Fs Buneg
Fs Buneg
Fs Buneg
Field Study 6 “On Becoming A Teacher” is one of the Experiential Learning Courses of
the prospective teacher. It tells the journey of how to become a teacher as exemplified in the
Teacher Education and Development Map in the pre-service education. Like any point in the
map, pre-service education is connected to the core which is the National Competency-Based
Teacher Standards (NCBTS).
One of the professional education subjects for Teacher Education as mandated by CMO
30, s. 2004 is The Teaching Profession. It is on this subject, that Field Study 6 is anchored.
Thus, all the experiential activities for this Field Study are related to the in-depth understanding,
testing of learned theories and concepts through immersion and observation in real life situations
that relate to the teaching profession for personal reflection, formation of concepts and future
Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle, shown below guides the flow of the processes that
every student should undergo. The model presents the four elements which are: concrete
experiences, observation and reflection, formation of abstract concepts and testing in new
2. Observation and reflection follow concrete experiences. For situations and episodes
which cannot be concretely experienced, one can make direct observations. The observations
become environmental experiences and first hand encounters through the use of different senses.
Reflections on both concrete experiences and observations should always follow. This would
clarify understanding, deepen values and appreciation.
4. Testing in new situation. This stage may not happen during the current Field Study
subject, but in latter course like Practicum or Student Teaching where transfer of learning will
find its place very clearly.
As we continue our journey to become a professional teacher, let us remember the stages
or elements we have to go through: CONCRETE EXPERIENCE, OBSERVATION,
FS6: On Becoming a Teacher
Episode 1
Name of FS Student:
Course: Year and Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:
Cooperating School:
“Teachers are born” an old saying goes. What attributes and qualities should you posses
to indicate that you would be an effective teacher in the future? If you are born a teacher, you
will find some of your qualities that are befitting of a teacher. Let us find out in this episode.
Deeper understanding of a Teacher as a Person
Knowledge of myself as a Person who will become a teacher.
4 3 2 1
My Future Application is Application is Application is Application is
Application very clear and clear and clear but not very not clear, not all
highly consistent consistent with consistent with consistent with
with reflection reflection and reflection and reflection and
and affirmed affirmed affirmed affirmed
concepts; very concepts; very concepts; not concepts not
doable and doable and doable doable
feasible feasible.
4 3 2 1
Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day after the Two days or
deadline more after the
4 3 2 1
Sub Totals
Over-all Score (Based on
1. Who am I as a person? Do I have personal; qualities that would make me a better teacher
2. With the use of the checklist find your personal characteristics which would help you
become a good teacher. The qualities listed are few of the many attributes needed but
the list given you would suffice.
Look into yourself very well and answer each item very honestly. All your answers were
correct, so you do not need to worry.
Am I This Person?
Bilbao, 2010
Below are indicators of personal qualities which may describe you. Place a check mark
on the blank before each item if the indicator fits you most of the time or an X mark if the
description does not fits you most of the time.
Your concrete experience, enabled you to describe, what you are as a person. The
qualities reflect who you are. Make a similar observation on 10 active teachers in a school. Your
observations will be doe through a survey and will produce empirical evidences. This
observation method will enhance your skills to collect data, like when you are doing a research.
You will be provided with a Survey Checklist for you to reproduce 10 copies for your 10
respondent teachers. Make proper request from these teachers who will become your
Tabulate the results in the matrix found below
1. To get the average, add the scores of the 10 teachers and divide by 10.
2. Look at the legend on your checklist, and determine the description of the average.
3. Study the results.
1. Which of the 12 attributes is the highest among the teachers?
After studying the results of your teacher survey, write down your reflections on the
following situations to have happened in the school setting.
1. Why are some teachers reported to have bumped a learner’s head on the wall or made a
child swallow a scratch paper or pencil filings? What attribute do you think is low for
this teacher?
The use physical punishment is kinda humiliating the student lower levels of teacher’s
emotional stability are more high-tempered associated with an increased risk of reacting
violent, As educators, they need to be calm no matter what happen just take a deep
breathe and think twice to avoid emotionally upset.
