Volume 2 Architecture

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Dubai Rail Planning & Design Guidelines

Volume 2


© Roads & Transport Authority 2012

All rights reserved. No section or element of this document may be removed from this document, reproduced, electronically stored or transmitted in any form
without the written permission of Roads & Transport Authority.

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Volume 2, Part 1, Station Design Requirements

Volume 2, Part 1, Station Design Requirements, Appendix 1 Performance

Volume 2, Part 1, Station Design Requirements, Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets

Volume 2, Architecture, Part 2, Ancillary Building Design Requirements

Volume 2, Architecture, Part 3, Landscaping

Volume 2, Part 4, Signage

© Roads & Transport Authority 2012

All rights reserved. No section or element of this document may be removed from this document, reproduced, electronically stored or transmitted in any form
without the written permission of Roads & Transport Authority.

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Dubai Rail Planning & Design Guidelines
Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements

Volume 2, Part 1, Station Design Requirements

© Roads & Transport Authority 2012

All rights reserved. No section or element of this document may be removed from this document, reproduced, electronically stored or transmitted in any form
without the written permission of Roads & Transport Authority.

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements

Page Number
2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Integration requirements 3
2.3 Interfacing requirements 4
2.4 Design management requirements 6
2.5 Testing requirements 14
2.6 System assurance requirements 17
2.7 Maintenance, spares and training requirements 20
3.1 General 22
3.2 Architectural design objectives 22
3.3 Principal station planning requirements 23
3.4 Station categories 24
3.5 Design stages and submissions 24
3.6 Multi-modal application 25
4.1 Capacity calculations 26
4.2 Pedestrian modelling 28
4.3 Level of service 29
4.4 Passenger travel times 30
4.5 Queuing 30
4.6 Design capacities and dimensional requirements of station elements 30
4.7 Multi-modal application 36
5.1 General 38
5.2 Station spatial zones 41
5.3 Public circulation spaces 42
5.4 Station zones functional and design requirements 46
5.5 Station access / Public entrances 46
5.6 Concourses 48
5.7 Platforms 50
5.8 Public area facilities: functional and design requirements 52
5.9 Ticket offices 52
5.10 Passenger service centres (PSC) 53
5.11 First aid rooms (FAR) 53
5.12 Police / security room 54
5.13 Help points 54
5.14 Left-luggage and lockers 55

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5.15 Seating areas 55

5.16 Public toilet facilities 57
5.17 Parent-and-child rooms 58
5.18 Public area amenities 58
5.19 Retail facilities 59
5.20 Vending machines 60
5.21 ATM machines 61
5.22 Public telephones 61
5.23 Public art 62
5.24 Multi-modal application 62
6.1 General 64
6.2 Provisions for fire and life safety 64
6.3 Other factors of life safety 64
6.4 Multi-modal application 65
7.1 General 66
7.2 Multi-modal application 66
8.1 General 67
8.2 Context-sensitive design 68
8.3 Station areas of influence 69
8.4 Station precinct spatial zones 72
8.5 Station precinct design aims 72
8.6 Station precinct design objectives and strategies 72
8.7 Station precinct spatial zone design requirements 74
8.8 Corridor structures 79
8.9 Corridor structures design aims 80
8.10 Corridor structures design objectives 80
8.11 Design considerations of corridor structure functional elements 81
8.12 Multi-modal application 84
9.1 General 86
9.2 Accessibility 87
9.3 Way finding and signage 88
9.4 Passenger Information 89
9.5 Advertising 90
9.6 Station furniture 91
9.7 Architectural lighting 94
9.8 Architectural acoustics 97
9.9 Vibration 99
9.10 Indoor air quality 99
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9.11 Multi-modal application 100

10.1 General 101
10.2 Non-public operational spaces 102
10.3 Secure operational rooms 103
10.4 Ticket office 103
10.5 Ticket machine rooms 104
10.6 Station master’s room (SMR) 104
10.7 Station Operations Room (SOR) 105
10.8 SOR administration room 105
10.9 Station Computer Room (SCR) 105
10.10 Staff prayer rooms 105
10.11 Secure lobby 106
10.12 Staff room 106
10.13 Station store 106
10.14 AFC store 106
10.15 Staff toilets 106
10.16 Changing and locker rooms 106
10.17 Cleaners utility room 106
10.18 Cleaners services store 106
10.19 Refuse store 107
10.20 Emergency Command Centre 107
10.21 Reference to other documents 107
10.22 Multi-modal application 107
11.1 General 108
11.2 Staff room 108
11.3 Changing and locker rooms 108
11.4 Staff toilets 108
11.5 Staff prayer rooms 109
11.6 Reference to other documents 109
11.7 Multi-modal application 109
12.1 General 110
12.2 Operational access 111
12.3 Service access 112
12.4 Maintenance access 112
12.5 Vehicle swept-path demonstration 113
12.6 Multi-modal application 113


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Figure 8-1 Area classification for identifying type of station 69


Table 4-1 Passenger density - metric versions of Fruin 29

Table 4-2 Public area stair requirements 33
Table 5-1 Minimum public facilities and amenities provision 39
Table 8-1 Station areas of influence 70
Table 9-1 Indicative public area reverberation times 99
Table 10-1 Non-public operational areas 102

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements

1 Introduction

1.1.1 This document forms part of Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volume 2 for Architecture.
It shall be interpreted and applied as an integral part of the complete set of RPDG
documents that together define the planning and design guidelines for the Project.
1.1.2 The RPDG is structured in discrete Volumes, Parts and Appendices which describe the
design requirements for rail projects in Dubai. The Volumes, Parts and Appendices
categorise the design requirements by discipline, sub-discipline, element or technology. An
Appendix has been created, where necessary, to facilitate use but not all Parts have
Appendices. An Appendix has been created where there are a large number of
requirements or a large amount of information needs to be conveyed for a particular sub-
discipline, element or technology.
1.1.3 Not all Volumes, Parts or Appendices apply to all Projects and this is dependent on the
scope of the Project, described in the Project Brief.
1.1.4 The Guide to the RPDG describes the high level aspirations or vision for the design of
railways in Dubai and more specific objectives by discipline. It also includes the RTA’s Vision
and Strategic Objectives. The design of railways in Dubai shall be executed to deliver this
vision and the design objectives for the RTA.
1.1.5 The RPDG is supplemented by the Project Brief, which defines the scope of work,
operational requirements and specific requirements for a Project.
1.1.6 The Project Brief may be supplemented by Project Information which may include more
detailed requirements for the design and implementation of a Project.
1.1.7 Where the Project is an extension to an Existing System and the Project Brief requires the
station design to be built to the same standard as on the Existing System, the station design
shall comply with the relevant specifications listed in the Project Information and
1.1.8 The Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volume 1 Systemwide Requirements document
specifies design requirements that will apply across all elements of the Project.
1.1.9 The Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volume 2 Architecture document specifies design
requirements for all architectural input to the planning and design of the Project.
1.1.10 The Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volume 3 Civil Engineering document specifies
design requirements for all civil engineering and civil infrastructure design input to the
planning and design of the Project.
1.1.11 The Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volume 4 Railway Systems document specifies
design requirements for all railway systems input to the planning and design of the Project.
1.1.12 The Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volume 5 Railway Systems document specifies
design requirements for all building services including passenger conveyance input to the
planning and design of the Project.

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements

1.1.13 The Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are structured in discrete
Parts, Sections and Appendices which describe design requirements at increasing levels of
detail down to individually procured products that may be required to implement a Project.
Not all Parts, Sections and Appendices will apply to all Projects.
1.1.14 This document provides architectural design guidelines for the design of all types of stations
and all station components that may be required in the construction of rail transport
projects in Dubai.
1.1.15 Station design is dependent on the transport mode identified in the Project Brief for the
Project. Only those requirements applicable to the transport mode identified in the Project
Brief shall be considered for the design of the Station.
1.1.16 This document gives guidance on the applicability of station architectural design
requirements to the different transport modes.

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements

2 Common technical requirements

2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 This Part and the supporting Appendices, contain the requirements for the design of all
types of stations that may be required for the delivery of rail transport in Dubai.
2.1.2 This document defines the scope of work specifically with respect to the design of the
2.1.3 Station design is dependent on the transport mode identified in the Project Brief for the
Project. However, unless otherwise specified, the requirements listed in this section shall
apply to stations directly serving the following modes:

a) heavy rail;
b) light rail;
c) trams;
d) monorail; and
e) people movers.
2.1.4 The Glossary for station design requirements is contained in RPDG Volume 1, Part 1

2.2 Integration requirements

2.2.1 RPDG Volume 1, Part 1, Systemwide contains procedures that shall be applied to establish a
formal process of identifying and tracking interfaces to ensure that the station design
interfaces with other elements of the Project, including those of external parties and
facilities, have been identified, resolved and implemented.
2.2.2 The station design shall identify and address all appropriate design integration
requirements in:
a) RPDG Volume 1 Systemwide;
b) RPDG Volume 2 Architecture;
c) RPDG Volume 3 Civil Engineering;
d) RPDG Volume 4 Railway Systems; and
e) RPDG Volume 5 Building Services.
2.2.3 Interface management procedures shall apply to all design interfaces with station design,
regardless of the contractual relationship between the designer of the station and the
interfacing partner.

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2.2.4 Design gates, or design control points, shall be identified for all elements of station design
where design progress is absolutely conditional on resolution of an interface. The minimum
design gates are listed below by discipline.
2.2.5 All potential interfaces with the operator and maintainer shall be identified and recorded in
a separate interface register.
2.2.6 If the operator and maintainer are not available to provide input to the interface
management process, the Project Proposer and/or the Review Authority may at its sole
discretion provide assistance with the resolution of these interfaces.

2.3 Interfacing requirements

2.3.1 RPDG Volume 1, Part 1, Systemwide contains procedures that shall be applied to establish a
formal process of identifying and tracking interfaces to ensure that ancillary buildings
design interfaces with other elements of the Project, including those of external parties and
facilities, have been identified, resolved and implemented.
2.3.2 Interface management procedures shall apply to all design interfaces with ancillary
buildings regardless of the contractual relationship between the Designer of the ancillary
buildings and the interfacing partner.
2.3.3 Design gates shall be identified for all elements of ancillary buildings design requirements
where design progress is absolutely conditional on resolution of an interface. The minimum
design gates are listed below by discipline.

Systemwide requirements
2.3.4 All potential interfaces with the operator and maintainer shall be identified and recorded in
a separate interface register.
2.3.5 If the operator and maintainer are not available to provide input to the interface
management process, the project proposer and/or the Review Authority may at its sole
discretion provide assistance with the resolution of these interfaces.
2.3.6 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:
a) confirmation of programme, project reporting and quality assurance requirements;
b) preliminary EIA requirements- refer to Volume 1 Section 10;
c) confirmation of any additional data collection requirements;
d) confirmation of stakeholder requirements;
e) confirmation of Review Authority requirements and standards;
f) stakeholder feedback;
g) specialist report approval;
h) confirmation of all departures and substitutions to the project requirements and
i) design statement approval; and

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j) specialist report approval.

Architectural requirements
2.3.7 All potential interfaces with architectural design shall be identified and recorded in a
separate interface register.
2.3.8 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:
a) definition of LOS, size, location and internal area/room layout of the station and its
ancillary buildings;
b) definition of special foundations, envelope and finishes for station;
c) definition of ventilation and lighting requirements for ancillary buildings;
d) definition of signage requirements for ancillary buildings;
e) definition of safety and security requirements;
f) architectural design statement approval; and
g) confirmation of specification including list of material samples, visual and performance
mock-ups, required prototypes, laboratory and site tests.

Civil Engineering requirements

2.3.9 All potential interfaces with civil engineering design shall be identified and recorded in a
separate interface register.
2.3.10 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:
a) confirmation of site boundaries and Right-of-Ways.

Railway Systems requirements

2.3.11 All potential interfaces with railway systems design shall be identified and recorded in a
separate interface register.
2.3.12 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:
a) track alignment and height constraints to platform location; and
b) definition of power supply interfaces.

Building Services requirements

2.3.13 All potential interfaces with building services design shall be identified and recorded in a
separate interface register.

Design Gates (design control points)

2.3.14 Design gates, or design control points, shall be identified for all elements of station design
where design progress is absolutely conditional on resolution of an interface.
2.3.15 Design gates for stations shall be considered as a minimum for the following elements:

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a) Confirmation of design and context constraints:

i) confirmation of programme, project reporting and quality assurance
ii) preliminary EIA requirements- refer to Volume 1 Part 1;
iii) confirmation of any additional data collection requirements;
iv) track alignment and height constraints to platform location;
v) definition of constraints that determine station access;
vi) definition of vectors of interchange (pedestrian and vehicular); and
vii) confirmation of site boundaries and Right-of-Ways.
b) Confirmation of design requirements:
i) confirmation of stakeholder requirements;
ii) confirmation of Review Authority requirements and standards;
iii) confirmation of station capacity requirements; and
iv) confirmation of retail and other sponsorship requirements.
c) Outline design acceptance by Review Authority:
i) architectural design statement approval;
ii) preliminary dynamic modelling;
iii) stakeholder feedback;
iv) specialist report approval; and
v) confirmation of all departures and substitutions to the project requirements and
d) Detail design approval:
i) design statement approval;
ii) specialist report approval;
iii) confirmation of specification including list of material samples, visual and
performance mock-ups, required prototypes, laboratory and site tests.
2.3.16 The Designer shall refer to Volume 1 Appendix 3 for design and interface management

2.4 Design management requirements

2.4.1 The formal process for design preparation, submission and review is described in the RPDG
Volume 1 Systemwide Requirements Appendix 3 and shall apply to the Project except as
modified below.

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements

2.4.2 The design management requirements defined in the RPDG Volume 1 System wide
Requirements Appendix 3 shall be modified to incorporate the following particular

2.4.3 Architectural design statement: the design expression, material selection and articulation of
the functional design elements shall be based on a ‘kit-of-parts’ developed at the
network/line/project level as specified in the Project Brief.
2.4.4 All architectural parts shall visually fit into the overall design in a highly cohesive, orderly
and balanced manner- refer to Section 9.1.6 for further information.
2.4.5 The Designer shall ensure that all functional design elements are context-responsive with
regards to selecting an appropriate level of finish and articulation, in accordance with the
Project Brief. The quality of finish and articulation shall be tailored to its:
a) location:
i) high quality: prominent stations, and areas next to major pedestrian routes,
ii) standard quality: secondary stations, station approaches; and
iii) acceptable quality: areas where structures will only be viewed from afar.
b) position relative to observer:
i) high quality: areas near station and built-up urban areas, next to major pedestrian
routes. Over-cladding of structure may be required;
ii) standard quality: soffit areas; and
iii) acceptable quality: areas where structures will only be viewed from afar.
2.4.6 A fully illustrated design statement shall be developed and submitted to the Review
Authority for approval at all stages of the design development at the:
a) line level to catalogue the key common design elements and components; and
b) station/facility level to illustrate the application of the selected elements and
components above.

Station common design elements studies

2.4.7 The design statement shall be prepared to document an integrated ‘kit of parts’ approach
to the station design. Due regard shall be paid to the following areas:
a) urban design context;
b) network, line and station level identity;
c) climatic and cultural contexts;
d) description of visual characteristics;
e) displays, IT/cable management systems;
f) way finding and signage;

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g) Passenger Information Displays; and

h) Video Broadcasting Systems.
2.4.8 The design statement shall include confirmation that the following compliance-related
information has been received, reviewed and incorporated into the proposals:

a) all Review Authority requirements and standards;

b) the Project Brief;
c) all lifecycle in-use performance and lessons learnt information; and
d) all up-to-date as-built information or BIM information on the adjoining facilities and
assets, where applicable.
2.4.9 The issues to be addressed in the design statement shall include but not be limited to the
a) system-wide consideration of all interfaces between all construction packages,
including those designed by or led by other disciplines such services, structural, civil,
rolling stock.
b) compatibility with existing construction assemblies;
c) construction sequencing and buildability; and
d) Impact of maintenance, cleaning and replacement at the junction between differing
construction packages.
2.4.10 The design statement shall catalogue the common design elements proposed. The common
design elements shall emphasise the following:
a) the use of designs and materials that have proven successful in operation, as a starting
b) a limited number of elements and variations, in order to allow all parties to focus their
resources to the maximum effect; and
c) off-site fabrication and testing.
2.4.11 The station design elements shall emphasise the following architectural design criteria:

a) coordination of geometry, models, joints and panelling;

b) consistent and appropriate material selection;
c) coordinated and coherent services integration;
d) consistent and effective information hierarchy provision;
e) consistent and coherent branding and line identity;
f) safe and integrated designs for movement; and
g) durable low maintenance designs.
2.4.12 The list of design elements to be addressed shall include but not limited to the following:

a) external cladding;
b) canopies;

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c) internal cladding: including louvered panels;

d) handrails, balustrades and guarding;
e) flooring;
f) ceilings;
g) ticket office windows;
h) ticket gate screens;
i) doors and entrances;
j) access panels in walls, floors and ceilings;
k) vertical circulation elements: lifts, escalators, stairs and ramps;
l) horizontal circulation elements: route ways, tunnels, foot bridges, passenger
m) counters and work desks;
n) washroom cubicles, vanity tops;
o) signage: wall, ceiling, floor mounted;
p) cable management systems / services booms;
q) ceiling systems;
r) lighting;
s) ceiling mounted services;
t) security and access control equipment, including CCTV;
u) advertising panels;
v) seating;
w) help points; and
x) station furniture including litter bins.
2.4.13 The design statement shall also provide a dedicated section to document all agreed
advertising, sponsorship design features required in the Project Brief.
2.4.14 The design statement shall demonstrate that all third-party requirements have been
coordinated and incorporated, as required in the Project Brief.
2.4.15 The design statement shall document where the design does not comply with the relevant
standards and requirements listed in any of any accompanying reports. These reports shall
include but not be limited to the following disciplines:
a) station sizing report- refer to Volume 2 Part 1 Section 4;
b) operational requirements- refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section 10;
c) retail strategy;
d) advertising strategy- refer to Volume 2 Part 1 Section 9.5;
e) signage and way finding- refer to Volume 2 Part 1 Section 9.3;

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f) lighting strategy- refer to Volume 2 Part 1 Section 9.7;

g) acoustics strategy- refer to Volume 2 Part 1 Section 9.8;
h) vibrations control strategy- refer to Volume 2 Part 1 Section 9.9;
i) logistics and waste management, to include retail space requirements;
j) vehicular swept path demonstration;
k) safety- refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section 11;
l) security- refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section 11;
m) environmental- refer to Volume 1 Part t 1 Section 12;
n) sustainability- refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section 13;
o) accessibility- refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section 14;
p) ergonomics- refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section 15.
q) services- refer to Volume 5 Part 1;
r) structures / civil- refer to Volume 3;
s) urban design and town planning- refer to Volume 2 Part 1 Section 8;
t) track work- refer to Volume 4 Part 1; and
u) safe access and servicing strategy- refer to Volume 2 Part 1 Section 12.
2.4.16 The design statement shall be updated at all stages of the design development process.

Data collection
2.4.17 All designs shall start with a data collection/brief taking exercise. This exercise shall be part
of the EIR approval process and the project’s sustainability strategy outlined in Volume 1
Sections 12 and 13.

Standards deviation and substitution

2.4.18 The Designer shall identify all proposed deviations from published Dubai authorities’
standards (including RTA’s) in accordance with the Project Brief. A report confirming the
standards reviewed and all deviations, departures and replacements thereof, shall be
submitted for approval at all stages of the design development process.

2.4.19 The Designer shall provide all necessary calculations for client progress reporting, cost
estimation and statutory approvals. These items shall include but not be limited to the
following areas.
a) floor area calculations: unless otherwise noted in the Project Brief, floor area
schedules shall include quantities for the following;
i) plot area;
ii) gross external area;

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iii) gross internal area;

iv) public areas- unpaid;
v) public areas- paid;
vi) platform;
vii) concourse;
viii) ticket hall;
ix) waiting areas;
x) retail;
xi) retail support and services;
xii) operational areas;
xiii) fire services;
xiv) plant and services;
xv) storage;
xvi) car parking; and
xvii) all interchange facilities such as taxi ranks, bus stops, bicycle storage and tram
b) station capacity calculations: See Sections 4 and 5.These include but are not limited to:
i) numbers of ticket vending machines, AFC gate line machines and ticketing
ii) seating provision; and
iii) lockers/left luggage provision.
c) lift /escalator service provision calculations, including waiting times, intervals and
capacity- refer to Volume 5 Part 2.
d) interchange traffic planning related calculations: including taxi rank, car parking, bus,
passenger pick-up/drop-off, and bicycle rack allocation.
e) all life safety/means of escape calculations- refer to Volume 1 Appendix 7.
f) washroom accommodation provision.
g) bin store/recycling space allocation and equipment provision
h) refer as applicable to Volume 2 Appendix 1 Performance Requirements for Building
Elements for calculation submission requirements for the individual packages.
i) statutory approvals-related calculations. Refer to UAE Fire and Life Safety Code. These
include but are not limited to calculations related to:
i) hydraulic capacities;
ii) sprinkler densities;
iii) air tightness; and

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iv) fire and explosion indices.

j) supporting calculations for the environmental engineer’s environmental impact
assessment submissions- refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Sections 12 and 13. These include
but are not limited to:
i) percentage area of envelope glazed areas;
ii) percentage area of green roof / bio-diversity reserves;
iii) percentage area of day-lit workspaces; and
iv) percentage of recycled or locally sourced materials.
k) acoustics-related calculations. These include but are not limited to:
i) room dimensions/volumes, absorption areas for speech intelligibility calculations;
ii) percentage glazing/openings.

2.4.20 See Materials and Workmanship Volume 2 Appendix 1.

Mock-ups / prototypes
2.4.21 See Materials and Workmanship Volume 2 Appendix 1.
2.4.22 The number and scope of design prototypes shall be agreed with the Review Authority as
early as possible.
2.4.23 Unless specified in the Project Brief, design prototypes shall be provided for the following
a) ticket office counter and enclosure;
b) concourse cross section, including:
i) principle flooring, walling and ceiling junctions;
ii) light fittings;
iii) column;
iv) access doors and panels;
v) seating; and
vi) waiting area enclosures.
c) retail area shop fronts;
d) platform cross section, including:
i) train / platform interface, including platform screen doors;
ii) services / cable management systems;
iii) flooring, walling and ceilings;
iv) access doors and panels;

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v) seating; and
vi) waiting area enclosures.
e) lift cars;
f) public toilet facilities;
g) advertising panels and fittings;
h) station entrance doors;
i) entrance canopies;
j) primary facade cladding; and
k) any structural or services assemblies where vibration is an issue- refer to Section 9.9.3.
l) all furniture and seating.
2.4.24 All mock-ups shall be submitted to the Review Authority for formal evaluation with regards
to ease of maintenance.

Design Workshops
2.4.25 Regular design workshops shall be planned in accordance with the system assurance and
compliance plans. The workshops shall be recorded to ensure design development can be
monitored and function as part of a project management early warning system.
2.4.26 The design workshops shall be scheduled and structured around all:
a) Review Authority submissions and approval gates;
b) statutory approval submissions;
c) EIR assessments, as outlined in Volume1 Part 1 Section 12; and
d) sustainability assessments, as outlined in Volume1 Part 1 Section 13.
2.4.27 The design workshops agendas shall be structured to emphasise multi-disciplinary design
reviews. The integrated design themes to be reviewed shall include, but not limited to the
a) fire and life safety;
b) security/crowd control;
c) operational requirements;
d) ergonomics;
e) maintenance, cleaning, servicing;
f) urban design;
g) traffic/ transport engineering;
h) passenger environment;
i) accessibility;
j) way finding and signage; and
k) branding and advertising.
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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements

2.5 Testing requirements

2.5.1 Unless noted otherwise, the particular testing requirements listed in this section shall apply
to stations directly serving the following modes:

a) heavy rail: including heavy and medium metros;

b) light rail; including light metro;
c) trams;
d) monorail; and
e) people movers.
2.5.2 The formal process for testing and commissioning is described in the RPDG Volume 1
System Wide Requirements Appendix 4 and shall apply to the Project except as modified
2.5.3 The inspection, testing and commissioning requirements defined in the RPDG Volume 1
Systemwide Requirements Appendix 4 shall apply.
2.5.4 Testing certification shall be provided for of the following bodies:
a) Dubai regulatory bodies, including but not be limited to:
i) Dubai Municipality;
ii) Dubai Civil Defence;
iii) Dubai Electricity and Water Authority;
iv) Dubai Roads and Transportation Authority; and
v) UAE National Transport Authority.
b) Project Sponsors; and
c) The Review Authority.
2.5.5 The types of tests shall include but not be limited to:
a) Fire engineering related tests as specified in Volume 1 Part 1 Appendix 7 Section 3.
b) System-based tests such as:
i) on and off-site weather tightness;
ii) safety test to confirm residual deformation;
iii) air tightness;
iv) acoustic performance;
v) heat loss; and
vi) way finding and signage visibility.
c) CCTV installation coverage- in terms of ensuring that the station architecture and
interiors do not hamper security surveillance.

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2.5.6 All testing, certification and acceptance requirements for material and workmanship quality
assurance shall be reviewed as early as possible with respect to the expected
environmental and service conditions listed above. This is to identify any outstanding
testing to be carried out by the product manufacturer. These shall include but are not
limited to:
a) pull out resistance for all cladding, fittings and equipment;
b) impact resistance;
c) sealant and adhesion;
d) fire stopping and cavity barriers; and
e) slip resistance.
2.5.7 All testing and survey requirements associated with works within, adjacent, under, over
existing buildings shall be established as early as possible for approval by the Review
Authority, and timely coordination with third parties.
2.5.8 All outstanding testing, certification and acceptance requirements needed for enabling
works packages shall be identified and listed separately for early action. These include but
are not limited to:

a) geotechnical surveys;
b) soil / water contamination testing;
c) utilities surveys; and
d) piling capacity testing;
2.5.9 Standardised testing, certification and acceptance requirements shall be amended as early
as possible to reflect project specific-requirements. Priority shall be given to identifying
those areas that bridge over multiple construction packages and materials, or impact
spatial configuration and extent. These shall include but not be limited to:
a) flood testing of flat roof and terrace areas;
b) weather tightness of facades and roofs including:
i) air permeability;
ii) static and dynamic water penetration; and
iii) hose testing.
c) structural performance testing;
i) impact testing;
ii) seismic/building movement;
iii) load testing; and
iv) fatigue test.
d) onsite weather performance testing;
i) hose test;

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ii) spray bar test;

iii) static water tightness;
iv) air permeability; and
v) gutter testing;
e) air leakage & room integrity testing;
i) air leakage testing:
ii) smoke testing;
iii) thermal imaging; and
iv) fire suppression room integrity.
f) acoustic testing;
g) smoke and fire safety related testing;
h) impact resistance for vertical and horizontal glazing, balustrades, barriers, partitions;
i) facade access equipment testing.
2.5.10 Testing, certification and acceptance requirements for material and workmanship shall be
reviewed as early as possible to identify any project-specific testing to be carried out by the
product manufacturer. These shall include but not be limited to:
a) colour fastness in the local environment;
b) fixing pull out resistance;
c) impact resistance;
d) sealant type, adhesion, colour fastness and non staining of adjoining materials;
e) additives & admixtures;
f) pigments (cement & lime);
g) skid and slip resistance testing
h) natural and cast stone products petrographic, physical, mechanical, durability tests;
i) masonry units;
j) precast concrete products;
k) cementitious product testing;
l) cement testing;
m) mortar testing;
n) durability testing;
o) safety/security testing;
p) hardware tests;
q) endurance; and
r) fire stopping and cavity barrier.

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2.6 System assurance requirements

2.6.1 The formal process for system assurance is described in the RPDG Volume 1 System wide
Requirements Appendix 2 and shall apply to the Project except as modified below.
2.6.2 The system assurance requirements defined in the RPDG Volume 1 System wide
Requirements Appendix 2 shall be modified to incorporate the following particular

Design safety studies

2.6.3 Reports shall be prepared to enable all design aspects impacting passenger circulation and
emergency evacuation.
2.6.4 Special attention shall be reserved for legibility and way finding provision required for safe
and efficient passenger movement.
2.6.5 Computer generated pedestrian flow modelling shall be carried out in accordance with the
requirements of Volume 2 part 1 Section 4.
2.6.6 Design safety studies shall be structured to document that safety issues that have been
evaluated and addressed:

a) at the urban, spatial and component scales;

b) under all service, evacuation, emergency, maintenance conditions; and
c) for the construction phase.
2.6.7 Design safety studies shall include all Hazard Analyses, which will be consolidated in a
Hazard Log, as specified in Volume 1 Appendix 2 Section 6.
2.6.8 Design safety studies shall document that the following risk management hierarchy was
utilised in developing, evaluating and final selection of the design:
a) elimination by design;
b) minimisation by design;
c) mitigation by technical measures;
d) mitigation by procedure; and
e) mitigation by public awareness.
2.6.9 In addition to the requirements specified in CENELEC EN 50126, the design safety study
shall pay specific attention to:
a) evaluation from a life cycle perspective shall be integral to all design processes and
selection procedures, where best value is prioritised over lower initial cost;
b) providing resilience and future compatibility; and
c) provision for monitoring of designs post completion. Such measures include energy
metering, post occupancy surveys, and visual inspection of enclosed spaces or cavities.

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Ergonomic studies
2.6.10 Designs shall be evaluated by a competent ergonomics advisor to ensure all factors that
affect physical and mental fatigue, human behavioural response and cognitive
performance, decision-making, attention spans, situational awareness and hand-eye
coordination, have been evaluated, and the relevant problem areas identified for:
a) integrated cross-disciplinary attention. The associated disciplines include but are not
limited to:
i) accessibility;
ii) Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CTPED);
iii) way finding;
iv) evacuation;
v) crowd control;
vi) branding;
vii) advertising; and
viii) retail space design.
b) further specialist ergonomics attention.
2.6.11 All aspects of ergonomics with regards to the architectural design shall be addressed. These
include but are not limited to:-
a) physical /anthropomorphic;
b) cognitive; and
c) organisational.
2.6.12 All designs shall be evaluated against the needs of the following profile groups:

a) operational staff; and

b) passengers/customers.
2.6.13 Ergonomic studies shall be provided for stations operations rooms, ticketing offices and
Passenger Service Centre (PSC).
2.6.14 Ergonomic studies shall be updated at all stages of the design development process.

Way finding studies

2.6.15 A dedicated report shall be provided to verify the location, height and type of all way
finding and signage related fittings and equipment. The report shall be developed
iteratively in stages as the design is developed.
2.6.16 The report shall cover all internal and external areas. Unless otherwise noted in the Project
Brief, the report shall cover all decision spaces. These include but are not limited to:
a) station entrances;
b) external arrival and street spaces;

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c) ticket halls and concourses;

d) route ways;
e) platforms; and
f) retail areas.
2.6.17 The initial report shall be drawing based, with a detailed 3D digital model provided during
detailed design.
2.6.18 The report shall incorporate all station identification, pedestrian way finding, vehicular
traffic and road safety and statutory signage, as well as security, advertising and branding
2.6.19 The digital model shall enable the design to be verified in all service conditions, including
day and night time.
2.6.20 The effects and impacts of lighting levels, glare, reflections shall be accurately modelled and
2.6.21 Due regard shall be paid to the impact of moveable obstructions such as shutters, doors,
gates, access hatches/panels.
2.6.22 The report shall include detailed consideration of the following operational spaces:
a) station operations rooms;
b) observation platforms and control rooms;
c) loading dock;
d) Interchange facilities accommodating moving vehicular traffic.
2.6.23 The report shall pay due regard to coordination with all safety, emergency services,
security, anti-vandalism and crowd control requirements.
2.6.24 The report shall pay due regard to accessibility requirements, and coordinated with the
accessibility study below.
2.6.25 Way finding studies shall be updated at all stages of the design development process.

Accessibility studies
2.6.26 A dedicated report shall be provided to ensure that the architectural design shall be
accessibility compliant. The report shall list all departures and non-compliances from
standards published by the:

a) Dubai/UAE statutory authorities;

b) RTA;
c) Review Authority; and
d) Project Sponsors.
2.6.27 The report shall review all current RTA studies and UAE/Dubai regulations/requirements as
part of a data collection section that confirms the local attitudes, demographics, issues and
barriers that are pertinent to the project.

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2.6.28 The report shall cover all internal/external areas, to match the structure and content of the
architectural design statement. Unless otherwise noted in the Project Brief, the report shall
cover all key architectural spaces. These include but are not limited to:

a) station entrances;
b) external arrival and street spaces;
c) ticket halls and concourses;
d) route ways;
e) platforms; and
f) retail areas.
2.6.29 The report shall also cover restricted areas accessed by operational, maintenance, services
staff, as well as areas used by the public.
2.6.30 The report shall also review the design and propose typical solutions and strategies for the
following design elements and spaces:
a) way finding and signage;
b) voice alarms and public announcements;
c) internal and external floor finishes, including the use of tactile paving;
d) vertical circulation elements, such as ramps, stairs, lifts and escalators;
e) public toilets;
f) glass in buildings;
g) door and entrances, including powered door equipment and ironmongery;
h) public seating, waiting, play areas; and
i) ATM, public telephones and other public services points.
2.6.31 The requirements of following user groups shall be prioritised:

a) wheelchair users;
b) learning disability;
c) ambulant disabled;
d) visually impaired; and
e) hearing impaired.
2.6.32 The report shall include a section highlighting the active management measures required
post completion for the approval by the Review Authority.
2.6.33 Accessibility studies shall be updated at all stages of the design development process.

2.7 Maintenance, spares and training requirements

2.7.1 The documentation requirements for the above are as specified in the RPDG Volume 1
Appendix 5 and shall apply to the Project except as modified herein.

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Particular Requirements for Maintenance

2.7.2 The requirements for the preparation of maintenance documentation stated in the RPDG
Volume 1 System wide Requirements Appendix 5 shall apply. These shall include but not be
limited to the following:

a) manufacturer's maintenance instructions;

b) contact details of suppliers for any specific maintenance materials;
c) interim and final inspections reports; and
d) guarantees, warranties and test certificates.

Particular Requirements for Spares

2.7.3 During the design stage of the Project, replacement items which will critically affect the
smooth operation and appearance of the station shall be identified, particularly vulnerable
and long lead items. Provision shall be made for the storage of such items.
2.7.4 Recommendations shall be submitted to the Review Authority regarding the level of stock
which shall include but not be limited to the following:
a) glass panels;
b) platform doors and screens;
c) profiled skylight glass;
d) retail kiosk signage.
e) ironmongery;
f) glass panels for lifts;
g) glass for balustrades;
h) stone panels for walls; and
i) stone panels for floor.

Particular Requirements for Training

2.7.5 The requirements for the preparation of training documentation in the RPDG Volume 1
System wide Requirements Appendix 5 shall apply.
2.7.6 Details shall be submitted to the Review Authority of any specialist training, materials or
equipment required for maintaining, repairing, replacing and modifying any materials,
products and assemblies prior to confirmation of the use of these elements. If these
requirements are accepted then the training, materials and equipment shall be supplied as
part of the works.

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3 Introduction to station planning

3.1 General
3.1.1 This section of Volume 2, Part 1 sets out the planning requirements for stations.
3.1.2 The requirements are applicable to underground, at grade or elevated stations unless
otherwise noted.
3.1.3 Requirements for different rail modes are addressed in Section 6.6 herein.

3.2 Architectural design objectives

3.2.1 Volume 2 sets out the essential requirements for any station. Notwithstanding this, the
Designer shall explore opportunities to meet the Project Proposer and/or RTA’s aspirations
for high quality architecture in particular locations.
3.2.2 Station designs shall be appropriate to their context and shall seek to enhance the local
urban environment.
3.2.3 Scale and proportions, materials, colours, lighting and other architectural means shall be
considered to provide design features that create a distinctive identity and enhance the
experience of passengers.
3.2.4 The planning of stations shall enable the safe, convenient and comfortable movement of
passengers through the station.
3.2.5 The public areas shall be clear in terms of spatial configuration, simple in terms of
geometric layout and efficient in terms of circulation.
3.2.6 Passenger routes through stations shall have the following attributes:
a) provide coherent sequences of spaces in which the primary functions are clearly
b) provide intuitive way finding;
c) provide extended lines of sight;
d) provide short, direct passenger movements;
e) minimise changes of direction;
f) minimise changes of level;
g) avoid minor changes of level;
h) avoid obstructions; and
i) avoid dead ends.

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3.3 Principal station planning requirements

3.3.1 Station planning shall be fully coordinated with all disciplines and their associated
standards, and shall comply with the following:
a) the requirements defined in the Project Brief;
b) capacity requirements defined in Section 4 herein;
c) dimensional requirements defined in Section 4 herein and in the Room Data Sheets,
Volume 2, Appendix 2;
d) detailed requirements for public area facilities and amenities in Section 8 herein;
e) other requirements defined in Sections 6 – 12 herein;
f) Volume 1, Part 1, Appendix 7 Fire and Life Safety Strategy; and
g) Volume 1, Part 1, Appendix 8 Security Strategy.
Station context planning and design
3.3.2 Stations shall be planned and designed to enhance their urban context.
3.3.3 Station planning shall comply with the requirements of Section 8 herein, Urban Context
3.3.4 Station planning shall be coordinated with Volume 2, Part 3, Landscaping.
3.3.5 The architectural design statement in the design report for each stage shall address urban
context and landscaping requirements.
3.3.6 Design reports shall demonstrate, at an appropriate level of detail for each stage, how the
urban context is enhanced by the proposals.
Inclusive design
3.3.7 Stations shall comply with Volume 1 Part 1 Section 14 on Accessibility.
3.3.8 Each station shall have a minimum of one barrier-free route into the station and leading to
all passenger destinations.
3.3.9 Additional routes shall be considered for larger, more complex stations and transport
3.3.10 In optimising passenger convenience, station planning shall facilitate quick and easy
interchange between different lines.
3.3.11 The planning of stations and transport interchanges shall enable convenient transfer
between transport modes including:
a) rail services;
b) public and private buses;
c) taxis;

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d) private cars;
e) bicycles & motorbikes;
f) air; and
g) maritime.
3.3.12 Interchange routes between rail services shall be as direct and intuitive as possible.
3.3.13 Projected interchange figures shall be analysed in order to minimise travel distances for the
largest number of passengers.
3.3.14 Interchange across an island platform shall be the ideal arrangement.
3.3.15 Interchange routes shall minimise changes of level.
3.3.16 Interchange routes shall avoid crossing gate lines.
Fare collection systems
3.3.17 The configuration and spatial provisions for fare collection systems shall be coordinated
with the requirements defined by Volume 4, Part 5 Automatic Fare Collection.
Retail concessions and other public facilities
3.3.18 Design of retail concessions and other public facilities shall satisfy and be in accordance
with the Project Proposer’s and/or RTA’s retail master plan/ strategy.
3.3.19 Retail concessions and other public facilities shall be incorporated without obstructing
access to transport services.
3.3.20 Circulation routes for transport services and public amenities shall be separated. Where
this is not possible, sufficient space shall be provided to avoid cross-flows.

3.4 Station categories

3.4.1 The RPDG applies to urban area rail systems, and a range of station categories appropriate
to the city of Dubai and its close satellites. The four categories are:
b) Category 1: City Centre Interchange – providing a central destination for passengers
and an interchange point between lines or modes;
c) Category 2: Urban Area Hub – stations serving larger populations with a catchment
large enough to require interchange with district feeder services;
d) Category 3: Commuter –stations serving smaller local populations or commuter feeder
points; and
e) Category 4: Unstaffed – stations with infrequent services serving mainly low density
areas. Stops or shelters (such as those serving trams) that are unstaffed shall also fall
under this category.

3.5 Design stages and submissions

3.5.1 The design shall be developed in the stages as defined in Volume 1 Part 1, Appendix 3,
Design and Interface Management.
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3.5.2 The design submissions for each stage shall include, but not be limited to, the items listed in
Volume 1, Part 1 Appendix 3 and shall in addition include the following:
a) architectural design statement as required by Section 2 herein;
b) station sizing report as required by Section 4 herein;

3.6 Multi-modal application

3.6.1 The requirements are applicable to Heavy and Light Rail.
3.6.2 The requirements are applicable to Tram, Monorail and People Movers except where
stated herein or specified in the Project Brief.

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4 Station capacity & dimensional


4.1 Capacity calculations

4.1.1 Capacity calculations for stations shall be for ultimate capacity and shall be based on
projected passenger figures at peak periods provided in the Project Brief.
4.1.2 Station capacity calculations, sizing reports, assessments and pedestrian modelling shall be
undertaken by a qualified transport planner or other competent person.
4.1.3 The spatial implications of the retail and commercial strategy provided in the Project Brief
shall be taken into account in station sizing.
Station sizing report
4.1.4 At the beginning of concept design, a station sizing report shall be produced or if a report
exists this shall be updated. A report for each station shall be submitted to the Review
4.1.5 In addition to the projected passenger figures the station sizing report shall take account of
the required LOS, the Fire and Life Safety Strategy and the Security Strategy requirements.
4.1.6 The station sizing report shall include as appropriate the following calculations of capacity
requirements based upon projected passenger figures and other relevant requirements in
the Project Brief:
a) minimum width of station entrances;
b) minimum area of unpaid concourse;
c) minimum area of paid concourse;
d) minimum width of platforms;
e) length of platforms;
f) minimum width of passages;
g) number of self-service ticket machines;
h) number of ticket office windows;
i) ticket validation provisions;
j) number of escalators;
k) number and width of public stairs;
l) number and size of public lifts;
m) number and width of moving walkways;

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n) dimensional requirements of retail and other commercial accommodation;

o) other passenger facilities as defined in the Project Brief; and
p) requirements for fire and life safety and evacuation.
4.1.7 Arithmetic calculations based upon static conditions shall be used for initial planning
purposes during concept design.
4.1.8 Because of the extent of variables and the dynamic nature of crowd movements, computer
modelling shall be used during preliminary and detailed design to optimise station planning
as specified in Section 4.2 herein.
4.1.9 The station sizing report shall be updated and included in the design report for each design
Station sizing requirements and considerations
4.1.10 Station sizing shall provide for customer movement, waiting and use of ticketing and
circulation equipment based on the predicted passenger figures at peak periods and the
required LOS.
4.1.11 Station sizing shall be calculated to be resilient to variations in demand.
4.1.12 Station sizing shall include an allowance for service disruptions.
4.1.13 Station sizing shall take into account the design year of the project.
4.1.14 Station sizing shall take into account any potential interface with third party premises as
specified in the Project Brief.
4.1.15 Station sizing shall take into account the use of retail and catering concessions or other
facilities by members of the public irrespective of whether or not they actually travel on the
system. This shall include members of the public using station concourses as passageways
to cross streets.
4.1.16 Where a station is adjacent to a stadium, or any other place that stages large events or can
generate large passenger surge loads, an assessment shall be made of the consequences
and impacts on the station and its operations and the same shall be included in the station
sizing report.
Fire and life safety
4.1.17 Station planning shall take into account the requirements of the Fire and Life Safety
Strategy Report prepared for the Project in accordance with Volume 1 Part 1.
4.1.18 The station sizing report shall be fully coordinated with the station fire and life safety report
to ensure station planning provides for normal operations and emergency situations.

