4 Chapter 6 Morden Physics
4 Chapter 6 Morden Physics
4 Chapter 6 Morden Physics
Atomic structure
An atom consists of a nucleus at its centre where its mass is concentrated. The nucleus
consists of neutrons and protons and is surrounded by electrons which move around it in
circular paths called orbits or shells.
In an atom, there are equal numbers of electrons and protons. Electrons carry a negative
charge and protons and electrons in an atom form an electrically neutral combination.
Thermionic emission
When a metal is heated, the free electrons in it gain an extra energy which enables them to
break through the surface of the metal and become free electrons.
The process by which electrons are emitted from hot metal surface is called thermionic
A semiconductor diode rectifies, i.e. converts a.c. to d.c.
The diode removes the negative half-cycles of a.c. to give a varying but one-way (direct) p.d.
across R, the ‘load’ requiring a d.c. supply, Figure b above.
Cathode rays
Streams of electrons moving at high speed are called cathode rays.
a) Electron gun
This consists of a heater, a cathode C, another electrode called the grid G, and two or three
anodes A1, A2. G is at negative potential with respect to C and controls the number of
electrons passing through its central hole from C to A; it’s the brightness control. The anodes
are at high positive potential relative to C; they accelerate the electrons along the highly
evacuated tube and also focus them into a narrow beam.
b) Deflecting system
Beyond anode are two pairs of deflecting plates to which p.d.s can be applied. The Y-plates
are horizontal but create a vertical electric field which deflects the beam vertically. The X-
plates are vertical and deflect the beam horizontally.
c) Fluorescent screen
A bright spot of light is produced on the screen where the beam hits it. The C.R.O. is of often
used as a graph-plotter to display a wave form showing how a p.d. changes with time. The
p.d is applied to the Y-plates and a circuit is switched on in the C.R.O., called the time base,
which generates a p.d. across the X-plates. This sweeps the spot steadily and horizontally
across the screen until it flies back very rapidly to the left of the screen and repeats the motion.
The time- base is an electrical circuit which generates a saw-tooth type of voltage shown below:
The time- base is an electrical circuit which generates a saw-tooth type of voltage shown below:
Properties of cathode rays
1. They heat objects onto which they fall. This shows that they have considerable energy.
2. They have momentum and therefore have mass.
3. They are deflected by magnetic fields according to Fleming’s left hand rule.
4. They are negatively charged.
5. They are deflected by electric field.
6. They cause glass and other materials to fluorescent.
7. They travel in straight lines.
Uses of C.R.O
1. Measure voltage.
2. Measure frequency.
3. Measure phase difference.
4. Measure small time interval.
5. Measure drawing pictures on TV set.
An X-ray tube consists of a cathode filament focusing cup, a metal target which is usually
made of tungsten which has a high melting point all enclosed in an evacuated tube, cooling
fins (circulating oil for cooling), a low voltage supply and a high voltage supply.
The cathode filament is heated by a low voltage supply (p.d.) and the electrons are emitted
by thermionic emission. These electrons are directed onto a metal target by the focusing cup.
When a high voltage (20000V) is applied across the anode and the cathode, the electrons are
accelerated to a very high speed towards the target. On striking the target, the electrons are
instantly brought to rest. Because of this, they give up all their energy to the target. About
99% of the energy appears as heat and about less than 1% of the energy appears as
electromagnetic radiations called X-rays.
The heat produced in the target is removed by means of cooling fins.
There are two types of X-rays; soft and Hard.
a) Soft X-rays are produced at low voltage and they have low penetrating power, energy and long
wave lengths.
b) Hard X-rays are produced at high voltage and they have a high penetrating power, high energy and
short wave length.
Properties of X-rays:
They are electromagnetic radiations. I.e. they van pass through flesh but not bones.
1. They really penetrate matter up to 1mm of lead.
2. They ionize gas.
3. They give interference and diffraction effects.
4. They are not deflected in an electric or magnetic field.
5. They carry no electric charge.
6. They travel in straight lines.
7. They cause florescence.
8. They affect a photographic film.
Uses of X-rays
In hospitals, X-rays are used to:
1. Investigate the Lungs to detect tuberculosis.
2. Investigate the broken bones in x-ray photography.
3. Treat cancerous diseases and other malignant growth in human body.
Some naturally occurring elements are unstable. They slowly and spontaneously decompose
to gain stability by throwing away sub-atomic particles (portions of their nuclei).
Such elements are called radioactive elements.