2. Why do you think some teachers are better loved by students than others?
According to Daniel Tanguay “A good teacher will perform for their students to keep them
going... It’s not about sitting back and just lecturing, it’s about engaging in the work.
As far as I know some teachers are better loved by students because of their friendliness
building relationships with students which promotes a positive learning environment,helps
to build our classroom community, and is probably one of the best investments we can make
with our students are to spend time with a student, develop an interest in their interests, and
promotes fair treatment despites of their personality diffirences which creates a harmonious
classroom management.
3. If you were to choose, which personal attributes should all teachers possess? Why?
Compassion, intelligence, resourcefulness, and self- motivation are the attributes that teacher
must possess because they need to work constantly evolving environment and maintain their
personal appearance for their profession.
After reflecting on this episode and recalling my previous subjects, I have realized that
there are several concepts in the teaching profession about personal attributes I learned that has
been affirmed and confirmed, examples of which are given below:
Using what I have learned from this episode, when I become a teacher, I should..
Episode 2
Name of FS Student:
Course: Year and Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:
Cooperating School:
What do you firmly believe about schools and education? This episode will clarify your
belief or philosophy about teaching and education.
Perhaps you have already decided that you would become a teacher. Your belief or
philosophy of teaching will explain your actions as a future teacher. The foundations of all that
you do in school and in teaching is usually based on a strong belief called philosophy of
Clear understanding of my philosophy of teaching and education
Identify teacher’s learnings on the different educational philosophies.
MY PERFORMANCE (How will I be Rated?)
Field Study 6, Episode 1- The Teacher as a Person
Focused on: The Teacher as a Person, Myself as a Person
Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
4 3 2 1
Observations/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half
Documentation done with tasks were done were done with of tasks were
outstanding with high quality acceptable done; or most
quality; work quality objectives met
exceeds but with poor
expectations quality
4 3 2 1
My Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
questions were questions were questions were questions were
answered answered not answered not answered
completely. In completely completely.
depth answers. Grammar and
Clear connection Vaguely related spelling
Thoroughly with theories to theories unsatisfactory
grounded on
theories Grammar and Grammar and
spelling are spelling are
Exemplary superior acceptable.
grammar and
4 3 2 1
My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection No reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements are
thoughtful and clear, but not supported by provided.
clear, supported clearly supported experiences from
by experiences by experiences this episode.
from this episode from this episode
4 3 2 1
My Future Application is Application is Application is Application is
Application very clear and clear and clear but not very not clear, not all
highly consistent consistent with consistent with consistent with
with reflection reflection and reflection and reflection and
and affirmed affirmed affirmed affirmed
concepts; very concepts; very concepts; not concepts not
doable and doable and doable doable
feasible feasible.
4 3 2 1
Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day after the Two days or
deadline more after the
4 3 2 1
Sub Totals
Over-all Score (Based on
This activity will enable you to ask yourself about the different future practices or actions
that you will do in teaching. You may not have done it yet, but if you become a teacher what do
would be your response to each item? Your answers will identify what your philosophy of
education is all about.
Answer each item on the Survey Questionnaire very honestly. There is no right nor wrong
answer for each item. After you have answered each item, record your answers and look at the
interpretation at the back of this work text.
After you have answered the questionnaire yourself, you are to ask two teachers to do the
same activity.
My Philosophy of Education
Essentialism Perennialism Progressivism Essentialism Behaviorism
Item S T T Item S T T Item S T T Item S T T Item S T T
1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
16 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40
Tota Tota Tota Tota Tota
l l l l l
Legend: S-Self T1- Teacher 1 T2- Teacher 2
Visit a teacher in a school and observe what school/classroom activities reflect his/her
philosophy of education while she is teaching. identify and describe teacher’s action or behavior
and match each with the identified educational philosophy.
Based on your concrete experience and the actions of the teacher you have observed, how
important is your philosophy of education to your future career as a teacher? How would your
experiences and observations contribute to your becoming a teacher?