4.1.19 Station planning shall take into account the requirements of the Security Strategy Report
prepared for the Project in accordance with Volume 1 Appendix 8.

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4.1.20 The station sizing report shall be fully coordinated with the station security requirements to
ensure station planning provides for normal operations and emergency situations.

4.2 Pedestrian modelling

4.2.1 Computer generated pedestrian flow modelling shall be carried out using Legion or
equivalent pedestrian simulation software.
4.2.2 The person undertaking the modelling shall be competent in identifying the most
appropriate modelling technique for the scenario to be modelled.
4.2.3 The modelling shall consider all pedestrian flows within and leading to transport facilities.
4.2.4 All transport facilities shall be modelled unless t otherwise stated in the Project Brief.
4.2.5 Modelling shall be undertaken before completion of concept design.
4.2.6 The parameters to be used for pedestrian modelling are to be submitted for the Review
Authority’s review and their comments incorporated before modelling commences.
4.2.7 Modelling shall be reassessed following any significant design changes or revisions to
projected passenger figures.
4.2.8 Modelling shall be produced for the projected passenger figures at peak periods,
4.2.9 The person undertaking the modelling shall be competent in identifying the peak scenarios
necessary to analyse to ensure the efficient and safe operation of the station. This shall
include the following possible scenarios:
a) morning and evening peaks in normal operation;
b) peaks within peaks in normal operation;
c) service disruptions;
d) special events;
e) any other critical period or event identified by the Review Authority, in the Project
Brief or identified by the competent person through analysis of the projected
passenger figures.
4.2.10 Pedestrian modelling shall be coordinated with any evacuation modelling required under
Volume 1, Part 1, Appendix 7 Fire and Life Safety Strategy.
4.2.11 Pedestrian modelling shall take into account space required for waiting or for queuing at
ticket vending machines.
4.2.12 Pedestrian modelling shall take into account the impact of retail and other concessions
alongside transport circulation routes.
4.2.13 Pedestrian modelling shall take into account the impact of walls or obstructions by
excluding a 0.3m zone beyond the wall or obstruction in which it shall be assumed there is
no pedestrian movement.
4.2.14 Pedestrian modelling shall assess queuing and waiting times at fare collection equipment,
escalators, lifts and other transit facilities used by customers.

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4.2.15 Pedestrian modelling shall assess travel times for passengers between entrances and
platforms and for rail services interchange.

4.3 Level of service

4.3.1 The Level of Service (LOS) specified in the Project Brief shall be taken into account in the
station sizing report and in pedestrian modelling.
4.3.2 Station planning shall ensure an optimum LOS for customers’ comfort and convenience.
4.3.3 Station areas, circulation routes, vertical circulation, ticketing equipment and other facilities
shall be designed to meet the LOS criteria described in the RPDG.
4.3.4 Spatial provisions shall allow uncongested access to transport facilities and shall avoid
localized congestion at peak periods.
4.3.5 Station planning shall ensure that platforms can be cleared between train headways.
4.3.6 LOS shall be as defined by J.J. Fruin in Pedestrian Planning and Design, as summarised
Table ‎4-1 Passenger density - metric versions of Fruin

Level of Circulation Spaces Staircases (m2/pax) Waiting Areas (m2/pax)

Service (m2/pax)

A > 3.3 > 1.9 > 1.2

B 2.3 - 3.3 1.4 – 1.9 0.9 – 1.2

C 1.4 – 2.3 0.9 – 1.4 0.7 – 0.9

D 0.9 – 1.4 0.7 – 0.9 0.3 – 0.7

E 0.5 – 0.9 0.4 – 0.7 0.2 – 0.3

F < 0.5 < 0.4 < 0.2

4.3.7 A LOS of C or better shall be provided in all public areas unless noted otherwise in the
Project Brief.
4.3.8 During the peak 15 minutes period, a LOS of D in feature-free passageways may be
permitted subject to the approval of the Review Authority.
4.3.9 Feature-free passageways shall not include:
a) transit facilities such as ticket machines;
b) information signage;
c) waiting areas;

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d) decision points;
e) commercial facilities.

4.4 Passenger travel times

4.4.1 In order to achieve the required quality of service for passengers, the following time
standards for queuing and travel between areas of stations shall be complied with, subject
to exceptional cases and approval by the Review Authority:
a) Average travel times from entrances to platforms should be less than 3 minutes, but
shall not exceed 6 minutes.
b) Average travel times for interchange between rail services should be less than 3
minutes, but shall not exceed 6 minutes.
c) Travel times shall take into account the walking speed. The average walking speed
shall be taken as 80 metres per minute (1.33m/s) unless otherwise specified in the
Project Brief.
d) Travel times shall take into account the use of passenger conveyors where these are
e) Travel times are from the entrance to the main station entrance and exclude
overbridges or other external walkways.

4.5 Queuing
4.5.1 The station shall generally be sized to avoid queuing.
4.5.2 An allowance shall be made for queuing space in front of relevant station elements to
ensure there is no interference with passenger circulation.

4.6 Design capacities and dimensional requirements of station elements

Design capacities
4.6.1 In assessing the capacity of station equipment such as lifts, escalators, passenger conveyors
and ticketing facilities for the provision of a normal service, the Designer shall refer to
maximum practical capacity figures provided in Volume 5, Part 2 of the RPDG.
4.6.2 Maximum practical capacities shall be down-rated by a design factor provided in Volume 5,
Part 2 of the RPDG to account for a degraded service, inaccuracies in passenger traffic
forecasts, and temporary closures of equipment.
4.6.3 Design capacities for emergency evacuation shall be assessed in accordance with the
requirements of Volume 1, Part 1, Appendix 7 Fire and Life Safety Strategy.
Dimensional requirements
4.6.4 Dimensional requirements in public areas shall, as a minimum, equal the requirements
stated in this section.

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4.6.5 Dimensional requirements shall in addition achieve any minimum requirements identified
by the following:
a) Fire and Life Safety Strategy Report;
b) Security Strategy Report;
c) Station Sizing Report;
d) Pedestrian modelling; and
e) Guidelines for Design of Accessible Infrastructure in the Emirate of Dubai
4.6.6 Minimum dimensions for station rooms shall be as specified in Volume 2, Appendix 2 Room
Data Sheets.
Fare collection equipment
4.6.7 The capacity and dimensions required for fare collection, including self-service ticket
machines, ticket office facilities and ticket validation equipment, shall be in accordance with
the requirements of Volume 4, Part 5 Automatic Fare Collection.
4.6.8 When calculating the quantities of AFC equipment and sizing of ticket office facilities, the
Designer shall take into account the projected passenger figures at peak periods and shall
ensure that the required LOS can be satisfied.
4.6.9 The number and sizing of automatic gates and swing gates shall meet the requirements of
the Fire and Life Safety Strategy to ensure unobstructed and smooth evacuation.
Vertical and horizontal circulation elements
4.6.10 The Designer shall ensure that the provision of vertical circulation complies with the station
capacity requirements identified in this document, the station sizing report and the Fire and
Life Safety Strategy.
4.6.11 The location of vertical circulation for platforms shall take account of the even distribution
of passengers along platforms, as well as convenient exiting.
4.6.12 The location of vertical circulation at station entrances and concourses shall ensure efficient
distribution of passengers within the station and optimise the relationship with the local
urban context.
4.6.13 The Designer shall comply with the requirements of Dubai Civil Defence UAE Fire and Life
Safety Code of Practice when designing emergency vertical circulation elements such as
egress stairs and fire lifts. The Designer shall comply with the requirements of the RTA’s
Guide for Accessible Transport in the Emirate of Dubai and the requirements stated herein
for all public circulation elements.
4.6.14 The number of escalators shall be calculated for the station sizing report. Escalator size and
speed shall take into account the required LOS and the travel time standards noted in
Section 4.4.
4.6.15 Escalators shall be the primary means of vertical circulation in Station Categories 1, 2 and 3.

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4.6.16 Escalators shall be provided for all level changes in public areas in these categories of
4.6.17 The need for escalators in Station Category 4 shall be assessed in the station sizing report.
Spatial and structural provision for the future installation of escalators shall also be
4.6.18 Escalators shall also be coordinated with the requirements of the Fire and Life Safety
4.6.19 Escalator technical requirements are defined in Volume 5 Building Services, Part 2
Passenger Conveyance Systems.
4.6.20 Where justified by passenger numbers and other station planning requirements, escalators
shall be located in banks of three (3) or more in order to provide flexibility for tidal flows of
passengers at peak periods and to cater for maintenance and temporary closures of
4.6.21 Where space permits, escalator shafts shall be constructed to be capable of
accommodating a minimum of three (3) escalators even if less than that number is to be
installed initially.
4.6.22 Escalators shall be bi-directional.
4.6.23 Station signage shall be able to correctly direct passengers in either direction according to
the set escalator direction.
4.6.24 The maximum speed of escalators shall be uniform across the rail network stations and in
accordance with Volume 5, Part 2, Passenger Conveyance Systems unless otherwise
specified in the Project Brief.
4.6.25 Stairs shall be provided in addition to escalators.
4.6.26 The primary purpose of lifts is to provide barrier free access to all levels and shall be
provided at all station categories, unless otherwise noted herein.
4.6.27 The number of lifts shall be calculated for the station sizing report.
4.6.28 Lifts size and speed shall take into account the required LOS covered in Section 4.3.
4.6.29 Fire fighting lifts shall meet the requirements of the Dubai Civil Defence Fire and Life Safety
4.6.30 Lift technical requirements shall be as specified in Volume 5, Part 2, Passenger Conveyance
4.6.31 The number of stairs shall be in accordance with the station sizing report and shall meet
NFPA 130 requirements.
4.6.32 The design of stairs shall meet the requirements stipulated in this section.

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4.6.33 For any supplementary design aspects not covered herein the RTA’s Guidelines for Design
of Accessible Transport in the Emirate of Dubai shall be referred to.
4.6.34 All stairs in public areas shall be designed in accordance with Table 4-2 and the following
requirements, unless otherwise specified in the Project Brief:
a) the preferred values shall be used, unless other values within the range indicated are
approved by the Review Authority;
b) stair widths shall be measured between handrails;
c) stairs wider than 3.3m shall have central handrails fitted;
d) 0.3m shall be added to stair width for each central handrail;
e) each landing shall be as long as the effective width of stair it serves, except for landings
requiring a 180⁰ turn where the minimum landing width shall not be less than 1.5m.
f) after two successive flights, a stair shall change direction by a minimum of 30 degrees
unless a 4.0m long landing is provided.
Table ‎4-2 Public area stair requirements

Attribute Options Dimension

Height of Rise Preferred 150mm

Range 150 to 180mm

Length of Going Preferred 300mm

Range 285 to 340mm

Pitch of Flights Preferred 27°

Range 24° to 30°

Pitch of Flights To match escalator 30°

beside Escalator

Risers per flight Preferred 12

Maximum 18

Width of Flights As stated in Station Minimum of 1524mm

Sizing Report and
Fire Life Strategy

Head Clearance Minimum, 2200mm for means of egress and BoH stairs
measured from pitch

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Attribute Options Dimension

line 3000mm for public stairs

Handrails Continuous on stairs 910mm high for top handrail

and landings
700mm high for second handrail

40mm diameter

50mm clearance to balustrade

4.6.35 Stairs used for escape and fire fighting shall meet the requirements of Volume 1, Part 1,
Appendix 7 Fire and Life Safety Strategy.
4.6.36 Handrails shall be designed in accordance with RTA’s Guidelines for Design of Accessible
Transport in the Emirate of Dubai.
4.6.37 At external stairs, handrails shall be made of non-heat conducting materials where their hot
touch temperature requirements for all exposure times shall be less than 45°C.
4.6.38 Ramps shall be avoided for changes of level in station public areas.
4.6.39 Ramps shall be considered for the convenience of PSNs for minor changes of level.
4.6.40 The gradient of ramps shall be compliant with the RTA’s Guideline for Design of Accessible
Transport in the Emirate of Dubai (maximum gradient of 1:12).
4.6.41 Where ramps are required as part of an escape route, they shall meet the requirements of
Volume 1, Part 1, Appendix 7 Fire and Life Safety Strategy.
4.6.42 Handrails at ramps shall be designed in accordance with RTA’s Guidelines for Design of
Accessible Transport in the Emirate of Dubai.
Passenger conveyors (moving walkways)
4.6.43 Passenger conveyors shall be provided to avoid passengers walking excessive distances and
to meet the travel time standards noted in Section 4.4.
4.6.44 The technical requirements for passenger conveyors are defined in Volume 5, Part 2
Passenger Conveyance Systems.
4.6.45 The maximum speed of passenger conveyors shall be uniform across the rail network
stations and in accordance with Volume 5 Part 2, unless noted otherwise in the Project
4.6.46 Run-offs shall be zones provided at escalators, passenger conveyors, stairs and AFC
automatic gates required for queuing time, orientation and decision making.

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4.6.47 Minimum run-off figures stipulated in this section below (along with other RPDG
requirements and the initial station sizing report) shall be used by the Designer to produce
the preliminary station plans.
4.6.48 These plans along with the incorporated minimum run-off figures shall be reassessed by the
Transport Planner using computer generated pedestrian flow modelling.
4.6.49 Where run-offs overlap they shall be 80% of the combined total.
4.6.50 Run-offs shall not overlap with circulation routes.
4.6.51 The run-offs for AGs shall be a minimum of 6m from panel face of the equipment.
4.6.52 The run-offs for escalators and passenger conveyors shall be a minimum of 6m from
working points to an obstruction or a circulation route.
4.6.53 Run-offs for escalators running in sequence in the same direction and with no pedestrian
cross flows or other obstruction to passenger movement shall also conform to the
requirement of 4.6. 49.
4.6.54 Where escalators are working in opposite directions, the Designer shall avoid locating them
opposite each other. Where this is unavoidable, the minimum distance between working
points shall be 18m.
4.6.55 The queuing zone in front of lifts shall be a minimum of 3m for the full width of the lift
4.6.56 The run-offs for stairs shall be a minimum of 4m.
4.6.57 Passageway widths in public areas of Category 1, 2 and 3 stations shall be a minimum of
4.6.58 Passageway widths in public areas of Category 4 stations shall be a minimum of 2.5m.
4.6.59 Where passenger conveyors are provided at station Category 4 stations, the minimum
width of pedestrian walkway shall be 2.5m.
4.6.60 Where passenger conveyors are introduced the overall width of the passageway shall
comprise the width of the passenger conveyors in addition to the 2.5m minimum width of
the pedestrian walkway.
Headroom in public areas
4.6.61 Minimum clear headroom or vertical clearance in all station public areas shall be 3m.
4.6.62 However, minimum vertical clearance below signage in station public areas shall be in
accordance with the RTA’s Signage Manual (minimum 2.4m).
4.6.63 The sizing of concourses shall vary in accordance with the requirements noted in 4.6.1 and
other relevant requirements in this Section.

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4.6.64 All platforms are preferred to be island platforms. Where this not possible or not advisable,
an alternative proposal shall be submitted to the Review Authority for review.
4.6.65 The length of platforms shall be related to train length and shall be stated in the Station
Sizing Report.
4.6.66 The width of platforms shall as a minimum achieve the requirements noted in 4.6.1.
4.6.67 The width of platforms shall also take into account that all platforms will be fitted with
platform screen doors or platform edge barriers as specified in Volume 4, Part 6 Platform
Screen Doors.
4.6.68 The minimum clear dimension between the platform screen door or barrier enclosure and
the finished surface of any wall, column, escalator, lift or other obstruction shall be:
a) 2.6m for island platforms where the minimum overall width of an island platform
without any obstruction shall be 5.2m; and
b) 3.0m for side platforms.
4.6.69 In determining the actual widths of platforms, the Designer shall in addition take into
account the following:
a) the number and layout of stairs, escalators, lifts and columns;
b) any passenger facilities, such as seating;
c) the space required for platform screen doors or barriers;
d) the possibility of adding facilities in the future e.g. additional escalators or lifts.

4.7 Multi-modal application

Heavy and Light Rail
4.7.1 The requirements of Section 4 are applicable to Heavy and Light Rail.
Tram, Monorail and People Movers
4.7.2 The requirements of section 4 are applicable to Tram, Monorail and People Movers except
where stated herein or specified in the Project Brief.
4.7.3 Clause 4.2.4 shall not apply to Tram, Monorail and People Movers. For these modes, the
Project Brief shall state if computer generated modelling is required.
4.7.4 Clauses 4.6.19 and 4.6.20 shall not apply to Tram, Monorail and People Movers. For these
modes, the need for escalators shall be assessed in the station sizing report.
4.7.5 Tram stops shall be considered as a Category 4 Unstaffed station, unless otherwise
specified in the Project Brief.
4.7.6 Tram stops generally occupy urban space at ground level and therefore clauses 4.6.26 and
4.6.38 shall not apply to Tram, unless specified otherwise in the Project Brief.
4.7.7 The Designer shall minimise Tram stops’ impact on pedestrians and other road users.
4.7.8 Clause 4.6.57 shall not apply to Tram, Monorail and People Movers.

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4.7.9 Clause 4.6.58 shall apply to Tram, Monorail and People Movers.
4.7.10 Clause 4.6.68 shall apply to Tram, Monorail and People Movers, unless otherwise specified
in the Project Brief.
4.7.11 In order to minimise the spatial impact of tram stops, the Designer may propose a
reduction in the requirements listed above. Any such proposals shall be submitted to the
Review Authority for approval.

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5 Public spaces and circulation

5.1 General
5.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the public area facilities and amenities requirements listed in
this section shall apply to stations directly serving the following modes:
a) heavy rail;
b) light rail;
c) trams;
d) monorail; and
e) people movers.
5.1.2 Where the station forms part of a larger facility that also accommodates transport modes
not listed in Section 5.1.1, including but not limited to air, maritme, bus, car and bicycle
feeders, the Designer shall pay due regard to coordination and harmonisation of all
5.1.3 This section provides key functional requirements for the following public spaces:
a) main circulation spaces including entrances, concourses, ticket halls, route ways and
b) public facilities including ticket centres, passenger service centres, first aid rooms, left
luggage and lockers, help points, public toilets, waiting areas, parent and child rooms
and prayer rooms.
c) public amenities including vending machines, retail areas, ATM machines, public
telephones and advertising.
5.1.4 The sizing of the principal areas and elements for each station shall comply with the
requirements in Section 4 herein.
5.1.5 Operational and space requirements shall be addressed separately as specified in Sections
10 and 11 herein.
5.1.6 To assist with the organisation of the appropriate public facilities and amenities around the
main public spaces described above, the spaces and facilities shall be grouped into three
distinct spatial zones as follows, and shall comply with the requirements specified in
Section 5.2 herein:
a) station access zone;
b) concourse; and
c) platform;
5.1.7 All three zones above shall be unified by circulation spaces.

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5.1.8 Circulation spaces shall be provided in the stations to ensure the safe and efficient
movement of passengers.
5.1.9 Three types of circulation spaces (main circulation route, movement spaces and decision
points) shall be provided and they shall comply with the requirements specified in Section
External spaces
5.1.10 In order to support neighbourhood regeneration and land values, which are essential to
sustainable development, the design, layout and disposition of public facilities and
amenities, shall be designed to enhance the immediate streetscape and public realm as
specified in Section 8 herein and Volume 2, Part 3 Landscaping.
Station categories
5.1.11 Station categories shall be in accordance with the Project Brief.
5.1.12 Unless noted otherwise in the Project Brief, the requirements for public facilities and
amenities listed in Table 5-1 shall apply for each category of station.
Table ‎5-1 Minimum public facilities and amenities provision

Category Facility / Amenity

1. City Centre Interchange and - Ticket office

Airport terminals
- Ticket vending machines
- Passenger Service Centre
*Note: Stations at airport terminals - Help points
shall not accommodate public
- First Aid Room
amenities available at the airport
unless required by the Project - Police / Security office
Brief. - Tourist / car rental office
- Retail (shops, kiosks/vending
- Public telephones
- ATMs
- Public toilets
- Parent and Child Rooms
- Left-luggage and lockers (if required
by Project Brief and for airport
terminals only)
- Public Art

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Category Facility / Amenity

2. Urban Area Hub - Ticket office

- Ticket vending machines
- Passenger Service Centre
- Help points
- First Aid Room
- Police / Security office
- Retail (shops and vending machines)
- Public telephones
- Public toilets
- Public Art

3. Commuter - Ticket office

- Ticket vending machines
- Help points
- First Aid Room
- Retail
- Public telephones
- Public toilets

4: Unstaffed - Ticket office space provided for

future flexibility (only if required in
Project Brief)
*Note: This category shall also cover - Ticket vending machines
street stops/shelters such as those
serving trams, for example. - Help points
- Public telephones

5.1.13 The planning and provision of amenities and facilities shall be closely considered in
conjunction with the main station planning and design to ensure safe and efficient
movement throughout the station.
5.1.14 The Designer shall pay due regard to directly providing and/or supporting the key functions
listed in the individual clauses below.

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5.1.15 Minimum room sizes shall comply with the requirements specified in Volume 2, Part 1,
Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets, as applicable.

5.2 Station spatial zones

5.2.1 The spatial zones described in this section shall generally apply to all station categories 1-4
for all transport modes, unless otherwise specified.
5.2.2 These requirements shall not apply to stand alone transport stops or shelters that are
unstaffed and that feature no on-site fare collection and control facilities, unless otherwise
Station access
5.2.3 The station access zone shall include the immediate external station precinct and form a
‘gateway’ area where customers arrive and depart, often changing transportation modes
and meeting with visitors.
5.2.4 The interchange facilities shall normally be external to the station, but may be internal to
the station on congested sites.
5.2.5 Where interchange is required between two or more rail services , crossing between them
shall be made possible without traversing gate lines, unless otherwise specified in the
Project Brief.
a) The access zone shall include:
i) public arrival spaces, closely associated with station entrances.
ii) street level frontages that may accommodate leased retail spaces- applicable to
station categories 1-3 unless otherwise specified in the Project Brief.
iii) transit / modal interchange facilities such as bus / tram stop, passenger pick-up /
drop-off points, taxi ranks, bicycle racks.
iv) long term parking structures, as specified in the Project Brief.
5.2.6 Station access zones shall also take into account the Urban Context Requirements specified
in Section 8 herein.
5.2.7 The requirements in this section shall apply to all station categories 1-4 and for all transport
modes, unless otherwise specified.
5.2.8 The concourse zone shall be the main zone where users gather information, make
purchases, and access facilities.
5.2.9 The concourse zone shall be divided into paid and unpaid areas by AFC gate lines at station
categories 1-3. This requirement shall not apply at unstaffed station category 4 or at
stops/shelters that do not feature on-site fare collection/control facilities.
5.2.10 The concourse shall include the following elements unless otherwise required in the Project

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a) passenger service centre- applicable to station categories 1-2;

b) ticket halls, including ticket vending machines and ticketing offices- applicable to
station categories 1-3;
c) AFC automatic gates and swing gates applicable to station categories 1-3;
d) retail shops and kiosks and/or vending machines- applicable to station categories 1-3;
e) left-luggage and locker facilities- applicable to station category 1;
f) first aid room- applicable to station categories 1-3;
g) public toilets- applicable to station categories 1-3;
h) parent-and-child room- applicable to station category 1;
i) telephone booths- applicable to station categories 1-4; and
j) station management offices and their associated back of house (BoH) facilities-
applicable to station categories 1-3.
5.2.11 All elements listed above in 5.2.5 shall be located within the unpaid areas of the concourse
except for public toilets and Parent and Child room which shall always be located in the
paid area of the concourse.
5.2.12 Station management offices and facilities may span both unpaid and paid areas but staff
access to these shall be through a secure lobby- refer to section 10.3.
5.2.13 The Designer shall ensure that these spaces are designed to prevent any encroachment,
interference or impairment of passenger circulation routes.
Platform zone
5.2.14 The requirements in this section shall apply to all station categories 1-4 and for all transport
modes, unless noted otherwise.
5.2.15 The platform zone shall be where users alight/board trains, wait and interchange between
trains. This zone shall, unless otherwise required in the Project Brief, include:
a) designated seating areas (family seating areas will be separate);
b) help points;
c) Passenger Information Display System (PIDS);
d) platform supervisor booth, if required by Project Brief;
e) technical/plant rooms and BoH.
5.2.16 The Designer shall ensure that these spaces are designed to prevent any encroachment,
interference or impairment of circulation routes.

5.3 Public circulation spaces

5.3.1 The requirements in this section shall apply to all station categories 1-4 and for all transport
modes, unless otherwise specified.

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5.3.2 Public areas of the station that function as circulation space shall be distributed over the
three spatial zones listed above in Section ‎5.2.
5.3.3 Circulation spaces shall include any elevated, underground or covered/enclosed passage
ways in, around and between stations and associated areas such as long term parking
structures and transit facilities.
5.3.4 From a circulation and passenger movement standpoint, there shall be three types of public
circulation spaces, each with its own particular requirements. These shall be:
a) main circulation space;
b) movement spaces;
c) decision spaces; and
d) opportunity spaces.
5.3.5 The types of public circulation spaces discussed in this section shall not apply to stand alone
stops or shelters where the generally simpler spatial configuration of these would not merit
such a circulation hierarchy.
5.3.6 The dominant design objective of main circulation spaces shall be the safe and efficient
movement of passengers under all service conditions.
5.3.7 For non-public circulation spaces, the Designer shall refer to section 12 below for
operational, service and maintenance access requirements.
Main circulation space
5.3.8 Main circulation space shall be the primary circulation area for passengers accessing transit
services, around which all other public facilities and amenities shall be arranged. The
station concourse is one example of a main circulation space which connects opportunity
spaces and decision points and from which movement spaces stem.
5.3.9 The main circulation space shall provide access to multiple rooms, spaces, facilities,
amenities and other equipment, and is therefore the primary organising element.
5.3.10 The layout and path of the main circulation space shall be shaped by peak passenger flows
and evacuation requirements and shall take into account way finding and accessible design
5.3.11 The layout of the main circulation spaces shall achieve the following:
a) account for urban context requirements;
b) facilitate emergency services access;
c) promote security (separate restricted zone);
d) accommodate crowd control design measures;
e) assist access to retail space;
f) accommodate public art installations advertising;
g) incorporate the Project Proposer or RTA branding requirements; and

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h) accommodate ergonomic design requirements as detailed in Volume 1, Part 1 for the

following as a minimum:
i) way finding;
ii) public announcement and voice alarm equipment;
iii) Passenger Information Display System positioning;
iv) AFC gate lines and screen positioning; and
v) ticket vending machines (TVM) and ticket office locations.
i) enable operational access requirements such as periodic cleaning, maintenance and
replacement activities within station public areas;
Movement spaces
5.3.12 Movement spaces are essentially extensions of the main circulation space and these
include corridors and paths specially reserved for passenger movement and connections
between transport modes or the surrounding area. These shall be spatially-defined and
directional in nature to ensure the efficient and smooth flow of passengers.
5.3.13 Movement spaces shall also generally contain or be aligned with the vertical and horizontal
circulation elements such as escalators, lifts, passenger conveyors, stairs and ramps.
5.3.14 As a minimum, the design of movement spaces shall:
a) be safe, clear, uncluttered and unobstructed;
b) be the shortest, most direct and seamless route;
c) avoid changes in direction;
d) follow a legible sequence and hierarchy of spaces, with good connective sightlines;
e) avoid cross flow traffic and bottlenecks;
f) avoid long spurs, dead-ends and opportunities for passenger isolation;
g) provide adequate capacity under all conditions, including but not limited to the agreed
future ‘crush load’ flows, special events, emergency services access, security-related,
maintenance and evacuation scenarios;
h) provide adequate runoff capacity for AFC gate line and other revenue protection
i) avoid distractions to passenger flow such as passenger information display screens
and decision points which may encourage a passenger to stop and become an
obstruction to passenger flow; and
j) connect decision spaces.
Decision spaces
5.3.15 Decision spaces shall be spaces along circulation routes that shall facilitate the passengers’
need to make decisions when moving within or when approaching the station. Decision
points occur for example at entrances, ticket offices or corridor junctions.
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5.3.16 Decision spaces shall provide safe and efficient:

a) way finding; and
b) allowance for passengers to pause to make decisions, especially where information
displays are concerned or at the automatic fare collection line separating paid areas
from unpaid areas of the station.
5.3.17 In planning and locating decision spaces within a station, the Designer shall as a minimum
ensure the following:
a) good sightlines are maintained;
b) appropriate signage is legible and clearly organised;
c) distractions due to advertising, retail or vending opportunities are minimised; and
d) decision points do not adversely impact movement spaces or hinder passenger
Opportunity spaces
5.3.18 Opportunity spaces shall be those spaces that are outside or ‘left-over from’ the space
needed for movement and decision-making by passengers.
5.3.19 The Designer shall ensure that these spaces are designed to prevent any encroachment,
interference or impairment of the decision and movement spaces specified above.
5.3.20 Opportunity spaces shall be where most of the facilities shall be made available and these
shall include but not limited to:
a) ticketing facilities;
b) security stations;
c) left luggage facilities,
d) left-luggage and lockers
e) airport check-in facilities;
f) retail and vending machines;
g) ATM machines;
h) telephone booths, internet information terminals;
i) help points;
j) seating and waiting areas;
k) public toilets; and
l) public art.
General design requirements for circulation spaces
5.3.21 Designs for circulation routes ways shall:

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a) Comply with the RTA Guidelines for Design of Accessible Transport in the Emirate of
UAE as applicable.
b) avoid the use of ramps where possible (applicable to station categories 1-3 only);
c) avoid slipping and tripping hazards, including those caused by dust;
d) avoid obstructions that will snag clothing or otherwise impede passenger movements;
e) ensure all interfacing components such as wall mounted equipment and screens are
recessed and streamlined to minimise any gaps or projections that may interfere with
pedestrian movement, particularly in emergency conditions.
f) avoid any corners or changes in alignment or junctions that will provide spaces of
concealment; and
g) avoid dead-end corridors.
h) be provided with appropriate signage, and public announcement (PA).
i) ensure all furniture, equipment and fittings, including any advertising panels are not
loose and do not intrude into the effective corridor width required for movement and
5.3.22 The entrances/exits to circulation routes shall in certain circumstances also be used to
a) security gates, choke points;
b) CCTV surveillance point;
c) fire fighting points, in the case of stair shafts;
d) way finding and travel information points; and
e) help points.

5.4 Station zones functional and design requirements

5.4.1 The Designer shall comply with the requirements of Sections 5.5-5.8 when planning the
station spatial zones and circulation routes.
5.4.2 These requirements shall generally apply to all station categories 1-4 for all transport
modes, unless noted otherwise. These requirements shall not apply to stand alone
transport stops or shelters.
5.4.3 The Designer shall refer to Volume 2, Part 1, Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets for specific
design requirements and spatial considerations for station zones: station access,
concourses and platforms.

5.5 Station access / Public entrances

5.5.1 The design of station public entrances for all station categories shall comply with RTA
Guideline for Design of Accessible Transport in the Emirate of Dubai.
5.5.2 Public entrances shall accommodate the circulation space requirements of Section 5.3.

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5.5.3 The location, number, layout and general design of public entrances shall pay particular
attention to the following key functions:
a) to serve as inviting, safe and efficient pedestrian access to the station;
b) to serve as a legible ‘gateway’ to the station that is well integrated into its
surroundings, including any nearby interchange facilities, pedways and other links;
c) to provide security for the station;
d) to provide a measure of shelter to passengers accessing the station;
e) to provide a barrier between the indoor and external climatic environments; and
f) to provide a means of smoke venting, where required.
5.5.4 The Designer shall separate public facilities and amenities from public entrances in order to
minimise the risk of congestion under all service conditions.
5.5.5 Where public facilities and amenities are located adjacent to public entrances, the Designer
shall demonstrate that safe and efficient circulation is maintained under all service
conditions using computer generated pedestrian flow modelling as acceptable to the
Review Authority.
5.5.6 The Designer shall ensure that the public entrances are oriented and designed to maximise
legibility for all station categories.
5.5.7 Entrances for all station categories shall be designed with due regard to the immediate
urban context and connective links, to avoid congestion and overcrowding- refer to Section
8 Urban Context Requirements.
5.5.8 Provision shall be made, where practicable, for separate entrances for service, maintenance
and goods delivery as well as emergency services.
5.5.9 Entrances shall be designed to accommodate retractable barriers that are tailored to
integrate station security and crowd control as well as all fire safety requirements- refer to
Sections 6 and 7 of this document.
5.5.10 Advertising and retail spaces shall be separated from entrance areas to avoid distracting or
confusing the passing passengers and customers entering the station.
5.5.11 The design of the canopies associated with entrances for all station categories (except
where noted) shall take due regard of:
a) local climatic conditions - shading shall be provided for entrances, unless otherwise
specified in the Project Brief;
b) crowding /congestion where shading is provided - the Designer shall pay due regard to
local urban context and the fact that providing shaded areas also encourages milling
and loitering, which may have congestion/crowd control implications;
c) provision of weather protection to PSN drop-off points; and
d) station identification and branding integration requirements- refer to RTA Brand
Manual for RTA projects.

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5.6 Concourses
5.6.1 These requirements shall apply to station categories 1-4 unless noted otherwise.
5.6.2 The concourse shall be divided into paid and unpaid areas through the incorporation of the
AFC gate line at all staffed stations. This requirement shall not apply at station category 4.
5.6.3 The unpaid area of the concourse accommodating the ticket hall shall be designed around
the dominant movement flows/desire-lines between the station entrances and platforms
via the AFC automatic gates.
5.6.4 The concourse shall comply with the circulation space requirements of Section 5.3.The
Designer shall pay particular attention to the following functional requirements associated
with the following types of spaces:
a) Main circulation spaces shall enable safe and efficient movement flows.
b) A large proportion of the ticket hall/concourse shall be given over to circulation and
movement that needs to connect decision points and integrate the adjacent
opportunity spaces.
c) Opportunity spaces within a concourse shall enable the following passenger activities
without interfering with movement spaces and obstructing the general passenger
i) purchase tickets;
ii) obtain travel information (applicable to station categories 1-3 only);
iii) use public telephones and ATMs;
iv) access retail areas (applicable to station categories 1-3 only); and
v) wait at designated seating areas, if waiting areas are required by the Project Brief
(mainly applicable to station categories 1-3).
5.6.5 A spacious, light and airy concourse is a key means of ensuring a high-quality passenger
experience. These aesthetic, climatic and other ancillary requirements may result in larger
space requirements than strictly needed for the safe and efficient movement of passengers.
The designer shall identify and report these differences as the design is developed.
5.6.6 The specific number and type of facilitates to be provided in the ticket hall and concourse
shall be as specified in Table 5-1 for the Minimum Facilities Provision and as amended by
the Project Brief.
5.6.7 The exact location and configuration of the required amenities and facilities shall be
determined during the station design development stage.
5.6.8 The Designer shall carefully design the concourse lighting and acoustic environment in
accordance with all way finding, public announcement and voice alarms requirements to
ensure passenger safety and convenience.

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5.6.9 The Designer shall demonstrate that the concourse ceiling height is sufficient to
accommodate adequate sightlines to overhead signage, passenger information display
systems, CCTV cameras and other way finding features.
5.6.10 Concourse staff public address panels and help points shall be incorporated and compliant
with all requirements specified in Volume 4, Part 4, Railway Control Facilities.
5.6.11 Concourse fire fighting equipment and installations shall be incorporated and compliant
with all requirements specified in Volume 1, Part 1, Appendix 7 Fire and Life Safety Strategy
and Volume 5, Part 1 Building Services.
Ticket hall layout requirements
5.6.12 Wherever provided, ticket vending machines (TVM), ticket management machines (TMM),
add value Machines (AVM), passenger service centres (PSC) and ticket offices (TO) shall be
clearly visible to passengers entering the station.
5.6.13 Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) automatic gates (AG), Swing Gates (SG) and TVMS shall be
visible from the ticket office.
5.6.14 Adequate queuing and run-offs shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of
Section 4.6.
5.6.15 The minimum number of automatic gates in a barrier line shall be three.
5.6.16 Where space permits rear access to TVM/ TMM/ AVM shall be provided, particularly in
station categories 1-3, to minimise congestion due to maintenance and cash-handling.
Allow for space and access to the required rooms behind the TVM/ TMM/ AVM.
5.6.17 TVM, TMM, AVS and ATM machines shall be located to take account of cash-handling and
security requirements.
AFC gate line requirements
5.6.18 The RTA Guidelines for Design of Accessible Transport in the Emirate of Dubai shall apply as
relevant in the planning and design of all ticketing equipment.
5.6.19 The AG’s shall be bi-directional and laid out to ensure that run-offs and queuing zones
associated with TVM, TMM, AVM, PSC and all other facilities do not encroach on any
movement corridors and run-off zones required by the AG.
5.6.20 The AG’s run-off zone shall be oriented towards station exit routes and the appropriate way
finding measures and signage shall be provided at these locations.
5.6.21 All queuing zones and run-offs shall not interfere with sightlines to critical safety signage
and Passenger Information Display System (PIDS).
5.6.22 The AGs shall be oriented to provide clear and direct visual connections to any adjacent
stairs, escalators, lifts and other route ways to the platforms.
5.6.23 The layout of the AGs shall be designed to minimise any risk of cross flows en route to and
from the platforms.

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5.6.24 The layout and configuration of AGs shall take account of maximum forward and reverse
passenger flows (i.e. tidal passenger flows).
5.6.25 Each AG lines shall incorporate a minimum of one wide gate (suitable for wheel chair
passage) for entry /exit, in addition to one manual swing gate.
5.6.26 Refer to section 10 for further information on ticketing offices’ operational and spatial
Passenger Information Displays
5.6.27 The RTA Guidelines for Design of Accessible Transport in the Emirate of Dubai shall apply as
applicable in the planning and design of passenger information displays for all station
5.6.28 Passenger information display systems shall be positioned such that before purchasing a
ticket or entering the paid area, the passenger shall have visual and aural access to a large
information display board(s) showing the current arrival/departure status of all trains.
5.6.29 Before leaving the concourse to exit the station, passengers shall have visual access to a
coordinated display of interchange modes, such as trains, connecting metro lines, trams,
monorail, bus, unless otherwise specified in the Project Brief.

5.7 Platforms
5.7.1 These requirements shall apply to station categories 1-4 for all transport modes, unless
otherwise specified.
5.7.2 Platforms shall be enclosed and climatically controlled with Platform Screen Doors (PSD)
utilised at the platform edge/train interface, unless otherwise specified in the Project Brief.
5.7.3 Where platforms are not required to be climatically controlled, waiting areas at platforms
shall still be enclosed and air-conditioned unless otherwise specified in the Project Brief.
5.7.4 Platforms shall comply with the circulation space requirements of Section 5.3.
5.7.5 Platforms shall provide a clear, safe and efficient circulation route between the route ways
leading to the platform and the train for all station categories.
5.7.6 This route across the platform shall be divided into four zones:
a) Entrance zone, the main functions of which shall include:
i) orientation and way finding;
ii) provision of passenger information displays;
iii) queuing zones and run-offs to connecting stairs, escalators, lifts and passageways;
iv) access to public facilities such as seating and help points.
b) Circulation zone which shall provide for safe and efficient movement space to allow
passengers to distribute themselves along the platform, without being obstructed by
those waiting, alighting or boarding the train.

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c) Waiting zone which shall provide sufficient seating for peak passenger flows and
d) Platform Edge zone which shall provide a safe interface between platform and train,
centred on the use of a Platform Screen Door (PSD) barrier, tactile paving and signage.
5.7.7 Platform facilities provision for all station categories shall as a minimum include:
a) Passenger Information Display System including a timetable and route map;
b) help points; and
c) seating areas.
5.7.8 The Designer shall carefully design the platform’s lighting and acoustic environment in
accordance with all way finding, public announcement and voice alarms requirements to
ensure passenger safety and convenience.
5.7.9 Where enclosed, the Designer shall demonstrate that the platform ceiling height is
sufficient to accommodate adequate sightlines to overhead signage, passenger information
display systems, CCTV cameras and other way finding features.
5.7.10 Platform staff public address panels and help points shall be incorporated and compliant
with all requirements specified in Volume 4, Part 4, Railway Control Facilities.
5.7.11 Platform fire fighting equipment and installations shall be incorporated and compliant with
all requirements specified in Volume 1, Part 1, Appendix 7 Fire and Life Safety Strategy and
Volume 5, Part 1 Building Services.
Platform Typologies
5.7.12 All platforms are preferred to be island platforms in accordance with 4.6.64.
Passenger Information Displays
5.7.13 At the platforms for all station categories the passenger shall have visual and aural access
to passenger information displays showing the current arrival/departure status of all trains
and highlighting any delays.
5.7.14 Passenger Information Display System and signage shall be located:
a) so that passengers seeking information do not obstruct the free flow of other
b) at decision spaces such as platform points of entry/exit;
c) within seating areas; and
d) to be at least 2400mm above the platform finished floor level.
5.7.15 Floor mounted signage is prohibited in all platform zones described in 5.7.4. If these are
unavoidable at the entrance zone, the Designer shall demonstrate to the Review Authority
through modelling that there are no adverse effects on passenger movement.

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5.8 Public area facilities: functional and design requirements

5.8.1 The Designer shall comply with the requirements of Sections 5.9-5.16 within this chapter
when planning the public area facilities.
5.8.2 The requirements herein shall generally apply to station categories 1-4 unless otherwise
5.8.3 The Designer shall develop and use a modular, line-wide common reference design for
these facilities taking account of the Project Proposer’s or RTA’s branding requirements
unless otherwise specified in the Project Brief-refer to RTA Brand Manual.
5.8.4 Public areas facilities shall be designed to comply with ergonomic design requirements
detailed in Volume 1, Part 1.
5.8.5 Public areas, facilities and amenities shall be designed to prevent the hiding, storing or
disposal of all types of contraband and explosive devices and to comply with the Security
Strategy specified in Volume 1, Part 1.
5.8.6 Public area facilities shall generally include, but are not limited to:
a) ticket offices (Section 5.9);
b) passenger service centres (Section 5.10);
c) first aid rooms (Section 5.11);
d) police / security room (Section 8.12);
e) help points (Section 5.13);
f) left-luggage and locker facilities (Section 5.14);
g) seating areas (Section 5.15);
h) public toilet facilities (Section 5.16); and
i) parent-and-child rooms (Section 5.17).
5.8.7 The Designer shall refer to Volume 2 Part 1, Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets for specific
design requirements and spatial considerations for public area facilities.

