PET Reading 3 - 2020
PET Reading 3 - 2020
PET Reading 3 - 2020
4-option multiple choice – In Part 3 of the PET Reading paper you read a longer text
(see the example below) and answer five question. For each of those questions you
choose from four options A, B, C or D.
Part 3 tests your general and detailed understanding of a longer text as well as your
understanding of the writer’s opinions and attitude. It is a true reading task
compared to Parts 5 and 6 which test your grammar and vocabulary.
The text in Part 3 is always a little bit longer with between 300-350 words. In
addition, you get five questions with four possible answers A-D.
You can see that the last question looks a different from the others, but I’m going to
talk about that a little bit later.
Always remember that you also have to transfer your answers onto a separate
answer sheet which you get from the examiner at the beginning of the test.
As you probably know, there are six different parts in the Reading section of the B1
Preliminary exam. Each part has its own difficulties, but there are also a few general
things that are interesting for you to know.
In PET Reading you only get 45 minutes to complete 6 different tasks. Some of these
tasks, like Part 3, ask you to read pretty long texts and answer questions or fill in
gaps. In addition, you always have to transfer your answers onto an extra answer
sheet, which usually takes around five minutes. T hat leaves us with around 40
minutes to answer all the questions or, more or less, 6 1/2 minutes per task.
Obviously, that is not a lot of time and you need to be very careful. Always have an
eye on the clock and make sure that you don’t spend too much time on a single
We call these pieces of wrong or confusing information ‘distractors’. You have to
practise the different tasks quite a lot to learn the best techniques to deal with these
distractors effectively.
The last question in Reading Part 3 always looks different from the other questions
and it is very important that you don’t get confused by that. Believe me, there is really
nothing to worry about if you know what exactly you have to do in this last question.
One of the most crucial things in the exam is that you have a plan for each task so
you know exactly what you have to do. This can help you a lot if you are running out
of time. Instead of getting really nervous and making unnecessary mistakes you can
take a deep breath, focus on your step-by-step process and keep collecting marks.
Let me now show you what the first three steps might look like for our example from
before. After that, we’ll deal with question 15.
When you look at the first four questions in Reading Part 3 keep in mind that they
follow the order of the text, which means that the answer to the first question is
somewhere at the beginning of the text and the answer to question 14 more towards
the end.
First of all, you want to look at questions 11-14 and underline the most important words.
As you can see above, I’ve already done the work for you and now we read the text
quickly, just to get a general understanding of the topic and what happens in the text.
While you are reading just highlight the parts that match the questions and where you
think you can find the correct answers.
Again, I’ve already highlighted everything for you. The colours show you which part
belongs to which of the questions. You can see that, indeed, the questions follow the
order of the text.
After you’ve done this little bit of preparation you re-read the different parts more
carefully and choose the correct answer for each question.
The underlined parts in the text perfectly match the circled options in the questions.
Remember, there are three steps to answering questions 11-14 and it is always the
same process. Practise to get faster and there won’t be a problem for you.
Question 15 is a little bit different from the other questions, but if you know how it works,
it isn’t really a problem.
As I’ve told you before, all the other questions follow the order of the text and they ask
you about some detailed information. Question 15, however, asks you about the whole
text. You can’t just look for some detail that gives you the correct answer, but you need
to understand the main idea(s) and what the author wants to say.
In our example the question asks for a good introduction to the article. This means that
you have to understand what the article talks about in order to make that decision.
A good way to answer this task is to eliminate the wrong options. They always include
something that the text doesn’t talk about or they give you false information so it is
normally quite easy to find the wrong ones.
For example, in option A we see that Peter Fuller never says that mountain biking is more
important to him than his career. Option C describes the relationship between mountain
biking and Peter’s career as an artist, but in the text he never says that he chose his
career only because of the sport. And lust but not least, option D says that he gave up art
to become as good as possible, which is simply not correct. In fact, he gave up racing
because he was afraid of accidents.
The only possible answer that is left is option B and when we look at the information, we
see that it describes the text pretty well. So, don’t be scared of this last question, but be
careful because it works a little bit differently from the other tasks in Reading Part 3.