity
A significant slope supply flow parallel to the bank
and maximum wave height at the stern in accordance
occurs when stern waves break or in case of unbro-
with and
ken stern waves, if a vessel sails close to the bank. It
is indicated by the area of spume travelling alongside The equations given above and the breaker criterion
the vessel, Figure 5.15. can only provide an initial rough estimate. However,
they show that waves break when a vessel sails close
The flow velocity umax, occurring at the height of the
to the bank in particular and that there is a pro-
revetment stones can reach the same velocity as the
nounced slope supply flow.
ship if the waves are very high. In the case of lower
wave heights, the flow velocity depends above all on

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 51

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Figure 5.16 Threshold between unbroken waves, waves

without slope supply flow, waves with significant
slope supply flow and fully broken waves with
high slope supply flow at slopes for vessels
sailing close to a bank (breaker criterion)

Figure 5.15 Slope supply flow for vessels sailing close to a

bank. The photos show a laden inland cargo
vessel (GMS) (top), an empty inland cargo ves-
sel (GMS) (centre) and a tug boat (bottom) in a
standard trapezoidal profile (T-Profil)

52 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways Increase in wave heights for

vessels sailing with drift
Even when a vessel is sailing along a straight
stretch a nautical drift angle b D can occur between
the axis of the ship and that of the canal. The drift
angle can be taken to be approx. 2.1° (for large inland
cargo vessels GMS) or approx. 1.25° (for push tow
units with a length of 185 m) as stated in /BMV 1994/
(see Figure 5.17a).
The drift angle b D is considerably larger when a ves-
sel navigates a bend (see Figure 5.17b). It can be
obtained from the relative position of the tactical cen-
tre of rotation cF in accordance with Figure 5.17b. cF is
approximately equal to 0.9 for push tow units and
approximately equal to 1.0 for large inland cargo ves-
sels in shallow water as stated by /Dettmann 1998/.
Reference should be made to /Dettmann, Jurisch
2001/ if the influence of currents is to be considered.
The effect of the drift angle is taken into account by
defining a notionally enlarged plunged midship section
AS,eff,D (boundary layer effects being disregarded).

Midship section AS,eff,D of a ship sailing with drift

[m ]

(B + 0.25 L sin βD )
AS,eff,D = AM (5-34)

AM is the plunged midship section [m ]
(the boundary layer being disregarded)
B is the beam of the ship [m]
L is the length of the ship [m]
bD is the drift angle [°]
Figure 5.17 Diagram showing how to determine the drift
angle on straight stretches (a) and on bends (b)
The changes in the loads on the slope that occur
when a ship sails with a drift angle are introduced into
the design by means of AS,eff,D (instead of AS,eff in ac-
cordance with 5.5.1) and the eccentricity of the vessel, Drawdown velocity of ship-induced
which is increased if appropriate (depending on the
position of the stern), (as AS,eff,D > AM). The influence
of the drift angle on the hydraulic design parameters is A moving vessel will cause the water to flow around it,
small for vessels sailing alone and is only relevant for giving rise to backwater at the bow, drawdown and a
long push-tow units. Both cases may need to be con- stern wave owing to the local and temporal changes in
sidered as it is not possible to decide in advance the blockage ratios. The greatest wave heights Hu,Bug
whether sailing with or without drift will be relevant to *
and H u,H at the bank (depending on the water level in
the design.
front of the ship at any given moment without the bow
wave height and the rise in the water level caused by
the ship), the associated drawdown time ta and thus
the drawdown velocity v za must be known for geo-
technical design considerations (see 5.10.3).
The following design values, which have been derived
from measurements of the wave system at the bow

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 53

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

/BAW 2002/, are recommended for rough calculations centre of the remaining slope on the bank near-
(see Figure 5.18): est the ship.
vSüG is the ship speed over ground [m/s] which is
Average drawdown velocity at bow v za,B [m/s] linked with the ship speed through water vS and
the flow velocity vStr in accordance with
eq. (5-20)
v za,B = 0.12 m/s (5-35)

Associated drawdown time ta,B [s]

t a,B = 5 s (5-36)

This values apply to vessels with a bulk full form sail-

ing close to the bank at critical ship speed (ship’s side
over the toe of the slope).

Figure 5.19 Definition of effctive bank distance ueff (distance

between ship’s axis and equivalent bank line) in
a symmetrical trapezoidal profile

The following equations apply to the effective bank

distance in symmetrical trapezoidal profiles, depend-
ing on the position of the vessel (for definitionen cf.
Figure 5.18 Correlation betweeen wave height Hu,Bug or Figure 5.19):
H u,H (corresponding to drawdown za in geo- · Smaller bank distances:
technical calculations) and drawdown time ta
B mh
u r,rts < + :
2 2
The following approximation equation can be used for
the minimum drawdown time at the bow t a,B (including ur,rts mh B
u eff = + +
the water surface elevation in front of the bow where 2 4 4
Hu,Bug as shown in Figure 5.18 is approximately equal N.B.: The bilge line of the vessel must not pass
to the height of the bow wave in accordance with over the slope., eq. (5-31)) for small bank distances in other
situations: · Larger bank distances:
B mh
u u r,rts ³ + :
t a,B » C eff (5-37) 2 2
v SüG
u eff = ur,rts
There is a limit to the reduction in the drawdown time,
C is a constant [-] even when a vessel is sailing extremely close to a
C = 1.7 for modern large inland cargo vessels bank, as in this case the reduction is limited by the
C = 1.5 for tugs secondary wave system.
C = 1.3 for relatively old vessels with a full form The following equation applies to the shortest possible
ta,B is the drawdown time at the bow [s] drawdown time for v S ghm < 0.8 :
(see Figure 5.18)
ueff is the effective bank distance [m] (distance be- t a,B ³ t a,B, Sek (5-38)
tween the ship’s axis and the equivalent bank
line at still-water level as shown in Figure 5.19) where
N.B.: The equivalent bank line is situated in the
ta,B is the drawdown time at the bow in general [s]

54 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

ta,B,Sek is the drawdown time of the secondary bow H u,Heck is the maximum stern wave height [m] at
wave [s] in accordance with eq. (5-39) the bank for eccentric sailing in accor-
The drawdown time of the secondary bow waves is dance with eq. (5-32)
calculated as follows: H Sek, q is the height of secondary transversal
2 stern waves [m] in accordance with
t a,B, Sek =p for transversal waves eq. (5-47)
g v SüG
The average drawdown velocity v za is obtained by
2 dividing the relevant wave height by the associated
2 vS
t a,B, Sek = p for diverging waves drawdown time.
3 g v SüG

The values determined using e.g. (5-39) also apply 5.5.5 Secondary waves
whenever secondary wave loads occur. General
The stern wave system predominates in the case of
vessels with a static trim by the stern, for instance Vessels in motion generate diverging and transversal
during empty runs (runs with ballast) and small craft waves that originate at the bow and stern (Figure
that can sail at relatively fast speeds, tugs or recrea- 5.20). It is these waves that form the secondary wave
tional craft. In this case, the drawdown between the system. The waves are superimposed on each other
bow and stern or the associated relevant wave height and form pronounced interference lines at which the
* highest waves occur.
H u,H as shown in Figure 5.18, together with the asso-
ciated drawdown time ta,H, are relevant to geotechnical For Froude numbers based on depth Frh = v S gh
assessments. The following applies to ta,H : up to 0.7, or up to 0.8 for rough estimates, the inter-
ference line is inclined towards the ship’s axis at a
Lpris Kelvin angle a K of approx. 19°. The fronts of the di-
t a,H » t a,B + (5-40) verging waves are inclined at an angle b W ≈ 55° in
v SüG
relation to the ship’s axis and thus in relation to the
canal bank when the ship is sailing more or less par-
where allel to the bank. The angle of impact of the diverging
Lpris is the length of the hull with a largely prismatic waves will be modified if the ship is not sailing parallel
to the bank and this will have to be taken into consid-
cross-section [m]
eration in the following equations.
Lpris » 0.9 L for push tow units with 2 lighters
Lpris » 0.8 L for large inland cargo vessels
(GMS) and Europe ships (ES)
Lpris » 0.3 L for recreational craft with a
flat stern
Lpris » 0.0 L for tugs

For H u,H

* 1
H u,H » 0,1 H u,Bug + H u,Heck - H (5-41)
2 Sek, q Figure 5.20 Secondary wave system for Frh £ 0.8

applies, where
The secondary waves diverge as they travel towards
H u,H is the relevant wave height near the bank the bank, decreasing in height in the process. Trans-
at the stern [m] used to calculate the versal waves diminish to a greater extent than di-
drawdown time verging waves. The three design cases described
below must generally be taken into account as the
H u,Bug is the maximum bow wave height [m] at transversal waves of the stern wave system are more
the bank for eccentric sailing in accor- pronounced than those of the bow wave system, par-
dance with eq. (5-31) ticularly for short, fast ships and vessels on empty
runs, although the diverging bow waves are larger
than the diverging stern waves (see Figure 5.21).

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 55

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

The drawdown due to the return flow field may need in canals). The heights of the secondary waves are
to be taken into account in the case of high values of obtained as described in The stone size re-
Dh when determining u or u '. In this case, u and u ' quired for stabilisation of the slope can therefore be
calculated separately for the primary and secondary
are reduced by around m D h u ( D h u in accordance
wave fields (cf. 6.2 und 6.4).
with eq. (5-26) in 5.5.3).

Distance case B
The transversal stern wave of the primary wave sys-
tem may be superimposed on the interferences of the
secondary bow waves in wide canals or in the case of
short vessels. This situation obtains where
u’ = L tanaK. The wave height at the stern needed to
determine the required size of the stones results from
the superimposition of the secondary bow wave in
accordance with in and the transversal stern
wave of the primary wave system in accordance with As the length of the waves in the primary
wave system differs from that of the waves in the sec-
ondary wave system, the entire height of the primary
wave and half the height of the secondary wave are
used in the design if the waves are superimposed.
Superimposed waves are particularly high when the
bow is full or blunt, i.e. for pusher craft sailing alone,
and when a vessel is moving at a speed close to the
critical ship speed. The speed of pusher craft sailing
alone or of large recreational craft may therefore need
to be restricted in order to avoid very high wave loads
on the banks, even though they only occur occasion-
ally as a rule.

Distance case C
Short boats with powerful engines such as recrea-
tional craft may reach, and exceed, the sliding speed,
even in confined fairways. The most unfavourable
case as regards wave development, which coincides
with the maximum power requirement, occurs when
the ship reaches sliding speed. This happens when
the wave-generating ship length LW is equal to half the
length of the secondary waves. In this case, the bow
is at the first wave crest of the bow wave system while
the stern lies in the trough of the bow wave and in the
trough of the secondary stern wave system at the
same time. The ship must travel “uphill”, so to speak,
in its own secondary wave system. This special case
is dealt with in in, eq. (5-47) and also in The following equation applies:

Figure 5.21 Standard distance cases for secondary waves

l q = 2 LW
Distance case A
The primary and secondary wave systems are not
usually superimposed on each other in a way that is LW » b λ L (5-42)
relevant to the design where u ' < L tana K, i.e. when
they are generated by vessels that are long in relation
to the width of the canal or for short bank distances vs
(the standard situation for Europe ships (ES), large lq » 2p
inland cargo vessels (GMS) and push tow units (SV)

56 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

where The coefficient of velocity fcr in eq. (5-43) accounts for

the increase in the height of the secondary waves
L is the ship length [m]
near the critical ship speed. The following approxima-
LW is the wave generating ship length [m] tion applies in analogy to the increase in the resistan-
(corresponding to the length at the waterline) ce of the ship, where the sheep speed approaches the
wave celerity.
vS is the ship speed [m/s]
bl is the coefficient for considering the wave- vs
fcr » 1.0 for < 0.8
generating length of the ship [-] v krit
b l ≈ 0.72 for fast ships, in accordance with
/Horn 1928/ 2
ìï é 2p æ v öù ü
b l ≈ 0.90 for common types of inland fcr » 1.0 + 0.7ísinê çç s - 0.8 ÷÷ú ïý (5-44)
navigation vessel and push-tow units ïî êë 0.8 è v krit øúû ïþ
lq is the length of the transversal waves [m] vs
for 0.8 £ £ 1.2
Eq. (5-42) can be used to calculate, for a given ship’s v krit
length, the ship speed at which a ship, to which
distance case C applies, starts to slide. N.B.: sine (radian measure)
Transversal bow and stern waves are superimposed
to a significant degree when l q exceeds 4/3 LW . Strictly speaking, eq. (5-43) is only valid for such u‘ at
which the secondary waves interfere at the bank. Be-
cause of irregularities of the ship path and the secon- Calculation of the heights of dary wave system, eq. (5-43) appears generally, if u‘
secondary waves fulfills the following condition:
The following applies to the interference points of the
diverging bow and stern waves in accordance with u' ³ l tana K (5-45)
/Blaauw et al. 1984/ and /Gates, Herbrich 1977/: 2 q

Height of secondary waves HSek [m] at the interfe-
rence line of diverging bow and stern waves aK is the Kelvin angle [°]
lq is the length of the transversal stern wave [m]

H Sek = AW
lq » 2p v s( 2
g )
4 1
g 3 (u ' ) 3 The length of the diverging waves is obtained as fol-
lows for v S gh < 0.8 :
AW is the wave height coefficient [-], dependent on 2
ls = l (5-46)
the shape and dimensions of the ship, draught 3 q
and water depth
The following values can be used in rough cal- where
culations: lS is the length of the diverging wave [m]
AW ≈ 0.25 for conventional inland navigation lq is the length of the transversal stern wave [m]

AW ≈ 0.35
vessels and tugs
for empty, single-line push tow
lq » 2p v s( 2
g )
units The following applies to pure transversal stern waves:
AW ≈ 0.80 for fully laden, multi-line push tow
units Height HSek,q [m] of pure secondary transversal
fcr is the coefficient of velocity [-] according to stern waves
eq. (5-44)
g is the acceleration due to gravity [m/s ] 2 1
vs æ B ö 2

HSek is the height of the secondary waves [m] HSek,q = AW çç ÷÷ (fcr + fλ ) (5-47)
g è2uø
u' is the distance between the ship’s side and the
bank line [m]
u' = u - B/2 (cf. Figure 5.21)

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 57

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

where there will be a flow transition in the stern region of the

ship. The latter is combined with a stable hydraulic
AW is the wave height coefficient [-] in accordance
jump roller - the breaking transversal stern wave –
with eq. (5-43)
only in case of higher ship speeds and thus at higher
B is the beam [m] Froude numbers. In the range of speeds considered
here, additional large transversal stern waves may
fcr is the coefficient of velocity [-] (see eq. (5-44))
occur in the case of an imperfect hydraulic jump
fl is the coefficient of wave length [-] (see Figure 5.22). Their transverse propagation cor-
(see eq. (5-48)) responds to the transversal stern wave. In a first ap-
proximation, their height, which interferes with the
u is the distance between the ship’s axis and transversal stern wave of the primary wave system as
bank line [m] (cf. Figure 5.19 and Figure 5.21) described in, can be determined from
vS is the ship speed through water [m/s] eq. (5-47) for secondary transversal waves.
The height of such waves is also limited as follows for
The coefficient of wave length fl covers the superim- energy-related reasons and owing to the fact that they
position of the transversal stern waves and the trans- break when they become very steep:
versal bow wave. The following equation applies:
H Sek £ (5-50)
4 g
fλ » 0 for lq £ L
3 W

ìï æ 2 L 1 öüï
f λ = 0.9 siníp ç W
- ÷ý (5-48)
ïî çè lq 2 ÷øï
for LW £ lq £ 2 LW

N.B.: sine (radian measure)

The following restriction applies to the heights of se-
condary waves previously determined by means of
eqs. (5-43) and (5-47) as such waves break when
they exceed a certain steepness:
Figure 5.22 MS Concordia sailing on the Main-Danube-
H Sek or H Sek,q £ lSek / 2p (5-49) Canal (measurements taken at Kriegenbrunn)
close to the critical ship speed (vS = 12 km/h)
Eqs. (5-43), (5-47) and (5-49) form the basis of the /Schäle, Mollus 1971/
calculations in chapter 6. They are used to obtain the
wave heights that have not been deformed by the Secondary waves caused by small
vicinity of the bank (wave height near a bank). boats at sliding speed and when
Secondary waves approaching a bank are deformed sailing close to a bank
by the decrease in the depth of the water. This beha- According to /Przedwojski et al. 1995/, the sliding
viour is extremely complex. By way of simplification, it
speed vS,gl of small recreational craft designed to slide
can be said that the influence of the bank is taken into
account indirectly for the slope inclinations considered can be estimated as follows:
here, i.e. between 1:2 and 1:5, by using the wave
height near the bank in the derivation of the design v S, gl = 0.37 g L (5-51)
equations, for example for the required size of stones.
where Additional secondary waves in L the length of the recreational craft [m]
analogy to an imperfect hydraulic
vS,gl is the sliding speed [m/s]
Even before the critical ship speed is attained a Frou- The greatest wave height at the interference points of
de number of 1.0, calculated by considering the ma-
the diverging waves of the stern wave system is cal-
ximum local return flow velocity and the drawdown
can be reached in the vicinity of the ship. Because the culated as follows where vs = vS,gl:
Froude number is lower than one behind the ship,

58 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

1 (1) The ship that is being overtaken is stationary; the

æLö 3
ship that is overtaking will generally pass it at 0.8
H Sek, gl » 1.4 T ç ÷ (5-52)
èuø vkrit (of a single ship alone in the original canal
cross-section). In this case, the first ship is sailing
where in a canal cross-section that has been reduced by
the cross-sectional area of the second ship. The
HSek,gl is the height of secondary waves for vessels recommended design value of the relative speed
sailing at sliding speed [m] of the ship that is overtaking, 0.8 vkrit, (relative to
T is the draught of the recreational craft [m] the original canal cross-section) may even exceed
1.0 vkrit (relative to the reduced canal cross-
u is the bank distance [m] section) in the smaller canal cross-section. If this
is the case, a value of 1.0 vkrit (relative to the re-
The greatest wave height occurs at a bank distance u* duced canal cross-section) must be assumed.
at which the first group of interference waves strikes (2) Both ships are moving at approximately the same
the bank: speed, 0.8 vkrit (of a single ship in the original ca-
nal cross-section). The relevant plunged cross-
u * » 0.5 B + 0.4 L (5-53) sectional area is equal to the sum of the cross-
sectional areas of both ships. The speed 0.8 vkrit
The permissible ship speed through water can be of one of the ships may exceed 1.0 vkrit of both
estimated as follows by specifying a tolerated wave ships together, in which case the latter must be
height in order to avoid the great wave heights asso- used in the design.
ciated with interference waves:
5.6 Hydraulic actions on waterways
H tol due to flow caused by propul-
v S, zul = v S, gl (5-54)
H Sek, gl sion (propeller wash)
The following sections refer to canals without a
where ground swell, the latter being considered in 6.3.
Htol is the tolerated wave height [m]
vS,zul is the permissible ship speed through water 5.6.1 Induced initial velocity of the
[m/s] propeller jet for stationary vessels
(ship speed vS = 0)

5.5.6 Passing and overtaking The induced initial velocity of a propeller is calculated
for a ship speed vs equal to zero (propeller advance
Situations in which two ships pass each other occur ratio J = 0). This applies to bollard pull propeller test
frequently. The ships will usually approach each other conditions or manoeuvres under similar conditions
at reduced speed and then accelerate when the last and is based on the methods described below.
thirds of the ships are opposite each other to prevent
the sterns from coming into contact. The associated
loads on revetments can be approximated by conside- • Unducted propellers (see Figure 5.23)
ring the following limiting case:
Maximum induced initial velocity v0 in accordance
The two vessels are sailing at the same speed when
they pass each other. Each vessel generates its own with the simplified momentum theory [m/s]
return flow field in the associated part of the canal or
river cross-section. In a first approximation, this limi-
v 0 = 1.60 fN nNenn D K T (5-55)
ting case can be dealt with by considering the ships to
be sailing in the same direction and adding the plun-
ged midship sections together. The overall canal where
cross-section is the reference cross-section. D is the diameter of the propeller [m]
The other situation on canals, which rarely occurs, is (taken from Table 5.1)
overtaking in which one ship (usually at its maximum fN is the factor for the applicable propeller rotation
draught) is moving very slowly and the other (usually rate [-]
empty) is travelling very fast, see case (1). A special
case occurs when both vessels sail next to each other Value recommended in /EAU 1996/:
at approximately the same speed for a short period of fN ≈ 0.75 for start-off manoeuvres from standing
time, see case (2). Two limiting cases can therefore
be assumed: KT is the thrust coefficient of the propeller for J = 0

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 59

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

nNenn is the design propeller rotation rate [1/s]

see Table 5.1
N.B.: Values in Table 5.1 are given in [1/min]
v0 is the induced initial velocity after contraction of
the jet [m/s]
The induced initial velocity v0 of unducted propellers
reaches its maximum value at a distance of D/2 be-
hind the plane of the propeller where the maximum
contraction of the jet occurs. The diameter of the jet
for unducted propellers at this point is:

d0 ³ (5-56)

d0 is the jet diameter at the point of maximum
contraction [m]
D is the propeller diameter [m] as stated in
Table 5.1

The upper limit of KT can be estimated as follows (in

accordance with /Peters 2002/):

ì P ü
P ï0 < < 1.4ï
K T = 0.55 × for í D ý (5-57)
D ïJ = 0 ï
î þ

P is the design pitch [m]
P/D is the design pitch ratio [-]
P/D » 0.7 for inland navigation vessel
P/D » 1.0 for pusher craft

A polynomial approximation obtained from tests Figure 5.23 Unducted propeller as the ideal thrust accele-
/Oosterveld, Oossannen 1975/ can be applied if, in rator (a) vS = 0, (b) vS ¹ 0
addition to P/D, the ratio of the areas AA / A0 (AA – Top: change in velocity as water flows
area of approach flow in front of the propeller, A0 – through the propeller
cross-sectional area at the narrowest contraction be- Middle: associated pressures
Bottom: associated velocities
hind the propeller; see Figure 5.23) and the number of
blades on the propeller z are known. Calculation pro-
grammes (e.g. /PROFIX 2002/) may also be used if • Ducted propellers
sufficient geometric data are available.
Maximum induced initial velocity v0 due to the
ducted propellers [m/s]

v 0 = 1.60 0.5 fN nNenn D K T,DP (5-58)

KT,DP is the thrust coefficient of ducted propeller
system as a whole for J = 0 [-]

60 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

The upper limit of KT can be estimated as follows (in values of v0J returning to approximately v0 in the P/D
accordance with /Peters 2002/): range relevant to actual practice as the propeller ad-
vance ratio increases. The reduction does not occur at
ì P ü low propeller advance ratios in the case of ducted
P ï0 < < 1.8ï propellers.
K T,DP = 0.67 × for í D ý (5-59)
D ïJ = 0 ï
î þ v0J ≈ v0
applies to unducted propellers and ducted propellers
A polynomial approximation obtained in tests /Yosifov alike.
et al. 1986/ can also be used in this case to calculate
KT if, in addition to P/D, the ratio of the areas AE / A0 More exact estimates of the upper limit of the thrust
(AE – area of inlet into the propeller plane, A0 – cross- coefficients KTJ and KT,DPJ and thus the jet velocity v0J
sectional area at the narrowest contraction behind the are possible if D, n and P/D are known for the propel-
propeller) and the number of blades on the propeller z ler:
are known. The calculation programme /DVPFIX
2002/ may be used if sufficient geometric data are
available. • Unducted propellers

K TJ = 0.55 - 0.46 J (5-61)
· Approximation calculation based on installed D
engine power

Maximum induced initial velocity v0 due to the Induced initial velocity of jet v0J [m/s]
installed engine power [m/s] for an unducted propeller at any ship speed

æf P
1/ 3
ö æ J 2 + 2.55K ö
ç TJ ÷
v 0 = C ç P d,Nenn ÷ (5-60) v 0J =
è ø
v0 (5-62)
ç r D2 ÷
è W ø P
C is a coefficient [-] • Ducted propellers

C ≈ 1.2 - 1.4 for ducted propellers P

C ≈ 1.5 for unducted propellers K T,DPJ = 0.67 - 0.77 J (5-63)
fP is the factor for the applicable engine power [-]
Value recommended in /EAU 1996/:
Induced initial velocity of jet v0J [m/s] for a ducted
fP ≈ 0.42 for start-off manoeuvres from standing propeller at any ship speed
( fP » fN )

Pd,Nenn is the nominal power per propeller [W] J + æç J 2 + 5.10K T,DPJ ö÷

see Table 5.1 è ø
v 0J = v0 (5-64)
N.B.: The values in Table 5.1 are stated in [kW] P
v0 is the induced initial velocity [m/s] (after D
contraction of jet)
ρW is the density of water [kg/m ] vA v (1 - w )
J= = S (5-65)
nD nD
5.6.2 Velocity of the propeller jet at ship
speed vS ¹ 0 where
D is the propeller diameter [m]
The propeller inflow velocity (propeller advance ratio
J ¹ 0) increases as a ship gathers speed. The velocity J is the advance ratio of the propeller [-]
of the propeller jet also changes, to v0J. The value of
KT,DPJ is the thrust coefficient of a ducted propeller at
v0J for unducted propellers initially diminishes slightly
J ≠ 0 [-]
with increasing ship speed in relation to v0 (in relation
to the ship) for low propeller advance ratios, after KTJ is the thrust coefficient of an unducted propeller
which it increases. The increase depends essentially at J ≠ 0 [-]
on the design pitch ratio P/D of the propeller, with the

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 61

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

n is the propeller rotation rate [1/s]

P is the design pitch [m]
P/D is the design pitch ratio [-]
vS is the ship speed [m/s]
vA is the velocity of the propeller in flow [m/s]
v0 is the induced initial velocity at J = 0 [m/s]
v0J is the induced initial velocity of the propeller jet
at J ≠ 0 [m/s] (in relation to the ship)
w is the wake factor [-]
w ≈ 0.3
Calculation programmes (such as /DVPFIX 2002;
PROFIX 2002/) may be used for ducted and unducted
propellers if sufficient geometric data are available.

5.6.3 Jet dispersion characteristics Standard jet dispersion situations
The geometry of the jet depends primarily on the fol-
lowing conditions:
- rudder configuration
- limitation of the dispersion area due to quay
walls beside the ship and in the direction of jet
These conditions are considered under the standard
situations described below (see Figure 5.24).

• Standard situation 1 (no splitting of the jet)

Propeller without a middle rudder located behind it;

the jet is restricted by the depth of the water but
there are no lateral limits to the dispersion of the jet.

The jet is dispersed

- along the jet axis being diverted towards the
bed of the river or canal at an angle a 0 of ap-
prox. 2.5° for unducted propellers
- along the jet axis being diverted towards the
bed at an angle a 0 of approx. 0° for ducted pro-
pellers and vessels with a tunnel stern Figure 5.24 Standard jet dispersion situations

- in all cases, at an angle of the outer jet bound-

ary a 0 of approx. 13° (defined at the vxr /vxmax =
0.1 location in accordance with eq. (5-74))

62 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

The following applies to the increase in the diameter • Standard situation 4 (no jet splitting)
of the jet cone:
Ducted propeller (also with a middle rudder) or un-
Increase in the diameter of the jet cone dx [m] ducted propeller without a middle rudder located
behind it; dispersion of the jet is limited vertically in
the direction of propagation (e.g. by a quay wall).
d x = D + 2 x tana (5-66)

where The jet is deflected by the wall to the sides and to-
wards the bed of the waterway where it is deflected
x is the distance from the plane of the propeller again. The jet is dispersed
- without the jet axis being diverted towards the bed
a is the angle of the outer jet boundary [o] (a 0 being approx. 0°)
- at an angle of the outer jet boundary a 0 of approx.
There is no division of the jet for ducted propellers 13°
with a middle rudder located behind them. In this - at angles of the outer jet boundaries a 0 of the de-
case, standard situation 1 applies. flected jets and the jet reflected off the bed of ap-
prox. 13°

• Standard situation 2 (jet splitting)

· Other situations
Unducted propeller with a middle rudder located The standard situations described above do not in-
behind it; jet splitting is limited by the depth of the clude all possible load situations. Intermediate situa-
water but not laterally. tions can be covered by selecting the appropriate
The angular momentum causes the jet to split at the
rudder into a jet that is directed towards the bed of the
waterway and another jet that is directed towards the Characteristics of the decrease in
water surface, the former giving rise to the relevant the main velocity
hydromechanical loads. The jets are dispersed
The characteristic quantity of the propeller jet is the
- by the axes of the jets being diverted towards the main velocity vx,max that is reached on the jet axis at a
bed of the waterway and towards the water surface distance x from the propeller plane. It is required for
respectively at angles a 0 of approx. 12° the calculation of the entire three-dimensional velocity
field acting on the surfaces of the fairway
- at an angle of the outer jet boundary a 0 of approx.
10° to the axes of the two jets directed towards the - with reference to the induced initial velocity v0
bed and the surface of the waterway respectively (see 5.6.1) or v0J (see 5.6.2),
- from the relative decrease in the main velocity
vxmax/v0 = function of (x/D) and
• Standard situation 3 (jet splitting)
- in conjunction with the radial velocity distribution
assumed in accordance with the normal distribu-
Unducted propeller with a middle rudder located tion law and the relevant standard jet dispersion
behind it; additional lateral limitation of jet disper- situation (see
sion (by quay wall).