5.9 Ticket offices

5.9.1 Ticket offices shall be applicable to station categories 1-3 only unless otherwise specified in
the Project Brief.
5.9.2 Ticket offices shall fall within the concourse zone as specified in Section 5.2.5.
5.9.3 Enhanced ticket offices shall be considered for prestige city centre stations that offer a
more complete service and ambience than normal ticket hall accommodation. These shall
a) additional space for long ‘snaking’ queues;
b) queue management equipment such as ‘available counter’ number displays;
c) island-style Information counters;
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d) information display boards; and

e) seating areas for PSNs and children.
5.9.4 Ticket offices shall be located such that they do not conflict with circulation and
opportunity spaces.
5.9.5 Ticket offices shall be located in the unpaid areas of the station, and adjacent to the ticket
hall. Direct street access is also an advantage to minimise potential congestion.
5.9.6 Ticket offices shall provide a:
a) safe, comfortable, air conditioned space for passengers to purchase tickets;
b) comfortable and ergonomic workplace for staff- refer to Volume 1, Part 1 for
ergonomic requirements;
c) secure workplace- refer to Section 7; and
d) provide a wheelchair and PSN-friendly environment.

5.10 Passenger service centres (PSC)

5.10.1 PSCs shall be applicable to station categories 1 and 2 only unless otherwise specified in the
Project Brief.
5.10.2 PSCs shall fall within the concourse spatial zone as specified in section 5.2.5.
5.10.3 The location of PSCs shall be in the unpaid area of the station, adjacent to or part of the
station ticket hall.
5.10.4 PSCs shall not interfere with the function of circulation spaces.
5.10.5 PSCs shall include a counter and enclosure for staff to provide the following services:
a) tourist Information facilities;
b) assistance for PSNs; and
c) taxi bookings.
5.10.6 Island style counters are preferred to maximise accessibility and to allow the staff to
provide natural surveillance where appropriate.

5.11 First aid rooms (FAR)

5.11.1 The first aid room shall be applicable to station categories 1-3 only unless otherwise noted
in the Project Brief.
5.11.2 The first aid room shall fall within the concourse spatial zone as specified in Section 5.2.5.
5.11.3 The first aid room shall not interfere with the function of circulation spaces.
5.11.4 The first aid room shall provide a dedicated room, separated from main passenger traffic.
5.11.5 The first aid room shall comply with the requirements of Dubai Corporation for Ambulance

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5.11.6 The room shall be sized to allow manoeuvring room for a stretcher and wheelchair and to
accommodate a basin (and drainage), a bed, a medical cabinet and storage space for a
wheelchair and stretcher that can be rotated vertically to fit within a normal passenger lift.
5.11.7 First aid rooms shall be located near the PSC or ticket offices and at close proximity to the
emergency services access.
5.11.8 The first aid room shall be accessible to both passengers and staff.

5.12 Police / security room

5.12.1 The first aid room shall be applicable to station categories 1 and 2 only unless otherwise
noted in the Project Brief.
5.12.2 The police / security room shall fall within the concourse spatial zone as specified in Section
5.12.3 The police / security room shall be located near the PSC or ticket offices.
5.12.4 The police / security room shall meet the requirements of Dubai Police in terms of
dimensions and required services installations.

5.13 Help points

5.13.1 Help points shall be provided at station categories 1-4 unless otherwise specified in the
Project Brief.
5.13.2 Help points shall fall within the spatial zone as specified in section 5.2.
5.13.3 Help points shall be located at the following locations, unless otherwise noted in the Project
a) ticket halls;
b) remote entrances;
c) arrival places and transit modal interchange areas;
d) immediately adjacent to the passenger public toilets - at station categories 1-3 only;
e) locations where PSNs may require specific assistance; and
f) platforms, such that passengers are never further than 20m from one, unless
otherwise specified in the Project Brief.
5.13.4 Help points shall not interfere with the function of circulation spaces.
5.13.5 The help point device shall be designed to be wall mounted, recessed and a streamlined
part of the internal cladding system.
5.13.6 Overhead signage shall be provided next to help points to aid visibility in crowded

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5.14 Left-luggage and lockers

5.14.1 Left-luggage and lockers shall be provided at station category 1 only unless otherwise
specified in the Project Brief.
5.14.2 Left-luggage and locker facilities shall fall within the concourse spatial zone as specified in
section 5.2 and shall be located in the unpaid areas of the station and in view of the PSC.
5.14.3 Left-luggage and locker facilities shall not interfere with the function of circulation spaces.
5.14.4 The lockers and left luggage areas shall include or be located adjacent to a designated
trolley storage areas if required by the Project Brief.
5.14.5 Left-luggage and locker facilities shall provide secure facilities for all customers, to
temporarily store belongings.
5.14.6 Unless otherwise specified in the Project Brief, luggage scanning facilities shall be provided
and shall be coordinated with Dubai Police requirements.
5.14.7 The left-luggage facility layout shall ensure sufficient queuing and pick-up area in front of
check-in and pick-up counters to the left luggage room.
5.14.8 The layout shall incorporate separate counters for check-in and pick-up.
5.14.9 The capacity and size of the left-luggage facilities shall be defined by the Project Brief.
5.14.10 The configuration of the left-luggage room shall allow for security/explosive scanning
equipment fully within the room.

5.15 Seating areas

5.15.1 Seating shall fall within the spatial zones as per 5.3.
5.15.2 Seating shall be provided at the unpaid area of the concourse for station categories 1-2
only, unless otherwise specified in the Project Brief.
5.15.3 Seating areas shall be provided at platforms in station categories 1-4, unless otherwise
specified in the Project Brief.
5.15.4 For external seating areas refer to Volume 2 Part 3 Landscaping.
5.15.5 Seating areas shall not interfere with the function of circulation spaces.
5.15.6 Seating area types shall include formal waiting rooms (applicable to station category 1), and
designated areas associated with concourses (applicable to station categories 1-2),
platforms (applicable to station categories 1-4), retail and other amenities (applicable to
station categories 1-2), unless noted otherwise in the Project Brief.
5.15.7 Seating areas at the Seating at platforms shall generally be:
a) located at the centre of island platforms at locations that do not conflict with the
requirements for passenger circulation;
b) located at side platforms along the rear side (opposite to that interfacing with the
train) and such that no conflicts arise with passenger circulation;

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c) distributed to provide a minimum of 3 seats per train cabin on each platform, or as

otherwise required in the Project Brief;
d) distributed along the platform at maximum intervals of 20m; and
e) Allow for separate family seating and, if required by the Project Brief, allow for
separate seating areas in accordance with rolling stock cabin classes.
5.15.8 Seating at concourses shall generally be provided:
a) Within ticket halls in station categories 1-2;
b) at close proximity to left-luggage and lockers where provided in station category 1;
c) at close proximity to public toilets (in station categories 1-3); and
d) adjacent to retail areas in station categories 1-2.
5.15.9 The Designer shall include appropriate levels of seating based on the size and function of
the station, anticipating user needs and dwell times.
5.15.10 At platforms a minimum of 5% of the required seating shall be given over to wheelchair
5.15.11 End seating shall be designated for use of PSNs or customers with children in prams.
Signage to give priority to the end seat for use by PSNs, passengers with prams shall be
5.15.12 The Designer shall ensure that there is adequate number of Passenger Information Display
System in designated seating areas, or are at least visible/audible from the seating area.
5.15.13 Provide electrical charging points for laptops/phones.
5.15.14 The Designer shall ensure that seating areas are enclosed so that they can be air-
conditioned when not within the main station interior.
5.15.15 The Designer shall provide enclosed and air-conditioned waiting spaces for tram/ people
mover stops, unless otherwise noted in the Project Brief.
5.15.16 Design of seating shall ensure that they:
a) are compliant with the RTA Guidelines for Accessible Transport in the Emirate of Dubai
and the ergonomic requirements of Volume 1 section 15;
b) are durable and resistant to abuse and vandalism;
c) are easy to clean and stain resistant;
d) are easily replaceable;
e) are securely fixed (loose furniture is prohibited);
f) allow for adequate gaps for regular cleaning and maintenance of seats and floor/wall
area around it;
g) do not encourage sleeping;

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h) are combined with signage, advertising and litter bins, where appropriate, in order to
minimise space in platform areas; and
i) where seating is exposed to direct sunlight or high ambient temperatures, such as at
unenclosed platforms, the material selection or other measures (such as provision of
canopies) shall ensure that seats do not degrade or become too hot for usage.

5.16 Public toilet facilities

5.16.1 Public toilets shall be provided at station categories 1-3 only, unless otherwise noted in the
Project Brief.
5.16.2 The toilets shall be designed in accordance with the RTA Guidelines for Accessible Transport
in the Emirate of Dubai and accessibility requirements of Volume 1 Part 1 Section 14.
5.16.3 Public toilet facilities shall be located in the paid area of the station concourse, and ideally
at close proximity to the PSC and or ticket office and easily accessible from the concourse
main circulation space.
5.16.4 Public toilets shall not interfere with the function of passenger circulation spaces and shall
not directly connect to movement spaces where queuing may encroach on or impede
passenger flows.
5.16.5 Public toilets shall not be located directly over critical plant or operational rooms that are
sensitive to leaks/flooding.
5.16.6 Public toilet facilities shall be located together with parent-and-child room where possible.
5.16.7 Public toilets shall provide private sanitation accommodation and services for passengers,
including PSN.
5.16.8 Each public facility shall have a minimum of one public toilet accommodation comprising of:
a) a female toilet block;
b) a male toilet block;
c) a unisex PSN (wheelchair accessible toilet); and
d) a cleaner’s store room.
5.16.9 The entrances to public toilets shall be configured to prevent direct line of sight from the
outside in when the toilet doors are open.
5.16.10 'Request assistance’ buttons shall be provided within each toilet block, the PSN toilet and
the parent-and-child room, and these shall be connected to the adjacent PSC and or ticket
office which shall have visibility over the toilet entrances.
5.16.11 The unisex toilet for PSNs shall have an entrance separate from either the male or female
toilets and shall serve as a modesty separation ‘lobby’ between male and female toilets.
5.16.12 The design of the toilets shall:
a) be durable and need minimal maintenance;
b) conceal all plumbing; and

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c) maximise the use of seamless and coved surfaces.

5.16.13 Communication and security services shall be provided for toilet users. These services
include, but are not limited to:
a) public announcement; and
b) CCTV to oversee toilet entrance areas.
5.16.14 The design and materials selected shall pay due regard to the prevention of disposal, hiding
or otherwise storing of contraband or explosives.
5.16.15 Effective drainage and suitable floor design shall be required to manage wash-down water
from hand-held hoses within toilet cubicles (to promote cleanliness and slip-resistance).
5.16.16 Shower rooms shall be provided at stations that provide long-distance services in numbers
if required in the Project Brief.

5.17 Parent-and-child rooms

5.17.1 Parent-and-child rooms shall be provided at station category 1 only, unless otherwise noted
in the Project Brief.
5.17.2 Parent-and-child rooms shall fall within the paid area of the concourse spatial zone as
specified in section 5.2.5.
5.17.3 Parent-and-child rooms shall not interfere with the function of circulation spaces.
5.17.4 Parent-and-child rooms shall be:
a) visible from station access positions, concourses, platforms seating areas, including
retail and catering outlets;
b) adjacent to the main toilet accommodation to allow the same staff to supervise both
amenities; and
c) be covered by CCTV surveillance for security purposes.
5.17.5 Parent-and-child rooms provide a safe waiting area for young children to play while
supervised by parents. Seats shall be provided for adults and children. A diaper-changing
room shall be adjacent to and accessible from the waiting room.

5.18 Public area amenities

5.18.1 The Designer shall comply with the requirements of Sections 5.18-5.22 within this chapter
when planning the public area amenities.
5.18.2 Public area amenities are facilities that are not critical to the core transportation-related
functioning of the station and the requirements herein shall generally apply to station
categories 1-3, unless noted otherwise.
5.18.3 The Designer shall assume that substantial portions of the equipment associated with these
amenities are to be installed and serviced by third parties, according to standards and
requirements to be agreed with the Review Authority.

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5.18.4 For RTA projects and when planning station public amenities the Designer shall refer to
relevant standards and requirement documents including, but not limited to:
a) RTA Brand Manual for RTA Projects;
b) RTA Dubai Metro: Operation of Kiosks/Shops - Fit-Out Guide;
c) RTA Guidelines for Design of Accessible Transport in the Emirate of Dubai; and
d) RTA Retail & Advertisement Concessions in Dubai Metro.
5.18.5 Unless otherwise noted in the Project Brief, the Designer shall take into account the Review
Authority’s requirements and shall develop and use a line-wide common reference design
for all station public amenities to establish a uniform identity of consistent quality. A
network or line identity shall be achieved by the following:
a) inclusion of a common design theme and standardising colour, materials and texture in
architectural finishes, products and installed equipment visible to the public;
b) adopting a modular approach in terms of component dimensions and forms that is
flexible and adaptable to station context and future requirements.
5.18.6 Public amenities shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
a) retail facilities (Section 5.18);
b) vending machines (Section 5.19);
c) ATM machines (Section 5.20);
d) public telephones (Section 5.21); and
e) public art (Section 5.22).

5.19 Retail facilities

5.19.1 Retail facilities shall be provided at station categories 1-3, unless otherwise noted in the
Project Brief.
5.19.2 Retail facilities shall fall within the unpaid area of the concourse spatial zone as specified in
section 5.2.5, to cater to pedestrians using the streets adjacent to the station, station
visitors as well as passengers.
5.19.3 Retail facilities shall not interfere with the function of circulation space requirements as
specified in Sections 5.3.
5.19.4 Retail areas shall provide safe, well presented and serviced spaces for retailing and catering
purposes- refer to Section 12 below for retail area servicing requirements.
5.19.5 Retail facilities shall be grouped into the following categories:
a) Kiosks: includes newsagents, coffee and refreshment vendors. This requirement shall
apply to station categories 1-2, unless noted otherwise in the Project Brief.
b) small walk-in shop units: small convenience stores, stationary, gifts, chemists, bistros,
ice cream parlour, confectionaries, hair dressers. Seating area external to the tenant

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premises shall be provided where appropriate. This requirement shall apply to station
categories 1-3, unless noted otherwise in the Project Brief.
c) large retail units: department stores. This requirement shall apply to station category
1, unless noted otherwise in the Project Brief.
5.19.6 Retail shops and kiosks shall be located away from the TVM, AVM, TMM, AFC machines and
manned ticket windows, as well as station entrances, portals and other doorways where
there is risk of congestion.
5.19.7 Retail areas are a key means of providing a walkable, inviting streetscape. The Designer
shall maximise the amount of externally oriented retail space- refer to Section 8 urban
context requirements.
5.19.8 Retail areas shall provide for the additional space required by wheelchair users and PSN.
5.19.9 Retail areas shall provide for the additional space required by trolleys, unless otherwise
noted in the Project Brief.
5.19.10 For RTA projects, the Designer shall comply with the RTA’s Fit-Out guide and RTA’s Retail &
Advertisement Concessions in Dubai Metro for further information, unless otherwise noted
in the Project Brief.
5.19.11 For retail spaces the Designer shall develop a project specific fire strategy document in
accordance with Volume 1 Appendix 8, setting out all requirements for tenant sprinklers,
smoke extraction and other life safety measures. The Designer shall comply with all aspects
of fire and life safety as detailed in Volume 1 Appendix 7 when planning and designing the
station retail facilities.
5.19.12 In planning for retail logistics and waste management systems, the Designer shall develop a
project-specific logistics strategy document. This document shall establish the required
number of loading bays, waste storage area requirement as well as servicing routes. Where
appropriate, separate dedicated service corridors are preferred in order to maximise
amenity to station users.
5.19.13 The planning and design of retail premises shall avoid obstructing visibility of passenger
5.19.14 Retail premises where high levels of ambient noise are expected shall be designed with the
appropriate level of soundproofing, absorption and interfaces with all aspects of the station
fire alarm and public announcement systems.

5.20 Vending machines

5.20.1 Vending machines shall be provided at station categories 1-3, unless otherwise noted in the
Project Brief.
5.20.2 Vending machines shall fall within the unpaid area of the concourse spatial zone as
specified in section 5.2.5.
5.20.3 Vending machines shall provide passengers with food and drink catering and shall be fully
integrated into station internal / external cladding design.

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5.20.4 Vending machines shall not encroach upon circulation routes.

5.20.5 Vending machines shall:
a) not be located within 5m of public entrances/exits.
b) leave a queuing zone of 1000mm in front of the vending machine. This shall not
encroach upon circulation routes.
5.20.6 Vending machine design shall exclude all possibility to hide objects. Flat roofs, ledges, gaps
and under crofts shall not be permitted in the vending machine encasing box.

5.21 ATM machines

5.21.1 ATM machines shall be provided at station categories 1-3, unless otherwise noted in the
Project Brief.
5.21.2 ATM machines shall fall within the unpaid area of the concourse spatial zone as specified in
section 5.2.5.
5.21.3 ATM machines shall not interfere with the function of circulation spaces.
5.21.4 Unless noted otherwise in the Project Brief, ATM shall be located within the unpaid side of
ticket halls, and in secure external station arrival areas/street frontages of the station.
5.21.5 Queuing zone dimensions in front of ATM machines shall be 4m.
5.21.6 Unless otherwise noted in the Project Brief, external ATM machines shall provide
passengers with secure 24-hour cash withdrawal and banking services.
5.21.7 The configuration of the ATM machine shall make provision for secure rear loading of the
5.21.8 ATM machines and their queuing zones shall not encroach into the required movement
corridors or other run-offs.
5.21.9 ATM machines shall be located away from AFC machines and manned ticket windows, as
well as station entrances, portals or doorways where the ATM users can cause congestion.

5.22 Public telephones

5.22.1 Public telephones shall be provided at station categories 1-4, unless otherwise noted in the
Project Brief.
5.22.2 Public telephones shall fall within the unpaid area of the concourse spatial zone as specified
in section 5.2.5, and, if required by the Project Brief, at secure external station arrival
areas/street frontages of the station.
5.22.3 Public telephones shall not encroach upon circulation routes.
5.22.4 Mounting shall be perpendicular to platform edge and any movement paths to minimise
risk of congestion.
5.22.5 Public telephones shall be located away from the AG, ATM, TVM, TMM, AVM, AFC
machines and manned ticket windows.

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5.22.6 Public telephones provide passengers and customers visiting the station access to the
public telephone network.
5.22.7 Public telephone installations and enclosures shall adopt the Review Authority’s approved
reference design.
5.22.8 The Designer shall adopt PSN accessibility principles to ensure mounting heights are
accessible for wheel chair users-refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section 14.
5.22.9 Where appropriate, the public telephone’s housing shall be recessed and fitted with sound
absorption panels to mitigate high noise levels typical to stations.
5.22.10 When located externally, public telephones shall be located in designated areas that are lit,
overseen and/or monitored by CCTV.

5.23 Public art

5.23.1 Public art shall be provided at station categories 1 and 2, unless otherwise noted in the
Project Brief.
5.23.2 Public art shall be kept to external areas and, where appropriate, in internal non-circulatory
areas due to safety and movement reasons.
5.23.3 The art piece itself shall generally be of safe, non-deleterious, durable, easily cleanable and
non-combustible material.
5.23.4 All public artwork and any facilities to display exhibits of public art shall be closely
coordinated with all aspects of the overall station design. The Designer shall ensure that the
following are not compromised:
a) all safety and evacuation requirements;
b) all passenger movement capacities and corridor requirements;
c) all essential way finding and information display provisions;
d) all structural integrity, movements and resilience criteria;
e) all sprinklers, fire or smoke prevention, detection and alarm systems;
f) all ventilation, drainage and other requirements;
g) all security, CCTV coverage measures;
h) all systems sensitive to electro-magnetic interference;
i) all maintenance access requirements; and
j) public safety.

5.24 Multi-modal application

Heavy and Light Rail
5.24.1 The requirements of section 8 are applicable to heavy and light rail.
Tram stop specific requirements

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5.24.2 The requirements of section 5 are applicable to Tram, Monorail and People Movers except
where stated herein or specified in the Project Brief.
5.24.3 For tram stop requirements, the Designer shall pay due regard to the following:
a) Table 5.1 Minimum Public Facilities and Amenities Provision, Category 4 Unstaffed
shall be applicable to tram stops;
b) TVMs shall be provided at tram stops, unless required otherwise in the Project Brief;
c) AFC shall not be required within the tram stop, fare collection shall be provided on the
tram vehicle, unless otherwise specified in the Project Brief;
d) Reference to Volume 2 Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets shall be made for tram stop
design and spatial requirements;
e) Ticket issuing and fare collection options- refer to Volume 4 Part 5; and
f) Urban context requirements- refer to Volume 2 Part 1 Section 8.

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6 Public safety

6.1 General
6.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the public safety requirements listed in this section shall apply
to stations directly serving the following modes:
a) heavy rail;
b) light rail;
c) trams;
d) monorail; and
e) people movers.
6.1.2 The Designer shall incorporate all necessary design requirements needed for the safe and
efficient operational, cleaning, maintenance, replacement and servicing of all circulation
and operational areas.
6.1.3 The Designer shall pay due regard to the need to provide the public the perception of safety
in addition to providing physical safety. Clean, well maintained infrastructure and places
create a sense that the environment is safe, controlled, managed and cared for – this
reduces the fear of crime or accidents for all users.

6.2 Provisions for fire and life safety

6.2.1 The RPDG, Volume 1 Section 11 specifies the requirements for life safety including
emergency evacuation that shall apply to the Project. A fire and life safety strategy report
shall be prepared in accordance with the requirement of Volume 1 Appendix 7.

6.3 Other factors of life safety

6.3.1 Spaces and facilities shall be designed to minimise the potential for accidents, conflicts and
6.3.2 In this regard, the Designer shall pay due attention to and incorporate all:
a) ergonomic requirements and procedures specified in Volume 1 Part 1 Section 15;
b) PSN accessibility requirements. Refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section 14;
c) RTA road safety standards and requirements regarding integrating road vehicles and
pedestrians. Vehicle types include, but are not limited to, goods vehicles, bicycles,
private cars, taxis and buses;
d) necessary design measures to ensure that station layouts do not allow for hidden or
shadow spaces that may be unsupervised and encourage acts of subterfuge;
e) construction site related health and safety requirements; and

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f) statutory workplace regulations.

6.3.3 The Designer shall also implement the necessary design measures to deter acts of
vandalism that may also pose a threat to public safety or convenience. These measures
shall include:
a) making provisions for CCTV surveillance such that these are clearly visible and act as a
deterrent to offenders;
b) making provisions for prohibitive signage stating penalty fees for acts of vandalism;
c) use of surface finishes and designs that do not encourage graffiti; and
d) use of materials that are easy to clean or replace or that are resistant to vandalism and

6.4 Multi-modal application

6.4.1 Unless noted otherwise in the Project Brief, all requirements listed in Section 6 shall apply
to stations serving all transport modes.
6.4.2 In addition to the requirements listed in this section, the Designer shall pay due regard to
the following specific requirements for Tram stops:
a) all safety standards for integration of pedestrian crossings between rail and road
b) all safety standards for integration of pedestrian crossings between platforms, and
between platforms and the surrounding areas.

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7 Public security

7.1 General
7.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the public security requirements listed in this section shall apply
to stations directly serving the following modes:
a) heavy rail;
b) light rail;
c) trams;
d) monorail; and
e) people movers.
7.1.2 Station design shall consider the protection of the public against a range of threats, both
man-made and natural.
7.1.3 The Designer shall comply with requirements of Volume 1 Part 11 and Appendix 8.

7.2 Multi-modal application

7.2.1 In addition to the requirements listed in this section, the Designer shall pay due regard to
the following specific requirements for Tram stops:
a) secure open access to any adjacent lay by, bicycle racks and parking areas;
b) access by emergency services;
c) enhanced cladding and door construction may be required for increased security;
d) secure machine and plant enclosures; and
e) in cases where overhead line and signalling equipment are used anti-vandalism
measures shall be incorporated to protect these installations.

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8 Urban context requirements

8.1 General
8.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the urban context requirements listed in this section shall apply
to stations directly serving the following modes:
a) heavy rail;
b) light rail;
c) trams;
d) monorail; and
e) people movers.
8.1.2 The Designer shall address all external and urban context issues for approval as part of the
environmental impact assessment (EIA) approval process outlined in Volume 1, Part 1
Section 12, and Dubai Green Building Code design requirements outlined in Volume 1 Part 1
Section 13.
8.1.3 The Designer shall provide all assessment documentation required for the successful
completion of regulatory processes, and ensure that the corresponding requirements are
incorporated into the proposed design. The assessment methodology shall comply with:
a) Dubai Municipality Environment Department’s relevant Technical Guidelines and
regulatory requirements pertaining to the Environmental Impact Summary (including
any required baseline surveys) and Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR);
b) Dubai Municipality Planning Department’s and Environment Department’s regulatory
requirements regarding designated areas such as areas of natural beauty, scientific
interest, biodiversity or nature reserves, historical preservation;
c) relevant planning national, regional and local master planning policies and initiatives
such as the RTA Bicycle Master plan;
d) Dubai Municipality’s Green Building Regulations and Specifications Section 3 on
Ecology and Planning;
e) the Project Proposer and/or RTA’s policies and station requirements.
8.1.4 The Designer shall also assess the visual impact of railway stations in compliance with Dubai
Municipality Environmental Department’s environmental impact assessment procedures.
8.1.5 The urban context requirements are split into two sections:
a) station precincts; and
b) corridor structures.

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8.1.6 The Designer shall ensure that all functional design elements are context-responsive with
regards to selecting an appropriate level of finish and articulation, and based on a common
‘kit-of-parts’ approach. Refer to Section 2 above.

8.2 Context-sensitive design

8.2.1 The design shall integrate all functional and visual elements of the works into the existing
context and environment. The design shall demonstrate and deliver positive impacts for the
local community (including connectivity, character integration and landscape amenity).
8.2.2 Design of the station premises and all corridor structures shall respond sensitively to
Dubai’s socio-economic, cultural and environmental context, as promoted by the Project
Proposer and/or RTA and the associated stakeholders.
8.2.3 The Designer shall adopt a recognised context-sensitive design methodology to developing
large scale engineering designs that emphasise a holistic, multidisciplinary and consultative
8.2.4 The methodology shall be compatible with the project’s overarching environmental and
sustainability objectives and specifically tailored to address the long term urban
development objectives.
8.2.5 Special attention shall be given to environmental, ergonomic and safety issues that are
specific to Dubai’s local climatic and socio-economic context. These include but are not
limited to:
a) pedestrian safety- refer to Dubai Pedestrian Safety & Mobility Action Plan;
b) public safety and security- refer to Volume 1 Section 11;
c) noise- refer to Volume 1 Sections 12;
d) light pollution- refer to Volume 1 Sections 13; and
e) local climatic conditions (dust storms, marine climate, high temperatures and glare)-
refer to Volume 1 Part 1.
Wider stakeholder goals
8.2.6 Although the works and services provided and controlled by the Project Proposer and/or
RTA form only a part of the overall urban context, the Designer shall ensure that all
objectives listed in the RPDG Guide and Volume 1 underpin the design. Particular attention
shall be paid to the following aims:
a) support sustainable communities by integrating transit passenger facilities and service
into existing and new neighbourhoods, corridors and regions;
b) increase transit patronage by more effectively linking transit service with land use and
future development;
c) maximise long term property values / public goods by providing accessible and
desirable locations and neighbourhoods; and

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d) conserve natural resources by development patterns and communities that require

less land for development, and car use.

Figure ‎8-1 Area classification for identifying type of station

8.3 Station areas of influence

8.3.1 Stations are transportation access points that exert a zone of influence around them that
has far reaching impacts on the surrounding development and traffic/modal network. As
part of the EIA process, the Designer shall assess these impacts, and demonstrate how the
station planning and design have been adapted to respond to these impacts.
8.3.2 For each station facility, the Designer shall:
a) assess and list the particular characteristics of the station’s areas of influence; and
b) demonstrate how the station design is expected to impact those areas.
Table ‎8-1 Station areas of influence is based on APTA-SUDS-UD-RP-001-09 Defining
Transit Areas of Influence and intended as a guide and basis for further development at
project level.

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Table ‎8-1 Station areas of influence

Area Attributes Key Factors

Core station The area around a station within Within this area, land use and
which the majority of all trips urban design features have the
generated will access the stop or greatest influence on patronage.
station by pedestrians. Station design is the overriding
factor. Bicycle parking, long term
facilities, retail/mixed use, active
walk-able street frontages, and
human scale arrival plazas. Safe
and efficient integration of
pedestrian, bicycle, transit routes,
with priority given to pedestrians
and PSNs

Primary The area within which the station Within this area, land use and
catchment is accessible by an easy walk and urban design features have
where a significant portion of all substantial influence on patronage,
trips generated will access the as does the ease and directness of
stop or station by foot. This area access to the stop or station. Other
is also the general area to be the factors include proximity to active
focus of station area land use and open community spaces. Active
transportation network planning. frontages. Safe and efficient
integration of pedestrian, bicycle,
transit routes, with priority given
to pedestrians and PSNs.

Secondary The area around a station that Within this area, the ease and
catchment generates the majority of all trips directness of access to the station
utilising the station. Within this has the greatest influence on
area, bicycle, tram, bus and cars patronage. Other factors include
are the primary access modes to proximity to active open
and from the station. community spaces. Active
frontages. Safe and efficient
integration of pedestrian, bicycle,
transit routes, with priority given
to pedestrians and PSNs.

Transit Area The spatial area in which stations Distance between stations and
of Influence: typically have the greatest impact accessibility to other transport
on land use and development and routes.
from which there is high potential

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to generate patronage.

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8.4 Station precinct spatial zones

8.4.1 As part of the EIA procedure, the Designer shall assess the station precinct and surrounding
landscape, and establish the character and sensitivity of the surrounding urban context and
its capacity to support the proposed changes.
8.4.2 The station precinct comprises various urban elements that shall be grouped into the
following spatial zones:
a) arrival places: highly legible urban elements such as squares, forecourts, landmarks
b) streetscapes: the public street and pavement spaces around the station;
c) transit/modal interchange facilities;
d) parking structures; and
e) ancillary and service areas.

8.5 Station precinct design aims

8.5.1 The Designer shall ensure that the proposed design:
a) creates safe, efficient, welcoming public places using high-quality materials.
b) creates a civic architecture that conveys the positive aspects of Dubai, the Project
Proposer and/or RTA, the local community and rail travel as a transportation mode.
The design shall be prepared in collaboration with community input if required.
c) contributes to local ‘place making’ that promotes the local catchment area as a
destination or focal point that is both functional as well as attractive.
d) encourages and supports a mix of land use and pedestrian activities in the immediate
e) integrates all station pedestrian and vehicular circulation routes into the local street
network and movement hierarchy. The Designer shall enter into early master planning
discussions with the local authorities and adjacent land owners to ensure a mutually
reinforcing and beneficial result.

8.6 Station precinct design objectives and strategies

8.6.1 The Designer shall employ the following strategies:
a) Safety: provide for physical safety by addressing points of conflict and safety for all
passengers / visitors using all access modes.
b) Legibility: design spatial layouts and facilities to be clearly understandable and intuitive
to all users, allowing them to orient themselves.
c) Connectivity: integrate with the local travel network and support a mix of travel modes
that allow the public to meet everyday needs, both locally and within the region, using
the most direct routes.

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d) Mix of uses: facilitate pedestrian access to a range of uses, services, and amenities that
are necessary to support transit and community vitality. .
e) Density: provide or encourage a concentration of pedestrian activity and intensity in
close proximity to the station.
f) Comfort: design station premises, environment and services to be pleasant and
inviting. The passenger experience shall be of the highest standards.
g) Quality: utilise durable materials, with the appropriate fitness for purpose and whole
life costs characteristics. Refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section 10 and 13.
h) Adaptability: design in flexibility / resiliency to respond to changing demands and
environmental conditions. Refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section 12, 13 and 17.
i) Accessibility: ensure all individuals, regardless of ability, shall be able to easily and
safely access all transport services. Refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section 14.
j) Security: utilise Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) techniques
to address the safety/security of all station users. Refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section 11.
k) Operational effectiveness: integrate measures to provide ease of maintenance,
reliability, safety and minimised whole life-cycle costs. Refer to Volume 1 Part 1
Section 10.
8.6.2 The Designer shall ensure that the way finding strategy extends out from the station
interior spaces and connects with the surrounding road safety signage, as well as any other
local signs, information systems and advertising– reference shall be made to the RTA
Signage Manual as applicable for RTA projects, unless otherwise noted in the Project Brief.
The way finding strategy shall be submitted to the Review Authority for approval prior to
8.6.3 The way finding strategy shall:
a) analyse and document the utilized station user profile;
b) fully accommodate PSN requirements, including tactile, Braille and audio/visual needs;
c) be language-skills neutral / multi-lingual;
d) fully integrate with all safety and security related signage;
e) comply with the Review Authority’s approved signage and branding requirements,
including the use of an ‘information hierarchy’. For RTA projects, the Designer shall
refer to RTA’s Signage and Brand Manuals, unless otherwise noted in the Project Brief;
f) fully integrate with the external lighting design; and
g) be robust and deterrent to vandalism.
8.6.4 For crowd control measures the Designer shall comply with all requirements in Volume 1
Part 1 Section 11 and Volume 1 Part 1 Appendix 8.

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8.7 Station precinct spatial zone design requirements

8.7.1 The Designer shall comply with the following unique design requirements for each station
precinct spatial zone identified in Section 8.4.
8.7.2 The Designer shall prepare the design in collaboration with community input if required.
Arrival places
8.7.3 The Designer shall provide one or more arrival places that are highly legible, generous and
welcoming. These spaces function as the station’s ‘front doors’ and the primary connective
elements to the local community and urban context. The Designer shall:
a) ensure that the key view corridors to and from these arrival places are reinforced;
b) orientate entrances associated with these places to create or reinforce sightlines to
key local landmarks to ensure orientation and legibility;
c) integrate station entrances with the local network of streets and public spaces and
ensure safe, overseen and convenient pedestrian access routes to and from the
d) orientate entrances and active frontages in a sensitive and harmonious manner to
these arrival places;
e) maximise transparency and active frontages at street level;
f) maximise natural surveillance of external areas;
g) minimise barriers to pedestrian movement in these spaces;
h) promote and reinforce any complementary land use on adjacent developments. These
include but are not restricted to: commercial office and employment, hospitality and
conference facilities, sports and entertainment, civil and governmental institutions,
retail, housing and open recreational spaces;
i) focus public activity spaces by strategically providing active frontages, seating, retail
opportunities and landmarks in order to minimise potential safety or security
j) ensure that the station and corporate identity is expressed in a sensitive and
appropriate manner in arrival places;
k) ensure that all areas are PSN accessible; and
l) ensure that all areas are adequately lit to provide safety and security.
8.7.4 Priority shall be given to maximising the extent of high-quality pedestrian experience
around the station. The street network fronting onto the station shall:
a) be walkable: as a public space of interaction, not just a functional pathway;
b) be permeable: featuring small blocks that maximise flexibility and alternative routes;
c) be differentiated: minimising the impact of delivery/goods traffic on key frontages;

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d) be safe and well lit;

e) be PSN accessible;
f) be bicycle friendly;
g) use every opportunity to provide active frontages;
h) maximise covered or air-conditioned movement routes;
i) buffer or screen the pedestrian from vehicular traffic, noise and fumes;
j) incorporate landscaping and planting where appropriate;
k) design landscaping elements such as fencing, walls, paving, lighting, etc. to delineate
and imply ownership or 'defensible' space;
l) design in feature lighting to enhance and ameliorate the night time appearance and
m) incorporate CPTED measures and adopt design features that discourage crime as well
as the fear of crime. Avoid design features that include concealed areas or dark
n) where required, design in and camouflage ‘defensive-in-depth’, hardening and other
security features, such as vehicular barriers, stand-off zones, etc. Defensive-in-depth
measures include providing protective buffer zones that allow layered security
measures. Water features may be employed as defensive moats, and planters can
serve double-duty as vehicular barriers or crowd control devices;
o) avoid locating car parking between the pavement and the building line, envelope. Bus,
goods vehicular parking to be prohibited; and
p) design drive way surfaces to match pavement paving (shared surfaces). Provide
bollards where required.
Transit / modal interchange facilities
8.7.5 The Designer shall:
a) in conjunction with a traffic planner, analyse the projected passenger flows for each
station/facility and all relevant land use plans, with a view to future flexibility. Each
station or facility will generate and attract different modes of traffic;
b) for each case, assess and identify the relevant modal context typology as per Table 8-2
c) Table ‎8-2 Modal context is based on APTA-SUDS-UD-RP-001-09 Defining Transit
Areas of Influence and intended as a guide and basis for further development at
project level.

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Table ‎8-2 Modal context typology

Modal Context by Type of Site High volume Med Low volume


Urban Walkable, parking within Pedestrians, Goods

centres 'high amenity' structures if bicycles, vehicles
required. transit/
feeder, Cars

Urban Located in commercial Cars, transit/ Bicycles,

corridors areas. No space fore- court. feeder, pedestrians
and nodes Likely to be part of local goods
growth centre. More need vehicles
to look at pedestrian
crossings outside of site.
Opportunity for local
sponsorship. Parking within
structures if required.

Suburban Usually next to road Cars, goods Transit/

corridors intersections 'corner sites'. vehicles feeder,
and nodes More emphasis on bicycles,
transit/feeder facilities, set pedestrians
back from street. Bicycle
parking. Magnet for
business / shopping
amenities. Parking within
structures if required.
More likelihood of parking
provided on adjacent sites.

Industrial Safety considerations due Goods Transit/ Pedestrians,

corridors to higher motorist speeds vehicles, cars feeder bicycles
and increased freight
related traffic

Remote Part of local civic spaces, Pedestrians Goods Transit/

town focal points. Lower car vehicles, feeder
centres speeds. May have tourism cars,
angle. bicycles

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Modal Context by Type of Site High volume Med Low volume


Transitional Mixed use / multimodal Cars Goods Pedestrians,

areas (with areas. Need to deal with vehicles, Transit/
designated higher speeds and freight bicycles feeder
growth traffic. Small business/
areas) commercial access.

Remote Higher car speeds. Cars Goods Transit/

connecting Integration with bicycle vehicles feeder,
corridors traffic. Case for limiting Pedestrians,
station provision to control Bicycles
sprawl, in favour of
designated growth areas

Residential Local collector streetscape. Pedestrians, Cars Transit/

areas Low speeds/traffic calming. bicycles feeder,
Noise more of an issue. goods
Overhead line equipment vehicles
(OLE) to be discouraged.

d) based on the study above, integrate safe and efficient pedestrian spaces for
interchange for the following feeder modes, as required by the Project Brief. The
feeder modes shall include but are not limited to:
i) bus/tram stops;
ii) taxis;
iii) cars: including drop-off points and reserved PSN spaces;
iv) bicycles, including racks;
v) long term/commuter parking (park & ride);
e) pay due regard to the safety, functional and amenity requirements caused by out-of-
hours heavy goods traffic, especially at night time and during other periods of reduced
f) refer to Volume 2 Part 3 Landscape Architecture for paving, lighting and other design
g) design these areas as external ‘designated waiting areas’ that are monitored for
passenger security and safety;
h) ensure that vehicular access to these facilities shall:

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i) provide safe and efficient multi-modal access (entry and exit) onto the station
precinct grounds;
ii) provide simple, direct and safe movement of all people, including their luggage,
and all types of vehicles;
iii) adopt a movement hierarchy that prioritises the following, in order of
1. pedestrians;
2. bicycles;
3. pick up and drop off (taxi, private van, rental cars);
4. transit (other rail & bus / coach);
5. Park & Ride (accessible parking, motorcycle, motorcars).
i) provide convenient, comfortable modal interchange by the following means:
j) minimise walking distances between modes;
ii) establish clear visual connections between modes;
iii) provide clear signage;
iv) provide covered walkways between modes;
v) provide air conditioned enclosures for major interchange routes; and
vi) provide good quality landscaping around interchange routes.
k) integrate design with local system of elevated pedways and footbridges- refer to RTA
Dubai Pedways Planning and Design Guidelines;
l) provide bicycle network related facilities per RTA Dubai Bicycle Master Plan.
Provisions shall include:
i) design over crossings to allow bicyclists to walk their bikes through. Overcrossings
provided by metro stations will have a positive impact on road safety;
ii) bicycle storage capacity: Provide a bicycle racks at all stations in accordance with
the requirements of the Dubai Municipality Green Building Code or as stipulated
in the Project Brief; and
iii) provide bicycle racks at key bus stops and transfer points.
m) integrate landscaping design with local cycle routes- refer to RTA Dubai Bicycle Master
Plan for proposed cycle network plans; and
Parking structures
8.7.6 The Designer shall integrate long, short and disabled parking provision into station design,
where required by the Project Brief. The design shall:
a) locate parking under cover, unless agreed otherwise with the Project Proposer and or

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b) minimise footprint of parking structure;

c) locate parking structure carefully to minimise impact on surrounding streetscape;
d) provide for covered walkways to connective routes;
e) provide for air-conditioned enclosures on key routes;
f) design and articulate facades to be attractive and complementary to the existing
streetscape. Incorporate landscaping and architectural screening, where appropriate;
g) locate pedestrian entrances as close to the station public areas as possible to minimise
walking distances and any associated security, crime vulnerabilities.
Bicycle racks
8.7.7 Refer to Volume 2 Part 3 Landscape architecture.
Ancillary and service areas
8.7.8 The Designer shall:
a) locate these areas to minimise visual, odorous, acoustic and traffic impact on the local
streetscape surrounding the station;
b) minimise frontage to streetscape; and
c) pay due attention to security issues for these areas, such as:-
i) spatial allocation: such as manned guard huts, loading dock offices with line of
sight connections, and external lay-by areas for inspections;
ii) passive measures such as fencing, vehicular barriers; and
iii) active measures such as CCTV coverage and alarms.

