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Chhattisgarh Current Affairs 2020

Table of Contents
Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - January 2020 ........................................................................................................... 3
Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - February 2020 ........................................................................................................ 3
Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - March 2020.............................................................................................................. 5
Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - April 2020 ................................................................................................................ 7
Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - May 2020.................................................................................................................. 7
Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - June 2020 ............................................................................................................... 10
Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - July 2020 ................................................................................................................ 11
Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - August 2020 .......................................................................................................... 14
Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - September 2020 ................................................................................................... 22
Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - October 2020 ........................................................................................................ 27

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Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - January 2020

India, Bangladesh signed agreement to upgrade Ashuganj-Akhaura road into 4-lane highway
On January 24, 2020, India and Bangladesh have signed an agreement to upgrade the 50.58 kilometer
long Ashuganj-Akhaura road into a 4-lane highway. The road runs between Ashuganj river port and the Akhaura
land port in Bangladesh. The road project is part of the $2 billion second Line of Credit(LoC) extended by India to
Bangladesh in 2016.
Key Points:
i.Roads and Highways Department (RHD) of Bangladesh and Afcons Infrastructure Limited of India will upgrade
39 km long road between Ashuganj river port to Dharhar area of Chattisgarh.
ii.The work to upgrade the remaining part of the road from Dharhar to Akhaura will be done by the RHS and an India-
Bangladesh joint venture(JV).
iii.The road project once completed will boost connectivity between Bangladesh and the North-eastern part of India.

CM Bhupesh Baghel launches employment-oriented mobile app ‘Rojgar Sangi’ in Raipur

On 15 January 2020, The Chief Minister (CM) of Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh Baghel has launched an employment-
oriented mobile app,‘Rojgar Sangi’ developed by state-run Chhattisgarh State Skill Development
Authority (CSSDA) at the ceremony of youth fest 2020 held at Science College premises in Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
Key Points:
i.The app is designed to provide employment to trained youths under their skill development programme. It is
expected that through this app, lakhs of unemployed youth of the state will be able to get employment.
ii.The app will act as a bridge between the employment-generating institutions or individual and skill-trained youth.
In this, the institutions or individuals providing employment can contact the youth trained in skill training as per
their requirement.
iii.Information of trained & certified youths from more than 400 courses has been included. Through this app, any
organization and person can post information on vacancies as per their requirement.
About Chhattisgarh:
Capital– Raipur
Governor– Anusuiya Uikey
State Animal– Wild Asian Buffalo
National Parks– Indravati (Kutru) National Park, Kanger Valley National Park, Guru Ghasi Das
(Sanjay) National Park.
Wildlife Sanctuaries– Achanakmar WLS, Badalkhol WLS, Bhoramdev WLS.

Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - February 2020

Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated Gaurela-Pendra-Maewahi as the 28th district of Chhattisgarh
On February 10, 2020 Bhupesh Baghel, Chief Minister (CM) of Chhattisgarh, inaugurated Gaurela-Pendra-
Maewahi as the 28th district of the state. The new district, carved out of Bilaspur, has 3 tehsils (taluq) & 3
development blocks namely Gaurela, Pendra and Marwahi.
Key Points:
i.The new district comprises 166 gram panchayats, 222 villages and two nagar panchayats with an area of 1,68,225
ii.Bhupesh Baghel, CM also inaugurated offices of the collector and superintendent of police in the new district &
approved Rs 18 crore for development works.
iii.State Assembly Speaker Charandas Mahant, Dharamlal Kaushik (Leader of Opposition), former CM Ajit Jogi were
present on the occasion.
About Chhattisgarh:
Capital- Raipur.
Districts- 28.

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Chief Minister (CM)- Bhupesh Baghel.
Governor- Anusuiya Uikey.

1 in 3 payments for maternity benefit scheme ‘PMMVY’ credited to wrong account: NITI Aayog
On February 23, 2020, According to “Transforming Nutrition in India: Poshan Abhiyan”, a 2nd progress report on
Prime Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment (POSHAN) Abhiyaan (Nutrition Mission) until
September 2019, released by the NITI (National Institution for Transforming India) Aayog, worryingly 1 in 3 of
Aadhaar-based payments for Centre’s maternity benefit scheme/ Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana
(PMMVY) was credited to a wrong bank account. As per the report, 28% of 31.29 lakh of all Aadhaar-based
payments are going to different bank accounts than what had been provided by the beneficiaries.
Key Points:
i.As per the data gathered until March 31, 2019, the report notes that 66% of the direct benefit transfers for the
PMMVY were based on Aadhaar.
ii.According to a telephone survey of 5,525 beneficiaries, undertaken by the Ministry of Women and Child
Development (WCD), showed that just 60% of beneficiaries under the scheme were aware of the receipt of the
benefits and the bank accounts to which the money was remitted.
iii.Background: There have been records of long term delays with some beneficiaries having to wait for 2 years
period to get the benefit. They also facing problems in filling up the 32-page application form and providing nine
identity documents.
iv.Ranking of the states:
The report also ranked states & Union Territories to measure their readiness to execute the programme across 4
themes: governance and institutional mechanism; strategy and planning; service delivery and capacities; and
programme activities and intervention coverage. The States were classified into large and small categories for a
better comparison.Among the 19 large States, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh scored the top 3
ranks with the scheme implementation score of over 70%. While, Among the 8 small States, Mizoram and Sikkim
scored above 75%. Similarly, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Chandigarh, and Daman and Diu scored above 75% & got top 3
spot among 7 Union Territories list.
Top 3 states in the ranking
Rank Large States (19) Small States (8) Union Territories (7)
1 Andhra Pradesh Mizoram Dadra and Nagar Haveli
2 Chhattisgarh Sikkim Chandigarh
3 Madhya Pradesh Nagaland Daman and Diu
Bottom 3 states in the ranking
Karnataka- 17th Tripura-6th Andaman and Nicobar Islands-5th
Assam-18th Manipur-7th Delhi-6th
Kerala -19th Goa-8th Lakshadweep-7th
v.Way forward: The report stressed to simplify the documentation and operational rules to avoid delays in money
transfer & also proposed to rationalize the mandatory waiting period of 180 days before the second installment is
released as well as the compulsory birth certificate for the release of the 3rd installment.
About PMMVY:
It is a maternity benefit programme being implemented in all districts of the country with effect from 1st January,
2017.Under this, pregnant women and lactating mothers get ₹5,000 for their 1st child in 3 instalments (of Rs1,000,
Rs2,000 and Rs2,000) on fulfilling some conditions including early registration of pregnancy, Ante-natal check-up,
and Registration of the birth of the child and completion of first cycle of vaccination for the first living child of the
family.The amount is meant to compensate women for the loss of wages and is aimed at ensuring a healthy
nutritional development of the newborn baby

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Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - March 2020

Andhra Pradesh ranked 1st in the country for overall implementation of POSHAN Abhiyaan
On March 9, 2020 Andhra Pradesh (AP) ranked 1st in the country for overall implementation of POSHAN( Prime
Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment) Abhiyaan as per September 2019 progress report of NITI
Aayog, “Transforming Nutrition in India: POSHAN Abhiyaan”.The 2nd anniversary of POSHAN Abhiyaan is recognized
by celebrating Poshan Pakhwada from 8th-22nd March 2020.
Overall Implementation Status of POSHAN Abhiyaan
It is classified under 3 categories & the following is named according to the position.
Top Position
Rank Large State Small State UT
1 Andhra Pradesh Mizoram Dadra & Nagar Haveli
2 Chhattisgarh Sikkim Chandigarh
3 Madhya Pradesh Nagaland Daman & Diu
Bottom Position
Large State Small State UT
Karnataka(17) Tripura (6) Andaman & Nicobar (5)
Assam (18) Manipur (7) Delhi (6)
Kerala (19) Goa (8) Lakshadweep (7)
i.Large State (19)-AP, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu,
Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Rajasthan ,Bihar ,Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Telangana, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka,
Assam, Kerala.
ii.Small State (8)- Mizoram, Sikkim, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Manipur, Goa.
iii.Union Territory(7)- Dadra & Nagar Haveli,Chandigarh, Daman & Diu,Puducherry, Andaman & Nicobar, Delhi,
Highlights of AP
As part of the programme it also trained all Angan Wadi Workers on modules created based on lifecycle approach
where 1st 1000 days of life, with the support of incremental learning Approach (ILA)& has given
55,607smartphones to them, to improve delivery service & to report day to day actions, as well as to council the
Poshan Pakhwada 2020
The focus area of Poshan Pakhwada 2020 is ‘Men for Nutrition – Increasing Male Engagement in POSHAN Abhiyaan
to Improve Nutritional Indicators‘.It aims to reduce malnutrition from the country in a phased manner through the
life cycle concept, by adopting a synergized & result-oriented approach.
Tamil Nadu tops in Poshan Abhiyaan’s participants list
Tamil Nadu tops the list of the states in terms of the number of participants in the programme.
POSHAN Abhiyaan
It was launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the occasion of the International Women’s Day on 8 March,
2018 Jhunjhunu in Rajasthan. It is India’s flagship programme to direct the attention of the country towards the
problem of malnutrition & address it in a mission-mode. It is earlier called as National Nutrition Mission (NNM),
since 18th December, 2017.
NITI (National Institution for Transforming India) Aayog has played a critical role in shaping the POSHAN Abhiyaan &
it is required to submit implementation status reports of POSHAN Abhiyaan every 6 months to the Prime Minister’s
Office (PMO).
The goals of POSHAN Abhiyaan
To achieve improvement in the nutritional status of Children from 0-6 years, Adolescent Girls, Pregnant Women &
Lactating Mothers in a time bound manner with fixed targets & aims to bring down stunting of children in the age
group of 0-6 years from 38.4% to 25% by the year 2022.

