SAP Transportation Management - Freight Unit (FU)
SAP Transportation Management - Freight Unit (FU)
SAP Transportation Management - Freight Unit (FU)
Raw information on FU
1st decide - what is the tracking level for your transportation --> Container Level, Package Level or Product Level
Shipper Scenario - usually track it at Product level
LSP Scenario - Usually tracked at Container level
FU is always created automatically using FUBR (Freight Unit Building Rule), never created manually
FU is a very important element for Planning
FU is the link between FWO and Transportation Document
We can create One/Multiple FU per FWO
Output of Planning is a freight order / freight booking
(Start/End) Acceptable Date - Date Range before/beyond which goods is not accepted at destination nor released at source
(Start/End) Requested Date - Preferred Date Range for accepting goods
Incoterm/Shipping Type/Movement Type/Transportation Mode/Weight/Volume/Pieces/Organizational Unit Info - data coming from FWO
Business Partner Info is coming from FWO
Attachments Tab - Has information on all Attachments associated with this FU (Links, Rate Table, Legal Documents, etc)
Administrative Data Tab- Has information on who created the FU and who last changed it
Statuses Tab -
General Status - Fixing Status - When we are sure that there are no more changes in the FU, we can double click menu Bar "FIXING" and select
FIX, status will be changed to FIXED; similar for UNFIX
The stages that we see above come from FWO - here we have an option to Insert/merge a stage if needed
We can also remove unplanned stages, split a stage in to two or more stages…
Execution Track Relevance --> If you want to track certain types of documents, choose 2 (Execution Tracking) or 3 (Execution Tracking with
External Event Management). The system then sets the initial document execution status Not Started.
If you do not want to track certain types of documents, choose 1 (No Execution Tracking).The system then sets the initial document execution
status Not Relevant.
Display Mode for Execution Tab --> Expected events are always retrieved from SAP Event Management (SAP EM). For actual events, you can
decide from which systems they are to be retrieved, as follows:
From SAP EM and SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM)
From SAP TM only
From SAP EM only
Execution Propagation Mode --> Controls how execution information is propagated between different related freight documents.
The following options are available:
Standard Propagation
Select this option if the attributes DATACS and DATAID of the execution information are not used in your scenario.
Enhanced Propagation
Select this option if the attributes DATACS and DATAID are used to distinguish between several expected events of a freight document in
SAP EM that are all related to the same expected event of its successor document.
If you have not selected the checkbox Propagate Execution Info in the Customizing activities for defining freight order types, freight booking
types, and transportation unit types, this setting is not taken into account regarding the propagation of execution events to predecessor
documents. It is recommended that you set the propagation mode to the same value for all freight documents that are related to each other
regarding the execution tracking.
Dangerous Good Profile --> You use the profile to specify the behavior of business documents when processing dangerous goods.
You can define a profile to allow all messages from the dangerous goods check to be displayed. You can also define a profile to allow only error
messages to be displayed. (Integration with EHS)
Customs Profile --> A customs profile contains one or more customs activities that control customs handling for a specific process (for example,
export or transit). The customs profile is assigned to the document type, as follows: (Integration with GTS)
Customs processes for freight orders or freight bookings: You assign the customs profile to the freight order type or freight booking type
Customs processes for freight units: You assign the customs profile to the freight unit type
Rule for Pick-Up /Delivery Window --> Defines the way in which the requested dates/times defined in the forwarding order, forwarding quotation,
order-based transportation requirement or the delivery-based transportation requirement are used to define the pick-up and delivery windows of
the freight unit.
You use windows to control when goods are to be picked up and delivered.
Pick-Up and Delivery as Defined in FWO, FWQ, OTR, or DTR
In this case, the system takes the windows from your forwarding order, forwarding quotation, order-based transportation requirement or
delivery-based transportation requirement.
Archiving Retention Period in Days --> Describes the minimum time in days between the completion date of a business object instance and the
date the business object instance is allowed to be archived. Typically, the completion date is the date when the lifecycle status has been set to
Completed or Canceled.
Text Schema - You can select a text schema that you have defined in Customizing. The text schema determines the types of text that you can
choose for creating notes on the Notes tab page of the business document UI in SAP NetWeaver Business Client. It also determines certain
attributes of the text for a note, for example, if a note is mandatory for this type of business document, or whether or not a note text is language-
HBL/HAWB Strategy --> Specifies the tasks that the process controller is to perform when you build a house bill of lading or a house air waybill
for a forwarding order, a freight order, or a freight booking.
You can specify a strategy for building a HBL or HAWB. The system then groups the items of a business document for building the HBL or HAWB
according to this strategy. For example, you can specify whether the HBL or HAWB is to be built based on a forwarding order or based on
individual freight units. Thus, you can build a HBL or HAWB for a shipper or consignee, and you can have multiple HBLs or HAWBs per forwarding
order or freight order.
To be able to specify a HBL or HAWB building strategy for forwarding orders, you have to enable the waybill stock function in Customizing for the
forwarding order type.
Web Dynpro Application Configuration --> You can define your own Web Dynpro application configurations and assign them to business
document types and agreement types. If you do not assign a Web Dynpro application configuration, the system uses the default Web Dynpro
application configuration available in SAP TM