8.8 Corridor structures

8.8.1 This section shall be read in conjunction with Volume 3 Part 1 and Volume 4 Part 1.
8.8.2 The functional design elements of the corridor infrastructure shall include:
a) Primary structures:
i) Viaducts;
ii) Tunnel portals;
iii) Vent or services shafts; and
iv) Foot bridges/pedways.
b) Secondary structures:
i) Screens: Including acoustic, protection, anti-throw, electrification;
ii) Fencing;
iii) Support pylons for overhead line equipment;

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iv) Access equipment, ladders, stairs, platforms;

v) Signalling posts / structures and overhead line equipment (OLE);
vi) Retaining walls;
vii) Advertising billboards/ Information panels;
viii) Vehicular barriers, bollards, guardrails;
ix) Lighting / PA /CCTV pylons; and
x) Cable management system /banks.
8.8.3 Secondary structures: specifications and standards developed agreed with the Review
Authority shall be utilised at line and facility level.

8.9 Corridor structures design aims

8.9.1 For each project, the Designer shall develop an appropriate context sensitive set of design
objectives. These objectives shall include, but not be limited to:
a) retaining and enhancing the natural appearance of the landscape, including from the
passenger and public standpoint;
b) providing a distinctive corridor identity and unique passenger and public experience;
c) providing safe and branded way finding aids for all members of the public and
passengers ;
d) providing safe vehicular and emergency access to, from and across the corridor;
e) providing safe pedestrian / bicycle crossings and circulation, to reconnect
neighbourhoods; and
f) minimising whole life cycle costs for Reliability, Availability and Maintenance- refer to
Volume 1 Part 1.

8.10 Corridor structures design objectives

8.10.1 The Designer shall employ the following measures:
a) protect adjacent existing foliage, mature trees, natural land/water features,
architectural/heritage structures, archaeological artefact and other habitats;
b) enhance/remediate existing adjacent public spaces, landscaping, paving;
c) improve existing adjacent pedestrian and bicycle paths and facilities;
d) improve existing adjacent public areas to accommodate the needs of PSN’s - refer to
Volume 2 Part 1 Section 11.
e) improve existing external lighting and way finding measures as required;
f) ensure lighting design is unobtrusive and non-polluting to adjacent developments;
g) provide environmental screening measures such as visual or noise walls to adjacent
residential and other sensitive areas;

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h) provide landscaped or planted buffer zones between corridor and sensitive areas;
i) seek out and take advantage of opportunities for small, open and accessible ‘respite’
areas that are shaded and protected from the winds, designed to CPTED principles;
j) design in measures / layouts that integrate with existing and/or support planned
circulation paths that access local community, commercial and other social centres;
k) incorporate design features that are themed to reflect the local landscaping,
cultural/historical context. This may be expressed in the form language of the
structures themselves or articulated in the patterned treatment of their cladding

8.11 Design considerations of corridor structure functional elements

8.11.1 This section shall be read in conjunction with Volume 3 Part 1.
8.11.2 The Designer shall prepare the design in collaboration with community input if required.
8.11.3 The development of the concept design shall typically comprise of four stages:
a) site analysis/documentation, following an internationally recognised visual impact
analysis methodology;
b) agreement with the Project Proposer and/or RTA of selection criteria. The criteria shall
be multi-disciplinary and include the selection of critical vantage points or view
c) development of alternatives; and
d) selection and approval by RTA of the preferred alternative.
General considerations
8.11.4 The general visual aspects of the design of all corridor structures shall pay due regard to the
a) be tailored to the scale and proportion of the elements in the surrounding landscape;
b) utilise material, colour and texture palettes that are sympathetic and complementary
to the immediate natural or cultural features;
c) incorporate public art pieces, where appropriate;
d) carefully consider the subtle integration of advertising installations and their
associated power requirements;
e) incorporate all secondary elements such as handrails, access equipment, noise
barriers, fencing, lighting, signage, etc. in a visually coherent, streamlined and
balanced manner.
f) minimise maintenance requirements, especially where this entails working at height or
in confined spaces.
g) give particular consideration to the visual appearance of the structure as seen by the
passengers in the train or on the station platforms.

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8.11.5 The visual aspects of the bridge design shall pay due regard to the following:
a) avoid abrupt or discordant transitions between elements;
b) complement and reinforce the flowing track/alignment geometry;
c) minimise the juxtaposition of different finishes, materials or colours;
d) ensure the bridge’s cross section tapers towards the outboard edge, in order to
minimise the superstructure’s fascia and mask the visual bulk of the bridge girders;
e) give due consideration to the use of shadows to minimise the visual bulk of the bridge
f) avoid monotonous blank walls or barriers at eye level;
g) consider incorporating planting features to mask or enliven the exposed vertical faces
concrete walls, where appropriate;
h) curve or gradually vary the form/depth of the components in order relieve monotony
and create visual interest;
i) maximise the alignment of joints and panel sizes;
j) not be dominating, unbalanced, cluttered;
k) integrate accent light fittings into its structure, if required by Project Brief, to
illuminate any decorative features.
l) ensure that the soffit and underside of the bridge structure is appropriately
m) pay due regard to the proximity of vertical elements such as piers and abutments to
viewers and residents at ground level.
n) maximise the use of slender single-column piers to reduce visual bulk.
o) utilise integral pier caps to reduce visual bulk and maximise the superstructure’s
horizontal continuity.
p) ensure the bridge abutments are integrated into the surrounding landscape;
q) incorporate measures for landscape management. This includes requirements
associated with nature conservation, biodiversity as well as any municipal street
landscaping requirements such as concrete mow-strips at the base of the bridge
8.11.6 The visual aspects of the viaduct design shall pay due regard to the following:
a) emergency and maintenance access: location and position of these essential elements
shall be in compliance with fire and life safety strategy (refer to Volume 1 Appendix 7)
and shall pay due regard to their visibility in sensitive areas;

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b) uses under viaducts shall be restricted. Provision for screening or integration into the
surrounding land/streetscape shall be required in sensitive areas;
c) fencing/screening along the property boundary along the corridor: design expression,
material and articulation of the fence / screen wall shall be streamlined to visually
integrate with all adjacent structures;
d) level of landscaping finish and retaining works under viaduct shall be agreed with the
Review Authority on an individual line / project basis as per Section 2 herein;
e) at the base of the viaduct, plant cover shall be considered as appropriate (as opposed
to hard paving or gravel);
f) anti-graffiti/vandalism measures shall be incorporated; and
g) optimise the need for exposed drainage and surface mounted or visible services
including CCTV installations shall be minimized.
Tunnel portals
8.11.7 The visual aspects of the tunnel portals design shall:
a) integrate the tunnel entrance structure into the immediate landscaping in a discrete
and sensitive manner;
b) select appropriate materials for the trough walls to reduce visual impact, reflections
and glare;
c) include landscaping/planting elements, where appropriate, to reduce the visual impact
of the portal- refer to Volume 2 Part 3;
d) integrate any required noise barriers, security or other screening/fencing into overall
design in a visually cohesive and balanced manner; and
e) incorporate landscape elements in any acoustic screening where possible, including
low massed plantings, to reduce the visual impact of the acoustic screening from
surrounding residential development.
Ventilation, emergency egress and service shafts
8.11.8 The visual aspects of the ventilation, emergency egress and service shafts design shall:
a) provide a high-quality design response integrating architectural and landscape design
b) utilise consistent ‘kit of parts’ design elements and appropriate architectural styles,
building materials and colour selection to achieve a visually acceptable outcome;
c) minimise the shaft’s visual bulk and impact on the surroundings;
d) maximise the use of planting as a screening and shading element ;
e) integrate all elements required for ventilation, drainage and all associated
infrastructure into the natural setting of the local area;

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f) provide acoustic dampers and other measures as necessary to meet the Project
g) incorporate anti-graffiti/vandalism measures; and
h) optimise the need for exposed drainage and other services including CCTV
8.11.9 The visual aspects of the footbridges / pedways design shall:
a) unless noted otherwise in the Project Brief, comply with RTA Dubai Pedways Planning
& Design Guidelines;
b) utilise a consistent ‘kit of parts’ design elements and appropriate architectural styles,
building materials and colour selection to achieve a visually acceptable outcome.
Where the footbridge is part of a station, the foot bridge shall be designed as part of
the station;
c) provide a high-quality design response integrating architectural and landscape design
elements- refer also to Volume 2 Part 3;
d) minimise the footbridge / pedway’s visual bulk and impact on the surroundings and
station architecture;
e) comply with PSN accessibility requirements- refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section 12; and
f) utilise Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) design principles to
maximize safety and security.

8.12 Multi-modal application

Heavy and Light Rail
8.12.1 The requirements of section 8 are applicable to heavy and light rail.
Tram stop specific requirements
8.12.2 In addition to the requirements listed in the preceding sections, the Designer shall pay due
regard to the following mode-specific requirements.
8.12.3 Unless noted otherwise in the Project Brief, all trams stops shall:-
a) integrate lay by areas for the following feeder modes:
i) two articulated RTA buses;
ii) four taxis; and
iii) two motor vehicles for pick-up and drop-off.
b) provide where possible fully enclosed air-conditioned connections to nearby:
i) entrances to stairs, lifts and underpasses; and
ii) elevated pedways.

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c) include all hard and soft landscaping required to accommodate:

i) lay by areas;
ii) level crossings between platforms;
iii) all circulation spaces serving the station;
iv) all connections to nearby parking structures and bicycle rack areas; and
v) all station precinct areas.
d) Include bicycle racks- refer to Volume 2 Appendix 3;
e) comply with the requirements of metro/rail interchange stops- refer to Section 8.7.5.

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9 Passenger environment requirements

9.1 General
9.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the passenger environment requirements listed in this section
shall apply to stations directly serving the following modes:
a) heavy rail;
b) light rail;
c) trams;
d) monorail; and
e) people movers.
9.1.2 An integrated cross-disciplinary design approach shall be employed to deliver a coherent
passenger environment that embodies all of the Review Authority’s high-level objectives as
listed in Volume 2 Part 1 Section 3.
9.1.3 The following goals shall be fully considered and used to unify and integrate all aspects of
the station design and resultant passenger experience into a coherent whole:
a) preservation of Dubai’s cultural and ecological heritage;
b) promotion of RTA’s brand identity and values;
c) provision of an effective system of way finding and signage;
d) safeguarding all accessibility requirements;
e) supporting sustainable development;
f) ensuring a safe and secure environment; and
g) maintaining a clean and efficient environment
9.1.4 The Designer shall develop a bespoke ‘kit-of parts’ design to express and/or incorporate the
Project’s brand identity at:

a) network;
b) line; and
c) individual station levels.
9.1.5 All designs shall be developed in a cohesive ‘kit-of-parts’ approach that is responsive to
each station’s immediate climatic and cultural context, with the intention of creating a
high-quality passenger experience and station ambience- refer to Section 2 herein.
9.1.6 All ‘kit-of-parts’ designs shall include, but not be limited to, the following characteristics:
a) commonality: different components shall be designed to achieve visual coherence.

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b) consistency: design components shall be designed to present a limited set of colour,

shapes and forms that are consistent with their function. Design components shall also
be flexible enough to present a consistent appearance when used in marginally
different contexts, to maximise legibility.
c) coordination: design components shall be designed to present a dimensionally
modular arrangement when integrated into the station construction. This entails a
consistent approach to determining panelling modules, joint widths and materials, and
alignments between components and their substrates.
d) cohesiveness: design components shall be designed to be assembled together in order
to present a cohesive, streamlined and orderly finish.
e) clustering: design components shall be designed to allow future components and other
functionality to be added in a visually cohesive, orderly and consistent manner.

9.2 Accessibility
9.2.1 Stations shall comply with Volume 1 Part 1 Section 14 Accessibility, Volume 2 Part 2
Sections 3.3.6-3.3.8 and RTA’s Guidelines for Accessible Transport in the Emirate of Dubai.
9.2.2 The Designer shall develop, and submit for approval in accordance with Section 2, an
accessibility study to demonstrate that the requirements of 9.2.1 have been achieved.
a) The report shall address the specific needs of the following user profiles:
i) wheelchair users;
ii) visually and hearing impaired passengers;
iii) elderly;
iv) passengers with children, including those in prams and push chairs; and
v) passengers with luggage.
9.2.3 As a minimum, the report shall demonstrate the following design principles:

a) step-free access shall be provided between street and platforms/train carriages;

b) location of all facilities, such as lifts, next to normal circulation elements to ensure
inclusivity and prevent isolation;
c) provision of help points at strategic locations;
d) layout of tactile paving; and
e) detailed design of public area amenities such as ticket counters, lift cars, AFC,
AVM,TVM etc machine controls, help points.
The accessibility report shall be updated every stage of the design- refer to Section 2 above.
9.2.4 Typical design features to be covered by the accessibility report include:

a) step free, gentle gradient floor levels;

b) increased corridor / ticket gate widths, for wheelchair users;
c) low level furniture designed to accommodate wheel chair users;
d) increased width for manoeuvring room for wheelchairs;

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e) spaces for wheelchair users to be integrated into seating areas;

f) wheelchair accessible WC facilities;
g) tactile surfaces;
h) high contrast strips to highlight paths, doors, lifts, change in levels;
i) manifestation to glazing screens;
j) induction loops;
k) additional acoustic and visual alarms lift call / floor indicators;
l) Braille signage, lift controls; and
m) controls to ticketing machines, automatic gates and other passenger interfaces.

9.3 Way finding and signage

9.3.1 Passenger routes through the station shall meet the requirements of Volume 2 Part 1
Section 3.2.6, and in particular, shall provide intuitive way finding.
9.3.2 The RTA Signage Design Manual provides the principles and details that shall be used in
designing all way finding and signage in RTA projects. These principles are based on
providing a clear ‘Information Hierarchy’ that is designed to provide a clear, consistent,
intuitive and seamless information environment which is essential for the safe and efficient
movement of passengers through the station.
9.3.3 The way finding and signage strategy shall be developed as an integral part of the overall
station design from the outset. This is to ensure that the resultant spaces are:
a) legible;
b) intuitive to use;
c) require minimal signage, and
d) well integrated with their surroundings.
9.3.4 The station way finding strategy shall integrate with the surrounding traffic safety signage
systems governing the:
a) road;
b) bicycle;
c) marine; and
d) pedestrian
-traffic outside the station building, in order to provide a seamless way finding
9.3.5 All display panels, fixings, fittings as well as the IT/cable management system shall be

a) to a high architectural quality

b) as a ‘kit-of-parts’ for integration into the overall station design

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- and submitted as part of the architectural design statement to the Review Authority for
approval- refer to Section 2.
9.3.6 The medium used to deliver information shall not be unduly restricted; and shall utilise the
full range of media including audio, visual and tactile, where appropriate.
9.3.7 The Designer shall use an integrated ‘kit-of-parts’ component approach to incorporate the
following types of signage into the design:

a) way finding;
b) facility identification/branding-refer to RTA Brand Manual for RTA projects;
c) statutory;
d) travel information; and
e) advertising.
9.3.8 Bi-directional AGs, escalators and moving walkways shall be equipped with overhead
electronic signage that is automatically linked to the direction of travel.

9.4 Passenger Information

9.4.1 The general requirements 9.3.1 to 9.3.7 related to way finding above apply equally to the
provision of passenger information.
9.4.2 The Designer shall use an integrated ‘kit-of-parts’ component approach to incorporate the
following types of into the design:
a) fixed information signs:
i) rail services time tables;
ii) station and facility opening hours;
iii) maps of the local area; and
iv) information for interchange/feeder modes.
b) passenger information display systems (PIDS):
i) arrival and departure boards.
9.4.3 Information display screens shall be provided:
a) either from the Operations Control Centre or from local sources;
b) before entering the paid area, the passenger shall encounter a summary display
showing the current status of all trains/trams/people-movers; and
c) for non-public operational spaces.
9.4.4 The Designer shall refer to Volume 4 Part 4 for further technical information.
9.4.5 All passenger information system designs shall be developed as an integrated ‘kit-of-parts’
and submitted as part of the architectural design statement to the Review Authority for
approval- refer to Section 2.

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9.5 Advertising
9.5.1 The Designer shall establish all advertising designs, concepts and schemes and submit a
strategy document at preliminary design stage.
9.5.2 The Project Proposer’s and/or RTA policies and requirements on station sponsorship shall
be complied with, as required in the Project Brief. These requirements include but are not
limited to:

a) information hierarchy, including way finding;

b) security, and anti-vandalism restrictions;
c) stream lining to prevent snagging or otherwise impeding passenger movement; and
d) weather protection/IP rating.
9.5.3 The Designer shall develop and utilise a streamlined ‘kit of parts’ approach to housing and
presenting advertising media that is based on Review Authority’s reference designs.
9.5.4 All media housing and presentation designs shall be developed as an integrated ‘kit-of-
parts’ and submitted as part of the architectural design statement to the Review Authority
for approval- refer to Section 2.
9.5.5 For RTA projects, all advertising shall adhere to a strict information hierarchy as described
in the RTA Signage Manual, which prioritises statutory, safety, way finding, PSN, movement
efficiency as well as corporate identity over advertising needs.
9.5.6 Advertising shall be considered at the following areas, subject to prior approval by the
Review Authority:
a) feature-free passageways as defined in Volume 2 Part 1 Section 4.3.8;
b) crossing route ways serving platforms;
c) stairs;
d) run-offs/queuing areas to escalators, stairs and lifts;
e) on or next to ticket gates;
f) risers to stairs;
g) platform screens and doors; and
h) all flooring surfaces.
9.5.7 The station design shall include provision for an integrated flexible power and IT services
cable management system to service all electronic advertising needs. The cable
management system shall be designed to a high architectural quality, and submitted for
approval to the Review Authority. Systems based on exposed unarmored plugs and cords
shall be prohibited.
9.5.8 Due regard shall be given to the regular access requirements of advertising media,
especially when fixed to the trackside wall surfaces in underground stations.
Video broadcasting systems

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9.5.9 With reference to Volume 4 Part 4, the following types of video broadcasting systems shall
be integrated into the station design, unless noted otherwise in the Project Brief:
a) cross track projections.
b) media walls;
c) escalator and stair panels;
d) wall panels displays; and
e) free-standing showcase displays.
9.5.10 A mix of technologies shall be proposed to optimise cost effectiveness. The range of
proposals shall span the following performance characteristics. These include, but are not
limited to:

a) static versus moving image screens;

b) daylight versus subdued light displays;
c) dust resistant screens;
d) vandal resistant;
e) large single panel displays versus multiple modular screens;
f) touch screens; and
g) Wi-Fi, Bluetooth interactive systems.
9.5.11 The VBS shall be configured to allow time-slot based programmed ‘station domination’
mode to allow advertisers to broadcast to all or most of the screens in the station.
9.5.12 The VBS system shall be configured to be overridden by the station voice alarm and public
announcement systems for emergency use. The location of the main control equipment
shall be agreed with the Review Authority.
9.5.13 All VBS designs shall be developed as an integrated ‘kit-of-parts’ and submitted as part of
the architectural design statement to the Review Authority for approval- refer to Section 2.

9.6 Station furniture

9.6.1 Station furniture shall be fixtures and fittings that are fixed, built-in or recessed into the
station’s building fabric. The range includes: signs, information boards and electronic
displays; seating, help-points, lighting fitments and CCTV cameras.
9.6.2 These design elements shall be installed on walls, floors or suspended above station spaces.
The layout of the components shall present a coordinated, cohesive and consistent
9.6.3 All furniture designs shall be developed as an integrated ‘kit-of-parts’ and submitted as part
of the architectural design statement to the Review Authority for approval- refer to Section
9.6.4 The position and location of all fittings and equipment shall comply with all functional,
statutory, accessibility and ergonomic requirements. These items include but are not
limited to door ironmongery, vision panels, fire fighting equipment and seating.
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Wall-mounted furniture:
9.6.5 Due regard shall be paid to the colour, material, form, fit, dimensional and functional
coordination of all:

a) wall-mounted fittings, fixtures and equipment such as sockets, CCTV cameras, control
panels, access panels;
b) operational, branding and signage requirements, including colour, form, finish and
materials; and
c) joints, panelling, alignment requirements.
Floor-mounted furniture
9.6.6 Provision shall be made for:

a) coordination with all floor-mounted all fittings, fixtures and equipment such as seating,
barriers, litter bins, recessed IT/power floor boxes;
b) coordination with all structural and non-structural partition walls;
c) coordination with joints, flooring/paving patterns and alignment requirements;
d) grouped in a common location;
e) located out of all movement corridors, run-offs and queuing zones;
f) clearly lit and visible from a sufficient distance to prevent collisions.
g) allowance for sufficient separation/access from adjacent projections;
h) allowance for wheelchair, and other wheeled equipment access;
i) allowance for cleaning, replacement and other maintenance requirements;
j) specifically adapted to suit any falls and gradients; and
k) coordination with any door swings, sliding screens and overhead shutters.
l) allowance for storage.
Ceiling-mounted furniture
9.6.7 Provision shall be made for:
a) coordination with all ceiling-mounted fittings, fixtures and equipment such as lighting,
speakers, smoke detectors, sprinklers, CCTV cameras, visual alarms and fire shutters;
b) coordination with any joints, ceiling panel modules, alignment requirements;
c) adequate separation from all way finding, signage and CCTV elements; and
d) adequate structural capacity in all soffits supporting ceiling mounted equipment and
fittings in spaces such as ticket halls and concourses.
9.6.8 The Designer shall provide for bespoke designs that incorporate the Review Authority’s
approved branding, corporate design requirements as specified in the Project Brief.
9.6.9 The Designer shall provide for:

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a) seating on platforms, and in separate waiting areas if required by the Project Brief.
b) 5% of the seating to be suitable for mobility-impaired passengers and customers that
require assistance or the use of crutches;
c) ‘perch’ type seating as an option, where waiting times are short.
Durability and robustness
9.6.10 The durability and robustness of all furniture designs shall be tested to comply with a
recognised design standard. These include but are not restricted to:

a) screens: EN 1023-2;
b) office work tables and desks: EN 527, EN 15372;
c) upholstery: EN 14465;
d) storage and display units: EN 14073-2;
e) free standing and wall mounted shelving: EN 14073;
f) benches and linked seating: EN 15373, EN 14703; and
g) mirrors and glazing: EN 12600;
Fire resistance
9.6.11 All materials shall be non-combustible as specified by NFPA 130- refer to Volume 1
Appendix 7.
Design for maintainability
9.6.12 Station furniture shall be designed to minimise maintenance requirements. These measures
shall include but are not limited to the following:
a) maximum use of durable corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel,
enamelled steel, terrazzo;
b) stain and graffiti resistant materials;
c) robust vandal resistant designs;
d) adequate separation from adjacent obstructions to facilitate ergonomic inspection,
cleaning and removal;
e) fixing and mounting arrangements that are directly accessible and ergonomic;
f) sizing of components to minimise the need for lifting aids;
g) minimisation of number and variety of components;
h) ensuring that the location and arrangement of components do not obstruct or impede
access to each other.
9.6.13 All furniture designs shall be mocked-up to demonstrate ease of maintenance, and
submitted for approval to the Review Authority.
Vandal resistance
9.6.14 All furniture designs shall be designed to be vandal-resistant. Measures include but are not
restricted to the following:

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a) anti-vandal bolts and fixings;

b) concealed fixings;
c) anti-climbing measures; and
d) impact resistance type hardening.
9.6.15 All glazing elements shall be tested in accordance with BS EN 356 for resistance to
9.6.16 All furniture subject to vandalism shall be designed to avert the risk of detached fragments
falling or being thrown from height onto any passengers and underlying station assets.
9.6.17 All inherently vulnerable furniture such as public announcement speakers and lighting
fixtures shall be located at high level to minimise the risk of vandalism.
9.6.18 All enclosures to electrical equipment shall be tested to BS EN 62262.
9.6.19 The Designer shall refer to requirements specified in Volume 1 Part 1 Section 15, and
Section 2.
9.6.20 All furniture designs shall be reviewed and tested to recognised international standards.
These shall include but are not limited to:
a) general principles: EN ISO 26800
b) office furniture EN 1023-1, EN 527-1, EN 1335-1;
c) workstations ISO 9241;
d) flat panel displays ISO 13406
e) control centres ISO 11064; and
f) persons with special needs EN ISO 28803.
9.6.21 All furniture designs shall be submitted for review by a qualified ergonomics consultant.
Where required, full scale mock-ups and prototypes shall be provided for repeated testing
and approval.

9.7 Architectural lighting

9.7.1 Architectural lighting shall create a safe, comfortable, reassuring environment for
passengers, customers, staff and other station users. Lighting that is appropriate to location
and function will result in increased safety, legibility, accessibility, security, ambience and,
therefore, public satisfaction.
9.7.2 The Designer shall also refer to Volume 5 Appendix 2 Low Voltage and Lighting Systems for
additional lighting requirements.
9.7.3 An integrated lighting strategy shall be produced for approval by the Review Authority.
9.7.4 The strategy shall integrate cross-disciplinary solutions for all types of lighting required in
the station interiors, transit facilities and external areas. The types of lighting applications
shall include, but are not be limited to:

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a) day lighting;
b) architectural feature lighting;
c) general lighting;
d) task-based lighting;
e) safety /emergency lighting;
f) security lighting;
g) signage lighting;
h) external lighting.
9.7.5 Minimum public area lighting levels shall comply with recommendations specified in EN
12464- refer to Volume 1 Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets for minimum lux levels required.
9.7.6 Unless otherwise noted in the Project Brief, all designs and selection of all station finishes
shall ensure the following:
a) the minimum uniformity of illuminance ratios, as defined by the CIBSE code for interior
lighting at:
i) all interior public spaces: 0.7;
ii) all Vertical Circulation Elements: 0.8;
iii) all workplace/task areas: 0.3.
b) all interior spaces comply with the following maximum limiting glare index, as defined
by the CIBSE code for interior lighting:
i) interior public spaces: 22
ii) workspaces with computer screens: 19
iii) areas with digital advertising or information screens: 19
c) all interior finishes comply with the following minimum reflectance levels, as defined
by the CIBSE code for interior lighting:
i) window walls: 0.6;
ii) ceilings: 0.6; and
iii) floors: 0.2.
d) all light fittings shall provide a minimum colour rendering index of 0.9.
9.7.7 All finishes shall be reviewed by a competent lighting designer to ensure that all
accessibility/PSN requirements with regards to reflectance and visual contrast are
Day lighting
9.7.8 Natural light shall be integrated within the lighting strategy, and used to improve the
quality of the light within the building, and to minimise energy consumption.
9.7.9 The natural day lighting strategy shall be harmonised with all EIA requirements, and include
all calculations necessary for all associated sustainability assessment methodologies.

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Architectural feature lighting

9.7.10 An architectural feature lighting strategy shall be provided to enhance the passenger
experience and legibility of the circulation spaces. Key elements to be accented include but
are not limited to:

a) entrances and portals;

b) platform edges;
c) all lift, stair, escalator thresholds; and
d) ticket gate lines.
General lighting
9.7.11 General lighting shall be designed to:

a) use lighting to support way finding by highlighting routes between places and the
important features and destinations without the need for additional infrastructure;
b) highlight and accent all evacuation exit points, way finding and decision spaces;
c) avoid abrupt changes in lighting levels and shadows;
d) provide sufficient indirect lighting to reduce risk of glare and problems due to
e) minimise reflected glare and avoid highly reflective gloss finishes since these reduce
user comfort, the legibility of signs and displays, and also impair the effectiveness of
any CCTV surveillance equipment;
f) ensure lighting from all retail areas do not adversely impact any key safety, security,
way finding, accessibility, operational functions;
g) ensure light fittings shall be rigidly fixed to prevent and deter vandalism.
h) not use suspended or hanging lighting fixtures in tunnels, low ceiling height areas.
Task-based lighting
9.7.12 A task-based lighting strategy, as required in Volume 1 Part 1 Section 15 shall be provided.
9.7.13 Enhanced lighting is generally needed at all points where passengers or staff shall pay
particular attention to a task.
9.7.14 The lighting design scheme shall be reviewed by a competent security advisor and modified
to suit the Review Authority’s security requirements- refer to Volume 1 Appendix 8. Due
consideration shall include but not be limited to the following:
a) type and location of light fittings;
b) impact / vandal-resistance of fittings;
c) uninterruptable power provision; and
d) redundancy and diversity of power routing.

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9.7.15 The Designer shall ensure early coordination with the Review Authority’s approved CCTV
equipment designers, to incorporate all operational requirements for the proposed
surveillance system, in accordance with European Norms and local building regulations.
9.7.16 The Designer shall pay due regard to the need to avert glare and reflection problems for
CCTV equipment where mirrors and other reflective materials are installed.
Safety / emergency lighting
9.7.17 All lighting layouts, orientation and fitting design shall be checked by a qualified ergonomic
specialist to prevent all glare, reflection and other visual effects impacting rolling stock-
related operations.
9.7.18 Emergency lighting requirements shall be fully compliant with all Dubai statutory,
operational require nets specified in Volume 4, and NFPA 130 fire safety requirements
specified in Volume 1 Appendix 7.
9.7.19 Platform edge lighting shall be coordinated with and integrated into the platform edge
screen design.
9.7.20 The Designer shall provide for dimming or scene management software to increase
passenger safety by highlighting the arrival or departure of trains.
Signage lighting
9.7.21 The Designer shall integrate the signage design into the general station lighting design.
Dedicated lighting for signage only shall be avoided. Lighting fittings shall be designed to
serve multiple purposes, as far as possible, to the satisfaction of the Review Authority.
9.7.22 Illumination levels and resilient power supply requirements serving all statutory and way
finding signage shall designed to exceed statutory recommendations, where adjacent or
associated lighting requirements are higher.
External lighting
9.7.23 External lighting shall meet the following requirements:

a) Dubai statutory requirements for road safety lighting and emergency services.
b) EIA requirements;
c) urban light pollution restrictions;
d) security and safety requirements; and
e) maintenance requirements.

9.8 Architectural acoustics

9.8.1 The Designer shall provide a comprehensive integrated acoustic strategy to control the
station acoustic environment.
9.8.2 Background noise levels in all passenger and customer environments shall be minimised to
ensure all public audio announcements are intelligible, and allow passengers to hold
comfortable conversations.

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9.8.3 Noise levels for particular areas and rooms shall meet the requirements as stated in
Volume 2 Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets. The Designer shall use these for guidance (in
consultation with the Review Authority) when determining allowable maximum noise levels
at rooms not covered in Appendix 2.
9.8.4 The Designer shall account for acoustic requirements of the RTA Guideline for Design of
Accessible Transport in the Emirate of Dubai.
9.8.5 With reference to the requirements of 9.8.3, the station architectural and building services
design shall ensure the following noise levels are not exceeded:

a) station concourse, tram stop waiting spaces: 65 dBA

b) platforms: 75 dBA
c) retail and public amenities: 55 dBA
d) administration/operations offices: 45 dBA
e) plant rooms: 85 dBA

9.8.6 Room acoustics and intelligibility: a comprehensive acoustics strategy shall be provided to
guide the design and extent of:

a) all absorption surfaces, due to the dominant need to use durable hard-wearing
surfaces on the station flooring and walls;
b) the volume and geometry of both internal and outdoor public spaces to ensure
reverberation times are adequately restricted; and
c) the speakers for the public announcement and voice alarm, and travel information
- to ensure an audibility and intelligibility standard consistent with a STIPA index value of
0.5 of better, as specified in IEC 60268-16, ISO 4870 for both male and female speakers.
9.8.7 Speech intelligibility shall be tested in accordance with IEC 60849 or ISO 7240.
9.8.8 Where public announcement or voice alarm systems are external, the Designer shall pay
due consideration to the local contextual environment such as: seasonal dust storms and
prayer calls near mosques.
9.8.9 Maximum reverberation times at public areas shall comply with Table 9-1. The frequency
range at which RT is measured is 500Hz and 4000Hz.

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Table ‎9-1 Indicative public area reverberation times

Location Max RT (500Hz) Max RT (4000Hz)

Concourse (including ticket halls) 1.2 0.93

Platform 1.5 1.01

9.8.10 An integrated acoustics strategy shall be provided to address noise leakage from all station
facilities and assets. The strategy shall ensure that the:

a) total noise generated by the operation of all facilities, ventilation shafts, structures,
rolling stock, plant and equipment shall not exceed the noise restrictions regulations
applicable to Dubai; particularly in residential areas of the city, or wherever such noise
leakage will impact upon activity in adjoining properties; and
b) any noise transmission risks associated with the ventilation/cooling of train side
platform areas and the noise generated by passing trains at speed on adjacent tracks
shall not compromise the:
vi) internal noise levels specified in Section 9.8.3.
vii) speech intelligibility levels specified in Section 9.8.6.

9.9 Vibration
9.9.1 An integrated vibration control strategy shall be produced to ensure that all vibrations due
a) rolling stock and other moving equipment/plant;
b) trains bypassing the station at speed; and
c) pedestrian footfall.
-are controlled, dampened and isolated from public areas.
9.9.2 All structures in public areas shall be designed to control, isolate or exclude all resonance
vibrations and/or excessive deflections due to footfall-generated resonance vibration. This
is to prevent any panic, crowd control, passenger discomfort, operational and building
fabric damage or maintenance problems.
9.9.3 The Review Authority shall be informed as early as possible regarding any testing
requirements- refer to Volume 1 Appendix 4.

9.10 Indoor air quality

9.10.1 The Designer shall ensure that all wind or vortex tunnel effects of passing trains shall be
controlled in order to avert all safety and comfort issues along the station platforms.
9.10.2 Mechanical ventilation systems shall be designed to control and isolate
passengers/customers in public areas from all odours associated with catering, fixed plant
and equipment, transit interchange vehicles, all maintenance works as well as public toilet

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9.10.3 The Designer shall refer to Volume 5 Part 1 for indoor air temperature, humidity, velocity
and particulate concentration requirements.
9.10.4 Seasonal dust storms: all entrance areas shall be oriented, sized and designed to prevent
windswept dust from being tracked or blown into the station interior. Where appropriate,
measures such as entrance matting shall be provided to keep the floor surfaces clean and
slip resistant.
9.10.5 Transition zones: due regard shall be paid to the high summer temperatures, and make
provision to ensure that the air quality in entrance/exit areas is modulated to prevent
abrupt changes in air temperature and humidity.

9.11 Multi-modal application

9.11.1 Unless noted otherwise in the Project Brief, all requirements listed in Section 12 shall apply
to stations serving all transport modes.

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10 Non-public operational spaces

10.1 General
10.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the non-public operational space requirements listed in this
section shall apply to stations directly serving the following modes:
a) heavy rail;
b) light rail;
c) trams;
d) monorail; and
e) people movers.
10.1.2 Due regard shall be made to the importance of well-designed operational and support
spaces to the overall performance, cost-effectiveness and reputation of transport services.
10.1.3 The station design shall:

a) provide appropriate and convenient facilities for station staff;

b) provide staff facilities appropriate to the size, location and function of the station to
enable staff to work effectively within the station environment, optimising day-to-day
operations and allowing them to best meet station user requirements;
c) ensure early engagement with the Operator to address any corporate requirements;
d) provide adequate accommodation for station management and operational staff and
for station functions including: station control rooms, storage, cash handling,
operational equipment, waste handling, maintenance, etc;
e) ensure design of staff facilities gives due consideration to the health and safety of all
staff and contractors spending extended periods working within the station
f) provide adequate lighting and ventilation for those who work in an enclosed space and
ensure noise levels fall within safe and comfortable limits in accordance with European
Norms and local building regulations- refer to Volume 5 Part 2;
g) locate operational accommodation away from prime retail space. In such cases, liaise
with stakeholders to seek beneficial relocation as appropriate;
h) locate customer support staff in facilities that are both visible and readily accessible to
i) consider the welfare of staff associated with other public transport modes that serve
the station, enabling them to make effective use of the station facilities, such as staff
toilets, staff room, and prayer rooms; and
j) consider consolidation and flexible planning of staff accommodation where

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10.2 Non-public operational spaces

10.2.1 Unless otherwise noted in the Project Brief, the Designer shall provide the following spaces:
Table ‎10-1 Non-public operational areas

Category Operational space Notes

1. City Centre Ticket office

Interchange and Airport
Ticket machine rooms
Station operations room (SOR)
Station computer room (SCR)

Staff prayer rooms

Secure lobby
Staff room
Station store
Cash handling / AFC store
Staff toilet PSN / unisex
Staff toilet male
Staff toilet female
Changing and locker rooms
Cleaners utility room
Cleaners services store
Refuse store
------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
Operations control centre Co-location is optional.

Back-up control centre Co-location is optional,

but shall be located
separately from the
OCC above.

------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
Emergency Command Centre If required by Dubai
Civil Defence

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Category Operational space Notes

2. Urban Area Hub As Category 1 above As Category 1 above

3. Commuter As Category 1 above As Category 1 above

4: Unstaffed (including Ticket machine rooms Provision of space only

tram stops) for future flexibility.

Toilet male
Toilet Female
Reduced scope
Station store
Refuse store

Key functions

10.3 Secure operational rooms

10.3.1 At stations where they are provided the following rooms shall be designed to prevent
unauthorised access, incorporation of a secure lobby:
a) ticket office;
b) ticket machine room;
c) station master’s room;
d) station operations room;
e) SOR administration room; and
f) station computer room.
10.3.2 The planning of all secure rooms shall be coordinated to facilitate station operations.
10.3.3 Wherever possible, secure rooms and other associated operational rooms shall be planned
as a single secure suite of rooms.

10.4 Ticket office

10.4.1 The ticket office shall be provided for the sale of tickets and to provide information to the
10.4.2 The ticket office shall be located so that the windows open onto unpaid side of the
concourse but with staff access only from the secure lobby.
10.4.3 Assistance windows shall open onto the paid side of the gateline and be close to the main
ticket windows.
10.4.4 Only authorised staff shall have access to the ticket office. Such access shall be through a
secure lobby.

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10.4.5 The size of a ticket office shall depend upon the number of staff based at a specific station.
10.4.6 A minimum of two ticket windows plus an assistance window shall be provided.
10.4.7 All ticket and assistance windows shall have an antiballistic glazed area with cash/ticket
bowl and speech transfer facilities.

10.5 Ticket machine rooms

10.5.1 Subject to Project Brief requirements and where considered appropriate, ticket machine
rooms shall be provided.
10.5.2 Ticket machine rooms shall be designed to provide the rear access to ticket/add value
10.5.3 Ticket machine rooms shall be located within a secure area with access through a secure
10.5.4 The relative locations of the ticket machines and the ticket office shall take into account
security requirements for cash handling.
10.5.5 Ticket machine rooms shall be designed to allow secure access to the rear of ticket and add
value machines.
10.5.6 Provision shall be made for future machines to be added as the number of passengers
10.5.7 External appearance shall be standardised across all stations. Cladding materials shall be
chosen to provide flexibility for machines to be added and removed in the future with
replacement panels being readily available.
10.5.8 Wall protection shall be fitted for this room and the adjacent non-public corridors to
prevent damage to wall finishes caused by cash trolley impact.

10.6 Station master’s room (SMR)

10.6.1 The station master’s room shall be located in a conspicuous position at ticket hall level on
the paid side of the gateline.
10.6.2 The location of the station master’s room shall provide a good view of the ticket hall and
any critical areas that are liable to become overcrowded such as gatelines and the heads of
10.6.3 Access to the station master’s room shall be through a secure lobby.
10.6.4 Direct access to the station master’s room from the street via a fire protected route, shall
be provided for use by emergency services, if there is not an Emergency Command Centre
at the station.
10.6.5 The station master’s room shall be raised to increase both its visibility to passengers and to
improve sightlines from the station master’s room into the passenger areas of the station.
10.6.6 The station master’s room shall be clear glass fronted and shall permit observation from
both inside and outside.

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10.7 Station Operations Room (SOR)

10.7.1 The station operations room shall accommodate the control and administration facilities
necessary for the safe operation of the station including station management system, fire
alarm panel and AFC controls.
10.7.2 Access to the station operations room from the concourse shall be through a secure lobby.
10.7.3 At stations with more than one ticket hall or gateline, there shall also be separate
emergency plungers for opening the gatelines. These shall be located in a position having
sight of the related gateline, usually in the station operations room or a ticket office related
to that gateline.
10.7.4 The station operations room shall be adequately sized to accommodate the station
monitoring and control equipment required for the specific station.
10.7.5 There shall be sufficient wall space for filing cabinets, notice boards, and other wall
mounted equipment.
10.7.6 The station operations room shall be constructed to prevent the ingress of smoke from a
fire which may occur in a surrounding area and shall be provided with positive pressure
10.7.7 An intercom system shall be provided between the SOR administration room, station
operations room, ticket office and station masters room.

10.8 SOR administration room

10.8.1 At stations that have a station operations room, an SOR administration room shall be
located adjacent to the station operations room at ticket hall level. This shall be in lieu of a
Supervisor’s Office.

10.9 Station Computer Room (SCR)

10.9.1 A station computer room shall be provided to house system computers and panels.
10.9.2 The station computer room shall be located close to the secure ticket office suite, but not
accessed from it.
10.9.3 The station computer room shall be adjacent to the station operations room whenever
10.9.4 Where space at ticket hall level is at a premium, location of the station computer room may
be considered elsewhere.
10.9.5 Additional station computer rooms may be required if there are several ticket halls.

10.10 Staff prayer rooms

10.10.1 See Staff amenities requirements in Section 11.

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10.11 Secure lobby

10.11.1 This shall provide access into and circulation within the ticket office/station control

10.12 Staff room

10.12.1 See Staff amenities requirements in Section 11.

10.13 Station store

10.13.1 The station store shall provide an area for general storage including ‘lost and found’ items.
10.13.2 The station store shall be located at concourse level and be accessible from the paid area.

10.14 AFC store

10.14.1 The AFC store shall be provided to accommodate cash box trolleys and ticket cabinets.
10.14.2 The AFC store shall be located within the ticket office secure area.

10.15 Staff toilets

10.15.1 See Staff amenities requirements in Section 11.

10.16 Changing and locker rooms

10.16.1 See Staff amenities requirements in Section 11.

10.17 Cleaners utility room

10.17.1 The cleaners utility room shall provide an area for storage of cleaning materials and
10.17.2 The cleaners utility room shall be centrally situated within the station complex and shall be
at platform level.
10.17.3 The cleaners utility room shall be designed to prevent any water spillage from the cleaner’s
sink draining out into adjoining areas.
10.17.4 The cleaners utility room shall be easily cleaned.

