Strategic Decision Analysis For Transportation Systems: by Yasuaki Moriyama
Strategic Decision Analysis For Transportation Systems: by Yasuaki Moriyama
Strategic Decision Analysis For Transportation Systems: by Yasuaki Moriyama
Yasuaki Moriyama
B. Eng., Urban Engineering (1995)
The University of Tokyo, Japan
The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and
electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part.
Author I iý"
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
May 9 h, 2003
Certified by
SFred Moavenzadeh
James Mason Crafts Professor
Professor of Systems Engineering and Civil and Environmental Engineering
Director, Center for Technology, Policy, and Industrial Development
Diector, Technology and Development Program
Thesis Supervisor
•' ' __ 1 _ Kc"
Joseph Sussman
JR East Professor
Pro f C9 and Environ/ental Engineering and Engineering Systems
Thesis Co-Supervisor
Accepted by_
if, Oral Buyukozturk
Chaintan, Departmental Committee on Graduate Studies
Strategic Decision Analysis for Transportation Systems
Yasuaki Moriyama
Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
On May 9t , 2003 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering
This thesis examines decision analysis methods of capital investment in transportation systems.
The transportation system is a fundamental infrastructure, and requires strategic thinking in
making decisions on its projects. The current valuation methods, however, do not reflect the
strategic value of a project. We investigate how to make a strategic decision by comprehensively
valuing a project in transportation systems.
This study begins by analyzing the characteristics and risks of a railway project as an example of
the transportation system, and comparing the current valuation methods based on this analysis.
Current methods are useful in valuing a project when we can fairly predict its performance in the
system. However, we have difficulty in valuing a project under uncertainty. Focusing on the
present value of cash flows does not properly measure the significance of a strategic project, but
real options value (ROV) is an effective tool to do it.
We next examine the theoretical correctness of the real options as applied to a transportation
project. The critical question is whether we can create a portfolio that replicates the payoffs of
options even if we cannot trade the options in a market. We answer this question by proposing the
complete market assumption in the real options.
To this end, we analyze a case of a railway project with Binominal Model. ROV quantifies the
strategic value of a project, and consequently improves the investment strategy. We show how it
is critical to recognize options in a project and benefit from them to effectively develop
transportation systems in a competitive market.
I very much appreciate the endless support from my wife, Mikako. Her help and concerns
encouraged me with tenderness. I would also like to thank my lovely daughter, Kano. Her
smile gave me the vitality to complete this work. Thank you so much for every thing and
I dedicate this thesis to you all.
Yasuaki Moriyama
May 2003
Table of Contents
1.1.3 STRUCTURE 13
1.3.1 RISK 24
1.3.2 STRATEGY 27
List of Figures
FIGURE 1-2 TWO DIFFERENT LOOPS OF INVESTMENT EFFECTS..................................................... 21
FIGURE 1-4 MANAGING RISKS .......................... .. ...................... 28
FIGURE 1-5 DIFFERENT RISK .......................................... ..... ....... ....................... 30
FIGURE 1-6 DIFFERENT UNCERTAINTY ............................................ 30
FIGURE 1-7 GEOMETRIC BROWNIAN MOTION MODEL......................... ................................... 31
SHAREHOLDERS ................................... ...... 35
FIGURE 2-2 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL ....................................... 37
FIGURE 2-4 EXAMPLE OF DECISION TREE ................................................................................ 42
FIGURE 2-5 VALUATION FRAMEWORK .... ................. ............................ .................... 45
FIGURE 3-1 VALUE OF OPTION (CALL OPTION) ........................................ 54
FIGURE 3-2 ASYMMETRICAL DISTRIBUTION GIVES VALUES TO OPTIONS ...................................... 66
FIGURE 3-3 EXPECTED VALUE OF OPTION .......................................... 73
FIGURE 4-1 OPERATING AREA OF JR EAST ................................................. .......................... 77
FIGURE 4-2 EXAMPLES OF THE STATION DEVELOPMENT.......................... ............... 79
FIGURE 4-3 RANKING AND LOCATION OF PROJECTS A, B, C........................... ....... ................. 81
FIGURE 4-4 CONSTRUCTION AND BUSINESS PLAN OF PROJECT A ..................................... . 82
FIGURE 4-5 CONSTRUCTION AND BUSINESS PLAN OF PROJECT B ........................................... 83
FIGURE 4-6 CONSTRUCTION AND BUSINESS PLAN OF PROJECT C....................................... 84
FIGURE 4-7 MINIMUM LEVEL OF CASH FLOW.................................................. 86
FIGURE 4-8 NPV OF PROJECT A, B, C (WITHOUT SALVAGE VALUE) ............................................ 87
FIGURE 4-10 IMPLEMENT STRATEGY ............................................. 92
FIGURE 4-12 VOLATILITY OF THE UNDERLYING ASSET................................ 96
FIGURE 4-13 VOLATILITY IN THE SALES PER UNIT AREA.................................... ............ 96
FIGURE 4-15 EXERCISE TIM ING.......................................................... .................................... 101
STRATEGY ................................................................................................................ . . 108
FIGURE 4-18 ADDITIONAL VALUES OF PROJECTS ........................................ 109
FIGURE 5-1 NETWORK FACTOR .......................................................... 114
List of Tables
1.1 Overview
The transportation system is a fundamental infrastructure, which supports our daily life,
economic activities, and the future development of society. Throughout the history of our
nation, we have developed a wide variety of transportation systems with the combined
effort of the public and private sectors. Among them, the railway system, which was born
in the beginning of the 1 9 th century, was one of the greatest innovations of the industrial
revolution both in terms of technology and management, and has contributed to the
The railway has a competitive advantage in its efficiency. It can carry a large number of
passengers and freight at a good speed with relatively lower cost and less consumption of
energy than other modes. In the process of industrialization, we have developed railway-
element for urban planning and public policy, and can be an excellent business model as
a profit-based company. When we review the history of the U.S., the railway used to be
with the emergence of motorization and air transportation. Some ended in bankruptcy;
others survived while receiving subsidies from the government. The railway is no longer
an attractive business in some countries. Of course, private ownership is not always the
best form for railway organizations, and public ownership and management can be
is currently evolving all over the world, and how private management and business
strategy are effective in improving the value of the infrastructure. We are concerned with
Why has the railway business declined? Was it just because of the competition with
automobiles, trucks, or airplanes? Are railway companies profitable only if they have
monopoly power in the transportation market? We can say that the railway used to
dominate the transportation market, but lost its share to automobiles, trucks, and air
transportations. The railway business is, however, still profitable in some segments. For
instance, freight railways in the U.S. keep high market share and reasonable profit, and
commuter railways in the Tokyo metropolitan area have developed diversified business
models. Moreover, high-speed railways in Europe, which are partly subsidized, have
captured some demand for travel/business trips again, and demonstrated the potential
success of the business if a railway company could match their service and fare to market
A primary reason for failures in the railway business is that managers could not make
strategic decisions about how to adjust to their new business environments. This is not
saying that it was the manager's fault, but clarifies how difficult it is to determine
strategies in a large and complex system such as the railway. Managing a transportation
project is difficult because each project does not work individually; rather, it performs as
a part of system. Making decisions in a project may give unexpected impacts on another
example of a broader class of systems we call CLIOS - complex, large, integrated open
for managers to predict the performance and impacts of a project, and, thus, determine
their strategy. Therefore, there are recent advances in technologies, logistics, and
methodology that can be applied to strategic decision analysis for transportation systems
over time. The practical objective of this research is to improve the decision-making
process for investment of railway projects, and enhance the competitiveness of railway
projects, what will be the problems in applying it, and how to adjust these methods for a
In Chapter 1, we summarize the characteristics and risks of a railway project, which have
done to forecast the demand, design an effective investment, and evaluate the feasibility
so that we can deal with "risk", which can be quantified by a probabilistic approach.
However, we still have difficulty in dealing with "uncertainty", in which the probabilities
of potential outcomes are unclear. Therefore, managers periodically review their projects;
this can be a practical way to cope with the uncertainty. However, most infrastructure
making process. This chapter specifies the target for strategic decision analysis, which we
Chapter 2 first reviews current literature for decision analysis theories, and next compares
their effectiveness in terms of application to a railway project. Among them, Net Present
Value (NPV) seems to be a current paradigm for many companies in making decisions on
capital investment. This methodology, however, heavily depends on the projected cash
flows, and is quite sensitive to unexpected events. Theoretically, the NPV can consider
the risk of a project, but has difficulty in fully dealing with uncertainty. This chapter
introduces a concept of "real options" which can value a project under uncertainty by
We examine the details of real options in Chapter 3. The key idea is "options" in the
flexibility in a project than make every decision in advance. Using the real options, we
can value the flexibility and allow managers to decide when they implement each
investment over time and with new information. This chapter suggests how we can utilize
case describes a strategic decision of East Japan Railway Company (Tokyo, Japan) who
explores business opportunities by developing the stations in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
The company recognizes the potential advantage of stations, which are located at the
centers of downtowns and have many passengers. The managers, however, have
difficulty in making an investment decision by using the NPV, which does not reflect the
strategic value of this project. We examine how real options provide a rational answer for
Chapter 5 concludes this thesis by summarizing the results of this research and proposing
railway-specific characteristics and classify projects to explain the focus of the strategic
decision analysis. This process provides the basis of arguments in the following chapters.
The definition of railway can be that it has "rail" in its system components. The existence
of rail has two significant meanings when we discuss its characteristics. One is the
advantage of "efficiency" both in terms of technology and management. The other is the
disadvantage of "rigidity" due to its fixed cost and fixed location of the facilities.
The use of steel rail and wheel drastically decreases the physical friction and loss of
energy compared to other surface transportation systems. Combined with the invention of
internal-combustion engine, the railway gave us the ability to transport a large number of
passengers and freight with low cost and high speed. The fixed route enables us to
operate the vehicles efficiently. Using advanced signal and control technologies, we can
realize high transport density. The minimal impact of the railway on the environment is
The fixed cost and fixed location of facility, on the other hand, is the major disadvantage
of rail systems. Vehicles have to operate on the rail, and cannot freely choose their route,
unlike automobiles or trucks. Therefore, the railway requires a certain amount of facilities
regardless of the level of demand and operation density. In a certain situation, fixed
facilities cost more than the operating cost, and, sometimes, more than the revenue. We
continue to discuss further aspects of a railway project, which affect decision analysis,
Porter (1998) explains the long-term profitability of a firm based on the five forces in the
market value chain. Figure 1-1 describes how the combination of these five forces will
determine the dynamics of competition, and how a firm will assess its position in a
competitive market.
Porter's model explains the demand from the market, which puts pressure upon each
firm's performance. Every firm has to improve its service (product) while raising the
quality and lowering the cost throughout the market value chain. The firm is exposed to
direct competition with its rivals to keep/increase its share in an existing market segment
(rivalry among existing competitors). If the market segment is attractive enough, another
rival, who is not currently a competitor, will come in to try to take the customers away
(threat of new entrance). The firm needs to compete with existing rivals while building
the entry barriers against potential competitors. In addition, the firm has to compete with
another market segment such as new products or services which can replace theirs (threat
firm's strategy to improve their inbound logistics (the bargaining power of supplier).
Threat of Substitutes
Figure 1-1 The Five Competitive Forces that Determine Industry Profitability 2.
