Hotel Energy Solutions Online Magazine. 2011
Hotel Energy Solutions Online Magazine. 2011
Hotel Energy Solutions Online Magazine. 2011
Take a look at the HES e-toolkit,
and find out more about our
pilot destinations
Hotel Energy Solutions
Conference 2011
FITUR Green 2011
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Energy Management Agency
CONTENT Dear Reader
Visit Madrid 20
For further INFORMATION and CONFERENCE REGISTRATION, visit our website:
Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this magazine lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither
the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Dear Reader...
Welcome to the third issue of
the Hotel Energy Solutions
Online Magazine
After two years of extensive research and testing, the United Nations
World Tourism Organization and its partners will unveil an innovative
online software application for improving energy management in hotels:
the HES e-toolkit.
In this issue, pilot destination hoteliers who have tested the e-toolkit
will share their experiences with you. You will also preview FITUR Green,
a special exhibition that will be part of the International Tourism Trade
Fair in Madrid. FITUR Green will present some of the latest and most
successful technologies adapted to energy and tourism.
As we work together toward a greener future for the tourism sector, Hotel
Energy Solutions provides an interactive forum between hoteliers, energy
technology suppliers and other stakeholders at tourism destinations.
Together we can all pave the way to increasing competitiveness and
reducing greenhouse emissions.
Zoritsa Urosevic
Hotel Energy Solutions Coordinator
United NationsWorld Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Hotel Energy Solutions
HES – Your guide to better energy consumption
Hotel Energy Solutions presents the HES e-toolkit,
an innovative energy toolkit for hotels
Launched by the United Nations World Tourism The HES e-toolkit offers the best solutions to enhance
Organization, Hotel Energy Solutions is an initiative co- and optimize energy performance, calculate the
funded by the European Agency for Competitiveness and necessary initial investment and the return on that
Innovation (EACI) and Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE). investment, and finally, it compares the results with
The project was conceived to help small and medium similar properties.
enterprises (SMEs) in the accommodation sector reduce
their energy consumption and also to reduce their After installation, energy consumption and hotel energy
operation costs. Although HES was designed primarily bills decrease, which makes a positive contribution to
with European Union Member States destinations in the environment and increases profits.
mind, hotels at any destination around the world may
use the tools free of charge. The HES e-toolkit, currently being tested at pilot
destinations, will be presented on 20 January 2011
during the second annual Hotel Energy Solutions
Conference. The conference will be held at FITUR, the
International Tourism Trade Fair in Madrid. It will offer the
possibility to meet with EE and RE technology providers
at FITUR Green, an integrated part of the Hotel Energy
Solutions objective, to build a better understanding
between hoteliers and energy technology providers and
Click here
HES E-toolkit
What the HES E-toolkit can do for you
Reduce your energy consumption with the HES e-toolkit
The HES E-toolkit is designed to allow you to measure as using low-energy lighting or improving building
and improve your hotel’s energy performance and insulation. Once you implement the solutions best
reduce energy costs. The e-toolkit questionnaire takes adapted to your needs, you will improve your hotel’s
about 40 minutes to complete and then generates a energy performance and reduce energy costs, thereby
series of simple reports. improving your competitiveness.
Hotel Energy Solutions
• an Energy Consumption Report that shows how much
energy is being used per square meter per year, per
night and per room, along with an energy bar that shows
how this compares with other hotels and guest-houses
of the same type – which allows you to appreciate your
potential energy savings (20%, 40%, 50%...).
After choosing to invest in long-term energy-reduction solutions, the next step is to get an estimate from suppliers and
installers. They will also explain how each of the options can be fitted to your hotel. Some local or national financial
support may be available, so be sure to check. Then select one or more options, and in a short time your hotel’s energy
performance and savings will surprise and delight you.
Did you know...?
The challenges
of climate
change and a
greener tourism
An Abundant Ecosystem
and an Ancient Culture
Strandja Nature Park
To know more:
The HES Coastal Pilot Destination
Go to website
Palma: Committed
to responsibility
In 2008, Palma City Council’s Municipal Tourism Institute
(Instituto Municipal de Turismo, IMTUR) launched the
project Palma Turismo Responsable
(Palma Responsible Tourism).
