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Maintenance Manual

TS-9972, TS-9973W
TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Observe The Following Precautions For Maximum Safety Of Machine Operation

1. Only trained and responsible operators shall be permitted to handle loads with this truck.
2. Operate the truck from the operator’s seat only. Do not allow riders.
3. Test hydraulic controls for proper response before using the machine.
4. Know your load. Do not attempt to lift or transport loads in excess of rated capacity.
5. When the load obstructs the view, operate the truck in the reverse range.
6. Do not stand or work under an elevated load.
7. Travel with containers in the travel position. The travel position icon of the TICS main screen
will be GREEN in color when the load is in the travel position. If the Travel Position icon is red
in color, the corrective action will appear to the left of the Travel Position icon.
8. Avoid sudden stops with a load.
9. Center the load to evenly distribute the weight.
10. Back down a ramp in excess of 10 percent when loaded.
11. Have defects repaired immediately. Do not operate a truck with damaged or defective
12. When leaving truck, load engaging means shall be fully lowered, controls shall be neutralized,
power shut off, brakes set, and key removed. Block wheels if truck is to be left on an incline.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)


Products manufactured by Taylor Machine Works, Inc. (“Taylor”) and sold are warranted by Taylor to be free from
defects in material and workmanship, under normal use and service, when Taylor products are operated at or
below rated capacity* in accordance with operating instructions.
This warranty is limited to repair or replacement, (as Taylor may elect, and at an establishment authorized by
Taylor) of such parts as shall appear to Taylor upon inspection to have been defective in material
or workmanship.
This warranty period shall begin on the delivery date of the product to the Purchaser and end on whichever
occurs first of the warranty period, twelve (12) months or two thousand (2000) hours. During this period, Taylor
will provide genuine Taylor parts, labor, and travel time to replace or repair any part furnished by Taylor and found
to be defective in material and workmanship.** If a defect in material and workmanship is found during the twelve
(12) months and/or two thousand (2000) hours whichever occurs first of the warranty period, Taylor will replace
lubricating oil, filters, antifreeze, and other service items made unusable by the defect. Only genuine Taylor parts
provided by Taylor’s Sudden Service, Inc. will be used during the warranty period.


1. Normal maintenance services and parts or supplies used therein including, without limitation, en-
gine tune-up, wheel alignment, brake and linkage adjustment, lubrication services, tightening and
adjusting such as bolts, screws, hoses, fittings, etc., replacement of fuses, bulbs, filters, tune-up
parts, fluids and brake and clutch linings, glass; shop supplies such as rags, oil dry, hand soaps,
degreasers, cleaning solutions including brake clean, etc.; and adjustments which are a part of
the required or recommended predelivery inspection and periodic inspections in accordance with
Operator’s Manual. Electrical and electronic components including wiring will be excluded after
the first six (6) months or one thousand (1000) hours of operation. Electronic control modules
(ECM’s) for the engine and transmission, and Taylor Integrated Control System (TICS) modules
are not included in this exclusion and are covered under the standard warranty period.
2. Leaks due to o-ring failures and fittings after one hundred (100) hours or three (3) months (which-
ever occurs first) of operation.
3. Normal deterioration of appearance due to use and exposure; or conditions resulting from mis-
use, negligence, or accident.
4. Any product on which any of the required or recommended periodic inspections or services have
not been made.
5. Any parts or accessories, installed on the product which were not manufactured or installed by
Taylor whether or not such parts or accessories were selected, recommended or installed by Tay-
lor (including without limitation, engines, tires, batteries, air conditioners, air dryers, etc.). Such
parts or accessories shall be covered by the warranties given by the manufacturers thereof and
any claim thereof shall be made to such manufacturers.
6. Loss of time, inconvenience, loss of equipment use, other consequential damages or other mat-
ters not specifically included.
Taylor parts and assemblies which are furnished and installed under this warranty are themselves within
the coverage of the machine warranty and are covered only for the duration of the original machine
warranty period.
NOTE: All International warranty parts shipments are F.O.B. point of debarkation, duties, tariffs, or local
taxes excluded.
This warranty is expressly in lieu of any other warranties, expressed or implied, including any warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Replacement parts are warranted for ninety (90) days to be free from defects in material or workmanship. Parts
only, no labor.
Taylor Machine Works, Inc. does not authorize any person to create (for Taylor) any other obligation or liability in
connection with Taylor products.
*For example, a machine rated capacity at any stipulated load center is the rated lift capacity at less than
load center. That is, a machine rated at 20,000 pounds at 24-inch load center connotes 20,000 pounds
is the maximum lift capacity even though the load center may be less than 24-inches. Subjecting Taylor
products to conditions or loads exceeding those stipulated is justification for immediate cancellation of
warranty for products involved.
**Travel reimbursement will be limited to six (6) hours maximum paid per claim, or to the nearest Taylor
Machine Works’ dealer location in the assigned territory in which the truck is based.


650 North Church Avenue
Louisville, Mississippi 39339
(662) 773-3421 / Fax 662-773-9146
TMW-057-6 (7/08)

NOTE: The above information pertaining to the details of the Limited Warranty was current for this model at
the time of publication. Warranty policy can change and must be verified through your local dealer.

This manual is to be used as a guide for lubrication and maintenance as well as general equipment care.
A separate section is provided to discuss each major component or system. This method of presenting
the maintenance instructions enables Taylor Machine Works, Inc. to assemble a maintenance manual with
explicit instructions on the exact equipment installed on the machine.
No single rule in the booklet can be followed to the exclusion of others. Each rule must be considered in
light of the other rules, the knowledge and training of the man (operator), the limitations of the machine,
and the workplace environment.
Warnings and cautions are included to reduce the probability of personal injury, when performing mainte-
nance procedures which if improperly performed could be potentially hazardous. Failure to comply with
these warnings and cautions can result in serious injury and possible death.
All circumstances and conditions under which service will be performed cannot be anticipated. Do not
perform any service if you are unsure that it can be done safely. Contact your Taylor Dealer or Taylor
Machine Works, Inc. if you have questions about the proper service techniques.

Circuit Drawings
Circuit drawings have been placed in the Appendices of this manual to aid maintenance personnel in
diagnosing and solving problems that may occur. For example, CD 22 2950 Sheet 03, is an ANSI circuit
drawing that depicts the components symbols and flow lines of the main hydraulic system. References to
these circuit drawings appear in the various sections contained in this manual as the circuit drawing
number (e.g. CD 22 2950 Sheet 03). This can be used for quick referral to the actual drawing in the

 Operating this powered industrial truck when it is in need of repair can result in
death or serious injury to the operator or other personnel or cause severe property damage.
Machine checks must be performed daily:
1. before the machine is placed in service,
2. by qualified, trained, and skilled personnel who have proper tools and knowledge, and
3. in accordance with the Operator’s Guide, Maintenance Manual and Safety Check booklet.

Maintenance Manual

Operators Guide

! .
! .

Regularly Scheduled maintenance, lubrication, and safety inspections will help ensure a safe and
productive work life for the machine and the operator(s).

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) Intro

 Do not operate the truck if it is in need of repair. Remove the ignition key and
attach a “Lock-out” tag.

 Do not attempt to perform maintenance procedures unless you have been
thoroughly trained and you have the proper tools.

 Use only genuine Taylor replacement parts. Lesser quality parts may fail,
resulting in property damage, personal injury or death.
Maintenance and / or service personnel who find it necessary to operate this machine, even for a short
period of time, must fully understand all operational literature including:
• OSHA operating rules found in 29 CFR 1910.178; Appendix A in Safety Check
• ANSI B56.1 rules for operating a powered industrial truck; Appendix B in Safety Check
• The Operator’s Guide for the machine
• The manufacturer’s Safety Booklet
• The manufacturer’s Safety Video
• The manufacturer’s Service Bulletins
• The content and meaning of all machine decals

 Know how to avoid slip and fall accidents such as those described in the Slip and
Fall Accidents Section of Safety Check.

Intro TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)


Safety First

Important Safety Instructions Some of the common ways this can occur are as
Observe these rules. They are recognized as follows:
practices that reduce the risk of injury to yourself 1. Use of hoisting devices not capable of
and others, or damage to the container handling supporting the weight of the component being
truck or load. lifted.
This manual contains maintenance and service 2. Improper attachment of slings to heavy
procedures for filling, lubricating, removing, repair- components being hoisted.
ing, and installing various components comprising 3. Use of inadequate or rotten timbers for sup-
a container handling truck. Because of the size port or improper alignment of supporting
and weight of the container handling truck, and material.
high pressures in some of the components and 4. Failure to securely block the wheels, when dis-
systems, improperly performing service on the connecting or removing components that hold
truck can be dangerous. the container handling truck stationary under
Warnings and cautions are included to reduce the normal conditions.
probability of personal injury, when performing 5. Failure to read and understand the safety pre-
maintenance procedures which if improperly cautions in this manual.
performed could be potentially hazardous. Failure
to comply with these warnings and cautions can
result in serious injury and possible death. 
 Know how to avoid accidents
such as those described in the Maintenance /
No single rule in the booklet can be followed to Service Accidents Section of Safety Check:
the exclusion of others. Each rule must be con-
sidered in light of the other rules, the knowledge Some Maintenance / Servicing Accidents
and training of the man (operator / maintenance), Listed below:
the limitations of the machine, and the workplace 1. Improperly refueling the truck.
2. Improperly checking for hydraulic leaks or
Report all mechanical problems to the appropriate diesel fuel leaks.
management personnel. 3. Improperly checking the engine cooling
Proper Training: system.
Taylor Machine Works, Inc. publishes Safety 4. Improperly checking battery fluid levels or
Check, TMW-077 a booklet citing some safety “jump” starting engines.
precautions to observe during lift truck operation. 5. Putting air in a multi-piece tire and rim assem-
One copy is shipped with each lift truck; additional bly without proper tools and training.
copies are available at a nominal fee from the 6. Attempting to service a multi-piece tire and rim
authorized Taylor dealer from which the equip- assembly without proper tools and training.
ment was initially purchased. 7. Entering the area around the steer tires.
Minimum Required Personnel Safety Equipment 8. Using an improper chain while performing
1. Hard Hat maintenance.
2. Safety Shoes 9. Relying on jacks or hoists to support heavy
3. Safety Glasses
10. Operating a truck that is damaged or in need
4. Heavy Gloves of repair.
5. Hearing Protection 11. Climbing on the attachment, boom, top of the
6. Reflective Clothing cab, or other high places on the container han-
Failure to follow the safety precautions outlined in dling truck.
this manual can create a dangerous situation. 12. Operating a machine which has been modified
without the manufacturer’s approval. This

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) Safety-1

includes the attachment, counterweight, tires,
 Electrical, mechanical, and
13. Lifting people with an attachment not properly hydraulic safety devices have been installed
equipped for elevating personnel. on this container handling truck to help protect
against personal injury and / or damage to
14. Using replacement parts not approved by the
equipment. Under no circumstances should
any attempt be made to disconnect or in any
15. Performing maintenance around the fan or way render any of these devices inoperable. If
radiator while the engine is running. you discover that any safety device is mal-
Maintenance / Service Personnel: functioning, Do Not operate the truck; notify
1. Keep the truck clean, free of oil, grease and appropriate maintenance personnel immedi-
fuel. ately.
2. Steam clean / wash the truck prior to perform-
ing maintenance. Wear anti-slip footwear 
 Use only genuine Taylor
when performing maintenance procedures. replacement parts. Lesser quality parts may
3. Use approved ladders and other proper clean- fail, resulting in property damage, personal
ing accessories to access hard to reach main- injury or death.
tenance places.
4. Keep gratings free of ice, dirt and gravel. 
 Keep all hydraulic com-
5. Regularly inspect and replace anti-slip mastic ponents in good repair.
on the vehicle as needed.
6. Ensure all safety decals are in place on the 
 Relieve pressure on the
vehicle. hydraulic system before repairing or adjusting
or disconnecting any hydraulic component.

 Remove all rings, watches,
chains, other jewelry, and all loose clothing 
 Wear proper hand and eye
before working around moving parts! protection when searching for leaks. Use
wood or cardboard instead of hands.

 Do not operate the vehicle or
attempt to perform maintenance on the vehicle 
 Under no circumstances,
while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or without prior written approval from Taylor
any other medications or substances that slow Machine Works, Inc. Engineering Department,
reflexes, alter safe judgement, or cause drows- should the container handling truck be modi-
iness. fied, i.e. adding of additional counterweights.
As per OSHA 29 CFR1910.178 (a) (4).

 Never park the container
Container Handling Truck Lock-out / Tag-out:
handling truck on an incline. Always park the
container handling truck on a level surface; The engine should be locked-out / tagged-out to
otherwise, the container handling truck could prevent it from being inadvertently started before
possibly roll resulting in possible injury to performing maintenance or repairs. The battery
personnel or damage to the truck or other should be locked-out / tagged-out to prevent acci-
property. dental activation of the starter and possible start-
ing the engine. Refer to Lock-Out / Tag-Out
Procedure in the back of this section for the pro-

 Maintenance and service cedures to be followed to perform lock-out /
personnel should never operate this lift truck tag-out.
unless they are thoroughly familiar with Safety
Check, TMW-077 and the Operator’s Guide for
this lift truck. 
 Turn the engine off and
remove the ignition key before entering the tire

Safety-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

pivot area to prevent death or serious injury
from pivoting tires. 
 Operating instructions,
warnings, and caution labels are placed on the
container handling truck to alert personnel to

 Deflate tires before removing dangers and to advise personnel of proper
(the tires). Always remove the valve core and operating procedures (of the container han-
exhaust all air from a single tire and both tires dling truck). Do not remove or obscure any
of a dual assembly prior to removing any rim warning, caution, danger, or instructional sign
components or wheel components such as or label.
nuts and rim clamps. Run a piece of wire
through the valve stem to make sure the valve Traveling:
stem is not damaged or plugged and all air is
exhausted. Start, stop, change direction, travel, and brake
smoothly. Slow down for turns and when traveling
on uneven or slippery surfaces.

 Serious falls and injuries can
result from improper mounting or dismounting Obstructions And Clearances:
of the container handling truck. Watch end clearances and overhead obstructions.

Mounting and Dismounting:

 Make sure all ground person-
1. Face the container handling truck’s steps nel know the rules and responsibilities set by
when getting on or off the truck. your employer. Make sure they know what you
2. One hand and two feet or two hands and one are going to do and be sure they are clear of
foot must be in contact with the truck at all the area before you move the container
times (3 point contact). handling truck.
3. Use handrails and other grab points.

 Cameras are not substitutes

 Do not start the engine if the for looking in the direction of and keeping a
ignition switch, or engine control panel has clear view of the path of travel. Never use
been locked-out / tagged-out by maintenance them as substitutes, Always look in the path of
personnel. Doing so can result in personal travel.
injury and / or damage to the equipment. If in
doubt, contact the maintenance supervisor.

 Total reliance on electrical
aids can be dangerous. The responsibility for

 Never operate the container safe operation of the container handling truck
handling truck without proper instruction. shall remain with the operator who shall
Ignorance of operational characteristics and ensure that all warning and instructions pro-
limitations can lead to equipment damage, vided are fully understood and observed.
personal injury, or death.

 Do not operate the container

 If maintenance requires run- handling truck until both forward and reverse
ning the engine indoors, ensure the room has travel paths are clear. Do not operate the truck
adequate flow-through ventilation! with bystanders present.

 Do not operate the container 
 Do not move the container
handling truck without the seat belt properly handling truck until the surrounding area has
and securely fastened. been checked and is clear of personnel and

 Do not attempt to jump from
the truck in the event of tip over. Remain 
 Always look in the direction
seated with the seat belt fastened. of travel and keep a clear view of the path of

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) Safety-3

travel; slow down and sound the horn at cross maintenance personnel.
aisles and other locations where vision may be

 Do not OVER LOAD the
truck. Capacity is determined by load position

 This equipment is not electri- (reach and height) Refer to detail rating plate
cally insulated. Contact with electricity can for valves.
cause severe injury or death. Electrocution
can occur without direct contact. Do not oper-
ate this container handling truck in areas with 
 Capacity greatly decreases
energized power lines or a power supply. with high load lifting, acceleration, braking,
Check local, state and federal safety codes for sharp turning, high wind velocity and poor
proper clearance. Use a groundman to ensure yard conditions.
that there is proper clearance.

 Death, serious injury, or

 Do not allow anyone on the property damage can occur from truck tipping
container handling truck during operation. over. Use extreme care when extending or
retracting boom while attachment is handling a
load; especially when high tiering. Extending

 Death or serious injury could the boom forward is permitted only when pick-
occur from being crushed by the boom. Never ing up or depositing a load. Do not extend
allow any portion of your body or anyone boom forward with an elevated load unless the
between the top of the cab and the boom. load is in position for being deposited over a
rack or stack. Retract the boom only enough
to stabilize the load when stacking or tiering.

 Do not move the container
handling truck onto a surface or area that has
not been approved for container handling 
 Do not allow anyone near the
truck operation. The container handling truck container handling truck during operation -
is heavy and could possibly break through an certainly not walking or standing under or
insufficient surface and cause damage to the beside the container or lifting mechanism.
truck or injury to personnel.

 Stacks of containers or mate-

 Do not operate the container rials can cause “blind spots” for the operator.
handling truck over potholes and debris. Clear It is essential, for safe operation, that the
the yard of obstructions. ground crew stay clear of “blind spots” and
stay within sight of the operator at all times.
Do not allow anyone to walk in the travel aisle-

 Avoid sudden starts, stops, ways.
and short turns.

 Do not move or lift container

 Serious falls or injuries can until all four twistlocks are fully locked (green
result from riding on the container handling container light illuminated). The container
truck! Do not ride on the container handling could fall from the attachment causing death
truck. or serious injury to ground personnel or physi-
cal damage to the container, container han-
Handling Loads: dling truck or other yard equipment.

 If any abnormal operating
condition occurs while operating the container 
 Do not lift a loaded container
handling truck, move the truck to a safe park- that exceeds the rated capacity of the contain-
ing area, if possible; when safe to do so, shut er handling truck. Failure to do so, may result
down the truck and notify the appropriate in death, personal injury or damage to the con-

Safety-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

tainer handling truck. ble placement of loads.

 Death or serious injury could 
 Do not unlatch a container
result from the truck tipping over. Be aware until you, the operator, have determined that it
that the trucks stability and handling charac- is safe to do so. Never unlatch a container
teristics will change contingent on the booms that is not positioned securely; the container
length, height and load weight. DO NOT could shift or fall.

 Do not back away from a

 Do not handle unstable rack or stack with a container until it is clear of
loaded containers. the container below it. Failure to do so, may
result in death or serious bodily injury and
If the load shifts in the container or trailer, stop the
property damage caused by dropping a
truck immediately, lower the container and adjust
container on the truck, a bystander or on the
the side shift until load weight is centered and
properly held. If the load shift is too great for
adjustment with side shift, rearrange the load
before further attempting to move the container or Emergency Exit:
trailer. There is an emergency exit from within the cab,
through the rear window, in the event that the cab
door is blocked by the lift cylinder. If the operator

 Never move containers over needs to exit the cab when the cab door is
personnel or vehicles. blocked by the lift cylinder, the following steps
must be followed:

 Do not back away from a 1. Open the rear window by rotating the window
rack or stack without complete release of the release handle down.
container. Failure to do so, may result in death 2. Pivot the window up to open the window.
or serious bodily injury and property damage 3. Carefully exit the cab through open window
caused by dropping a container on the truck, a space.
bystander or on the ground.
Battery Safety:

 Travel with the load only in
the defined travel position indicated by the LMI 
 Lighted smoking materials,
system. flames, arcs, or sparks may result in battery

 Never allow a container 1. Keep all metal tools away from battery termi-
directly over the cab. nals.
2. Batteries contain sulfuric acid which will burn
skin on contact; wear rubber gloves and eye

 Use care when traveling with protection when working with batteries.
or without a container.
3. Flush eyes or wash skin with water and seek
medical attention immediately in case of

 Never leave the container contact.
handling truck with a container suspended. 4. When jump starting:
The load could inadvertently lower and cause a. Do not lean over the battery while making
death, serious injury or property damage. connection.
b. First, connect the positive (+) terminal of

 Be exact in load placement. the booster battery to the positive (+)
Make sure the load will not tilt, fall or slide out terminal of the discharged battery.
of position when released. Death, serious inju- c. Then, connect the negative (-) terminal of
ry or equipment damage can result from unsta- the booster battery to the engine or body

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) Safety-5

ground (-). Never Cross Polarity of
Terminals.  Return operating controls to
d. Disconnect cables in exact reverse order. neutral after the test.

Lock-Out / Tag-Out Procedure 6. The equipment is now locked out / tagged out.
Purpose. This procedure establishes the mini- Restoring Equipment to Service
mum requirements for lock-out / tag-out of energy 1. When the job is complete and equipment is
sources that could cause injury to personnel. All ready for testing or normal service, check the
employees shall comply with the procedure. equipment area to see that no one is exposed.
Responsibility. The responsibility for seeing that 2. When equipment is all clear, remove all locks /
this procedure is followed is binding upon all tags. The energy isolating devices may be
employees. All employees shall be instructed in operated to restore energy to equipment.
the safety significance of the lock-out / tag-out
procedure by (designated individual). Each new Procedure Involving More Than One Person.
or transferred affected employee shall be In the preceding steps, if more than one individual
instructed by (designated individuals) in the pur- is required to lock-out / tag-out equipment, each
pose and use of the lock-out / tag-out procedure. shall place his own personal lock / tag on the
energy isolating device(s). One designated indi-
Preparation for Lock-Out / Tag-Out. Employees vidual of a work crew or a supervisor, with the
authorized to perform lockout / tagout shall be knowledge of the crew, may lock-out / tag-out
certain as to which switch, valve, or other energy equipment for the whole crew. In such cases, it
isolating devices apply to the equipment being shall be the responsibility of the individual to carry
locked out / tagged out. More than one energy out all steps of the lock-out / tag-out procedure
source (electrical, mechanical, or others) may be and inform the crew when it is safe to work on the
involved. Any questionable identification of equipment. Additionally, the designated individual
sources shall be cleared by the employees with shall not remove a crew lock / tag until it has been
their supervisors. Before lock-out / tag-out com- verified that all individuals are clear.
mences, job authorization should be obtained.
Rules for Using Lock-Out / Tag-Out Procedure.
Sequence of Lock-Out / Tag-Out Procedure All equipment shall be locked out / tagged out to
1. Notify all affected employees that a lock-out / protect against accidental or inadvertent operation
tag-out is required and the reason therefor. when such operation could cause injury to person-
2. If the equipment is operating, shut it down by nel. Do not attempt to operate any switch, valve,
the normal stopping procedure. or other energy isolating device bearing a lock /
3. Operate the switch, valve, or other energy
isolating device so that the energy source(s)
(electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, etc.) is dis-
connected or isolated from the equipment.
Stored energy, such as that in capacitors,
springs, elevated crane members, rotating fly-
wheels, hydraulic systems, and air, gas,
steam, or water pressure, etc. must also be
dissipated or restrained by methods such as
grounding, repositioning, blocking, bleeding-
down, etc.
4. Lock-out / tag-out the energy isolating devices
with an assigned individual lock / tag.
5. After ensuring that no personnel are exposed
and as a check on having disconnected the
energy sources, operate the push button or
other normal operating controls to make
certain the equipment will not operate.

Safety-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Major Components Locations

(Section 27) BOOM CYLINDER
(Section 22)
(Section 29)

(Section 13)

(Section 22)

(Section 22)

(Section 5)

(Section 1)

(Section 3)

(Section 9)
(Section 2)

NOTE: All circuit drawings illustrate the components in de-energized states. Circuit drawings and
illustrations are drawn in the position of the operator facing forward, looking toward the mast

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Hoist Circuit

1-2 (Rev. 11/94)


Maintenance Manual



Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Fuel System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Air Intake System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Exhaust System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Electrical System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Closed Circuit TV Camera and Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6A

Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Transmission Oil Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9A

Transmission Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9C

Drive Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Steer Axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Drive Axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Brake Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Wet Disc Brakes Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15C

Steering System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Tires and Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Chassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Cab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Air Conditioning System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A

Heating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20H

Hydraulic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Accumulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22E

Attachment Rotate, Jacks and Damping System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22H

Boom Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Container Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Hoist Circuit
Section 1





Illustration 1-1. Cummins QSM11 Engine Service Points

Introduction. The Cummins QSM11 engine is vide maximum cleansing and filtration of the
pressure lubricated. Oil pressure is supplied by a engine lubricating oil. If additional engine informa-
gear-type lubricating oil pump and controlled by a tion is needed, refer to the engine operation and
pressure regulator. The filter bypass valve maintenance manual supplied with the truck.
ensures that a supply of oil, in the event the filter
Checking The Lubricating Oil (Illustration 1-1).
becomes plugged, is present. One full flow oil fil-
The engine lubricating oil should be checked daily
ter is incorporated in the lubricating system to pro-

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 1-1

on the oil dipstick to ensure the engine has the 2. Place a suitable container under the drain plug
proper amount of oil for operation. of the oil pan. Remove the drain plug and
washer to drain the oil. Replace washer if
Oil and Filter Replacement (Illustration 1-1). The
engine lubricating oil and filter should be replaced
periodically (refer to the Preventive Maintenance 3. When the oil has completely drained, reinstall
chart in the Appendices for oil and filter replace- the washer and drain plug. Apply a torque of
ment interval). Refer to the Fuel and Lubricant 65 ft-lbs (85 N⋅m) of torque to tighten the drain
Specifications chart in the back of this manual for plug.
the proper grade of oil to use. Perform the follow-
4. Unscrew the spin-off type oil filter (see Illustra-
ing procedures to replace the oil and filter:
tion 1-1). It should be possible to unscrew the
oil filter by hand; however, a band type filter

 Death or serious injury could wrench may be used if necessary. Discard the
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on used oil filter.
a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake, 5. Clean the area on the filter base that will con-
block the wheels in both directions to prevent tact the gasket on the new oil filter.
movement of the truck and Lock Out & Tag
Out. 6. Fill the new filter with clean engine oil before

 Severe injury may occur from 7. Apply a light film of engine oil on the gasket of
burns. Avoid touching exhaust components the new filter. Screw the new filter onto the
while changing the oil. filter base until the gasket comes in contact
with the filter base and then tighten filter 1/2 to
3/4 turn by hand only.

 Some state and federal
agencies in the United States have determined 8. Remove the oil fill cap and fill crankcase with
that used engine oil can be carcinogenic and oil to the FULL mark on the oil dipstick (see
can cause reproductive toxicity. Avoid inhala- Illustration 1-1).
tion of vapors, ingestion and prolonged 9. Start the engine and allow to idle. Visually
contact with used engine oil. check the drain plug and oil filter for leaks.
10. Shut down the engine and wait approximately
 Dispose of oil and filter in 5 minutes for the oil to drain back into the oil
accordance with federal and local regulations. pan. When the engine has cooled, recheck
the oil level and add oil as necessary to bring
the oil level to the FULL mark on the oil dip-
 Do not use a strap wrench to stick. Do Not Overfill.
tighten the oil filter. Mechanical over-tighten-
ing may distort the threads or damage the filter

 Never operate the engine with

the oil level below the SAFE area marks on the
oil dipstick.

 Do not use excessive amounts

of starting fluid when starting the engine. The
use of too much starting fluid will cause
engine damage.
1. Operate the engine until the water tempera-
ture reaches 140°F (60°C) and then shut off Illustration 1-2. Drive Belt Inspection
the engine.

1-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Drive Belt (Illustration 1-2). Visually inspect the manual.
drive belt daily. Check the belt for intersecting
Air Conditioning Drive Belt Tension (if equipped
cracks. Transverse cracks (across the belt width)
with air conditioning). Tension on the air condi-
are acceptable. Longitudinal cracks (direction of
tioning drive belt should be such that a firm push
belt length) that intersect with transverse cracks
with the thumb at a point midway between the two
are not acceptable (replace belt in this condition).
pulleys will deflect the belt about 3/8 to 1/2 inch
Replace the belt if belt is frayed or has pieces of
(9.5 to 12.7 mm). If the deflection measured is
material missing. Adjust drive belts that have a
greater than the amount specified above, the drive
glazed or shiny surface which indicates belt slip-
belt must be readjusted to maintain proper
page. Correctly installed and tensioned belts will
tension. If no adjustment can be made, drive belt
show even pulley and belt wear. After installation
must be replaced.
of a new belt, check the tension and adjust if
necessary. Engine Cleaning. The engine must be steam
cleaned periodically (refer to the Preventive
Belt damage can be caused by:
Maintenance chart in the Appendices for engine
S Incorrect tension cleaning interval). If steam is not available, use a
S Incorrect size or length solvent to wash the engine. When cleaning the
S Pulley misalignment engine, protect all electrical components, open-
ings and wiring from the full force of the cleaner
S Incorrect installation spray nozzle.
S Severe operating environment
S Oil or grease on the belts 
 When using a steam cleaner,
wear protective clothing and safety glasses or
a face shield. Hot steam will cause serious
personal injury.
Checking Engine Mounting Bolts. The engine
mounting bolts should be checked periodically for
tightness (refer to the Preventive Maintenance
chart in the Appendices for engine mounts
inspection). The torque value of the engine
mounting bolts is 260 - 285 ft-lbs (355 - 390 NVm).
Inspect the rubber mounts for deterioration and
age hardening. Replace any broken or lost bolts
and damaged rubber mounts.

Cummins QSM11 Engine General Information

Oil Pressure (normal at high 28 - 35 psi
idle) (195 - 240 kPa)
Oil Capacity 39.2 Quarts
(includes filter change) (37 Liters)
Low RPMs 750 rpm

NOTE: Some special applications may use

engine speed settings that are different from the
Illustration 1-3. Drive Belt standards shown. The proper settings are perma-
nently stamped on a metal tag affixed to the
Drive Belt Tension (Illustration 1-3). Proper drive engine.
belt tension is automatically maintained by a belt
tensioner supplied with the engine. Refer to the
engine manufacturer’s operation and maintenance

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 1-3

Illustration 1-4. Engine Diagnostics Icons
Calibration Of Electronic Accelerator Pedal To on the Engine Information Screen, are used to
ECM Of Engine. The Cummins QSM11 engine alert the operator of engine related problems.
uses an electronic accelerator to control engine Each diagnostic icon’s function is described as
speed. Each time the accelerator pedal is follows:
replaced, disconnected and the ignition switch is
1. Yellow Icon (System Fault). This icon will be
turned on, or ECM (Electronic Control Module) is
displayed during a non-fatal system error. The
replaced, the accelerator pedal must be calibrated
engine can still be run, but the fault should be
to the ECM. Calibration procedures are as
corrected as soon as possible.
1. Apply the parking brake, place the shifter in NOTE: In the diagnostic mode, the yellow icon
neutral, and turn the ignition switch to the Igni- will flash after the red icon completes the three
tion position (first click). digit fault code.
2. Cycle the accelerator pedal through its full 2. Red Icon (Engine Shutting Down). This icon
range of travel three times. will be displayed when the engine needs to be
3. Turn the ignition switch to the Off position for shut off before permanent damage occurs to
30 seconds. the engine. Should the red icon be displayed
while operating, the fault can be engine disab-
Engine Fault Code Warning Box (Illustration ling after approximately 32 seconds. Should
1-5). An engine fault code warning box will be dis- the engine shut down due to the severity of
played on the Engine Information screen when an the fault, it can be restarted and will run for
engine fault code is active. This warning box dis- approximately 32 seconds. The engine will
plays the number of the active fault code. To clear run for approximately 32 seconds each time it
the warning box after recording the fault code is restarted. There are no limits on the num-
number, depress the OK button (F2). Once the ber of times the engine may be restarted.
warning box has been cleared, the fault code will
have to be flashed out in the Diagnostic Mode if it NOTES:
was not recorded (refer to Diagnostic Fault S The engine should be shut off as soon as it
Codes). can be shut off safely. The engine should not
Engine Diagnostic Icons (Illustration 1-4). The be run until the fault is corrected.
engine diagnostic icons, displayed by the Taylor S This icon is also used to flash out the fault
Integrated Control System (TICS) display module code number in the diagnostic mode.

1-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Illustration 1-5. Engine Fault Code Dialog Screen
Diagnostic Fault Codes (Illustration 1-4). If the 5. The fault code will flash in the following
red icon (Engine Shutting Down) or yellow icon sequence:
(System Fault) is displayed on the Engine Infor-
a. First, the yellow icon will flash beginning
mation Screen of the TICS Display Module when
the sequence. There will be a short 1 or 2
the engine is running, it means a fault code is
second pause after which the red icon will
active. The icon will remain on as long as the fault
flash the first, second, and third digits of
exists. The severity of the fault will determine the
the recorded fault code. There will be a 1
icon that will be displayed. Only active fault codes
or 2 second pause between each number
can be viewed by use of the diagnostic icons. To
of the code. When all three digits of the
view inactive fault codes, a laptop computer
fault code have flashed, the yellow icon will
equipped with Cummins Insite software is
illuminate again and repeat the sequence
until the fault is cleared or the Diagnostic
To view active fault codes, perform the follow- Mode Status is toggled to the OFF
ing: position.
1. Leave the engine running or have the ignition Example:
key in its accessory position to view the TICS Fault Code 432
display module screen. 4 flashes, pause
3 flashes, pause
2. At the main screen of the TICS display mod- 2 flashes
ule, depress the F1 button (Engine) to view
the Engine Information screen. b. If multiple fault codes have been stored,
the first fault code must be cleared before
3. At the Engine Information screen, depress the the second fault code can be displayed.
F2 button (Diagnostic Mode Select) to change
the Diagnostic Mode Status to the On position. Fault Code Information. All fault codes identified
in bold print on the following fault code information
4. If no active fault codes are recorded, the chart deal with engine and transmission protection
yellow icon (System Fault) and red icon systems external to the Cummins QSM11 engine.
(Engine Shutting Down) will illuminate and Fault code #151 can be caused by both engine
stay on. If active fault codes are present, the and external components. Contact Taylor
yellow icon and red icon will illuminate momen- Machine Works Sudden Service Department for
tarily, and then the red icon will begin to flash additional assistance if needed.
the three-digit code of the active fault(s).

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 1-5

Cummins QSM11 Engine Fault Code Information
Fault J1939 Failure Description Cause
Code - Light SPN(FMI)
111 - Red 629 (12) Error internal to the ECM related to memory The engine will not start.
hardware failures or internal ECM voltage
supply circuits.
115 - Red 190 (2) No engine speed signal detected at both The engine will die and will not start.
engine position sensor circuits.
121 - Yellow 190 (10) No engine speed signal detected from one None on performance.
of the engine position sensor circuits.
122 - Yellow 102 (3) High voltage detected on the intake manifold Derate in power output of the engine.
pressure circuit.
123 - Yellow 102 (4) Low voltage detected on the intake manifold Derate in power output of the engine.
pressure circuit.
131 - Red 91 (3) High voltage detected at the throttle position Severe derate (power and speed). Limp
signal circuit. home power only.
132 - Red 91 (4) Low voltage detected at the throttle position Severe derate (power and speed). Limp
signal circuit. home power only.
133 - Red 974 (3) High voltage detected at the remote throttle None on performance if remote throttle is not
position signal circuit. used.
134 - Red 974 (4) Low voltage detected at the remote throttle None on performance if remote throttle is not
position signal circuit. used.
135 - Yellow 100 (3) High voltage detected at the oil pressure No engine protection for oil pressure.
141 - Yellow 100 (4) Low voltage detected at the oil pressure No engine protection for oil pressure.
143 - Yellow 100 (18) Oil pressure signal indicates oil pressure is Progressive power and speed derate with
below the low oil pressure engine protection increasing time after alert. Engine will shut
limit. down 30 seconds after red icon starts fla-
144 - Yellow 110 (3) High voltage detected at the coolant temper- Possible white smoke. Fan will stay on if
ature circuit. controlled by the electronic control module
(ECM). No engine protection for coolant
145 - Yellow 110 (4) Low voltage detected at the coolant temper- Possible white smoke. Fan will stay on if
ature circuit. controlled by the electronic control module
(ECM). No engine protection for coolant
147 - Red 91 (8) A frequency of less than 100 Hz was Calibration dependent power and speed
detected at the frequency throttle signal pin derate.
of the actuator harness connector at the
148 - Red 91 (8) A frequency of more than 100 Hz was Calibration dependent power and speed
detected at the frequency throttle signal pin derate.
of the actuator harness connector at the
151 - Red 110 (0) Coolant temperature signal indicates coolant Progressive power derate with increasing
temperature is above 104_C (220_F). time after alert. Engine will shut down 30
seconds after red icon starts flashing.
153 - Yellow 105 (3) High voltage detected at the intake manifold Possible white smoke. Fan will stay on if
temperature circuit. controlled by the electronic control module
(ECM). No engine protection for coolant

1-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Fault J1939 Failure Description Failure Results
Code - Light SPN(FMI)
154 - Yellow 105 (4) Low voltage detected at the intake manifold Possible white smoke. Fan will stay on if
temperature circuit. controlled by the electronic control module
(ECM). No engine protection for coolant
155 - Red 105 (0) Intake manifold temperature signal indicates Progressive power derate with increasing
temperature is above 87.8_C (190_F). time after alert. If Engine Protection Shut-
down feature is enabled, engine will shut
down 30 seconds after red icon starts
187 - Yellow 620 (4) Low voltage detected on the ECM voltage The engine will run derated. No engine
supply line to some sensors (VSEN2 protection for oil pressure and coolant level.
211 - None 1484 (31) Additional OEM or Vehicle diagnostic codes None on engine performance.
have been logged. Check other ECM’s for
diagnostic codes.
212 - Yellow 175 (3) High voltage detected at the oil temperature No engine protection for oil temperature.
213 - Yellow 175 (4) Low voltage detected at the oil temperature No engine protection for oil temperature.
214 - Red 175 (0) Oil temperature signal indicates oil tempera- Progressive power derate with increasing
ture is above 123.9_C (255_F). time after alert. If Engine Protection Shut-
down feature is enabled, engine will shut
down 30 seconds after red icon starts
221 - Yellow 108 (3) High voltage detected at the ambient air Derate in power output of the engine.
pressure circuit.
222 - Yellow 108 (4) Low voltage detected at the ambient air Derate in power output of the engine.
pressure circuit.
227 - Yellow 620 (3) High voltage detected on the ECM voltage The engine will run derated. No engine
supply line to some sensors (VSEN2 protection for oil pressure and coolant level.
234 - Red 190 (0) Engine speed signal indicates engine speed Fuel shutoff valve closes until engine speed
is greater than 2730 rpm. falls to 2184 rpm.
235 - Red 111 (1) Coolant level signal indicates coolant level is Engine will shut down 30 seconds after red
below the normal range. icon starts flashing. Add coolant as requi-
237 - Yellow 644 (2) Duty cycle of the throttle input signal to the All engines (primary and secondary) are
primary or secondary engine for multiple unit shut down with increasing time after alert if
synchronization is less than 3% or more hard-coupled. Only secondary engines are
than 97%. shut down with increasing time after alert if
241 - Yellow 84 (2) The ECM lost the vehicle speed signal. Engine speed limited to Maximum Engine
Speed without Vehicle Speed Sensor
parameter value Cruise Control, Gear-Down
Protection and Road Speed Governor will
not work (automotive only).
242 - Yellow 84 (10) Invalid or inappropriate vehicle speed signal Engine speed limited to Maximum Engine
detected. Signal indicates an intermittent Speed without Vehicle Speed Sensor pa-
connection or VSS tampering. rameter value Cruise Control, Gear-Down
Protection and Road Speed Governor will
not work (automotive only).

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 1-7

Fault J1939 Failure Description Failure Results
Code - Light SPN(FMI)
245 - Yellow 647 (4) Less than 6 VDC detected at fan clutch cir- Then fan may stay on at all times.
cuit when on. Indicates an excessive cur-
rent draw from the ECM or faulty ECM out-
put circuit.
254 - Red 632 (4) Less than 6 VDC detected at FSO circuit The ECM turns off the FSO supply voltage.
when on. Indicates an excessive current The engine will shut down.
draw from the ECM or a faulty ECM output
255 - Yellow 632 (3) Externally supplied voltage detected going None on performance. Fuel shutoff valve
to the fuel shutoff solenoid supply circuit. stays open.
285 - Yellow 639 (9) The ECM expected information from a multi- At least one multiplexed device will not oper-
plexed device but did not receive it soon ate properly.
enough or did not receive it at all.
286 - Yellow 639 (13) The ECM expected information from a multi- At least one multiplexed device will not oper-
plexed device but only received a portion of ate properly.
the necessary information.
287 - Red 91 (19) The OEM vehicle electronic control unit The engine will only idle.
(VECU) detected a fault with its throttle
288 - Red 974 (19) The OEM vehicle electronic control unit The engine will not respond to the remote
(VECU) detected a fault with its remote throttle.
293 - Yellow 1083 (3) High voltage detected at the OEM tempera- No engine protection for OEM temperature.
ture sensor signal pin of the 31-pin OEM
294 - Yellow 1083 (4) Low voltage detected at the OEM tempera- No engine protection for OEM temperature.
ture sensor signal pin of the 31-pin OEM
295 - Yellow 108 (2) An error in the ambient air pressure sensor The engine is derated to no air setting.
signal was detected by the ECM.
297 - Yellow 1084 (3) High voltage detected at the OEM pressure No engine protection for OEM pressure.
sensor signal pin of the 31-pin OEM connec-
298 - Yellow 1084 (4) Transmission’s temperature exceeds 245_F. Engine will shut down 30 seconds after the
red icon begins flashing.
299 - Yellow 1384 (31) Engine shutdown by device other than key- No action taken by the ECM.
switch before proper engine cool down
resulting in filtered load factor above maxi-
mum shutdown threshold.
311 - Yellow 651 (6) Current detected at No. 1 injector when the Current to the injector is shut off.
voltage is turned off.
312 - Yellow 655 (6) Current detected at No. 5 injector when the Current to the injector is shut off.
voltage is turned off.
313 - Yellow 653 (6) Current detected at No. 3 injector when the Current to the injector is shut off.
voltage is turned off.
314 - Yellow 656 (6) Current detected at No. 6 injector when the Current to the injector is shut off.
voltage is turned off.
315 - Yellow 652 (6) Current detected at No. 2 injector when the Current to the injector is shut off.
voltage is turned off.
319 - Maint 251 (2) Real time clock lost power. None on performance. Data in the ECM will
not have accurate time and date information.

1-8 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Fault J1939 Failure Description Failure Results
Code - Light SPN(FMI)
321 - Yellow 654 (6) Current detected at No. 4 injector when the Current to the injector is shut off.
voltage is turned on.
322 - Yellow 651 (5) No current detected at No. 1 injector when Current to the injector is shut off.
the voltage is turned on.
323 - Yellow 655 (5) No current detected at No. 5 injector when Current to the injector is shut off.
the voltage is turned on.
324 - Yellow 653 (5) No current detected at No. 3 injector when Current to the injector is shut off.
the voltage is turned on.
325 - Yellow 656 (5) No current detected at No. 6 injector when Current to the injector is shut off.
the voltage is turned on.
331 - Yellow 652 (5) No current detected at No. 2 injector when Current to the injector is shut off.
the voltage is turned on.
332 - Yellow 654 (5) No current detected at No. 4 injector when Current to the injector is shut off.
the voltage is turned on.
341 - Yellow 630 (2) Severe loss of data from the ECM. Possible no noticeable performance effects
OR engine dying OR hard starting. Fault
information, trip information, and mainte-
nance monitor data may be inaccurate.
343 - Yellow 629 (12) Internal ECM error. Possible none on performance or severe
349 - Yellow 191 (16) A frequency greater than calibrated thresh- Calibration dependent power and speed
old was detected at the tailshaft governor derate.
signal of the 31-pin OEM connector.
352 - Yellow 1079 (4) Low voltage detected on the ECM voltage The engine is derated to no air setting.
supply line to some sensors (VSEN1
386 - Yellow 1079 (3) High voltage detected on the ECM voltage The engine is derated to no air setting.
supply line to some sensors (VSEN1
387 - Yellow 1043 (3) High voltage detected on the ECM voltage The engine will only idle.
supply line to the throttle(s) (VTP supply).
415 - Red 100 (1) Oil pressure signal indicates oil pressure is Progressive power derate with increasing
below the very low oil pressure engine time from alert. Engine will shut down 30
protection limit. seconds after red icon starts flashing.
418 - Maint 97 (15) Water has been detected in the fuel filter. Possible white smoke, loss of power, or hard
419 - Yellow 1319 (2) An error in the intake manifold pressure sen- The engine is derated to no air setting.
sor signal was detected by the ECM.
422 - Yellow 111 (2) Voltage detected simultaneously on both the Engine will shut down 30 seconds after red
coolant level high and low signal circuits OR icon starts flashing. Disconnected or loose
no voltage detected on both circuits. plug at coolant sensor, defective coolant
sensor, or loose or broken wire between
sensor and ECM.
426 - None 639 (2) Communication between the ECM and the None on performance. J1939 devices may
J1939 data link has been lost. not operate.
428 - Yellow 97 (3) High voltage detected at water-in-fuel None on performance.
429 - Yellow 97 (4) Low voltage detected at water-in-fuel sen- None on performance.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 1-9

Fault J1939 Failure Description Failure Results
Code - Light SPN(FMI)
431 - Yellow 558 (2) Voltage detected simultaneously on both the None on performance.
idle validation off-idle and on-idle circuits.
432 - Red 558 (13) Voltage detected at idle validation on-idle The engine will only idle.
circuit when voltage at throttle position circuit
indicates the pedal is not at idle OR voltage
detected at idle validation off-idle circuit
when voltage at throttle position circuit indi-
cates the pedal is at idle.
433 - Yellow 102 (2) Voltage signal at intake manifold pressure Derate to no air setting.
circuit indicates high intake manifold pres-
sure but other engine characteristics indi-
cate intake manifold pressure must be low.
434 - Yellow 627 (2) Supply voltage to the ECM fell below 6.2 Possible no noticeable performance effects
VDC for a fraction of a second OR the ECM OR possibility of engine dying OR hard star-
was not allowed to power down correctly ing. Fault information, trip information, and
(retain battery voltage for 30 seconds after maintenance monitor data may be inaccu-
key off). rate.
435 - Yellow 100 (2) An error in the oil pressure sensor signal None on performance. No engine protection
was detected by the ECM. for oil pressure.
441 - Yellow 168 (18) Battery voltage is below the normal operat- Possible no noticeable performance effects
ing level. OR possibility of rough idle.
442 - Yellow 168 (16) Battery voltage is above the normal operat- None on performance.
ing level.
443 - Yellow 1043 (4) Low voltage detected on the ECM voltage The engine will only idle.
supply line to the throttle(s) (VTP supply).
489 - Yellow 191 (18) Auxiliary speed frequency on input pin indi- The engine will only idle.
cated that the frequency is below a calibra-
tion dependent threshold.
527 - Yellow 702 (3) Less than 17.0 VDC detected at the dual No action taken by the ECM.
output A signal pin of the 31-pin OEM con-
528 - Yellow 93 (2) Less than 17.0 VDC detected at the dual No action taken by the ECM.
output B signal pin of the 31-pin OEM
529 - Yellow 703 (3) Less than 17.0 VDC detected at the dual No action taken by the ECM.
output B signal pin at the ECM.
551 - Yellow 558 (4) No voltage detected simultaneously on both The engine will only idle.
the idle validation off-idle and on-idle
581 - Yellow 1381 (3) High voltage detected at the fuel inlet restric- Fuel inlet restriction monitor deactivated.
tion sensor signal pin.
582 - Yellow 1381 (4) Low voltage detected at the fuel inlet restric- Fuel inlet restriction monitor deactivated.
tion sensor signal pin.
583 - Yellow 1381 (18) Restriction has been detected at the fuel Fuel inlet restriction monitor warning is set.
pump inlet.
596 - Yellow 167 (16) High battery voltage detected by the battery Amber icon will be illuminated until high bat-
voltage monitor feature. tery voltage condition is corrected.

1-10 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Fault J1939 Failure Description Failure Results
Code - Light SPN(FMI)
597 - Yellow 167 (18) ICONt has restarted the engine 3 times Amber icon will be illuminated until low bat-
within 3 hours due to low battery voltage tery voltage condition is corrected. The
(automotive only) OR low battery voltage ECM may increase idle speed and deacti-
detected by the battery voltage monitor vate idle decrement switch if idle speedup is
feature. enabled. The engine will run continuously if
ICONt is active (automotive only).
598 - Red 167 (1) Very low battery voltage detected by the bat- Red icon will be illuminated until very low
tery voltage monitor feature. battery voltage condition is corrected.
611 - None 1383 (31) Engine shutdown by operator before proper No action taken by the ECM.
engine cool down resulting in filtered load
factor above maximum shutdown threshold.
951 - None 166 (2) A power imbalance between cylinders was The engine may have rough idle or misfire.
detected by the ECM.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 1-11

Engine Troubleshooting (Refer to Circuit Drawing CD 06B)

The following chart includes some of the problems repair or maintenance?

that an operator may encounter during the service 3. Has a similar trouble occurred before?
life of a Cummins diesel engine. Always check
4. If the engine still runs, is it safe to continue
the easiest and obvious things first, such as the
operation of the engine in an effort to diag-
master disconnect switch, the neutral start switch,
nose the trouble?
an empty fuel tank, closed fuel shut off, dead bat-
tery or corroded terminals. Study the problem Check the items most easily and inexpensively
thoroughly before starting to work on the engine. corrected before proceeding to the more difficult,
Ask yourself the following questions. time consuming and expensive items. After a
malfunction has been corrected, locate and cor-
1. What were the warning signs preceding the rect the cause of the trouble to prevent recurrence
trouble? of the same trouble.
2. Has the engine been subjected to recent
Problem Cause Correction

1. Air compressor air 1. Intake air restriction to air compres- 1. Remove restriction.
pressure rises sor is excessive.
slowly 2. Air system leaks. 2. Check for air compressor gasket,
hoses, and fitting leaks. Check for
safety pressure valve leaks.
Rating must be 135 psi (930 kPa).
3. Carbon buildup is excessive in the 3. Check valve or cylinder head for
air discharge line. carbon buildup and remove.
4. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

2. Air compressor 1. Air system leaks. 1. Block the truck’s wheels. Inspect
cycles frequently the air system for leaks with the
parking brakes applied and re-
leased. Check for leaks from the
air compressor gaskets and the air
system hoses, fittings, and valves.
2. Carbon buildup is excessive in the 2. Check for air discharge line, check
air discharge line, check valve, or valve, and cylinder head for carbon
cylinder head. buildup. Replace the air compres-
sor discharge line if required.
3. Air compressor pumping time is 3. Replace the desiccant cartridge in
excessive. the air dryer (if equipped). Check
the air compressor duty cycle.
4. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

3. Air compressor 1. Carbon buildup is excessive in the 1. Refer to Correction 3. of Problem

noise is excessive air discharge line. 1. of this troubleshooting chart.


1-12 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

3. Air compressor 2. Ice buildup in the air system 2. Inspect air discharge line and
noise is excessive components. elbow fittings for ice. Remove ice.
(Continued) 3. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

4. Air compressor 1. Air compressor pumping time is 1. Check air compressor duty cycle.
pumping excess excessive.
lubricating oil into 2. Carbon buildup excessive in the air 2. Refer to Correction 3. of Problem
the air system discharge line. 1. of this troubleshooting chart.
3. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

5. Air compressor will 1. Air system leaks. 1. Refer to Correction 2. of Problem

not maintain ade- 1. of this troubleshooting chart.
quate air pressure 2. Contact a Cummins Authorized
(not pumping con- Repair Facility.

6. Air compressor will 1. Air system leaks. 1. Refer to Correction 2. of Problem

not stop pumping 1. of this troubleshooting chart.
2. Defective air governor. 2. Replace air governor.
3. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

7. Alternator not 1. Alternator belt is loose. 1. Check belt tension.

charging or insuffi- 2. Battery cable or connection is 2. Check battery cables and connec-
ciently charging loose, broken or corroded (exces- tions.
sive resistance).
3. Batteries failed. 3. Check battery conditions.
4. Alternator pulley is loose on shaft. 4. Tighten pulley.
5. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

8. Coolant loss - 1. Coolant level is high. 1. Check coolant level.

External 2. Radiator cap is incorrect or 2. Replace with correct radiator cap
defective. [16 psi (110 kPa)].
3. External engine leak. 3. Visually inspect the engine and
components for seal or gasket
leaks and repair.
4. Radiator or cab heater is leaking. 4. Visually inspect the radiator,

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 1-13

Problem Cause Correction

8. Coolant loss - (continued) heater, hoses and con-

External nections for leaks and repair.
(Continued) 5. Engine is overheating. 5. Refer to Problems 9. and 10. of
this troubleshooting chart.
6. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

9. Coolant tempera- 1. Coolant level is low. 1. Inspect the engine and cooling sys-
ture above normal tem for external leaks. Repair as
(gradual overheat) required. Add coolant as required.
2. Charge air cooler fins, radiator fins, 2. Inspect the charge air cooler, air
or air conditioner condenser fins conditioner condenser, and radiator
are damaged or obstructed with fins. Clean or repair as required.
debris, insects, dirt, etc.
3. Radiator hoses are collapsed, 3. Inspect and repair radiator hoses.
restricted or leaking.
4. Fan drive belt or water pump belt is 4. Check belt tension and tighten if
loose. necessary.
5. Incorrect oil level. 5. Add or drain engine oil as required.
6. Cooling fan shroud is damaged. 6. Inspect shroud; repair or replace.
7. Radiator cap is incorrect or 7. Replace with correct radiator cap
defective. [16 psi (110 kPa)].
8. Overconcentration of antifreeze 8. Use the correct antifreeze con-
and / or supplemental coolant centration (refer to the engine op-
additives. eration and maintenance manual).
9. Defective water pump. 9. Replace water pump.
10. Defective thermostat. 10. Replace thermostat.
11. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

10. Coolant tempera- 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
ture above normal Information chart in this section.
(sudden overheat) 2. Coolant temperature sensor 2. Check / clean sensor and coolant
malfunction. passage.
3. Coolant level is low. 3. Inspect for external leaks on
engine and radiator, and make
4. Radiator hoses are collapsed, 4. Inspect and repair radiator hoses.
restricted, or leaking.
5. Fan drive belt is broken. 5. Replace drive belt.
6. Charge air cooler fins, radiator fins, 6. Inspect the charge air cooler, air
or air conditioner condenser fins conditioner condenser, and radiator
continued are damaged or obstructed with fins. Clean or repair as required.
debris, insects, dirt, etc.

1-14 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

10. Coolant tempera- 7. Radiator cap is incorrect or 7. Replace with correct radiator cap
ture above normal defective. [16 psi (110 kPa)].
(sudden overheat) 8. Defective water pump. 8. Replace water pump.
9. Defective thermostat. 9. Replace thermostat.
10. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

11. Coolant tempera- 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
ture below normal Information chart in this section.
2. Coolant temperature sensor 2. Check / clean sensor and coolant
malfunction. passage.
3. Engine operating at low ambient 3. Refer to the Cummins Engine
temperature. Operation and Maintenance
4. Temperature gauge malfunction. 4. Test the gauge and replace if
5. Thermostat is incorrect or malfunc- 5. Check thermostat and replace if
tioning. necessary.
6. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

12. Engine accelera- 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
tion or response is Information chart in this section.
poor 2. Engine operating at low ambient 2.
3. Air intake system or exhaust 3. Check for loose or damaged piping
system leaks. connections, and missing pipe
plugs. Check the turbocharger and
exhaust manifold mounting (Refer
to the Cummins Engine Operation
and Maintenance Manual).
4. Fuel grade is not correct or fuel 4. Operate the engine from a tank of
quality is poor. high-quality fuel (refer to the Fuel
and Lubricant Specifications in
the Appendices).
5. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

13. Engine deceler- 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
ates slowly Information chart in this section.


TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 1-15

Problem Cause Correction

13. Engine deceler- 2. Accelerator pedal is sticking. 2. Check for a sticking accelerator
ates slowly pedal.
(Continued) 3. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

14. Engine difficult to 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
start or will not Information chart in this section.
start (no smoke 2. Low fuel tank level. 2. Add fuel.
from exhaust)
3. Exhaust system is leaking hot air 3. Check the exhaust plumbing for
into engine compartment. leaks or broken components.
4. Fuel shutoff valve is closed. 4. Repair fuel shutdown solenoid.
5. Battery voltage supply to the elec- 5. Check the battery connections.
tronic control system is low, inter- Check the fuses and the un-
rupted, or open. switched battery supply circuit.
6. Fuel filter(s) are plugged. 6. Replace fuel filter(s).
7. Fuel connection is loose on suction 7. Tighten all fuel fittings and connec-
side of fuel pump. tions from fuel tank to fuel pump.
8. Starting motor rotation is incorrect. 8. Check direction of crankshaft rota-
tion. Replace starting motor if nec-
9. Engine cranking speed is too slow. 9. Check engine cranking rpm. Refer
to Problem 26. of this troubleshoot-
ing chart.
10. Loose wire on master disconnect 10. Isolate and tighten wire.
11. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

15. Engine difficult to 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
start or will not Information chart in this section.
start (exhaust 2. Batteries have drained or are 2. Recharge or replace batteries.
smoke present) defective.
3. Fuel shutoff valve(s) is closed 3. Check the fuel shutoff valve and
(electronically controlled injection). circuit.
4. Fuse(s) malfunctioning. 4. Replace the fuse(s) in the OEM
interface harness.
5. Fuel filter(s) are plugged. 5. Replace fuel filter(s).
6. Intake air or exhaust system is 6. Check intake air and exhaust sys-
restricted. tems for restrictions. Remove
7. Fuel grade is not correct or fuel 7. Operate the engine from a tank of
quality is poor. high-quality fuel (refer to the Fuel
and Lubricant Specifications in
the Appendices).

1-16 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

15. Engine difficult to 8. Engine cranking speed is too slow. 8. Check engine cranking rpm. Refer
start or will not to Problem 26. of this troubleshoot-
start (exhaust ing chart.
smoke present) 9. Hydraulic pump is dead-headed. 9. De-energize hydraulic circuit.
10. Starting aid needed for cold weath- 10. Check / repair or replace cold start-
er or not working properly. ing aid if necessary.
11. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

16. Engine noise 1. Oil supply insufficient or oil pres- 1. Check oil level. Refer to Problem
excessive sure is low. 36. of this troubleshooting chart.
2. Lubricating oil is thin or diluted. 2. Refer to the Fuel and Lubricant
Specifications in the Appendices
for the proper type of oil to use.
Refer to Problem 34. of this trou-
bleshooting chart.
3. Coolant temperature is above 3. Refer to Problem 10. of this trou-
normal. bleshooting chart.
4. Loose motor mount. 4. Inspect and tighten motor mounts.
5. Fan belt is malfunctioning. 5.
a. Fan belt is too loose or too a. Check the tension and adjust if
tight. needed.
b. Fan belt is not in alignment. b. Check pulley alignment and
adjust is necessary.
6. Damaged vibration damper. 6. Check vibration damper and
replace if required.
7. Drive shaft is not in phase. 7. Reposition drive shaft.
8. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

17. Engine noise 1. Poor fuel quality. 1. Verify by operating from a tempo-
excessive (com- rary tank with good fuel. Clean
bustion knocks) and flush the fuel supply tanks,
and use the proper fuel (refer to
the Fuel and Lubricant Specifica-
tions in the Appendices).
2. Engine operating at low ambient 2. Refer to the Cummins Engine
temperature. Operation and Maintenance
3. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 1-17

Problem Cause Correction

18. Engine power out- 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
put low Information chart in this section.
2. Fuel suction line or fuel filter is 2. Replace fuel filter or check fuel line
restricted. for restriction and replace if neces-
3. Oil level is too high. 3. Check oil dipstick and oil pan
capacity. Adjust to the proper oil
4. Intake or exhaust system is 4. Check intake and exhaust systems
restricted. for restrictions. Remove restric-
5. Air intake or exhaust leak. 5. Check for loose or damaged piping
connections or missing pipe plugs.
Check turbocharger and exhaust
manifold mounting.
6. Air is in the fuel. 6. Check for air in the fuel, and tight-
en fuel connections and filter.
7. Fuel drain line restriction. 7. Check the fuel lines for restriction.
Clear or replace the fuel lines.
8. Fuel grade is not correct or fuel 8. Refer to Correction 1. of Problem
quality is poor. 17. of this troubleshooting chart.
9. Engine operating above recom- 9. Engine power decreases at 10,000
mended altitude. feet above sea level.
10. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

19. Engine runs rough 1. Engine operating at low ambient 1. Refer to the Cummins Engine
at idle temperatures. Operation and Maintenance
2. Electronic fault codes are active. 2. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
Information chart in this section.
3. Engine mounts are worn or 3. Visually check engine mounts and
damaged. replace if necessary.
4. Engine idle speed is set too low 4. Verify the correct idle speed
(electronically controlled fuel setting.
5. Air is in the fuel. 5. Check for air in the fuel, and tight-
en fuel connections and filter.
6. Fuel grade is not correct or fuel 6. Refer to Correction 1. of Problem
quality is poor. 17. of this troubleshooting chart.
7. Overhead adjustments are 7. Measure and adjust the overhead
incorrect. settings. Refer to the Cummins
Engine Operation and Mainte-
nance Manual.