Radioactivity is the spontaneous disintegration of unstable radioactive element with emission of
radiations (sub-atomic particles) and energy.
Types of radiations:
There are three types of radiations, namely:
(i) Alpha particle (α).
(ii) Beta particle (β)
(iii) Gamma ray (γ).
(i) They are positively charged and the magnitude of the charge is double that of an
(ii) They cause intense ionization in gas.
(iii) They have very short range in air of a few cm (5-8cm).
(iv) They are stopped by a thick sheet of paper.
(v) They have a speed less than that of light.
(vi) They are deflected by electric and strong magnetic fields.
(vii) They affect photographic films.
(viii) They produce flashes when incident on fluorescent substances.
When a nuclide undergoes alpha decay:
It loses two protons and neutrons hence its nucleon (mass) number reduces by four.
Its atomic number reduces by two and
The daughter nuclide (new element formed) is two steps to the left in the periodic table.
A nuclide is an atomic species of an element which emits radiations, particles and energy
spontaneously from its nucleus
y y 4 4
Ax x2 V + 2 α + energy
Parent daughter Alpha
Nuclide Nuclide particle
238 234 4
92 U 90 Th + 2 He
210 206 4
84 Po 82 Pb + 2 He
b) Beta (β) particles or rays ( 1 e)
Beta particles or rays are high speed electrons emitted from radioactive element.
These electrons result from the decay of a neutron to a proton according to the equation:
1 1 0
1 n 1 p + 1 β
(i) They are negatively charged.
(ii) They are more penetrative than alpha particles. This is because of their high speed.
(iii) They are more easily deflected in both electric and magnetic fields.
(iv) Their ionizing power is much less than that of α- particles.
(v) They are stopped by a thin sheet of aluminium.
(vi) They have a range in air of several metres.
(vii) They produce flashes when incident on fluorescent substances.
General Nuclear Reaction Equation for beta (β) decay
y y 0
x 1
x Q + β
1 Energy
Parent Daughter Beta
Nuclide Nuclide particle
They travel at speed of light (3.0 x 108ms-1) since they are electromagnetic radiations.
They have neither mass nor charge.
They are not deflected by both electric and magnetic fields.
Their have much more penetrating power than both α-particles.
They have ionization effect less than beta particles.
They have interference and diffraction effects.
They are absorbed by thick block of lead.
They cause fluorescence when incident on fluorescent substances.
Alpha rays
Lead box
(Helium nuclei)
The diagram showing the three radiations passing through paper, aluminum Sheet and lead
The diagram showing the three radiations passing through an electric field
Differences between α and β particles
An alpha particle (α) is a helium ion with a positive charge while a Beta particle is an electron
with negative charge
An alpha particle can penetrate thin paper (low penetrating power) while a beta particle can
penetrate thin metal foil (high penetrating power).
An alpha particle has mass of 4 units while a beta particle has negligible mass.
a) Alpha particles:
The danger from alpha particles is small unless the source enters the body.
Safety Precautions:
Radioactive sources should be handled with care.
They should always be handled with forceps and never be touched with bare hand.
No eating, drinking or smocking must be done where radioactive sources are in use.
Hands should be washed thoroughly after exposure to any radioactive material.
Any cuts in the body should be covered before using radioactive source.
During experiments the sources of radioactive elements should be arranged such that the
radiation window point away from your body.
Radioactive sources should always be kept in lead boxes when not in use.
Applications of Radioactivity
Despite the dangers associated with radioactivity, there are many useful applications as seen
in the following fields.
Medical, Agriculture, Industry, and Archaeology.
Uses of Radioactivity
(i) Medical
In medical they are used
as tracers in medicine.
to treat cancerous cells (radiotherapy).
(ii) Agriculture
In agriculture they are used to produce varieties of plants with new characteristics e.g.
Resistance to plant diseases.
(iii) Industry
Industrially, radioactivity is used
to provide source of energy.
to measure the thickness of metal sheets.
in food preservation.
(iv) Archaeology
Radioisotopes of carbon is used to date archaeological remains dead living organisms.
This is referred to as carbon dating.
Determining the age of fossils (remains of old plants and animals) every living thing
(plant or animal) has a certain constant quantity of carbon -14 elements (isotope).
When the plant or animal dies this isotope begins decaying and the rate of
disintegration decreases with time. So when a fossil is obtained the rate of
disintegration is determined, and this is used to calculate the age of the fossil. i.e.
when the plant or animal died, which would show when that type of plant or animal
Mass number is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
N.B: An atom of an element X of mass number A and atomic number Z and neutron number
N is represented as:
Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same atomic number but different mass numbers.
