Editorial: The 22nd-Century City
Editorial: The 22nd-Century City
Editorial: The 22nd-Century City
reasons why we can no longer define the extent of a city. Indeed, it is tempting to think of
cities being composed of networks of linkages across the world which reflect trade, social
contacts, even knowledge which has become global through access to information on the
Internet. The ‘cloud’ is recognition that increasingly information is global in its import and
that it no longer matters where it is physically located. Much of what we now do does not
relate to the place we inhabit which, in some senses, is becoming independent of the activities
that support and sustain us both economically and globally. Networks are of course the icon
of our age and the real challenges in science are related to how multiple networks are coupled
together in diverse ways, interacting with one another through diffusing processes. Networks
of genes, e-mail, brains, migration, computers—you name it and it will have some network
characteristic—are all being studied in new ways, and cities are no exception. But there is a
difference in that our sense of place is not really network based. Although most places and
the activities and populations within them now depend on others, once we recognise that
such networks are spatially disjoint, we lose the recognition that pertains to clusters that we
have defined as cities for the last 5000 years. The challenge thus is to find characterisations
of cities or rather urban clusters that span large distances and times while at the same time
rooting these notions in the traditional idea that places are defined locally by contiguous
configurations of development. In short, we need new ways of linking local to global.
The usual way has been to aggregate the populations into small zones that provide enough
variation across a city as conceived of as a contiguous physical development to examine its
spatial heterogeneity. However, spatial contiguity is broken in a global world, for populations
depend on networks related to all the activities they engage in—work, social interactions,
entertainment, education, health, and so on. Plotting networks at an individual or more
aggregate level is difficult and there is no way of really reconciling this variety to represent
it in a spatial context. In short, we have not yet come up with aggregate varieties of network
that portray variations across space (and time) in a sufficiently robust manner as to provide
a good summary of how cities are now composed of multiple populations and activities that
depend on a continuum of linkages from local to global. We still need to show this continuum
in one place at the level of the physical city, and this probably means we need to map the
phenomenon of the future city in the same way as we have done traditionally. One simple way
would be to fix on some local–global set of linkages and provide an average distance—a kind
of global accessibility for every population in every space. This might literally be measured
as a distance or reach which is an index of how the activities of each population depend on
other activities and populations at a distance from the location of the population in question.
To make this idea operational, we really need a local–global footprint for every member
of the population and this might contain several subfootprints dependent on the particular
activities that an individual is engaged in. For example, someone working in financial
services might be supplying activities whose demand is truly global and whose inputs are
equally global in terms of the inflow of cash to support the product. This would be in contrast
to a worker providing services locally but whose inputs also contained some measure of
more global activities. In short, each individual in terms of work would have a footprint
determined by the spatial extent to which their activities depend on inputs in different places
as well as providing outputs that determine consumption and production at different places.
The location of these places would determine the footprint in terms of some measure of
distance or accessibility. This of course is no more nor less than a highly disaggregate spatial
input–output model which is a set of accounts related to where the inputs and outputs for any
individual in the population come from. However such models have rarely been examined
spatially in the past, largely due to lack of data but we may be able to get somewhere for
aggregate populations by making assumptions about where their work originates from and is
destined for in terms of a global measure of distance.
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For example, we might portray the footprint of individuals from their work perspective
as containing different percentages of local, regional, national, continental, and global reach
by noting what they produce and applying a national estimate to each in terms of their work
location. We could then add up these values for aggregate populations living or working in
each zone of the city and produce a composite index by weighting the values according to
an average distance measure for each of these five scales and summing them. The larger the
score the greater the global reach of the aggregated zonal population and plotting these would
give a sense of the diversity of the city in terms of work and residential locations with respect
to the extent to which the city was globalised. If one had this type of measure for several
cities, one could then filter the data for each level and produce composite mosaics of the
global, continental, national, regional, and local city.
To launch this idea, we need data on the precise locations where the inputs and outputs
of products produced by an individual are actually located. Let us define the footprint for an
individual pi 6 I1 (xi1, yi1), I2 (xi2, yi2), f, On (xin, yin), O n + 1 (xin + 1, yin + 1), f @ , where I1 (xi1, yi1) is
a typical input distance to location xi1, yi1 and On (xin, yin) a typical output distance. We can
then sum these values over the relevant set of locations in zone j, i ! Z j in each city and
apply the percentage weight t k to determine a composite index for each input and output as
I j (k) = /i ! Z j t k Ik (xik, yik) and O j (m) = /i ! Zj t k Im (xim, yim) . This gives us the value of the
relevant input or output reach for particular products in the aggregated zone j . Now imagine
collecting all the zones j in all the cities for each input and output. We can then construct a
spatial profile of the typical city input or output with respect to its global reach by aggregating
values between different ranges of reach. We can do this for all inputs, all outputs, for inputs
and outputs, and for these different aggregations with respect to work or residence. We can
in principle take the zones j from each city that satisfy these different ranges and map these
as mosaics or composites, but frankly this has little meaning. A much better plot would be
to look at the pattern of cities as some sort of frequency distribution, rank ordered by the
number of zones from which it would be easy to see patterns of city types.
We urgently need a new definition for cities that goes beyond physical extent: one that
takes into account how cities fit into the global picture which is built from what we know
about networks at every scale. But we also need to retain a measure of spatiality and ideally
adjacency, as the way we interpret cities is still strongly physical. A sense of place is essential
and, even if cities are composed of many parts all spatially distinct in terms of their global
reach, our earliest and most formative influences are likely to be local rather than global. The
ideas mooted in this editorial may seem a little fanciful with respect to how we might map
and visualise the future city at the beginning of the 22nd century. But we need to begin to deal
with cities which have fluid boundaries if we are to grapple with the kind of complexity that
is now infusing urban development. One way of beginning is to map the city of tomorrow.
Michael Batty
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