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Strategy/Pillars for implementation of the mission are:
Inter-sectoral convergence for better service delivery
Use of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) for real time growth monitoring & to track women & children
Intensified health & nutrition services for first 1000 days
Jan Andolan
About AP
Capital- Amaravati
Chief Minister– YS Jagan Mohan Reddy
Governor– Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel presents a Rs 95,650-crore budget for fiscal 2020-21

On March 4, 2020, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister (CM) Bhupesh Baghel has presented a budget of Rs 95,650-crore
in the state assembly for 2020-21.
Sl.No Items 2019-20 (Budget Estimate in crore) 2020-21 (Budget Estimate in crore)
1 Total Receipts 91,542 96,091
2 Total Expenditure 90,910 95,650
3 Revenue Expenditure 78,595 81,400
5 Capital Expenditure 12,110 13,814
6 Revenue Surplus 1,151 2,431
7 Fiscal Deficit 10,881 11,518
As per the revised estimate of 2019-20, the subsidy burden of the state is Rs 10,836 crore, which is about 11 % of the
total expenditure.It is also estimated to be around Rs 7,660 crore in 2019-20.
Three new indoor stadiums will be set up in the state. With this, 11 new auditoriums will be built.
Three sub-divisions in the state will be made district jail. A provision of Rs 135 crore for electrification, 25 crore for
Anganwadi centers, sports council will be developed in 95 acres area in Sector 25 of Naya Raipur.
25 new tehsil offices will be constructed. Shaheed Smarak will be established in Naya Raipur.
A provision of Rs 50 crore has been made for a new food park in the state. A provision of 1603 crore has been made
for the Pradhan Mantri Gramin Yojana.
Provision of 60 crores for the Chief Minister’s Nutrition Scheme, 13 crores for the healthcare of those coming to the
Haat Bazaar, 20 lakhs for the treatment of critical illness.
Provision of Rs 2,300 crore “Krishak Jeevan Jyoti Yojana” to provide free power to agri-pumps up to five Horse Power
provision of setting 1176 biogas plants under the Gobar Dhan Yojana costing Rs 450 crore.
He announced a new scheme,’Rajiv Gandhi Kisaan Nyay Yojana’, to provide good returns to farmers for agricultural
produce with a provision of Rs 5,100 crore.
‘Gurukul Vidyalaya’ (residential school) will be set up in Giraudhpuri, the birthplace of spiritual leader Baba
Guru Ghasidas.
Laboratories for the Internet of Things and robotics will be set up at three engineering colleges and five polytechnics
in the state.
A provision of Rs 7.20 crore has been made for automated Air Traffic Control (ATC) towers at Jagdalpur,
Ambikapur and Bilaspur airports, while Rs 1 crore is earmarked for construction of air strip at Baikunthpur, Korea
‘Shahid Smarak’ (martyrs’ memorial) will be built in Nawa Raipur Atal Nagar in the memory of Congress leaders
and security personnel killed in the May 2013 Jhiram Valley naxal attack, Baghel announced.
Click here to read more about the budget.
About Chhattisgarh:
Capital– Raipur

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Governor– Anusuiya Uikey
Chief minister– Bhupesh Baghel
National Parks– Indravati (Kutru) National Park, Kanger Valley National Park, Guru Ghasi Das (Sanjay) National
Wildlife Sanctuaries– Achanakmar WLS, Badalkhol WLS, Bhoramdev WLS, Sarangarh-Gomardha WLS, Semarsot
WLS, Sitanadi WLS.

Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - April 2020

There is no important news from Chhattisgarh state in the month of April 2020.

Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - May 2020

6 Cities rated 5 Star, 65 Cities rated 3 Star and 70 Cities rated 1 Star for garbage free cities: MOHUA
On May 19, 2020 Hardeep Singh(S) Puri, Minister of State (Independent/Charge) of Ministry Of Housing and Urban
Affairs(MOHUA) announced the results of the Star Rating of Garbage Free Cities, for the assessment year 2019-
2020, where 6 Cities(Ambikapur, Rajkot, Surat, Mysuru, Indore and Navi Mumbai) were rated 5 Star, 65 Cities rated
3 Star and 70 Cities rated 1 Star out of 141 cities & also launched the revised protocol for the Star Rating of Garbage
Free Cities.
About protocol
i.The protocol has been devised with components including cleanliness of drains & water bodies, plastic waste
management, managing construction & demolition waste, among others, which are critical drivers for achieving
garbage free cities
ii.The core of the protocol is on Solid Waste Management(SWM) & also ensures certain minimum standards of
sanitation through a set of prerequisites defined in the framework.
iii.It will consider ward-wise geo-mapping, monitoring of SWM value chain through ICT interventions like Swachh
Nagar App and zone-wise rating in cities with population of more than 50 lakh.
i.Swachh Survekshan(SS) was introduced 5 years ago to ensure a high degree of cleanliness and sanitation in urban
areas. As it is a ranking system, many cities despite doing exceptionally well, were not being recognized
ii.So the ministry introduced the Star Rating Protocol for Garbage Free Cities January 2018 ,a framework similar to
the examination systems where each ward in every city must achieve a certain standard across 24 different
components of SWM and is graded based on overall marks received.
Key Point
Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban(SBM-U) was launched in 2014 & has made significant progress in the area of both
sanitation and solid waste management.
Few Initiatives by MOHUA in the view of COVID-19
Revised its hugely popular citizen grievance redressal platform, Swacchata App. Issued an advisory for the provision
of PPEs, health-check-ups and payment of regular wages to sanitation workers. A Special Micro-Credit facility for the
Street Vendors to facilitate easy access was launched to support nearly 50 lakh vendors
For Further Reference:
About MOHUA:
It formulates policies, supports programmes, monitors programmes and coordinates the activities of various Central
Ministries, State Governments and other nodal authorities. The Information on urban scenario, organizations,
policies, Lists of attached offices, Statutory & Autonomous Bodies, Public Sector Undertakings and Joint Ventures are
also available in the website.

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Chhattisgarh Govt rolls out Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana for farmers
The state government of Chhattisgarh has launched its ambitious ‘Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana’ (RGKNY) on
May 21, 2020 (29th death anniversary of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi) to encourage crop production in the
state and to give the farmers the right price for their produce.
It was initiated by the interim president of the Congress, Sonia Gandhi and Chief Minister (CM) Bhupesh Baghel
through video conferencing.
Key Points:
i.Under this scheme, an amount of Rs 5700 crore will be transferred directly to their accounts in four instalments to
19 lakh farmers of the state.
Farmers will be giving a maximum amount of Rs. 10, 000 per acre on the basis of the quantity acquired through
cooperative society to farmers who cultivate paddy and maize from Kharif 2019. A total 18,34,834 farmers will be
provided Rs 1500 crore as first instalment for paddy crop.
Similarly, Sugarcane farmers would get Rs.13,000, where FRP (fair and remunerative price) amount of Rs 261 per
quintal and incentive and assistance amounting to Rs 93.75 per quintal i.e. maximum Rs 355 per quintal, based on the
amount of sugarcane purchased by the cooperative factory in the crushing year 2019-20 for the sugarcane crop.
Under this, 34,637 farmers of the state will get 73 crore 55 lakh rupees in four instalments, out of which the first
instalment Rs 18,43 crore has been transferred on 21 May 2020.
iii.The state is also going to provide incentive amount (outstanding bonus) at the rate of Rs 50 per quintal on the
basis of the quantity of sugarcane purchased through cooperative sugar factories in the year 2018-19. Under this, Rs.
10.27 crore will be given to 24,414 farmers of the state.
iv.The state government has decided to include the landless agricultural laborers of the state in the second phase of
the Nyay scheme.
About Chhattisgarh:
Capital– Raipur
Governor– Anusuiya Uikey
Chief Minister– Bhupesh Baghel
State Animal– Wild Asian Buffalo
State Bird– Hill Myna

Chhattisgarh tops among other states in providing employment under MGNREGS

On April 29, 2020 According to an official statement Chhattisgarh is 1st state to provide employment to over
18(18.51) lakh unskilled labourers, followed by Rajasthan (2nd) to 10.79 lakh workers & Uttar Pradesh(3rd) to
around 9.06 lakh workers under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS).
Position Table

Position secured State Name No of employment provided (in lakhs)

1 Chhattisgarh 18.51

2 Rajasthan 10.79

3 Uttar Pradesh 9.06

4 West Bengal 7.29

5 Madhya Pradesh 7.24

Key Points
i.As per the data released by the Union Rural Development Ministry around 77.85 lakh people are engaged in
different work under the scheme across the country.

