Curriculum Map Third Quarter Weeks 1 4

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3rd Quarter/ Third Grading Period

English Grade 7 Philippine Literature

Week Content Standard Performance Content/ Available Learning Intended Learning Teaching/ Learning Assessment
Covere Standard Subject Areas Resources Competencies Outcomes Methods Procedure Tools

Week 1 The learner The learner transfers 1. Building References: 1. Link At the end of the Day 1- 2
demonstrates learning by: a Nation sentences lesson, the students Time
understanding of:  showing ways (Hymn to Labor, English using logical will be able to: Allotment:1hour
 Philippine of asserting Sampaguita, Communication Arts connectors
literature one’s identity; and Our Mother and Skills through that signal 1. Identify the  Teacher- *The teacher will use
in the comprehendin Tongue) Philippine chronologica connector that centered formative
Period of g informative 1.1 Logical Literature l and logical will complete approach. The Assessment method.
Emergence and short Connectors sequence the statement teacher will Specifically a 10-item
as a tool to narrative texts Authors: and to signal discuss about identification and an
assert using 1.2 Make a Milagros G. Lapid summation chronological the logical essay making about
one’s schema and stand on the Josephine B. Serrano EN7G-III-a-1 and logical connectors logical connector)
identity; appropriate listening material viewed Maria Socorro, Ph D. sequence and using a
 Strategies and viewing strategies; 1.3 tone, mood, summation. PowerPoint  Tools: Paper
in listening to and  expressing technique, and BEAM ENG 7 2. Compose a Presentation. and Pencil
viewing of ideas, opinions, purpose of the Module 1 – Home, paragraph Activity title: Connect test
informative and and feelings author Family & You, The with correct me!
short narrative through Teener. logical Mechanics:
texts; word various connectors.
relationships and formats; and Instructional 1. Students will
associations;  enriching Materials: link or connect
 informativ written and spoken PowerPoint sentences by
e speech communication using Presentation using logical
forms; and direct/reported connectors that
use of speech, active/passive Printed Materials signal
direct/reported voice, simple past and chronological
speech, passive/ past perfect tenses and and logical
active voice, simple connectors correctly sequence and
past and past and appropriately. summation.
perfect tenses, and Then, correctly
sentence use the logical
connectors. connectors by
making a
At the end of the
lesson the students
References: 2. Determine the key will be able to: Day 3-4 Group Performance
English message conveyed in 1. Determine the Time task using role play.
Communication Arts the material viewed moral lesson of the Allotment:1hour The students are task
and Skills through EN7VC-III-a-13 story. to perform a role
Philippine EN7VC-III-b-13  Showing a short playing about the
Literature EN7VC-III-c-13 2. Perform a role play story they have
film about the
about the story.
EN7VC-III-d-13 story ‘The watched and show
Sampaguita’ the message of the
Milagros G. Lapid
Josephine B. Serrano
Maria Socorro, Ph D. Activity title:
*English Arts I. PERSPECTIVE!
2000. pp Tool/s:
218.English for You Mechanics:
and Me 6 (Reading). Students will Performance-
2011. pp 73. have a recitation Task (Role-Play)
BEAM ENG 7 after watching Rubric
Module 11 – about the short
Outlining film and will be
Information Word asked by their
and Phrase Outline. teacher as to
what are the
Instructional messages and
Material/s: moral lessons of
Video Presentation the story.

After that, they

will be divided
into five groups.
They will have a
role play about
the film they
watched. They
need to show the
message of the
story in
portraying their

At the end of the

lesson, the students Day 5 Formative
3. Determine tone,
References: will be able to: Assessment:
mood, technique, and Time Allotment; 1 hour
1. *English 1. Identify the tone, Individualistic
purpose of the author
Expressways II. 2007. mood, technique, and Approach wherein
EN7LT-III-f-2.2.3 *Story telling
pp 78-79, 109-110 purpose of the author. students are tasked
Teacher will narrate the
1. *English Arts I. to identify things
2000. pp 218.English 2. Compose an insight poem of Jose Rizal that need to find
Arts I. 2000. pp 218. paper about the tone, entitled Our Mother and then make an
mood, technique, and Tongue.
insight paper of
Instructional purpose of the author.
Activity Title: those things.
Recognize me!
 Printed
After the discussion, Tool/s:
students will task to Pen and Paper test
identify the tone, mood,
technique and purpose
of the author about the
poem Our Mother