The nature of the railway business, however, makes it difficult for managers to fully deal
with these five forces. As described in this chapter (1.2.1 Fundamental Function of Rail),
the railway system needs fixed facilities to achieve its low operating cost. This fact
cases. Therefore, a railway company does not always have severe competition directly
with other railway companies. Vast initial investment, government regulation, and the
However, other transportation modes (e.g., auto, air, truck) can eventually take their
customers away as substitutes. This is actually what happened in the 2 0 th century. Also,
other communication methods such as the telephone or Internet can be effective
substitutes for this market in a long time scale. Moreover, we can consider the customer's
preference in spending time as a substitute for this segment (e.g., customers may prefer
staying home to traveling). These different ranges of competition add complexity for
managers as to their market position. Table 1-1 summarizes these different ranges of
competition. It is easy for managers to recognize direct competitors (1 st range) and take
measure to cope with the situation. Indirect competition (2 nd- 4 th range) proceeds in
relatively long time-scales, and thus it is difficult to determine the market position if
managers focus on short-term performance. The railway business often faces these
indirect competitors more than direct ones, and managers are required to strategically
Range Competitor Scale Driver
1st Other railway companies Level of Service
Short v
nd Infrastructure
2 nd Other transportation modes
Purpose of trip
2Porter, Michael E., "Competitive Advantage", The Free Press, 1998, pp. 5
Furthermore, customers usually have little bargaining power against providers in terms of
price. They can choose a transportation mode based on the level of service of their
options. Customers are, however, rarely in the position to deal with the price or service
Managers sometimes misunderstand who the customer is for their service. Some railway
has strong bargaining power when the entry barrier (e.g., railway-specific standard)
discourages the new entries in the inbound industries, and decreases the number of
competitors. In this case, the supplier may have monopoly power, which prevents the
can also include labor union issues in this category of suppliers. Table 1-2 summarizes
Managers have to deal with these market forces in a railway business. The complex
system and business environment of a railway company, however, may lead managers to
improper decisions. Although their principal goal is to create and maintain a competitive
advantage in the market, managers tend to insist on short-term profits and operation
policies due to the different time scales of their system output. For example, safety and
environment related investment does not provide direct financial returns, unlike more
frequent operation or high-speed projects. These projects pay, however, in the long run
through the improvement of their reliability in service and healthy development of the
land use or community. The lack of direct competitors may lead managers to save the
the future. Also, managers have to optimize their strategy in different time scales. Since
short term may have negative impacts on the potential opportunities in the future.
Sterman (2000) built system thinking and a modeling framework for a complex world,
arguing that our own actions have unanticipated side effects and cause many problems in
the future 3 . Therefore, our effort to solve important problems may not only fail but also
make it worse or create new problems. To deal with the growing dynamic complexity, we
need to expand the boundaries of our mental model and develop strategic thinking in the
decision-making process.
Attractiveness R B
Figure 1-2 Two different loops of investment effects
Figure 1-2 indicates two different loops of investment effects in a firm. The right loop
shows a short-term effect of the investment on the financial status. The incremental
investment will increase the cash out, and debt payment, and finally decrease the source
of investment (cash flow). This loop works to balance (B) the financial status through
investment activities. The left loop indicates how the investment gives returns through
the sequential increase of the level of service, attractiveness, and competitive advantage,
and cash flow. This loop works to reinforce (R) the investment direction in both positive
and passive ways. The point is that these two loops work in different time scales.
Investment decisions based on the present financial status may result in non-optimal use
We now discuss the types of investment. In general, there are two broad categories in
railway investment. One is the operating investment, which sustains the current
performance of the system. The other is the capital investment, which has strategic
objectives to enhance the performance of the system. This thesis mainly focuses on the
capital investment since it is a critical decision, which enables the railway company to
railway company. It is, however, a kind of requirement to sustain the current operating
performance and the level of service. This can be somewhat adjusted by managers
according to the situation, but cannot be drastically changed. Therefore, we will focus on
the capital investment in which managers have ability to design their investment.
The capital investment enhances the performance of systems to achieve the goal and
difficult decision not only because it is a large investment, but also because it can carry
extra risks to the company. The capital investment is actually productive activity, which
tries to increase the value of the company. Its usually irreversible nature and strong
impacts on the operation and maintenance activities, however, create additional risks as a
The railway company
Figure 1-3 shows the portfolio of projects in a railway company.
has synergistic effects with
can diversify its portfolio by exploring other business, which
thesis, however, we limit the
railway activities (e.g., real estate, hotel, resort). In this
1-3) so that we can examine
scope of the portfolio to the following major projects (Figure
requires sophisticated
the strategy of railway companies. Although every project
investment) need more
decisions on its investment, projects in shaded segments (capital
In Figure 1-3, we classified railway-specific projects based on their scale and risk.
Managers have to recognize the importance of risk assessment to cope with the different
levels of risk in their projects. In this section, we identify the risks in a railway project,
suggest strategies to cope with the risks, and define the difference between risk and
1.3.1 Risk
Lessard and Miller (2001) successfully classified the types of risk faced in large
engineering projects, and consolidate them into three major risk categories; (1) Market
Risk, (2) Technical Risk, and (3) Institutional Risk. These categories are useful for us in
identifying the risks of a railway project. Although the type of risk differs according to a
project, these categories are properly applicable to a railway project based on the
arguments, which we have made in this chapter. Therefore, we examine the risks based
on these categories. However, the risk does not work separately; or rather, it is often
accompanied by many related risks, which affect the performance of the project in a
complex way. Hence, managers are required to pay comprehensive attention to the risks
in order to mitigate and avoid the managerial losses incurred when the some of the risks
The demand, finance, and operations risks are in this category. In a business, the market
is always important but uncertain. The profitability of a railway business depends on the
demand of the market. This market risk is related to the ability to forecast the demand.
Inaccuracy in the forecast may lead to shortfall in the cash flows, or inadequate capacity
tradeoff relationship with the level of service. Adjusting the fare to balance the demand
may even worsen the situation in a competitive market. In general, demand is very
difficult to predict and hence constitutes a great income risk. Also, urban transportation
projects, which can expect high demand, face the high cost of projects because of
On the other hand, operations risk is relatively low for a railway project once it recovers
the initial investment. The railway project has reliable daily cash flows from passengers.
economics cycles. In addition, the low operating cost of the railway enables it to keep
earning cumulative profits through the operating period. In general, the volatility of the
market risk is very high in the beginning, and rapidly stabilized through the life of a
Technical Risk
The technical risk is mainly related to the complexity of the system. Since a railway
project involves many types of different software and hardware, both individual
performance of each system and the integration of the whole system can be concerns. In
particular, the integration between newly installed technologies and the existing railway
system can present a challenge for a railway project. Developing a new technology is
based on numerous assumptions that cannot be verified until the operation starts. When
we put a new technology to practical use, it may not only fail to perform well, but also it
can disorder the correct operations of existing systems. However, due to the social
systems, and have to avoid such troubles. To launch a new technology or modify an
Institutional Risk
The regulatory and political risks are concerns to a railway project. As an infrastructure,
the regulator sometimes has strong authority for providing a permit (concession) to a new
railway project. The manager has to consider the regulatory frameworks, urban planning,
The feasibility of a project also depends on the law and regulations that govern the
pricing rule, liability, property rights, and contracts of the project. The railway project
faces regulatory and political risks, which may impose unanticipated restrictions on the
project. We also have to consider the possibility that a project will meet opposition from
Furthermore, if the expected return from the project is insufficient, and managers have no
alternative to increase the return, they usually take an exit strategy. In a railway project,
however, it is often difficult to stop providing its service or sell its assets. In this case, the
project loses its ability to limit substantial loss, and managers have to cope with this
1.3.2 Strategy
Lessard and Miller (2001) argue, "Successful projects are not chosen but shaped with risk
resolution in mind. "6This statement implies how it is critical for managers to recognize
the risk in advance and prepare proper solutions to mitigate its negative impacts. In order
to manage the risk, first of all, we need to identify the investment-related risk. Next, we
also need to evaluate their impacts on investment activities. The objective of this process
is to reduce the exposure of the investment to the identified risk. Figure 1-4 shows the
proposed strategy based on the type and the extent of control over risk.
6Lessard D. & Miller, R., "The Strategic Management of Large Engineering Projects", MIT Sloan Working Paper,
-o Diversify
portfolios of projects Embrace the residual risk
C, o
x ;; Direct allocation and mitigation Shifting of the indeterminate risks
High Control <- [Extent of control over risk] -> Low Control
If the risk is specific to a project and controllable, try to identify the source and the
impacts of the risk, and reshape the investment so as to allocate and mitigate the negative
impacts. This is the basic case in risk management. If the risk is specific to a project but
outside the control of managers, however, they have to shift the risk by using contracts or
markets and prepare for unexpected events. This can be the risk management on a project
level. In contrast, when the risk is broad but controllable, the effective approach is to
diversify the portfolio of projects and reduce the impacts of the risk. This approach has to
be done not on a project level, but on a corporate level. Finally, when the risk is difficult
to specify and control, we have to embrace this risk. Managers have to decide if the risk
is worth taking.
7 Lessard D. & Miller, R., "Understanding and Managing Risks in Large Engineering Projects", 2001 p. 11
1.3.3 Uncertainty
In this thesis, we have been using "risk" to consider the possible impact of unexpected
distinguish "uncertainty" from "risk", and recognize the different natures and effects of
Lessard and Miller (2000) explained risk as "the possibility that events, the resulting
impacts, the associated actions, and the dynamic interactions among the three may turn
out differently than anticipated."8 Here, we understand that risk can be quantified in
statistical terms, and we can take a probabilistic approach to cope with unexpected events.
understood." The common concern are unexpected events in the future, which impacts on
a project, but the difference is whether we can estimate the probabilities of the
unexpected events. To make the difference clear, we define the risk and uncertainty in the
following manner:
[Note: We use "risk" when we simply consider the possible impact of unexpected events without
projects have the same expected value, project A has higher risk since it is more likely to
fail. Probability matters in risk analysis, and we can decide whether we will accept the
risk or not based on the expected value of a project, the probabilities of possible
However, we do not always understand the clear probabilities of events, and have to
consider uncertainty in a project. Figure 1-5 indicates two projects, which have different
uncertainty. Both projects have the same expected value, but project C is more uncertain
because it has more volatility. We have to consider the range of the possible outcomes,
AK Expected Value Expected Value
0 Proiect C 0 Project D
8 Lessard, D. & Miller, R., "The Strategic Management of Large Engineering Projects", MIT Sloan Working Paper,
The Geometric Brownian Motions Model, which is frequently applied to describe the
movement of financial variables (e.g., stock price, interest rate), expresses the significant
difference between risk and uncertainty in its diffusion process. According to this model,
range of Vt
the time axis. Therefore, we have to analyze the risks of an asset to estimate its growth
rate and expected value. However, the deviation from expected values also increases, so
we have to consider the possible error of the estimation. This deviation indicates
valuation method in a project. Some methods can take a probabilistic approach to cope
with risk. Uncertainty, however, requires managers to take a different approach, and
imposes an ambiguous task. We have to keep this fundamental difference in mind, and
methods to value a project under these conditions, and discuss how we can determine
We summarized the characteristics of a railway project and identified its associated risks
in Chapter 1. That was the first step in developing an investment strategy for a railway
methods to value a project under these conditions. Managers need to evaluate their
investment in terms of its impacts on the business activities. Eventually, managers try to
reduce the exposure of their projects to the identified risks, and conclude with a certain
benchmark for their investment decision-making. Since there is no definitive measure for
valuation methodology, and use the effective methods according to the nature of a project.