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ii.West Bengal secured the 4th position with 7.29 lakh workers engaged followed by Madhya Pradesh at fifth with
7.24 lakh workers, Bihar at sixth with 6.71 lakh workers, Odisha at seventh position with 4.93 lakh workers and
Karnataka at the eight position with 3.65 lakh labourers employed under the scheme.
Gist about Chhattisgarh’s achievement
The national participation of the workers who work in the state is 24% which is the highest in the country.
The performance of many big states in terms of employment of workers is not even half that of the state.
Gram Panchayats of the state are providing relief to labourers through MGNREGS by following social distancing
norms in the villages.
In terms of maximum employment to MGNREGS workers at the state level, Rajnandgaon, Janjgir-Champa and
Mahasamund districts of Chhattisgarh are at the top.
i.It is an Indian legislation enacted on August 25, 2005. It provides a legal guarantee for 100 days of employment in
every financial year to adult members of any rural household who willingly does unskilled manual work.
ii.It is also known as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act ,2005 (MGNREGA).
iii.Aim- to improve the purchasing power of the rural people, to provide primarily semi or unskilled work to people
living below the poverty line in rural places. It seeks to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor of the country.
One-third of the designated workforce must be women.
iv.The scheme implementation in association with state governments is monitored by The Ministry of Rural
Development(MRD),Union Minister – Narendra Singh Tomar (Morena, Madhya Pradesh)

Chhattisgarh’s First CM Ajit Jogi passed away at 74

On May 29, 2020, Former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister (CM) Ajit Pramod Kumar Jogi, passed away at the age of 74 in
Raipur, Chhattisgarh. He was born on April 29, 1946 in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. He was the first CM of Chhattisgarh.
i.Jogi studied Mechanical Engineering at the Maulana Azad College of Technology & also won the University Gold
i.He served as a lecturer at the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Raipur and was also a successful IAS (Indian
Administrative Service) officer.
i.In 1998, Jogi was elected as a Lok Sabha member from Raigarh, Chhattisgarh and became a spokesperson of the
Indian National Congress (INC) party.
ii.In November 2000, when the new state of Chhattisgarh was carved from Madhya Pradesh (MP), Ajit Jogi, was
chosen by Sonia Gandhi to serve as the first Chief Minister (CM) of the State.
iii.After losing the power to the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) in the State in 2003. Jogi was elected as Lok Sabha MP
(Member of Parliament) from the Mahasamund constituency from Chhattisgarh, in the year 2004.
iv.In 2008, Ajit Jogi contested in the Assembly elections from the Marwahi assembly, a reserved constituency.
v.Later, Jogi quit from the Congress party in June 2016 and formed a new regional party Janata Congress
About Chhattisgarh:
Capital– Raipur.
Governor– Anusuiya Uikey.
Chief Minister (CM)– Bhupesh Baghel.

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Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - June 2020

Ministry of Jal Shakti sanctions Rs. 445 crores for implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission in Chhattisgarh
during 2020-21
On May 29,2020, Ministry of Jal Shakti, a ministry under Government of India (GoI) has approved an amount of Rs
445 crore for the implementation of the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) in Chhattisgarh during 2020-21.
Chhattisgarh’s plan under the mission:
Under this mission that will bring change in life, Chhattisgarh state has planned 100 % Functional Household Tap
Connection (FHTC) by 2023-24.
Out of 45 lakh households in the state, there are plans to provide tap connections in 20 lakh houses, where the
priority is being given to water scarcity areas, quality affected areas, SC / ST (Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes)
dominated settlements / villages, ambitious districts, Sansad Adarsh Gramin Yojana villages.
What is the need?
–Chhattisgarh has been grappling with the problem of chemical contamination of arsenic, fluoride, iron, etc. in the
rapidly depleting groundwater for many years; Therefore, taking cognizance of the situation, the state was advised to
ensure potable water arrangements in these settlements.
How the mission will be implemented in the state?
Under the Mission, emphasis is being laid on monitoring the water quality through involvement of the community as
well as active participation of frontline workers.
School and college students are being encouraged to use field test kits to test the quality of water being provided in
rural areas.
For planning at the village level, in each gram panchayat (GPs) or their sub-committee i.e. village water and sanitation
committees have been formed & the action plans have been run for the villages, based on which the action plan has
been finalized.
About Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM):
In August 2019, the JJM was launched to provide potable water through Functional Household Tap Connection
(FHTC) with an outlay of Rs 3.60 lakh crores.
Also, aims at providing potable water at a service level of 55 litres per capita per day (lpcd) to every rural household
through FHTC. The main objective of the Mission is to provide a piped water supply (Har Ghar Jal) to all rural and
urban households by 2024.
About Ministry of Jal Shakthi:
Headquarters– New Delhi.
Union Minister– Gajendra Singh Shekhawat (Constituency- Jodhpur, Rajasthan).
About Chhattisgarh:
Capital– Raipur
Chief minister– Bhupesh Baghel
Governor– Anusuiya Uikey

Chhattisgarh becomes the 1st state to launch “Godhan Nyay Yojana” , to Procure Cow Dung From Livestock
On 25th June 2020, Bhupesh Baghel, Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh announced the launch of “Godhan Nyay
Yojana” through an online press conference to promote animal husbandry and make it a commercially profitable
practice and to procure the cow dung from the farmers at a fixed rate.
To prevent the cattles from open grazing and solve the problems due to stray animals.
Godhan Nyay Yojana:
i.The scheme will commence from the Hareli Festival on 20th July 2020.
Under this scheme the government will collect the cow dung from the farmers for a fixed price and convert it
into vermicompost fertilizers which will be sold through the cooperative societies to meet the fertilizer

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requirement of farmers, Forest Department, Agriculture, Horticulture and Urban Administration Department for
plantation campaigns
ii.Upon the suggestions of Farmers, livestock owners and cowshed operators and intellectuals the rate of
procurement will be decided by the 5 member sub-committee of the cabinet chaired by Ravindra Choubey, Minister
of Agriculture and Water Resource.
iii.The marketing arrangement for the organic fertilizers will be made by the government of Chhattisgarh.
iv.The Chief Minister also inaugurated the biggest solid waste processing plant in Raipur,Chhattisgarh.
About Chhattisgarh:
Chief Minister– Bhupesh Baghel
Governor– Anusuiya Uikey
Capital– Raipur

Chhattisgarh government to launch Adarsh police station scheme from July 1, 2020
From 1st July 2020, the Adarsh Police stations scheme will be launched in Chhattisgarh. It will develop the police
stations in the state as Ideal Police stations.
Certain parameters were set by the government & if the Police station meets the criteria then it will be rewarded.
The parameters are:
The conduct of the police station in-charge and other staff with the general public
Maintenance of records should be up to the mark,
Environment should support the victims, women and children to speak freely about their problems without fear.
The state government has decided to withdraw petty cases against tribal people in Bastar region and the DGP has
instructed to release the tribals who don’t have serious cases registered against them.
About Chhattisgarh:
Capital: Raipur
Chief Minister: Bhupesh Baghel
Governor: Anusuiya Uikey

Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - July 2020

Chhattisgarh organises India’s first E-Lok Adalat
On 11th July 2020, Chhattisgarh State Legal Service Authority and the high Court organised India’s first e-Lok Adalat
to ensure the administration of justice and to solve the financial crisis of the parties and lawyers amid COVID-19
pandemic. The high court Chief Justice P R Ramchandra Menon inaugurated the e-Lok Adalat through video
What is Lok Adalat?
Lok Adalat is one of the alternative dispute grievance mechanisms or a forum where pending cases or disputes in the
court of law are settled or compromised whereas e-Lok Adalat will be handled virtually.
E-Lok Adalat:
i.Lok Adalat is moved to a virtual platform as e-Lok Adalat to handle the pending cases amid COVID-19.
ii.The virtual hearing will be conducted over a virtual platform through video conferencing.
iii.This is aimed to settle over 3000 pending cases through more than 200 benches in various districts across
chhattisgarh including the Bilaspur high court.
iv.The parties and lawyers can present their cases through whatsApp video call incase of any difficulties in counting
through video conferencing.
v.E-Lok Adalat will be continued further following the success of the first experimental trial.