10.18 Cleaners services store

10.18.1 A cleaners services store shall be provided at public toilets for the storage of cleaning
materials, spare toilet rolls, soap, towels etc
10.18.2 The cleaners store shall be situated adjacent to the cleaner’s utility room.
10.18.3 The cleaners store shall be designed to prevent any spillage draining out into adjoining
10.18.4 The cleaners store shall be designed to be easily cleaned.

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10.19 Refuse store

10.19.1 The refuse store shall provide an area for the temporary storage of refuse within the
10.19.2 The refuse store shall be located to provide direct access to the street.
10.19.3 The refuse store shall be positioned so that doors do not affect passenger flows.
10.19.4 The refuse store shall be designed such that the walls and floors can be easily cleaned and
that any water spillage resulting from this shall be prevented from draining out into
adjoining areas.
10.19.5 Wall protection shall be fitted to the refuse store.

10.20 Emergency Command Centre

10.20.1 The requirement for an Emergency Command Centre shall be determined by the Fire and
Life Strategy Safety Report as prepared for the project in accordance with Volume 1
Appendix 7.
10.20.2 If an Emergency Command Centre is required by Dubai Civil Defence it shall be designed to
comply with the relevant local standards including but not limited to the UAE Fire & Life
Safety Code of Practice.

10.21 Reference to other documents

10.21.1 For further guidance refer to the accommodations schedule in Volume 2 Appendix 2 Room
Data Sheets.
10.21.2 For plant rooms spatial requirements the Designer shall also refer to Volume 2 Appendix 2
for guidance.

10.22 Multi-modal application

Heavy and light rail
10.22.1 The requirements of section 10 are applicable to heavy and light rail.
Tram, monorail and people movers
10.22.2 Unless noted otherwise in the Project Brief, all requirements listed in table 10-1, category 4,
unstaffed, shall apply to tram.
10.22.3 The application of Table 10-1 to monorail and people movers shall be as noted in the
Project Brief.

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11 Staff amenities

11.1 General
11.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the staff amenity requirements listed in this section shall apply
to all permanently staffed stations directly serving the following modes:
a) heavy rail;
b) light rail;
c) trams;
d) monorail; and
e) people movers.
11.1.2 The station design shall:
a) ensure that the design of staff facilities gives due consideration to the health and
safety of all staff and contractors spending extended periods working within the
station environment;
b) provide adequate lighting and ventilation for those who work in an enclosed space and
ensure noise levels fall within safe and comfortable limits in accordance with the
requirements of Volume 5 Part 1 .
c) ensure that operational accommodation shall be placed away from prime retail space;
d) locate customer support staff in facilities that are both visible and readily accessible to
Key functions

11.2 Staff room

11.2.1 The staff room shall include a kitchen and eating area.
11.2.2 The staff room shall also serve as a rest room.
11.2.3 The staff room shall be accessible to all staff.

11.3 Changing and locker rooms

11.3.1 The changing and locker rooms shall be accessible to all staff.
11.3.2 The changing and locker rooms shall be next to each other and located near the staff room.
11.3.3 Separate locker rooms shall be provided in each station for female and male staff.

11.4 Staff toilets

11.4.1 The staff toilets shall include separate:

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a) PSN / unisex toilets;

b) male toilets; and
c) female toilets.
11.4.2 The provision of staff toilets shall be based on the number of staff working at a specific
11.4.3 The staff toilets shall be accessible to all staff.

11.5 Staff prayer rooms

11.5.1 The staff prayer rooms shall provide private space for staff for religious purposes.
11.5.2 The location of the prayer rooms shall be suitable for use by all staff.
11.5.3 There shall be separate male and female prayer rooms.
11.5.4 The prayer room design shall include separate lobbies, which are visually screened from
each other, and from all general circulation areas.
11.5.5 Provision shall be made for separate ablution rooms to be connected to prayer rooms.

11.6 Reference to other documents

11.6.1 For further guidance refer to the accommodation schedule in Volume 2 Appendix 2 Room
Data Sheets.

11.7 Multi-modal application

11.7.1 The requirements of section 11 shall apply to all modes with permanently staffed stations.
11.7.2 The requirements listed in this section shall not apply to Tram stops, unless they are staffed
or otherwise noted in the Project Brief.

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12 Service and operational access


12.1 General
12.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the access requirements listed in this section shall apply to
stations directly serving the following modes:

a) heavy rail;
b) light rail;
c) trams;
d) monorail; and
e) people movers.
12.1.2 Safe and efficient service and delivery vehicle access shall be provided to each station.
12.1.3 All access facility designs shall fully comply with all Dubai/UAE health and safety standards
and requirements. These shall include but not be limited to:
a) all statutory health and safety regulations such as Dubai Municipality’s EHS
Department’s Environmental Technical Guidelines;
b) The Project Proposer and/or RTA policies and standards; and
c) RTA road traffic regulations and standards.
12.1.4 A Safe Access and Servicing Strategy document shall be submitted to the Review Authority
for approval. The report shall cover access and servicing facilities served by all types of
motorised vehicles and shall clearly illustrate how all loading docks, storage areas, access
points serviced by motorised vehicles are safely and efficiently integrated with all
surrounding street, rail and waterway network.
12.1.5 The Safe Access and Servicing Strategy document shall include all relevant Hazard Analyses,
which will be consolidated in a Hazard Log, as specified in Volume 1 Appendix 2.
12.1.6 Throughout the design stages, consideration shall be given to the means by which goods
and materials will be delivered to the station and the impact that modes of delivery will
have on station activity.
12.1.7 Appropriate access and storage shall be provided to minimise disruption to passengers and
transport operations while ensuring safety, security and environmental responsibilities can
be met.
12.1.8 All access facility designs shall ensure that all operational, maintenance and servicing
activities can be undertaken without disruption to passenger services, or to each other.
These activities shall include but not limited to:

a) normal passenger/customer services;

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b) third-party retail area servicing;

c) third-party access by all statutory bodies, including utilities;
d) secure revenue collection;
e) waste collection (and recycling, if required by the Project Brief);
f) cleaning, maintenance and replacement;
g) regular maintenance; and
h) emergency services.
12.1.9 The Designer shall:
a) provide for servicing and waste management to be carried out safely, and in an
environmentally friendly way. Compliance with all relevant and appropriate local
authority guidance shall be reflected in the logistics and waste management strategy,
as well as facilities design.
b) provide clear sightlines and unambiguous pathways for all access routes: it is
important to avoid any conflict between service vehicles and station users.
c) engage with local authorities, landowners and other agencies to establish coordinated
maintenance and management responsibilities for public spaces and access routes in
those areas immediately surrounding stations.
d) ensure that the storage, handling and all other required spaces, associated with the
operational, revenue collection, retail area servicing, access, servicing, and
maintenance requirements listed below, are fully weather-protected and enclosed.
e) ensure raised dock levels and pits for dock levellers are provided.

12.2 Operational access

12.2.1 Provisions for operational access to stations shall not conflict with the requirements of
passengers and day-to-day station functions.
12.2.2 Facilities shall be designed to serve multiple parties/functions where:
a) permissible by the Review Authority and any other Statutory Authority having
jurisdiction; and
b) demonstrated not to unduly affect the safety and efficient of any constituent activity.
Waste collection and recycling
12.2.3 Station planning shall pay due consideration to minimise impact on surrounding highways
and passenger movements. On-street servicing shall be prohibited, unless noted otherwise
in the Project Brief.
The design and layout of the facility shall pay due regard to:

a) minimising and controlling any conflict between servicing and waste activity.
Coordinate with existing station functions and main passenger movements.
b) the need for storage facilities to serve different functions, and may be required to be
located in different areas of the station. Appropriately located, safe, and secure
storage shall be provided.
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c) minimising the need for on-street servicing activity so that any conflict with pedestrian
routes to and from the station is minimised, or restricted.
d) include provision for consolidation strategies to minimise the number of servicing and
waste collection trips and to increase efficiency, such as balers and compactors.
Provisions for revenue collection
12.2.4 The design shall meet the security requirements of the Project Proposer or RTA and/or its
approved third party service provider.
Provision for retail area servicing
12.2.5 The Designer shall:

a) include provision for servicing the retail areas designated in the station retail strategy
document, for approval by the Review Authority and Dubai Municipality. The type of
servicing requirements will include, but not be limited to:
i) goods delivery;
ii) refuse storage and access; and
iii) fit-out construction.
b) include provision for off-street servicing areas. On-street servicing shall be prohibited
unless otherwise noted in the Project Brief.
c) The design shall consider and allow for retail-related bulk equipment access and
removal such that these activities would not interfere with station operations or
disrupt passenger circulation. Design consideration shall include allocating separate
servicing corridors and appropriately sized service lifts, where necessary.
d) refer to the requirements in Section 8.7.8, and Section 8 generally.

12.3 Service access

12.3.1 Station facilities are often the responsibility of more than one occupier or owner. The rights
and responsibilities of all stakeholders with regard to maintenance management, servicing
and emergency procedures shall be established and incorporated into the design as early as
12.3.2 Consistent standards of provision shall be implemented throughout the station and its
adjacent spaces or buildings.

12.4 Maintenance access

12.4.1 The design shall ensure that station maintenance and cleaning are to be undertaken
efficiently and without disruption to train services or customer experience. The need for
closures or possessions for regular maintenance or cleaning purposes shall be prohibited.
12.4.2 Where appropriate, the design shall ensure that knock-out panels and clear access routes
to replace / remove heavy equipment in an operational facility without causing disruptions
to passenger services or operational activities.

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12.4.3 Materials that are self-cleaning, with long life and low maintenance characteristics shall be
used particularly at areas where maintenance activities may have impact on the day-to-day
operation of the station.
12.4.4 The design shall consider and allow for bulk equipment access and removal such that these
activities would not interfere with station operations or disrupt passenger circulation.
Design consideration shall include allocating separate servicing corridors and appropriately
sized service lifts, where necessary.
12.4.5 The Designer shall agree a maintenance plan with the Review Authority that will allow all
parties to coordinate activities and ensure consistent standards of condition throughout the
station and adjacent locations.
12.4.6 All aspects of the design required for maintenance access shall be appropriate to the local
environmental conditions found in Dubai.
12.4.7 Standards related to heat and dust resistance shall be met and exceeded where possible.
Reference shall be made to RTA guide Compliance to Sand & Dust Requirements.
12.4.8 The Designer shall prioritise the use of standardised and modular products, and design for
simple maintenance and cleaning wherever possible, taking full account of the
environmental conditions of Dubai. These shall meet with the required functional and
aesthetic qualities expected by users and shall be chosen to enhance line and network
12.4.9 Standard and modular products might include:
a) roof canopies;
b) floor and wall tiles;
c) seating and other station furniture such as litter bins;
d) Passenger Information Displays/CCTV systems;
e) Ticket Information Machines, Add Value Machines, Automatic Ticket Gates;
f) lighting components;
g) way finding signs and information displays;
h) doors and ironmongery; and
i) handrails and balustrades.

12.5 Vehicle swept-path demonstration

12.5.1 The planning of vehicular access shall be tested by a competent person using appropriate
vehicle swept-path software. Such testing shall be used to identify possible points of
conflict with pedestrians, and appropriate alterations to proposals made.

12.6 Multi-modal application

Where tram stops shall be equipped with underground plant and service spaces, due regard
shall be paid to the access, smoke venting and means of escape requirements.

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Appendix 1 Performance Requirements of Building Elements

Volume 2, Part 1, Station Design Requirements, Appendix 1 Performance

© Roads & Transport Authority 2012

All rights reserved. No section or element of this document may be removed from this document, reproduced, electronically stored or transmitted in any form
without the written permission of Roads & Transport Authority.

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1.1 Objectives of material selection 1
1.2 Standards 2
1.3 Material performance requirement 3
1.4 Workmanship 5
1.5 Submissions 5
1.6 Reference to other documents 8
2.1 General Floor Finishes Selection 9
2.2 Public area: concourse and platform and their associated spaces 10
2.3 Administration/operations rooms 10
2.4 Wet areas: public and staff toilets, ablution areas, cleaners utility room 11
2.5 BoH areas /plant rooms 12
3.1 General Walls and Column Finishes Selection 14
3.2 Public area: concourse and platform and their associated spaces 17
3.3 Administration/operations rooms 19
3.4 Wet areas: public and staff toilets, ablution areas, cleaners utility room 20
3.5 BoH areas /plant rooms 21
4.1 General Ceiling and Soffit Lining Selection 22
4.2 Public area: concourse and platform 24
4.3 Administration /operations offices 25
4.4 Wet areas: public and staff toilets, ablution areas, cleaners utility room 25
4.5 BoH areas /plant rooms 25
5.1 General 26
5.2 General performance requirements for facades 26
5.3 General performance requirements for roof systems 32
6.1 General landscaping performance requirements 36
6.2 Soft landscaping 36
6.3 Hard landscaping - paving 38


Table 1-1: Design service life of building elements 4

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements,
Appendix 1 Performance Requirements of Building Elements

1 General requirements

1.1 Objectives of material selection

1.1.1 The appropriate selection of materials & finishes is critical to achieve a calm, bright, light and clean
station, consistent with the RTA’s corporate identity. The RTA’s brand and standards shall always be
seen in the presentation of its trains, stations and services.

1.1.2 Selected station materials, finishes, fixtures and fittings shall:

a) withstand extreme wear and tear;

b) be resistant to vandalism;

c) be non-combustible;

d) self finished where possible; and

e) be easily cleaned and maintained with minimal disruption to station operations.

1.1.3 The careful selection of all finishes is critical to achieve a standard of station presentation and quality
consistent with that of a public building and the RTA’s corporate identity.Station designers shall
present their selected finishes to RTA for approval prior to the completion of detailed design.

1.1.4 The finishes selection process shall include the critical assessment of each element’s form, size,
material composition, fixing system and detail.

1.1.5 The finish of each floor, wall, column, ceiling and soffit elements must be selected with regards to:

a) fitness for purpose within the rail environment. Considerations shall be given to material
resistance to ultra-violet light, high humidity, corrosive environments and exposure to stray
electrical currents;

b) fitness for purpose within the local environment. For example, the station category shall
determine the finishes type;

c) durability and suitability for use in the local climate conditions (refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section
15) with regards to:

i) local levels of ultraviolet from exposure to sun light;

ii) heat and local temperature ranges;

iii) dust and sand abrasion;

iv) salinity and moisture resistance (particularly in coastal environments); and

v) local earthquake risks.

d) structural integrity (particularly resistance of materials, fastening devices and support systems
to train-generated vibrations);

e) colour range, including options for colour contrast as required by the RTA’s accessibility and
maintainability requirements;

f) a concise palette of station fixtures and finishes, coordinated in colour, texture, module size
suited to a variety of applications across internal and external applications;

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g) materials of integral colour are preferred over those with a surface finish colour. Material
selection may need to consider existing materials in adjacent buildings and structures;

h) buildability and ease of construction, taking into account the available level of skilled labour
and local construction practice;

i) ease of cleaning, maintenance and replacement with minimal interference with ongoing

j) ease of repair and replacement and availability of spare parts;

k) life cycle costs, such that these are kept to a practicable minimum;

l) standardised building and equipment elements, for ease of local procurement and to minimise
the inventory of replacement items to be held in stock.

m) environmental impact to reduce point source pollution and minimise resource consumption
through material selection, use and re-use (refer to Volume 1 Part 1);

n) opportunities for local industry participation where a locally manufactured product compares
favourably to an imported product.

o) compliance with applicable regulatory performance criteria for safety, fire resistance and level
of service.

p) compliance with the performance requirements stipulated in the Project Brief.

1.2 Standards
1.2.1 The primary source of architectural standards shall be EN European Standards as approved under
the CEN Construction Sector. Approved Standards shall be those cited in the Official Journal of the
European Union (OJEU).

1.2.2 Current approved European Standards shall be used. Amendments and revisions to standards shall
take precedence once they have been cited in OJEU.

1.2.3 Applicable local standards and codes when available shall take precedence and shall be complied

1.2.4 Relevant references for local regulatory requirements to which the Designer shall refer to include
but are not limited to:

a) Dubai Civil Defence’s Fire and Life Safety Code of Practice;

b) DM Building Department’s Building Code Regulations and Construction Specifications;

c) DM Building Department’s Green Building Regulations and Specifications;

d) DM Dubai Central Laboratory Department’s Manual of Green Building Materials, Products and
Their Testing Facilities;

e) DM Dubai Central Laboratory Department’s List of Certified Products and Registered


f) DM Dubai Central Laboratory Department’s List of Structural and Construction Material Testing;

g) DM Public Parks and Horticulture Department’s guidance publications;

h) RTA’s applicable standards and requirements such as the Guidelines for Design of Accessible
Transport in the Emirate of Dubai;

1.2.5 Where a suitable local standard does not exist then EN European Standards shall be consulted.

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Appendix 1 Performance Requirements of Building Elements

1.2.6 Whenever the local and EN codes pertaining to the same item are in conflict, the more stringent one
shall apply.

1.2.7 Where it would be inappropriate to use European Standards where they cannot be applied without
amendment (e.g. for unusual forms of construction or where the underlying assumptions are not
met), then these aspects shall be highlighted in the submission and an alternative design basis
proposed for review by the Review Authorities.

1.2.8 Where alternative standards are proposed, full justification shall be provided in the submission
including, where necessary, demonstration that proposed alternatives are mutually compatible.

1.3 Material performance requirement

1.3.1 All materials, goods and workmanship shall be to good industry standard quality of their respective
kind and those for which there is a European Standard (Euro Norms) shall comply therewith, except
where the standard and particular specification(s) calls for compliance with other national codes or

1.3.2 Materials provided from whatever origin shall comply with the relevant local standard where
available, provided this is not inferior to the quality specified by the relevant European Standard
which shall be considered as the minimum standard of quality acceptable.

1.3.3 No deleterious materials or substances generally known to be deleterious at the time of use shall be
permitted to be used or to be in the Works

1.3.4 Where and to the extent that materials, products and workmanship are not fully specified, they shall
be suitable for their intended purpose stated in or reasonably to be inferred and shall be installed in
accordance with good practice including without limitation the relevant provisions of current
European and industry recognized standards and suppliers’ recommendations and requirements.

Life cycle
1.3.5 The Designer shall take into account the required design service life of the Project when selecting
construction materials. The design service life relates to the time after the expiration of the Defects
Liability Period and relates to the period before major renovation work or replacement of major
materials is required.

1.3.6 The general design service life shall be 50 years, unless stated otherwise in the Project Brief or
otherwise approved by the Review Authority. Various parts of the station shall have the following
design life periods:

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Appendix 1 Performance Requirements of Building Elements

Table ‎1-1: Design service life of building elements

Support structures 50 years

General structures 50 years

Retaining walls 100 years

Architectural cladding/linings 40 years

Mechanical and electrical equipment 40 years

Fire protection equipment 50 years

Floor finishes 40 years

Lighting 20 years

Other station furniture 40 years

Drainage elements that are not accessible 50 years

Drainage elements that are accessible for refurbishment 20 years

1.3.7 The Designer shall demonstrate in the design documents that the ambient temperature and solar
gain shall not make any exposed finishing materials and fitting unusable.

1.3.8 The Designer shall demonstrate in the design documents that the potential for errors in fabrication
and assembly due to temperature differences between the different locations of fabrication and
erection has been taken into account.

1.3.9 All components exposed to ambient temperatures, whether due to radiation, convection or
conduction, shall be able to withstand expansion and contraction forces resulting from a 60°C
ambient temperature range of -5°C to +65°C.

1.3.10 The Works shall be designed, fabricated, and installed to withstand expansion and contraction
forces, differential movements and all other factors resulting from material temperatures ranging
from -5°C to +75°C.

1.3.11 The differences between internal and external temperatures shall be considered in all design issues
relating to roofing, facades and entrances.

Bi-metallic corrosion prevention

1.3.12 It is essential that all materials and products that may cause a galvanic reaction, which may lead to
bi-metallic corrosion, shall be separated such that this action cannot take place. This is particularly
relevant to stainless steel, bronze and aluminium assemblies.

1.3.13 All separators shall be water resistant and, where movement occurs, unaffected by any sliding action
or expansion or contraction of the contact surfaces.

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Appendix 1 Performance Requirements of Building Elements

1.3.14 All finishes shall be resistant to the extremely corrosive effects of saline moisture and high humidity,
especially adjacent to the coast or creek.

Air Pressure and vibration

1.3.15 Selected materials shall be reviewed for corrosion resistance including stray electric currents and
also the effects of air pressure and vibration due to train movements on materials, fixings and
support systems.

1.3.16 Materials and finishes shall be selected to minimise the need for special cleaning equipment and
shall take into account the implications of dust settlement and abrasion, whether induced by train
brakes or sand storms.

1.3.17 Materials shall be selected such that their surfaces shall be cleaned without the need for special
cleaning equipment or track possession and in the case of platforms, without traction power outage.

1.4 Workmanship
1.4.1 All work and labour practices shall be in strict accordance with applicable building codes and
standards as listed herein.

1.4.2 All workmanship shall be of good industry standard and carried out by fully trained/licensed

1.4.3 Damaged or not compliant materials shall not be permitted to be installed and shall be replaced if
already installed.

1.5 Submissions
1.5.1 A complete list of products, manufacturers and fabricators for each specification section shall be
submitted prior to submitting shop samples and/or drawings.

1.5.2 Documents shall be submitted in a timely manner, to suit the construction program. Allowance shall
be made for the need to revise all documentation prior to its acceptance by the Review Authority.
Submissions of related items shall be coordinated.

1.5.3 Samples of materials proposed to be used shall be submitted to enable the Review Authority for

1.5.4 Sheet materials, such as panels and glass shall be of sufficient size to show differences in colour or
texture. If this is not a concern then the samples shall be a minimum of 300mm square and a
maximum of 600mm square.

1.5.5 Where colour variations are anticipated three sets of range samples shall be provided. Each sample
set shall consist of:

a) one high level sample;

b) one low level sample; and

c) one sample of the actual anticipated colour.

1.5.6 Profile materials shall be a minimum of 300mm long and a maximum of 600mm long.

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Appendix 1 Performance Requirements of Building Elements

1.5.7 Samples shall be required for, but not limited to, the following:

a) glass - all glass types;

b) aluminium Extrusions – all finish types and sample joints

c) panels –all materials, joints and all finishes;

d) external Cladding – all materials, trims and finishes.

e) internal cladding – all materials, joints and finishes.

f) hardware – sample board with all items;

g) all internal floor and wall finishes - including all visible joint and framing materials.

h) ceilings – all types including all trims

1.5.8 Product data sheets for materials/equipment shall be submitted and shall include:

a) technical specifications and drawings;

b) type test reports;

c) performance and rating tables;

d) recommendations for installation and maintenance;

e) country of origin;

f) health and safety data sheets; and

g) product certification- if products must comply with product certification schemes, evidence of
compliance shall be submitted.

Shop drawings
1.5.9 Shop drawings shall include drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, performance charts and
other data prepared by manufacturers, suppliers and distributors necessary to the illustration of the

1.5.10 Dimensioned drawings shall be submitted showing details of fabrication and installation of materials
and equipment, including relationship to building structure and interfaces with services.

1.5.11 Work shown diagrammatically in the contract documents shall be coordinated, and dimensioned set-
out drawings shall be submitted. All dimensions shall be verified on site prior to the preparation of
shop drawings.

1.5.12 All shop drawings shall be checked prior to submission to confirm that they are co-ordinated with all
other shop drawings produced on the Project and that they comply with the requirements of the
contract documentation.

1.5.13 Endorsement shall be obtained by a qualified person (third party auditor/reviewer) for specialty
items prior to submission, as agreed with the Review Authority.

Method statements
1.5.14 Method statements for all fabrication, installation and construction work shall be submitted
concurrently with the submission of shop drawings.

1.5.15 Method statements shall include, but not be limited to, details of the following:

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a) the person in charge of the work on site including name, position in the company and limits of

b) all health and safety measures necessary to protect the workforce;

c) all witness and hold points necessary to ensure the works shall meet the specified

d) all tests necessary to ensure the works shall meet the specified requirements;

e) all temporary structures;

f) the storage, movement and installation of all materials;

g) all interfaces;

h) protection of the completed or partially completed work; and

i) the disposal of all waste material.

1.5.16 Endorsement shall be obtained by a qualified person (third party auditor/reviewer) for specialty
items prior to submission, as agreed with the Review Authority.

1.5.17 All major construction elements, when maintained in accordance with the methodology detailed in
the Maintenance Manual, are required to have a minimum life span equivalent to the stated design
life period and warranties reflecting this are required.

1.5.18 All materials shall be warrant for a period of ten years. This period is to commence at the completion
of the Defects Liability Period.

1.5.19 Materials used for the various systems shall be free from defective materials and workmanship
including but not limited to:

a) the ability to resist the effect of abrasion by the sand, especially exposed painted finishes;

b) any abnormal deterioration, aging or weathering of the work;

c) rusting;

d) water leakage;

e) air leakage exceeding specified limits;

f) sealant failure in adhesive or cohesive manner;

g) disengagement of gaskets;

h) deterioration or discolouration of finishes;

i) glass breakage due to nickel sulphide or incorrect glazing procedures such as excessive pressure
of gaskets; and

j) staining of other components of systems by the sealant.

1.5.20 Painted or anodised finishes shall be free from crack, peel, fade, chalk or show other defects in
excess of specified limits for a period of ten years from the date of completion stated in the
certificate of completion with respect to the Works.

1.5.21 All reasonable skill, care and diligence shall be exercised in connection with the design of the various
systems and materials comprising these systems shall be fit for the purpose for which they are

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1.5.22 All systems shall conform to any performance specification or requirement applicable to system.

1.5.23 Material data sheets demonstrating fitness for purpose shall be submitted to the Review Authority
for record.

1.5.24 A testing program that is consistent with the construction program shall be submitted. Particulars of
test stages and procedures shall be included.

1.5.25 Notice shall be given so that designated tests may be witnessed by the Review Authority.

1.5.26 Minimum notice for tests to be witnessed shall be:

a) 5 working days for site tests;

b) 10 working days for local pre-delivery tests; and

c) 15 working days for tests carried out overseas.

1.5.27 Copies of test reports, including certificates for type tests, shall be submitted showing:

a) the observations and results of tests;

b) compliance or non-compliance with requirements;

c) that materials are capable of performing as specified for the lifetime; and

d) that materials are capable of performing as specified in the ambient climatic conditions of the
location in which they are used.

1.5.28 Materials shall not be accepted as being in compliance with this specification until the test
certification is accepted by the Review Authority.

1.5.29 For designated tests, including pre-delivery tests, results shall be recorded and reports or certificates
in a form suitable for inclusion in operation and maintenance manuals shall be submitted.

1.6 Reference to other documents

1.6.1 For guidance on Hard and Soft Landscape refer to Volume 2 Part 3 Landscaping.

1.6.2 For specific areas guidance refer to the Voulme 2 Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets.

1.6.3 Volume 1 System Wide and its associated Appendices include specific procedures that shall be
applied to ensure that the design is fully integrated into other elements comprising the Project.

1.6.4 The design and use of materials shall consider all appropriate design integration requirements in all
RPDG Volumes.

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements,
Appendix 1 Performance Requirements of Building Elements

2 Interior floors

2.1 General Floor Finishes Selection

2.1.1 Due to the large floor areas and heavy use of train stations, the Designer shall exercise care in the
selection of floor finishes as these impact on the overall image of the station and have a huge impact
on the on-going maintenance and cleaning costs of the whole station.

2.1.2 The following general performance criteria shall guide the selection of floor finishes in stations:

a) have a design life of 40 years, unless specified otherwise in Project Brief;

b) withstand extreme wear and tear conditions;

i) floor finishes are preferred to have an integral colour through the thickness of the
material to ensure that appearance is not sacrificed to wearability.

c) be of sufficient strength to withstand the anticipated static and dynamic loads without
undergoing deformation or failure;

d) have colour and dimensional stability particularly where exposed to sun light (such as near
glazed walls)or heat and humidity (such near station entrances);

e) the general floor finish in all public areas shall be non-slip;

f) cleaning regimes shall not degrade the slip resistance of flooring.

g) be durable, requiring minimum maintenance and easy to clean and replace;

h) be of non-combustible materials and have fire resistant or retardant properties;

i) shall be resistant to stains or discolouring by materials and chemicals used to clean adjacent
wall surfaces;

j) be of sufficient mass and thickness to resist any possible train generated vibrations;

k) conform to light reflectance values as required to support the lighting design and not
compromise CCTV surveillance; and

l) permit the fixing of furniture or any station equipment to a solid base either directly to or
through the finish.

2.1.3 Floor finishes shall meet the following general design criteria:

a) designed to suit the station planning module;

b) provide finish continuity from station entry to platform;

c) coordinated with tactile ground surface indicators, stair nosings and platform safety zone;

d) coordinated with items such as entrance mats, drainage grilles and channels, control joints,
expansion joints, access covers, floor spigots, etc., all with their associated framing and fixings ;

e) coordinated with the station colour palette- balancing functional requirements of durability and
ease of maintenance, with the overall design concept of a clear, calm and clean environment;

f) be flat, leveled and free from trip-hazards. There shall be no ponding on any floors.

g) floor joints shall be flush and of minimum width commensurate with correct laying practice.

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Appendix 1 Performance Requirements of Building Elements

h) any junction between a floor and wall shall facilitate the cleaning of the floor and ensure
minimal damage to the floor and wall.

i) careful consideration shall be given to the selection of materials for nosings and stair treads to
ensure colour contrast and slip prevention.

2.2 Public area: concourse and platform and their associated spaces
2.2.1 The flooring material in these areas shall be vitreous in nature and shall comply with the following
minimum requirements:

a) water absorption: 0.5% maximum (in accordance with ASTM C373);

b) coefficient of friction (slip resistance): 0.65 minimum when tested in the wet and dry (in
accordance ASTM C 1028);

c) surface roughness (Rz) (micrometres): 20 µm minimum (in accordance UKSRG);

d) scratch hardness of surface: 6 on MOH (Method of Hardness) rating scale as minimum;

e) abrasion resistance: 5 on P.E.I. (Porcelain Enamel Institute) scale as minimum;

f) be resistant to acids and alkalis sulphuric acid, lactic acid, potassium hydroxide (in accordance
ASTM C650); and

g) be resistant to household chemicals and the standard cleaning agent.

2.2.2 Ramps and stairs shall have a slip resistance value of 0.8 minimum.

2.2.3 All public areas shall have a contrasting colour between floors and walls to aid to the visually

2.2.4 The flooring at Public Entrances shall comply with the requirements of 2.2.1 in addition to the
following requirements:

a) suitable falls shall be provided away from the entrances such that no ponding of water occurs.

b) matwell entrance matting shall be fixed to floor;

c) entrance matting shall be slip resistant (SATRA tested to TM144 or equivalent);

d) entrance matting Shall be easy to clean;

e) entrance matting Shall be weather resistant;

f) entrance matting shall be installed providing a minimum of 3 normal foot falls;

g) entrance matting shall allow water to drain freely to local surface water drainage outlets.

2.2.5 Carpet tiles, if used in Parent and Child room or otherwise, shall also satisfy the below requirements:

a) All carpeting shall be a tile system such that any damaged or tiles that show excessive wear can
be replaced easily and speedily with the minimum removal of adjacent covered areas.

b) Carpet tiles shall have a non-slip backing and shall be reinforced. Fibre glass foam backing is not

c) Anti-microbial coating shall be applied such that micro-organisms growth is prevented.

d) Carpet tiles shall be anti-static.

2.3 Administration/operations rooms

2.3.1 The flooring in these areas shall comply with the following minimum requirements:

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a) water absorption: 5% maximum;

b) coefficient of friction (slip resistance): 0.5 minimum when tested in the wet and dry;

c) surface roughness (Rz) (micrometres): 20 µm minimum;

d) scratch hardness of surface: 5 on MOH (Method of Hardness) rating scale as minimum;

e) be resistant to abrasion: 3 on P.E.I. (Porcelain Enamel Institute) scale as minimum;

f) be resistant to acids and alkalis sulphuric acid, lactic acid, potassium hydroxide; and

g) be resistant to household chemicals and the standard cleaning agent.

2.3.2 Raised floor systems, if used, shall satisfy the following requirements:

a) The flooring system shall provide instant access to the wiring and cabling systems that are laid
beneath the raised floor system;

b) The system shall allow for simple and speedy reconfiguration of the floor and associated

c) The type of floor selected shall take note of and allow for the imposed loads;

d) Floor system shall be either designated as heavy duty or medium duty; and

e) Light duty systems shall not be used.

2.3.3 Resilient flooring, if used, shall also satisfy the following requirements:

a) Resilient flooring shall be a tile system such that any damaged or tiles that show excessive wear
can be replaced easily and speedily with the minimum removal of adjacent covered areas.

b) The tiles shall be laid on a sand/cement screed or a proprietary raised floor system.

c) The tiles shall be manufactured with an enhanced urethane wear layer.

d) Tiles shall also have a protective clear film layer.

e) A suitable thickness backing layer shall be the bottom-most layer.

f) The flooring system shall be resistant to electrical discharge hazards and shall inhibit
electrostatic discharge and dissipate accumulated charges.

2.3.4 Carpet tiles, if used in staff prayer rooms or otherwise, shall also satisfy the below requirements:

a) All carpeting shall be a tile system such that any damaged or tiles that show excessive wear can
be replaced easily and speedily with the minimum removal of adjacent covered areas.

b) Carpet tiles shall have a non-slip backing and shall be reinforced. Fibre glass foam backing is not

c) Anti-microbial coating shall be applied such that micro-organisms growth is prevented.

d) Carpet tiles shall be anti-static.

2.4 Wet areas: public and staff toilets, ablution areas, cleaners utility room
2.4.1 The flooring material shall be impervious and shall comply with the following minimum

a) water absorption: 0.5% maximum;

b) coefficient of friction (slip resistance): 0.75 minimum when tested in the wet and dry;

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c) surface roughness (Rz) (micrometres): 30 µm minimum;

d) scratch hardness of surface: 6 on MOH (Method of Hardness) rating scale as minimum;

e) abrasion resistance: 5 on P.E.I. (Porcelain Enamel Institute) rating scale as minimum;

f) be resistant to acids and alkalis sulphuric acid, lactic acid, potassium hydroxide (BS 6431); and

g) be resistant to household chemicals and the standard cleaning agent (BS 6431).

2.4.2 All floor joints shall be waterproof and bedding material specified shall be suitable for wet area use.

2.4.3 To prevent water from spreading out to the adjacent dry areas, floor screed of the rooms which are
likely to be wet shall:

a) be laid with a suitable waterproofing system;

b) fall at the gradient of 1:100 and shall be of a minimum 50 mm in thickness;

c) consider having concrete kerbs (100 mm high) at the room entrances where feasible; and

d) provide positive drainage system.

2.4.4 Slip resistant homogeneous ceramic tiles, if used, shall be laid directly onto a screeded.

2.5 BoH areas /plant rooms

2.5.1 The floor finishes at plant rooms shall be coordinated with the relative supplier’s requirements,
particularly in terms of tolerances relating to floor flatness and levelling.

2.5.2 The concrete flooring in these areas shall comply with the following minimum requirements:

a) water absorption: 0.5% maximum;

b) coefficient of friction (slip resistance): 0.65 minimum when tested in the wet and dry;

c) surface roughness (Rz) (micrometres): 10 µm minimum;

d) be resistant to acids and alkalis sulphuric acid, lactic acid, potassium hydroxide;

e) be resistant to household chemicals and the standard cleaning agent; and

f) chemical resistance to withstand exposure to cleaning compounds, water, or other materials

being handled in the particular subject environment (ASTM C650).

2.5.3 The plant rooms shall be finished with proprietary surface hardener and sealer on floated concrete

2.5.4 For service corridors, an epoxy floor coating system shall be applied as the floor sealer.

2.5.5 In rooms that are to receive floor tiling the same requirements of 3.5.2 shall apply.

2.5.6 In rooms that contain wet services or that are likely to be hosed down for cleaning, floor screed of
these rooms shall:

a) be laid with a suitable waterproofing system;

b) fall at the gradient of 1:100 and shall be of a minimum 50 mm in thickness;

c) consider having concrete kerbs (100 mm high) at the room entrances where feasible; and

d) provide positive drainage system.

2.5.7 Floors in traction power substations shall require dielectric epoxy coatings (typically over a concrete
slab) with material turned up at least 100mm at walls.

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2.5.8 Battery rooms shall also require acid-resistant floor coatings.

2.5.9 Trench covers shall satisfy the following requirements:

a) Trench covers within plant rooms shall be heavy-duty solid metal covers with a non-slip surface.

b) Trench covers in service corridors shall be designed and constructed to support the load
imposed by plant delivery with the fire-resistance period required.

c) If the trench covers are not designed to be water-tight, drains within the trenches may be

d) The design of the trench covers shall be such that they can be removed or lifted by two

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3 Interior walls

3.1 General Walls and Column Finishes Selection

3.1.1 The Designer shall exercise care in the selection of interior wall types and finishes as these impact on
the overall image of the station and have a huge impact on the on-going maintenance and cleaning
costs of the whole station.

3.1.2 The following general performance criteria shall guide the selection of wall types and finishes in

a) have a design life of 40 years, unless specified otherwise in Project Brief;

b) Fire resistance: meet fire protection requirements in line with the Fire and Life Safety Strategy
and to the approval of Dubai Civil Defence;

i) all wall finishes shall be of non-combustible (in accordance with BS 476), fire-resistant or
fire retardant materials (in accordance with BS EN 1363);

ii) walls defining compartments, enclosing means of egress and containing sensitive
machines and equipment shall meet the required fire-rating; and

iii) all wall restraints and fixings shall meet the same fire rating requirements as the wall in
which they are contained.

c) Indoor air quality: wall partitions shall conform to Dubai Municipality’s Indoor Air Quality
requirements in terms of emissions of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), Formaldehyde and
suspended particulates . Wall finishes that produce harmful gases, smoke, or dust shall be
avoided where possible.

i) all paints, coatings, sealants and adhesives used in the building shall not exceed allowed
limits of VOC (as described in the Green Building Regulations and Specifications), and shall
also be accredited/certified from Dubai Central Laboratory or any source approved by
Dubai Municipality.

ii) materials containing asbestos shall strictly be forbidden.

iii) composite wood products used in interior wall cladding shall not contain added urea-
formaldehyde resins.

d) Acoustic performance: support the desired acoustic performance of the station (in accordance
with BS 8233: 1999 as applicable) by meeting sound absorption/ insulation requirements and
reducing noise transmission to acceptable levels- refer to Volume 2 Part 1 and Appendix 2 for
guidance on maximum allowable noise levels at key station spaces;

i) the Design of walls shall address train vibrations and both airborne sound and sound
induced by impact;

ii) The Design shall take into account the following, as applicable, when determining the
acoustic performance of walls: mass and intrinsic characteristics of wall lining, width of
wall cavity, framing configuration, and properties of insulation infill or sound proof finish
used; and

iii) the Design of walls shall take into account any wall penetrations or potential
imperfections that can affect the acoustical performance of walls.

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e) Durability: be durable to withstand human contact (brushing and leaning against wall surface),
impact of wheel chairs/trolleys, acts of vandalism, infrequent cleaning and maintenance, etc.

i) wall finishes with integral colours through the thickness of the material are preferred to
ensure that appearance is not sacrificed to wearability; and

ii) wall protection measures and aids shall be integrated into the wall design at sensitive
areas that are prone to impact or abuse- these may include rounded/chamfered wall
corners, integrated guard rails, etc.

iii) be resistant to household chemicals and the standard cleaning agent including acids and
alkalis sulphuric acid, lactic acid, potassium hydroxide (ASTM C650).

f) Structural integrity: be structurally sound to withstand anticipated static and dynamic loads
without undergoing deformation or failure (in accordance with BS 5234: 1992);

i) the Design of walls in passenger circulation areas shall take into account loads imposed by
crowd pressure- calculated at station peak hours.

ii) where required, the Design shall ensure that walls are capable of supporting wall-
mounted fixtures and equipment;

iii) the structural design of walls, where required, shall take into account potential impacts
resulting from movement of heavy machines, furniture and equipment at plant rooms,
retail areas, operational areas or otherwise (particularly during installation or
maintenance routines); and

iv) wall heights shall account for stress or deflection limits for given lateral loads.

g) Safety: partitions shall be designed and installed with due consideration to passive safety to
prevent occupants from injury by the partition under normal conditions or to prevent
unnecessary injuries being inflicted on a person who accidentally falls against the partition. The
characteristics of the partition affecting the level of risk shall include:

i) Geometry: windows opening into circulation spaces, positioning of doors, headroom.

ii) Existence of sharp or cutting edges: joints, corners, trim details.

iii) Nature of surfaces: surface texture.

h) Thermal movement: movement joints shall be incorporated to allow expansion and contraction
of the wall without the induction of stress or cracking.

i) the wall design shall account for expansion and contraction either caused by thermal
movement or shrinkage of the wall itself or induced by movement of its foundation or
concrete slab;

ii) the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the design of movement joints shall be

iii) the location and appearance of all visible movement joints shall be submitted to the
Review Authority for review.

i) Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance of walls shall satisfy the station’s ventilation and
air-conditioning strategy and shall be in accordance with BS EN ISO 6946: 1997 as applicable.

j) Moisture control: be moisture resistant, particularly at wet areas;

k) Maintenance: be easy to clean and maintain by considering the following:

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i) use of high quality materials (finishes, fixings, etc.) that are cost effective over the life of
the station- i.e. would not discolour, corrode or degrade in performance and appearance
with the passage of time;

ii) use of wall finishing material that minimize the need for special cleaning equipment or

iii) minimal incorporation of intricate wall surface protrusions/recesses or detailing that will
accumulate dust and consume time to clean- this shall apply particularly to locations at
close proximity to station points of entry/exit (where exposure to the natural elements is
likely) and at heights that are inaccessible without the use of ladders, platforms or

iv) use of standardized components that are easy and quick to replace with minimum
disruption to station operations or compromising of passenger convenience; and

v) no staining of the face of the walls by corrosion of metals or projecting parts such as
drainage pipes shall be allowed.

l) Services accessibility: where services have been installed behind walls, removable or hinged
access panels shall be incorporated into the wall without compromising its appearance,
performance or structural integrity;

i) the location and design of access panels shall be coordinated with the relevant disciplines;

ii) access panels shall be easy and safe to operate and open; and

iii) access panels shall be unobtrusive and seamlessly integrated within the wall design.

m) Light Reflectance Value: conform to light reflectance values as required to support the station
lighting strategy and not compromise CCTV surveillance.

n) any junction between a floor and wall shall facilitate the cleaning of the floor and ensure
minimal damage to the floor and wall.

o) the selection of the skirting shall consider the following performance criteria:

i) resistance to damage and discolouration due to foot traffic and impact from cleaning
machines, trolleys, strollers, etc.;

ii) visibility of accumulated dirt, grease and scuff marks.