Identify at least three concepts learned in your previous subject like The Teaching
Profession which are related to the Experiential Learning Episode 3 (Teaching
Belief/Philosophy) that are confirmed or affirmed in this activity? Enumerate.
1. Affirmed Concept 1
2. Affirmed Concept 2
3. Affirmed Concept 3
Using the first hand experiences in this activity, how will I use these when I become a
teacher in the future?
Episode 3
Name of FS Student:
Course: Year and Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:
Cooperating School:
A teacher as a professional will always be found in the school setting. There will be no
school without the teacher because a teacher’s official working place is the school. A school is an
institution where learning occurs under the guidance of a professional called a teacher.
You will also find yourself in one of these schools when you become a full fledged
How does a teacher operate or function in the school setting? How will a teacher manage
the physical as well as the psychological environment in the school setting?
Description of a typical school day of a teacher
Enduring understanding the teacher’s role in creating a conducive
learning environment in the school.
4 3 2 1
My Future Application is Application is Application is Application is
Application very clear and clear and clear but not very not clear, not all
highly consistent consistent with consistent with consistent with
with reflection reflection and reflection and reflection and
and affirmed affirmed affirmed affirmed
concepts; very concepts; very concepts; not concepts not
doable and doable and doable doable
feasible feasible.
4 3 2 1
Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day after the Two days or
deadline more after the
4 3 2 1
Sub Totals
Over-all Score (Based on
This experiential learning episode will take you to the actual school setting. Here, you
will spend more time making observations and talking to your Resource Teacher. The steps that
will guide you to your journey in this episode are as follows:
1. Visit a particular teacher as your resource person in a school.
2. Secure the teacher’s program. Study the time schedule and the activities.
3. Make a class observation at certain period of the day’s activities.
Based on the daily program, find out what the teacher is supposed to do during the time
of your visit. Observe what the teacher is doing. Take note of the different activities.
Class Program of the Teacher:
Name of the Teacher:
Name of the School:
District of:
Division of:
Period Minutes Learning Activities
At the time you are in the school, what significant observations have you made?
Areas of Focus for Observation My Observations
in the School Setting
1. Classroom Arrangement
2. Bulletin Board Display
3. School Playground
4. Learning Resource Center
1. Class Routines
2. Teacher Activities
3. Learners Activities
4. Co-curricular Activities
5. Extra-curricular Activities
Based on the teacher’s program, your observations and your interviews, would you now
see teaching to be full time job? Why? Why not?
How do you feel about the teacher’s workplace? Are the conditions, healthy for the
welfare of both the learners and the teachers?
Do you find the relationships of the teachers and the learners pleasant? Explain your
What previous learning or concepts that you have gained in your professional education
courses are affirmed by this learning episode? Give at least three, by completing the sentences
My previous learning in the content courses that were confirmed by this learning episode is
the following:
1. That….
2. That….
3. That….
How can I improve the school setting that I have observed when I become a teacher?
1. Classroom Management
3. School Playground
4. Classroom Routines
5. Teacher Activities
6. Co-curricular Activities
7. Extra-curricular Activities
FS6: On Becoming a Teacher
Episode 4
Name of FS Student:
Course: Year and Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:
Cooperating School:
In the Philippines, the government has built schools in almost all strategic barangays,
town or city. This is done to provide access and equal opportunity for every school child to
achieve quality education. At present, there are more than half a million public school teachers
deployed in all these schools throughout the country. The school and the teacher in every school
have very crucial responsibilities in contributing to the change and development in the
Community data from Rapid Appraisal Survey
List of identified community resources available for use by the teachers in the school.
MY PERFORMANCE (How will I be Rated?)