1-18 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

19. Engine runs rough 8. Contact a Cummins Authorized

at idle Repair Facility.

20. Engine runs rough 1. Condition occurs only at idle. 1. Refer to Problem 19. of this trou-
or misfires bleshooting chart.
2. Engine operating in low ambient 2. Refer to the Cummins Engine
temperatures. Operation and Maintenance
3. Electronic fault codes are active. 3. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
Information chart in this section.
4. Fuel leak. 4. Check the fuel lines, fuel connec-
tions, and the fuel filters for leaks.
5. Fuel grade is not correct or fuel 5. Refer to Correction 1. of Problem
quality is poor. 17. of this troubleshooting chart.
6. Air is in the fuel. 6. Check for air in the fuel and tighten
fuel connections and filter.
7. Fuel filter(s) are plugged. 7. Replace fuel filter(s).
8. Overhead adjustments are 8. Measure and adjust the overhead
incorrect. settings. Refer to the Cummins
Engine Operation and Mainte-
nance Manual.
9. Engine mounts are worn or 9. Visually check engine mounts and
damaged. replace if necessary.
10. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

21. Engine shuts off 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
unexpectedly or Information chart in this section.
dies during decel- 2. Battery voltage supply to the elec- 2. Check the battery connections.
eration tronic control module (ECM) has Check the fuses and the un-
been lost. switched battery supply circuit.
3. Engine will not restart. 3. Refer to Problems 14. and 15. of
this troubleshooting chart.
4. Fuel inlet restriction or air in the 4. Check fuel tank, fuel filter, fuel
fuel. lines, connections and fuel cooling
5. Low battery voltage. 5. Check battery power supply cir-
6. Loose wire on master disconnect 6. Isolate and tighten wire connection.
7. Fuel cutoff valve is closed. 7. Check for loose wires and power to
the fuel cutoff valve solenoid.
8. Fuel grade is not correct or fuel 8. Refer to Correction 1. of Problem
continued quality is poor. 17. of this troubleshooting chart.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 1-19

Problem Cause Correction

21. Engine shuts off 9. Contact a Cummins Authorized

unexpectedly or Repair Facility.
dies during decel-

22. Engine speed 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
surges at low idle Information chart in this section.
or high idle 2. Low fuel level in the tank. 2. Fill fuel tank with fuel.
3. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

23. Engine speed 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
surges under load Information chart in this section.
or in operating 2. Low fuel level in the tank. 2. Fill fuel tank with fuel.
3. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

24. Engine starts, but 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
will not keep run- Information chart in this section.
ning 2. Low fuel level in tank. 2. Fill fuel tank with fuel.
3. Load on hydraulic pump. 3. Isolate and remove restriction from
hydraulic circuit.
4. Air in the fuel system. 4. Check for air in fuel, tighten fuel
connections and tighten fuel filter.
5. Fuel filter plugged or fuel waxing 5. Replace fuel filter. Weather condi-
due to cold weather. tions can require fuel heater.
6. Fuel inlet restriction. 6. Inspect fuel line for restriction and
replace if necessary.
7. Fuel grade is not correct or fuel 7. Refer to Correction 1. of Problem
quality is poor. 17. of this troubleshooting chart.
8. Intake or exhaust system is 8. Check intake and exhaust for
restricted. restriction and remove restriction.
9. Loose wire on master disconnect 9. Isolate and tighten wire connection.
10. Engine protection circuit is active. 10. Refer to the Engine Protection
System Troubleshooting chart.
11. Fuel cutoff valve is closed. 11. Check for loose wires and power to
the fuel cutoff valve solenoid.
12. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

1-20 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

25. Engine vibration 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
excessive Information chart in this section.
2. Engine is misfiring. 2. Refer to Problem 20. of this trou-
bleshooting chart.
3. Engine idle speed is too low. 3. Adjust idle speed.
4. Fan is loose, damaged or unbal- 4. Check fan. Tighten, replace or
anced. adjust.
5. Engine belt driven accessories 5. Check for interference. Loosen
malfunctioning: fan hub, alternator, belt, if applicable, to isolate compo-
Freon compressor or air compres- nent from vibration.
6. Engine mounts are worn or 6. Visually check engine mounts and
damaged. replace if necessary.
7. Damaged vibration damper. 7. Check vibration damper and
replace if required.
8. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

26. Engine will not 1. Battery disconnect switch is turned 1. Turn battery disconnect switch on.
crank or cranks off.
slowly (OEM 2. Load on hydraulic pump. 2. Isolate and remove restriction from
electrical) hydraulic circuit.
3. Battery connections are broken, 3. Check for damage. Replace, tight-
loose or corroded. en or clean.
4. Low battery charge. 4. Check electrolyte level and specific
gravity. Recharge or replace bat-
5. Battery rating is too low or battery 5. Replace with correct rated battery.
is defective.
6. Shifter is not in the neutral position. 6. Place shifter in the neutral position.
7. Circuit breaker (CB1, CB2, or 7. Reset or replace circuit breaker
CB25; refer to Circuit Drawings (CB1, CB2, or CB25).
CD 06B and CD 06) is tripped or
8. Defective starter solenoid (L2). 8. Replace starter solenoid (L2).
9. Defective starter. 9. Replace or repair starter.
10. Defective ignition switch (S26). 10. Refer to Component 4. of the
Component Troubleshooting
chart in Section 6.
11. Defective fuel shutoff valve. 11. Refer to Fuel Solenoid Valve
found in Section 2 for proper fuel
shutoff valve operation.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 1-21

Problem Cause Correction

26. Engine will not 12. Defective TICS power solenoid. 12. Replace TICS power solenoid.
crank or cranks
slowly (OEM 13. Loose or broken wires, pins, or 13. Isolate and repair.
electrical) plugs between any of the compo-
(Continued) nents in Causes 1. through 14.
14. One of the 15 amp Cummins 14. Isolate and repair.
engine fuses have blown (refer to
Circuit Drawing CD 06B).

27. Engine will not 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
reach rated speed Information chart in this section.
(rpm) 2. Engine power output is low. 2. Refer to Problem 18. of this trou-
bleshooting chart.
3. Fuel grade is not correct or fuel 3. Refer to Correction 1. of Problem
quality is poor. 17. of this troubleshooting chart.
4. Fuel suction line is restricted. 4. Check fuel inlet for restriction.
5. Overhead adjustments are 5. Measure and adjust the overhead
incorrect. settings. Refer to the Cummins
Engine Operation and Mainte-
nance Manual.
6. Contact a Cummins Authorized
repair facility.

28. Engine will not 1. Ignition switch circuit is malfunc- 1. Check ignition key switch circuit.
shut off tioning. NOTE: Should an electrical mal-
function prevent engine shutdown,
turn the master disconnect switch
2. Engine is running on fumes drawn 2. Locate and isolate the source of
into air intake. fumes.

29. Fuel consumption 1. Oil level is too high. 1. Check oil dipstick and oil pan
excessive capacity. Adjust to the proper oil
2. Intake air restriction is excessive. 2. Visually inspect air filter and restric-
tion indicator. Replace air filter if
3. Fuel leaks. 3. Visually check fuel system and
supply for leaks.
4. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

1-22 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

30. Fuel in coolant 1. Bulk coolant supply contaminated. 1. Check coolant supply. Drain cool-
ant and replace with non-contami-
nated coolant. Replace coolant
2. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

31. Fuel in the lubri- 1. Bulk oil supply is contaminated. 1. Check oil supply. Drain oil and
cating oil replace with non-contaminated oil
and replace filters.
2. Engine idle time is excessive. 2. Low oil and coolant temperatures
can be caused by long periods of
engine idling (time greater than
10 minutes). Shut off the engine
rather than idle for long periods of
3. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

32. Intake manifold air 1. Truck speed too low for adequate 1. Reduce engine load.
temperature above cooling at high engine load.
specification 2. Cooling fan shroud is damaged. 2. Repair or replace shroud.
3. Fan drive belt is broken. 3. Check the fan drive belt and
replace belt if necessary.
4. Charge air cooler fins, radiator fins, 4. Inspect charge air cooler, radiator,
and Freon condenser fins are dam- and Freon condenser. Clean fins if
aged or obstructed with debris, necessary.
insects, dirt, etc. (external)
5. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

33. Lubricating oil con- 1. Verify oil consumption rate. 1. Check oil added versus hours.
sumption exces- 2. External oil leaks. 2. Tighten capscrews, pipe plugs and
sive fittings as needed. Replace gas-
kets if necessary.
3. Oil does not meet specifications. 3. Change oil and replace with the
proper oil (refer to Fuel and Lubri-
cant Specifications in the Appen-
4. Crankcase ventilation system is 4. Check and clean crankcase
plugged. breather and vent tube.
5. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 1-23

Problem Cause Correction

34. Lubricating oil con- 1. Identify contamination. 1. Perform an oil analysis to deter-
taminated mine the contaminants.
2. Bulk oil supply is contaminated. 2. Check oil supply. Drain oil and
replace with non-contaminated oil
and replace filters.
3. Oil sludge is excessive. 3. Refer to Problem 37. of this trou-
bleshooting chart.
4. Fuel is in the oil. 4. Refer to Problem 31. of this trou-
bleshooting chart.
5. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

35. Lubricating oil 1. Oil pressure switch, gauge or 1. Verify that the oil pressure switch,
pressure (high) sensor is malfunctioning. gauge and sensor is functioning
2. Engine coolant temperature is too 2. Refer to Problem 11. of this trou-
low. bleshooting chart.
3. Oil does not meet specifications. 3. Change the oil with the proper type
of oil (refer to the Fuel and Lubri-
cant Specifications in the Appen-
4. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

36. Lubricating oil 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
pressure (low) Information chart in this section.
2. Incorrect oil level. 2. Add or drain engine oil.
3. External oil leaks. 3. Visually inspect for oil leaks. Tight-
en the capscrews, pipe plugs, and
fittings. Replace gaskets if neces-
4. Oil pressure switch, gauge or 4. Refer to Correction 1. of Problem
sensor is malfunctioning. 35. of this troubleshooting chart.
5. Oil does not meet specifications. 5. Change oil and filters. Refer to
Fuel and Lubricant Specifica-
tions in the Appendices for the
proper type of oil to be used.
6. Oil is contaminated with coolant or 6. Refer to Problem 34. of this trou-
fuel. bleshooting chart.
7. Oil filter(s) are plugged. 7. Change oil and replace oil filter(s).
8. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

1-24 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

37. Lubricating oil 1. Bulk oil supply is contaminated. 1. Refer to Correction 2. of Problem
sludge in the 34. of this troubleshooting chart.
engine crankcase 2. Oil does not meet specifications. 2. Change the oil with the proper type
excessive of oil (refer to the Fuel and Lubri-
cant Specifications in the Appen-
3. Oil drain interval is excessive. 3. Change oil and filter(s) at the
appropriate intervals (refer to the
Preventive Maintenance chart in
the Appendices).
4. Fuel grade is not correct or fuel 4. Refer to Correction 1. of Problem
quality is poor. 17. of this troubleshooting chart.
5. Crankcase ventilation system is 5. Check and clean crankcase
plugged. breather and vent tube.
6. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

38. Lubricating oil tem- 1. Incorrect oil level. 1. Add or drain engine oil.
perature above 2. Engine coolant temperature is 2. Refer to Problem 10. of this trou-
specification above normal. bleshooting chart.
3. Oil pressure switch, gauge or 3. Refer to Correction 1. of Problem
sensor is malfunctioning. 35. of this troubleshooting chart.
4. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

39. Lubricating or 1. Bulk coolant supply is contami- 1. Check coolant supply. Drain cool-
transmission oil in nated. ant, flush cooling system and
the coolant replace with non-contaminated
coolant. Replace coolant filter.
2. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

40. Excessive black 1. Turbocharger wheel clearance is 1. Check the radial bearing clearance
smoke out of specification. and axial clearance. Inspect the
turbocharger. Repair or replace
the turbocharger if necessary.
2. Air intake or exhaust leaks. 2. Check for loose or damaged piping
connections or missing pipe plugs.
Check turbocharger and exhaust
manifold mounting.
3. Fuel grade is not correct or fuel 3. Refer to Correction 1. of Problem
quality is poor. 17. of this troubleshooting chart.
4. Fuel drain line restriction. 4. Check the fuel lines for restriction.
Clear or replace the fuel lines.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 1-25

Problem Cause Correction

40. Excessive black 5. Contact a Cummins Authorized

smoke Repair Facility.

41. Excessive white 1. Electronic fault codes are active. 1. Refer to the QSM11 Fault Code
smoke Information chart in this section.
2. Engine block heater is malfunction- 2. Check electrical source and wiring
ing (if equipped). to cylinder block heater. Replace
block heater if necessary.
3. Coolant temperature is too low. 3. Refer to Problem 11. of this trou-
bleshooting chart.
4. Engine is cold. 4. Allow engine to warm to operating
5. Fuel grade is incorrect or fuel 5. Refer to Correction 1. of Problem
quality poor. 17. of this troubleshooting chart.
6. Overhead adjustments are 6. Measure and adjust the overhead
incorrect. settings. Refer to the Cummins
Engine Operation and Mainte-
nance Manual.
7. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

42. Intake manifold 1. Air intake or exhaust leaks. 1. Check for loose or damaged piping
pressure (Boost) is connections or missing pipe plugs.
below normal Check turbocharger and exhaust
manifold mounting.
2. Air compressor connection is loose 2. Check the connection between the
or damaged. manifold and the air compressor.
Repair or replace if necessary.
3. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

43. Turbocharger 1. Operating for extended periods 1. Refer to the Cummins Engine
leaks engine oil or under light or no load conditions. Operation and Maintenance
fuel Manual.
2. Engine oil or fuel is entering 2. Remove intake and exhaust piping,
turbocharger. and check for oil or fuel.
3. Turbocharger drain line is 3. Remove the turbocharger drain line
restricted. and check for restriction. Clean or
replace the drain line.
4. Contact a Cummins Authorized
Repair Facility.

1-26 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Cummins QSM11 Diesel Engine
Engine Operating Conditions 2100 rpm
Lubrication System English Metric
Lubricating oil pressure (min. at idle / max. at rated speed) . . . . . . . . psi (kPa) 15 - 35 103 - 241
Minimum for safe operation (at idle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . psi (kPa) 10 69
*Lubrication oil temperature maximum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °F (°C) 275 135
Oil pan capacity High / Low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . qt (L) 36 / 28 34 / 26.5
Total engine oil capacity with filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . qt (L) 39.2 37
Air System
Air inlet restriction, Dirty air cleaner . . . . . . . . . in H2O (kPa) 25 6.2
f ll load maximum
full ma im m
Clean air cleaner . . . . . . . . in H2O (kPa) 15 3.7
Exhaust back pressure maximum full load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Hg (kPa) 3.0 10.1
Max. allowable air temp. rise over ambient at turbo compressor inlet . °F (°C) 30 16.7
Fuel System
Maximum fuel inlet restriction Dirty fuel filter . . . . . . . . . . . . in Hg (kPa) 8 27
Clean fuel filter . . . . . . . . . . . in Hg (kPa) 4 14
Maximum fuel drain restriction less check valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Hg (kPa) 2.5 8
Maximum fuel flow (on supply side of fuel pump) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb/hr (kg/hr) 591 268
Cooling System
Coolant flow Normal temp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °F (°C) 192 89
Full load speed . . . . . . . gal/min (L/min) 108 409
Coolant capacity (Engine only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . qt (L) 10 9.5
Min. pressure cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . psi (kPa) 7 48
Max. pressure cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . psi (kPa) 15 103
Full ON Fan engine coolant outlet temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °F (°C) 203 95
Min. top tank temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °F (°C) 160 71
Thermostats Start to open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °F (°C) 180 82
Fully open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °F (°C) 200 93
*The lubricating oil temperature range is based on the temperature measurement in the oil gallery. When measur-
ing the oil temperature in the pan, it will normally be approximately 10°F higher than the oil gallery temperature.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 1-27

Hoist Circuit

1-28 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 2

Fuel System






Illustration 2-1. Fuel System

Introduction. Fuel is drawn from the tank through tors. The fuel solenoid valve is normally closed
the fuel / water separator filters by the fuel pump. and requires a 12 VDC signal to energize the coil,
From here, the fuel is sent to the fuel injectors. shifting the spool to the open state. This allows
Unused fuel is returned through the fuel cooler the fuel to flow to the injector pump.
and into the fuel tank.
Adding Fuel (Illustration 2-4). When adding
Major Components (Illustration 2-1). The fuel diesel fuel to the fuel tank, make sure the fuel
system consists of a fuel tank, two fuel / water strainer is in the filler neck and free of debris.
separator filters, fuel pump, fuel solenoid valve, Adding fuel with the strainer removed could lead
fuel cooler, fuel injectors and fuel lines. to debris entering the fuel tank, resulting in poor
engine performance.
Fuel Solenoid Valve (Illustration 2-1). The fuel
solenoid valve, located on the fuel pump itself, Fuel Cooler (Illustration 2-1). The fuel cooler,
controls the on / off flow of fuel to the fuel injec- located on the left side running board (see Illustra-

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 2-1

tion 2-2), is forced-air cooled by a 24 VDC fan fuel / water separator filter may result in seal
motor. Fuel is circulated through its tubes and the and / or cartridge damage. Tighten the fuel /
fan circulates air across the cooler and through water separator filter by hand only.
the fins, cooling the fuel. The fan motor will run to
cool the fuel when the thermostat senses that the 1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply
fuel temperature has exceeded 117_F (47_C). the parking brake, block the wheels in both
directions to prevent movement of the truck
and Lock Out & Tag Out the truck.
2. Provide a suitable container to catch drained
fuel and use a strap wrench to remove the fuel
FUEL / water separator filters from the filter base.
COOLER 3. Clean the area around the filter heads.
4. Remove the fuel filter thread adapter sealing
5. Clean the gasket surface of the fuel filter head
with a lint free cloth.
6. Install the new thread adapter sealing rings on
the fuel filter head.
7. Fill new filters with clean fuel and lubricate the
filter seals with clean oil.
8. Install filters and tighten them 1/2 turn after the
seals contact the filter head surface.
Draining The Fuel / Water Separator Filters
(Illustration 2-3). The fuel / water separator filters
should be drained daily to remove water and sedi-
Illustration 2-2. Fuel Cooler ments from the fuel. Perform the following proce-
dures to drain the water from the fuel / water sep-
arator filters:
Fuel / Water Separator Filters Replacement
(Illustration 2-3). The filters should be replaced
periodically (refer to the Preventive Maintenance 
 Death or serious injury could
chart in the Appendices for fuel / water separator result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
filters replacement interval) or more often if condi- a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake,
tions warrant. With the engine shut down, perform block the wheels in both directions to prevent
the following procedures to replace the fuel / movement of the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out
water separator filters: the truck.

 Death or serious injury could  Dispose of drained fuel in
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on accordance to federal and local regulations.
a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake,
block the wheels in both directions to prevent
movement of the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out  Do not overtighten the drain
the truck. valve. Overtightening may cause thread
 Dispose of used fuel / water 1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply
separator filters and drained fuel in the parking brake, block the wheels in both
accordance to federal and local regulations. directions to prevent movement of the truck
and Lock Out & Tag Out the truck.
2. Provide a suitable container to catch drained
 Mechanical tightening of the

2-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

water and open the drain valve approximately
1-1/2 to 2 turns until draining occurs. Drain
each fuel / water separator filter of water until
clear fuel is visible.
3. Once the water has drained, turn the valve
clockwise to close the drain valve.


Illustration 2-3. Fuel / Water Separator Filters

General Information
Fuel Capacity 180 Gallons
(682 Liters)

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 2-3





Illustration 2-4. Fuel Tank

2-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 3

Air Intake System





Illustration 3-1. Air Intake System Components

Introduction. The air cleaner is designed to be of the dust from the air by centrifugal action. The
serviced efficiently and quickly. Intake air enters dust is then forced out the vacuator. The air then
the air cleaner through the cap or optional pre- passes through the primary and safety filters,
cleaner. When the air reaches the filter body, a where it is cleaned, before entering the engine.
helical ramp imparts a high-speed circular motion
Major Components (Illustrations 3-1 through
to the intake air. This action separates up to 85%
3-3). The air cleaner consists of the primary filter,

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 3-1

internal filter indicator, safety filter, air cleaner dries out, restriction levels drop back to nor-
housing, cap (or optional precleaner), vacuator mal. The indicator will now have to be reset
and an air restriction indicator. (refer to procedure 10. to reset the indicator).
Servicing (Illustration 3-1). If the equipment is 3. Check the internal filter indicator to determine
being operated under extremely dusty conditions, if the safety filter also requires servicing.
the vacuator should be checked every day to be
4. If the internal filter indicator indicates a green
certain it is not clogged. Perform the following
dot in its center (Illustration 3-3), the safety
procedures to service the filters and air cleaner
filter is good, continue to procedure 7.
components. Overservicing of the filters is not
recommended. Filter efficiency increases with 5. If the internal filter indicator indicates red, the
initial operation. safety filter must be replaced. Remove inter-
nal filter indicator, old safety filter and replace
with a new safety filter.

 Death or serious injury could
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake, RED
block the wheels in both directions to prevent ZONE YELLOW
movement of the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out INDICATOR
the truck.

 Replace the primary filter

periodically or when the air restriction
indicator shows red (refer to the Preventive
Maintenance chart in the Appendices for
primary filter replacement interval). In dusty
conditions, the primary filter may have to be
replaced more often.
 Replace the safety filter
periodically or when the internal filter indicator
has turned red (refer to the Preventive
Maintenance chart in the Appendices for Illustration 3-2. Air Restriction Indicator
safety filter replacement interval).
6. Reset the internal filter indicator by applying
suction to window and re-install indicator.
 Do Not use ether type fuels to
help start the engine for this may damage the 7. Remove all dust and foreign particles from the
engine. air cleaner components, and clean the inside
of the air cleaner housing with a damp cloth.
1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply
the parking brake, block the wheels in both
directions to prevent movement of the truck  Do not use flammable liquids
and Lock Out & Tag Out the truck. to clean the inside of the air cleaner housing.
2. When the air restriction indicator (see Illustra- Only use a cloth dampened with water.
tion 3-2) indicates filter servicing is required
(yellow indicator reaches and locks into the 8. Replace the primary filter with a new filter.
red zone) or the service interval has occurred, Remove clip from the used primary filter to
turn the wing nut counterclockwise several release the wing nut and washer.
times and remove the primary filter assembly. 9. Re-install wing nut, washer and clip on
In high humidity situations, the air restriction replacement primary filter. Re-install and
indicator may indicate a restricted condition secure the primary filter assembly in the air
due to moisture in the filter. When the filter cleaner housing.

3-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

10. Push the reset button of the air restriction
11. Inspect rubber elbow, joints and clamps for
wear, damage and looseness.
12. Clean and inspect the vacuator.
13. Inspect the air intake system for leaks.


Illustration 3-3. Internal Filter Indicator

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 3-3

Air Intake System Troubleshooting
Problem Cause Correction

1. Short filter life 1. Improper assembly when prior filter 1. Properly install.
(primary filter) was replaced.
2. Damaged or missing vacuator. 2. Replace vacuator.
3. Damaged seal on the primary filter 3. Replace seal / primary filter
assembly. assembly.
4. Damaged air cleaner body. 4. Replace air cleaner body.
5. Loose system connections. 5. Tighten system connections.
6. Loose wing nut on primary filter 6. Tighten wing nut.
7. Excessively dusty environment. 7. Replace filter as needed.
8. Incorrect filter used. 8. Replace with proper filter.
9. Seal on primary filter assembly is 9. Ensure that no foreign object is
not sealing. between seal and metal mating

2. Short filter life 1. Bypassing primary filter. 1.

(safety filter)
a. Seal of primary filter is not a. Replace filter.
b. Damaged primary filter. b. Replace primary filter.
c. Loose primary filter wing nut. c. Tighten wing nut.

3. Airborne contami- 1. Damaged filter(s). 1. Replace filter(s).

nants entering the
engine 2. Damaged seals or sealing sur- 2. Replace damaged components.
3. Damaged or loose connections 3. Replace or repair connections.
between air cleaner and engine.
4. Incorrect filter used. 4. Replace with proper filter.

4. Air restriction indi- 1. Restriction between the air restric- 1. Remove restriction.
cator indicates tion indicator and filter adapter.
green condition
and primary filter is 2. Air leak between air restriction indi- 2. Tighten or replace damaged
clogged cator and air cleaner. part(s).
3. Damaged air restriction indicator. 3. Replace air restriction indicator.
4. Loose system connections. 4. Tighten connections.

3-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 4

Exhaust System
Introduction. The exhaust system is responsible
for venting exhaust gases, generated by the
engine, to the atmosphere. It also provides noise

 Do not service exhaust
system until exhaust system is cool. Failure
to do so may result in severe burns.

 Keep all flammable materials
away from exhaust components.

 Avoid breathing toxic exhaust

 All internal combustion
engines produce carbon monoxide, which can
become concentrated in enclosed areas.
Exposure to carbon monoxide can result in
serious injuries or health hazards, including
death. Properly ventilate work areas, vent
exhaust fumes, and keep shop clean and dry.
(A) Initial symptoms of carbon monoxide
poisoning include headaches, dizzi-
ness, and nausea. The smell of lift truck
exhaust means carbon monoxide is
(B) If you experience initial symptoms, shut
off the lift truck engine, notify your
employer, and obtain medical attention.

 Never rely on a control device
to reduce carbon monoxide output. Carbon
monoxide levels can change depending on
maintenance. Make sure carbon monoxide
level testing is included in regular maint-
enance procedures and that ventilation is used
as the primary control for emissions.
Maintenance. There is minimal maintenance
required on the standard exhaust system.
1. Check for leaks at all pipe connections.
2. Check for holes in the muffler and exhaust
3. Keep guard clean and in place.
4. Keep exhaust system free of debris.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 4-1

Hoist Circuit

4-2 TS - 9972, 9973W

(Rev. 3/11)
Section 5

Cooling System
Introduction. The cooling system cools the
engine. Refer to Section 9A for transmission  Coolant containing anti-leak
cooling and Section 15C for the wet disc brakes additives must not be used with the coolant
cooling system to find more detailed cooling infor- filter because it will clog the element.
mation on these particular systems.
Major Components (Refer to Circuit Drawing). CUT-OFF
The engine cooling system consists of coolant, VALVES
radiator / charge air cooler, piping connecting the
radiator to the engine and a water pump to circu-
late the coolant. A coolant filter, remote mounted,
is used to filter and condition the coolant.
Operation (Refer to Circuit Drawing). When the
engine is started, the water pump draws coolant
from the radiator into the engine block. The cool-
ant is circulated through the engine and the cool-
ant filter until it reaches a specified temperature, COOLANT
at which point the thermostat will start to open. FILTER
This will allow coolant flow back into the top of the
radiator core. Air trapped in the coolant will travel
to the top of the deaeration space by means of
the deaeration line and an internal deaeration
stand tube. Coolant is made available from the
deaeration tank to displace the removed air by
way of the make-up line. Refer to Circuit Drawing
Illustration 5-1. Coolant Filter
for thermostat settings.
Coolant. The cooling system of this equipment is Radiator (Illustration 5-3). The radiator is force-
protected to -34_F (-36_C) and 228_F (109_C). air-cooled. Access to the core is supplied through
The solution is a 50 - 50 mixture of ethylene glycol a radiator cap located on the top, left side of the
base antifreeze to water solution. Use soft water radiator. The radiator coolant level is to be main-
in the coolant mixture. It is recommended that tained by the coolant sight glasses located on the
50% solution be maintained year round. left side of the radiator. Refer to Circuit Drawing
A proper coolant / SCA (Supplemental Coolant for radiator cap pressure rating.
Additive) additive concentration must be main- Charge Air Cooler (Illustration 5-3). The engine
tained to prevent liner pitting, corrosion and scale is equipped with a turbocharger which is driven by
deposits in the cooling system. Refer to the engine exhaust. The exhaust turbine drives the
Cummins QSM11 Engine Operation and Mainte- intake turbine which compresses the intake air. To
nance Manual for coolant additive concentration. increase combustion efficiency, a charge air cooler
The coolant additive concentration level may be is integrated into the radiator. The charge air cool-
tested with a coolant test kit, Taylor part number er is an air to air cooler. Reducing the tempera-
1006-175. ture of the intake air before it enters the piston
chamber results in a more complete burning of the
 Insufficient concentration of fuel, emitting fewer pollutants. This increase in
the coolant additives will result in liner pitting combustion efficiency also creates lower engine
and engine failure. operating temperatures, which pro-longs the life of
the engine and its’ components.
Coolant Filter (Illustration 5-1). The coolant filter
Checking The Coolant Level (Illustration 5-2).
is used in the cooling system to control the water
The coolant level should be checked daily with the
acidity, soften the water to reduce scale formation,
filter out suspended materials and add a corrosion engine cool. The coolant level is full when the
inhibiting chemical to the coolant which provides a coolant is visible at the center of the upper coolant
protective film on the water passages. sight glass on the radiator. If the coolant level is
visible at the lower coolant sight glass, add cool-

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 5-1

ant until the coolant level is visible at the center of
the upper coolant sight glass on the radiator.  Do not use a strap wrench to
Cooling Requirements. The following require- tighten the coolant filter. Mechanical
ments must be followed for trouble-free operation over-tightening may distort the threads or
of the cooling system. damage the filter gasket.

1. Always use a properly corrosion inhibited 1. Close both cut-off valves (Illustration 5-1).
coolant. 2. Remove the coolant filter. It may be possible
2. Maintain prescribed inhibitor strength. to unscrew the coolant filter by hand; however,
a band type filter wrench may be used if nec-
3. Use low silicate antifreeze with an ethylene essary.
glycol base.
3. Clean the gasket surface of the filter base.
4. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommen-
dations on inhibitor usage and handling. Refer 4. Apply a light film of lubricating oil to the gasket
to the engine operation and maintenance sealing surface of the new coolant filter.
manual for coolant requirements. 5. Screw the new coolant filter onto the filter
5. Do Not use soluble oil! base until the gasket comes in contact with the
filter base and then tighten filter 1/2 to 3/4 turn
6. Sealer type antifreeze should Not be used. by hand only.
6. Open the cut-off valves.
SIGHT GLASS 7. Start up engine and check for leaks at the
coolant filter base.
Draining / Flushing The Cooling System. The
cooling system should be drained and flushed
periodically (refer to the Preventive Maintenance
chart in the Appendices for cooling system drain /
flush interval). The cooling system is drained by
opening the drain cock on the bottom of the radia-
tor. Removal of the radiator cap will allow air to
enter the cooling passages, decreasing drain time
and ensuring that the coolant drains completely
SIGHT GLASS from the system. Leave the drain cock open until
(ADD LEVEL) all coolant has been allowed to drain from the

Illustration 5-2. Coolant Level 

 Shut down the engine and
allow the engine to cool before opening the
Coolant Filter Replacement. Refer to the engine radiator cap and the drain cock to drain the
operation and maintenance manual for the coolant cooling system.
filter replacement interval. Perform the following
procedures to replace the coolant filter:

 Coolant should only be added
to the cooling system when the engine has

 Death or serious injury could been shut down and allowed to cool. Failure
occur from being scalded by hot coolant. Shut to do so may result in personal injury from
down the engine and allow the engine to cool heated coolant spray.
before changing the coolant filter.

 Coolant is toxic. Keep away
 Dispose of coolant filter in from children and pets. Dispose of coolant in
accordance with federal and local regulations. accordance with federal and local regulations.

5-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Belt Tension in Section 1 for the proper tension
 When freezing weather is values.
expected, any cooling system not adequately
protected by antifreeze should be drained.
Filling The Cooling System (Illustration 5-2).
Refer to Circuit Drawing for cooling system cool-
ant capacity. Before starting the engine, close the
drain cock of the radiator and fill the cooling sys-
tem. Remove the radiator cap and fill the core of
the radiator to the upper sight glass. Start the
engine to remove air from the coolant. Recheck
the coolant level at the sight glasses and add
coolant as required to obtain the proper level.

 Coolant should only be added
to the cooling system when the engine has
been shut down and allowed to cool. Failure
to do so may result in personal injury from
heated coolant spray.
Coolant Temperature. Refer to Circuit Drawing
for thermotat opening temperature. The
engine coolant temperature icon, displayed on the
TICS display module, will change from white to
red when the engine coolant temperature is great-
er than 210_F (99_C). At this point, the engine
coolant temperature is too great for the engine to
be operated without damage. If this icon changes
to red, stop the engine immediately.
Inspection. Components of the cooling system
should be checked periodically to keep the engine
operating at peak efficiency. The radiator should
be inspected externally for excessive dirt or oil
buildup. The radiator should be cleaned external-
ly as conditions warrant. The cooling system
hoses should be inspected and any hose that is
abnormally hard or soft should be replaced imme-
diately. Check the hose clamps to make sure they
are tight. All external leaks should be corrected
as soon as detected. The shroud should be tight
against the radiator core to prevent recirculation of
air which may lower cooling efficiency. Check the
fan belts for proper tension.
Charge Air Cooler Cleaning. The charge air
cooler must be cleaned internally upon engine
turbocharger failure or any other occasion where
oil or debris enters the charge air cooler. Contact
Taylor Sudden Service, Inc. for cleaning instruc-
Drive Belt Tension. The proper tension should
be maintained on all drive belts. Refer to Drive

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 5-3




Illustration 5-3. Cooling Components Identification

5-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 6

Electrical System
Introduction. This machine incorporates a form the following procedures to maintain the bat-
24 Volt DC electrical system. Optional equipment teries in a serviceable condition:
selected by the customer will determine the elec-
trical equipment to be installed in addition to the
standard electrical system. Additional technical 
 Under no circumstances
information can be located on the circuit drawings allow any sparks or open flames around
in the Appendices. The Circuit Drawings for the batteries. No smoking. Batteries produce a
electrical system have the format “CD 06”, highly flammable gas which could lead to
“CD 06B”, and “ID 06”. battery explosion if ignited.

 Any modifications to the 

 Never check the battery by
original electrical circuits may cause placing a metal object across the battery
permanent damage to electrical system posts.
components. Contact Taylor Sudden Service
before modifying any part of the electrical  Overfilling cells of the battery
system. can cause poor performance or early failure.
Major Components. The 24 Volt DC electrical 1. The battery’s electrolyte level should be
system consists of two batteries, battery charging checked every 2 months or 500 hours, which-
alternator, voltage regulator, starter switch, starter ever comes first. Add distilled water if neces-
and starter solenoid. The remainder of the electri- sary to bring the electrolyte level to 3/8 inch
cal system consists of lights and / or gauges, (9.5 mm) above the separator plates. Do not
switches, circuit breakers and accessory circuits. overfill.
The above items are included as standard equip-
ment in the electrical system. Refer to Illustrations 2. Keep the top of the battery, terminals and
6-1 through 6-8 and Circuit Drawings for location cable clamps clean. When necessary, wash
of components and wiring diagrams. them with a solution of baking soda and water,
and rinse with clean water.
Electrical Maintenance. All wiring harnesses,
battery cables and electrical connections should
be inspected for chaffing or wear periodically.  Do not allow the soda and
This is especially important where there is relative water solution to enter the battery cells.
movement between the components. Clamps, 3. Inspect the cables, clamps and hold down
boots, and protective sleeves should be main- bracket regularly. Replace any damaged
tained to prevent electrical shorts. Refer to parts. Clean and re-apply a light coating of
Electrical System Maintenance Requirements grease to the terminals and cable clamps
in the Appendices for requirements of proper when necessary.
electrical system maintenance practices.
NOTE: A number of devices and applications are

 Death or serious injury may available on the commercial market to deter corro-
occur from fire. Improper maintenance of the sion on battery terminal connections.
electrical system can result in electrical shorts
which may cause fires. Regularly inspect and 4. Check the electrical system if the battery
maintain electrical harnesses, cables, and becomes discharged repeatedly.
electrical components as outlined in this 5. If the battery indicator illuminates, the alterna-
manual. Ensure that harnesses are properly tor or alternator circuit is defective.
routed and clamped after servicing the vehicle.
NOTE: If the truck is to be inoperative or idle for
Batteries. This machine is equipped with two more than 30 days, remove the battery. The bat-
industrial type, long life batteries. The batteries tery should be stored in a cool, dry place. The
are perishable and require servicing on a regular electrolyte level should be checked regularly and
basis. Batteries that are properly cared for can be the battery kept fully charged.
expected to give long trouble-free service. Per-

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-1

Booster Battery Connection Procedure. Acci- momentary high voltage and current induced by
dentally reversing the battery connections must be the instantaneous collapse of the magnetic field
avoided. If a booster battery is to be used, first surrounding the field windings.
connect the positive (+) terminal of booster battery
to the positive (+) terminal of discharged battery
and then connect the negative (-) terminal of  Accidentally reversing the
booster battery to engine or body ground (-) battery polarity will destroy the diodes of the
(refer to the decal below). Never cross polarity of alternator circuit.
the battery terminals. Disconnect cables in the
exact reverse order from above.

Alternator. The standard alternator for the engine

should be expected to give long, trouble-free ser-
vice; however, the diodes and transistors in the
alternator circuit are very sensitive and can be
easily destroyed. The following precautions
should be observed when working on or around
the alternator.
Avoid grounding the output wires or the field wires
between the alternator and the regulator. Never
run an alternator on an open circuit.
Grounding an alternator’s output wires or termi-
nals, which are always hot regardless of whether
or not the engine is running or accidentally revers-
ing of the battery polarity, will destroy the diodes.
Grounding the field circuit will also result in the
destruction of the diodes. Some voltage regula-
tors provide protection against some of these cir-
cumstances; however, it is recommended that
extreme caution be used.
Never disconnect the battery while the alternator
is in operation. Disconnecting the battery will
result in damage to the diodes, caused by the

6-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Illustration 6-1. Dash Panel

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-3

(15 AMP) (10 AMP)
(10 AMP) OPS & SEAT (20 AMP) (10 AMP) (15 AMP) (15 AMP)

CB15 CB13 CB11 CB1 CB5

(15 AMP) (20 AMP) (15 AMP) (10 AMP) (20 AMP)

Illustration 6-2. Dash Circuit Breakers

6-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

CB17 CB21
(20 AMP) (20 AMP)
XS2-B1 CB19 CB23

CB18 CB22
(20 AMP) (20 AMP)

Illustration 6-3. Electrical Box Circuit Breakers

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-5

Component Troubleshooting valuable components from overloads which could
damage them. Perform the following trouble-
Alternator. The alternator provides 27 - 28 VDC
shooting procedures to troubleshoot a circuit
at 70 amps of power for the electrical system and
trickle charges the battery when the engine is
being operated. 1. Turn the ignition key to the “Ignition” position.
The most effective way to troubleshoot an alterna- 2. If the circuit breaker is tripped, reset the circuit
tor is with an ammeter on the output of the alter- breaker.
nator. Another good check is with a voltmeter
3. If the circuit breaker immediately retrips,
across the battery. With the engine operating at a
remove all wires from the output side (load
moderate speed, the voltmeter reading should
side) of the circuit breaker.
never exceed 27.5 VDC. If reading exceeds
31 VDC, the alternator is defective and requires 4. Reset the circuit breaker. If the circuit breaker
replacing. Should the alternator output drop retrips, the circuit breaker is bad and must be
below 24 VDC, the alternator is defective and replaced.
requires replacing.
5. If the circuit breaker maintains a set state, one
Perform the following procedures below for abnor- of the output circuits is shorted. Reconnect
mal charging system operation. the wires one by one to the output side (load
side) until the circuit breaker trips. Trouble-
1. Insure that the undercharged condition (below
shoot the circuit of the wire, that tripped the
24 VDC) has not been caused by accessories
circuit breaker, for a short.
having been left on for extended periods of
time. 6. Isolate and remove the short from the circuit.
2. Check the drive belt for proper tension (refer to
Drive Belt Tension in Section 1). Normally Closed
Common Contact (when relay
3. Ensure that battery is good and capable of Contact is de-energized)
holding a charge.
Normally Open
4. Inspect the wiring for defects. Check all con- Contact (when relay
nections for tightness and cleanliness, includ- is de-energized)
ing the slip connectors at the alternator and
connections at the battery.
5. With the ignition switch on and all wiring har-
ness leads connected, connect a voltmeter
a. alternator “BAT” terminal to ground
b. alternator #1 terminal to ground
c. alternator #2 terminal to ground

An infinity reading indicates an open circuit

between the voltmeter connection and bat-
tery. Repair if required.
6. With all accessories turned off, connect a volt-
meter across the battery. Operate engine at
moderate speed. If voltage is 15.5 VDC or
higher, replace the alternator.
Illustration 6-4. SP, ST 30 amp Relay
Circuit Breakers (Illustrations 6-2 and 6-3, and
refer to Circuit Drawing CD 06B). Circuit breakers Single-Pole, Single-Throw 30 amp Relays
are employed in the electrical system and act simi- (Illustration 6-4). A relay is nothing more than an
lar to fuses, protecting the electrical circuits and electrically controlled switch. Relays are always

6-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

shown on electrical circuits in a de-energized between pins 30 and 87a. The ohmmeter should
state. The internal switch, common at pin 30, indicate a reading of 0 - 40 ohms. Energize the
toggles between pins 87A (when de-energized) relay and check the resistance between pins 30
and 87 (when energized). Pins 86 and 85 of the and 87. The ohmmeter should indicate a reading
relay will energize the coil of the relay. Pin 85, in of 0 - 40 ohms. If these two checks are good, the
all cases, is always the ground side and pin 86, in relay is good. If one of these checks fails and 24
all cases, is always the hot side. Either signal can VDC required at pin 86 was or was not present, or
be sent to the relay to energize it. Ensure that pin ground signal at pin 85 was or was not present,
85 is properly grounded, when required, and / or dependant on the desired state of relay (ener-
that 24 VDC is present at pin 86 when it is gized or de-energized), the relay is bad and must
required. be replaced.
When the relay is de-energized, the internal Single-Pole, Single-Throw 10 amp Relays with
switch connects pins 30 and 87A completing the L.E.D.s (Illustration 6-5). A relay is nothing more
circuit of the two pins. When the relay is ener- than an electrically controlled switch. Relays are
gized, the coil shifts the switch, connecting pins always shown on electrical circuits in a de-ener-
30 and 87 completing the circuit of the two pins. gized state. The positive side of the relay coil is
pin 14 while the negative side of the coil is pin 13.
The most effective way to troubleshoot the relay is
Either signal, 24 VDC or ground (or both), can be
with an ohmmeter. This can be accomplished by
sent to the relay coil to energize the relay.
removing the female spade connectors from pins
30, 87, and 87A. In a de-energized state, ensure When the relay is de-energized, the internal
that pins 30 and 87A have continuity between switch connects pins 9 and 1 completing the cir-
them. With an ohmmeter, check the resistance cuit of the two pins. When the relay is energized,
the coil shifts the switch, connecting pins 9 and 5
completing the circuit of the two pins.
When the L.E.D. is illuminated, the coil of the relay
is energized. This does not indicate that the con-
tact points of the internal switches are functioning
properly. Do not rely on the L.E.D. to give the full
operational status of the relay.
The most effective way to troubleshoot this type
relay is with an ohmmeter. This can be accom-
plished by removing the wires at relay socket ter-
minals 9, 5, and 1. In a de-energized state,
ensure that terminals 9 and 1 have continuity
between them. With an ohmmeter, check the
resistance between terminals 9 and 1. The ohm-
1 meter should indicate a reading of 0 - 40 ohms.
5 Energize the relay and check the resistance
between terminals 9 and 5. The ohmmeter should
14 indicate a reading of 0 - 40 ohms. If these two
13 checks are good, the relay is good. If one of
these checks fails and 24 VDC required at termi-
9 nal 14 was or was not present, or ground signal at
terminal 13 was or was not present, dependant on
the desired state of relay (energized or de-ener-
gized), the relay is bad and must be replaced.
30mm Proximity Switches (Illustration 6-6). The
proximity switches employed on Taylor equipment
are state-of-the-art switching devices. The red
wire of the proximity switch powers the proximity
Illustration 6-5. SP, ST 10 amp Relay switch itself and also powers the yellow L.E.D. on

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-7

the cable side of the proximity switch. The black located on the proximity switch side of the wea-
wire is the ground side of the proximity switch therpack. The ohmmeter should indicate a read-
while the white wire is the common post of the ing of 0 - 40 ohms. Remove the target from the
internal switch. The blue wire is the normal closed proximity switch and with an ohmmeter, check the
post of the internal switch and the green wire is continuity between the white and green wires.
the normally open post of the internal switch. The ohmmeter should now read infinity If these
two checks are good, the proximity switch is good.
The proximity switch will be energized when the
If one of these checks fails, the proximity switch is
proximity switch senses its target. Once this
defective and must be replaced. Do not rely on
happens, the yellow L.E.D. will illuminate and the
the yellow L.E.D. as a sole indicator that the inter-
internal switch will switch, closing the circuit of the
nal switch did, in fact, close. Always check the
white and green wires. The white and green wires
continuity between the white and green wires as
will have continuity between them only as long as
described above.
the proximity switch senses its target. The maxi-
mum targeting distance is approximately 3/8 inch
(9.5 mm).
The most effective way to troubleshoot the prox-
imity switch is with an ohmmeter. This can be
accomplished by disconnecting the weatherpack
connector [located approximately 3 feet (0.9
meters) from the proximity switch], jumpering the
red wires at each end and jumpering the black
wires at each end. Target the proximity switch
(the yellow L.E.D. should illuminate) and check
the continuity of the white and green wires


Illustration 6-7. Limit Switch

Limit Switch (Illustration 6-7). A clockwise (CW)

rotation of the shaft will complete the circuit of the
BLACK (8) and WHITE (7) wires of the limit
switch. A counterclockwise (CCW) rotation of the
shaft willl complete the circuit of the ORANGE (4)
and RED (3) wires of the limit switch.
NOTE: With the shaft spring loaded to the center,
no continuity will exist between either set of pins.

RED BLUE Single-Pole, Single-Throw, Maintain Contact

NC Switches. A switch is designed with the purpose
COM. of controlling an electrical circuit by completing or
BLACK ORANGE NO opening the circuit. With an ohmmeter, check the
resistance between the contact points of the
Illustration 6-6. Proximity Switch switch. With the switch closed (completing the

6-8 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

circuit), the ohmmeter reading should indicate 0 - connects to the ground side of the circuit while the
40 ohms. With the switch open (opening the cir- red wire goes to the positive side of the circuit.
cuit), the ohmmeter reading should be infinity. If
the above checks are good, the switch is good. If
any of the above checks fail, the switch is bad and Current Flow
must be replaced.
Single-Pole, Double-Throw, Momentary Rocker
Switches. This type of switch operates on the
principle that the circuit is closed only when the
switch is held in the closed state. Once the switch
is released, the circuit will open. This switch is
checked like an On-Off switch with the exception Cathode Anode
that the switch must be held closed to complete
resistance checks.
Illustration 6-8. Diode
Solenoids. A solenoid is an electrical compo-
nent. When electricity is applied to the coil, the Diodes (Illustration 6-8). Diodes are one-way
solenoid will form an electromagnet. The magnet- conductors that provide isolation. Current flow
ic field will pull or push an armature into the coil through a diode is from anode to cathode. They
(based on application). The armature can be con- are easily proven good by using an ohmmeter.
nected to a switch in electrical circuits to turn the When using the ohmmeter, place the leads of the
switch on or off. An armature can also be used to ohmmeter on the opposite ends of the diode.
open or close valves. Observe the ohmmeter reading. Then reverse the
Solenoids employed as electrical switches can be ohmmeter leads on the ends of the diode.
troubleshot with an ohmmeter. Remove the two Observe the ohmmeter reading. The ohmmeter
wires from the two larger posts of the solenoid. readings should indicate a higher ohm resistance
Energize the solenoid. With an ohmmeter, check in one direction opposed to the other direction
the resistance between the two larger posts. The because the current generated by the ohmmeter
ohmmeter should indicate between 0 - 40 ohms is sufficient enough to forward-bias the diode.
Solenoids employed as hydraulic switches are
used to open and close spools of valves. The
simplest way to prove the solenoid coil good is to
energize the solenoid and then, with a metal
object, touch the nut that secures the coil to the
cartridge. The magnetic field generated when the
coil becomes an electromagnet will be significant
enough to pull the metal object to the nut (some
solenoids employ a metal nut encased in plastic
and will require removal in order to detect the
magnetic field). This will prove the coil good; how-
ever, the armature may be stuck. If the hydraulic
circuit is still defective at this point, remove the coil
and cartridge. Now energize the coil, the arma-
ture inside the cartridge should shift. If the arma-
ture inside the cartridge did not shift and the coil is
magnetized, replace the cartridge.
Exercise care not to reverse polarity because
some solenoids employ internal diodes which can
be destroyed when the polarity is reversed. The
solenoids employed on the transmission control
valve contain diodes. The black wire of the coil

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-9

Refer to Circuit Drawings CD 06 and CD 06B for component reference

Component Problem Correction

1. Battery 1. Low voltage. 1.

a. Low electrolyte level. Check
electrolyte level in battery, fill
with distilled water as required,
and recharge battery.
b. Alternator output is bad. Refer
to the Alternator troubleshoot-
ing section below.
c. Loose, broken, or corroded
wires. Repair or replace wires.
d. Ensure that low voltage condi-
tion has not been caused by
accessories having been left
on for extended periods of

2. Alternator 1. Low output voltage (voltage is 1.

below 24 VDC).
a. Ensure drive belts are tight.
b. Inspect the wiring for defects.
Check all connections for tight-
ness and cleanliness, includ-
ing the slip connectors at the
alternator and connections at
the battery.
c. Defective alternator. Replace
2. High output voltage (voltage 2. Defective alternator. Replace
exceeds 31 VDC). alternator.

3. Battery Disconnect 1. When key switch is in the ON 1. Remove wires from the switch,
Switch position, contact points of switch turn the switch on. With an ohm-
do not close. meter, check the resistance across
the contact points. The ohmmeter
reading should indicate 0 - 40
2. When key switch is in the OFF 2. Remove wires from the switch,
position, contact points of switch turn the switch off. With an ohm-
do not open. meter, check the resistance across
contact points. The ohmmeter
reading should indicate infinity.

6-10 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Component Problem Correction

4. Ignition Switch 1. Ignition switch (S26) does not 1. On the back of the ignition switch
close (accessory position). (S26, Circuit Drawing CD 06), at
the B terminal, you should see 24
VDC straight from the battery, pro-
vided that the truck is not
equipped with a battery discon-
nect switch. If equipped with a
battery disconnect switch, ensure
that it is turned on. Turn the key
to the ignition position, at the I ter-
minal, you should see 24 VDC, if
not, remove the wires from the I
terminal and recheck voltage. If
24 VDC is now present, you have
a short. If 24 VDC is not present
and 24 VDC was present at the B
terminal, replace the ignition
switch (S26). To isolate short,
reconnect the wires to the I termi-
nal one at a time checking voltage
with each connection. When the
voltage drops, the wire, that was
just connected, is shorted. Isolate
and remove short.
2. Ignition switch (S26) does not 2. The truck is equipped with an anti-
close (start position). restart ignition switch (S26).
Should the truck fail to start on the
first attempt, the key must be
turned fully off to reset the ignition
switch, allowing the B (Battery)
and S (Start) contacts to close.
This is a momentary position that
should only make contact when
the key is fully turned. On the
back of the ignition switch (S26,
Circuit Drawing CD 06), at the B
terminal, you should see 24 VDC
straight from the battery. Turn the
key to the start position. On the
back of the ignition switch (S26),
at the S terminal, you should see
24 VDC, if not, remove the wire
from the S terminal. Turn the igni-
tion switch (S26) to the start posi-
tion and recheck for 24 VDC at the
S terminal. If the 24 VDC is now
present, the wire, just removed, is
shorted. Isolate and remove the
continued (continued)

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-11

Component Problem Correction

4. Ignition Switch (Continued)

(Continued) short. If 24 VDC is not present
and 24 VDC was present at the B
terminal, replace the ignition
switch (S26).

5. Wires 1. Wire has lost continuity. 1. Isolate the wire from the circuit
(ohm out the wire). Ohms will vary
according to the length of the wire.
Expect to see low ohms if wire is

6-12 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Taylor Integrated Control System (TICS) Components

TICS Display Module

The Taylor Integrated Control System (TICS) Display Module. The TICS Display Module is an
electronic display system for engine, equipment and safety information. The display module is mounted
on the right side of the dash.

 The TICS system display modules should not be exchanged between trucks.
Each TICS module has been specifically programmed for each truck.

PIN #7

PIN #6

PIN #7
PIN #6

PIN #1 PIN #12

PIN #12 PIN #1

TICS Display Module Pin Assignments

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-13










Taylor Integrated Control System (TICS) Display Module Main Screen (Current Model Trucks)
The Taylor Integrated Control System (TICS) 1. Shifter Position - This indicates the electric
Display Module Main Screen. The main screen shifter’s position.
of the TICS Display Module displays the status of
2. MPH (or KPH) - This indicates vehicle speed
the engine and equipment operating information
in miles per hour (or kilometers per hour if met-
of the truck. The operating information that
ric mode is enabled).
appears on the main display screen is described
as follows: 3. ACTIVE MESSAGES - Message text that

6-14 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

alerts the operator of the status of different TWISTLOCK MODE
functions of the truck or to check warnings dis- RED ICON illuminated - Twistlocks unlocked
played on the Active Warnings screen. GREEN ICON illuminated - Twistlocks locked
NOTE: The Active Warnings screen is dis- YELLOW ICON illuminated - Attachment is on container.
played by depressing the F2 button.
6. - This icon flashes when the seat belt is
Neutral Lock On - Indicates that the Neutral
Lock feature is active. 7. - This icon illuminates when the parking
Check Warnings - Indicates that the operator
should read the Active Warnings. brake is applied.
Forward Alarm Off - Indicates that the forward
alarm is disabled while in the Operator Con- 8. - This icon illuminates when the air pres-
trolled mode of operation. This message will sure in the service brake apply circuit is 75 psi
only appear while the Forward Alarm is in the (5.2 bar) or below.
Operator Controlled mode and disabled.
NOTE: Depressing the F3 button will enable 9. - This icon flashes when fuel tank is low
the forward alarm. [Refer to the Forward of fuel.
Alarm System in the Operator’s Guide
(OG179) for detailed information]. 10. - This icon flashes for 30 seconds before
Neutral Lock Disabled - Indicates that neutral the engine ECM shuts down the truck due to
lock is disabled. NOTE: Neutral lock should high transmission temperature.
be disabled only for maintenance or trouble-
11. Allowed Load - Indicates the maximum allow-
shooting purposes. Neutral lock status is
able load weight for the current load position.
password protected and should only be
changed by qualified maintenance personnel. 12. Percent of Allowed Load - indicates the per-
4. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS - Message text that centage of the allowed load at the current load
alerts the operator to take action before the and load position. Below 80 percent of
truck will allow continuation of truck operation. allowed load, “% of Allowed Load” illuminates
yellow. At 90 percent, ”% of Allowed Load”
RH MESSAGE WINDOW: illuminates orange and the caution icon will
Please Sit Down - Indicates that the operator illuminate. At 100 percent, “% of Allowed
needs to occupy the seat to continue opera- Load” illuminates red and the LMI Overload
tions. Warning icon (located beside Percent of
Shift Thru Neutral - Indicates that the electric Allowed Load) will illuminate. When this icon
shifter needs to be cycled through its Neutral illuminates, the only operable functions will be
position [refer to Transmission Operating retract or boom up.
Instructions in the Operator’s Guide (OG179)
for detailed information]. 13. F1 - Depress this button to view Diagnostics
Apply Park Brake - In the instance that the Select screen.
park brake was not applied when the truck 14. F2 - Depress this button to view LMI screen.
was last shut down, this message will appear
instructing the operator to cycle the park brake 15. F3 - Depress this button to manually enable or
control to deactivate neutral lock [refer to Neu- disable the forward alarm while the forward
tral Lock State of the Transmission Operat- alarm is in the Operator Controlled Manual
ing Instructions in the Operator’s Guide mode of operation [refer to the Forward
(OG179) for detailed information]. Alarm System in the Operator’s Guide
Check Engine - Indicates there is an engine (OG179) for detailed information].
related problem and that the engine needs to
be checked. 16. UP and DOWN - Depress either
5. Twistlock Status - This indicates the operation- button to make adjustments or scroll through
al status of the attachment while operating in menus. NOTE: Adjustments must only be
twistlock mode: made by Approved Personnel!!

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-15

17. OK - Depress this button to select a high-
lighted item.

18. Back - Depress this button to back up

through the screens.

19. Measure / Adjust Groups - Depress this

button to select measure groups, adjust
groups, information screen or status page.
NOTE: Adjustment groups will be Pin Code
protected. NOTE: Adjustments must only be
made by Approved Personnel!!
NOTE: Further information describing operation
of the TICS Module and truck operational instruc-
tions can be found in Operator’s Guide (OG179).

6-16 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

(XS2 OR XA2)


TICS Module

TICS Module. The TICS Module status is indicated by the following LEDs:
1. Green LED - When this LED is illuminated, it indicates that the module is powered on.
2. Yellow / Red LED - When this LED is blinking the yellow color, the status of the module is normal.
When this LED is blinking the red color, there is an error and the TICS Display Module will display an
error message.
LED Indicator Showing Different XS2 and XA2 Modes

Status Flash

Normal operation (yellow)

Error Error Primary Flash (red) Secondary Flash (yellow)

code Error category Error description

1:n See note a

2:n See note a

3:1 CAN error

3:2 Address error

4:1 Memory error b

FE Fatal error

a. Error groups 1:n and 2:n are controlled by the master.

b. FRAM memory error.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-17

Suggested Actions For Specific Fault Codes
1:n / 2:n - Check the TICS main display for proper operation or any displayed error messages. Consult

3:1 - Check CAN communication wiring for continuity between module and TICS main display. Consult
maintenance manual for wire schematics.

3:2 - Check address tag at module to make sure it is in place (refer to photo below).

4:1 and FE - Check the TICS main display for displayed error messages. Replace modules as required.
Consult factory.



TICS Module Wire Harness Plug

PIN #42
PIN #29

PIN #28 PIN #15

PIN #14
PIN #1
TICS Module Pin Assignments (XS2 and XA2)

NOTE: There are two different TICS modules employed on this truck (XS2 and XA2). These modules
cannot be interchanged. Always replace each module with the correct module.

6-18 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)






TICS Control Module Locations

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-19

Measure Groups
Measure groups are used to check the status of inputs, outputs and logic parameters within the machine
control program. The measure groups are broken into two subgroups, function groups and maintenance
groups. The function groups show all data related to a particular function within the machine control pro-
gram. Function groups are primarily used by TMW personnel during machine set up and troubleshooting.
The maintenance groups are set up to be used by the maintenance personnel of the end user. These
groups show the status of all inputs and outputs related to the noted function. These groups are to be
used to aid the end user in diagnosing and solving any problems with daily operation of the machine.

To access the Maintenance Groups inside the IQAN display, perform the following procedures:

1. From the Main Screen display, depress the Measure / Adjust Groups button . This will display the
Main Measure / Adjust screen.

Main Measure / Adjust Screen

2. At the Main Measure / Adjust screen, depress the F2 (Measure) button. This will display the Measure

6-20 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Measure Screen

3. Depress the UP and DOWN button to highlight the desired maintenance group and depress
the OK button to display the values of the selected group. Depress the F2 button to toggle between
the Raw and Scaled values (refer to description of values below). To exit out of the selected group
values, depress the button to return to the Measure Groups list display. NOTE: A list of the Mea-
sure and Maintenance Groups is illustrated in this section.

Sensor Status
Scaled Value – Analog sensor values are displayed in program defined units (PSI,
Degrees, etc.) while the Digital sensors are displayed as True (12 VDC
input to module from sensor) or False (no input to module from sensor).
Raw Value – Analog sensor values are displayed in Millivolts. Digital sensors are not

Communication Status
OK – Indicates that the sensor input to module connection is functioning correctly.
!!! – Indicates that there is a problem with sensor input to module (See note below).

NOTE: Twistlock, Leg and Pin related Measure Groups will display !!! when the machine is not in the
selected Group’s mode of operation. This is not an indication of a sensor or module problem when
the machine is not in the selected mode of operation.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-21

Measure Groups List

6-22 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)






Attachment Auxillary Measure Group Values

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-23

Cab Measure Group Values

LMI Measure Group Values

6-24 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Engine Power Measure Group Values

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-25

Display Data Measure Group Values

6-26 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Twistlock Measure Group Values

Joystick Measure Group Values

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-27

Transmission Measure Group Values

6-28 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)


Transmission Measure Group Values

Fuel Usage Group Values

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-29

Hoist / Boom Measure Group Values

6-30 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)


Hoist / Boom Measure Group Values

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-31

Function Parameters Values

6-32 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)


Function Parameters Values

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-33

Joystick / Function Description

Hoist is controlled by the Y axis (parallel to machine travel) of the joystick. The joystick outputs to the
TICS are as follows.