Chhattisgarh’s Chief Minister Darpan Portal and Mobile App Receives Elites Excellence Awards 2020
by IT Institutions
Chhattisgarh’s Chief Minister Darpan (Mukhyamantri Darpan) Portal and Mobile app, which contains the details of
the schemes of the Government of Chhattisgarh like Suraji Gaon Yojana received the Elites Excellence Awards 2020

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under the government category for the innovation for monitoring important schemes of the government by the IT
institution Elites Technomedia under the Digital India Initiative.
i.The e-certificate was presented during the three-day virtual conference from 10th July to 12th July organised to
encourage innovation in the IT Sector of the Government.
ii.The conference was inaugurated on 10th July 2020 by Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister of MSME
Key People:
Sameer Vishnoi, CEO of CHiPS, Additional Chief Secretary of CHiPS Subrata Sahoo were present in the virtual
Chief Minister Darpan (Mukhyamantri Darpan) Portal and Mobile app:
The portal and the mobile application for the Chief Minister Darpan (Mukhyamantri Darpan) was developed by the
Chhattisgarh Infotech Promotion Society(CHiPS).
The portal was released on 10th June 2020 by Bhupesh Baghel, Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh.
The portal and app monitors the flagship schemes of the Chhattisgarh government from the secretariat and provides
the citizens with real time information.
i.The “talk to the Chief Minister” feature of the portal provides a platform for the citizens to share their views .
ii.Under this feature the preventive and remedial measure of COVID-19 is also provided. The general public can
connect to the social media account of the CM through this portal.
iii.The real time information on the schemes like, Narva Garuva Guruva and Bari Yojana, Chief Minister Urban Slum
Health Scheme, Chief Minister Suposhan Yojana, Chief Minister Haat Bazar Clinic Scheme, Chief Minister Ward
Karyalaya Yojana.
About Chhattisgarh:
Chief Minister– Bhupesh Baghel
Governor– Anusuiya Uikey
Capital– Raipur

India’s maternal mortality ratio declined to 113 in 2016-18: Registrar General’s Sample Registration
System (SRS)
In accordance with the “Special Bulletin on Maternal Mortality in India 2016-18”, released by the Office of the
Registrar General’s Sample Registration System (SRS), the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) in India has declined to
113 in 2016-18 from 122 in 2015-17 and 130 in 2014-2016 and almost 100 deaths lesser than in the period of 2007-
• States have been categorized into three groups namely, Empowered Action Group (EAG) States, Southern
States and Other States during the survey.
• The southern States registered a lower MMR — Andhra Pradesh (65), Telangana (63), Karnataka (92), Kerala
(43) and Tamil Nadu (60) as compared to states of Assam & EAG viz. Assam (215), Bihar (149), Madhya
Pradesh (173), Chhattisgarh (159), Odisha (150), Rajasthan (164), Uttar Pradesh (197), Uttarakhand (99) and
Jharkhand (71).
• In the category of other states Punjab has a maximum MMR of 129.
Points to be Noted:
-The target of United Nation’s (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of 3.1 is to reduce the global maternal
mortality ratio to less than 70 per 1,00,000 live births.
-The maximum proportion of maternal deaths during 2016-18 is 33% in the age group of 20-24.
Important Terms:
Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR): It is defined as the proportion of maternal deaths per 1,00,000 live births,
reported under the SRS.
Maternal Mortality Rate: This is calculated as maternal deaths to women in the ages 15-49 per lakh of women in
that age group, reported under SRS.

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Maternal Death: As per World Health Organization (WHO), maternal death is the death of a woman while pregnant
or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its
Sample Registration System (SRS): It is India’s largest demographic sample surveys that among other indicators
provide direct estimates of maternal mortality through a nationally representative sample.
About Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI):
The Office of the Registrar General, India works under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).
Registrar General & Census Commissioner– Dr. Vivek Joshi
Click Here for Official Link
Recent Related News:
On May 10, 2020, ORGI released its SRS bulletin based which has presented the estimates of Birth Rate, Death Rate,
and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) for the year 2018 for India and its States/UTs.
• As per that, India’s infant mortality rate (IMR) has improved very marginally from 33 per 1,000 live births in
2017 to 32 in 2018.
• The death rate of India has witnessed a significant decline over the last four decades from 14.9 in 1971 to 6.2
in 2018.
• There has been about an 11% decline in birth rate in the last decade, from 22.5 in 2009 to 20.0 in 2018.

Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur tops Niti Aayog’s delta ranking of Aspirational districts for Feb-June 2020
In accordance with the delta rankings for aspirational districts by government think-tank Niti (National Institution
for Transforming India) Aayog, Bijapur district in Chhattisgarh has topped the list of aspirational districts in Overall
Delta Ranking for the February-June 2020 period.
• Bijapur has been followed by Ri-Bhoi (Meghalaya) and Bahraich (Uttar Pradesh) at 2nd and 3rd positions
• The delta rankings for aspirational districts considers an incremental progress in five developmental areas viz.
Health and Nutrition, Education, Agriculture and Water Resources, Financial Inclusion & Skill Development
and Basic Infrastructure .
Top 5 Aspirational Districts in Overall Delta Ranking (Feb-June 2020)
Rank District
1 Bijapur (Chhattisgarh)
2 Ri-Bhoi (Meghalaya)
3 Bahraich (Uttar Pradesh)
4 Nawada (Bihar)
5 Moga (Punjab)
In the Health and Nutrition area, the list has been topped by Ri-Bhoi (Meghalaya) and followed by Bijapur
(Chhattisgarh) and Bahraich (Uttar Pradesh) at 2nd and 3rd positions respectively, stating an improvement towards
quality healthcare facilities for citizens.
In Education category, the list has been topped by Damoh (Madhya Pradesh) followed by Dhalai (Tripura) and
Asifabad or Adilabad (Telangana), stating an improvement towards quality Education for citizens.
In Basic Infrastructure category, the list has been topped by Khagaria (Bihar) followed by Araria (Bihar) & Purnia
In Agriculture & Water Resource Category, the list has been topped by Nawada (Bihar) followed by Pakur
(Jharkhand) & Chitrakoot (Uttar Pradesh).
In Financial Inclusion & Skill Development Category, the list has been topped by Sonbhadra (Uttar Pradesh)
followed by Simdega (Jharkhand) & Sahibganj (Jharkhand).
What is an aspirational districts programme?
The aspirational districts programme, launched in January 2018, aims to transform districts that have shown
relatively lesser progress in key social areas and have emerged as pockets of under-development.

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Recent Related News:
In order to aware people about the norms to contain the spread of Covid-19 in “Unlock” phase, NITI (National
Institution for Transforming India) Aayog in partnership with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), Centre for
Social and Behavioural Change (CSBC) of Ashoka University, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), and
Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) launched the behaviour change campaign ‘Navigating the New
Normal’ and its web portal
About NITI Aayog:
Chairman– Narendra Modi
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)– Amitabh Kant
Headquarter– New Delhi

Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - August 2020

Arjun Munda Virtually Launched Trifood Project of TRIFED in Raigad, Maharashtra and Jagdalpur,
On 20th August 2020, Arjun Munda, Union Minister of Tribal Affairs(MoTA) virtually launched the tertiary
processing centres of the “Trifood Project” in Raigad, Maharashtra and Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh.
The Trifood project was carried by the MoTA in association with the Ministry of Food Processing Industries(MoFPI)
and implemented by the Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED).
Key People:
Renuka Singh, Minister of State, K.C. Padvi, Minister of Tribal Affairs, Maharashtra, Ramesh Chand Meena, Chairman,
TRIFED and Pravir Krishna, Managing Director, TRIFED along with the other officials and dignitaries of the two states
attended the virtual inauguration.
Trifood Project:
i.To increase the income of the tribals through better utilisation and value addition of the Minor Forest
Produce(MFP) that are collected by the tribal forest gatherers.
ii.To offer a comprehensive development package for tribals by promoting employment, incomes and
i.In association with the MoFPI, the units under the scheme will be set up for creation of backward and forward
linkages under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana, this will procure the raw materials from the Van
DhanKendras in the state.
ii.The tribal outlets and franchise stores across India will sell the fully processed products.
iii.The TRIFED will identify and train the tribal entrepreneurs to sell the products.
Raigad, Maharashtra:
The MFP processing units will be used to add value to the produce like mahua, amla, custard apple and jamun and
produce mahua drink, amla juice, candy, jamun juice and custard apple pulp.
Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh:
The multi-commodity processing centre will be used for processing mahua, amla, honey, cashew, tamarind, ginger,
garlic and other fruits and vegetables and will make mahua drink, amla juice, candy, pure honey, ginger-garlic paste
and fruit and vegetable pulp.
Key Points:
i.‘Mechanism for Marketing of Minor Forest Produce (MFP) through Minimum Support Price (MSP) & Development of
Value Chain for MFP’ Scheme, a flagship scheme of MoTA emerged amid the global pandemic and has positively
impacted the tribal ecosystem.
ii.It was implemented by TRIFED in association with 21 State Government Agencies across India.
iii.So far, the scheme has directly contributed over Rs.3000 crores to the tribal economy.
With the government support in May 2020 the prices of Minor Forest Produce (MFPs) were increased upto 90% and
around 23 new items were included in the MFP lists

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Recent Related News:
i.DST, Government of Rajasthan in association with TRIFED, under MoTA, organized a Webinar under Know Your
Scheme-Lecture Series on “Van Dhan Yojana : Learning For Post Covid-19” to assist tribal people.
ii.By the order of Tribal Affairs Ministry, The Minimum Support Price(MSP) for Minor Forest Produce(MFP) of 49
items was raised in view of circumstances arising out of COVID 19.
About Ministry of Tribal Affairs:
Union Minister– ArjunMunda
Minister of State– Renuka Singh Saruta
Managing Director– Pravir Krishna
Head Office– New Delhi, India

Odisha, Chhattisgarh Celebrates ‘2020 Nuakhai Juhar’, Agricultural Festival on August 23