Field Study 6, Episode 4- The Teacher in the Community
Focused on: Community Data and Community Resources
Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
4 3 2 1
Observations/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half
Documentation done with tasks were done were done with of tasks were
outstanding with high quality acceptable done; or most
quality; work quality objectives met
exceeds but with poor
expectations quality
4 3 2 1
My Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
questions were questions were questions were questions were
answered answered not answered not answered
completely. In completely completely.
depth answers. Grammar and
Clear connection Vaguely related spelling
Thoroughly with theories to theories unsatisfactory
grounded on
theories Grammar and Grammar and
spelling are spelling are
Exemplary superior acceptable.
grammar and
4 3 2 1
My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection No reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements are
thoughtful and clear, but not supported by provided.
clear, supported clearly supported experiences from
by experiences by experiences this episode.
from this episode from this episode
4 3 2 1
My Future Application is Application is Application is Application is
Application very clear and clear and clear but not very not clear, not all
highly consistent consistent with consistent with consistent with
with reflection reflection and reflection and reflection and
and affirmed affirmed affirmed affirmed
concepts; very concepts; very concepts; not concepts not
doable and doable and doable doable
feasible feasible.
4 3 2 1
Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day after the Two days or
deadline more after the
4 3 2 1
Sub Totals
Over-all Score (Based on
1. Describe the data that you have gathered from your community survey.
Make a short narrative below the data which you gathered. Present 1-2 pictures of the
community or barangay in your photo essay.
The School’s Community
2. Make a narrative report on the interview that you have done with the teacher.
School Community Collaboration
View of a Teacher
After making a survey of the barangay and interviewing the teacher, answer the following
1. Which resources that you have identified are present in the community? Can these be utilized
in your teaching? How?
What concepts learned from your previous courses are affirmed by this Experiential
Learning Episode? Place a check mark on the concepts which are confirmed and place an X
mark on those which are not confirmed.
Based on Experiential Learning Episode 4, I should do the following when I become a
FS6: On Becoming a Teacher
Episode 5
Name of FS Student:
Course: Year and Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:
Cooperating School:
Teaching is a respectable profession the world over. The status of teachers has been
comparable in all parts of the globe, hence each year, there is a celebration of the WORLD
TEACHER’S DAY! This alone would tell us, the recognition and honor given to the best
profession of all: TEACHING. a teacher is an extra-ordinary person in whose hands lies the
future of the world, hence any teacher regardless of the country of origin should be a GLOBAL
Thus you, too, should have qualities, skills, knowledge, views, with wider breadth and
deeper sense because you, too, will be a global teacher.
This Experiential Learning Episode focuses on the global teacher.
Identified competencies of the global Filipino teacher
Knowledge of other countries teachers’ competencies and requirements as professional.
MY PERFORMANCE (How will I be Rated?)
Field Study 6, Episode 4- The Teacher in the Community
Focused on: Community Data and Community Resources
Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
4 3 2 1
Observations/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half
Documentation done with tasks were done were done with of tasks were
outstanding with high quality acceptable done; or most
quality; work quality objectives met
exceeds but with poor
expectations quality
4 3 2 1
My Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
questions were questions were questions were questions were
answered answered not answered not answered
completely. In completely completely.
depth answers. Grammar and
Clear connection Vaguely related spelling
Thoroughly with theories to theories unsatisfactory
grounded on
theories Grammar and Grammar and
spelling are spelling are
Exemplary superior acceptable.
grammar and
4 3 2 1
My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection No reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements are
thoughtful and clear, but not supported by provided.
clear, supported clearly supported experiences from
by experiences by experiences this episode.
from this episode from this episode
4 3 2 1
My Future Application is Application is Application is Application is
Application very clear and clear and clear but not very not clear, not all
highly consistent consistent with consistent with consistent with
with reflection reflection and reflection and reflection and
and affirmed affirmed affirmed affirmed
concepts; very concepts; very concepts; not concepts not
doable and doable and doable doable
feasible feasible.
4 3 2 1
Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day after the Two days or
deadline more after the
4 3 2 1
Sub Totals
Over-all Score (Based on
STRANDS DESCRIPTION(Expert, Experienced,
Developing, Beginning)
1. Teacher’s actions demonstrate value for learning.
2. Demonstrates that learning is of different kinds.
3. Creates an environment that promotes learning.
4. Makes the classroom environment safe and conducive
for learning.