Joystick output for hoist up will range from 0 to 100 with 100 being 100% joystick output.
Joystick output for hoist down will range from 0 to -100 with -100 being -100% joystick output.

Limiting Factors For Hoist UP

1. Engine speed - At low idle (750 rpm), the max command from the valve is limited to 30%. This will
increase linearly to 100% at 1400 rpm or higher.
2. Hoist up is not allowed without a red or green attachment light. The attachment override key will over-
ride this condition.
3. Hoist up speed is decreased linearly with boom angles between 50 and 60 degrees to prevent hard
stops of the cylinders.
4. Hoist up is prevented if the attachment rotation angle is between -15 and -165 degrees or 15 and 80
degrees and the lift height is 210 inches (533 cm) or greater.
5. Hoist up is limited to 30% if the hydraulic oil temperature is below 40_F (4_C). Pressing the LMI over-
ride button will override this condition and allow 100% valve command. Low oil temperature will be
noted by an active warning.
6. (Optional) High offset loads will prevent hoist up. These conditions will be noted by an active warning
message. The attachment override key will bypass this condition.
7. Hoist up will be stopped if the load being lifted exceeds the allowable load. Hoist down is allowed
under this condition.
8. Hoist up is not allowed if the operator is not seated.
9. Hoist up is not allowed if the joystick off center switch is not activated. Override key will bypass.
10. Hoist up is limited with hydraulic oil temperatures between 15_F (-9_C) and 60_F (16_C). At 15_F,
hoist is limited to 10% and this increases to 100% at 60_F. If extension or retraction is active with
hoist, these values will decrease by 50%.
11. Manual actuation of hoist / extend. The hoist and extend functions can be activated manually by
depressing the manual override pin located in the center of each control solenoid on the hoist / extend

Limiting Factors For Hoist DOWN

1. Engine speed - At low idle (750 rpm), the max command from the valve is limited to -20%. This will
increase linearly to -100% at 1300 rpm or higher.
2. Hoist down is not allowed without a red or green attachment light. The attachment override key will
override this condition.
3. Hoist down speed is decreased linearly with boom angles between 10 and 0 degrees to prevent hard
stops of the cylinders.
4. Hoist down is limited to -30% if the hydraulic oil temperature is below 40_F (4_C). Pressing the LMI
override switch will override this condition and allow -100% valve command. Low oil temperature will
be noted by an active warning.
5. Hoist down will be stopped if the load being lowered exceeds the allowable load. Pressing the LMI
override switch will allow lowering if the switch has been enabled through the LMI override enable
adjust group.
6. Hoist down is not allowed if the operator is not seated.
7. Hoist down valve command will decrease from -100% to -25% as the allowed load percentage

6-34 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

increases from 90% to 100%.
8. Hoist down is not allowed with an amber attachment light. The attachment override key will override
this condition.
9. Hoist down is prevented by hydraulic lock valves that are located in the manifolds on each hoist cylin-
der. These lock valves (denoted as lower enable solenoids in the hoist maintenance group) are pow-
ered electrically by the TICS system when lower inputs from the joystick and valve outputs are pres-
ent. These lock valves must be in the manual override position for emergency lowering function.
10. Manual actuation of hoist / extend. The hoist and extend functions can be activated manually by
depressing the manual override pin located in the center of each control solenoid on the hoist / extend

Boom Extend / Retract

Boom extend / retract is controlled by the X axis (perpendicular to machine travel) of the joystick. The
joystick outputs to the TICS are as follows.

Joystick output for boom extend will range from 0 to 100 with 100 being 100% joystick output.
Joystick output for boom retract will range from 0 to -100 with -100 being -100% joystick output.

Limiting Factors For Boom Extend

1. Engine speed - At low idle (750 rpm), the max command from the valve is limited to 30%. This will
increase linearly to 100% at 1400 rpm or higher.
2. Extension output is decreased linearly from 100% to 20% with extension values between 265 and 280
to prevent hard stops of the cylinder.
3. Extension is limited to 35% if the hydraulic oil temperature is below 40_F (4_C). Pressing the LMI
override button will override this condition and allow 100% valve command. Low oil temperature will
be noted by an active warning.
4. Extension is not allowed if the operator is not seated.
5. Extension output will decrease from 100% to 40% as the allowed load percentage increases from
90% to 100%.
6. Extension will be stopped if the load exceeds the allowable load. Pressing the LMI override switch will
allow extension if the switch has been enabled through the LMI override enable adjust group.
7. Extension output is limited to 75% if the attachment override key is on.
8. Manual actuation of hoist / extend. The hoist and extend functions can be activated manually by
depressing the manual override pin located in the center of each control solenoid on the hoist / extend

Limiting Factors For Boom Retract

1. Engine speed - At low idle (750 rpm), the max command from the valve is limited to -30%. This will
increase linearly until -100% output at 1400 rpm or higher.
2. Retract output is decreased linearly from -100% to -20% with extension values between 20 and 0 to
prevent hard stops of the cylinder.
3. Retract is limited to -35% if the hydraulic oil temperature is below 40_F (4_C). Pressing the LMI over-
ride button will override this condition and allow -100% valve command. Low oil temperature will be
noted by an active warning.
4. Retract is not allowed if the operator is not seated.
5. Retract will be stopped if the load center reaches 31 inches (79 cm). This is to prevent a load from
being retracted over the cab.
6. Manual actuation of hoist / extend. The hoist and extend functions can be activated manually by
depressing the manual override pin located in the center of each control solenoid on the hoist / extend

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-35


Vertical Lift Mode

When vertical lift mode is enabled (from the main display), the TICS system will memorize the load center
and automatically extend or retract the boom to maintain this load center as the load is lifted or lowered.
The operator cannot extend or retract the boom while lifting or lowering with vertical lift mode on; it is con-
trolled by the TICS system. The operator can extend or retract in vertical lift mode if lift or lower is not
active, but as soon as lift or lower is activated the TICS system will maintain the current load center. The
TICS system will automatically enter vertical lift mode to prevent the attachment from being lifted over the
cab when the load center reaches 31 inches (79 cm).

Hoist Regen Mode

When hoist regen mode is enabled (from the LMI display), solenoid valves, located in the manifolds on
each hoist cylinder, will open and allow equal hydraulic pressure to the piston and rod ends of each hoist
cylinder. This will allow for higher hoist speeds, but will decrease the hoist capacity. Therefore, hoist
regen will only be allowed if the red light is on and only during hoist up.

Twistlock / Pin Lock / Unlock

Locking of the twistlocks and pins are controlled by two buttons on the front of the joystick. The twistlocks
cannot be locked or unlocked unless the amber attachment light is illuminated. The pins cannot be
unlocked unless the amber light is illuminated. The attachment override key will allow lock / unlock with-
out an amber light.

Pile Slope
Pile slope is controlled by two buttons on the left rear face of the joystick. There are no interlocks for pile

Attachment Rotation
Attachment rotation is controlled by two buttons on the right rear face of the joystick. Rotation is limited to
+ /– 15 degrees at lift heights below 210 inches (533 cm) and extension of less that 6 inches (15.2 cm).
As extension increases, the allowed rotation angle increases linearly. Rotation is limited to + /– 30
degrees at lift heights above 210 inches (533 cm) regardless of extension. The attachment override key
will allow rotation beyond the limits listed. Rotate can be manually cycled by depressing the override pin
in the center of each control solenoid on the rotate valve.

Side Shift
Side shift is controlled by two buttons on the rear face of the joystick. There are no interlocks for side

The horn is controlled by a button on the lower front face of the joystick.

LMI System
Values for load center, extension, boom angle, lift height and load are shown on the LMI display. The LMI
system will calculate and display the allowed load for the current load position and the actual load weight.
This is done through the use of a laser for extension feedback, an angle sensor for boom angle feedback
and pressure sensors in the piston and rod ends of both hoist cylinders. The feedback values for angle,
extension and pressure are critical to the proper operation of the LMI system. The extension and angle
sensors must be calibrated to ensure proper feedback. The pressure sensors do not require calibration.

6-36 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Calibration of Boom Angle Sensor

NOTE: Calibration of the Boom Angle Sensor should be performed with the truck’s attachment unloaded.
The angle of the boom will vary from 0 degrees at full down to 60 degrees at full up. Calibration is made
through the Boom Calibration Adjust Group. The feedback must be approximately 2000 mV with the
boom fully raised as the TICS program is set up for feedback values to be 2000 – 4000 mV. This feed-
back can be found in the LMI Measure Group. Feedback is displayed in the measure group in two ways,
as a scaled value and as a raw value. Scaled value is in degrees and raw value is in millivolts (mV). To
calibrate, depress the C button at the LMI display (see the LMI Screen illustration in Boom Calibration
Setting Procedure) to enable the Boom Angle Calibrate Mode (NOTE: This action will disable the cab
protection feature for 4 minutes). Start with the boom fully lowered and select Max at the boom angle
sensor page. Adjust the actual value using the up/down arrows until it reads 0 and depress OK to enter
the value. Fully raise the boom and select Min. Adjust the actual value using the up/down arrows until it
reads 60 and depress OK to enter the value. Boom angle calibrate mode should be turned on at the LMI
display screen before the Max angle is calibrated. This will disable the auto vertical function and allow
faster calibration. After completing the calibration, turn the boom angle calibrate mode off.

Calibration of Extension Sensor

NOTE: Calibration of the Extension Sensor should be performed with the truck’s attachment unloaded.
The boom extension value will vary from 0 inches (0 cm) at full retraction to 280 inches (711 cm) at full
extension. Calibration is made through the Boom Calibration Adjust Group. The feedback must be
approximately 1000 mV with the boom fully retracted as the TICS program is set up for feedback values
to be 1000 – 5000 mV. This feedback can be found in the LMI Measure Group. Feedback is displayed in
the measure group in two ways, as a scaled value and as a raw value. Scaled value is in inches and raw
value is in millivolts (mV). To calibrate, start with the boom fully retracted and select Min at the boom
extension sensor page. Adjust the actual value using the up/down arrows until it reads 0 and depress OK
to enter the value. Fully extend the boom and select Max. Adjust the actual value using the up/down
arrows until it reads 280 and depress OK to enter the value.

Calibration of Attachment Rotation Angle Sensor

NOTE: Calibration of the Attachment Rotation Angle Sensor should be performed with the truck’s attach-
ment unloaded. The attachment angle value will vary from 95 degrees CW to 185 degrees CCW. The
angle sensor is a rotary potentiometer located in the center of the attachment rotate joint. Calibration is
made through the Boom Calibration Adjust Group. The feedback must be approximately 3,100 mV with
the attachment in the normal working position as the TICS program is set up for feedback values to be
25 – 4,800 mV. This feedback can be found in the Attachment Auxillary Measure Group. Feedback is
displayed in the measure group in two ways, as a scaled value and as a raw value. Scaled value is in
degrees and raw value is in millivolts (mV). To calibrate, start with the attachment fully rotated CCW and
note the feedback value in mV. Fully rotate the attachment CW and note the feedback value in mV.
Place the attachment parallel to the drive axle (normal working position and note the feedback value in
mV. Go to the Boom Calibration Adjust Group and select 0 degree rotation voltage feedback. Use the
up/down arrows to adjust the actual value to match the mV feedback noted above with the attachment
parallel to the drive axle and depress OK to enter.
Go to the Boom Calibration Adjust Group and select CW degree rotation voltage feedback. Use the up/
down arrows to adjust the actual value to match the mV feedback noted above with the attachment
rotated fully CW and depress OK to enter.
Go to the Boom Calibration Adjust Group and select CCW degree rotation voltage feedback. Use the up/
down arrows to adjust the actual value to match the mV feedback noted above with the attachment
rotated fully CCW and depress OK to enter.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-37

Check The Calibration Of The Boom Angle and Extension Sensors Daily

NOTE: Calibration Check of the Boom Angle and Extension sensors should be performed with the truck’s
attachment unloaded.
Check the Boom angle and Extension sensors daily for proper calibration. Ensure there is sufficient clear-
ance to fully extend and fully raise the boom. Perform the following procedures:
1. From the operational screen on the TICS display, depress the LMI button (F2).
2. Fully lower the boom. The angle should indicate 0 degrees.
3. Fully raise the boom. The angle sensor should indicate 60 degrees.
4. Fully retract the boom. The length should indicate 0.
5. Fully extend the boom. The length should indicate 280.

6-38 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Valve Current Setting Adjustments
The valves [used to actuate the hoist, extend, cab movement (if equipped) and rotate functions] are con-
trolled by output modules. There are four settings that can be adjusted for each function and the range of
values allowed is controlled by the software. These parameters (minimum current, maximum current,
start ramp time and stop ramp time) are set by Taylor personnel during the initial set up of the truck. It
may be necessary to adjust these settings over time due to component wear or replacement. These
values are accessed through the operational display, via the adjust groups.
Perform the following procedures to adjust the settings:


Operational Display

1. From the Main Display screen, depress the the Measure / Adjust Groups button . This will display
the Main Measure / Adjust screen.


Main Measure / Adjust Screen

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-39

2. At the Main Measure / Adjust screen, depress F1 (Adjust). This will bring up the Adjust Groups screen.


Adjust Groups Screen

3. Depress the UP or DOWN button to highlight the desired adjust group and depress the OK
button to make setting adjustments to the selected group. The PIN code screen will appear. The cor-
rect PIN code must be entered before the software will allow any adjustments to be made.
NOTE: Taylor personnel will provide qualified maintenance personnel with the Pin Code necessary
to make adjustments within adjust groups.


PIN Code Screen

4. From the PIN code screen, depress the UP or DOWN button until the first numeric digit
appears in the first field. Depress the OK button to enter the numeric digit and advance to the next
field. Repeat this procedure until all four numeric digits have been entered. After the code has been
entered, OK will be highlighted; depress the OK button to enter PIN code.

6-40 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)


Adjustment Group Select Screen (example)

5. Depress the UP or DOWN button to select the function in which setting adjustments are to be
made. With the function selected, depress the OK button to access the settings. Ensure that Lift is
highlighted and depress the OK button.


Lift / Lower Hoist Lift Screen (example)

6. Determine the direction of travel to be adjusted by depressing the F3 or F4 and depress the OK
button to access the settings.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-41


Lift / Lower Hoist Lift Adjust Screen

7. Depress the OK button once to select the Minimum field value, a second time to select the Maximum
field value, a third time to access the Start field value, or a fourth time to access the Stop field value.

NOTE: The value of the selected setting will be highlighted and the name of the value will be displayed in
the center of the displayed adjustment knob.

8. To adjust the setting of the selected value, depress the UP button to increase the setting or
DOWN button to decrease the setting. After the value has been selected, depress the OK button
to store the value. Once the value has been stored, select another value setting by depressing the
OK button, select the other direction of travel values display by depressing the F3 or F4 button or
depress the button to go back to the Adjustment Group display.

NOTE: The recommended settings for each valve can be found in the Valve Current Setting
Adjustments chart in this section.

NOTE: The reset button (F2), when depressed, will reset the selected value to its default setting.

9. Once all value settings have been made, depress the F1 button to return to the Main display.

6-42 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Valve Current Default Settings
Adjustment Group Default Settings
Hoist Valves - Lift (+) / Lower (-) Min - 350 / 350
Max - 700 / 600
Boom Valve - Extend (+) / Retract (-) Min - 300 / 350
Max - 700 /700
Attachment Rotate Valve - Rotate CW (+) / Rotate CCW (-) Min - 300 / 300
Max - 650 / 650
All Slopes - 200

NOTE: Depress the Reset button (F2) to return the selected function back to its default setting.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-43

Attachment Rotation Angle Calibration

Perform the following procedures to center the rotation angle potentiometer after it has been replaced.
The following procedure must be performed with the truck parked and the parking brake set.
1. Disconnect the linkage between the rotate frame and the rotation angle potentiometer, and rotate the
attachment until it is parallel to the drive axle.
2. Connect the linkage to the rotate frame and rotation angle potentiometer. Manually adjust the poten-
tiometer until the Spreader Rotation Angle in the Attachment Auxiliary Measure Group reads approxi-
mately 3100 mV.
3. Perform procedures 1. through 3. of the Measure Groups and select the Auxiliary Attachment
Measure Group.


Attachment Auxiliary Measure Group Screen

4. With the Auxiliary Attachment Measure Group selected on the display module, rotate the attachment
clockwise (CW) until it contacts the physical stop (See NOTE below) and record the Spreader Rotation
Angle value displayed in the Attachment Auxiliary Measure Group (approximately 4800 mV at 95
degrees rotation).
5. Rotate the attachment counterclockwise (CCW) until it contacts the physical stop (See NOTE below)
and record the Spreader Rotation Angle value displayed in the Attachment Auxiliary Measure Group
(approximately 200 mV).
NOTE: The CW and CCW rotation limits may vary based upon attachment selection. These limits are
defined by the “Rotation Limit” function parameters in the Boom Calibration Adjust Group. Default
values are 95 degrees CW and -185 degrees CCW.
6. Rotate the attachment until it is parallel with the drive axle (0 degrees of rotation) and record the
Spreader Rotation Angle value displayed in the Attachment Auxiliary Measure Group (should be
approximately 3100 mV at -180 degrees rotation).
7. Perform procedures 1. through 4. of the Valve Current Setting Adjustments and select the Boom
Calibration Adjust Group.

6-44 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

8. At the Boom Calibration Adjust Group screen, select 0 degree rotation voltage feedback and depress
the OK button to access the 0 degree rotation voltage feedback screen.


Boom Calibration Adjust Group Screen (0 degree rotation voltage feedback selected)

9. From the 0 degree rotation voltage feedback screen, adjust the actual value (by depressing the UP
or DOWN button) until it matches the attachment rotation angle value recorded with the attach-
ment rotated parallel to the drive axle (refer to procedure 6.). Depress the OK button to store the
value and return to the Boom Calibration Adjust Group screen.


0 Degree Rotation Voltage Feedback Screen

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-45

10. At the Boom Calibration Adjust Group screen, select CW rotation voltage feedback and depress the
OK button to access the CW rotation voltage feedback screen.


Boom Calibration Adjust Group Screen (CW rotation voltage feedback selected)

11. From the CW rotation voltage feedback screen, adjust the actual value (by depressing the UP or
DOWN button) until it matches the attachment rotation angle value recorded with the attachment
rotated fully clockwise (refer to procedure 4.). Depress the OK button to store the value and return to
the Boom Calibration Adjust Group screen.


CW Rotation Voltage Feedback Screen

6-46 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

12. At the Boom Calibration Adjust Group screen, select CCW rotation voltage feedback and depress the
OK button to access the CCW rotation voltage feedback screen.


Boom Calibration Adjust Group Screen (CCW rotation voltage feedback selected)

13. From the CCW rotation voltage feedback screen, adjust the actual value (by depressing the UP or
DOWN button) until it matches the attachment rotation angle value recorded with the attachment
rotated fully counterclockwise (refer to procedure 5.). Depress the OK button to store the value and
return to the Boom Calibration Adjust Group screen.


CCW Rotation Voltage Feedback Screen

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-47

14. At the Boom Calibration Adjust Group screen, depress the Measure / Adjust Groups button to
return to the Main Display screen.

15. At the Main Display screen, depress the F2 (LMI) to display the LMI (Load Moment Indicator) screen,
and rotate the attachment fully clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW). The attachment rotation
angle should match the CW Rotation Limit value, CCW Rotation Limit value and 0 at parallel to drive
axle (NOTE: These readings should be within $2 degrees). The CW and CCW Rotation Limit values
can be found in the Attachment Auxiliary Measure Group.


Main Display Screen

LMI Screen

6-48 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Boom Calibration Setting Procedure

The following procedure must be performed with the truck parked and the parking brake set.
1. Perform procedures 1. through 4. of the Valve Current Setting Adjustments to select the Boom
Calibration Adjust Group.


Boom Calibration Adjust Group Screen

2. At the Boom Calibration Adjust Group screen, select Boom Angle Sensor and depress the OK button
to access the Boom Angle Sensor screen.



Boom Angle Sensor Calibrate Screen

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-49

3. This parameter is used to calibrate the boom angle sensor. Depress the OK button to highlight the
Max value on the upper right side of the display. With the boom fully lowered, depress the UP or
DOWN button until the actual value on the left side of the display reads 0. Depress the OK button
to store the value into the processor and depress the OK button again to advance to the Min setting of
this screen. The boom must be fully raised to set the Min value. To fully raise the boom, the Boom
Angle Calibrate Mode must be enabled. To enable the Boom Angle Calibrate Mode, depress the
button to display the Main Display screen.


Operational Screen

4. At the Main Display screen, depress the F2 button to display the LMI screen.


LMI Screen

6-50 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

5. At the LMI screen, depress the F3 button to enable the Boom Angle Calibrate Mode.

The Boom Angle Calibrate Mode must be enabled, attachment must be unloaded and red container
light illuminated in order to calibrate the Boom Angle Sensor’s Min value.

Once the Boom Angle Calibrate Mode has been enabled, you have four (4) minutes to fully raise the
boom before the Boom Angle Calibrate Mode is automatically disabled by TICS.

When the Boom Angle Calibrate Mode has been enabled, the Cab Auto Vertical mode is disabled.
The Cab Auto Vertical mode prohibits a load from being placed over the cab of the truck.

6. Fully raise the boom. If this step is not completed within four (4) minutes of enabling the Boom Angle
Calibrate Mode, then the Boom Angle Calibrate Mode will have to be enabled again. Repeat proce-
dures 3. - 5. above to enable the Boom Angle Calibrate Mode.



Boom Angle Sensor Calibrate Screen

7. With the Boom Angle Calibrate Mode enabled and the boom fully raised, repeat procedures 1. and 2.
above to return to the Boom Angle Sensor Calibrate screen. With the Min value selected, depress the
UP or DOWN button until the actual value reads 60 (left side of display). Depress the OK
button to store this value into memory. Depress the button to return to the Boom Calibration
Adjust Group screen.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-51


Boom Calibration Adjust Group Screen

8. At the Boom Calibration Adjust Group screen, depress the DOWN button once, and then depress
the OK button to select and access the Boom Extension Sensor calibrate screen.


Boom Extension Sensor Calibrate Screen

9. This parameter is used to calibrate the Boom Extension Sensor (laser). With the boom fully retracted
and the Min value highlighted on the upper right side of the display, depress the UP or DOWN
button until the actual value on the left side of the display reads 0. Depress the OK button to store the
value into the processor and advance to the Max setting of this screen.

6-52 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)


Boom Extension Sensor Calibrate Screen

10. Fully extend the boom. The text - Max will be displayed in the center of the displayed adjustment
knob (if not, depress the OK button). Depress the UP or DOWN button until the actual value
(left side of display) reads 280, depress the OK button to store the value into the processor and return
to the Boom Calibration Adjust Group screen.


Boom Calibration Adjust Group Screen

11. At the Boom Calibration Adjust Group screen, depress the button to return to the Adjust Groups

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-53

LMI Override Enable / Disable Procedure

 Death or serious injury may occur from overturning the truck. Do not operate
truck with the LMI Override enabled unless necessary for maintenance purposes only. Never load
the truck beyond its rated capacity. Refer to the truck’s serial plate, located in a protected area of
the truck, for specific information concerning loads.

Perform the following procedures to adjust the LMI Override. The following procedure must be performed
with the truck parked and the parking brake set.
1. Perform procedures 1. through 4. of the Valve Current Setting Adjustments to select the LMI
Override Enable screen.


LMI Override Enable Screen

2. At the LMI Override Enable screen, select LMI Override State and depress the OK button to view the
LMI Override State screen.

6-54 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)


LMI Override State Screen

3. At the LMI Override State screen, select either Override Disabled or Enabled. Selecting Override
Disabled will disable the LMI Override feature. Selecting Override Enabled will enable the LMI Over-
ride feature and allow operator control of the override function. Depress the OK button to accept the
selection. Depress the button to return to the Adjust Groups screen.


LMI Override State Screen

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-55

Transmission Shift Mode Selection
To make a transmission shift mode change, refer to Transmission Shift Mode Selection in Section 9C.

Forward Alarm Mode Selection

To make a forward alarm mode change, refer to Forward Alarm Mode Selection in Section 9C.

6-56 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Resetting The Service Timer
The Service Timer should be reset after scheduled maintenance has been performed. Perform the follow-
ing procedures to reset the Service Timer:
The following procedure must be performed with the truck parked and the parking brake set.


Main Display Screen

1. Turn the ignition key to its accessory position (first click). From the Main Display screen, depress the
F1 button (Diagnostics) to access the Select Diagnostic Option screen.


Select Diagnostic Option Screen

2. At the Select Diagnostic Option screen, depress the F1 button (Engine) to access the Engine Informa-

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-57

tion screen.


Engine Information Screen

3. At the Engine Information screen, depress the F3 button (Reset Service Timer) to access the Mainte-
nance Timer Reset screen.

Maintenance Timer Reset Screen

4. At the Maintenance Timer Reset screen, enter each number of the Pin Code by depressing buttons F1
through F4.

6-58 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)



Maintenance Timer Reset Screen

5. After the Pin Code number has been entered, depress the Button to reset the Maintenance Timer.
Depress the OK button to exit the Maintenance Timer Reset screen and return to the Engine Informa-
tion screen.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-59

Neutral Lock Override Procedure
The Neutral Lock safety feature neutralizes the transmission of the truck when the alternate idle feature is
active, when the operator has vacated the operator’s seat, or when the parking brake is activated. The
Neutral Lock Override function should only be used when any of these features has failed and the trans-
mission cannot be shifted out of Neutral as a result.

 Permanent damage could result from driving through the parking brake when Neu-
tral Lock Override is enabled. Ensure the parking brake is not applied prior to attempting to drive
the truck when Neutral Lock Override is enabled.
Perform the following procedure to override the Neutral Lock feature:

1. Perform steps 1. through 4. of the Valve Current Setting Adjustments found earlier in this section.


Transmission Adjust Group Screen

2. At the Transmission Adjust Group screen, select Neutral Lock Override and depress the OK button to
view the Neutral Lock Override screen.

6-60 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)


Neutral Lock Override Screen

3. At the Neutral Lock Override screen, select Neutral Lock Disabled and depress the OK button to over-
ride Neutral Lock. Depress the button to return to the Adjust Groups screen or the Measure /
Adjust Groups button to access the Main Display screen.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6-61

Hoist Circuit

6-62 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

6A-Closed Circuit Cameras and Monitors
Section 6A

Closed Circuit TV Camera and Monitor

Introduction. The reverse camera system gives 2. Camera Select Button. Depress this button
the operator a vantage view from a remote to view the video from camera 1 (CA1).
mounted camera, strategically placed, dependant Depress this button to view the video from
on operational requirements. Additional technical camera 2 (CA2).
information can be located on the circuit drawings
3. Menu Button. Depress this button to display
in the Appendices. The Circuit Drawings for the
the main menu of the monitor. Depress this
camera system has the format “CD 06C”.
button to navigate through the adjustment
items of the main menu. To change the con-
tent of a selected menu item, depress the
s (Up) or t (Down) button. The main menu
consists of the following adjustable items:
a. Brightness. Depress the s button to
increase the brightness of the monitor’s
display; depress the t button to decrease
the brightness.
b. Contrast. Depress the s or t button to
change the contrast level of the displayed
c. Color. Depress the s or t button to
Major Components. The camera circuit consists change the color saturation of the dis-
of a camera, LCD monitor, and connecting video played images.
d. Mirror. Depress the s or t button to
Camera (Illustration 6A-1). The camera sends adjust the screen Up / Down / Right / Left
imagery to the LCD monitor. The camera must be (if available on this camera system).
kept clean (lens) and in proper operating order
(refer to Camera / LCD Monitor Maintenance). e. Reset. Depress the Menu button with the
Reset Item selected to reset the menu
LCD Monitor (Illustration 6A-2). The LCD monitor items back to factory settings.
displays imagery from the camera for the opera-
tor’s viewing.

 Objects (like pedestrians or
approaching vehicle traffic) may be closer than
they appear in the monitor depending on
camera lens selection, camera mounting
location, and other factors. Wide angle lenses
in particular have this effect as they are
designed to let the user see a larger area by
“zooming out” from the scene. The user must
exercise extreme caution when interpreting
distance in the video monitor.
LCD Monitor Operation. The following describes
the LCD monitor’s controls.
1. Power Button. Depress this button to turn the Illustration 6A-1. Camera
monitor on (LED illuminates). Depress this
button again to turn the monitor off.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6A-1

monitor or allow any liquid to run inside the
LED monitor.
Camera / Monitor Inspection. Inspect the sys-
tem periodically for damaged components. Look
particularly for the following, which expose system
1 components to further damage or degradation:
2 S Cut or cracked cables
3 S Degradation of cables due to chemical
5 S Damaged connectors
S Corrosion or contamination in connectors
S Structural damage to the camera housing or
camera housing glass window (penetrations,
cracks, evidence of impact, damage from
Illustration 6A-2. Monitor wind-blown sand, etc.)
S Damage to monitor enclosure or LCD surface
Camera / LCD Monitor Maintenance (penetrations, contamination, scratches,
evidence of impact, etc.)
 Do not use harsh chemicals S Malfunctioning switches
for cleaning camera. Harsh chemicals may
damage camera.

 Do not use a pressure washer

on or around camera / monitor system
components. Water may leak inside, causing
Camera. Clean the camera window regularly.
Brush off large pieces of dirt first and then use a
clean, soft cloth moistened with water or house-
hold glass cleaners. Spray the camera with a
gentle mist of cleaner while cleaning.

 Do not use water to clean the

LCD monitor. Water may leak inside monitor,
causing damage.

 Do not spray cleaner on the

external surface of the LCD monitor. Cleaner
sprayed onto the monitor may run inside the
monitor and cause damage. Spray cleaner
onto cloth while cleaning monitor.
LCD Monitor. When cleaning the LCD monitor,
use only cleaners designed for use on LCD
surfaces. Spray the cleaner sparingly onto a soft
cloth to moisten it; do not spray directly on the

6A-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Camera / LCD Monitor Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Correction

1. Monitor does not 1. Brightness could be set too high, 1. Depress the “Menu” button on the
power on (On But- washing out image. monitor front panel repeatedly
ton LED is illumi- until the Brightness setting
nated but no image appears. Depress the t button
appears on screen) repeatedly to decrease brightness.
2. Camera cable is damaged or cut. 2. Inspect all cables and connectors
for damage. Replace if required.
3. Camera is damaged. 3. Inspect camera for damage. If an
additional camera is available,
swap it with the suspect camera
and see if the condition improves.
Press the Menu button on the
monitor. If the menu displays
properly, the issue is likely caused
by the camera or cable.
4. Check and see if V1 or V2 is 4. Ensure a camera is connected to
displayed in the upper right corner the active input V2 is the rear-view
of the screen. camera which should be con-
nected to the black mini-DIN con-
nector on the HVS2266 monitor
wire harness; V1 is a secondary
camera which must be connected
to the yellow Video-1 jack on the
HVS2266 and must be supplied
with its own power.

2. Monitor does not 1. No power or improper voltage is 1. Confirm the truck’s accessory
power on (On But- being supplied to the monitor. circuit is energized (turn ignition
ton LED does not switch to proper position).
a. Check the truck’s circuit break-
er for the circuit supplying
power to the monitor(s) - reset
circuit breaker or replace cir-
cuit breaker if found defective.
b. Measure the voltage of the cir-
cuit that powers the monitor(s).
Voltage must be between 13
VDC and 36 VDC with CCD
c. Truck battery could be dead or
is disconnected.


TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6A-3

Problem Cause Correction

2. Monitor does not d. The monitor could have

power on (On But- internal damage.
ton LED does not
e. Polarity could be reversed on
(Continued) the power input cable connec-
tions at the truck supply.
Check for proper polarity (Red
is positive, Black should be
f. Look for damage to the power
cables or connectors.
g. Check power cables connec-
tion to truck supply - may be

3. Monitor displays a 1. Camera window may be dirty 1. Check camera front window for
blurry image or (especially when blurry in dark exterior dirt. Clean camera
shows other image conditions). window if required.
irregularities (Blurry
Image) 2. Camera front window may be 2. Replace camera (it may be repair-
cracked or otherwise damaged. able at manufacturer).
3. Moisture may be trapped inside 3. Check camera front window to see
camera. if moisture is trapped inside -
examine camera for physical dam-
age. Replace camera if moisture
or damage is evident.
4. Camera components may have 4. Swap cameras with another if
been damaged internally due to available to confirm if the issue is
jarring or electrical supply charac- caused by a particular camera.
teristics. Replace camera if required.
5. Examine camera cable and 5. Replace cable.
connectors for damage.
6. The monitor settings may be 6.
incorrectly adjusted.
a. Decrease the Brightness set-
ting on monitor. Depress the
Menu button on the monitor
front panel repeatedly until the
Brightness setting is reached.
Then, depress the t button
on the monitor to make the
image dimmer.

6A-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

3. Monitor displays a b. Decrease the Contrast setting

blurry image or on monitor if bright areas of
shows other image image seem washed out.
irregularities (Blurry Depress the Menu button
Image) repeatedly to reach the
(Continued) Contrast setting. Then,
depress the t button on the
monitor to decrease the

4. Monitor displays a 1. Camera window may be dirty 1. Check camera front window for
blurry image or causing insufficient light to reach exterior dirt. Clean camera
shows other image camera. window if required.
(Noise in image or 2. Camera window may be cracked 2. Replace camera.
dis-colored image) or otherwise damaged.
3. Truck power supply may be 3.
introducing irregularities.
a. Check to see if static changes
with truck engine speed or
operations. Ensure that posi-
tive and negative sides of
camera system power supply
is isolated from other circuits.
b. Check truck alternator for
c. Try adding a power supply

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 6A-5

Hoist Circuit

6A-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 9

Introduction. The TE-32 transmission is a power- the transmission.
shift transmission which provides four speeds for-
The torque converter turbine receives fluid at its
ward and four speeds reverse. Both direction and
center. The reaction member of the torque con-
speed range are controlled by a roll shift mecha-
verter takes the fluid which is exhausting from the
nism attached to the steering column. The trans-
inner portion of the turbine and changes its direc-
mission can be neutralized during braking by a
tion to allow correct entry for recirculation into the
de-clutch feature (refer to Section 15 for de-clutch
impeller element.
operation). Additional technical information can
be located on the circuit drawings in the Appen- Transmission Control Valve (Illustration 9-1).
dices. The Circuit Drawing for the transmission The transmission control valve directs oil, under
has the format “CD 09A” and “CD 09B”. pressure, to the desired directional and speed
clutch. The directional and speed clutch assem-
Operation. With the engine running, the trans-
blies are mounted inside the transmission case
mission’s converter charging pump draws oil from
and are connected to the output shaft of the con-
the transmission sump through the oil sump
verter either by direct gearing or drive shaft. The
screen and directs it through the pressure regulat-
purpose of the directional or speed clutches is to
ing valve and oil filter. The pressure regulating
direct the power flow through the gear train to pro-
valve maintains pressure to the transmission con-
vide the desired speed range. Refer to Section
trol valve for actuating the direction and speed
9C for electrical operation of the transmission con-
clutches (refer to Circuit Drawing for transmission
trol valve.
oil pressures). This requires only a small amount
of oil. The remaining oil is directed through the Transmission Oil Level Check (Illustration 9-2).
torque converter circuit to the oil cooler and The oil level of the transmission should be check-
returns to the transmission for positive lubrication. ed daily, with the oil at normal operating tempera-
After entering the converter housing, the oil is ture (refer to Circuit Drawing) and the engine
directed through the stator support to the convert- operating at low idle. The oil level should be up to
er blade cavity and exits in the passage between the FULL mark on the dipstick. The dipstick is
the turbine shaft and converter support. The oil located below the cab on the righthand side (see
then flows out of the converter to the oil cooler. Illustration 9-2).
After leaving the cooler, the oil is directed back to







Illustration 9-1. Transmission Control Valve

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9-1

surface of the replacement oil filters. Then,
thread each filter onto the filter head
3. Hand tighten each filter 3/4 turn past point
where gasket first contacts filter head surface.
4. Refer to Filling The Transmission for adding
oil to the transmission.



Illustration 9-2. Transmission Oil Level Check

Transmission Oil Filters Replacement (Illustra-

tion 9-3). The oil filters, located at the rear of the
transmission, should be replaced periodically
(refer to the Preventive Maintenance chart in the
Appendices for oil filters replacement interval).
The interval listed in the Appendices is based on TRANSMISSION
normal environmental condition, excessive dust OIL FILTERS
may require a more frequent filter replacement DRAIN PLUG
interval. Perform the following procedures to
change the filters: Illustration 9-3. Transmission Oil Filters and Drain

 Death or serious injury could Changing The Transmission Oil (Illustration
result from a runaway truck. Park truck on a 9-3). The transmission oil should be changed
hard, level surface, apply parking brake, block periodically (refer to the Preventive Maintenance
wheels in both directions to prevent movement chart in the Appendices for transmission oil
of the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out the truck change interval). The oil should be drained with
before servicing the truck. oil at normal operating temperature (refer to
Circuit Drawing).
 Dispose of filters in accor-
dance with federal and local regulations. 
 Death or serious injury could
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
NOTE: It is recommended that the filters be a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake,
changed after 100 hours of operation on new and block the wheels in both directions to prevent
rebuilt or repaired transmissions. movement of the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out
the truck.
1. Make certain filters are cool to the touch, then
provide a suitable container to catch any
draining oil, and unscrew filter and dispose of  Dispose of oil and filters in
filter properly. accordance with federal and local regulations.
2. Apply an even film of fresh oil on the gasket Perform the following procedures to change the

9-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

transmission oil: 1. Clean the area around the breather before
removing it.
1. Provide a suitable container and remove the
drain plug to drain the oil. NOTE: Care must be exercised when removing
2. Refer to Transmission Oil Filters Replace- the breather to avoid damaging the breather.
ment for procedures to replace the oil filters.
2. Remove the breather.
3. Re-install the drain plug.
3. Wash the breather thoroughly in solvent and
4. Refer to Filling The Transmission, located dry it with compressed air.
below, for adding oil to the transmission.
4. Re-install the breather and tighten to 25 to 30
Filling The Transmission (Illustrations 9-2 and ft-lbs (30 - 40 N⋅m).
9-3). Refer to Circuit Drawing for transmission oil
capacity. Perform the following procedures to fill Additional Information. Should additional infor-
the transmission with oil: mation of the transmission be required, refer to
1. With engine shut down, fill the transmission to the transmission manufacturer’s manual.
the ADD mark on the dipstick.
Transmission Troubleshooting
2. Run engine for 2 minutes at idle to prime con-
Electrical / Mechanical Checks. Prior to check-
verter and transmission oil hoses.
ing any part of the system from a hydraulic stand-
3. Operate the engine and check for leaks. point, the following electrical / mechanical checks
When the oil temperature reaches normal should be made.
operating temperature (refer to Circuit Draw-
1. Ensure that the proper solenoids on control
ing) and the engine is operating at low idle,
valve are energized. When the solenoids are
make a final oil check and add oil to bring the
energized they become magnetized. A mag-
oil level to the FULL mark on the dipstick.
netic field can be checked at the nut that holds
the solenoid to the cartridge. An effective way
to accomplish this is with a metal wrench.
Some solenoids employ a metal nut, encased
in plastic, which will require removal to detect
a magnetic field.
2. Ensure that the de-clutch valve is not engaged
nor sticking.
Hydraulic Checks. Before checking the torque
converter, transmission, and associated hydraulic
system for pressures and rate of flow, it is essen-
tial that the following preliminary checks be made.
BREATHER NOTE: Do not attempt these checks with cold oil.
1. Check the oil level in the transmission. This
Illustration 9-4. Transmission Breather should be done with the oil temperature at nor-
mal operating temperature (refer to Circuit
Cleaning The Transmission Breather (Illustra- Drawing) and the engine operating at idle.
tion 9-4). The breather should be checked for 2. Work the machine to bring the oil temperature
restriction and cleaned periodically (refer to the up to the operating range (refer to step 1.
Preventive Maintenance chart in the Appen- above).
dices for transmission breather cleaning interval).
The prevalence of dirt and dust will determine the NOTE: If the machine cannot be worked, the con-
frequency at which the breather requires cleaning. verter can be stalled to bring the temperature up
Perform the following procedures to clean the to the operating range. Perform the following pro-
transmission breather: cedures to stall the converter.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9-3

3. With the right service brake pedal applied, one time. Place shifter to neutral position for
move the shifter to the forward position and 15 seconds. Excessive temperature over
third gear selected. 250°F (120°C) will cause damage to
transmission clutches, fluid, converter, and
4. Continue to apply the brakes and accelerate
the engine approximately one-half to three-
quarter throttle for 30 seconds, let off accelera- 5. Repeat step 4. until the desired converter out-
tor for 10 seconds. let temperature is reached.
6. When checking the pressures, always check
 Do Not operate the converter the charge pump and converter out pressures
at stall condition longer than 30 seconds at first.
Problem Cause Correction

1. Low Clutch 1. Low oil level. 1. Fill to proper level.

2. Clutch pressure regulating valve 2. Clean valve spool and housing.
spool is stuck open.
3. Defective charging pump [247 - 3. Replace pump.
319 psi (17 - 22 bar) normal oper-
ating pressure].
4. Broken or worn clutch shaft or pis- 4. Replace sealing rings or clutch
ton sealing rings. shaft.
5. Clutch piston bleed valve is stuck 5. Clean bleed valves thoroughly.

2. Low Charging Pump 1. Low oil level. 1. Fill to proper level.

2. Air leaks at pump intake hose and 2. Tighten all connections or replace
connections or collapsed hose. hose if necessary.
3. Defective charging pump. 3. Replace charging pump.
4. Clogged transmission filters. 4. Replace transmission filters.
5. Defective pressure regulator. 5. Replace or rebuild pressure

3. Noisy Converter 1. Worn coupling gears. 1. Replace coupling gears.

2. Worn charging pump. 2. Replace charging pump.
3. Worn or damaged bearings. 3. A complete disassembly will be
necessary to determine which
bearing is faulty.
4. Low charge pump pressure. 4. Refer to Problem 2. of this trouble-
shooting chart.
5. Excessive internal leakage in 5. Rebuild or replace transmission.

9-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

4. Overheating 1. Low oil level. 1. Fill to proper level.

2. Oil cooler vents are restricted. 2. Clean oil cooler.
3. Worn transmission bearing. 3. Replace or rebuild transmission.
4. Worn oil sealing rings. 4. Remove, disassemble and rebuild
converter assembly.
5. Worn charging pump. 5. Replace charging pump.
6. Pump suction line taking in air. 6. Check connections, tighten
7. Open circuit between the engine 7. Isolate and repair.
ECM (Electronic Control Module)
and transmission temperature
8. Defective transmission tempera- 8. Replace transmission temperature
ture sender. sender.

5. Lack of Power 1. Low engine RPM at converter 1. Tune engine and check governor.
2. Worn oil sealing rings. 2. Remove, disassemble and rebuild
converter assembly.
3. Worn charging pump. 3. Replace charging pump.
4. Low oil level. 4. Fill to proper level.
5. Restriction in hydraulic circuit. 5. Remove restriction.

6. No Forward 1. Defective solenoid or cartridge in 1. Swap the Forward and Reverse

control valve. cartridges and solenoids; if the
fault changes from Forward to
Reverse, the solenoid or cartridge
is bad. To determine which is bad,
switch the solenoids only. If the
fault did change, replace the
defective solenoid. If fault did not
change, replace cartridge.
2. Reverse clutch pack plates are 2. Place the transmission in the neu-
fused together. tral position and rev up the
engine. If the truck tries to move
in reverse, clutch plates are fused
together. Replace or rebuild


TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9-5

Problem Cause Correction

6. No Forward 3. Defective regulators in the modu- 3. Replace the modulator valve.

(Continued) lator valve.
4. Spools are sticking in control valve 4. Clean or replace defective parts.

7. No Reverse 1. Defective solenoid or cartridge in 1. Swap the Forward and Reverse

control valve. cartridges and solenoids; if the
fault changes from Reverse to
Forward, the solenoid or cartridge
is bad. To determine which is bad,
switch the solenoids only. If the
fault did change, replace the
defective solenoid. If fault did not
change, replace cartridge.
2. Forward clutch pack plates are 2. Place the transmission in the neu-
fused together. tral position and rev up the
engine. If the truck tries to move
in forward, clutch plates are fused
together. Replace or rebuild
3. Defective regulators in the modu- 3. Replace the modulator valve.
lator valve.
4. Spools are sticking in control valve 4. Clean or replace defective parts.

8. No Forward or 1. Parking brake is applied. 1. Release parking brake.

2. De-clutch valve is stuck or 2. Disconnect the linkage from the
engaged. inching valve to ensure that inch-
ing valve is not engaged. Push
spool in and out to ensure that the
spool is not stuck.
3. Low charge pump pressure. 3. Refer to Problem 2. of this trouble-
shooting chart.
4. Low converter out pressure. 4. Refer to Problem 2. of this trouble-
shooting chart.
5. Drive shaft in truck is missing.

9-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

9. Vibration 1. Defective differential. 1. Repair differential.

2. Output shaft in transmission is 2. Repair or tighten output shaft.
3. Transmission mount is loose. 3. Repair or tighten transmission
4. Engine mount is loose. 4. Repair or tighten engine mount.
5. Excessive backlash in differential. 5. Repair differential.
6. Plates inside transmission are 6. Repair or replace engine clutch
sticking or slipping. wear or plates.
7. Defective de-clutch valve. 7. Replace de-clutch valve.
8. Defective torque converter. 8. Repair or replace converter.
9. Defective charge pump. 9. Repair or replace charge pump.
10. Drive shaft is out-of-phase. 10. Correct drive shaft to be in phase.
11. Loose or missing universal joints. 11. Tighten or replace.
12. Defective universal joints. 12. Replace universal joints.
13. Accessory pumps, located on the 13. Replace or tighten.
back of the transmission, are cavi-
tating or loose.
14. Low hydraulic oil in transmission. 14. Add hydraulic oil to the recom-
mended level.
15. Transmission is overheating. 15. Troubleshoot and repair transmis-
16. Drive axle is loose. 16. Tighten and re-torque drive axle.
17. Tread pattern on tires. 17. Change tread pattern.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9-7

Hoist Circuit

9-8 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

9A-Transmission Cooler
Section 9A

Transmission Cooler
Introduction. The transmission oil cooler
employs a forced air cooled method of cooling the
transmission oil. Additional technical information
can be located on the circuit drawing in the
Appendices. The Circuit Drawing for the trans-
mission cooler has the format “CD 09A”.
Transmission Oil Cooler Maintenance (Illustra-
tion 5-3). The transmission oil cooler should be
cleaned externally as conditions warrant.

 In the event of transmission

failure requiring a new or rebuilt transmission,
in order for warranty to be valid, the transmis-
sion oil cooler, transmission filter, and hoses
from the transmission to the transmission oil
cooler must be replaced. It is impossible to
back flush the transmission oil cooler to
remove all contaminants from the core.
Whenever the cooler hoses have been discon-
nected and then reconnected, operate the engine
up to normal operating temperature and check the
transmission oil cooler hoses connections for

 Make certain used filter and

drained oil are disposed of in accordance with
federal and local regulations.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9A-1

Hoist Circuit

9A-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

9C-Transmission Controls
Section 9C

Transmission Controls (Electric Shift)

 Before servicing truck, park
the truck on level ground, apply parking brake
and block the wheels in both directions.
TICS Pin Code. Certain transmission control
functions can only be changed in the TICS system
by entering a Pin Code. The Pin Code is unique
to each truck and is provided to the person desig-
nated by the purchaser of the vehicle. The pin
code can be changed by authorized personnel.
Transmission Shift Mode Selection (Illustrations
9C-2 through 9C-4). There are four modes of
transmission operation for this truck: Locked /
Auto, Locked / Manual, Operator Controlled /
Auto, and Operator Controlled / Manual. Autho-
rized management in conjunction with personnel
responsible for the safety of the truck working
environment should make an informed decision
and select the mode that would be most beneficial
in their particular operation conditions[refer to the
Illustration 9C-1. Electric Shifter Transmission Operating Instructions in the
Operator’s Guide (OG179) for information on
Introduction. This truck is equipped with a four selecting the transmission shift mode]. NOTE:
speed transmission that is controlled by an electric Factory installed systems are shipped with the
shift lever and automatic powershift control shift mode of transmission operation set for the
module. The APC module interfaces with the Auto mode of operation.
Taylor Integrated Control System’s MD3 module, To select the mode of transmission shifting from
that is located in the instrument panel, to automat- within the TICS display module, perform the
ically shift the transmission. Additional technical following procedures:
information can be located on the circuit drawing
in the Appendices. The Circuit Drawing for the 1. Perform procedures 1. through 4. of the Valve
transmission controls has the format “CD 09C”. Current Setting Adjustments in Section 6.


Illustration 9C-2. Transmission Adjust Group Screen

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-1

2. At the Transmission Adjust Group screen (Illustration 9C-2), select Shift Mode Select by depressing
the UP or DOWN button and then the OK button to view the Shift Mode Select screen.



Illustration 9C-3. Shift Mode Select Screen

3. At the Shift Mode Select Screen (Illustration 9C-3), select between the following transmission shift
modes: Auto, Operator Controlled, and Manual. The Auto and Operator Controlled Auto transmission
shift modes automatically shift the transmission from gear to gear. The Manual and Operator
Controlled Manual transmission shift modes allow the operator to select the gear best suited for truck
operation (refer to Illustration 9C-4). Operator Controlled mode gives the operator the option to
choose between Manual or Auto transmission shifting. Select the desired mode by depressing the UP
or DOWN button and then the OK button to accept selection (refer to Illustration 9C-3).
Depress the button to return to the Adjust Groups screen.

4. Depress the button to return to the Main Display screen and turn the ignition switch to its Off

 The ignition switch should be turned to its Off position after maintenance
personnel have made setting adjustments within the TICS system. Failure to do so, gives
Unauthorized personnel access to change settings within the TICS system.

9C-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)



Illustration 9C-4. Transmission Information Screen

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-3

Forward Alarm Mode Selection (Illustrations 9C-5 through 9C-7). There are two modes of forward
alarm operation for this truck: Automatic and Operator Controlled. Authorized management in conjunc-
tion with personnel responsible for the safety of the truck working environment should make an informed
decision and select the mode that would be most beneficial in their particular operation conditions. See
Taylor Machine Works’ Safety Check (TMW-072) for information helpful in making such a decision. Re-
member, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.178 requires lift trucks to be operated by users (you) in accordance with
ANSI B56.1 which states that, “The user shall determine if operation conditions require the truck to be
equipped with additional sound-producing or visual (such as lights or blinkers) devices and be responsible
for providing and maintaining such devices”. NOTE: Factory installed systems are shipped with the for-
ward alarm set for the Automatic mode of operation. To change the forward alarm operation mode from
within the TICS display module, perform the following procedures:

1. Perform procedures 1. through 4. of the Valve Current Setting Adjustments in Section 6.


Illustration 9C-5. Transmission Adjust Group Screen

2. At the Transmission Adjust Group screen, select Forward Alarm Control by depressing the UP or
DOWN button and then the OK button to view the Forward Alarm Control screen.

9C-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)



Illustration 9C-6. Forward Alarm Control Screen

3. At the Forward Alarm Control screen, select between the following forward alarm modes: Automatic
or Operator Controlled. When the Automatic mode is selected, the forward alarm will automatically
sound any time the electric shift control is placed in the Forward position. When the Operator Con-
trolled mode is selected, the forward alarm will only sound when the electric shift control is placed in
the Forward position and the forward alarm has been enabled by depressing the F3 button at the
Transmission Information screen (refer to Illustration 9C-7). Select the desired mode by depressing
the UP or DOWN button and then the OK button to accept selection. Depress the button
to return to the Adjust Groups screen or the button to return to the Transmission Information
screen [NOTE: If the Main Display screen is displayed when the button was depressed, the F1
button (Diagnostics) and then the F2 button (Transmission) will have to be depressed to view the
Transmission Information screen].

 Death, serious injury, or property damage could result from operating the truck
with the Forward Alarm disabled while in the Operator Controlled mode of forward alarm
operation. With the Forward Alarm disabled and the electric shift control placed in the Forward
position, there will be no sound emitted by the Forward Alarm.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-5



Illustration 9C-7. Forward Alarm Operation (Operator Controlled Mode)

9C-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Automatic Calibration of Clutches
The clutches of the transmission must be periodically calibrated to maintain optimum transmission shift
quality. Automatic calibration of the clutches must be performed periodically (refer to Preventive Mainte-
nance chart in the Appendices for transmission clutch calibration interval), after transmission overhaul,
after transmission repair and when the APC module has been replaced. Perform the following proce-
dures to automatically calibrate the transmission clutches:

 Death or serious injury could result from a runaway truck. Park truck on a hard,
level surface, apply parking brake, block wheels in both directions to prevent movement of truck
and Lock Out & Tag Out truck before servicing truck.

APC Module Display Modes

1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake and block the wheels in both direc-
tions to prevent movement of the truck.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-7

2. Operate the transmission until its oil temperature is over 140°F (60°C). NOTE: Refer to Heating The
Transmission Oil Using The ’Heat’ Mode of this section for a time effective way to heat the transmis-
sion oil.

3. Enter the automatic calibration mode by pressing (and holding down) the F4 button (‘S’ switch) for
15 seconds during POWER-UP of the APC module.

4. With the Transmission Information Screen displayed on the TICS display module, press the F3
button (‘M’ switch) several times until ’Tran’ is displayed on the APC User Interface (see Illustration
9C-4 and display below).

5. Press the F4 button (‘S’ switch) to trigger the automatic calibration mode. Once the mode is triggered,
the following will be displayed:

6. The APC User Interface asks you to place the shift lever in the forward position. The automatic cal-
ibration will now start and the following will be displayed:


The first 2 characters of the above displays indicate which clutch is calibrated (clutch 1 to clutch 6).
The last 2 characters of the above displays indicate the calibration phase in which the clutch
is (mode 1 or mode 2).

7. When all clutches have been calibrated, the APC User Interface will display the following:

The automatic calibration has now been completed successfully. The normal duration of a complete
transmission calibration is around 15 minutes.

8. Exit the automatic calibration mode by turning the ignition switch key to the off position. Ensure that
the APC module has powered down - wait 2 seconds. Then, re-start the truck and the new tuning
results will be activated automatically.

NOTE: If the displayed information is different than that described above, there is two possible reasons:
S The calibration conditions are not fulfilled (transmission oil temperature is too low, parking brake not

9C-8 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

applied, the truck is moving, engine rpm is too high or too low).
S A calibration error has occurred during the calibration process (message starting with an ’E’).
NOTE: By selecting reverse with the shift lever while the automatic calibration is being performed, the
procedure will abort the automatic calibration immediately and re-start the APC module. This can be used
as an emergency procedure when something goes wrong during the calibration procedure.

NOTE: If the automatic calibration procedure is aborted, the calibration is not finalized and the procedure
will have to be repeated again from the beginning.

Calibration Condition Messages and Calibration Errors

The following information gives an overview of the most common calibration condition messages. Nor-
mally, it possible to repair the cause of a calibration condition message. However, Taylor should be con-
tacted when a calibration error appears.
Calibration Condition Messages

The APC module expects the Place shift lever back in the NEUTRAL position.
shift lever to be in NEUTRAL,
but finds it in another position.

The APC module expects the Apply the parking brake.

parking brake to be applied
while it is released.

The APC module has Verify that the parkiing brake is applied and
detected output speed. working properly. If this is already the case, keep
the truck at standstill by applying the brake pedal.
Once the truck has been stopped, the APC
module will ask the driver to shift to FORWARD
before continuing the calibration.
Engine RPM is too low If the truck is equipped with throttle-by-wire, the
according to the limit that is engine RPM will be automatically adapted. All
necessary for calibration. other cases require the throttle pedal position to
be adjusted until the readout on the display is the
Engine RPM is too high
according to the limit that is
necessary for calibration.

After being too low or high,

the engine RPM is coming
back into the correct
boundaries for calibration.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-9

When the temperature Use the F3 button (‘M’ switch) at the Transmis-
becomes too low during the sion Information Screen displayed on the TICS
automatic transmission display module (see Illustration 9C-3) to go back
calibration, the APC User to the ’HEAT’ mode and the F3 button (‘S’
Interface display indicates the switch) to trigger this mode. Now you have to
actual transmission warm-up the transmission again until the
temperature. temperature is above 140°F (60°C). Then, go
back to the automatic calibration mode by using
the F3 button (‘M’ switch) and trigger this mode
again [using the F4 button (‘S’ switch)] to
continue calibration.

Calibration Errors
Calibration errors have the form ’E1.xx’ or ’E2.xx’ (example: E1.25). Contact the Taylor if an error of this
form appears on the APC User Interface.

Heating The Transmission Oil Using The ’Heat’ Mode

The ’Heat’ mode of the APC module allows the transmission oil to be heated while transmission is placed
in forward / reverse with the parking brake applied without forcing neutral and will disable the de-clutch
function. During the ’Heat’ mode, the highest gear is forced even when the shift lever is in a low gear.
This combination allows the transmission oil to be heated. Perform the following procedures to heat the
transmission oil:

 Death or serious injury could result from a runaway truck. Park truck on a hard,
level surface, apply parking brake, block wheels in both directions to prevent movement of truck
and Lock Out & Tag Out truck before servicing truck.

1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake and block the wheels in both direc-
tions to prevent movement of the truck. Ensure that the parking brake is working properly.

2. Refer to procedures 3. and 4. of the Automatic Calibration of Clutches to enter into the calibration
mode of the APC module.

3. With the ’Heat’ mode displayed on the APC User Interface of the Transmission Information Screen
(see Illustration 9C-4), press the F4 button (‘S’ switch) to trigger the ’Heat’ mode. The APC User
Interface will display the transmission oil temperature.

4. Place shift lever in the forward transmission position and accelerate the engine to full throttle.

5. Keep the engine at full throttle for about 15 seconds and then place the transmission in neutral by
placing the shift lever in the neutral position. Keep the engine at full throttle.

6. Keep the transmission in neutral at full engine throttle for about 15 seconds again.

7. Release the throttle pedal and decelerate the engine to idle.

9C-10 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

8. If the displayed transmission oil temperature is not above 140°F (60°C), repeat procedures 4. through
8. until desired temperature has been achieved. NOTE: When the oil temperature is above 140°F
(60°C), the temperature indication on the APC User Interface will blink.

9. After the desired transmission oil temperature has been reached, the ’Heat’ mode of the APC module
can be exited and the automatic calibration can now be selected by pressing the F3 button (‘M’
switch) several times until ’Tran’ is displayed on the APC User Interface of the Transmission
Information Screen (see Illustration 9C-4).
NOTE: During this warm up procedure, it is possible that the converter out temperature of the transmis-
sion exceeds the maximum limit. This is a consequence of heating up the transmission using this quick

When this occurs, the engine speed will be limited to half throttle when the APC has engine control of
forcing neutral when the APC has no engine control. To solve this, simply leave the transmission in
neutral for a minute and throttle the engine to around 1300 rpm. This will allow the heat in the converter
to be evacuated.

After one or two minutes, the heating up procedure can be resumed if the transmission temperature has
not reached 140 F (60 C) yet.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-11

Automatic Powershift Control (APC). The APC
module controls shifting parameters. The Taylor
Integrated Control System (TICS) monitors the
APC module via CAN-bus. The TICS system will
signal the APC to go to Neutral Lock when the
operator vacates the seat or alternate idle is

 Should any truck equipped

with an APC module require welding on its
structural members, the RS connector must be
unplugged from the APC module prior to any
welding. Failure to comply with this caution
may lead to damage to the APC module.

APC Module (Located On Electrical Box Door)

4 red 7-segment LED digits
3 status LED lamps (”D”,”E”,”F”)
2 push buttons ’M’ and ’S’ for display mode selection.

APC Front Display

The display is located on the APC front panel (or the Transmission Information screen displayed on the
TICS Display Module) and consists of:
The LED lamp labelled ’D’ is yellow and is used to indicate Diagnostic modes.
The LED lamp labelled ’E’ is yellow and is used to indicate Errors.
The LED lamp labelled ’F’ is red and is switched on when the APC is in the reset condition due to the
bootstrap or Fault mode.
After power up, the display defaults to the last display mode (if the display mode was not the error display)
selected when the controller was last powered down.
Typically, this will be the gear position mode. In this mode, the center left digit shows the actually
engaged direction and the center right digit shows the currently engaged range (gear).
Pressing the ’M’ switch (F3) changes the displayed information group while pressing the ’S’ switch (F4)
selects the item within the group.
While pushing the switch (about 0.5 seconds after it is released), the display shows which information is
about to be displayed.

