American Language Course Placement Test FORM: 98 Stening Practice Student Answer Sheet
American Language Course Placement Test FORM: 98 Stening Practice Student Answer Sheet
American Language Course Placement Test FORM: 98 Stening Practice Student Answer Sheet
FORM: 98
1. a) The houses form a circle around the b) It was hard to control the horse.
trees. c) It was hard to train the horse.
b) The trees form a circle around the 12. a) a new computer
houses. b) a broken phone
c) The trees and houses form a circle. c) a trash can
2. a) windshield wipers 13. a) The train had left before she arrived.
b) headlights b) The train left right after she arrived.
c) power windows c) The train left long after she arrived.
3. a) The repairs cost $500. 14. a) how much damage the storm caused
b) The repairs cost more than $500. b) how much rain fell during the storm
c) The repairs cost less than $500. c) how fast the police responded to the
4. a) in a park
b) in a supermarket 15. a) The project was restarted.
c) on a city street b) The project was stopped.
c) The project was paid for.
5. a) a television and a computer
b) a wallet and a purse 16. a) She carefully placed them on the bed.
c) a painting and a photograph b) She messily placed them on the bed.
c) She neatly placed them on the bed.
6. a) your knees
b) your heart 17. a) We were waiting for the plane to land.
c) your chest b) We were waiting for the plane to
7. a) She gave a general description. c) We were waiting for the plane to take
b) She gave a specific description. off.
c) She repeated her description.
18. a) My brother gave someone the flu.
8. a) The rates are expensive. b) My brother caught the flu.
b) The rates are cheap. c) My brother recovered from the flu.
c) The rates are neither expensive nor
cheap. 19. a) The major is taking a class.
b) The major is conducting an inspection.
9. a) Give him a blanket. c) The major is attending a meeting.
b) Give him some medicine.
c) Give him some food. 20. a) The enemy surrendered quickly.
b) The enemy fought back.
10. a) He refused most of the demands. c) The enemy ran away.
b) He accepted most of the demands.
c) He continued to resist the demands. 21. a) to places that are historic
b) to places that are hard to access
11. a) It was hard to get on the horse. c) to places that are near the border
33. a) We need to repair the table.
22. a) The writing is blurry. b) We need to build the table.
b) The writing is amplified. c) We need to measure the table.
c) The writing is variable.
23. a) It removes heat. 34. a) Someone scratched it with a key.
b) It gives off heat. b) A child threw a rock at it.
c) It resists heat. c) I drove it through the mud.
24. a) Two people painted the wall. 35. a) There are two runways in the area.
b) Two cans of paint were needed. b) There are two planes in the area.
c) The wall was painted two times. c) There are two storms in the area.
25. a) Where was this oil painting made? 36. a) The two armies will fight each other.
b) Where could I get a painting like that? b) The two armies will fight separately.
c) Where could I take oil painting lessons? c) The two armies will fight together.
28. a) The troops will advance unless too 39. a) dollars and euros
many people die. d) cash and credit cards
b) The troops will advance regardless of e) dimes and quarters
the gunfire.
c) The troops will advance once the 40. a) He said I cooked spaghetti.
gunfire decreases. b) He said my fish was too spicy.
c) He said we ate dinner at 7:30.
29. a) a desk
b) a rug
c) a window