The velocity v0 must be substituted by the reference

When a vessel casts off from a vertical wall, the jet is velocity v0J (cf. 5.6.2) in the following equations (5-67),
divided. At the same time, the jet is diverted towards (5-68), (5-70) and (5-73) whenever the ship speed vS
the lateral boundary. The jet directed towards the bed is greater than 0.
is dispersed
- by the axis of the jet being diverted laterally to-
wards the quay wall at an angle a 0 of approx. 7°
- at angles of the outer jet boundary a 0 of approx.
13° horizontally and approx. 12° vertically

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 63

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

The reduction in the main velocity can be divided into xgr is the distance beyond which the dispersion of
three sections: the jet is obstructed [m]
(1) Main velocity in the approach area (x/D £ 2.6 (3) Area of jet dispersion influenced by the water
from the propeller plane) for all standard situati- level, bed of the river or canal and lateral boun-
ons daries (x/D > xgr /D)

Main velocity vxmax in the approach area [m/s] Central speed vxmax for obstructed jet dispersion

v xmax = 1 -a
(5-67) v x max = A æ x ö
v0 ç ÷ (5-70)
v0 èDø
(2) Area in which dispersion of the jet is not
obstructed by the water level, bed or any lateral
boundaries (2.6 < x/D £ xgr /D) for all standard a, A are quantities depending on the “standard situ-
situations ation” of the jet dispersion field, the shape of
the stern of the vessel and the propeller/rudder
configuration [-]
Main velocity vxmax for unobstructed jet dispersion
The following applies to the exponent a, depending on
the standard situation:
v xmax = 2.6 æ x ö a = 0.6 where jet dispersion is limited by the bed
ç ÷ (5-68)
v0 èDø and the water level (standard situation 1,
standard situation 2 (jet directed at the
bed) and standard situation 4 for x £ L
(approach area up to quay wall))
a = 0.3 where jet dispersion is limited by an ad-
ditional lateral wall (standard situations 3
and 4)
a = 0.25 for jet dispersion behind a twin-screw
drive (only if it is treated as a single-
screw drive)
a = 1.62 for the dispersion of the jet reflected from
the bed in front of a quay wall (standard
situation 4, for x > L + hp (deflection area
at quay wall)
Figure 5.25 Characteristics of the decrease in the main
velocity for hp /D = 3.72

The point at which the dispersion of the jet is

obstructed by the bed of the river or canal is located at
a distance xgr behind the plane of the propeller. The
following applies:

x græ A ö (a - 1)
=ç ÷ (5-69)
D è 2.6 ø

a, A are quantities depending on the “standard situ-
ation” of the jet dispersion field, the design of
the stern of the vessel and the propeller/rudder
configuration [-], see (3) below Figure 5.26 Coefficient A = function of (h/D)
(standard situation 1)
D is the propeller diameter [m]

The following applies to coefficient A:

64 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

(1) For jet dispersion limited only by the bed and hp is the height of the propeller axis abo-
water level behind a propeller without division of ve the bed (length of the jet deflected
the jet, i.e. for propellers without a middle rud- downwards at the wall, measured
der located behind them or for ducted propel- from wall to bed) [m]
lers (in this case also with a middle rudder lo-
L is the distance between the deflecting
cated behind the propeller) for 1.0 ≤ h/D ≤ 9
wall and the plane of the propeller [m]
(standard situation 1, see Figure 5.26):
D is the propeller diameter [m]
- 0.092 (h /D)
A = 1.88 e (5-71) vxmax(L) is the main velocity at distance L be-
hind the plane of the propeller [m/s]
The jet velocity relevant to scour at the toe of the quay
h is the water depth [m] wall is taken as the velocity occurring at the point
where x = L (see Figure 5.28).
(2) For a splitted jet by the middle rudder located
behind the propeller (0.7 ≤ hp /D ≤ 5)
(standard situations 2 and 3, see Figure 5.27):

-0.061 h p D )
A = 1.88 e (5-72)

hp is the height of the propeller axis abo-
ve the bed [m]

Figure 5.28 Jet dispersion characteristics for an ocean-

going vessel with a twin-screw drive where the
jet is reflected from a deflecting wall, for
L / D = 3.0 and 5.0 (standard situation 4)
/Römisch 1975/ Calculation of the distribution of the

jet velocity orthogonal to the jet
Figure 5.27 Coefficient A = function of (hp /D) axis
(standard situation 2)
The distribution of the jet velocity vxr orthogonal to the
jet axis in the area of jet impact is governed by
(3) For twin-screw drives A = 0.9 = constant (ap-
- the position of the jet axis above or at the bed at a
proximation) (the interaction of the jets out-
weighing the influence of the water depth). distance x from the plane of the propeller
(see and
- the main velocity vxmax
(4) Where the dispersion field is limited by a de-
flecting wall located in the direction of propaga- N.B.: vxmax is calculated in eqs. (5-67),
tion of the jet (for the jets reflected from the bed (5-68), and (5-70) with
and wall, x ≥ L+hp), (standard situation 4, see ® v0 where vS = 0 bzw. J = 0
Figure 5.28):
® v0J where vS ¹ 0 bzw. J ¹ 0
taking into account the radial velocity distribution:
æv (L ) ö æ L + hp ö
A = çç x max ÷ç
֍ D
÷ (5-73) v xr
= e- 22.2 (rx x )
è v0 øè ø v x max


Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 65

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

where equation can be used to calculate the position of the

maximum near bed flow velocity for rough estimates:
rx is the radial distance of the considered point,
e.g. the bed, from the jet axis at a distance x
from the plane of the propeller [m] hp
x S,max = (5-78)
tana B
vxr is the jet velocity relative to the ship at a
distance of radius rx [m/s]
The jet velocity vxr1 at and relative to the bed, taking
the ship speed into account, is calculated as follows: hp is the height of the propeller axis above the bed
æ v ö xS,max is the position of the maximum near bed flow
v xr1 = v xr çç1 - S ÷÷ (5-75)
è n Dø velocity behind the rotation centre of the pro-
peller plane [m]
where aB is the mean angle of diversion
D is the diameter of the propeller [m] a B = 8.5° for standard situations 1 and 4 for
xS,max < L
n is the propeller rotation rate [1/s] a B = 13° for standard situations 2 and 3
vxr is the jet velocity relative to the ship at a (see
distance of radius rx [m/s] Allowance for the influence of the propeller advance
vS is the ship speed [m/s] ratio on v0 and thus on vxmax and vBmax has already
note: vs is negative if the movement of the ship been made in eqs. (5-61) to (5-65). However, the ve-
and the propeller jet point in the same direction, locity of the impact on the bed of the waterway is also
e.g. when the vessel is stopping. affected by the propeller advance ratio and is calcu-
lated approximately by eq. (5-80).
The standard situations describing the jet dispersion
The following correlation between rx, x and hp is obtai- characteristics in can be used to determine the
ned for loads on a plane river or canal bed (cf. Figure loads on slopes rising in the same direction as the jet.
5.29): The maximum flow velocity at the bed and slope must
be determined by eq. (5-74), taking account of the
( )
r x = hp - x sina 0 / cosa 0 (5-76) geometrical boundary conditions shown in Figure 5.30
and Figure 6.4 and in accordance with eq. (6-8). A
meaningful assumption of the largest angle between
x S = x cos a 0 - r x sin a 0 (5-77) the ship’s axis and the bank line must be made. Large
angles occur when ships navigate bends, for example.
When a ship casts off, the jet strikes the bank after
being deflected at the rudder. The smallest angle re-
levant to the design, b St, between a perpendicular to
the slope line and the axis of the deflected jet (see
Figure 6.4) may be 15°. The deflection of the jet redu-
ces the jet velocity to around 85 % of its initial value at
the propeller.

Figure 5.29 Geometrical definitions for the calculation of the

distributions of near bed flow velocities ortho-
gonal to the jet axis
Figure 5.30 Diagram showing the impact of a jet on a slo-
ping bank (longitudinal slope angle a l see also
The near bed flow velocity calculated using eqs. 6.3.1)
(5-74) to (5-77) initially increases in the x-direction,
before diminishing again. The maximum near bed flow
velocity vxr is referred to as vBmax for the purpose of
determining the size of the stones. The following

66 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways Multi-screw drives If a 0 ¹ 0° or the jets are dispersed laterally or strike

the bank at an angle, a sketch with all the relevant
In the case of multi-screw drives, the jet dispersion for
geometrical dimensions is recommended to obtain the
each propeller must first be considered separately by
overlap of the jets.
means of the algorithms given in 5.6.1 to in
accordance with /Römisch 1994/. The parameter a The values of the jet velocity at the bed obtained for
must be chosen as if there were two single-screw twin-screw vessels when the propellers counter-rotate
drives (a ¹ 0.25). The values of vxr can be added by towards each other may be higher than those obtai-
way of approximation in order to determine how the ned by addition, as indicated in Figure 5.31.
drives act in combination. The geometrical boundary
conditions shown in Figure 5.31 result for a 0 = 0° in
standard situation 1. 5.6.4 Simplified calculation of the
maximum near bed velocity
A simplified method of calculating the maximum near
bed velocity for propeller advance ratios J = 0 and
J ¹ 0 follows for single- and multi-screw vessels; it is
applicable to the cases referred to below. The method
can only be used if the jets do not overlap.
· Ship speed vS = 0
The maximum near bed velocity at the point of impact
of the propeller jet vBmax can be estimated as follows
for the standard jet dispersion situations 1, 2 and 3
(see for J = 0.

Maximum near bed velocity at the point of impact

vBmax für J = 0 (simplified calculation) [m/s]

v Bmax = E çç ÷÷ v 0 (5-79)
è hp ø

D is the propeller diameter [m]
hp is the height of the propeller axis above the bed
E is the coefficient for characterisation of stern
shape and rudder configuration [-] (see Figure
E = 0.71 for slender sterns with a middle rud-
E = 0.42 for slender sterns without a middle
E = 0.25 for modern inland navigation craft with
a tunnel stern with twin rudders
v0 is the induced initial velocity for J = 0 [m/s]
see 5.6.1

Figure 5.31 View of the stern of a twin-screw vessel with

overlapping jets, standard situation 1, with
a 0 = 0°

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 67

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

5.6.5 Loads due to bow thrusters

According to /Schokking 2002/, revetments can be
damaged by bow thrusters operated in the vicinity of
mooring places and such damage needs to be taken
into account in the design. The ship speed over
ground is negligible in this case and vs is therefore
taken to be equal to zero below (vS = 0). A distinction
is made between temporary loads during mooring,
long-term loads, loads on a sloping bank (slope incli-
nation < 45°) and loads on the bed in front of a vertical
bank (quay wall), see Figure 5.33. Such loads are not
generally relevant to the design if the vessel is moving
(vs ¹ 0) as the jet is deflected.

Figure 5.32 Relative maximum near bed velocity of the

propeller jet vBmax / v0 = as function of (hp /D, E)

· Ship speed vS ≠ 0
When a ship casts off, i.e. when the propeller advance
ratio is increasing, there is a decrease in the induced
initial velocity and the associated velocity at which the
propeller jet strikes the surfaces of the fairway.
The maximum near bed velocity vBmax1 at a propeller
advance ratio J ¹ 0 can be calculated approximately in
this case as follows:

Maximum near bed velocity at the point of im-

pact vBmax1 for J ≠ 0 (simplified calculation)

æ v ö
v Bmax1 = v Bmax çç1 - S ÷÷ (5-80)
è n Dø

D is the propeller diameter [m]
n is the propeller rotation rate [1/s]
vBmax is the maximum near bed velocity at the point of
impact for J = 0 [m/s]
vS is the ship speed [m/s]
signed, where appropriate: vs is negative if the
movement of the ship and the propeller jet point Figure 5.33 Jet dispersion for loads due to bow thrusters;
in the same direction, e.g. when the vessel is (a): sloping bank, (b): quay wall where the jet is
stopping deflected towards the bed of the river or canal
b = slope angle
This approach also applies when the reduction in the a l = longitudinal slope angle, see Figure 6.4
near bed velocities has to be determined for the cal- and eq. (6-8)
culation of the total impact velocity field in accordance
For narrow fairway conditions (e.g. lock exits), the
reductions in the near bed velocities referred to above
are negligible due to the very low ship speeds that are
possible owing to the limitation of the fairway. In this
case, the loads assumed are the same as for J = 0.

68 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

The induced initial velocity v0 corresponds approxi- x is the distance from the outlet side of the bow
mately to that of a ducted propeller with an advance thruster [m]
ratio J equal to 0. Depending on the power, the follo-
The design value occurs at the slope where x = L.
wing equation applies in accordance with /EAU 1996;
Blaauw, Kaa 1978 /: The maximum jet velocity at the bed vmax,S,k at the toe
of a quay wall is as follows /Blokland 1994/:
æ PBug ö 3
v 0 » 1.1 ç ÷ (5-81) v0 D L
ç r D2 ÷ v max,S,K = 1.0 for < 1.8
è W ø hP hP
where v0 D L
v max,S,K = 2.8 for ³ 1.8
PBug is the installed power of the bow thruster [W] L + hP hP
see Table 5.1
N.B.: The value is stated in [kW] in Table 5.1 where
D is the duct diameter » diameter of the propeller hP is the hight of the propeller axis above the bed
of the bow thruster [m] [m]
ρW is the density of water [kg/m ] L is the distance between the plane of the bow
thruster outlet and the quay wall [m]
or eq. (5-58) applies where v0 is a function of the vmax,S,K is the maximum flow velocity at the bed at
thrust coefficient: the toe of the quay wall [m/s]

v 0 = 1.13 n D K T,DP The further reduction in the jet at the bed vmax,S,K after
deflection can be calculated as follows in the same
where way as for the propeller jet of the main drive as a
function of the distance xk from the quay wall:
KT,DP is the thrust coefficient of a ducted propeller [-]
for J = 0 as in eq. (5-58) 1.62
æ L + hP ö
n is the propeller rotation rate of the bow thruster v max, S, xK = v max, S,K ç ÷ (5-84)
è x ø
The reduction in the induced initial velocity is lower for
bow thrusters than for free propellers. The following x is the distance along the jet axis measured from
applies to the maximum axial flow velocity (main ve- the jet outlet to the quay wall and then to the
locity) vxmax at a sloping bank and has been derived bed of the river or canal [m]
from measurements by /Schokking 2002/: x = L + hP + xK
xK is the distance of the deflected jet from the quay
Maximum axial flow velocity of a bow thruster at a wall measured along the bed of the river or ca-
sloping bank vxmax [m/s] nal [m]
vmax,S,xK is the altered maximum flow velocity at the
bed after deflection measured at a distance of
v x max = v 0 for £ 1.0 xk from the quay wall [m/s]
(5-82) The size of stones required for unanchored revet-
ments is determined in accordance with 6.3. Chapters
æxö 3 x 8 and 9 deal with how to take partial grouting into
v x max = v 0 ç ÷ for > 1. 0
èDø D consideration.

5.7 Wind set-up and wind waves
D is the duct diameter » diameter of the propeller
5.7.1 General
Depending on its direction, velocity and duration the
vxmax is the maximum axial flow velocity, main veloc-
wind generates waves that must be considered in
ity [m/s]
combination with other waves. This is important for
v0 is the induced initial velocity [m/s] waterways on large plains (Rhine Lowlands, North
German Plain) and for long, wide reaches of water-
ways (impoundments). Wind waves can usually be

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 69

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

disregarded in the case of canals. However, wind set- 5.7.3 Fetch and period of wind action
up may be of relevance, especially in long impound-
A fetch with a specific width-to-length ratio is needed
for the prevailing wind to generate waves. The fetch
5.7.2 Wind data length, or effective fetch Feff, is used in the calcula-
tions. A method of calculating Feff approximately using
Data on wind directions, velocities and duration can
the sector method is described in /CUR-TAW 1992/; it
be obtained from local meteorological offices or the
takes into account the edges of the area of water in
statistical records kept by Germany’s National Meteo-
the vicinity of the revetment to be dimensioned. The
rological Service (DWD). Data on wind velocities for
calculation procedure is as follows (see Figure 5.34):
design purposes are also included in current German
standards (DIN standards). In certain cases, it may be 1. The prevailing wind is entered on a plan of the site,
advisable to specify the wind data to be used in the in relation to the design point.
calculations more precisely (e.g. by using statistics on
2. The actual fetch lengths between the design point
extreme data classified according to direction for two-
and the point on the opposite bank (or possibly a
dimensional wind distribution). It will be necessary to
training wall, dry foreshore, etc.) are determined by
consult experts on this matter. Local topographies
may result in modification of the wind field. drawing radial lines extending ± 45° to the left and
right of the prevailing wind at selected intervals Da
(see table of examples in Figure 5.34: ∆a = 6°).
3. The effective fetch is determined from the above
input data by means of the following equation:

Effective fetch Feff [m]

å R (a ) cos2 a
F eff = (5-85)
å cos a

Feff is the effective fetch [m]
R(a ) is the impact length to opposite bank at angle a
a is the angle of influence direction [°]
The method described here can be used if the effec-
tive fetch obtained corresponds approximately to the
straight-line fetch, which is the distance between the
design point and the boundary of the body of water in
the direction of the wind /EAK 2002/. The straight-line
fetch can only be used for regular bank lines.
The prevailing wind velocity must continue for a cer-
tain minimum period of time in order for the maximum
possible wave height to be generated in the fetch. The
waves will be lower if the wind lasts for a shorter pe-
riod of time.

Figure 5.34 Diagram and example illustrating how the

effective fetch is calculated for a given wind
direction in accordance with /CUR-TAW 1992/

70 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

The following applies to the required period of wind 5.7.4 Wind set-up
action. (N.B.: It is not dimensionally homogeneous Þ
If the wind blows from the same direction at a virtually
use the dimensions specified; see Figure 5.35) /ACER
constant velocity for a long period of time the critical
shear stress between the air flow and the surface of
the water causes a rise in the water level – known as
Minimum period of wind action tmin [h] wind set-up, Dhw – at the lee of the fetch /DVWK 246;
Poweleit 1985/. The “Zuider Zee equation” provides
reference values. (N.B.: The equation is not dimen-
Feff sionally homogeneous Þ use the dimensions speci-
t min = (5-86)
u 0.41 fied):

where Height of wind set-up Dhw at the end of the fetch [m]
Feff is the effective fetch [km]
tmin is the minimum period of wind action [h] u2 S
D hw = cosa (5-87)
u is the wind velocity [m/s] 4861 hm
(representative mean value where appropriate)
hm is the mean depth of water [m]
A mean value of u can be obtained for highly variable
wind velocities by determining the root mean square S is the maximum fetch length [km]
of the single values of a representative hydrograph for (not the effective fetch)
u for the period tmin. The period of time considered for
u is the wind velocity [m/s]
the determination must be selected so as to obtain the
highest possible value of u. a is the angle between the prevailing wind and
the direction in which the slope falls [°]
∆hw is the height of wind set-up at the lee of the
fetch [m]

The most unfavourable value of Dhw is obtained when

cosa = 1. The graph illustrating the equation (see
Figure 5.36) indicates possible wind set-up values.
For the sake of simplification, a value of 0.05 m can
be taken for the height of the wind set-up Dhw if the
mean fetch length Sm is less than 1500 m and the
mean water depth hm is greater than 6 m, cf. /DVWK

Figure 5.35 Period of wind action required for a given wave

height to develop, as a function of the fetch and
wind velocity, in accordance with /ACER 1992/

Figure 5.36 Height of wind set-up ∆hw as a function of the

maximum fetch length S and the mean water
depth hm for two wind velocities u and cos a = 1

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 71

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

5.7.5 Wind waves The following applies to the associated characteristic

wave period T = Fkt. (hm, u, Feff):
There is very little data available on the possible
height of wind-generated waves on inland waterways
and estuaries. The significant, or design, wave height Conditional equation for the associated charac-
and associated wave period depend directly on the teristic wave period T [s]
predetermined wind velocity, the mean water depth
and the effective fetch.
gT é ægh ö
0.375 ù
One possibility of determining the wave height and = 2p 1.2 tanh ê0.833 çç 2m ÷÷ ú
period is to use Brettschneider’s equations for deep u ê è u ø ú
ë û
water waves, for example. The equations also apply
to inland waterways owing to the smaller waves that (5-89)
occur there, according to /CUR-TAW 1992/, and can æg ö

be used for wind velocities u of up to 12 m/s (corre- 0.077 çç F2eff ÷÷

sponding to wind force 5 on the Beaufort scale). This × tanh è u ø
upper limit is sufficient as vessels on empty runs and é æ g hm ö
0.375 ù

with container cargoes only sail up to a maximum ê ç

tanh 0.833 ç 2 ÷ ÷ ú
ê è u ø ú
wind force of 8 m/s and the superimposition of ship- ë û
induced and wind waves is only relevant for such
situations. Reference should be made to the literature, where
e.g. /CEM 2002; Wagner 1996/ if waves that act alone
are to be taken into account in the design. T is the wave periode [s]

The conditional equation for the significant wave

height Hs = Fkt. (hm, u, Feff) is as follows: Adapted to small effective fetch lengths, such as
those on inland waterways, the above equations pro-
Conditional equation for the significant wave height vide a means of determining design wave heights
Hs [m] directly, without a great deal of computing. Water
depths between 1 and 6 m, wind velocities between 8
and 14 m/s and fetch lengths up to 5 km have been
é 0.750 ù incorporated into the graphs (see Figure 5.37). Water
g Hs æg h ö depths greater than a mean water depth hm of 6 m
= 0.283 tanh ê0.530 çç 2m ÷÷ ú
u ê è u ø ú result in only insignificantly greater wave heights.
ë û
Wave heights can be determined by means of
(5-88) eq. (5-88) in special cases.
æ g F eff ö A mean value of the water depth must be used. Local
0.0125 çç 2 ÷
è u ø shallows may be disregarded. Areas in the vicinity of
× tanh side embankments must be considered separately
é æg h ö
0.750 ù
tanh ê0.530 çç 2m ÷÷ ú owing to the influence of variable water depths on the
ê è u ø ú wave height (see 5.8.2, 5.8.4).
ë û
Characteristic values of waves may be determined
where from measurements by using statistical methods as
an alternative to obtaining the values by calculation
Feff is the effective fetch [m] only.
g is the acceleration due to gravity [m/s ]
hm is the mean water depth [m]
Hs is the significant wave height [m]
u is the wind velocity [m/s]

72 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Figure 5.37 Significant wave height HS as a function of the wind velocity u and the effective fetch Feff for various water
depths hm, in accordance with /CUR-TAW 1992/

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 73

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

The associated wave length L can generally be de- 5.8.2 Wave shoaling and breaking of
termined implicitly by means of the following equa- waves
The shoaling of a wave (see chapter 2) in water of
decreasing depth is described by the shoaling coef-
Wave length L, in general [m] ficient Ksh:

Wave height Hsh due to shoaling [m]

L gL æ ö
=c= tanh ç 2p hm ÷ (5-90)
T 2p è L ø
Hsh = K sh Hein (5-93)
c is the wave celerity [m/s] K sh =
æ 4p hm Lein ö
L is the wave length [m] ç1 + ÷ tanh( 4p hm Lein )
ç sinh( 4p hm Lein ) ÷ø
The following applies to shallow water waves where
hm/L << 1 (i.e. tanh (2phm/L) ≈ 2phm/L): (5-94)

Wave length L, in shallow water [m] where

hm is the mean depth of water [m]
L Hein is the height of the incoming waves [m]
= c = g hm (5-91)
Hsh is the wave height due to shoaling [m]
Ksh is the Shoaling-coefficient [-]
The drawdown time of waves is of interest in geo-
technical assessments and can be roughly esti- Lein is the length of the incoming waves [m]
mated as follows: (Lein = L)

Drawdown time ta,W [s] The graph of the shoaling coefficient (see Figure
5.38) indicates that wave shoaling in shallow water
is preceded by a reduction in the wave height in the
1 transitional zone.
t a, W » T (5-92)

ta,W is the drawdown time of a wave [s]

5.8 Wave deformation

5.8.1 General
The wave heights determined up to this point de-
pend on waves being able to propagate unhindered.
This applies in most design cases. However, in cer-
tain situations, the wave front is subject to numerous
Figure 5.38 Graph showing shoaling coefficient Ksh for a
disturbances and influences (structures, variations in
decreasing mean water depth hm
the depth of the water, approach angles) that
change the height of the wave. The environment
around the planned revetment must therefore be The following applies to the change in the wave
examined to determine how it is likely to affect the length:
wave height at the design point. Wave shoaling and
breaking of waves (see 5.8.2), diffraction (see Wave length Lsh during shoaling [m]
5.8.3), refraction (see 5.8.4) and/or reflection (see
5.8.5) may occur (see chapter 2 for terms and defi-
Lsh = tanh (2p
nitions). hm / Lsh ) (5-95)

74 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

where Wave height Hb at the point of breaking [m]

Lsh is the wave length due to wave shoaling [m]
The fact that the height and length of the waves are H b = 0.303 Lein
continuously changing means that the steepness of 3 (5-98)
H ein H ein
the waves also changes. The latter is described by
the following equation:
Wave steepness Hsh /Lsh [-] Hb is the wave height at the point of breaking [m]

H sh
H ein
1 + cosh 4p hm/ L sh ) Reference may be made to Figure 5.40 for other
initial steepnesses. The water depth hb at the point
L sh L ein ( ( )) 2
4p hm/ L sh+ sinh 4p h m/ L sh tanh 2p h m/ L sh ) of breaking can be estimated by means of Figure

Figure 5.39 Diagram of a breaking wave

c – wave celerity
hb – depth of water at the point of breaking
Hb – height of wave at the point of breaking
Maximum angle at wave crest: 120° Figure 5.40 Wave height Hb at the point of breaking as a
function of the initial steepness in accordance
with /SPM 1977; EAK 2002/
The upper limit of the wave steepness can be de-
termined by means of the following equation:

Upper limit of wave steepness Hsh /Lsh [-]

é Hshù 2p
ê ú = 0.142 tanh hm (5-97)
êë Lsh û max Lsh

The wave will break if this limit is exceeded. De-

pending on the inclination of the slope, various types
of breaker, such as spilling breakers, plunging
breakers or surging breakers, can occur (see chap-
ter 2) /Le Méhauté 1976; Press, Schröder 1966;
SPM 1984/.
Figure 5.41 Water depth hb at the point of breaking for
The wave height at the point of breaking Hb is of T = Tein = constant, in accordance with
relevance to the design as the maximum kinetic /CEM 2002/
energy is available at the moment the wave breaks.
Hb is obtained as follows for low initial steepnesses
A surf similarity parameter can be obtained on the
(Hein / Lein < 0.006):
basis of the wave and slope geometry /Pilarczyk

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 75

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Surf similarity parameter ξ [-]

tan β
ξ = (5-99)
H ein / Lein

Hein is the height of the incoming wave [m]
Lein is the length of the incoming wave [m]
Table 5.2 Type of breaker as a function of the slope
β is the slope angle [°] inclination and surf similarity parameter

ξ is the surf similarity parameter [-]

5.8.3 Diffraction
The surf similarity parameter enables the type of
breaker to be determined (see Figure 5.42). Either Changes in the wave height due to diffraction (see
the breaker with the greatest wave height or the one chapter 2) at obstacles or structures (training walls,
with the greatest wave steepness is relevant to the groynes etc., see Figure 5.43) are determined with
design. The correlation between the slope inclina- the aid of a diffraction coefficient:
tion, the surf similarity parameter and the shape of
the breaker can be seen in Table 5.2. The designa- Wave height Hdiff due to diffraction [m]
tions, which are not used consistently in the litera-
ture published in German, have been selected ac-
cording to current recommendations /EAK 1993; H diff = K ¢ H ein (5-100)
EAK 2002; EAU 1996/.
Hdiff is the wave height due to diffraction [m]
K' is the diffraction coefficient [-]

Diffraction charts showing lines representing the

same values of K' are available for design purposes
(see Figure 5.44 and Figure 5.45). They enable the
wave height behind obstacles (e.g. groynes) to be
estimated. It should be noted that local increases in
the wave heights may also occur. The increase is
around 10 % for common angles between a ship-
induced wave and a groyne (see Figure 5.44). The
height of waves that are parallel on reaching an
opening in a training wall and are diffracted there
may increase by around 20 % (see Figure 5.45).
Further diagrams are available in the literature if the
actual direction of the approaching wave does not
correspond to that shown in the figures /CEM 2002;
Daemrich 1978a; Daemrich 1978b; SPM 1984/.