9C-12 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

The second group shows the shift lever position and some other less used but nevertheless quite relevant
values (see below).
The third display accessed with the ’M’ button (F3) isn’t actually a group of screens but is used to inform
you about any current or previously active errors. The display normally shows ’ – – ’ to indicate there are
no faults, but if one or more faults are (or have been) detected, the most severe one is shown until you
press the ’S’ switch (F4). Doing so reveals the next error until no more errors are present, at which time
again the ’ – – ’ sign is shown.

Display mode Comment

GPOS Reflects the actually engaged transmission direction and range.
VSPD Shows vehicle speed in km/h or MPH (parameter setting). Speeds are shown
with a 0.1 km/h or 0.1 MPH resolution.
DIST Shows the travelled distance in km or Miles (parameter setting). Distance is
shown with a 0.1 km or 0.1 Mile resolution. By pressing the ’S’ button (F4)
during 3 seconds, the distance trip counter is reset to 0.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-13

OPER Shows the total operating time of the vehicle (engine running). Operating time
is shown with a 1 hour resolution and has a range of 0 to 49999 hours. The
number digits show the hours, the number of dots in between show the
number of times 10000 hours needs to be added to the number shown:
1 2 3 4 = 1234 hours
1 2.3.4. = 31234 hours

CPOS Reflects the current shift lever direction and position.

ESPD Shows measured engine speed (RPM)
TSPD Shows measured turbine speed (RPM)
OSPD Shows measured output speed (RPM)
SRAT Reflects the current speed ratio (calculated as TSPD/ESPD [turbine speed /
engine speed]) and is an important factor in automatic shifting.
TQ I Measured turbine torque at transmission input side (Nm)
TTMP Shows transmission temperature in °C
CTMP Shows cooler input temperature in °C
ERR The error display. By pressing the ’S’ button (F4) you can scroll through the
errors codes. If an error code is blinking, this indicates that the error was
active in the past, but not active anymore.

When the controller detects an error, the ’E’ LED blinks slowly to indicate this. You can always select the
error display mode (ERR) to view the nature of the problem. An overview of the error codes is included in
the back of this section (refer to APC Error Codes and Descriptions).
Operating Modes
Normal Driving
For detailed description see functional description.
Diagnostic Mode
This mode is selected when the ‘S’ mode switch (F4) is pressed at power up.
Limp Home Mode
Defaulted to if either of following conditions occurs:
a single fault on a transmission control output is detected
a fault related to the engine speed sensor is detected
two out of three vehicle speed sensors are in fault
If one of the above conditions is present, the transmission is put in neutral. In order to continue driving,
neutral must first be selected on the shift lever. Once the shift lever has been put in neutral, the driver
can re-engage a direction. In this mode, the user can operate the transmission in either direction in 1st
and 2nd only. If the fault occurs at a higher gear position, the user is allowed to shift down manually.
Note: On some transmissions, ratios normally not selectable are used to substitute those that can no
longer be selected.
The controller uses default limits; all shifts use a default modulation curve.
Inching is disabled.

9C-14 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

The GPOS / CPOS display indicates the letters ‘LH’ on the left two digits of the direction/position

Shutdown Mode
This mode is activated when a severe internal or external problem is detected. In this mode, the
transmission is forced in Neutral because the redundant shutdown path cuts off the hydraulic power to the
clutches. This mode is selected only if an intolerable combination of faults exists. In case of an
intermitting problem, SHUTDOWN mode is exited and the controller enters the LIMP HOME mode.
However, in case the error is related to the pressure feedback signal, SHUTDOWN mode remains
selected until the controller is switched off.
Also when a fault, related to the parameter settings, located in FLASH memory is detected, the controller
reverts to shutdown mode.
The GPOS / CPOS display indicates the letters ‘Sd’ on the left two digits of the direction/position

Shifter Lever
The main interface with the driver is the shift lever. It allows selecting the driving direction and the
different ranges. The shift lever output signals serve as inputs for the APC.
For automatic mode, the shift lever position will limit the gear in which the controller is allowed to shift to.
Mode Identification
The above modes are identified as follows:

Mode D - LED E - LED Display

Normal driving Off as per error

Self test On Off described in 4.18

Limp home Off Blinking

Shut Down Off Blinking

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-15

Diagnostics and Guidelines
Diagnostics and Maintenance
Principally there are no specific devices required for first level troubleshooting as the APC incorporates
several self-test features assisting in this process. Nevertheless, use of digital multi-meters and simple
tools such as an indicator lamp will be required to pinpoint exact causes of problems. More indepth
troubleshooting and system tuning involves use of a WIN95 Compatible PC with appropriate software and
FLASH parameter programming equipment. The APC allows recall and modification of non-volatile
parameters through RS232. This way, customers can, given the necessary equipment, choose to adapt
certain parameters to suit their needs. From a maintenance point of view, this is relevant in so far that the
APC allows reading back the (modified) parameters along with serial number, part number and
modification date. Several PC hosted tools have been developed to ease the service and troubleshooting
Self Diagnostic Functions
The APC has special circuitry to help verify its operation.
Six self-test groups are built into the APC control programs:
S Display test and Version
S Digital input test
S Analogue input test
S Speed sensor test
S Output test
S Voltage test
The ’D’ LED is on while operating the APC in diagnostic mode.
NOTE: If, during operation in a self-test mode, a fault is detected, the E-LED flashes to indicate the presence of the
fault. Pressing and holding the S-button (F4), however in this case, will not reveal the fault code.

Self Test Operation

Self-test mode is activated by pressing the ‘S’ switch (F4) on the APC front panel while powering up the
Switching off the power of the APC is the only way to leave the self-test mode.

The available information is organized as groups of related displays.

Generally, each mode of the start display provides an overview of the status of all members of the group.
For instance, the start display of the input test mode cryptically shows the level of each input, and the
speed sensor test mode shows the frequency of each sensor channel in kHz (kiloHertz).
Pushing the ‘M’ switch (F3) selects the next group in the order listed.
By pushing the ‘S’ switch (F4), a list of modes with more detailed information about the selected group
can be looked through.
When a new group is selected with the ‘M’ switch (F3), the display always reverts to the overview display
(i.e., the beginning of the mode-list).

Pressing and quickly releasing a switch ‘M’ (F3) or ‘S’ (F4) re-selects the current group or mode. This
feature is applicable in all diagnostic-groups.
After powering up, the display test is activated.

9C-16 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Overview of Test Modes

Display Test and Version

When selecting this group, the display shows:

When pressing the ‘S’ switch (F4), the display changes to:

Releasing the switch engages a scrolling text display that shows the part number and the version.
When pressing the ‘S’ switch (F4), the display switches back to the display test mode, showing:

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-17

Followed by the program identification string (e.g. ECON C 1.5 r6).
After releasing the ‘S’ switch (F4), the display again illuminates all segments.
Digital Input Test
When selecting this group, the display shows:

The display shows which inputs are active. Each segment of the display indicates a specific logical input.
Different segments can be switched on simultaneously if different inputs are activated simultaneously. In
total there are fourteen inputs: ten digital and four analog inputs (in this group treated as if they were
digital pull to ground inputs).
Digital inputs numbered 0 - 9 are shown on the segments as shown below. Analog inputs 0 - 3 are shown
on segments numbered 10 - 13 below.

The below example indicates that inputs 1, 4 and 5 are on. All others are off.

By pressing the ‘S’ switch (F4) repeatedly, each individual input is shown in more detail.
While pressing the ‘S’ switch (F4), the display shows the logic-input number with the matching harness
wire. (- i.e., the below display corresponds with input one connected to wire A12).

Releasing the switch displays the input’s state (hi or lo).

NOTE: the analog inputs return ‘high’ when pulled to ground.
Pressing the ‘S’ switch (F4) at the last analog input brings back the overview on the display.
Analogue Input Test
The APC has 4 analog resistance inputs. They measure the single-ended resistance of a sensor
connected between the input and signal ground B18.
When selecting this group the display shows:

9C-18 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Releasing the switch brings an overview of the 4 analog inputs on the display. The values, displayed in
kΩ (kiloOhms), are separated by a dot.

The above display corresponds with a first input of 1 kΩ, a second of 2 kΩ and the last two of 0 kΩ..
Values that are more accurate can be found while running through the input specific displays (‘S’ switch /
F4). While pressing the switch, similar to the display of digital inputs, the left side of the display gives
information about which input is tested; the right side gives the matching wire. The displayed value, when
the ‘S’ switch (F4) is released, is the resistance in Ω. (Ohms).
NOTE: Although the APC also has 4 current sense and 3 voltage sense inputs, these are not
directly accessible through diagnostic displays.
The current sense inputs are treated in combination with analog output test modes.
The voltage sense inputs are not yet supported by the diagnostic modes.

Speed Sensor Test

When selecting this mode, the display shows:

When releasing the ‘M’ switch (F3) again, an overview appears on the display. The four values, displayed
in thousands of Hertz, are separated by a dot. Speeds below 1,000 Hz are shown as 0.
Using the ‘S’ switch (F4) more detailed information concerning the speeds is available. While pressing
the ‘S’ switch (F4), the display shows the speed channel number on the left side of the display while the
matching wire is shown on the right.
Once released, the left digit indicates what type of speed sensor should be connected to this channel:
S c - for a current sensor (Magneto Resistive Sensor)
S i - for an inductive speed sensor
The three other digits and the dot represent the matching speed in kHz (kiloHertz). For instance in the
below examples, the left display indicates a current speed sensor and a frequency of 933 Hz. The right
one indicates an inductive sensor generating about 1,330 Hz.

After the last channel is shown, another press on the ‘S’ switch (F4) re-selects the speed sensor

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-19

Output Test
When selecting this mode, the display shows:

The display shows which outputs are active. Similar to the digital input test overview screen, each
segment of the display indicates a specific input. Different segments can be switched on simultaneously if
different outputs are activated simultaneously.

A blinking segment indicates a fault at a certain output.

In total, there are 11 outputs:
S Outputs 0 - 6 are analog
S Outputs 7 - 9 are STP digitals outputs
S Output 10 is a STG digital output
Information that is more specific can be found while running through the different modes (‘S’ switch / F4).
While pressing the switch, the left side of the display gives information about which output channel is
tested; the right side gives the matching wire number.
When releasing the switch, the display shows either the actual current in mA (milliAmps), or the logic state
of the output (either ‘hi’ or ’lo’).
If an output is currently in fault, its respective segment in the overview screen blinks slowly. On the output
specific screen, the display alternates between the actual state (current value or logic state) and the fault
type (open / short / curr / oor).
Voltage Test
When selecting this mode, the display shows:

The displayed value, after the M switch is released, is the PERMANENT VOLTAGE Vp in Volts as
measured on wire A01.

The two other modes of this group are switched voltage (Vs) and sensor voltage (Vsen), also
expressed in Volts.

9C-20 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Vs is measured on wire B12. This power supply input is used to allow the APC to control the power down
process, allowing it to save statistical information in FLASH before actually shutting down.
Vsen is measured off an internally generated voltage regulator and should be near 8.0 V. It can be
measured on any unloaded analog input channel (e.g. ANI0 on A11). The Vsen voltage is used as a
reference for the analog inputs.

Connector layout :

Rear view on the

controller connector

J154 J155
APC Rear Connector

APC Module Harness Connector Pin and Wire Assignments (see Illustration above for Rear Harness
Connector Wiring Pin-out).


A01 A1 PPWR Pwr Permanent Battery Plus A01
A02 B1 VFS0+ Pwm F/R Proportional Sol High Side Out A02
A03 C1 VFS0– Sns F/R Proportional Sol Low Side In A03
A04 D1 VFS1+ Pwm 1/3 Proportional Sol High Side Out A04
A05 E1 VFS1– Sns 1/3 Proportional Sol Low Side In A05
A06 F1 VFS2+ Pwm 2/4 Proportional Sol High Side Out A06
A07 G1 VFS2– Sns 2/4 Proportional Sol Low Side In A07
A08 H1 VFS3+ Pwm Not Used
A09 J1 VFS3– Sns Not Used
A10 K1 DO0 Stp Forward Selector A10
A11 A2 ANI0 Ptg 1/3 Pressure Sensor A11
A12 B2 DIGIN0 Ptp Gear Selection From Shifter A12
A13 C2 DIGIN1 Ptp Gear Selection From Shifter A13
A14 D2 DIGIN2 Ptp Not Used
A15 E2 DO1 Stp Reverse Selector A15
A16 F2 DO2 Stp 1/3 Selector A16
A17 G2 DIGIN3 Ptp Not Used
A18 H2 DIGIN4 Ptp Forward From Shifter A18
A19 J2 DIGIN5 Ptp Reverse From Shifter A19
A20 K2 DO3 Stg 2/4 Selector A20
A21 A3 GND Gnd Supply Ground A21
A22 B3 SS0 Sns Drum speed sensor+ A22
A23 C3 SS0 Gnd Drum speed sensor – A23
A24 D3 SS1 Sns Output speed sensor+ A24
A25 E3 SS1 Gnd Output speed sensor – A25
A26 F3 SS2 Sns Engine speed sensor+ A26
A27 G3 SS2 Gnd Turbine speed sensor+ A27
A28 H3 ANI1 Ptg Sump temperature sensor A28

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-21

A29 J3 ANI2 Ptg Converter out temperature A29
A30 K3 GND Gnd Signal Ground A30
B01 A1 VFS4+ HbrgA Low/High Range Selector Not Used
B02 B1 ANI4 Sns 5V Reference voltage out B02
B03 C1 VFS5+ HbrgB 4WD/2WD Selector Not Used
B04 D1 ANI5 Sns Not Used
B05 E1 VFS6+ Pwm Not Used
B06 F1 ANI6 Sns 2/4 pressure sensor B06
B07 A2 CANL Comm CAN Lo 705B
B08 B2 CANH Comm CAN Hi 705A
B09 C2 RXD Comm RS232 RXD B09
B10 D2 TXD Comm RS232 TXD B10
B11 E2 SS3 Sns Switched Power B11
B12 F2 SPWR Pwr Battery Plus B12
B13 A3 DIGIN6 Ptp Not Used
B14 B3 DIGIN7 Ptp De-clutch B14
B15 C3 DIGIN8 Ptp Not Used
B16 D3 DIGIN9 Ptp Not Used
B17 E3 ANI3 Ptg Not Used
B18 F3 SGND Gnd VFS Ground B18

9C-22 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

APC Error Codes and Descriptions

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

00.50 S There is a problem Controller reverts to Stop machine & Hardware related Contact Spicer Off–
related to the internal a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- fault – related to in Highway and inform
RAM (in CPU). and will force neutral nance for trouble- the internal RAM. the fault code and
0. shooting. the time that is was

00.51 S There is a problem Controller reverts to Stop machine & Hardware related Contact Spicer Off–
related to the system a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- fault – related to in Highway and inform
RAM (in CPU). and will force neutral nance for trouble- the system RAM. the fault code and
0. shooting. the time that is was

00.52 S There is a problem Controller reverts to Stop machine & Hardware related Contact Spicer Off–
related to the system a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- fault – related to in Highway and inform
RAM. and will force neutral nance for trouble- the system RAM. the fault code and
0. shooting. the time that is was

00.53 S There is a problem Controller reverts to Stop machine & Hardware related Contact Spicer Off–
related to the Flash a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- fault – related to in Highway and inform
program memory. and will force neutral nance for trouble- the flash program the fault code and
0. shooting. memory. the time that is was

21.00 S Pressure on sensor Controller reverts to Stop machine & Supply pressure to Check supply pres-
1 too low for com- a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- transmission too low. sure to the transmis-
mand. and will force neutral nance for trouble- Proportional solenoid sion. Log pressure
0. shooting. stuck. when problem

21.01 S Pressure on sensor Controller reverts to Stop machine & Supply pressure to Check supply pres-
1 too high for com- a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- transmission too sure to the transmis-
mand. and will force neutral nance for trouble- high. Proportional sion. Log pressure
0. shooting. solenoid stuck. when problem

22.00 S Pressure on sensor Controller reverts to Stop machine & Supply pressure to Check supply pres-
2 too low for com- a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- transmission too low. sure to the transmis-
mand. and will force neutral nance for trouble- Proportional solenoid sion. Log pressure
0. shooting. stuck. when problem

22.01 S Pressure on sensor Controller reverts to Stop machine & Supply pressure to Check supply pres-
2 too high for com- a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- transmission too sure to the transmis-
mand. and will force neutral nance for trouble- high. Proportional sion. Log pressure
0. shooting. solenoid stuck. when problem

23.00 S Pressure on sensor Controller reverts to Stop machine & Supply pressure to Check supply pres-
3 too low for com- a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- transmission too low. sure to the transmis-
mand. and will force neutral nance for trouble- Proportional solenoid sion. Log pressure
0. shooting. stuck. when problem

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-23

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

23.01 S Pressure on sensor Controller reverts to Stop machine & Supply pressure to Check supply pres-
3 too high for com- a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- transmission too sure to the transmis-
mand. and will force neutral nance for trouble- high. Proportional sion. Log pressure
0. shooting. solenoid stuck. when problem

24.00 S Pressure on sensor Controller reverts to Stop machine & Supply pressure to Check supply pres-
4 too low for com- a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- transmission too low. sure to the transmis-
mand. and will force neutral nance for trouble- Proportional solenoid sion. Log pressure
0. shooting. stuck. when problem

24.01 S Pressure on sensor Controller reverts to Stop machine & Supply pressure to Check supply pres-
4 too high for com- a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- transmission too sure to the transmis-
mand. and will force neutral nance for trouble- high. Proportional sion. Log pressure
0. shooting. solenoid stuck. when problem

30.04 S Power supply out of Controller will save Stop machine & Power supply to the Check power supply
range –> below all logged informa- Contact mainte- controller too low: cables to the control-
minimum. tion to flash, will pow- nance for trouble- APC 12V supply ver- ler. Check alternator,
erdown, and force all shooting. sion: < 9 V check the connec-
outputs off. APC 24V supply ver- tion cables between
sion: < 16V. the battery and the
alternator, check the

30.05 A Power supply out of The controller will Contact mainte- Power supply to the Check power supply,
range –> above have reduced pro- nance for trouble- controller too high: check if a jump start
maximum. portional control shooting. APC 12V supply ver- setup is still con-
accuracy due to sion: > 18 V nected.
reduced PWM duty APC 24V supply ver-
cycle. sion: > 32 V.

31.00 A Voltage supply for The controller will Contact mainte- Voltage supply for Check power supply.
the sensors : Vsense have reduced sensor nance for trouble- the sensors : Vsense Check the controller.
(8V) is out of range signals. shooting. (8V) is below 7,2 V.
–> below minimum.

31.01 A Voltage supply for The controller will Contact mainte- Voltage supply for Check power supply.
the sensors : Vsense have reduced sensor nance for trouble- the sensors : Vsense Check the controller.
(8V) is out of range signals. shooting. (8V) is above 8,8 V.
–> above maximum.

40.06 A Invalid shift lever The controller will Contact mainte- The controller Check the wiring
direction detected. force neutral. nance for trouble- receives from the between the control-
shooting. shift lever a request ler and the shift lever
to engage forward concerning the for-
and reverse at the ward and the reverse
same time. signal.

40.08 B Seat orientation input The controller will Stop the vehicle, put Seat orientation input Check the seat ori-
was changed while force neutral. the shift lever in neu- was changed while entation switch or
the parking brake tral and put the park- the parking brake train the driver to
was not active, or/ ing brake on until the was not active, or/ change the seat ori-
and the shift lever fault disappears. and the shift lever entation according to
was not in neutral, was not in neutral, the correct proce-
or/and the machine or/and the machine dure.
was not at standstill. was not at standstill.

9C-24 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

41.06 A Invalid shift lever The controller will not Contact mainte- The controller Check the wiring
position detected. allow range shifting, nance for trouble- receives from the between the control-
however driving is shooting. shift lever an ler and the shift lever
still possible. unknown range shift concerning the range
pattern. signals.

42.04 S/A The actual transmis- Controller will flag Contact mainte- The transmission Check the transmis-
sion ratio is too low. the fault – this fault is nance for trouble- ratio measured by sion, in order to
indicating that one or shooting. the controller is more understand if and
more clutches are than 5% below the which clutch is slip-
slipping. value of what is ping. Check the
should be. transmission ratio
settings of the con-

42.05 S/A The actual transmis- Controller will flag Contact mainte- The transmission Check the transmis-
sion ratio is too high. the fault – this fault is nance for trouble- ratio measured by sion, in order to
indicating that one or shooting. the controller is more understand if and
more clutches are than 5% above the which clutch is slip-
slipping. value of what is ping. Check the
should be. transmission ratio
settings of the con-

43.03 A The transmission Controller will flag Contact mainte- The converter out Check the wiring
converter out tem- the fault. nance for trouble- temperature sensor between the control-
perature sensor is shooting. is not connected or ler and the converter
out of range. shorted. out temperature sen-
sor. Check the con-
verter out tempera-
ture sensor.

43.07 A The transmission Controller will flag Take notice of the The controller mea- Check the converter
converter out tem- the fault – in order to fault, and try to bring sured a converter out temperature and
perature sensor > indicate the driver of the converter tem- out temperature the converter out
100_C. the warning level. perature to a lower between 100_C and temperature sensor.
level. the allowed limit.

43.08 A The transmission The controller is pro- Stop machine, select The controller mea- Check the converter
converter out tem- tecting the transmis- neutral and apply full sured a converter out temperature and
perature sensor > sion and does not throttle (limited to 50 out temperature the converter out
120_C. allow that the con- %) in order to cool above the allowed temperature sensor.
verter out tempera- the transmission oil limit.
ture exceeds its limit. below 100_C (until
The controller will the fault 43.03 is
force the transmis- gone). Once the con-
sion to neutral, and if verter out tempera-
engine is controlled, ture is below 100_C,
the engine will be continue driving the
limited 50 % of its machine.
maximum speed.

44.10 A No EEC2 message The controller will Contact mainte- No EEC2 message Check engine con-
(throttle position from flag the fault and the nance for trouble- on the CAN bus troller and CAN con-
the engine controller) TSC1 message will shooting. when expected. nection to the
on the CAN bus send the idle possi- APC200.
when expected. tion to the engine

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-25

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

45.06 B Invalid pattern for the The controller will Contact mainte- Invalid pattern for the Check the redundant
reduced vehicle limit the vehicle nance for trouble- reduced vehicle reduced vehicle
speed redundant speed to the reduced shooting. speed redundant speed switches and
digital inputs (2 speed. digital inputs (2 the wiring connected
inputs used). inputs used). from these switches
to the APC200.

46.05 A The transmission The controller will Release the inching The transmission Release the inching
has exceeded the open or close the pedal and cycle the has exceeded the pedal and cycle the
maximum torque inching clutch shift lever via neutral maximum torque shift lever via neutral
during inching. depending of the back in the selected during inching. back in the selected
GDE parameter direction in order to direction.
selection. get drive again.

47.01 B Transmission limit Controller will flag Release throttle The turbine speed is Release throttle
exceeded. the fault. pedal, slow down the above the maximum pedal, slow down the
vehicle. allowed. vehicle.

48.00 B Disengaged 4WD/ Controller will flag Contact mainte- The mechanical Check if digital out-
2WD selector is the fault. nance for trouble- actuator stuck. put has its expected
stuck engaged, or shooting. value and if the
feedback line is mechanical actuator
faulty. has made the switch.
Also check if the digi-
tal feedback is
switched and still
connected to the

48.01 B Engaged 4WD/2WD Controller will flag Contact mainte- The mechanical Check if digital out-
selector is stuck dis- the fault. nance for trouble- actuator stuck. put has its expected
engaged, or feed- shooting. value and if the
back line is faulty. mechanical actuator
has made the switch.
Also check if the digi-
tal feedback is
switched and still
connected to the

49.00 B Disengaged Low/ Controller will flag Contact mainte- The mechanical Check if digital out-
High selector is the fault. nance for trouble- actuator stuck. put has its expected
stuck engaged, or shooting. value and if the
the feedback line is mechanical actuator
faulty. has made the switch.
Also check if the digi-
tal feedback is
switched and still
connected to the

9C-26 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

49.01 B Engaged Low/High Controller will flag Contact mainte- The mechanical Check if digital out-
selector is stuck dis- the fault. nance for trouble- actuator stuck. put has its expected
engaged, or feed- shooting. value and if the
back line is faulty. mechanical actuator
has made the switch.
Also check if the digi-
tal feedback is
switched and still
connected to the

50.00 S Analog input 0 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring
A11) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI0 is shorted to between the control-
analog input is signed to this pin: shooting. ground, or measured ler and the device
shorted to ground. – temperature sen- input value is below connected to this
sor: controller will the minimum value analog input. Check
use the lowest (corresponding with this device con-
clipped value in its 0 %). nected. Check if the
settings (which re- calibration is done
sults in bad tempera- correctly – recalibra-
ture compensation tion of this analog
– pressure sensor: input.
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

50.01 S Analog input 0 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring
A11) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI0 is not con- between the control-
analog input is not signed to this pin: shooting. nected, or measured ler and the device
connected. - temperature sen- input value is above connected to this
sor: controller will the maximum value analog input. Check
use the highest (corresponding with this device con-
clipped value in its 100 %). nected. Check if the
settings (which calibration is done
results in bad tem- correctly – recalibra-
perature compensa- tion of this analog
tion input.
- pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
other: the controller
will use the lowest
clipped value

50.04 B Analog input 0 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
A11) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI0 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the lowest clipped shooting. value is below the and the device con-
below the minimum value in its settings. minimum value nected to this analog
value calibrated. (corresponding with input. Check this
0 %). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-27

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

50.05 B Analog input 0 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
A11) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI0 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the highest clipped shooting. value is above the and the device con-
above the maximum value in its settings. maximum value nected to this analog
value calibrated. (corresponding with input. Check this
0 %). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

51.00 A Analog input 1 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
A28) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI1 is shorted to tween the controller
analog input is signed to this pin: shooting. ground, or measured and the device con-
shorted to ground. – temperature sen- input value is below nected to this analog
sor: controller will the minimum value input. Check this
use the lowest (corresponding with device connected.
clipped value in its 0 %). Check if the calibra-
settings (which tion is done correctly
results in bad tem- – recalibration of this
perature compensa- analog input.
– pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

51.01 A Analog input 1 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
A28) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI1 is not con- tween the controller
analog input is not signed to this pin: shooting. nected, or measured and the device con-
connected. – temperature sen- input value is above nected to this analog
sor: controller will the maximum value input. Check this
use the highest (corresponding with device connected.
clipped value in its 100 %). Check if the calibra-
settings (which tion is done correctly
results in bad tem- – recalibration of this
perature compensa- analog input.
– pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

51.04 B Analog input 0 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
A28) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI1 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the lowest clipped shooting. value is below the and the device con-
below the minimum value in its settings. minimum value nected to this analog
value calibrated. (corresponding with input. Check this
0 %). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

9C-28 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

51.05 B Analog input 1 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
A28) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI1 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the highest clipped shooting. value is above the and the device con-
above the maximum value in its settings. maximum value (cor- nected to this analog
value calibrated. responding with input. Check this
100%). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

52.00 B Analog input 2 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring
A29) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI2 is shorted to between the control-
analog input is signed to this pin: shooting. ground, or measured ler and the device
shorted to ground. – temperature sen- input value is below connected to this
sor: controller will the minimum value analog input. Check
use the lowest (corresponding with this device con-
clipped value in its 0 %). nected. Check if the
settings (which calibration is done
results in bad tem- correctly – recalibra-
perature compensa- tion of this analog
tion input.
– pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

52.01 B Analog input 2 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring
A29) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI2 is not con- between the control-
analog input is not signed to this pin: shooting. nected, or measured ler and the device
connected. – temperature sen- input value is above connected to this
sor: controller will the maximum value analog input. Check
use the highest (corresponding with this device con-
clipped value in its 100 %). nected. Check if the
settings (which calibration is done
results in bad tem- correctly – recalibra-
perature compensa- tion of this analog
tion input.
– pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

52.04 B Analog input 2 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
A29) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI2 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the lowest clipped shooting. value is below the and the device con-
below the minimum value in its settings. minimum value nected to this analog
value calibrated. (corresponding with input. Check this
0 %). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-29

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

52.05 B Analog input 2 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
A29) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI2 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the highest clipped shooting. value is above the and the device con-
above the maximum value in its settings. maximum value (cor- nected to this analog
value calibrated. responding with input. Check this
100%). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

53.00 B Analog input 3 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring
B17) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI3 is shorted to between the control-
analog input is signed to this pin: shooting. ground, or measured ler and the device
shorted to ground. – temperature sen- input value is below connected to this
sor: controller will the minimum value analog input. Check
use the lowest (corresponding with this device con-
clipped value in its 0 %). nected. Check if the
settings (which calibration is done
results in bad tem- correctly – recalibra-
perature compensa- tion of this analog
tion input.
– pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

53.01 B Analog input 3 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring
B17) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI3 is not con- between the control-
analog input is not signed to this pin: shooting. nected, or measured ler and the device
connected. – temperature sen- input value is above connected to this
sor: controller will the maximum value analog input. Check
use the highest (corresponding with this device con-
clipped value in its 100 %). nected. Check if the
settings (which calibration is done
results in bad tem- correctly – recalibra-
perature compensa- tion of this analog
tion input.
– pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

53.04 B Analog input 3 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
B17) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI3 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the lowest clipped shooting. value is below the and the device con-
below the minimum value in its settings. minimum value (cor- nected to this analog
value calibrated. responding with 0 % input. Check this
– 100 mV). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

9C-30 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

53.05 B Analog input 3 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
B17) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI3 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the highest clipped shooting. value is above the and the device con-
above the maximum value in its settings. maximum value (cor- nected to this analog
value calibrated. responding with input. Check this
100% + 100 mV). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

54.00 A Analog input 4 (wire Controller will revert Contact mainte- The reference power Check the refence
B02) related fault : to shutdown. The nance for trouble- supply (5 V ref.) for power supply of the
analog input is controller uses the shooting. the analog inputs analog inputs ANI0,
shorted to ground. analog input ANI4 to ANI0, ANI2, ANI3, ANI2, ANI3, ANI5,
have a reference ANI5, ANI6 and ANI8 ANI6 and ANI8.
power supply for the is below 4,8 V.
analog inputs ANI0,
ANI6 and ANI8.

54.01 A Analog input 4 (wire Controller will revert Contact mainte- The reference power Check the refence
B02) related fault: to shutdown. The nance for trouble- supply (5 V ref.) for power supply of the
analog input is controller uses the shooting. the analog inputs analog inputs ANI0,
shorted to battery +. analog input ANI4 to ANI0, ANI2, ANI3, ANI2, ANI3, ANI5,
have a reference ANI5, ANI6 & ANI8 is ANI6 and ANI8.
power supply for the above 5,2 V.
analog inputs ANI0,
ANI6 and ANI8

55.00 B Analog input 5 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring
B04) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI5 is shorted to between the control-
analog input is signed to this pin: shooting. ground, or measured ler and the device
shorted to ground. – temperature sen- input value is below connected to this
sor: controller will the minimum value analog input. Check
use the lowest (corresponding with this device con-
clipped value in its 0 %). nected. Check if the
settings (which calibration is done
results in bad tem- correctly – recalibra-
perature compensa- tion of this analog
tion input.
– pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-31

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

55.01 B Analog input 5 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring
B04) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI5 is not con- between the control-
analog input is not signed to this pin: shooting. nected, or measured ler and the device
connected. – temperature sen- input value is above connected to this
sor: controller will the maximum value analog input. Check
use the highest (corresponding with this device con-
clipped value in its 100 %). nected. Check if the
settings (which calibration is done
results in bad tem- correctly – recalibra-
perature compensa- tion of this analog
tion input.
– pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

55.04 B Analog input 5 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
B04) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI5 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the lowest clipped shooting. value is below the and the device con-
below the minimum value in its settings. minimum value (cor- nected to this analog
value calibrated. responding with 0 % input. Check this
– 100 mV). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

55.05 B Analog input 5 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
B04) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI5 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the highest clipped shooting. value is above the and the device con-
above the maximum value in its settings. maximum value (cor- nected to this analog
value calibrated. responding with input. Check this
100% + 100 mV). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

56.00 B Analog input 6 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring
B06) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI6 is shorted to between the control-
analog input is signed to this pin: shooting. ground, or measured ler and the device
shorted to ground. – temperature sen- input value is below connected to this
sor: controller will the minimum value analog input. Check
use the lowest (corresponding with this device con-
clipped value in its 0 %). nected. Check if the
settings (which calibration is done
results in bad tem- correctly – recalibra-
perature compensa- tion of this analog
tion input.
– pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

9C-32 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

56.01 B Analog input 6 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring
B06) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI6 is not con- between the control-
analog input is not signed to this pin: shooting. nected, or measured ler and the device
connected. – temperature sen- input value is above connected to this
sor: controller will the maximum value analog input. Check
use the highest (corresponding with this device con-
clipped value in its 100 %). nected. Check if the
settings (which calibration is done
results in bad tem- correctly – recalibra-
perature compensa- tion of this analog
tion input.
– pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

56.04 B Analog input 6 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
B06) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI6 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the lowest clipped shooting. value is below the and the device con-
below the minimum value in its settings. minimum value (cor- nected to this analog
value calibrated. responding with 0 % input. Check this
– 100 mV). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

56.05 B Analog input 6 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
B06) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI6 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the highest clipped shooting. value is above the and the device con-
above the maximum value in its settings. maximum value (cor- nected to this analog
value calibrated. responding with input. Check this
100% + 100 mV). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

57.00 B Analog input 7 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring
A13) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI7 is shorted to between the control-
analog input is signed to this pin: shooting. ground, or measured ler and the device
shorted to ground. – temperature sen- input value is below connected to this
sor: controller will the minimum value analog input. Check
use the lowest (corresponding with this device con-
clipped value in its 0 %). nected. Check if the
settings (which calibration is done
results in bad tem- correctly – recalibra-
perature compensa- tion of this analog
tion input.
– pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-33

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

57.01 B Analog input 7 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring
A13) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI7 is not con- between the control-
analog input is not signed to this pin: shooting. nected, or measured ler and the device
connected. – temperature sen- input value is above connected to this
sor: controller will the maximum value analog input. Check
use the highest (corresponding with this device con-
clipped value in its 100 %). nected. Check if the
settings (which calibration is done
results in bad tem- correctly – recalibra-
perature compensa- tion of this analog
tion input.
– pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

57.04 B Analog input 7 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
A13) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI7 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the lowest clipped shooting. value is below the and the device con-
below the minimum value in its settings. minimum value (cor- nected to this analog
value calibrated. responding with 0 % input. Check this
– 100 mV). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

57.05 B Analog input 7 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
A13) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI7 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the highest clipped shooting. value is above the and the device con-
above the maximum value in its settings. maximum value (cor- nected to this analog
value calibrated. responding with input. Check this
100% + 100 mV). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

58.00 B Analog input 8 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring
A12) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI8 is shorted to between the control-
analog input is signed to this pin: shooting. ground, or measured ler and the device
shorted to ground. – temperature sen- input value is below connected to this
sor: controller will the minimum value analog input. Check
use the lowest (corresponding with this device con-
clipped value in its 0 %). nected. Check if the
settings (which calibration is done
results in bad tem- correctly – recalibra-
perature compensa- tion of this analog
tion input.
– pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

9C-34 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

58.01 B Analog input 8 (wire Depending on the Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring
A12) related fault : function that is as- nance for trouble- ANI8 is not con- between the control-
analog input is not signed to this pin: shooting. nected, or measured ler and the device
connected. – temperature sen- input value is above connected to this
sor: controller will the maximum value analog input. Check
use the highest (corresponding with this device con-
clipped value in its 100 %). nected. Check if the
settings (which calibration is done
results in bad tem- correctly – recalibra-
perature compensa- tion of this analog
tion input.
– pressure sensor:
the controller will
revert to shut down
– other: the control-
ler will use the lowest
clipped value

58.04 B Analog input 8 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
A12) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI8 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the lowest clipped shooting. value is below the and the device con-
below the minimum value in its settings. minimum value (cor- nected to this analog
value calibrated. responding with 0 % input. Check this
– 100 mV). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

58.05 B Analog input 8 (wire Controller will flag Contact mainte- The analog input Check the wiring be-
A12) related fault : the fault, and will use nance for trouble- ANI8 measured input tween the controller
analog input value is the highest clipped shooting. value is above the and the device con-
above the maximum value in its settings. maximum value (cor- nected to this analog
value calibrated. responding with input. Check this
100% + 100 mV). device connected.
Check if the calibra-
tion is done correctly
– recalibration of this
analog input.

60.00 S/A Speed channel 0 When only 1 speed Contact mainte- Speed channel Check the wiring
(wire A22) related channel has a fail- nance for trouble- SPC0 is shorted to between the control-
fault : speed channel ure, and which is not shooting. ground. ler and the speed
is shorted to ground. the engine speed sensor connected to
channel, the control- speed channel 0.
ler will calculate what Check the speed
the missing speed sensor connected to
should be. If several speed channel 0.
speed channels
have a failure, or the
engine speed chan-
nel has a failure, the
controller reverts to a
”limp home” mode.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-35

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

60.01 S/A Speed channel 0 When only 1 speed Contact mainte- Speed channel Check the wiring
(wire A22) related channel has a fail- nance for trouble- SPC0 is not con- between the control-
fault : speed channel ure, and which is not shooting. nected. ler and the speed
is not connected. the engine speed sensor connected to
channel, the control- speed channel 0.
ler will calculate what Check the speed
the missing speed sensor connected to
should be. If several speed channel 0.
speed channels
have a failure, or the
engine speed chan-
nel has a failure, the
controller reverts to a
”limp home” mode.

60.03 S/A Speed channel 0 The controlller flags Contact mainte- Speed channel Check the wiring be-
(wire A22) related the error code. nance for trouble- SPC0 is not con- tween the controller
fault : speed mea- shooting. nected, or measure- and the speed sen-
surement out of ment out of range. sor connected to
range. speed channel 0.
Check the speed
sensor connected to
speed channel 0.

60.04 S/A Speed channel 0 This message is Contact mainte- The transmission Check the transmis-
(wire A22) pulse given as additional nance for trouble- ratio measured by sion, in order to
count too low. information for trans- shooting. the controller is more understand if and
mission ratio faults. than 5% below the which clutch is slip-
value of what is ping. Check the
should be. transmission ratio
settings of the

60.05 S/A Speed channel 0 This message is Contact mainte- The transmission Check the transmis-
(wire A22) pulse given as additional nance for trouble- ratio measured by sion, in order to
count too high. information for trans- shooting. the controller is more understand if and
mission ratio faults. than 5% above the which clutch is slip-
value of what is ping. Check the
should be. transmission ratio
settings of the

61.00 S/A Speed channel 1 When only 1 speed Contact mainte- Speed channel Check the wiring
(wire A24) related channel has a fail- nance for trouble- SPC1 is shorted to between the control-
fault : speed channel ure, and which is not shooting. ground. ler and the speed
is shorted to ground. the engine speed sensor connected to
channel, the control- speed channel 1.
ler will calculate what Check the speed
the missing speed sensor connected to
should be. If several speed channel 1.
speed channels
have a failure, or the
engine speed chan-
nel has a failure, the
controller reverts to a
”limp home” mode.

9C-36 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

61.01 S/A Speed channel 1 When only 1 speed Contact mainte- Speed channel Check the wiring
(wire A24) related channel has a fail- nance for trouble- SPC1 is not con- between the control-
fault : speed channel ure, and which is not shooting. nected. ler and the speed
is not connected. the engine speed sensor connected to
channel, the control- speed channel 1.
ler will calculate what Check the speed
the missing speed sensor connected to
should be. If several speed channel 1.
speed channels
have a failure, or the
engine speed chan-
nel has a failure, the
controller reverts to a
”limp home” mode.

61.03 S/A Speed channel 1, When a speed chan- Contact mainte- Speed channel is not Check the speed
Invalid signal. nel has a failure, the nance for trouble- measuring. sensor installation.
controller will flag the shooting.
appropriate error. If
the engine speed
channel has a fail-
ure, the controller
reverts to a ”limp
home” mode.

61.04 S/A Speed channel 1 This message is Contact mainte- The transmission Check the transmis-
(wire A24) pulse given as additional nance for trouble- ratio measured by sion, in order to
count too low. information for trans- shooting. the controller is more understand if and
mission ratio faults. than 5% below the which clutch is slip-
value of what is ping. Check the
should be. transmission ratio
settings of the

61.05 S/A Speed channel 1 This message is Contact mainte- The transmission Check the transmis-
(wire A24) pulse given as additional nance for trouble- ratio measured by sion, in order to
count too high. information for trans- shooting. the controller is more understand if and
mission ratio faults. than 5% above the which clutch is slip-
value of what is ping. Check the
should be. transmission ratio
settings of the

62.00 S/A Speed channel 2 When only 1 speed Contact mainte- Speed channel Check the wiring
(wire A26) related channel has a fail- nance for trouble- SPC2 is shorted to between the control-
fault : speed channel ure, and which is not shooting. ground. ler and the speed
is shorted to ground. the engine speed sensor connected to
channel, the control- speed channel 2.
ler will calculate what Check the speed
the missing speed sensor connected to
should be. If several speed channel 2.
speed channels
have a failure, or the
engine speed chan-
nel has a failure, the

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-37

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

62.01 S/A Speed channel 2 When only 1 speed Contact mainte- Speed channel Check the wiring
(wire A26) related channel has a fail- nance for trouble- SPC2 is not con- between the control-
fault : speed channel ure, and which is not shooting. nected. ler and the speed
is not connected. the engine speed sensor connected to
channel, the control- speed channel 2.
ler will calculate what Check the speed
the missing speed sensor connected to
should be. If several speed channel 2.
speed channels
have a failure, or the
engine speed chan-
nel has a failure, the
controller reverts to a
”limp home” mode.

62.03 S/A No engine speed Controller reverts to Contact mainte- No EEC1 message Check the speed
information available. a ”limp home” mode. nance for trouble- on the CAN bus for sensor installation.
shooting. 200 ms.
ABLE reported in

62.04 S/A Speed channel 2 This message is Contact mainte- The transmission Check the transmis-
(wire A26) pulse given as additional nance for trouble- ratio measured by sion, in order to
count too low. information for trans- shooting. the controller is more understand if and
mission ratio faults. than 5% below the which clutch is slip-
value of what is ping. Check the
should be. transmission ratio
settings of the

62.05 S/A Speed channel 2 This message is Contact mainte- The transmission Check the transmis-
(wire A26) pulse given as additional nance for trouble- ratio measured by sion, in order to
count too high. information for trans- shooting. the controller is more understand if and
mission ratio faults. than 5% above the which clutch is slip-
value of what is ping. Check the
should be. transmission ratio
settings of the

62.06 S/A No engine speed Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Speed sensor dam- Check the transmis-
detected while a ”limp home” mode. nance for trouble- aged, bad alignment sion and speed sen-
turbine speed is shooting. between sensor and sor. Check speed
measured. measuring gear. sensor position.

9C-38 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

63.00 S/A Speed channel 3 When only 1 speed Contact mainte- Speed channel Check the wiring
(wire B11* or A27*) channel has a fail- nance for trouble- SPC3 is shorted to between the control-
related fault: speed ure, and which is not shooting. ground. ler and the speed
channel is shorted to the engine speed sensor connected to
ground. channel, the control- speed channel 3.
* please refer to ler will calculate what Check the speed
hardware technical the missing speed sensor connected to
leaflet of your APC should be. If several speed channel 3.
platform. speed channels
have a failure, or the
engine speed chan-
nel has a failure, the
controller reverts to a
”limp home” mode.

63.01 S/A Speed channel 3 When only 1 speed Contact mainte- Speed channel Check the wiring
(wire B11* or A27*) channel has a fail- nance for trouble- SPC3 is not connec- between the control-
related fault: speed ure, and which is not shooting. ted. ler and the speed
measurement out of the engine speed sensor connected to
range. channel, the control- speed channel 3.
* please refer to ler will calculate what Check the speed
hardware technical the missing speed sensor connected to
leaflet of your should be. If several speed channel 3.
APC platform. speed channels
have a failure, or the
engine speed chan-
nel has a failure, the
controller reverts to a
”limp home” mode.

63.03 S/A Speed channel 3 The controlller flags Contact mainte- Speed channel Check the wiring
(wire B11* or A27*) the error code. nance for trouble- SPC3 is not con- between the control-
related fault: speed shooting. nected, or measure- ler and the speed
measurement out of ment out of range. sensor connected to
range. speed channel 3.
* please refer to Check the speed
hardware technical sensor connected to
leaflet of your speed channel 3.
APC platform.

63.04 S/A Speed channel 3 This message is Contact mainte- The transmission Check the transmis-
(wire B11* or A27*) given as additional nance for trouble- ratio measured by sion, in order to
pulse count information for trans- shooting. the controller is more understand if and
too low. mission ratio faults. than 5% below the which clutch is slip-
* please refer to value of what is ping. Check the
hardware technical should be. transmission ratio
leaflet of your settings of the
APC platform. controller.

63.05 S/A Speed channel 3 This message is Contact mainte- The transmission Check the transmis-
(wire B11* or A27*) given as additional nance for trouble- ratio measured by sion, in order to
pulse count information for trans- shooting. the controller is more understand if and
too low. mission ratio faults. than 5% above the which clutch is slip-
* please refer to value of what is ping. Check the
hardware technical should be. transmission ratio
leaflet of your settings of the
APC platform. controller.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-39

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

70.00 S Analog output 0 Controller reverts to Stop machine & The output wires of Check the wiring be-
(wires A02 & A03) a ”limp home” mode. Contact mainte- the analog output 0 tween the controller
related fault : output nance for trouble- are shorted to each and the proportional
wires are shorted to shooting. other, or the sense valve 0. Check the
each other, or the line is shorted to bat- proportional valve 0.
sense line is shorted tery +, or the plus
to battery +, or the line is shorted to
plus line is shorted ground.
to ground.

70.01 S Analog output 0 Controller reverts to Stop machine & An output wire of the Check the wiring be-
(wires A02 & A03) a ”limp home” mode. Contact mainte- analog output 0 is tween the controller
related fault : the nance for trouble- not connected, or its and the proportional
output plus line is shooting. plus line is shorted to valve 0. Check the
shorted to battery +. battery +, or the pro- proportional valve 0.
portional valve 0 is

70.02 S Analog output 0 Controller reverts to Stop machine & The currecnt of the Check the wiring be-
(wires A02 & A03) a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- analog output 0 is tween the controller
related fault : the and will force neutral nance for trouble- exceeding and the proportional
output current 0. shooting. 1400 mA. valve 0. Check the
exceeds 1400 mA proportional valve 0.
or/and the output
plus line is shorted to
battery +.

70.03 S Analog output 0 Controller reverts to Stop machine & The current of the Check the wiring be-
(wires A02 & A03) a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- analog output 0 is tween the controller
related fault : the and will force neutral nance for trouble- out of range. and the proportional
output current is out 0. shooting. valve 0. Check the
of range, occurs proportional valve 0.
when the load has
the incorrect imped-

70.09 S Analog output 0 Controller reverts to Stop machine & The wire of the ana- Check the wiring be-
(wires A02 & A03) a ”limp home” mode. Contact mainte- log output 0 is not tween the controller
related fault : the nance for trouble- connected. and the proportional
output is not con- shooting. valve 0. Check the
nected. proportional valve 0.

71.00 S Analog output 1 Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto The output wires of Check the wiring be-
(wires A04 & A05) a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select the analog output 1 tween the controller
related fault : output back drive. If the are shorted to each and the proportional
wires are shorted to controller can control other, or the sense valve 1. Check the
each other, or the that range selection line is shorted to bat- proportional valve 1.
sense line is shorted the machine will tery +, or the plus
to battery +, or the drive, but in a ”limp line is shorted to
plus line is shorted to home” mode. If not, ground.
ground. an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

9C-40 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

71.01 S Analog output 1 Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto An output wire of the Check the wiring be-
(wires A04 & A05) a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select analog output 1 is tween the controller
related fault : the back drive. If the not connected, or its and the proportional
output plus line is controller can control plus line is shorted to valve 1. Check the
shorted to battery +. that range selection battery +, or the pro- proportional valve 1.
the machine will portional valve 1 is
drive, but in a ”limp defect.
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

71.02 S/A Output 1 (wires A04 Action will depend Stop machine & The currecnt of the Check the wiring be-
& A05) related fault: on the function Contact mainte- analog output 1 is tween the controller
– wires A04 & A05 assigned to the out- nance for trouble- exceeding 1400 mA. and the proportional
configured as analog put: shooting. valve 1. Check the
output: the output – critical output (eg. proportional valve 1.
current exceeds transmission valve
1400 mA. control): the control-
ler reverts to a ”limp
home” mode.
– non–critical feature
output: the controller
will flag the fault, but
no actions will be

71.03 S Analog output 1 Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto The current of the Check the wiring be-
(wires A04 & A05) a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select analog output 1 is tween the controller
related fault : the back drive. If the out of range. and the proportional
output current is out controller can control valve 1. Check the
of range, occurs that range selection proportional valve 1.
when the load has the machine will
the incorrect imped- drive, but in a ”limp
ance. home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

71.09 S Analog output 1 Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto The wire of the ana- Check the wiring be-
(wires A04 & A05) a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select log output 1 is not tween the controller
related fault : the back drive. If the connected. and the proportional
output is not con- controller can control valve 1. Check the
nected. that range selection proportional valve 1.
the machine will
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-41

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

72.00 S Analog output 2 Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto The output wires of Check the wiring be-
(wires A06 & A07) a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select the analog output 2 tween the controller
related fault : output back drive. If the are shorted to each and the proportional
wires are shorted to controller can control other, or the sense valve 2. Check the
each other, or the that range selection line is shorted to bat- proportional valve 2.
sense line is shorted the machine will tery +, or the plus
to battery +, or the drive, but in a ”limp line is shorted to
plus line is shorted to home” mode. If not, ground.
ground. an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

72.01 S Analog output 2 Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto An output wire of the Check the wiring be-
(wires A06 & A07) a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select analog output 2 is tween the controller
related fault : the back drive. If the not connected, or its and the proportional
output plus line is controller can control plus line is shorted to valve 2. Check the
shorted to battery +. that range selection battery +, or the pro- proportional valve 2.
the machine will portional valve 2 is
drive, but in a ”limp defect.
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

72.02 S Analog output 2 Controller reverts to Stop machine & The currecnt of the Check the wiring be-
(wires A06 & A07) a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- analog output 2 is tween the controller
related fault : the and will force neutral nance for trouble- exceeding 1400 mA. and the proportional
output current 0. shooting. valve 2. Check the
exceeds 1400 mA proportional valve 2.
or/and the output
plus line is shorted to
battery +.

72.03 S Analog output 2 Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto The current of the Check the wiring be-
(wires A06 & A07) a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select analog output 2 is tween the controller
related fault : the back drive. If the out of range. and the proportional
output current is out controller can control valve 2. Check the
of range, occurs that range selection proportional valve 2.
when the load has the machine will
the incorrect imped- drive, but in a ”limp
ance. home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

72.09 S Analog output 2 Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto The wire of the ana- Check the wiring be-
(wires A06 & A07) a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select log output 2 is not tween the controller
related fault : the back drive. If the connected. and the proportional
output is not con- controller can control valve 2. Check the
nected. that range selection proportional valve 2.
the machine will
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

9C-42 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

73.00 S Analog output 3 Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto The output wires of Check the wiring be-
(wires A08 & A09) a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select the analog output 3 tween the controller
related fault : output back drive. If the are shorted to each and the proportional
wires are shorted to controller can control other, or the sense valve 3. Check the
each other, or the that range selection line is shorted to bat- proportional valve 3.
sense line is shorted the machine will tery +, or the plus
to battery +, or the drive, but in a ”limp line is shorted to
plus line is shorted to home” mode. If not, ground.
ground. an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

73.01 S Analog output 3 Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto The +line output wire Check the wiring be-
(wires A08 & A09) a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select of the analog output tween the controller
related fault : the back drive. If the 3 is shorted to bat- and the proportional
output wire plus line controller can control tery +, or the propor- valve 3. Check the
is shorted to battery that range selection tional valve 3 is proportional valve 3.
+. the machine will defect.
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

73.02 S Analog output 3 Controller reverts to Stop machine & The current of the Check the wiring be-
(wires A08 & A09) a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- analog output 3 is tween the controller
related fault : the and will force neutral nance for trouble- exceeding 1400 mA. and the proportional
output current 0. shooting. valve 3. Check the
exceeds 1400 mA proportional valve 3.
or/and the output
plus line is shorted to
battery +.

73.03 S Analog output 3 Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto The current of the Check the wiring be-
(wires A08 & A09) a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select analog output 3 is tween the controller
related fault : the back drive. If the out of range. and the proportional
output current is out controller can control valve 3. Check the
of range, occurs that range selection proportional valve 3.
when the load has the machine will
the incorrect imped- drive, but in a ”limp
ance. home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

73.09 S Analog output 3 Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto The wire of the ana- Check the wiring be-
(wires A08 & A09) a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select log output 3 is not tween the controller
related fault : the back drive. If the connected. and the proportional
output is not con- controller can control valve 3. Check the
nected. that range selection proportional valve 3.
the machine will
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-43

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

74.00 S Analog output 4 Controller will flag Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B01) related the fault, but no nance for trouble- analog output 4 is tween the controller
fault : output wire is actions will be taken. shooting. shorted to ground. and the device con-
shorted to ground. nected on the analog
output 4.

74.01 S Analog output 4 Controller will flag Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B01) related the fault, but no nance for trouble- analog output 4 is tween the controller
fault : output wire is actions will be taken. shooting. shorted to battery +, and the device con-
shorted to battery +, or not connected. nected on the analog
or not connected. output 4.

74.02 S Analog output 4 Controller will flag Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B01) related the fault, but no nance for trouble- analog output 4 is tween the controller
fault : the output cur- actions will be taken. shooting. exceeding 1400 mA. and the device con-
rent exceeds 1400 nected on the analog
mA. output 4.

74.03 S Analog output 4 Controller will flag Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B01) related the fault, but no nance for trouble- analog output 4 is tween the controller
fault : the output cur- actions will be taken. shooting. out of range. and the device con-
rent is out of range, nected on the analog
occurs when the output 4. Check the
load has the incor- device connected.
rect impedance.

74.09 S Analog output 4 Controller reverts to Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B01) related a ”limp home” mode. nance for trouble- analog output 4 is tween the controller
fault : the output is shooting. not connected. and the device con-
not connected. nected on the analog
output 4. Check the
device connected.

75.00 S Analog output 5 Controller will flag Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B03) related the fault, but no nance for trouble- analog output 5 is tween the controller
fault : output wire is actions will be taken. shooting. shorted to ground. and the device con-
shorted to ground. nected on the analog
output 5.

75.01 S Analog output 5 Controller will flag Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B03) related the fault, but no nance for trouble- analog output 5 is tween the controller
fault : output wire is actions will be taken. shooting. shorted to battery +, and the device con-
shorted to battery +, or not connected. nected on the analog
or not connected. output 5.

75.02 S Analog output 5 Controller will flag Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B03) related the fault, but no nance for trouble- analog output 5 is tween the controller
fault : the output cur- actions will be taken. shooting. exceeding 1400 mA. and the device con-
rent exceeds 1400 nected on the analog
mA. output 5.

75.03 S Analog output 5 Controller will flag Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B03) related the fault, but no nance for trouble- analog output 5 is tween the controller
fault : the output cur- actions will be taken. shooting. out of range. and the device con-
rent is out of range, nected on the analog
occurs when the output 5.
load has the incor-
rect impedance.

9C-44 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

75.09 S Analog output 5 Controller will flag Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B03) related the fault, but no nance for trouble- analog output 5 is tween the controller
fault : the output is actions will be taken. shooting. not connected. and the device con-
not connected. nected on the analog
output 5. Check the
device connected.

76.00 S Analog output 6 Controller will flag Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B05) related the fault, but no nance for trouble- analog output 6 is tween the controller
fault : output wire is actions will be taken. shooting. shorted to ground. and the device con-
shorted to ground. nected on the analog
output 6.

76.01 S Analog output 6 Controller will flag Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B05) related the fault, but no nance for trouble- analog output 6 is tween the controller
fault : output wire is actions will be taken. shooting. shorted to battery +, and the device con-
shorted to battery +, or not connected. nected on the analog
or not connected. output 6.

76.02 S Analog output 6 Controller will flag Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B05) related the fault, but no nance for trouble- analog output 6 is tween the controller
fault : the output cur- actions will be taken. shooting. exceeding 1400 mA. and the device con-
rent exceeds 1400 nected on the analog
mA. output 6.

76.03 S Analog output 6 Controller will flag Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B05) related the fault, but no nance for trouble- analog output 6 is tween the controller
fault : the output cur- actions will be taken. shooting. out of range. and the device con-
rent is out of range, nected on the analog
occurs when the output 6. Check the
load has the incor- device connected.
rect impedance.

76.09 S Analog output 6 Controller will flag Contact mainte- The output wire of Check the wiring be-
(wires B05) related the fault, but no nance for trouble- analog output 6 is tween the controller
fault : the output is actions will be taken. shooting. not connected. and the device con-
not connected. nected on the analog
output 6. Check the
device connected.

77.02 S All proportional valve Controller reverts to Stop machine & One or more propor- Check the combined
grounds are a ”shut down” mode Contact mainte- tional valves have an fault, and see the
switched off due to and will force neutral nance for trouble- ove current, not that troubleshooting for
an over current on 0. shooting. this fault will be com- that fault.
one or more propor- bined with a 70.02
tional valves. and/or 71.02 and/or
72.02 and/or 73.02.

80.00 S Digital output 0 (wire Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto Digital output DIG0 is Check the wiring be-
A10) related fault : a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select shorted to ground. tween the controller
output is shorted to back drive. If the and the forward
ground. controller can control valve selector.
that direction selec- Check the forward
tion the machine will valve selector.
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-45

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

80.01 S Digital output 0 (wire Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto Digital output DIG0 is Check the wiring be-
A10) related fault : a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select shorted to battery +. tween the controller
output is shorted to back drive. If the and the forward
battery +. controller can control valve selector.
that direction selec- Check the forward
tion the machine will valve selector.
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

80.09 S Digital output 0 (wire Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto Digital output DIG0 is Check the wiring be-
A10) related fault : a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select not connected. tween the controller
output is not con- back drive. If the and the forward
nected. controller can control valve selector.
that direction selec- Check the forward
tion the machine will valve selector.
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

81.00 S Digital output 1 (wire Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto Digital output DIG1 is Check the wiring be-
A15) related fault : a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select shorted to ground. tween the controller
output is shorted to back drive. If the and the reverse
ground. controller can control valve selector.
that direction selec- Check the reverse
tion the machine will valve selector.
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

81.01 S/A Digital output 1 (wire Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto Digital output DIG1 is Check the wiring be-
A15) related fault : a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select shorted to battery +. tween the controller
output is shorted to back drive. If the and the reverse
battery +. controller can control valve selector.
that direction selec- Check the reverse
tion the machine will valve selector.
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

9C-46 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

81.09 S Digital output 1 (wire Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto Digital output DIG1 is Check the wiring be-
A15) related fault : a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select not connected. tween the controller
output is not con- back drive. If the and the reverse
nected. controller can control valve selector.
that direction selec- Check the reverse
tion the machine will valve selector.
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

82.00 S Digital output 2 (wire Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto Digital output DIG2 is Check the wiring be-
A16) related fault : a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select shorted to ground. tween the controller
output is shorted to back drive. If the and the 1/3 selector
ground. controller can control solenoid + line.
that direction selec- Check the 1/3 selec-
tion the machine will tor solenoid.
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

82.01 S Digital output 2 (wire Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto Digital output DIG2 is Check the wiring be-
A16) related fault : a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select shorted to battery +. tween the controller
output is shorted to back drive. If the and the 1/3 selector
battery +. controller can control solenoid + line.
that direction selec- Check the 1/3 selec-
tion the machine will tor solenoid.
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

82.09 S Digital output 2 (wire Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto Digital output DIG2 is Check the wiring be-
A16) related fault : a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select not connected. tween the controller
output is not con- back drive. If the and the 1/3 selector
nected. controller can control solenoid + line.
that direction selec- Check the 1/3 selec-
tion the machine will tor solenoid.
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-47

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

83.00 S/A Digital output 3 (wire Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto Digital output DIG3 is Check the wiring be-
A20) related fault : a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select shorted to battery +. tween the controller
output is shorted to back drive. If the and the 2/4 selector
battery +. controller can control solenoid + line.
that direction selec- Check the 2/4 selec-
tion the machine will tor solenoid.
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

83.01 S/A Digital output 3 (wire Controller reverts to Stop machine, goto Digital output DIG3 is Check the wiring be-
A20) related fault : a ”limp home” mode. neutral and select not connected or tween the controller
output is not con- back drive. If the shorted to ground. and the 2/4 selector
nected, or shorted to controller can control solenoid + line.
ground. that direction selec- Check the 2/4 selec-
tion the machine will tor solenoid.
drive, but in a ”limp
home” mode. If not,
an other range gear
will be used & Con-
tact maintenance for

90.xx S/B/ System Error. Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
– H a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
99.xx and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

90.90 S Wrong firmware is The controller reverts Flash the correct Wrong firmware is Flash the correct
flashed into the to a ”shut down” firmware into the flashed into the firmware into the
APC200. mode and will force APC200. APC200. APC200.
neutral 0.