Among the various project valuation methods, Net Present Value (NPV) seems to be a
current paradigm for many companies in making decisions on capital investment. Brealey
and Myers (2000) successfully verified the theoretical correctness of NPV and its overall
superiority to other valuation methods of a project (e.g., Pay Back Period, Internal Rate
of Return) in the finance literature1 o. In this section, we review the NPV, its practical
drawbacks, and its applications, which are currently taken to support an investment
10 Brealey, Richard A. & Myers, Stewart C., "Principle of Corporate Finance", Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000, pp 93-114
2.1.1 Net Present Value
NPV= Z CFt/(l+r) t - Io + ST/(I+r) T
1. Forecasting the cash flows generated by the project over its economic life.
2. Determining the appropriate opportunity cost of capital, which reflects both the time
3. Using this opportunity cost of capital to discount the future cash flows.
4. Subtracting the initial investment from the sum of the discounted cash flows (present
value), and adding the salvage value if the asset has cash value at the end of a project.
The excellence of NPV is its reflection of the investor's expectations. Paying dividends to
from a project is lower than the investor's expectations (NPV<O), a firm can pay
dividends to its shareholders, who are also looking for another opportunity in the market.
Investment Firm Shareholder (Financial Asset)
(Real Asset)Dividend
Project Dividend
Figure 2-1 A firm can either invest the cash in a project or return it to shareholders
Some criteria such as Benefit/Cost (B/C) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) can be used
with NPV, so as to compare the values of projects, and decide which project to choose.
However, these criteria have the same theoretical background of NPV, which focuses on
the cash flows and time value of money. Therefore, we categorize them in the same
There are, however, two major drawbacks in using the NPV as a valuation method for a
project. One is the difficulty of determining an appropriate discount rate, and the other is
the ambiguity as to the future cash flows. We review the discount rate problem in 2.1.2
(Capital Asset Pricing Model), and the future cash flows issue in 2.1.3-5 (Sensitivity
1 Brealey, Richard A. & Myers, Stewart C. "Principle of Corporate Finance", Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000, pp 95
2.1.2 Capital Asset Pricing Model
In the NPV, theoretically, a discount rate depends on the risk of a project. Using
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) as a discount rate, we can evaluate the risk
of a project based on the firm's evaluation in the security market. In this case, there is an
assumption that the project's risk is the same as the firm's average risk.
The railway company, however, has a wide variety of projects, ranging from small-scale
theoretically inaccurate and leads managers to a wrong decision. Simple use of the
WACC will favor the risky projects, while having bias against less risky projects than the
average. Our focus is capital investment, which involves relatively high risks. Therefore,
we need to consider these risky cash flows by adjusting the discount rate.
12 Figurel-3
The most commonly used method for determining the risk-adjusting discount rates is
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), which shows how we can value the individual risk
premium in relation to its covariance to the market by using a simple linear formula.
R = Rf + / (Km - Rf)
f : volatility of a project
3 measures the volatility of a project, relative to the market portfolio. The above
equation shows that investors require the higher expected return to compensate the higher
expected risk. The formula determines the project-specific risk premium as a linear
ProDosed Proiect
project. Unlike the stock market where the CAPM has been developed, we do not have
enough historical data to determine the 3 for capital investment. Also, historical data
from other projects does not correctly reflect the project-specific risks since each project
has its unique risks. Using the CAPM gives us insight as to determining the risk premium,
Since the valuation of a project depends on the forecast of its cash flows, we need to
examine our premises by changing some critical parameters to see how the NPV will
vary according to this change. There are risks associated with the error in the forecast of
the initial cost, construction period, revenue, etc. This process provides not only the
feasibility of a project in a specific situation, but also the opportunity to re-shape the
project based on the sensitivity of each parameter. If the project is very sensitive to a
specific parameter, we can try to mitigate the potential risk by modifying the project so as
In practice, managers usually vary input data and model coefficients within a certain
range (e.g., ±10%) based on their experience or guidelines. Another simple approach is
using the range from "optimistic" case to "pessimistic" case, or taking "reasonable
methodology is that more things can happen than will actually happen, and we need to
examine each possibility in dealing with uncertainty. This sensitive analysis helps
managers to identify the possible range of outcomes, consider the impacts, and make
decisions on investment.
On the other hand, the result is ambiguous. Since the adjustment range is wide, and
possible combinations of the sensitive analysis are many, managers often have difficulty
finding the rationality of their decisions. In addition, the interrelation among parameters
often makes this analysis too complex to use in practice. Furthermore, each situation does
not equally happen, but the sensitivity analysis simply shows the result of each case, and
does not consider the probabilistic distribution of the outcomes in the simulations.
The sensitivity analysis enables managers to consider the effect of changing one
simulation, however, we can consider all plausible combinations of data, and examine the
In the Monte Carlo simulation, we first have to build a model of the project. This model
requires a set of equations and constraints for each of the variables. Second, we have to
determine the distribution of our forecast error in each variable. The forecast error has an
expected value of zero, and a range of a certain percent (not always symmetric). Finally,
the computer samples from the distribution, and calculates the resulting cash flows
Figure 2-3 Example of the result from Monte Carlo simulation
The advantage of using the Monte Carlo simulation is to allow managers to acknowledge
the uncertainty of their project. The manager can gain a better understanding as to how
However, the Monte Carlo simulation has some drawbacks. The first one is the modeling
problem. It is difficult to determine the model of a project with the interrelationships
probabilistic distributions for each variable. Since the result depends on
assumptions, it is possible that the result will be biased. Also, in practice, a simulation
model that tries to be completely realistic will be too complex. Managers have to validate
in fully
the models to verify the result of simulations, but may have difficulties
is the
understanding the meanings of a complex model. The second drawback
can use the
interpretation of the outcomes due to the lack of specific benchmarks. We
Monte Carlo simulation to understand the possible distribution of outcomes, but it may be
difficult to use it for a decision-making if these drawbacks are critical for managers.
Both the sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo simulation provide managers with an
understanding of the nature of a project, specifically the possible range and distribution of
outcomes. These methods tend to underestimate, however, the value of a project because
they do not consider the manager's ability to cope with unexpected events during the life
of a project. If the project environment (e.g., market demand) is different from the initial
assumption, managers usually abandon the project to limit their loss (in case of bad
events), or chose an expansion strategy to increase the benefit (in case of new
has to be done at the beginning of the project. In reality, subsequent decisions are tied
together during the entire period of a project. In this sense, Decision Tree (DT) can be an
In Figure 2-4, the square represents the decision point where managers have to choose
what to do, while each circle represents probability points where the decision faces
different outcomes. The key idea is the combination of the decision and probability points.
One decision will reveal the consequential events. Managers can see what will happen,
and make decisions at the next step. The DT can make the underlying scenarios clear by
showing the links between each stage of a project, and help managers to find the strategy
with the highest value, which is also the expected value of a project.
The DT is particularly useful when we have discrete time stages for information and
decisions. Dixit and Pindyck 51 (1994) introduced the continuous version of the DT
information and decisions with the same theoretical framework as the DT.
Theoretically, the DT process will turn the possibility into reality, and reduce risk by
narrowing the range of potential outcomes. Therefore, we can use a lower discount rate to
recognize the change of risks. The DT, however, does not count this value, and uses the
'5 Dixit, A.K. & Pindyck, R.S., "Investment under Uncertainty", Princeton University Press, 1994
same discount rate throughout the life of a project. It simply sums up the cash flows in
each scenario as the expected NPV. This assumes that the project's risk is constant
regardless of the stage of a project. Another serious drawback is the probability of events.
Based on the definition of risk and uncertainty in Chapter 1, we may deal with risk in the
DT, but cannot deal with uncertainty, in which the probability of unexpected events is not
fully understood.
2.2 Implications
We have reviewed the current decision analysis methods to compare the different
specify an appropriate valuation method for a railway project. Since every method has its
own advantages and drawbacks, managers cannot simply rely on a single way of valuing
a project, and each method should be regarded as a part of the information about the
2.2.1 Effectiveness
In general, we can summarize the comparison of valuation methods with Figure 2-5. The
basic method is the NPV, which reflects the investor's expectations in a project. It is a
reliable valuation method if the project is stable and foreseeable in a financial sense. We
can use the NPV for a project that has very low risk and uncertainty. Also, the CAPM is a
technique to adjust the discount rate of NPV with the project-specific risk. The CAPM
can consider the risk premium on top of the firm's average risk, but has difficulty in
dealing with high risk and uncertainty due to the possible error in the forecast of cash
If the risk is high, we can use the DT. We can calculate the expected NPV based on the
probabilistic outcomes in the DT. We only have to determine the first step of an
investment decision, and make another decision according to the consequential outcomes.
Eventually, we can approach the optimal strategy, in which we can expect the highest
return from the project. If uncertainty dominates a project and the probability is unclear,
we can apply Sensitivity Analysis or Monte Carlo Simulation to consider the potential
When we face both high risk and high uncertainty, however, we will be at a loss in
dealing with them. Simply combining the above methods is not a good option in this case.
Each method has its own practical drawbacks, which may be amplified in combination.
In addition, the various criteria confuse managers in dealing with the problems.
Furthermore, managers need clear benchmarks for their investment decisions in terms of
the accountability to shareholders. The problem we are facing now is critical because
capital investments of a railway company 16 typically fit this segment in this matrix. We
16 Figure 1-3
Decision Tree How do we value?
0 -------------f--------------- I
Yý 4 NPV
Sensitive Analysis
Monte Carlo Simulation
We investigate the effectiveness of NPV again because the above valuation framework is
based on the NPV method, and others basically expand the practicality of NPV in dealing
with risk and uncertainty. If the NPV has an inevitable limitation when valuating a
railway project with the existence of high risk and uncertainty, we have to consider
The fundamental assumption of NPV is that money has a time value, and we can measure
it by using a discount rate. Here, reliable cash flows are more valuable than risky cash
flows. Therefore, risk always gives negative impacts on the valuation of a project through
the higher discount rate. The underlying value of a project is always the expected cash
flows, which can be adjusted by considering its risk. In practice, the following two
reasons highlight why we have difficulty in using the NPV as a valuation method of a
railway project where high risk and uncertainty are main concerns.
1. The discount rate is too ambiguous to value a project under uncertainty.
The result of NPV depends on the choice of a discount rate as we discussed. Although we
have some guidelines for the choice of a discount rate (e.g., WACC, CAPM), these
information and make decisions during the whole process of a project under uncertainty.
Finally, we try to choose the best strategy by taking advantage of the newly revealed
situations. Using a constant discount rate ignores this reality and has a bias against long-
The NPV deals with risk as an adjustment factor, which is accounted for by a
combination of probabilistic scenarios and change of discount rates. In the real world of
uncertainty, however, the probability of each scenario will probably differ from what
managers originally expected. The effectiveness of the expected NPV, which depends on
discussed at the beginning of this thesis 17, one decision on a project may create
fundamental characteristic makes this problem too hard for managers to simply use the
phased projects as will confirm whether the next phase is worthwhile. The project has
strategic value on top of its cash flows when future is revealed. Consequently, flexibility
also has value if it gives opportunity to cope with unexpected events. As a result, the
value of these projects is actually higher than their expected NPV under uncertainty.
The key insight of this converse approach is that projects can be considered as kinds of
"options," which can increase the value of a firm when exercised with a proper timing. In
this approach, uncertainty or volatility can actually increase the value of a project,
contrary to the NPV approach. Previously, risk or uncertainty was a sort of barrier to a
project, but using the option thinking, which can consider risk and uncertainty as positive
factors, we can add value to a project. The manager can flexibly decide when and how to
invest for every potential project while avoiding the negative outcomes and taking
advantage of new opportunities. The value of this option will increase where the
Uncertainty -+
(Note: This figure is a conceptual model, and does not reflect a certain value of projects)
The option approach can be an effective valuation method for capital investment of a
railway company, which has a large-scale and high-risk investment under uncertainty.
