Hotel Energy Solutions Online Magazine. 2011

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The key takeaways are that Hotel Energy Solutions (HES) aims to help hotels reduce energy consumption and costs while reducing their environmental impact through an online toolkit called HES e-toolkit.

The HES e-toolkit is an online software application being unveiled by the UNWTO to help hotels improve energy management. It allows hotels to track energy use, costs, and CO2 emissions to identify areas for savings.

Some of the pilot destinations testing the HES e-toolkit mentioned are Strandja Nature Park in Bulgaria, Palma in Spain, Haute Savoie in France, and Bonn in Germany.



Take a look at the HES e-toolkit,
and find out more about our
pilot destinations
Hotel Energy Solutions
Conference 2011
FITUR Green 2011

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French Environment &





Energy Management Agency
CONTENT Dear Reader

Hotel Energy Solutions

HES – your guide to better energy consumption
What the HES e-toolkit can do for you


Did you know...?

The UNWTO commitment 7

HES Pilot Destinations

Strandja Nature Park, Bulgaria 8
Palma, Spain 10
Haute Savoie, France 12
Bonn, Germany 14

Hotel Energy Solutions - 2011Conference 16

FITUR 2011: Responding to the challenges of global tourism

International Tourism Trade Fair 18
FITUR 2011 Brokerage Event 18

FITUR Green Exhibition 19

Visit Madrid 20

Hotel Technology Institute

Sustainability in the Spanish Tourism Sector 21

Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign 22

Global Tourism Forum – Andorra 2011 23

Hotel Energy Solutions partners 24

For further INFORMATION and CONFERENCE REGISTRATION, visit our website:

Contact the World Tourism Organization coordination team

Claudia Lisboa HES Project Manager
Jelena Novakovic HES Communication

Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this magazine lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither
the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Dear Reader...
Welcome to the third issue of
the Hotel Energy Solutions
Online Magazine
After two years of extensive research and testing, the United Nations
World Tourism Organization and its partners will unveil an innovative
online software application for improving energy management in hotels:
the HES e-toolkit.

In this issue, pilot destination hoteliers who have tested the e-toolkit
will share their experiences with you. You will also preview FITUR Green,
a special exhibition that will be part of the International Tourism Trade
Fair in Madrid. FITUR Green will present some of the latest and most
successful technologies adapted to energy and tourism.

We will show you how, by using energy-efficient and renewable-energy

technologies, hotels can reduce operational costs while also helping to
alleviate the industry’s impact on the environment. The energy hotels
consume is not only expensive but also contributes to the environmental
challenges we are all so well aware of. By reducing CO2 emissions,
hotels can make a positive contribution to the environment and reduce
operational costs at the same time.

The varied impacts of a changing climate are becoming evident at

destinations around the world and are already influencing decisionmaking
in the tourism sector. This affects all of us, and we all must think about
how best to reduce the burden we place on the environment. Due to the
number of clients they receive, hotels are well placed to act as a beacon
of energy responsibility to other industries, as well as to individuals.

Hotels are one of tourism’s key drivers of employment and economic

revenue. Hotel Energy Solutions is committed to enabling a more
competitive, more sustainable future for the tourism industry by assisting
hotels to adjust their energy needs in a practical and feasible way.

As we work together toward a greener future for the tourism sector, Hotel
Energy Solutions provides an interactive forum between hoteliers, energy
technology suppliers and other stakeholders at tourism destinations.
Together we can all pave the way to increasing competitiveness and
reducing greenhouse emissions.

I hope you enjoy this exciting issue.

Zoritsa Urosevic
Hotel Energy Solutions Coordinator
United NationsWorld Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

Hotel Energy Solutions
HES – Your guide to better energy consumption
Hotel Energy Solutions presents the HES e-toolkit,
an innovative energy toolkit for hotels

Launched by the United Nations World Tourism The HES e-toolkit offers the best solutions to enhance
Organization, Hotel Energy Solutions is an initiative co- and optimize energy performance, calculate the
funded by the European Agency for Competitiveness and necessary initial investment and the return on that
Innovation (EACI) and Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE). investment, and finally, it compares the results with
The project was conceived to help small and medium similar properties.
enterprises (SMEs) in the accommodation sector reduce
their energy consumption and also to reduce their After installation, energy consumption and hotel energy
operation costs. Although HES was designed primarily bills decrease, which makes a positive contribution to
with European Union Member States destinations in the environment and increases profits.
mind, hotels at any destination around the world may
use the tools free of charge. The HES e-toolkit, currently being tested at pilot
destinations, will be presented on 20 January 2011
during the second annual Hotel Energy Solutions
Conference. The conference will be held at FITUR, the
International Tourism Trade Fair in Madrid. It will offer the
possibility to meet with EE and RE technology providers
at FITUR Green, an integrated part of the Hotel Energy
Solutions objective, to build a better understanding
between hoteliers and energy technology providers and


Increasing the competitiveness and sustainability of the EU accommodation sector

Don’t miss these important upcoming events!

