Table Set Up Procedures
Table Set Up Procedures
Table Set Up Procedures
1. No cup and saucer, sugar and creamer are To avoid overcrowding the table,
to be pre set on the table. These items will these should be set up only at the
be set up before the coffee/tea is served end of a meal, before coffee is
(if they are ordered) served
2. Underliner and show plate must be set up This will serve as underliner for
on the center of the cover starters like appetizers, soups and
11. Once the guest has Check the order and place additional cutleries like To avoid the blending of flavours, set
given his/her order, a: up a separate cutlery for each dish
complete the set up o Soup spoon if a soup is ordered
o A salad knife and fork if there is an order The salad knife/fork must be
of salad positioned next to the dinner knife
and fork
If an appetizer is ordered, set up an appetizer
knife/fork or cocktail fork whichever is appropriate
for the order. This should be placed on the right
side at the outer most part of the cover.
If soup is ordered, set up the soup spoon on the
right side, next to the appetizer knife or cocktail
Set up additional salad fork if a side salad is Place the teaspoon/fork on top of
ordered the cover parallel to the coffee
If a dessert is ordered, set up the teaspoon or fruit
If there is an order of wine, sep up the appropriate
wine glass on the right side, beside the goblet