35 37 1 2
e.g: 17 Cl and 17 Cl, 1 H and 1 H.
Industrial application of radioisotope: sodium -24( 11 Na) is used as tracer in pipelines
of water or sewage to study the progress of flow, so can detect blockage or leakage.
Half life is the time taken for a radioactive substance to decay to half of its original mass.
T- half life can be in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years.
Figure below shows a typical decay curve for a radioisotope obtained by plotting the
readings of a rate meter which is used to measure the activity over a period of about three
half lives. From such a graph the half life may be found as follows.
If the count rate is n at some time t1 and has fallen to n/2 at time t2, then the half life is (t2-t1).
Similarly, if the count rate has fallen to n/4 at time t3, the half life is (t3-t2).
Example: The half life of a radioactive substance is 24 days. Calculate the mass of the
substance which decayed after 72 days if the original mass is 0.64g.
Example: The half life of a sample is 14 days, starting with activity 32g, calculate how long it
will take for the mass to drop to 2g.
Solution :
32g T 16g T 8g T 4g T 2g
14days 14days 14days 14days
14 days x 4T
x 56 days
4T =x T
40g T 20g T 10g T 5g T 2.5g
Example: The following figures were obtained from the reading of a counter source. Plot a
graph of the count rate against time and deduce the half life of the source.
There are two types of nuclear reactions;
(i) Nuclear fusion
(ii) Nuclear fission
It is the splitting of a nucleus into two or more nuclei releasing
radioactive particles (α,β,γ) and energy.
The energy released by nuclear fission of a single atom of uranium is about 200meV.
Nuclear reactors make use of controlled fission to provide energy while nuclear the
atom bomb makes use of uncontrolled fission reaction.
Nuclear fusion takes place at very high temperature about 108K. The high temperature
provides the nuclei which are fuse with the energy needed to overcome their mutual
electrostatic repulsion.
2 2 3 1
1 H + 1 H → 2 He + 0 n + energy
Reactions of this type occur in the sun & stars and the source of the sun’s/ stars` energy.
Difference between
In both fission and fusion energy is released and this energy is called nuclear
energy. This energy can be used to generate electricity or in atomic bombs.
Both processes release energy
The energy provided per unit mass of reactant by the two processes are much the same.
234 230
A. 91 Pa and gamma B. 90 Th and beta
230 234
C. 90 Th and gamma D. 91 Pa and beta
Element Neutrons Protons Electrons
P 6 6 6
Q 8 6 6
R 2 2 2
S 2 3 3
The table above shows the structure of four atoms P, Q, R, and S. Which ones are isotopes of
the same elements?
A. P and Q B. Q and R
C. P and S D. P and S
5. The process by which electrons are emitted from the surface of a metal by application
of heat is known as:
A. photoelectric emission
B. Electromagnetic emission
C. thermionic emission
D. Heat emission
6. Radium nucleus 98 Ra decays to Radon (Rn) by a-particle emission. What is the
nuclear equation for this reaction?
226 3 223
a) 88 Ra → 2 He + 86 Rn
226 4 222
b) 88 Ra → 2 He + 86 Re
4 222 226
c) 2 He + 86 Rn → 88 Ra
226 225 1
d) 88 Ra → 88 Rn + 0 N
(a) (i), (ii) and (iv) only (b) (i), (ii) and (iii) only
(c) (ii), (iii) and (iv) only (d) (i), (iii) and (iv) only.
8. State the radiations that may be emitted by a radioactive substance
9. When Uranium 235 is bombarded with a neutron, it splits according to the equation
235 1 M 92
U +
92 0 n → N P + 36 Kr+310n.
M and N on P represent
A. 56 141 B. 141 56
C. 199 36 D. 107 128
11. Which one of the following relations is from the nucleus of an atom?
A. Cathode rays B. Gamma rays.
C. Infra red rays. D. Ultra violet rays.
13. Which of the following are attracted towards the negative plate in an electric field?
A. Beta particles. B. Alpha particles
C. Gamma rays. D. Neutron.
16. Which of the following represents an appearance on the screen of a cathode ray
oscilloscope when a. d.c. voltage is connected across the Y-plates with the time-base switches
The above figure shows a spot on the screen of a cathode ray oscilloscope. The spot can be
turned in an horizontal straight line as shown in (b) by
A. switching off the time base
B. switching on the time base
C. making one of the plates positive
D. connecting an a.c voltage to the Y-plates
19. A possible isotope of 3 Li has
A. two protons and three neutrons
B. two protons and four neutrons
C. three protons and four neutrons
D. four protons and three neutrons
228 A
20. 90 Th → ZX + alpha particle.
