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Features of "FM Rocks"

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Chapter 1

Following are the 8 Important questions out of total 45 questions from

CH 1 – Capital Budgeting
Which cover all the Important Adjustments

Q 1. SPC – Module 1 - Q 10
Reverse Working with IRR, PI and NPV
Given below are the data on a capital project ‘A’
Annual cost of saving - ₹ 60,000
Useful life – 4 years
Profitability Index – 1.064
Internal rate of return – 15%
Salvage value – 0
Calculate - i) Cost of project ii) Payback period iii) Net present
value (NPV) iv) Cost of capital.

Solution :-
i) Calculation of Annuity factor of P.V @ IRR 15% = 2.8549
IRR = P.V of D.C.F - Initial Investment =0
60,000 × 2.8549 – Initial Investment = 0
Initial Investment = 1,71,298
Cost of Project = 1,71,298

ii) Calculation of Profitability Index

Profitability Index = P.V. of Inflows
Initial Investment
1.064 = P.V. Of Inflows
P.V. of Inflows = 1,71,298 × 1.064

Chapter 1
P.V. of Inflows = 1,82,261

iii) Calculation Cost of Capital

60,000 × ∑ 1 4 = 1,82,261
If r = 12.1 = 1,82,241
Cost of Capital = 12%

iv) Calculation of NPV

Year Cash Flow DF@ 12.1 D.C.F Cum.CF
0 60,000 0.8928 53,571 53,571
2 60,000 0.7971 47,832 1,01,403
3 60,000 0.7117 42,706 1,44,109
4 60,000 0.6355 38,131 1,82,240

NPV = 1,82,240 - 1,71,298 = 10,942

v) Calculation of Payback Period

1,44,109 1,71,298 1,82,240

+ 27189 - 10,942
In 12 Month Changes in Inflows = 1,82,240
- 1,44,109
So, for getting inflows of 27,189 Required Months = 12 × 27,189
= 8.55 months 9 months
So, payback Period = 3 years & 9 Months (Approximate)

Chapter 1

Q 2. SPC – Module 1 - Q 16
Mutually Exclusive Projects – Differential project lives – Use
of Equivalent NPV
Moon Ltd is considering the purchase of a machine which will perform
operations which are at present performed by workers. Machines X and
Y are the alternative models. The following details are available-

Particulars Machine X Machine Y

Cost of Machine ₹ 1,50,000 ₹ 2,40,000
Estimated life of machine 5 years 6 years
Estimated cost of maintenance p.a. ₹ 7,000 ₹ 11,000
Estimated cost of indirect material p.a. ₹ 6,000 ₹ 8,000
Estimated savings in scrap p.a. ₹ 10,000 ₹ 15,000
Estimated cost of supervision p.a. ₹ 12,000 ₹ 16,000
Estimated savings in wages p.a. ₹ 90,000 ₹ 1,20,000

Solution :-
Computation of NPV, ARR, P.I.

Particulars Machine – X Machine – Y

Saving in Direct Wages 90,000 1,20,000
Saving in Scrap 10,000 15,000
Estimated Cost of (12,000) (16,000)
Supervision (7,000) (11,000)
Cost of Maintenance (6,000) (8,000)
Cost of indirect 75,000 1,00,000
Material (30,000) 40,000
CFBT 45,000 60,000

(-) Depreciation (30,000) (40,000)

Chapter 1
PBT 45,000 60,000
(-) Tax @ 30% 13,500 18,000
PAT 31,500 42,000
(+) Depreciation 30,000 40,000
CFAT 61,500 82,000
PVAF @ 10.1 3.7907 4.3552
PV of DCF 2,33,128 3,57,126
Less: Initial Investment 1,50,000 2,40,000
NPV 83,128 1,17,126
ARR 31,500 × 100 42,000 × 100
1,50,000 2,40,000
= 21 % = 17.5 %
P.I 2,33,128 3,57,126
1,50,000 2,40,000
= 1.5541 = 1.4880

 As per NPV. Method machine –y is better than Machine –x

 As per ARR method machine-x is better than machine- y
 As per P.I machine-x is better than machine-y

Q 3. SPC – Module 1 - Q 18
Chapter 1

Computation of NPV, ARR, P.I.