HES will guide you to better understand the energy CONFERENCE

An Innovative Energy
Toolkit for Hotels
Energy Technologies
for the Hotel Sector

consumption of your hotel and show you how to 20 JAN 2011

First-time presentation of the innovative application for SME

19 – 23 JAN 2011

Energy technology suppliers are invited to present at FITUR

improve your energy management – how to increase

hotels in support of their energy management efforts with GREEN, a special exhibition dedicated to energy and tourism.
hotelier testimonials of its potential for energy savings! Over 5,000 hotels attend FITUR each year!

Click here

your energy efficiency and cut your operational costs.

Hotel Energy Solutions project delivers information, The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), a specialised
technical support and training to help small and medium- UN agency for tourism, as coordinator of the project has
sized (SME) hotels across the 27 European Union Member brought together key organisations in the fields of tourism
States to increase their use of energy efficiency (EE) and and energy such as United Nations Environment

The Hotel Energy Solutions e-toolkit is a software to learn more,

renewable energy (RE) technologies. This will help reduce Programme (UNEP), International Hotel and Restaurant
hotels’ operational costs, while increasing their Association (IH&RA), French Environment and Energy
competitiveness and sustainability. It will also contribute Management Agency (ADEME), and European Renewable
to alleviating the industry’s impact on climate change. Energy Council (EREC). The project is co-funded by the
European Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation

application available online. It is not only a diagnostic

Hotel Energy Solutions assists hoteliers by delivering, (EACI).

read our fact sheet.

among else:
• HES E-toolkit – an innovative software application that WHY DO WE NEED TO ACT NOW?
offers energy use data analysis, decision-making support

tool, but it also offers and adapted range of available

While the hotel sector is one of tourism industry’s largest
and recommendations for investing in EE and RE drivers of employment and economic revenue, it is also a
technologies, as well as a carbon footprint calculator. resource–intensive sector. The EU Action Plan for Energy
• HES Video and E-brochure – communication tools will Efficiency (2006) identifies the tertiary sector, including
hotels, as having the potential to achieve 30% savings on

solutions in energy-efficient (EE) and renewable-energy

be made available for use by hoteliers in support of
transmitting the importance of energy savings to their energy use by 2020 – higher than savings from households
guests and staff. (27%), transport (26%), and the manufacturing industry
• Supporting materials – research publications
Almost half of the world’s hotels are located in Europe,

(RE) technologies. These technologies are designed to

concerning the most suitable EE and RE technologies,
practices and incentives available for hotels. and 9 out of 10 of these are SME hotels. Currently, the SME
hotels’ use of EE and RE technologies is far below its real
potential, and the majority of these hotels are relying on
older, less efficient equipment.

reduce energy consumption’s impact on the climate and

The Hotel Energy Solutions aims to help hotels improve
their energy management, reduce operational costs and Reducing CO 2 emissions by adopting up-to-date energy
achieve: technologies can help boost the competitiveness and
• 20% increase in energy efficiency sustainability of these hotels. To increase their savings
• 10% increase in renewable energy use potential through use of EE and RE technologies, SME

environment and are therefore well aimed at the tourist

hotels need information and technical support that the
Hotel Energy Solutions project is developing.


HES E-toolkit
What the HES E-toolkit can do for you
Reduce your energy consumption with the HES e-toolkit

The HES E-toolkit is designed to allow you to measure as using low-energy lighting or improving building
and improve your hotel’s energy performance and insulation. Once you implement the solutions best
reduce energy costs. The e-toolkit questionnaire takes adapted to your needs, you will improve your hotel’s
about 40 minutes to complete and then generates a energy performance and reduce energy costs, thereby
series of simple reports. improving your competitiveness.

The questionnaire first asks basic questions about your

hotel or guesthouse and its location and
environment in order to match solutions to the needs of
each individual hotel.

Next, the questionnaire asks for details about the

amount and types of energy you purchase (this
information can be found on your energy bills) and
about any renewable energy you may already generate
on site. The final part of the questionnaire asks about
energy-saving measures you are already taking – such

After completing the questionnaire,

the toolkit presents you with three one-page reports:

• an Energy Solutions Report that proposes priority

options you can consider in order to increase energy
efficiency (these are divided into low/no cost options and
options that require an initial investment)

Hotel Energy Solutions
• an Energy Consumption Report that shows how much
energy is being used per square meter per year, per
night and per room, along with an energy bar that shows
how this compares with other hotels and guest-houses
of the same type – which allows you to appreciate your
potential energy savings (20%, 40%, 50%...).

• a Carbon Emissions Report that calculates the amount

of carbon dioxide your hotel produces via the energy it

In addition to the reports, the E-toolkit

provides a return-on-investment calcu-
lator. This calculator shows you the most
costeffective investment for your hotel. It is
easy to understand and is adapted to your
personal budget.

Energy efficiency and renewable energy

are widely talked about now, but when it
comes to deciding on what would be best
for individual hotels or guest-houses, the
information and advice available can be

The HES E- toolkit provides easy-to-understand information on

available technologies, and the reports it generates enable you to
see how simple it can be to reduce your energy consumption and to
understand the solutions that are best adapted to your hotel or guest-
house. Armed with this, you’ve taken your first step toward improved
energy management.

After choosing to invest in long-term energy-reduction solutions, the next step is to get an estimate from suppliers and
installers. They will also explain how each of the options can be fitted to your hotel. Some local or national financial
support may be available, so be sure to check. Then select one or more options, and in a short time your hotel’s energy
performance and savings will surprise and delight you.

