Extroversión - Introversión y Aprendizaje
Extroversión - Introversión y Aprendizaje
Extroversión - Introversión y Aprendizaje
Karadeniz Technical University
Despite the fact that personality factors and learning strategies are of great importance in
success with language learning, the link between extroversion and introversion and language-
learning strategies has received little attention from researchers. Therefore, I investigated
whether or not there is any correlation between these personality traits and language-learning
strategies. Participants in the study were 106 extroverted and 94 introverted students.
The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and the Strategy Inventory for Second
Language Learning (SILL) were employed. The findings indicated that, with the exception
of communicative strategies, introverted learners used a greater range of metacognitive and
cognitive strategies than did extroverted learners.
M. Naci Kayaoğlu, Department of English Language and Literature, Karadeniz Technical University.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to: M. Naci Kayaoğlu, Department
of English Language and Literature, Karadeniz Technical University, Üniversite Caddesi, 61080
Trabzon, Turkey. Email: naci@ktu.edu.tr
Ellis (1994) stated that there are two major hypotheses about the possible
relationship between the dichotomy of introversion/extroversion and language
learning. It is argued in the first hypothesis that extroverts are more successful
language learners as they are better at basic interpersonal communication
strategies. Conversely, it is claimed in the second hypothesis that introverts are
better language learners as they have developed cognitive academic ability. In
a rare study on personality types and language-learning strategies, Ehrman and
Oxford (1989) found that extroverts tended to employ more affective strategies.
Extroverts favored the use of visualization strategies whereas introverts were
keen to communicate meaning. Introverts were found to be slow to initiate, or
respond to, a conversation because they were concerned about meaning and
Of the various psychological measurement inventories that researchers have
used to determine personality traits, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
has been widely used (Dörnyei, 2005; Ehrman & Oxford, 1989). In addition,
the MBTI has served well as a psychometric tool to determine personality traits
of language learners in various studies (Chamorro-Premuzic & Furnham, 2003;
Dewaele & Furnham, 2000; Gan, 2011; Sidek, 2012).
Data Analysis
The use of language-learning strategies by introverted and extroverted
students (as defined in the EPQ) was analyzed on the basis of Oxford’s (1990)
strategy classifications. As the data were basically ordinal, the nonparametric
Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyze ranked data to compare the two
independent groups.
patterns, repeating, and formally practicing with sounds and writing systems)
than were the extrovert learners (see Appendix). The fact that the analysis of
metacognitive strategies resulted in a statistically significant difference between
the introverted and extroverted learners may have some practical implications,
because metacognitive strategies are related to knowledge about cognition,
regulation, and actions that involve learners coordinating, organizing, and
arranging their learning, and setting goals, objectives, and plans for a language
task in an efficient way. The only metacognitive strategy in which the score for
extroverted learners were significantly higher than that of the introverted learners
was seeking practice opportunities. It is logical to anticipate that extroverts create
more opportunities and social situations for themselves to engage in conversation
in the target language. It has been shown that the self-monitoring strategy is used
significantly more often by proficient language learners who are considered to
be extroverts (Ellis, 1994). However, a result that I found surprising was that the
introverted students significantly more often used the self-monitoring strategy
than did the extroverted students (Z = 6.406, p < .000). This strategy is of great
importance because it enables learners to evaluate their overall progress and
learning performance. With regard to social strategies, the extroverted students
chose to cooperate with peers as a social strategy more frequently than did the
introvert learners, who, in contrast, preferred interaction with their teachers,
who were proficient users of the language being studied. In regard to affective
strategies, there was no statistically significant difference between introverts and
extroverts in terms of lowering anxiety level (Z = 5.014, p < .933).