92.01 S Gear pattern doesn’t Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
contain a direction. a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.02 S Duplicate direction Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
pattern. a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.03 S Duplicate gear Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
pattern. a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.04 S Duplicate bump Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
pattern. a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

9C-48 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

92.06 S Digital input pattern Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
faulty. a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.07 S Digital input pattern Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
interferes with cab a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
pattern. and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.08 S Digital input: Neutral Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
lock definition faulty. a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.09 S Duplicate digital Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
input assignment. a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.10 S Duplicate digital Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
output assignment. a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.11 S Digital output Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
selected on unsup- a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
ported wire. and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.12 S Digital output pattern Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
faulty. a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.13 S Digital output se- Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
lected on transmis- a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
sion wire. and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.14 S Error in speed sen- Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
sor 1-2 assignment. a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.15 S Error in speed sen- Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
sor 3 assignment. a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-49

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

92.16 S Duplicate speed sen- Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
sor assignment. a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.17 S Invalid supply volt- Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
age selected. a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.18 S Duplicate analog Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
input pattern. a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.19 S Pressure sensor Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
wires interfere with a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
analog input wires. and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
0. the time that is was

92.20 S Wrong configuration Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
regarding servo a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
motor or brake valve and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
(on analog outputs 0. the time that is was
4–5–6). active.

92.30 S Wrong configuration Controller reverts to Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
regarding full flow a ”shut down” mode nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
selection and past and will force neutral shooting. the fault code and
digital error treat- 0. the time that is was
ment. active.

93.10 S Initialisation of statis- Controller will flag Stop machine, Memory conflict in Reset controller.
tical data in flash the fault, but no restart controller. flash memory.
memory, caused by actions will be taken.
firmware upgrade or
memory conflict.

93.11 S Initialisation of Controller will flag Stop machine, Memory conflict in Reset controller.
logged error data in the fault, but no restart controller. flash memory.
flash memory, actions will be taken.
caused by firmware
upgrade or memory

95.71 S Data in the APC200 The controller reverts Download an APT Wrong APT file (data Download an APT
is not compatible to a ”shut down” file compatible with file) is in the APC200 file compatible with
with the data mode and will force the active firmware (typically after the active firmware
expected by the neutral 0. into the APC200. APC200 firmware into the APC200. If
APC200 firmware. upgrade). the error code still
persists, the data
flash may be corrupt
(contact Spicer Off–

9C-50 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

99.90 S Wrong firmware is The controller reverts Flash the correct Wrong firmware is Flash the correct
flashed into the APC. to a ”shut down” firmware into the flashed into the APC. firmware into the
mode and will force APC. APC.
neutral 0.

99.95 B CAN peak load Controller will reply No action requested. Overload of incom- No action requested.
detected : APC200 on the CAN mes- ming CAN messages
temporarily could not sages which are to the APC200.
process all incoming available in its buffer.
messages, due to an
excessive peak of
CAN requests.

xx.49 S Fault with undefined Controller will flag Contact mainte- Software related Contact Spicer Off–
cause. the fault – action will nance for trouble- fault. Highway and inform
depend on the fault. shooting. the fault code and
the time that it was

The codes listed below are Error codes that can only appear during autocalibration.

Calibration Code Explanation

E.1.XX Touch pressure Calibration

E.2.XX Optimise fill time

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

1–>5, Unexpected Algo- Stop calibration of List reported fault for Engine does not Continue calibration
7–>9, rithm response dur- clutch xx. Wait for clutch xx and respond to target to identify if all
11–> ing calibration. continue request. request continue engine speed. clutches experience
13, calibration. Vehicle started mov- same problem.
15, ing. Bad parameter Download correct
17–> configuration. parameter file and
24 restart calibration.
Check if vehicle
starts moving during
calibration. Check
engine speed

06 During calibration the Controller will flag Driver can push S– Turbine speed does Measure clutch pres-
turbine speed signal the fault and will button on APC200 to not reach minimum sure to detect clutch
does not rach a mini- abort calibration of continue calibration. value during shifting leakage.
mum value. clutch with error iteration process Check speed sensor
code. cuased by slipping signal (can be in
clutch or bad turbine relation with 42.04
speed signal. and/or 42.05 during
normal operation
and with E1.26 dur-
ing touch pressure
Check stall speed to
detect slipping

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-51

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

10 Transmission failure Calibration is Exit calibration. Turbine speed does Measure clutch pres-
during calibration. stopped. not reach minimum sure to detect clutch
value during shifting leakage.
iteration process Check speed sensor
cuased by slipping signal (can be in
clutch or bad turbine relation with 42.04
speed signal. and/or 42.05 during
normal operation
and with E1.26 dur-
ing touch pressure
Check stall speed to
detect slipping

14 During calibration the Controller will flag Driver can push S– Turbine speed does Measure clutch pres-
turbine speed signal the fault and will button on APC200 to not decrause caused sure to detect clutch
does not decrease. abort calibration of continue calibration. by too high internal leakage.
clutch with error leakage and/or slip- Check speed sensor
code. ping clutch. Bad tur- signal (can be in
bine speed signal. relation with 42.04
and/or 42.05 during
normal operation
and with E1.26 dur-
ing touch pressure

16 During calibration the Controller will flag Driver can push S– Faulty turbine speed Check speed sensor
turbine speed signal the fault and will button on APC200 to sensor. signal ( must be in
is too low to start cal- abort calibration of continue calibration. Sticking or burnt relation with 42.04
ibration. clutch with error clutch with causes and/or 42.05 during
code. turbine drop before normal operation
pressure is applied. and with E1.25 dur-
ing touch pressure

25 Early touch detection Controller will flag Driver can push S– Too much drag Perform autocalibra-
during touch pres- the fault and will button on APC200 to because of thick oil. tion at higher tem-
sure calibration. Too abort touch pressure continue calibration. Sticking or burnt perature [194–212°F
much drag. calibration of clutch clutch with causes (90–100°C)].
with error code. turbine drop before Check speed sensor
pressure is applied. signal (must be in
Speed sensor prob- relation with 42.04
lem. and/or 42.05 during
Faulty proportional normal operation).
valve. Check and if neces-
sary change propor-
tional valve.

26 No touch detection Controller will flag Driver can push S– Slipping clutch or too Measure clutch pres-
during touch pres- the fault and will button on APC200 to high internal leak- sure to detect clutch
sure calibration. abort touch pressure continue calibration. age. leakage.
calibration of clutch Speed sensor prob- Check speed sensor
with error code. lem. signal ( must be in
Faulty proportional relation with 42.04
valve. and/or 42.05 during
normal operation).
Check and if neces-
sary change propor-
tional valve.

9C-52 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action Fault Cause Troubleshooting

28 Turbine speed does Controller will flag Driver can push S– Slipping clutch or too Measure clutch pres-
not reach value = 0 the fault and will button on APC200 to high internal leak- sure to detect clutch
rpm at end of closing abort release pres- continue calibration. age. leakage.
phase of the touch sure calibration of Speed sensor prob- Check speed sensor
pressure calibration. clutch with error lem. signal (must be in
code. Faulty proportional relation with 42.04
valve. and/or 42.05 during
normal operation).
Check and if neces-
sary change propor-
tional valve.

29 Turbine speed signal Controller will flag Driver can push S– Too much drag be- Perform autocalibra-
does not reach a the fault and will button on APC200 to cause of thick oil. tion at higher tem-
high enough value abort release pres- continue calibration. Sticking or burnt perature [194–212°F
during release phase sure calibration of clutch which causes (90–100°C)].
of the touch pressure clutch with error turbine drop, before Check speed sensor
calibration. code. pressure is applied. signal (must be in
Speed sensor prob- relation with 42.04
lem. and/or 42.05 during
Faulty proportional normal operation).
valve. Check and if neces-
sary change propor-
tional valve.

The codes listed below are called ’Exceed Parameter’ codes and are not so much codes that report a problem, but rather
indicate a certain machine operating state.
These codes give an indication of the machine operating state in regard to some programmed limits that may be

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action

E0.01 E The vehicle speed is too high to The controller will disable the down- The driver should slow down the
make the direction change. shift in order to protect the transmis- vehicle, in order that the requested
sion, until the vehicle speed comes downshiflt can be made.
below the downshift limit.

E1.01 E The vehicle speed is too high to The controller will not allow the The driver should slow down the
make the requested direction direction change to protect the vehicle, in order that the requested
change. transmission and will place the direction change can be made.
transmission in neutral, until the
vehicle speed comes below the
direction change vehicle speed

E2.01 E The engine speed is too high to The controller will not allow the The driver should slow down the
make the requested direction direction change or re–engagement engine, in order that the requested
change or the requested re–en- of the direction, until the engine direction change or direction re–en-
gagement of the direction. speed comes below the direction gagement can be made.
change or the direction re–engage-
ment engine speed limit.

E3.00 E The reduced vehicle speed limita- The controller is limiting the vehicle No action is requested, the vehicle
tion is active. speed to the reduced vehicle speed speed is limited due to request.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-53

Code Type Explanation Controller’s Action Driver Action

E3.01 E The reduced vehicle speed limita- The controller is limiting the vehicle The driver should slow down the
tion is active, however the vehicle speed to the reduced vehicle speed vehicle, in order that the vehicle
speed is above the limit. limit, but detects a higher vehicle speed comes below the reduced
speed. vehicle speed limit.

E3.02 E The vehicle speed is above the The controller is limiting the vehicle The driver should slow down the
maximum vehicle speed limit. speed to the maximum vehicle vehicle, in order that the vehicle
speed limit, but detects a higher speed comes below the maximum
vehicle speed. vehicle speed limit.

E4.00 E An abnormal deceleration is The controller detected an abnor- The driver should slow down, in
detected. mal deceleration, and will disable order that the wheels can not slip
the automatic shifting for a certain any more.

E4.01 E An abnormal acceleration is The controller detected an abnor- The driver should slow down the
detected. mal acceleration, and will disable engine, in order that the wheels can
the automatic shifting for a certain not spin any more.

E5.01 E Time in gear exceeded the time to The controller detected that the time The driver should contact mainte-
recalibrate the transmission. in gear exceeded the time to recali- nance to recalibrate the transmis-
brate the transmission. sion.

E6.00 E Operator is not seated with shift The controller detected that the The driver should take place in the
lever not in neutral and/or the park- operator is not seated with the shift operator seat and confirm his pres-
ing brake not activated. lever not in neutral and/or the park- ence (cycle the shift lever through
ing brake not activated. neutral and/or release the throttle

E8.01 E Condition to change low high range The controller detected that the The driver should stop the machine.
selector not furfilled. Machine has machine is still driving.
to stand still.

E9.01 E Condition to change from 4wd to The controller detected that the The driver should stop the machine.
2wd or visa versa not furfilled. machine is still driving.
Machine has to stand still.

Type Severity of Effect Level Description

S High Severe Warning Vehicle inoperable, with loss of primary function / Vehicle operable, but at
reduced level of performance – customer dissatisfied.

A Moderate Warning Vehicle operable, but comfort / convenience item(s) inoperable – customer
experiences discomfort.

B Low Info Vehicle operable, but comfort / convenience item(s) operable at reduced
level – customer experiences some dissatisfaction.

H Very Low Data Info Vehicle operable, defect not noticed by customer.

E None Exceed Parameter Info Driver is requesting an action which is protected by the controller.

9C-54 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Non-Listed APC Error Codes
If an APC error code is displayed that is not listed in the APC Error Codes and Descriptions chart of this
section, the power input and ground connections should first be checked for proper operation. If the prob-
lem cannot be diagnosed through troubleshooting the power and ground connections, contact your
Authorized Taylor Dealer.

Example of possible unlisted code:

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 9C-55

Hoist Circuit

9C-56 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 11

Drive Shaft



Illustration 11-1. Transmission to Axle Drive Shaft

Introduction. The drive shaft connects the trans- Drive Shaft Bolts Inspection (Illustration 11-1).
mission to the drive axle. It is important to always The bolts, which connect the drive shaft to the
have the transmission in phase with the drive axle brake disc and drive axle, should be checked for
(See the note below). tightness (refer to the Preventive Maintenance
chart in the Appendices for inspection interval). If
Lubrication (Illustration 11-1). The drive shaft,
tightening is required, apply a torque value of 110
universal joints and slip joints should be greased
ft-lbs (150 N⋅m) to the bolts.
(refer to the Preventive Maintenance chart in the
Appendices for lubrication interval).
NOTE: When the transmission to axle drive shaft
is installed, the cross assemblies, on the drive
shaft, must be aligned as shown in Illustration
11-1. If the flanges are not aligned, reposition the
splines to bring the flanges into alignment.

If this is not followed, the drive shaft will be out of

phase, and vibration and noise may occur.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 11-1

Hoist Circuit

11-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev.

Section 13

Steer Axle
Introduction. The steer axle is mounted to the bearings, installing king pin bearings, and instal-
frame with two pivot blocks. All routine mainte- ling steer cylinder pin lock bolts.
nance can be accomplished with the steer axle
Mounting Bolts Check (Illustration 13-1). The
assembled to the chassis.
mounting bolts of the steer axle should be
Lubrication. Refer to the Lubrication section in checked for tightness (refer to the Preventive
the Appendices for information on lubricating the Maintenance chart in the Appendices for inspec-
steer axle. tion interval). If the mounting bolts require torqu-
ing, remove the mounting bolts, clean bolts, apply
LoctiteR to the threads of the bolts and torque

 Before checking or servicing bolts to 500 ft-lbs (680 N⋅m).
the steer axle, park on level ground, apply the
parking brake, block the wheels in both Steer Cylinder Mounting Bolts (Illustration 13-1).
directions to prevent truck movement, shut The cylinder mounting bolts should be checked for
down the engine, and Lock Out & Tag Out the tightness periodically (refer to the Preventive
truck. Maintenance chart in the Appendices for steer
cylinder mounting bolts inspection interval). If
Steer Axle Maintenance there is any evidence of loosening or movement
Refer to Identification Drawing ID 13 10 08 in the of the steer cylinder, then remove the mounting
Appendices for technical information on tighten- bolts, clean bolts, apply LoctiteR to the threads of
ing steer cylinder mounting bolts, installing wheel the bolts and torque bolts to 450 ft-lbs (610 N⋅m).


Illustration 13-1. Steer Axle

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 13-1

Hoist Circuit

13-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 14

Drive Axle





Illustration 14-1. Drive Axle with Wet Disc Brakes

Introduction. The drive axle is equipped with gear reduction at the wheels. Positive full flow
double reduction gearing. The first gear reduction lubrication assures adequate lubrication to all
is a hypoid type ring gear and pinion. The second moving parts under all operating conditions.
reduction is in the form of planetary gears inside
Checking Lube Oil Level (Illustration 14-1). The
the hubs. This arrangement permits the axle
oil in the differential and the planetary hubs should
shafts and hypoid gearing to carry only a nominal
be checked periodically (refer to the Preventive
torsional load while providing the highest practical

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 14-1

Maintenance chart in the Appendices for oil level changed periodically (refer to the Preventive
inspection interval). Perform the following proce- Maintenance chart in the Appendices for drive
dures to check the oil level and service the differ- axle differential and planetary hubs oil change
ential and planetary hubs: interval). Refer to the Fuel and Lubricant Speci-
fications in the Appendices for the type of oil to
be used in the drive axle. Perform the following

 Death or serious injury could procedures to change the oil of the drive axle:
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake,
block the wheels in both directions to prevent 
 Death or serious injury could
movement of the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
the truck before servicing the drive axle. a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake,
block the wheels in both directions to prevent
1. Differential movement of the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out
a. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, the truck before servicing the drive axle.
apply the parking brake, block the wheels
in both directions to prevent movement of
the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out the  Dispose of used oil in accor-
truck. dance with federal and local regulations.
b. Check the oil level in the differential by 1. Differential
removing the axle housing oil level check /
fill plug (1). a. Park the truck on a hard, level surface,
apply the parking brake, block the wheels
c. The oil level should be even with the bot- in both directions to prevent movement of
tom of the oil level check plug hole. Fill the the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out the
differential to this level if the oil level is too truck.
b. Provide a suitable container to catch
d. Reinstall the axle housing oil level check / draining oil. Then, remove drain plug (4)
fill plug (1) and apply a torque value of and axle housing oil level check / fill plug
35 ft-lbs (47 N⋅m) to tighten the fill plug. (1).
2. Planetary Hubs c. Once oil has completely drained, install
a. Maneuver the truck until the hub check drain plug (4) and apply a torque value of
plug (2) on one of the planetary hubs is 25 ft-lbs (34 N⋅m) to tighten drain plug. Fill
horizontal with the center of the hub. with recommended oil (refer to the Fuel
b. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, and Lubricant Specifications in the
apply the parking brake, block the wheels Appendices) even with the bottom of the
in both directions to prevent movement of check / fill plug (1) hole.
the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out the d. Reinstall axle housing oil level check / fill
truck. plug (1) and apply a torque value of
c. Remove the hub check plug (2). The oil 35 ft-lbs (47 N⋅m) to tighten the drain plug.
level should be even with the bottom of the 2. Planetary Hubs
oil check plug hole. Fill the planetary hub a. Position the truck so that the hub drain
to this level if the oil level is too low. plug (3) for one of the planetary hubs is at
d. Reinstall the hub check plug (2) and apply the bottom of its hub.
a torque value of 35 ft-lbs (47 N⋅m). b. Park the truck on a hard, level surface,
e. Follow the above procedures for servicing apply the parking brake, block the wheels
the hub on the other side of the drive axle. in both directions to prevent movement of
the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out the
NOTE: When the drive axle is completely serv- truck.
iced, the oil is at a common level in the differential
and both hubs. c. Provide a suitable container to catch
draining oil. Then, remove the hub drain
Changing The Oil (Illustration 14-1). The oil in plug (3).
the differential and planetary hubs should be d. Once the oil has completely drained, rein-

14-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

stall the hub drain plug (3) and apply a cooling fluid.
torque value of 35 ft-lbs (47 N⋅m) to tighten
plug. Position the truck so that the hub 4. After cleaning the brake cooling drain plug (6),
check plug (2) is in the 9 o’clock position of reinstall and apply a torque value of
the hub rotation. Fill the hub with recom- 20 ft-lbs (27 N⋅m) to tighten the drain plug.
mended oil (refer to the Fuel and Lubri- 5. Connect the hydraulic hose assembly
cant Specifications in the Appendices) removed in procedure 1. to the brake housing.
until oil level is at the bottom of the hub
check plug (2). Reinstall the hub check 6. Perform procedures 2. through 5. to remove
plug and apply a torque value of 35 ft-lbs the hydraulic fluid from the brake housing on
(47 N⋅m). the opposite end of the drive axle.
e. Follow the above procedures for servicing 7. After filling the hydraulic tank with the specified
the hub on the other side of the drive axle. amount of fluid (refer to Changing The
General Information Hydraulic Fluid in Section 22), place the
transmission in the neutral position and start
Oil Capacities the engine to restore the movement of hydrau-
lic fluid.
Differential & Axle Housing 53 Quarts
(50.1 Liters) Cleaning The Breather (Illustration 14-1). The
Planetary Hub (each) 10.5 Quarts differential breather should be cleaned whenever
(9.9 Liters) the drive axle oil is changed. Perform the follow-
ing procedures to clean the breather:
Draining The Wet Disc Brakes Hydraulic Fluid 1. Wipe away any dirt or grime on the breather
From The Brake Housings (Illustration 14-1). (5) and surrounding area before removing the
The hydraulic fluid is part of the hydraulic system breather.
and will be changed when the hydraulic tank’s
fluid is changed (refer to Changing The Hydrau- 2. Remove the breather (5).
lic Fluid in Section 22 to change the hydraulic 3. Wash the breather by agitating it in solvent
tank fluid). Perform the following procedures to and dry with compressed air.
change the hydraulic fluid from the brake housing:
4. Inspect the breather. If it is damaged or
clogged, install a new breather.

 Death or serious injury could
Inspection. The drive axle mounting bolts should
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
be inspected (refer to the Preventive Mainte-
a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake,
nance chart in the Appendices for inspection
block the wheels in both directions to prevent
interval). If there is any evidence of threading or
movement of the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out
movement of the drive axle, then loosen locknuts,
the truck before servicing the drive axle.
clean threads, apply LoctiteR to threads and tor-
que the locknuts on the mounting bolts to 2,135 -
 Dispose of used hydraulic 2,370 ft-lbs (2,900 - 3,220 N⋅m).
fluid in accordance with federal and local regu- Additional Drive Axle Servicing. Should more
lations. detailed service of the drive axle components be
1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply required, refer to the manufacturers drive axle
the parking brake, block the wheels in both manual.
directions to prevent movement of truck and
Lock Out & Tag Out the truck.
2. Remove either the brake cooling inlet port or
brake cooling outlet port hydraulic hose
assembly from the brake housing.
3. Provide a suitable container to catch drained
hydraulic fluid and remove the brake cooling
drain plug (6) from brake housing to drain

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 14-3

Drive Axle Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Correction

1. Brakes Do Not 1. Damaged brake control system. 1. Repair the brake control system.
Apply (low or no
pressure to 2. Leakage of brake actuation fluid. 2. Refer to Problems 7. and 8. in this
brakes) troubleshooting chart.

2. Brakes Do Not 1. Debris in the brake housing. High 1. Loosen the bleeder valve (Illustra-
Release (truck pressure brake apply fluid enters tion 14-1) to bleed off high pres-
does not move) into the brake housing, behind the sure brake apply fluid. Remove
piston through a small passage. the high pressure brake apply hose
When the brakes are released, the from the brake housing. Insert a
high pressure fluid used to apply small piece of wire into the pas-
the brakes must exit through the sage and dislodge the debris.
same small passage. Re-connect the high pressure
brake apply hose to brake housing
and perform the Wet Disc Brake
Bleeding procedures in Section

3. Brakes Do Not 1. More than 20 psi (140 kPa) 1. Refer to Correction 1. of Problem
Release (brakes pressure applied when brakes 2. in this troubleshooting chart.
dragging) released.
2. Damaged piston return spring 2. Repair or replace piston return
assembly. spring assembly.
3. Piston is not returning. 3.
a. Check piston seals and seal
separator for swelling or dam-
age. Replace as necessary.
b. Refer to Correction 1. of Prob-
lem 2. in this troubleshooting
4. Wrong cooling and / or actuation 4. Check piston seals and seal sepa-
fluid used. rator for swelling or damage.
Replace as necessary. Purge
system and use specified fluid.
5. Tight or damaged splines (eg., fric- 5. Repair or replace parts.
tion disc-to-hub driver).

14-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

4. Braking Perfor- 1. Worn or damaged discs. 1. Inspect and replace discs if neces-
mance (noticeable sary. Note: As disc wear occurs,
change or make sure brake system can sup-
decrease in stop- ply adequate fluid to fully apply
ping performance) brakes.
2. Overheated seals and / or discs. 2. Inspect and replace discs and
seals if necessary.
3. Dirty or contaminated cooling fluid. 3. Drain and flush cooling fluid from
brakes and entire brake system.
Replace with approved fluid. In
some cases, it may be necessary
to replace discs. Clean or replace

5. Braking Perfor- 1. Damaged brake control system. 1. Repair the brake control system.
mance (brakes do
2. Leakage of brake actuation fluid. 2. Refer to Problems 7. and 8. in this
not fully apply)
troubleshooting chart.

6. Braking Perfor- 1. Brakes or brake system not 1. Bleed brakes and brake system.
mance (brakes properly bled.
feel spongy / soft)

7. Brakes Leak 1. Worn or damaged piston seal. 1. Replace piston seals.

Actuation Fluid
2. Melted or extruded piston seals. 2. Correct cause of overheating and
(Internal leak: fluid
replace seals.
bypasses the pis-
ton seals into 3. Corrosion, pitting, wear or other 3. Clean, smooth, rework or replace
brake cavity and damage, marks, scratches to pis- affected parts.
mixes with brake ton and / or brake housing bore in
cooling fluid). area of seal / sealing lips.
4. Damaged power cluster seals. 4. Repair power cluster.
5. Wrong type of actuation fluid. 5. Refer to the Fuel and Lubricant
Specifications in the Appendices
for the correct type of fluid to use.

8. Brakes Leak 1. Loose bleeder screw. 1. Tighten bleeder screw to 15 - 20

Actuation Fluid ft-lbs (20 - 27 N⋅m).
(external leak)
2. Loose inlet fitting or plugs. 2. Tighten inlet fitting to 25 - 35 ft-lbs
(34 - 47 N⋅m).
3. Damaged inlet fitting or plugs or 3. Replace inlet fitting or plug and
damaged seats. O-ring if used. Repair or resurface
area; or replace as necessary.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 14-5

Problem Cause Correction

9. Brake Cooling 1. Face seal damaged, worn or 1. Reinstall and / or replace face seal.
Fluid Leakage improperly installed.
(coolant leaking
2. Loose drain plug, fill plug or forced 2. Tighten plug.
out of brake hous-
ing) cooling plug.
3. Damaged plug. 3. Replace plug.
4. Deteriorated or inadequate sealant 4. Disassemble, clean, re-seal and
used at joint. reassemble joint.

10. Brake Cooling 1. Worn or damaged spindle to hub 1. Replace spindle to hub seal and
Fluid Leakage seal. check seal and journals.
(axle housing fill-
ing with fluid and
may be forced out
the breather)

11. Brake Noise and 1. Incorrect cooling fluid and / or 1.

Vibration (brakes friction material used.
a. Use only specified or approved
produce noise,
chatter, vibration).
b. Drain and flush cooling fluid
from brake system. Replace
with approved fluid.
c. Replace all friction discs. Thor-
oughly clean or replace station-
ary discs.

12. Brake Overheats 1. Low pump output, blocked filter or 1. Check pump output at different
(inadequate cool- coolant lines. operating modes. Replace filter
ing fluid flow) and check lines.
2. Dirty or clogged brake cooler. 2. Externally clean brake cooler.

13. Loss of Oil Out of 1. Damaged or badly worn pinion 1. Replace oil seal and check for
Differential shaft oil seal. loose pinion bearings or pinion nut.
2. Loose carrier mounting bolts. 2. Check and tighten mounting bolts.
Replace gasket if damaged or
3. Breather in differential housing 3. Clean breather; replace if
plugged, forcing oil by seals. damaged.

14-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

14. Noisy Differential 1. Low oil level. 1. Fill to correct level with recom-
(Constant Noise) mended lubricant (Refer to the
Fuel and Lubricant Specifica-
tions in the Appendices for the
correct type of fluid to use).
2. Incorrect lubricant. 2. Drain, flush and refill with lubricant
of recommended specifications.
3. Incorrect bearing adjustment. 3. Adjust bearings. Replace any that
are damaged or excessively worn.
4. Breather in differential housing is 4. Clean breather; replace if
plugged. damaged.
5. Oil level is too high. 5. Drain oil down to check plug level
in differential.
6. Defective hub seal. 6. Replace hub seal.
7. Worn bearings. 7. Replace bearings.
8. Chipped gear teeth. 8. Replace gear.

15. Noisy Differential 1. Ring gear and pinion adjustment is 1. Adjust ring gear and pinion.
(Noise on Drive) too loose (excessive backlash).
a. Drive shaft is out-of-phase a. When the transmission to axle
drive shaft is installed, the flanges
on the drive shaft, must be aligned
as shown in Illustration 11-1. If the
flanges are not aligned, reposition
the splines to bring the flanges into
alignment. If this is not followed,
the drive shaft will be out of phase,
and vibration and noise may occur.

16. Noisy Differential 1. Ring gear and pinion adjustment is 1. Adjust ring gear and pinion.
(On Coast) too tight (insufficient backlash).

17. Noisy Differential 1. Worn or damaged differential 1. Replace differential parts.

(Noise on Turns) pinion gears, side gears or pinion

18. Noisy Final Drives 1. Low oil level. 1. Fill to correct level with specified
(Planetary Axles) lubricant.


TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 14-7

Problem Cause Correction

18. Noisy Final Drives 2. Incorrect type and grade lubricant. 2. Drain, flush, inspect, repair if nec-
(Planetary Axles) essary; install specified lubricant.
3. Wheel bearings improperly 3. Adjust wheel bearings to recom-
adjusted. mended preload.
4. Worn bearings in wheels or planet 4. Replace bearings.
5. Chipped gear teeth. 5. Replace gears.
6. Scored planet pins. 6. Inspect and replace defective

19. Loss of Oil Out of 1. Damaged or broken wheel driver 1. Replace gasket.
Final Drives gasket.
(Planetary Axles)
2. Damaged or broken hub cap 2. Replace gasket.
3. Damaged or excessively worn 3. Replace oil seals and adjust wheel
wheel oil seals. bearings properly.
4. Loose wheel bearings. 4. Adjust wheel bearings properly and
replace oil seal.

20. Brake Oil Level is 1. Brake piston seals are possibly 1. Replace seals if necessary.
Continuously Low leaking.
With No Signs of
External Leakage

21. Gear Oil Level in 1. Seal between brake housing and 1. Replace seal if necessary.
Hub is Continu- wheel hub may be leaking.
ously Too High
2. Cooling oil pressure is too high. 2. Have brake coolant pressure relief
valve cartridge replaced.

22. Signs of External 1. Clean surface and then determine 1. Replace seals.
Leakage Exist location of leakage.

14-8 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 15

Brake Control System

Introduction. The brake control system controls Air Governor (Illustration 15-1). The air governor
the slowing down and stopping of the truck. Air operates in conjunction with the air compressor
pressure from the air tanks is controlled by the unloading mechanism and controls system air
foot operated brake valves (pedals), directly actu- pressure between a predetermined maximum and
ating the brake relay valve. System air pressure, minimum pressure. The air pressure reading of
stored at the brake relay valve, is then routed to the system should be a normal operating pressure
the power cluster, applying the service brakes. If of 125 psi (8.6 bar). The air governor should be
the left brake valve is depressed, in addition to checked for proper adjustment. Perform the fol-
applying the brakes, the air pressure activates the lowing procedures to adjust the air governor.
de-clutch pressure switch, which signals the APC Refer to Illustration 15-1 for identification of gover-
transmission control to neutralize the transmis- nor parts.
sion. Additional technical information can be
located on the circuit drawing in the Appendices.
The Circuit Drawing for the brake control system 
 Death or serious injury could
has the format “CD 15”. result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake
Major Components (Illustration 15-2). The brake and block the wheels in both directions to pre-
control system consists of an engine driven air vent truck movement.
compressor, air governor, air tanks (with manual
drain valve), de-clutch control / service brake 1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply
valve pedal (LH), service brake valve pedal (RH), the parking brake and block the wheels in both
brake relay valve, shuttle valve, parking brake directions to prevent truck movement.
valve, parking brake actuator, power cluster, brake 2. Turn the ignition switch to the Off position.
reservoir and an air horn circuit. Refer to the
illustrations as indicated for identification of parts. 3. Turn the ignition switch to the Ignition position
(first click).



SCREEN (Brake Pedal Air Supply
Pressure Highlighted)


Illustration 15-1. Air Governor

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 15-1

(Illustration 15-3)
(Illustration 15-8)

(Illustration 15-3)

(Illustration 15-1)


(Illustration 15-4) (Illustration 15-9)

(Illustration 15-7)

(Illustration 15C-3) (Illustration 15C-2)


VALVE (Illustration 15-5)
(Illustration 15C-1) POWER CLUSTER
(Illustration 15-10)

Illustration 15-2. Brake Control System Components Identification

15-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)






Illustration 15-3. Air Tanks Components

4. Exhaust the system air pressure to some 6. Remove the cover from the air governor.
value below 85 psi (5.9 bar) by pulling the
7. Loosen the nut and turn the set screw counter-
drain lanyards and observing the air pressure
clockwise to increase air pressure or clockwise
on the Transmission Measure Group screen of
to decrease air pressure.
the TICS Display (see Illustration 15-1). Refer
to Measure Groups in Section 6 for details 8. Then start the engine and observe the air
on accessing the Transmission Measure pressure (refer to procedure 4. above for air
Group screen. pressure monitoring).
5. Turn the ignition switch to its Off position and 9. If air pressure is above or below 125 psi (8.6
Lock Out and Tag Out the truck. bar), repeat procedures 1. through 9. to obtain
the correct system air pressure.

 Contact with rotating compo- 10. After the governor has been correctly set, shut
nents of the engine could result in serious down the engine and Lock Out & Tag Out the
bodily injury. When adjusting the air governor, truck.
the engine must be shut down. 11. Tighten the nut and reinstall cover on the air

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 15-3

governor. the rear tire).
Air Tanks (Illustration 15-3). All compressors
pass a certain amount of oil in order to lubricate  The safety valve (Illustration
the cylinder walls and piston rings. Also, depend- 15-3) has been preset at factory to release air
ing on the humidity, air entering the compressor pressure at 135 psi (9.3 bar). Do not attempt to
contains a certain amount of water. This oil and change the adjustment.
water normally enters the air tanks in the form of
vapor because of the heat generated during com- Air Hoses. All air hoses should be checked peri-
pression. After reaching the air tanks, they con- odically (refer to the Preventive Maintenance
dense to form water emulsion that must be chart in the Appendices for air hoses and con-
drained off before entering the brake system. The nections inspection interval). Inspect for cracks
air tanks are used to store air in order to build and tight connections to the fittings on compo-
pressure for brake actuation. nents.
Manual Drain Valve (Illustration 15-3). Both air Service Brake Valves (Illustration 15-4). There
tanks are equipped with a manually operated are two service brake valves used to stop the
drain valve to drain any collection of oil and water truck. The service brake valve (RH - righthand)
emulsion. The air tanks should be drained daily actuates the service brakes when the brake pedal
by pulling the drain lanyards out and holding them is applied. The de-clutch / service brake valve
open until all moisture has evacuated (drain (LH - lefthand) disengages the transmission and
lanyards are located on the right side in front of applies the service brakes when the brake pedal
is applied.



Illustration 15-4. Service Brake Valves

15-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Shuttle Valve (Illustration 15-5). The shuttle caliper to apply the parking brake.
valve is used to isolate the air flow from the two
Low Air Warning System (Illustration 15-8). In
brake valves.
the event the air pressure in the system drops
below 75 psi (5.2 bar), the low brake pressure
SHUTTLE icon will be displayed on the main screen of the
VALVE TICS display module, an audible buzzer will
sound, and the Low Brake Pressure active warn-
ing will be displayed on the display module to
warn of low air pressure. If the air pressure in the
system continues to drop and falls below 60 psi
(4.2 bar), the parking brake valve will automatical-
ly pop out and apply the parking brake.
Air pressure must be above 60 psi and the park-
ing brake valve must be pushed in to release the
parking brake. If the parking brake knob is
pushed in when the air pressure in the brake sys-
tem is below 60 psi, it will immediately return to
the out position and the parking brake will not
RELAY Parking Brake Linings Removal (Illustrations
VALVE 15-6 and 15-7). The parking brake linings should
be checked for wear periodically (refer to the Pre-
ventive Maintenance chart in the Appendices
for brake linings inspection interval [under extreme
duty cycles, this check may be required more fre-
quently)]. The parking brake linings should be
replaced before the brake lining friction material
reaches a thickness of 0.200 inch (5.1 mm). The
parking brake linings must be replaced in pairs.
Perform the following procedures to remove the
INDICATES AIR FLOW parking brake linings:

Illustration 15-5. Brake Relay Valve 

 Death or serious injury could
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
Brake Relay Valve (Illustration 15-5). The brake a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake,
relay valve is used to reduce the time required to block the wheels in both directions to prevent
build maximum brake apply air pressure. The movement of the truck, and Lock Out & Tag
brake relay valve is supplied with a constant 125 Out the truck.
psi (8.6 bar) of air pressure (system air pressure).
When either brake valve pedal is applied, an air
signal is sent to the brake relay valve, diverting 
 Highly loaded spring inside
the system air pressure to the power cluster to parking brake chamber can cause serious
activate the drive axle brakes. physical injury or death. Do not try to disas-
semble parking brake chamber or try to
Parking Brake Valve (Illustration 15-8). The remove pin from park brake arm while parking
parking brake valve is located in the instrument brake chamber is under pressure.
panel and when pushed in, supplies air pressure
to release the spring applied parking brake, disen-
gaging the parking brake caliper located on the 
 Do not attempt to remove
drive axle. When the parking brake valve is pulled spring(s). They are not serviceable. Do not
out, the air pressure is released and an internal cut, saw, torch or modify this chamber. Seri-
spring in the parking brake chamber engages the ous injury or death could result.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 15-5

1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply 5. Remove the dust plug from the key hole,
the parking brake, block the wheels of the located on the back of the parking brake
truck in both directions to prevent movement chamber.
of the truck, shut down the engine and Lock
6. Insert release tool’s stud through the key hole
Out & Tag Out the truck.
of the parking brake chamber into the pres-
2. Drain the air tanks by pulling the drain sure plate. Note that the release tool’s stud is
lanyards (located on the right side in front of illustrated, inserted into the key hole of the
the rear tire) out and holding them open until chamber (see Illustration 15-6).
all air pressure has been exhausted.
7. Turn the release tool 1/4 turn clockwise.
3. Remove the front decking panel from the truck
8. Pull on the release tool to ensure stud cross-
to gain access to the parking brake assembly.
pen is properly seated in the pressure plate.
4. Remove the release tool located on the side
pocket (see Illustration 15-6).




Illustration 15-6. Parking Brake Chamber

15-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

9. Assemble the release stud washer and nut on hex wrench to manually adjust / de-adjust the
the release tool’s stud finger tight. brakes.

 If the parking brake chamber 
 Damage to components can
shows structural damage, Do Not attempt to result. Stop turning the hex wrench when
perform procedure 10. Replace parking brake resistance is felt. Do not continue to turn the
chamber immediately. Do Not attempt to repair wrench beyond the resistance point.
parking chamber, only replacement is
authorized. NOTE: When de-adjusting the brake (increasing
disc clearance), a clicking sound will be heard and
10. To retract the compression spring of the park- a pulsing sensation will be felt during adjustment.
ing brake chamber, tighten the release stud
nut with a hand wrench. Make sure the push 13. Insert a 6 mm hex wrench into the adjustment
rod (see Illustration 15-7) is retracting. screw accessed in the hole where the adjuster
plug was removed. De-adjust the brake by

 The parking brake chamber turning the adjustment screw counterclock-
contains a very powerful compression spring. wise. Stop turning the wrench when resist-
Do Not attempt to disassemble the parking ance is felt, which indicates the adjuster pis-
brake chamber. The spring in the parking tons are fully retracted.
brake chamber can release with enough force
to cause death or severe personal injury. NOTE: To ensure that the automatic adjustment
will occur, adjust the brake an additional 1/4 turn
after reaching the resistance point.

 Do not stand directly in front
of the parking brake chamber when tightening 14. Remove the cotter pin and stabilizer bar pin.
the release stud nut. Stand to the side of the 15. Swing stabilizer bar toward the parking brake
parking brake chamber. chamber so that it is out of the way.
16. Lift the inboard brake lining and spring assem-

 Do Not use an impact wrench bly out of the caliper assembly. If the lining is
to tighten the release stud nut. to be reused, mark the lining INBOARD.
11. Continue to tighten the release stud nut until 17. Slide the caliper towards the drive axle and
the release tool’s threads are a minimum of remove the outboard brake lining and spring
3.25” beyond the release stud nut. assembly. If the lining is to be reused, mark
the lining OUTBOARD.

 Over-torquing of the release
NOTE: If the caliper moves past its working posi-
stud nut can cause pressure plate damage.
tion and jams on the slide pins, use a rubber mal-
let to move the caliper back to its working range.

 If this minimum measurement
(3.25 inches) cannot be attained by use of the 18. Verify that the caliper slides freely on the slide
hand wrench only, the parking brake chamber pins.
is structurally damaged. Discard and replace 19. Remove dirt and dust from the lining contact
the parking brake chamber. surfaces of the saddle.
12. Remove the adjuster plug and washer (see 20. Inspect the caliper boots. If the boots are
Illustration 15-7). damaged, replace the caliper.
21. Inspect the brake disc for wear and damage

 Damage to components can (refer to the manufacturer’s parking brake
result from using improper tool to adjust / maintenance manual).
de-adjust brakes. Do not use air gun. Use a

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 15-7

Parking Brake Linings Installation (Illustrations c. Turn the adjustment screw with the hex
15-6 and 15-7). Perform the following procedures wrench counterclockwise 7 clicks to set the
to install the parking brake linings: caliper-to-disc clearance.
9. Install the washer and adjuster plug. Tighten

 Death or serious injury could the adjuster plug to a torque of 8 - 12 ft-lbs
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on (11 - 17 N⋅m).
a hard, level surface, block the wheels in both 10. Swing the stabilizer bar into its original position
directions to prevent movement, and Lock Out and install the stabilizer bar pin and cotter pin.
& Tag Out the truck.
11. Apply and release the brake assembly 15 - 20
1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply times to allow the adjuster to set the final cali-
the parking brake, block the wheels of the per clearance.
truck in both directions to prevent movement
of the truck, shut down the engine and Lock 12. Reinstall the front decking panel on the truck.
Out & Tag Out the truck. Power Cluster (Illustration 15-10). The power
2. Slide the caliper towards the drive axle. Install cluster, mounted on the right side of the chassis,
the outboard brake lining and spring assembly converts the air pressure to high hydraulic fluid
in the caliper. pressure to apply the service brakes. The power
cluster for the PRC-7534 drive axle operates on a
NOTE: If the reused lining is to be installed, 14.8 to 1 ratio [example, 125 psi (8.6 bar) of air
install the lining marked OUTBOARD in the pressure will yield approximately 1,850 psi (127
caliper. bar) of hydraulic brake apply pressure). Should
the power cluster overstroke, the overstroke
3. Slide the caliper away from the drive axle. switch (S26, refer to Circuit Drawing CD 06) will
Install the inboard brake lining and spring close and the Brake Converter Overstroke active
assembly in the caliper. warning will be displayed on the TICS display
NOTE: If the reused lining is to be installed,
install the lining marked INBOARD in the caliper. Power Cluster Breather (Illustration 15-10). The
power cluster breather, located on the power clus-
4. Remove the release stud nut and release stud ter, vents the air chamber of the power cluster.
washer from the release tool (see Illustration When the service brakes are released, a spring
15-6). will force the air piston back to its neutral position.
The vent allows air to be drawn into the back side
5. Turn the release tool 1/4 turn counterclockwise of the air piston, preventing an air void (vacuum)
to remove the tool from the parking brake from being created on the back side of the piston
chamber. that could retard or prevent the air piston from
6. Insert the release tool in the side pocket of the going to its neutral position. Replace the breather
parking brake chamber and secure with when it becomes clogged.
release stud washer and stud nut. Brake Reservoir (Illustration 15-9). The brake
7. Reinstall the dust plug into parking brake reservoir, located above the power cluster on the
chamber key hole. left side of the truck, contains hydraulic fluid sup-
plied by the hydraulic tank. This fluid is utilized by
8. Adjust the initial caliper clearance: the power cluster to apply the service brakes.
a. Insert a 6 mm hex wrench into the adjust- This reservoir is sealed and does not require the
ment screw accessed in the hole where fluid level within it to be checked periodically.
the adjuster plug was removed (see Changing The Brake Reservoir Hydraulic Fluid
Illustration 15-7). Reduce the caliper-to- (Illustration 15-9). The hydraulic fluid of the brake
disc clearance to zero by turning the reservoir should be changed only when the brake
adjustment screw clockwise. reservoir is removed or replaced, and when the
b. Check to ensure that the load plate fully hydraulic fluid of the hydraulic tank is changed.
contacts the lining backing plate.

15-8 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)









Illustration 15-7. Parking Brake Adjustment and Brake Lining Replacement

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 15-9






Illustration 15-8. Parking Brake Valve

Wet Disc Brake Bleeding. Bleeding the wet disc
brake system requires two servicemen; one to
operate the service brake pedal and another to
open and close the bleeder valves.

 Death, serious injury or
property damage could result from not
bleeding the wet disc brakes. The wet disc
brakes must be bled to remove all air from the
system when any brake system hydraulic
connection has been loosened. Air can
prevent hydraulic pressure from applying the
brakes correctly and can increase stopping

 Death or serious injury could
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
a hard, level surface, apply parking brake and
block the wheels of the truck in both directions
Illustration 15-9. Brake Reservoir to prevent movement.

 Do not reuse used hydraulic

15-10 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

fluid. Used hydraulic fluid can be contami- 7. Repeat procedures 2. through 6. until a
nated and can cause incorrect operation. bubble-free flow of fluid is observed.
Damage to components can result.
8. Bleed the right and left service brakes by
Power Cluster (Illustration 15-10). The power following the procedures listed below.
cluster Must be bled before bleeding the wheel
Right and Left Service Brakes (Illustration 14-1).
brake housings. Perform the following procedures
The right and left service brakes must be bled
to bleed the power cluster.
after performing the Power Cluster bleeding pro-
1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply cedures listed above. Perform the following pro-
parking brake and block the wheels of the cedures to bleed the service brakes.
truck in both directions to prevent movement 1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply
of the truck. parking brake and block the wheels of the
2. Start the engine and allow the air pressure to truck in both directions to prevent movement
build to normal operating pressure. of the truck.
3. Have someone apply one of the service brake 2. With the engine running and at normal operat-
pedals and hold it down. ing air pressure, have someone apply one of
the service brake pedals and hold it down.
4. Open the bleeder valve on the power cluster
about 1/2 turn, allowing air and oil to vent. 3. Open the bleeder valve (10) about 1/2 turn on
the left front wheel brake housing allowing air
5. Close bleeder valve. and oil to vent.
6. Release service brake pedal. 4. Close bleeder valve.





Illustration 15-10. Power Cluster and Brake Reservoir Components

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 15-11

5. Then release brake pedal.
6. Repeat procedures 2. through 5. until a
bubble-free flow of fluid is observed.
7. Repeat procedures 1. through 6. to bleed the
right service brake.
De-clutch Operation. When the left brake pedal
is depressed, the transmission will be neutralized.
With de-clutch, the transmission is fully engaged
or disengaged. The right brake pedal will not
neutralize the transmission when the right brake
pedal is applied.
Drive Axle Service Brakes Servicing

 Death, serious injury or
property damage may occur from improperly
maintaining the service brakes. Improper
maintenance procedures may lead to decreas-
ed service life, decreased performance, or
brake failure. Always follow proper proce-
dures for inspection, maintenance, and service
of the brake system as outlined in this manual.
The brakes should be disassembled and inspect-
ed every 10,000 hours (or 5 years), whichever
occurs first, or when any of the following condi-
tions, listed below, occur. The suggested brakes
inspection interval is based on normal operating
conditions and may be increased or decreased
based on actual operating experience.
1. Brakes have overheated and / or hydraulic
tank level has run low.
2. Dirty or contaminated hydraulic fluid.
3. Clogged or dirty hydraulic return filter with
(apparently) fibrous material.
4. Out-of-the-ordinary brake noise from one or
more service brakes - such as grinding or
metal-to-metal contact.
5. Service brakes pulling to one side or the other.

15-12 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Brake Control (Air) System Troubleshooting (Refer to Circuit Drawing CD 15)

Problem Cause Correction

1. No brakes or weak 1. Empty or low brake reservoir. 1. Fill hydraulic tank to the proper
brakes level with the specified fluid (refer
to the Fuel and Lubricant Specifi-
2. Air is in the brake system. 2. Bleed the brake system (refer to
Wet Disc Brake Bleeding in this
3. Leak in the line between the 3. Inspect hydraulic hoses and repair
brake reservoir and the power if needed.
4. Leak in line between the power 4. Inspect hydraulic hoses and repair
cluster and brake housings. if needed.
5. Defective piston seals. 5. Refer to the manufacturer’s axle
manual for isolation of defective
piston seals (which side) and
6. Low air supply. 6. Refer to Problems 3. and 4. in this
troubleshooting chart.
7. Defective power cluster seals. 7. Replace power cluster seals.
8. Worn or damaged disc(s) inside 8. Refer to the manufacturer’s axle
brake housing. manual for repairs.
9. Brakes are overheating. 9. Refer to Problem 1. of the Wet
Disc Brakes Cooling System
Troubleshooting chart in Section
10. Defective brake relay valve. 10. Replace brake relay valve.

2. Brakes will not 1. Defective service brake valve(s). 1. Replace service brake valve(s).
2. Worn or damaged disc(s) in brake 2. Refer to the manufacturer’s axle
housing. manual for repairs.
3. High pressure brake-apply port of 3. Remove blockage from the high
the brake housing is blocked (the pressure brake-apply port of the
same port the power cluster forces brake housing.
the hydraulic oil through to move Loosen the bleeder valve to allow
the piston in the brake housing is trapped oil to escape. Remove the
the same port used to expel the oil high pressure brake-apply hose
from the brake housing). from the brake housing. Then with
a paper clip, insert a paper clip in
the port to remove the blockage,
reassemble and perform the Wet
Disc Brake Bleeding procedures
located in this section.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 15-13

Problem Cause Correction

3. Low air pressure 1. Misadjusted air governor. 1. Readjust the air governor for the
(no air operated proper pressure (refer to the Air
components acti- Governor in this section for adjust-
vated) ment procedures).
2. Air leak in air system supply. 2. Check all connections and hoses
for leaks. Repair as required.
3. Drain valve of air tanks are not fully 3. Ensure that the drain valve(s) fully
closed or defective. closes and is sealing off the air
tank. Replace drain valve if
4. Defective safety relief valve. 4. Replace safety relief valve as
5. Defective service brake valve(s). 5. Replace service brake valve(s).
Ensure that the low air pressure
transducer in the right brake valve
is properly installed and that there
is no air leak at this junction.
6. Defective parking brake valve. 6. Replace parking brake valve.
7. Defective air compressor. 7. Repair or replace air compressor.

4. Low air pressure 1. Defective service brake valve(s). 1. Replace service brake valve(s).
(with an air oper-
2. Air leak between air supply and 2. Check all connections and hoses
ated component
activated component. for leaks. Repair as required.
3. Defective shuttle valve. 3. Replace shuttle valve.
4. Defective power cluster seals or 4. Repair or replace power cluster.
power cluster.
5. Defective parking brake valve. 5. Replace parking brake valve.
6. Defective parking brake chamber. 6. Replace parking brake chamber.
7. Air tank(s) is full of water. 7. Expel all water from air tank(s).

5. Noisy brakes 1. Wrong type of hydraulic fluid is 1. Use the approved fluid (refer to the
being used. Fuel and Lubricant Specifica-
2. Brakes are overheating. 2. Refer to Problem 1. of the Wet
Disc Brakes Cooling System
Troubleshooting chart in Section
3. Internal failure inside the wheel 3. Refer to the manufacturer’s axle
end. manual for repairs.

15-14 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

15C-Wet Disc Brakes
Cooling System
Section 15C

Wet Disc Brakes Cooling System





Illustration 15C-1. Brake Cooling Valve

Introduction. The brakes cooling system main- approximately 9 gpm (34 Lpm) of hydraulic fluid,
tains a safe operating temperature by cooling the at 2250 rpm (no load, high idle), to the brake cool-
hydraulic fluid in the wet disc brake system. ing circuit and a 2 inch (51 mm) gear set that will
supply approximately 25 gpm (95 Lpm) of hydrau-
Major Components (Illustration 15-2). The brake
lic fluid, at 2250 rpm (no load, high idle), to the
cooling system consists of a brake cooling /
boom hydraulic circuit.
attachment pump, brake cooling / pilot pressure
manifold, brake cooling valve, brake cooling return Brake Cooling Valve (Illustration 15C-1). The
filter, various hoses and fittings. Refer to the brake cooling valve, located above the differential
Illustration 15-2 for location and identification of of the drive axle, divides the flow equally to each
parts. brake housing and monitors brake coolant temper-
ature. Nominally 9 gpm (34 lpm) of hydraulic fluid
Brake Cooling / Attachment Pump (Refer to
will enter the brake cooling valve. A flow divider,
Circuit Drawing). The brake cooling / attachment
internal to the valve, will regulate and divide the
pump, located on the back of the left main pump
flow of fluid equally to each brake housing (4.5
(see Illustration 22-15), is a tandem pump. It con-
gpm / 17 lpm). In addition, there are two 15 psi
tains a 3/4 inch (19 mm) gear set that will supply
(1 bar) check valves, located on the brake cooling

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 15C-1

valve, that limit the wheel ends from seeing no
more than 15 psi (1 bar) of pressure, protecting FILTER
the wheel end face and hub seals. HEAD

400 PSI (27.6 BAR) 500 PSI (34.5 BAR)

(PORT 1)
15 PSI
(1 BAR)
(PORT 4)


Illustration 15C-3. Brake Cooling Return Filter

Brake Cooling Return Filter Replacement

(Illustration 15C-3). The brake cooling return filter
(refer to Illustration 15-2 for location) should be
replaced periodically (refer to the Preventive
325 PSI Maintenance chart in the Appendices for filter
(22.4 BAR) replacement interval). The interval listed in the
RELIEF Appendices is based on normal environmental
PORT IDENTIFICATION (PORT 2) condition, excessive dust may require a more fre-
PORT A – PRESSURE CHECK (HPC5) quent filter change interval. Perform the following
PORT B – PRESSURE CHECK (HPC7) procedures to replace the filter:
 Death or serious injury could
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake,
block the wheels in both directions to prevent
movement of the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out
Illustration 15C-2. Brake Cooling / Pilot Pressure the truck.
 Dispose of hydraulic fluid and
Brake Cooling / Pilot Pressure Manifold filter in accordance with federal and local regu-
(Illustration 15C-2). The brake cooling / pilot pres- lations.
sure manifold, located below the main valve (see
Illustration 15-2), develops pilot pressure and pro- 1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply
tects the hydraulic controls. It contains a 500 psi the parking brake, block the wheels in both
(34.5 bar) pressure reducer (in port 1) that ensur- directions to prevent movement of the truck
es that the pilot pressure does not exceed 500 psi and Lock Out & Tag Out the truck.
(34.5 bar). This manifold also contains a 400 psi 2. Make certain filter is cool to the touch and pro-
(27.6 bar) pressure relief (in port 3), ensuring mini- vide a suitable container to catch any draining
mum pilot pressure of at least 400 psi (27.6 bar). fluid.
It contains a cooler relief valve (in port 2) set for
325 psi (22.4 bar). Should pressure in the brake 3. Apply an even film of fresh fluid on the gasket
cooling fluid circuit exceed 325 psi (22.4 bar), the surface of the replacement filter.
relief valve will open and relieve pressure to the 4. Unscrew filter and dispose of properly.
hydraulic tank.

15C-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

5. Thread the new filter onto filter head.
6. Hand tighten filter 3/4 turn past point where
gasket first contacts filter head surface.

Wet Disc Brakes Cooling System Troubleshooting (Refer to Circuit Drawing)

Problem Cause Correction

1. Brakes Overheat 1. Low cooling fluid flow. 1. Refer to Problem 2. of this trouble-
shooting chart.
2. Improper hydraulic fluid. 2. Use specified fluid (refer to the
Fuel and Lubricant Specifica-
tions in the Appendices).
3. Excessive duty cycle (excessive 3. Allow hydraulic fluid to cool and
application of brakes). adjust duty cycle.
4. Brakes at wheel ends are not fully 4. Refer to Problem 2. in the Brake
releasing. Control System Troubleshooting
chart in Section 15.
5. Brake pedal or brake relay is not 5. Refer to Problem 2. in the Brake
fully releasing. Control (Air) System Trouble-
shooting chart in Section 15.
6. Defective pressure relief valve 6. Replace the pressure relief valve
[325 psi (22.4 bar)] in the brake [325 psi (22.4 bar)] in the brake
cooling / pilot pressure manifold. cooling / pilot pressure manifold.
Pressure relief valve is stuck open.
7. Contamination is in the brake 7. Clean contaminates from brake
cooling valve. cooling valve.
8. Contamination is in the brake cool- 8. Clean contaminates from brake
ing / pilot pressure manifold. cooling / pilot pressure manifold.

2. Low Cooling Fluid 1. Air leak in suction hose to brake 1. Locate leak and repair.
Flow cooling / attachment pump.
2. Defective brake cooling / attach- 2. Replace pump.
ment pump.
3. Contamination is in the brake cool- 3. Clean contaminates from brake
ing / pilot pressure manifold. cooling / pilot pressure manifold.

3. One Side of Drive 1. Defective check valve in the brake 1. Replace defective check valve.
Axle Overheats cooling valve.
2. Defective brake cooling valve. 2. Replace brake cooling valve.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 15C-3

Hoist Circuit

15C-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 16

Steering System
Introduction. The steering system provides guid-
ance control of the truck. The steering circuit has BRAKE COOLING /
first priority over other hydraulics. Additional tech- BOOM PUMP
nical information can be located on the circuit
drawing in the Appendices. The Circuit Drawing
for the steering system has the format “CD 16”.
Major Components (Refer to Circuit Drawing).
The steering system consists of the steer pump,
steer sensing valve, steering orbitrol, steer cylin-
der, hoses and various fittings.
Steer Pump (Illustrations 16-1 and 16-2, and
Circuit Drawing). The steer pump is a variable
displacement, pressure-compensated, load sense,
axial piston type pump that provides hydraulic fluid
flow to operate the steering hydraulic circuit. This
pump will displace approximately 20 gpm (76 lpm)
at 750 rpm (low idle) and 59 gpm (223 lpm) at RIGHT MAIN LEFT MAIN
2250 rpm (no load, high idle rpm). This pump’s PUMP PUMP
fluid displacement is controlled by the angle of the
swash plate during pump rotation.
Illustration 16-1. Steer and Other Pumps
The steer pump supplies fluid to the steering
circuit and will supply the main valve when not
steering. When steering, the pump will supply
only the amount of fluid required to steer. The
excess flow, not being used, will supply the main
valve. The pressure of the steer pump can be
checked at pressure check (HPC1).
1. Load Sense Spool - regulates fluid into the
servo control piston to match the flow demand
of the throttling valve (activated valve). The
pump swash plate angle will be adjusted so
that the pressure will be equal to the load
pressure, plus the differential setting of the
load sense spring. As the throttling valve is
opened, demanding more flow, the load sense
spool will shift allowing the pump to come on
stroke further and maintain the constant differ-
ential pressure across the throttling valve. If
the pump drive speed is increased, the pump
will destroke, again to maintain the constant
differential pressure, and the constant flow
rate across throttling valve.
2. Max Pressure Compensator Control - controls Illustration 16-2. Steer Pump ANSI Symbol
the maximum pressure the pump will operate.
The pressure compensator is factory set for Steer Sensing Valve (Illustration 16-3 and Circuit
3,500 psi (242 bar). Drawing). The steer sensing valve, located on the
left inboard side of the chassis (see Illustration
3. Stroking Piston - controls the angle of the 22-1), provides the logic for the steering circuit. It
swash plate which regulates how much fluid is is linked to the steering orbitrol and steer pump.
displaced by the pump. When the steering orbitrol is turned, pressure in a
load sense line increases, between the steering

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 16-1

orbitrol and steer sensing valve, shifting the spool
of the steer sensing valve, directing a flow of fluid
from the steer pump to the steering orbitrol. The
steer sensing valve also contains a 3,000 psi (207
bar) steer circuit relief valve. To troubleshoot the
steer sensing valve, refer to Steer Sensing Valve
of the Troubleshooting The Major Components
in Section 22.



LS – LOAD SENSE (STEERING CONTROL Illustration 16-4. Steering Components

Illustration 16-3. Steer Sensing Valve

Steering Orbitrol (Illustration 16-4). The steering

orbitrol, located on the base of the steering col-
umn, directs and meters the flow of hydraulic fluid
to the steer cylinder depending on which way and
how fast the steering valve is turned.
Steer Cylinder (Refer to Circuit Drawing). The
steer cylinder is a double-acting cylinder that turns
the steer tires.