Did you know...?

The UNWTO commitment

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The challenges
of climate
change and a
greener tourism

We are all aware that global warming is a major A greener tourism

concern. The UNWTO has been working to raise
awareness on climate-change issues in the tourism
sector for many years. Climate change is already having
a significant impact on tourist destinations while energy
consumption within the tourism industry contributes to
global warming. A recently issued report commissioned
by the European Commission warned that tourism
receipts in Europe may decrease by five billion Euros
per year by 2080 due to the consequences of global As a key driver of jobs, trade, investment and
warming. Tourism activities, mainly transportation and development, the tourism industry has treme-ndous
accommodation, generate 5% of the total greenhouse economic value around the globe. The UNWTO has
gas emissions. The challenge ahead therefore lies been lobbying governments around the world to include
in adapting the tourism destinations to changing travel and tourism in their stimulus packages and to
environmental impacts and at the same time to encourage its sustainable growth in the transformation
transform tourism into a greener industry. toward the Green Economy. A modeling exercise
shows that tourism investments under green economy
scenarios have an economic multiplier effect while
reducing negative environmental impacts. Progress is
also being made by the private sector. Over the next
few years more accommodation businesses will likely
be required to obtain energy certificates, showing their
energy performance, and ultimately affecting the overall
value of the business.
The HES Rural Pilot Destination

An Abundant Ecosystem
and an Ancient Culture

The Strandja Nature Park is one of the largest in Europe

and renowned for its gorgeous flora and fauna, while
incorporating in its territory existing villages and the
everyday life of their local inhabitants. The park is
located in the Burgas region in south-eastern Bulgaria
and gives onto the stunning Black sea coast.

Strandja features a mild climate, a beautiful landscape,

and a rich history and traditions.
In the region stands Strandja Mountain, the tallest peak
of which, on Bulgarian territory, is over 900 meters high.

Strandja Nature Park is the largest protected natural area

in Bulgaria, established to protect unique ecosystems
and their biodiversity and to preserve the folklore,
culture and heritage of its villages.

In the park there are 54 species of mammals and 261

species of birds. Strandja is the only Bulgarian territory
included in the five priority conservation areas in Central
and Eastern Europe. It lies within the second largest bird
migratory path in Europe - the Via Pontica.

There are 121 species habitats, and in this respect, the

park is one of the foremost of Europe’s protected areas.
For many years now, the area has received the support
of the Swiss government for nature preservation and
ecotourism development via the Bulgarian-Swiss
Biodiversity Program.

Strandja Nature Park

The Sustainable Tourism Project

The Directorate of the park is actively working for the sustainable development of the area, implementing a number
of projects that also address the sustainable development of local tourism. For the last 15 years many people in the
area have begun looking for alternative sources of income, and currently there are more than 100 establishments that
offer accommodation, food and sightseeing in the area. There are guest houses in the villages, as well as small hotels.

To know more:

Strandja Nature Park
Taking into account that these units are in a natural park, they must be even
more responsible to the environment. By using alternative sources of energy,
they are able to reduce their impact on nature. In the last two years, a Burgas Regional
regional trade mark was developed and launched. The trademark recognizes Administration
accommodation providers and other tourism service providers who fulfill the
criteria of responsible tourism.

The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) is in partnership with

the Bulgarian Social and Environmental Responsibility Center (SERC) in the
implementation of the Hotel Energy Solutions pilot phase activities. It is
anticipated that the HES pilot destination will build on the existing sustainable
tourism initiatives within Bulgaria.
SERC and the Bulgarian
Social and Environmental
government have demonstrated
their commitment to sustainable
Responsibility Centre (SERC)
tourism through their
partnership with the United
Nations Industrial Development
Program (UNIDO) on the
Resource Efficient and Cleaner
Production (RECP) project in
Bulgaria. As a direct result of
SERC’s activities, 20 Bulgarian
experts have been trained on
cleaner production (CP) and Contact:
another 20 in corporate social responsibility (CSR). CP and CSR activities have Mariana Assenova
been implemented in 25 hotels and five tourism-related enterprises from the
Chair of the Steering Committee
supply chain in three Bulgarian locations, and stakeholders have been engaged
in the promotion of sustainable destination management organizations.

The HES Coastal Pilot Destination
Go to website

Palma: Committed
to responsibility
In 2008, Palma City Council’s Municipal Tourism Institute
(Instituto Municipal de Turismo, IMTUR) launched the
project Palma Turismo Responsable
(Palma Responsible Tourism).

The project’s main objectives are the promotion of The 2nd International Conference on Climate Change
the municipality as a destination which is responsible and Tourism took place in October 2007 in Davos,
and committed to sustainability, raising awareness Switzerland. The conclusions of that conference were
among residents and tourists, and disseminating the brought together in a document, the Davos Declaration,
environmental best practices of businesses in Palma. which the Palma City Council Municipal Tourism Institute
used as an inspiration and reference for the creation of
this project, with the cooperation and support of the
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Palma City Council, working through the Municipal

Tourism Institute in collaboration with private
businesses of the sector, wishes to promote an image
of this destination which is more firmly linked with
different segments of the tourism market and which
demonstrates a capacity for investing in projects that
respect the environment, improving its competitiveness
and positioning Palma as a differentiated tourist
destination with added value in quality and excellence.