Bialystok, E. (1985). The compatibility of teaching and learning strategies. Applied Linguistics, 6,
255-262. http://doi.org/b63j64
Chamorro-Premuzic, T., & Furnham, A. (2003). Personality predicts academic performance:
Evidence from two longitudinal university samples. Journal of Research in Personality, 37,
319-338. http://doi.org/cktx28
Chamot, A. U. (1987). The learning strategies of ESL students. In A. Wenden & J. Rubin (Eds.),
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Cohen, A. D., & Macaro, E. (Eds.). (2007). Language learner strategies: Thirty years of research and
practice. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Dewaele, J.-M., & Furnham, A. (2000). Personality and speech production: A pilot study of second
language learners. Personality and Individual Differences, 28, 355-365. http://doi.org/c6tffk
Dörnyei, Z. (2005). The psychology of the language learner: Individual differences in second
language acquisition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type
on adult language learning strategies. The Modern Language Journal, 73, 1-13. http://doi.org/
Ellis, R. (1994). The study of second language acquisition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Eysenck, H. J., & Eysenck, S. B. G. (1975). Manual of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire.
London, UK: Hodder and Stoughton.
Gan, Z. (2011). An investigation of personality and L2 oral performance. Journal of Language
Teaching and Research, 2, 1259-1267. http://doi.org/fntndn
Kayaoğlu, M. N. (2011). Language learning strategies: Theory, practice and issues. Saarbrücken,
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Kayaoğlu, M. N. (2012). Gender-based differences in language learning strategies of science
students. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 9, 12-24.
Oxford, R. L. (1990). Language learning strategies: What every teacher should know. New York:
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Sidek, H. M. (2012). EFL language learning personality traits and instruction. The International
Journal of Learning, 18, 255-272.
Würtz, E. (2005). A cross-cultural analysis of websites from high-text cultures and low-context
cultures. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11, article 13. Accessed at http://jcmc.
Statistical Information on Specific Strategies
Memory Strategies
Associating/Elaborating 112.72 86.72 Z = 6.277, p < .000
Using sounds 90.77 111.47 Z = 3.951, p < .009
Using imagery 112.63 86.82 Z = 6.268, p < .001
Representing sounds in memory 109.31 90.56 Z = 5.916, p < .012
Using mechanical technique 113.11 86.28 Z = 6.319, p < .001
Structured reviewing 117.51 81.32 Z = 6.785, p < .000
Cognitive Strategies
Repeating 112.67 86.78 Z = 6.272, p < .001
Formally practicing with sounds
and writing systems 110.26 89.49 Z = 6.017, p < .009
Practicing naturalistically 74.43 123.62 Z = 7.433, p < .000
Using formulas and patterns 118.79 79.54 Z = 6.852, p < .000
Reasoning deductively 97.98 103.34 Z = 4.715, p < .500
Analyzing expression 101.90 98.93 Z = 5.130, p < .709
Translating (into mother tongue) 122.48 81.01 Z = 2.916, p < .000
Compensation Strategies
Using mime or gestures 81.94 118.83 Z = 3.062, p < .000
Coining words 87.83 111.74 Z = 6.173, p < .002
Using a circumlocution or synonym 119.58 78.98 Z = 7.005, p < .000
Adjusting or approximating the message 116.54 82.41 Z = 6.682, p < .000
Using linguistic clues 115.61 83.46 Z = 6.584, p < .004
Getting help 81.28 122.17 Z = 2.945, p < .000
Metacognitive Strategies
Paying attention-directed 87.52 112.01 Z = 6.202, p < .002
Paying attention-selected 119.07 79.56 Z = 6.950, p < .000
Seeking practice opportunities 90.09 109.74 Z = 5.961, p < .014
Organizing 104.38 96.13 Z = 5.393, p < .289
Setting goals and objectives 103.72 91.73 Z = 5.325, p < .128
Self-monitoring 113.83 85.35 Z = 6.406, p < .000
Affective and Social Strategies
Making a positive statement 74.80 123.29 Z = 7.398, p < .000
Discussing feelings 93.86 106.39 Z = 5.605, p < .044
Taking emotional temperature 110.84 88.84 Z = 6.078, p < .000
Lowering anxiety level 100.80 100.16 Z = 5.014, p < .933
Cooperating with peers 92.10 107.95 Z = 5.772, p < .116
Cooperating with proficient users
of the studied language 120.53 75.27 Z = 7.105, p < .000
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