Nukhai Juhar, an ancient festival which is also known as Nuakhai Parab or Nuakhai Bhetghat is celebrated on the fifth
day of lunar fortnight of Bhadrabaa, to welcome the new crop of the season in Odisha, Chhattisgarh and other
neighbouring states. Nuakhai is a combination of two words, Nua which means new and Khai which means eat.
The 2020 Nuakhai Juhar was celebrated on 23rd August.
The traditional social gathering, Nuakhai Bhetghat, organised by the locals are restricted with the guidelines of
maintaining social distance and procession of more than 5 people are prohibited.
Celebration of Nukhai Juhar:
i.The farmers offer the first produce of the season to the presiding deity, Goddess Samaleswari of Sambalpur, Odisha.
ii.The people worship food grains and prepare special meals with khiri, pitha and kakra.
Cultural programmes like folk songs and dances will be organised to showcase the local culture and traditions of the
iii.Shyam Sundar Dhar Folklore researcher, mentioned that Nuakhai Juhar is extended for elders to bless the
younger members of the family and for the people to wish the seniors of the locality.
About Odisha:
Tiger Reserve– Similipal Tiger Reserve, Satkosia Tiger Reserve,
Elephant Reserve– Sambalpur Elephant Reserve, Mahanadi Elephant Reserve, Mayurbhanj Elephant Reserve
About Chhattisgarh:
Capital– Raipur
Chief Minister– Bhupesh Baghel
Governor– Anusuiya Uikey
Tiger Reserve– udanti-sitanadi tiger reserve, indravati tiger reserve

National Commission on Population: Projects India’s Population to be More Feminine by 2036

The National Commission on Population under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) submitted the
Report of the Technical group on population projections July 2020, titled “Population projections for India and
States 2011- 2036”. The report projected that the India’s sex ratio of the total population (females per 1000 males)
is expected to be more feminine in 2036 compared to the population as of 2011.
Population projections for India and States 2011- 2036:
Sex ratio:
i.The report estimates the sex ratio to increase from 943 in 2011 to 957 in 2036.
ii.Compared to 2011, the sex ratio in 18 states except Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat are expected to
increase by 2036.
iii.In 2036, the lowest sex ratio of 899 is expected to be in NCT of Delhi, followed by 900 in Gujarat and 908 in
Infant Mortality Rate:
i.India’s Infant Mortality Rate(IMR) is reported to be 46 in 2010 which is expected to reduce to 30 by the end of

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ii.The report projects the IMR to reduce in all the state of India in 2011 to 2035.
Madhya Pradesh has the highest IMR at 58 followed by Uttar Pradesh with 57 in 2011-2015 which is expected to
come down to 37 and 38 in MP and UP respectively in 2031-35.
iii.During 2031-35, the IMR is expected to be in between 30-40 in Rajasthan, Assam, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, MP and UP.
iv.Kerala is expected to have the lowest IMR at 9 in 2031-35 followed by Tamil Nadu from 22 in 2011-15 to 16 during
Fertility Rate:
i.Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is expected to decline from 2.34 during 2011-2015 to 1.73 during 2031- 35.
ii.The declining fertility rate will change the age demographics of India’s population and increase the medium age
from 24.9 in 2011 to 34.5 in 2036.
iii.Bihar and UP have the higher TFR with 3.5 and 3.7 respectively which is higher than the TFR of India (2.5).
Population of India:
i.The report projects India’s population to increase by 25.7% in 25 years at a rate of 1% annually i.e., from 121.1
crore to 151.8 crore during 2011-36.
ii.The population density will increase from 368 to 463 persons per square kilometer.
iii.As per the 2011 Census India’s population was 1.21 billion which is estimated to grow by 311 million by 2036.
Youth Population:
i.Youth population (15-24 years) is expected to increase from 23.3 crores in 2011 to 25.2 crores in 2021 and then
continue to decrease to 22.7 crores in 2036.
ii.The youth population proportion to the total population is expected to become 14.9%in 2036.
Decline in rate of population growth:
The population growth rate will decline by 8.4% during 2021-2031.
The report projects that India will overtake China and become the most populated county around 2031.
Urban Population:
i.The urban population of India was 31.8% in 2011 which is projected to increase to 38.2% by 2036 which
contributes 73% of the total population growth by 2036.
ii.Delhi with 98% urban population in 2011 is expected to become 100% urban by 2036.
iii.Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra, Telangana and Gujarat are expected to have more than 50% urban population by
Life Expectancy:
i.For men the life expectancy is expected to increase from 66 to 69 and for women it is expected to increase from 71
to 74.
ii.Kerala could become the only Indian state to have life expectancy above 80 for women and 74 for men by 2036.
iii.The Northeastern states are estimated to have a life expectancy of 77 for women and 73 for men by 2036.
Click here for the complete report
Recent Related News:
i.UN’s Global Multidimensional Poverty Index: India Record Largest Reduction in Number of People Living in Poverty
ii.Climate-friendly Cooling can cut 460 Giga Tonnes of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Cooling Emissions and Policy
Synthesis Report
About Ministry of Health and Family Welfare(MoHFW):
Union Minister– Harsh Vardhan
Minister of State– Ashwini Kumar Choubey

Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel Announced the Launch of “Indira Van Mitan Yojana” To Support Forest
On 9th August 2020, In an event of International Day of World’s Indigenous Peoples Chief Minister (CM) of
Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh Baghel announced the launch of “Indira Van Mitan Yojana”, an initiative to support
the forest dwellers of Chhattisgarh to achieve self-reliance. The scheme aims to add around 19 lakh families from the
scheduled areas of Chhattisgarh and provide self-employment opportunities to the tribal forest dwellers.

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i.Under the “Indira Van Mitan Yojana”, a group of 10 to 15 youngsters will be formed in around 10,000 villages in the
tribal areas of Chhattisgarh, to manage the forest based economic activities.
ii.The groups will enable the establishment of new avenues to enable self-employment for the forest dwellers and
manage the procurement, processing and marketing of the forest produce.
iii.The plantation of fruit bearing trees and medicinal plants are encouraged under the scheme.
iv.The state government has planned to set up Forest produce processing units in around 85 development blocks in
the scheduled areas of the state.
v.The estimated cost to set up a single forest produce processing unit is around Rs.10 lakhs and an amount of Rs.8.50
Crore will be made available to set up the processing units in 85 development blocks.
Other initiatives:
i.The Bodhghat irrigation project on the River Indravati in Bastar was initiated to increase the irrigation in the tribal
areas of Bastar.
ii.The compensation and rehabilitation package of the land under the submergence area of the Bodhghat irrigation
project will be decided by the local tribals.
Recent Related News:
i.The state government of Chhattisgarh has launched its ambitious ‘Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana’ (RGKNY) on May
21, 2020 (29th death anniversary of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi) to encourage crop production in the state
and to give the farmers the right price for their produce.
ii.From 1st July 2020, the Adarsh Police stations scheme will be launched in Chhattisgarh. It will develop the police
stations in the state as Ideal Police stations.
About Chhattisgarh:
Chief Minister– Bhupesh Baghel
Governor– Anusuiya Uikey
Capital– Raipur

Chhattisgarh’s Jagdalpur Became the First Municipal Corporation of India to Provide Forest Land Right
Certificates to Urban People
On 9th August 2020, on the occasion of International Day of World’s Indigenous Peoples or World Tribal Day Chief
Minister (CM) of Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh Baghel initiated the distribution of forest land right certificates to four
beneficiaries of Jagdalpur over a virtual platform. The Municipal corporation of Jagdalpur became the first
municipal corporation in India to provide forest land right certificates to the people of urban region.
Jagdalpur – Municipal Corporation:
i.Jagdalpur municipal corporation is one of the municipal corporations which encloses forest lands in its jurisdiction
ii.Around 1,777 applications were received for the forest land right certificates which will be provided as per the rule.
Forest Rights Act:
i.The forest rights act allows the provision to allot the forest land lease to the eligible forest dwellers in the forestland
of the urban region.
ii.On Public interest, the enactment of this provision has been initiated in chhattisgarh.
Other initiatives:
i.On the request of Chitrakote Rajman Benham, Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA)of Chhattisgarh, CM Baghel
approved to sanction Rs.6 crores and allot 5 acres of land to the Koya Kutma Community.
ii.He also approved a community hall for the Koya Kutma community and a museum for preserving the historical and
archaeological heritage, arts and culture of Bastar.
iii.The CM distributed the cheques to the 271 beneficiaries under the Shaheed Veer Narayan Swalamban Yojana.
iv.He felicitated 140 meritorious tribal students with cheques worth Rs.5100 and certificates for their outstanding
performance in Class 10 and 12 examinations.

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Recent Related News:
i.In accordance with the delta rankings for aspirational districts by government think-tank Niti (National Institution
for Transforming India) Aayog, Bijapur district in Chhattisgarh has topped the list of aspirational districts in Overall
Delta Ranking for the February-June 2020 period.
ii.Bhupesh Baghel, Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh announced the launch of “Godhan Nyay
Yojana” through an online press conference to promote animal husbandry and make it a commercially profitable
practice and to procure the cow dung from the farmers at a fixed rate.
Tribal Communities of Chhattisgarh:
Baiga, Korba, Abhuj Maria, BisonHorn Maria, Muria, Halbaa, Bhatra and Dhurvaa major tribes of Chhattisgarh.