The option approach is not a totally innovative idea; or rather, it is trying to illustrate the
logic of experienced managers who have been acting to amplify good fortune while
sometimes decide to invest in a project whose NPV is zero or minus, recognizing the
potential opportunities that may be realized by the investment. To understand the logic of
such a decision, we have to examine what characteristics of a project can increase its
value under uncertainty and provide rationale in valuing a project under uncertainty.
Managerial flexibility has its value under uncertainty. In dealing with uncertainty, it is
effective to build flexibility into the strategy and adjust decisions according to outcomes
that will occur after the initial decision. In this sense, Trigeorgis and Mason (1987)
advocated the concept "expanded NPV" in which a flexible project has an additional
value to the usual expected NPV due to its ability to approach the optimum strategy:
This equation explains the significance of the concept shown in Figure 2-6. When
uncertainty is not a concern, we can rely on the expected NPV. If uncertainty is critical to
a project, however, the expected NPV does not reflect the strategic value of the project,
and the value of the managerial flexibility becomes essential for the project.
2.3.2 Timing
One of the challenges of a railway project is the optimization problem in different time
scales as we discussed in Chapter 120. An option can be exercised only once, and
exercising an option may eliminate other potential options. We need to think strategically
Therefore, we have to consider the timing of investment and its opportunity value. The
opportunity value changes according to the economic condition in which a project is done.
19Trigerous, L. & Mason S. P., "Valuing Managerial Flexibility", Midland Corporate Finance Journal -Spring-, 1987
20 1.2.3 (Business Dynamics)
Managers have to meditate on the long-term design, while exercising the investment only
if the condition is favorable to the project. To the contrary, if the situation is not
promising, we should wait until the opportunity value improves, and finally make a
decision on the investment. The value of a project varies according to the timing of the
investment, and thus timing has value when we consider a project with the consequential
2.3.3 Valuation
The question here is how to value these strategies. If the flexibility is favorable in
managing a project, how much can we invest to obtain this advantage and measure the
changing value of opportunities? Real Options Value (ROV) provides the answer.
The ROV represents an application of the financial option theory to a real investment
the actual situations, the flexibility gives option-like ability to avoid bad situations while
taking advantage of new opportunities. This ability leads managers to recognize the real
the investment strategy. The definition of "option" is the right but not the obligation to
take an action some time in the future, usually for a predetermined price and a given
period. In a project, a firm has rights to invest certain amount in exchange for the
intended assets at the most preferable timing just as put/call options could be exercised to
consider the essential features of a railway project, which were described in Chapter 1. In
such as the subjective probability, choice of discount rate, etc. We examine the
This chapter first reviews the theoretical background of real options, and discusses how a
railway company can apply real options to its capital investment strategy. We also
examine the valuation frameworks of real options to use it in a real project. In Chapter 2,
we pointed out the critical roles of flexibility and timing in a project, and introduced the
real options value (ROV) to measure their values. In Chapter 3, we go through the details
of ROV, which can be an effective tool for investment strategies under uncertainly where
the NPV does not work well neither as a valuation method nor decision analysis tool.
In the financial market, options give the owner the right to buy (call) or sell (put) a
financial asset (e.g., stock) at a predetermined price within a certain period of time,
without the obligation to do so. This right provides the owners with unlimited potential
gain in the future, while the lack of obligation protects them by limiting the downside risk.
They can exercise options and take a gain if they can expect enough returns. If the option
is not exercised, the only cost is the price of the option. This asymmetrical payoff gives
values to options.
Projects often contain option-like characteristics, and we can treat investment decisions
as exercising of options. Managers have options to invest in projects, but do not have to
exercise their options in every situation. In addition, they may wait for more information
and make decisions later. If the investment is irreversible, there is an opportunity cost of
investing now rather than waiting. Moreover, they can design a project with managerial
flexibility to adjust to unexpected events during the operating period. The value of these
option-like characteristics will increase when the potential outcomes of a project become
more uncertain.
a project, and estimate the cost (exercise price) and cash flows (underlying asset) of the
project. If the situation looks promising, the manager exercises the option and invests in
the project; if it does not seem feasible, the only loss is the cost to acquire the option.
This is different from the traditional approaches (e.g., NPV) we reviewed in Chapter 2,
The real options provide us with unlimited gain and limited loss for a project, and this
asymmetrical payoff is the source of the value of options. Figure 3-1 shows the value of
options (call-option) where "value of asset" is the expected cash flows, and "exercise
t (S)
V lUk., ',J
f A
.• L •,\,.
If the value of asset exceeds the exercise price, we can invest in the project and take
positive returns (payoff = S-K). When the value of asset is below the exercise price,
however, we do not have to exercise the option, and the payoff remains zero. Therefore,
However, immediate payoffs may not reflect the full value of options because the option
value exceeds the payoff due to its expectation in the future. A higher payoff might be
obtained if we wait to invest until situations become more advantageous while the worst
increase the returns on top of the immediate payoff. This reasoning explains why the
S = asset price
K = exercise price at which the asset can be bought (call) or sold (put)
T = time remaining until option expires
13 = standard deviation of returns for asset (volatility)
R = risk-free rate of interest
In terms of the relationship to the option value, as the greater the asset price (S) relative
to the exercise price (K), the payoff increases, and the option value thereof increases.
Similarly, the greater the exercise price (K) relative to the asset price (S), the lower the
option value. Also, an option with a longer term to expiration is the same as an option
with a shorter term plus additional time. Therefore, the longer the term to expiration (T),
the higher the option value. Volatility of the underlying asset is critical since options have
a limited (zero) downside and a unlimited (positive) upside returns, and increased
volatility expands the potential range of expected returns, and increases the option value.
The risk-free rate is applied to discount the future cash flow in ROV, and a higher interest
Table 3-1 Relationship between the option value and each parameter
Correlation + - + +
3.1.3 No-Arbitrage Approach
We review the underlying concept in the option-pricing problem. The critical concept
behind the ROV is "no-arbitrage approach" where two different assets with the same
payoff must have the same price. In other words, if we replicate an asset with another
portfolio that has the same payoffs (cash flows), the values of these assets are equal to
each other. Therefore, we can determine the price of an asset by simply summing up the
value of parts in the replicated portfolio. We will illustrate this concept with a simple
Assume a firm has an opportunity to invest in an asset that requires an initial investment
of $100 now and yields uncertain payoffs one year later. The payoff is $125 in the "up"
state and is $80 in the "down" state. The firm can invest $100 and receive either $125 or
$80, but the probability is unknown. In this situation, one effective strategy is to buy a
call option, which gives the right to buy the asset in $100 next year. Then, the payoff is
$25 in the up state and $0 in the down state. Suppose another strategy is to build a
portfolio with the asset (X%) and $99 risk-free security (Y%), the price of this portfolio
is $100X-$99Y ( ). When the security becomes $100 after a year, the up state payoff is
$125X-100Y (2 ) and the down state payoff is $80X-$100 (3). If the two strategies have the
same value, (2)=$25 and (3)=$0. Solving these equations yields X=5/9, Y=4/9, and
The obvious result is that we can determine the price of an option by building a portfolio
that replicates the payoff of the option. In addition, the option price is independent from
the probability of outcomes, but depends on the possible range of outcomes (volatility).
Furthermore, since there is no risk in this transaction, we can use the risk-free rate as an
In Chapter 2, we examined the effectiveness of NPV, and concluded with its two critical
approach is an essential concept in valuing options since it adjusts a situation so that the
risk-free discount rate applies and there is no need to concern about the probability of
3.1.4 Complete Market Assumption
market is sufficiently complete so that we can build a portfolio whose value is perfectly
equal to that of a project. In other words, we can exchange real options for a project with
financial securities as if the project could be treated as stocks. Therefore, we can apply
Dixit and Pindyck (1995) developed the real options approach with this complete market
assumption 22. However, every real option is not traded in a market. For instance, a
development right of an oil field can be traded, but an expansion right of a railway is
difficult to sell or buy. Myers (2003) explained this problem and argued that assuming
complete markets is enough to value real options23 . Since the purpose of valuing real
options is not actually to sell or buy the options but to measure the value in managing
investment activities, managers can measure the value of real options as if they were
traded in a market, and price them based on the no-arbitrage concept. We can understand
this reasoning when we review the concept of NPV, in which we assume that non-traded
assets (projects) can be valued by using the same discount rate of traded assets
This is a critical assumption in applying the ROV to transportation systems where real
options are not traded. We examine this assumption to clarify the applicability of ROV
22 Dixit, A.K. & Pindyck, R.S., "The Options Approach to Capital Investment",
Harvard Business Review, 1995
to this research. We explain the theoretical correctness of this assumption by the
1. We can price non-traded real options by the value of comparable traded securities.
This assumption is satisfied when using a pricing theory in which the value of an asset is
estimated by comparing it with similar assets with known prices. For instance, we
generally consider the price of a similar deal when we try to value a used car although we
do not actually trade the two cars. Likewise, when managers value a potential project,
they can consider a similar financial investment (security), which resembles the project in
risk and returns even if they do not sell/buy the project by the securities. This
approximation pricing is actually one of the most traditional and widely accepted theories
in the finance field. Theoretically, the difference between traded assets and non-traded
The typical application of this theory is the CAPM 24 by which we adjust the discounted
rate of a project based on the relationship between the project and market portfolio. The
the non-traded asset (project) based on the comparable values of traded securities in the
project. If we use the CAPM in a real project, we can apply the same pricing theory to
23 Lecture on Real Options Seminar (15.975 at MIT) by S.C. Myers, February 10, 2003
The CAPM was, however, originally built to price a market asset although it is currently
applied to a real project. Therefore, there is a practical problem in using the CAPM in a
project. According to the CAPM, the price of an asset is determined by its /3:
Luenberger (1998) proposed Correlation Pricing Theory (CPT) to practically use the
concept of the CAPM in a project, and verified its theoretical accuracy and correctness in
the financial literature 25 . The CPT has a similar form as the CAPM, but we do not have to
estimate the 3 of a project. We can regard the CPT as a more convincing example of the
V=1/R{E(y)-cov(y,m)[E(m)-Pm-R]/ u m2
a m: variance of "m"
In this formula, "m" is a security portfolio (not a market portfolio), which is the most
closely correlated with "y". The correctness of the CPT is shown by the fact that it gives
precisely the same result as the CAPM if both were exactly calculated, so there is no-
arbitrage between the CPT and CAPM. The only difference is that the market asset in
CPT does not have to be the market portfolio. The form of CPT is more convenient by
avoiding the 3 , and showing the theoretical process in pricing a non-traded asset with
known prices of traded securities. The CPT can price a non-traded asset by adjusting the
price of comparable marketed assets. Appling the CAPM and CPT in the valuation
2. We can build a security portfolio, which completely replicates the payoff of real
This assumption is readily satisfied in any linear pricing model, such as the CAPM or
CPT. The linearity of the CAPM and CPT can be shown by the fact that they use the
projection of payoffs into a norm linear space, known as a Hilbert space. The random
payoffs of an original set of "n" assets can be replicated as corresponding "n" vectors in a
Hilbert space whre every vector (v) can be written with the norm vectors (ei) and their
v= Z (ai.ei)
This linearity of projected payoffs is an underlying concept of the CAPM and CPT. The
important result of the linearity is that the value of an asset can be stated by a number of
norm securities rather than single optimal portfolio. This linearity enables us to price a
The number of distinct securities is the number of risks and payoffs, so any combination
of risk and payoff can be matched in countless ways. Providing completeness with
respect to any conceivable state variable is not possible but, still, we can ask the
common-sense question: "Does the existence of real options allow investors to expand
the range of attainableportfolio risk characteristicsin any significant way? If the answer
is no, we can replace real options with existing securities, so the market is complete"26
Brealey and Myers (2000) classified the common and important real options found in
capital investment projects in the following manner27: expansion option, abandon option,
wait option, and switch option. In this section, we examine how we can use these options
This option makes follow-on investments if the immediate project succeeds. Managers
often invest in a project for strategic reasons. Such a project gives not only its own cash
flows but also expansion options, which can take advantage of new opportunities and
This option is very critical for a railway company since the railway system often has an
optimization problem in different time scales 2 8. Managers are required to consider the
long-term plan when they invest in a project. In another word, managers have to design a
project so as to leave options to expand the system in the future. Considering the long-
term plan in a project may increase its cost. However, we can obtain expansion options
by paying this additional cost in the initial investment. In this case, the price of options
can be the additional cost, and the underlying asset is the potential cash flows in the
future projects. Using the real options approach, managers can recognize if the additional
27Brealey, Richard A. & Myers, Stewart C., "Principle of Corporate Finance", Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000 pp.619
Moreover, a railway project has significant side effects on the land use. Investing in a
project may bring another opportunity to expand the business in the future. For example,
building a new station or line will encourage regional development through the new
transportation service. Therefore, the population around the railway system may increase,
and the incremental demand enables us to expand the railway system by investing in
another project. Thus, we can acquire expansion options through the initial investment. In
this case, the price of this option is the initial investment of the immediate project.