Spark cooker company is evaluating three investment situation:
a) Produce a new line of Aluminum skillets.
b) Expand its existing cooker line to include several new sizes.
c) Develop a new, higher quality line of cooker.

Project Investment required PV of future cash flows

1 ₹ 2,00,000 ₹ 2,90,000
2 ₹ 1,15,000 ₹ 1,85,000
3 ₹ 2,70,000 ₹ 4,00,000

If Projects 1 and 2 are jointly undertaken, there will be no economies. the

Investments required and Present Values will simply be the sum of the
parts. With Projects 1 and 3, economies are possible in investment, because
one of the Machines acquired can be used in both production processes.

The Total investment required for Projects 1 and 3 combined is ₹ 4.40.000. lf

Projects 2 and 3 is are undertaken, there are economies to be achieved in
marketing and producing the products, but not in Investment.

The expected Present Value of Future Cash Flows for Projects 2 and 3 is ₹
6.20.000. If all three Projects are undertaken simultaneously, the economies
noted will still hold. However, a ₹ 1,25,000 extension on the Plant will be
necessary, as space is not available for all three projects.
Which Project(s) should be chosen?

Solution :-

Chapter 1
Calculation of NPV

Project Investment Require P.V. of Cf. NPV

1 2,00,000 2,90,000 90,000
2 1,15,000 1,85,000 70,000
3 2,70,000 4,00,000 1,30,000

1&2 3,15,000 4,75,000 1,60,000

(2,00,000 +1,15,000) (2,90,000 +1,85,000)

2&3 3,85,000 6,20,000 2,35,000

(1,15,000 + 2,70,000)

4,40,000 6,90,000 2,50,000

(2,00,000 + 2,70,000) (2,90,000 +4,00,000)

1 & 2& 4,40,000 6,20,000 2,30,000

3 + 1,50,000 +2,90,000
5,55,000 9,10,000

Since, the NPV of 1 & 3 is Highest among all Project 1& 3 shall be selected.

Chapter 1

Q 4. SPC – Module 1 - Q 19
Accept – Reject Decision based on NPV
MNP Ltd is planning to introduce a new product with a project life of 8
years. The project is to be set up in Special Economic Zone (SEZ),
qualifies for one time (at starting) tax free subsidy from the State
Government of ₹ 25,00,000 on capital investment. Initial Equipment cost
will be ₹ 1.75 Crores. Additional Equipment costing ₹ 12,50,000 will be
purchased at the end or the third year from the Cash Inflow of this year.
At the end of 8 years, the Original Equipment will have no resale value,
but the Additional Equipment can be sold for ₹ 1,25,000. A Working Capital
of ₹ 20,00,000 will be needed and it will be released at the end of 8 th year.
The project will be financed with sufficient amount of Equity Capital.
The sales volumes over 8 years have been estimated as follows –

Year 1 2 3 4-5 6-8

Units 72,000 1,08,000 2,60,000 2,70,000 1,80,000

A sale price of ₹ 120 per unit is expected and variable expenses will
amount to 60% of sales Revenue. Fixed cash operating costs will amount ₹
18,00,000 per year. The loss of any year will be set off from the profits of
subsequent two years. The company is subject to 30% tax rate and
considers 12 % to be an appropriate after tax cost of capital for this
project. The company follows straight line method of depreciation.
Calculate the Net present value of the project and advise the management
to take appropriate decision.

Solution :-

Chapter 1
a) Calculation of Initial Investment

Cost of Equipment 1.75 cr.