16-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Steering System Troubleshooting (Refer to Circuit Drawing)

Problem Cause Correction

1. Slow or Hard 1. Limited hydraulic fluid flow. 1. Refer to Problem 6. in this trouble-
Steering shooting chart.
2. Low steering pressure. 2. Refer to Problem 7. in this trouble-
shooting chart.
3. Hydraulic fluid is bypassing the 3. Repack steer cylinder.
steer cylinder piston packing.
4. Spool in the steer sensing valve is 4. Remove spool, then visually
sticking. inspect spool and spool housing for
5. Defective steer sensing valve. 5. Repair or replace steer sensing
6. Steering cylinder rod is bent. 6. Replace cylinder rod or cylinder.
7. Defective steering orbitrol. 7. Replace steering orbitrol.
8. Load sense line from steering orbi- 8. Remove restriction.
trol to steer sensing valve is

2. No Response 1. Low hydraulic fluid flow. 1. Refer to Problem 6. in this trouble-

When Steering shooting chart.
Wheel is Turned
2. Hydraulic fluid is bypassing the 2. Repack steer cylinder.
steer cylinder piston packing.
3. Steering relief valve is not produc- 3. Replace steer sensing valve.
ing correct steer pressure.
4. Defective steering relief valve. 4. Replace steer sensing valve.
5. Spool in the steer sensing valve is 5. Remove spool, then visually
sticking. inspect spool and spool housing for
6. Defective steer sensing valve. 6. Repair or replace steer sensing
7. Steering cylinder rod is bent. 7. Replace steering cylinder.
8. Defective steering orbitrol. 8. Replace steering orbitrol.
9. Load sense line from steering 9. Remove restriction.
valve to steer sensing valve is

3. Steering Tires Do 1. Binding in linkage. 1. Re-align linkage.

Not Track with
Steering Wheel 2. Broken centering springs in steer- 2. Repair or replace.
ing orbitrol.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 16-3

Problem Cause Correction

4. Wrong Response 1. Hoses to ports in steering orbitrol 1. Reconnect in the correct hose
to Steering Wheel are crossed. layout.

5. Continuous Steer- 1. Defective steering orbitrol. 1. Replace steering orbitrol.

ing Wheel Rotation
2. Defective steer column. 2. Replace steer column.
3. Hydraulic fluid bypassing steer cyl- 3. Repack the steer cylinder.
inder piston packing.
4. Loose or broken hydraulic hose 4. Tighten or replace hydraulic hose.
between steering orbitrol and steer

6. Limited Hydraulic 1. Clogged suction strainer. 1. Clean suction strainer.

Fluid Flow
2. Low hydraulic fluid supply. 2. Fill tank to the correct fluid level.
3. Incorrect type of fluid. 3. Drain and flush hydraulic circuits.
Use the specified hydraulic fluid.
4. Cold hydraulic fluid. 4. Due to extended periods of cold
temperatures, the viscosity of the
hydraulic fluid can increase. Con-
sider adding a cold weather
5. Breather filter is restricted. 5. Replace the breather filter.
6. Worn / defective steer pump. 6. Replace or rebuild pump.

7. Low Steer 1. Steering relief valve is not produc- 1. Replace steer sensing valve.
Pressure ing correct steer pressure.
2. Defective steering relief valve. 2. Replace steer sensing valve.
3. Limited hydraulic fluid flow. 3. Refer to Problem 6. in this trouble-
shooting chart.
4. Defective seal in the steer cylinder. 4. Repack steer cylinder.
5. Defective steer sensing valve. 5. Repair or replace steer sensing

8. Kick-back in Steer- 1. Defective steering check valve. 1. Replace steering check valve.
ing Wheel

16-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 17

Tires and Wheels

Introduction. This section contains safety warn- diameter, be from the same manufacturer, be
ings that must be adhered to, to prevent serious of the same type (industry code) and be of the
personal injury or death when servicing tires and same construction (both bias or both radials).
wheels. Also included are procedures for properly
torquing the wheel nuts.

 Bias and radial constructions
must never be mixed on dual pair.

 Under no circumstances
should anyone mount or demount tires without Tire Inflation. The tire pressure should be
proper training as required in OSHA Rules and checked on a daily basis (refer to the serial data
Regulations 1910.177 “Servicing multi-piece plate, located on the truck, for proper tire
and single piece rim wheels.” Follow all pro- pressure).
cedures and safety instructions.
Tires. Tires may represent one of the major direct 
 Maintain the proper tire
expenses of equipment operation. Refer to the inflation pressures listed on the truck serial
Goodyear Tire Maintenance Manual for proper data plate.
maintenance and repair of tires for optimal tire life. Tire Overinflation. Overinflation results in high
The Goodyear Tire Maintenance Manual is a cord stress even when the tire isn’t overloaded.
generic tire maintenance manual covering tire Stress reduces resistance to blowouts from
maintenance that apply to all brands of tires. impacts. It also increases the danger of the tire
Check the tires and valve caps daily for any being cut. The problem can be compounded by
damage. poorly maintained working terrain.
Tire Underinflation. An underinflated tire will

 All tire related safety deflect too much. It also leads to excessive side-
warnings in the Safety Check (TMW-077) wall flexing. It is very important, in wheel ends
booklet and this section must be understood employing dual tire pairs, that each tire have the
before performing any tire maintenance. correct air pressure. This prevents one tire from
carrying more of the load than the other tire. Flex-
ing of an underinflated tire in a dual pair could

 Inflate tire in a safety cage.
lead to the underinflated tire rubbing the other tire
Use safety chains or equivalent restraining
which could lead to premature tire failure. Tires
devices during inflation. Misassembled parts
with radial cracks indicate continuous underinfla-
may fly apart with explosive force during
tion operation. Other underinflated indications
include the following:
1. Spotty or uneven tread wear

 Never sit on or stand in front
of a tire and rim assembly that is being 2. Ply separation
inflated. Use a clip-on chuck and make sure 3. Loose or broken cords inside the tire
the inflation hose is long enough to permit the
person inflating the tire to stand to the side of 4. Fabric carcass fatigue
the tire, not in front or in back of the tire Rims. The rims hold the tires on the hub. The
assembly. wheels and mounts require a run-in period. The
torque of the wheel nuts must be checked every

 Keep tires free of grease and 10 hours of operation until rim is fully seated. Per-
oil. Grease and oil are highly damaging to form the Torquing Procedure to tighten the
tires. If grease or oil are allowed to remain on wheel nuts of each hub each time tires are
tires for extended periods of time, rubber removed from the drive or steer axle. Inspect the
deterioration may occur. wheel studs daily.

 Tire assemblies operated as a 
 If one wheel stud has broken
dual pair must have the same outside off, a significant reduction of the rim’s clamp-

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 17-1

27 21
Drive Axle.............330 - 350 ft-lbs 1 7
(450 - 475 N⋅m) 20 17
[ This value is located on the truck
14 11
serial plate for reference.


24 3

10 15

16 9

4 23

25 6

12 19

18 28
22 2

Illustration 17-1. Drive Axle Wheel Nuts Torquing Sequence

ing force will be lost. Remove machine from 2. Repeat procedure 1. until none of the wheel
service and repair immediately. nuts move and the proper torque value has
been applied to each wheel nut. Procedure 1.
Torquing Procedure (Illustrations 17-1 and 17-2).
may have to be repeated several times to
Perform the following procedures to torque the
tighten the wheel nuts to the proper torque
wheel nuts:

 Every time the wheels are
removed, a run-in period is required. The
wheel nuts must be re-torqued every 10 hours 
 Mixing parts of one manu-
of operation until rims are fully seated. facturer’s rims with those of another is
potentially dangerous. Always check
1. Start at position #1 and tighten the wheel nut manufacturer for approval.
to the specified torque value listed in Illustra-
tion 17-1 or 17-2. Proceed in the illustrated 
 Do not be careless or take
numerical order to torque the other wheel chances. If you are not sure about the proper
nuts. mating of rim and wheel parts, consult a wheel

17-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

and rim expert. This may be the tire man who hardwood block cribbing under the load after
is servicing your fleet or the rim and wheel the jack or hoist has lifted the load. Make sure
distributor in your area. the cribbing is large enough to have sufficient
contact with the supported load to be stable.
1. Multi-piece rims and all rim components must
be inspected before re-assembly each time
the tire is removed from the rim for repair and 
 Never get under, near or
each time the tire is replaced. Rims and all rim between heavy objects that are supported only
components should be inspected annually (or by a jack or hoist.
every 3,000 hours) otherwise.
2. Any rim or rim component which is bent out of 
 Always use hardwood blocks
shape, pitted from corrosion, broken, or under jack.
cracked must not be used. It must be marked
or tagged as unserviceable and removed from Demounting
the service area and discarded. When part
condition is in doubt, replace it. 
 Do not let anyone mount or
3. Ensure that all parts correctly match the type demount tires without proper training as stated
of wheel being assembled. Check with the in OSHA Rules and Regulations 1910.177
manufacturer if there is any doubt. “Servicing multi-piece and single piece rim
4. Rim bases, rim flanges, rim gutters, lock rings,
and bead seat bands must be free of any dirt,
surface rust, scale or loose / flaked rubber 
 Do not stand in front of the
buildup prior to re-assembly. All dirt and rust tire during deflation.
must be removed from the lock ring gutter.
Clean and repaint rims to stop the detrimental
effects of corrosion. 
 Demounting tools apply
pressure to rim flanges to unseat tire beads.
5. Air inflation equipment should have a filter in Keep your fingers clear. Slant the demounting
the air line cable of removing moisture from bead tool about 10° to keep it firmly in place. If
the air. This will help in preventing corrosion. it slips off, it can fly with enough force to kill.
6. Rims have a useful service life that is depen- Always stand to one side when you apply
dent on variables such as over / under inflation hydraulic pressure.
pressures, duty cycle, yard conditions, and
overloading from example. Although actual 
 Never force or hammer rim
rim life will vary from one application to anoth- components, especially rim components under
er, replacement after 10,000 hours of service pressure.
life is recommended. These rims should be
tagged as unserviceable and removed from
the service area and discarded. 
 Never attempt to weld on an
inflated tire / rim assembly.
Tire / Wheel Jacking

 Do not under any

 Never rely solely upon jacks circumstances, attempt to rework, weld, heat
or hoists to support the lift truck while or braze any rim components that are cracked,
removing tire / wheel. broken, or damaged. Replace with new parts,
or parts that are not cracked, broken, or

 Before placing jack in damaged, and which are of the same size, type
position, block tire and wheel on the other side and make.
of the truck.

 Do not hammer on rims or

 Always place oak or other components with steel hammers. Use rubber,

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 17-3

lead, plastic, or brass faced mallets, if it is
necessary, to tap components together. 
 Do not inflate the tire before
all side and lock rings are in place. Double
check to make sure all components are

 Always exhaust all air from a properly seated.
single tire and from both tires of a dual
assembly prior to removing any rim 1. Refer to Illustration 17-3 for hardware and its
components such as nuts and rim clamps. orientation for wheel mounting.
2. Check components for proper assembly again

 Make sure to remove the after inflating to approximately 5 psi (34.5 kPa).
valve core to exhaust all air from the tire. Operation
Remove both cores from a dual assembly.

 Do not overload rims or

 Check the valve stem by over-inflate tire / rim assembly. Check your
running a piece of wire through the stem to rim manufacturer if special operating
make sure it is not plugged. conditions are required.
Mounting And Inflation

 Do not use undersized rims.

 Inflate tire in a safety cage. Use recommended rim for the tire.
Use safety chains or equivalent restraining
devices during inflation. Misassembled parts 
 Never run a vehicle on one
may fly apart with explosive force during tire of a dual assembly. The carrying capacity
inflation. of the single tire and rim is dangerously
exceeded and operating a vehicle in this

 Do not seat rings by manner can result in damage to the rim and
hammering while the tire is being inflated. If a tire.
part is tapped, it or the tool can fly out with
explosive force. 
 Do not reinflate a tire that has
been run flat without first inspecting the tire,

 Never sit on or stand in front rim and wheel assembly. Double check the
of a tire and rim assembly that is being lock ring for damage; make sure that it is
inflated. Use a clip-on chuck and make sure secure in the gutter before inflation.
the inflation hose is long enough to permit the
person inflating the tire to stand to the side of 
 Excessive turning of the
the tire, not in front or in back of the tire steering axle tires, when the truck is stopped,
assembly. should be avoided. It can cause excessive
wear (flat spots) to develop.

 Mixing parts of one manu- Servicing Tire And Rim On Vehicle
facturer’s rims with those of another is
potentially dangerous. Always check
manufacturer for approval. 
 Block the other tires of the
vehicle before you place the jack in position.

 Do not be careless or take
chances. If you are not sure about the proper 
 Regardless of how hard or
mating of rim and wheel parts, consult a wheel firm the ground appears, put hardwood blocks
and rim expert. This may be the tire man who under the jack. Always crib up vehicle with
is servicing your fleet or the rim and wheel blocks just in case the jack should slip.
distributor in your area.

17-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Steer Axle.............145 - 155 ft-lbs
(200 - 210 N⋅m)
[ This value is located on the truck
serial plate for reference. 1
14 15

7 5

9 12

4 3

11 10

6 8


Illustration 17-2. Steer Axle Wheel Nuts Torquing Sequence

serious personal injury to anyone in the immediate

 Remove the bead seat band vicinity. Some of these explosions are believed to
slowly to prevent it from dropping off and have been caused by flammable vapors entering
crushing your toes. Support the band on your the tire during inflation. When the machine is
thigh and roll it slowly to the ground. This will operating, the temperature of the air and vapor
protect your back and toes. mixture inside the tire will increase. The tempera-
ture inside the tire will also increase with an
increase in ambient temperature and when sub-

 When using a cable sling, jected to direct sunlight. If the vapor and air mix-
stand clear; it might snap and lash out. ture inside the tire are within the ratio limits that
Compressor Precautions will support combustion, and any or all of the
above heat increasing factors cause the tempera-
There have been instances of tires exploding vio- ture to rise, an explosion may occur. The follow-
lently while on vehicles. The forces involved in ing are some warnings that can prevent flam-
this type explosion are sufficient enough to cause mable vapors from entering the compressor and

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 17-5

subsequently being entrapped in tires.

 Do not locate the compressor
in a utility room used for storing flammable
solvents, paints, thinners, etc. The flammable
vapors will be sucked into the compressor
intake while the compressor is charging.

 Do not clean the compressor
air filter with a flammable solvent. Use a
non-flammable solvent, such as carbon

 Do not use alcohol, methanol,
or other flammable agents in the compressor
to prevent freezing of the condensation inside
the compressor. Drain the compressor tank
frequently or locate the compressor inside to
eliminate the freezing problem.

 Do not locate the compressor
near a battery charger. Batteries emit
hydrogen gas, which is highly flammable,
during the charging process, and could be
sucked into the compressor intake.

17-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

2. RIM
9 5. NUT
9 8. RIM
10. O-RING



3 7
Wheel and mounts require run in period on a
new machine and after each tire change. 2
Refer to serial plate on the side of machine for
torque specifications before machine is put in
service and re-torque nuts each 10 hours until 4 6
clamps are seated.

Care should be taken to keep grease and other

foreign material from rim seating surfaces.

Illustration 17-3. Wheel Mounting Hardware and Tightening Procedures

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 17-7

Hoist Circuit

17-8 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 18

Introduction (Illustration 18-1). The chassis is serious failure of the structural weldment.
carefully engineered and ruggedly constructed. When a crack is found, the truck must be
Welded steel structures always contain undetect- immediately taken out of service and repaired.
able cracks, especially welded joints. When these
joints are subject to fluctuating stresses of signifi-
cant magnitude, these cracks will grow. This is 
 Under no circumstances,
known as fatigue crack growth. No matter how without prior approval from Taylor Machine
low the stress levels are kept, some fatigue crack Works, Inc. Engineering Department, should
growth will occur in all welded structures. the chassis be modified, i.e. adding of
additional counterweights. As per OSHA 29
Structural Inspection and Reporting Procedure CFR1910.178 (a) (4).
(Refer to SIRR in the Appendices). Follow the
OSHA rules, 29 CFR, 1910.178 (Q)(1), (5), & (7)
which require inspecting industrial trucks daily 
 If the fatigue crack is allowed
before being placed in service, removing trucks to grow, catastrophic failure could occur in the
from service if cracks are found, and making chassis or other welded components, causing
repairs only if authorized by the manufacturer. If serious injury to personnel and / or property.
trucks are used on a round-the-clock basis, they
shall be examined after each shift. OSHA 29 CFR 
 The electrical connectors
1910.178 (p)(1) requires that trucks in need of connected to the TICS control modules and
repair be taken out of service. Areas to be other electrical components must be
inspected on the truck chassis include drive axle unplugged prior to any welding. Failure to
mounts, steer axle mounts, lift cylinder anchors comply with this warning may lead to damage
and boom towers. of the TICS control modules or other electrical
components (refer to Welding Precautions in

 Periodic inspection is the Appendices for location of electrical
required to detect fatigue cracks that have components).
grown to a significant size in order to avoid

Chassis Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Correction

1. Cracks in welds 1. Metal fatigue. 1. Have cracks in welds repaired

(Refer to SIRR in the immediately.
Appendices) 2. Overloading. 2. Refer to Correction 1. above and
Notify Taylor avoid overloading the truck.
Machine Works, 3. Rough terrain. 3. Refer to Correction 1. above and, if
Inc. for proper possible, avoid operating truck on
repair procedures. rough terrain.
4. Travelling with load in an unrecom- 4. Refer to Correction 1. above and
mended travel position (excessive the Operator’s Guide for proper
height, extension and / or fully travelling positions.
side-shifted, one side or the other).
5. Severe duty cycles. 5. Have cracks in welds repaired

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 18-1

Problem Cause Correction

2. Engine support 1. Engine vibration. 1. Refer to Problem 19. in the

mounts broken Engine Troubleshooting chart in
Section 1.
2. Transmission vibration. 2. Refer to Problem 9. in the Trans-
mission Troubleshooting chart in
Section 9.

3. Transmission 1. Transmission vibration. 1. Refer to Problem 9. in the Trans-

support mounts mission Troubleshooting chart.
2. Engine vibration. 2. Refer to Problem 19. in the
Engine Troubleshooting chart in
Section 1.

4. Hinged doors are 1. Door hinges are not properly 1. Lubricate door hinges.
difficult to open lubricated.

18-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Note: Photocopy this sketch to identify fatigue cracks or structural damage to the chassis. Be very
descriptive of damage to the chassis, i.e. location, depth, length.

Illustration 18-1. Chassis

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 18-3

Hoist Circuit

18-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 20


Illustration 20-1. Cab

Introduction (Illustration 20-1). The cab has 3. Under no circumstance should objects be
been carefully designed with the operator’s safety allowed in the cab which would restrict the
and comfort in mind. The components in the cab operator’s vision or exit.
have been laid out for easy access.
4. The seat must lock firmly into position.
Cab Maintenance Checks. The following checks
5. The seat belt must always be intact and
must be performed before operating the truck:
1. Steps and operator’s compartment must be
6. The door latch must always function properly.
free of oil, grease and trash.
7. The tilt steering must lock firmly into position.
2. All glass and mirrors of the cab should be
cleaned daily to keep vision from being
 Failure to adhere to any of the
above could lead to personal injury, death or

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 20-1

property damage.

 Avoid stepping on the top
Lexan cover while servicing the truck.

 Always use approved ladders,
stands, or manlifts to reach high places on the

 The top Lexan cover is a part
of the OSHA mandated FOPS (Falling Object
Protective Structure). Do not remove or
replace cover with glass.
1. Should abnormal vibration or shifting of cab
structure occur, check mounting bolts for tight-
ness and ensure that rubber mounts are not
2. Should leak occur from the seals of the
glasses, repair seal.
Lubrication. The grease fittings, on the door
hinges, should be greased periodically (refer to
the Preventive Maintenance chart in the
Appendices for door hinge lubrication interval).
Emergency Exit
There is an emergency exit from within the cab,
through the rear window, in the event that the cab
door is blocked or not functioning. If the operator
needs to exit the cab when the cab door is
blocked or not functioning, the following steps Illustration 20-2. Emergency Exit
must be followed:
1. Open the rear window by rotating the window
release handle down (see Illustration 20-2).
2. Pivot the window up to open the window.
3. Carefully exit the cab through open window

20-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

20A-Air Conditioning
Section 20A

Air Conditioning System

Introduction. The air conditioning / heating valve). The drier is equipped with a binary switch
system provides the operator with a comfortable which protects the compressor.
operating environment. Additional technical infor-
The binary switch is normally closed when the
mation can be located on the circuit drawings in
system pressure is within operating specifications.
the Appendices. The Circuit Drawings for the
The binary switch will open when the system pres-
air conditioning system have the format “CD 20A”.
sure exceeds 312 psi (22 bar). The binary switch
Major Components (Refer to Circuit Drawing). will not close again until the pressure has dropped
The air conditioning system consists of a wall- below 225 psi (16 bar). When the pressure drops
mounted air conditioner / heater unit, condenser, below 2 psi, the binary switch will open. The
compressor, two 20 amp circuit breakers (CB11 binary switch will not close again until the pres-
and CB12), and a heater shut-off valve. sure is above 28 psi (2 bar). The binary switch
can be replaced without recovering the refrigerant.
Air Conditioner / Heater Unit (Illustration 20A-1).
The binary switch is located in the air conditioner
The rear cab-mounted air conditioner / heater
unit on the high pressure side. The fitting that
unit is powered by 24 VDC from circuit breaker
holds the binary switch is equipped with a check
(CB12). The air conditioner / heater unit is a three
valve, that prevents the high pressure coolant
speed unit with a preset thermostat. The air con-
from exhausting if the switch is removed.
ditioner / heater unit has a cool / heat switch that
allows the operator to select for cooling or heating Evaporator / Heater Coil. The evaporator / heat-
of the cab. The air conditioning system is charged er coil is located inside the air conditioner / heater
with approximately 5 lbs. (2.5 kg) of R134a Freon. unit. The evaporator and heater coils are inte-
grated into one unit. The evaporator coil changes
NOTE: The Clean Air Act, passed in 1992, speci- the warm, metered pressure liquid refrigerant
fies that anyone who works on vehicle air condi- (from the expansion valve) into a cold, low pres-
tioning systems must be certified by an EPA sure gas. The cold, low pressure gas is sent back
approved agency. into the expansion valve. The temperature of this
low pressure gas is what controls the expansion
Condenser. The condenser, mounted on the valve. The colder the gas, the closer a ball will
hydraulic tank, changes the refrigerant from a hot, seat and restrict the refrigerant into the evaporator
high pressure gas (from the compressor) to a coil.
warm, high pressure liquid (to the drier) by cooling
the refrigerant. The condenser is powered by The heater coil is the medium by which heat is
24 VDC from a 20 amp circuit breaker (CB11). transferred from the engine coolant to the opera-
tor’s compartment. A heater shut-off valve is
Compressor. The compressor is belt driven and located on the air conditioner / heater unit and
circulates the refrigerant through the air condition- when opened, allows the heat transfer to occur.
ing system when its clutch is engaged. It receives When operating the air conditioner, close the
a cool, low pressure gas and pumps a hot, high heater shut-off valve for maximum cooling
pressure gas to the condenser. When the thermo- efficiency.
stat signals for cooling, an electrical signal is sent
to the compressor clutch, engaging the clutch and Circuit Breakers. Refer to Circuit Breakers in
driving the compressor. the Component Troubleshooting in Section 6
for troubleshooting of circuit breakers.
NOTE: Any time repairs are made to the air con- Heater Shut-off Valve (Illustration 20A-1). The
ditioning system which require the recovery of the heater shut-off valve controls the circulation of
refrigerant, it is recommended that the drier be heated coolant through the air conditioning / heat-
changed and 4 ounces of AC ester lubricating oil er unit. Additionally, there are two shut-off valves,
be added to the dryer. located on the engine, that control the circulation
of heated coolant through the heating / defrosting
Drier. The drier stores a volume of refrigerant.
circuit. All three shut-off valves must be fully open
Additionally, it filters and removes moisture from
for maximum heating. If any of the shut-off valves
the refrigerant. The drier receives a warm, high
are closed, there will be no circulation of heated
pressure liquid (from the condenser) and sends a
coolant through the heating system.
warm, high pressure liquid (to the expansion

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 20A-1





Illustration 20A-1. Air Conditioner / Heater Unit

Refrigerant Hoses. Periodically check the hoses 3 months or as conditions warrant. The filters
and fittings for chafing or cracking. Replace as must be replaced yearly or as conditions warrant.
conditions require. If filters are not cleaned regularly, they may
become partially clogged with lint, dirt, grease or
Air Conditioner / Heater Maintenance. The
other debris. The filters should be cleaned or
remote mounted condenser of the air conditioning
changed as conditions warrant. Perform the fol-
system should be cleaned every 3 months to
lowing procedures to remove filters for cleaning or
remove debris. The condenser can be cleaned
with a fin comb, air hose and nozzle, or soap and
water. The evaporator / heater coils in the air con- 1. Remove filter covers from the air conditioner /
ditioner / heater unit should be cleaned every heater unit’s housing by removing fasteners.
3 months with compressed air.
2. Remove filters from filter covers and clean with
Cleaning and / or Changing The Air Condition- low pressure air. Replace old filters with new
er / Heater Unit Filters (Illustration 20A-1). The filters if filters are damaged.
air conditioner filters should be cleaned every
3. Install the filters in the filter covers and secure

20A-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

filter covers to air conditioner / heater unit with 7. Check the air conditioning hoses and fittings
fasteners. for leaks. If a leak is detected, the refrigerant
must be recovered prior to making repairs.
Inspection. In the event of a cooling problem,
perform the following inspection procedures. NOTE: The Clean Air Act, passed in 1992, speci-
fies that anyone who works on vehicle air condi-

 Death or serious injury could tioning systems must be certified by an EPA
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on approved agency.
a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake
and block the wheels in both directions to 8. For any further repairs, contact a certified air
prevent movement of the truck. conditioning repair technician.

 Rotating fan and belts can
cause severe injury. Stay clear of fan and
belts when engine is running.
1. Check the compressor drive belt tension and
pulley alignment. Tension on the drive belt
should be such that a firm push with the thumb
at a point midway between the two pulleys will
deflect the belt approximately 3/8 inch (9.5
mm). If the deflection of the belt is more than
3/8 inch (9.5 mm), adjust the belt tension.
2. Check the condenser for debris and clean if
3. Check all electrical connections and ensure
that the circuit breakers are set.
4. Checking the compressor clutch will require
starting the engine. When 24 VDC is sent
from the thermostat through the binary switch
to the compressor, the compressor’s clutch will
pop towards the compressor pulley (this will be
heard). The clutch will then begin to rotate
with the pulley (this will be seen).
5. Ensure that the evaporator coil, located inside
the air conditioner / heater unit (and ceiling-
mounted air conditioner unit), is not iced up.
The thermostat’s capillary should be posi-
tioned in the center of the evaporator coil fins.
If the thermostat is functioning properly when
the fins ice up, the thermostat will remove the
24 VDC to the compressor. This will allow the
compressor pulley to free-spin and no refriger-
ant will be circulated to the evaporator coil.
The ambient temperature will then defrost the
evaporator coil fins.
6. The 24 VDC signal from the thermostat must
pass through a binary switch, which monitors
low pressure and high pressure in order to
engage the clutch of the compressor (refer to
Drier in this section).

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 20A-3

Air Conditioner / Heater Unit Troubleshooting (Refer to Circuit Drawing)

Problem Cause Correction

1. Air conditioning 1. Circuit breaker (CB12) is tripped or 1. Reset or replace circuit breaker
unit does not defective. (CB12). Refer to Circuit Breakers
power up of the Component Troubleshoot-
ing in Section 6.
2. Harness connector is disconnected 2. Connect or tighten harness
or loose. connector.
3. Loose pin in harness connector. 3. Isolate and repair.
4. Broken or shorted wires. 4. Troubleshoot, isolate and repair.

2. Fan blows limited 1. Heater shut-off valve is open. 1. Close heater shut-off valve.
or no cold air
2. Compressor clutch is slipping or 2. Tighten drive belt or replace clutch.
3. Low Freon charge. 3. Have certified technician recharge
air conditioning system.
4. Thermostat is defective. 4. Replace thermostat.
5. Evaporator coil is iced up. 5. Thermostat is defective. Replace
6. The condenser fan is seized or 6. Unseize fan, replace or check wir-
defective. ing to fan motor.
7. The evaporator / heater coils are 7. Clean with compressed air or
dirty or stopped up. remove restriction.
8. Filter is dirty or stopped up. 8. Clean or replace filter.
9. Binary switch in condenser is 9. Isolate and repair.
10. Circuit breaker(s) is tripped or 10. Isolate and repair.
11. The heat / air switch of the air con- 11. Place the heat / air switch in the air
ditioner / heater unit is in the heat position.
12. Defective heat / air switch of air 12. Replace heat / air switch.
conditioning unit.
13. Harness connector(s) is discon- 13. Connect or tighten harness
nected or loose. connector(s).
14. Air conditioner compressor is 14. Contact certified technician to
defective. repair or replace.

20A-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

3. Air conditioning 1. Drainage hoses are restricted. 1. Remove restriction from hoses.
unit is leaking
water in the cab 2. Drainage hoses have shifted 2. Reposition the drainage hoses.
upwards. The drainage hoses should run
downward to prevent water from
standing in the hoses.
3. Drain vent in drainage pan is 3. Remove restriction from drain vent.

4. Fan of the air con- 1. Heater shut-off valve is open. 1. Close heater shut-off valve.
ditioner / heater
2. Engine-mounted shut-off valve(s) is 2. Open shut-off valve(s).
unit blows no
heated air
3. Heater hoses kinked or restricted. 3. Unkink or remove restriction from
4. Defective engine thermostat (stuck 4. Replace engine thermostat.
5. Low coolant. 5. Check and fill radiator.
6. Engine did not rise to operating 6. Allow engine enough time to reach
temperature. operating temperature.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 20A-5

Hoist Circuit

20A-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

20H-Heating System
Section 20H

Heating System
Introduction. The heating system provides a duce a loss of air volume and therefore the filter
comfortable working environment in a cold climate should be cleaned or changed. Perform the
and is essential in removing condensation from following procedures to remove filters for cleaning
the windshield in which otherwise would impair or replacement:
vision. Provided the engine-mounted shut-off
1. Remove filter cover from the heater / defroster
valves and heater shut-off valve are open, the
unit’s housing by removing screws.
engine coolant flows through the heater coils of
the heater / defroster units, air conditioner / heater 2. Remove filter from filter cover and clean with
unit, and returns back to the engine block. Addi- low pressure air. Replace old filter with new
tional technical information can be located on the filter if filter is damaged.
circuit drawing in the Appendices. The Circuit
3. Install filter in the filter cover and secure to
Drawing for the heating system has the format
heater / defroster unit with screws.
“CD 20H”.
Major Components (Refer to Circuit Drawing).
The heater system consists of two heater /
defroster units, one 20 amp circuit breaker (CB8),
shut-off valves and hoses that connect the heater
/ defroster units to the cooling system of the
Heater / Defroster Units (Illustration 20H-1). The
heater / defroster units are powered by 24 VDC
from a 20 amp circuit breaker (CB8) and employ a SCREWS
two speed switch (S24).
Circuit Breakers. Refer to Circuit Breakers in
the Component Troubleshooting in Section 6
for troubleshooting of circuit breakers.
Shut-off Valves (Refer to Circuit Drawing). The FILTER
shutoff valves (one located in air conditioning /
heater unit and two engine mounted) control the Illustration 20H-1. Heater / Defroster Unit Filter
flow of heated coolant to the heater / defroster cir-
cuits. They must be fully open for maximum heat-
ing. If any of the shut-off valves are closed, there
will be no flow of heated coolant to circulate in the
heating / defrosting circuit.
Hoses. Periodically check the hoses and elbows
for chafing or cracking. Replace as conditions

 Severe injury may occur from
burns. Always shut down engine and allow to
cool before servicing or inspecting heater
Cleaning and / or Changing The Heater /
Defroster Unit Filter (Illustration 20H-1). The
heater / defroster unit’s filter should be cleaned
every 3 months or as conditions warrant. The
filter must be replaced once a year or as condi-
tions warrant. If the filter is not cleaned regularly,
it may become partially clogged with lint, dirt,
grease or other debris. A clogged filter will pro-

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 20H-1

Heating System Troubleshooting (Refer to Circuit Drawing)

Problem Cause Correction

1. Heater / defroster 1. The heater / defroster switch (S24) 1. Replace heater / defroster switch
fan is not turning is defective. (S24).
2. Circuit breaker (CB8) is tripped or 2. Reset or replace circuit breaker
defective. (CB8). Refer to Circuit Breakers
of the Component Troubleshoot-
ing in Section 6.
3. Defective fan motor. 3. Replace fan motor.
4. Loose or broken wires / plugs / 4. Isolate and repair.
pins between any of the compo-

2. Heater / defroster 1. One of the engine-mounted shut- 1. Open shut-off valve.

fan is turning, but off valves or air conditioning / heat-
no warm air is er unit shut-off valve is closed.
2. Heater hoses are kinked or 2. Unkink or remove restriction from
restricted. hoses.
3. Defective engine thermostat (stuck 3. Replace engine thermostat.
4. Low coolant. 4. Check and fill radiator.
5. Engine has not reached operating 5. Allow engine enough time to reach
temperature. operating temperature.

3. Heater / defroster 1. Defective heater / defroster switch 1. Replace heater / defroster switch
operates in only (S24). (S24).
one speed
2. Loose or broken wires / plugs / 2. Isolate and repair.
pins between any of the compo-

20H-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 22

Hydraulic System

Introduction. The hydraulic system controls the personnel before activating any manual
hoist, boom telescope, steering, and cab move- override of the main valve.
ment of the truck. Additional technical information
can be located on the circuit drawings in the The boom section of the main valve contains an
Appendices. The Circuit Drawings for the A1 port (boom extend) and a B1 port (boom
hydraulic system have the format “CD 22”. retract). It is connected through hydraulic hoses
to the boom cylinder. When the boom function of
Major Components (Illustration 22-1). Major the joystick is operated, pump flow is diverted
components of the hydraulic system include a through the boom portion of the main valve into
hydraulic tank, three variable displacement the boom cylinder, causing the boom cylinder to
pumps, Taylor Integrated Control System (TICS), extend or retract.
main valve, accessory valve, hoist and boom
regen valves, cab movement valve, cab motor, The hoist section of the main valve contains an A2
and various actuating cylinders. port (hoist) and a B2 port (lower). It is connected
through hydraulic hoses to the hoist cylinders.
Main Pumps (Illustration 22-1 and refer to Circuit When the hoist function of the joystick is operated,
Drawing). The main pumps are variable displace- pump flow is diverted through the hoist portion of
ment, pressure-compensated, load sense, axial the main valve into port A (hoist) or port B (lower)
piston type pumps that provide hydraulic fluid flow of the hoist regen valves. Fluid exits the hoist
to operate the hydraulic circuit. Each pump will regen valves from the C+ port to extend the hoist
displace approximately 14 gpm (53 lpm) at 750 cylinders or from the C- to retract the hoist cylin-
rpm (low idle) and 44 gpm (167 lpm) at 2250 rpm ders. Maximum pressure is limited by the pres-
(no load, high idle rpm). Each pump’s fluid sure compensator control in the variable displace-
displacement is controlled by the angle of the ment pumps to 3,500 psi (242 bar).
swash plate during pump rotation.
Refer to Illustration 22-3:
The main pumps supply fluid to the main valve.
The pressure of the left main pump can be 1. Counter-pressure Valve - ensures that fluid
checked at pressure check (HPC3) while the from the cylinders is used primarily to replen-
pressure of the right main pump can be checked ish the system. The counter-pressure valve
at pressure check (HPC2). has a low pressure setting [approximately
60 psi (4 bar)].
Steer Pump. Refer to Section 16 for operation of
the steer pump. 2. Pressure Reducer - load signal system
drained via load signal drainage poppet .
Main Valve (Illustrations 22-2 and 22-3, and refer
to Circuit Drawing). The main valve, mounted in 3. Proportional Electro Hydraulic Solenoids -
front of the transmission, is a proportional, load- controlled by the TICS system.
sensing, directional valve that directs the flow of 4. Spools - equipped for double-acting function
fluid to the boom, hoist, and attachment damping with service ports blocked in neutral position.
circuits. This valve receives fluid flow from the
main and steer pumps. The main valve has sole- 5. Port reliefs equipped with anti-cavitation check
noid-controlled valve spools that control the boom valves - the port reliefs control the functions
and hoist functions. The solenoid valves contain maximum pressure. Anti-cavitation check
a manual override actuator. When an actuator is valves prevent voids or vacuums from forming
de-pressed, the corresponding hydraulic function inside the barrel of the cylinders.
will be performed without having an electrical sig- 6. Load Holding Poppet - forces the system to
nal sent from the Taylor Integrated Control System build pressure in the circuit before opening the
(TICS) to operate that function of the main valve. path from the valve to the cylinders. This pre-
The manual actuators should only be used during vents the load from dropping down when the
maintenance of the truck. valve is initially shifted, completing the path
from the service port to the cylinders, due to a
pressure differential between the compressed

 Death or serious injury can
fluid in the piston end of the hoist cylinders
occur from being crushed by the boom or
and the initial lower pressure in the service
attachment. Ensure that the area is clear of

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22-1

(Circuit Drawing 22) VALVE
(Illustration 22-14)

(Circuit Drawing 22)
(Illustration 22-15)


(Illustration 22-15) FLUID COOLER
(Illustration 22-7)
(Illustration 22-4)

(Illustration 22-10)

(Illustration 22-6)

(Illustration 22-15)

(Illustration 22-15)

(Illustration 16-3)

(Illustration 22-9)

(Illustration 22-2)

(Illustrations 22-12 & 22-13)

Illustration 22-1. Hydraulic System Components Identification

22-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)


PORT psl



PORT pss



Illustration 22-2. Main Valve

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22-3

Illustration 22-3. Main Valve
7. Pilot Spool - used for control of the load hold-
ing poppet. Pilot pressure when supplied to
the main valve is also sent to the pilot spool.
This shifts the pilot spool and vents the spring
side of the load hold poppet to tank. Both the
hoist cylinders piston sides as well as the ser-
vice port side of this component would act
together to shift the spool of the load holding
poppet to an open state and complete the
path from the service port of the main valve to
the hoist cylinders.

22-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)




Illustration 22-4. Hoist Regen Valve

Hoist Regen Valve (Illustration 22-4 and refer to described in detail at another section of this
Circuit Drawing). Each hoist cylinder has a regen manual.
manifold mounted to the base of the cylinder. The manifold is also equipped with two logic
This manifold has logic elements which affect elements that control the regeneration function.
hoist functions. The first element is a lower These elements are located in the SV and PD
enable / emergency lowering solenoid located in ports. Regeneration is used to increase the hoist
the SF port. This element serves as a load hold- speed by allowing oil from the rod end of the cylin-
ing check by blocking the fluid in the piston end of der to flow into the piston end of the cylinder,
the cylinder from the main valve. Fluid can flow increasing the flow rate and therefore the hoist
into the cylinder to lift without an electrical signal speed. Regeneration is only permitted when
from TICS. To lower the load a signal is send there is no load attached to the attachment.
from the TICS system to open this valve at the There are two pressure transducers attached to
same time as the main valve. The lowering speed the manifold at the GC+ and GC– ports. These
is controlled by the main valve spool position. transducers send piston and rod end cylinder
Maximum lowering speed is determined by an pressure information to the TICS system. This
orifice located in the manifold. Lowering is gravity information is used in the load weight and load
down, meaning that the rod end of the cylinder is moment calculations. There is a relief valve
not pressurized during the lowering function. If a located in the RV port which limits the maximum
problem occurs with the TICS system or main pressure for hoist up.
valve, the lower enable solenoid is equipped with
a manual override. This will allow the lower Gauge ports are located in GA for hoist up pres-
enable valve to maintain an open flow path from sure and GB for lowering pressure.
the cylinder to the main valve. When used in con- 1. Lower Enable / Emergency Lowering Solenoid
junction with the manual lowering valve this will Valve (SF port) – Solenoid valve powered to
allow a load to be lowered in emergency situa- enable lowering. This valve is equipped with
tions. Emergency lowering procedure is

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22-5

manual override to allow lowering of load in
conjunction with the manual lowering valves.
2. Relief Valve (RV port) – This valve controls the
maximum pressure allowed for hoist up.
3. Orifice – This orifice limits the maximum lower-
ing speed.
4. Regen Enable Solenoid Valve (SV port) –
When energized, this valve will send a pilot
signal to the Regen Logic Valve (PD port) to
enable the regen function.
5. Regen Logic Valve (PD port) – This valve will
shift when a pilot signal is received from the
Regen Enable Solenoid (SV) and allow flow
from the rod end of the cylinder to pass into
the piston end of the cylinder.
6. Pressure Transducers (GC+ and GC– ports) –
These transducers send pressure information
to the TICS system for load weight and LMI

22-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)




Illustration 22-5. Hoist Regen Valve (Lower Enable / Emergency Lowering Solenoid Valve)

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22-7

2. Ensure the load will clear any obstacles.
3. Ensure nobody is in the cab of the truck during
the entire manual lowering operation.
4. Activate the retract switch. Fully retract the
boom before lowering.
5. Activate the lower switch to lower the load.

 Death or serious injury could
occur from being crushed. DO NOT allow a
container to be positioned over the cab.

Illustration 22-6. Cab Movement Valve

Cab Movement Valve (Illustration 22-6). The cab

movement valve (refer to Illustration 22-1 for loca-
tion) is connected to the cab motor. When the cab
switch is depressed forward (cab movement for-
ward) or rearward (cab movement rearward), the
solenoid valve spool of the cab movement valve
will be energized and hydraulic flow will be sent to
the cab motor to move the cab.
Hoist Cylinders (Refer to Circuit Drawing). The
hoist cylinders are double-acting. They operate
on the principle of power up and gravity down. Illustration 22-7. Hydraulic Fluid Cooler
Emergency Lowering
Hydraulic Fluid Cooler (Refer to Circuit
In the event the engine, main pump(s), or steer Drawing). The hydraulic fluid cooler, located
pump fails when the boom is raised and / or above drive axle (see Illustration 22-7), is forced-
extended, this truck has been equipped with air cooled by a 24 VDC fan motor. Hydraulic fluid
emergency lower and retract methods. These is circulated through its tubes and the fan circu-
switches are intended for maintenance personnel lates air across the cooler and through the fins,
use only. Be aware that the Taylor Integrated cooling the hydraulic fluid. The fan motor will run
Control System LMI system will be bypassed while to cool the fluid when the thermostat senses that
performing these procedures. Perform the follow- the hydraulic fluid temperature has exceeded
ing procedures to lower the load during an emer- 140_F (60_C).
Servicing The Hydraulic System

 Death or serious injury could Hydraulic Operation. All hydraulic functions
result from the truck overturning. Operate should be checked daily for free operation (refer
manual lowering / retracting valves with to Daily Checks in the Operator’s Guide).
extreme caution. The Load Moment Indicator Hydraulic Tank (Illustration 22-10). The hydraulic
system will not be activated during a manual tank is equipped with two return filters. All air
lowering operation. Always fully retract the entering the tank is filtered through a disposable
attachment before lowering. breather. Refer to the Service Capacities in the
1. Apply the parking brake. Appendices for the total refill capacity of the

22-8 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

hydraulic tank. reusable. These filters should be replaced period-
ically (refer to the Preventive Maintenance chart
Checking The Fluid Level (Illustration 22-10).
in the Appendices for return filters replacement
The hydraulic fluid level can be checked on the
interval). Perform the following procedures to
fluid level dipstick. Ensure the hoist and boom
replace the hydraulic return filters:
cylinders are retracted and the attachment is in
the 20 ft. (6.1 m) position of operation before
checking hydraulic fluid level. Refer to the Fuel  Used return hydraulic filters
and Lubricant Specifications in the Appendices should be disposed of according to federal
for the type of fluid to be used. and local regulations.
Add hydraulic fluid until the fluid level is even with 1. Loosen the 6 bolts.
the FULL mark on the dipstick. The fluid level
must be maintained between the FULL and ADD 2. Twist the cover counterclockwise and lift to
marks on the dipstick. remove cover.
3. Remove the filter assembly.
 Not adhering to the above pro- 4. Remove return filter.
cedure can lead to overfilling of the hydraulic
tank. As a result, hydraulic fluid will be forced 5. Install new filter.
through the breather. 6. Place cover over bolts until cover seats
against head and twist cover clockwise. Tight-
Breather Filter (Illustration 22-10). Replace the
en bolts to a torque value of 10 - 12 ft-lbs (14 -
breather filter periodically (refer to the Preventive
16 N⋅m).
Maintenance chart in the Appendices for breath-
er filter replacement interval). More frequent
replacement may be necessary if the machine is RETURN
being operated under extremely dusty conditions. FILTER


100 PSI
(7 bar)


Illustration 22-9. Pilot Filter

Pilot Filter Replacement (Illustration 22-9). The

Illustration 22-8. Hydraulic Return Filter pilot filter filters the pilot pressure fluid. The filter
head contains a 100 psi (7 bar) bypass. When a
pressure differential of greater than 100 psi exists
Hydraulic Return Filters Replacement (Illustra-
through the filter, the bypass will open and unfil-
tion 22-8). The hydraulic return filters are made
tered pilot fluid will enter the pilot passages of the
up of 10 micron glass fiber media and are non-

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22-9

brake cooling / pilot pressure manifold. The pilot block the wheels in both directions to prevent
filter should be replaced periodically (refer to the movement of the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out
Preventive Maintenance chart in the Appen- the truck.
dices for pilot filter replacement interval). Perform
the following procedures to replace the pilot filter:
 Dispose of drained hydraulic
fluid in accordance with federal and local

 Death or serious injury could regulations.
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake,
block the wheels in both directions to prevent  The hoist cylinders and boom
movement of the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out cylinder should be fully retracted to keep
the truck. dilution of the new hydraulic fluid to a
 Dispose of fluid and filter in
accordance with federal and local regulations.  Plug all hoses when they are
disconnected to prevent foreign matter from
1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply entering the hydraulic system.
the parking brake, block the wheels in both
directions to prevent movement of the truck 1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply
and Lock Out & Tag Out the truck. the parking brake, block the wheels in both
directions to prevent movement of the truck
2. Ensure filter is cool to the touch and provide a and Lock Out & Tag Out the truck.
suitable container to catch any draining fluid.
2. Provide a suitable container, remove the drain
3. Drain the filter bowl if equipped with drain bolt. plug and drain the hydraulic fluid.
4. Loosen and remove filter bowl. 3. Remove the filler cap with dipstick from the
5. Remove filter by pulling downward with a slight hydraulic tank.
twisting motion. Discard properly of filter. 4. Remove the breather filter.
6. Check bowl O-ring for damage and replace if 5. Remove the return filters (refer to Hydraulic
necessary. Return Hydraulic Filters Replacement for
7. Lubricate the O-ring of the new filter with clean removal procedures).
hydraulic fluid. Place new filter on post in filter 6. After all the fluid has been drained from the
head. tank, remove the access cover(s) and
8. Install filter bowl and tighten to a torque value O-ring(s).
of 15 - 20 ft-lbs (20 - 27 N⋅m). 7. Steam clean the interior of the hydraulic tank.
Changing The Hydraulic Fluid (Illustration
22-10). The hydraulic fluid should be changed 
 Do Not clean the interior of
periodically (refer to the Preventive Maintenance the hydraulic tank with a flammable solvent;
chart in the Appendices for hydraulic fluid change this can create a serious fire hazard.
interval). The hydraulic fluid must also be
changed in the event of a catastrophic failure of a 8. Install new return filters.
hydraulic component. Refer to the Fuel and 9. Re-install access cover(s) and O-ring(s).
Lubricant Specifications chart in the Appen- Inspect O-ring(s) and replace if necessary.
dices for the proper type of fluid to be used and
perform the following procedures to change the 10. Re-install the drain plug.
hydraulic fluid: 11. Install new breather filter.
12. Slowly fill tank with hydraulic fluid while

 Death or serious injury could inspecting for leaks (pay particular attention to
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on the access covers). If a leak is detected,
a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake, repair before adding additional hydraulic fluid.

22-10 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)






Illustration 22-10. Hydraulic Tank Components Identification

If there are no leaks detected, fill the hydraulic leaks. Tighten connections / bolts as required.
tank to the FULL mark on the fluid level dip-
stick (see Illustration 22-10). Hydraulic Hose Assemblies and Fittings. All
hydraulic hose assemblies should be checked
13. Inspect hydraulic tank fittings and hoses for daily for chafed or cracked hoses. Check daily to

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22-11

ensure that there are no loose fittings on the one near the lift truck - certainly not walking,
hydraulic connections. standing under, or beside the load or lifting

 Do Not use hands to check
for hydraulic leaks. Because the hydraulic 
 Death or serious injury could
system is under high pressure, leaks could result from a runaway truck. Apply the parking
develop that can not be seen, but will pene- brake, block the wheels in both directions to
trate the skin and possibly cause other serious prevent movement of the truck and Lock Out &
injuries. When checking for hydraulic leaks, Tag Out the truck.
wear heavy gloves and safety goggles, and
use a piece of cardboard or wood to find leaks.
(See Illustration 22-11). 
 Death or serious injury could
result from being crushed. Do not operate the
truck with the manual lowering valve open.
Close valve before attempting to raise the

 Always use approved ladders,
stands, or manlifts to reach high places on the
Opening The Manual Retracting Valve (Illustration
22-12). Perform the following procedures to open
the manual retracting valve:
1. Remove the front decking panel from the truck
to gain access to the manual retracting valves.
2. Remove the stem screw and collar.
3. Remove the lock plate.
4. Ensure no one is under / near the attachment
or load lifting mechanism.
Illustration 22-11. Detecting Hydraulic Leaks 5. Ensure no one is in the cab of the truck.
Manual Lowering / Retracting Valves Operation

 LMI will not stop lowering of
The manual lowering / retracting valves should the boom in manual mode. Tip over could
only be opened when normal lowering / retracting occur! Always ensure no one is in the cab of
methods cannot be performed and should only be the truck before operation. Always fully retract
used by maintenance personnel. These valves the boom before lowering.
are located on the front side of the main valve.
6. Turn the valve stem counterclockwise 1/4 turn
until the notches on top of the valve stem align

 Death or serious injury could with the hydraulic fittings of the valve block
result from the truck overturning. Operate (note position of valve stem in Illustration
manual lowering / retracting valves with 22-13).
extreme caution. The Load Moment Indicator
system will not be activated during a manual 7. Using an approved manlift, adjust counterbal-
lowering operation. Always fully retract the ances (CB1 and CB2, Illustration 22-14) of the
attachment before lowering. Boom Regen Valve by loosening the jam nut
and turning the setscrew clockwise of both
counterbalances until the boom cylinder

 Death or serious injury could retracts.
result from being crushed. Do not allow any-

22-12 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

NOTE: The only way to stop the retracting of the by depressing and turning stem counterclock-
boom is by closing the manual retracting valve or wise (Illustration 22-5).
turning the Boom Regen Valve counterbalances
2. Remove the front decking panel from the truck
(CB1 and CB2) setscrew counterclockwise.
to gain access to the manual lowering valve.
8. After the boom has been fully retracted, close 3. Remove the stem screw and collar.
the manual retracting valve (refer to Closing
The Manual Lowering / Retracting Valve). 4. Remove the lock plate.
9. Re-adjust the Boom Regen Valve counterbal- 5. Ensure no one is under / near the attachment
ances (CB1 and CB2, Illustration 22-14) by or load lifting mechanism.
turning the setscrew of each counterbalance 6. Ensure no one is in the cab of the truck.
counterclockwise. After counterbalances have
been adjusted, tighten the jam nut of each
 LMI will not stop lowering of
the boom in manual mode. Tip over could
occur! Always ensure no one is in the cab of
the truck before operation. Always fully retract
STEM the boom before lowering.
7. Turn the valve stem counterclockwise 1/4 turn
until the notches on top of the valve stem align
with the hydraulic fittings of the valve block
(note position of valve stem in Illustration
COLLAR 22-13).
NOTE: The only way to stop the lowering of the
load is by closing the manual lowering valve.
PLATE 8. After the load has been fully lowered, close
the manual lowering valve (refer to Closing
VALVE The Manual Lowering / Retracting Valve).
9. Reposition the Lower Enable Cartridge in the
normal working position by depressing and
turning stem clockwise (Illustration 22-5).


Illustration 22-12. Manual Lowering / Retracting

Valve 1/4 turn
Opening The Manual Lowering Valve (Illustration
22-12). Perform the following procedures to open FULLY CLOSED
the manual lowering valve:
1. Place the Lower Enable Cartridge in the over- Illustration 22-13. Closing and Opening The
ride position (SF port on Hoist Regen Valve) Lowering / Retracting Valve

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22-13

Closing The Manual Lowering / Retracting Valves position of valve stem in Illustration 22-13).
(Illustration 22-12). The manual lowering / retract-
2. Install the lock plate over the valve stem.
ing valves must be closed and locked before oper-
Ensure that the notch of the lock plate is secu-
ating the truck. Perform the following procedures
red by the stud on the valve block (see Illustra-
to close the manual lowering / retracting valves:
tion 22-13).
1. Turn the valve stem clockwise 1/4 turn until the
3. Install collar over valve stem.
notches, located on top of the valve stem,
point toward the sides of the valve block (note 4. Install stem screw and tighten.



Illustration 22-14. Boom Regen Valve (Counterbalances)

22-14 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)






Illustration 22-15. Hydraulic Pressure Checks

Setting Hydraulic Pressures blown loose with great force which could
Hydraulic pressures must be set at recommended cause severe bodily injury or death.
engine speed. The hydraulic fluid should be at
operating temperature before adjusting hydraulic 
 Fluid passing over a relief
pressures. generates heat; should a relief be blown loose,
hot, pressurized fluid will be forced from the

 Death or serious injury could open port. This could cause severe bodily
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on injury.
a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake Prior to setting any hydraulic pressures, these pro-
and block the wheels in both directions to pre- cedures must be performed first:
vent movement of the truck.
1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface.

 Under no circumstances, 2. Apply the parking brake.
when setting pressures, allow any portion of 3. Block the wheels in both directions to prevent
your body to be positioned in front of the movement of the truck.
relief. It is possible that the relief could be

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22-15

4. Remove the front decking panel from the truck 400 psi (27.6 bar) Pressure Relief
to gain access to the attachment relief valve. 1. Install an appropriate pressure gauge into
Main Valve (Refer to Circuit Drawing). The boom pressure check (HPC5, located in port A of the
expansion section of the main valve contains two brake cooling / pilot pressure manifold, refer to
port relief valves that are factory set and non- Circuit Drawing).
adjustable. 2. At low idle, observe gauge and set pressure
Boom Regen Valve (Refer to Circuit Drawing). for 400 psi (27.6 bar) if required. Refer to pro-
The boom regen valve contains a relief valve that cedures 3. through 5. to set the pressure.
is factory set and non-adjustable. 3. Remove the end cap and loosen the locknut
Hoist Regen Valves (Refer to Circuit Drawing). on the 400 psi relief.
Each hoist regen valve contains a relief valve that 4. Turn the setscrew clockwise to increase the
is factory set and non-adjustable. pressure or counterclockwise to decrease the
Attachment Relief Valve (Illustration 29-8 and pressure.
refer to Circuit Drawing). Perform the following 5. Tighten the locknut and re-install the end cap
procedures to set the attachment relief valve: after the pressure has been set.
1. Position the attachment as low as possible 325 psi (22.4 bar) Pressure Relief. This relief
and shut off the truck. has been factory preset. If adjustment of it is
2. Remove the hose from the attachment supply required, remove the wire tie from the end cap.
port of the attachment relief valve (see Illustra-
tion 29-5 for hose location). Plug the hose NOTE: The 400 psi (27.6 bar) pressure relief
and cap the fitting. must be set prior to procedure 1. of the 325 psi
pressure relief pressure setting procedures.
3. Install an appropriate pressure gauge onto
pressure check (HPC4, Illustration 22-15). 1. Install an appropriate pressure gauge into
4. Start the truck, activate an attachment func- pressure check (HPC5, located in port A of the
tion, and observe the gauge installed in proce- brake cooling / pilot pressure manifold, refer to
dure 3. The gauge reading should indicate Circuit Drawing).
2,750 psi (190 bar). If not, perform proce- 2. Remove the hydraulic hose from port C of the
dures 5. through 7. to set the pressure of the brake cooling / pilot pressure manifold. Cap
port relief valves. the hose and plug the port.
5. Remove the cap from the attachment relief 3. At high idle, observe gauge and set pressure
setscrew and loosen the jam nut. for 725 psi (50 bar) if required [the gauge
6. While dead-heading the attachment function, reading at pressure check (HPC5) will be the
turn the setscrew clockwise to increase the sum of both the 400 psi (27.6 bar) relief and
pressure or counterclockwise to decrease the the 325 psi (22.4 bar) relief]. Refer to proce-
pressure. Adjust to the above indicated pres- dures 4. through 7. to set the pressure.
sure. 4. Remove the end cap and loosen the locknut
7. Tighten the jamb nut and re-install the cap on the 325 psi relief.
onto the setscrew. 5. Turn the setscrew clockwise to increase the
8. Reconnect the hose (removed in procedure 2.) pressure or counterclockwise to decrease the
to the attachment supply port of the attach- pressure.
ment relief valve. 6. Tighten the locknut and re-install the end cap
Brake Cooling / Pilot Pressure Manifold after the pressure has been set.
(Illustration 15C-2) 7. Reconnect the hydraulic hose to port C of the
The brake cooling / pilot pressure manifold con- brake cooling / pilot pressure manifold.
tains a 400 psi pressure relief in port 3, a 325 psi 500 psi (34.5 bar) Pressure Reducer. This relief
pressure relief in port 2 and a 500 psi pressure has been factory preset at 400 psi (27.6 bar) and
reducer in port 1.

22-16 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

will have to be adjusted to 500 psi (34.5 bar) upon can use in diagnosing a problem is the check of
replacement with new brake cooling / pilot pres- the hydraulic circuit pressure on any machine that
sure manifold. If adjustment of it is required, uses hydraulic components. The two cardinal
remove the wire tie from the end cap. rules that should be followed are:
1. Install an appropriate pressure gauge into 1. Excessive pressure does not offer any opera-
pressure check (HPC6, located in port D of the tional advantage. It only shortens component
brake cooling / pilot pressure manifold, refer to life.
Circuit Drawing).
2. Pressure just high enough to achieve compo-
2. At high idle, observe gauge and set pressure nent function is always the most desirable
for 500 psi (34.5 bar) if required. Refer to pro- setting.
cedures 3. through 5. to set the pressure.
We must also remember that the only reasons for
3. Remove the end cap and loosen the locknut making a hydraulic pressure check are to verify
on the 500 psi reducer. that the system is to specifications or to trouble-
shoot the system to pinpoint a malfunction.
4. Turn the setscrew clockwise to increase the
Before an accurate reading can be obtained the
pressure or counterclockwise to decrease the
following steps must be taken:
1. The hydraulic fluid must be to Taylor specifica-
5. Tighten the locknut and re-install the end cap
tions. Any fluid not to these specifications can
after the pressure has been set.
give a faulty reading.
Steer Sensing Valve (Illustration 16-3 and refer to
2. The hydraulic system should have been run
Circuit Drawing). The steer pressure relief is fac-
long enough to bring the system temperature
tory set and non-adjustable. Perform the following
to approximately 125 - 150_F (52 - 66_C).
procedures to check the steer pressure:
One of the best ways to attain this tempera-
1. Install an appropriate pressure gauge onto ture is to dead-head a cylinder for a short peri-
pressure check (HPC1, refer to Circuit od of time, passing fluid over the relief valve to
Drawing). generate heat.
2. Steer truck all the way to either side and dead- 3. It is extremely important that pressure read-
head the steer cylinder. ings on Taylor equipment be taken at the point
and engine speed specified. If the pressure
3. At high idle, observe gauge and set pressure
gauge is installed at another point in the sys-
for 3,000 psi (207 bar).
tem, readings other than the correct one can
4. If the steer pressure reading is lower than be obtained. It should be noted that for accu-
3,000 psi, the steer sensing valve should be racy readings should be obtained when the
replaced. truck engine is running at the recommended
rpm (refer to Circuit Drawing for the Pressure
Hydraulic System Troubleshooting
Setting Chart).
(Refer to Circuit Drawing)
One of the most misunderstood systems is the
hydraulic system incorporated in industrial trucks. 
 Death or serious injury can
What appears to be a simple failure of a compo- occur from being crushed by the boom or
nent is usually corrected by replacement of that attachment. Ensure that the area is clear of
component, without due regard to the cause of personnel before activating any manual
the failure. There may be several individual sys- override of the main valve.
tems such as lift, steer, and attachment tied During troubleshooting of the hydraulic system,
together to become one overall hydraulic system. the TICS system diagnostic tools should be used
In which event, what happens to one subsystem to isolate the problem and determine whether the
may affect every other subsystem. Therefore, it is root cause is hydraulic or electrical.
absolutely necessary that special attention be
given to pressures and cleanliness. For example, when the hoist or boom extension /
retraction fails to operate properly, the Hydraulic
The most meaningful system check a serviceman Diagnostic screen on the TICS main display will

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22-17

help to determine if the problem is electrical or hydraulic. At this screen, the input from the joystick and
output to the main valve is shown. If the ”Signal To Valve” values displayed are 0 (see Illustration 22-16),
the TICS system is not sending a signal to the main valve to complete the function. The first check
should be of the controlling objects for the desired function (such as operator presence switch, joystick
input, etc. and not the hydraulic system.