After the first task,

students will compose an
insight paper about the
tone, mood, technique,
and purpose of the
author they have
Week 2 The learner The learner transfers 2. Filipinas, The References: 1. Infer At the end of the
demonstrates learning by: Small Key English thoughts and lesson, the students Day 1-2
understanding of:  showing ways Communication Arts feelings will be able to: Time allotment: 1 hour
 Philippine of asserting and Skills through expressed in 1. Analyze the
literature one’s identity; 2.1 Inference Philippine the text expressions 1. Story telling *Individualistic
in the comprehendin about thoughts Literature listened to used by the method. The approach method
Period of g informative and feelings EN7LC-III-c-6.2 poet in the teacher will where students will
Emergence and short expressed in Authors: lyrics of present an guess the feeling the
as a tool to narrative texts the text listened Milagros G. Lapid “Filipina” audiovisual of thoughts and feelings
assert using too. Josephine B. Serrano 2. Perform the the song expressed in the
one’s schema and 2.2 Expressing Maria Socorro , Ph song Filipina ‘Filipina’ to infer lyrics listened to.
identity; appropriate listening ideas and D. in front of the the feeling the Also collaborative
 Strategies and viewing strategies; Opinions based class. thoughts and approach wherein
in listening to and  expressing on the text *English feelings every group where
viewing of ideas, opinions, listened too. Expressways II. expressed in the task to perform the
informative and and feelings 2.3 Uses one's 2007. pp 12, 98, lyrics listened song Filipinas in
short narrative through schema to 140. to. front of the class.
texts; word various better Instructional
relationships and formats; and understand the Material/s: Activity title: Lend me
associations;  enriching text Identifies Audio visual your ear! Tool/s:
 informativ written and spoken and gives the Printed Materials Mechanics:
e speech communication using meaning of The teacher will give Pen and Paper test &
forms; and direct/reported unfamiliar words students sheet of paper Audio visual. Minus
use of speech, active/passive with questions in it. one music.
direct/reported voice, simple past and Sudents will listen to
speech, passive/ past perfect tenses and the audiovisual that the
active voice, simple connectors correctly teacher presented and
past and past and appropriately. then infer the thoughts
perfect tenses, and and feelings expressed
sentence in the lyrics of Filipina
connectors. and then write it on the
sheet of paper provided.
They will be given 5
minutes to answer each

And after that, students

will be divided into 5
groups. They will
practice the song
Filipina and then
perform it in front of
the class.

2. Compose At the end of the Day 3-4

simple narrative lesson, the students Time allotment: 1 hour *Individualistic
References: texts will be able to: approach wherein
English EN7WC-III-a-2.2 1. Identify the elements  Teacher- students are tasked
Communication Arts of the narrative text. Centered to identify the
and Skills through approach and elements of narrative
Philippine cooperative text and compose
Literature learning. The their personal
2. Compose a personal
teacher will narrative text.
narrative text.
Authors: discuss about
Milagros G. Lapid what is narrative
Josephine B. Serrano text and its
Maria Socorro, Ph D. Tool/s:
elements using
Pen and Paper Test
1. *English Arts I. Output Based-
2000. pp 218.English Performance
The teacher will
Arts I. 2000. pp 36,
still use the lyric
37. 2.
“Filipinas’ in
giving examples.
Students are
required to
cooperate to the
discussion with
some sort
Printed Materials

Activity title:
Write me up!

Students will identify the
elements of narrative
text. After identifying,
they compose their
personal narrative text
and the elements must
appear in their