Chhattisgarh Govt Launched ‘Padhai Tuhar Para’ scheme for school students
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel launched the ‘Padhai Tuhar Para’ scheme to enable school students
to learn from their respective localities as the classes are being suspended due to the outbreak of the coronavirus.
• He informed that a Bluetooth-based programme ‘Bultu Ke Bol’, ‘Mukhyamantri Slum Swasthya Yojana’,
‘Radhabai Diagnostic Centre Scheme’ will also be introduced and committees will be set up for new
appointments and promotions in the state.
• The state Govt. will create a dedicated fund for contributions from people towards the Ram Van Gaman
Padhai Tuhar Para scheme
Padhai Tuhar Para scheme was launched to take the ‘Padhai Tunhar Duar’ scheme, an online education platform
It was launched by the state government earlier during the lockdown. It yielded better results and around 22 lakh
children are getting its benefit.
Bultu Ke Bol
It will be introduced to provide study materials to students in remote areas who do not have access to internet
Mukhyamantri Slum Swasthya Yojana
It will be launched in urban areas under which door-to-door health facilities will be provided to people through 70
mobile medical units in all the 14 municipal corporations.
Radhabai Diagnostic Centre Scheme
it will be introduced to provide pathology and other testing facilities at concessional rates
Committees to be set up for new appointments and promotions in the state
committees will be established or new appointments and promotions in the state. It will be mandatory to include
women representatives in the committees to increase the participation of women in the administration and to protect
their interests
State to Create a dedicated fund for contribution from people towards Ram Van Gaman project
i.A dedicated fund will be created for contributions from people towards the development of the state government’s
‘Ram Van Gaman Tourist Circuit’ project.
ii.Nine sites have been selected in the first phase of the project, chief minister Bhupesh Baghel said on Saturday
during his address at the Independence Day function in capital Raipur.
iii.The sites selected are Sitamarhi-Harchaika (Koriya), Ramgarh (Ambikapur), Shivrinarayan (Janjgir-Champa),
Turturiya (Baloda Bazar), Chandkhuri (Raipur), Rajim (Gariaband), Sihawa-Saptarishi Ashram (Dhamtari), Jagdalpur
(Bastar) and Ramaram (Sukma).
iv.In the first phase of the project, eight of the selected places falling on the forest route taken by Lord Ram will be
developed as tourist destinations at a cost of Rs 137.45 crore..
v.As part of the project, Chandkhuri, believed to be the maternal home of Lord Ram, will be developed as a grand
tourist-pilgrimage site.
Recent Related News:
i.Principal Secretary Rashmi Arun Shami of Madhya Pradesh (MP) launched “Hamara Ghar-Hamara
Vidyalaya” scheme over a virtual platform to maintain academic regularity of the students during the Lockdown
due to COVID-19 pandemic. The scheme will start from 6th July 2020.

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ii.The Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee launched two schemes ‘Sneher Porosh’ to provide support
for the migrant workers and ‘Prochesta’ to help the workers of the unorganised sector of Bengal to enable them to
earn their living in the lockdown situation.
About Chhattisgarh
Capital– Raipur
Governor– Anusuiya Uikey
National Park– Indravati National Park, Kanger Ghati National Park

Chhattisgarh govt launched Shaheed Mahendra Karma Tendupatta Sangrahak Samajik Suraksha Yojana for
tendu leaves collectors
On the occasion of birth anniversary of slain Congress leader Mahendra Karma, i.e. on August 5, 2020, the
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister (CM) Bhupesh Baghel launched a social security scheme namely “Shaheed Mahendra
Karma Tendupatta Sangrahak Samajik Suraksha Yojana” for tendu leaves collectors in the state covering over 12 lakh
families, mostly tribals and forest dwellers.
• Tendu leaves: Used for making bidis (leaf-wrapped cigarettes), these are collected by forest dwellers and
from them it is purchased by the state government.
• Mahendra Karma: He was popularly known as Bastar tiger for his tough stand against Naxals. He was among
29 people, including senior Congress leaders, who were killed in a Naxal attack in Jhiram valley of Bastar
district on May 25, 2013.
About Shaheed Mahendra Karma Tendupatta Sangrahak Samajik Suraksha Yojana:
—Execution:The scheme will be executed jointly by the state’s forest department and Chhattisgarh State Minor
Forest Produce (Trading and Development) Co-operative Federation Limited (CGMFPFED).
—Death of Family Head: A financial aid of Rs 2 lakh will be provided to the nominee in case of normal death of the
family head (upto 50 years of age) of the registered tendu leaves collectors.
• In case of death due to accident, additional financial aid Rs 2 lakh will be provided, whereas in case of
permanent disability caused due to the accident, assistance of Rs 2 lakh will be given and Rs 1 lakh in case of
partial disability in the mishap.
• If the age of the family head is between 50 and 59 years, then in case of his/her normal death, Rs 30,000 will
be provided as financial aid to the nominee, while Rs 75,000 in case of accidental death. Rs 75,000 will be
given in case of permanent disability caused in the accident and Rs 37,500 in case of partial disability
Release of Payment by CM for procuring cow dung under ”Godhan Nyay Yojana”
During the occasion, the CM also released payment of Rs 1.65 crore against cow dung procurement to the 46,964
beneficiaries under Godhan Nyay Yojana.
• In July 2020, around 82,711 quintals of cow dung had been procured from 46,964 cattle rearers across the
state between July 20 and August 1, 2020.
• This is the first of its kind scheme in the country where the state govt is procuring cow dung from cattle
rearers and farmers at Rs 2 per kg (including transport cost) for preparing vermi- compost, which is being sold
through cooperative societies to farmers. Read Chhattisgarh becomes the 1st state to launch “Godhan Nyay
Yojana” , to Procure Cow Dung From Livestock Owners
Recent Related News:
On May 29, 2020, Former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister (CM) Ajit Pramod Kumar Jogi, passed away at the age of 74 in
Raipur, Chhattisgarh. He was born on April 29, 1946 in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. He was the first CM of Chhattisgarh.
About Chhattisgarh:
Chief Minister– Bhupesh Baghel
Governor– Anusuiya Uikey
Capital– Raipur

5th Swachh Survekshan 2020 Announced by Hardeep Singh Puri; Indore is India’s Cleanest City 4th Time in a
On August 20, 2020, during a virtual event of Swachh Mahotsav organized by, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
(MoHUA), Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of State (MoS)-Independent Charge (I/C) MoHUA announced the 5th edition

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of the annual cleanliness urban survey of India i.e.”Swachh Survekshan 2020 (SS2020)” conducted by MoHUA. A total
of 129 awards were given by the minister in which Madhya Pradesh’s Indore Creates record as India’s cleanest city
for the 4th consecutive time while Gujarat’s Surat and Maharashtra’s Navi Mumbai grabbed 2nd and 3rd positions
• SS2020, the 28 days long completely digitized and paperless nationwide survey is the world’s largest
cleanliness survey covering 1.87 crore citizens of 4,242 cities, 62 cantonment boards and 92 towns along the
Ganga river.
• The SS2020 was focused on 9 key areas including 3R Principles of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
• The event also saw the felicitation of MoHUA’s partner organisations in the Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban
(SBM-U) viz. United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
(BMGF) and Google.
Following table shows the top rankers in states:
Rank/Category State
States with Less than 100 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)
1 Jharkhand
2 Haryana
3 Uttarakhand
1 (Fastest Mover State) Assam
States with More than 100 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)
1 Chhattisgarh
2 Maharashtra
3 Madhya Pradesh (MP)
1 (Fastest Mover State) Odisha
Following table shows cleanest cities under different categories:
Rank City State
National Ranking (Cities > 10 Lakh)
1 Indore Madhya Pradesh (MP)
2 Surat Gujarat
3 Navi Mumbai Maharashtra
National Ranking (Cities 1 – 10 Lakh)
1 Ambikapur Chhattisgarh
2 Mysore Karnataka
3 New Delhi (NDMC) Delhi
Zonal Ranking (Cities 50 K – 1 Lakh)
1 (East Zone) Dhamtari Chhattisgarh
1 (North Zone) Gangaghat Uttar Pradesh (UP)
1 (North-East Zone) Jorhat Assam
1 (South Zone) Palamaneru Andhra Pradesh (AP)
1 (West Zone) Karhad Maharashtra
Zonal Ranking (Cities 25 K – 50 K)
1 (East Zone) Jashpur Nagar Chhattisgarh
1 (North Zone) Nawanshahr Punjab

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1 (North-East Zone) Mokokchung Nagaland

1 (South Zone) Medchal Telangana
1 (West Zone) Sasvad Maharashtra
Zonal Ranking (Cities upto 25 K)
1 (East Zone) Patan Chhattisgarh
1 (North Zone) Awagarh Uttar Pradesh (UP)
1 (North-East Zone) Jiribam Manipur
1 (South Zone) Piriyapatna Karnataka
1 (West Zone) Panhala Maharashtra
Cantonment (Cantt) Boards Ranking
1 Jalandhar Cantt Punjab
2 Delhi Cantt Delhi
3 Meerut Cantt Uttar Pradesh (UP)
ULBs Ranking – More than 1 Lakh Population
1 Indore Madhya Pradesh (MP)
2 Surat Gujarat
3 Navi Mumbai Maharashtra
ULBs Ranking – Less than 1 Lakh Population
1 Karad Maharashtra
2 Sasvad Maharashtra
3 Lonavala Maharashtra
Ganga Towns Ranking
1 (Less than 50 K Population) Chunar Uttar Pradesh (UP)
1 (50 K – 1 Lakh Population) Kannauj Uttar Pradesh (UP)
1 (More than 1 Lakh Population) Varanasi Uttar Pradesh (UP)
Category-wise Awards at National Level (SS2020 Awards):
Above 40 Lakh Population:
• India’s Cleanest Mega City– Amdavad, Gujarat
• Best Mega City in Citizen Feedback- Hyderabad, Telangana
• Best Mega City in Innovation and Best Practices- Chennai, Tamil Nadu
• Best Self Sustainable Mega City- Bengaluru, Karnataka
10-40 Lakh Population:
• India’s Cleanest Big City– Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh (AP)
• Best Big City in Citizen Feedback- Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh (MP)
• Best Big City in Innovation and Best Practices- Ludhiana, Punjab
• Best Self Sustainable Big City- Rajkot, Gujarat
• Fastest Mover Big City- Jodhpur, Rajasthan
3- 10 Lakh Population:
• India’s Cleanest Medium City– Mysuru, Karnataka
• Best Medium City in Citizen Feedback- East Singhbhum, Jharkhand
• Best Medium City in Innovation and Best Practices- Berhampur, Odisha
• Best Self Sustainable Medium City- Bhilainagar, Chhattisgarh
• Fastest Mover Medium City- Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh (UP)