Illustration 22-16. Hydraulic Diagnostic Screen (Signal To Valve Values: 0)

If the ”Signal To Valve” values displayed are >10 or <–10 (see Illustration 22-17) and no electrical error
messages such as ”Open Load” are displayed, the problem is related to the hydraulic system and the
following steps should be followed to help diagnose the problem.

Illustration 22-17. Hydraulic Diagnostic Screen (Signal To Valve Values: >10 or <–10)

22-18 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

1. No hoist or boom Activate the Hoist Down manual

positioning override actuator (see Illustration
If boom lowers by use of manual
override actuator, this indicates
there is an electrical problem (use
the TICS system diagnostic tools to
troubleshoot). If boom doesn’t low-
er, the problem is hydraulic (contin-
ue with Cause 1. of this Problem).
1. Low pilot pressure. 1. Refer to Problem 6. of this trouble-
shooting chart.
2. Low hydraulic fluid flow. 2. Refer to Problem 7. of this trouble-
shooting chart.
3. Worn or damaged main pumps or 3. Repair or replace pump(s).
steer pump.

2. No boom retract- Activate the Boom Retract manual

ing or slow retract- override actuator (see Illustration
ing 22-2).
If boom retracts by use of manual
override actuator, this indicates
there is an electrical problem (use
the TICS system diagnostic tools to
troubleshoot). If boom doesn’t
retract, the problem is hydraulic
(continue with Cause 1. of this
1. Low pilot pressure. 1. Refer to Problem 6. of this trouble-
shooting chart.
2. Low hydraulic fluid flow. 2. Refer to Problem 7. of this trouble-
shooting chart.
3. Defective main valve. 3. Repair / replace main valve.
4. Defective port relief valve in main 4. Replace port relief valve.
5. Defective boom regen valve. 5. Replace boom regen valve.
6. Defective counterbalance valve in 6. Replace counterbalance valve.
boom regen valve.
7. Defective check valve in boom 7. Replace check valve.
regen valve.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22-19

Problem Cause Correction

3. No boom exten- Activate the Boom Extend manual

sion or slow boom override actuator (see Illustration
extension 22-2).
If boom extends by use of manual
override actuator, this indicates
there is an electrical problem (use
the TICS system diagnostic tools to
troubleshoot). If boom doesn’t
extend, the problem is hydraulic
(continue with Cause 1. of this
1. Low pilot pressure. 1. Refer to Problem 6. of this trouble-
shooting chart.
2. Low hydraulic fluid flow. 2. Refer to Problem 7. of this trouble-
shooting chart.
3. Defective main valve. 3. Repair / replace main valve.
4. Defective port relief valve in main 4. Replace port relief valve.
5. Defective boom regen valve. 5. Replace boom regen valve.
6. Defective counterbalance valve in 6. Replace counterbalance valve.
boom regen valve.
7. Defective check valve in boom 7. Replace check valve.
regen valve.
8. Incorrect relief valve pressure set- 8. Set relief valve for correct pres-
ting in boom regen valve. sure.
9. Defective relief valve in boom 9. Replace relief valve.
regen valve.
10. Manual retracting valve is in open. 10. Close manual retracting valve.

4. No hoisting or slow Activate the Hoist Up manual over-

hoisting ride actuator (see Illustration 22-2).
If boom raises by use of manual
override actuator, this indicates
there is an electrical problem (use
the TICS system diagnostic tools to
troubleshoot). If boom doesn’t
raise, the problem is hydraulic
(continue with Cause 1. of this
1. Low pilot pressure. 1. Refer to Problem 6. of this trouble-
shooting chart.


22-20 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

4. No hoisting or slow 2. Low hydraulic fluid flow. 2. Refer to Problem 7. of this trouble-
hoisting shooting chart.
3. Defective main valve. 3. Repair / replace main valve.
4. Defective port relief valve in main 4. Replace port relief valve.
5. Fluid is bypassing the hoist cylinder 5. Isolate and repack lift cylinder.
piston packing.
6. Defective hoist regen valve. 6. Replace hoist regen valve.
7. Solenoid spool in hoist regen valve 7. Remove spool, visually inspect
is sticking. spool and spool housing for debris.
8. Incorrect main relief pressure set- 8. Set main relief for correct pressure.
ting in hoist regen valve.
9. Defective main relief in hoist regen 9. Replace main relief.

5. No lowering or Activate the Hoist Down manual

slow lowering override actuator (see Illustration
22-2) and manually override the
Lower Enable / Emergency Lower-
ing Solenoid of the hoist regen
If boom lowers by use of manual
override actuator, this indicates
there is an electrical problem (use
the TICS system diagnostic tools to
troubleshoot). If boom doesn’t low-
er, the problem is hydraulic (contin-
ue with Cause 1. of this Problem).
1. Defective Lower Enable / Emer- 1. Operate the Lower Enable / Emer-
gency Lowering Solenoid Valve of gency Lowering Solenoid Valve in
the Hoist Regen Valve (see Illustra- its override position (refer to Open-
tion 22-5). ing The Manual Lowering Valve of
the Manual Lowering / Retracting
Valves Operation of this section.
2. Low pilot pressure. 2. Refer to Problem 6. of this trouble-
shooting chart.
3. Defective main valve. 3. Repair / replace main valve.
4. Solenoid spool in hoist regen valve 4. Remove spool, visually inspect
is sticking. spool and spool housing for debris.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22-21

Problem Cause Correction

6. Low or no pilot 1. Defective brake cooling / pilot pres- 1. Replace brake cooling / pilot pres-
pressure sure manifold. sure manifold.
2. Loose or crimped pilot pressure 2. Isolate and repair.
3. Loose, broken, or shorted wire(s). 3. Isolate and repair.
4. Loose connection or pin broken at 4. Isolate and repair.
electrical connector.
5. Worn or damaged brake cooling / 5. Repair or replace pump.
attachment pump.

7. Low or no hydrau- 1. Low hydraulic fluid supply. 1. Fill hydraulic tank to the correct
lic fluid flow level.
2. Cold hydraulic fluid. 2. Due to extended periods of cold
temperatures, the viscosity of the
hydraulic fluid can increase. Con-
sider adding a cold weather
3. Breather filter is restricted. 3. Replace breather filter.
4. Using incorrect type of hydraulic 4. Drain and flush hydraulic circuits.
fluid. Refer to the Fuel and Lubricant
Specifications in the Appendices
for the proper type of hydraulic
5. Low pilot pressure. 5. Refer to Problem 6. of this trouble-
shooting chart.
6. Air leak in suction hose to pump(s). 6. Isolate and repair.
7. Worn or defective pump(s). 7. Repair or replace pump(s).

22-22 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 22E

Introduction. The accumulator acts as a shock Charging The Accumulator (Illustration 22E-1).
absorber in the hydraulic system. When the driv- Perform the following procedures to charge the
en member of the hydraulic system stops sudden- accumulator:
ly, it creates a pressure wave that travels back
through the system. This shock wave can devel-  Use only dry nitrogen to
op peak pressures several times greater than nor- charge the accumulator.
mal working pressures and can be the source of
system failure. The gas cushion in an accumula-
tor will minimize this shock, protecting expensive  When precharging, the initial
hydraulic components. 50 psi (3.5 bar) of dry nitrogen should be
Accumulators. The accumulator, attached to the introduced slowly into the accumulator.
main frame of the attachment, is a hydro-pneu- 1. Install the charging kit (Illustration 22E-1) as
matic piston-type accumulator which is pre- explained in the Checking Precharge proce-
charged to 65 psi (4.5 bar) of dry nitrogen. dures above.
Checking Precharge. The precharge check
2. Connect the charging kit to a nitrogen bottle
should be performed periodically (refer to the
with the charging hose (8).
Preventive Maintenance chart in the Appen-
dices for precharge check interval). Follow the 3. Inflate the accumulator to the predetermined
procedures listed below to check precharge (a pressure by opening the valve on the nitrogen
charging kit is available from Taylor, part number bottle slowly, closing it occasionally to allow
1000-503). See Illustration 22E-1 for charging kit. the needle of the pressure gauge (2) to settle
1. To read and adjust the gas pressure or “pre- into position giving an accurate pressure read-
charge” pressure, all of the hydraulic fluid must ing.
be drained from the fluid side of the accumula- 4. When the proper precharge pressure is
tor to zero hydraulic pressure. To accomplish reached, close the valve on the nitrogen
this, let the lift cylinder down and hold lever in bottle.
the DOWN position for approximately one
minute. 5. To release pressure in excess of the desired
precharge, slowly open the bleeder valve (6)
2. Remove the valve guard and cap from the until the pressure drops to the desired level.
6. Rotate the bar handle counterclockwise to the
3. Ensure that the shaft of the air chuck (4) is full stop position and then disconnect the swiv-
fully retracted by turning the bar handle coun- el (7) from the adapter (3).
terclockwise until it stops.
7. Remove the air chuck (4) from the accumula-
4. Do not have the charging hose (8) connected tor valve stem.
to the gauging head assembly (1) unless free
end of charging hose is plugged. 8. Check the valve stem for leaks with a soapy
water solution or oil. If the core is leaking,
5. Mount the swivel of the air chuck (4) on the depress it quickly, once or twice, to reseat the
accumulator’s valve stem and hand tighten to core. It may be necessary to further tighten or
compress the gasket in the swivel to prevent replace the core if leakage persists.
gas leakage.
9. Install the accumulator valve stem cap, then
6. Turn the bar handle clockwise until the shaft tighten 1/2 turn beyond hand tight.
depresses the valve stem core of the accumu-
lator. The precharge pressure should now be 10. Install the accumulator valve guard.
indicated by the pressure gauge (2). 11. Recheck precharge one week after charging
for pressure loss.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22E-1

Accumulator Part PSI Setting BAR Setting
Number / Size
2 2215-121 / 1 qt. 1,000 psi 69 bar
2215-124 / 1 qt. 1,500 psi 104 bar
3 2788-955 / 1 qt. 1,500 psi 104 bar
7 1 2788-970 / 1 qt. 1,000 psi 69 bar
2788-975 / 1 qt. 1,000 psi 69 bar
2788-931 / 2 qt. 500 psi 34.5 bar

5 2788-940 / 1 gal. 65 psi 4.5 bar

8 2788-941 / 1 gal. 65 psi 4.5 bar
2788-949 / 1 gal. 1,250 psi 86 bar
2788-950 / 1 gal. 1,000 psi 69 bar
2788-951 / 1 gal. 1,500 psi 104 bar
2788-952 / 1 gal. 1,500 psi 104 bar
6 ACCUMULATOR 2788-953 / 1 gal. 1,500 psi 104 bar
2788-960 / 1 gal. 800 psi 55 bar
9 11
10 2788-961 / 1 gal. 1,500 psi 104 bar
2788-972 / 1 gal. 800 psi 55 bar
2788-965 / 2-1/2 gal. 800 psi 55 bar
2788-966 / 2-1/2 gal. 1,500 psi 104 bar
NITROGEN 2788-976 / 2 qt. 65 psi 4.5 bar

Charging Kit

Illustration 22E-1. Charging Accumulator

22E-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

22H-Attachment Rotate, Jacks
and Damping System
Section 22H

Attachment Rotate and Damping System







Illustration 22H-1. Attachment Rotate System Components

Attachment Rotation attachment rotate and damping hydraulic systems
Attachment rotation is controlled by two buttons have the format “CD 22H” and “CD 22K”.
on the right rear face of the joystick. Rotation is Major Components (Illustration 22H-1). The
limited to +/–15 degrees at lift heights below 210 major components of the attachment rotation
inches (533 cm) and 6 inches (15.2 cm) exten- system consists of the brake cooling / attachment
sion. As extension increases, the allowed rotation pump, rotate valve (HV15), attachment relief
angle increases linearly. Rotation is limited to valve, rotate manifolds (HV17 and HV18), two
+/–15 degrees at lift heights above 210 inches rotate motors and two gearboxes.
(533 cm) regardless of extension. The attachment
override key will allow rotation beyond the limits Brake Cooling / Attachment Pump. Refer to
listed. The override switch should only be used Section 15C for operation of the brake cooling /
during maintenance or an emergency. Rotation attachment pump.
can be manually cycled by depressing the over-
Rotate Valve (HV15, Illustration 22H-2 and refer
ride actuator in the center of each control solenoid
to Circuit Drawing CD 22H)
on the rotate valve. Additional technical informa-
tion can be located on the circuit drawings in the
Appendices. The Circuit Drawings for the 
 NEVER allow anyone on the

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22H-1




[SET TO 2,500 PSI

Illustration 22H-2. Rotate Valve (HV15)

attachment as it’s being operated. Always sure throughout the attachment circuits.
have an operator move the attachment to the
The rotate work section, containing ports A (rotate
desired position prior to checking or setting
attachment clockwise) and B (rotate attachment
counterclockwise), is connected to the left and
right manifold valves (HV17 and HV18) by hydrau-

 Do not climb on the boom, top lic hoses. Each port contains a relief valve that
of the cab or other high places of the truck limits the output to 2,200 psi (152 bar) at high idle.
while performing maintenance. This can be checked by installing a pressure
gauge onto pressure check (HPC34 or HPC35;
dependant on rotate direction), and fully rotating

 Always use approved ladders, clockwise (or counterclockwise) by depressing
stands, or manlifts to reach high places on the and holding down the desired rotate function but-
truck. ton on the joystick.
The inlet section of the rotate valve (HV15) con- The outlet section provides the connection from
tains a main relief valve, set for 2,500 psi (173 the rotate valve (HV15) to the main attachment
bar), which controls the maximum obtainable pres- valve.

22H-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Setting Hydraulic Pressures (Refer to Circuit 6. Have an operator activate the twistlock over-
Drawings CD 22H and CD 22K) ride key and rotate the attachment clockwise
until stops make contact.
Hydraulic pressures must be set at recommended
engine speed. The hydraulic fluid should be at 7. At high idle, observe the pressure gauge and
operating temperature before adjusting hydraulic set the pressure, if required, of the A port relief
pressures. valve for 2,200 psi (152 bar). Refer to proce-
dures 8. through 10. to set the pressure.

 Death or serious injury could 8. Loosen the locknut of the A port relief valve.
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on 9. Turn the setscrew clockwise to increase the
a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake pressure or counterclockwise to decrease the
and block the wheels in both directions to pressure.
prevent movement of the truck.
10. Tighten the locknut after the pressure has
been set.

 Never allow any portion of
your body to be positioned in front of the relief 11. Have an operator activate the twistlock over-
when setting pressures. It is possible that the ride key and rotate the attachment counter-
relief could be blown loose with great force clockwise until stops make contact.
which could cause severe bodily injury or 12. At high idle, observe the pressure gauge and
death. set the pressure, if required, of the B port relief
valve for 2,200 psi (152 bar). Refer to proce-

 Fluid passing over a relief dures 13. through 15. to set the pressure.
generates heat; should a relief be blown loose, 13. Loosen the locknut of the B port relief valve.
hot, pressurized fluid will be forced from the
open port. Severe bodily injury can occur 14. Turn the setscrew clockwise to increase the
from contact with hot fluid. pressure or counterclockwise to decrease the

 NEVER allow anyone on the 15. Tighten the locknut after the pressure has
attachment as it’s being operated. Always been set.
have an operator move the attachment to the 16. Shut the engine down.
desired position prior to checking or setting
pressures. 17. Remove the pressure gauge installed in proce-
dure 5.
Rotate Valve (HV15) Main Relief (Illustration

 Always use approved ladders, 22H-2). Perform the following procedures to set
stands, or manlifts to reach high places on the the main relief of the rotate valve (HV15):
NOTE: The rotate A port relief (rotate clockwise)
Rotate Work Section Port Reliefs (Illustration must be temporarily adjusted to 2,600 psi (179
22H-2). Perform the following procedures to set bar) before attempting to adjust the pressure of
the rotate work section port reliefs of rotate valve the main relief. Refer to procedures 1. through
(HV15): 12. of the Rotate Work Section Port Reliefs
1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface. pressure setting procedures and set the A port
relief to 2,600 psi.
2. Apply the parking brake.
1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface.
3. Block the wheels in both directions to prevent
movement of the truck. 2. Apply the parking brake.
4. Fully lower the boom. 3. Block the wheels in both directions to prevent
movement of the truck.
5. Install an appropriate pressure gauge onto
pressure check (HPC4, Illustration 22-15). 4. Fully lower the boom.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22H-3

5. Install an appropriate pressure gauge onto 12. Shut the engine down.
pressure check (HPC4, Illustration 22-15).
13. Remove the pressure gauge installed in proce-
6. Have an operator activate the twistlock over- dure 5.
ride key and rotate the attachment clockwise.
Damping Manifold (Illustration 22H-3). The
7. At high idle, observe the pressure gauge and damping manifold contains two relief valves that
set the pressure, if required, of the main port are factory set and non-adjustable.
relief [located in the inlet of the rotate valve
Rotate Manifold (Illustration 22H-1). The rotate
bank for 2,500 psi (173 bar)]. Refer to proce-
manifold, mounted on each rotate motor, directs
dures 8. through 10. to set the pressure.
the flow of fluid from the rotate valve to the rotate
8. Loosen the locknut on the main relief. motors. Each rotate manifold contains counterbal-
ance valves that prevent the motors from free
9. Turn the setscrew clockwise to increase the
wheeling due to the weight of the load, by main-
pressure or counterclockwise to decrease the
taining a positive pressure on the motor. Rotate
manifold (HV18) contains a variable orifice which
10. Tighten the locknut on the main port relief after cushions the application of the gearbox brakes.
the pressure has been set.
Rotate Motors (LH and RH, Illustration 22H-1).
11. Reset the A port relief back to 2,200 psi (152 The rotate motors, mounted on top of each gear-
bar). Refer to procedures 1. through 10. of box, receive pressurized hydraulic fluid from the
Rotate Work Section Port Reliefs pressure respective manifold rotate valves (HV17 and
setting procedures. HV18) to rotate the attachment.

Illustration 22H-3. Damping Manifold

22H-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Rotate Gearbox Brake (Illustration 22H-1). The
gearbox brake, is spring applied and hydraulically 
 Do Not use hands to check
released. When the rotate function is activated, for hydraulic leaks. Because the hydraulic
the oil being supplied to turn the motors will build, system is under high pressure, leaks could
when the pressure is greater than the spring set- develop that can not be seen, but will pene-
ting of the brakes they will release and the attach- trate the skin and possibly cause other serious
ment will being to rotate. injuries. When checking for hydraulic leaks,
wear heavy gloves and safety goggles, and
Attachment Rotate Bearing / Rotate Bearing
use a piece of cardboard or wood to find leaks.
Gear Teeth (refer to Rotate Bearing / Rotate
(See Illustration 22H-4).
Bearing Gear Teeth Lubrication of the Lubrica-
tion section in the Appendices). The rotate bear-
ing / rotate bearing gear teeth should be lubri-
cated periodically for normal use or before storing
the machine for extended periods (refer to the
Preventive Maintenance chart in the Appen-
dices for the rotate bearing and rotate bearing
gear teeth lubrication interval). Add grease to
each grease fitting until clean grease appears at
the seal of the rotate bearing. Inspect the rotate
bearing mounting bolts periodically (refer to the
Preventive Maintenance chart in the Appen-
dices for mounting bolt inspection interval).
Damping Manifold (Illustration 22H-3 and refer to
Circuit Drawing CD 22K). The damping cylinders
exert pressure on the attachment, causing the
attachment to slightly cock away from the opera-
tor, helping the operator engage the twistlock
housings. They also stiffen the attachment from
fore and aft movement. The damping manifold
will charge the damping cylinders constantly. Illustration 22H-4. Detecting Hydraulic Leaks
1. Manifold Logic Valve - will charge the damping
cylinders until circuit pressure causes the Circuit Relief Logic. When a port relief valve is
spool to shift. When the spool shifts, pressure checked, it is necessary to be aware that there
(in excess of the spring setting of the logic are usually other relief valves in the same circuit.
spool) between the logic spool and the reliefs These relief valves may be set lower or near the
(#2) will be vented to the hydraulic tank. port relief valve that needs to be checked. It may
be necessary to temporarily increase or decrease
2. These valves allow hydraulic fluid to free-flow one of the other relief valves to insure that the port
into the damping cylinders. When fore or aft relief valve, being adjusted, is actually controlling
movement of the attachment occurs, the the pressure. If the adjustment on a relief valve is
respective relief valve will be forced open and turned and the pressure responds, the relief valve
excess pressure will be vented to the hydraulic is controlling the pressure. Remember, fluid will
tank. always flow in the path of least resistance.
3. Adjustable orifices allow greater control over
the fore and aft movement of the attachment.
Hydraulic Hose Assemblies and Fittings. All
hydraulic hose assemblies should be checked
daily for chafed or cracked hoses. Check daily to
ensure that there are no loose fittings on the
hydraulic connections.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 22H-5

Hoist Circuit

22H-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 27

Boom Assembly




Illustration 27-1. Boom Assembly With Attachment

Major Components. The boom assembly 1910.178 (p)(1) requires that trucks in need of
consists of the outer boom, inner boom and boom repair be taken out of service.
cylinder. Boom Assembly Structure. The boom assembly
Structural Inspection and Reporting Procedure is carefully engineered and ruggedly constructed,
(Refer to SIRR in the Appendices). Follow the although welded steel structures always contain
OSHA rules, 29 CFR, 1910.178 (Q)(1), (5), & (7) undetectable cracks, especially welded joints.
which require inspecting industrial trucks daily When these joints are subject to fluctuating
before being placed in service, removing trucks stresses of significant magnitude, these cracks will
from service if cracks are found, and making grow. This is known as fatigue crack growth. No
repairs only if authorized by the manufacturer. If matter how low the stress levels are kept, some
trucks are used on a round-the-clock basis, they fatigue crack growth will occur in all welded struc-
shall be examined after each shift. OSHA 29 CFR tures.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 27-1

extended and fully retracted. Additionally, boom

 Periodic inspection is extension must be checked after wear pad adjust-
required to detect fatigue cracks that have ment to ensure free movement of the boom
grown to a significant size in order to avoid through its entire range of extension. Clearance
serious failure of the structural weldment. between all wear pads and the entire boom sliding
When a crack is found, the truck must be surfaces should be 1/32 inch (0.8 mm). Adjust
immediately taken out of service and repaired. clearance by adding or removing wear pad shims
where necessary. Shims should be divided evenly
between opposing wear pads. When loosening

 Under no circumstances, wear pad retaining bolts to adjust shimming, care
without prior approval from Taylor Machine should be taken to not fully remove the bolt from
Works, Inc. Engineering Department, should the wear pad retainers. Loosen bolts only enough
the boom assembly be modified. As per OSHA to insert required shims.
29 CFR1910.178 (a) (4).
Boom Pivot Shimming

 If the fatigue crack is allowed
to grow, catastrophic failure could occur in the 
 Death or serious injury could
boom assembly or other welded components result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
causing serious injury to personnel and / or a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake,
property. and block the wheels in both directions to
prevent movement of the truck.
Maintenance / Inspections. There are several
inspectional requirements which must be per-
formed daily. These inspections must include 
 Death or serious injury may
checking all welds and structural members for occur from improperly supporting an elevated
cracks. Check all boom mounting hardware for load. The parts could move or fall without
damage or loose bolts. Hydraulic hoses and fit- warning.
tings must be checked for leaks and signs of wear S Never get under, or between heavy parts that
or damage. are not properly supported.
S Never work under or between moving parts

 Do not climb on the boom, top of an elevated load supported only by the
of the cab or other high places of the truck truck’s hydraulic system.
while performing maintenance. S Never work under or between moving parts
of components supported by a hydraulic

 Always use approved ladders, jack or by a hoist.
stands, or manlifts to reach high places on the Use Common Sense:
S Stay clear of moving or elevated parts when
performing the shimming procedure.

 Do not use a material S Use man-baskets or approved ladders when-
handling lift truck as a means to elevate ever possible to keep yourself clear of any
personnel. parts that could move or fall should a com-
Boom Wear Pads (Illustration 27-2). The boom ponent fail. Do not position man-baskets or
wear pads life depends on the duty cycle and ladders such that the man-basket or ladder
operation of the truck. Periodically, the boom is under elevated parts.
wear pads may require shimming to adjust for S If ladders or man-baskets cannot be used to
wear. Replace wear pads which have been worn keep yourself clear of the elevated parts,
to 7/8 inch (22.2 mm) thickness or which have ALWAYS block elevated parts with cribbing
been cracked or broken. or stands adequate to support the load.
Boom Wear Pads Adjustment (Illustration 27-2). S When blocking, ensure each individual
When adjusting the wear pads it is important to component is blocked. Do not rely on one
check the clearances with the boom fully elevated component to support another.

27-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)




Illustration 27-2 Boom Assembly Wear Pads

During assembly or disassembly of the telescop- 1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply
ing boom, shimming is required to eliminate the parking brake, and block the wheels in
excess slack in the boom pivot pin joint. Shims of both directions to prevent movement of the
various thicknesses are available for this purpose. truck.
Shims must be divided evenly between both sides
2. Ensure that the boom is fully retracted and ful-
of each boom pivot ear and divided evenly
ly lowered. Lock Out & Tag Out the truck.
between the two ears. When shimming is com-
plete, each boom pivot ear should be centered in 3. Refer to Illustration 27-3 and perform the fol-
the space between the chassis pivot ears. lowing procedures to determine the total shim
thickness required between the inside face of

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 27-3

the boom pivot ears and inner chassis pivot pivot ears.
d. Install shims at each location leaving a
a. Measure the width between the inside face maximum total clearance of 1/16 inch (1.6
of the boom pivot ears (Measurement A) mm).
and record measurement.
4. Refer to Illustration 27-3 and perform the fol-
b. Measure the width between the outside lowing procedures to determine the shim thick-
face of the chassis pivot ears (Measure- ness required between the outside face of the
ment B) and record measurement. boom pivot ears and outer chassis pivot ears.
c. Subtract measurement B from measure- a. Measure the width between the inside face
ment A. Divide the result by 2 and sub- of the chassis pivot ears (Measurement D)
tract 1/16 inch to obtain result C. The and record measurement.
result C is the total thickness of shims
b. Measure the width between the outside
required to shim between the inside face of
face of the boom pivot ears (Measurement
the boom pivot ears and inner chassis
E) and record measurement.



INNER – = 2 = – 1/16” =

OUTER – = 2 = – 1/16” =

Illustration 27-3 Boom Pivot Shimming

27-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

c. Subtract measurement E from measure- Boom Extension Sensor (Illustration 27-1). The
ment D. Divide the result by 2 and sub- boom extension sensor measures the distance
tract 1/16 inch to obtain result F. The the inner boom is extended from the outer boom.
result F is the total thickness of shims The lens of the boom extension sensor should be
required to shim between the outside face cleaned periodically (refer to the Preventive
of the boom pivot ears and outer chassis Maintenance chart in the Appendices for boom
pivot ears. extension sensor lens cleaning interval). Due to
operating application, the boom extension sensor
d. Install shims at each location leaving a
lens may require cleaning more frequently than
maximum total clearance of 1/16 inch (1.6
the interval stated in the Preventive Maintenance
chart. The lens should be cleaned by wiping it
Lubrication. Refer to the Lubrication section in with a clean, soft cloth.
the Appendices for information on the lubrication
of the boom assembly.


Problem Cause Correction

1. Cracks in Welds 1. Metal fatigue. 1. Have cracks in welds repaired

(Refer to SIRR in the immediately.
Appendices) 2. Overloading. 2. Refer to Correction 1. and avoid
Notify Taylor overloading the truck.
Machine Works, Inc. 3. Rough terrain. 3. Refer to Correction 1. and, if
for proper repair possible, avoid operating truck on
procedures. rough terrain.
4. Traveling with load in an unrecom- 4. Refer to Correction 1. and the
mended travel position (excessive Operator’s Guide for proper travel-
height and / or fully side-shifted, ing positions.
one side or the other).
5. Have cracks in welds repaired
5. Severe duty cycles. immediately.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 27-5

Hoist Circuit

27-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Section 29

Container Attachment









Illustration 29-1. Attachment Components Locations

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 29-1

Introduction. The container attachment is a top Container Lights (Illustration 29-2). The contain-
lift attachment that is constructed of high-strength er lights, located in the cab and on the outer
steel and features side-shift adjustment. Hydrau- boom, are used to aid the operator in the safe
lic cylinders provide sufficient force to slide the operation of the attachment. They provide the
attachment, complete with load, in either direction. operator with a visual indication of interlock logic
The attachment is equipped with sensors to indi- for attachment operation. The following list
cate, by cab-mounted container lights, when the describes the function of each container light:
twistlocks are fully locked or unlocked and on con- 1. Red Light. This light illuminates when the
tainer. Additional technical information can be twistlocks are fully unlocked (additionally, the
located on the circuit drawings in the Appen- work lights on the attachment will be illumi-
dices. The Circuit Drawings for the container nated).
attachment hydraulics have the format “CD 22A”
and “CD 06A” for the container attachment electri- 2. Green Light. This light illuminates when the
cal. twistlocks are fully locked.
Major Components. The container attachment 3. Amber Light. This light illuminates when the
consists of the operator controls, safety interlock attachment is fully on the container and twist-
circuitry, solenoid-operated directional control locks are in the container’s corners.
valves and the attachment assembly.
Override Switch (Refer to Circuit Drawings
CD 06). There is a key type override switch,
located on the back of the control stand, that is
used to bypass the interlock circuitry (red, green
and amber container lights). The override switch
must be held in the On position to operate hydrau-
lic functions of the attachment.

 The override switch should
only be used while maintenancing the machine
or in an emergency.
Twistlocks Proximity Switches Adjustment

 Death or serious injury could
RED LIGHT GREEN LIGHT AMBER LIGHT result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
(TWISTLOCKS (TWISTLOCKS (ON-CONTAINER) a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake
and block the wheels in both directions to
prevent movement of the truck.

 Caution must be used by both
the operator and the mechanic in making
proximity switch adjustments. Frames or
other moving members can move near the
mechanic. Keep hands, feet, and body clear of
all moving parts. Operator and mechanic must
maintain contact at all times.

 Always use approved ladders,
stands, or manlifts to reach high places on the
Unlock Proximity Switches. Perform the follow-
Illustration 29-2. Cab and Boom Container Lights ing procedures to adjust the twistlock unlock prox-

29-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

S44 S45
S49 (TL Locked) RIGHT S46
(TL Unlocked) (On Container)
(On Container)

PR24 PR28
(Left Frame (Right Frame
20’ Stop) 40’ Stop)

(Left Frame PR32
20’ Decel) (Right Frame
40’ Decel)


PR31 PR30
(Left Frame (Right Frame
40’ Decel) 20’ Decel)

(Left Frame PR25
40’ Stop) (Right Frame
20’ Stop)
(On Container)

(On Container)
PR - Proximity Switch S37 LEFT S36
S - Proximity Switch (TL Unlocked) (TL Locked)
TL - Twistlock

Illustration 29-3. Proximity Switch Locations

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 29-3

(Right Frame
PR32 (Right Frame
40’ Stop)
(Right Frame 20’ Decel)
40’ Decel) (Right Frame
20’ Stop)

(Left Frame
20’ Stop)
PR29 (Left Frame
(Left Frame 40’ Stop)
20’ Decel) PR31
ROTATE (Left Frame

Illustration 29-4. Attachment Electrical Components

29-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)





Illustration 29-5. Twistlock Prox Targets Sensed By Proximity Switches (Right Side)
imity switches for proper operation. Refer to until the yellow L.E.D. on the rear of the prox-
Illustrations 29-3, 29-5 and 29-6 for the unlock imity switch illuminates. After the proximity
proximity switches locations. switch L.E.D. illuminates, continue to slide the
1. Unlock the twistlocks. Align the twistlocks to proximity switch 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) towards the
be parallel with the guide blocks in the twist- prox target before tightening the proximity
lock housings (unlocked position) by adjusting switch in place.
the rod ends of the twistlock cylinder and tie NOTE: The targeting distance from the face of
rod. each unlock proximity switch to its target must be
NOTE: It will be necessary to use the twistlock 1/8 - 1/4 inch (3.2 - 6.4 mm).
override switch to unlock the twistlocks. 3. Repeat procedure 2. for the left side twistlock
2. Beginning at the right side twistlock, adjust the [(S37), see Illustration 29-6]. The red contain-
unlock proximity switch (S45) in the clamp er light should illuminate after the left side
towards the prox target (see Illustration 29-5) proximity switch (S37) is adjusted.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 29-5





Illustration 29-6. Twistlock Prox Targets Sensed By Proximity Switches (Left Side)
Lock Proximity Switches. Perform the following until the yellow L.E.D. on the rear of the prox-
procedures to adjust the twistlock lock proximity imity switch illuminates. After the proximity
switches for proper operation. Refer to Illustra- switch L.E.D. illuminates, continue to slide the
tions 29-3, 29-5 and 29-6 for the lock proximity proximity switch 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) towards the
switches locations. prox target before tightening the proximity
1. Lock the twistlocks. Twistlocks should turn switch in place.
90_$3_. NOTE: The targeting distance from the face of
NOTE: It will be necessary to use the twistlock each lock proximity switch to its target must be
override switch to lock the twistlocks. 1/8 - 1/4 inch (3.2 - 6.4 mm).

2. Beginning at the right side twistlock, adjust the 3. Repeat procedure 2. for the left side twistlock
lock proximity switch (S44) in the clamp [(S36), see Illustration 29-6]. The green con-
towards the prox target (see Illustration 29-5) tainer light should illuminate after the left side
proximity switch (S36) is adjusted.

29-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

On-Container Proximity Switches Adjustment. 9. Set the container down (the amber container
Perform the following procedures to adjust the on- light should illuminate). If the amber container
container proximity switches for proper operation. light does not illuminate, the twistlock override
Refer to Illustrations 29-3 and 29-7 for the unlock must be used to unlock the twistlocks from the
proximity switches locations. container (repeat procedures 2. through 9.).

 Death or serious injury could
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake
and block the wheels in both directions to
prevent movement of the truck.

 Caution must be used by both
the operator and the mechanic in making
proximity switch adjustments. Frames or
other moving members can move near the
mechanic. Keep hands, feet, and body clear of
all moving parts.

 Always use approved ladders,
stands, or manlifts to reach high places on the
1. Raise the on-container plunger so that the
proximity switch may be adjusted to 1/8 - 1/4
inch (3.2 - 6.4 mm) from plunger collar.
2. Loosen both bolts that secure the on-container
proximity switch slotted bracket to the twistlock
3. Position the plunger at 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) from
the bottom of the twistlock housing.
4. Slowly move the proximity switch downward
towards the plunger collar until the proximity
switch energizes (yellow L.E.D. on the back-
side of proximity switch is illuminated) and
continue to lower the proximity switch an addi-
tional 1/16 - 1/8 inch (1.6 - 3.2 mm) and tight-
en both bolts.
5. Check the system by lowering the attachment
onto an empty container.
6. Ensure that the amber on-container light is illu-
7. Activate the twistlocks lock switch (green and
amber container lights are illuminated).
8. Lift the container (the amber light should go
out). If amber container light fails to go out
when the container is lifted, repeat procedures
2. through 8.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 29-7

1/8 - 1/4 inch (3.2 - 6.4 mm)






1/4 inch (6.4 mm)


Illustration 29-7. On-Container Plunger

Attachment Hydraulics attachment valve is an three section, 24 VDC
Hydraulic Components (Refer to Circuit Drawing solenoid-operated directional control valve. All
CD 22A). The attachment hydraulic components valve functions are controlled by on / off sole-
consist of a main attachment valve, accumulator, noids.
counterbalance valves, flow divider, attachment The maximum obtainable pressure by the main
relief valve and various actuating hydraulic cylin- attachment valve is controlled by the attachment
ders. relief valve and the main relief of the rotate valve
Main Attachment Valve (Illustration 29-8 and (HV15). Refer to Attachment Relief Valve of the
Refer to Circuit Drawing CD 22A). The main Setting Hydraulic Pressures in this section and

29-8 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

to the Rotate Valve (HV15) Main Relief pressure the hydraulic tank. When no hydraulic func-
setting procedures in Section 22H to set the pres- tions are operated, the fluid flows from the in-
sure of each relief valve. The main attachment let down the center of the valves to the outlet,
valve is comprised of the following valve sections: to the rotate valve, through the hydraulic fluid
cooler and returns through the return filter.
1. Inlet Section. The inlet section receives flow
The outlet section contains a pressure relief
from the outlet section of rotate valve (HV15).
valve set for 250 psi (17 bar) at low idle. This
The attachment relief valve and the main relief
pressure relief valve controls the minimum
of the rotate valve (HV15) controls the maxi-
pilot pressure.
mum obtainable pressure throughout the en-
tire valve bank. The inlet section contains a Accumulator (Refer to Circuit Drawing CD 22A).
pressure reduction valve which controls the There is an accumulator connected to the outlet
maximum pilot pressure. It is preset to 400 psi section of the main attachment valve and is pre-
(28 bar) and is non-adjustable. charged at 65 psi (4.5 bar). It functions as a
shock absorber preventing harsh shifting of the
2. Expansion Work Section. The expansion
valve spools. Refer to Section 22E for proce-
work section, containing ports A (expand) and
dures for checking the precharge and charging
B (retract), is connected to the expansion cyl-
the accumulator.
inders by hydraulic hoses. The A port con-
tains a port relief valve that limits the maximum Counterbalance Valves (Refer to Circuit Drawing
expand pressure to 1,500 psi (104 bar) while CD 22A). The counterbalance valves, employed
the B port contains a port relief valve that limits in the hydraulic circuits, prevent the cylinders from
the maximum retract pressure to 2,500 psi dropping rapidly or the load running away as the
(173 bar). This can be checked with an circuit is initially activated (opened to tank). Coun-
appropriate gauge at pressure check (HPC37, terbalance valves force the circuit to build pres-
Illustration 29-10) by fully extending or retract- sure which will hold the load before the return
ing and dead-heading the expansion cylinders. path to tank is opened.
3. Side Shift Work Section. The side shift work Flow Divider Valve (Refer to Circuit Drawing
section, containing ports A (shift right) and B CD 22A). The flow divider valve receives one
(shift left), is connected to the side shift cylin- input flow and divides it into two approximately,
ders by hydraulic hoses. The A port contains equal separate flows regardless of the pressure.
a port relief valve that limits the shift right pres-
sure to 2,500 psi (173 bar) while the B port ATTACHMENT
contains a port relief valve that limits the shift RELIEF VALVE
left pressure to 2,000 psi (138 bar). This can
be checked with an appropriate gauge at pres-
sure check (HPC37, Illustration 29-10) by fully
side shifting right or left and dead-heading the
side shift cylinders.
4. Twistlock Work Section. The twistlock work
section, containing ports A (lock twistlocks)
and B (unlock twistlocks), is connected to the
twistlock cylinders by hydraulic hoses. The A
and B ports contains port relief valve that limit
the maximum lock and unlock pressures to
900 psi (62 bar). These pressures can be
checked with an appropriate gauge at pres- RELIEF
sure check (HPC37, Illustration 29-10) by fully
locking or unlocking and dead-heading the
twistlock cylinders. Both port relief valves of Illustration 29-8. Attachment Relief Valve
this work section are non-adjustable.
Attachment Relief Valve (Illustration 29-8). The
5. Outlet Section. The outlet section provides attachment relief valve controls the maximum
the connection from the return hose back to pressure that can be developed by any of the

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 29-9

three work sections of the main attachment valve Setting Hydraulic Pressures
or the rotate valve work section. It is connected to
Hydraulic pressures must be set at recommended
the inlet of the rotate valve and is set for 2,750 psi
engine speed. The hydraulic fluid should be at
(190 bar). The attachment relief valve is located
operating temperature before adjusting hydraulic
behind the main valve on the truck chassis.
Flow from the brake cooling / rotate pump is sent
from the attachment relief valve to the rotate valve Prior to setting any hydraulic pressures, these pro-
and main attachment valve when one of the cedures must be performed first:
hydraulic functions of the attachment has been 1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface.
activated. When none of the attachment hydraulic
functions are activated, flow supplied by the brake 2. Apply the parking brake.
cooling / rotate pump flows from the attachment 3. Block the wheels in both direction to prevent
relief valve through the hydraulic fluid cooler (refer movement of the truck.
to Section 22) and back into the hydraulic tank.
Hydraulic Hose Assemblies and Fittings. All 
 Death or serious injury could
hydraulic hose assemblies should be checked result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
daily for chafed or cracked hoses. Check daily to a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake
ensure that there are no loose fittings on the and block the wheels in both directions to
hydraulic connections. prevent movement of the truck.

 Do Not use hands to check 
 Under no circumstances,
for hydraulic leaks. Because the hydraulic when setting pressures, allow any portion of
system is under high pressure, leaks could your body to be positioned in front of the
develop that can not be seen, but will pene- relief. It is possible that the relief could be
trate the skin and possibly cause other serious blown loose with great force which could
injuries. When checking for hydraulic leaks, cause severe bodily injury or death.
wear heavy gloves and safety goggles, and
use a piece of cardboard or wood to find leaks.
(See Illustration 29-9). 
 Fluid passing over a relief
generates heat; should a relief be blown loose,
hot, pressurized fluid will be forced from the
open port. This could cause severe bodily

 NEVER allow anyone on the
attachment as it’s being operated. Always
have an operator move the attachment to the
desired position prior to checking or setting

 Do not climb on the boom, top
of the cab or other high places of the truck
while performing maintenance.

 Always use approved ladders,
stands, or manlifts to reach high places on the
Illustration 29-9. Detecting Hydraulic Leaks Attachment Relief Valve (Illustration 29-8 and
refer to Circuit Drawing CD 22). Perform the fol-

29-10 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

lowing procedures to set the attachment relief dures 7. through 9. to set the pressure.
7. Loosen the locknut of the A port relief valve.
1. Position the attachment as low as possible
8. Turn the setscrew clockwise to increase the
and shut off the truck.
pressure or counterclockwise to decrease the
2. Remove the hose from the attachment supply pressure.
port of the attachment relief valve (see Illustra-
9. Tighten the locknut after the pressure has
tion 29-8 for hose location). Plug the hose
been set.
and cap the fitting.
10. Reconnect the proximity switches discon-
3. Install an appropriate pressure gauge onto
nected in procedure 4.
pressure check (HPC4, Illustration 22-15).
Expansion Section B Port Relief Valve (Refer to
4. Start the truck, activate an attachment func-
Circuit Drawing CD 22A and Illustration 29-10).
tion, and observe the gauge installed in proce-
Perform the following procedures to set the
dure 3. The gauge reading should indicate
expansion section B port relief valve pressure:
2,750 psi (190 bar). If not, perform proce-
dures 5. through 7. to set the pressure of the 1. Position the attachment as low as possible.
attachment relief valve.
2. Loosen the locknut on the main relief valve of
5. Remove the cap from the attachment relief the rotate valve (HV15, Refer to Circuit Draw-
setscrew and loosen the jamb nut. ing CD 22H). Turn the setscrew clockwise 1/4
turn to temporarily increase the pressure set-
6. Turn the setscrew clockwise to increase the
ting of the rotate valve’s main relief.
pressure or counterclockwise to decrease the
pressure. Adjust to the above indicated pres- 3. Have an operator fully retract the expansion
sure. frames.
7. Tighten the jamb nut and re-install the cap 4. Install an appropriate pressure gauge onto
onto the setscrew. pressure check (HPC29, refer to Circuit
Drawing CD 22A).
8. Reconnect the hose (removed in procedure 2.)
to the attachment supply port of the attach- 5. Disconnect the 20 ft. Stop (PR24 and PR25)
ment relief valve. and 20 ft. Decel (PR29 and PR30) proximity
Expansion Section A Port Relief Valve (Refer to
Circuit Drawing CD 22A and Illustration 29-10). 6. Have an operator depress the retract / expand
Perform the following procedures to set the ex- frame switch to the retract position (refer to the
pansion section A port relief valve pressure: TS-9968 Operator’s Guide).
1. Position the attachment as low as possible. 7. At high idle, observe the pressure gauge and
set the pressure, if required, of the B port relief
2. Have an operator fully extend the expansion
valve for 2,500 psi (173 bar). Refer to proce-
dures 8. through 10. to set the pressure.
3. Install an appropriate pressure gauge onto
8. Loosen the locknut of the B port relief valve.
pressure check (HPC29, refer to Circuit
Drawing CD 22A). 9. Turn the setscrew clockwise to increase the
pressure or counterclockwise to decrease the
4. Disconnect the 40 ft. Stop (PR27 and PR28)
and 40 ft. Decel (PR31 and PR32) proximity
switches. 10. Tighten the locknut after the pressure has
been set.
5. Have an operator depress the retract / expand
frame switch to the expand position (refer to 11. Reconnect the proximity switches discon-
the TS-9968 Operator’s Guide). nected in procedure 5.
6. At high idle, observe the pressure gauge and 12. Reset the pressure setting of the main
set the pressure, if required, of the A port relief relief of the rotate valve [HV15, (turned in pro-
valve for 1,500 psi (104 bar). Refer to proce- cedure 10.)]. Refer to Rotate Valve (HV15)

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 29-11

Main Relief pressure setting procedures in 16. Reset the pressure setting of the main relief of
Section 22H to set the main relief. the rotate valve [HV15, (turned in procedure
10.)]. Refer to Rotate Valve (HV15) Main
Side Shift Port Relief Valves (Illustration 29-10
Relief pressure setting procedures in Section
and refer to Circuit Drawing CD 22A). Perform the
22H to set the main relief.
following procedures to set the pressure of the
side shift port relief valves:
1. Position the attachment as low as possible.
2. Have an operator fully side shift the attach-
ment to the left.
3. Install an appropriate pressure gauge onto
pressure check (HPC29, refer to Circuit
Drawing CD 22A).
4. Have an operator activate the side shift left
switch and dead-head the side shift cylinders.
5. At high idle, observe the pressure gauge and
set the pressure, if required, of the B port relief
valve for 2,000 psi (138 bar). Refer to proce-
dures 6. through 8. to set t he pressure.
6. Loosen the locknut of the B port relief valve.
7. Turn the setscrew clockwise to increase the
pressure or counterclockwise to decrease the
8. Tighten the locknut after the pressure has
been set.
9. Have the operator fully side shift the attach-
ment to the right.
10. Loosen the locknut on the main relief valve of
the rotate valve (HV15, refer to Circuit Drawing
CD 22H). Turn the setscrew clockwise 1/4
turn to temporarily increase the pressure set-
ting of the rotate valve’s main relief.
11. Have an operator activate the side shift right
switch and dead-head the side shift cylinders.
12. At high idle, observe the pressure gauge
(installed in procedure 3.) and set the pres-
sure, if equipped, of the A port for 2,500 psi
(173 bar). Refer to procedures 13. through
15. to set the pressure.
13. Loosen the locknut of the A port relief valve of
the side shift work section.
14. Turn the setscrew clockwise to increase the
pressure or counterclockwise to decrease the
15. Tighten the locknut after the pressure has
been set.

29-12 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)









1 - FRAMES EXPANSION 1,500 PSI (104 BAR) 2,500 PSI (173 BAR)
2 - SIDE SHIFT 2,500 PSI (173 BAR) 2,000 PSI (138 BAR)

Illustration 29-10. Main Attachment Valve

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 29-13

Container Attachment Structure. The container 2. Center Frame Wear Pads (Illustration 29-12).
attachment is a top lift attachment that is con- The center frame wear pads (D and E) should
structed of high-strength steel. The container be checked every 2 months or 500 hours,
attachment is carefully engineered and ruggedly whichever comes first. Replace any of these
constructed, although welded steel structures wear pads that become cracked, damaged, or
always contain undetectable cracks, especially worn to 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) thickness. These
welded joints. When these joints are subject to wear pads are located on the ends of the
fluctuating stresses of significant magnitude, center frame.
these cracks will grow. This is known as fatigue
crack growth. No matter how low the stress levels Expansion Frame and Center Frame Shimming
are kept, some fatigue crack growth will occur in
all welded structures. Refer to SIRR in the 
 Death or serious injury could
Appendices for structural inspection of the result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on
attachment assembly. a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake,
Maintenance / Inspections. There are several and block the wheels in both directions to
inspectional requirements which must be per- prevent movement of the truck.
formed daily. These inspections must include
checking all welds and structural members for
cracks. Check all attachment hardware for 
 Do not climb on the boom, on
damage or loose bolts. Hydraulic hoses and fit- top of the cab, or on other high places of the
tings must be checked for leaks and signs of wear container handling truck while performing
or damage. maintenance.

 Do not climb on the boom, on 
 Always use approved ladders,
top of the cab, or on other high places of the stands or manlifts to reach high places on the
container handling truck while performing truck.

 Never ride on the platform of

 Always use approved ladders, the truck.
stands or manlifts to reach high places on the
 Do not use a container
handling truck as a means to elevate

 Never ride on the platform of personnel.
the truck. Expansion Frames (Illustration 29-11). Perform
the following procedures to shim the expansion

 Do not use a container frame wear pads:
handling truck as a means to elevate 1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply
personnel. the parking brake, and block the wheels in
Attachment Wear Pads both directions to prevent movement of the
1. Expansion Frame Wear Pads (Illustration
29-11). The expansion frame wear pads (A, B, 2. Refer to Illustration 29-11 and perform the fol-
and C) should be checked every 2 months or lowing procedures to shim the A and B wear
500 hours, whichever comes first. Replace pads of one of the expansion frame expansion
any of these wear pads that become cracked, beam:
damaged, or worn to 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) thick- a. Ensure that the expansion frame to be
ness. These wear pads are located on the shimmed is fully extended and the weight
end of the four expansion beams. of the expansion frame is resting on the
wear pads. Lock Out & Tag Out the truck.

29-14 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)




B2 A3

1/32” B3 A4

1/32” 1/32”
Max Max
Clearance Clearance


1/32” Max


Illustration 29-11. Expansion Frame Wear Pads Shimming

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 29-15

b. Measure the inside width of the center S Replace any wear pads (C) that have become
frame’s center beam at the four positions cracked, damaged or worn to 1/2 inch (12.7
(A1 - A4 and B1 - B4) illustrated in Illustra- mm) thickness.
tion 29-11. Record the narrowest dimen-
S The attachment must be positioned such that
sion at positions A1 - A4 and the narrowest
the weight of the expansion beam is removed
dimension at B1 - B4.
from the bottom C wear pads to shim.
c. Position the expansion frame such that the
A wear pads are in the location of the nar-
rowest position recorded in procedure 2b. 
 Death or serious injury can
Lock Out & Tag Out the truck. occur from being crushed by the attachment.
Ensure attachment is properly secured using
d. Shim the A wear pads leaving a maximum fixed stands or hardwood block cribbing
total clearance of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). before attempting to shim. Do not rely on
e. If necessary, reposition the expansion jacks or hoists to support an elevated load.
frame such that the B wear pads are in the e. Repeat procedures 3a. and 3d. to shim the
location of the narrowest position recorded C wear pads of the remaining three expan-
in procedure 2b. Lock Out & Tag Out the sion beams.
Center Frames (Illustration 29-12). Perform the
f. Shim the B wear pads leaving a maximum following procedures to shim the center frame
total clearance of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). wear pads:
NOTES: 1. Park the truck on a hard, level surface, apply
the parking brake, and block the wheels in
S Shims should be divided as evenly as possible
both directions to prevent movement of the
between the wear pads.
S Replace any wear pads (A and B) that have
2. Refer to Illustration 29-12 and perform the fol-
become cracked, damaged or worn to 1/2 inch
lowing procedures to shim the D wear pads of
(12.7 mm) thickness.
one end of the center frame center beam:
g. Repeat procedures 2a. and 2f. to shim the
a. Ensure that the center frame end to be
A and B wear pads of the remaining three
shimmed has its expansion frame fully
expansion beams.
extended and the weight of the expansion
3. Refer to Illustration 29-11 and perform the fol- frames is resting on the wear pads. Lock
lowing procedures to shim the C wear pads of Out & Tag Out the truck.
one of the expansion beams:
b. Using a measuring caliper, measure the
a. Position the expansion beam such that the two D dimensions at the four locations
inside height of the center frame center illustrated in Illustration 29-12. Record the
beam can be measured at each end. widest dimension at positions D1 - D4.
b. Measure the inside height of the center c. Position the expansion frame such that the
frame at position C1 and C2. Record D wear pads are located at the widest
dimensions. position recorded in procedure 2b. Lock
Out & Tag Out the truck.
c. Position the expansion frame such that the
C wear pads are closest to the narrower d. Shim the D wear pads leaving a maximum
measurement (nearly retracted or fully total clearance of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm).
extended). Lock Out & Tag Out the truck.
d. Shim the C wear pads leaving a maximum
total clearance of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). S Shims should be divided as evenly as possible
between the wear pads.
NOTES: S Replace any wear pads (D) that have become
S Shims should be divided as evenly as possible cracked, damaged or worn to 1/2 inch (12.7
between the wear pads. mm) thickness.

29-16 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

e. Repeat procedures 2a. and 2d. to shim the
D wear pads of the remaining three center
frame ends.
3. Refer to Illustration 29-12 and perform the fol-
lowing procedures to shim the E wear pads:
a. Ensure that the center frame end to be
shimmed has its expansion frame fully
extended and the weight of the expansion
frames is resting on the wear pads. Lock
Out & Tag Out the truck.
b. Using a measuring caliper, measure the E
dimension at the four locations illustrated
in Illustration 29-12. Record the largest
dimension at positions E1 - E4.
c. Position the expansion frame such that the
E wear pads are located at the largest
dimension recorded in procedure 3b. Lock
Out & Tag Out the truck.
d. Shim the E wear pads leaving a maximum
total clearance of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm).
S Shims should be divided as evenly as possible
between the wear pads.
S Replace any wear pads (E) that have become
cracked, damaged or worn to 1/2 inch (12.7
mm) thickness.
e. Repeat procedures 3a. and 3d. to shim the
E wear pads of the remaining three center
frame ends.
Lubrication. Refer to the Lubrication section in
the Appendices for information on lubricating the

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 29-17






Max E3


1/32” 1/32”
Max Max
Clearance Clearance

1/32” 1/32”
Max Max
Clearance Clearance


Illustration 29-12. Center Frame Wear Pads Shimming

29-18 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Container Attachment Troubleshooting
(Refer to Circuit Drawings CD 06 and CD 06A)
Some of the components described in this trouble-
shooting chart are optional equipment.
Problem Cause Correction

1. Red light will not illu- 1. Twistlocks are not fully unlocked. 1. Fully unlock the twistlocks.
minate (twistlocks
2. Bulb is blown. 2. Replace blown bulb.
did rotate)
3. One of the twistlock unlock prox- 3. Fully unlock twistlocks and adjust
imity switches (S37 and S45) is proximity switch at fault to sense
not sensing its target (refer to its target. With the twistlocks fully
Twistlock Sensor Status on the unlocked, the yellow L.E.D. (in the
TICS display to check sensor back of the proximity switches)
input). should be illuminated, indicating
that the proximity switches are
sensing their targets.
4. One of the twistlock unlock prox- 4. If the yellow L.E.D. is illuminated,
imity switches (S37 or S45) is this indicates that the proximity
defective. switch’s coil did energize. It does
not indicate that the contact points
of the brown and black wires of
the proximity switch closed. With
the yellow L.E.D. illuminated,
check the continuity of the brown
and black wires with an ohmmeter.
The ohmmeter should indicate
between 0 - 40 ohms. If ohmme-
ter reading indicates infinity and
the yellow L.E.D. is illuminated,
replace proximity switch.
5. Loose, open or shorted wire(s). 5. Isolate and repair wire(s).
6. Defective TICS control module. 6. Replace TICS control module.

2. Red light will not illu- Activate the Twistlock unlock

minate (twistlocks manual override (see Illustration
did not rotate, over- 29-10).
ride switch was acti- If twistlocks did unlock by use of
vated) manual override, this indicates
there is an electrical problem (use
the TICS system diagnostic tools
to troubleshoot). If twistlocks
didn’t unlock, the problem is
hydraulic (continue with Cause 1.
of this Problem).
1. Defective twistlock unlock micro 1. Replace defective twistlock unlock
switch (S37) in joystick control. micro switch (S37).

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 29-19

Problem Cause Correction

2. Red light will not illu- 2. Loose, broken or shorted wire(s). 2. Isolate and repair wire(s).
minate (twistlocks
3. Loose connection or pin broken at 3. Isolate and repair.
did not rotate, over-
electrical connector.
ride switch was acti-
vated) (Continued) 4. Defective solenoid on the B port of 4. Refer to Solenoids in the Compo-
the twistlock work section. nent Troubleshooting in Section
6 to troubleshoot. Replace defec-
tive solenoid.
5. Defective twistlock work section. 5. Replace or repair twistlock work
6. Defective B port relief valve in the 6. Replace B port relief valve.
twistlock work section.
7. Low or no pilot pressure. 7. Adjust pilot pressure.
8. Defective TICS control module. 8. Replace TICS control module.

3. No container attach- 1. Loose connection or pin broken at 1. Isolate and repair.

ment lights will illu- electrical connector.
2. Defective TICS control module. 2. Replace TICS control module.

4. Amber light will not 1. Bulb is blown. 1. Replace blown bulb.

2. Loose connection or pin broken at 2. Isolate and repair.
electrical connector.
3. One of the twistlock on-container 3. Adjust the proximity switch at fault
proximity switches (S38, S41, S46 to sense its target.
and S49) is not sensing its target
(refer to Twistlock Sensor Status
on the TICS display to check
sensor input).
4. One of the twistlock on-container 4. If the yellow L.E.D. is illuminated,
proximity switches (S38, S41, S46 this indicates that the proximity
and S49) is defective. switch’s coil did energize. It does
not indicate that the contact points
of the white and green wires of the
proximity switch closed. With the
yellow L.E.D. illuminated, check
the continuity of the white and
green wires with an ohmmeter.
The ohmmeter should indicate
between 0 - 40 ohms. If ohmme-
ter reading indicates infinity and
the yellow L.E.D. is illuminated,
replace proximity switch.

29-20 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

4. Amber light will not 5. Loose, broken or shorted wire. 5. Isolate and repair wire.
6. Damaged container corner. 6. Report damaged container to the
proper authority.
7. Defective TICS control module. 7. Replace TICS control module.

5. Amber light will not 1. Loose, broken or shorted wire. 1. Isolate and repair wire.
illuminate (twistlock
2. Loose connection or pin broken at 2. Isolate and repair.
override switch was
electrical connector.
3. Defective override switch (S7). 3. Replace override switch (S7).
4. Bulb is blown. 4. Replace blown bulb.
5. Defective TICS control module. 5. Replace TICS control module.

6. Green light will not 1. Twistlocks are not fully locked. 1. Fully lock the twistlocks.
illuminate (twistlocks
2. Bulb is blown. 2. Replace blown bulb.
did rotate)
3. Loose connection or pin broken at 3. Isolate and repair.
electrical connector.
4. One of the twistlock lock proximity 4. Fully lock twistlocks and adjust
switches (S36 or S44) is not sens- proximity switch at fault to sense
ing its target (refer to Twistlock its target. With the twistlocks fully
Sensor Status on the TICS display locked, the yellow L.E.D. (in the
to check sensor input). back of the proximity switches)
should be illuminated, indicating
that the proximity switches are
sensing their targets.
5. One of the twistlock lock proximity 5. If the yellow L.E.D. is illuminated,
switches (S36 or S44) is defective. this indicates that the proximity
switch’s coil did energize. It does
not indicate that the contact points
of the brown and black wires of
the proximity switch closed. With
the yellow L.E.D. illuminated,
check the continuity of the brown
and black wires with an ohmmeter.
The ohmmeter should indicate
between 0 - 40 ohms. If ohmme-
ter reading indicates infinity and
the yellow L.E.D. is illuminated,
replace proximity switch.
6. Loose, open or shorted wire(s). 6. Isolate and repair wire(s).
7. Defective TICS control module. 7. Replace TICS control module.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 29-21

Problem Cause Correction

7. Green light will not Activate the Twistlock lock manual

illuminate (twistlocks override (see Illustration 29-10).
did not rotate, over- If twistlocks did lock by use of
ride switch was acti- manual override, this indicates
vated) there is an electrical problem (use
the TICS system diagnostic tools
to troubleshoot). If twistlocks
didn’t lock, the problem is hydrau-
lic (continue with Cause 1. of this
1. Defective twistlock lock micro 1. Replace defective twistlock lock
switch (S37) in joystick control. micro switch (S37).
2. Loose connection or pin broken at 2. Isolate and repair.
electrical connector.
3. Loose, broken or shorted wire(s). 3. Isolate and repair wire(s).
4. Defective solenoid on the A port of 4. Refer to Solenoids in the Compo-
the twistlock work section. nent Troubleshooting to trouble-
shoot. Replace defective sole-
5. Defective twistlock work section. 5. Replace or repair twistlock work
6. Defective A port relief valve in the 6. Replace A port relief valve.
twistlock work section.
7. Low or no pilot pressure. 7. Adjust pilot pressure.
8. Defective TICS control module. 8. Replace TICS control module.