The above equation represents an activity in which thorium decays and emits an alpha
particle. Find the value of Z.
A. 88 B. 89 C. 91 D.92
21. What is the process by which electrons are emitted from a hot
22. Element X emits radiation R and forms element Y as given in the equation
Z z 1
X → Y + r
(a) (i), (ii) and (iv) only (b) (i) , (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i),(iii) and (iv) only (d) (ii), (iii) and (iv) only
26. Two alpha particles are produced when an unknown particle x is used to bombard
lithium 73Li as shown in the equation
7 4 4
3 Li + x → 2 He + 2 He
What is x ?
28. An atom has a mass number 88 and atomic number 38. which of the following
statements are correct about the atom
(i) it has 38 protons and 50 neutrons
(ii) it has 38 protons and 38 electrons
(iii) it has 50 protons and 38 neutrons
a c
29. If b X and d Y are isotopes, then
(a) a=c (b) a=d
(c) b=c (d) b=d
30. The process by which heavy nuclei split to form lighter nuclei is called
a) fusion b. fission
c). Ionisation d. Radioactivity
31. When the nucleus of a radioactive atom loses an alpha particle, the atomic number
33. Which one of the following parts of the cathode ray tube form the electron gun?
36. Which of the following are attracted towards the negative plate in an electric field?
A. Beta particles. B. Alpha particles.
C. Gamma rays. D. Neutron.
A beam of electrons is incident midway between two changed plates as shown above. The
beam will
(a) deflect upwards
(b) deflect downwards
(c) move perpendicular to the plates
(d) pass through the plates un deflected.
In the above circuit, what is observed on the oscilloscope when the time base is on ?
40. Which one of the following is the correct order in which some energy changes occur in
the electron gun of the cathode ray tube?
A. light → heat → K.E
B. electric → light → heat
C. Electric → heat → K.E
D. sound → electric → heat
41. The phenomenon by which electrons are realesed from a metal surface when radiation
falls on it is known as
(a) radio activity (b) photoelectric effect
(c) thermonic emission (d) reflection
3. beta particles
4. protons.
A radioactive source emits radiation, which are directed between two positively
charged metal plates as shown in the figure above.
(a) Name the radiation labeled A, B and C.
(b) What happens when the radioactive source is completely covered with an
ordinary sheet of paper.
8. a)
The above diagram shows the main parts of a cathode ray oscilloscope(C.R.O)
(i) Name the parts labelled A,B and C
(ii) Why is the C.R.O evacuated?
(b) (i) Describe briefly the principals of operation of C.R.O
(ii) How is the bright spot formed on the screen?
(c) Use diagrams to show what is observed on the screen of a C.R.O when
(i) the C.R.O is switched on and no signal is applied on the Y-plates
(ii) the time base is switched on and no signal is applied on the Y-plates
(iii) an alternating signal is applied on the Y-plates while the time base is
switched off
(d) Give two uses of the C.R.O
energy gamma rays to form an element X. Write a balanced equation for the
nuclear reaction.
(c) The diagram above shows the essential parts of an X-ray tube.
(b) A radioactive element X decays by emitting an alpha particle and gamma rays.
Write a balanced equation for the decay.
(c) State what happens to a beta particle as it passes in between two oppositely
charged plates.
(b) A radioactive source decays by emission of all the three radiations. The
radiation centre normally into an electric field as shown in the figure above.
Which radiations are most likely to be detected at
(i) position A
(ii) position B
(iii) position C
(c) A radioactive source which emits all the there radiations is placed in front of a
cardboard, aluminium and lead sheets as shown in the figure above. Name the
radiations likely to be between the:
(i) cardboard and the aluminium sheet,
(ii) aluminium and lead sheets
(d) Name any three precautions, which must be under taken by one working with
ionising radiation.
(e) name one:
(i) industrial use,
(ii) biological use, of radioactivity.
13. (a) What is meant by the terms
(i) Isotopes
(ii) Radioisotope
(b) (i) Name and state the nature of the emissions from
radioactive nuclides
(ii) What effect does each of the emissions have on the parent nuclide?
(c) Give two uses of radioactivity.
14. (a) Define the terms atomic number and mass number
(b) When lithium is bombarded by neutrons, a nuclear reaction occurs which is
represented by the following equation
6 1 3
3 Li + 0 n → 1 H + P
Complete the equation and name P.