(-) Subsidy by Govt. (0.25cr)
(+) Working capital Requirement 0.20 cr
Initial Investment 1.70 cr

b) Calculation of Depreciation
For 1st Machine = 1.75 – 0.25
= 18.75 Lakhs
For 2nd machine = 12.50 – 1.25
= 2.25 lakhs

c) Inflows from the project

Particulars 1 2 3
Particulars 4 5 6 7 8

Qty 72,000 1,08,000 2,60,000 2,70,000 2,70,000 1,80,000 1,80,000 1,80,000

Cotri. Per unit 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
34.56 51.84 124.80 129.60 129.60 86.40 86.40 86.40
(-) FC (18) (18) (18) (18) (18) (18) (18) (18)

(-) Dep. (18.75) (18.75) (18.75) (21) (21) (21) (21) (21)

EBT -2.19 15.09 88.05 90.6 90.6 47.4 47.4 47.4

Tax @ 30% 0 3.87 26.415 27.18 27.18 14.22 14.22 14.22
EAT -2.19 11.220 61.635 63.42 63.42 33.18 33.18 33.18
+ Dep. 18.75 18.75 18.75 21 21 21 21 21

CFAT 16.56 29.97 80.385 84.42 84.42 54.18 54.16 54.18

Chapter 1

d) Calculation of NPV

Year Cf Df D.C.F
0 (170) 1 (170)
1 16.56 0.892 14.785
2 29.97 0.797 23.891
3 80.385-12.5=67.885 0.711 48.319
4 84.42 0.635 53.650
5 84.42 0.567 47.902
6 54.18 0.506 27.449
7 54.18 0.452 24.508
8 54.18+1.25+20=75.43 0.403 24.508

Q 5. SPC – Module 1 - Q 21
NPV based evaluation – Replacement decision –
No Tax and Depreciation
Gems ltd has just installed machine R at a cost ₹ 2 lakhs. The machine has a
5 year life with no Residual value. The annual volume of production is
estimated at 1,50,000 units, which can be sold at ₹ 6 per unit. Annual
operating costs are estimated at ₹ 2 Lakhs (excluding depreciation) at this
output level. Fixed costs are estimated ₹ 3 per unit for the same level of

The company has just come across another model Machine S, capable of
giving the same output at an annual operating cost of ₹ 1.80 lakhs (excluding
depreciation). There will be no change in fixed costs. Machine S costs ₹ 2.50
Lakhs, its residual value will be nil after a useful life of 5 years.
Chapter 1
Gems Ltd has an offer for sale of Machine R for ₹ 1,00,000. The cost of
dismantling and removal will be ₹ 30,000. As the Company has not yet
commenced operations, it wants to dispose off Machine R and install
Machine S.
The Company will be a zero-tax Company for 7 years in View of Incentives
and Allowances available. Cost of Capital is 14 %.
Advise Whether the Company should opt for replacement. Will your answer
be different if the Company has not installed Machine R and is in the
process of selecting either R or S?

Solution :-
Computation of CFAT and Pure Decision

Particulars Machine R Machine S

Sale Value( 15,00,000 × 6) 9,00,000 9,00,000
Less: Operating 2,00,000 1,80,000
Contribution 7,00,000 7,20,000
Less: Fixed Cost (1,50,000 × 3) 4,50,000 4,50,000
CFAT 2,50,000 2,70,000
P.V.A.F 3.4330 3.4330
P.V of Inflows 8,58,270 9,26,932
Less Initial Investment 2,00,000 2,50,000
NPV 6,58,270 6,76,932

Since, there is no need to Computation of Tax so we will not Going to Deduct &
Add-back Depreciation.
Conclusion: Since, NPV of Machine & is More than machine R. hence,
machine S is better option.

Chapter 1

Replacement of machine R with S

Sr.no Particulars ₹
a) Purchase the Cost of Machine 2,50,000
b) NRV of Machine R(1,00,000 -30,000) 70,000
c) Net Initial outflow in year 0 Due to Replacement Decision 1,80,000
d) Incremental cash inflow from S (2,70,000 -2,50,000) 20,000
e) P.V Annuity F. @14% 3.432
f) P.V of Incremental Cash Flow Due to Replacement 68,640

Q 6. SPC – Module 1 - Q 26
Mutually Exclusive Decisions – Modify & Retain vs Replace –
Incremental NPV approach
H Ltd has a number of machines that were used to make a product that the
company has phased out of its operations. The existing machine was
originally purchased 6 years ago for ₹ 5,00,000 and is being depreciated by
the straight line method, its remaining life is 4 years. Depreciation charges
are ₹ 50,000 per year.