8. No or slow 40 FT. 1. Red light is not illuminated. 1. Refer to Problems 1. and 2. (with
expansion the exception of the bulb being
blown) in this troubleshooting
2. Defective 40 ft. expand switch 2. Replace 40 ft. expand switch (S2).
3. Loose connection or pin broken at 3. Isolate and repair.
electrical connector.
4. Loose, broken or shorted wire(s). 4. Isolate and repair wire(s).
5. Low or no pilot pressure. 5. Adjust pilot pressure.
6. Mis-adjusted A port relief valve in 6. Adjust A port relief valve and set
the expansion work section. to 1,500 psi (104 bar).
7. Defective A port relief valve in the 7. Replace A port relief valve.
expansion work section.

29-22 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

8. No or slow 40 FT. 8. Defective solenoid on the A port of 8. Refer to Solenoids in the Compo-
expansion the expansion work section. nent Troubleshooting to trouble-
(Continued) shoot. Replace defective sole-
9. Defective expansion work section. 9. Replace or repair expansion work
10. One of the expansion cylinders 10. Isolate and repack expansion cyl-
packing is defective. inder. To isolate the defective cyl-
inder, perform the following:
a. With the attachment is in the
20 ft. position, remove the
hydraulic hoses from the pis-
ton ends of both expansion
cylinders and plug the hoses.
b. Disconnect the 20 FT. proximi-
ty switches (PR24 and PR25)
and then toggle the frame
retract switch (refer to Circuit
Drawing CD 06).
c. Observe the open ports on the
piston end of the expansion
cylinders. If a flow of fluid is
detected from either of the cyl-
inders, this is the defective
cylinder. Repack cylinder(s) if
found defective.
11. Defective TICS control module. 11. Replace TICS control module.

9. No or slow 20 FT. 1. Red light is not illuminated. 1. Refer to Problems 1. and 2. (with
retract the exception of the bulb being
blown) in this troubleshooting
2. Defective 20 ft. retract switch (S2) 2. Replace 20 ft. retract switch (S2).
in joystick control.
3. Loose connection or pin broken at 3. Isolate and repair.
electrical connector.
4. Loose, broken or shorted wire(s). 4. Isolate and repair wire(s).
5. Low or no pilot pressure. 5. Adjust pilot pressure.
6. Mis-adjusted B port relief valve in 6. Adjust B port relief valve and set
the expansion work section. to 2,500 psi (173 bar).


TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 29-23

Problem Cause Correction

9. No or slow 20 FT. 7. Defective solenoid on the B port of 7. Refer to Solenoids in the Compo-
retract (Continued) the expansion work section. nent Troubleshooting to trouble-
shoot. Replace defective sole-
8. Defective expansion work section. 8. Replace or repair expansion work
9. One of the expansion cylinders 9. Refer to Correction 10. of Problem
packing is defective. 8. in this troubleshooting chart.
10. Defective TICS control module. 10. Replace TICS control module.

10. No or slow side shift 1. Defective side shift micro switch 1. Replace side shift micro switch
(left) (S36) in joystick control. (S36).
2. Loose connection or pin broken at 2. Isolate and repair.
electrical connector.
3. Loose, broken or shorted wire(s). 3. Isolate and repair wire(s).
4. Defective solenoid on the B port of 4. Refer to Solenoids in the Compo-
the side shift work section. nent Troubleshooting to trouble-
shoot. Replace defective sole-
5. Defective side shift work section. 5. Replace or repair side shift work
6. 20 amp circuit breaker is defective 6. Replace or reset 20 amp circuit
or tripped (Refer to Circuit Draw- breaker.
ings CD 06).
7. One of the side shift cylinders 7. Isolate and repack side shift cylin-
packing is defective. der. To isolate the defective cylin-
der, perform the following:
a. With the attachment fully side
shifted to the right, remove the
hydraulic hoses from the pis-
ton ends of both side shift cyl-
inders and plug the hoses.
b. Depress the right side shift
micro switch (S36) on the
c. Observe the open ports on the
piston end of the side shift cyl-
inders. If a flow of fluid is
detected from either of the cyl-
inders, this is the defective
cylinder. Repack cylinder(s) if
continued found defective.

29-24 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

10. No or slow side shift 8. Defective counterbalance valve 8. Replace counterbalance valve
(left) (Continued) cartridge. cartridge.
9. Defective counterbalance valve. 9. Replace counterbalance valve.
10. Defective TICS control module. 10. Replace TICS control module.

11. No or slow side shift 1. Defective side shift micro switch 1. Replace side shift micro switch
(right) (S36) in joystick control. (S36).
2. Loose connection or pin broken at 2. Isolate and repair.
electrical connector.
3. Loose, broken or shorted wire(s). 3. Isolate and repair wire(s).
4. Defective solenoid on the A port of 4. Refer to Solenoids in the Compo-
the side shift work section. nent Troubleshooting to trouble-
shoot. Replace defective sole-
5. Defective side shift work section. 5. Replace or repair side shift work
6. One of the side shift cylinders 6. Refer to Correction 7. of Problem
packing is defective. 10. in this troubleshooting chart.
7. 20 amp circuit breaker is defective 7. Replace or reset 20 amp circuit
or tripped (Refer to Circuit Draw- breaker.
ings CD 06).
8. Defective counterbalance valve 8. Replace counterbalance valve
cartridge. cartridge.
9. Defective counterbalance valve. 9. Replace counterbalance valve.
10. Defective TICS control module. 10. Replace TICS control module.

12. No or slow rotate 1. Defective side shift micro switch 1. Replace side shift micro switch
(S35) in joystick control. (S35).
2. Loose connection or pin broken at 2. Isolate and repair.
electrical connector.
3. Loose, broken or shorted wire(s). 3. Isolate and repair wire(s).
4. Defective solenoid on the A / B 4. Refer to Solenoids in the Compo-
port of the rotate valve. nent Troubleshooting to trouble-
shoot. Replace defective sole-
5. Defective rotate valve. 5. Replace or repair rotate valve.
6. One of the rotate manifolds is 6. Replace rotate manifold.
continued defective.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 29-25

Problem Cause Correction

12. No or slow rotate 7. Defective rotate motor(s). 7. Replace rotate motor(s).

8. 20 amp circuit breaker is defective 8. Replace or reset 20 amp circuit
or tripped (Refer to Circuit Draw- breaker.
ings CD 06).
9. Defective TICS control module. 9. Replace TICS control module.
10. Defective rotate gear box. 10. Replace gear box.

13. Twistlocks drift 1. The twistlock cylinder packing is 1. Isolate and repack twistlock cylin-
defective. der. To isolate the defective cylin-
der, perform the following:
a. With the twistlocks fully
unlocked, remove the front cap
(located on the top side of the
twistlock cylinder) of the left
twistlock cylinder and the rear
cap of the right twistlock cylin-
der (located on the top side of
the twistlock cylinder).
b. Turn the attachment override
switch (S7) on and depress
the unlock twistlocks micro
switch (S37) on the joystick.
c. Observe the open ports on the
left and right twistlock cylinder.
If a flow of fluid is detected
from either of the cylinders,
this is the defective cylinder
and requires repacking.
2. Defective twistlock work section. 2. Repair or replace twistlock work

29-26 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Problem Cause Correction

14. No attachment func- 1. 24 VDC is not present at the sole- 1. Isolate and repair wire(s), or check
tion operates noid cartridge of the attachment for defective TICS control module.
relief valve when an attachment
function has been activated by a
switch on joystick, control stand or
2. Defective solenoid cartridge in 2. Replace solenoid cartridge.
attachment relief valve.
3. Solenoid cartridge spool in attach- 3. Remove solenoid cartridge spool,
ment relief valve is sticking. visually inspect spool and spool
housing for debris or bent spool.
Replace solenoid cartridge if
4. Defective attachment relief valve. 4. Replace attachment relief valve.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) 29-27

Hoist Circuit

29-28 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)




SIRR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

Welding Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-19

Torque Chart - Nuts and Bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23

Lubrication Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27

Service Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-33

Hydraulic Pressure Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-35

Preventive Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-37

Electrical System Maintenance Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-39

Hydraulic System Maintenance Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-47

Circuit Drawings List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-55

Fuel and Lubricant Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Section 1

Section Title

Structural Inspection, Reporting, And Repair
For Powered Industrial Trucks

This document contains information of vital importance concerning

the inspection, reporting, and repair of fatigue cracks. If fatigue
cracks are not corrected they can lead to a catastrophic failure
causing serious injury to personnel and / or property.

It is important that the machine be inspected regularly. Any existing

fatigue cracks should be reported to the Taylor Machine Works, Inc.
engineering department immediately. Repairs must be made in
accordance with AWS methodologies.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-1

A-2 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)
Dye-Penetrant DPT

Ultrasonic UT
Dangerous Action. Operating a powered indus-
trial truck without inspecting, identifying, and These symbols are in accordance with AWS
repairing fatigue cracks in the mast, carriage, A2.4-76, “Symbols for Non-Destructive Testing.”
attachment, steer axle, and frame weldments.
What Can Happen. If the fatigue crack is allowed 
 Periodic inspection is
to grow, catastrophic failure could occur in the required to detect fatigue cracks that have
mast or other welded components causing serious grown to a significant size in order to avoid
injury to personnel and / or property. serious failure of the structural weldment.
When a crack is found, the truck must be
How To Avoid The Danger. Follow the OSHA immediately taken out of service and repaired.
rules, 29 CFR, 1910.178 (q)(1), (5), & (7) which
require inspecting industrial trucks daily before Restoring the weld to its original condition by com-
being placed in service, removing trucks from ser- plete penetration welding is usually acceptable.
vice if cracks are found, and making repairs only Sometimes this is not practical and a change in
as authorized by the manufacturer. If trucks are geometry by means of cutting, grinding or adding
used on a round-the-clock basis, they shall be additional material is more economical; however,
examined after each shift. OSHA 29 CFR the user must be cautioned that OSHA 29 CFR
1910.178 (p)(1) requires that trucks in need of 1910.178 (a)(4) requires manufacturer’s prior
repair be taken out of service. written approval for modifications and additions
which affect capacity and safe operation.
Structural Inspection and Reporting Proce-
dure. The information enclosed in this procedure Cracking may occur due to overloading, rough
is directed to the structural weldments of the truck operation, poor yard conditions, severe duty
assembly. Areas that should be included for in- cycles, failing to keep lift chains properly adjusted,
spection on the lift system are the inner and outer improper shimming of mast rails, carrying the
boom, and the attachment. Areas to be inspected loads too high or not properly centered, using
on the truck chassis include drive axle mounts, attachments that clamp the load to the forks, etc.
boom tower, lift cylinder anchor, and steer axle If such cracking is found, a review of the operation
mounts. The illustrations included show the pri- should be made to see if any of the above listed
mary, but not the only areas to be inspected. The problems are occurring and if so, a change in the
complete structure should be inspected at the in- operation should be made to avoid future prob-
tervals discussed in this procedure. lems. Some cracking may be due to geometry,
modifications or due to the attachments welded to
Inspection for Fatigue Cracks. Welded steel the structure. If this is the case, the geometry
structures always contain undetectable cracks, may have to be changed, the modification cor-
especially at welded joints. When these joints are rected, or the attachment changed or relocated to
subject to fluctuating stresses of sufficient magni- correct the cracking problem. OSHA requires that
tude, these cracks will grow. This is known as you have prior written approval of the manufac-
fatigue crack growth. No matter how low the turer for such changes.
stress levels are kept some fatigue crack growth
will occur in all welded structures. Test Procedures
Eventually, these fatigue cracks will become large 1. Visual (VT). Dirt and grease should be
enough to be detectable by nondestructive testing removed from the surface by wiping with a rag.
methods, i.e. VT, MT, DPT, or UT. One should look for cracked paint and rust
showing through the paint. Also, look for
Abbreviations. Basic Testing Symbols movement at bolted joints, irregular lines in
welds or dents, or deformations in the materi-
Type of Test Symbol al. Proper lighting is required in order to
Visual VT obtain satisfactory results.
Magnetic Particle MT 2. Magnetic Particle (MT). The test surface
must be free of loose rust, scale, moisture,

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-3

and painted surfaces must be cleaned at all after the first year of operation and then every
points of electrode contact. Grinding, brush- two years or 6,000 hours, whichever is sooner,
ing, or blasting do not affect results of this thereafter. These inspections should be per-
method of testing in most instances. formed by qualified maintenance personnel.
A magnetic field can be applied to the test NOTE: Duty cycles vary from extremely severe
material with: (capacity loads, high frequency of loading, rough
a. Permanent magnet. yards, etc.) to very light (partial capacities, few
b. Yoke which is an electromagnet type of load cycles, good yard conditions, etc.). Duty
device. cycle directly affects product life and maintenance
requirements. Depending on the quality and thor-
c. Passing high amperage current through
oughness of the daily inspections and the service
the part.
experience of the vehicle, the three-month visual
3. Dye-Penetrant (DPT). The test surface must inspection interval and the full-scale inspection
be thoroughly cleaned and dried. This can be interval may be adjusted (increased or decreased)
done with chemical solvents, vapor degreas- to levels appropriate for an individual vehicle duty
ing, or by mechanical methods. However, cycle.
cleaning mechanically, such as grinding, blast-
ing, or wire-brushing, might prove detrimental
to the test because surface discontinuities can 
 Death or serious injury could
be masked by cold working of the surface. result from structural failure. Inspect structure
Therefore, mechanical cleaning methods must for cracks.
be kept to a minimum.
Reporting Procedure. Taylor Machine Works,
One of the following type penetrants should be Inc. should receive reports of the results of any
used in conjunction with the proper procedure inspections.
to get satisfactory results:
Photocopy a sketch from your maintenance manu-
a. Water soluble penetrant al, make your own sketch, or photograph, and
b. Post emulsifiable penetrant show indication of crack if any are evident, stating
c. Solvent removable penetrant the following:
Follow the directions supplied with the dye- 1. Location (right, left, inner, outer, machine side
penetrant for best results. etc.);
4. Ultrasonic (UT). Testing should be done in 2. Size of crack;
accordance with AWS D1.1 approved
3. Extent of crack;
a. In toe of weld;
Frequency of Inspection. There are three (3)
levels of inspection: b. Propagating into the base metal;
c. Other description, etc.
1. Daily. Mandatory daily examination of the
truck as required by OSHA. (See Operator’s 4. Method of testing to detect cracks.
Guide and Safety Check for details.) This If no cracks are found by yearly inspections,
examination is usually performed by the oper- please confirm by a fax or a short letter.
ator (or other designated person).
Repair Procedure
2. Three-month inspection. A thorough visual
inspection (VT) following the guidelines shown 1. Contact Taylor Machine Works, Inc.
in this procedure should be made every three 2. If rewelding is suggested, use AWS approved
months (refer to sketches for details). These welding procedures.
inspections should be performed by qualified
maintenance personnel. 3. If design modification is indicated, contact
Taylor Machine Works, Inc. OSHA 29 CFR
3. 6,000 Hour Inspection. Full-scale inspection 1910.178 (q)(5) requires that replacement
(FS) including all examinations outlined in this parts be equivalent as to safety with those
procedure (VT, MT, and DPT) should be made

A-4 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

used in the original design. Different steel
grades are used for different components. Dif-
ferent steel grades require different welding
procedures, pre-heatings, rods, etc.
Inspection Locations. The following illustrations
are a representative set for the general welds
used on Taylor Machine Works trucks. They are
used as a reference for specific details, but do not
necessarily represent exact details used in the
construction of your truck. The weld joints
depicted in the following illustrations are represen-
tative of all similar weld joints in the structure and
indicate that all such weld joints must be inspect-
ed. Also, all welds on opposing sides of the indi-
cated weld joint must be inspected. The inspec-
tion method for both the three-month inspection
(3), and the full-scale inspection (FS), are shown.

 The areas being inspected
must be properly cleaned prior to performing
the inspection. If not properly cleaned, poten-
tially dangerous cracks may not be detected.

 Never go under a raised
boom or attachment. Before inspecting,
always fully lower and properly secure or
block to prevent the boom or attachment from
falling in event of hydraulic failure or drift.
See Safety Check.

List of Illustrations

Illustration. 1. Inner Boom Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . A-6

Illustration. 2. Inner Boom Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7
Illustration. 3. Outer Boom Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . A-8
Illustration. 4. Outer Boom Details 1, 2, and 3 . . . . . . A-9
Illustration. 5. Outer Boom Detail 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Illustration. 6. Chassis Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
Illustration. 7. Chassis Details 1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . . . A-12
Illustration. 8. Chassis Detail 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-13
Illustration. 9. Chassis Detail 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-14
Illustration. 10. Side Shift Frame Details . . . . . . . . . . A-15
Illustration. 11. Center Frame Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-16
Illustration. 12. Expansion Frame Details . . . . . . . . . A-17

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-5

Inner Boom Arrangement

Detail 5

Detail 1

Detail 3

Detail 2

Detail 4

Illustration 1. Inner Boom Arrangement

A-6 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Inner Boom Details
Detail 1 Detail 3

VT (3)
MT (FS) Detail 3

VT (3)
VT (3)

Detail 1
Detail 1
(Top & Bottom)

Illustration 2. Inner Boom Details

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-7

Outer Boom Arrangement

Detail 3

Detail 2

Detail 4

Detail 1

Illustration 3. Outer Boom Arrangement

A-8 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Outer Boom Details
Detail 1 Detail 3

VT (3) VT (3)


Detail 2

Illustration 4. Outer Boom Details 1, 2, and 3

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-9

Outer Boom Detail

Detail 4 VT (3)

VT (3)

Illustration 5. Outer Boom Detail 4

A-10 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Chassis Arrangement

Detail 3

Detail 1

Detail 4

Detail 2

Illustration 6. Chassis Arrangement

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-11

Chassis Details

Detail 1

VT (3)
Detail 2

VT (3)

Illustration 7. Chassis Details 1 and 2

A-12 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Chassis Details
VT (3)

Detail 3

VT (3)

VT (3) VT (3)

Illustration 8. Chassis Detail 3

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-13

Chassis Details

Detail 4

VT (3)

Illustration 9. Chassis Detail 4

A-14 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Side Shift Frame Details

VT (3)

VT (3)

Illustration 10. Side Shift Frame Details

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-15

Center Frame Details

VT (3)

VT (3)

VT (3)

Illustration 11. Center Frame Details

A-16 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Expansion Frame Details

VT (3)

VT (3)

VT (3)

VT (3)

VT (3)

Illustration 12. Expansion Frame Details

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-17

Hoist Circuit

A-18 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)


Welding Precautions
Introduction. If a crack is found in the truck tions illustrations in the Taylor Integrated Control
structure, it is advisable that you contact Taylor System (TICS) Components of Section 6 for
Machine Works, Inc. for proper welding proce- TICS modules locations:
dures. Your machine is comprised of different
1. TICS Control Modules
metals, each requiring its own unique repair
procedure. 2. TICS MD3 Display
Welding Precautions. It is possible for damage 3. Engine Electrical Connectors
to occur when welding during maintenance.
4. Transmission Pressure Transducer
Current passed from the electrode through a pin,
bearing, cylinder piston or other part, seeking the 5. Transmission Temperature Switch
ground, can cause damage to parts.
6. APC Module (located on door of electrical box)
Care and common sense are the best guides to
7. Reverse Camera Monitor
avoid such damage to the components.
8. Reverse Camera

 Death or serious injury could 9. Lift Cylinder Pressure Transducers
result from a runaway truck. Park the truck on 10. Boom Angle Sensor
a hard, level surface, apply the parking brake,
block the wheels in both directions to prevent 11. Boom Extension Sensor
movement of the truck and Lock Out & Tag Out
the truck before performing maintenance.

 Before welding on any of the

truck’s or attachment structural members, the
electrical connector connected to the electrical
components, listed below, must be unplugged
prior to any welding. Failure to disconnect the
electrical connectors from these components
may lead to damage.

 Should any truck equipped

with an APC module require welding on its
structural members, the RS connector must be
unplugged from the APC module prior to any
welding. Failure to comply with this caution
may lead to damage to the APC module. Illustration 1. Engine Electrical Connector and
Transmission Pressure Transducer Location
 Always connect the ground
(closest to the area to be welded, as possible,
to provide the shortest path for welding
current flow) to the part or welded assembly
that is to be welded.
Disconnection of Electrical Components.
Some electrical components on the truck must be
disconnected before attempting to weld on the
truck. If the electrical components are not discon-
nected before welding, damage may occur. Elec-
trical connectors that must be disconnected
before welding include the following components
(refer to Illustrations 1 through 3 for component
location as well as the TICS Control Module Loca-

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-19

Illustration 2. Transmission Temperature Switch

A-20 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Illustration 3. Electrical Components Locations On The Truck

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-21

Hoist Circuit

A-22 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Torque Chart - Nuts and Bolts

Force - 100 lbs. Force - 200 lbs.

(100 N) (200 N)
12” or 1’ 6” or 1/2’
(1 m) (1/2 m)
Graphic Illustration
of Torque
Lever Arm or Wrench Handle Lever Arm or Wrench Handle

Torque - 100 ft-lbs. or 1200 in-lbs. Torque - 100 ft-lbs. or 1200 in-lbs.
(100 N⋅m) (100 N⋅m)
NOTE: These charts are intended as a guide for the same SAE grade as the bolts on the chart.
the wrench torque that should be applied to tight- When nuts and bolts are of different grades, use
ening nuts and bolts, studs, or capscrews when the torque value for the lower of the two grades.
no torque is specified on the assembly print or
These charts are not intended for use in seating a
separate instructions. A steady pressure should
stud in a housing. The torque values, listed in the
be applied to the torque wrench until the torque
charts, are the maximum and minimum dry torque
value is obtained. A jerking action on the torque
values. To convert dry torque values to lubricated
wrench may not yield the proper torque value.
torque values, multiply the max. or min. dry torque
When tightening a bolt with a slotted nut, torque to value by 75% (.75). Lubricated is defined as oil-
the lower value shown on the applicable chart. coated bolts, LoctiteR coated bolts, plated bolts or
Then continue to tighten until the hole in the bolt bolts used with hardened flatwashers.
and the slot in the nut line up. Nuts must be of
Recommended Torque, Foot-pounds (ft-lbs) / NewtonVmeters (NVm)
SAE Grade 5 SAE Grade 8 12pt Ferry Head Capscrew
NF Threads Torque Torque Torque
ft-lbs (NVm) ft-lbs (NVm) ft-lbs (NVm)
1/4 - 28 9 - 10 (12 - 13) 13 - 14 (18 - 19) 15 - 17 (20 - 23)
5/16 - 24 17 - 19 (23 - 26) 23 - 25 (31 - 34) 31 - 34 (42 - 46)
3/8 - 24 32 - 35 (43 - 48) 45 - 50 (61 - 68) 59 - 65 (80 - 88)
7/16 - 20 50 - 55 (68 - 75) 72 - 80 (98 - 109) 92 - 102 (125 - 138)
1/2 - 20 81 - 90 (110 - 122) 108 - 120 (146 - 163) 135 - 150 (183 - 203)
9/16 - 18 108 - 120 (146 - 163) 153 - 170 (208 - 231) NA
5/8 - 18 162 - 180 (220 - 244) 216 - 240 (293 - 325) 271 - 301 (367 - 408)
3/4 - 16 270 - 300 (366 - 407) 378 - 420 (513 - 570) 482 - 536 (654 - 727)
7/8 - 14 423 - 470 (574 - 637) 594 - 660 (805 - 895) 793 - 881 (1075 - 1195)
1 - 14 657 - 730 (891 - 990) 918 - 1020 (1245 - 1383) 1130 - 1255 (1532 - 1702)
1-1/8 - 12 792 - 880 (1074 - 1193) 1296 - 1440 (1757 - 1953) NA
1-1/4 - 12 1116 - 1240 (1513 - 1681) 1800 - 2000 (2441 - 2712) NA
1-3/8 - 12 1512 - 1680 (2050 - 2278) 2448 - 2720 (3320 - 3688) NA
1-1/2 - 12 1980 - 2200 (2685 - 2983) 3200 - 3560 (4339 - 4827) NA
NC Threads
1/4 - 20 7 - 8 (10 - 11) 11 - 12 (15 - 16) 14 - 15 (19 - 20)
5/16 - 18 15 - 17 (20 - 23) 23 - 25 (31 - 34) 28 - 31 (38 - 42)
3/8 - 16 28 - 31 (38 - 42) 41 - 45 (56 - 61) 52 - 58 (71 - 79)
7/16 - 14 45 - 50 (61 - 68) 63 - 70 (86 - 95) 83 - 92 (113 - 125)
1/2 - 13 68 - 75 (92 - 102) 99 - 110 (134 - 149) 120 - 133 (163 - 180)
9/16 - 12 99 - 110 (134 - 149) 135 - 150 (183 - 203) NA
5/8 - 11 135 - 150 (183 - 203) 198 - 220 (268 - 298) 240 - 266 (325 - 361)
3/4 - 10 234 - 260 (317 - 353) 342 - 380 (464 - 515) 432 - 480 (586 - 651)
7/8 - 9 387 - 430 (525 - 583) 540 - 600 (732 - 814) 671 - 746 (910 - 1012)
1-8 576 - 640 (781 - 868) 810 - 900 (1098 - 1220) 940 - 1044 (1275 - 1416)

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A- 23

SAE Grade 5 SAE Grade 8 12pt Ferry Head Capscrew
NC Threads Torque Torque Torque
ft-lbs (NVm) ft-lbs (NVm) ft-lbs (NVm)
1-1/8 - 7 720 - 800 (976 - 1085) 1152 - 1280 (1562 - 1736) NA
1-1/4 - 7 1008 - 1120 (1367 - 1519) 1638 - 1820 (2221 - 2468) NA
1-3/8 - 6 1314 - 1460 (1782 - 1980) 2142 - 2380 (2905 - 3227) NA
1-1/2 - 6 1746 - 1940 (2368 - 2631) 2844 - 3160 (3856 - 4285) NA

Recommended Torque for Metric Bolts

Class 8.8 (Equiv. to Grade 5) Classs 10.9 (Equiv. to Grade 8)
Bolt Size ft-lbs (NVm) ft-lbs (NVm)

M6-1.00 7 - 8 (10 - 11) 10 - 11 (14 - 15)

M8-1.25 17 - 19 (23 - 26) 24 - 27 (33 - 37)

M10-1.50 33 - 37 (45 - 50) 48 - 53 (65 - 72)

M12-1.75 59 - 65 (80 - 88) 83 - 92 (113 - 125)

M16-2.00 144 - 160 (195 - 217) 207 - 230 (281 - 312)

M20-2.50 279 - 310 (378 - 420) 405 - 450 (549 - 610)

M24-3.00 486 - 540 (659 - 732) 690 - 775 (936 - 1051)

M30-3.50 970 - 1078 (1315 - 1462) 1386 - 1540 (1879 - 2088)

Taylor Engineering Standards Recommended Torque for Countersunk

Flathead Bolts with Internal Hex Drive
Tightening procedure for countersunk flathead (these torque values applies only to hold caps
bolts with internal hex drive used for holding caps on tapered TimkenR bearings found on the
on tapered TimkenR bearings (found on the mast mast and carriage main roller assemblies)
and carriage main rollers):
1. The bolts and tapped holes must be clean and
free of oil. [This can be done by using a spray Min. Max.
degreaser (Zep AerosolveR or equivalent) and Bolt Size ft-lbs (NVm) ft-lbs (NVm)
drying with compressed air.]
2. Apply LoctiteR to bolt threads. 5/16 - 18 7.5 10 8.5 12

3. Gradually tighten the bolts using a crossing 3/8 - 16 14 19 16 22

7/16 - 14 24 33 26 35
4. Repeat Step 3 until bolts hold at least the mini-
mum torque value indicated in the torque chart 1/2 - 13 38 52 42 57
below. Stake head at three places with a cen-
5/8 - 11 74 100 81 110
ter punch.
5. When bearings are removed, it is necessary to 3/4 - 10 135 183 150 203
run a tap in the threaded holes and a die on
the bolts to remove LoctiteR residue. If a die
is not available, use new bolts.

A- 24 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Torque Chart - Nuts and Bolts

Tightening procedure for Grade 8 countersunk torque value as indicated in the torque chart
flathead bolts with internal hex drive used for below.
retaining the slide bearing block housings (found
4. In order to achieve torque values of this mag-
on the mast and carriage):
nitude, a high quality hex bit driver tool should
1. Do Not use starwashers or any other type of be used.
“locking” washer with grade 8 bolts.
5. In order to minimize bending stresses in the
2. Generously lubricate the head and threads of tool and thereby increase its life, the length of
the bolt with oil before installing. the hex bit should be as short as possible
(e.g., Snap-OnR “Stubby” length).
3. Gradually tighten the bolts using a crossing
pattern until they hold at least the minimum

Recommended Torque for Countersunk Flathead Bolts with Internal Hex Drive
(these torque values applies only to those bolts used to retain
the slide bearing block housings)
Minimum Maximum
Bolt Size Hex Bit Size ft-lbs (NVm) ft-lbs (NVm)

5/16 - 18 3/16 13 18 15 20
3/8 - 16 7/32 20 27 22 30
7/16 - 14 1/4 30 41 32 43
1/2 - 13 5/16 65 88 70 95
5/8 - 11 3/8 110 149 115 156
3/4 - 10 1/2 265 359 265 366

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A- 25

Hoist Circuit

A- 26 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Introduction. The container handling truck has a cated every 500 hours (refer to the Preventive
large number of moving parts which operate under Maintenance chart). To lubricate, fully extend the
extreme conditions. Frequent periodic lubrication boom with an unloaded attachment. Apply grease
is absolutely essential to keeping the truck per- to the paths on which the wear pads slide. On the
forming satisfactorily with a minimum of downtime. inner boom, this application should be made for
The illustrations in this section indicate the lubrica- the entire length. For the outer boom, this
tion locations, intervals and type lubrication ser- application should be made for the greatest dis-
vice to be performed. The Lube Chart Legend, tance possible. Retract the boom and wipe off
located below Illustration 4, contains the type of excess grease.
lubricant to be used for each symbol and the
Steer Axle Lubrication (See Illustration 4 for
abbreviation representation for each type of
steer axle lubrication)
lubrication service. Refer, also, to the Preventive
Maintenance chart for lubrication intervals and to
the Fuel and Lubricant Specifications section 
 Death or serious injury may
for the types and weights of lubricants to be used occur from being crushed by steer tire. Do not
in different temperature ranges. enter or allow anyone to enter the truck pivot
area while truck is running.

 Always park the truck on level
ground, apply the parking brake, shut down
engine, block the wheels in both directions to
prevent movement of the truck and Lock Out &
Tag Out truck before performing lubrication.

 Do not climb on the boom, top
of the cab or other high places of the truck
while performing lubrication.

 Always use approved ladders,
stands, or manlifts to reach high places on the

 Do not use a material
handling forklift as a means to elevate
Chassis Lubrication (See Illustration 1 for
chassis lubrication)
Attachment Lubrication (See Illustration 2 for
attachment lubrication)
Rotate Bearing / Rotate Bearing Gear Teeth
Lubrication (See Illustration 2 for rotate bearing /
rotate bearing gear teeth lubrication). The rotate
bearing and rotate bearing gear teeth must be
lubricated every 500 hours.
NOTE: To lubricate the rotate bearing gear teeth,
apply a light coat of grease with a brush.
Boom Assembly Lubrication (See Illustration 3
for boom assembly lubrication). The boom sur-
faces where the wear plates slide must be lubri-

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-27

10 X
3000 CG

500 GR

10 X
500 DR / CG

10 X
500 X 1000 DR
500 X
3000 DR

NOTE: Refer to the Lube Chart Legend for the type of lubricant to be used. In addition, refer to the Fuel and Lubricant
Specifications for the types and weights of lubricants to be used in different temperature ranges.

Illustration 1. Chassis Lubrication Points (See Lube Chart Legend for Lubrication Symbol Designation)

A-28 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

500 GR

500 GR

500 GR

500 GR

500 GR

500 GR

500 GR

500 GR

NOTE: Refer to the Lube Chart Legend for the type of lubricant to be used. In addition, refer to the Fuel and Lubricant
Specifications for the types and weights of lubricants to be used in different temperature ranges.

Illustration 2. Attachment Lubrication Points (See Lube Chart Legend for Lubrication Symbol Designation)

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-29

500 GR

500 GR

500 GR

500 GR

NOTE: Refer to the Lube Chart Legend for the type of lubricant to be used. In addition, refer to the Fuel and Lubricant Spec-
ifications for the types and weights of lubricants to be used in different temperature ranges.

Illustration 3. Boom Lubrication Points (See Lube Chart Legend for Lubrication Symbol Designation)

A-30 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

500 GR
500 GR

3000 GR

500 GR
500 GR

NOTE: Refer to the Lube Chart Legend for the type of lubri-
cant to be used. In addition, refer to the Fuel and Lubricant
Specifications for the types and weights of lubricants to be
used in different temperature ranges.

Illustration 4. Steer Axle Lubrication Points (See Lube Chart Legend for Lubrication Symbol Designation)


X - Check Lubricant Level
DR - Drain and Refill
GR - Grease
CG - Change


TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-31

Hoist Circuit

A-32 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)


Engine Lubrication
Cummins QSM11 (does not include oil filter’s capacity) . . . . . . 36 Quarts (34 Liters)
Fuel Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Gallons (682 Liters)
Coolant System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Gallons (64.3 Liters)
TE-32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.9 Gallons (60 Liters)
Drive Axle
Differential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Quarts (50.1 Liters)
Each Planetary Hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5 Quarts (9.9 Liters)
Hydraulic Tank (Total Refill) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Gallons (682 Liters)

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-33

Hoist Circuit

THD-180S – 360L (10/98) A-34

Hydraulic Function Setting Port Pressure Set At Pressure Setting
LocationT LocationT

Hoist Not Adjustable

Boom Extend / Retract Not Adjustable
Pilot Pressure (Main Valve HBC1 1 - Brake Cooling / Pilot High Idle 500 psi (34.5 bar)
and Cab Movement Valve) Pressure Manifold
Brake Cooling Pressure HBC2 2 - Brake Cooling / Pilot High Idle 325 psi (22.4 bar)
Pressure Manifold
Brake Cooling Pressure HBC3 3 - Brake Cooling / Pilot Low Idle 400 psi (27.6 bar)
Pressure Manifold
Steering Pressure HS1 R - Steer Sensing Valve High Idle Not Adjustable
Attachment Relief Valve HSP1 Attachment Relief Valve High Idle 2,750 psi (190 bar)
Rotate Valve Main Relief HSP2 Rotate Valve Inlet Section High Idle 2,500 psi (173 bar)
Damping Manifold CB / CR - Damping Manifold Not Adjustable
Extend Frames HSP3 WS1 A side - Main Attachment High Idle 1,500 psi (103.5 bar)
Retract Frames HSP4 WS1 B side - Main Attachment High Idle 2,500 psi (173 bar)
Side Shift Right HSP5 WS2 A side - Main Attachment High Idle 2,500 psi (173 bar)
Side Shift Left HSP6 WS2 B side - Main Attachment High Idle 2,000 psi (138 bar)
Twistlocks Lock / Unlock WS3 - Main Attachment Valve Not Adjustable
Rotate Attachment CW / HR1 / HR2 Rotate Valve High Idle 2,200 psi (152 bar)
Pilot Pressure (Minimum) HSP9 Attachment Valve Oulet Section Low Idle 250 psi (17 bar)

T Refer to Circuit Drawings CD 16, CD 22, CD 22D, CD 22K, CD 22H, and CD 22A for Pressure Setting Locations
(n) and Port Locations.
NOTE: All hydraulic pressures should be set with the hydraulic oil at approximately 120_F (49_C).

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-35

Hoist Circuit

THD-180S – 360L (10/98) A-36

Preventive Maintenance
Service Symbols Service Intervals
A-Adjust C-Clean CG-Change
10 Hours 500 Hours 1,500 Hrs. 3,000 Hrs.
D-Drain GR-Grease X-Check
ENGINE (Refer To The Engine Manufacturer’s Maintenance Manual For
Additional Requirements):
Oil level - check for evidence of external leakage X
Oil change and filter element D / CG
Note: Engine oil, filter, and fuel filter change intervals must be reduced to 250 hours
unless all of the following conditions are met:
1. Engine oil must meet API CG–4, CH–4, CES 20076 or CES 20077 specifications.
2. Fuel consumption must be less than 8.5 gallons / hour.
3. Oil filters must meet CES 10065 specifications (Cummins LF9001 meets this spec).
4. Ambient operating temperatures must not be in excess of 100_F more than 40% of
the time.
5. Fuel sulfur content must not exceed 0.5 percent.
Clean crankcase breather, engine, and check engine mounts C/X
Fill fuel tank - check for leaks X
Fuel / water separator filter elements (see Note above) D CG
Fuel tank, cap, hoses and clamps X
Check for leaks X
Air cleaner filter indicator X
Air cleaner primary filter (as conditions warrant) T CG
Air cleaner safety filter (or by filter indicator) T CG
Coolant level and fan belt X
Hoses, clamps and radiator - check for leaks X
Radiator (clean externally as conditions warrant) X
Drain and flush cooling system (every 2 years or 6,000 hours)
Coolant filter (refer to the engine manufacturer’s operation and maintenance manual for
coolant filter change interval)
Battery - check water level X
Alternator belt X
Check the calibration of the boom angle and extension sensors (refer to Section 6) X
Maintain fluid level to full mark and check for leaks X
Calibrate clutches (every 2,000 hours)
Clean transmission oil cooler (clean externally as conditions warrant)
Clean transmission breather C
Drain and refill transmission, and clean sump screen (every 1,000 hours)
Transmission filters CG
Lubricate drive shaft, universal joints, slip joints and all other bearings. T GR
STEER AXLE - Visually inspect daily X
Lubricate all grease fittings on steer axle (refer to the Lubrication section in the
Appendices) T GR
Repack wheel bearings GR
Check mounting bolts X
DRIVE AXLE - Visually inspect daily X
Differential and planetary hubs - maintain oil level X
Drain and refill differential and planetary hubs (refer to Fuel and Lubricant Specifications in
the Appendices for the type of gear oil to be used) D
Check mounting bolts X
Check brake air hoses and connections X
Inspect brake linings (refer to Drive Axle Service Brakes Servicing in Section 15) X
Brake cooling return filter T CG

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-37

Service Symbols Service Intervals
A-Adjust C-Clean CG-Change
10 Hours 500 Hours 1,500 Hrs. 3,000 Hrs.
D-Drain GR-Grease X-Check
Actuation X
Parking brake linings (inspect for wear and replace as conditions warrant; inspect more
frequently under extreme duty cycles; refer to Section 15) X

Lubricate all grease fittings on machine not listed elsewhere. Use engine oil on linkage not
having grease fittings. T GR
Mirrors and windows X/C
Access and anti-slip surfaces (clean) X/C
Audio-visual warning devices X
Handrails X
Cab door hinges GR
Inspect rims and rim components for fatigue cracks (and every time a tire is replaced) X
Check tires, valve caps, wheels, lugs and tire pressure (refer to data plate on vehicle for
torque information) X

Maintain fluid level in hydraulic tank to full mark. X
Check piping for chafing, cracked hoses, loose fittings and leaks. X
Drain and refill entire hydraulic system and clean inside tank. CG / C
Replace hydraulic tank breather (change after the first 50 hours of truck operation) T CG
Hydraulic tank return filters (change after the first 50 hours of truck operation) T CG
Hydraulic pilot filter CG
Check for free operation. Restriction may indicate rust or dirt in system. X
Observe speed of movement - check for leaks X
Check precharge X
Clean Boom Extension Sensor Lens T C
Lubricate main pin bushings GR
Lubricate damping cylinders pins GR
Lubricate boom hanger pin assembly. Lubricate hoist and boom cylinder bushings and all
grease fittings on boom, including special equipment. GR
Lubricate inner boom surface where wear pads slide X GR
ROTATE FRAME - Visually inspect daily X
Lubricate rotate bearing and rotate frame pivot pins grease fittings GR
Lubricate rotate bearing gear teeth GR
Check rotate bearing mounting bolts X
Lubricate the twistlocks, expansion cylinder end, side shift cylinder anchor pins, and
damping cylinder anchor pins grease fittings. GR
Lubricate the sliding surfaces of the expansion frames. (every 50 hours)
Visually inspect all twistlocks, guide blocks, interlocks and plungers. X
Check twistlocks and guide blocks ultrasonically or by magnaflux. Replace every 6,000
Visually inspect container attachment structure for cracks. X
Visually inspect plungers X
Check response of hydraulic functions. X
Check all container lights and safety devices. X
Check cab position cylinder for proper operation X
Lubricate cab position cylinder grease fittings GR

T Checks, grease intervals, oil and filter changes are based on normal operating conditions including ten hours per day, fifty
hours per week. If your operating conditions or duty cycles are more severe, service should be conducted more frequently.
Extremely dusty conditions may require more frequent grease intervals, cleaning and oil / filter changes.

A-38 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

RTGP-9040 (12/95)
Section 1

Section Title

Electrical System Maintenance Requirements

This document contains information of vital importance concerning the

inspection and repair of electrical system components. If damaged
electrical system components are not corrected, they can lead to fires
causing death, serious injury and / or property damage.

It is important that the machine be inspected regularly. Any damaged

electrical system components must be repaired immediately by
qualified repair technicians.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-39

A-40 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)
Electrical System Maintenance Requirements Some areas in which to pay special attention
during the inspection include:

 Death or serious injury may S Areas where there is relative movement
occur from fire. Improper maintenance of the between components (i.e. engine / frame).
electrical system may result in electrical S Areas where wiring runs around corners, edges
shorts which can cause fires. Regularly of parts, or through holes.
inspect and maintain electrical harnesses, S Areas where components are exposed to high
cables, and electrical components as outlined. temperatures (i.e. near exhaust components).
Ensure that harnesses are properly routed and
secured after servicing the truck. S Areas where components are secured with
clamps, straps, ties, etc.
S Battery cables (entire length) and terminals

 Keep vehicle clean and free of
grease, oil or dirt build up that can act as fuel S Connectors / connections
for a fire. S Wire harnesses in cable tracks or over rollers
Electrical system components must be regularly Problems requiring maintenance include:
inspected, maintained, and repaired to ensure S Build up of combustible material on wiring
safe operation of powered industrial trucks. The harnesses or vehicle components
following requirements are provided to aid main-
tenance personnel in proper electrical system S Worn harness coverings
maintenance practices. The following require- S Wear in wire insulation
ments are in addition to the regular daily inspec- S Exposed conductors
tions in the operator’s guide, maintenance
manual, and safety literature included with the S Evidence of arcing
truck. S Loose fasteners or clamps
S Unprotected or uncovered wires
S Improper repairs or additions
In addition to the daily inspection required by
OSHA, a thorough visual inspection of all battery S Corrosion
cables, wiring harnesses, and electrical connec- S Discoloration of connectors
tions should be made every 6 months or 1,500 S Improperly secured wiring
hours of truck operation to check for damage or
wear. Wiring harnesses should also be thoroughly NOTE: Any damaged electrical system compo-
inspected any time a major component is removed nents must be repaired or replaced before the unit
(i.e. engine, transmission, operator base, etc.) or is returned to service.
when an electrical problem occurs.
Examples of electrical system maintenance prob-
Prior to any inspection, thoroughly clean the lems are shown in the illustrations below:
vehicle paying particular attention to the areas to
be inspected.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-41

Unprotected Wires Improper Wire Routing / Unprotected Wires

Damaged Sheathing / Unprotected Wires Worn Sheathing

Frayed Battery Cable Exposed Conductor / Grease Buildup

A-42 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Improper Routing And Connector Worn or Damaged Wire Insulation
Unprotected Wires Unprotected Wires

Proper Electrical Wiring Maintenance



Wires Properly Connected, Covered, and Secured Battery Cable Properly Covered

Corrective Actions S Only trained and qualified maintenance

personnel should make inspections and
repairs on the electrical system and

S Use only genuine Taylor replacement parts.
Lesser quality parts may fail resulting in NOTE: There are many types of aftermarket elec-
property damage, personal injury, or death. trical components which may or may not meet
S Under no circumstances, without prior OEM specifications, quality and design require-
written approval from Taylor Machine Works, ments. Always use genuine Taylor replacement
should the electrical system of the machine parts.
be modified in a manner which affects safe Corrective actions to follow to repair electrical
vehicle operation as per OSHA 29 system components include:
CFR1910.178 (a) (4).

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-43

S Keep the vehicle free of grease, oil and dirt
build up by regular thorough cleaning.
S Use genuine Taylor replacement parts (wire,
connectors, looms, clamps, etc.).
S Use approved split loom to cover worn or
missing protective covering on wiring
S Tape minor worn places on conductors with
electrical tape before covering with wiring loom.
S Protect all wiring with approved loom.
S Properly clamp connectors / terminals on
wiring. Use proper crimping tools to attach
terminals and connectors.
S Remove and replace damaged wires. Replace
wires with same gauge. Short (less than 1”
long) damaged sections of wire may be repaired
by removing the damaged section and
re-connecting the wire with an approved
crimp-type connector.
S Never repair or replace a large single wire with
multiple small wires.
S Never use connectors that are not approved by
S Never use residential wiring connectors.
S Use properly sized connectors for wire size.
S Never replace circuit breakers with circuit
breakers of higher amperage.
S Keep spacing between wire harness and
moving parts.
S Check the integrity of connectors and replace if
S Replace missing clamps.
S When replacing wire harnesses, use common
sense to minimize chaffing when securing and
use existing clamping points when possible.
S Properly route wiring and wire harnesses during
S Use rubber grommets to protect wiring and
harnesses which run through holes.

A-44 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Note: Complete replacement wiring harnesses are available through all Taylor’s normal service parts

Taylor Electrical Part Numbers

Commonly Used Electrical Maintenance Repair Parts

Part Number Part Description Part Number Part Description

1730-010 Split Loom 5/8” 2324-172 Terminal, Yellow Push-on Male
10–12 ga
1730-011 Split Loom 3/4”
2324-241 Terminal, Blue Push-on Male
1730-013 Split Loom 1/4” 14–16 ga
1730-014 Split Loom 7/8” 2324-242 Terminal, Blue Push-on Female
1730-015 Split Loom 1 1/4” 14-16 ga

1730-016 Split Loom 1 1/2” 2324-285 Stud mount tie down

1730-020 Split Loom 13/32” 2324-340 Terminal, #10 Blue Ring 14-16 ga

1730-300 Split Loom 3/8” 2324-380 Terminal, #8 Blue Ring 14-16 ga

1730-301 Split Loom 1/2” 2324-384 Terminal, Blue Female 90 deg

Push-on 14-16 ga
2000-317 Split Loom 1”
2324-427 **Weather Pack Socket 14-16 ga
2315-050 Relay 12V 20/30Amp
2324-428 **Weather Pack Pin 14-16 ga
2324-017 Socket, Gold Plated 20 ga
2324-571 *Deutsch Pin 14-16 ga
2324-028 Pin, Gold Plated 20 ga
2324-572 *Deutsch Socket 14-16 ga
2324-055 Terminal, #10 Yellow Ring
10-12 ga 2324-729 *Deutsch crimp tool, 12-26 ga

2324-096 Terminal, 3/8” Ring 6 ga 2324-846 Heavy Duty Crimper

2324-100 Terminal, #6 Blue Ring 14-16 ga 2324-847 Butt Splice, 6 ga

2324-112 Terminal, #4 Red Ring 18-22 ga 5144-002 *Deutsch removal tool, Blue 16 ga

2324-150 Butt Splice, 14-16 ga 5144-003 *Deutsch removal tool, Red 20 ga

2324-160 Butt Splice, 14-16 ga 5144-005 *Deutsch removal tool, Yellow

12 ga
2324-165 Terminal, 1/4” Ring 6 ga
5144-006 *Deutsch removal tool, White 6 ga
2324-171 Terminal, Yellow Push-on Female
10-12 ga 5144-009 Weather Pack removal tool

Notes: All wires must conform to Type SXL, GXL or TXL SAE J1128 Specifications
* These parts are required for proper removal and installation of Deutsch connections
** These parts require Packard GM12014254 crimp tool
Remaining parts may be installed with common tools

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-45

Section 1

Section Title

Hydraulic System Maintenance Requirements

This document contains information of vital importance concerning the

inspection and repair of hydraulic system components. If damaged
hydraulic system components are not corrected, they can lead to
failures or fires causing death, serious injury or property damage.

It is important that the machine be inspected regularly. Any damaged

hydraulic system components must be repaired immediately by
qualified repair technicians. The following information is provided to
aid maintenance personnel in the inspection of the hydraulic system
and identification of areas that may require attention. All safety rules
and repair practices included in the other sections of the maintenance
manual must be followed.

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-47

A-48 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)
Hydraulic System Maintenance Requirements Prior to any inspection, thoroughly clean the
vehicle paying particular attention to the areas to
be inspected.

 Death or serious injury may
occur from fire. Improper maintenance of the Some areas requiring special attention
hydraulic system may result in leaks which during the inspection include:
can cause fires. S Areas where there is relative movement
S Regularly inspect and maintain hydraulic between components (i.e. engine / frame)
hoses, valves, and hydraulic components as S Areas where hoses run around corners, edges,
outlined. or through holes
S Ensure that hoses are properly routed and S Areas where hoses cross
secured after servicing the truck.
S Areas where components are exposed to high
S Keep vehicle clean and free of grease, oil or temperatures (i.e. near exhaust components)
dirt build up that can act as fuel for a fire.
S Areas where components are secured with
clamps, straps, ties, etc.

 Death or serious injury may S Adapters/ Connectors / connections between
occur from catastrophic failure. Improper hoses and components
maintenance of the hydraulic system may lead S Hoses in cable and hose tracks or over rollers
to failure of truck functions which can affect
proper truck operation. S Fuel lines and connections
Problems requiring maintenance include:
Hydraulic system components must be regularly
inspected, maintained, and repaired to ensure S Build up of combustible material on hoses,
safe operation of powered industrial trucks. The valves or vehicle components
following requirements are provided to aid main- S Worn hose coverings
tenance personnel in proper hydraulic system S Leaking hoses/connections
maintenance practices. These following require-
ments are in addition to the routine daily inspec- S Loose hose or adapter connections
tions in the operator’s guide, maintenance S Improper repairs or additions
manual, and safety literature included with the S Corrosion
S Improperly secured or unsecured hoses
Additionally, the following recommendations for S Excessive vibration of hydraulic or fuel hoses
inspection, maintenance and repair apply to other and components
systems or components on the truck which
contain or transmit flammable materials. These NOTE: Any damaged hydraulic system or fuel
systems include engine lubrication systems and system components must be repaired or replaced
fuel systems. If not regularly inspected and before the unit is returned to service.
properly maintained, similar hazards exist which
may lead to death, serious injury or property
damage due to fires.
In addition to the daily inspection required by
OSHA, a thorough visual inspection of all hydrau-
lic hoses, valve assemblies and hydraulic connec-
tions should be made every 6 months or 1,500
hours of truck operation to check for damage or
wear. Hydraulic hoses and connections should be
inspected for damage and wear any time a major
component is removed (i.e. engine, transmission,
operator base, etc.) or when a hydraulic problem

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-49

Examples of hydraulic system maintenance prob-
lems are shown in the illustrations below:


Build up of Combustible Materials on hoses or Leaking Hoses or Connections



Improper Routing of Hydraulic Hoses and Wiring Improper Routing of Hydraulic Hoses or
Improperly Secured Hoses

A-50 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)


Poor Routing of Hydraulic Hoses Worn Hose Coverings

or Unsecured Hoses


Improperly Secured or Unsecured Hoses

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-51

Corrective Actions S Replace missing clamps.
S When securing replacement hoses, use

 Death or serious injury may common sense to minimize chaffing.
occur from improper maintenance practices. S Use existing clamping points when possible.
S Use only genuine Taylor replacement parts. S Properly route hoses during repairs.
Lesser quality parts may fail.
S Use rubber grommets to protect hoses routed
S Under no circumstances should the through holes.
hydraulic system be modified in a manner
S Route hoses away from hot surfaces.
which affects safe operation unless prior
written approval is granted by Taylor S Keep electrical wires and harnesses separated
Machine Works. (Ref OSHA 29 CFR 1910.178 from hydraulic hoses.
S Only trained and qualified maintenance
personnel should make inspections and
repairs to the hydraulic system and
NOTE: There are many types of aftermarket
hydraulic components which may or may not meet
OEM specifications, quality, and design require-
ments. Always use genuine Taylor replacement
Corrective actions to follow to repair hydraulic
system components include:
S Keep the vehicle free of grease, oil, and dirt
build up by regular thorough cleaning.
S Use genuine Taylor replacement parts (hoses,
adapters, clamps, sheathing, etc.).
S Properly install connectors / adapters on hoses.
Use proper crimping tools to attach connectors
and adapters to hoses.
S Remove and replace damaged hoses. Replace
hoses with OEM hose assemblies.
S Never use hoses/connectors/adapters that are
not approved by TMW.
S Use properly sized connectors/adapters for
hose size.
S Never replace a hose with a hose of lower
pressure rating.
S Maintain spacing between hoses and moving
S Maintain spacing between hoses and wiring.
S Avoid hoses crossing over each other at
perpendicular angles.
S Always use properly sized clamps to firmly
secure hoses.
S Check the integrity of connectors/adapters and
replace if necessary.

A-52 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)

Taylor Hydraulic Part Numbers (Commonly Used Hydraulic Maintenance Repair Parts)
Part Number Part Description Part Number Part Description
2000–346 Pressure Check – 1/4 NPT 1709–127 2.75” rubber hose clamp
2000–347 Pressure Check – 1/8 NPT 1709–161 3.56” rubber hose clamp
2000–258 Pressure Check – 7/16 SAE 1273–703 1/4 tap weld on boss
2000–259 Pressure Check – 9/16 SAE 1316–024 3/8 tap weld on boss
2954–536 Pressure Check – 9/16 ORS 1316–025 5/16 tap weld on boss
2954–537 Pressure Check – 11/16 ORS 1709–908 4” hose hanging straps for clamping
2954–538 Pressure Check – 13/16 ORS
1709–909 6” hose hanging straps for clamping
2000–464 Test Hose – 1/4 NPT – 24” hoses
2000–465 Test Hose – 1/4 NPT – 36” 1709–907 8” hose hanging straps for clamping
2000–959 Test Hose – 1/4 NPT – 48” hoses

2000–960 Test Hose – 1/4 NPT – 72” 1709–904 12” hose hanging straps for clamping
1709–200 250” rubber hose clamp
1709–905 16” hose hanging straps for clamping
1709–151 .38” rubber hose clamp hoses

1709 .50” rubber hose clamp 1709–906 20” hose hanging straps for clamping
1709–050 .56” rubber hose clamp
2000–713 Small hose protector shield
1709–055 .69” rubber hose clamp
2000–714 Medium hose protector shield
1709–100 .75” rubber hose clamp
2000–715 Large hose protector shield
1709–105 .94” rubber hose clamp
2324–373 12” tie down straps for wiring
1709–108 1” rubber hose clamp
2324–374 18” tie down straps for wiring
1709–112 1.06” rubber hose clamp
2945–073 1” nylon abrasion sleeve
1709–115 1.12” rubber hose clamp
2945–074 1.59” nylon abrasion sleeve
1709–115 1.12” rubber hose clamp
2945–075 1.75” nylon abrasion sleeve
1709–128 1.31” rubber hose clamp
2945–076 2.38” nylon abrasion sleeve
1709–118 1.50” rubber hose clamp
2945–049 2.54” nylon abrasion sleeve
1709–120 1.56” rubber hose clamp
2945–099 1” nylon abrasion sleeve with Velcro
1709–122 1.75” rubber hose clamp
2945–101 1.5” nylon abrasion sleeve with Velcro
1709–051 1.81” rubber hose clamp
2945–059 2” nylon abrasion sleeve with Velcro
1709–124 2” rubber hose clamp
2945–095 3” nylon abrasion sleeve with Velcro
1709–126 2.25” rubber hose clamp
2945–096 4” nylon abrasion sleeve with Velcro
1709–160 2.625” rubber hose clamp

Notes: Complete replacement hose assemblies are available through all Taylor’s normal service parts

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-53

Hoist Circuit

A-54 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11)


Proposition 65 Warning

Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to

the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and other
reproductive harm.
Hoist Circuit
Fuel and Lubricant Specifications

This replaces all previously published Fuel and Lubricant Specifications.

ENGINE Cummins Diesels API Classification CG–4, CH–4/SJ, CI–4 Chevron Delo 400
OIL Multi grade
SAE 5W 30 -40° F to 68° F Heavy Duty
SAE 10W 30 -10° F to 68° F M
Motor Oil
SAE 15W 40
SAE 15W 40 -10° F to 115° F
Gas & LP Engines API Classification CG–4, CH–4/SJ, CI–4
SAE 5W 30 Below 60° F
DIESEL All Diesel Engines ASTM Spec D-975 All Temperatures Chevron Diesel No. 2
FUEL No. 1 or No. 2, With Temp. Supressor
0.5% Sulfur Maximum Added November Thru
Centane Minimum 40 March
ANTI- Cooling System Maintain 50 - 50% Soft Water* Protection to -34° F Texaco 23 53
FREEZE Ethylene Glycol
(Low Silicate Antifreeze)
GM 6038-M or ASTM D3306
RUST Cooling System Any Reputable Manufacturer All Temperatures Included in Antifreeze
INHIBITOR Non-Chromate Only
TRANS- Automatic Transmission C-4 Type Fluid with Friction Control All Temperatures Chevron 1000 Tractor
MISSION Modifiers. Hydraulic Fluid
HYDRAU- Hydraulic System
LIC FLUID NOTE: Chevron 1000 Tractor Hydraulic
Fluid and Mobil 424 have proven to be
WET DISC Wet Disc Brakes most effective in controlling wet disc
BRAKE brake noise.
GEAR OIL Differentials Extreme Pressure Gear Oil Chevron Delo Gear
Planetary Hubs (GL-5 or MIL-2105D) 10° F Minimum Lubricant ESI 80W 90
Gear Boxes SAE 85W 140
SAE 80W 90 -15° F Minimum & Any
Higher Temperatures
BRAKE Wet Disc Brake Actuator C-4 Type Fluid with Friction Control All Temperatures Chevron 1000 Tractor
FLUID Modifiers. See Hydraulic Fluid Above. Hydraulic Fluid
WHEEL All Timkenr Bearings Chevron Ulti-Plex** Grease Grade 1 below 0° F Chevron Ulti-Plex Grease
BEARINGS Which Use Grease NLGI Grades 1 & 2 or Equivalent Grade 2 above 0° F NLGI Grade 2
GREASE All Other Grease Fittings Chevron Ultra Duty** Grease Grade 1 below 0° F Chevron Ultra Duty
FITTINGS EP NLGI 1, 2, or Equivalent Grade 2 above 0° F Grease EP NLGI 2
LEAF Vistacr ISO 150 Lubricant All Temperatures Vistacr ISO 150 Lubricant

* Soft Water - Cannot contain more than 300 parts per million hardness or 100 parts per million of either chloride or sulfide.
(See engine manual.)
**Grease recommendations are based on commercial products which have given satisfactory service. Users must be assured of similar per-
formance with products represented to be equivalent.

FL-1-5 (Rev. 2/07)

Section 6

Electrical System

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 6-57

Hoist Circuit

Insert The Current Fuel and Lubricant

Specifications Form FL Here

6-58 TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev.

Circuit Drawings List
Circuit Sheet Number Circuit Description
CD 05 2381 – Cooling System Circuit
CD 06 2546 02 Panel ANSI
CD 06 2546 03 Control Stand and Top Cab ANSI
CD 06 2546 04 Front Frame ANSI
CD 06 2546 05 Rear Frame ANSI
CD 06 2546 07 Truck Electrical Box ANSI
CD 06A 2506 02 Attachment Electrical ANSI
CD 06A 2506 03 Auto 20 / 40 Circuit
CD 06A 2506 04 Boom and Rotate ANSI
CD 06B 2275 – Engine Electrical ANSI
CD 06C 0144 – Reverse Camera Circuit
CD 09A 2297 – Transmission Cooling
CD 09B 2126 – Transmission Filter Circuit
CD 15 2550 – Brake Control Circuit
CD 15C 0159 02 Brake Cooling ANSI
CD 16 2393 02 Steering ANSI
CD 20A 2387 – Air Conditioning System Circuit
CD 20H 0143 – Heating System System Circuit
CD 22 2950 03 Main Hydraulic ANSI
CD 22A 3834 01 Attachment Hydraulic Circuit
CD 22A 3834 02 Attachment Hydraulic ANSI
CD 22D 0042 02 Cab Positioning Circuit
CD 22H 0136 02 Attachment Rotation ANSI
CD 22K 0018 02 Boom Hydraulic ANSI (Chassis)
CD 22K 0018 03 Boom Hydraulic ANSI (Boom)
ID 01 10 01 – Cummins QSM11 ECM Circuit
ID 06 09 10 – CAN Communication ANSI
ID 13 10 08 – Steer Axle Service

TS - 9972, 9973W (Rev. 3/11) A-551

Hoist Circuit

THD-180S – 360L (10/98) A-552


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