Palma: Responsible Tourism

The Palma, Turismo Responsable project aims to ensure
that all public-private initiatives are profitable and
contribute to reinforcing a new image of this destination.
To this end, all the City Council’s promotional resources
will be employed, together with those resources placed
at the disposal of the City Council by collaborating
businesses in order to disseminate the project in
national and international forums.
Palma, Turismo Responsable
promotes the concept of shared
responsibility among citizens,
tourists, and the destination which
hosts their visit.
Go to website
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Boosting participation
It also provides tourists with the tools they The Municipal Tourism Institute promotes and
need to learn how to enjoy more responsible encourages the participation of businesses and
holidays, helping them to better understand institutions in the project by means of the signing of
the concept of responsible tourism. The collaboration protocol, allowing them to work together
government also invites citizens and tourists to create synergies in the development of tourism policy
to contribute their opinion on how Palma within the framework of its competencies. Companies
can become a more responsible destination. such as Air Berlín, Das Insel Radio, El Corte Inglés, Coca-
Cola, Sol Melià y CitySightseeing Palma have already
signed up to the initiative.

Hotel Energy Solutions Palma’s hotels participating in

in Palma the HES project
Palma is one of the four tourist destinations selected The following hotels are participating in the project:
for the implementation of the Hotel Energy Solutions Melià Palas Atenea, Hotel Tres, Palacio Ca Sa Galesa,
project (HES), an initiative of the World Tourism Isla Mallorca, Saratoga, Nautic, Las Arenas, Aparthotel
Organization (UNWTO). HES aims to facilitate the use Plaza Son Rigo, Castillo Hotel Son Vida, HM Jaime III,
of renewable energies and efficient energy systems for HM Gran Fiesta, HM Tropical, Costa Azul, Marina Luz,
small and medium-sized hotels. Pamplona, Nets, Hotel y Apartamentos Leman, Tryp
Palma as a coastal destination has been selected for Bosque, Iberostar Royal Cristina, Hotel Dalí, Zurbarán,
the pilot phase of the project, during which it will boost and AC Ciutat de Palma.
its sustainability and competitiveness, testing the Beta
version of the HES e-Toolkit and receiving training from
leading European agencies.
The other locations taking part are Bonn, Germany To know more:
(as an urban destination); the region of Haute- Savoie
in France (as a mountain destination); and Strandzha,
Bulgaria (a rural destination).
A total of 22 hotels in the municipality of Palma have
Mr Pedro Oliver
already signed up to HES, and will be able to benefit free
of charge from specialized training in energy efficiency General Manager
and renewable energies. Thanks to HES, these hotels INSTITUT MUNICIPAL DE TURISME
will achieve a reduction in their operating costs, increase (IMTUR)
their competiveness, and eventually help to reduce the C/de la Victòria 2, ppal
impact of the sector on climate change, promoting 07001 - Palma
sustainability. (34) 971 225 986
Hotel Energy Solutions aims to achieve increases in
the use of renewable energy technologies and energy
efficiency of 10% and 20% respectively in the hotels
Go to website
taking part in the initiative.
The HES Mountain Pilot Destination

Combining development with an

exceptional environment
Creating wealth without harming the planet: this is a permanent
concern for the Haute-Savoie department in the French Alps. It is a
region committed to developing economic and touristic activities while
Go to website
ensuring their successful integration into its postcard landscapes.

To minimize the ecological footprint, elected

officials, policy makers and tourism professionals
constantly strive to find the right balance between
encouraging healthy tourism and protecting a
unique environment. They have found the answer
lies in promoting renewable energies and “soft
mobility,” a new trend in tourism that allows all
stakeholders in travel to reduce the impact tourism
activities have on the environment.

Protecting the quality of life and the environment

In 2004, the Haute-Savoie committed to a policy of

environmental excellence to better address such
concerns. Since then, the region has undertaken
21 projects. Some examples are reducing waste
production, building and renovating buildings that
utilize energy efficiency, sensitizing secondary
school students to environmental responsibility
and experimenting with alternative means of
transportation. In 2006, the region also established a
departmental plan of energy.

The Haute-Savoie launched a Climate Action Plan in 2008, and in 2009 it joined the European Union program EnercitEE
(European networks, experience and recommendations helping cities and citizens to become Energy Efficient). The
goal is to strengthen energy efficiency, the use of renewable energies and energy conservation. Furthermore, the
institution Savoie-Mont-Blanc Tourisme is encouraging the development of “ecostations.”

Haute Savoie, France
An old concern

This concern for the environment is far from recent:

SILA (the Inter-municipal Association of Lake Annecy)
was created in 1957 by eight municipalities in order to
save the lake from pollution.

The association accomplished its mission and more:

Lake Annecy is now known as the cleanest in Europe.

In the Haute-Savoie, there is a common goal, which

was taken up by the Application Committee to host the
2018 Olympic and Paralympics Winter Games: to strike
a delicate balance between economic development and
environmental protection in order to preserve the high-
quality natural and living environments.