No Salvage Value is expected at end of its useful life. It can currently be

sold for ₹ 1,50,000. The machine can also be modified at a cost of ₹ 2 Lakhs
to produce another product. Modifications would not affect the useful life, or
salvage value, and would be depreciated using the Straight-Line Method.

If the Company does not modify the existing machine, it will have to buy a
new machine at a cost of ₹ 4,40,000 (no salvage value) and the new
machine would be depreciated over 4 years. The Company's Engineers
estimate that the cash operating Cost with the new machine would be ₹
25,000 per year.
Chapter 1
less than with the existing machine.

The cost of capital is 15% and corporate tax rate is 55%. Advice the
company whether the new machine should be bought or the old equipment

Solution :-
Calculation of Value of Original Machine
Original Purchase cost of Existing machine 5,00,000
(-) Depreciation Charge For 6 Years 3,00,000
Book Value Before Capitalisation of Modification Costs 2,00,000
Add: Modification Cost Capitalized 2,00,000
Machine Value for Depreciation purpose 4,00,000

If old Machine is If New Machine is

Modified Purchased
i) Initial cash Investment 2,00,000 2,90,000
ii) Salvage Value at end of Year Nil Nil
iii) Depreciation 1,00,000 1,10,000
(4,00,000 ÷ 4) (4,40,000 ÷ 4)

Note:- For the Calculation of Depreciation the machine cost is 2,00,000 & =
4,00,000 whereas for calculation of initial investment the amount is 2,00,000
since, current outflow is only 2,00,000

When we buy new machine we have sold out the old machine at 1,50,000 that’s
why this amount is deducted from initial investment.

Chapter 1

Calculation of CFAT

Particular (Incremental) Computation ₹

Saving with new Machine Given 25,000
Less: Depreciation 1,10,000 – 10000
EBT 1,00,000 15,000
Less: Tax @ 55% 8250
EAT 15,000 × 6750
Add: Depreciation 55% 10,000
CFAT 15000 - 8250 16,750

Calculation of Tax Saving:

Particulars Amount (₹)

Value of Machine 2,00,000
Selling Price 1,50,000
Loss on Sale 50,000
× tax @ less 55% 1st year saving 27,500

Calculation of NPV

Year Cf D.F@15% D.C.F Since, New Machine is

0 90,000 1 90,000 showing the Negative
1 44,250 0.8695 38,475 NPV Company should not
2 16,750 0.7561 12,665 Purchase the new One.
3 16,750 0.6575 11,013
4 16,750 0.5717 9576
NPV (18,271)

Q 7. SPC – Module 1 - Q 31

Chapter 1
EAB/EAC – Project Life Disparity
OM company which is in the 40% tax bracket, has to purchase any one of
the two machines L and M for one of its factories. The following details
are available in respect of the two machines –

Machine L M
Cost of machine, including installation costs ₹ 20,00,000 ₹ 36,00,000
Useful life 5 years 8 years
Net operating income (before depreciation ) ₹ 6,00,000 ₹ 8,40,000
from use of the machine

Note – The appropriate discount rate for the company is 12%

1. Using appropriate evaluation criterion, determine which machine should be
purchased. Assume cash flows to perpetuity and that the cost of removal of
the assets at the end of their useful life will be equal their salvage values.
2. Would your answer to (1) above be different, if net operating incomes of
machine M were ₹ 8,80,000 instead ₹ 8,40,000.