Figure 5.42 Types of breaker as a function of the surf

similarity parameter for slope inclinations bet-
ween 1:5 - 1:20, in accordance with /CEM
2002; EAK 2002/

76 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Figure 5.43 Configurations of (a) groynes and (b) ope-

nings in training walls causing diffraction

Figure 5.44 Diffraction chart showing wave propagation at

a semi-infinite obstacle (groyne, training wall)
at a constant mean water depth hm and a
wave attack angle of 30°, in accordance with
/Daemrich 1978b/ Figure 5.45 Diffraction chart showing wave propagation
behind the opening in a training wall of width
B at a constant mean water depth hm for
B/Lein = 2 for attack by waves parallel to the
opening, in accordance with /SPM 1984/

5.8.4 Refraction
Refraction occurs when the front of a ship-induced
secondary wave strikes a bank line at an angle, for
instance (see chapter 2). One side of the wave crest
is in shallower water than the other. As the wave
celerity of shallow water waves decreases with the
water depth, the wave flank nearest the bank moves
more slowly than the one furthest from the bank.
The entire wave crest is bent towards the bank and
refraction causes the height of the ship-induced
waves in the canal to diminish (see Figure 5.46).
However, it should be noted that wave shoaling may
lead to an increase in the wave height (see 5.8.2).
These effects must always be considered together.
It is very difficult to show the wave deformation due
to refraction on a graph or to represent it numeri-
cally. A revetment design will be conservative if the
wave deformation due to refraction is disregarded as
refracted waves are always lower than incoming

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 77

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Figure 5.47 Reflection coefficient Krefl as a function of the

mean water depth and of the height and
length of the incoming wave for shallow water
waves and sloping obstacles, in accordance
Figure 5.46 Diagram showing the refraction of ship- with /Press, Schröder 1966/
induced waves

Reflected waves are superimposed on the incoming

waves. Total reflection occurs in the limiting case
where Krefl equals unity (vertical obstacle). By con-
5.8.5 Reflection
trast, there is no reflection when Krefl is equal to zero
Waves are partially reflected when they strike a (flat bank) (as the wave energy is dissipated fully
boundary surface (wall, groyne, training wall, steep when the wave breaks). Figure 5.47 can be used to
bank, etc.). This is known as “reflection” (see chap- estimate Krefl for shallow water waves striking a
ter 2). The loss of wave energy causes the wave sloping obstacle.
height to diminish (Hrefl < Hein), the process being
described by the reflection coefficient as follows:
5.8.6 Wave run-up
Wave height Hrefl of the reflected wave [m] The wave run-up height zAL of wind waves and sec-
ondary diverging waves is defined as the distance
from the still-water level (SWL) to the highest run-up
H refl = K refl H ein 0 £ K refl £ 1 (5-101)
point on the slope when measured vertically.

where The highest wave run-up heights occur when the

waves propagate at right angles to the bank (wave
Hrefl is the height of the reflected wave [m] crests parallel to the bank). The run-up height de-
Krefl is the reflection coefficient [-] creases as the angle b W between the direction of
propagation of waves and the fall of slope increases
When wave propagation is parallel to the bank, as in
the case of ship-induced transversal stern waves, it
may be assumed that there will be no change in the
wave height at the bank. The asymmetrical shape of
secondary waves must be considered here. The
greatest elevation of the water level above the still-
water level exceeds half the height of the wave. It is
also referred to below as the “run-up height” (see

78 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

CA is a constant for wave run-up [-]
CA = 0.4 for regular waves and ship-induced
waves /EAK 1993/
CA = 0.74 for irregular wind waves /CUR-TAW
fred is the reduction factor for energy losses during
wave run-up [-] (see Table 5.3)
HS is the design wave height [m]
Maximum secondary wave height in accor-
dance with eq. (5-43) in (diverging wa-
ves) and eq. (5-52) in taking into ac-
count eq. (5-50) in and the height of
the wind waves in 5.7.5
m is the slope inclination [-]
T is the mean wave period [s]
bW is the angle between a perpendicular to the
wave crest and the fall of the slope [°] (see
Figure 5.48)
N.B.: b W ≈ 55° for diverging waves of the sec-
ondary wave system when a ship sails close to
a bank and Frh < 0.7 (or up to 0.8 for rough
zAL is the wave run-up height [m]
g is the acceleration due to gravity [m/s ]
Figure 5.48 Definitions relating to the wave run-up height
zAL: (a) cross-section, (b) top view
The equation applies to slope inclinations m of up to
1:3 (m = 3) and run-up angles of up to approx. 55°.
There are numerous empirical equations available A similar equation, which takes more input parame-
for the determination of the run-up height. The ters into account, is included in /EAK 2002/. The
equations include wave height, length and period,
result is also a reference value for the component of
slope inclination and profile (concave/convex) and
the freeboard (distance from the still-water level to
the water depth, depending on how they were de-
the crown of the slope) that is dependent on the
wave run-up. Adequate safety against wave over-
topping is thus ensured. Statistically, only 2% of all
waves exceed the calculated wave run-up. Incoming waves
If the slope features a berm, reference should be
Generally speaking, an increase in the percentage made to more specialised literature to enable the
of voids in a slope and in the roughness of a slope wave run-up to be calculated /Przedwojski et al.
surface will result in a lower run-up height while an 1995/.
increase in the steepness of the slope, wave height
and wave period will result in a greater run-up Increasing the surface roughness and voids content
height. of a slope surface considerably reduces wave run-
up. This is covered by a reduction factor fred (see
An equation for wave run-up that also takes into Table 5.3). For natural slopes, fred must be estimated
account the angle between the wave front and the on the basis of the data in Table 5.3.
slope as well as the roughness of the revetment
surface is included in /CUR-TAW 1992/. The wave run-up height of ship-induced waves on
slope revetments comprising riprap and granular
materials decreases as follows, depending on the
Wave run-up height zAL [m] of diverging waves voids content of the revetment, according to
/Abromeit 1997/:
1 HS
z AL = C A cos b W fred T g HS ³ (5-102) H S - dD n
m 2 z AL, St = z AL,0 ³ 0 (5-103)

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 79

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

where HS is the design wave height [m]

Maximum height of secondary waves in ac-
dD is the thickness of the cover layer [m]
cordance with, eq. (5-43) (transversal
HS is the design wave height [m] bow and stern waves), eq. (5-47) (transversal
stern waves) and, eq. (5-52) (diver-
n is the voids content [-]
ging and stern waves generated by small fast
zAL,St is the wave run-up height on riprap [m] boats) taking account of eq. (5-49) and (5-50)
zAL,0 is the wave run-up height when fred = 1 [m]
zAL is the wave run-up height [m]
A filter layer comprising coarse gravel or an equiva- lq is the wave length of transversal waves [m] in
lent layer may be added to the cover layer. accordance with, eq. (5-42)

5.8.7 Change in wave height at the

transition from a vertical bank to a
slope revetment
A particular type of reflection, known as the Mach
reflection, must be taken into account at the transi-
tion from a vertical bank to a slope revetment. The
Mach reflection results in an increase in the wave
height when a wave front moves virtually at right
angles to a vertical bank. In the most unfavourable
cases, there may be an approximately two-fold in-
crease in the height of the incident wave. The waves
are still effective over a certain distance after striking
the adjacent sloping bank. This situation must be
taken into account in the design (see 6.13).

Table 5.3 Reduction factor fred for wave run-up for diffe-
rent types of cover layer, in accordance with
5.9 Other waves
/CUR-TAW 1992/ including an amendment (*)
5.9.1 General
Variations in the water level may also be caused by
waves with long periods (positive surge/drawdown Parallel waves
waves, tide waves, flood waves). Depending on the
There is an upper limit to the run-up height as cal- design situation and problem, these types of wave
culated by eqs. (5-102) and (5-103) for high values must be regarded as being superimposed on those
of b W. The following applies in the limiting case originating in other ways (wind, ship) and therefore
where b W = 90° (transversal waves generated by added to them.
ships sailing parallel to a bank): The drawdown velocities for the types of wave dealt
with below must be determined separately for geo-
Wave run-up height zAL [m] of parallel waves technical analyses.

z AL £ DH S,oW l » 5.9.2 Positive surge/drawdown waves

2p h Positive surge/drawdown waves are caused by a
p HS
lq é æ 4p h öù H S (5-104) variety of factors relating to the operation of indus-
» ê2 + coshç ÷ú +
8 lq æ 3
êë ç l q ÷ú 2 trial plant or works located on the waterway, such
ö è øû
ç sinh 2p h ÷ as:
ç lq ÷ø
è - turbines starting up or being shut down suddenly
(on rivers controlled by weirs or other works),
- lockage (on rivers controlled by weirs or other
h is the local water depth ≈ HS at the point of the works, canals),
wave at breaking [m]
- the cooling plant of power stations being
DHS,oW l the component of the wave height above the switched on or off (rivers),
still-water level [m]

80 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

- sudden influx of discharge (rivers),

- impoundment.

Information on the magnitude, duration and fre-

quency of the probable variations in flow must be
obtained from the originators (operators of hydro-
electric power plants and locks, thermal power
plants, sewage treatment plants; indirectly at tribu-
taries) when determining the above types of positive
surge/drawdown waves. The discharge from locks is
usually restricted to 70 - 90 m /s to avoid extreme
positive surge and drawdown /EAU 1996/.
The change in the water level due to a single posi-
tive surge/drawdown wave can be determined as
stated in /EAU 1996/. For a given wave celerity
Figure 5.49 Changes in the water level due to positive
c = g hm (5-105) surge and drawdown for a mean water depth
of 3.0 m as a function of the width at water le-
vel for various discharge levels DQ
c is the wave celerity,
The wave height determined may increase or de-
is the wave celerity in shallow water [m/s]
crease due to reflection or superimposed subse-
g is the acceleration due to gravity [m/s ] quent positive surge and drawdown waves. Attenua-
tion effects are marginal in uniform canal cross-
hm is the mean water depth [m] sections, for straight channel orientations and
smooth linings. Such waves may therefore travel
the rise and fall in the water level Dh can be roughly backwards and forwards several times, particularly
estimated for low ratios (Dh/hm) of the rise and fall in in short impoundments.
the water level Dh to the mean water depth hm: Changes in discharge over time must be estimated
in accordance with the laws relating to lockage and
Rise and fall in the water level Dh due to positive the times at which turbines are started and shut
surge and drawdown [m] down.

DQ 5.9.3 Flood waves

∆h = ± (5-106)
c bm Flood waves occur during certain seasons and
weather conditions and their height, duration and
where frequency can vary to a great extent. These pa-
rameters are affected by the origin and history of the
bm is the mean width at water level [m] in the
wave as well as by the distance it travels so it is not
area of the positive surge/drawdown
possible to make any generalised statements. In
bm = b WS ± m ∆h exceptional cases, a rapid decrease in the level of
the flood wave in impoundments may also be rele-
b WS is the width at water level [m]
vant to the design /Köhler 1997/.
m is the slope inclination [-]
Data (e.g. records of flood levels) must be obtained
∆Q is the sudden change in discharge [m /s] from the relevant authorities to enable the speed at
which the water level drops, vza, to be determined.
∆h is the increase and decrease in water level
[m] The pore water pressures in the soil may be consid-
erably higher than the hydrostatic still-water level
when a flood is receding, depending on the perme-
The above equations have been analysed, by way of ability of the soil in the vicinity of the bank (see
an example, for a mean water depth of 3.0 m, which Figure 5.50).
is a typical value for standard trapezoidal cross-
sections (see Figure 5.49).

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 81

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Information on the drawdown velocity vza is given in

the following subsections:
- for shipping (primary waves (see

- for wind waves and ship-induced secondary

waves (see
- for positive surge and drawdown (see 5.9.2)
- for flood waves (see 5.9.3)

Figure 5.50 Determination of the relevant magnitude of

drawdown after saturation of the soil or a rise
in the groundwater level by Dhw above the
still-water level
hw water depth at still-water level (SWL)
Dhw temporary rise in water level
za maximum rapid drawdown below SWL

The difference Dhw between the groundwater level

and the still-water level must be taken into account
in the geotechnical design.
Local experience and observations of the ground-
water over many years must be referred to when
ascertaining the relevant groundwater level. The
exact value of Dhw must be determined from the
point at which the groundwater level intersects the Figure 5.51 Pore water pressure parameter b* as a func-
failure surface being considered. tion of the permeability k of the soil for a
drawdown velocity vza of 0.12 m/s /Köhler
1997/ or a drawdown time ta* = 5s
5.10 Excess pore water pressure as
a function of rapid drawdown za
5.10.1 General
5.10.3 Magnitude of excess pore water
The following input parameters are required for the pressure Du
geotechnical design of permeable revetments as
described in chapter 7: The excess pore water pressure Du resulting from
rapid drawdown can be determined as a function of
- maximum rapid drawdown za and the associated
the depth z below the slope or bed of the river or
drawdown velocity vza
canal by means of the following equation. It is an
- maximum excess pore water pressure at the input parameter for the geotechnical design of per-
depth of the critical failure surface dkrit as a func- meable revetments /Köhler 1989/:
tion of za and vza.
Excess pore water pressure Du [kN/m ]
5.10.2 Maximum drawdown za and
drawdown velocity vza Du (z) = g W za (1- a e -b z ) (5-107)
The rapid drawdown za can be determined for the
following cases by means of the calculation methods where
and recommendations given in this publication:
a is a pore water pressure parameter [-]
- shipping (see 5.5.4) a = 1, unless other values are obtained from
- wind waves (see 5.7) the mathematical description of the measure-
ment results
- positive surge and drawdown (see 5.9.2)
b is a pore water pressure parameter [1/m] in
- flood waves (see 5.9.3) accordance with eq. (5-109)
The maximum drawdown za relevant to the design it depends on the drawdown time (see
must be determined for the most unfavourable case and permeability (see also Figure
in which several instances of drawdown are super- 5.51)
imposed as described in 4.3.

82 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

e is Euler‘s constant [-] t a* = 5 s

e » 2.718
b* = 0,166 k -0,327 (5-110)
z is the depth below the surface of the slope [m]
or the bed of the river or canal, normal to the ta is the drawdown time [s] in accordance with
za is the maximum rapid drawdown [m] ta = ta,B in accordance with eq. (5-37) to
za = za,B is the maximum rapid drawdown (5-39) if the the drawdown at the
[m] for the relevant drawdown at bow is considered
the bow in accordance with ta = ta,H in accordance with eq. (5-40) if the
eq. (7-0a) drawdown at the stern is
za = za,H is the maximum rapid drawdown considered
[m] for the relevant drawdown at k is the water permeability [m/s] of the soil
the stern in accordance with
eq. (7-0b)
Lower values of b are obtained for longer drawdown
gW is the weight density of water [kN/m ] times, i.e. where ta > 5s, and conversely higher val-
g W = rW g ues of b are obtained for shorter drawdown times,
3 i.e. where ta < 5s, when using eq. (5-109).
rW is the density of water [kg/m ]
In cases of doubt, the value of b must be determined
from measurements of the excess pore water pres-
The pore water pressure parameter b is a measure
of the decrease in the excess pore water pressure
Du with the depth. The reciprocal value of b corres-
ponds approximately to the depth zh at which Du
reaches half its maximum value (see Figure 3.4). An
exact value is obtained by:

ln 2
b= (5-108)

This means that b is inversely proportional to the

depth zh or proportional to the excess pore water
pressure Du at a given depth in the subsoil. The
higher the value of b, the greater its destabilizing
effect on the revetment will be.
The pore water pressure parameter b can be deter-
mined as a function of the water permeability k of
the soil for a drawdown time ta = ta* = 5s in accor-
dance with Figure 5.51 or eq. (5-110). This pa-
rameter b (k ,t a = 5s ) is referred to below as b*. Al-
lowance for other influence quantities such as the
oedometer modulus of soil ES and the degree of
saturation S of the soil has been made in Figure
5.51 eq. (5-110) /Köhler 1997/. The pore water pres-
sure parameter b* can be converted into a parame-
ter b for a different drawdown time where ta ¹ 5s by
means of the factor t a* t a :

t a*
b = b* (5-109)

b is a pore water pressure parameter [1/m]

b* is a pore water pressure parameter [1/m] in

accordance with Figure 5.51 or eq. (5-110) for

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 83

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

84 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

6 Hydraulic design of unbound where

armourstone cover layers G50 is the mass [kg] at the 50 % value of the cu-
6.1 General mulative frequency line of the stone masses,
see Figure 6.1
The hydraulic design of unbound armourstone cover 3
layers must be based on the actions of waves and/or rS is the density of the armourstones [kg/m ]
currents described in chapter 5.
Other design methods use sizes of screened stones
Experience and tests conducted with models have such as D50 or D85. The design sizes stated here
shown that the resistance of such cover layers to apply to screening performed with a sieve with
erosion due to the actions of waves or currents is square perforations. The grain size Dx is defined in
affected by the following parameters: Figure 6.2.
· stone weight or size (grain size) and dry density
· thickness of the stone layer
· pore size and thickness of the substructure
Many methods of designing armourstone cover lay-
ers exposed to loads due to waves and currents are
based on determining the required mean weight of
the stones G50 (see Figure 6.1), which has been
shown to be a relevant parameter for the erosion
resistance of riprap armour /Dietz 1973; Fuehrer,
Römisch 1985; Hudson 1959/.

Figure 6.2 Definition of grain size Dx

Explanatory remark: DGi corresponds to the
percentage by weight of a screening sample
that passes a sieve with opening size Dio but
is retained on a sieve with opening size Diu

The most frequently used parameters Dn50 and D50

are linked approximately by the shape factor SF:

Dn50 » SF 3 D50 (6-2)
Figure 6.1 Definition of the mean stone mass G50
SF =

The required stone size is calculated after initially

determining the nominal stone size Dn50 from G50
and the selected dry density. The nominal stone size
corresponds to the length of the sides of a cube
weighing G50.

æG ö 3
Dn50 = çç 50 ÷÷ (6-1)
è rS ø

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 85

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

where Stone size D50 required to resist transversal stern

a is the largest dimension of an armourstone waves [m]
[m] in accordance with Figure 6.3
b is the medium dimension of an armourstone H Bem
[m] in accordance with Figure 6.3 D 50 ³ (6-3)
ær -r ö
c is the smallest dimension of an armourstone BB¢ ç S W ÷ m1/3
ç rW ÷
[m] in accordance with Figure 6.3 è ø

D50 is the grain size at 50 % of particles passing where

B'B is the stability coefficient [-],
Dn50 is the nominal stone size [m] (grain size) derived from field tests /BAW 2002/
SF is the shape factor [-] B'B= 1.5 (lower limit of measured values)
0.5 ≤ SF ≤ 0.8 armourstones in accor- to 2.3 (mean measured value)
dance with /TLW/ The following is recommended for the design:
SF = 0.65 typical mean value for ar-
mourstones B'B=1.5 if the design case occurs frequently
and/or if damage to the revetment is
Reference should be made to 6.9 for the correlation intended to be avoided as far as
between the nominal stone size Dn50 and the stone possible
length specified in /TLW/.
B'B=2.3 if the design case occurs infre-
quently and/or if a certain amount of
maintenance is allowed for
D50 is the required stone size (grain size) at 50 %
of particles passing [m]
HBem is the design wave height [m]
Maximum value of Hu,Heck bzw. HSek,q
Hu,Heck height of stern waves of the primary
wave system in accordance with, eq. (5-32) and Figure 5.13
HSek,q height of pure transversal stern
waves of the secondary wave
system in accordance with,
eq. (5-47), limited by eq. (5-50)
m is the slope inclination, m = cot β [-]
N.B.: Use the actual slope inclination mrts or
mlks instead of mK,äqui in this case.
b is the slope angle [°]
Figure 6.3 Definition of the dimensions a, b and c of an
armourstone ρW is the density of water [kg/m ]
ρS is the density of the armourstones [kg/m ]
N.B.: As specified in the current version of
6.2 Stone size required to resist
loading due to transversal
stern waves The design equation is based on Hudson’s equation
for determining the stone size required to withstand
The minimum mean stone size D50 of the cover layer
wave run-up. The slope inclination influences the
material of bank revetments that is required to resist type of breaker and the run-off velocity of the wave,
displacement under normal sailing conditions can be which is what produces the greatest loads. For such
calculated for the maximum height of any transver-
waves, which are usually parallel to the bank, the
sal stern wave by means of the following equation: influence m
on D50 is overestimated, particularly
for gentle slope inclinations. Eq. (6-3) should there-
fore only be used for engineered slopes with inclina-
tions m of approx. 2 to 5.

86 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

The following can be assumed to allow for the in- The wave length LH depends on the shape of the
fluence of the effective angle of shearing resistance stern of the ship and on the bank distance in parti-
j 'D and slope angle b in a first approximation in cular. The following approximation applies to large
analogy to the design for slope supply flow: inland cargo vessels, tugs and push-tow units sailing
close to a bank:
H u,Heck CBö
D50 ³ (6-4) LH » 2.5 u eff (6-6)
r - rW
where ueff is the effective bank distance [m]
B*B is the coefficient for the frequency of recur- in accordance with Figure 5.19 in
rence [-]
B*B ≈ 2.0 if the design case occurs fre-
Small craft sailing extremely close to a bank can
quently and/or if damage to the therefore be of significance to the design in spite of
revetment is intended to be avoi- the fact that the wave heights are likely to be smal-
ded as far as possible ler.
B*B ≈ 3.0 if the design case occurs infre-
quently and/or if a certain amount
of maintenance is allowed for
6.3 Stone size required to resist
CBö is a factor for consideration of the influence of flow due to propulsion
the slope [-]
Definition below eq. (6-12) in 6.7.1, 6.3.1 Stone size required to resist jet
Hu,Heck is the height of stern waves [m] in accordan-
ce with, eq. (5-32) and Figure 5.13 For the load case covering manoeuvring or bollard
and the height of the secondary waves in ac- pull propeller tests, the mean stone size D50 of the
cordance with, eq. (5-47), limited by cover layer material of bed revetments that is requi-
eq. (5-50) red to ensure the stability of the bed without a signi-
ficant degree of scouring must be determined for the
maximum velocity vBmax (see 5.6.4) in accordance
Observations have shown that steep waves are with the following relationship:
potentially more destructive than waves with a small
degree of steepness, given the same wave height. Stone size D50 required to resist propeller wash
The following applies, based on the design to resist [m]
wave run-up:
v max, S rW
D50 ³ BS (6-7)
3 1 g rS - r W
H u,Heck 4 LH 4 C Bö
D50 ³ (6-5)
~ r - rW where
rW BS is the coefficient for jet attack on a plane bed
BS ≈ 1.23 for ships without a middle rudder
~ and inland navigation vessels
BB is the coefficient for the frequency of
with a tunnel stern, standard si-
recurrence [-]
~ tuations 1 and 4 (see
BB » 6 if the design case occurs fre- and bow thrusters (see 5.6.5)
quently and/or if damage to the BS ≈ 0.64 for ships with a middle rudder,
revetment is intended to be avoi- standard situations 2 and 3
ded as far as possible (see
BB » 9 if the design case occurs infre-
vmax,S is the maximum flow velocity at the bed [m/s]
quently and/or if a certain amount
of maintenance is allowed for vmax,S = vxr or vxr1 for an exact calculation see
LH is the wave length of the breaking transversal
stern wave, determined in analogy to deep- vmax,S = vBmax or vBmax1 for a simplified calcula-
water waves [m] see eq. (6-6) tion see 5.6.4

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 87

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

N.B.: Part of the surrounding flow field must BS,Bö = BS / K

be taken into account (vectorial addition of the
relevant flow velocities near the bed), see the
following note. K = Kl K q
Note: For moving ships, the relevant flow velocity
near the bed comprises the return flow, the wake sin(a l + j ' D )
and the current in the canal or river. It must be noted Kl =
sin j ' D
- the flow velocity near the bed is lower,
the return flow beneath the ship may be
(tan a q ) 2
- K q = cos a q 1 -
obstructed by the ship’s hull, (tan j 'D ) 2
- even the wake (water carried along by a ship in
the direction of travel) may act against the flow tan a l = tan b cos b St
due to propulsion.
A design method has not been specified here as the tan a q = tan b sin b St
appropriate method will need to be selected on a
case-to-case basis.
K is the inclination coefficient [-]
Kl is the longitudinal slope coefficient [-]
Kq is the cross slope coefficient [-]
al is the longitudinal slope angle [°]
aq is the cross slope angle [°]
b is the slope angle [°]
b = arctan (1/m)
b St is the angle between the jet axis and slope
line normal (angle of impact) [°]
j 'D is the angle of shearing resistance of the re-
vetment [°] in accordance with 4.3
Figure 6.4 Diagram showing jet attack on a bank during
(a) a turning manoeuvre or during (b) deflecti-
on of the jet during a casting-off manoeuvre 6.3.2 Stone size required to limit the
depth of scour due to propeller
If the jet from the main drive or bow thrusters strikes
a bank the value of BS stated above will depend on The equations stated by /Römisch 1975/ and
the longitudinal slope angle and the cross slope /Ducker, Miller 1996/ can be used to estimate the
angle in the direction of the jet (see Figure 6.4) and depth of scour caused by propeller wash or the sto-
must be replaced with BS,Bö : ne size required for a given tolerated scour depth:

88 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

6.4 Stone size required to resist

loading due to secondary
æ B* ö
* diverging waves
hKolk ÷ for 1 £ B £ 1.4
= Cm 0.1 ç * The wave crests of the diverging waves propagating
D85 çB ÷ *
è 85 ø from the bow and stern of a ship strike the bank at
an angle b W of approx. 55° when the ship is sailing
æ B* ö
2.25 parallel to the bank and when v S g hm < 0.8 (see
hKolk B*
= Cm 4.6 ç * ÷ for > 1.4 Figure 5.20). The ship-induced secondary waves
D85 çB ÷ *
è 85 ø can be treated as incident waves according to
(6-9) /Verhey, Bogaerts 1989/ if the wave height is redu-
v max, S ced as follows by the factor cos b W :
B* =
g ' D85
Nominal stone size Dn50 required to resist secon-
dary diverging waves [m]
* *
B85 = B85,0 K
H Sek (cos b W ) 2 x 2

where Dn50 ³
rS - r W
2.25 (cos b + sin b )
B* is the load coefficient [-] rW (6-10)
B85 is the stability coefficient for slopes [-] æ l ö 2
x = tan b çç S ÷÷
* è H Sek ø
B85,0 is the stability coefficient, in general [-]
B85,0 = 1.25 for standard situations 1 and where
4 (see and bow HSek is the height of the secondary waves [m] in
thrusters (see 5.6.5 accordance with 5.5.5, possibly with superim-
* posed wind waves as described in 5.7
B85,0 = 1.73 for standard situations 2 and
3 (see lS is the wave length of the secondary diverging
wave [m] in accordance with eq. (5-46)
Cm is the coefficient for the duration of the load [-]
b is the slope angle [°]
Cm = 1.0 for permanent loads
bW is the angle between the wave crest of the
Cm = 0.3 for temporary loads for manoeu- secondary diverging wave and the bank line
vres and for scouring in revet- [°]; usually b W = 55° (see Figure 5.20)
ments comprising common types
of armourstone (does not apply to x is the surf similarity parameter [-]
sand or gravel)
Equations (6-3) and (6-4) may be used approximati-
g' is the relative density [m/s ] vely for transversal stern waves parallel to the bank.
g' = g((r S -r W )/r W) HSek in accordance with eq. (5-47) and limited by
eq. (5-50) must then be substituted for Hu,Heck.
h Kolk is the depth of scour below the bed of the river
or canal [m]
K is the inclination coefficient [-] (see eq. (6-8)) 6.5 Stone size required to resist
wind waves
vmax,S is the maximum flow velocity at the bed [m/s]
– for the main drive vBmax or vBmax1 in accor- The mean nominal stone size Dn50 of a cover layer
dance with 5.6.4 required to resist loading due solely to wind waves
– for bow thrusters vxmax or vmax,S,K in accor- must be determined by the following equation
dance with 5.6.5 /PIANC 1987a/:
rW is the density of water [kg/m ]
Nominal stone size Dn50 required to resist wind
rS is the density of the riprap [kg/m ] waves [m]

The development of scour over time must be obser-

ved in the case of small grain sizes and large scour Hs x rW
Dn 50 ³ (6-11)
depths /Gaudio et al. 2003/. 2.25 r S - r W

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 89

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

where where
Dn50 is the required mean nominal stone size [m] CBö is a factor for considering the influence of the
Hs is the significant wave height (design wave slope [-]
height for wind waves) [m] CBö=1/k
2 2 0.5
k = cosβ [1 - (tan β/tan j'D )]
rW is the density of water [kg/m ]
CIsb is a factor according to Isbash [-]
rS is the density of the armourstones [kg/m ] CIsb ≈ 0.7
x is the surf similarity parameter [-] see 5.8.2 D50 is the required stone size (grain size) at 50 %
of particles passing [m]
g is the acceleration due to gravity [m/s ]
6.6 Stone size required to resist
combined loads due to ship- vmax is the maximum flow velocity [m/s] composed
induced waves and wind waves of the return flow and flow velocity
Secondary diverging waves and wind waves may Flow velocity in the direction of travel
very occasionally be superimposed unfavourably, (downstream):
usually behind the ship. The wave heights are added v max = vˆrück - v Str
together if the wave lengths are similar. If there are Flow velocity opposite to the direction of travel
great differences in the wave lengths, the resulting (upstream):
wave height can be taken to be
v max = vˆrück + v Str
½ HSek + Hs (Hs > HSek)
v̂ rück is the maximum return flow velocity [m/s]
v̂ rück ,u,Bug for the bow section in accordance
½ Hs + HSek (HSek > Hs)
The equation in either 6.4 or 6.5 is used to determi-
v̂ rück ,u,Heck for the stern section in accordance
ne the required stone size, depending on which
component of the wave height forms the greater part with
of the resultant value. vStr is the flow velocity without shipping [m/s] near
the slope
6.7 Stone size required to resist β is the slope angle [°]
attack by currents j'D is the angle of shearing resistance [°]
In addition to loads due to ship-induced waves and approx. 55° for common cover layer materials
wind waves, the planned cover layer must also ρW is the density of water [kg/m ]
withstand attack by currents flowing parallel to the 3
bank and bottom of the river or canal. This type of ρS is the density of riprap [kg/m ]
attack results from natural currents, return flows and
in some cases from the superimposition of these Eq. (6-12) is based on a limit definition by Isbash
parameters or from the slope supply flow of the /DVWK 118/ that ensures stability against pure at-
breaking stern wave. tack by currents for horizontal and gently sloping
river and canal beds. It yields higher values than
other methods /DVWK 118; Söhngen, Koll 1997/.
6.7.1 Stone size required to resist
attack by currents flowing largely Extending the basic equation to include the factor
parallel to the slope CBö describes the increase in the required nominal
stone size Dn50 due to the slope angle b and the
The following equation may be used to obtain a angle of shearing resistance j'D of the riprap. The
rough estimate of the stone size /PIANC 1987a/: relationship CBö = Fkt. (b, j'D) can be seen in Figure
Stone size D50 required to resist currents [m] The point at which the natural bed material (adjacent
to the toe of the revetment) begins to move can be
estimated by means of the methods described by
v max 1 Hjulström (empirical method; correlation between
D 50 ³ CIsb CBö (6-12)
g rS - r W the mean flow velocity and mean grain size),
rW Shields (semi-empirical method; correlation
between the velocity of the shear stress at the bed
and the roughness of the bed; iterative solution) or
Bonnefille (same as for Shields; direct solution), as

90 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

explained in detail in /Dittrich 1998/. All of these Flow velocity in direction vs (vessel travelling
methods apply to uniform bed material downstream):
(U = D60/D10 < 3) with grain sizes D less than umax,B = umax + vStr
100 mm.
Flow velocity opposite to direction vs
(vessel travelling upstream):
umax,B = umax - vStr

Allowance must be made for boundary effects as the

depth of water in the slope supply flow is small, cor-
responding more or less to the wave height. The
loads acting on a slope are therefore greater for
rough slopes than for slopes stabilised with small
stone sizes. This effect can be taken into account
approximately by introducing the height of the stern
waves as follows in accordance with /BAW 2002/:

Stone size D50 [m] taking into account of the stern

wave height

Figure 6.5 Dependence of factor CBö on the slope æ ö 2
ç 2 ÷
angle b or the slope inclination m and the umax,B CBö
angle of shearing resistance j'D D 50 ³ çç ÷
÷ (6-14)
rS - r W 1
ç g 1.4 H u,Heck 3 ÷
è rW ø

6.7.2 Stone size required to resist loads where

on the slope due to slope supply
flow Hu,Heck is the maximum height of the stern wave
including the secondary wave component
The coefficient CIsb in eq. (6-12) must be reduced for near the slope [m] in accordance with,
loads due to the temporary, highly turbulent cur- eq. (5-32)
rents, partly mixed with air and flowing parallel to the
slope, that occur when a transversal stern wave
breaks (surf similarity parameter, see and The above equations can only provide an initial
the resulting depression is filled from astern. The estimate of the stone size required for a revetment
following grain size D50 is obtained using the maxi- owing to the uncertainties in the determination of
mum flow velocity umax, allowing for the bed current: umax,B. However, they show that the ship speed and
the height of the breaking stern wave, on which
umax,B largely depends, are crucial to determining the
Stone size D50 required to resist slope supply flow stone size.

u max,B 1
6.8 Stone size as specified in the
D 50 ³ 0.5 CBö (6-13) Technical Supply Conditions for
g rS - r W
Armourstones (TLW)
The stone size Dn50 is not the same as the mean
size of armourstones if the stones are classified in
accordance with the Technical Supply Conditions for
Armourstones /TLW/. The classification of ar-
umax,B is the design velocity of the slope supply flow mourstones in /TLW/ (1997 edition) is based on the
[m/s] characteristic greatest stone length DL (largest mea-
maximum velocity of the slope supply flow sured dimension of an armourstone, cf. length a in
umax in accordance with eq. (5-33) in Figure 6.3), the class boundaries specified in that
plus a component of the bed current (mean publication being DL0 and DL100. Thus the stone sizes
flow velocity near the slope) vStr are not determined by screening. DL50 is not defined
exactly in /TLW/. Permissible grading bands for the
riprap classes 0 – V as specified in /TLW/ are shown
in Figure 6.6. Generally speaking, D Lx or DL50 for
50 % (see Figure 6.2) can be calculated as follows,

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 91

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

assuming a loglinear grain distribution that applies to metamorphic sedimentary rock such as limestone,
the median line of the grading bands shown in greywacke, gneiss, etc. and generally lower for plu-
Figure 6.6 (corresponding to the class boundaries in tonic rocks such as basalt. The ratio of the length of
/TLW/): armourstones to their nominal size must be determi-
ned on a case-to-case basis by examining a sample
æD ö 100% of the stones intended for use.
General : DLx = DL0 çç L100 ÷
è DL0 ø Screening classes (criterion: grain size Di) and
weight classes (criterion: Gi) are specified in the
0.50 2003 edition of /TLW/ which was adopted in 2004. If
æD ö
For x = 50 %: DL50 = DL0 çç L100 ÷ D50 is determined, it can be used directly to establish
è DL0 ø the required screening class. If a nominal stone size
Dn50 is calculated, it can be converted into D50 as
It must be checked whether the actual grading curve follows to enable a screening class to be selected,
is reflected accurately enough by the median line of the calculation being based on eq. (6-2):
the grading bands shown in Figure 6.6. If not, the
lower edge of the band applies. D50 = 1.15 Dn50.
According to /Abromeit 1997; Kniess 1977/ the rela- The nominal stone size Dn50 can be converted as
tionship between the stone size of compact, i.e. follows to enable a weight class G50 to be selected,
neither flat or rod-shaped, stones as specified in the calculation being based on eq. (6-1):
/TLW/ and the nominal stone size Dn is as follows: 3
G50 = (D n50) r S or
Stone size according to /TLW/ DTLW [m] G50 = 0.65 (D 50) r S
The 2003 edition of /TLW/ is based on /DIN EN
13383/. Further comments on this subject are inclu-
DTLW = DL » 1.6 Dn (6-15)
ded in /Abromeit 2004/.

DL is the characteristic greatest stone length [m] 6.9 Thickness of the cover layer
Dn is the nominal stone size [m] The uses of the design equations for the required
stone size stated in 6.2 to 6.7 presuppose a mini-
DTLW is the stone size according to /TLW/ [m] mum construction thickness dD of the cover layer.
This results from the boundary conditions of the
The relationship in eq. (6-15) is based on the shape various model tests on which the design methods
of the armourstones, which is somewhere between a are based /Dietz 1973; Hudson 1959; Fuehrer, Rö-
sphere and a cube /Knieß 1977/. misch 1985/:

Thickness of cover layer dD [m]

d D = (1.5 ¸ 2.0 ) Dn50 (6-16)

dD is the required construction thickness of a
cover layer [m]
Dn50 is the required mean nominal stone size [m]
Very permeable cover layer substructures (coarse
gravel or coarse granular material) are also hydrau-
lically effective in the case of actions due to waves
and/or currents. The thickness of the substructure
may therefore be taken into account fully in the
hydraulic design of unbound riprap cover layers
/Abromeit 1997/.
Figure 6.6 Permitted grading bands for riprap classes 0 –
V as specified in /TLW/, taken from /MAK/ The following thickness is recommended as the
(1989 edition) smallest erosion-resistant construction thickness of
riprap if the coefficient of uniformity U of the latter is
The factor of 1.6 stated in eq. (6-15) is an approxi- taken into account /Abromeit 1997/:
mate value. It is often higher for armourstones of

92 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Minimum required construction thickness ρB is the dry density of a single stone in the al-
min dD [m] ternative hydraulically equivalent cover layer
(B) [kg/m ]
ρ'B is the effective density of a single stone in the
min d D = 1.5 Dn50 U (6-17) alternative hydraulically equivalent cover layer
(B) [kg/m ]
where ρ'B = ρB - ρ W
Dn50 is the required mean nominal stone size [m]
Conversion is recommended when the stone size of
min dD is the minimum required construction the initial cover layer determined for a particular
thickness [m] design case does not correspond to the mean stone
U is the coefficient of uniformity of the riprap [-] size of the size class specified in /TLW/ and a larger
U = D60 /D10 or smaller stone size must be selected, for example.
The same applies when safety considerations requi-
re the use of a slightly greater cover layer thickness
6.10 Determination of hydraulically than that determined by the hydraulic design. In this
equivalent revetments case, the stone size may be slightly reduced. Using
a lower stone size class may mean that it may be
The design methods described above will only pro- possible, for example, to extend the range of sui-
vide the mean stone size relevant to the minimum table filter grades or possibly even to omit a filter
construction thickness. The stones may be smaller if stage if granular filters are used /MAK/ or to dispen-
the construction thickness is greater or the se with a granular intermediate layer if a geotextile
substructure of the cover layer is very permeable. filter is used /MAG/.
The construction thickness of alternative hydrauli-
cally equivalent cover layers permitted for a particu- The applicability of eq. (6-18) is restricted as regards
lar design case can be determined approximately as the stone size DnSt(B) for reasons relating to the re-
follows for loads due to incident waves in accordan- sistance of single grains to attack by waves and
ce with /Abromeit 1997/: currents as there is a limit to the degree to which the
hydraulic stability can be improved by increasing the
thickness of the cover layer.
Construction thickness of a hydraulically equiva-
lent cover layer dD (B) [m] Conversely, there is a limit to the degree to which
the thickness of the cover layer can be reduced in
order to avoid endangering the bond of the stones. It
DnSt (A) d D (A) r ¢A is for this reason that stone sizes lower than those
d D (B) = (6-18) determined by means of eqs. (6-3) to (6-5), (6-10)
DnSt (B) r ¢B
and (6-12) to (6-14) must not used, irrespective of
eq. (6-18).
Furthermore, the minimum thicknesses specified in
dD(A) is the construction thickness of the initial co- 6.9 must be complied with.
ver layer (A) including a possibly very perme-
able granular substructure [m]
dD(B) is the construction thickness of the alternative 6.11 Minimum thicknesses
hydraulically equivalent cover layer (B) inclu-
ding the thickness of a possibly very perme- The minimum thicknesses specified below must be
able granular substructure [m] complied with in addition to those determined under
6.9 to enable the revetment to withstand hydraulic
DnSt(A) is the nominal stone size of the initial cover
actions /Abromeit 1997/.
layer for design case (A) [m]
The minimum thickness of a cover layer (on the
DnSt(B) is the nominal stone size selected for the al- bed) required to provide adequate safety against
ternative hydraulically equivalent cover layer
anchor cast is:
(B) [m]
ρW is the density of water [kg/m ] min dD ≥ 0.5 m + x (on granular filters)
approx. 1000 kg/m (6-19)
min dD ≥ 0.6 m + x (on geotextile filters)
ρA is the dry density of a single stone in design
case (A) [kg/m ]
ρ'A is the effective density of a single stone in
design case (A) [kg/m ]
ρ'A = ρA - ρ W

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 93

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

where 6.12.2 Above the still-water level

min dD is the minimum thickness of the cover layer The upper boundary of a revetment is determined by
[m] the wave run-up (see 5.8.6) and wind set-up
(see 5.7.4), depending on the freeboard required.
x is the additional thickness for the different
kinds of stone [m]
x=0m when armourstones are used 6.12.3 Below the still-water level
x = 0.2 m for small-grained or ungraded The lower boundary of a revetment is determined by
materials the required mean stone size Dn50 /PIANC 1987a/.
The minimum thickness (on the slope) required to For primary waves, the depth R'd below the still-
provide adequate safety against impacts by ships is: water level can be determined from Figure 6.7 using
the maximum drawdown Dĥu,Bug (see or
min dD ≥ 0.3 m + x (on granular filters)
(6-20) Dĥu,Heck (see Either the slope inclination or
min dD ≥ 0.5 m + x (on geotextile filters)
the slope angle must be taken into account when
determining the length of the revetment below SWL.
Generally speaking, the following minimum
thickness of the cover layer shall apply if a granular For secondary waves and wind waves, the depth
filter is used: R'd depends on the relevant wave height H and can
be taken from Figure 6.8. The significant wave
min dD ≥ 1.5 D50,TLW + 0.10 m (6-21) height Hs applies in the case of wind waves, for ex-
ample (see 5.7.5).
where The more unfavourable of the two values of R'd shall
D50,TLW is the required mean size according to /TLW/ be used in the design.
[m] The revetment must extend at least below the bilge
The following minimum thickness of the cover layer of a moving ship if the safety margin between ship
shall apply if a geotextile filter is used in order to and bank is small and there is a risk of ships colli-
ensure adequate protection against ultraviolet radia- ding with the bank.

ì1.5 D50,TLW ü 6.13 Design for the transition from a

min d D ³ maximum of í ý (6-22) vertical bank to a slope
î 0.10 m þ revetment
The cover layer must be designed for twice the wave
height over a length of 25 m in the transition zone
6.12 Length of revetments in the from a vertical bank to a slope revetment to allow for
line of the slope required to the Mach reflection that may occur there (see 5.8.7).
resist wave loads
6.12.1 General
The slope revetment does not need to be continued
down to the bed of a canal or river with same stone
size and thickness in accordance with the design
principles stated above if it is held in place on the
slope by friction in accordance with when
exposed to wave action and the natural ground be-
low the lower edge of the slope revetment is re-
sistant to erosion as specified in /MAK/. There are
no reliable data available for the design of revet-
ments below the main stabilisation zone. It is re-
commended that the slope be stabilised in such a
way that it is able to withstand the mean return flow
velocity (eq. (5-23) in 5.5.3).
The length of a revetment in the direction of the
slope line will depend on the still-water level SWL
and on the types of wave.

94 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Figure 6.7 Length of a revetment below SWL for primary

waves in accordance with /PIANC 1987a/
(∆h = zA in chapter 5)

Figure 6.8 Length of a revetment below SWL for secon-

dary waves and wind waves in accordance
with /PIANC 1987a/

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 95

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

96 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

revetment thickness in opposite ways in the geo-

technical design. As the non-linearity of the pa-
7 Geotechnical design of rameters means that their interplay cannot be pre-
unbound cover layers dicted, both the fast, yet shallower, bow wave and
the slower, yet larger, stern wave may be relevant to
7.1 General the design of a revetment. Accordingly, both cases
7.1.1 Guidance on design need to be examined.

A distinction between the local and global stability of First, the drawdown times at the bow and stern are
permeable and impermeable revetments must be calculated (see The pore water pressure
made in the geotechnical design of cover layers. parameter b (see 5.10.3) in each case can then be
determined using the respective drawdown time and
The design must ensure local stability for the load the water permeability k of the soil.
case in which excess pore water pressure occurs as
a result of rapid drawdown of the water level and the The geotechnically relevant drawdown comprises
required mass per unit area of the revetment must the water surface elevation in front of the ship's bow
be determined. The global stability of the water-side and the subsequent drawdown of the water level
slope must also be checked. adjacent to the ship (see Figure 7.0-a). The water
surface elevation in front of the bow occurs around
The weight of the granular filter may be added to the not more than 120 s prior to drawdown. If the hy-
mass per unit area of the cover layer in each of the draulic permeability k of the ground is relatively low,
following analyses for the geotechnical design of the time is too short to cause a corresponding rise in
cover layers. the pore water pressure at the critical depth relevant
The porosity n of granular filters with the weight to the subsequent drawdown. Accordingly, the water
densities g F and g 'F can be taken as 0.45. Additional surface elevation in front of the bow DhWA,B need not
guidance on design is given in 4.3. always be taken into account fully when determining
the drawdown at the bow za,B or the stern za,H that is
relevant to the geotechnical design. Depending on
7.1.2 Input parameters the permeability of the soil, it can be reduced using
the factor fDh shown in Figure 7.0-b in accor-
Hydraulic input parameters are required for the
dance with eq. (7-0a) or eq. (7-0b).
geotechnical design of unbound cover layers. They
are derived from the hydraulic parameters deter-
mined in chapter 5.

Figure 7.0-a Input parameters for geotechnical design Figure 7.0-b Factor for reducing the effect of the water
(for a factor fDh = 1) surface elevation in front of the bow on the
maximum rapid water level drawdown za

In this case, it is above all the loads due to the

maximum rapid water level drawdown that are of
significance. Both the bow wave and the stern wave Maximum rapid water level drawdown for the re-
may be relevant to the design (see Figure 7.0-a). levant drawdown at bow za,B [m] or stern za,H [m]
The drawdown time of the bow wave ta,B is shorter
than that of the stern wave ta,H, which means that, za,B = Hu,Bug × (0,91+ 0,09 × f ∆hWA,B ) (7-0a)
for a given soil, the pore water pressure parameter b
(see 5.10.3) is greater for the bow wave than for the
stern wave. However, the drawdown at the bow za,B
z a,H = 0,1 × f ∆h WA,B × H u,Bug + H u,Heck
is generally less pronounced than that at the stern
za,H. Both are included as non-linear parameters in 1 (7-0b)
- H Sek,q
the calculation of the excess pore water pressure Du 2
(see 5.10.3) and the critical depth (see 7.2.2) which
subsequently affect the calculation of the required

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 97

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

where In the equation

Hu,Bug is the maximum height of the bow wave at b is a pore water pressure parameter [1/m] in
the bank closest to the ship for eccentric sail- accordance with Figure 5.51
ing [m] in accordance with eq. (5-31)
za is the maximum rapid drawdown [m]
fDh is the factor for reducing the effect of the
WA,B za = Hu,Bug relevant drawdown at the bow (in-
water surface elevation in front of the bow as cluding water surface elevation in
shown in Figure 7.0-b front of the bow and possibly long-
Hu,Heck is the maximum height of the stern wave at wave components of the back-
the bank closest to the ship for eccentric sail- water at the bow) in accordance
ing [m] in accordance with eq. (5-32) with eq. (5-31) (see also Figure
HSek,q is the height of pure secondary transversal *
z a = H u,H relevant drawdown at the stern in
stern waves [m] in accordance with eq. (5-47).
accordance with eq. (5-41) (see
also Figure 5.18)
7.2 Local stability of permeable b is the slope angle [°]
g' is the effective weight density of the soil
7.2.1 General [kN/m ]

The rapid drawdown of the water level of a river or gW is the weight density of water [kN/m ]

canal is always accompanied by excess pore water

pressures in the soil close to the surface of the bed j' is the effective angle of shearing resistance of
and banks of the canal or river (see 3.4.3). the soil [°]
In the case of permeable revetments
· sliding may occur along a failure surface in the If d krit £ 0, local stability is ensured, even without the
ground parallel to the slope at the critical depth weight of the revetment.
d krit below the revetment or
Eq. (7-1) is only defined for j' > b . This calculation
· hydrodynamic soil displacement may occur di- method cannot be used for the assessment if b ³ j'.
rectly below the revetment In that case, the cover layer must be designed in the
if the revetment has an insufficient weight per unit same way as a retaining wall without bending stiff-
area, depending on the degree and velocity of draw- ness.
Geotechnical analyses for both types of failure must
always be carried out in order to determine the re- 7.2.3 Weight per unit area of cover
quired weight per unit area of permeable revetments layers required to protect slope
on banks, i.e. for the assessment of local stability. revetments against sliding failure
Such analyses can also be used to check the local General
stability of natural banks.
The following method of calculating the required
weight per unit area of a permeable cover layer on a
7.2.2 Depth of the critical failure bank is based on the failure mechanisms specified
surface d krit for the equilibrium of forces in the plastic limit state
The shear resistance of the soil is lowest at the criti- in accordance with Rankine’s special case.
cal depth d krit owing to the excess pore water pres- Initially, an infinitely long slope is considered, after
sure so that, on slopes, the soil layer above the criti- which the additional influences resulting from a toe
cal depth may slide. The depth of the critical failure support or revetment suspension are included.
surface is required to enable the required weight per
unit area of the cover layer to be calculated and is The shear stresses in the sliding surface are deter-
determined as follows: mined. Any other relevant forces (e.g. toe support)
are converted into equivalent shear stresses.

Depth of the critical failure surface d krit [m] The weight per unit area of the cover layer and the
associated thickness of a permeable slope revet-
ment are calculated for a failure surface close to the
1 tan j ¢ g W z a b surface and parallel to the slope at the critical depth
d krit = ln ³0 (7-1)
b cos b g ¢ (tan j ¢ - tan b ) dkrit, determined as described in 7.2.2.

The equation applies when j' > b .