Managers can reasonably value the initial investment by considering the value of
Another example is the business model that combines the real estate with the railway
system. If a railway company purchases the land around the proposed new station or line
before the project, the company can expect capital gain by developing the land later. Thus,
the company can reserve the extended benefits of the project within the company to
recover a part of the railway project. In this case, the railway project provides expansion
options to develop the real estate, and managers can invest in a railway project expecting
potential profit from these options. Furthermore, the difference between the real estate
and the railway in terms of the sensitivity to the market fluctuation helps managers to
A project has additional values if managers can abandon it depending on to the situation
during the operating period. As we need to consider the value of expansion options in
case of success, we have to recognize the value of abandon options, which limit the
In a railway project, however, it is usually difficult to exercise this abandon option due to
a railway project, and argued the difficulty in using an exit strategy even if the demand is
below the forecast. In addition, the railway system requires high fixed cost to realize its
low operating cost, so cannot drastically reduce its total cost. These facts make it difficult
This is a critical difference between a railway project and other capital investments where
abandon options can be obtained with a certain cost or contracts, so as to manage the risk
effective use of other options to manage the risks. For example, dividing a project into
several phases costs more than investing in the whole project at a time. This strategy,
however, gives the similar effect to abandon options since not entering into next phases
can abandon the rest of the project when the initial project fails. This is actually using
expansion options to recover the disadvantage of not holding abandon options in a project.
3.2.3 Wait Option
This option enables us to wait and learn before the investment. The value of options
exceeds the immediate payoffs due to the asymmetrical distribution of the future in
Figure3-2. Using options captures the positive results while avoiding the negative
outcomes. Although a project has zero or negative payoffs, it still has a certain value if
we can apply the option to wait. We can exercise the option only when the situation
changes and positive payoffs are available. Similarly, we do not have to invest in a
project only because the project makes positive returns. If we wait on the investment, the
project may have higher profit in the future than investing now.
However, projects provide cash flows just as stocks give dividends. The right not to
invest now has values, but we lose the potential cash flows, which could be gained while
waiting. Therefore, managers have to compare the value of wait options with the cost of
example, station development projects create new business opportunities for a railway
company. Developing a business (e.g., retail shop, restaurant) in a station can provide
However, creating a business space in a station is expensive because the station was
originally designed only to accommodate facilities required for operating railway systems,
and changing the design has various constraints in order to maintain the current
performance of systems. The business has to be highly profitable to effectively use such
an expensive space. Therefore, managers have to analyze the market situation with wait
options, and invest in projects only if they can expect enough profit from the business. In
are their own properties where competitors usually cannot enter. This wait option allows
managers to determine the proper timing and maximize such advantages in investment.
systems or reduce the maintenance cost by replacing the existing facility with an
increase its competitive advantage in the market. However, new technology always has
managers to wait and see the effectiveness of the new technology, while holding the right
to use the technology and modernize their system. This wait option gives a certain
The switch option provides the ability to vary the output or production methods
according to the situation. If a firm can flexibly vary its products by exercising this
switch option, the firm can be less vulnerable to the market fluctuation due to its
adaptability to the market trends. Similarly, a firm with dual production methods is more
valuable than with a single method due to its ability to stabilize operating costs. This
built-in flexibility has substantial values under uncertainty where the market demand or
resource cost is frequently changing. However, the flexible design makes the system
complex and expensive. Managers have to value the switch option in making a decision
In a railway project, there exist high market risks and the fixed system of railways
prevents managers from easily adapting their system to the market. Therefore, this option
is critical in designing a railway system. The railway has the efficiency in its operation in
exchange for the fixed cost and location of facilities. Therefore, building flexibility in a
railway system is effective in taking the benefit while avoiding the negative side of its
For example, the switch option is useful in designing a railway network. Managers often
face difficulty in deciding if they should build additional tracks or points in their network.
Although it costs, having such extra facilities gives flexibility to the network, which
allows the railway company to operate additional trains in a peak period or take
both on high-speed and conventional rails (e.g., dual gauge car), we can flexibly operate
such rolling stock to accommodate the fluctuation in trip demands. Moreover, passenger
rail, especially high-speed rail, has different customer segments such as business trip and
family travel. Flexible design can easily capture the preferences of different types of
customers by switching the interior design while using the same car. Recognizing switch
We reviewed the theoretical background of the real options value (ROV), and how we
can make practical investment decisions by applying the ROV to a railway project. We
now examine the valuation framework of ROV. The attractiveness of ROV is its
securities that replicates the cash flows of a project quantifies the value of a project as
well as the optimal timing of investment to maximize the value. The ROV is an
application of the financial options theory, and there are two major valuation frameworks
the two methods and build a valuation framework to answer the ROV problems in a
railway project.
3.3.1 Black-Scholes Formula
Black and Scholes developed a pricing method of options as the following compact
formula. Although the formula mainly deals with only European calls 29 (without
dividends), it has been refined since then and widely used in the financial market.
d2 = dl-( -T1/2 )
This formula is similar to C = f (asset price) - g (loan). This formula represents the
concept in which an option has value equal to the replicating portfolio (buying a stock by
borrowing) where the standard deviation gives a measure to the possible range of payoffs.
29European options can be exercised only at the expiration while American can be exercised anytime before the
This valuation method is based on the statistical movement of stocks, and the movement
The practical problem of the Black-Scholes Formula is, however, the focus on European
options model where we can exercise options only at the expiration. As we described, a
variety of options can be applied in a railway project, and many of them should be
exercised whenever the situation is optimal for the investment, even prior to the
expiration. the Black-Scholes is a compact and effective tool to price an option, but we
The Binominal Model assumes many periods in exercising an option. This model varies
the value of underlying assets based on the volatility in a given period, and rolls back the
values from the expiration. For each period, the model compares the value of immediate
payoff and holding of the option, and decides whether the owner should exercise the
option. Thus, this model determines the optimal strategy of exercising options, and the
value of options at the time of investment by summing up the values throughout the
whole period.
Value of holding the call option for the next period is:
Ch = [p*Cu + (1-p)*Cd]/(1+r)
p: risk-neutral probability
cu: value of option at end if up
cd: value of option at end if down
The risk-neutral probability is a key idea for connecting sequential periods under
Assuming the asset share is X, and loan share is Y, the replicated payoffs are:
X-Su + Y-S(I+r) = Cu
X-Sd + Y-S(I+r) = Cd
When we solve the equations, the option price (= value of the portfolio) is:
Ch = [qCu+(1-q) Cd]/(l+r)
q = (1+r-d)/(u-d)
This process leads us to adjust the investment situation as if we could calculate the
expected value of options with binominal probabilities q and (1-q), which are risk-neutral
Finally, the value of options is the maximum of their immediate exercise, holding for
s: value of asset
k: exercise price
I- discounted by "r"
first period to value C. In additions, we can use risk-neutral probabilities instead of the
The Binominal Model approximates the movement of the value of underlying assets as a
sequential increase and decrease. This model actually applies the concept of a replicating
portfolio over many periods, and provides a flexible and transparent method to option
It is hard to argue that one or another is a better decision analysis method, and we need to
availability of data, and the purpose of analysis. In this sense, we proposed the
the excellence of the Binominal Model in pricing the options. In the next chapter, we will
analyze a real case to illustrate how we can make a strategic decision in investment
Stations are key facilities for the railway system, and effective use of stations is critical
for a railway company to properly operate the system and provide better service to
customers. Stations also have potential for retail business because of their advantage in
locations where many passengers gather. Furthermore, stations are essential facilities in
urban planning. Combining a station development with an urban renewal project may be
These aspects of a station make the project attractive, but various barriers (e.g., high
This case describes a strategic decision, which a Japanese railway company is now facing.
acknowledge the strategic importance of the projects, but also have difficulty in
explaining their reasoning with the NPV analysis. We examine how real options provide
In accordance with the provision of the Law for Japanese National Railways
Restructuring, the Japanese National Railways (JNR) was privatized into six passenger
companies and one freight company on April 1, 1987. The East Japan Railway Company
(JR East) is the largest passenger railway company in Japan and serves the Tokyo
metropolitan area and the eastern part of the main island of Japan. JR East operates 70
railway lines (including three high speed lines), 1709 stations, and serves more than 16
30 Figure 1-3
Table 4-1 shows the financial highlights of JR East. The company inherited a part of the
large debt of JNR in exchange for the operating assets when it was privatized. This debt
was so huge that repaying the interest (around $1,600M annually) is one of the major
financial burdens. Therefore, it is critical for the company to reduce the debt by
capital investment is a source of cash flows in the future, and indispensable to compete in
the market. Therefore, managers are required to make a strategic decision on their
Table 4-1 Financial Highlights in the FY 2001 (million dollars)32
Income Statement
Operating revenue 19,123
Operating income 2,378
Net income 358
Depreciation 2,421
Free Cash Flow 33 2,627
Balance Sheet
Total Asset 52,799
Long-Term Debt 32,931
Shareholder's equity 6,998
The company is involved not only in railway operations, but also in other business such
as retail sales, shopping centers, hotels, real estate development, etc. These businesses
have synergistic effects with the railway business, and help the company to diversify its
for the fiscal year of 2006. One of the main strategies to achieve the plan is "station
allocating of facilities both from the railways and other businesses' points of view.
Although the Japanese economy is still uncertain, and not fully recovered from the
recession in the late 1990's, the company is finding opportunities in the currently
evolving deregulations and restructuring of industries, and decided to begin with three
projects in 2003.
These projects change stations to accommodate both railway and business activities.
Previously, most stations allocated their space only for railway facilities. However, the
railway system has a long history, and advances in technology and management now
enable the system to operate with smaller space and less people. Therefore, there is an
opportunity to review the layout of stations and create business space, which can generate
cash flows in addition to the railway business. Moreover, reviewing the layouts and
adjusting them to the current operations make the system more efficient. These projects
are effective to enhance the performance both of the railway and related businesses.
