Spectra Bluetooth TX and RX BTI-010
Spectra Bluetooth TX and RX BTI-010
Spectra Bluetooth TX and RX BTI-010
About BT∶ ・
BT卜 010is a Bluetooth△ ansmi廿 er and rθ ceiVerin one
model VVhen t worked as a BIuetooth transnη i廿 eG the
unit c° uId make yovrregular stereo audio deˇ ℃εs into
BIuetoothˉ enabIed.When it worked as a BIuetooth
receive1it adds Bluetooth recθ iving capabⅡ Ⅱ
y to your
headρ hones,home stereo,¨
muo钿 n咖 0n buuon(MFB》
Technicalinformation Basic information
Power on/of the unit
Fomdiom o90F0mom Ⅱ
廴ED∷ |Ⅱ d1ooto:
P田 $掺 bvtton for
LED{nd:cator stotIs ∷
of tho oaoom“ σ
Pa"ng mode(TX)
PaiHng mode(R× l
Charging】 or BTIˉ010
Please fu"y charge the ba廿 ery before】 rst using the unit
uRllO” 比 △氵馋妫食ⅡⅡ Jver Ⅱ● oP0邸 on
P aying mus c sh° d press书 button once
When you seethe red LED】 ashed during use,the ba廿 ery
islow poWef and needs to be charged
TX Mode
1 Plug chafger or charging oable into a standard AC selecting mode∶ please s"de the TX sWitCh into upper side
before power on BT卜 010
2:;廿 甘 苷l:氵;f}营 d岫 碉σ∝曲aV四 cabe mb由 arglng
port of BTI-010
soⅡ d RED→ Ba廿ery charging This step must be done before power on the unit
RED LED off-Charging comρ leted TX or RX mode cannot be changed after power on BTI-010
3 "Wi"take about25hours to1nish charging
1 Pairing with a BIuetooth stereo receiVer device Note:
Before pairlng with other Bluetooth deVice,please make ◆The pairing mode wⅢ Iast around2minutes lf no
sune that your BIuetooth stereo receiVer supports devices can be connected v"thin2minutes,the unit
wⅡ l enterinto standby mode
Bluetooth卢 ⒓DP p=蕊le
◆The transmiⅠer onIy ∞ uld pair with a Bluetooth
The pairing steps are as foⅡ ow∶ stereo receiVer Whose PIN NO¨ is 00001 “ 1234”
“ “
or 日111” , 8888讨
1)Make sure the transm tter is o仟 and W"hin1meter to
your Bluetooth stereo receiver deVice
2.Reconnecting to a BIuetooth device
2)P° wer° n your Bluetooth stereo receiVer deVice and
make" Automa刂 o Connecting
Every t∶ me when the device poweron,the transn1i廿 er
Enterinto pairing mode w"∶ automatica"y oonnectto the last connected device
3)Press and hold MFB bu廿 on ofthe BTl-010for9seconds 3,Autoˉ ofF
untⅡ Blue LED1ashes Ⅱashed quickly,the unit enters into
pairing mode The transmi廿 er W"l automa】 ca"y power offif no deVices
4)The transm△ er wⅢ search for Bluetooth stereo recover connected wⅡ hin5minutes
and connect w"h"automa刂 cally Blue LEDˇ ˇ Ⅱ
Mice every4seconds after successfuI Connec刂 on 4,CIearing pairi"gl∶ st
5)C° nnect the transmker to your muoc player through Make sure the transn1iterin σ矸state, press and hold
35mm audiojackto play muoc bu仗 on for about16seconds,untⅡ Red LED】 a$hes one
second and blue LED日 ashes one second then release
l ∶
tto Clearthe pai"ng list
RX Mode
selecting mode: please sⅡ de TXyRx switch doWnWard
to enterinto RX mode before power on BT卜 010
Note:TX or Re rnodel cannot be changed after power on
1.Pa∶ ring with BIuetooth deˇ ices ◆ Every time the receiver power on,it WlⅡ conneCtto the
Please rnake sure your audio deViCe is Bluetoothˉ enabled last connected devIce automa刂 caⅡ y lf you wantto pair
speoi1c pairing steps rnay vary With di仟 erent rnodels of it WⅡ h other deViCes, ρIease tum o仟 the Bluetooth
audio dθ vIce function of cu″ ent device nrsuy,then try to pairthe
Please refer to your audio deVice userls rnanualfor receiver with the new device acoording t° steρ s
further informa刂 on men刂 oned above