98 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways Method of calculation Effective weight density of a permeable cover

The weight of the cover layer required to prevent layer g D¢ [kN/m ]
sliding failure of a slope is calculated in accordance
with the following equation /Köhler 1989/:
g D¢ = (1- n )(g S - g W ) (7-3)
Weight per unit area g' of cover layer of a perme-
able slope revetment required to prevent sliding where
failure [kN/m ] n is the porosity of the revetment [-]
g 'D is the effective weight density of the cover
g ¢ = g D¢ d D = layer [kN/m ]

D u tan j ¢ - c ¢ - t F - t A (7-2) gS is the weight density of the armourstone

= - (g F¢ d F + g ¢d krit )
cos b tan j ¢ - sin b [kN/m ]

gW is the weight density of water [kN/m ]
The equation applies when j' > b .
In the equation
2 The following values apply to n:
c' is the effective cohesion of the soil [kN/m ]
approx. 0.50 – 0.55 for dumping under water
dD is the thickness of the cover layer [m]
approx. 0.45 for placing in a dry condition
dF is the thickness of the filter [m]
approx. 0.30 – 0.40 for subsequent manual finishing
dkrit is the critical depth of the failure surface [m] work
in accordance with eq. (7-1)
If the effective cohesion of the soil c' is
g' is the weight per unit area of the cover layer
[kN/m ] c ¢ ³ Du tan b
Du is the excess pore water pressure [kN/m ] in
accordance with eq. (5-107) for z = dkrit in ac- and is permanent, a revetment on such soil (i.e.
cordance with eq. (7-1) cohesive soil) will have an adequate degree of sa-
fety against sliding failure. Permeable cover layers
b is the slope angle [°]
on a clay lining will also have an adequate level of
g' is the effective weight density of the soil safety against sliding failure as the clay lining is con-
[kN/m ] sidered as being similar to a natural cohesive soil for
the purpose of the analysis.
g 'D is the effective weight density of the cover
layer [kN/m ] If a toe support or anchoring forces are considered,
allowance is made for the resulting equivalent addi-
g 'F is the effective weight density of the filter at tional stresses t F (see 7.2.5) and t A (see 7.2.6) in
buoyancy [kN/m ] eq. (7-2). In this case, attention is drawn to the fact
g 'F = 0 for geotextile filters that different types of deformation are required to
j' is the effective angle of shearing resistance of mobilise such stresses and that only the degree to
the soil [°] which they are mobilised must be taken into ac-
tA is the additional stress [kN/m ] from a revet-
ment suspension (see 7.2.6) The required equivalent shear stress erft for a se-
lected cover layer thickness is obtained by means of
tF is the additional stress [kN/m ] from a toe eq. (7-2) as follows:
support (see 7.2.5).
Required equivalent shear stress erf t [kN/m ]
Eq. (7-2) is only defined for soils with an angle of
shearing resistance j' greater than b.
erf t = (dD g D¢ + dF g F¢ + dkrit g ¢) (sinb - cosb tanj¢)
The effective weight density of the cover layer at (7-4)
+ Du tanj ¢ - c¢
buoyancy is calculated as follows:

c' is the effective cohesion of the soil [kN/m ]
dD is the thickness of the cover layer [m]
dF is the thickness of the filter [m]

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 99

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

dkrit is the critical depth of the failure surface [m] in Method of calculation
accordance with eq. (7-1)
The weight per unit area at buoyancy g' of the cover
erf t is the required shear stress [kN/m ] layer that is required to inhibit hydrodynamic soil
displacement is calculated as follows by analogy to
t F additional shear stress from a toe support hydraulic heave:
t A additional shear stress from a revetment
suspension Weight per unit area g' of a permeable cover layer
Du is the excess pore water pressure [kN/m ]
2 at buoyancy required to inhibit hydrodynamic soil
in accordance with eq. (5-107) for z = dkrit in displacement [kN/m ]
accordance with eq. (7-1)
b is the slope angle [°] Du
g ¢ = g D¢ d D ³ - (g F¢ d F + g ¢ d krithB ) (7-5)
cos b
g' is the effective weight density of the soil
[kN/m ]
g 'D is the effective weight density of the cover
layer [kN/m ] b is the pore water pressure parameter [1/m]
in accordance with Figure 5.51, as a function
g 'F is the effective weight density of the filter of the drawdown velocity
[kN/m ], g 'F = 0 for geotextile filters
dD is the thickness of the cover layer [m]
j' is the effective angle of shearing resistance of (measured normally to the surface)
the soil [°]
dF is the thickness of the filter [m]
(measured normally to the surface) Procedure for stratified ground dkrithB is the critical depth of the failure surface [m]
relevant to the hydrodynamic displacement of
If a revetment is placed on stratified ground, the soil
stratum requiring the highest weight per unit area
will determine the weight per unit area of the revet-
ment as a whole. 1 æ g w za b ö
d krithB = lnç ÷³0 (7-6)
b çè g ¢ cos b ÷ø

7.2.4 Weight per unit area of cover g' weight per unit area of the cover layer [kN/m ]

layers to inhibit hydrodynamic soil

displacement za is the maximum rapid drawdown [m]
see below eq. (7-1) General
b is the slope angle [°]
In the presence of high toe support forces, revet-
ment suspensions or very gentle slope inclinations g 'D is the effective weight density of the cover
the necessary weight per unit area of a revetment layer [kN/m ]
required to prevent sliding failure may theoretically g' the effective weight density of the soil [kN/m ]
be reduced to the point at which the excess pore
water pressure may cause the surface of the soil to g 'F is the effective weight density of the filter
move upwards, resulting in loosening of the ground. [kN/m ], g 'F = 0 for geotextile filters
This may result in hydrodynamic soil displacement in gW is the weight density of water [kN/m ]
non-cohesive soils (c' = 0) /Köhler, Koenders 2
2003/. In such cases, the weight per unit area se- Du is the excess pore water pressure [kN/m ]
lected for the design must be high enough to according to eq. (5-107) for z = dkrithB in accor-
suppress the excess pore water pressure at the dance with eq. (7-6)
critical depth by applying a sufficiently high surchar-
ge. As a rule, b ≤ 8 applies to non-cohesive soils.
Soils are usually cohesive at values of b > 8. 7.2.5 Weight per unit area of cover
layers taking a toe support into
The above check is not required for cohesive soils account
(c' > 0) as hydrodynamic soil displacement does not
occur in them. General
If the revetment at the toe of the slope is designed
as specified in /MAR/ (e.g. with a toe blanket, em-
bedded toe or sheet pile wall at the toe) a toe sup-
port force can be taken into consideration when

100 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

determining the weight per unit area of the cover cannot exceed the value required for equilibrium in
layer. The magnitude of the toe support force results the direction in which the slope falls.
from the shear strength of the revetment (failure
The required weight per unit area g' of the cover
mechanism 1) or from the stability of the toe of the
layer or the associated cover layer thickness is ob-
revetment (failure mechanism 2).
tained as follows for failure mechanism 1:
The method of calculating the mobilisable toe sup-
port force is based on conservative simplifications of
Required thickness of a permeable cover layer dD
the failure geometry and the shear resistances. The
for failure mechanism 1 [m]
toe support force is considered as an equivalent
shear stress in the sliding surface.
Two failure mechanisms are possible for supported B
dD = A2 + -A (7-7)
slope revetments: 0.5 C g D¢
· Failure mechanism 1: The revetment shears off
in a horizontal joint passing through the upper with the auxiliary functions
edge of the toe of the revetment (see Figure 7.1)
A = (C g 'D dF - DE g 'D) / C g 'D
· Failure mechanism 2: Failure of the toe of the
B = DE (dF g 'F + dkrit g ´) + DF - G
revetment (see Figure 7.2, Figure 7.3 and Figure
7.4) C = tanj'D cosb
The failure mechanism relevant to the design is the D = (cosb - sinb tanj'D) (hW - za)
one for which the higher cover layer weight is obtai-
ned and depends on the design of the toe of the E = sinb - cosb tanj'
slope. F = Du tanj' - c‘
G = 0.5 dF g 'F Failure mechanism 1 at the toe of
a slope and with the symbols
In the case of failure mechanism 1, the sliding surfa- c' is the effective cohesion of the soil [kN/m ]
ce is located at the upper edge of the toe of the re- dF is the thickness of the filter [m]
vetment and passes horizontally through the revet-
ment (Figure 7.1). This failure mechanism does not dkrit is the critical depth of the failure surface [m]
depend on the design of the toe. in accordance with eq. (7-1)
In the case of stratified ground, the failure surface hW is the water depth at still-water level [m]
may also be located at the interface between two za is the maximum rapid drawdown [m]
see below eq. (7-1)
In the case of cover layers placed on a granular
b is the slope angle [°]
filter, the weighted mean of the individual weight
densities of the cover layer and filter may be taken g 'D is the effective weight density of the cover
as the weight density of the overall system by way of layer [kN/m ]
g 'F is the effective weight density of the filter
[kN/m ], g 'F = 0 for geotextile filters
g' the effective weight density of the soil [kN/m ]
j' is the effective angle of shearing resistance of
the soil [°]
j'D is the angle of shearing resistance of the co-
ver layer material [°]
j'D = 55° for ungrouted cover layers
Du is the excess pore water pressure [kN/m ]
according to eq. (5-107) for z = dkrit in accor-
dance with eq. (7-1)
Figure 7.1 Failure mechanism 1 of a toe support

The equivalent shear stress resulting from the toe The maximum equivalent shear stress max t F1 due
to shearing in the revetment in the direction in which
support force max t F1 below the slope revetment
the slope falls is obtained as follows:

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 101

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

can temporarily destabilise the soil at the bed. The

flow results in the loss of the effective stress of the
Maximum equivalent shear stress max t F1 for soil at the bed above the critical depth tkrit immedia-
failure mechanism 1 [kN/m ] tely after the maximum drawdown za has been rea-
ched. Consequently, there is a reduction in the sup-
porting effect of the mobilisable passive earth pres-
æ1 2 æ 1 ö ö sure in front of the toe blanket /Köhler, Koenders
çç d F g F¢ + ç dD d F + d D2 ÷ g D¢ ÷÷ tanjD¢ cos b
2 è 2 ø ø 2003/. The difference between the vertical stress
max t F1 = è
(cos b - sin b tanjD¢ ) (hw - za ) from the buoyant soil block G' and the excess pore
water pressure at the bed, which varies with time,
(7-8) Du(z), results in a minimum in the critical depth tkrit.
The surplus energy from the unsteady pore water
where flow is dissipated by the incipient vertical soil move-
dD is the thickness of the cover layer [m] ment.

dF is the thickness of the filter layer [m] This critical depth tkrit at the bed of the river or canal
(obtained by eq. (7-1) for a slope angle b = 0) is
g 'F is the effective weight density of the filter calculated as follows:
[kN/m ]
max t F1 is the maximum equivalent shear stress 1 æ b g W za ö
t krit = ln ç ÷÷ ³ 0 (7-9)
[kN/m ] below the slope revetment for failure b çè g' ø
mechanism 1
hW is the water depth at still-water level [m] The maximum equivalent shear stress max t F2 that
can be assumed for the toe blanket is calculated
za is the maximum rapid drawdown [m] from the required equilibrium conditions (see Annex
see below eq. (7-1) A) of all forces acting within and outside the slope
b is the slope angle [°] toe retaining structure (cf. Figure 7.2), where the
following applies:
g 'D is the effective weight density of the cover
layer [kN/m ]
j'D is the angle of shearing resistance of the co-
ver layer material [°] Maximum equivalent shear stress max t F2
for failure mechanism 2 for a toe blanket [kN/m ]
j'D = 55° for ungrouted cover layers

(inside) Failure mechanism 2 for toe
max t F2, i =
If a toe blanket is used, the critical sliding surface in
failure mechanism 2 will occur directly beneath the æ d 2 g ¢ + d 2 g ¢ + 2 d d g ¢ ö sin b
filter layer along the boundary between the subsoil = è ø
and the toe blanket, petering out below the passive [cos b cot (j DF
¢ + JDF ) - sin b ] 2 tan JDF (hw - za )
earth pressure wedge in front of the toe blanket at
the same level as the bed of the river or canal (see (7-10)
Figure 7.2).


maxt F2,a =
[(sv ' tanj '+c') LFu + E 'ph ] sin b
(cos b - sin b tanj ') (hw - za )

Figure 7.2 Failure mechanism 2 for a slope revetment

with the equation
with a toe blanket
s v¢ = g DF
¢ d DF + g FF
¢ d FF

The excess pore water pressure caused in the bed

and with the symbols
of the river or canal by drawdown za (see 5.10) ge-
nerates an unsteady upward flow of pore water that

102 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

b is the pore water pressure parameter [1/m] port is used, the angle of shearing resistance j'DF
in accordance with Figure 5.51, depending on must be limited to 35° as larger angles of shearing
the drawdown speed resistance will result in incorrect results being ob-
2 tained when using the algorithms for rigid failure
c' is the effective cohesion of the soil [kN/m ]
mechanisms to calculate the internal shear stress.
dDF is the thickness of the stone layer in the toe
The thickness tF = dDF + dFF and length LFu of the toe
blanket [m]
blanket must first be specified. The dimensions fi-
dFF is the thickness of the filter in the toe blanket nally selected for the toe blanket must satisfy the
[m] following three conditions:
E'ph is the horizontal component of the passive (1) The safety against liquefaction of the soil for the
earth pressure in front of the toe blanket selected thickness tF must be verified in order to
[kN/m] ensure a sufficient minimum thickness of the toe
blanket. The following inequality must be satis-
hW is the water depth at still-water level [m]
fied, considering the critical depth tkrit below the
LFu is the length of the toe blanket [m] river or canal bed (b = 0):
maxt F2 is the maximum equivalent shear stress
[kN/m ] below the slope revetment due to the dDF ³
g W za 1- e
-b tkrit
)- g ¢
FF dFF - g ¢ t krit
toe blanket ¢
g DF
tkrit is the critical depth at the river or canal bed
[m] The required minimum thickness of the cover
layer dDF must satisfy the above inequality for the
tF is the thickness of the toe blanket as a whole selected thickness tF of the toe blanket.
(2) The length LFu of the toe blanket to be specified
za is the maximum rapid drawdown [m] must be determined in such a way that it does
see below eq. (7-1) not exceed the maximum permissible length
b is the slope angle [°] (max LFu) and the minimum length (min LFu ) re-
quired for inner stability is ensured.
g' is the effective weight density of the soil
[kN/m ] The following applies to the final specification of
the length LFu of the toe blanket
g 'DF is the effective weight density of the cover
layer in the toe blanket [kN/m ]
g 'FF is the effective weight density of the granular min LFu £ LFu £ max LFu
filter in the toe blanket [kN/m ]
g 'FF = 0 for geotextile filters
max LFu = 4 tF (7-13)
gW is the weight density of water [kN/m ]
J DF is the angle of the sliding surface of the passi- tF
min LFu =
ve earth pressure wedge within the toe blan- tan JDF
ket [°]
Jp is the angle of the sliding surface of the passi- The equation includes the following simplifying
ve earth pressure wedge in the soil directly in and conservative assumption for the passive an-
front of the toe blanket [°] gle of the sliding surface J DF of the passive earth
2 pressure wedge within the toe blanket (verifica-
s 'V is the effective vertical stress [kN/m ] tion of internal shear stress):
j' is the effective angle of shearing resistance of
the soil [°] J DF = 35 o (7-14)
j'DF is the effective angle of shearing resistance of
the riprap in the toe blanket [°] (3) The relevant angle of shearing resistance j’ of
the soil at a bed of the river or canal is used to
The passive earth pressure may only be taken into calculate the passive earth pressure in front of
account in the toe support force if scouring in front of the toe blanket E'ph as follows:
the toe blanket can be ruled out. Otherwise, the
passive earth pressure E'ph must not be included in
the numerator in eq. (7-11).
( ) (
¢ = G ¢ - U v + C sin Jp tan j ¢ + Jp + C cos Jp
E ph )
For assessments of the internal, maximum shear
stress max t F2,i that can be mobilized if a toe sup- with the auxiliary functions

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 103

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

(tF - tkrit )2 g ¢ j¢
dD is the thickness of the cover layer [m]
G¢ = and Jp = 45 o -
2 tanJp 2 dF is the thickness of the filter [m]
dkrit is the critical depth of the failure surface [m] in
c¢ (tF - tkrit ) accordance with eq. (7-1)
g' is the required weight per unit area of the
cover layer [kN/m ] for failure mechanism 2
g w za é e-b tF - e -b tkrit ù
+ e krit (tF - tkrit )ú
-b t
Uv = ê maxt F2 is the maximum equivalent shear stress
tanJp ëê b ûú 2
[kN/m ] due to the toe blanket for failure
N.B.: Only applies when Uv ³ 0; mechanism 2
use Uv < 0 if Uv = 0 Du is the excess pore water pressure [kN/m ]

and with the symbols in accordance with eq. (5-107) for z = dkrit in
accordance with eq. (7-1)
b is the pore water pressure parameter [1/m]
in accordance with Figure 5.51, depending on za is the maximum rapid drawdown [m]
the drawdown speed see below eq. (7-1)

c' is the effective cohesion of the soil [kN/m ]

2 b is the slope angle [°]

E'ph is the horizontal component of the passive g' is the effective weight density of the soil
earth pressure in front of the toe blanket [kN/m ]
[kN/m] g 'D is the effective weight density of the cover
tkrit is the critical depth at the river or canal bed layer [kN/m ]
g 'F is the effective weight density of the filter
tF is the thickness of the overall toe blanket [m] [kN/m ], g 'F = 0 for geotextile filters
za is the maximum rapid drawdown [m] j' is the effective angle of shearing resistance of
see below eq. (7-1) the soil [°]
gW is the weight density of water [kN/m ]
g' is the effective weight density of the soil Failure mechanism 2 for
embedded toes
[kN/m ]
j' is the effective angle of shearing resistance of In failure mechanism 2 for an embedded toe, the
the soil [°] failure surface considered occurs in the soil below
the filter or at the interface between the filter and the
Jp is the angle of the sliding surface of the passi- soil and is located beneath the passive soil wedge
ve earth pressure wedge within the toe blan- (see Figure 7.3). The excess pore water pressure is
ket [°] also relevant to the revetment at the embedded toe
The equivalent shear stress max t F2 that can be below the bed of the river or canal as the pores in
exerted by the toe blanket is obtained by comparing this area may be clogged with backfill. The permea-
the results for the external and internal shear bility of the latter will then be relevant to the revet-
stresses obtained in accordance with eqs. (7-10) ment too.
und (7-11). The lower of the two calculated shear Rapid drawdown generates excess pore water pres-
stress values shall be the one used in the following sure in the soil at the horizontal bed (see 5.10) and
calculation of the required weight per unit area g' of consequently a pore water flow. The pore water flow
the cover layer: leads to a loss in the effective stresses (soil lique-
faction) near the surface, the loss extending down to
Required weight per unit area of a permeable the critical depth tkrit. At this depth, the buoyant force
cover layer g' for designs including a toe blanket resulting from the difference between the excess
[kN/m ] pore water pressure and the vertical stress due to
the dead weight of the soil reaches its maximum
value. The energy arising from the pore water flow is
max t F2 - D u tanj ¢ + c ¢ dissipated by the movement of the soil. The critical
g ¢ = g D¢ dD =
sin b - cos b tanj ¢ (7-16) depth tkrit at the river or canal bed (slope angle b = 0)
- (g F¢ dF + d krit g ¢) is calculated on the basis of eq. (7-9) as follows:

where 1 æ b g W za ö
t krit = lnç ÷÷ ³ 0 (7-17)
2 b çè g ¢ ø
c' is the effective cohesion of the soil [kN/m ]

104 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

The weight per unit area required in this case is then

obtained as follows, taking into account the maxi-
mum attainable equivalent shear stress:

Weight per unit area required for a permeable co-

ver layer g' for designs including an embedded
toe [kN/m ]

Figure 7.3 Failure mechanism 2 for a bank revetment g ¢ = g D¢ d D =

with an embedded toe
Du tanj ¢ - c ¢ - max t F2 (7-19)
= - (g F¢ d F + g ¢d krit )
cosb tanj ¢ - sinb
The maximum equivalent shear stress max t F2 is
calculated from the equilibrium conditions for the where
sliding wedge shown in Figure 7.3.
b is the pore water pressure parameter [1/m]
in accordance with Figure 5.51, depending on
the drawdown speed
Maximum equivalent shear stress max t F2 for fai- c' is the effective cohesion of the soil [kN/m ]
lure mechanism 2 for an embedded toe [kN/m ]
dD is the thickness of the cover layer [m]
dF is the thickness of the filter [m]
FF2 dkrit is the critical depth within the slope [m]
max t F2 = ³0
Lu hW is the water depth at still-water level [m]
h - za + t k + t krit tF is the thickness of the toe blanket [m]
Lu = W (7-18)
sin b
tk is the depth of scour at the bed in front of the
U - G1¢ - C1¢ A U v2 - G2¢ toe of the revetment [m]
FF2 = v1 + + C 2¢
B D tkrit is the critical depth at the river or canal bed
with the auxiliary functions 2
Du is the excess pore water pressure [kN/m ]
A = sinJp + cos Jp cot j ¢ + Jp ( ) in accordance with eq. (5-107) for z = dkrit in
B = sin b - cos b cot j ¢ + Jp ( ) accordance with eq. (7-1)
za is the maximum rapid drawdown [m]
D = sin b - cos b cot (j ¢ - b )
see below eq. (7-1)
g W za é e -b t F - e - b t krit ù b is the slope angle [°]
+ e krit (t F - t krit )ú
-b t
U v1 = ê
tanJp ëê b ûú g' is the effective weight density of the soil
ée -b t F - b t krit ù [kN/m ]
g W za -e
U v2 = ê +e
- b t krit
(tF - t krit )ú g 'D is the effective weight density of the cover
tan b ëê b ûú 3
layer [kN/m ]
g ¢(t F - t krit ) g ¢(t F - t krit )
2 2
g 'F is the effective weight density of the filter
G1¢ = ¢
; G2 = 3
2 tanJp 2 tan b [kN/m ]
c ¢(t F - t krit ) c ¢(t F - t krit )
gW is the weight density of water [kN/m ]
C1¢ = ; C 2¢ =
sinJp sin b j' is the effective angle of shearing resistance of
æ (1 + tan 2 j ¢) tan j ¢ ö the soil [°]
Jp = arctanç - tan j ¢ ÷ Jp is the angle of the sliding surface [°]
ç tan j ¢ + tan b ÷
è ø
maxt F2 is the maximum equivalent shear stress due
to the embedded toe [kN/m ] in accordance
with eq. (7-18)
and with the symbols
Depending on local experience, scouring to a depth
see below eq. (7-19) of tk may need to be taken into account as shown in
Figure 7.3 when specifying the embedment depth tF.

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 105

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Negative values may be obtained when determining

the required thickness of the cover layer dD. In such
cases, a revetment is not required for the assess-
ment of the embedded toe. The thickness of the
revetment is then obtained by means of failure me-
chanism 1. Failure mechanism 2 for a sheet

pile wall at the toe
Failure mechanism 2 comprises failure of a fixed
sheet pile wall installed at the lower edge of a slope
revetment. The following influences must be taken
into consideration when designing sheet pile walls
(see Figure 7.4):
(a) The toe support force F acting on the head of the
sheet-pile wall in the direction in which the cover Figure 7.4 Toe support in the form of a sheet pile wall for
a slope revetment (failure mechanism 2).
layer falls; F is obtained from the additional shear
Symbols: E'a - active earth pressure, E'p - pas-
stress erf t F in accordance with eq. (7-4) for the sive earth pressure, F – force due to the re-
selected thickness dD of the cover layer in con- vetment, tk – depth of scour, Ub – resultant
junction with the following equation force of excess pore water pressure

F = erf t F Lu (7-20)
Unanchored sheet pile walls are designed for full
restraint in accordance with /EAU 2004/. If a scour
where depth tk is assumed, the stresses shall be assessed
hW is the water depth at still-water level [m] for load case 2 /EAU 2004/ if the scour is only tem-
Lu is the length of the slope revetment below the
water level [m] The excess pore water pressure at the bed in accor-
h - za dance with eq. (5-107) must be taken into account
Lu = W when determining the earth resistance E'p in front of
sin b the sheet pile wall. E'p is the resultant of the earth
za is the maximum rapid drawdown [m] resistance inclined at a wall friction angle d p = 2/3 j'
see below eq. (7-1) in accordance with /DIN 4085/.
b is the slope angle [°] Conservative values of the horizontal earth pressure
2 force E'ph can be obtained in a simplified manner by
erft F is the required shear stress [kN/m ] for the using the earth pressure ordinates e'ph in accordan-
sheet pile wall at the toe in accordance with ce with the following equation which includes the
eq. (7-4)
effect of the excess pore water pressure due to rapid
drawdown. The passive earth pressure can be taken
(b) the active earth pressure E'a in the soil below the as increasing linearly with the depth (see Figure
slope revetment 7.4).
(c) a scour depth tk, to be specified in accordance
with /MAR/ or local experience Earth pressure ordinate e'ph (t F ) [kN/m ]
(d) the critical depth tkrit at which the buoyancy force
due to the difference between the excess pore ¢ cos d p
water pressure and the self-weight of the soil ¢ (t F ) =
eph (7-21)
reaches its maximum (tF - t krit )2
(e) the resulting excess water pressure ub = Du(Dtk)
where Dt k > 0 in accordance with Figure 7.4 with the auxiliary functions

106 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Figure 7.4, the ordinate of the triangle at the lower

¢ =
( (
U v - G ¢ - C ¢ cosJp cot Jp + j ¢ - sinJp ) ) edge of the scour being obtained using eq. (5-107)
for the depth z = Dt k = t k - (dF+dD)/cosb and for the
sin d p - cos d p cot (Jp + j ¢) drawdown time t = ta.
c ¢(t F - t krit ) The cover layer will be stable if it is possible to de-
C¢ =
sinJp sign the sheet pile wall at the toe for the influences
referred to in (a) to (c). The weight of the cover layer
g ¢(t F - t krit )
G¢ = or the embedment depth and the moment of re-
2 tanJp sistance of the sheet piles, if relevant, must otherwi-
se be increased.
g w za é e - btF - e - bt krit ù
+ e krit (t F - t krit )ú
- bt
Uv = ê
tanJp ëê b ûú 7.2.6 Weight per unit area of cover
layers taking a suspension of the
revetment into account
æ ( 1 + tan 2 j ¢) tan j ¢ ö
Jp = arctanç - tan j ¢ ÷ General
ç tan j ¢ + tan d p ÷
è ø The stability of the revetment can be increased by
1 æg z bö anchoring the cover layer at the top ("suspended
t krit = lnçç W a ÷÷ revetment") (see Figure 7.5). The means of suspen-
b è g¢ ø
sion can either comprise individual anchors (steel
cables, high-tensile fabric strips) or high-tensile
and with the symbols sheets.
b is the pore water pressure parameter [1/m] The tensile force Z that must be resisted is obtained
for the maximum drawdown time in accor- by multiplying the required shear stress erf t in ac-
dance with Figure 5.51 cordance with eq. (7-4), which depends on the se-
c' is the effective cohesion of the soil [kN/m ]
2 lected thickness of the cover layer dD, by the length
Lu of the cover layer below the lowered water level.
E'ph is the horizontal component of the passive
earth pressure [kN/m ] The simultaneous use of a toe support and an an-
chor at the top of the slope revetment is not recom-
t is the depth below the river or canal bed [m] mended.
tkrit is the critical depth at the river or canal bed The following verifications must be performed if re-
(b = 0°) sistance to the tensile stress Z is to be provided by
tF is the depth of the sheet pile wall [m] (the the weight of the cover layer above the lowered wa-
selected value of tF must be greater than tkrit) ter level:

za is the maximum rapid drawdown [m] see be- · Verification of the external load-bearing capacity
low eq. (7-1) (see
· Verification of the internal load-bearing capacity
g' is the effective weight density of the soil (see
[kN/m ]
dp is the wall friction angle [°],
as a rule d p = 2/3 j' for sheet pile walls
gW is the weight density of water [kN/m ]
j' is the effective angle of shearing resistance of
the soil [°]
Jp is the angle of the sliding surface [°]

The excess pore water pressure Du in the area of

the earth resistance has already been included in
eq. (7-21)
The active earth pressure E'a may be determined
using the effective weight density of the soil in ac-
cordance with /DIN 4085/. Figure 7.5 Diagram showing a method of suspending a
slope revetment
The resulting water pressure on the active side may
be simplified by means of a triangle as shown in

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 107

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways Verification of the external load- j'AB is the effective angle of shearing resistance [°]
bearing capacity between the tension element and the soil or
tension element and the cover layer above the
The external load-bearing capacity shall be verified
lowered water level, whichever is lower
as described below if the anchoring forces above the
lowered water level are transferred into the ground Forms of load transfer other than by friction in the
by friction below the cover layer. The required revetment (e.g. anchor trenches) must be assessed
weight per unit area g' of the cover layer is obtained separately in respect of the tensile force Z.
as follows:

Required weight per unit area g' of a permeable Verification of the internal load-
cover layer, taking the suspension of the revet- bearing capacity
ment into account [kN/m ] The internal load-bearing capacity of the anchorage
shall be verified in accordance with the methods of
designing reinforcement elements, e.g. stress analy-
g ¢ = g Do d Do =
sis or limit state GZ 1B in accordance with the safety
¢ - c AB
Z cosj AB ¢ Lo cos j AB
¢ (7-22) concept involving partial safety factors as described
= - g Fo d Fo
Lo sin(j AB
¢ - b) in subclause 4.3.2 of /DIN 1054/. The strain under
service load of geosynthetics must not exceed 2 %
of the strain at failure as specified in /DIN EN ISO
with the quantities
Z = erf t A Lu
If the resulting thickness dDo of the cover layer above
hW + t k - z a the lowered water level is too high, the weight per
Lu = unit area of the cover layer dD below the lowered
sin b
water level can be increased to reduce the tensile
and with the symbols force that needs to be resisted. If permitted by the
verification of the internal load-bearing capacity, the
c'AB is the cohesion/adhesion between the tension tension elements can be anchored in a trench at the
element and the soil above the lowered water shoulder of the embankment in accordance with the
level [kN/m ] recommendation for geosynthetic reinforcements
dDo is the thickness of the cover layer above the /EBGEO/.
lowered water level [m]
dFo is the thickness of a mineral filter above the 7.2.7 Slope revetment above the
lowered water level [m] lowered water level
erf t A is the required additional supporting shear The stability of a slope above the lowered water
stress [kN/m ] level is ensured if the revetment required to protect
erf t A = erf t in accordance with eq. (7-4) the slope against erosion extends up to the highest
wave run-up point in accordance with 5.8.6.
Lu is the length of the slope revetment below the
lowered water level [m] If groundwater seeps from a slope in a steady-state
above the slope revetment, the local stability of that
Lo is the length of the slope revetment above the
part of the slope is ensured if the slope comprising
lowered water level [m]
non-cohesive soil satisfies the following condition
hW is the water depth at still-water level [m] (see 3.5):
tk is the depth of scour at the bed in front of the
toe of the revetment [m], to be specified in j¢
accordance with local experience 2
za is the maximum rapid drawdown [m] where
see below eq. (7-1)
b is the slope angle above the lowered water
Z is the tensile force in a revetment suspension
level [°]
j' is the effective angle of shearing resistance of
b is the slope angle [°]
the soil [°]
g Do is the weight density of the cover layer above If this condition is not satisfied other suitable measu-
the lowered water level [kN/m ] res will be required to prevent damage if it is not
g Fo is the weight density of a mineral filter above intended to extend the slope revetment over the
the lowered water level [kN/m ] area in which groundwater seepage occurs.
In this respect, cohesive soils are always stable.