This goal is perfectly addressed by a program like Hotel

Energy Solutions, which local hoteliers, who are very
sensitive to these issues, have spontaneously lauded.

Further Reading: To know more:

“Quand les stations protègent leur patrimoine naturel” Ms Sandrine Bornaghi
“Les JO : un élan favorable à l’économie” Responsible for Environmental Projects
“Responsabilité sociétale: un défi pour l’avenir”

Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie

de la Haute-Savoie
The HES Urban Pilot Destination
Sustainable Bonn
Conference Sector Qualifies for Sustainability
Since 2006, Germany’s United Nations City runs a unique project, “Sustainable Bonn,” whose aim is more
sustainable performance of the conference-tourism sector. Within five years, 49 hotels and businesses
have qualified as “Partners of Sustainable Bonn” – accounting for more than half of the city’s hotel beds.
Conferences on sustainable development to be managed sustainably. The hotels, restaurants, and catering
businesses should all demonstrate sustainable practices in order to show solidarity with the conference

Bonn: Germany’s United Nations City

Bonn is Germany’s United Nations City, where UN
agencies have concentrated their efforts toward
sustainable development worldwide. There are 17 UN
agencies in Bonn and more than 850 UN employees.
The biggest UN agency is the Climate Secretariat,
followed by the Desertification Secretariat and the UN
Volunteers Programme. Other units deal with water,
threatened species and natural disasters. The UNWTO
runs a consultancy unit for tourism and biodiversity in
the city.

The UN is the heart of a dense cluster of organizations

dedicated to sustainability, including federal ministries;
science, research and business organizations; the media
and some 150 NGOs, such as the Forest Stewardship
Bonn, Germany – a beautiful city located on the river Rhine next to
Council and the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations Siebengebirge, Germany’s oldest nature preserve. Quick facts: 141
International. It is clear that Bonn is committed to square kilometers, 319,000 inhabitants from 170 nations, numerous
sustainability tourism and conference destinations.

Hosting major environmental conferences

Bonn has become a platform for international debates While reluctant at first, the ten pilot hotels for
and cooperative efforts, with a huge part of the Bonn Sustainable Bonn soon found that their sustainability
conference-tourism business being sustainability- strategies brought sustainable and financial benefit
driven. The needs of these conferences and their – as well as the opportunity to invest savings in social
delegates cannot be met by non-sustainable services if responsibility and fair purchasing practices.
they want to demonstrate their sustainability integrity. From 2006 to 2010, 49 hotels, caterers and event
Hence, the project Sustainable Bonn began to address locations successfully participated in Sustainable Bonn –
the conference-tourism sector in 2006. It supports in such diverse sustainability areas as energy efficiency
sustainable practices in Bonn’s hotel, restaurant and and renewable energies, water and waste management,
catering businesses. mobility and fair and sustainable purchasing.

Bonn, Germany
Five years of Sustainable Bonn

After five years of Sustainable Bonn, the success is

visible in implementation, follow-up-strategies and
dissemination. The conference-tourism sector is highly
motivated and committed: partners continue upon
completion of the programme, applying for re-audits
and disseminating the ideas of Sustainable Bonn to staff,
clients and through the channels of hotel chains.
Ameron has even convinced the city of Celle to initiate a
Go to website

Sustainable Celle Tourism project in 2009. Moreover, the idea has spread to the cultural sector as well as to educational

Sustainable performance is sought after, and not only for UN conferences and meetings on environmental or
development topics: it sometimes it even constitutes a condition for the choice of a venue.

Sustainable Bonn has gratly helped to achieve sustainable performance and to make it part of the
image the city projects to the world. Tilmann Flaig, Managing Director of Tourismus & Congress GmbH,
sees an enormous increase in meetings and conferences in the field of sustainability. Future concepts
should be geared toward this main focus, says Flaig.
Go to website

Sustainable Bonn has been an asset from the beginning, the charm of it being easy access and an individual approach.
There is more to this project than merely “greening” conferences – we are talking about an increased conscience for
development issues. According to Bonn’s Mayor, Jürgen Nimptsch, it is this conscience that makes up Sustainable Bonn.

Hotel Energy Solutions in Bonn

In 2011, 25 hotels in Bonn will test the new Hotel Energy

Solutions (HES) tool, contributing with their experience
gained from Sustainable Bonn. Mayor Nimptsch, who
met UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai in Bonn in
March 2010, considers the testing a milestone and
expects that HES will unveil further potential for energy
efficiency and renewable energies in Bonn. Also in his
capacity as Vice Chair of the WMCCC, he welcomes the
UNWTO’s initiative to support small and mediumsized
hotels and destinations in their endeavours towards
Mr. Jürgen Nimptsch,
sustainable energy management. Lord Mayor of the Federal City of Bonn.

Mrs. Susanne Nolden

International Affairs and Representation
To know more: Bonn City Council


Hotel Energy Solutions

at FITUR Madrid 2011
After two years of research and testing, the United Nations World Tourism Organization and its partners
will unveil the Hotel Energy Solutions e-toolkit. The e-toolkit is an innovative software application available
online to help hotels improve their energy management.

Hoteliers from pilot destinations who have used the beta

version of the HES e-toolkit will share their experiences.
Furthermore, the latest and most successful technologies
adapted to our sector will be presented at the conference and
at a special exhibition dedicated to energy and tourism: FITUR
GREEN (19-23 January 2010).

