2.1 - Biogeochemical Cycle
2.1 - Biogeochemical Cycle
2.1 - Biogeochemical Cycle
1 | Biogeochemical Cycle
Since the sun also supplies the energy to move Precipitation – falling to earth of condensed water
the winds, it is responsible for the transport of vapor in the form of rain, snow, sleet or hail.
moisture in the atmosphere.
Run-off – water that flows overland to lakes or
Much water vapor is returned to the ocean by streams during and shortly after precipitation
precipitation before reaching land. events
2.3 Discussion in
Biogeochemical Cycle
Process of Biogeochemical Cycles
Sun – supplies power to evaporate water from
lakes, oceans, rivers What is a Biogeochemical Cycle?
Ammonia is also supplied to plants in the form of This biogeochemical cycle moves through the
fertilizers. This ammonia is converted into nitrites rocks, water bodies and living systems.
and nitrates. The denitrifying bacteria reduce the Sulphur is released into the atmosphere by the
nitrates into nitrogen and return it into the weathering of rocks and is converted into
atmosphere. sulphates.
Oxygen Cycle
These sulphates are taken up by the
This biogeochemical cycle moves through the microorganisms and plants and converted into
atmosphere, the lithosphere and the biosphere. organic forms.
Oxygen is an abundant element on our Earth. It is
Organic sulphur is consumed by animals through
found in the elemental form in the atmosphere to
food. When the animals die and decompose,
the extent of 21%.
sulphur is returned to the soil which is again
Oxygen is released by the plants during obtained by the plants and microbes, and the
photosynthesis. Humans and other animals inhale cycle continues.
the oxygen exhale carbon dioxide which is again
taken up by the plants.