108 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

7.3 Local stability of impermeable the waterway. It is positive when the ground-
revetments water level is above the still-water level.
7.3.1 General g 'D is the effective weight density the cover layer
[kN/m ]
Impermeable revetments must be designed to
withstand the maximum excess water pressure if the g 'Di is the effective weight density of the lining
ground water level may be higher than the lowered material [kN/m ]
water level in the canal.
g 'F is the effective weight density of the filter
The weight per unit area of impermeable revetments [kN/m ]
must be great enough to prevent the excess pressu- 3
re below the lining resulting in local sliding on the gW is the weight density of water [kN/m ]
slope or uplift at the bed. j' is the effective angle of shearing resistance of
If the slope lining is capable of resisting longitudinal the soil [°]
forces and transferring them to the bed of the river
or canal, the weight of the revetment must also be It must be examined whether a failure surface in the
great enough to prevent uplift. soil or in the lining will be relevant to the design. The
strength of the lining must be introduced as the
undrained shear strength.
7.3.2 Weight per unit area of
impermeable cover layers required
to resist sliding 7.3.3 Weight per unit area of
The weight per unit area of the cover layer of an impermeable cover layers required
impermeable slope revetment required to resist sli- to resist uplift
ding without any additional support is calculated as It must be verified that the weight per unit area of
follows: impermeable revetments on the bed or of imper-
meable revetments on a slope with adequate toe
support is sufficient to resist uplift.
Weight per unit area of an impermeable cover The weight per unit area g' of the cover layer of an
layer g’ required to resist sliding [kN/m ] impermeable revetment required to resist uplift is
obtained as follows:

g ¢ = g D¢ d D + g F¢ d F + g Di
¢ d Di =
Weight per unit area g' of an impermeable cover
Du tan j ¢ - c ¢ (7-23) 2
layer required to resist uplift [kN/m ]
cosb tan j ¢ - sinb
Du g A
with the equation g ¢ = g D¢ d D + g F¢ d F + g Di
¢ d Di ³ (7-25)
cos b
D u = ( D hW + za ) g W (7-24)
and with the symbols dD the thickness of the cover layer [m]
c' is the effective cohesion of the soil [kN/m ] dDi is the thickness of the impervious lining [m]
dD is the thickness of the cover layer [m] dF is the thickness of the filter [m]
dDi is the thickness of the impervious lining [m] g' is the weight per unit area of the cover layer
[kN/m ]
dF is the thickness of the filter [m]
Du is the excess pore water pressure below the
g' is the weight per unit area of the cover layer 2
2 lining [kN/m ] in accordance with eq. (7-24)
[kN/m ]
za is the maximum rapid drawdown [m]
Du is the excess pore water pressure beneath the see below eq. (7-1)
lining [kN/m ]
b is the slope angle [°]
za is the maximum rapid drawdown [m]
see below eq. (7-1) Dh W is the difference in height [m] between the
groundwater level and the still-water level on
b is the slope angle [°]
the waterway. It is positive when the
Dh W is the difference in height [m] between the groundwater level is above the still-water
groundwater level and the still-water level of level.

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 109

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

gA is the safety against uplift [-]

g A = 1.20
g 'D is the effective weight density of the cover
layer [kN/m ]
g 'Di the effective weight density of the lining mate-
rial [kN/m ]
g 'F is the effective weight density of the filter
[kN/m ].

7.4 Verification of the global safety

of the water-side slope
The global safety of the water-side slope including
the revetment or any other surcharges must be veri-
fied using the safety margins specified in /DIN 1054/
and the methods described in /DIN 4084/ (slope
failure). Failure mechanisms other than the failure of
the revetment as described in 7.2 und 7.3 (sliding or
uplift of a sliding wedge parallel to the slope at depth
dkrit in accordance with 7.2.2 or beneath a lining)
must be investigated. Generally speaking, these will
be sliding wedges with failure surfaces usually pe-
netrating into the slope over a considerable length
(several decimetres or more) below the critical depth
An analysis for the limit state GZ 1C as described in
subclause 4.3.3 of /DIN 1054/ must be performed for
the following cases:
(a) Operating water level BW or mean water level
MW without drawdown with the partial safety
factors for load case LC 1 in accordance with
/DIN 1054/.
(b) Rapid drawdown of the water level (generally
caused by a passing ship, but in some cases al-
so after a rapidly receding flood wave), assu-
ming pore water pressure on the failure surface
but without allowing for any excess pore water
pressure as described in 5.10, to be considered
for load case LC 3 in accordance with /DIN
(c) It is assumed that the excess pore water pressu-
re as described in 5.10 acts on the sliding wed-
ge in (b) with verification that the limit state is
satisfied when the partial safety factors gj and gc
for the shear parameters are both equal to 1.0
(gj = gc = 1.0).

110 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

8 Hydraulic design of partially gD is the weight density of the cover layer [kN/m ]

grouted armourstone cover

gV is the weight density of the grouting material
layers 3
[kN/m ]
generally g V = 22 kN/m
Field tests and experience have shown that partially
grouted cover layers comprising armourstones of gW is the weight density of water [kN/m ]
size classes I - III and the quantities of grout as spe-
cified in /MAV/ and constructed in accordance with
the specifications in /MAV/ have adequate resistan- 9.2 Local stability of permeable
ce to all known hydraulic actions occurring on wa- revetments with partially
terways when the distribution of the grout over and grouted cover layers
below the surface is as specified in /MAV/. Hydraulic
design is not required in this case provided that the For the geotechnical design of partially grouted co-
maximum flow velocity does not exceed 7.7 m/s ver layers it must be verified that
/LWI 1998/, which is generally the case. - adequate safety against hydrodynamic soil
Experience has shown that adequate safety against displacement beneath the revetment is ensu-
damage caused by anchors (e.g. due to anchor red as specified in 7.2.4 and
cast) on navigable waterways is ensured if the cover - adequate safety of the slope above the re-
layer is at least 40 cm deep and the quantity of grout vetment is ensured as specified in 7.2.7.
is selected as specified in /MAV/.
Note: The extent of dynamic hydraulic actions on
cover layers due to passing ships is limited. The
9 Geotechnical design of internal bond of partially grouted cover layers is suf-
partially grouted armour- ficient to transfer forces to lateral, unloaded areas.
stone cover layers Consequently, verification that the cover layer provi-
des safety against sliding and shearing is not requi-
9.1 General red.

For the sake of simplification, the design may be An embedded toe (toe extension as described in
/MAR/) is required to provide protection against
performed with an angle of shearing resistance j'D
of 70° for the overall shear strength for grouting car-
ried out in accordance with /MAR/ and /MAV/. The
quantity of grout can be included in the calculation of
the weight density of the revetment as follows: 9.3 Local stability of impermeable
revetments with partially
grouted cover layers
Mass per unit area of a partially grouted revetment For the geotechnical design of partially grouted co-
at buoyancy g' [kN/m ] ver layers placed on an impervious lining it must be
verified that
g ¢ = (1 - n )(g D - g W ) dD + (g V - g W ) (9-1) - adequate safety against the revetment sliding
1000 on the slope is ensured as specified in 7.2.3
- adequate safety of the revetment against uplift
dD is the thickness of the cover layer [m] is ensured as specified in 7.3.3.
g' is the mass per unit area of a partially grouted
revetment at buoyancy [kN/m ]
9.4 Verification of the global
mV is the quantity of grouting used [l/m ] stability of the water-side slope
(Denominator of 1000 due to conversion of
litres to cubic metres) The global stability of the slope must be verified as
specified in 7.4.
n is the voids ratio of the ungrouted revetment
[-] in accordance with

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 111

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

112 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

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120 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

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Nr. 9 / 1994 (131. Jg.), S. 231-234

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 121

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

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Richtlinien für die Prüfung von Geotextilien im Verkehrswasserbau
Eigenverlag, Karlsruhe 1994

/Schäle, Mollus 1971/ Schäle, E.; Mollus, G.

Bildbericht über die Versuche auf Rhein und Main sowie in den Haltungen
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Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

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Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

124 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

11 Nomenclature

11.1 Abbreviations

BF toe of slope
BinSchStrO Code for Inland Waterways
BW operating water level
BWStr inland waterway(s)
DEK Dortmund-Ems Canal
DWD German National Meteorological Service
ES inland waterway vessel of “Europe“ type
Fkt. function of (...)
Gl(n). equation(s)
GMS large inland cargo vessel, large self-propelled barge
GW ground water level
KA centre line of canal / canal axis
MW mean water level
MS motor ship
RHK Rhine-Herne Canal
R-Profil standard rectangular profile
RWS still-water level (SWL) (German abbreviation)
SV push tow unit
SWL still-water level
T-Profil standard trapezoidal profile
WDK Wesel-Datteln Canal
Wsp. water level
1D one-dimensional
2SV/4SV push tow unit with 2 or 4 lighters

11.2 Symbols

a [m] largest dimension of an armourstone

a [-] exponent for describing the situation of jet dispersion
a [-] pore water pressure parameter
ap [m] distance of propeller axes of a twin-screw drive
A [-] coefficient for describing the jet dispersion
A [m ] flow cross-section, river cross-section, canal cross-section
A' [m ] cross-sectional area between ship’s axis and bank
A0 [m ] cross-sectional area at the narrowest jet contraction behind propeller

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 125

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

AA [m ] area of approach flow in front of the propeller
AE [m ] area of inlet into the plane of the propeller
AK [m ] unmodified cross-sectional area of the canal
AK,äqui [m ] equivalent canal cross-section
AM [m ] plunged midship section
AS,äqui [m ] equivalent cross-sectional area of ship
AS,B [m ] cross-sectional area of ship at bow
AS,eff [m ] effective plunged midship section
AS,eff,B [m ] effective plunged midship section at bow
AS,eff,D [m ] virtually increased effective plunged midship section of a ship sailing with drift
AS,eff,H [m ] effective plunged midship section at stern
AS,H [m ] cross-sectional area of ship at stern
AW [-] wave height coefficient depending on the shape of the ship, dimensions of the ship,
draught and water depth

b [1/m] pore water pressure parameter

b [m] medium dimension of an armourstone
b' [m] fairway width
b* [1/m] pore water pressure parameter for ta = ta* = 5s
bE [m] influence width of return flow field, equivalent canal width for a ship sailing in shallow water
bF [m] fairway width
bm [m] mean width at water level in the area of water level increase/drawdown
br [m] equivalent canal width, equivalent waterway width
br,äqui [m] width of equivalent canal profile [m]
bS [m] width of the canal bed, bed width
b WS [m] width at water level
b WS,äqui [m] equivalent width at water level
B [m] width of inlet of longitudinal groyne
B [m] beam width

B* [-] load coefficient

B1 [m] width of single lane

B85 [-] stability coefficient for slopes
B85,0 [-] stability coefficient (general)

BB [m] beam width at bow

B'B [-] stability coefficient

BB* [-] coefficient for frequency of recurrence

BB [-] coefficient for recurrence frequency

BH [m] beam width at stern

Bm [m] mean beam width between bow and stern

126 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

BS [-] coefficient at jet attack on plane bed

BS,Bö [-] coefficient at jet attack on bank
BWo [m+NN] upper operating water level
BWu [m+NN] lower operating water level

c [-] calibration parameter

c [m] smallest dimension of an armourstone
c [m/s] wave celerity
c' [kN/m ] effective cohesion of soil, effective cohesion
c0 [m/s] wave celerity in shallow water
c'AB [kN/m ] cohesion, adhesion between tension element and soil above the lowered water level
c'D [kN/m ] cohesion of cover layer
cF [-] constant of pivot point
C [-] constant for the approximation of the drawdown time
C [-] coefficient (for induced initial velocity based on the engine power)
CA [-] constant for wave run-up
CBö [-] factor for considering the influence of the slope
CH [-] factor for considering the influence of the type of the ship, draught and trim
CIsb [-] factor according to Isbash
Cm [-] coefficient for load duration

d0 [m] jet diameter at point of maximum contraction

dA [m] jet diameter in region of approach flow
dD [m] thickness of cover layer (measured normally to the surface)
dD(A) [m] construction thickness of the initial cover layer (A)
dD(B) [m] construction thickness of the hydraulically equivalent cover layer (B)
dDF [m] thickness of stone layer in toe blanket
dDi [m] thickness of impervious lining
dDo [m] thickness of cover layer above the lowered water level
dF [m] thickness of filter
dFF [m] thickness of filter in toe blanket
dFkrit [m] critical depth in toe blanket
dFo [m] thickness of mineral filter above the lowered water level
dkrit [m] critical depth of failure surface, depth of critical failure surface
dkrithB [m] critical depth of failure surface to prevent hydrodynamic soil displacement
dx [m] diameter of cone of propeller jet
D [m] grain size
D [m] propeller diameter
D10 [m] grain size at 10 % of particles passing
D15 [m] grain size at 15 % of particles passing
D50 [m] grain size at 50 % of particles passing

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 127

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

D50,TLW [m] required mean grain size corresponding to /TLW/

D60 [m] grain size at 60 % of particles passing
D85 [m] grain size at 85 % of particles passing
D90 [m] grain size at 90 % of particles passing
Di [m] representative grain size of class i, corresponding to the geometric mean of D io and D iu
D io [m] upper limit of grain size class i (square sieve opening size)
D iu [m] lower limit of grain size class i (square sieve opening size)
DL [m] characteristic largest stone size (largest measured length of an armourstone)
Dn [m] nominal stone size
Dn50 [m] necessary mean nominal stone size, nominal stone size
DnSt(A) [m] nominal stone size of initial cover layer for design case (A)
DnSt(B) [m] selected nominal stone size of alternative hydraulically effective cover layer (B)
DTLW [m] stone size according to TLW
Dx [m] grain size at x % of particles passing

e [-] Euler‘s constant e » 2,718

e'ph [kN/m ] horizontal component of the passive earth pressure
erf t [kN/m ] required shear stress
erf t A [kN/m ] required additional supporting shear stress
erf t F [kN/m ] required shear stress at a toe sheet pile wall
E [-] coefficient for characterisation of stern shape and rudder configuration
E'a [kN/m] active earth pressure in the soil below the slope revetment
E'p [kN/m] passive earth pressure, earth resistance
E'ph [kN/m] horizontal component of the passive earth pressure in the toe blanket
ES [MN/m ] Oedometer modulus of soil

f [-] form parameter
fB [-] factor of influence width dependent on type of ship
fcr [-] coefficient of velocity
fN [-] factor for selected propeller rotation rate
fP [-] factor for applicable engine power
fred [-] reduction factor for energy loss at wave run-up
fl [-] wave length coefficient
F [kN/m] toe support force, force from revetment
Feff [m] effective fetch
Fr [-] Froude number at stern
Fr [-] Froude number at point of maximum height of stern waves
Frh [-] Froude number based on depth

g [m/s ] acceleration due to gravity

128 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

g' [kN/m ] mass per unit area of the cover layer
G [kg] mass of stone
G' [kN] effective weight of soil block
Gi [kg] representative mass of stone of class i, corresponding to the geometric mean of Gio and Giu
Gio [kg] upper limit of mass of stone of class i
Giu [kg] lower limit of mass of stone of class i
G50 [kg] required mean mass of stone

h [m] water depth, canal water depth

h' [m] fairway depth
hb [m] water depth at point of breaking
h Kolk [m] scour depth below bed of river or canal
hm [m] mean water depth
hp [m] level of the propeller axis above bed
hW [m] water depth at still-water level
hx [m] water depth at narrowest flow cross-section
H [m] wave height, height of ship-induced waves, design wave height
Hb [m] wave height at point of breaking
HBem [m] design wave height
Hdiff [m] wave height due to diffraction
Hein [m] height of incident wave
Hrefl [m] wave height due to reflection
Hs [m] significant wave height, design wave height of wind waves
HSek [m] height of secondary waves, height of additional secondary waves
HSek,gl [m] height of secondary waves for ships sailing at sliding speed
HSek,q [m] height of pure secondary transversal stern waves
Hsh [m] wave height due to wave shoaling
Htol [m] tolerated wave height
Hu,Bug [m] maximum height of bow wave at the bank for eccentric sailing
H u,H [m] relevant weight height near the bank at stern for calculating the drawdown time

Hu,Heck [m] maximum height of stern waves at the bank for eccentric sailing

ip [kN/m ] seepage pressure

J [-] propeller advance ratio

k [-] blockage coefficient

k [m/s] permeability of soil, water permeability of soil
K [-] inclination coefficient
K' [-] diffraction coefficient

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 129

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Kl [-] longitudinal slope coefficient

Kq [-] cross slope coefficient
Krefl [-] reflection coefficient
Ksh [-] shoaling coefficient
KSS [m] equivalent sand roughness of ship’s hull
KT [-] thrust coefficient of propeller for J = 0
KT,DP [-] thrust coefficient of ducted propeller for J = 0
KT,DPJ [m] thrust coefficient of ducted propeller for J ≠ 0
KTJ [-] thrust coefficient of unducted propeller for J ≠ 0

lu [m] wetted perimeter

L [m] ship’s length, length of recreational craft
L [m] distance between the propeller plane and quay wall
L [m] wave length
Leff [m] effective ship’s length
Lein [m] length of incoming wave
LFu [m] length of toe blanket
LH [m] length of breaking transversal stern wave
Lo [m] length of slope revetment above the lowered water level
Lpris [m] length of the prismatic part of hull
LSek [m] length of secondary waves
Lsh [m] wave length due to shoaling
Lu [m] length of slope revetment below the lowered water level
length of slope revetment below water level
LW [m] wave-generating length of ship

m [-] slope inclination (attention: definition differs from that of the slope of a straight line)
mK,äqui [-] equivalent slope inclination
mlks [-] slope inclination at left bank
mrts [-] slope inclination at right bank
mv [l/m ] quantity of grouting material
max LFu [m] maximum permitted length of the toe blanket
max vza [m/s] maximum rate of drawdown
max t F1 [kN/m ] maximum equivalent shear stress for failure mechanism 1
max t F2 [kN/m ] maximum equivalent shear stress at a toe blanket
min dD [m] minimum thickness of the cover layer
min LFu [m] minimum length of the toe blanket

n [-] voids ratio of the mineral granular filter or the revetment

n [1/min] propeller rotation rate, propeller rotation rate of the bow thruster
n [-] blockage ratio

130 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

näqui [-] equivalent blockage ratio

nNenn [1/min] design propeller rotation rate

p [bar; Pa] pressure

P [m] design pitch
PBug [kW] power of the bow thruster
Pd,Nenn [kW] nominal power

rx [m] radial distance of impact point below jet axis at distance x behind propeller plane
R [m] inner, smaller radius of a curved fairway
R'd [m] vertical depth of the revetment below still-water level (SWL)
R(a) [m] impact length to opposite bank at angle a

S [-] degree of saturation of the soil

S [km] maximum fetch length
Sm [km] medium fetch length
SF [-] shape factor of armourstones

t [s] time
t [m] depth below the bed of the river or canal
ta [s] drawdown time (in general)

t a* [s] drawdown time ta = t a* = 5 s

t a,B [s] drawdown time at bow

t a,B,Sek [s] drawdown time of secondary bow wave
t a,H [s] drawdown time at stern
t a,W [s] drawdown time of a wave
tf [m] underkeel clearance
tF [m] depth of the embedded toe / depth of the toe sheet pile wall / depth of the total toe blanket
t fl [m] dynamic underkeel clearance
t fl,min [m] minimum dynamic underkeel clearance
tk [m] scour depth in front of the toe of the revetment, scour depth
t krit [m] critical depth below the bed of the river or canal
t min [h] minimum period of wind action
tv [m] draught while sailing
T [s] mean wave period, wave period, characteristic wave period
T [m] draught, midship draught while sailing
Ta [s] drawdown period
TB [m] draught at bow section
Tein [s] period of incoming wave
TH [m] draught at stern section

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 131

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Tm [m] mean draught between bow and stern

u [m] bank distance (middle of ship to bank line at SWL)

u [m/s] wind velocity
u' [m] distance ship’s side to bank line
u* [m] bank distance at the moment of impact of the first interference wave group on the bank
ub [kN/m ] resulting excess pore water pressure
Ub [kN/m] resultant force of the excess pore water pressure
ueff [m] effective bank distance
umax [m/s] maximum velocity of slope supply flow on revetment
umax,B [m/s] design speed of slope supply flow
ur [m] equivalent bank distance, distance to equivalent bank
ur,lks [m] distance to the left bank in the equivalent canal cross-section
u r,max [m] maximum bank distance in equivalent cross-section
u r,min [m] minimum bank distance in equivalent cross-section
ur,rts [m] distance to the right bank in the equivalent canal cross-section
U [-] coefficient of uniformity of the riprap

v [m/s] velocity
v0 [m/s] induced initial velocity at J = 0
v0J [m/s] induced initial velocity at J > 0
vA [m/s] velocity of approach flow towards the propeller
vBmax [m/s] maximum near bed flow velocity at the impact point of the propeller jet for J = 0
vBmax1 [m/s] maximum near bed flow velocity at the impact point of the propeller jet for J ≠ 0
vkrit [m/s] critical ship speed
vmax [m/s] maximum flow velocity composed of return flow velocity and flow velocity
vmax,S [m/s] maximum flow velocity at the bed of the river or canal
vmax,S,K [m/s] maximum flow velocity at the bed of the river or canal at the toe of the quay wall
vmax,S,xK [m/s] modified maximum flow velocity at the the bed of the river or canal after deflection at the
toe of the quay wall at distance xK
vP [m/s] velocity in the propeller plane
v rück [m/s] mean return flow velocity,
return flow velocity averaged in the longitudinal and transverse directions
v rück,u [m/s] mean return flow velocity near the bank,
return flow velocity averaged in the longitudinal direction at bank
v rück,u,lks [m/s] return flow velocity averaged in the longitudinal direction at the left bank

v rück,u,rts [m/s] return flow velocity averaged in the longitudinal direction at the right bank

v̂ rück [m/s] maximum return flow velocity

v̂ rück,u,Bug [m/s] maximum return flow velocity at bow near the bank

v̂ rück,u,Heck [m/s] maximum return flow velocity at stern near the bank

132 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

vS [m/s] ship speed, ship speed through water

vS,gl [m/s] sliding speed
vS,zul [m/s] permitted ship speed through water
vStr [m/s] flow velocity
vSüG [m/s] ship speed over ground
vxmax [m/s] main velocity
vxr [m/s] jet velocity relative to ship at a distance of radius rx from the jet axis (impact point) for J = 0
vxr1 [m/s] jet velocity relative to ship at a distance of radius rx from the jet axis (impact point) for J ¹ 0
vza [m/s] drawdown rate of water level
v za [m/s] mean drawdown rate

v za,B [m/s] mean drawdown rate at the bow (average gained by field measurements)

v za,Bug [m/s] mean drawdown rate at the bow

v za,Heck [m/s] mean drawdown rate at the stern

vzul [m/s] permitted speed according to the Code for Inland Waterways (BinSchStrO)

w [-] wake factor

x [m] coordinate
x [m] distance from the propeller plane within the jet axis
x [m] additional thickness to allow for the different kinds of stone material
xgr [m] distance beyond which jet dispersion is obstructed
xK [m] distance of the deflected jet on the bed of the river or canal, measured from the quay wall
xS [m] distance from the rotation centre of the propeller plane, measured on the bed of the river or
xS,max [m] position of the maximum near bed flow velocity behind the rotation centre of the propeller

y [m] coordinate
y [m] distance of sailing line from canal axis, distance between the axis of the sailing line and the
canal axis
yäqui [m] eccentricity of the sailing line in the equivalent canal cross-section

z [-] number of blades on a propeller

z [m] depth
z [m] depth below the slope surface or below the bed of the river or canal, normal to the bed of
the river or canal
za [m] maximum rapid drawdown, drawdown
za,B [m] is the maximum rapid drawdown for the relevant drawdown at the bow
za,H [m] is the maximum rapid drawdown for the relevant drawdown at the stern
zAL [m] wave run-up height
zAL,0 [m] wave run-up height for fred = 1

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 133

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

zAL,St [m] wave run-up height on riprap

zh [m] depth at which the excess pore water pressure increases to half of its maximum value
Z [kN/m] tensile force in a revetment suspension

a [°] angle of outer jet boundary

a [°] angle of influence direction
a [°] angle between wind direction and a perpendicular to the slope line
a1 [-] correction coefficient describing nearness to critical ship speed
a0 [°] angle between propeller axis and jet axis
aB [°] mean angle of diversion
aK [°] Kelvin angle (a K ≈ 19°)
al [°] trim angle; longitudinal slope angle
aq [°] cross slope angle
az [°] angle of outer jet boundary, measured vertically

b [°] slope angle, slope angle above the lowered water level
bD [°] drift angle
bK [°] angle between wave crest of secondary diverging wave and bank line (mostly: b K = 54,74°)
b St [°] angle between jet axis and a perpendicular to the slope line (angle of impact)
bW [°] angle between a perpendicular to the wave crest and fall of slope line,
angle between wave crest of secondary diverging wave and bank line
bl [-] coefficient considering wave-generating length of ship

g [kN/m ] weight density of soil
g' [kN/m ] effective weight density of soil at buoyancy
gA [-] safety against uplift
gB [-] block coefficient of ship cross-section at bow section
gc [-] partial factor of safety for cohesion
g 'D [kN/m ] effective weight density of the cover layer at buoyancy
g 'DF [kN/m ] effective weight density of the cover layer in the toe blanket at buoyancy
g 'Di [kN/m ] effective weight density of the sealing material at buoyancy
g Do [kN/m ] effective weight density of the cover layer above the lowered water level
gF [kN/m ] effective weight density of the filter
g 'F [kN/m ] effective weight density of the (grain) filter at buoyancy
g 'FF [kN/m ] effective weight of the filter in the toe blanket at buoyancy
g Fo [kN/m ] weight density of a mineral filter above the lowered water level
gH [-] block coefficient of ship cross-section at stern section
gS [kN/m ] weight density of the riprap
gV [kN/m ] weight density of the grouting material
gW [kN/m ] weight density of water

134 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

gj [-] partial factor of the safety for angle of shearing resistance

d [°] trim angle

da [°] wall friction angle (active side)
dp [°] wall friction angle (passive side)
d 1H [m] thickness of boundary layer at bow section

DA [m ] reduction of cross-section in the canal due to ship cross-section and drawdown
DG i [kg] mass of all single stones of a grading i
Dh [m] rise/fall of the water level (depending on index)

Dh [m] maximum drawdown averaged for canal width at narrowest flow cross-section,
mean drawdown according to 1D canal theory,
drawdown averaged in the longitudinal and transverse directions

Dĥ [m] maximum drawdown near the bank

DhB [m] water level increase in front of bow

DĥHeck [m] drawdown at stern

Dhkrit [m] mean drawdown at critical ship speed

DH s, oW l [m] ratio of wave height above still-water level

DhSek [m] maximum water level increase of secondary wave system

Dh u [m] drawdown averaged in longitudinal direction at bank

Dhu,Bug [m] drawdown averaged at bank in the bow section for ships sailing in the centre of a river or

Dĥu,Bug [m] maximum drawdown at bow near the bank without the influence of eccentricity

Dhu,Heck [m] drawdown averaged at the stern section at bank for ships sailing in the centre of a river or

Dĥu,Heck [m] maximum drawdown at stern near the bank without the influence of eccentricity

Dhu,lks [m] drawdown averaged in longitudinal direction at left bank

Dhu,rts [m] drawdown averaged in longitudinal direction at right bank

DhW [m] height difference between groundwater level and still-water level,
temporary rise in water level
DhW [m] height of wind set-up at lee of fetch
DhWA,B [m] rise in water level in front of bow
∆p [bar; Pa] pressure difference
∆Q [m /s] sudden change in discharge
Dt [m] dynamic squat
Dt k [m] scour depth below bottom of the filter
Du [kN/m ] excess pore water pressure
Da [°] increment of the sector method for the determination of the fetch

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 135

Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways

Jp [°] angle of sliding surface

J DF [°] angle of sliding surface of the passive earth pressure wedge within the toe blanket

lq [m] length of transversal wave

lS [m] length of diverging wave

x [-] surf similarity parameter

r [kg/m ] density of soil
r' [m/s ] relative gravity acceleration
rA [kg/m ] dry density of a single stone for design case A
r' A [kg/m ] effective density of the single stone at buoyancy for design case A
rB [kg/m ] dry density of a single stone of the hydraulically equivalent cover layer B
r' B [kg/m ] effective density of a single stone at buoyancy of the hydraulically equivalent cover layer B
rS [kg/m ] density of riprap, density of armourstones
rW [kg/m ] density of water

s 'V [kN/m ] effective vertical stress

tA [kN/m ] additional stress from a revetment suspension
tF [kN/m ] additional stress from a toe support

j' [°] effective angle of shearing resistance of the soil

j'AB [°] effective angle of shearing resistance between tension element and soil or between tension
element and cover layer above the lowered water level, whichever is smaller
j'D [°] effective angle of shearing resistance of the riprap or the cover layer material
j'DF [°] effective angle of shearing resistance of the riprap at the toe blanket
j'F [°] effective angle of shearing resistance of the granular filter

136 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Slope and Bed Revetments for Inland Waterways

Annex A:

Derivation of the formulae for geotechnical analyses of revetments with a toe support

For Failure mechanism 2 with a toe blanket

Diagram showing the determination of max FF2 (internal analysis)

max FF2 = toe support force

(1) ΣV = 0: Q cos (jDF

¢ + JDF ) - GDF
¢ - max FF 2 sin b = 0
(2) ΣH = 0: -Q sin (j DF
¢ + JDF ) + max FF 2 cos b = 0
max FF2 cos b
from (2) Þ Q=
sin (j DF
¢ + JDF )
inserted in (1) where
j DF
(3) JDF = 45 o -
it follows that
(4) max FF2 =
( )
cos b cot j D¢ F + JDF - sin b
2 2
d DF g DF d g¢ d d g¢
(5) G' = + F F FF + DF FF DF
2 tan JDF 2 tan JDF tan JDF

From (4) is derived the maximum equivalent shear stress that can be calculated as given in equation (7-10)
(internal analysis)

max FF 2
(6) max t F 2,i =
(where Lu is the length of the slope under water)

for the internal earth pressure wedge of the toe blanket.