As we work together toward a greener future for the tourism

sector, Hotel Energy Solutions provides an interactive forum
for hoteliers, energy technology suppliers and other tourism
stakeholders to save energy and reduce greenhouse emissions
while increasing competitiveness.

CONFERENCE will: CONFERENCE is highly relevant for:

• present the innovative HES e-toolkit designed for hotels • hotel sector participants on local, regional and
to help them to improve their energy performance national levels, especially small and medium-sized
accommodation businesses
• showcase energy-efficiency (EE) and renewable-energy
(RE) solutions for hotels while creating the best setting • energy-efficiency (EE) & renewableenergy (RE)
to network with Europe’s leading energy technologies technology suppliers and manufacturers
• tourism decision/policy makers and local authorities
• demonstrate the benefits hotels can derive by in the fields of tourism, energy, technology and
implementing energy efficiency and using renewable environment
• tourism and energy investment consultancy agents as
well as all others interested

The conference includes plenary presentations and technical panels. In addition, it offers opportunities for networking
with professionals in tourism, energy and technology.

2011 Conference


Annual Conference

“An Innovative Energy Toolkit for Hotels” ENTER HERE

Thursday, 20 January 2011



What happened in 2010?

HES Conference 2010 Recap 7%
Pri va te s ector or bus i nes s a s s oci a ti on
Technol ogy provi der
The last year’s Hotel Energy Solutions Uni vers i ty or res ea rch i ns ti tute
Conference 2010 showcased innovative Other governmenta l body
9% Non-governmenta l orga ni s a ti on
energy and sustainability solutions
Na ti ona l touri s m a dmi ni s tra ti on
geared toward the hospitality sector.
Intergovernmenta l orga ni s a ti on
The audience comprised approximately Medi a
250 professionals from national and Des ti na ti on
professional associations in tourism Certi fi ca ti on s cheme
and energy, hotels, certification bodies,
technology businesses and other tourism- 13%
related entities.

FITUR 2011
Responding to the
Challenges of Global Tourism
The International Tourism Trade Fair
FITUR celebrates its 31st anniversary from 19-23 January.

FITUR is a meeting point for tourism professionals at which they

can establish strategies, plans of action and business alliances
to energize and get the most out of the tourism business. FITUR
showcases innovative solutions for the changing demands of the Go to website Go to website
tourism industry.
But FITUR goes beyond promoting the
Tourism promotion agencies, operators, hotels, travel agencies, revitalization of businesses by also aiming to
consultancies and experts in international tourism management provide solutions to new tourism challenges.
and development will be meeting in Madrid for FITUR. The fair is also a common meeting ground
that enables professionals to address these
At the last edition, FITUR welcomed 10,966 exhibiting issues together. During these times, marked
companies from 166 countries/regions, 124,644 professional by growing concern and increasing social
participants and 7,532 journalists. They exchanged ideas and awareness with regard to climate change,
developed new strategies to transform leisure into business and the organizers of the event are committed to
business into development for those destinations that welcome promoting respect for the environment within
the millions of travelers who visit and enjoy them. the tourism industry.

FITUR 2011 Brokerage Event Coordination:

A b2b Tourism Matchmaking Event Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Toledo

The FITUR 2011 Brokerage Event is organized within the Co-organisation:

framework of FITUR, the International Tourism Trade Fair held Chambers of Commerce and Industry of:
in Madrid. The Brokerage Event provides commercial reach to
two theme conferences: FITUR GREEN, which revolves around
hotel eco-efficiency, and FITURTECH, which focuses on new
technologies for tourism.

The FITUR 2011 Brokerage Event aims to attract European

companies in the tourism sector.

The event offers participants the opportunity to:

• find new commercial and technological partners

• develop and strengthen business relationships
• exchange experience with international business partners Sponsors:
• identify market trends and new innovations
• market new products, services and technologies related
to tourism and cultural heritage

The FITUR 2011 Brokerage Event is geared toward tourism

suppliers and operators who are committed to environmentally
sustainable and socially responsible development in this industry.

FITUR Green Exhibition
Sustainability and Energy Efficiency
Meet technology providers for hotels
We invite you to participate in the 2nd edition of FITUR GREEN, which will be held 19-23 January 2011 at
FITUR Madrid. FITUR GREEN is an initiative introduced by the United Nations World Tourism Organization
(UNWTO) in collaboration with the International Tourism Trade Fair (FITUR) and the Madrid Tourism Board.

FITUR GREEN will provide This increase in FITUR’s themed section transmits the
opportunities for hotel industry’s interest in making a contribution toward
professionals to discuss their environmental sustainability.
needs with the most advanced
energy technology providers By adopting this active role in environmental protection,
in the accommodation sector. the hotel industry stands out as an example to other
The exhibition area will feature industries and business sectors.
companies that develop or distribute energy efficiency
and renewable energy systems for hotels. The systems The FITUR GREEN exhibition is a complementary event
are designed to reduce energy consumption and, thus, in support of the aims of the Hotel Energy Solutions
the negative impact the industry’s activities have on project, and we strongly encourage you to participate
the environment. The additional advantage of these as a visitor or an exhibitor.
technologies is that they result in significant savings for
businesses by optimizing energy consumption.