Figure 4-2 is an example of the projects. One approach is to renew the interior of the
station, remove the unnecessary facilities, and create a shopping mall (a). Another
approach is to construct a building over the station (b), which is an effective way of
developing real estate in a limited area such as downtown. These projects actually change
Case (a) - before
Case (a) - after
Case (b)
Figure 4-2 Examples of the station development
33 Cash flows from operating activities and cash flows from investing activities.
JR East has already developed some suburban stations by taking one of those methods,
but the new series of projects, which JR East is now planning, more drastically change a
station by combining various approaches and making large-scale investment in its hub
stations in downtowns. These projects are very important to achieve the medium-term
business plan of JR East, but also quite uncertain due to their complexity and lack of
precedents. Managers are required to make a strategic decision so as to mitigate the risk
and capture the benefits while moving fast and creating future opportunities under
At this time, JR East is considering the development of those stations, which have more
than 200,000 daily passengers in the Tokyo metropolitan area. There are around 30
stations, which meet this requirement, and managers narrowed the potential projects
down to three as the initial investment in this strategy. Managers recognize the
importance of this investment, which opens up the potential of this strategy. However, the
difficult for them to make an investment decision with the NPV analysis. The following
figures and tables represent the information for the proposed projects A, B, and C.
Figure 4-3 indicates the ranking (in terms of the number of passengers) and locations of
the three projects. Among the targeted stations, the proposed projects are the 8th , ,
1 7th 2 7 th
largest stations, and located in the northern, western, and eastern areas in the Tokyo
metropolitan area. Providing the top five stations are so large and complex that each
project can be very specialized, projects A, B, and C are good representatives of the
it is
potential projects in terms of their scale and location in this company. Therefore,
very critical for managers to succeed in the three projects, and move on to the potential
projects by applying similar plans, whose effectiveness can be verified by the
1,000 people
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
Table 4-2 summarizes the data for projects A, B, and C. The common strategy is to create
a business space in a station by reviewing its layout and constructing buildings over or
impacts on the cost and period of the construction work, and the local market influences
the expected income of the new business. We explain the details of the three projects in
Project A has the largest number of passengers among the three projects. JR East will
create two business areas in this station (Zone 1 and 2), and operate retail shops and
restaurants there. The advantage of this project is the large local market, by which the
new business expects high sales compared with other projects. However, the construction
work has to be done over many busy tracks, and will be very expensive.
I I Tracks I
Zone 1 Retail Shops
Restaurants I I I Area 4,040yd2
1F:730 yd2 I I Sales/yd 2
Initial Cost I I I
. I I I I Margin 4.13%
Existing Station Net Cash Flow (/y) $2.94M
IF: Track
2F: Station
~:::: Zone 2 Restaurants
stations for changing commuter trains. JR East will operate retail shops in zone 1, and a
hotel in the zone 2. The hotel space is very limited, and its construction work has to be
done by using the zone 1 area. Therefore, the construction of the two zones has to be tied
together and difficult to separate. JR East now operates small-scales hotels, which benefit
from high operating rates and margins due to their specialized service for business
34 The forecast of sales, margin, and net cash flow are based on market surveys of a similar business in the local market
Project C is the smallest project. It is, however, located in an area, which has many
offices and community facilities around the station. Marketing surveys indicate that the
number of customers is not so large, but the purchasing power per person is very strong
in this area. Furthermore, its construction constraints are not so severe as the other two
Retail Shops
Retail Shops Area 1,170yd2
1F: 600 yd
2F: 570 yd 2 Sales/yd 2 $21,091
Caf6& Restaurants Margin 4.30%
3F: 480 yd Net Cash Flow (/y) $1.06 M
4F: 400 yd2
Existing Station -1
Initial Cost IF: Track F- Caf6 & Restaurants
$11 .4M 2F: Station Area 880yd2
Sales/yd2 $9,455
Margin 2.91%
Net Cash Flow (/y) $0.31 M
investment decision. However, they has recently decided to use the NPV as the primary
benchmark for valuing an investment in accordance with the new accounting system,
which regards the cash flow as an important criterion for a corporate and investment
activities. Managers, however, still have difficulty in using the NPV for station
development projects. In addition to the drawbacks of NPV, which we pointed out in
Chapter 1, the company has the following practical problems in using the NPV:
1. Applying the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) to determine a discount rate
is difficult because the railway business is still dominant in the corporate portfolio of
JR East. Managers have much experience in the railway business, and it is more
stable than a new business. Therefore, using the WACC, which reflects the average
risk of a firm, underestimates the risk in a new business. Also, determining the risk-
premium to adjust the WACC is challenging due to the lack of historical data and
complexity for the project. In addition, JR East is now trying to reduce long-term debt,
and the capital structure will drastically change during the project period. These facts
result in the difficulty in using the cost of capital to determine the discount rate in the
2. Forecasting the cash flows over a long period is difficult because the new business is
quite sensitive to market conditions, and the forecast error usually expands during the
project period. Managers can forecast the cash flows for a few years based on the
market survey and their experience in other projects. However, the long-term forecast
In brief, managers can properly estimate neither the expected cash flows nor the risk
premium rate of a station development project under the present circumstances. To solve
these problems, therefore, they decided to conservatively estimate the cash flows and use
the risk-free rate in calculating the NPV. In other words, they consider the project-
specific risk not in the discount rate but in the forecast of cash flows. In practice,
managers are using the following policy to value station development projects with the
NPV analysis:
1. Reduce the expected cash flows to the minimum level. In other words, estimate
conservative cash flows that managers can expect to be achieved even if the situation
turns out in failure. Moreover, managers do not expect the growth of the cash flow; or
rather, they assume the minimum level will continue during the whole project period.
Cash Flow
2. Use 3% discount rate, which is the interest rate on the long-term debt (20 year bond)
for JR East. Repaying the debt is always a risk-free alternative of the investment, and
reducing the cash flows to the minimum level and discounting it by a risk-free rate
has a similar effect to using a risk-premium rate to discount the expected value of
cash flows.
1), and
3. Assume 15 years as the project life in case of a business within a station (zone
is the
20 years when adjacent to the station (zone 2). The reason for this difference
possibility of reviewing the layout of a business space due to the
zone 1 has
requirement of the railway operations in the future. Therefore, business in
to the
4. Do not consider the salvage value of a project. These assets are closely related
railway operations, and are not easily converted into cash in a market. Therefore,
Using these steps, managers calculated the NPV for each project as seen in the following
The obvious result of the NPV analysis is that only project C makes sense in terms of the
35 For details, please see the spreadsheets at the end of this section
these projects, and need to explore the opportunities to achieve their medium-term
Managers estimated the salvage value based on the discounted book value
depreciation) of the business assets in projects A and B. Figure 4-9 shows the result
this new analysis.
Figure 4-9 New NPV analysis (with salvage values in project A and B)
As the result, the NPVs of project A and B tuned out to be positive, and managers could
provide the rationale for investing in the three projects. The following spreadsheets show
Zone 1 .1 .- I .,I .~
Year 0 1 2 3 4C 5 6 71 8I 9 10V 111 12 141
151 161 171
Cash Row
71O ). 8
2.94 2.94 2.94 2.94 o2A4 o2a9 2.94 2.94 2.94 2.94 2. . 2.
294 .H1 2y4.9
Zone 2
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 S 10V 11 121
111 026R 13, ^^^ 17 181 19 ~UI
20 21l
Cash Flow 026 026 026 026 026 026 O2 026 f
026 026 026
1 1.64,
6 620
Asset 2.50 0.91I -. I - • U.P
WI U. 14
1 1.02
PV 0.0 -2.43 024 023q 023 022 021 020 020( 0.19 0.181 0.181 0.17' U.15I U.15I 0.15 U.14
Zone 1
Year 0 1 '
4 51 0.18 71 8 9 10 117 I
15 1
Cash Row 2.36 2.36 2.362.36 236 236 236 2.36 I 1 r
Asset -933 - 18.67 -I
I I 1
PV -9.33 - 18.12 .V- 2.10 2.04 1.981.92 1.86 1.81 1.76 1.70 1.51 8.49
NPV 7.45 Cash Value 0.18 Salvage VauE 7.27
7j~m• )
ZM 2 ,, I
Year 0 1 2 v1 I 8
9I i10
1 121 131 141 151 161
171 19 20 21
Cash Row 0.84 0841 0841 0841 0.8410.8410.8410.8410.841
08 0.84I 0.841 0.84 0.841 0.84 0.841 C.84
^ ^.,1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 33.29
L AssetL -12.71 I I I I I I I I I I, I, I 1 ... - .. . I ri-. 2.22
I DUI I -cn
10"•n7 0 :6I A66
, A064• R62 n mi, 059I 0571 0551 0.541 0.521 0.511
- ' "2 O 05 04 0..46
0.481 0.4UI
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Cash Flow 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37
Asset -11.40
PV -11.40 1.33 1.29 1.26 1.22 1.19 1.15 1.12 1.08 1.05 1.02 0.99 0.96 0.94 0.91 0.88
NPV 5.00
Note 1: The "Cash Flow" indicates the net cash flows from the business operations, and "Asset"
means the cash flows from initial investments and salvage assets.
92 20
4.2 Real Options Analysis
The obvious result of the NPV analyses is that all projects have positive NPVs, but only
project C makes sense if managers do not count the salvage value and simply consider
the cash flows in valuing a project. Projects A and B are difficult to invest in when
However, managers are going to launch all three projects based on the decision supported
by the NPV analysis, which will consider the salvage value of a project as an exception to
their valuing procedures. The reason managers value the salvage value is that they find
differences between their intuition and the NPV results, and modified the analysis so as
to justify their decisions. This happens because NPV does not reflect the strategic value
specifically under uncertainty. Subjective use of NPV, however, makes the analysis
meaningless due to the lack of the logical consistency, may lead managers to wrong
The following two points are concerns about the NPV analysis, which JR East is
1. Project A and B value their salvage assets although JR East does not usually consider
the salvage value of a similar project. The salvage value is actually a part of the NPV
according to finance theory, but the risk aversion policy of JR East usually forces
managers to focus on the cash value to avoid overestimating a project. One of the
reasons is that the expensive construction cost of a station project increases the book
value of assets, so the market value tends to be less than its book value. Also, some
assets are related to the railway operations, and difficult to sell. Therefore, managers
cannot always expect the same cash flows as the book value of an asset. Whether a
firm considers a salvage value, of course, depends on the investment policy and the
type of projects. However, projects A and B are exceptions to the valuation policy in
JR East, and managers have to justify their reasoning for making exceptions.
2. NPV does not reflect the strategic value of the projects. The reason that managers
counted the salvage value might be their expectation of the project beyond the cash
flows. Since there are many proposed projects, it is reasonable that the company can
benefit from future projects if the initial projects succeed. Mangers, however, need to
explain their reasoning by using an appropriate and consistent tool and to value their
At this time, managers have difficulty in explaining the rationale for their investment
decisions although they intuitively think they should invest in all three projects. The
problem is the limitation of NPV analysis in valuing these projects under uncertainty. As
we discussed in this research, real options value (ROV) is an effective tool to make a
The first step of ROV is to recognize options in the project. According to the
development projects. Managers do not have to invest in all the uncertain projects at the
same time; or rather, they can invest in one of the projects, examine the results, and make
decisions on other investments later. The initial project has values as a pilot project,
which verifies the effectiveness of the general strategy for these kinds of projects. In this
case, project C is appropriate as the first project since it has the positive cash NPV
($5.OM without the salvage value), and requires the smallest amount of investment and
the shortest construction period. Project C creates options to wait and see the results of
the new strategy (station development). Managers can decide whether and when they
exercise options and invest in projects A and B based on the results of the project C.