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1-3 Lakh Population:
• India’s Cleanest Small City– Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh
• Best Small City in Citizen Feedback- Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh
• Best Small City in Innovation and Best Practices- Alappuzha, Kerala
• Best Self Sustainable Small City- Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh (AP)
• Fastest Mover Small City- Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh (MP)
State Capital/Union Territories (UTs):
• India’s Cleanest Capital– New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC), Delhi
• Best UT in Citizen Feedback- Chandigarh
• Best State Capital in Innovation and Best Practices- Gandhinagar, Gujarat
• Best Self Sustainable State Capital- Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh (MP)
• Fastest Mover State Capital- Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (UP)
Other Awards:
• India’s cleanest city (< 1 Lakh Population)– Karad, Maharashtra
• Best City in Maximum Citizen Participation (< 1 Lakh Population)- Nandprayag, Uttarakhand
• Best City in Maximum City Participation (> 1 Lakh population)- Nagar Nigam Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh
• Best City overall in National Citizen Led Innovation- Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh (MP)
Click Here for Official Link
Key Points:
-The cleanliness survey report, along with reports on Swachh Survekshan Innovations and best practices, Swachh
Survekshan Social Media Report and Report on Assessment of Ganga Towns were also released at the ‘Swachh
Mahotsav’ event.
-Dignitaries from all over the country, Durga Shanker Mishra, Secretary, MOHUA, Chief Secretaries, Principal
Secretaries, Municipal Commissioners and swachhta warriors also attended the online event.
Recent Related News:
In July 2020, MoHUA launched the 6th edition of the survey, Swachh Survekshan 2021 which saw the introduction of
a new performance category, the Prerak DAUUR Samman which has a total of five additional sub- categories -Divya
(Platinum), Anupam (Gold), Ujjwal (Silver), Udit (Bronze), Aarohi (Aspiring).
About Swachh Survekshan:
Launched in 2016 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi its objective was to monitor the performance of Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan, which was launched on October 2, 2014, the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
• Mysuru was chosen as the cleanest city in India in that edition of the survey.
• The extensive sanitation survey is commissioned by the MoHUA and carried out annually by Quality Council of
India (QCI).

Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - September 2020

Gujarat, Andaman & Nicobar Emerge as Best State/UT in providing Strong Ecosystem for Startups: DPIIT
On September 11, 2020 Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) released the 2nd Edition
of ‘States on Support to Startup Ecosystems 2019’ . The Rankings are based on providing a Strong Ecosystem for
promoting Startups.
i.Gujarat emerged as the best performer among Category X.Gujarat topped the rankings in the 2018 edition of
Ranking also.
(In Category x – All States and New Delhi, barring North Eastern (N. E) States & other Union Territories (U. T))
ii.Andaman and Nicobar Islands emerged as best performer among Category Y
(Category y – All N.E states except Assam and all UTs except Delhi).
iii. The Rankings were released by Union Minister for Commerce and Industry, Piyush Goyal and a total of 22
states and 3 UTs participated in the exercise.

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For the purposes of ranking, states/UTs are classified into five categories: Best Performers (100 Percentile), Top
Performers (More than 75 to Less than 100), Leaders (More than or equal to 30 to less than or equal to 75), Aspiring
Leaders (More than 10 and less than 30) and Emerging Startup Ecosystems (Less than or equal to 10).
Category – X
All States and New Delhi, barring North Eastern (N.E) States & other Union Territories.
State Category
Gujarat Best Performer
Karnataka Top Performer
Kerala Top Performer
Category – Y
All N.E states except Assam and all UTs except Delhi
State/Union Territory (U.T.) Category
Andaman & Nicobar Islands Best Performer
—– Top Performer
Chandigarh Leader
Other Performers:
Category X:
i.Bihar, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, and Chandigarh were placed in Leaders Category.
ii.Haryana, Jharkhand, Punjab, Telangana, Uttarakhand and Nagaland were placed in Aspiring Leaders Category.
iii.Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh,
Mizoram and Sikkim were placed in Emerging Startup Ecosystems.
Category Y:
i.Nagaland was placed in Aspiring Leader Category.
ii.Mizoram & Sikkim were placed in Emerging Startup Ecosystems.
Basis for Dividing into Categories:
The States and UTs have been divided into two groups to establish uniformity and standardisation in the ranking
Ranking Framework:
i.The ranking framework 2019 has seven broad reform areas consisting of 30 action points ranging from institutional
support, easing compliances, relaxation in public procurement norms, incubation centres, seed funding, venture
funding, and awareness and outreach.
ii.The parameters also involved getting feedback from beneficiaries gathered through 60, 000 calls to connect with
beneficiaries to ascertain real situations at the implementation level.
Other Info:-
The National Report and Specific Reports for all participating States and Union Territories had also been launched
and it is available in Startup India Portal.
National Report – highlights the vision, trajectory, methodology and the future roadmap of the States Ranking
State Specific Report – containing a comprehensive analysis of respective ecosystem, which highlights strengths and
priority areas for future
A ‘Compendium of Good Practices’ adopted by various States in supporting start-ups has also been released. It
identifies 166 good practices.
Initiatives for Startups:
i.Government launched Startup India Action Plan in January 2016 to promote startups in the country.
ii.The aim of Startup India Action Plan is to give incentives like tax holiday and remodel Inspection regimes and
capital gains tax exemption.

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Note – The DPIIT has created an India Investment Grid (IIG), an interactive investment portal providing details of
sectors, states and projects to ease the domestic and foreign investors.
Recent Related News: online portal called the
i.On May 8, 2020 Union Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Giriraj Singh (chief guest) presented
the award to the winners of “Startup India-Animal Husbandry Grand Challenge”.
ii.On June 25, 2020, According to the report, ‘Global Startup Ecosystem Report (GSER) 2020; the New Normal for the
Global Startup Economy and the Impact of COVID-19’ released by Startup Genome, Bangalore,Bengaluru Becomes
India’s Only City in Top 30 with 26th position.
About DPIIT:-
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) is a central government department under the
Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
Secretary – Guruprasad Mohapatra.

NCRD Released Accidental Deaths & Suicides in India 2019 Report; Delhi recorded highest number of road
accidents deaths among cities
On 1st September 2020, The National Crime Records Bureau(NCRB), Ministry of Home Affairs released an annual
report titled “Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India(ADSI) 2019”. This is NCRB’s 53rd edition of the series which
was started in 1967.
This is the only most comprehensive data bank related to the accidental and suicidal death available with the
government of India.
About the Report:
i.The report is prepared with the data and information on deaths due to accidents and suicides which were collected
by the State Crime Records Bureaux (SCRBx) from the District Crime Records Bureaux (DCRBx) and sent to the
ii.The data of the cities with a population of 10 lakh or more are collected separately.
i.The report contains the age group wise and sex wise details of the victims.
ii.The report classified the accidental deaths as two groups based on causes,
• Causes attributable to nature (tornado, earthquake, epidemic, flood etc.)
• Causes not attributable to nature (air crash, drowning, explosion, poisoning, traffic accidents etc).
iii.The report contains the details of deaths due to road accidents by causes, place of occurrence, type of road,
month of occurrence and by time of occurrence.
iv.The report also contains the details on suicide by causes like bankruptcy, marriage, relationships, failures, property
disputes etc and details of professional educational and social profile of the victims.
v.This also contains details of farmer’s suicide by cause, educational and scial status etc.,
The reason of suicides among farmers has not been published by NCRB since 2015.
Accidental deaths:
i.According to the report the variation percentage of accidental deaths and suicide during 2019 over 2018 are around
2.3% and 3.4% respectively.
ii.Traffic accidents are the major contributor of the total accidental deaths in India which amounts to around 43% of
total accidental deaths followed by sudden deaths, drowning and poisoning which collectively contributed around
iii.Natural disasters contribute 2% of the accidental deaths.
Road Accidents:
i.According to the report, road crash deaths in the country have increased by 1.3 per cent to 1,54,732 from
1,52,780.Number of accidents in the city, however, sees a decline of 7.2% as compared to 2018.
ii.Delhi recorded the highest number of deaths due to dangerous driving and overall road accidents in 2019.In
Chennai and Bengaluru, 1,258 and 768 persons died in road accidents respectively.