3.1.3 Wall types and finishes shall meet the following general design criteria:

a) designed to suit the station planning module;

b) provide finish continuity from station entry to platform;

c) coordinated with the station colour palette to achieve visual contrast- balancing functional
requirements of durability and ease of maintenance, with the overall design concept of a clear,
calm and clean environment;

d) avoidance of distracting or disorientating patterns, textures and address surface reflectance

requirements to avoid glare;

e) ease of integration with balustrades, glazing and canopies;

f) integration of access covers, air grilles, etc., all with their associated framing and fixings;

g) ease of replacing individual damaged panels;

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h) coordination with station operational requirements including signage, door hardware, PA

speaker mounting, smoke management system, etc.

i) incorporates design measures that deter acts of vandalism such as:

i) use of wall surface designs that discourage graffiti- wall surfaces that are not too “flat”
and with darker colours provide a less attractive surface for graffiti;

ii) avoid using materials that are porous as wall finishes in public areas as they are easily
stained by graffiti dyes and difficult to maintain;

iii) materials such as strong, wear-resistant laminates, impervious glazed ceramics, treated
masonry products, and stainless steel are recommended at areas prone to vandalism;

iv) use graffiti-resistant paint and/or sealers; and

v) use of materials that are easy to clean or replace or that are resistant to vandalism and

j) the selection of the skirting shall consider the following design criteria:

i) options for colour contrast to the floor;

ii) coordination with door frames and hardware;

iii) coordination with stair details and kerb up-stands as part of any adjacent balustrade;

iv) integration of control joints/ expansion joints; and

v) skirtings in public areas shall have a profile designed for ease of cleaning at floor-wall

k) for glass wall applications in which there is risk of someone accidentally walking into the glass,
the safety glass (heat-strengthened and laminated) shall be provided with sufficient
manifestation and shall be designed in accordance with BE EN 12543.

3.2 Public area: concourse and platform and their associated spaces
3.2.1 Walls in public areas shall be designed for severe duty in terms of strength and robustness
characteristics of the partition system against specific end-use applications.

3.2.2 Severe duty (SD) partitions shall be used when separating a space that is intensively used by the
public and others with little incentive to exercise care or that is prone to vandalism and abnormally
rough use.

3.2.3 Walls in public areas shall meet the following structural resistance requirements and be verified by
the stated testing methods that are in accordance with BS 5234 Part 2:

a) Stiffness: When tested, there shall be no damage or detachment, loosening or dislodgement of

a partition wall's parts or fixing, other than superficial cracking of the surface.

i) Maximum deflection allowed: 10mm

ii) Maximum residual deformation allowed: 1mm

This test simulates severe bending caused by people leaning on, or person on ladder leaning against
the partition wall.

b) Small hard body impact:

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i) In assessing the wall’s severe duty resistance to surface damage the tested wall shall not
sustain any significant surface damage that would compromise its structural integrity or
functionality in order to be deemed acceptable.

ii) In assessing the wall’s severe duty resistance to perforation the tested wall shall not
sustain any perforation to its body, corner junction, or panels (if it is a hollow partition) in
order to be deemed acceptable.

This test simulates impact caused by sharp or pointed objects, such as trolleys and wheelchairs.

c) Large soft body impact:

i) In assessing severe duty resistance to functional damage, the partition wall shall be
subjected to two (2) impacts at separate locations at impact energy of 100Nm and
Maximum residual deformation allowed: 0.33mm

ii) To assess severe duty resistance to structural damage, the partition wall shall be subjected
to three (3) impacts at two (2) separate locations at impact energy of 120Nm. The tested
wall shall withstand the impact without collapsing or dislocating any fixing in order to be
deemed acceptable.

This test simulates impact caused by people falling against the partition wall.

d) Door slam: For severe duty resistance the partition wall shall not be damaged, nor shall door
frame fittings and architraves become detached or loose after the test. The residual
displacement of the door frame shall also not exceed 1 mm.

This test simulates door slams caused by wind, or people closing a door energetically.

e) Crowd pressure: To be deemed acceptable, there shall be no collapse or damage that would
render the partition dangerous, due to any of its parts becoming dislodged or shattered, in a
manner that could cause injury.

This test simulates loads caused by a crowd leaning against the partition wall.

f) Lightweight anchorages:

For the pull-out test, the partition wall shall be subjected to an axial load of 100 N shall be sustained
for 1 minute

i) To be deemed acceptable the shim plate shall not be released, neither shall the partition
wall sustain damage other than superficial cracking.

For the pull-down test, a transverse load of 250N shall be applied to the partition wall and sustained
for 1 minute.

ii) To be deemed acceptable the shim plate shall not be released, neither shall the partition
wall sustain damage other than superficial cracking. The maximum movement of the pull-
down bracket shall also not exceed 2mm.

This test simulates loadings from lightweight fixtures such as wall pictures, clothing hooks, basic wall
shelving, etc.

g) Heavyweight anchorages:

i) Maximum deflection allowed: 15mm

ii) Maximum residual deformation allowed: 1mm

This test simulates loadings from heavyweight fittings such as wall mounted cupboards and consoles,
passenger information display units, decorative elements (sculptures), etc.

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3.2.4 Walls in public areas shall incorporate design measures that deter acts of vandalism such as:

a) use of wall surface designs that discourage graffiti- wall surfaces that are not too “flat” and with
darker colours provide a less attractive surface for graffiti;

b) avoid using materials that are porous as wall finishes in public areas as they are easily stained
by graffiti dyes and difficult to maintain;

c) materials such as strong, wear-resistant laminates, impervious glazed ceramics, treated

masonry products, and stainless steel are recommended at areas prone to vandalism;

d) use graffiti-resistant paint and/or sealers; and

e) use of materials that are easy to clean or replace or that are resistant to vandalism and graffiti.

3.3 Administration/operations rooms

3.3.1 In terms of strength and robustness characteristics, walls in administration/ operations rooms shall
either be heavy duty or medium duty depending on adjacency to areas accessible to the public.

3.3.2 Heavy duty (HD) partitions shall be used when adjacent to a space that is frequently used by the
public and others with little incentive to exercise care and where there is a likely chance of accident
or misuse occurring.

a) Such spaces typically include Passenger Service Centre, Station Master Room, Ticket Room and
First Aid Room.

3.3.3 Medium duty (MD) partitions shall be used when located in a space that is moderately used by
persons with some incentive to exercise care (i.e. station staff) and where there is some chance of
accident or misuse occurring. These spaces shall be strictly used by station staff or authorised
personnel and shall not be adjacent to spaces used by the public.

a) Such spaces typically include Station Operations Room, Station Computer Room and Staff

3.3.4 Walls in administration/ operations rooms shall meet the following structural resistance
requirements and be verified by the stated testing methods that are in accordance with BS 5234
Part 2:

a) Stiffness:

For heavy duty wall partitions:

i) Maximum deflection allowed: 15mm

ii) Maximum residual deformation allowed: 2mm

For medium duty wall partitions:

iii) Maximum deflection allowed: 20mm

iv) Maximum residual deformation allowed: 3mm

b) Small hard body impact:

i) For both HD and MD testing the wall shall not sustain any significant surface damage that
would compromise its structural integrity or functionality in order to be deemed

ii) For both HD and MD testing the wall shall not sustain any perforation to its body, corner
junction, or panels (if it is a hollow partition) in order to be deemed acceptable.

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c) Large soft body impact:

To assess heavy duty resistance to functional damage, the partition wall shall be subjected to two (2)
impacts at separate locations at impact energy of 40Nm.

i) Maximum residual deformation allowed: 0.2mm

To assess medium duty resistance to functional damage, the partition wall shall be subjected to two
(2) impacts at separate locations at impact energy of 20Nm.

ii) Maximum residual deformation allowed: 0.1mm

To assess heavy duty resistance to structural damage, the partition wall shall be subjected to three
(3) impacts at two (2) separate locations at impact energy of 120Nm.

To assess medium duty resistance to structural damage, the partition wall shall be subjected to three
(3) impacts at two (2) separate locations at impact energy of 60Nm.

iii) The tested wall for both HD and MD resistance shall withstand the impact without
collapsing or dislocating any fixing in order to be deemed acceptable.

d) Door slam:

i) For both HD and MD testing the partition wall shall not be damaged, nor shall door frame
fittings and architraves become detached or loose after the test. The residual
displacement of the door frame shall also not exceed 1 mm.

e) Lightweight anchorages: Refer to 3.2.3.f performance requirements as the same shall apply to
HD and MD walls.

f) Heavyweight anchorages: Refer to 3.2.3.g performance requirements as the same shall apply to
HD and MD walls.

3.3.5 Walls in administration/ operations rooms shall be acoustically treated and shall meet the following
minimum Sound Transmission Class (STC) values; unless otherwise is agreed with the Review
Authority and/ or Operator:

a) SMR, SOR: STC 65

b) Ticket Office, SCR, First Aid room: STC 50

c) PSC , Staff room, Police/Security room: STC 40

3.4 Wet areas: public and staff toilets, ablution areas, cleaners utility room
3.4.1 In terms of strength and robustness characteristics, walls in administration/ operations rooms shall
either be heavy duty or medium duty depending on adjacency to areas accessible to the public.

3.4.2 Heavy duty (HD) partitions shall be used at any wet area accessible to the public such as public

3.4.3 Medium duty (MD) partitions shall be used at wet areas that are accessible to station staff and
authorized personnel such as staff toilets, prayer room ablution areas, cleaner’s utility room, and any
area with water services.

3.4.4 In terms of strength and robustness, the HD and MD wall partitions shall satisfy the testing criteria
and performance requirements described in 3.3 above.

3.4.5 In terms of moisture resistance, wall partitions in wet areas shall comply with BS EN 520 type H1 and
be designed and installed in such a way that moisture transfer through the partition does not cause

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water vapour to condense within the partition or on its surface adversely affecting the properties of
the partition or causing dimensional instability.

3.4.6 Wall tiles, when used, are to be glazed in all areas where water is prevalent. Unglazed tiles are only
permitted where there is no uncontrolled water.

3.4.7 Wall tiles shall be installed in accordance with BS 5385: 2009 and shall conform to the following:

a) water absorption: 3% maximum;

b) scratch hardness of surface: 6 on MOH (Method of Hardness) rating scale as minimum;

c) abrasion resistance: 5 on P.E.I. (Porcelain Enamel Institute) rating scale as minimum.

3.5 BoH areas /plant rooms

3.5.1 In terms of strength and robustness characteristics, walls in BoH areas and plant rooms shall be
medium duty (MD) and shall satisfy the MD testing criteria and performance requirements described
in 3.3 above.

3.5.2 Wherever paint finish is applied to plant areas, light colour paints shall be used and shall be in
accordance with BS 6150: 2006 and shall satisfy the following requirements:

a) paint system shall be an aliphatic proprietary system that protects the concrete from attack by
acid gases, chloride ions, sulphates, oxygen and water;

b) water vapour shall be able to be released from the concrete structure after masonry paint

c) the paint system shall have high resistance to dirt pick-up to Operator requirements;

d) the paint system shall be suitable for use in temperatures of over 50 degrees C;

e) coating of the paint shall comply with fire resistance requirements:

i) Class 1 coating spread of flame when tested to BS 476 Part 7; and

ii) Class 0 coating Building Regulations rating when tested to BS 476 Part 6 and Part 7 as

f) Walls of plant rooms for sensitive equipment shall be applied with anti-dust sealer.

3.5.3 Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance of walls shall be in accordance with BS EN ISO 6946:
1997 as applicable.

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4 Ceilings

4.1 General Ceiling and Soffit Lining Selection

4.1.1 The ceiling design requirements vary with each station. For example:

a) where there are high ceiling volumes or areas where people move through a station quickly, it
may be appropriate to have a very open ceiling, with minimal screening to any ceiling voids

i) an open ceiling may be beneficial for smoke management, maintenance and cost.

ii) where functionally appropriate and aesthetically acceptable to the Review Authority,
suspended ceilings beneath the upper most roof structure shall be avoided as these would
be most susceptible to water infiltration and seepage.

b) other station areas may demand high quality, fully opaque suspended ceiling linings- where
these are required they shall be in accordance with BS EN 3964:2004. This may be required to
conceal services, unsightly ceiling voids, etc. Suspended ceilings may also be required to:

i) integrate ceiling services and fixtures;

ii) provide a reflective surface to assist station luminance;

iii) enhance acoustic performance;

iv) form a smoke plenum; and

v) achieve a clean and low maintenance finished surface.

4.1.2 The following general performance criteria shall guide the selection of ceiling/ soffit lining types and
finishes in stations:

a) have a design life of 40 years, unless specified otherwise in Project Brief;

b) Fire resistance: meet fire protection requirements in line with the Fire and Life Safety Strategy
and to the approval of Dubai Civil Defence in terms of material classification and testing;

i) all wall finishes shall be of non-combustible (Category A1 in accordance with EN 13501-1:

2002), fire-resistant or fire retardant materials (in accordance with BS EN 1363);

ii) ceilings defining compartments, enclosing means of egress and containing sensitive
machines and equipment shall meet the required fire-rating (in accordance with ASTM
Test E-119); and

iii) all suspension system restraints and fixings shall meet the same fire rating requirements
as the ceiling.

c) Indoor air quality: Ceiling finishes shall conform to Dubai Municipality’s Indoor Air Quality
requirements in terms of emissions of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), Formaldehyde and
suspended particulates. Ceiling finishes that produce harmful gases, smoke, or dust shall be
avoided where possible.

i) all paints, coatings, sealants and adhesives used in the building shall not exceed allowed
limits of VOC (as described in the Green Building Regulations and Specifications), and shall

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also be accredited/certified from Dubai Central Laboratory or any source approved by

Dubai Municipality.

ii) materials containing asbestos shall strictly be forbidden.

d) Acoustic performance: support the desired acoustic performance of the station (in accordance
with BS 8233: 1999 as applicable) by meeting sound absorption requirements (in accordance
with BS EN ISO 11654:1997) and reducing noise transmission to acceptable levels (in
accordance with BS EN ISO 140 and as defined in BS EN ISO 717) - refer to Volume 2 Part 1 and
Appendix 2 for guidance on maximum allowable noise levels at key station spaces;

i) the Design of ceilings shall address structure-borne and airborne noise from trains, HVAC,

ii) the Design of suspended ceilings shall take into account any ceiling penetrations or
potential imperfections that can affect the acoustical performance of ceilings.

e) Thermal movement: to accommodate movement due to temperature and moisture effects,

control/ movement joints shall be incorporated to allow expansion and contraction of the
ceiling without the induction of stress or cracking;

f) Thermal resistance: thermal resistance (and thermal transmittance) of ceilings shall satisfy the
station’s ventilation and air-conditioning strategy and shall be in accordance with BS EN ISO
6946: 1997 as applicable;

g) Moisture control: be moisture resistant, particularly at wet areas;

i) suspended ceiling systems when used below ground, shall allow, through a water ingress
control system, the passage of moisture through the tile without deformation or
deterioration of the tile.

h) Maintenance: be easy to clean and maintain by considering the following:

i) use of high quality ceiling materials (finishes, fixings, etc.) that are cost effective over the
life of the station- i.e. would not discolour, corrode or degrade in performance and
appearance with the passage of time;

ii) use of ceiling finishes that minimize the need for special cleaning equipment or

iii) minimal incorporation of intricate ceiling surface protrusions/recesses or detailing that

will accumulate dust and consume time to clean- this shall apply particularly to locations
at close proximity to station points of entry/exit (where exposure to the natural elements
is likely) and at heights that are inaccessible without the use of ladders, platforms or

iv) use of standardized ceiling components that are easy and quick to replace with minimum
disruption to station operations or compromising of passenger convenience; and

i) Light Reflectance Value: conform to light reflectance values as required to support the station
lighting strategy.

j) Structural integrity: depending on the location, suspended ceilings shall have the rigidity to
prevent uplift and to withstand change in pressure caused naturally or by train movement;

i) wire hangers shall not be used in premises where there is a risk of air movement causing

ii) the loss of an individual hanger shall not cause a partial or full collapse of the ceiling.

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k) ancillary components interfacing with suspended ceiling or ceiling finish shall be independently
supported and removable without affecting or disturbing the ceiling or ceiling finish;

l) Installation tolerance: suspended ceiling installation tolerances shall be in accordance with BS

EN 13964: 2004, clause a.5.2:

i) the maximum deviation from flatness should be less than or equal to 2mm per metre
length, with a maximum of 5mm over a 5m length, measured horizontally at the location
of the suspension in any direction;

ii) installation tolerance maximum misalignment shall be +/- 1mm.

m) Services accessibility: where services run above suspended ceilings, removable or hinged
access panels shall be incorporated into the ceiling without compromising its appearance,
performance or structural integrity;

i) the location and design of access panels shall be coordinated with the relevant disciplines;

ii) access panels shall be easy and safe to operate; and

iii) access panels shall be unobtrusive and seamlessly integrated within the ceiling design.

n) Corrosion resistance: no staining of the face of the suspended ceiling due to corrosion of metal
fixings (caused by wet services leakage, poor thermal properties, etc.) shall be allowed;

i) mild steel whether galvanised or not shall not be used in the ceiling systems;

ii) isolating materials shall be used to prevent bi-metallic corrosion from occurring.

o) Integration: the design of suspended ceilings shall take into consideration and integrate light
fittings and other equipment such as ventilation grilles, ceiling mounted signs, sprinklers, smoke
detectors, and public address loudspeakers, wall partitions, etc.;

p) where suspended ceilings are required to be permeable for smoke exhaust purposes, the
ceiling shall have a minimum open area of 25%;

q) A manufacturer's twenty (20) year written warranty, from the date the date of handover, shall
be provided for the suspended ceiling assembly components, stating that the factory-applied
finish coatings will not develop excessive fading or excessive non-uniformity of colour or shade,
and will not pit or corrode, crack, peel, or otherwise fail as a result of defects in materials.

4.1.3 Ceiling types and finishes shall meet the following general design criteria:

a) exposed concrete soffits shall be fair-faced with or without applied finishes depending on the

b) no heavily textured or fissured ceiling finishes shall be used unless this is required to improve
acoustic conditions and the cleanability of the tiles is guaranteed not to be compromised;

c) decorative materials shall not be hanged and displayed from suspended ceiling systems that are
part of a fire resistance rated floor/ceiling.

4.2 Public area: concourse and platform

4.2.1 Suspended ceilings, if used, shall satisfy the below requirements:

a) Humidity Resistance rating of 95% RH / 40⁰C;

b) Class 1 flexural tensile strength in accordance with the testing procedures specified in EN
13964; and

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c) Class A sound absorption as defined by BS EN ISO 11654:1997.

4.3 Administration /operations offices

4.3.1 Suspended ceilings, if used, shall satisfy the below requirements:

a) Humidity Resistance rating of 95% RH / 40⁰C;

b) Class 1 flexural tensile strength in accordance with the testing procedures specified in EN
13964; and

c) Class A sound absorption as defined by BS EN ISO 11654:1997.

4.4 Wet areas: public and staff toilets, ablution areas, cleaners utility room
4.4.1 Moisture resistant suspended ceilings shall be used in wet areas and shall satisfy the following

a) Humidity Resistance rating of 100% RH / 40⁰C;

b) Class 1 flexural tensile strength in accordance with the testing procedures specified in EN

c) Class B sound absorption as defined by BS EN ISO 11654:1997;

d) both sides of the ceiling tile shall be treated with anti-bacterial paint; and

e) resistant to disinfectants containing chemicals such as quaternary ammonium, hydrogen

peroxide, chlorine; etc.

4.5 BoH areas /plant rooms

4.5.1 There shall be no suspended ceilings in plant and machinery rooms, switch rooms, stores, workshops
or in any other industrial area, other than a water ingress control system.

4.5.2 Ceilings of plant rooms for sensitive equipment shall be applied with anti-dust sealer.

4.5.3 Wherever paint finish is applied to plant areas, light colour paints shall be used and shall satisfy the
following requirements:

a) the paint system shall be an aliphatic proprietary system that protects the concrete from attack
by acid gases, chloride ions, sulphates, oxygen and water.

b) water vapour shall be able to be released from the concrete structure after masonry paint

c) the paint system shall have high resistance to dirt pick-up.

d) the paint system shall be suitable for use in temperatures of over 50 degrees C.

e) the paint shall comply with fire resistance requirements Class 1 coating spread of flame when
tested to BS 476 Part 7.

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5 Building envelope - facades & roof

5.1 General
5.1.1 The basic function of the envelope or enclosure of the station building shall be to protect the
covered or otherwise conditioned interior spaces from the surrounding environment.

5.1.2 The design and installation of all external wall and roof installations shall comply with the Review
Authority’s requirements, international standards and all local codes and statutes specified herein.

5.2 General performance requirements for facades

5.2.1 The below performance requirements shall apply as appropriate to the following external wall types,
unless noted otherwise:

a) cavity walls and rainscreen walls;

b) barrier walls;

c) mass walls; and

d) curtain walls.

5.2.2 External walls shall satisfy the following performance criteria:

a) Structural integrity: withstand dynamic loads (such as wind loads) and static loads (such as
dead loads) and accommodate structural movement requirements (seismic, thermal
movements, loading deflections, shrinkage, creep, etc.) in accordance with the following
standards and related wall type:

i) BS EN 1992-1-1:2004: Design of Concrete Structures and BS EN 206-1:2000: Concrete,

Specification, Performance, Production and Conformity.

ii) BS 5950 (2000): Structural Use of Steelwork in Building- Code of Practice for Design. Rolled
and Welded Section;

iii) BS 8118 (1991): Structural Use of Aluminium- Code of Practice for Design; and

iv) BS 6262 (2004): Glass in Buildings- Code of Practice for Design;

b) Thermal insulation: building elements forming the external walls shall have an average Thermal
Transmittance (U-Value) which does not exceed: U= 0.57 W/m²K (in line with Dubai
Municipality requirements).

i) Glazed elements with back insulated panels shall be treated as walls and therefore must
meet the performance requirement for walls.

c) Light Reflective Value (LRI): this shall be as per with Dubai Municipality requirements:

i) at least seventy five percent (75%) of the area of externally painted walls must have a
minimum Light Reflective Value of forty-five percent (45%).

ii) the above requirements are waived if the roof of the building provided with vegetated
roof (green roof ) for at least thirty percent (30%) of the total roof area.

d) Weather tightness:

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i) air tightness: for normal fixed window and panel allowable leakage is 1.08m3/m2 hr and
for operable window is 1.5m3/m hr, in accordance with ASTM E 283 at a static pressure of

ii) water tightness: no water penetration permitted in accordance with ASTM E 331- external
walls shall be designed to prevent retention and transmission of seepage to the room or

iii) moisture resistance: achieve a condensation-resistance factor (CRF) of not less than 55
when tested according to AAMA 1503.1.

e) Acoustic performance:

i) shall support the station’s acoustic performance strategy to achieve the desired maximum
allowable noise levels for interior spaces and in compliance with BS 8233: 1999- refer to
Volume 2 Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets;

ii) shall achieve an average Sound Transmission Class (STC) value of 50 when tested
according to ASTM E 90.

f) Durability: external walls shall be durable and shall not discolour, corrode or degrade during
exposure to any of the following:

i) Ultra Violet radiation;

ii) Chemical strain: due to chemical substances present in the air (pollution), severe weather
and weather changes, etc.;

iii) Biological strain: due to mechanical damage caused by animals or rot due to
microorganisms; and

iv) Passage of time: have a design life of 40 years, unless specified otherwise in Project Brief.

g) Fire resistance: all external wall materials and finishes shall meet fire protection requirements
in line with the Fire and Life Safety Strategy and to the approval of Dubai Civil Defence in terms
of material classification and testing;

i) all roof materials and finishes shall be non-combustible Category A1 in accordance with EN
13501-1: 2002- Fire Classification of Construction Products and Building Elements. Part 1:
Classification using test data from reaction to fire tests; and

ii) all roof finishes shall be fire-resistant or fire retardant in accordance with BS EN 1363- Fire
Resistance Tests- General Requirements.

h) Blast Resistance: The facades shall be able to resist the effects of an explosive detonation and
shall address the following:

i) Security concerns shall be balanced with other design constraints such as accessibility,
initial and life-cycle costs, natural hazard mitigation, fire protection, energy efficiency and

ii) The countermeasures shall be as unobtrusive as possible to provide an inviting, efficient

environment, and not attract undue attention of potential attackers.

iii) Glazed panels of the station façade and glass walling system shall be constructed such that
no glass shards fall into the internal spaces or immediate external areas of the station that
could harm the public or station personnel.

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iv) The glass shall be in such a manner that the glazing system, whether conventionally glazed
or structurally glazed systems, is able to prevent the glazed panel being forcibly blown
from the framing system.

5.2.3 All paints and coatings applied at external walls shall not exceed Dubai Municipality’s allowed limits
of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC). These paints and coatings shall also be accredited by Dubai
Central Laboratory or any source approved by Dubai Municipality.

a) Paints shall be applied in accordance with BS 6150.

Facade glazed areas

5.2.4 The standard classification of glass shall be in accordance with BS 952, however, the below listed
standards shall apply for the following glass classifications:

a) BS EN 572 for basic soda lime silicate glass;

b) BS EN 572 Part 2 for float glass;

c) BS EN 572 Part 3 for polished wired glass;

d) BS EN 572 Part 5 for patterned glass;

e) BS EN 572 Part 3 for wired patterned glass;

f) BS EN 1096 for coated glass;

g) BS EN 1279 for insulating glass;

h) BS EN 1748 for borosilicate glass;

i) BS EN 1863 for heat strengthened soda lime silicate glass;

j) BS EN 12150 for thermally toughened soda lime silicate glass;

k) BS EN 13024 for thermally toughened borosilicate glass; and

l) BS EN ISO 12543 for laminated glass and laminated safety glass.

5.2.5 External glazed areas shall satisfy the following performance criteria:

a) As per Dubai Municipality requirements, and where possible, at least fifty percent (50%) of the
total glazed surface area of the building (excluding glazed areas with back insulated panels)
shall have a north orientation which includes 150 degree angle started from east toward North

b) Structural integrity: Glass shall withstand dynamic loads (such as wind loads) and static loads
(such as dead loads) in accordance with ASTM E1300 (2004): Standard Practice for Determining
Load Resistance of Glass in Buildings.

c) Glass testing shall satisfy the following requirements:

i) duration of design wind and live load pressure shall be taken as 60 seconds;

ii) upon first application of design wind and live load pressures, probability of breakage for
vertical glass shall not exceed 8 breaks per 1000;

iii) upon first application of design wind and live load pressures, probability of breakage for
sloping glass shall not exceed be 1 break per 1000;

iv) sloping glass shall be considered as being overhead glazing or where the slope is greater
than 5° off vertical.

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v) minimum glass thicknesses to resist wind loads shall be calculated in accordance with
ASTM E 1300.

d) Thermal Transmittance: The required glazing Thermal Transmittance values shall be subject to
the percentage of total area of external walls that let in light as follows:

i) If the total area of external walls that let in light is forty per cent (40%) or less, then
Thermal Transmittance (Summer U value) U= 2.1 W/m²K (max);

ii) If the total area of external walls that let in light is between forty percent (40%) and sixty
percent (60%) of the external wall area, then U= 1.9 W/m²K (max);

iii) If the total area of external walls that let in light is sixty percent (60%) or greater of the
external wall area, then U= 1.9 W/m²K (max).

e) For shop fronts and showrooms, other than those at ground floor level, glazing elements shall
have Thermal Transmittance (Summer U value) U= 1.9 W/m²K (max).

f) Shading Coefficient: The required glazing Shading Coefficient values shall be subject to the
percentage of total area of external walls that let in light as follows:

i) If the total area of external walls that let in light is forty per cent (40%) or less, then
Shading Coefficient (SC) = 0.4 (max);

ii) If the total area of external walls that let in light is between forty percent (40%) and sixty
percent (60%) of the external wall area, then Shading Coefficient (SC) = 0.32 (max);

iii) If the total area of external walls that let in light is sixty percent (60%) or greater of the
external wall area, then Shading Coefficient (SC) = 0.25 (max).

g) For shop fronts and showrooms, other than those at ground floor level, glazing elements shall
have Shading Coefficient (SC) 0.76 (max).

h) Light Transmittance: The required glazing Light Transmittance values shall be subject to the
percentage of total area of external walls that let in light as follows:

i) If the total area of external walls that let in light is forty per cent (40%) or less, then Light
Transmittance = 0.25 (min);

ii) If the total area of external walls that let in light is between forty percent (40%) and sixty
percent (60%) of the external wall area, then Light Transmittance = 0.1 (min);

iii) If the total area of external walls that let in light is sixty percent (60%) or greater of the
external wall area, then Light Transmittance = 0.1 (min).

i) Coated glass (BS EN 1096) and insulating glass (BS EN 1279) shall be used as appropriate to
enhance the thermal performance of the station.

i) Insulating glass, when used, shall not experience fogging, wetting or staining within the
sealed space, spacer corrosion, spacer migration, adhesive or cohesive failure of primary
or secondary edge seal. This requirement shall apply to insulating glass in vision and
spandrel areas.

ii) Insulating glass, when used, shall not experience a decrease in the air space dimension
due to chemical reaction of dessicant with entrapped air.

j) Acoustic performance: Glazing shall support the station’s acoustic performance strategy to
achieve the desired maximum allowable noise levels for interior spaces and in compliance with
BS 8233: 1999 Code of Practice for Sound Insulation and Noise Reduction for Buildings, and BS
EN 12758: 2002 Glass in Building- Glazing and Airborne Sound Insulation.

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k) Safety and security requirements: Glazing shall comply with the following standards to ensure
that glass design, fabrication and installation meets safety requirements:

i) BS 6206: 1981- Specification for impact performance requirements for flat safety glass and
safety plastics for use in buildings;

ii) BS 6262: 1982- Code of practice for glazing for buildings Part 4: 2005 Safety relating to
human impact;

iii) BS 8213: 2004 Part 1: Windows, doors and roof lights- Code of practice for safety in use
and during cleaning of windows and doors;

iv) BS EN 12150- Glass in building. Thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass;

v) BS EN 12600: 2002- Glass in building. Pendulum test. Impact test method and
classification for flat glass;

vi) BS EN ISO 12543: 1998- Glass in building. Laminated glass and laminated safety glass;

vii) BS EN 1863- Glass in buildings. Heat strengthened soda lime silicate glass;

viii) BS EN 14179: 2005- Glass in building. Heat-soaked thermally-toughened soda lime silicate
safety glass;

ix) BS EN 14449: 2005- Glass in building. Laminated glass and laminated safety glass.
Evaluation of conformity/product standard.

l) Durability:

i) All glass within a public reach zone is required to be filmed to prevent scratching

ii) Lamination interlayer shall not crack, peel, stain or discolour.

iii) Spandrel glass opacifier panel shall not crack, peel, wrinkle, delaminate, stain or discolour.

iv) Glass shall not experience spontaneous breakage, whether from nickel sulphide inclusions
or other reason.

m) Fire resistance: Glazing selection shall support the Fire and Life Safety Strategy and shall also
comply with BS EN 357: 2004 in terms of fire resistance classification and shall comply with BS
EN 1363: 1999 fire resistance tests as recognised by Dubai Civil Defence.

n) Maintenance: Glass replacement shall comply with the following:

i) glazing details shall permit glass replacement after initial construction and shall permit
reuse of original gaskets;

ii) the replacement glass shall be the same nominal size as original glass, and shall not
require cutting of framing members or removal of interior finishes; and

iii) vision glass in conventional frames shall be replaceable from the interior or exterior.
Spandrel glass shall be replaceable from the exterior.

iv) Glass located where it cannot be accessed by ladder must have a means of access for
maintenance (cleaning and replacement) agreed by the Review Authority and be
economically justified by life cycle costing.

External louvres
5.2.6 External louvers (including windows and doors) shall be designed to prevent the ingress of water or
sand and to withstand corrosion under the prevailing weather conditions.

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5.2.7 Additional drains shall be provided as required behind louvre assemblies to prevent sand and water

5.2.8 Where external louvres enclose a space containing fans, louvers shall have a rigid construction, large
free area and low pressure drop in order to minimise the noise generated where fans are in

Underground external elements

5.2.9 Underground structures, such as the external walls of underground station boxes, which are liable to
seepage or dampness shall:

a) be required to have free-standing false walls internally, unless otherwise agreed with the
Review Authority; and

b) receive applied finishes but access to the structures, drainage, and any other services shall be

5.2.10 All finishes shall be protected against the effects of moisture penetration from any ground water,
especially in an underground station. In an underground station lining shall be designed on the basis
of a groundwater seepage rate as per Volume 3 Part 1.

External wall testing

5.2.11 Laboratory testing of external wall systems shall be carried out to the following standards and
requirements. The following test sequence shall be adopted:-

a) The following test sequence shall be adopted:

i) Unlock, open and close and lock vents/doors 50 times – This shall be a full sequence of
unlock, fully open, close and lock;

ii) Preload to 50% of inward pressure;

iii) Conduct air infiltration in accordance with ASTM E 283 at a static pressure of 300Pa.
Leakage of the chamber shall be accurately determined. Leakage of each vent/door shall
be accurately determined;

iv) Conduct air exfiltration in accordance with ASTM E 283 at a static pressure of 300Pa.
Leakage of the chamber shall be accurately determined. Leakage of each vent/door shall
be accurately determined;

v) Maximum permissible infiltration/exfiltration is based on the projected wall area, there is

no additional allowance for doors or operating windows. The total allowable
infiltration/exfiltration shall not exceed 20 litres/min/sqm for projected area of fixed wall
including operating windows;

vi) Maximum permissible infiltration/exfiltration of operating windows shall not exceed 30

litres/min/m run of joint for operating windows. This figure in not additional to the fixed
wall area and shall be contained within the maximum permissible figure for the total
projected area of the wall;

vii) Conduct water infiltration in accordance with ASTM E 331 at a static pressure of 1.0 kPa
and a spray rate of 5 litres/m2 –min. No leakage is permitted. No water may form on any
surface that is visible to the interior. No uncontrolled water is allowed to penetrate to the

viii) Conduct a dynamic test in accordance with AAMA 501.1 with a spray rate of 5 litres/m2 -
min. The airflow generated shall be equivalent to 1 kPa and if necessary a static pressure

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shall be used to supplement the air flow such that an equivalent deflection of the
structure is recorded. No leakage is permitted. No water may form on any surface that is
visible to the interior. No uncontrolled water is allowed to penetrate to the interior;

ix) For curtain wall systems conduct a structural test in accordance with ASTM E 330 at 50%
and 100% of inward and outward design loads. Deflections between supports shall be
recorded and shall not exceed 20mm or L/175, whichever is the lesser, for mullions and
transoms. Deflection of cantilevered members is limited to 20mm or L/90, whichever is
the lesser; movement at anchors is not to exceed 3mm at directional change of loading. At
50 percent of design pressures, glass centre deflection relative to glass edges shall not
exceed 25 mm; and

x) For curtain wall systems conduct a safety test in accordance with ASTM 330 at a maximum
pressure of 1.5 x inward and outward design loads. Residual deformation shall be less than

xi) Water penetration tests for concrete block walls shall be conducted in accordance with
ASTM E514-90- Standard Test Method for Water Penetration and Leakage through
Masonry. The test method shall apply water at a rate of 138 l/m,/hr and there shall be a
positive pressure between the wet side and observation side of 500 Pa. The test shall last
for a period of 4 hours.

xii) EN ISO 4624 : 2003- Pull-off test for adhesion shall be applied to test adhesion of paint and
coatings to metal and concrete substrates.

5.3 General performance requirements for roof systems

5.3.1 Roof systems shall typically comprise the following elements:

a) Decking- provides structural support (concrete or steel);

b) Barriers- provides moisture control (polyethylene sheets, vapour retarder paints, aluminium
foil, etc.);

c) Insulation- provides thermal insulation (extruded or expanded polystyrene, urethanes,

polyisocyanurate, mineral fibre, etc.)

d) Membrane- provides waterproofing (bitumen, EPDM, PVC, etc.); and

e) attachment systems- provides integration (flashings, fasteners, roof pavers, ballast, etc.).

5.3.2 The system shall be designed, fabricated and installed such that the completed architectural roofing
shall present a uniform and smooth appearance with surfaces free from bowing, dimpling, oil
canning, sagging, pillowing, rippling, warp, abrupt transitions and other visual deformation or

5.3.3 Roof systems shall satisfy the following performance criteria:

a) Structural integrity: The completed roof system shall withstand the dead loads and live loads
caused by maintenance personnel and their equipment, rain, design wind pressure,
accumulated sand and other wind borne particles, and the specified hydrostatic flood test. The
roof design shall be in accordance with the following standards and related roof deck material

i) BS 5950 (2000): Structural Use of Steelwork in Building- Code of Practice for Design. Rolled
and Welded Section; and

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ii) BS EN 1992-1-1:2004: Design of Concrete Structures and BS EN 206-1:2000: Concrete,

Specification, Performance, Production and Conformity.

b) There shall be no permanent deflection of components and no pull-out, loosening,

disengagement, breakage, or undue stress of fasteners and anchoring devices due to design
wind uplift.

i) The factor of safety used during the design, fabrication, and installation shall not be less
than 1.5, such that failure of any component shall not occur at less than 1.5 times the
maximum wind loading criteria. Failure is defined as breakage, loosening of fasteners,
component disengagement, or permanent distortion.

c) The design, fabrication and installation shall withstand building movements including thermal
movements, loading deflections, shrinkage, creep and similar movements.

i) The roofing system shall withstand expansion and contraction forces resulting from the
ambient temperature ranges in Volume 1, Part 1, which may result in a roofing material
surface temperature exceeding 75°C.

d) Thermal Transmittance: The roof assembly shall be appropriately insulated to meet the
Thermal Transmittance value of U= 0.3 W/m² K (max), as stipulated in the Dubai Green Building
Regulations & Specifications.

i) Thermal insulation used shall be to Dubai Central Laboratory (DCL) approval and sourced
from a DCL-certified local supplier.

e) Roof Solar Reflective Index (SRI): All opaque external roofing surfaces must comply with a
minimum Roof Solar Reflective Index (SRI) value according to Table 304.01(1) for a minimum of
seventy five percent (75%) of the roof area.

f) Water management:

i) The entire roof surface shall be waterproofed and accessorised with the necessary flashing
such that no water penetration shall be permitted in accordance with ASTM D5957-
Standard Guide for Flood Testing Horizontal Waterproofing Installations;

ii) The roof assembly shall achieve a surface slope as required to allow the collection and
drainage of water and shall accommodate the necessary gutters and drains to enable the
drainage of water. The roofing surface shall be smooth and free of obstructions so as to
prevent the retention of water.

iii) In metal roofs where the roof slope directs water across the roofing laps or seams, the
laps or seams shall have smooth surfaces in the direction of the slope such that water shall
flow over and not against the lap or seam.

g) Moisture control: materials used as vapour barriers shall:

i) conform to Dubai Municipality standard DMS 23: 2009- Standard Specifications for Water
Vapour Retarders (Vapour Barriers) for use within thermal insulation systems in buildings;

ii) satisfy testing against ASTM E96 / E96M – 10- Standard Test Methods for Water Vapour
Transmission of Materials.

h) Acoustic performance:

i) shall support the station’s acoustic performance strategy to achieve the desired maximum
allowable noise levels for interior spaces and in compliance with BS 8233: 1999- refer to
Volume 2 Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets;

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ii) shall achieve an average Sound Transmission Class (STC) value of 45 when tested to ASTM
E 90; and

iii) in metal roof assemblies sound attenuation material such as noise-damping sheet shall be
provided and permanently bonded to the concealed underside of each metal roofing
panel. The sheet shall be specifically designed and tested as to ensure it is a suitable noise
damping Material.

i) Durability: roof systems shall be durable and shall not degrade, dislodge, or get damaged upon
exposure to any of the following:

i) Ultra Violet radiation;

ii) Rain and sand abrasion;

iii) Chemical strain: due to chemical substances present in the air (pollution), severe weather
and weather changes, etc.;

iv) Biological strain: due to damage caused by animals or rot due to microorganisms; and

v) Passage of time: roof systems shall have a design life of 40 years, unless specified
otherwise in Project Brief.

j) Fire resistance: all roof materials and finishes shall meet fire protection requirements in line
with the Fire and Life Safety Strategy and to the approval of Dubai Civil Defence in terms of
material classification and testing;

i) all roof materials and finishes shall be non-combustible Category A1 in accordance with EN
13501-1: 2002- Fire Classification of Construction Products and Building Elements. Part 1:
Classification using test data from reaction to fire tests; and

ii) roof assemblies shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E108: Standard Test Methods for
Fire Tests of Roof Coverings.

k) Safety requirements:

i) A lightning protection system, including all necessary components shall also be provided in
accordance with Volume 1 Part 1 Appendix 9.

ii) A fall arrest system in accordance with safety requirements covered in Volume 1 Part 1,
and shall be installed to allow safe working on the roof. In the event of a fall, the system
shall prevent injury to the worker without causing damage to the roof or the fall arrest

Roof glazed areas (sky lights)

5.3.4 The Design of roof glazing shall be in accordance with BS 5516: 2004- Code of Practice for Design and
Installation of Sloping and Vertical Patent Glazing;

5.3.5 Roof glazing shall satisfy ASTM E1300 (2004): Standard Practice for Determining Load Resistance of
Glass in Buildings.

5.3.6 If the glazing portion of a roof is ten percent (10%) or less of the roof area, then the glazing elements
must meet the following performance criteria:

a) Thermal Transmittance (Summer U value) U= 1.9 W/ m² K (max)

b) Shading Coefficient (SC) 0.32 (max)

c) Light Transmittance 0.4 (min)

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5.3.7 If the glazing portion of a roof is greater than ten percent (10%) of the roof area, then the glazing
elements must meet the following performance criteria:

a) Thermal Transmittance (Summer U value) U= 1.9 W/ m² K (max)

b) Shading Coefficient (SC) 0.25 (max)

c) Light Transmittance 0.3 (min)

5.3.8 Weather tightness of skylights shall comply with the following requirements:

a) air tightness: for normal fixed glass panels allowable leakage is 1.08m3/m2 hr and for operable
glass panels is 1.5m3/m hr, in accordance with ASTM E 283 at a static pressure of 300Pa;

b) water tightness: no water penetration permitted in accordance with:

i) ASTM E1105- Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of
Installed Skylights by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference;

ii) ASTM E331- 00(2009)- Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Skylights by
Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.

c) moisture resistance: roof glazing shall achieve a condensation-resistance factor (CRF) of not less
than 55 when tested according to AAMA 1503.1.