Figure 4-10 illustrates the difference of the two processes, and options in the investment
B, and C. However, there is uncertainty in these projects because they do not have
precedents, which help managers to forecast the cash flows. Therefore, managers can
invest in project C, examine the actual cash flows, and confirm the effectiveness of their
strategy. This investment will reveal the potential of station development projects, and
resolves the uncertainty related to the effectiveness of overall strategy. Managers can
Although the success of initial project (=C) does not necessarily indicate the success of
the next projects (=A and B), managers can improve the accuracy of their analysis, and
consequently make a better decision due to this additional information. If the project C
succeeds, the underlying asset of their options (= expected cash flows) will increase, and
projects A and B will more likely succeed. Managers can expect higher NPV and make
investment in projects A and B, which also resolve the uncertainty related to the scale and
area of projects.
uncertainty may be high in a large and complex project. Managers, however, can focus
on the project-specific uncertainty to analyze the 27 projects, and their decision will be
' Do not invest
Step 1 (Pilot Project =C) Step 2 (Projects in different area/scale = A&B) Step3 (Other Projects)
Source of uncertainty
The next step is to determine the parameters, which price the options. We have already
Assuming the project period is 15 years and we use the Binominal Model, which we
explained in Chapter 3, one year is reasonable to avoid the complexity while keeping the
37 We can not make decisions on other projects at this time because we do not have project information (e.g.,
construction and business plan)
model precise. In this case, managers can make investment decisions every year based on
The interest rate of a Treasury bond is usually applied as a risk-free rate, and the average
rate of the Japanese Treasury bond (10 year) in the past five years (1998-2002) is 1.5 %38
We use the movement of sales per unit area in the commercial industry so as to measure
the volatility of the underlying assets in the projects. The underlying asset is the cash
flows, which come from given areas in these projects. Since these projects have physical
constraints and cannot increase the business area, sales per unit area determine the cash
flows in projects. Actually, the margin rates slightly vary according to the sales, but the
data neither for the net income per unit area nor the margin rates are available at this time.
Therefore, we pragmatically use the fluctuation of the sales per unit area in the
commercial industry to measure the volatility in this ROV analysis. Figure 4-12 shows
The sales per unit reflect the attractiveness of the new business through the purchasing
power of customers (passengers). Since the business area is limited by the project plans,
the unit sales determine the total sales of the business, and consequently determine the
cash flows (underlying asset) from the project by using the given parameters.
200 04
50 0
1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001
industries in Japan 39 (index =100 in 1983). The average rate of the annual fluctuations
measures the volatility of the projects. Although the drastic increase of sales in 1987 (due
to the economic boom) seems to be exceptional, similar situations may occur during the
long periods (15-20 years) of the projects. Therefore, we consider the past 20 years and
include the data from 1987 to determine the volatility in this analysis.
a (volatility) = 14.4%
Finally, we can value the projects based on the options to wait by using these parameters
The value of Project ROV (w/ wait option) NPV (w/o options) ROV-NPV
Project A $4.2M -$0.7M $4.9M
Project B $4.9M -$0.1M $5.OM
Project C provides options to examine the effectiveness of station development strategy,
and make investment decisions in projects A and B. The total value of the projects A and
B increases by $9.9M with the wait options, which are actually almost twice the NPV of
project C. We can recognize that project C is more significant as a pilot project than for
its cash flows. In this case, project C has positive NPV, so managers can make
investment even if they do not recognize the value of options. However, the ROV
indicates that managers can invest in project C even if the NPV is slightly negative (NPV
+ options value > 0) when they focus on long-term returns from their projects. It depends
on the investment policy whether managers invest in a project, which has negative NPV
and high options value. However, managers can consider the results of real options
Here is the structure of the spreadsheets in the case of project A. Based on the given
parameters and the Binominal formulas (3.3.2 Binominal Model), we calculate the
Using these numbers, we can build the spreadsheets as in Table 4-6. The asset value
varies based on the volatility (via up and down factors) in each period. The exercise value
is the immediate payoff from project A. Managers can invest in project A, and capture
the exercise value whenever the situation is favorable to the project. The holding value is
the expected value of the project in the next period. Managers have options to invest even
in the next period, and can compare the values of exercise and holding, and make a
Option values (= project value) will be determined by this decision. If managers invest,
the option value is equal to the exercise value in the period, while the option value is the
holding value in the case of not investing. We can calculate the option value by
expanding the same process to the final periods where the holding value is zero due to the
expiration. Figure 4-14 is a flow chart, which explains the logic in this model.
Table 4-6 Binominal Model of Project A (period 0-1)
Period 0 1
Figure 4-14 Flow chart for the decision process in exercising options
We next have to define the timing of exercising the investment options. Theoretically,
managers have to exercise their investment options only when the exercise value exceeds
the holding value. If the payoff is sufficiently large, however, they are tempted to
exercise the options and capture the benefit. In this analysis, if managers wait for the
40 The investment option is exercised because the holding value is less than the exercise value plus annual cash flow
($8.23<$5.3M+$3.69M). Please read the following page for details.
exercise value to exceed the holding value, they cannot invest until the last period 41.
However, managers have to generate cash flows from these projects, and achieve their
medium-term business plan by the year of 2006. Therefore, managers can decide to
invest when they expect sufficient cash flows to meet their objectives. In projects A and
B, we assume that managers exercise their investment options when the future
expectation (= Holding Value - Exercise Value) is less than the annual cash flow in a
certain period.
Finally, we obtain the whole spreadsheet through repeating the calculation and decision
of Asset
ý- -1
= PV of cash flow
Holding Exercising
Table 4-7 Option Pricing for Project A
Period 0 I I 1 I I 2 I I 4 1 1 5 6 7
Asset Value 38.900 44.925 51.883 59.919 69.200 79.917 92.295 106.590
Exercise V. (0.700) 5.325 12.283 20.319 29.600 40.317 52.695 66.990
Holding V. 4.228 8.232 12.867 20.902 30.181 40.898 53.275 67.568
Option V. 4.228 5.325 12.283 20.319 29.600 40.317 52.695 66.990
Asset Value 33.683 38.900 44.925 51.883 59.919 69.200 79.917
Exercise V. 5.917) (0.700) 5.325 12.283 20.319 29.600 40.317
Holding V. 3.192 4.171 8.198 12.867 20.902 30.181 40.898
Option V. 3.192 4.171 5.325 12.283 20.319 29.600 40.317
Asset Value 29.166 33.683 38.900 44.925 51.883 59.919
Exercise V. (10.434) (5.917) (0.700) 5.325 12.283 20.319
Holding V. 2.247 3.072 4.099 8.153 12.867 20.902
Option V. 2.247 3.072 4.099 5.325 12.283 20.319
Asset Value 25.254 29.166 33.683 38.900 44.925
Exercise V. (14.346 (10.434) (5.917) (0.700) 5.325
Holding V. 1.438 2.073 2.920 4.004 8.090
Option V. 1.438 2.073 2.920 4.004 5.325
Exercise? NO NO NO NO YES
Asset Value 21.867 25.254 29.166 33.683
Exercise V. (17.733) (14.346) (10.434) (5.917)
Holding V. 0.805 1.235 1.856 2.721
Option V. 0.805 1.235 1.856 2.721
Exercise? NO NO NO NO
Asset Value 18.935 21.867 25.254
Exercise V. (20.665) (17.733) (14.346)
Holding V. 0.371 0.612 0.992
Option V. 0.371 0.612 0.992
Exercise? NO NO NO
Asset Value 16.395 18.935
Exercise V. 23.205 (20.665)
Holding V. 0.126 0.225
Option V. 0.126 0.225
Exercise? NO NO
Asset Value 14.196
Exercise V. (25.404)
Holding V. 0.024
Option V. 0.024
Exercise? NO
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
123.100 142.166 164.185 189.615 218.983 252.900 292.070 337.307
83.500 102.566 124.585 150.015 179.383 213.300 252.470 297.707
84.076 103.140 125.156 150.583 179.948 213.861 253.027 0.000
83.500 102.566 124.585 150.015 179.383 213.300 252.470 297.707
92.295 106.590 123.100 142.166 164.185 189.615 218.983 252.900
52.695 66.990 83.500 102.566 124.585 150.015 179.383 213.300
53.275 67.568 84.076 103.140 125.156 150.583 179.948 0.000
52.695 66.990 83.500 102.566 124.585 150.015 179.383 213.300
69.200 79.917 92.295 106.590 123.100 142.166 164.185 189.615
29.600 40.317 52.695 66.990 83.500 102.566 124.585 150.015
30.181 40.898 53.275 67.568 84.076 103.140 125.156 0.000
29.600 40.317 52.695 66.990 83.500 102.566 124.585 150.015
51.883 59.919 69.200 79.917 92.295 106.590 123.100 142.166
12.283 20.319 29.600 40.317 52.695 66.990 83.500 102.566
12.867 20.902 30.181 40.898 53.275 67.568 84.076 0.000
12.283 20.319 29.600 40.317 52.695 66.990 83.500 102.566
38.900 44.925 51.883 59.919 69.200 79.917 92.295 106.590
(0.700) 5.325 12.283 20.319 29.600 40.317 52.695 66.990
3.873 7.998 12.867 20.902 30.181 40.898 53.275 0.000
3.873 5.325 12.283 20.319 29.600 40.317 52.695 66.990
29.166 33.683 38.900 44.925 51.883 59.919 69.200 79.917
(10.434) (5.917) (0.700) 5.325 12.283 20.319 29.600 40.317
1.577 2.447 3.681 7.847 12.867 20.902 30.181 0.000
1.577 2.447 3.681 5.325 12.283 20.319 29.600 40.317
21.867 25.254 29.166 33.683 38.900 44.925 51.883 59.919
(17.733) (14.346) (10.434) (5.917) (0.700) 5.325 12.283 20.319
0.400 0.700 1.208 2.043 3.363 7.534 12.867 0.000
0.400 0.700 1.208 2.043 3.363 5.325 12.283 20.319
16.395 18.935 21.867 25.254 29.166 33.683 38.900 44.925
(23.205) (20.665) (17.733) (14.346) (10.434) (5.917) (0.700) 5.325
0.047 0.092 0.181 0.355 0.699 1.376 2.707 0.000
0.047 0.092 0.181 0.355 0.699 1.376 2.707 5.325
12.293 14.196 16.395 18.935 21.867 25.254 29.166 33.683
(27.307) (25.404) (23.205) (20.665) (17. 733 (14.346) (10.434) (5.917)
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10.644 12.293 14.196 16.395 18.935 21.867 25.254
(28.956) (27.307) (25.404) (23.205) (20.665) (17.733) (14.346
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
9.216 10.644 12.293 14.196 16.395 18.935
(30.384) (28.956) (27.307) (25.404) (23.205) 20.665
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
7.980 9.216 10.644 12.293 14.196
(31.620) (30.384) (28.956) (27.307) (25.404
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
6.910 7.980 9.216 10.644
(32.690) (31.620) (30.384 (28.956
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
5.983 6.910 7.980
(33.617) (32.690) (31.620)
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
Table 4-8 Option Pricing for Project B
I Period I I 1 I 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 6 7
Asset Value 40.610 46.900 54.164 62.553 72.241 83.431 96.353 111.276
Exercise V. (0.090) 6.200 13.464 21.853 31.541 42.731 55.653 70.576
Holding V. 4.923 9.159 14.064 22.452 32.139 43.327 56.248 71.170
Option V. 4.923 6.200 13.464 21.853 31.541 42.731 55.653 70.576
Asset Value 35.164 40.610 46.900 54.164 62.553 72.241 83.431
Exercise V. (5.536) (0.090) 6.200 13.464 21.853 31.541 42.731
Holding V. 3.716 4.857 9.119 14.064 22.452 32.139 43.327
Option V. 3.716 4.857 6.200 13.464 21.853 31.541 42.731
Asset Value 30.448 35.164 40.610 46.900 54.164 62.553
Exercise V. (10.252) (5.536) (0.090) 6.200 13.464 21.853
Holding V. 2.616 3.577 4.772 9.066 14.064 22.452
Option V. 2.616 3.577 4.772 6.200 13.464 21.853
Asset Value 26.364 30.448 35.164 40.610 46.900
Exercise V. (14.336) (10.252) (5.536) (0.090) 6.200
