Decovery SP-2022 XP: Product Data Sheet
Decovery SP-2022 XP: Product Data Sheet
Decovery SP-2022 XP: Product Data Sheet
Decovery® SP-2022 XP
Decovery® SP-2022 XP is the ultimate self-matting Delivery form: 35% solids in water.
bio-based solution for protecting the natural beauty
of floors. This self-matting resin helps you to deliver
the outstanding ultra-matt aesthetics and high Product specifications
performance that your customers demand, while Property Range Unit GAP
greatly improving your production efficiency and Appearance Whitish / milky 0059
ensuring respect for the health of people and the Total solids 34 - 36 % 0001
planet pH 7.0 - 8.0 0016
Visc. Brookfield 25°C 100 - 400 mPa.s 0020
Product characteristics
Type - Aliphatic self-crosslinking Other product data
Poly Urethane dispersion Property Value Unit GAP
Freeze/ thaw stability - Keep from freezing Density 20°C ± 1,03 Kg/L 0006
Bio renewable content - minimal 30% on solids VOC (theoretical) ± 0,62 %
Neutralizing agent ± 0,6 %
Biobased content ± 32%
- Ultra-matt appearance
- No matting agents required BIT (casno. 2634-33-5) 0,023 % 0222
- Excellent in-can stability CMIT/MIT (3:1) (casno. 0,0008 % 0222
- Low co-solvent requirement 55965-84-9)
- Non-yellowing
- Neutral wood coloration Test methods
- Excellent chemical, BHMR and scuff resistance Test methods (GAP) referred to in the table(s) are
- Excellent wear resistance available on request.
- Excellent flow out and defoaming
- Non-polishing in time Storage guidelines
- Fast drying and excellent sandable The resin should be stored indoors in original,
unopened, undamaged container in a dry place at
Recommendations for end-use storage temperature between 5-40ºC.
- Wood (floor) coatings Exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided.
- Seamless floor coatings
Shelf life
- Decorative coatings
Under above mentioned storage conditions, the shelf
life of the resin will be 6 months ex work.
Formulating guidelines
- See our guide formulations for specific information
Material safety
A Material Safety Data Sheet for this product is
available on request.
Date of issue: May 19 Version: 032941/1.0
The user is held to check the quality, safety and other properties of the product referred to herein. The information and recommendations in
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