5.3.9 No glass shall be allowed where its maintenance (cleaning or replacement) requires track possession.

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6 Landscaping

6.1 General landscaping performance requirements

6.1.1 Performance requirements for landscaping elements shall be read in conjunction with RPDG Volume
2 Part 3.

6.2 Soft landscaping

6.2.1 Soft landscaping shall seek to enhance the quality of the local environment, promote the use of low
maintenance designs and use of sustainable planting appropriate to the Dubai environment.

6.2.2 Selection of plant species shall be in accordance with Dubai Municipality’s Public Parks and
Horticulture’s Plant List. Plant species shall be compatible with the local context and shall reinforce
the distinctive aspects of the Dubai location and its cultural heritage.

6.2.3 Soft landscape (planting) shall play an important role in defining the character and setting of the
station precinct. Planting shall be designed to soften, highlight, screen and enliven these spaces to
complement the suite of materials and built forms of the station.

6.2.4 Any landscape proposal shall minimise impacts on existing ecosystems and habitats, enhance
remaining ecosystems, conserve the use of resources, non-renewable energy, and topsoil, and shall
minimise the use of construction materials that deplete natural resources or create toxic pollution in
their manufacture.

6.2.5 A predominant native theme, complemented by varied textures and colour to ensure all year round
interest is preferred.

6.2.6 Plant species shall be selected on the basis of climatic conditions and native indigenous suitability for
the site character and location.

6.2.7 All imported plants shall have been grown to industry standards, be disease and pest free and be
properly acclimatised before being released for installation.

6.2.8 Plant species shall be specified with regard to their particular growth habits, characteristics, speed of
growth, required root conditions, sunlight requirements, and relative dominance.

6.2.9 The planting design shall use appropriate plant species, sizes and densities to achieve the following:

a) trees with high crowns to optimise passive surveillance opportunities;

b) plant shrubs and native ground covers to minimise weed invasion;

c) establish quickly a mature landscape that has good visual impact and is suitably robust;

d) low maintenance: minimal leaf and fruit dropping species;

e) retain and protect existing significant trees wherever possible and appropriate;

f) significant trees and landscape elements are to be set back from road carriageways and rail

6.2.10 A variety of different planting types shall be considered to achieve different landscape effects. For

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements,
Appendix 1 Performance Requirements of Building Elements

a) street trees - formal Street tree planting can provide a strong definition to a street edge and a
station entry.

b) native trees - native species rather than exotic trees are preferred. Informal groupings and
spacing of native trees accentuate existing tree stands and promote an overall native character
of Dubai.

c) screen shrubs - evergreen shrubs will provide an effective lower screen to soften walls, add
texture, colour interest.

d) screen trees - formal planting of trees in conjunction with lover screen shrub planting will
provide a “buffer” to the rear of walls/building facades.

e) accent shrubs - intense changes of colour and texture can be used to highlight edges and

6.2.11 Ground covers - mass “green carpets’ can provide borders to paved edges and effective backdrops to
other planted areas. They shall be used to soften areas where there are stringent restrictions on
plant heights to optimise passive surveillance. Any planting beneath the station canopy shall be
shade tolerant and shall be suitably irrigated.

6.2.12 Planting shall not threaten the structural integrity of any structure or its function (e.g. such as air or
smoke vents).

6.2.13 Access and manhole covers shall not be located in planting areas, but shall always be in paved areas.

6.2.14 No plants with poisonous parts shall be planted on any scheme.

6.2.15 The planting scheme shall be coordinated with any outdoor CCTV surveillance installations so as not
to obstruct the viewing of cameras.

6.2.16 Tree pits for the planting of trees and palms shall be of a minimum internal dimension of 1000 mm x
1000 mm x 1200 mm deep (above drainage layer) and shall be free draining. Their base shall be lined
with free draining material (such as granite aggregate) and the vertical sides of the tree pit shall be
lined with a root barrier to prevent the penetration of roots sideways such that they might come into
contact with services, utilities or underground structures.

6.2.17 In situations where roof landscaping or landscaping atop of underground structures is identified, the
landscaping designer shall coordinate with the relevant interfacing discipline specialists and
incorporate the appropriate design measures to ensure that landscaping works pose no threat to the
structural integrity of these buildings particularly in terms of imposed loads of soil or water
penetration of irrigation system.

6.2.18 An integrated, automatic and even system of water supply (using grey water wherever possible) and
drainage to landscaped areas shall be provided.

6.2.19 An irrigation system shall be incorporated to automatically irrigate all landscape areas and be timed
to only irrigate during non-daylight hours (to minimise water lost to evaporation).

6.2.20 The Dubai Municipality’s Drainage and Irrigation Department shall be consulted for the coordination
and design of all irrigation systems employed on a site.

6.2.21 The system shall be designed to minimise surface spray components and should include moisture
sensors to control irrigation.

6.2.22 Where appropriate, and where acceptable to the Maintainer, a layer of mulch shall be utilised at the
base of all planting to reduce evaporation.

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements,
Appendix 1 Performance Requirements of Building Elements

6.2.23 Application of water shall be based on specific plant requirements in order to adequately sustain the
plant material and to allow it to flourish.

6.2.24 Topsoil shall be a mixture of free-draining organic and mineral material, supplemented by chemical
and organic additives, promoting the vigorous and healthy growth of plants and biotic flora.

6.2.25 Topsoil shall be selected with thought and care and not by automatically using the site’s existing
topsoil or the first source of imported topsoil located.

6.2.26 Before considering importing topsoil, any existing site topsoil shall be properly assessed by
undertaking a Soil Analysis Survey, which evaluates the quality, quantity and suitability of the site’s
soil resources (topsoil and subsoils) for the intended landscape project.

6.2.27 Soil Analysis Surveys shall be undertaken by a Dubai Municipality-accredited surveyor and involve a
review of the intended landscape scheme and its requirements, a site investigation and laboratory
analysis of soil samples.

6.2.28 Different soil mixes (planting medium plus ameliorants) and specifications shall be required for
urban, non urban and planter/container planting situations.

6.2.29 The British Standard for Topsoil BS 3882:2007 specifies the requirements for topsoil that is to be
imported or traded. It is not intended (or appropriate) for the assessment of topsoil that remains in-
situ. The standards shall be used for best practice guidance and shall be adapted to suit the variety of
different soil growing mediums, plant species and soft landscape applications.

6.3 Hard landscaping - paving

6.3.1 The following general performance criteria shall guide the selection of outdoor paving in stations:

a) have a design life of 40 years, unless specified otherwise in Project Brief;

b) be of sufficient strength to withstand the anticipated static and dynamic loads (including
vehicle access) without undergoing deformation or failure;

c) withstand exposure to weathering;

i) have colour and dimensional stability when exposed to UV radiation, heat and humidity.

d) withstand extreme wear and tear conditions associated with human and vehicular traffic;

i) where possible, paving finishes are preferred to have an integral colour through the
thickness of the material to ensure that appearance is not sacrificed to wearability.

e) the general paving finish in all public areas shall be non-slip;

i) cleaning regimes shall not degrade the slip resistance of paving.

f) be durable, requiring minimum maintenance and be easy to clean and replace without
disrupting pedestrian flow or causing or causing inconvenience;

g) be of non-combustible materials and have fire resistant or retardant properties;

h) shall be resistant to stains or discolouring by materials and chemicals used to clean adjacent
wall surfaces;

i) be of sufficient mass and thickness to resist any possible train generated vibrations;

j) conform to light reflectance values as required by Dubai Municipality; and

k) permit the fixing of furniture or any station equipment to a solid base either directly to or
through the finish.

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements,
Appendix 1 Performance Requirements of Building Elements

6.3.2 Paving finishes shall meet the following general design criteria:

a) designed to complement the station planning module;

b) coordinated with tactile ground surface indicators, stair nosings, railing upstands, etc.;

c) coordinated with items such as entrance mats, drainage grilles and channels, control joints,
expansion joints, access covers, spigots, etc., all with their associated framing and fixings;

d) coordinated with the station colour palette- balancing functional requirements of durability and
ease of maintenance, with the overall design concept of a clear, calm and clean environment;

e) be flat, leveled and free from trip-hazards. There shall be no ponding at any paved area.

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements,Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets

Volume 2, Part 1, Station Design Requirements, Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets

© Roads & Transport Authority 2012

All rights reserved. No section or element of this document may be removed from this document, reproduced, electronically stored or transmitted in any form
without the written permission of Roads & Transport Authority.

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements,Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets



1.1 Project specific room data sheets 1
2.1 General 3
2.2 Station entrance 4
2.3 Concourse – Unpaid Area 6
2.4 Platform 8
2.5 Retail shops 10
2.6 Public toilet facilities 12
3.1 General 15
3.2 Passenger Service Centre (PSC) 16
3.3 Ticket office 18
3.4 Station master’s room (SMR) 20
3.5 Station operations room (SOR) 22
3.6 Station computer room (SCR) 24
3.7 Ticket machine room 26
3.8 Staff room 28
3.9 First aid room 30
4.1 General 32
4.2 LV Switch Room 33
4.3 Transformer room 35
4.4 Traction and service transformer room 37
4.5 Distribution board room 39
4.6 Generator room 41
4.7 Drainage pump room 43
4.8 Fire pump room 45
4.9 Communications equipment room 47
4.10 Signal equipment room 49
4.11 Telecommunications equipment room 51
4.12 Environmental control system control room 53
4.13 Air handling unit room 55
4.14 Tunnel ventilation/ vent exhaust shaft 57

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements,Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets

1 Guidance on standard requirements

and definitions

1.1 Project specific room data sheets

1.1.1 In developing the Project Room Data sheets the Designer shall refer to Sections 6-8 herein for

1.1.2 The Designer shall prepare Room Data Sheets for the Project in line with those presented for
guidance in Sections 2-4 but shall develop these further as necessary for the Project and as required
by the Project Proposer / RTA and shall include MEP and Railway System requirements.

1.1.3 The Designer shall develop and provide separate Room Data Sheets for all interior spaces including
stairs, lobbies and corridors and the like.

1.1.4 Room date sheets shall include but shall not be limited to:

a) room size;

b) function;

c) location

d) finishes;

e) E & M services;

f) security level;

g) fire resistance rating of walls and doorsets;

h) waterproofing levels;

i) acoustic overall room noise level provided; and

j) fitting out requirements.

This shall be incorporated into the detail design and documentation for any project.

Internal finishes

1.1.5 Standard material and finishes shall be referenced with finishes codes and specified with colours.

Door Sets

1.1.6 Doors and door frame types shall be categorised in generic forms.

1.1.7 Clear door widths shall be given and shall be measured from door stop on frame to door leaf on
hinged side or if restricted opening angle then to ironmongery on door leaf.

1.1.8 Door and frames shall have as a minimum half the fire resistance of the walls to which they are fixed.

1.1.9 Door dimensions presented in Sections 2-4 are minimum dimensions.


1.1.10 Basic lock functions shall be defined to suit operational use.

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements,Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets

1.1.11 Hardware for higher levels of security control shall also be described in line with the Security Access
Management System (SAMS) and or Controlled Access Surveillance System (CASS).

Furniture and fittings layouts

1.1.12 Furniture and fittings shall be shown on layouts attached to the project specific room data sheets.

1.1.13 Furniture and fittings shall be described and quantified in the room data sheets.

Security levels

1.1.14 Three security levels shall be defined as follows:

a) high – Access provided with door contact and key card. The room data sheets shall include
details of the level of protection supplied to the rooms by the SAMS or CASS;

b) medium – Access provided with lock and key for station staff through the central controlled
access key card; and

c) low - Access provided with lock and keys for station personnel other than station staff.

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements,Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets

2 Public areas

2.1 General
2.1.1 This Section shall be read in conjunction with Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design requirements
(particularly Sections 8-12) to better understand the rooms/spaces discussed below in terms of their
intended purpose, their planning considerations and their relationship with other station elements.

2.1.2 All mechanical, electrical and plumbing provisions shall be in accordance with the requirements of
Volume 5 Part 1 Building Services.

2.1.3 The Designer shall ensure early engagement with the Operator to address any corporate
requirements when designing public areas.

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2.2 Station entrance

2.2.1 Function:

a) serves as a gateway to the station;

b) provides access to concourse; and

c) provides point of security to the station when closed.

2.2.2 Location:

a) typically at ground level.

2.2.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) major pedestrian routes;

b) bus shelter;

c) taxi stand;

d) bicycles rack;

e) drop off point; and

f) shall vary with type and location of station.

2.2.4 Classification of space:

a) public area.

2.2.5 Approximate area:

a) varies to suit station requirements.

2.2.6 Height requirements:

a) varies but minimum headroom shall be 3.0m.

2.2.7 Lighting requirements:

a) 500 lux at day time and 250 lux at night time; and

b) 10 lux for emergency.

2.2.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) air-conditioned

2.2.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

2.2.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) subject to acoustic specialist input

2.2.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system loudspeakers.

2.2.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) smoke and/or heat detectors- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and
as per Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

2.2.13 Security requirements:

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a) CCTV surveillance camera coverage; and

b) entrances must be capable of being locked shut and made secure.

2.2.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) air curtains; and

b) entrance matt.

2.2.15 Doors:

a) automatic glass sliding doors;

b) toughened safety glass (class A) shall be used for screens and stainless steel or aluminium for
frames; and

c) doors to be connected to emergency evacuation system.

2.2.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) bistable electro-mechanical locking mechanism with manual unlocking feature to be interfaced

with fire alarm system.

b) activation and control system shall be via directionally sensitive radar motion detectors.

2.2.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at public areas.

b) floor surface reflection should not compromise CCTV surveillance.

2.2.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements,Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets

2.3 Concourse – Unpaid Area

2.3.1 Function:

a) allows passengers to purchase travel tickets and access paid areas of the station;

b) concourse activities and services may differ depending on station category and/or location; and

c) provides a space where passengers may meet.

2.3.2 Location:

a) concourse level- typically after station entrance.

2.3.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) Passenger Service Centre and Ticket Office;

b) AFC gate line- separates it from concourse paid areas; and

c) retail outlets (subject to station category).

2.3.4 Classification of room:

a) shall be a pivotal multi-purpose public circulation area.

2.3.5 Approximate area:

a) varies subject to station category and/or location

2.3.6 Height requirements:

a) varies but minimum headroom shall be 3.0m.

2.3.7 Lighting requirements:

a) 200 lux generally;

b) 300 lux at AFC gate line; and

c) 10 lux for emergency.

2.3.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) air conditioned.

2.3.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

2.3.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise levels shall not exceed 65 dBA;

b) maximum reverberation time (RT) at 500 Hz shall not exceed 1.2 seconds; and

c) background sound emanating from moving and stationary trains and external vehicles (such as
cars and buses), HVAC systems, etc. shall not interfere with intelligibility of public
announcement messages or normal voice communication at a distance of up to 1.0m.

2.3.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system; and

b) help points

2.3.12 Automatic fire protection system:

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a) smoke and/or heat detectors in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and
as per Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

2.3.13 Security requirements:

a) CCTV surveillance camera coverage;

b) area to be evenly and adequately lit to avoid dark corners or blind-spots ;

c) recesses, visual obstructions and hidden corners shall be avoided; and

d) PSC shall be located such that maximum visual supervision of concourse is possible.

2.3.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) TVMs and ATMs;

b) AFC gates;

c) public telephones; and

d) fixed barriers as required to separate paid areas from non-paid areas.

2.3.15 Doors:

a) not applicable.

2.3.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) not applicable.

2.3.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at public areas.

2.3.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements,Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets

2.4 Platform
2.4.1 Function:

a) enables passengers to wait for trains; and

b) enables passengers to board and alight from trains in a safe and efficient manner.

2.4.2 Location:

a) platform level.

2.4.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) concourse paid area.

2.4.4 Classification of room:

a) public area.

2.4.5 Approximate area / dimensional requirements:

a) area varies and depends on mode of transport, station size and anticipated patronage;

b) platform length shall be as long as the rolling stock serving the platform and, if required by the
Project Brief, shall allow for future platform extensions in either direction; and

c) minimum clearance between the platform edge or PSD to the nearest obstruction (column,
wall, escalator, etc.) shall be in accordance with the requirements of Volume 2, Part 1, Section 7
(2.6m for island platforms and 3.0m for side platforms).

2.4.6 Height requirements:

a) minimum finished ceiling height shall be 3.0m;

b) the minimum height to the underside of any obstruction for example closed circuit TV cameras
(CCTV) and signs shall be 2.4m; and

c) where platform screen doors (PSDs) are to be provided the height of platform edge finished
floor level shall be coordinated with the PSD supplier and the Top-of Rail (TOR) level shall be
accounted for.

2.4.7 Lighting requirements:

a) 200 lux generally if underground, otherwise 150 lux;

b) 300 lux adjacent to platform edge/nosing; and

c) 10 lux for emergency.

2.4.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) all platforms shall be air conditioned; and

b) all platforms shall feature PSDs for climate control (and passenger safety).

2.4.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

2.4.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise levels shall not exceed 75 dBA;

b) maximum reverberation time (RT) at 500 Hz shall not exceed 1.5 seconds; and

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements,Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets

c) background sound emanating from moving and stationary trains and external vehicles (such as
cars and buses), HVAC systems, tunnel ventilation systems, etc. shall not interfere with
intelligibility of public announcement messages or normal voice communication at distances of
up to 3.0m.

2.4.11 Communication requirements:

a) help points;

b) public address system; and

c) passenger information display units.

2.4.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) smoke and/or heat detectors- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and
as per Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

b) none if the platform is open or naturally ventilated.

2.4.13 Security requirements:

a) CCTV surveillance camera coverage- care shall be taken to ensure that CCTV cameras are not
obstructed by PIDs, signs, etc.;

b) area to be evenly and adequately lit to avoid dark corners or blind-spots;

c) recesses, visual obstructions and hidden corners shall be avoided; and

d) a platform supervisor kiosk if required by the Project Brief.

2.4.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) seating;

b) help points;

c) passenger information display (PID) units;

d) synchronised clocks;

e) emergency train stop plungers;

f) platform screen doors (PSDs) at air conditioned platforms; and

g) platform end barrier and gates at open platforms, as per requirements of the Project Brief.

2.4.15 Doors:

a) PSDs at air conditioned platforms-as per the requirements of Volume 4 Part 6.

2.4.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) not applicable.

2.4.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at public areas.

2.4.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design Requirements,Appendix 2 Room Data Sheets

2.5 Retail shops

2.5.1 Function:

a) kiosks, shops and larger retail units are intended to:

i) maximise commercial revenue; and

ii) complement and enhance the station facilities.

2.5.2 Location:

a) concourse level – unpaid area.

2.5.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) at close proximity to station points of entry/exit;

b) larger retail units may be accessible to pedestrians using the streets adjacent to the station,
station visitors as well as passengers.

2.5.4 Classification of room:

a) commercial space- public area.

2.5.5 Size minimum:

a) varies subject to retail strategy.

2.5.6 Height requirements:

a) minimum headroom shall be 3m.

2.5.7 Lighting requirements:

a) 300 lux generally;

b) 500 lux at shop fronts;

c) 10 lux for emergency; and

d) shall be compliant with RTA’s Fit-Out Guide.

2.5.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) air-conditioned;

b) mechanical ventilation for food and beverage retail outlets; and

c) shall be compliant with RTA’s Fit-Out Guide.

2.5.9 Power requirements:

a) capped-off electrical services and metered electrical isolator shall be provided in accordance
with RTA’s Fit-Out Guide; and

b) tenants’ electrical installations shall be rated at 230V or 400V, ranging from 30 amp single
phase 50 Hz to 250 amp three-phase 50 Hz.

2.5.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise levels shall not exceed 55 dBA.

2.5.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system; and

b) telephone/data outlets shall be provided for tenants in accordance with RTA’s Fit-Out Guide.

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2.5.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) smoke/heat detectors and sprinklers- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety
strategy and as per Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

2.5.13 Security requirements:

a) CCTV surveillance cameras; and

b) security grilles by tenants.

2.5.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) shall be supplied by tenants and in accordance with the RTA’s Fit-Out Guide;

b) 2 Hr fire rated rolling shutter shall be provided for tenants.

2.5.15 Doors:

a) glass panel access door by tenants and rolling shutter by RTA in accordance with RTA’s Fit-Out

2.5.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) provided by tenant and in accordance with RTA’s Fit-Out Guide.

2.5.17 Finishes:

a) shall be in accordance with RTA’s Fit-Out Guide.

2.5.18 Signage:

a) shall be in accordance with RTA’s Fit-Out Guide and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual.

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2.6 Public toilet facilities

2.6.1 Function:

a) provide toilet facilities for the use of passengers.

2.6.2 Location:

a) concourse level - paid area.

2.6.3 Connection/adjacent shall be:

a) ideally adjacent to the ticket hall; and

b) located directly off a public circulation route.

2.6.4 Classification of room:

a) wet area.

2.6.5 Approximate area:

a) varies subject to station capacity/patronage.

2.6.6 Height requirements:

a) minimum headroom shall be 2.6m.

2.6.7 Lighting requirements:

a) 300 lux generally; and

b) 10 lux emergency.

2.6.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) mechanical ventilation (exhaust only)- natural ventilation wherever practicable;

b) fan for air circulation shall be provided; and

c) toilet exhaust fan and lighting switch shall be interlocked so that both can be simultaneously
switched on and off.

2.6.9 Power requirements:

a) fused connections for hand dryers, flushing systems and urinals- quantity to be defined on
project basis.

2.6.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise levels shall not exceed 55 dBA.

2.6.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system.

2.6.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) Sprinklers- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as per Dubai Civil
Defence requirements.

2.6.13 Security requirements:

a) CCTV coverage of toilets points of entry; and

b) if main doors are provided they shall be lockable - locked by station staff after operational

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2.6.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) male and female toilets shall contain:

i) water closets (WC)- concealed cisterns, accessed from a maintenance duct behind the
toilets (eliminating internal access panels). Where access panels cannot be avoided; they
shall be secured with flush, tamper-proof fixings;

ii) wash basins with self closing cold water tap, set into vanity top with concealed, heavy
duty, non-corrosive fixing brackets;

iii) soap dispenser;

iv) wall mounted, lockable toilet paper dispenser;

v) warm air hand dryer;

vi) full height mirror running the full length of the vanity top, fully backed and integrated into
the wall finish system with a continuous silicone seal to all edges;

vii) wall mounted deodoriser; and

viii) general usage floor drainage outlet (in addition to those in each cubicle).

b) toilet cubicles (for each WC) in male and female toilets shall contain:

i) automatic flush valve;

ii) one wall mounted flexible hose;

iii) one floor drainage outlet; and

iv) one lockable toilet roll holder.

c) female toilets cubicles shall contain:

i) space provision for one sanitary napkin disposal unit.

d) male toilets shall contain:

i) urinals with automatic flush valve; and

ii) at least one urinal shall cater for children.

e) PSN toilets shall:

i) be in accordance with the requirements of the RTA’s Guidelines for Design of Accessible
Transport in the Emirate of Dubai; and

ii) include an emergency call point push button.

f) toilet cleaner’s cupboard to be provided for the storage of cleaning materials, spare toilet rolls,
soap, towels etc.

g) baby changing facilities (where Parent and Child rooms are unavailable):

i) space provision for fold down changing mat, shelf and facility to dispose of soiled diapers.

h) the number of WCs, urinals and wash basins shall be determined in accordance with the

i) the designer shall determine the required number of toilet facilities dependant on the
patronage and commercial space at the particular station;

ii) there shall be an equal number of WCs combined with urinals in the male toilets as there
are WCs in the female toilets;
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iii) the number of urinals shall be equal to the number of WCs in male toilets.

iv) there shall be half the number of wash basins (rounding up) against the total number of
WCs and urinals in each toilet.

v) there shall be half the number of hand dryers (rounding up) against the total number of
wash basins in each toilet.

2.6.15 Doors:

a) male and female toilet entry doors:

i) 1.0m wide x 2.1m high clear opening, single leaf, louvred door;

ii) include hold open facility.

b) WC cubicle doors:

i) to have lift-off rising butt hinges to allow doors to self close; and

ii) door locks to be capable of emergency release from the exterior.

c) PSN toilet doors:

i) Be in accordance with RTA’s Guidelines for Design of Accessible Transport in the Emirate
of Dubai;

ii) swing outwards.

2.6.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) toilet entry door:

i) from outside: key to retract deadbolt and push plate (or pull handle if swinging outwards)
from the outside.

ii) from inside: key to retract deadbolt and pull handle (or push plate if swinging outwards);

iii) accessories: deadbolt Lockset, double cylinder.

b) cubicle door:

i) from outside: coin release for indicator bolt and pull handle;

ii) from inside: lever handle to retract indicator bolt (up to activate, down to release) and pull
handle; and

c) PSN toilet door:

i) from outside: key to retract deadbolt , coin release for indicator bolt and pull handle;

ii) from inside: key to retract deadbolt, lever handle to retract indicator bolt (up to activate,
down to release) and pull handle; and

iii) accessories: deadbolt lockset, double cylinder, pull handle, handicapped indicator bolt and
lever handle, and escutcheons.

2.6.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at wet areas.

2.6.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.
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3 Administration and operations


3.1 General
3.1.1 This Section shall be read in conjunction with Volume 2 Part 1 Station Design requirements
(particularly Sections 10-12) for better understanding of the below discussed rooms in terms of their
intended purpose, their planning considerations and their relationship with other station elements.

3.1.2 All mechanical, electrical and plumbing provisions shall be in accordance with the requirements of
Volume 5 Part 1 Building Services.

3.1.3 The Designer shall ensure early engagement with the Operator to address any corporate
requirements when designing Administration and Operations rooms.

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3.2 Passenger Service Centre (PSC)

3.2.1 Function:

a) provide direct surveillance of the concourse (paid and unpaid areas);

b) issue public announcements and respond to emergencies;

c) assist passengers seeking travel information; and

d) assist passengers (including PSN) with purchasing of tickets or using any of the station’s public

3.2.2 Location:

a) concourse level; and

b) positioned to allow for queuing in front of each window, without affecting other passenger
circulation; and

c) accessible to the public from both the paid and unpaid areas.

3.2.3 Connection/adjacent shall be:

a) near entrance; and

b) in direct view of gate lines.

3.2.4 Classification of room;

a) office- operations.

3.2.5 Approximate area:

a) varies subject to station capacity/patronage- allow for at least 4.5m² per occupant/employee.

3.2.6 Height requirements:

a) minimum headroom shall be 2.6m.

3.2.7 Lighting requirements:

a) 300 lux generally;

b) 500 lux at task zone ; and

c) 10 lux for emergency.

3.2.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) air conditioned.

3.2.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

3.2.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise levels shall not exceed 45 dBA.

3.2.11 Communication requirements:

a) data terminal for receiving communication from all help points and input from sensors, CCTV
cameras, and the like;

b) telephone/data outlets for each counter; and

c) direct telephone ‘hot line’ to the OCC.

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3.2.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) smoke and/or heat detectors in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and
as per Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

3.2.13 Security requirements:

a) grilles to close window openings when closed;

b) speech transfer facilities; and

c) access control door.

3.2.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) as per Operator requirements.

3.2.15 Doors:

a) 900mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening- door material/design shall complement the
concourse’s interior architecture and theme.

3.2.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress and
push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

b) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn.

3.2.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at operations


3.2.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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3.3 Ticket office

3.3.1 Function:

a) ticket sales.

3.3.2 Location:

a) concourse level- unpaid area;

b) adjacent to cash counting office; and

c) positioned to maximise staff passive surveillance across the station entry area.

3.3.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) near entrance; and

b) accessible from a secure lobby.

3.3.4 Classification of room;

a) office- operations.

3.3.5 Approximate area:

a) varies subject to station capacity/patronage.

3.3.6 Height requirements:

a) minimum headroom 2.6m from floor finish level (whether raised floor or otherwise) to finished
ceiling level.

3.3.7 Lighting requirements:

a) 300 lux;

b) 500 lux at task zone; and

c) 10 lux for emergency.

3.3.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) air-conditioned.

3.3.9 Power:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided for each counter and for room general use- quantity to
be defined on project basis.

3.3.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise levels shall not exceed 45 dBA.

3.3.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system;

b) data terminal for each counter from AFC Network system; and

c) telephone/data outlets for each counter.

3.3.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) sprinklers- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as per Dubai Civil
Defence requirements.

3.3.13 Security requirements:

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a) accessible from secure lobby;

b) manually operated security grilles behind counter area if the ticket office is located outside of
secure area of station;

c) security alarm button mounted on the underside of each ticket window and near the ticket
office entry door;

d) lockable doors;

e) antiballistic glass window; and

f) windows shall allow restricted view over the booking office- passengers should not be able to
view the cash drawers, cash counting area and operational notices; and

g) CCTV coverage.

3.3.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) ticket sales counters/workstation and associated equipment, shelving, etc. as per Operator

b) office furniture shall also meet the needs of staff with disabilities;

c) emergency plungers for opening the gatelines;

d) the ticket/money exchange must provide easy access for passengers with limited hand and
finger dexterity;

e) ticket windows shall incorporate speech transfer facilities and assistive hearing devices;

3.3.15 Doors:

a) 900mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening, hinged, single leaf door.

3.3.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress and
push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

b) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn.

3.3.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at operations


3.3.18 Signage:

a) shall be in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2 Part 1 and Part 4;

b) adequate signage indicating travel fares, ticketing & timetable; and

c) electronic signage over the windows indicating ‘open’ and ‘closed’ ticket windows.

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3.4 Station master’s room (SMR)

3.4.1 Function:

a) to provide office for station master;

b) monitoring of station operations; and

c) coordinate emergency control procedures / observation of the Fire Indicator Panel.

3.4.2 Location:

a) concourse level- paid area.

3.4.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) in close proximity to other staff areas;

b) adjacent to cash counting office;

c) in view of ticket hall and any critical areas liable to become overcrowded;

d) direct access from street via a fire protected route, for use by emergency services; and

e) near Station Operations Room (SOR).

3.4.4 Classification of room:

a) office- operations.

3.4.5 Approximate area:

a) subject to operator requirements, but 15m² minimum.

3.4.6 Height requirements:

a) minimum headroom 2.6m from floor finish level (whether raised floor or otherwise) to finished
ceiling level.

b) a raised floor of up to 500mm in height (to improve visibility and sight lines into passenger
areas), if required by Project Brief.

3.4.7 Lighting requirements:

a) 500 lux; and

b) 10 lux for emergency.

3.4.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) air conditioned.

3.4.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

3.4.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise levels shall not exceed 40 dBA.

3.4.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address announcement equipment; and

b) telephone/data outlets.

3.4.12 Automatic fire protection system:

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a) smoke/heat detectors and sprinklers- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety
strategy and as per Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

3.4.13 Security requirements:

a) lockable door.

3.4.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) workstation, cupboard, shelving for CCTV monitors, train indicator control panel, emergency
control and communication equipment, as required by Operator.

3.4.15 Doors:

a) 900mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening, hinged, single leaf door; and

b) glass doors for enhanced visibility unless agreed otherwise with Operator.

3.4.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) key retract deadbolt and pull handle from outside and inside.

b) accessories: patchlock lockset, double cylinder.

3.4.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at operations


3.4.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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3.5 Station operations room (SOR)

3.5.1 Function:

a) accommodates the control and administration facilities necessary for the safe operation of the

3.5.2 Location:

a) concourse level- within station staff office suite.

3.5.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) station computer room;

b) station master’s room (SMR); and

c) accessible from secure lobby.

3.5.4 Classification of room;

a) office- operations.

3.5.5 Approximate area:

a) varies subject to station capacity and Operator requirements.

3.5.6 Height requirements:

a) minimum headroom 2.6m from floor finish level (whether raised floor or otherwise) to finished
ceiling level.

b) a raised floor of up to 50mm in height, in accordance with Operator requirements.

3.5.7 Lighting requirements:

a) 300 lux generally;

b) 500 lux at task zone; and

c) 10 lux for emergency.

3.5.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) air conditioned.

3.5.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

3.5.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise levels shall not exceed 35 dBA.

3.5.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address announcement equipment; and

b) telephone/data outlets.

c) intercom system between the SOR, ticket office and station master’s room.

3.5.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) smoke/heat detectors and as required in the Project’s fire and life safety strategy.

3.5.13 Security requirements:

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a) access control doors;

b) accessible from secure lobby; and

c) CCTV coverage.

3.5.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) workstations, cupboards, shelving, station monitoring and control equipment as per the
requirements of the Operator.

3.5.15 Doors:

a) 1000mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening, hinged, single leaf door.

3.5.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress and
push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

b) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn.

3.5.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at operations


3.5.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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3.6 Station computer room (SCR)

3.6.1 Function:

a) provide a secure enclosure to the station computer devices.

3.6.2 Location:

a) concourse level- where space at ticket hall level is at a premium, location of the SCR may be
considered elsewhere, subject to Operator requirement.

3.6.3 Connection/adjacent shall be:

a) at close proximity to SOR and ticket office.

3.6.4 Classification of room;

a) equipment room- operations.

3.6.5 Size minimum:

a) varies- dependent on the number and types of machines.

3.6.6 Height requirements:

a) minimum headroom 2.6m from floor finish level (whether raised floor or otherwise) to finished
ceiling level.

b) a raised floor of up to 50mm in height, in accordance with Operator requirements.

3.6.7 Lighting requirements:

a) 300 lux generally;

b) 500 lux at task zone; and

c) 10 lux for emergency.

3.6.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) air conditioned.

3.6.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

3.6.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise levels shall not exceed 35 dBA.

3.6.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system.

3.6.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) smoke/heat detectors and as required in the Project’s fire and life safety strategy.

3.6.13 Security requirements:

a) access control doors;

b) accessible from secure lobby; and

c) CCTV coverage.

3.6.14 Furniture and fittings:

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a) workstations, cupboards, shelving,as per the requirements of the Operator.

3.6.15 Doors:

a) 1000mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening, hinged, single leaf door.

3.6.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress and
push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

b) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn.

3.6.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at operations


3.6.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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3.7 Ticket machine room

3.7.1 Function:

a) allow secure access to the rear of ticket/add value machine.

3.7.2 Location:

a) concourse level- unpaid area.

3.7.3 Adjacent to:

a) at close proximity to fare gates;

b) accessible from within station staff office suite, and

c) depending on the type of station, may be part of the ticket office.

3.7.4 Classification of room:

a) equipment room- operations.

3.7.5 Approximate area:

a) varies- dependent on number and type of machines required;

b) minimum room dimensions, clearances and spacing between machines shall be as per
Operator’s requirements, but these shall generally be as follows:

i) the minimum size of a room with two machines side by side shall be 4100mm wide x
2450mm depth;

ii) for each additional machine add 1500mm to the width x 2450mm depth; and

iii) door swings into room shall be added to room’s overall width.

3.7.6 Height requirements:

a) minimum clear height 3m.

3.7.7 Lighting levels:

a) 300 lux.

3.7.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) air-conditioned; and

b) mechanical ventilation may be provided in addition to air-conditioning for above ground rooms
only and if required by the Operator.

3.7.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

3.7.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise levels shall not exceed 65 dBA.

3.7.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system.

3.7.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) smoke/heat detectors and as required in the Project’s fire and life safety strategy.

3.7.13 Security requirements:

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a) access control door; and

b) penetration through walls including window and penetrations for air-conditioning ducts, must
be fitted with security grilles if the room is located outside the secure area of the station.

3.7.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) wall mounted network racks.

b) power DB.

c) the provision for electrical services for the machine shall be made through cable trunking
/conduit placed within the floor screed and surface beside the Ticket/Add value Machine.

3.7.15 Doors:

a) 1000mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening, hinged, single leaf door.

b) shall ensure easy passage of machines.

3.7.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress and
push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

b) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn.

3.7.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at operations

rooms for ticket machine room interiors.

b) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at public areas
for ticket machine room external walls.

c) external cladding materials shall provide flexibility for machines to be added and removed with
replacement panels being readily available in Dubai;

d) external cladding panels shall blend in with the adjacent wall finishes.

3.7.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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3.8 Staff room

3.8.1 Function:

a) enclosed space provided for staff rest and eating.

3.8.2 Location:

a) within station staff office suite.

3.8.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) staff toilets and prayer rooms.

3.8.4 Classification of room;

a) BoH- administration;

3.8.5 Approximate area:

a) varies- subject to size of station staff.

3.8.6 Height requirements:

a) minimum headroom shall be 2.6m.

3.8.7 Lighting requirements:

a) 300 lux;

b) 10 lux for emergency.

3.8.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) air conditioned.

3.8.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

3.8.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise levels shall not exceed 55 dBA.

3.8.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system.

3.8.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) sprinklers in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as per Dubai Civil
Defence requirements.

3.8.13 Security requirements:

a) lockable door; and

b) CCTV coverage of room access point.

3.8.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) As per Operator requirements- generally to include:

i) kitchen equipment- including sink, microwave, refrigerator, cupboards, etc.;

ii) rest/leisure amenities- including sofas, coffee tables, television unit, pin board, etc.;

iii) dining facilities- including table and benches/chairs.

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3.8.15 Doors:

a) 900mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening, hinged, single leaf door.

3.8.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) standard locking hardware set comprising: key to retract deadbolt from outside and thumbturn
to retract deadbolt from inside.

b) accessories: lever handle to retract latch (outside and inside), sashlock lockset, single cylinder
with thumbturn.

3.8.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at wet areas
(due to the inclusion of kitchen). Performance requirements of finishes utilized at
administrative spaces may apply if the kitchen equipment and sink are partitioned off.

3.8.18 Signage:

a) as per local statutory requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual.

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3.9 First aid room

3.9.1 Function:

a) first aid treatment room; and

b) rest room while waiting for emergency services.

3.9.2 Location:

a) concourse level.

3.9.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) PSC; and

b) direct access from parking areas for emergency vehicles.

3.9.4 Classification of room;

a) Office - operations;

3.9.5 Approximate area:

a) size to allow manoeuvring room for a stretcher and wheelchair; and

b) 15m but varies to suit station requirements.

3.9.6 Height requirements:

a) minimum headroom shall be 2.6m.

3.9.7 Lighting requirements:

a) 300 lux;

b) 10 lux for emergency.

3.9.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) air conditioned.

3.9.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

3.9.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise levels shall not exceed 40 dBA.

3.9.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system.

3.9.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) sprinklers in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as per Dubai Civil
Defence requirements.

3.9.13 Security requirements:

a) lockable door; and

b) CCTV coverage of room access point.

3.9.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) alarm call point for patient;

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b) washbasin;

c) soap dispenser;

d) waste receptacle;

e) first aid cabinet;

f) lockable closet;

g) foldable bed;

h) stretcher;

i) wheel-chair;

j) oxygen tank- to be provided by operator.

3.9.15 Doors:

a) 1000mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening, hinged, single leaf metal door;

b) door shall be impact resistant as required to withstand contact with stretchers, wheelchairs,
etc.; and

c) door shall be fire rated as per the Fire Engineer and Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

3.9.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) standard locking hardware set comprising: key to retract deadbolt from outside and thumbturn
to retract deadbolt from inside.

b) accessories: lever handle to retract latch (outside and inside), sashlock lockset, single cylinder
with thumbturn.

3.9.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at wet areas.

3.9.18 Signage:

a) as per local statutory requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual.

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4 Plant rooms

4.1 General
4.1.1 The Designer shall ensure early engagement with the Operator to address any requirements when
designing plant rooms.

4.1.2 The Designer shall closely coordinate the design of plant rooms with the relevant specialist discipline
engineers and suppliers to ensure that enclosures are supportive of the functions of these spaces
and the equipment/machines they house.

4.1.3 All mechanical, electrical and plumbing provisions shall be in accordance with the requirements of
Volume 5 Part 1 Building Services.

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4.2 LV Switch Room

4.2.1 Function:

a) contains LV main switchboard;

b) contains KWh metering facilities; and

c) contains ancillary equipment.

4.2.2 Location:

a) To be coordinated with DEWA- typically at ground level and at end of platform.

4.2.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) transformer room; and

b) service access road.

4.2.4 Classification of room;

a) electrical room.

4.2.5 Approximate area:

a) varies depending on capacity but shall be as per DEWA requirements- refer to DEWA
Regulations for Electrical Installations;

b) minimum space required for installation of kWh meter shall be 300mm wide and 400mm high.

c) consumer's main & sub-main panels/distribution boards and final distribution boards shall
have a minimum space of 1500mm in front and 750mm on the sides are required for
cubical type panels/switch boards; and

d) panels with rear side access doors shall have, in addition, a minimum space of 750mm in
the rear.

4.2.6 Height requirements:

a) 4m- subject to DEWA approval;

b) the mounting height to the top of the board/s) shall normally be 2500 mm from the
ground/floor level.

4.2.7 Lighting requirements:

a) 300 lux (normal and emergency)- subject to DEWA approval.

4.2.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) natural and mechanical ventilation; and

b) provide necessary heavy duty exhaust fans as necessary and as per DEWA requirements.

4.2.9 Power:

a) to be specified on project basis and as per DEWA requirements.

4.2.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise level shall not exceed 75 dBA.

4.2.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system.

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4.2.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) smoke/heat detectors in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as per
Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

4.2.13 Security requirements:

a) lockable door;

b) room shall not be adjacent to public areas; and

c) attic slab required if space above LV room contains wet services.

4.2.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) as per DEWA requirements.

4.2.15 Doors:

a) external access:

i) double leaf, side-hinged, fire-resistant aluminium louvered doors as per DEWA standard

b) internal access:

i) single leaf, side-hinged door.

4.2.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) external access:

i) as per DEWA standard requirements

b) internal access:

i) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress
and push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

ii) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn.

4.2.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at BoH/plant


4.2.18 Signage:

a) as per Dubai Civil Defence and DEWA requirements.

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4.3 Transformer room

4.3.1 Function:

a) contains 1000/1500 kVA transformer transformers.

4.3.2 Location:

a) as per DEWA requirements- typically at ground level.

4.3.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) LV switch room;

b) connected to access corridor linking all electric rooms; and

c) service access road.

4.3.4 Classification of room;

a) electrical room.