The project’s main objectives are the promotion of The 2nd International Conference on Climate Change
the municipality as a destination which is responsible and Tourism took place in October 2007 in Davos,
and committed to sustainability, raising awareness Switzerland. The conclusions of that conference were
among residents and tourists, and disseminating the brought together in a document, the Davos Declaration,
environmental best practices of businesses in Palma. which the Palma City Council Municipal Tourism Institute
used as an inspiration and reference for the creation of
this project, with the cooperation and support of the
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
The Haute-Savoie launched a Climate Action Plan in 2008, and in 2009 it joined the European Union program EnercitEE
(European networks, experience and recommendations helping cities and citizens to become Energy Efficient). The
goal is to strengthen energy efficiency, the use of renewable energies and energy conservation. Furthermore, the
institution Savoie-Mont-Blanc Tourisme is encouraging the development of “ecostations.”
Haute Savoie, France
An old concern
Bonn, Germany
Five years of Sustainable Bonn
Sustainable Celle Tourism project in 2009. Moreover, the idea has spread to the cultural sector as well as to educational
Sustainable performance is sought after, and not only for UN conferences and meetings on environmental or
development topics: it sometimes it even constitutes a condition for the choice of a venue.
Sustainable Bonn has gratly helped to achieve sustainable performance and to make it part of the
image the city projects to the world. Tilmann Flaig, Managing Director of Tourismus & Congress GmbH,
sees an enormous increase in meetings and conferences in the field of sustainability. Future concepts
should be geared toward this main focus, says Flaig.
Go to website
Sustainable Bonn has been an asset from the beginning, the charm of it being easy access and an individual approach.
There is more to this project than merely “greening” conferences – we are talking about an increased conscience for
development issues. According to Bonn’s Mayor, Jürgen Nimptsch, it is this conscience that makes up Sustainable Bonn.
CONFERENCE will: CONFERENCE is highly relevant for:
• present the innovative HES e-toolkit designed for hotels • hotel sector participants on local, regional and
to help them to improve their energy performance national levels, especially small and medium-sized
accommodation businesses
• showcase energy-efficiency (EE) and renewable-energy
(RE) solutions for hotels while creating the best setting • energy-efficiency (EE) & renewableenergy (RE)
to network with Europe’s leading energy technologies technology suppliers and manufacturers
• tourism decision/policy makers and local authorities
• demonstrate the benefits hotels can derive by in the fields of tourism, energy, technology and
implementing energy efficiency and using renewable environment
• tourism and energy investment consultancy agents as
well as all others interested
The conference includes plenary presentations and technical panels. In addition, it offers opportunities for networking
with professionals in tourism, energy and technology.
2011 Conference
FITUR 2011
Responding to the
Challenges of Global Tourism
The International Tourism Trade Fair
FITUR celebrates its 31st anniversary from 19-23 January.
FITUR Green Exhibition
Sustainability and Energy Efficiency
Meet technology providers for hotels
We invite you to participate in the 2nd edition of FITUR GREEN, which will be held 19-23 January 2011 at
FITUR Madrid. FITUR GREEN is an initiative introduced by the United Nations World Tourism Organization
(UNWTO) in collaboration with the International Tourism Trade Fair (FITUR) and the Madrid Tourism Board.
FITUR GREEN will provide This increase in FITUR’s themed section transmits the
opportunities for hotel industry’s interest in making a contribution toward
professionals to discuss their environmental sustainability.
needs with the most advanced
energy technology providers By adopting this active role in environmental protection,
in the accommodation sector. the hotel industry stands out as an example to other
The exhibition area will feature industries and business sectors.
companies that develop or distribute energy efficiency
and renewable energy systems for hotels. The systems The FITUR GREEN exhibition is a complementary event
are designed to reduce energy consumption and, thus, in support of the aims of the Hotel Energy Solutions
the negative impact the industry’s activities have on project, and we strongly encourage you to participate
the environment. The additional advantage of these as a visitor or an exhibitor.
technologies is that they result in significant savings for
businesses by optimizing energy consumption.
For more
enter here... Go to website
Visit Madrid
An exciting,
lively and green city
Madrid is a city with a rich cultural heritage, where tradition
and innovation go hand in hand in perfect harmony.
An amenable, warm and friendly city, where visitors
immediately feel at home. A dynamic and cosmopolitan
metropolis, with a very affluent and dynamic lifestyle.