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Traffic Accidents:
i.Around 85% of the deaths due to traffic accidents were in the road accidents and the remaining 15% was caused
due to railway accidents and accidents at the railway crossing.
ii.Around 7.7% victims of road accidents were pedestrians and motorised two wheelers are stated as the deadliest
with 38%.
iii.Road traffic injuries is the 8th leading cause of death in India of which around 65% belong to the age group of 18 –
45 years.
Suicidal deaths:
i.The report states that around 139,123 people died by suicide in India during 2019.
ii.Maharashtra (18,916), Tamil Nadu (13,493), West Bengal (12,665), Madhya Pradesh (12457) and Karnataka
(11,288) accounts for 49% of the suicides in India.
iii.Two third of suicides in India during 2019 belongs to the category with annual income less than Rs.1 lakh.
iv.Suicides among daily wage earners was higher which contributes 23% of those who died due to suicide.
v.The majority of the victims belong to the age group of 18-45 and educated.
Farmers Suicide:
i.According to the report the number of farmers which includes cultivators and farm labourers, who committed
suicide in 2019 is around 10,281 which is only 68 numbers less than the farmers committed suicide in 2018.
ii.Suicide involving persons engaged in farming sector have increased in 2019 compared to 2018.
iii.Maharashtra topped the list constituting 38.2% (3927) of the such cases followed by Karnataka with 19.4%(1992),
Andhra Pradesh with 10%(1029), Madhya Pradesh with 5.3%(541) and Telangana and Chhattisgarh with 4.9% (499)
iv.The farmers account for 7.4% of total suicides in India.
v.Maharashtra (2680) followed by Karnataka (1331), Andhra Pradesh (628) and Telangana (491) record the highest
suicides in the farming sector which includes farmers and cultivators in India during 2019.
vi.West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Uttarakhand, Manipur, Chandigarh, Daman & Diu, Delhi, Lakshadweep and Puducherry
reported ‘zero’ farmer suicides that includes cultivators and agricultural labourers during 2019.
Click here for complete report
Report Analysis carried out by SaveLIFE Foundation:
Uttar Pradesh recorded the highest road crash deaths with 15% of total deaths followed by Maharashtra with 9.4%
and Madhya Pradesh with 7.7%.
97.3% of total traffic accidents occur in the 53 mega cities of India during 2019 where Chennai accounts for 10.2% of
total road accidents reported in mega cities followed by Delhi with 8.0%.
Recent Related News:
i.National Crime Record Bureau’s (NCRB) report on Crime in India for the year 2018 was released. The report finds
that over 50 lakh crimes have been registered in 2018 which is 1.3% more than that of 2017.
ii.National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report titled ‘missing women and children in India’ states that the highest
number (33,964) of women who go missing in India are from Maharashtra & the number of missing children are
maximum (10, 038) in the State of Madhya Pradesh (MP) in the year 2016, 2017 & 2018.
About NCRB:
Director– Ramphal Pawar, IPS
Headquarters– New Delhi

Vice-President releases ‘The State of Young Child in India’ report

On September 04, 2020, Vice President of India, Venkaiah Naidu released the inaugural issue of the report ‘The State
of Young Child in India’ virtually. The report provides an account of challenges related to early child development
(0-6 years) in India.
The report has been prepared by Mobile Creches, a policy advocacy organisation which works with underprivileged
children across India.
The report has also released the list of Best-performing states & worst-performing states based on the Young Child
Outcomes Index.

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Best-Performing State:
State Index score (2015-16)
Kerala 0.858
Goa 0.817
Tripura 0.761
Tamil Nadu 0.731
Mizoram 0.719
Worst-Performing State:
State Index score (2015-16)
Bihar 0.452
Uttar Pradesh 0.46
Jharkhand 0.5
Madhya Pradesh 0.526
Chhattisgarh 0.555
Key Points:
i.According to the report, there 159 million children aged below 6 years in India out of them 21 per cent are
undernourished, 36 per cent are underweight and 38 per cent do not receive full immunization.
ii.According to analysis on expense towards child nutrition, healthcare, education and other protection services, India
has spent Rs 1,723 per child in 2018-2019, which is insufficient to reach the entire eligible population.
iii.The report introduced two indexes: Young Child Outcomes Index (YCOI) and Young Child Environment Index
Young Child Outcomes Index (YCOI):
i.The Young Child Outcomes Index (YCOI) measures health, nutrition and cognitive growth with help of indicators
such as infant mortality rate, stunting and net attendance at the primary school level.
ii.Based on the index, eight states have scored below the country’s average. They are Assam, Meghalaya, Rajasthan,
Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
iii.The index was constructed for two time periods 2005-2006 & 2015-2016 to provide inter-state comparisons and
also provides an idea of change over time.
Young Child Environment Index (YCEI):
i.The report has also developed another index called Young Child Environment Index (YCEI) to understand policy and
environment enablers that influence a child’s well being.
ii.It uses five policy enablers that influence child well-being outcomes which includes child well-being outcomes,
including poverty alleviation, strengthening primary health care, improving education levels, safe water supply and
promotion of gender equity.
iii.According to YCEI Index, Kerala, Goa, Sikkim, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh secured top five positions.The
environment index was constructed for 2015–2016.
Schemes/programmes for Children Development:-
Government of India has introduced several comprehensive policies and flagship programmes.Some of notable
schemes are:-
i.Ministry of Women and Child Development allocated additional funds for all children nutrition under the Integrated
Child Development Scheme (ICDS).
ii.National nutrition mission ( Poshan Abhiyaan) for Early Childhood Development.
iii.The Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) is an important initiative for early identification and
intervention for children from birth to 18 years to cover 4 ‘D’s — Defects at birth, Deficiencies, Diseases and
Development delays including disability
iv.Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) is equally important to ensure protection, education and empowerment of the
girl child.

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India has been making conscious efforts to meet the international commitments like the UN Convention on Rights of
the Child (UNCRC) and the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW),
and more importantly the sustainable development goals (SDG).
About Mobile Creches:-
The first ‘mobile creche’ was set up in 1969, at a construction site near Rajghat, in Delhi.
Chair Person – Ms. Amrita Jain
Motto – Nurturing childhood sowing change

Chhattisgarh Current Affairs - October 2020

TRIFED, IIT Kanpur and Chhattisgarh MFP Federation E-Launch “Tech for Tribals” Initiative
On October 13, 2020, Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED), Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT) Kanpur & Chhattisgarh MFP (Minor Forest Produce) Federation virtually launched “Tech for
Tribals” Initiative. The initiative aims for holistic development of Tribals with focus on Entrepreneurship
development, soft skills, Information Technology (IT) and Business Development.
The event was attended by Shri Pravir Krishna, MD, TRIFED; Shri Sanjay Shukla, Managing Director, CGMFPFED; Prof
Amitabha Bandyopadhyay, Prof-In-Charge, Incubator @ IIT Kanpur; Dr. Nikhil Agarwal, the CEO, FIRST IIT Kanpur;
officials from TRIFED, Chhattisgarh State Minor Forest Produce (CGMFPFED), and IIT Kanpur and the beneficiaries of
the program.
Partnering Agencies:
As part of this initiative, TRIFED has partnered with National Institutions such as IIT Kanpur, Art of Living,
Bangalore, TISS (Tata Institute of Social Sciences) Mumbai, KISS (Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences) Bhubaneswar,
Vivekananda Kendra, Tamil Nadu and SRIJAN (Self-Reliant Initiatives through Joint Action), Rajasthan to impart
training to the beneficiaries.
Key Points:
i.It aims to make Tribals of India “Aatmanirbhar” (self-reliant) by helping them to bridge the gap between tribal
entrepreneurs and urban markets.
ii.TRIFED has collaborated with the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) through ESDP
(Entrepreneurship Skill Development Programme) for skill upgrading to the Van Dhan Tribal beneficiaries for
sustainable enterprise.
iii.Beneficiaries will undergo 6-weeks training in various phases of micro-enterprise creation, management, and
functioning. The Training module for the program has been prepared by IIT, Kanpur.
iv.The main aim of the program is holistic development of tribals through Self Help Groups (SHGs) operating through
Van Dhan Kendras (VDVKs).
v.It aims to use the traditional knowledge and skills of tribals to optimize their income through VDVKs.
Three Pillars of the Programme:
The three pillars of the programme are Engagement, Capacity Building, and Market Linkages.
TRIFED Initiative:
i.TRIFED has sanctioned 1243 Van Dhan Kendras in 21 States and 1 Union Territory involving 3.68 Lakh Tribal
ii.TRIFED will conduct Training programs in states of Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamil
Nadu and Rajasthan.
Recent Related News:
i.On 8th May 2020, TRIFED under the Ministry of Tribal Affairs and Art of Living(AOL) signed a memorandum of
understanding (MoU)to collaborate in programmes of each organisation to promote the tribal enterprises.
ii.On March 19, 2020, A 30- days long capacity-building program called “Tech for Tribal” was launched by the Tribal
Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED).
About Ministry of Tribal Affairs:
TRIFED is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Tribal Affairs

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Union Minister – Arjun Munda
Minister of State (MoS) – Renuka Singh Saruta

All the Best for Your Exams!!!!!

Suggestions & Feedback are welcomed

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