Activities For Teaching The Values
Activities For Teaching The Values
Activities For Teaching The Values
Answering the questions after reading the Legends
Discussing brainstorm questions
Conclusions activity – which teaching do they think is the most important or are they all
important together?
Create a badge
Create a badge/banner/emblem/coat of arms for the teaching; cover it with words, pictures, or
phrases associated with it. Display them at their desks as a reminder to themselves to follow it.
Have badges for each teaching to award when students show/exemplify the teaching
Create goals and have badges as awards for reaching those goals (digital or physical versions
would work)
Value Rock
Ask each student to bring in a smooth rock about the size of a fist or purchase a bag of river
rocks and let each student choose a rock after they have been washed and dried. Ask each
student to use paint or permanent markers to write one Teaching on each stone; the one that is
the most important to them. They should share their understanding of why it seems important
to them, and an example of how the Teaching relates to their daily life.
Talking/Sharing Circle
Go around the circle having students answer the brainstorm questions, asking each student to
share their thoughts or examples for the teachings
Create any number of types of poems to represent the teaching; haiku, acrostic, free verse, etc.
One-word stories
Have everyone stand in a circle, each student says one word to build a cohesive and
collaborative story about the teaching. (Can split into smaller groups and possibly record their
stories as they tell them)
Each student writes a story personifying the teaching
Re-write a fairy tale to emphasize the teaching
Exemplifiers (people)
Find/research people (historical or current) who embody/exemplify the teaching and write a
short biography and explanation for how they represent that teaching
Quick writes
short paragraph about their thoughts on the lesson or any questions they have
Analyze a picture
Find a picture or painting that could show the teaching in some way and have the students
analyze how that picture is used to represent the teaching
Could have students look for pictures or paintings that represent a teaching and then write
about it
Imagine and tell/write a descriptive story about the picture, describing what happened before
and after the ‘moment in time’ that is captured by the picture
Ex. Respect, Love, Bravery, Wisdom, Humility, Honesty, Truth
Find a Song
Create a list of songs, or have students find songs that are about the teaching and then analyze
the lyrics
o Ex. Respect, Love, Bravery, Humility, Wisdom, Honesty, Truth