(c) Describe the application of radioactivity in determining the age of fossils
(remains of old plants and animals)
(d) Give two harmful effects of radioactivity
(e) State three differences between cathode rays and x-rays.
The diagram above shows a thermionic diode. Name the parts labelled X,Y.
(c) Describe briefly how electrons are made to move across the tube T.
(d) State two differences between cathode rays and x-rays.
(e) In the production of x-rays tube, why must be target be cooled?
18. (a) (i) Name the particles emitted by the radioactive materials.
(ii) Draw diagrams to show the path of the particles named in (a) (i) and in a
cloud chamber
(b) A Zinc cathode was enclosed in an evacuated glass tube as shown in the figure
When the cathode was irradiated with ultra violet radiations, the ammeter gave
a reading
(i) Explain why the ammeter gave a reading.
(ii) A gas was gradually introduced into the glass tube. Explain what
TEST 12.1
1. The half life of a radioactive substance is 10s. How long will it take for a mass of 16g of
that substance to reduce to 2g
(a) 40s (b) 30s
(c) 20s (d) 10s
2. The count rate from a radioactive source is 138 counts per minute when the
background rate is 10 counts per minute. If the half-life of the source is 6 days, find the
count rate after 18 days.
A. 16.0 B. 17.25
C. 26 D. 42
3. Thorium has a half-life of 24days. How many days would it take 8 kg of thorium to
disintegrate to 1g?
A. 3 B. 24
C. 72 D. 96
4. The half-life of a radioactive element is 4 hours. Find the mass of the element that
decays after 24 hours if the initial mass is 9.6g
a) 0.15g b) 1.6g
c) 9.45g d) 4.8g
5. The half-life of a radioactive element is 10 days. Find the mass left after 40 days if the
initial mass is 16g
(a) 1g (b) 2g
(c) 4g (d) 8g
6. A radioactive metal decays to 1/16 of its original quantity in 2 hours. What is its half
(a) 15 min (b) 24min
(c) 30min (d) 40min
7. The count rate of a radioactive isotope falls from 600 counts per second to 75 counts
per second in 75minutes. The half-life of the radioactive isotope is
(a) 8 min (b) 19 min
(c) 25 min (d) 75 min
8. The half life of a radioactive material is 20 days. Find the initial mass of the material if
2g of it remains after 80 days
a). 4g b). 8g
c). 16g d). 32g
1. A radioactive material takes 50 hours for 93.75% of its mass to decay. Find its half-life.
2. The half-life of a radioactive substance is 24 days. Calculate the mass of the substance
which has decayed after 72 days if the original mass is 0.64g.
3. (a) What is meant by the half-life of a radioactive material?
(b) The activity of a radioactive source decreases from 4000 counts per minute to
250 counts per minute in 40 minutes. What is the half-life of the source?
4. A radioactive material of mass 8g has a half –life of 20 days. Find how much of it will
decay after 60days?
(b) How long does it take for three-quarters of the sample to decay?
6. The half-life of Uranium is 24days. Calculate the mass of Uranium, which remains
after 120days if the initial mass is 64g
(b) x grams of a radioactive material of half life of 3 weeks, decays and 5.12g
remains after 15 weeks. Determine the value of x.
1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.D 13.D 14.A
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.B
14.B 15.A
1. D 2. B 3.A 4.C 5. B 6.A 7.C 8. B 9.C 10.D
1. D 2. B 3.A 4.C 5. B 6.A 7.C 8. B 9.C 10.D
1.B 2.D 3. D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.D
1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.D
15.D 16.B 17.A 18.B
TEST 7.1
1.D 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.C
15.A 16.A
TEST 7.2
1. A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.D
1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C
15.B 16.B 17.B 18.A 19.A 20.C 21.A 22.C 23.C 24.D
1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.B15.C
16.B 17.B 18.D 19.D 20.B 21.C 22.A 23.B 24.C 25.D 26.D 27.B
1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C
TEST 11.1
1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C
TEST 11.2
1. D 2. D 3. C 4.B 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. D 9. A 10.B 11.C 12.B
TEST 11.3
1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. B
TEST 11.4
1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. B
1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.C
11.B 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.A
21.C 22.B 23.A 24.D 25.C 26.D 27.B 28.A 39.D 30.B
31.C 32.A 33A. 34.C 35.C 36.B 37.A 38.B 39.B 40. C 41.B 42.A 43.B