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) Annex A, Page 1

Principles for the Design of Slope and Bed Revetments for Inland Waterways

The passive earth pressure E'ph acting in front of the toe blanket may also be taken into account in the determi-
nation of the maximum equivalent shear stress t F2,a in accordance with equation (7-11) (external analysis).

Diagram showing the determination of the passive earth pressure in front of the toe blanket:

(7) ΣV = 0: ( )
- C sin Jp + Q cos j '+Jp + U v - G ' = 0

(8) ΣH = 0: - C cos Jp - Q ¢ sin (j ¢ + J ) + E ¢

p ph =0

G ¢ - U v + C sinJp
from (7) Þ Q¢ = inserted in (8)
cos (j ¢ + Jp )

the passive earth pressure E'ph in front of the toe blanket is calculated as follows:

( ) (
¢ = G ¢ - U v + C sin Jp tan j ¢ + Jp + C cos Jp
Eph ) (7-15)

with the auxiliary functions

Jp = 45 o -

G' =
(tF - tkrit )2 g '
2 tanJp

c¢ (tF - tkrit )
g W za é e -b tF - e -b tkrit ù
+ e krit (tF - tkrit )ú
-b t
Uv = ê
tanJp êë b úû

Annex A, Page 2 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Slope and Bed Revetments for Inland Waterways

For Failure mechanism 2 with an embedded toe

hW - za + t k + t krit
Lu =
sin b

Jp = arctanê
( )
é 1 + tan 2 j ¢ tan j ¢ ù
- tan j ¢ú
ê tan j ¢ + tan b ú
ë û
1 æ b g W za ö
The critical depth is the fluidisation depth: t krit = lnç ÷ (7-17)
b çè g ¢ ÷ø

Left-hand soil wedge

Fint = internal force

Vertical excess pore water pressure Uv1

t F - t krit
U v 1 = Du (x ) d x - Du (t krit )
ò tan JP

with d x =
and (
Du (t ) = g W za 1 - e - bt )
ò (1 - e )d t - tanJ (1 - e )(t
g W za tF g z
Uv1 = × - bt W a - bt krit
F - t krit )
tan JP t krit p

g W za é 1 - bt F 1 ù
= êt F + b e - t 0 - e -bt krit - t F + t Fe -bt krit + t 0 - t 0 e - bt krit ú
tanJp ë b û
g W za é e -bt F - e -bt krit ù
Uv1 = ê + e -bt krit (t F - t krit )ú (s . 7-18)
tan Jp ëê b ûú

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) Annex A, Page 3

Principles for the Design of Slope and Bed Revetments for Inland Waterways

(1) åV = 0: ( )
- C1¢ sinJp + Q1 cos j ¢ + Jp + U v 1 - G1¢ - Fint sin b = 0

( 2) åH = 0 : ( )
- C1¢ cos Jp - Q1 sin j ¢ + Jp + Fint cos b = 0

Fint cos b - C1 cos Jp

from (2) Þ (2¢) Q1 =
tan(j ¢ + Jp )

Fint cos b - C1 cos Jp

(2' ) in (1) : - C1¢ sinJp + + U v 1 - G1¢ - Fint sin b = 0
tan(j ¢ + Jp )

æ cos b ö cosJp
Fint ç - sin b ÷ = C1 sinJp + G1¢ - U v 1 + C1¢
ç tan(j ¢ + Jp ) ÷ tan(j ¢ + Jp )
è ø

æ cos Jp ö
- U v 1 + G1¢ + C1¢ ç sinJp + ÷
ç tan(j ¢ + Jp ) ÷ø
( 3) Fint = è
cos b
- sin b +
tan(j ¢ + Jp )
(t F - t krit )2 g ¢ c ¢(t F - t krit )
with : G1¢ = 2 and C1¢ =
tanJp sinJp

Right-hand soil wedge

Vertical excess pore water pressure UV2

g W za é e - bt F - e -bt krit ù
+ e krit (t F - t krit )ú
- bt
Uv 2 = ê
tan b êë b úû

( 4) å V = 0 : G 2¢ - U v 2 - Q2 cos(j ¢ - b ) - C 2 sin b - Fint sin b + FF 2 sin b = 0

(5 ) å H = 0 : Fint cos b + Q 2 sin(j ¢ - b ) + C 2 cos b - FF 2 cos b = 0

Þ (5 b) Q2 =
(FF 2 - Fint - C2¢ )cos b
sin(r ¢ - b )

Annex A, Page 4 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Principles for the Design of Slope and Bed Revetments for Inland Waterways

(5b) in ( 4) : G2¢ - U v 2 - (FF 2 - Fint - C2¢ )cos b cot (j ¢ - b ) - C 2¢ sin b - Fint sin b + FF 2 sin b = 0

FF 2 (- cos b cot (j ¢ - b ) + sin b ) = U v 2 + C 2¢ sin b + Fint (sin b - cos b cot (j ¢ - b )) - G2¢ +

- C 2¢ cos b cos(j ¢ - b )
= Uv 2 - G2¢ + (C 2¢ + Fint ) (sin b - cos b cot (j ¢ - b ))

U v 2 + G2¢
FF 2 = + C 2¢ + Fint
sin b - cos b cot (j ¢ - b )
(tF - t krit )2 g ¢ c ¢(t F - t krit )
with G2¢ = 2 and C 2¢ =
tan b sin b

with (3) : FF 2 =
( (
U v 1 - G1¢ - C1¢ sinJp + cosJp cot j ¢ + Jp )) + U v 2 - G2¢
+ C 2¢
sin b - cos b cot (j ¢ + Jp ) sin b - cos b cot (j ¢ - b )

U v 1 - G1¢ - C1¢ A U v 2 - G2¢

= + + C 2¢

with A = sinJp + cosJp cot j ¢ + Jp ( )

B = sin b - cos b cot j ¢ + Jp( )
D = sin b - cos b cot (j ¢ - b )

For Sheet pile wall at toe

Determination of eph for a sheet pile wall at the toe:

Jp = arctanê
é 1 + tan2 j ¢ tan j ¢ )
- tan j ¢ú
ê tan j ¢ + tan d ú
ë û
1 æ g W za b ö
The critical depth is the fluidisation depth : tkrit = lnç ÷
b çè g ¢ ÷ø
g W za é e - btF - e - bt krit ù
+ e krit (tF - tkrit )ú
- bt
Uv = ê
tan JP ëê b ûú

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) Annex A, Page 5

Principles for the Design of Slope and Bed Revetments for Inland Waterways

(1) ( )
å V = 0 : G¢ - U v - Q cos Jp + j ¢ + C sin Jp + Ep sin d = 0

( 2) (
å H = 0 : C cos Jp + Q sin Jp + j ¢ - Ep cos d = 0 )
Ep cos d - C cos Jp
Þ (2¢) : Q=
sin Jp + j ¢ )
in (1) : ( ) (
G¢ - Uv - Ep cos d - C cos Jp cot Jp + j ¢ + C sin Jp + Ep sin d = 0 )
Þ ( ( ) )
Ep - cos d cot Jp + j ¢ + sin Jp = U v - G¢ - C sin Jp - C cos Jp cot Jp + j ¢ ( )

Þ Ep =
Uv - G¢ - C cos Jp cot Jp + j ¢ - sin J ( ) )
- cos d cot(Jp + j ¢) + sin d

c ¢(tF - tkrit ) (tF - tkrit )2 g ¢

with C= and G¢ =
sin Jp 2 tan Jp

Horizontal component of the passive earth resistance (see figure)

Eph = Ep cos d = (t - t )2 e (t )
2 F krit ph F
2Ep cos d
Þ eph (tF ) =
(tF - tkrit )2

Annex A, Page 6 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Gesamtinhaltsverzeichnis aller bisher
erschienenen Mitteilungsblätter

Hinweis: Die erste Zahl steht für die fortlaufende Nummerierung, die zweite Zahl für das Erscheinungsjahr,
danach werden Autor und Titel des Beitrages aufgeführt.

1/53 Jambor: Erhöhung der festen Wehrschwelle bei gleicher hydraulischer Leistung
Burghart: Die Verteilung der Abflußmenge über den Querschnitt
Türk: Untersuchung über die Geschiebebewegung in Flüssen und Stauanlagen. Das elektro-akustische
Zweck: Flach- und Pfahlgründungen in weichem tonigem Schluff
Canisius: Aus der Arbeit der Bundesanstalt
Liebs: Ausbau der Unteren Hunte
Schleiermacher: Sicherung der Schiffahrtsrinne in der Donau im Bereich der Innmündung bei Passau
Boos: Vom wasserbaulichen Versuchswesen in England
2/53 Canisius: Technische Entwicklung im Wasserbau
Pichl: Der Ortungstachygraph und seine Anwendung
Burghart/Gehrig: Beitrag zur Frage der Geschwindigkeitsverteilung in offenen Gerinnen
Davidenkoff: Grundwasserzufluß zu Brunnen und Gräben
Sagawe: Der Dehnungsmeßstreifen als Meßelement bei erd- und wasserbaulichen Modellversuchen
Zweck: Zur Ermittlung der Tragfähigkeit von Pfählen (I)
3/54 Canisius: Die Bodenmechanik im Dienste des Wasserbaues
Wehrkamp: Ein neues Flußprofilmeßgerät
Liebs: Abzweigung einer verhältnisgleichen Teilwassermenge an einem Meßwehr
Schleiermacher: Gestaltung schräg angeströmter Brückenpfeiler
Zweck: Zur Ermittlung der Tragfähigkeit von Pfählen (II)
Meenen: Reiseeindrücke von einem Einsatz der Bundesanstalt in Venezuela
4/54 Jambor: Die Gestaltung von Kanalabzweigungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Schwingungen
im Kanal
Herr: Spülvermögen bei Verschlammung und Geschiebeablagerung in einem Wehrfeld mit höckerartig
erhöhter Wehrschwelle
Wehrkamp: Das Flußprofilzeichengerät von Dr. Fahrentholz
Davidenkoff: Gefährdung der Stauwerke bei Unterströmung
Zweck: Zur Ermittlung der Tragfähigkeit von Pfählen (III)
5/55 Canisius: Die Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau. Ein Rückblick auf ihre Entwicklung 1948 -1955
Niebuhr: Kritische Betrachtungen zur Frage der Modellrauhigkeit (I)
Schleiermacher: Wasserspiegelaufnahmen in Flußkrümmungen und Wasserspiegelquergefälle
Gehrig: Überprüfung hydrographischer Angaben durch den Modellversuch
Poggensee: Die Grundformel zur Bestimmung der Schleusenleistung
Zweck/Davidenkoff: Die versuchstechnischen Verfahren zur Berechnung des Netzes einer
6/56 Schleiermacher: Geschwindigkeits-Verlagerung in Querschnitten mittels Buhnen oder Leitwerken
Gehrig: Messung und Berechnung von Kräften an Schiffen im Modell
Wigand: Verhinderung von Geschiebeablagerungen vor den unteren Schleusenvorhäfen und
Zweck/Davidenkoff: Über die Zusammensetzung von Filtern
Poggensee: Anwendung und Kritik von Rammformeln
7/56 Gehrig: Strömungsmessung mit einem Kreiszylinder
Zweck/Davidenkoff: Untersuchung von Sicherungsmaßnahmen an Flußdeichen durch Modellversuche
Schleiermacher: Einfache Darstellung des zeitlichen Ablaufes von Anschwellungen in Wasserläufen
Niebuhr: Beitrag zur Erfassung der Räumkraft einer ungleichförmigen Strömung unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Verhältnisse im Tidegebiet
Davidenkoff: Angenäherte Ermittlung des Grundwasserzuflusses zu einer in einem durchlässigen
Boden ausgehobenen Grube

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 143

Gesamtinhaltsverzeichnis aller bisher erschienenen Mitteilungsblätter

7/56 Liebs: Abflußbeiwerte für grasbewachsene Deiche

Jambor: Formgebung des Trennpfeilers in Flußkraftwerken
8/57 Yalin: Die theoretische Analyse der Mechanik der Geschiebebewegung
Davidenkoff: Durchsickerung durch Deiche und Erddämme (I)
9/57 Zweck/Davidenkoff: Auftrieb unter Wehren auf durchlässigem Grund
Davidenkoff: Wirkung der Sickerströmung auf die Standsicherheit eines Erddammes (II)
Schleiermacher: Versuch einer morphologischen Begründung von Rauhigkeits-Beiwerten für die
Berechnung des Wasserspiegel-Gefälles
Yalin: Ermittlung des Querschnittes mit maximalem Geschiebetransportvermögen
10/58 Magens: Untersuchung der Ursachen und des Vorganges der Verschlickung der Schleusenvorhäfen zu
11/58 Rubbert: Die Vertiefung der Tideflüsse und ihre Problematik
Gruhle: Verformungsmessungen an den Spundwänden der Schleuse Friedrichsfeld
Gehrig: Der Verbau von Übertiefen und die Erhaltung des Fahrwassers
Davidenkoff: Durchsickerung durch Deiche und Erddämme (Schluß aus 8 und 9)
12/59 Zweck/Dietrich: Zur Ermittlung der Verteilung des Coulomb’schen Erddruckes
Zweck: Versuchsergebnisse über die Zusammensetzung von Filtern
Rubbert: Die Tiderechnung als Problem der Numerischen Analysis
13/59 Zweck/Dietrich: Die Berechnung verankerter Spundwände in nicht bindigen Böden nach ROWE
Felkel: Der Schwellbetrieb der Flußkraftwerke
Steinfeld: Über den Erddruck an Schacht- und Brunnenwandungen
14/60 Felkel: Walzenbucht und Ringgraben als Mittel zur Verminderung der Schwebstoffablagerungen in
Davidenkoff: Neue Forschungsarbeiten über die Konsolidierung wassergesättigter bindiger Böden
Gehrig/Herr: Beitrag zur Ermittlung des Wasserdruckes auf gekrümmte Flächen
15/60 Jambor: Lage und Gestaltung der Schleusen und ihrer Zufahrten
Felkel: Wasserspiegelmessungen an einer festen Wehrschwelle
Felkel: Gemessene Abflüsse in Gerinnen mit Weidenbewuchs
16/61 Felkel: Die Modelluntersuchungen für zehn Moselstaustufen
Davidenkoff: Sickerverluste bei Durch- und Unterströmung von Deichen
Dietrich: Schnittgrößen und Randspannungen in der Sohlfuge einer Kaimauer oder Stützmauer von
rechteckigem Querschnitt
17/62 Kleinschmidt/Schröder: Sonderheft Korrosionsversuche
18/62 Felkel: Der Einsatz frei fahrender Modellschiffe beim flußbaulichen Versuch
Vollmer: Erfahrungen an einem Tidemodell mit beweglicher Sohle und Vergleich zwischen Modell- und
Felkel: Ein einfaches Rundbecken zum Mischen von Wasser und Koagulieren von Schmutzstoffen
Davidenkoff: Über die Berechnung der Sickerverluste aus Kanälen
19/63 Zweck/Dietrich: Modellversuche mit steifen Dalben in bindigen Böden bei plötzlicher Belastung
Jansen: Die Neukonstruktion von Fahrstühlen für Kraftmessungen an Modellschiffen
Felkel: Die Neckartalplanung im Raume Heilbronn
Jänke: Überprüfung der Brauchbarkeit von Pfahlformeln anhand von Probebelastungen und Messungen
an Stahlpfählen
20/64 Franke: Die Strömungsvorgänge bei unvollkommenen Brunnen
21/64 Naujoks: Untersuchungen zum Nachweis eines spezifischen Sättigungsgrades
Dietrich: Zur Berechnung der Tragfähigkeit starrer Dalben in homogenen Böden
Liebs: Die Abschirmung von Seehäfen gegen Seegang
Franke: Der Einfluß des Neigungswinkels der wasserführenden Schicht und einer partiellen Auskleidung
des durchlässigen Brunnenschachtes auf die Zuflußmenge zu einem artesischen Brunnen
22/65 Rubbert: Tidewellenberechnungen nach dem Universalprogramm der BAW „Anwendung zur Berechnung
der Tidebewegung der Oberelbe“
Jambor: Schutz der Sohle in Flüssen

144 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Gesamtinhaltsverzeichnis aller bisher erschienenen Mitteilungsblätter

22/65 Davidenkoff/Franke: Untersuchung der räumlichen Sickerströmung in eine umspundete Baugrube in

offenen Gewässern
23/66 Dietrich: Modellversuche mit biegsamen langen Dalben unter wiederholten Belastungen im Sand
Ruck: Untersuchungen der Sandwandungsverhältnisse im Küstenbereich zwischen Stohl und
Brauner Berg
Dietz: Einfluß der Saugschlauchbeaufschlagung bei Kaplanturbinen auf die Schiffahrtsverhältnisse im
Unterwasser von Staustufen
Felkel/Canisius: Elektronische Berechnung von Wasserspiegellagen
24/66 Völpel/Samu: Reliefänderungen in der Tidestromrinne des Wangerooger Fahrwassers im Verlaufe einer
Sturmperiode und in der darauf folgenden Periode mit ruhigeren Wetterlagen
Schnoor: Über neue Verfahren zur Berechnung des Reflexionsdruckes von Wasserwellen auf
senkrechte Wände
Zweck: Baugrunduntersuchungen mit Sonden gem. DIN 4094 mit Auswertungsmöglichkeiten
Davidenkoff/Franke: Räumliche Sickerströmung in eine umspundete Baugrube im Grundwasser
25/67 Schnoor: Über verschiedene Verfahren zur Berechnung der Wellenangriffskräfte nicht brechender Wellen
auf senkrechte Pfähle und Wände
Davidenkoff: Dimensionierung von Brunnenfiltern
Franke: Die Wirkungen des Wassers auf die Standsicherheit von Böschungen
Schulz/Ruck: Die Sandwanderungsverhältnisse an der Nordküste der Insel Fehmarn zwischen
Westermarkelsdorf und Puttgarden
Lambert: Die Erscheinung der Gezeiten und ihre Erklärung
26/68 Schnoor: Über verschiedene Verfahren zur Berechnung der Wellenangriffskräfte auf senkrechte Pfähle
und Wände
Samu: Ergebnisse der Sandwanderungsuntersuchungen in der südlichen Nordsee
Ruck: Auswirkung der geologischen Verhältnisse im Küstengebiet auf Baumaßnahmen im Wasserbau
27/68 Schäle/Kuhn/Schröder/Hofmann: Kanal- und Schiffahrtsversuche Bamberg 1967
28/69 Jänke: Untersuchungen der Zusammendrückbarkeit und Scherfestigkeit von Sanden und Kiesen sowie
der sie bestimmenden Einflüsse
Felkel: Der Weg zum vollständigen mathematischen Flußmodell
29/69 Dietz: Kolksickerung durch Befestigungsstrecken für das Eidersiel
Dietz: Kolksicherung am Elbewehr Geesthacht
30/70 Franke/Manzke: Zwei interessante Beispiele von den Erdbauaufgaben am Elbe-Seitenkanal
Franke: Einige Beispiele zur Strömungsdruckwirkung des Grundwassers
Felkel: Ideestudie über die Möglichkeiten der Verhütung von Sohlenerosionen durch Geschiebezufuhr
aus der Talaue ins Flußbett, dargestellt am Beispiel des Oberrheins
Jurisch: Beitrag zur Verwendung von Durchflußgleichung bei Dreieck-Überfällen
Sindern/Rohde: Zur Vorgeschichte der Abdämmung der Eider in der Linie Hundeknöll-Vollerwiek
Harten: Abdämmung der Eider; Modellversuche im Tidemodell
Dietz: Abdämmung der Eider; Modellversuche für das Sielbauwerk
31/72 Giese/Teichert/Vollmers: Das Tideregime der Elbe - Hydraulisches Modell mit beweglicher Sohle
Dorer: Berechnung der nichtstationären Abflüsse in nicht-prismatischen offenen Gerinnen
Dietz: Ausbildung von langen Pfeilern bei Schräganströmung am Beispiel der BAB-Mainbrücke
Dietz: Systematische Modellversuche über die Pfeilerkolkbildung
32/72 Niebuhr: Einfluß der Seitenwände bei hydraulischen Versuchen in einer rechteckigen Glasrinne
Ache: Ergebnisse von Sondierungen neben einem eingespülten Gründungskörper einer Leuchtbake
Franke/Ache: Ein Verfahren zur Berechnung eingespannter gedrungener Gründungskörper
Franke/Garbrecht/Kiekbusch: Meßfehler infolge unvollkommener Volumenkonstanz von Porenwasser-
druckgebern beim Scherversuch
Franke/Bernhard: Erddruckansatz bei trogförmigen Bauwerken und Wechselwirkung zwischen Erd- und
Sohldruck am Beispiel des Schiffshebewerkes Lüneburg
Felkel: Das Sohlenkorn des Rheins zwischen Straßburg und Bingen
Giese: Fahrwasserumbildungen in der Unter- und Außenelbe

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 145

Gesamtinhaltsverzeichnis aller bisher erschienenen Mitteilungsblätter

33/72 Rohde/Meyn: Untersuchungen über das hydrodynamische Verhalten oberflächenmarkierten Sandes und
über die Einbringmethode bei Leitstoffuntersuchungen
Ruck: Erfahrungen beim Präparieren von Sand für Leitstoffuntersuchungen
Dietz: Kolksicherung am Störsperrwerk
Hein: Verhalten von Rost unter nicht absolut dichten Beschichtungen bei Anlegen von kathodischem
Schutz im Stahlwasserbau
34/73 Hovers: Der Einfluß von Strombauwerken auf die morphologische Entwicklung der Stromrinnen im
Mündungsgebiet eines Tideflusses, untersucht am Beispiel der Außenweser
35/73 Davidenkoff: Anwendung von Bodenfiltern im Wasserbau
Tödten: Beitrag zur Energiedissipation von Tosbecken im Modellversuch
Hein: Sulfatangriff des Meerwassers auf Beton? Ein Beitrag zur Klärung der Frage, warum Meerwasser
trotz hohen Sulfatgehaltes Beton nicht angreift
Jurisch: Messung der Momentangeschwindigkeiten mit Hilfe der Laser-Doppler-Anemometrie
Pulina: Geschwindigkeitsmessungen an einer Bootsgasse
Dietz: Modelluntersuchung der Schleusenvorhäfen an der Rheinstaustufe Iffezheim
List: Untersuchungen von instationär belasteten Kunststoff-Filtern für den Wasserbau
36/74 Dietz: Hydraulische Probleme bei der Planung von Staustufen
Felkel: Modellversuche mit Grundschwellen und Schiffahrt
Dietz/Pulina: Wahl der Wehrverschlüsse beim Ausbau der Saar zur Schiffahrtsstraße
37/75 Tödten: Untersuchung der Strömungsvorgänge an Buhnen
Schuppener: Erddruckmessungen am Schiffshebewerk Lüneburg
Harten/Knieß: Eiderdamm - Natur- und Modellmessungen
Dietz: Wellenmessungen im Hafen Travemünde - Vergleich zwischen Natur und Modell
38/75 Schuppener: Der Erddruck einer rolligen Hinterfüllung auf eine unverschiebliche Stützwand
infolge der Verdichtung
Felkel: Untersuchungen der Veränderungen der Höhenlage der Sohle des Oberrheins
Samu: Beitrag zur morphologischen Entwicklung der Außenjade
39/76 Dietz/Pulina: Modelluntersuchungen zur Gestaltung der Hauptbauwerke an der Rheinstaustufe
40/76 Dietz/Pulina: Zur Wahl des Zugsegmentes als Wehrverschluß bei Ausbau der Saar
Knieß: Eiderdamm - Wiederauffüllung von Baggerlöchern im Watt
Annuß/Dehm/Hein/Schröder: Korrosion an Spundwänden - Wand-Dickenmessungen mit Ultraschall
Dietz/Pulina: Zur Problematik der Querströmungen in Vorhafenzufahrten und ihre Untersuchung
im Modell
Dietz: Zur Frage der Nachbildung von Kolkvorgängen im Modell
41/77 Armbruster: Vergleich berechneter und gemessener Grundwasserstände am Beispiel Kehl
Döscher: Die Suspensionswand
Feddersen: Querbelastete Verankerungen
Franke/Garbrecht: Drei Serien von Probebelastungen an Großbohrpfählen in Sand-Ziel-Methode -
Franke/Schuppener: Besonderheiten beim Gründungsgutachten für ein flachgegründetes
Hauß: Beispiele für die Anwendung statistischer Methoden in der Bodenmechanik
Kiekbusch: Elektrisches Messen von Volumenänderungen beim Triaxialversuch
Ruck: Sondierungen zur Erkundung unterhalb der Gewässersohle von schwimmender Arbeitsplattform
Sagawe: Kraft- und Spannungsmessungen an der Containerkaje in Bremerhaven
Schulz: Überlegungen zur Führung des Nachweises der Standsicherheit in der tiefen Gleitfuge
42/77 Hein: Untersuchung über den Korrosionsablauf an wetterfesten Stählen in Abhängigkeit von der
Entfernung zum Meer
Knieß: Bemessung von Schüttstein-Deckwerken im Verkehrswasserbau; Teil I: Lose Steinschüttungen
Hein: Zum Korrosionsverhalten von Zink in salzhaltigen Wässern
43/78 Dietz: Strömungsabweiser und/oder durchbrochene Trennmole als Mittel zur Verminderung der Quer-
strömung in oberen Vorhafenzufahrten am Beispiel der neuen Mainstaustufe Krotzenburg
Knieß: Belastungen der Böschung des NOK durch Schiffsverkehr - Ergebnisse von Naturmessungen

146 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

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44/79 Pulina: Modelluntersuchungen für die Saarstaustufe Rehlingen

