115 Social Media Post Ideas

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What to post on

Social Media

Social Media

115 Post Ideas

What to post on
Social Media?
What is the hardest part of using social media to promote business?

In many small businesses creating the content and coming up with ideas is at the top of the list. Just
finding time to create content is difficult enough, let alone creating valuable content that will engage
and grow your audience.

Don’t worry, here is a little guide to help you.

With this tool, you will never run out of ideas what to post on your social media.


1. Host #AMA (Ask Me Anything). 17. Talk about an event you will attend.
2. Answer publicly a frequently asked question. 18. Share a holiday-themed post.
19. Share a special-day post.
20. Promote an event you are hosting.
ASK A QUESTION 21. Share a daily hashtag post
22. Write about a trending topic.
3. Ask for recommendations.
4. Ask for testimonials.
5. Ask about current events.
6. Ask what is your fans’ favourite… DEMONSTRATE EXPERTISE
7. Post a “Would you rather” question. 23. Share a time saving tip.
8. Post an “If you could…” question. 24. Share an interesting infographics.
9. Ask a philosophical question. 25. Review a product or service.
10. Ask a lifestyle question. 26. Share a productivity hack.
11. Ask a “What was your first…” question 27. Share a money saving tip.
12. Post a survey. 28. Create an infographics.
29. Talk about common mistakes people make.
30. Run a “One day of a life of…” series.
13. Share what’s new in your company.
14. Share photos from company’s events. FUN POSTS
15. Share your latest accomplishments. 31. Post a funny photo or video you recently
16. Talk about your company’s history. liked.
32. Share a “fill in the blank” post.
33. Share a joke.
34. Post a meme or a funny gif.
35. Post a fun fact from your industry.
36. Share a fun story.
37. Talk about a cause or charity you support. 62. Ask your fans to sign up to your email list.
38. Give away a voucher. 63. Talk about your competitive advantage.
39. Give your follower 64. Remind your followers to buy your products.
40. Host a Flash Sale. 65. Share your company’s success story.
66. Mention your other social media profiles.
67. Promote your product launch.
INSIDER NEWS 68. Celebrate an important milestone you
41. Share a news from your industry. achieved.
42. Post an interesting article from your niche.
43. Share an interesting statistics or fact about
44. Interview an expert. 69. Share a new content you wrote.
45. Share your company’s annual report. 70. Reshare or repurpose some of your older
46. Share results from a survey. content.
71. Share a press release you have.
72. Remind your followers about your blog.
INVOLVE YOUR AUDIENCE 73. Reshare your top performing posts.
47. Host a contest.
48. Acknowledge your fans and thank them for
supporting you. PROMOTE YOUR TEAM
49. Share a post from one of your fans. 74. Introduce a new employee to your audience.
50. Interview one of your followers. 75. Feature one of your team members.
51. Post a photo of your recent contest winner. 76. Let your fans know you are looking for a new
52. Show one of your fans using your product or team member.
service. 77. Post a photo showing your company culture.
78. Post a Team-building photo.

53. Take a picture of your workspace. THE REAL YOU
54. Post a “What’s on this image” post. 79. Talk about your goals.
55. Post a fun selfie. 80. Tell people how you got started.
56. Post a “Before and A 81. Talk about your hobby or passion.
57. Share a “Sneak Peek” photo. 82. Share a pearl of wisdom you learned the
hard way.
83. Share your usual daily routine.
PROMOTE OTHERS 84. Talk about a failure and what you learned
58. Share someone else’s content. from it.
59. Feature your clients and encourage your 85. Share what you do to r
fans to support them. 86. Talk about one of your trips.
60. Feature your business partner and talk 87. Post about your values.
about the synergy between your businesses. 88. Share something you want to achieve before
61. Feature another expert. the age of ...
89. Post an inspirational quote.
90. Share a success story that inspired you. Daily hashtags are popular tags on
91. Describe how to overcome a problem. social media for specific days of the
92. Talk about someone who inspired you. week. They are a great source of
93. Post about something positive you experienced. content inspiration and, will increase
engagement and grow your fan base
if used correctly.
94. Post a “How to” article or tutorial. Here is a list of the most commonly
95. Share an useful resource or tool your followers might like. used daily hashtags:
96. Post a link to useful service y
97. Share an interesting Pinterest Pin #MondayMemories
98. Recommend an useful mobile app. #MotivationMonday, #MondayMotivation

99. Share a “How to” video.
100. Shoot an “Unboxing” video.
101. Share a “Behind the scenes” video.
102. Create a themed video.
103. Post a walkthrough through your company.
104. Post a review video.
105. Share a testimonial from your client.
106. Post a live video.
107. Share a “Sneak Peek” video.
#ThrowbackThursday, #TBT
WHAT I LIKE… #ThursdayThoughts
108. Share you favourite blogger. #Thursdate
109. Talk about your favourite podcast.
110. Mention your favourite YouTube channel. #FearlessFriday
111. Talk about a book you are reading. #FollowFriday, #FF
112. Share your favourite tool or a resource. #FridayFact
113. Talk about your favourite product or service. #FridayFun
114. Mention your favourite music channel or a band. #FoodieFriday
115. Talk about your favourite entrepreneur or role model.
116. Do not post anything (yes that’s also allowed). #SalesSaturday


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