The area that will exhibit green technologies will

also showcase FITUR GREEN. This strategic location
places it alongside the greatest concentration of
accommodation businesses that are also participating
Go to website
in the fair. It is worthwhile to note that at FITUR 2010,
39% of the 10,966 participating businesses were in the
accommodation sector. By locating FITUR GREEN in this
area, the networking possibilities between technology
Go to website
providers and accommodation professionals have been

Based on the variety and number of its participants,

FITUR GREEN is well on the way to consolidating its
presence in successive editions as a model effort in the
promotion of eco-friendly tourism.
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For more
enter here... Go to website

Visit Madrid

An exciting,
lively and green city
Madrid is a city with a rich cultural heritage, where tradition
and innovation go hand in hand in perfect harmony.
An amenable, warm and friendly city, where visitors
immediately feel at home. A dynamic and cosmopolitan
metropolis, with a very affluent and dynamic lifestyle.

A green city
But it is also a green city. The Madrid Tourist Board, conscious
of the fact that the economic and recreational activities that
tourism generates should integrate the conservation of our
natural and cultural assets, is a strong supporter of sustainable
and responsible tourism. Accordingly, it signed a collaboration
agreement with the World Tourism Organisation, whose main
exponent is the joint organisation of FITUR Green, which will have
its second edition in 2011, following last year’s success.

For the city, sustainable and responsible tourism is an essential

factor that must be taken into account by the tourist industry.
Given the current economic climate, encouraging sustainability
may be decisive, although perhaps in the medium and long term
when investments will make more sense as the results will be so
much more visible. In this regard, projects such as Hotel Energy
Solutions are essential, not just for the cost-saving factor, but
fundamentally because they ensure the sustainability of the sector
and satisfy the needs of clients who are becoming more and more
aware of the environmental footprint, and more demanding with
regards to respecting the environment.

What to visit in Madrid

On your trip to Madrid, why not visit one of our more than 80
museums, the highlight of which are those to be found along the
renowned Paseo del Arte or Art Walk. A ten minute stroll along the
Art Walk takes you past one of the world’s highest concentration
of universally-renowned masterpieces by artists ranging from
Goya, Velázquez, Tiziano or El Greco, at the Prado Museum; to
more avant-garde masters such as Dali, Picasso, Miró, at the Reina
Sofia National Arts Centre; as well as Durero, Canaleto, Brueghel,
Gauguin or Kandinsky at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum.

Supporting sustainable and responsible tourism

An exciting, lively and green city

Madrid is also fortunate to be the only city in the world All information pertaining to tourist activities in Madrid
to be surrounded by four cities boasting UNESCO World is available from the Madrid Tourist Board’s tourist
Heritage status (Ávila, Segovia, Toledo and Alcalá de information points, located in the Plaza Mayor, Colón,
Henares), all of which are located less than an hour away. Callao, Cibeles, Atocha and at Madrid-Barajas Airport
Other nearby locations that appear on the list of UNESCO (Terminals 2 and 4); or on the website.
World Heritage Sites are Aranjuez (in the category of The Madrid Tourist Board also provides a comprehensive
Cultural Countryside) and San Lorenzo de El Escorial programme of guided tours of the city. Tours are
Monastery. Make the most of your stay by going to the available in seven languages (Spanish, English, French,
opera, see a musical, a play, a flamenco show or a concert. German, Italian, Portuguese and Japanese), and can be
Keep an afternoon free to go shopping at any of the city’s done on foot, bike or skates, none of which pollute the
50,000 shops where you are guaranteed to find just environment.
what you are looking for. Enjoy a great dining experience
- Madrid boasts a wide variety of both regional and The City of Madrid invites you to
experience some of the incredible
international cuisine in its more than 3,000 restaurants.
sensations to be found in this
Or take a stroll in one of its parks or gardens, replete with wonderful city. Once you discover
history and historical monuments. Then finish off the day them, we are sure you will be back
discovering the legendary Madrid nightlife. for more.
Go to website

Hotel Technology Institute (ITH)

Sustainability in the
Spanish Tourist Sector
ITH: Simple answers to key issues

The Technology Institute for the Hotel Industry (ITH) is a

private non-profitable organization designed by the Spanish
Hotels and Tourist Accommodation Confederation (CEHAT)
in Spain in order to improve competitiveness and efficiency
of the entire hospitality industry through innovation and
Go to website technology.