Holding V. 1.674 2.414 3.400 4.662 8.994
Option V. 1.674 2.414 3.400 4.662 6.200
Exercise? NO NO NO NO YES
Asset Value 22.829 26.364 30.448 35.164
Exercise V. (17.871) (14.336) (10.252) (5.536)
Hdding V. 0.937 1.438 2.161 3.168
Option V. 0.937 1.438 2.161 3.168
Exercise? NO NO NO NO
Asset Value 19.767 22.829 26.364
Exercise V. (20.933) (17.871) (14.336)
Holding V. 0.432 0.712 1.155
Option V. 0.432 0.712 1.155
Exercise? NO NO NO
Asset Value 17.116 19.767
Exercise V. (23.584) (20.933)
Holding V. 0.147 0.262
Option V. 0.147 0.262
Exercise? NO NO
Asset Value 14.821
Exercise V. (25.879)
Holding V. 0.028
Option V. 0.028
Exercise? NO
8 9 10 11 1 12 13 14 15
128.511 148.415 171.402 197.950 228.609 264.017 304.909 352.135
87.811 107.715 130.702 157.250 187.909 223.317 264.209 311.435
88.403 108.305 131.289 157.834 188.490 223.894 264.781 0.000
87.811 107.715 130.702 157.250 187.909 223.317 264.209 311.435
96.353 111.276 128.511 148.415 171.402 197.950 228.609 264.017
55.653 70.576 87.811 107.715 130.702 157.250 187.909 223.317
56.248 71.170 88.403 108.305 131.289 157.834 188.490 0.000
55.653 70.576 87.811 107.715 130.702 157.250 187.909 223.317
72.241 83.431 96.353 111.276 128.511 148.415 171.402 197.950
31.541 42.731 55.653 70.576 87.811 107.715 130.702 157.250
32.139 43.327 56.248 71.170 88.403 108.305 131.289 0.000
31.541 42.731 55.653 70.576 87.811 107.715 130.702 157.250
54.164 62.553 72.241 83.431 96.353 111.276 128.511 148.415
13.464 21.853 31.541 42.731 55.653 70.576 87.811 107.715
14.064 22.452 32.139 43.327 56.248 71.170 88.403 0.000
13.464 21.853 31.541 42.731 55.653 70.576 87.811 107.715
40.610 46.900 54.164 62.553 72.241 83.431 96.353 111.276
(0.090) 6.200 13.464 21.853 31.541 42.731 55.653 70.576
4.510 8.887 14.064 22.452 32.139 43.327 56.248 0.000
4.510 6.200 13.464 21.853 31.541 42.731 55.653 70.576
30.448 35.164 40.610 46.900 54.164 62.553 72.241 83.431
10.252 (5.536 (0.090) 6.200 13.464 21.853 31.541 42.731
1.837 2.849 4.285 8.710 14.064 22.452 32.139 0.000
1.837 2.849 4.285 6.200 13.464 21.853 31.541 42.731
22.829 26.364 30.448 35.164 40.610 46.900 54.164 62.553
(17.871) (14.336) (10.252) (5.536) (0.090) 6.200 13.464 21.853
0.465 0.815 1.406 2.378 3.915 8.346 14.064 0.000
0.465 0.815 1.406 2.378 3.915 6.200 13.464 21.853
17.116 19.767 22.829 26.364 30.448 35.164 40.610 46.900
(23.584) (20.933) (17.871) (14.336) (10.252) (5.536) (0.090) 6.200
0.054 0.107 0.210 0.414 0.814 1.602 3.151 0.000
0.054 0.107 0.210 0.414 0.814 1.602 3.151 6.200
12.833 14.821 17.116 19.767 22.829 26.364 30.448 35.164
(27.867) (25.879) (23.584) (20.933) (17.871) 14.336 (10.252) (5.536)
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
11.112 12.833 14.821 17.116 19.767 22.829 26.364
(29.588) (27.867) (25.879) (23.584) (20.933) (17.871) (14.336)
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
9.622 11.112 12.833 14.821 17.116 19.767
(31.078) (29.588) (27.867) (25.879) (23.584) (20.933)
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
8.331 9.622 11.112 12.833 14.821
32.369) (31.078) (29.588) (27.867) (25.879)
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
7.214 8.331 9.622 11.112
(33.486) (32.369) (31.078) (29.588)
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
6.246 7.214 8.331
(34.454) (33.486)1 1(32.369)
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
4.3 Recommendations
It is not a wise strategy to invest in the three projects at the same time; or rather,
managers should launch only project C as a pilot case. They can expect about $5.OM
NPV from the investment, and acquire options to wait and see the results of their strategy,
which are worth $9.9M in total. Managers can examine the reaction from customers in
It is risky to invest in a large project under uncertainty. If the project turns out in failure,
the negative impact can be serious to JR East. Therefore, it is essential to make phased
investment, and limit the potential loss of this project while holding options to make the
rest of the investment. Thus, phased investment provides us with flexibility to cope with
uncertainty about the project. The value of this flexibility critically increases the whole
value of a large-scale investment under uncertainty. Figure 4-16 shows how the same
project has different value according to its implementation strategy. We can appreciate
the role of flexibility and importance of phased investment in a strategic project. The
ROV is an effective tool to reveal these values, which we could not recognize in the NPV
PzDct Va~le
It seems clear that we can benefit from the phased investment if the option is free.
However, waiting options actually cost because of the time constraints of
development project is one of the main strategies of JR East to achieve its medium-term
business plan by 2006. Therefore, it is essential for managers to move fast while trying
find the optimal investment timing, which maximizes the values of project. Managers
could not rationally solve the trade-off problem with the NPV analysis, but the ROV
clearly provides quantified benchmarks for this strategic decision based on the value of
wait options. If the additional value of the projects is worth waiting for, managers should
make phased investment; otherwise they can invest in all three projects at the same time.
Move Project A,B,C
Fast Speed or Value9
Optimal Project A Project B, C
(wait option)
Period: At least 4 years
Cash Value: $16.8M
Figure 4-17 Managers can choose either speed or cash values in an implement strategy
provide positive NPVs and support their decisions to invest in the projects. They
modified the NPVs because this method could not fully explain the values of projects,
The ROV provides a clear answer to this vague expectation. That is an "option" to
expand their project, and generate incremental cash flows in follow-on projects. Since the
company has an additional 27 potential projects in the target area, the cumulative benefit
from these projects is so significant that the initial projects are more important as
may choose to invest
Although we recommend making phased investments, the company
their business plan. In this
in all three projects at the same time, and move fast to achieve
which can be created by
case, managers have to recognize the value of expansion options,
to value the other 27
the three projects. At this time, we do not have enough information
to later invest in a
projects. If we assume, however, that each project creates an option
is close to the total
similar project in terms of its scale and area, the value of the options
should try to
amount of the salvage values in the NPV analysis (Figure 4-18). Managers
options, and
estimate the value of follow-on projects, consider the value of expansion
justify the rationale for their investment decisions not with an exceptional
to apply an
(salvage value) but with consistent analysis (ROV). Managers have
Although the ROV uses some assumptions to determine the value of investment options,
this approach reflects the strategic value of projects, which managers are now considering
under uncertainty. Therefore, we recommend them to use the ROV and strategically think
in capital investment in transportation systems based on the discussions and case study in
Chapter 5 Conclusion
transportation systems. The business trend, which regards cash flows as an important
time, and thus, managers need to apply an appropriate tool to measure the value of a
project to effectively develop the systems. Here are the conclusions of this research.
5.1 Conclusions
Focusing on the NPV of a project does not necessarily result in the optimal investment
systems. Therefore, managers need to recognize the strategic value of a project and create
Applying Porter's model and System Dynamics 43 to the railway business, we can
profitability in the competitive market. The capital investments are, however, typically
located in the risky segments of the project portfolio in a railway company, so the
investment activities often create unexpected system results. Therefore, managers are
required to think strategically so that they can capture the present benefit while enhancing
Conclusion 2: Real options value (ROV) is an effective tool to measure the strategic
value of a project.
Combining the NPV with another method (e.g., decision tree) measures the cash value of
a project, and provides benchmarks in investment decisions when the future is fairly
valuing a project under uncertainty where the potential outcomes are not probabilistically
understood, and the estimated value of the strategic options becomes critical to making an
investment decision. The ROV clearly values the options, and provides the strategic value
It is useful to be aware of the merits and limitations of each valuation method. In this
sense, the merit of ROV successfully overcomes the limitation of other methods that we
reviewed in this thesis. Previously, even if managers recognized the strategic value of a
project, they did not have an effective tool to quantify their intuitive judgment. Using the
realistic evaluation tool can guide managers toward exploiting the opportunities, and
by proposing the complete market assumption where we can trade options. This complete
market enables us to use the no-arbitrage approach, which is an underlying concept of the
options pricing theory. We also demonstrated the practicality of ROV and the binominal
model through a case study of a railway project, and showed substantial improvements in
The ROV quantifies the strategic value of a project, and consequently improves the
investment strategy. We can increase the value of a project by recognizing the importance
of options, looking for opportunities to build them into a project, doing the valuation, and
major concern, and sequential decisions play an important role in managing a project.
Thus, the ROV is quite useful to create a strategic decision in transportation systems.
5.2 Future research
We also suggest additional research to apply real options to transportation systems based
First, we have to consider the role of the "network" in a system, and expand the option-
individual project in applying the ROV to transportation systems. However, the network
Individual projects do not work effectively by themselves; rather, they affect each other
and develop into integrated systems as a whole. One investment may have side effects
and have impacts on the value of another project in the transportation network, and we
Based on the understanding of this factor, we need to investigate how we can value the
portfolio of investment options and how the value changes according to investment
decisions under uncertainty. The result of this work allows managers to make decisions
not only on the project level but also on the corporate level. Just as financial managers
build a portfolio of securities to manage risks and benefits of their investment, this
transportation field.
Next, we need to examine the past transportation projects and create a database and
application to use the ROV in practice. In this thesis, we applied the ROV in a railway
project. However, we simplified the analysis to avoid the complexity and to emphasize
the comparison between the ROV and conventional methods. For instance, volatility will
not be determined by a single factor; rather, we need to combine several factors. To make
the analysis more realistic and practical, we have to review past railway projects,
examine the historical data, and build models and applications, which managers can
some extent in valuing a project. The ROV offers a way to quantify the intuitive
management with a coherent process that more closely approximates the real-world
This thesis helps to improve the investment strategy in the transportation industry.
Options theory caused drastic changes in the financial market by providing numerous
ways for individuals and corporations to hedge risks and improved the performance of
their portfolios. Using real options has further potential to innovate in managing an
investment in the fast-moving world of technology and today's uncertain business climate.
Managers have to appreciate the benefit of this strategic approach to a project, and the
application of real options to transportation systems including railway systems leads real
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