3. Use one's At the end of the

schema to better lesson, the students
understand the will be able to: Day 5 During the
References: text 1. Formulate an Idea Time allotment: 1 hour discussion about
English EN7RC-III-a-8: using one’s prior schema, teacher will
Communication Arts knowledge about the  Teacher- students one by one
and Skills through story listened to. centered to share their prior
Philippine knowledge about the
approach and
Literature story entitled “The
Small Key”
2. Integrate another learning. Teacher
Authors: concept about the will discuss about
Milagros G. Lapid story. what is schema
Josephine B. Serrano Individualistic
using the approach. After the
Maria Socorro, Ph D.
PowerPoint discussion, students
Presentation. will write down their
*English Arts I. 2000.
Students will own concepts about
pp 218.English
share their prior the story.
Expressways II. 2007.
knowledge about
pp 111-113, 175.
the story.
Activity title: Tool/s:
Divide me! Pen and Paper test/
Mechanics: Output-Based
Using a graphing Performance.
organizer, students are
task to integrate
different concepts about
the story. (Question like:
If they were to choose
some parts that they
want to change, what
concept they will do?)
Week 3 The learner The learner transfers 3. Like the Molave References: 1. Express ideas and At the end of the Day 1 After the story
demonstrates learning by: opinions based on lesson, the students Time allotment: 1 telling, students are
understanding of:  showing ways 3.1 Expressing ideas *English Arts I. text listened to. will be able to: hour tasked to discuss
 Philippine of asserting and opinions based 2000. pp EN7F-III-f-3.4.1 1. Discuss ideas and their opinions and
literature in one’s identity; on text listened to 218.English EN7F-III-g-3.4.1 opinions about the *Story telling – the ideas about the
the Period comprehendin 3.2 Sequencing a Expressways II. Like the Molave. teacher will narrate story Like the
of g informative series of events 2007. pp 174-175, the story Like the Molave.
Emergence and short mentioned in the 208-209, 276-277. Molave.
as a tool to narrative texts text listened to Instructional Tool/s:
assert one’s using 3.3 Explain literary Materials: Activity Title: Oral Recitation
identity; schema and devices used Textbook Activating Prior
 Strategies appropriate listening
in listening to and and viewing strategies;
viewing of  expressing
informative and ideas, opinions,
short narrative and feelings
texts; word through
relationships and various 2. Compose an Day 2 Individualistic
associations; formats; and insight paper about Time allotment: 1 approach wherein
 informative  enriching the story Like the hour students are tasked
speech written and spoken Molave. Activity title: to compose insight
forms; and communication using Pen talks! paper about the
use of direct/reported story Like the
direct/reported speech, active/passive Mechanics: Molave.
speech, passive/ voice, simple past and Students will write
active voice, simple past perfect tenses and an insight paper Tool/s:
past and past connectors correctly about the story they Pen and Paper Test
perfect tenses, and and appropriately. have tackled in day Output based
sentence 1. performance.

2. Sequence a At the end of the Day 3-4 Collaborative and

References: series of events lesson, the students Time allotment: 1 performance based
mentioned in the will be able to: hour approach. Students
*English Arts text listened to 1. Determine how are divided into five
I.2000.pp.101,102 EN7LC-III-f-2.7 sequence a series group. They will
Instructional of event in a story.  Teacher- perform a role
Material/s: 2. Sequence the centered playing sequencing
PowerPoint important events approach – a series of five
Presentation happened in the The teacher events in the story
story ‘Like the will recall ‘Like the Molave.’
Molave’ the story
Like the Tool/s:
Molave to Performance task
her students (Role Play)
and then Rubric
later on
discuss how
to sequence
events in
the story.

Series the

The teacher
will task the
students to
the story
Like the
using 5
series of
through role

3. Explain the At the end of the

literary devices lesson the students Day 5 Individualistic
used. will be able to: Time Allotment: 1 approach wherein
References: EN7LT-II-0-2.2.2 hour students are tasked
1. BEAM ENG 7 - 1. Discuss the to create their own
Appreciation of common literary *Showing a video examples of each
Various Literary devices. presentation about given literary
Types. 1. BEAM ENG 2. Compose a the topic Literary devices.
7 – Using personal example devices. After
Appropriate of Literary devices. showing the video, Tool/s:
Rhetorical Function. the teacher will ask Pen and Paper Test
Instructional students to discuss Output-based
Material/s: what are some performance
Video Presentation common literary
devices used in the
story “Like the