Solution :-
a) Calculation of Depreciation

Particulars L M
Cost 20,00,000 36,00,000
Useful Life 5 Year 8 Year
Depreciation 4,00,000 4,50,000

Chapter 1

b) Calculation of EAB/Cost

Particulars L M
CFBT 6,00,000 8,40,000
(-) Depreciation (4,00,000) (4,50,000)
PBT 2,00,000 3,90,000
(-) Tax @40% (80,000) (1,56,000)
PAT 1,20,000 2,34,000
+ Depreciation 4,00,000 4,50,000
CFAT 5,20,000 6,84,000
F.V.A.F 3.60477 4.96763
EAI 554819 724690
EAB /COST 34819 40690

L is Preferred Because of lower EAC

It is Always preferable to use equivalent annual f low method if projects
lives are Different.

Q 8. SPC – Module 1 - Q 44
Capital Rationing
Venture Ltd has ₹ 30 Lakhs available for investment in capital projects. It
has the option of making investment in projects 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each project
is entirely independents and has a useful life of 5 years. The expected
present values of Cash flows from the projects are as follows –

Projects Initial Outlay PV of Cash Flows

Chapter 1
1 ₹ 8,00,000 ₹ 10,00,000
2 ₹ 15,00,000 ₹ 19,00,000
3 ₹ 7,00,000 ₹ 11,40,000
4 ₹ 13,00,000 ₹ 20,00,000

Which of the above investments should be undertaken?

Assume that cost of capital is 12% and risk free rate is 10% per annum. Given
compounded sum of ₹ 1 at 10% in 5 years is ₹ 1.611 and discount factor of ₹ 1
at 12% rate for 5 years is 0.567

Solution :-
a) Project Ranking based on NPV and PI

Particulars Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4

a) Discounted Cash ₹ 10,00,000 ₹ 19,00,000 ₹ 11,40,000 ₹ 20,00,000
Flows (given)
b) Initial Investment ₹ 8,00,000 ₹ 15,00,000 ₹ 7,00,000 ₹ 13,00,000
c) NPV (a – b) ₹ 2,00,000 ₹ 4,00,000 ₹ 4,40,000 ₹ 7,00,000
d) Rank based on NPV IV III II I
e) PI (a ÷ b) 1.25 1.27 1.63 1.54
f) Rank based on PI IV III I II

b) Capital rationing on Divisible projects (i.e. Partial Investment is also allowed)

i) In case of Divisible projects, PI is the criterion for decision – Making.
Hence, the Projects with higher PI will be preferred.
ii) The fund allocation and NPV earned on divisible projects will be as under-

Chapter 1

PI Rank Project Initial Investment NPV

I (1.63) Project 3 ₹ 7,00,000 ₹ 4,40,000
II (1.54) Project 4 ₹ 13,00,000 ₹ 7,00,000
III (1.27) Project 2 ₹ 10,00,000 (bal. fig.)(Partial Inv.) ₹ 2,66,667
₹ 30,00,000 (Funds available) ₹ 14,06,667

Note – Pro-rata NPV on project 2 = ₹ 4,00,000 × ₹ 10,00,000 = ₹ 2,66,667

₹ 15,00,000

c) Capital rationing on Indivisible projects (i.e. Partial Investment is not allowed)

Option Description Computation of Return NPV earned

I Invest in Projects 1,2&3 ₹ 2L + ₹4L + ₹ 4.4L ₹ 10,40,000
II totaling ₹ 30L Invest in ₹ 2L +₹4.4L + ₹7L + ₹ 15,22,687
projects 1,3&4, totaling ₹ 1,82,687
₹28L balance ₹ 2L in
risk free deposits

i) Balance ₹ 2,00,000 invested in Risk Free Deposits, will earn 10% return for 5
ii) So, computed value of ₹ 2,00,000 at the end of 5 years, i.e. Maturity Value -
₹ 2,00,000 × 1.611 = ₹ 3,22,200
iii) Present Value of ₹ 3,22,200 (discounted at company’s Cost of Capital 12%)
= ₹ 3,22,200 × 0.567 = ₹ 1,82,687
Conclusion – The Company may choose projects 1, 3, 4 and invest balance ₹
2 Lakhs at 10% for 5 years
Chapter 1
Self Note :-
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1

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