The Experimental Research On The Formability of Low Carbon Steel Sheet

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International Review of Applied Engineering Research.

ISSN 2248-9967 Volume 4, Number 3 (2014), pp. 269-274

© Research India Publications

The Experimental Research on the Formability of

Low Carbon Steel Sheet

Salunkhe Ujwala Sunil1 and K. Baba Pai2

JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan.
ITM Universe, Vadodara, Gujarat.


The forming behaviour of cold rolled closed annealed steel sheet in

Selected samples with proper annealing and chemical composition for
better formability was investigated by Erichsen Cupping test method.
The results showed that the formability of cold rolled closed annealed
steel having lower percentage of carbon is lesser forming property and
ductility. It was found that the stress distribution and the grain density
of the sheet material confirm the formability. The best combination of
strength and ductile properties has steel with the low carbon and better
forming property.

Keywords: Formability; Low Carbon steel; re-crystallization;

Mechanical properties.

1. Introduction
Oliveira et al. (2005) explained that Sheet metal forming processes often involve high
rates of deformation. Electromagnetic pulse forming (magnetic pulse forming),hydro
forming and explosive forming are obvious examples, but also in more conventional
sheet forming techniques, such as deep drawing, roll forming and bending, locally high
strain rates occur deviating from those used in static material tests. Mala Seth et al.
(2005) reported thathigh velocity deformation can be quite effective in increasing
theforming limits of metal sheets as well as effectively treating some other common
metal forming problems, such as wrinkling and distortion. This study examines the
highvelocity formability of cold rolled sheet steel as developed in impact with a curved
T.B. Stoughton et al. (2000) revealed a fundamental problem in sheet metal
forming is fracturing. It is therefore essential to be able to predict the risk of fracture
270 Salunkhe Ujwala Sunil & K. Baba Pai

with high accuracy. The forming limit curve (FLC) is the most commonly used
fracture criterion for sheet metal forming applications. New fracture criterions have
been developed but no one has yet come to general practical use in the automotive
industry. In this paper, discussion about the formability of CRCA sheet for transformer
radiator fin sheet is evaluated.

2. Experimental Details
2.1 Material and sample preparation
The materials used for research are CR1, CR2, CR3, and CR4. The chemical
composition of these four samples tested by Spectro Chemical Analysis as per
specification of Indian Standard 513 of 2008 Edition and the results are shown in

Table 1: The chemical composition of CRCA steel (wt. %).

CR1 Element C Mn P S
Atomic % 0.15 1.40 0.019 0.007
CR2 Element C Mn P S
Atomic % 0.08 0.30 0.014 0.008
CR3 Element C Mn P S
Atomic % 0.02 0.12 0.011 0.007
CR4 Element C Mn P S
Atomic % 0.01 0.14 0.010 0.014

High strength cold rolled steel having low carbon is continuously annealed at the
temperature of 750ºC to produce uniform strength. The holding time should be not less
than 20 sec. The preferable range is 20 sec to 3min.CR1 is a commercial(ordinary)
quality “O” grade as per Indian standard:513 2008 specifications. CR2 is a drawing
quality “D” grade as per Indian standard: 513 2008 specifications. CR3 is a deep
drawing Quality “DD” grade as per Indian standard: 513 2008 specifications.CR4 is an
extra deep drawing quality “EDD” grade as per Indian standard: 513 2008

2.2 Cupping test setup

The Cupping Testing Machine is precise technology testing machine which is used for
sheet metal & strip steel rolled stock etc. It can complete test of plastic deformation
and formability for sheet metal & strip steel rolled stock. It conforms to IS 513 2008.
This machine is having the features like, Thickness of sheet metal: 0.2-2mm, Width of
sheet metal: 90-100mm, Stroke of punch: 40mm, Max. Clamping test load: 60kN,
Max. Clamping load: 25kN, Specifications of cupping grips, Standard punch ball:
φ20±0.05mm, Standard pattern hole: φ33±0.1mm etc.
The Experimental Research on the Formability of Low Carbon Steel Sheet 271

The Erichsen cupping test is a ductility test, which is employed to evaluate the
ability of metallic sheets and strips to undergo plastic deformation in stretch forming.
The test consists of forming an indentation by pressing a punch with a spherical end
against a test piece clamped between a blank holder and a die, until a through crack
appears. The depth of the cup is measured. The depth of cup is proportional to the
formability of sheet metal. As shown in figure1, sheet metals of selected samples are
clamped between blank holder and die until a crack appears. And it will indicate
formability of these samples.