Sustainability: The Climate Change is a challenge we all Commerce to launch the program Intelitur on energy
face. We must be aware of the increasing importance efficiency in the tourist sector, allowing tourism Spanish
and need for sustainability in our tourism businesses companies to learn firsthand all the solutions in energy
and the key role of energy efficiency in the sector. In efficiency to reduce costs, and to have a personal
order to achieve an efficient program to manage the support plan to receive information to act. The pilot
energy resources, the sector should: project will be available to all tourism companies from
June 2011 to mid-2013.
• Measure and understand the consumption data and
costs of their establishments in order to be able to act. In terms of Energy Efficiency, we are developing
projects and conferences in the main Spanish cities with
• Know and identify the potential energy saving areas ITH partners such as TÜV Rheinland, Bosch Buderus,
that can be worked upon by taking the appropriate Schneider Electric, Gas Natural-Fenosa or Repsol.
measures to do so.
Additionally, the ITH leads the Tourism Technology
• Take steps to make the most out of it and efficiently Platform: Thinktur, along with Segittur, AETIC and the
manage resources without compromising customer Valencia University.
service and comfort.
This platform aims at involving all the significant actors
that make up the Spanish tourism industry for the
• Promote the use of next-generation energy implementation of strategically relevant technologies
technologies and renewable energy sources. that will contribute to the competitiveness, economic
growth, sustainability and employment of the sector as
In order to cope with these challenges, we are a whole.
collaborating with the Higher Council of Chamber of

Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign

A European campaign aimed at

raising awareness and changing
the landscape of energy.
Hotel Energy Solutions is an Official Partner of the Sustainable Energy Campaign.

Go to website

Calling Green Hotels: Promote your energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions
through Sustainable Energy Europe, an initiative of the European Commission.

Take part in the Sustainable Energy Europe Awards 2011

Go to website

The annual awards are an integral part of the Learning: Projects designed to enhance knowledge and
Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign and provide an skills related to energy efficiency and renewable energy.
invaluable opportunity to highlight the successes of the Living: Projects that aim to make buildings more energy-
most outstanding, ambitious and innovative projects in efficient or that incorporate the on-site generation of
sustainable energy. The European Commission invites renewable energy.
green hotels to promote their sustainable energy Producing: Projects directly related to renewable energy
solutions through this European competition. production or the manufacture of energy-efficient
Eligibility Criteria: Projects must be ongoing, financed, Travelling: Projects related to transport, whether of
implemented by public and/or private actors and be people or goods, that focus on energy-efficiency or the
related to one of the Awards categories. use of renewable energy sources.

• Awards categories
Communicating: Projects that raise awareness about • How to participate? Please visit European Union
energy and which aim at changing perceptions and Sustainable Energy Week.
Consuming: Projects, activities or services designed to help
reduce energy consumption both for private consumers, • More information? Contact David Crous at
public authorities and private companies. or call at +32 2 333 59 54.

Open your doors to the European Union Sustainable Energy Week – EUSEW 2011
Would you like to show your partners and guests how your hotel saves energy?
Take the opportunity to participate in the upcoming EU Sustainable Energy Week. Organise
your event between 9th and 17th of April 2011 and your hotel will be showcased within a
Europe-wide movement towards a more sustainable energy future.
Go to website

For more information please contact Masha Tarle at or by telephone at +32 2 333 59 53.

HES Partners
As the leading international organization in the field of travel and tourism, the World Tourism
Organization (UNWTO) is charged by the United Nations with promoting development of responsible,
sustainable and universally accessible tourism, with the aim of ensuring that member countries, tourist
destinations and businesses maximize the positive economic, social and cultural effects of tourism and
fully reap its benefits.


UNEP is the designated authority of the United Nations system in environmental issues at the global and
regional level. UNEP’s priorities, as adopted by the fifth special session of UNEP’s Governing Council, are:
environmental monitoring, assessment, information and research including early warning; enhanced
coordination of environmental conventions and development of environment policy instruments;
freshwater; technology transfer and industry.


IH&RA is a is a not-for-profit organisation and the only global business organization representing the
hospitality industry worldwide, and is officially recognized by the United Nations. IH&RA work focuses
on representing the collective interests of the industry to policy-makers in major international, regional
and national bodies involved in tourism and hospitality; and promoting best practices in tourism and


ADEME is a state-funded public industrial and commercial establishment that was set-up in 1992 and
whose activities are supervised by the French government ministries in charge of research, environment
and energy. ADEME’s three priorities include commitment to energy management, as well as creating a
waste management economy compatible with the environment, reducing air pollution and improving
transport. ADEME’s core expertise covers research and development stimulation, advisory support and
decision-making assistance and dissemination of best practices.


EREC is an umbrella organisation of the leading European renewable energy industry, trade and research
associations including those active in the sectors of photovoltaic, wind energy, small hydropower,
biomass, geothermal energy and solar thermal. EREC provides the link between assessment of
renewable energy technologies and policy developments at European level, and contributes to the
EU-wide awareness on renewable energy through its information dissemination activities.

Supported by:
The Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) programme is run by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness
and Innovation (EACI) on behalf of the European Commission, and seeks to bridge the gap between EU
policies and how they impact on the ground.
The IEE programme helps deliver on the 20/20/20 targets that the EU has set for itself by funding
European projects that promote energy efficiency, renewable energies and cleaner transport.

SAVE 0 1 1
rc h 2
6-7 ma ra
in a n d o r

e F i r s t
Th rism Forum
Global Tou


6/7 March 2011
Building New Models for Tourism Growth
Competitiveness & Responsibility
The Global Tourism Forum 2011 (GTFA), organized by the World
Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in the spectacular natural setting
of the Principality of Andorra, will bring together key stakeholders
from the travel and tourism sector, opinion leaders, economists
and policy makers and provide a truly global platform to share stra-
tegic insights and demonstrate the role travel and tourism can play
in addressing major global challenges.
Hosted by:

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