Juan vs. Juan
Juan vs. Juan
Juan vs. Juan
221732, 2017-08-23
Roberto U. Juan began using the name and mark "Lavandera Ko" in his laundry business
Thereafter, on
1997, the National Library issued to him a certificate of copyright over said name and mark.
Roberto then formed a corporation to handle the said business, hence, Laundromatic
Corporation (Laundromatic) was incorporated in 1997, while "Lavandera Ko" was registered
as a business name on November 13, 1998 with the Department of Trade and Industry
(DTI). Thereafter that his brother, Fernando was able to register the name and mark
"Lavandera Ko" with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) on
Roberto that a certain Juliano Nacino (Juliano) had been writing the franchisees of the
former threatening them with criminal and civil cases if they did not stop using the mark and
name "Lavandera Ko." It was found out Roberto that Fernando had been selling his own
Thus filed a petition for injunction, unfair competition, infringement of copyright, cancellation
of trademark and name with/and prayer for TRO and Preliminary Injunction with RTC
petitioner contended that a mark is different from a copyright and not interchangeable.
Petitioner insisted that he is the owner of the service mark in question as he was able to
register the same with the IPO pursuant to Section 122 of R.A. No. 8293.
The resolution of this Court - NO ONE OF THE HEREIN PARTIES HAS THE RIGHT TO
In 1948, Cecil Lloyd established the first Filipino owned record company, the Philippine
Recording System, which featured his rendition of Filipino folk songs among them the
"Lavandera ko" (1942) which is a composition of Santiago S. Suarez". Thus, the herein
parties had made misrepresentation before this court, to say the least, when they declared
that they had coined and created the subject mark and name. How can the herein parties
have coined and created the subject mark and work when these parties were not yet born;
when the subject mark and work had been created and used in 1942.
The herein parties are just false claimants... of the original work of Mr. Santiago S. Suarez
created in 1942.
Furthermore, Section 21 of R.A. 8293 declares: "Patentable Inventions - any technical
solution of a problem in any field of human activity which is new, involves an inventive step
and is industrially applicable shall be patentable. It may be, or may relate to, a product, or
process, or an improvement of any of the foregoing." Thus, the herein subject mark and
work can never be patented for the simple reason that it is not an invention. It is a title of a
music composition originated from the mind of Mr. Santiago S. Suarez in 1942.
Considering that herein parties had made misrepresentations before this court, hence, both
the herein parties came to this court with unclean hands. Thus, no damage could be
awarded to anyone of the herein parties.
"Lavandera Ko," the mark in question in this case is being used as a trade name or
specifically, a service name since the business in which it pertains involves the rendering of
laundry services. Under Section 121.1 of R.A. No. 8293, "mark" is defined as any visible
sign capable of distinguishing the goods (trademark) or services (service mark) of an
enterprise and shall include a stamped or marked container of goods. As such, the basic
contention of the parties is, who has the better right to use "Lavandera Ko" as a service
name because Section 165.2... of the said law, guarantees the protection of trade names
and business names even prior to or without registration, against any unlawful act
committed by third parties.
Hence, the RTC erred in denying the parties the proper determination as to who has the
ultimate right to use the said trade name by ruling that neither of them has the right or a
cause of action since "Lavandera Ko" is protected by a copyright.
Copyright is the right of literary property as recognized and sanctioned by positive law.
An intangible, incorporeal right granted by statute to the author or originator of certain
literary or artistic productions, whereby he is invested, for a limited period, with the sole and
exclusive privilege of multiplying copies of the same and publishing and selling them.
Trade name, on the other hand, is any designation which (a) is adopted and used by person
to denominate goods which he markets, or services which he renders, or business which he
conducts, or has come to be so used by other, and (b) through its association with such
goods, services or business, has acquired a special significance as the name thereof, and
(c) the use of which for the purpose stated in (a) is prohibited neither by legislative
enactment nor by otherwise defined public policy.
Section 172.1 of R.A. 8293 enumerates the following original intellectual creations in the
literary and artistic domain that are protected from the moment of their creation, thus: 172.1
Literary and artistic works, hereinafter referred to as "works", are original intellectual
creations in the literary and artistic domain protected from the moment of their creation and
shall include in particular:
(f) Musical compositions, with or without words;
"Lavandera Ko," being a musical composition with words is protected under the copyright
law (Part IV, R.A. No. 8293) and not under the trademarks, service marks and trade names
law (Part III, R.A. No. 8293)