A green city
But it is also a green city. The Madrid Tourist Board, conscious
of the fact that the economic and recreational activities that
tourism generates should integrate the conservation of our
natural and cultural assets, is a strong supporter of sustainable
and responsible tourism. Accordingly, it signed a collaboration
agreement with the World Tourism Organisation, whose main
exponent is the joint organisation of FITUR Green, which will have
its second edition in 2011, following last year’s success.
Supporting sustainable and responsible tourism
Hotel Technology Institute (ITH)
Sustainability in the
Spanish Tourist Sector
ITH: Simple answers to key issues
Sustainability: The Climate Change is a challenge we all Commerce to launch the program Intelitur on energy
face. We must be aware of the increasing importance efficiency in the tourist sector, allowing tourism Spanish
and need for sustainability in our tourism businesses companies to learn firsthand all the solutions in energy
and the key role of energy efficiency in the sector. In efficiency to reduce costs, and to have a personal
order to achieve an efficient program to manage the support plan to receive information to act. The pilot
energy resources, the sector should: project will be available to all tourism companies from
June 2011 to mid-2013.
• Measure and understand the consumption data and
costs of their establishments in order to be able to act. In terms of Energy Efficiency, we are developing
projects and conferences in the main Spanish cities with
• Know and identify the potential energy saving areas ITH partners such as TÜV Rheinland, Bosch Buderus,
that can be worked upon by taking the appropriate Schneider Electric, Gas Natural-Fenosa or Repsol.
measures to do so.
Additionally, the ITH leads the Tourism Technology
• Take steps to make the most out of it and efficiently Platform: Thinktur, along with Segittur, AETIC and the
manage resources without compromising customer Valencia University.
service and comfort.
This platform aims at involving all the significant actors
that make up the Spanish tourism industry for the
• Promote the use of next-generation energy implementation of strategically relevant technologies
technologies and renewable energy sources. that will contribute to the competitiveness, economic
growth, sustainability and employment of the sector as
In order to cope with these challenges, we are a whole.
collaborating with the Higher Council of Chamber of
Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign
Go to website
Calling Green Hotels: Promote your energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions
through Sustainable Energy Europe, an initiative of the European Commission.
Go to website
The annual awards are an integral part of the Learning: Projects designed to enhance knowledge and
Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign and provide an skills related to energy efficiency and renewable energy.
invaluable opportunity to highlight the successes of the Living: Projects that aim to make buildings more energy-
most outstanding, ambitious and innovative projects in efficient or that incorporate the on-site generation of
sustainable energy. The European Commission invites renewable energy.
green hotels to promote their sustainable energy Producing: Projects directly related to renewable energy
solutions through this European competition. production or the manufacture of energy-efficient
Eligibility Criteria: Projects must be ongoing, financed, Travelling: Projects related to transport, whether of
implemented by public and/or private actors and be people or goods, that focus on energy-efficiency or the
related to one of the Awards categories. use of renewable energy sources.
• Awards categories
Communicating: Projects that raise awareness about • How to participate? Please visit European Union
energy and which aim at changing perceptions and Sustainable Energy Week.
Consuming: Projects, activities or services designed to help
reduce energy consumption both for private consumers, • More information? Contact David Crous at
public authorities and private companies. or call at +32 2 333 59 54.
Open your doors to the European Union Sustainable Energy Week – EUSEW 2011
Would you like to show your partners and guests how your hotel saves energy?
Take the opportunity to participate in the upcoming EU Sustainable Energy Week. Organise
your event between 9th and 17th of April 2011 and your hotel will be showcased within a
Europe-wide movement towards a more sustainable energy future.
Go to website
For more information please contact Masha Tarle at or by telephone at +32 2 333 59 53.
HES Partners
As the leading international organization in the field of travel and tourism, the World Tourism
Organization (UNWTO) is charged by the United Nations with promoting development of responsible,
sustainable and universally accessible tourism, with the aim of ensuring that member countries, tourist
destinations and businesses maximize the positive economic, social and cultural effects of tourism and
fully reap its benefits.
Supported by:
The Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) programme is run by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness
and Innovation (EACI) on behalf of the European Commission, and seeks to bridge the gap between EU
policies and how they impact on the ground.
The IEE programme helps deliver on the 20/20/20 targets that the EU has set for itself by funding
European projects that promote energy efficiency, renewable energies and cleaner transport.
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