Jurisch: Untersuchungen über die Abflußverhältnisse im Bereich einer Grundschwelle
45/79 Dietz/Pulina: Zur Frage des Wehrschwellenprofils beim Zugsegment
Dorer/Siem Hou Lie: Schwall- und Sunkberechnungen mit impliziten Differenzenverfahren
46/80 Garbrecht: Auswertung von Setzungsmessungen - zwei Beispiele -
Liebig: Stabilitätsuntersuchungen von Mehrfachregelkreisen an hydraulischen Modellen im wasser-
baulichen Versuchswesen
Franke: Studie zur Frage des Einflusses von Meereswellen auf die Größe des Sohlwasserdruckes unter
Armbruster: Die Sickerwasserströmung im Bereich der Stauanlage Kulturwehr Kehl -
Teil I: Unterströmung und Standsicherheit im Endzustand
47/80 Felkel: Die Geschiebezugabe als flußbauliche Lösung des Erosionsproblems des Oberrheins
48/80 Giese: Das Tideregime der Elbe - Hydraulisches-Modell mit beweglicher Sohle
Schulz/Feddersen/Weichert: Zwängungskräfte infolge Sohlreibung
49/81 Pulina/Voigt: Hydrodynamische Belastung der Wehrverschlüsse an den Saarstufen Rehlingen, Mettlach
und Schoden sowie Abflußleistungen bei spezifischen Betriebsfällen – Modelluntersuchungen
50/81 Schulz: Zur Festigkeit überverdichteter Tone
Gehrig: Die Berechnung des Geschiebetriebanfanges
Knieß: Schütten von Steinen unter Wasser
Wulzinger: Sedimenttransport und Sohlausbildung im Tidemodell der Elbe mit beweglicher Sohle
51/82 Pulina/Voigt: Einfluß der Randbedingungen auf die Abflußleistung unterströmter Wehrverschlüsse
Kemnitz: Beitrag zur Verringerung der Quergeschwindigkeiten im unteren Schleusenvorhafen einer
Hein/Klein: Untersuchung über den Temperatureinfluß auf das Korrosionsverhalten von ungeschütztem
Stahl im Emder Hafenwasser
52/83 Pulina/Voigt: Neubau eines Wehres im Zitadellengraben Berlin-Spandau
Knieß: Untersuchung zum Nachweis der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Uferdeckwerken an Wasserstraßen
53/83 Knieß: Kriterien und Ansätze für die technische und wirtschaftliche Bemessung von Auskleidungen in
54/84 Dorer: Ähnlichkeit bei flußbaulichen Modellen
55/84 Knieß: Untersuchung und Begutachtung alter Massivbauwerke an Wasserstraßen
Wagner: Die Untersuchung von Stahlwasserbauten
Hein: Korrosion über und unter dem Wasserspiegel
Hallauer: Grundsätzliche Betrachtungen über den Schutz und die Instandsetzung von Betonbauwerken
Abromeit: Anwendung von geotextilen Filtern bei Uferdeckwerken von Wasserstraßen in der BRD
Knieß/Köhler: Untersuchung gebundener Steinschüttungen auf Flexibilität, Verbundfestgkeit und
Kellner/Annuß/Kretschmer: Kurzberichte über Arbeiten des Referats „Meßtechnik“
56/85 Schulz: Die Ermittlung des Seitendrucks in überkonsolidierten Tonen mit Hilfe von Laborversuchen
Schuppener: Verformungsmessungen im Erd- und Grundbau
Köhler: Modellversuche für die Dimensionierung von Deckwerken an Wasserstraßen - Stabilität loser
57/85 Armbruster: Messungen, Inspektion und Kontrolle an Dämmen
Pulina/Voigt: Lastbeanspruchungen langgestreckter Bauwerke in der Wasserstraße
58/86 Dorer: Stabilitätsformeln für lose Deckschichten von Böschungs- und Sohlenbefestigungen
Schulz: Kompressibilität und Porenwasserüberdruck - Bedeutung für Gewässersohlen
Hallauer: Vergußstoffe für Uferdeckwerke
Eißfeldt: Standsicherheitsbeurteilung alter Hafenanlagen am Beispiel der Woltmann Kaje Cuxhaven
Reiner/Schuppener: Gründungsbeurteilung und Sicherung des Weserwehres in Bremen
Knieß: Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Spanngliedern

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 147

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59/86 Samu: Ein Beitrag zu den Sedimentationsverhältnissen im Emder Fahrwasser und Emder Hafen
Armbruster/Venetis: Der Einfluß von zeitweilig überstauten Polderflächen auf das Grundwasser
Müller/Renz: Erfahrungen bei der Untersuchung von Dükern und Durchlässen
Hein: Über das Korrosionsverhalten von Stahlspundwänden im Mittellandkanal
60/87 Rohde: 25 Jahre Außenstelle Küste
Dietz: Untersuchungen in den Tidemodellen der Außenstelle Küste
Kiekbusch: Entwicklung des Hamburger Bodenmechanischen Labors der BAW
Schuppener: Erfahrungen mit Bodenmechanischen Laborversuchen an Klei
Manzke: Erd- und grundbauliche Beratung beim Bau des Elbeseitenkanals
Schuppener/Eißfeldt: Standsicherheitsbeurteilung der Gründungen alter Wasserbauwerke
Alberts: Wanddickenmessungen an Stahlspundwänden
Harten: Das Staustufenmodell Weserwehr bei Bremen
Giese: Aufbau eines hydraulischen Tidemodells für das Lagunengebiet von Abu Dhabi
Fahse: Traceruntersuchungen in der Natur
Samu: Geomorphologische Untersuchungen im Bereich der Brammerbank und des Krautsander Watts in
der Unterelbe
Jensen: Überlegung zur künftigen Entwicklung der Sturmflutwasserstände an der Nordseeküste
61/87 Teil I: Beiträge zum Ehrenkolloquium für Herrn Prof. Gehrig am 27. März 1987
Lohrberg: Prof. W. Gehrig und seine Bedeutung für die Entwicklung des Modellversuchswesens
in der WSV
Garbrecht: Erosion, Transport, Sedimentations-Probleme und Überlegungen im Altertum
Mosonyi: Geschiebeprobleme bei Hochdruckwasserkraftwerken
Vollmers: Probleme bei der praktischen Berechnung des Geschiebebetriebs
Nestmann/Bachmeier: Anwendung von Luftmodellen im strömungsmechanischen Versuchswesen des
Teil II:
Haferburg/Müller: Instandsetzung der Mittellandkanalbrücke 144 b über die Weser in Minden
62/88 Weichert: Kenngrößen von Bentonit-Zement-Suspensionen und ihre Bedeutung für die Eigenschaften
von Dichtungswandmaterialien
63/88 40-Jahre Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau
64/88 Rohde-Kolloquium am 9. Mai 1988:
Keil: Zur Untersuchung von Naturvorgängen als Grundlage für Ausbau und Unterhaltung der Bundes-
wasserstraßen im Küstenbereich
Holz: Moderne Konzepte für Tidemodelle
Vollmers: Reflexionen über Modelle mit beweglicher Sohle
Festakt „40 Jahre Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau“ am 8. November 1988:
Knieß: Einführungsansprache beim Festakt zur 40 Jahr-Feier der BAW am 08.11.88
Knittel: Ansprache anläßlich des 40jährigen Jubiläums der BAW in Karlsruhe am 08.11.88
Lenk: Verantwortungsprobleme im Wasserbau
Vortragsveranstaltung „Umwelt und Wasserstraßen“ am 8. November 1988:
Zimmermann/Nestmann: Ströme und Kanäle als Ingenieurbauwerke oder gestaltete Natur
Schulz: Standsicherheiten, Bemessungskriterien und Normen - Kontraindikationen eines naturnahen
Lankenau: Technische Zwänge, Entwicklungen und Notwendigkeiten bei modernen Wasserstraßen
Reinhardt: Rechtliche Zwänge, Entwicklungen und Notwendigkeiten bei modernen Wasserstraßen
Kolb: Grundsätze der Landschaftsplanung bei der Gestaltung von Wasserstraßen
Larsen: Notwendiges Umdenken beim Ingenieur in Ausbildung und Praxis
Kennedy: Sediment, flood-control and navigation aspects of the Three Gorges Project,
Yangtse river, China
65/89 Schröder: Auswirkung der Harmonisierung des EG-Binnenmarktes auf das Bauwesen
Flach: Normung für das Bauwesen im Rahmen eines europäischen Binnenmarktes
Litzner: Welche Auswirkungen haben die vorgesehenen europäischen Regelungen auf die deutschen
Hallauer: Die Entwicklung der Zusammensetzung von Beton für Wasserbauten

148 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

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65/89 Bayer: Einsatz der Betonbauweise bei Offshore-Bauwerken

Lamprecht: Verwendung von Beton bei Wasserbauten in der Antike
Rassmus: Entwicklung des Stahlbrückenbaus am Nord-Ostsee-Kanal (NOK)
Roehle: Der technische Fortschritt bei der Konstruktion und betrieblichen Ausbildung von Stahlwasser-
Wagner: Untersuchung von Stahlwasserbauverschlüssen, vergleichende Auswertung und Folgerungen
66/89 Vorträge des gemeinsamen Symposiums „Deckwerke“ des Franzius-Instituts für Küsteningenieurwesen,
Hannover, und der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau am 8./9. Juni 1988:
Mühring: Entwicklung und Stand der Deckwerksbauweisen im Bereich der Wasser- und
Schiffahrtsdirektion Mitte
Bartnik: Entwicklung und Stand der Deckwerksbauweisen im Bereich der Wasser- und
Schiffahrtsdirektion West
Paul, W.: Deckwerksbauweisen an Rhein, Neckar, Saar
Paul, H. J.: Deckwerke unter ausführungstechnischen Gesichtspunkten
Möbius: Abrollen von Geotextilien unter Wasser
Saggau: Deichschlußmaßnahme Nordstrander Bucht
Laustrup: Dünensicherungsmaßnahmen an der dänischen Nordseeküste
de Groot: Allgemeine Grundlagen zur Standsicherheit des Untergrundes unter Deckwerken
Oumeraci: Zur äußeren Beanspruchung von Deckschichten
Richwien: Seegang und Bodenmechanik - Geotechnische Versagensmechanismen von Seedeichen
Köhler: Messungen von Porenwasserüberdrücken im Untergrund
Bezuijen: Wasserüberdruck bei Betonsteindeckwerken
Sparboom: Naturmaßstäbliche Untersuchungen an einem Deckwerk im Großen Wellenkanal
Heerten: Analogiebetrachtungen von Filtern
Hallauer: Baustoffe für Deckwerke
Saathoff: Prüfung an Geotextilien
Schulz: Überblick über neue nationale und internationale Empfehlungen
67/90 Hein: Zur Korrosion von Stahlspundwänden in Wasser
Kunz: Risikoorientierte Lastkonzeption für Schiffsstoß auf Bauwerke
Pulina/Voigt: Untersuchungen beim Umbau und Neubau von Wehranlagen an Bundeswasserstraßen
Zimmermann: Zur Frage zulässiger Querströmungen an Bundeswasserstraßen
Tsakiris: Kombinierte Anwendung der Dezimalklassifikation und von Titelstichwörtern zur
Inhaltserschließung von Dokumenten
68/91 Knieß: Erweiterte Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau
Alf/Theurer: Prognose zur Entwicklung des Ladungspotentials für die Binnenschiffahrt in den neuen
Schulz: Zur Mobilisierung von Bewehrungskräften in nichtbindigen Böden
Ehmann: Bauwerksmessungen am Beispiel des Weserwehres
Hamfler: Temperatur- und Dehnungsmessungen während der Erhärtungsphase des Betons
Hauß: Verwendbarkeit von Waschbergen im Verkehrswasserbau
Köhler/Feddersen: Porenwasserdruckmessungen in Böden, Mauerwerk und Beton
69/92 Ohde: Nachdruck seiner Veröffentlichungen zu „Bodenmechanischen Problemen“
Themenkreise: Bodenmechanische Kennwerte, Erddruck, Standsicherheit, Sonstige Probleme und
70/93 Knieß: 90 Jahre Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau
Pulina: Bestimmung der zulässigen Strömungsgröße für seitliche Einleitungsbauwerke an Bundes-
Köhler u. a. m.: Wellenamplitudenmessungen mittels videometrischer Bildverarbeitung
Kuhl: Die Geschiebezugabe unterhalb der Staustufe Iffezheim von 1978 - 1992
Siebert: Simulation von Erosion und Deposition mit grobem Geschiebe unterhalb Iffezheim
Nestmann: Oberrheinausbau, Unterwasser Iffezheim
71/94 Nestmann/Theobald: Numerisches Modell zur Steuerung und Regelung einer Staustufenkette am
Beispiel von Rhein und Neckar
Dietz/Nestmann: Strömungsuntersuchungen für das Eider-Sperrwerk

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72/95 Vorträge zum OHDE-Kolloquium „Praktische Probleme der Baugrunddynamik“ am 14. September 1995
Fritsche: Modellversuche zur Bestimmung des dynamischen Verhaltens von Fundamenten
Huth: Modellierung des zyklischen Materialverhaltens von Lockergestein
Holzlöhner: Einfluß des Bodens beim Schiffsstoß auf Bauwerke
Schuppener: Eine Proberammung vor einer Stützwand mit unzureichender Standsicherheit
Palloks/Zierach: Zum Problem der Prognose von Schwingungen und Setzungen durch Pfahlrammungen
mit Vibrationsrammbären
Haupt: Sackungen im Boden durch Erschütterungseinwirkungen
Zerrenthin/Palloks: Beiträge zur Prognose von Rammerschütterungen mit Hilfe von Fallversuchen
Palloks/Dietrich: Erfahrungen mit Lockerungssprengungen für das Einbringen von Spundbohlen
im Mergelgestein
Huber: Ein Beitrag zur Erschütterungsausbreitung bei Zügen
Achilles/Hebener: Untersuchungen der Erschütterungsemission für den Ausbau von Straßenbahnstrecken
mit angrenzender historischer Bebauung
73/95 Westendarp: Untersuchungen und Instandsetzungsmaßnahmen an den Massivbauteilen
des Eidersperrwerkes
Dietz: Strömungsverhältnisse, Kolkbildung und Sohlensicherung am Eider-Sperrwerk
Heibaum: Sanierung der Kolke am Eidersperrwerk - Geotechnische Stabilität von Deckwerk
und Untergrund
74/96 Vorträge zum BAW-Kolloquium „Flußbauliche Untersuchungen zur Stabilisierung der Erosionsstrecke der
Elbe“ am 9. März 1995
Faist: Langfristige Wasserspiegelsenkungen und Grundsätze der Strombaumaßnahmen in der
Erosionsstrecke der Elbe
Glazik: Flußmorphologische Bewertung der Erosionsstrecke der Elbe unterhalb von Mühlberg
Faulhaber: Flußbauliche Analyse und Bewertung der Erosionsstrecke der Elbe
Schmidt: Ergebnisse neuerer Untersuchungen zu Gewässersohle und Feststofftransport in der
Alexy: Hydronumerische Untersuchungen zur Felsabgrabung und zum Einbau von Grundschwellen
in der Elbe bei Torgau
Fuehrer: Untersuchungen der Einsinktiefe von Bergfahrern im Stromabschnitt Torgau
Schoßig: Sohlenstabilisierung der Elbe km 154,62 - 155,70 im Bereich der Torgauer Brücken
- praktische Durchführung -
Kühne: Sohleninstandsetzung im Stromabschnitt Klöden (El-km 188,8 - km 192,2)
75/97 Abromeit: Ermittlung technisch gleichwertiger Deckwerke an Wasserstraßen und im Küstenbereich in
Abhängigkeit von der Trockenrohdichte der verwendeten Wasserbausteine
Alberts/Heeling: Wanddickenmessungen an korrodierten Stahlspundwänden - Statistische Daten-
auswertung zur Abschätzung der maximalen Abrostung -
Köhler: Porenwasserdruckausbreitung im Boden, Messverfahren und Berechnungsansätze
76/97 Vorträge zum BAW-Kolloquium zur Verabschiedung von LBDir a. D. Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Schulz und zur
Amtseinführung von LBDir Dr.-Ing. B. Schuppener am 18. Oktober 1996
Krause: Ansprache anläßlich der Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Schulz
Schwieger: Monitoringsystem zur Überwachung der Fugendichtigkeit an der Schleuse Uelzen
Köhler: Boden und Wasser - Druck und Strömung
Armbruster-Veneti: Leckageortung an Bauwerken der WSV mittels thermischer Messungen
Schulz: Rückblick auf 23 Jahre Geotechnik in der BAW
Schuppener: Gedanken zu den zukünftigen Aufgaben der Geotechnik in der BAW
77/98 Armbruster-Veneti et al.: Das Schawan-Wehr in Karelien - Zustand und Lebensdauer
Fuehrer: Untersuchungen zur hydraulischen Beanspruchung der Wasserstraßen durch die Schiffahrt
Jurisch: Untersuchung der Genauigkeiten von Tachymeter- und DGPS-Ortungen zur Ermittlung
hydraulischer und hydrologischer Daten in Flüssen
Lasar/Voigt: Gestaltung des Allerentlastungsbauwerkes I am MLK
78/98 50 Jahre Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau

150 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

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79/98 Vorträge zum Gemeinsamen Kolloquium von BAW und BfG „Eisbildung und Eisaufbruch auf Binnenwas-
serstraßen“ am 26. Mai 1998
Heinz: Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Nutzung der Wasserstraßen bei Eis
Barjenbruch: Wärmehaushalt von Kanälen
Klüssendorf-Mediger: Prognose von Eiserscheinungen auf ostdeutschen Wasserstraßen
Brydda: Chancen eines garantierten Ganzjahresverkehrs auf mitteleuropäischen Kanälen
Busch: Eissituation an den Wasserstraßen der WSD Süd
Voß: Eisbildung und Eisaufbruch auf den Binnenwasserstraßen der WSD Ost
Rupp: Eisbrechende Fahrzeuge und deren Einsatzmöglichkeiten bei Eisbedeckung
Kaschubowski: Eisfreihaltung mit Luftsprudelanlagen
Sachs: Tauchmotorpropellerpumpen zur Eisfreihaltung von Stemmtoren
Alexy: Eisdruck auf Kanalbrücken
Alexy: Optimierung der Eisabführung an Brücken
80/99 Vorträge zum BAW-Kolloquium „Donauausbau Straubing-Vilshofen / vertiefte Untersuchungen“ am 14.
Oktober 1999
Kirchdörfer: Donauausbau Straubing - Vilshofen - vertiefte Untersuchungen - Ziele, Varianten,
Hochschopf: Donauausbau Straubing - Vilshofen - vertiefte Untersuchungen - Baumaßnahmen
Naturversuch Sohlendeckwerk
Jurisch/Orlovius: Durchführung und Rohdatenauswertung
Strobl: Steinschlaguntersuchungen zur Ermittlung vertikaler Sicherheitsabstände in der Schifffahrt
Zöllner: Fahrdynamische Untersuchungen der Versuchsanstalt für Binnenschiffbau e. V., Duisburg,
zum Donauausbau Straubing - Vilshofen
Neuner: Untersuchungen zu den horizontalen Sicherheitsabständen in einem mit Buhnen geregelten
Nestmann: Luftmodelluntersuchungen zu Kolkverbaumaßnahmen
Kellermann: Donauausbau Straubing - Vilshofen - vertiefte Untersuchungen - 1D-Modellverfahren -
Modelltechnik, 3D-Untersuchungen, Buhnen, flussmorphologische Änderungen
Söhngen: Fahrdynamische Modelluntersuchungen
Roßbach/Kauppert: Physikalischer Modellversuch Isarmündung
81/00 Dienststelle Ilmenau
Beuke: Festvortrag - Bauinformatik als Verbundstelle zwischen Bauingenieurwesen und Informatik
Siebels: Wie kam es zum Standort Ilmenau
KSP Engel und Zimmermann Architekten: Neubau der Dienststelle der Bundesanstalt für
Wasserbau in Ilmenau
Siebels: Kunstwettbewerb für den Neubau der Dienststelle der Bundesanstalt für
Wasserbau in Ilmenau
Paul: Erwartungen der WSV an die BAW-Dienststelle in Ilmenau
Bruns: Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik - Perspektiven und Visionen -
Bruns: Zur Geschichte der Datenverarbeitung in der BAW
Fleischer: Zur Begutachtung der Standsicherheit alter, massiver Verkehrswasserbauten
Palloks: Die Entwicklung der Aufgaben des Referats Baugrunddynamik (BD)
Palloks: Bericht über das BAW - Kolloquium „Setzungen durch Bodenschwingungen“ in der
Außenstelle Berlin am 29.09.1999
82/00 Oebius: Charakterisierung der Einflussgrößen Schiffsumströmung und Propellerstrahl auf die Wasser-
Zöllner: Schiffbauliche Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Sohlbeanspruchung
Rieck/Abdel-Maksoud/Hellwig: Numerische Berechnung der induzierten Geschwindigkeiten eines
Binnenschiffes im Flussbett bei Bergfahrt
Fuehrer/Pagel: Formparameter- und Tiefgangseinflüsse auf die erreichbare Schiffsgeschwindigkeit und
schiffsinduzierte Sohlströmung im allseitig begrenzten Fahrwasser – Ergebnisse der 3D-Modellierung der
Schiffsumströmung nach FANKAN
Willamowski: Anwendung hydraulischer und fahrdynamischer Bewertungskriterien zur Beurteilung der
Befahrbarkeit von Flüssen am Beispiel der Unteren Saale
Söhngen/Heer: Einfluss des mittleren Rückströmungsfeldes auf den Geschiebetransport am Beispiel des
Rheins bei Westhoven
Abromeit: Deckwerksschäden durch Verockerung des geotextilen Filters und Sanierungsmethode

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 151

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82/00 Alexy: Ermittlung der Kolktiefen und der erforderlichen Sohlenbefestigung im Bereich einer Brückenbau-
stelle in der Elbe
Faulhaber: Veränderung von hydraulischen Parametern der Elbe in den letzten 100 Jahren
Hentschel/Kauther: Hochgeschwindigkeitsvideokamera im wasserbaulichen und geotechnischen
Gladkow/Söhngen: Modellierung des Geschiebetransports mit unterschiedlicher Korngröße in Flüssen
Glazik: Historische Entwicklung des wasserbaulichen Modellversuchswesens in den Versuchsanstalten
Berlin-Karlshorst und Potsdam
83/01 Vorträge zum BAW-Kolloquium „Instandhaltung der Wasserbauwerke - eine Kernaufgabe der WSV“,
Abschiedskolloquium für Herrn LBDir R. Wagner am 22. März 2001
Aster: Bauwerksinstandsetzung und Kernaufgaben - Ein Widerspruch?
Hermening: Anforderungen der WSV an die BAW bezüglich der Beratung bei der Instandhaltung der
Kunz/Bödefeld: Von der Bauwerksinspektion zum Bauwerksmanagement
Westendarp: Betoninstandsetzung - Neue Anforderungen und Entwicklungen
Strobl/Wildner: Injektion mit hydraulischem Bindemittel im porösen Massenbeton
Meinhold: Instandsetzungsmöglichkeiten und -grenzen für Stahlwasserbauten
Binder: Arbeits- und Umweltschutz bei Korrosionsschutzarbeiten
Beuke: Gestalterische Aspekte bei der Modernisierung der Schleuse Woltersdorf
84/02 10 Jahre deutsch-russische Kooperation im Bereich der Binnenwasserstraßen 1991-2001, Vorträge aus
Symposien 9. September 2001 in Sankt Petersburg und 11. Dezember 2001 in Karlsruhe (in deutscher
und russischer Sprache)
Butow: Zusammenarbeit der Sankt-Petersburger Staatlichen Universität für Wasserkommunikationen mit
der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau
Armbruster: Ausgewählte Aspekte der Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Geotechnik
Kljujew: Deformationen der Schleusenkammerwände an der Wolga-Ostsee-Wasserstraße
Ogarjow/Koblew: Zustand und Entwicklungsperspektiven der Kaspi-Schwarzmeer-Wasserstraße
Radionow: Rekonstruktion des Moskau-Kanals
Bödefeld: Auswertung der Bauwerksinspektion
Dettmann/Zentgraf: Pegelabhängige Fahrspurberechnung in fließenden Gewässern
Kemnitz: Modellierung des Geschiebetransports in Flüssen
Kemnitz: Untersuchung von Schleusenfüllsystemen am Beispiel der neuen Hafenschleuse Magdeburg
Lausen: Numerische 3D-Simulation der Moselstaustufe Lehmen
Odenwald: Prüfung und Beurteilung der Baugrubenabdichtung für den Schleusenneubau Uelzen II im
Paul: Donauausbau Straubing - Vilshofen
Stenglein: Unterhaltungskonzept für den freifließenden Rhein
85/02 Oberflächendichtungen an Sohle und Böschung von Wasserstraßen:
Empfehlungen zur Anwendung von Oberflächendichtungen an Sohle und Böschung von Wasserstraßen
Kolke an Gründungen / Scour of Foundations - Workshop 5 der XV. Internationalen Tagung über Boden-
mechanik und Geotechnik in Istanbul im August 2001 (in deutscher und englischer Sprache):
Annandale et al.: Fallstudien zur Kolkbildung / Scour Case Studies
Heibaum: Geotechnische Aspekte von Kolkentwicklung und Kolkschutz / Geotechnical Parameters of
Scouring and Scour Countermeasures
Richardson et al.: Praktische Berechnungen zu Kolken an Brücken in den USA / United States Practice
for Bridge Scour Analysis
Schiffbautechnisches Kolloquium der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau am 24./25. April 2002:
Bielke: Funktionale Leistungsbeschreibung bei der Ausschreibung von Wasserfahrzeugen
Dobinsky/Sosna: Einsatz dieselelektrischer Schiffsantriebe
Lenkeit/Stryi: Modernisierung der Fähren entlang des NOK
Stumpe: Verlängerung MzS MELLUM
Garber: Entwicklung eines Sandhobels
Claußen: Entwickung und Einsatz von flachgehenden Aufsichts- und Arbeitsschiffen (Typ Spatz)
Kühnlein: Modellversuchswesen im Schiffbau
Germer: Antifouling (TBT-Alternativen)
Christiansen: Umweltverträgliche Schmierstoffe und Hydrauliköle

152 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005)

Gesamtinhaltsverzeichnis aller bisher erschienenen Mitteilungsblätter

85/02 Hoffmann: Fächerlot- und Sonarsysteme

Preuß: Einsatz von AIS/VDR an Bord
86/03 Themenschwerpunkt: Wasserbau im Küstenbereich
Beschreibung und Analyse der Ästuardynamik in den Seeschifffahrtsstraßen:
Jürges/Winkel: Ein Beitrag zur Tidedynamik der Unterems
Lang: Ein Beitrag zur Tidedynamik der Innenjade und des Jadebusens
Schüttrumpf/Kahlfeld: Hydraulische Wirkungsweise des JadeWeserPorts
Schubert/Rahlf: Hydrodynamik des Weserästuars
Boehlich: Tidedynamik der Elbe
Seiß/Plüß: Tideverhältnisse in der Deutschen Bucht
Winkel: Das morphologische System des Warnow-Ästuars
Rudolph: Sturmfluten in den deutschen Ästuaren
Grundlagen für die Sicherheit und Leichtigkeit des Schiffsverkehrs:
Liebetruth/Eißfeldt: Untersuchungen zur Nautischen Sohle
Uliczka/Kondziella: Dynamisches Fahrverhalten extrem großer Containerschiffe unter Flachwasser-
Bielke/Siebeneicher: Entwicklung, Planung und Neubau von Wasserfahrzeugen
Die mathematische Modellierung als unverzichtbare Beratungsgrundlage:
Heyer: Zur Bedeutung mathematischer Modelle im Küstenwasserbau
Lang: Analyse von HN-Modell-Ergebnissen im Tidegebiet
Weilbeer: Zur dreidimensionalen Simulation von Strömungs- und Transportprozessen in Ästuaren
Malcherek: Vom Sohlevolutions- zum vollständigen Morphologiemodell: Eine Road Map zur SediMorph-
Vierfuss: Seegangsmodellierung in der BAW
87/04 Grundlagen zur Bemessung von Böschungs- und Sohlensicherungen an Binnenwasserstraßen
88/05 Principles for the Design of Bank and Bottom Protection for Inland Waterways
(Englische Fassung des Mitteilungsblatts Nr. 87/2004)

Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Nr. 88 (2005) 153

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