5. Communicates higher learning expectations to each
6. Establishes and maintains consistent standards.
7. Creates healthy psychological climate for learning.
8. Determines, understands and accepts the learners
diverse knowledge and experiences.
9. Demonstrates mastery of the subject matter.
10. Communicates clear learning goals for the lesson.
11. Makes good use of allotted instructional time.
12. Recognizes general learning processes and unique
processes of individual learners.
13. Promotes purposive study.
14. Demonstrates skills in using ICT.
15. Develops and utilizes creative and appropriate
instructional plan.
16. Develops and uses a variety of appropriate
assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate learning.
17. Monitors regularly and provides feedback on
18. Communicates promptly and clearly to learners,
parents and superiors about progress of learners.
19. Teacher establishes learning environment that
responds to the aspirations of the community.
20. Takes pride in the nobility of the profession.
21. Builds professional links with colleagues to enrich
teaching practice.
22. Reflects on the extent of the attainment of
professional development goals.
1. Based on your interview of the Filipino teacher on the competencies of the national
standards for teachers, has the teacher met the requirements? Explain.
2. If the NCBTS is the measure of a global teacher, can the teacher you interviewed
meet the challenges of global education? Why? Why not?
3. Are there similarities or differences among teachers in other countries in terms of
the requirements of a professional teacher? Explain your answer.
4. Would Filipino teachers be comparable to their fellow teachers in other countries?
Explain you answer.
Indeed, becoming a global teacher requires certain standards. As observed, there are more
similar expectations of teachers, the world over.
As a pre-service teacher education student, how do you see yourself, ten years from now
vis a vis the other teachers from all over the world?
Can you meet the challenges of being a global teacher?
After undergoing this Experiential Learning Episode, what prior learning in the previous
courses has been affirmed?
Name of FS Student:
Course: Year and Section:
Resource Teacher: Signature:
Cooperating School:
There are fundamental requirements to meet to become a professional teacher. One has to
graduate a teacher education degree, pass the professional board examination for teachers,
officially called Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), join professional organizations and
abide by the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. In addition , teachers must continuously
grow in the profession by undertaking continuing professional development activities.
Clear description of a professional teacher
Identified characteristics of a professional teacher
MY PERFORMANCE (How will I be Rated?)
Field Study 6, Episode 6- The Teacher as a Professional
Focused on: Clear description of a professional teacher;characteristics of a professional
Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
4 3 2 1
Observations/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half
Documentation done with tasks were done were done with of tasks were
outstanding with high quality acceptable done; or most
quality; work quality objectives met
exceeds but with poor
expectations quality
4 3 2 1
My Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
questions were questions were questions were questions were
answered answered not answered not answered
completely. In completely completely.
depth answers. Grammar and
Clear connection Vaguely related spelling
Thoroughly with theories to theories unsatisfactory
grounded on
theories Grammar and Grammar and
spelling are spelling are
Exemplary superior acceptable.
grammar and
4 3 2 1
My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection No reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements are
thoughtful and clear, but not supported by provided.
clear, supported clearly supported experiences from
by experiences by experiences this episode.
from this episode from this episode
4 3 2 1
My Future Application is Application is Application is Application is
Application very clear and clear and clear but not very not clear, not all
highly consistent consistent with consistent with consistent with
with reflection reflection and reflection and reflection and
and affirmed affirmed affirmed affirmed
concepts; very concepts; very concepts; not concepts not
doable and doable and doable doable
feasible feasible.
4 3 2 1
Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day after the Two days or
deadline more after the
4 3 2 1
Sub Totals
Over-all Score (Based on
Considering that you will be a professional teacher, what standards of behavior should
you uphold based on the Code of Ethics for Professional Teacher?
Based on the learning I gained in my previous courses on the professional teacher, this
Experiential Learning Episode has affirmed my concepts that:
1. Professional teachers…
2. Professional teachers
3. Professional teachers……