Activity title:
Give me my

Teacher will give 10
common literary
devices and
students are tasked
give two examples
of sentences on
each given literary
Week 4 The learner The learner transfers 4. What is Youth? References: 1. Use the past and At the end of the Day 1 Individualistic
demonstrates learning by: 4.1 Past and Perfect past perfect tenses lesson, the students Time allotment: 1 approach wherein
understanding of:  showing ways tenses English correctly in varied will be able to: hour students will
 Philippine of asserting 4.2 Expressing ideas Communication context. 1. Identify the past identify the past
literature in one’s identity; and opinions based Arts and Skills EN7G-III-h-3 and perfect tenses *Showing a video and perfect tenses
the Period comprehendin on text listened to through Philippine EN7G-III-i-3 used in the essay. presentation about used in the essay ‘
of g informative 4.3 Determining the Literature the essay ‘What is What is Youth’
Emergence and short key message youth’.
as a tool to narrative texts conveyed in the Authors:
assert one’s using material viewed Milagros G. Lapid Activity title:
identity; schema and Josephine B.
Deep Reading! Tool/s:
 Strategies appropriate listening Serrano
Mechanics: Pen and Paper Test
in listening to and and viewing strategies; Maria Socorro, Ph
Students are tasked
viewing of  expressing D.
to identify the past
informative and ideas, opinions, 1. *English Arts I.
and perfect tenses
short narrative and feelings 2000. pp 218.New
used in the essay.
texts; word through Horizons in Learning
relationships and various English I. 1999. pp
associations; formats; and 91-97, 217-226. 2.
 informative  enriching *English Arts I.
speech written and spoken 2000. pp
forms; and communication using 218.English Arts I.
use of direct/reported 2000. pp 121, 122,
direct/reported speech, active/passive 123, 124. 3. *English
speech, passive/ voice, simple past and Arts I. 2000. pp
active voice, simple past perfect tenses and 218.English
past and past connectors correctly Expressways II.
perfect tenses, and and appropriately.
2007. pp 39-42.
Video Presentation
2. Compose a short Day 2 Individualistic
story/essay using Time Allotment: 1 approach wherein
English past and perfect hour students will
Communication tenses. compose their own
Arts and Skills Activity title: essay using past and
through Philippine The Past! perfect tenses.
Authors: After that, they be
Milagros G. Lapid tasked to compose Tool/s:
Josephine B. their own essay Pen and Paper Test
using past and
Maria Socorro, Ph
perfect tenses.
1. *English Arts I.
2000. pp 218.New
Horizons in Learning
English I. 1999. pp
91-97, 217-226. 2.
*English Arts I.
2000. pp
218.English Arts I.
2000. pp 121, 122,
123, 124. 3. *English
Arts I. 2000. pp
Expressways II.
2007. pp 39-42.
Printed Materials
References: 2. Express ideas and At the end of the Day 3-4 Individualistic
opinions based on lesson, the students Time allotment: 1 approach wherein
English text listened to will be able to: hour students are tasked
Communication EN7F-III-f-3.4.1 1. Identify the facts to identify the facts
Arts and Skills EN7F-III-g-3.4.1 and opinionated *Teacher-centered and opinions from
through Philippine statements and approach – the the essay the have
Literature general ideas in the teacher will discuss discussed and then
essay “What is the essay What is construct an essay
Authors: Youth” Youth? Using a showing their
Milagros G. Lapid 2. Construct a PowerPoint personal expression
Josephine B.
general essay Presentation. and ideas about the
expressing personal text.
Maria Socorro, Ph
opinions and ideas Activity title:
about the text “The Ideas and Opinions
1. *English Arts I.
Youth” Express way! (IOEX) Tool/s:
2000. pp
Oral test
Mechanics: Pen and Paper Test
Expressways II.
The teacher will ask
2007. pp 174-175,
the students to
208-209, 276-277
identify the fact and
opinion statement
in the essay they
Lastly, students will
be tasked to
construct a general
essay expressing
their personal
opinions and ideas
in the essay they
tackled which is the
“What is Youth”

3. Determine the At the end of the Day 5
key message lesson, the students Time allotment:1 Individualistic
English conveyed in the will be able to: hour approach wherein
Communication material viewed students are tasked
Arts and Skills EN7VC-III-a-13 1. Determine the  Cooperative to determine the
through Philippine EN7VC-III-b-13 key message Learning key message
Literature EN7VC-III-c-13 conveyed in the approach conveyed in the
EN7VC-III-d-13 essay “What is and teacher- essay “ What is
Authors: Youth?” centered – Youth?” during the
Milagros G. Lapid 2. Present in the The teacher discussion.
Josephine B. class the Collaborative
will recall
explanation about the essay approach wherein
Maria Socorro, Ph
the key message “What is students per group
conveyed in the Youth” using will report in front
essay “What is PowerPoint of the class the
Youth?” Presentatio explanation of 5 key
Expressways II.
n to her messages they have
2007. pp 78-79,
students chosen.
and then ask
students to Tool/s:
determine Oral Test
the message Performance Based
of the essay.

Activity title:
will be
divided into
five groups.
They will be
tasked to
present in
front of the
class 5 key
conveyed in
the essay
and then
explain it.

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