Fig. 1: Cupping Test Set- up.

3. Result and Discussions

3.1 Microstructure of Sheet Metal

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 2: Microstructure of the sample (a) CR1 (b) CR2 (c) CR3 and (d) CR4.

Coarse initial grain size had a great influence on the microstructure, hardness of
low carbon steel. Grain size number below ASTM number 3 represents definitely
coarse grained steel and above ASTM number 6 represents reasonably fine grained
steel. Fig.2 is showing microstructure related with the samples CR1, CR2, CR3 and
CR4 respectively.
Table 2 reveals the results related to the microstructure shown in Fig. 2. CR1 and
CR4 are showing higher grain size compared to other samples. The samples which are
higher hardness are showing less ductility
272 Salunkhe Ujwala Sunil & K. Baba Pai

Fine grain size is also reflection of hardness.CR3 and CR4 are showing similar
grain size but CR4 is having less hardness.CR4 is having better ductility compared to
other two samples. Because of less grain size, CR4 is subjected to higher ductility.

Table 2: Grain Size and Hardness for Selected Samples.

Sr. No Sample Grain size Hardness(HV5) Structure
1 CR1 6-7 201 Ferrite and pearlite
2 CR2 6-7 109 Ferrite and pearlite
3 CR3 4-5 89 Ferrite and pearlite
4 CR4 4-5 88 Ferrite and pearlite
For ensuring the formability of selected samples, the cupping test was performed
which showed different results for different samples as discussed under.

3.2 Forming Behaviour of CRCA Sheet Metal

With the help of cupping testing machine, forming behaviour of CRCA sheet metal of
different samples is evaluated. The results obtained through this test are shown in

Table 3: Cupping test results for Selected Samples.

Sr. No. Samples Depth of Cup(mm)

1 CR1 10.75
2 CR2 12.50
3 CR3 12.70
4 CR4 13.50

According to testing method of IS-10175 Part-1:1993, the sheet metal specimen in

the form of strip is inserted into the test cylinder and centralized by locating
diagonally. The sheet holder force of 10 kN (in accordance with the refer. standard) is
adjusted using a special regulating valve, and the actual cupping process is initiated by
selecting the standardized drawing speed on the speed regulator. Since the testing
machine is equipped with the function "automatic stop at specimen failure" the for-
ward speed is automatically stopped when the crack occurs, so that in any case an
objective test result is achieved. The cupping value is displayed with an accuracy of
0.01 mm on the digital counter.
After performing the cupping test as shown in Fig. 3, the depth of cup for specimen
CR4 is 13.50mm which is higher than other samples. And this is the indication of
higher formability. As the material of CR1 is hard as described earlier after performing
cupping test, crack appears at a depth of 10.75mm that is having less formability. CR1
is hard compared to other material as it is having high percentage of carbon. If this
material is compared with all three materials, this material (CR1) is not desirable.
The Experimental Research on the Formability of Low Carbon Steel Sheet 273

As CRCA material is used for transformer radiator fin sheet forming and
automobile industry in which car body is manufactured. For such application
formability of material is having vital role. Because of Enrichsen cupping, it easy to
evaluate the formability of cold rolled and closed annealed sheet metal of various
grads. After performing the cupping test, CR4 is showing excellent formability which
will be desirable material for given application.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 3: Specimen after Test (a) CR1, (b) CR2, (c) CR3, (d) CR4

4. Conclusion
1. Carbon percentage is less in CR4 other than three samples because of less grain
in unit area as compared to other three samples.
2. The grain size of CR4 material is smaller than the other steels indicating bigger
size of grain with low grain boundary area making the material ductile with
less week spots.
3. Large surface area of grain and less boundary area confirm that CR4 is more
soft and ductile in nature as compared to other three samples.
4. Fine grain structures give more grain boundaries and hence development of
internal stress whereas a CR4 has better stress relief property because of less
number of grains.
5. Better formability in CR4 as compared to other three samples and therefore
more depth in forming can be achieved.

[1] Mala Seth, Vincent J. Vohnout, Glenn S. Daehn, Formability of steel sheet in
high velocity impact, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 168 (2005)
274 Salunkhe Ujwala Sunil & K. Baba Pai

[2] Oliveira, D.A., Worswick, M.J., Finn, M., Newman, D., 2005.
Electromagnetic forming of aluminium alloy sheet: free-form and cavity fill
experiments and model. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 170, 350–362.
[3] T.B. Stoughton, A general forming limit criterion for sheet metal forming, Int.
J. Mech. Sci. 42 (2000) 1–27.)

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