4.3.5 Approximate area:

a) as per DEWA requirements- refer to DEWA’s Distribution Substation Guidelines;

b) minimum 21m² for one 1000/1500 kVA transformer, with minimum width of 4570mm towards
door side.

c) For cable maintenance minimum of 1200mm free space is to be provided adjacent to the cable
tray (at least one side).

4.3.6 Height requirements:

a) 4m- subject to DEWA approval; and

b) Finish Floor Level (FFL) of the transformer room shall be maintained 0.15m to 0.30m higher
than the outside adjacent ground level.

c) clear depth of cable trench arrangement shall be 500m from FFL, with minimum clearance of
450mm to be maintained in between bottom of the slab and the bed of the cable tray.

4.3.7 Lighting requirements:

a) 300 lux (normal and emergency), subject to DEWA approval.

4.3.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) mechanical ventilation and, where possible, natural ventilation; and

b) minimum two-side ventilation with aluminium louver doors and fixed aluminium louvers
window. Fixed aluminum louver window(s) should be located at 300mm above outside ground

4.3.9 Power:

a) to be specified on project basis and as per DEWA requirements.

4.3.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise level shall not exceed 75 dBA.

4.3.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system.

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4.3.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) smoke and heat detectors- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as
per Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

4.3.13 Security requirements:

a) lockable door;

b) room shall not be adjacent to public areas; and

c) attic slab required if space above transformer room contains wet services.

4.3.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) as per DEWA requirements.

4.3.15 Doors:

a) external access:

i) double leaf, side-hinged, fire-resistant metallic louvered doors as per DEWA standard
requirements: 2750mm clear height x 3050mm clear width.

b) internal access (if required):

i) single leaf, side-hinged door.

4.3.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) external access:

i) as per DEWA standard requirements

b) internal access:

i) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress
and push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

ii) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn.

4.3.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at BoH/plant


4.3.18 Signage:

a) as per Dubai Civil Defence and DEWA requirements.

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4.4 Traction and service transformer room

4.4.1 Function:

a) contain the rectifier and/or inverter transformers and one service transformer.

4.4.2 Location:

a) platform level.

4.4.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) 22kv switch room and substation; and

b) connected to access corridor linking all electric rooms.

4.4.4 Classification of room:

a) electrical room.

4.4.5 Approximate area:

a) varies- dependent on number of rectifier and/or inverter and service transformer.

4.4.6 Height requirements:

a) 4m- subject to DEWA approval.

4.4.7 Lighting levels:

a) 300 lux (normal and emergency)- subject to DEWA approval.

4.4.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) mechanical ventilation.

4.4.9 Power:

a) to be specified on project basis and as per DEWA requirements.

4.4.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise level shall not exceed 75 dBA.

4.4.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system.

4.4.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) smoke and heat detectors- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as
per Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

4.4.13 Security requirements:

a) lockable door;

b) room shall not be adjacent to public areas; and

c) attic slab required if space above transformer room contains wet services.

4.4.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) as per DEWA requirements.

4.4.15 Doors:

a) external access:

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i) double leaf, side-hinged, fire-resistant metallic louvered doors as per DEWA standard
requirements: 2750mm clear height x 3050mm clear width.

b) internal access (if required):

i) single leaf, side-hinged door.

4.4.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) external access:

i) as per DEWA standard requirements

b) internal access:

i) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress
and push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

ii) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn.

4.4.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at BoH/plant


4.4.18 Signage:

a) as per Dubai Civil Defence and DEWA requirements.

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4.5 Distribution board room

4.5.1 Function:

a) contains the electrical distribution boards.

4.5.2 Location:

a) platform and concourse level; and

b) typically at end of each level of the station.

4.5.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) preferably above or below other Distribution Board Rooms on adjacent levels.

4.5.4 Classification of room:

a) electrical room.

4.5.5 Approximate area:

a) varies, but shall be in accordance with DEWA requirements- area is dependent on station
capacity/size and required DB panels.

4.5.6 Height requirements:

a) to be coordinated with Electrical Designer.

4.5.7 Lighting levels:

a) 300 lux generally; and

b) 10 lux for emergency.

4.5.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) mechanical ventilation and, where possible, natural ventilation.

4.5.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

4.5.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise level shall not exceed 75 dBA.

4.5.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system.

4.5.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) smoke/heat detectors- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as per
Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

4.5.13 Security requirements:

a) lockable door.

4.5.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) as per Operator requirements.

4.5.15 Doors:

a) 1000mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening, hinged, single leaf door.

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4.5.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress and
push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

b) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn.

4.5.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at BoH/plant


4.5.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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4.6 Generator room

4.6.1 Function:

a) contains the generator and generator control panel.

4.6.2 Location:

a) platform level.

4.6.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) Emergency switch board room;

b) fuel tank room; and

c) fuel pump room.

4.6.4 Classification of room:

a) electrical room.

4.6.5 Approximate area:

a) to be coordinated with Electrical Designer- subject to station capacity/size.

4.6.6 Height requirements:

a) to be coordinated with Electrical Designer.

4.6.7 Lighting levels:

a) 300 lux (normal and emergency).

4.6.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) mechanical ventilation and, where possible, natural ventilation.

4.6.9 Power requirements:

a) to be determined by Electrical Designer.

4.6.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise level shall not exceed 80 dBA.

4.6.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system.

4.6.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) smoke/heat detectors- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as per
Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

4.6.13 Security requirements:

a) lockable door.

4.6.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) to be determined.

4.6.15 Doors:

a) external access:

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i) double leaf, side-hinged, fire-resistant metallic louvered doors: 2400mm clear height x
2500mm clear width.

b) internal access (if required):

i) single leaf, side-hinged door.

4.6.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) external access:

i) nothing from outside; latch lockset (anti-thrust bolt), lever handle from inside.

b) internal access:

i) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress
and push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

ii) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn.

4.6.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at BoH/plant


4.6.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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4.7 Drainage pump room

4.7.1 Function:

a) contains submersible pumps for pumping seepage and condensate water to surface drain.

4.7.2 Location:

a) at the lowest level of the station.

4.7.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) not applicable.

4.7.4 Classification of room:

a) plant Room- wet area.

4.7.5 Approximate area:

a) To be coordinated with Mechanical Engineer- dependent on size/number of pumps and station


4.7.6 Height requirements:

a) to be coordinated with Mechanical Engineer.

4.7.7 Lighting levels:

a) 200 lux;

b) 10 lux for emergency.

4.7.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) mechanical ventilation.

4.7.9 Power requirements:

a) weatherproof 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

4.7.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise level shall not exceed 85 dBA.

4.7.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system.

4.7.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) sprinklers- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as per Dubai Civil
Defence requirements.

4.7.13 Security requirements:

a) lockable door.

4.7.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) to be coordinated with Mechanical Engineer but shall generally include:

i) cat ladder;

ii) maintenance platform above sump;

iii) safety barrier around sump; and

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iv) plinths to support equipment.

4.7.15 Doors:

a) 1500mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening, unequal leaf door.

4.7.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress and
push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

b) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn.

4.7.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at BoH/plant


4.7.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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4.8 Fire pump room

4.8.1 Function:

a) to contain water pumps, panels and sprinkler tank.

4.8.2 Location:

a) concourse or platform level- in accordance with Dubai Civil Defence (DCD) requirements.

4.8.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) not applicable.

4.8.4 Classification of room:

a) plant room- wet area.

4.8.5 Approximate area:

a) room and tank sizes to be coordinated with the Fire Engineer and in accordance with DCD

4.8.6 Height requirements:

a) to be coordinated with the Fire Engineer and in accordance with DCD requirements.

4.8.7 Lighting levels:

a) 300 lux generally; and

b) 10 lux for emergency.

4.8.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) mechanical ventilation and, where possible, natural ventilation.

4.8.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

4.8.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise level shall not exceed 85 dBA.

4.8.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system; and

b) two-way voice communication system with emergency command centre and/or SOR.

4.8.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) sprinklers- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as per Dubai Civil
Defence requirements.

4.8.13 Security requirements:

a) lockable door.

4.8.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) to be coordinated with Mechanical Engineer and in accordance with DCD requirements.

4.8.15 Doors:

a) as per DCD requirements.

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4.8.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) as per DCD requirements.

4.8.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at BoH/plant


4.8.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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4.9 Communications equipment room

4.9.1 Function:

a) to contain all communication equipment necessary for the railway system; and

b) to contain the remote terminal unit which communicates with OCC and also monitors and
controls all essential services in the station.

4.9.2 Location:

a) concourse or platform level- but away from where the generated noise may affect staff station

4.9.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) signalling equipment and PSD rooms.

4.9.4 Classification of room:

a) electrical room.

4.9.5 Approximate area:

a) varies, dependent on station category- to be coordinated with Communications specialist.

4.9.6 Height requirements:

a) to be coordinated with Communications specialist.

4.9.7 Lighting levels:

a) 300 lux generally; and

b) 10 lux for emergency.

4.9.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) air-conditioned (24 hrs); and

b) dust free /climate controlled environment.

4.9.9 Power requirements:

a) requires dedicated incoming power supply;

b) requires uninterruptible power supply (UPS); and

c) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

4.9.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise level shall not exceed 65 dBA.

4.9.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system.

4.9.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) smoke/heat detectors- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as per
Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

4.9.13 Security requirements:

a) secure locking shall be provided for individual sections within the rack- dual token
authentication for EM locks;

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b) room shall not be near, above, or under fuel, pantry, sanitary, or water pump rooms; and

c) room shall not be adjacent to any public area.

4.9.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) to be coordinated with Communications Specialist.

4.9.15 Doors:

a) 2000mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening, dust-proof, double leaf door.

4.9.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress and
push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

b) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn, and
drop seal along bottom of door.

4.9.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at BoH/plant


b) raised floor required- floor loading to accommodate equipment fixing, equipment delivery/

4.9.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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4.10 Signal equipment room

4.10.1 Function:

a) contains vital signalling and PSD control systems that:

i) communicates with the OCC, PSC, and the equipment on the train; and

ii) controls train operations.

4.10.2 Location:

a) platform level.

4.10.3 Connection/adjacent to:

a) communications equipment room.

4.10.4 Classification of room:

a) electrical room- operations.

4.10.5 Approximate area:

a) varies- to be coordinated with Communications specialist.

4.10.6 Height requirements:

a) to be coordinated with Communications specialist.

4.10.7 Lighting levels:

a) 300 lux generally; and

b) 10 lux for emergency.

4.10.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) air-conditioned (24 hrs).

4.10.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

4.10.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise level shall not exceed 65 dBA.

4.10.11 Communication requirements:

a) Public address system.

4.10.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) Smoke/heat detectors- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as per
Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

4.10.13 Security requirements:

a) dual token authentication for EM locks; and

b) room shall not be adjacent to any public area

4.10.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) to be coordinated with Communications Specialist.

4.10.15 Doors:

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a) 2000mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening, dust-proof, double leaf door.

4.10.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress and
push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

b) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn, and
drop seal along bottom of door.

4.10.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at BoH/plant


b) raised floor required- floor loading to accommodate equipment fixing, equipment delivery/

4.10.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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4.11 Telecommunications equipment room

4.11.1 Function:

a) contains cellular telecommunications equipment.

4.11.2 Location:

a) concourse level.

4.11.3 Connection/ adjacent to:

a) telephone cables room.

4.11.4 Classification of room:

a) electrical room- operations.

4.11.5 Approximate area:

a) varies- to be coordinated with Telecommunications Specialist.

4.11.6 Height requirements:

a) to be coordinated with Telecommunications Specialist.

4.11.7 Lighting levels:

a) 300 lux generally; and

b) 10 lux for emergency.

4.11.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) air-conditioned (24 hrs).

4.11.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

4.11.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise level shall not exceed 65 dBA.

4.11.11 Communication requirements:

a) Public address system.

4.11.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) Smoke/heat detectors- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as per
Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

4.11.13 Security requirements:

a) as per service provider (Etisalat/Du) requirements; and

b) not to be near, above, or under fuel, pantry, sanitary, or water pump rooms.

4.11.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) as per service provider (Etisalat/Du) requirements.

4.11.15 Doors:

a) 1500mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening, dust-proof, 1 ½ leaf door.

4.11.16 Door hardware / locking set:

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a) key to retract latch and pull handle from outside, lever handle to retract latch.

b) accessories: nightlatch lockset, single cylinder, drop seal along the bottom of the door.

4.11.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at BoH/plant


4.11.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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4.12 Environmental control system control room

4.12.1 Function:

a) contains power distribution equipment.

4.12.2 Location:

a) concourse or platform level.

4.12.3 Connection/ adjacent to:

a) ECS plant room.

4.12.4 Classification of room:

a) electrical room- operations.

4.12.5 Approximate area:

a) varies- to be coordinated with ECS Specialist.

4.12.6 Height requirements:

a) to be coordinated with ECS Specialist.

4.12.7 Lighting levels:

a) 300 lux generally; and

b) 10 lux for emergency.

4.12.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) mechanical ventilation.

4.12.9 Power requirements:

a) 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

4.12.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise level shall not exceed 65 dBA.

4.12.11 Communication requirements:

a) Public address system; and

b) two-way voice communication system.

4.12.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) Smoke/heat detectors- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as per
Dubai Civil Defence requirements.

4.12.13 Security requirements:

a) dual token authentication for EM locks; and

b) room shall not be adjacent to any public area.

4.12.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) to be coordinated with ECS Specialist.

4.12.15 Doors:

a) 2000mm wide x 2500mm high clear opening, dust-proof, double leaf door.

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4.12.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress and
push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

b) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn, and
drop seal along bottom of door.

4.12.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at BoH/plant


b) raised floor required- floor loading to accommodate equipment fixing, equipment delivery/

4.12.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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4.13 Air handling unit room

4.13.1 Function:

a) contains the air handling unit (AHU) which provides air-conditioning.

4.13.2 Location:

a) concourse or platform level.

4.13.3 Connection/ adjacent to:

a) public areas to minimise supply and return duct lengths; and

b) vent supply shaft.

4.13.4 Classification of room:

a) plant room- wet area.

4.13.5 Approximate area:

a) to be coordinated with the ECS Designer.

4.13.6 Height requirements:

a) to be coordinated with the ECS Designer.

4.13.7 Lighting levels:

a) 300 lux generally; and

b) 10 lux for emergency.

4.13.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) mechanical ventilation.

4.13.9 Power requirements:

a) weatherproof 13A Switch Socket Outlet to be provided- quantity to be defined on project basis.

4.13.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) noise level shall not exceed 85 dBA.

4.13.11 Communication requirements:

a) public address system.

4.13.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) sprinklers- in accordance with the Project’s fire and life safety strategy and as per Dubai Civil
Defence requirements.

4.13.13 Security requirements:

a) access control door.

4.13.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) to be coordinated with ECS Specialist; and

b) plinths to be provided for floor mounted equipment.

4.13.15 Doors:

a) 2000mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening, dust-proof, double leaf door.

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4.13.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) electro-magnetic lock: smart card reader / bypass keyswitch to release EM lock for ingress and
push button / break glass to release EM lock for egress.

b) accessories: lever handle to retract latch, sashlock lockset, single cylinder with thumbturn, and
drop seal along bottom of door.

4.13.17 Finishes:

a) refer to Volume 2 Appendix 1 for performance requirements of finishes utilised at BoH/plant


4.13.18 Signage:

a) as per project requirements and in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- refer to Volume 2
Part 1 and Part 4.

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4.14 Tunnel ventilation/ vent exhaust shaft

4.14.1 Function:

a) to allow air exchange between tunnels and atmosphere: supply of fresh air from atmosphere
and extract air/smoke from underground station.

4.14.2 Location:

a) provided at each end of the station vertically from ground to lowest platform level.

4.14.3 Connection/ adjacent to:

a) tunnel ventilation fan room.

4.14.4 Classification of room:

a) shaft.

4.14.5 Approximate area:

a) to be coordinated with ECS Designer.

4.14.6 Height requirements:

a) to be coordinated with ECS Designer.

4.14.7 Lighting levels:

a) 50 lux generally; and

b) 10 lux for emergency.

4.14.8 Ventilation requirements:

a) not applicable.

4.14.9 Power requirements:

a) not applicable.

4.14.10 Acoustic requirements:

a) not applicable.

4.14.11 Communication requirements:

a) not applicable.

4.14.12 Automatic fire protection system:

a) not applicable.

4.14.13 Security requirements:

a) lockable doors.

4.14.14 Furniture and fittings:

a) cat ladder access.

4.14.15 Doors:

a) escape (exit only) door at end of shaft- size to be determined.

b) doors from plant rooms opening onto shaft- 900mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening, dust-
proof, single leaf door.

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4.14.16 Door hardware / locking set:

a) escape door: nothing from outside, lever handle from inside, latch lockset.

b) Door from plant room: push bar (retracting latch) from outside, lever handle from inside, latch
lockset, escutcheon.

4.14.17 Finishes:

a) to be determined on project basis.

4.14.18 Signage:

a) to be in compliance with RTA’s Signage Manual- also refer to Volume 2 Part 1 and Part 4 for

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 2, Ancillary Building Design Requirements

Volume 2, Architecture, Part 2, Ancillary Building Design Requirements

© Roads & Transport Authority 2012

All rights reserved. No section or element of this document may be removed from this document, reproduced, electronically stored or transmitted in any form
without the written permission of Roads & Transport Authority.

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 2, Ancillary Building Design Requirements

Page Number
2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Integration requirements 3
2.3 Interfacing requirements 4
2.4 Design management requirements 5
2.5 Testing requirements 7
2.6 System assurance requirements 7
2.7 Maintenance, spares and training requirements 7
3.1 General functional requirements 9
3.2 Ventilation and air conditioning 10
3.3 Lighting 10
3.4 Fire and life safety strategy 11
3.5 Water supply, sewerage and drainage 11
3.6 Waste disposal 11
3.7 Depot control and monitoring 12
3.8 Accessibility 12
3.9 Parking 13
3.10 Security and access control 13
3.11 Environmental considerations 14
3.12 General planning and design considerations 14
4.1 General 16
4.2 Heavy maintenance facilities (where required) 17
4.3 Light maintenance facilities 18
4.4 Stabling areas 18
5.1 Bogie repairs 20
5.2 Wheel-set repairs 20
6.1 Traction motor repairs 22
6.2 Mechanical component repairs 22
6.3 Electrical component repairs 22
6.4 Battery maintenance areas 23
6.5 Air conditioning module repairs 23
6.6 Brake module repairs 23
6.7 Vehicle and platform screen door repairs 24
6.8 Vehicle coupler repairs 24
6.9 Air receivers 24
6.10 Gangways and vehicle ends 24
6.11 Wheel wear, brake-pad wear and pantograph/current-collector wear monitoring equipment 25
6.12 Wheel tread re-profiling in-situ 25

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6.13 Heavy cleaning 25

6.14 Paint shop 26
6.15 Under-frame cleaning facility 26
7.1 General 27
7.2 Administration facility 27
7.3 Training centre 28
7.4 Operations Control Centre 28
7.5 Staff canteen 28
7.6 Staff prayer room 28
7.7 Staff facilities 29
7.8 Dormitories (if required) 29
7.9 Parking 29
8.1 Fuel bay 30
8.2 Hazardous materials storage 30
8.3 Power substations 30
8.4 Test track office/store 30
9.1 General requirements 31
9.2 Civil and track spares 32
9.3 Cleaners’ store 32
10.1 General requirements 33
10.2 Infrastructure maintenance facility workshops and offices 33
10.3 MEP system repairs and testing 33
10.4 Machining and fabricating facility 34
10.5 Welding and cutting facilities 34
10.6 Small-parts paint shop 34
10.7 Civil and track maintenance 34
10.8 Rail welding facility 35
10.9 Overhead line maintenance 35
10.10 Maintenance vehicle maintenance workshop 35
10.11 Maintenance vehicle stabling sidings 36
11.1 Technical provisions 37
11.2 Safety provisions 38
11.3 Maintenance provisions 38
11.4 Recycling provision 38
11.5 Operational provisions 39
12.1 Test-track facilities 40
13.1 General 41
13.2 Operations control centre 41
13.3 Central Control Room (CCR) 42

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13.4 Incident Management Room (IMR) 43

13.5 Network Maintenance Management Room (NMMR) 43
13.6 Equipment Rooms 43
13.7 Transportation Planning Room (TPR) 43
13.8 Visitor’s gallery 44
13.9 Administrative Offices 44
13.10 Personnel rest room, kitchen, bathrooms and locker rooms 44
13.11 Backup Control Room (BCR) 44
13.12 Crew Assignment Control Office 44
13.13 Dedicated Training Facilities 44
13.14 Ergonomic considerations in control Rooms Design 45
14.1 General functional requirements 46
14.2 Noise mitigation hood 46
14.3 Portal ventilation building / shafts 46
14.4 Debris Containment 47
14.5 Tunnel portal emergency access and facilities 47
14.6 Parking for Tunnel Maintenance 48
14.7 Landscaping 48
14.8 Visual aspects 48
15.1 General Requirements 49
15.2 Visual aspects 49

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 2, Ancillary Building Design Requirements

1 Introduction

1.1.1 This document forms part of Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volume 2 for Architecture. It shall
be interpreted and applied as an integral part of the complete set of RPDG documents that together
define the planning and design guidelines for the Project.

1.1.2 The RPDG is structured in discrete Volumes, Parts and Appendices which describe the design
requirements for rail projects in Dubai. The Volumes, Parts and Appendices categorise the design
requirements by discipline, sub-discipline, element or technology. An Appendix has been created,
where necessary, to facilitate use but not all Parts have Appendices. An Appendix has been created
where there are a large number of requirements or a large amount of information needs to be
conveyed for a particular sub-discipline, element or technology.

1.1.3 Not all Volumes, Parts or Appendices apply to all Projects and this is dependent on the scope of the
Project, described in the Project Brief.

1.1.4 The Guide to the RPDG describes the high level aspirations or vision for the design of railways in
Dubai and more specific objectives by discipline. It also includes the RTA’s Vision and Strategic
Objectives. The design of railways in Dubai shall be executed to deliver this vision and the design
objectives for the RTA.

1.1.5 The RPDG is supplemented by the Project Brief, which defines the scope of work, operational
requirements and specific requirements for a Project.

1.1.6 The Project Brief may be supplemented by Project Information which may include more detailed
requirements for the design and implementation of a Project.

1.1.7 Where the Project is an extension to an Existing System and the Project Brief requires the ancillary
building design to be built to the same standard as on the Existing System, the ancillary building
design shall comply with the relevant specifications listed in the Project Information and

1.1.8 The Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volume 1 Systemwide Requirements document specifies
design requirements that will apply across all elements of the Project.

1.1.9 The Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volume 2 Architecture document specifies design
requirements for all architectural input to the planning and design of the Project.

1.1.10 The Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volume 3 Civil Engineering document specifies design
requirements for all civil engineering and civil infrastructure design input to the planning and design
of the Project.

1.1.11 The Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volume 4 Railway Systems document specifies design
requirements for all railway systems input to the planning and design of the Project.

1.1.12 The Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volume 5 Railway Systems document specifies design
requirements for all building services including passenger conveyance input to the planning and
design of the Project.

1.1.13 The Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are structured in discrete Parts,
Sections and Appendices which describe design requirements at increasing levels of detail down to
individually procured products that may be required to implement a Project. Not all Parts, Sections
and Appendices will apply to all Projects.

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 2, Ancillary Building Design Requirements

1.1.14 This document provides architectural design guidelines for the design of ancillary buildings and all
their components that may be required in the construction of rail transport projects in Dubai.

1.1.15 Ancillary building design is dependent on the transport mode identified in the Project Brief for the
Project. Only those requirements applicable to the transport mode identified in the Project Brief
shall be considered for the design of the ancillary building.

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 2, Ancillary Building Design Requirements

2 Common technical requirements

2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 This Part and the supporting Appendices, contain the requirements for the design of all types of
ancillary buildings design requirements that may be required for the delivery of rail transport in

2.1.2 This document defines the scope of work specifically with respect to the design of the ancillary
buildings and shall be read in conjunction with the scope of work defined in RPDG Volume 4, Part 8
depot equipment.

2.1.3 Ancillary buildings design is dependent on the transport mode identified in the Project Brief for the

2.1.4 The Glossary for ancillary buildings design requirements is contained in RPDG Volume 1, Part 1,

2.2 Integration requirements

2.2.1 RPDG Volume 1, Part 1, Systemwide contains procedures that shall be applied to establish a formal
process of identifying and tracking interfaces to ensure that the station design interfaces with other
elements of the Project, including those of external parties and facilities, have been identified,
resolved and implemented.

2.2.2 The station design shall identify and address all appropriate design integration requirements in:

a) RPDG Volume 1 Systemwide;

b) RPDG Volume 2 Architecture;

c) RPDG Volume 3 Civil Engineering;

d) RPDG Volume 4 Railway Systems; and

e) RPDG Volume 5 Building Services.

2.2.3 Interface management procedures shall apply to all design interfaces with ancillary building design,
regardless of the contractual relationship between the designer of the ancillary building and the
interfacing partner.

2.2.4 Design gates shall be identified for all elements of ancillary building design where design progress is
absolutely conditional on resolution of an interface. The minimum design gates are listed below by

2.2.5 All potential interfaces with the operator and maintainer shall be identified and recorded in a
separate interface register.

2.2.6 If the operator and maintainer are not available to provide input to the interface management
process, the Project Proposer and/or the Review Authority may at its sole discretion provide
assistance with the resolution of these interfaces.

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 2, Ancillary Building Design Requirements

2.3 Interfacing requirements

2.3.1 RPDG Volume 1, Part 1, Systemwide contains procedures that shall be applied to establish a formal
process of identifying and tracking interfaces to ensure that ancillary buildings design interfaces with
other elements of the Project, including those of external parties and facilities, have been identified,
resolved and implemented.

2.3.2 Interface management procedures shall apply to all design interfaces with ancillary buildings
regardless of the contractual relationship between the Designer of the ancillary buildings and the
interfacing partner.

2.3.3 Design gates shall be identified for all elements of ancillary buildings design requirements where
design progress is absolutely conditional on resolution of an interface. The minimum design gates
are listed below by discipline.

Systemwide requirements
2.3.4 All potential interfaces with the operator and maintainer shall be identified and recorded in a
separate interface register.

2.3.5 If the operator and maintainer are not available to provide input to the interface management
process, the project proposer and/or the Review Authority may at its sole discretion provide
assistance with the resolution of these interfaces.

2.3.6 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:

a) confirmation of programme, project reporting and quality assurance requirements;

b) preliminary EIA requirements- refer to Volume 1 Section 10;

c) confirmation of any additional data collection requirements;

d) confirmation of stakeholder requirements;

e) confirmation of Review Authority requirements and standards;

f) stakeholder feedback;

g) specialist report approval;

h) confirmation of all departures and substitutions to the project requirements and standards;

i) design statement approval; and

j) specialist report approval.

Architectural requirements
2.3.7 All potential interfaces with architectural design shall be identified and recorded in a separate
interface register.

2.3.8 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:

a) definition of size, location and internal area/room layout of all workshops and other depot/
ancillary buildings;

b) definition of special foundations, superstructure and finishes for ancillary buildings;

c) definition of ventilation and lighting requirements for ancillary buildings;

d) definition of signage requirements for ancillary buildings;

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e) definition of safety and security requirements;

f) architectural design statement approval; and

g) confirmation of specification including list of material samples, visual and performance mock-
ups, required prototypes, laboratory and site tests.

Civil Engineering requirements

2.3.9 All potential interfaces with civil engineering design shall be identified and recorded in a separate
interface register.

2.3.10 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:

a) confirmation of site boundaries and Right-of-Ways.

Railway Systems requirements

2.3.11 All potential interfaces with railway systems design shall be identified and recorded in a separate
interface register.

2.3.12 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:

a) track alignment and height constraints to platform location; and

b) definition of power supply interfaces.

Building Services requirements

2.3.13 All potential interfaces with building services design shall be identified and recorded in a separate
interface register.

2.4 Design management requirements

2.4.1 The formal process for design preparation, submission and review is described in the RPDG Volume 1
Systemwide Requirements Appendix 3 and shall apply to the Project except as modified below.

2.4.2 The design management requirements defined in the RPDG Volume 1 Systemwide Requirements
Appendix 3 shall be modified to incorporate the following particular requirements.

2.4.3 The design expression, material selection and articulation of the functional design elements shall be
based on a ‘kit-of-parts’ developed at the network/line/project level as specified in the Project Brief.

2.4.4 The Designer shall ensure that all design elements are function and context-responsive with regards
to selecting an appropriate scale, spatial configuration, orientation, sizing and level of finish and
articulation. The quality of finish and articulation shall be tailored to its:

a) location; and

b) position relative to observer.

2.4.5 A fully illustrated design statement shall be developed and submitted to the Review Authority for
approval at all stages of the design development at the:

a) line level to catalogue the key common design elements and components; and

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b) ancillary building/facility level to illustrate the application of the selected elements and
components above.
2.4.6 Issues to be addressed in the design statement shall include but not be limited to the following:

a) system-wide consideration of all interfaces between all construction packages, including those
designed by or led by other disciplines such services, structural, civil, rolling stock.

b) compatibility with existing construction assemblies;

c) construction sequencing and buildability; and

d) impact of maintenance, cleaning and replacement at the junction between differing

construction packages.
2.4.7 The design statement shall also catalogue the common design elements proposed. The common
design elements shall emphasise the following:

a) the use of designs and materials that have proven successful in operation, as a starting point;

b) a limited number of elements and variations, in order to allow all parties to focus their
resources to the maximum effect; and

c) off-site fabrication and testing.

2.4.8 The ancillary building design elements shall emphasise the following architectural design criteria:

a) consistent and appropriate material selection;

b) coordinated and coherent services integration;

c) consistent and coherent branding and line identity;

d) safe and integrated designs for movement; and

e) durable low maintenance designs.

2.4.9 The Designer shall provide all necessary calculations for client progress reporting, cost estimation
and statutory approvals. These items shall include but not be limited to the following areas.

f) gross floor area calculations;

g) depot facilities and ancillary building capacity and sizing calculations;

h) calculations relating to vertical and horizontal circulation elements provision;

i) all life safety/means of escape calculations; and

j) vehicular parking calculations.

Design Workshops
2.4.10 Regular design workshops shall be planned in accordance with the system assurance and compliance
plans. The workshops shall be recorded to ensure design development can be monitored and
function as part of a project management early warning system.

2.4.11 The design workshops shall be scheduled and structured around all:

a) Review Authority submissions and approval gates;

b) statutory approval submissions;

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c) EIR assessments, as outlined in Volume1 Part 1 Section 12; and

d) sustainability assessments, as outlined in Volume1 Part 1 Section 13.

2.4.12 The design workshops agendas shall be structured to emphasise multi-disciplinary design reviews.
The integrated design themes to be reviewed shall include, but not limited to the following:

a) Fire and life safety;

b) security/crowd control;

c) operational requirements;

d) ergonomics;

e) maintenance, cleaning, servicing;

f) urban design;
g) traffic/ transport engineering;

h) passenger environment;

i) accessibility;

j) way finding and signage; and

k) branding and advertising.

2.5 Testing requirements

2.5.1 The inspection, testing and commissioning requirements defined in the RPDG Volume 1 Systemwide
Requirements Appendix 4 shall apply.

2.6 System assurance requirements

2.6.1 The system assurance requirements defined in the RPDG Volume 1 Systemwide Requirements
Appendix 2 shall apply.

2.7 Maintenance, spares and training requirements

2.7.1 The documentation requirements for the above are as specified in the RPDG Volume 1 Appendix 5
and shall apply to the Project except as modified herein.

Particular Requirements for Maintenance

2.7.2 The requirements for the preparation of maintenance documentation stated in the RPDG Volume 1
System wide Requirements Appendix 5 shall apply. These shall include but not be limited to the

a) manufacturer's maintenance instructions;

b) contact details of suppliers for any specific maintenance materials;

c) interim and final inspections reports; and

d) guarantees, warranties and test certificates.

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Particular Requirements for Spares

2.7.3 During the design stage of the Project, replacement items which will critically affect the smooth
operation and appearance of the ancillary building shall be identified, particularly vulnerable and
long lead items.

2.7.4 Provision shall be made for the storage of such items.

Particular Requirements for Training

2.7.5 The requirements for the preparation of training documentation in the RPDG Volume 1 Systemwide
Requirements Appendix 5 shall apply.

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3 Depot facilities

3.1 General functional requirements

3.1.1 Depot compounds shall typically consist of the following facilities, also covered herein:

a) workshop buildings (Sections 4-6);

b) offices and staff facilities (Section 7);

c) ancillary building facilities (Section 8);

d) storage facilities and materials handling (Section 9);

e) infrastructure maintenance facilities (Section 10);

f) vehicle wash and water treatment plant (Section 11); and

g) test track facilities (Section 12).

3.1.2 Depot facilities shall provide safe, secure, efficient and durable facilities for the operation,
maintenance, training and administration of the project.

3.1.3 Sufficient depot facilities shall be provided according to the project technical design and operations
and maintenance plan covering all requirements for:

a) storage of rolling stock including maintenance vehicles and road based fleet;

b) cleaning, inspection, preventative maintenance, first-line corrective maintenance, second-line

component repair, major overhauls and repair of all systems and equipment, including rolling
stock and infrastructure;

c) management, administration and training for the operation and maintenance of the Project;

d) storage facilities for spare parts, tools and equipment; and

e) ancillary buildings as required for the accommodation of security services, power supply and
MEP systems, refuse disposal and hazardous material storage.

3.1.4 The design of the depot facility may incorporate any combination and number of buildings to
achieve the tasks outlined in ‎3.1.3 (above) in accordance with the size and nature of the Project and
its operations and maintenance philosophy and plans as defined in the Project Brief.

3.1.5 The design shall be configured such that no single point failure shall prevent vehicles being launched
into revenue service.

3.1.6 Where specified by the Project Brief, the Designer shall:

a) Make use of existing depot facilities either in whole or in part. In such situations, the designer
shall ensure that there will be no degradation to both existing and planned capacity usage of
those facilities by the existing transit system and that ay modifications required will not disrupt
ongoing operations; and

b) Make use of off-site facilities, either shared or dedicated, where overall control, administration
and maintenance activities do not require permanent rail access and it is cost effective to do so.

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3.1.7 The location of depot facilities with respect to the passenger service lines shall minimise the need for
non-revenue running.

3.1.8 Depot facilities design shall comply with the environmental and sustainability laws of Dubai and the
requirements of Volume 1 Sections 12 and 13, particularly in relation to the management of waste

3.1.9 Depot facilities shall comply with the security strategy requirements specified in Volume 1

3.1.10 The specific requirements contained in this document may be used for the design of depots that are
used for out-stabling of vehicles at stations, or for light maintenance depots that are not required to
have the capability for heavy maintenance or overhaul.

3.2 Ventilation and air conditioning

3.2.1 The Designer shall refer to Volume 5 Part 1 Building Services, Appendix 1 for ventilation and air
conditioning requirements

3.2.2 The environmental control systems shall maintain a comfortable working environment within the
depot and ancillary buildings that achieves standards of provision equal to those provided in public
areas of the Project.

3.2.3 For the comfort of staff and workers, all offices, small workshops, stores facilities and ancillary
rooms, shall be maintained at a temperature of 24 °C. The stabling sheds and large workshops shall
be maintained at 27 °C in the vicinity of where people have to work.

3.3 Lighting
3.3.1 The Designer shall refer to Volume 5 Part 1 Building Services, Appendix 2 for luminescence levels
required at the various depot facilities.

3.3.2 Within the depots, care must be taken to create a pleasant and appealing quiet and well-lit
environment. There should be as much natural light as possible within the depot buildings subject to
limiting the heating effect.

3.3.3 Lighting circuits in escape routes and operationally critical areas shall be interleaved such that a
failure of any single cable, either feeder or final circuit, will result in a maximum loss of 50% lighting
in any one area.

3.3.4 Lighting within staffed areas shall generally be controlled by local light switches configured to
maximise on daylight saving.

3.3.5 Emergency lighting shall be provided in all areas of the depot at luminance levels as stipulated in
Volume 5 Part 1 Building Services, Appendix 2. The lighting installation shall be designed to maintain
these minimum light levels for a period of at least two hours.

3.3.6 The emergency lighting fitments shall be augmented components of the normal lighting installation.

3.3.7 Emergency lighting in all designated escape routes and operationally critical areas shall be easy to
maintain and powered by central battery systems. It shall not be possible to switch off this
emergency lighting.

3.3.8 Exit signs shall be maintained at all times and have the same battery duration as the associated
emergency lighting. It shall not be possible to switch off illuminated exit signs.

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3.3.9 The central battery system shall have nickel-cadmium batteries. Battery life shall be 5 years

3.3.10 Central battery units shall be supported by a static inverter.

3.3.11 Outdoor depot lighting shall illuminate the depot area sufficiently and under all conditions of day,
night and weather to enable personnel to move around the area such that they can see all

3.3.12 Outdoor lighting will have to be accessible for maintenance with the minimum of operational
disruption, if any, through the necessity to take road possessions.

3.3.13 Outdoor lighting will also have to take into account through local authority guidelines, etc., possible
effect on local residents of excessive lighting levels.

3.4 Fire and life safety strategy

3.4.1 The fire and life safety strategy for depot facilities shall be in accordance with Volume 1 Systemwide
Requirements, Appendix 7.

3.5 Water supply, sewerage and drainage

3.5.1 The water load requirement for depot facilities shall be calculated and proposed in order to correctly
size the associated equipment. Reference shall be made to RPDG Volume 5 Building Services.

3.5.2 The requirement of drinking water needs should preferably be met from DEWA.

3.5.3 The regulatory valves and sluice valves shall be provided for segregation of the system. In case of any
obstruction in the pipeline network, the particular length shall be segregated by use of these valves
without affecting the water supply in rest of the depot.

3.5.4 The water supply sewage and drainage design shall provide independent treatment/disposal of
sewage though septic tanks and soak pits associated with a regular network for sewage disposal.

3.5.5 The sewerage network shall be laid in such a way that no industrial water or workshop wastes
containing acids, detergents, grease, oils, etc. are added to it.
3.5.6 New outfalls to local public sewerage infrastructure (or requisition of new) shall be applied for in
accordance with the requirements of DEWA.

3.5.7 A drainage system shall be provided for track drainage discharging via pollution-control measures to
the water course. The drainage system shall preferably operate by gravity; otherwise a pumped
system shall be provided.

3.5.8 A gravity foul and waste drainage system shall be provided.

3.6 Waste disposal

3.6.1 The sewage water of the area other than that of individual units or from where the collection of
sewage water is uneconomical shall also be collected to a wastewater treatment plant. The
wastewater treatment shall be designed so that effluent satisfies the standards prescribed by local
authorities for deposing it in the local water collection network.

3.6.2 Waste disposal facilities shall be provided to account for all waste generated in the depot area,
including but not limited to:

a) vehicle internal cleaning waste;

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b) domestic waste from working areas;

c) domestic waste from offices;

d) cleaning of roadways and walkways waste;

e) track cleaning waste; and

f) swarf from machine area, tool-room, track maintenance, underfloor wheel lathe and wheel

3.6.3 Waste disposal facilities shall be located adjacent to, and have access from, depot roadways with
sufficient area for waste disposal vehicle manoeuvring.

3.7 Depot control and monitoring

3.7.1 A means of monitoring and controlling vehicle movements in depots shall be provided from the
operations control centre. Facilities may also be required, depending on the extent and nature of the
operations defined in the project brief, for a separate, dedicated depot control centre.

3.7.2 Where its required, control and monitoring facilities provided in the dedicated depot control centre
shall conform to the requirements of Volume 4 Part 4 Railway Control Facilities, Appendix 1.

3.8 Accessibility
3.8.1 The depot facilities road network shall provide access to all buildings and areas of the depot for cars,
motorcycles and forklifts. Access to all major roads within the depot facility and specifically
designated areas shall be provided as required for:

a) rigid and articulated trucks;

b) rigid, articulated and double-deck buses; and

c) the delivery and collection of rail vehicles on specialist road based trailers and prime movers.

3.8.2 The access design shall ensure that all visitors to the depot facility shall be prevented from accessing
any restricted areas without first passing through a designated area where the visitor can be checked
in and accompanied if required.

3.8.3 Pedestrian access shall be provided throughout the depot facilities using routes that maintain
appropriate separation from both rail and road vehicle circulation. Such pedestrian access shall be
identified with safe walking route markings and shall be constructed with surfaces with slip-resistant

3.8.4 The accessibility design of the depot facility shall be based on an “access for all” principle, meaning
provision shall be made for mobility-impaired persons according to the requirements defined in the
Volume 1, Systemwide Requirements.

Vehicular roads

3.8.5 The road network in the depot facility shall be configured such that access to and exit from the depot
facility shall still be possible with one entrance/exit closed.

3.8.6 The main access road shall begin at the main entrance and connect to the internal road network.

3.8.7 A secondary access road shall be provided connected to the internal road network.

3.8.8 An internal road network, including perimeter and feeder roads, shall be included to access all
functional parts of the depot.

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3.8.9 A traffic assessment study shall be used to determine the user level of the various roads and the
roads shall be sized in accordance with the user level determined from this study.

3.8.10 The road design, line markings and associated signage shall be in accordance with the current
Geometric Design Manual for Roads in Dubai.

3.8.11 Height barrier shall be provided at appropriate distance from where the power catenary (if used) is
crossing the road. Appropriate signage at all crossings shall also be provided.

Pedestrian walkways

3.8.12 Pedestrian walkways shall be provided to facilitate access to each part of the depot. Where
pedestrian walkways interface with roads crossings shall be marked in accordance with current UAE
highways department standards.

3.8.13 Where pedestrian walkways interface with train/vehicle movements, crossings shall be identified
and provided with adequate protection from such movements. For UTO systems these crossings
shall incorporate barriers equipped with access control systems.

3.8.14 The walkways shall be of non-slip concrete or asphalt surfaces and where appropriate shall be of
light colours to prevent heat island effects.

3.8.15 Designated safe access routes shall be provided throughout and around the various depot facilities
for pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Where these are inside buildings, the edges of the right of way
shall be clearly marked with reflective material.

3.8.16 A fully coordinated combination of signage, colour coding and ground markings shall be used to
identify key areas of the depot and access routes both externally and within buildings.

3.8.17 Pedestrians on depot premises shall always have a clear view of moving rail vehicles.

3.9 Parking
3.9.1 Parking spaces for staff cars, motorcycles and bicycles shall be provided.

3.9.2 Parking spaces shall be protected from the climatic elements in Dubai.

3.9.3 Sufficient parking space for visitor’s vehicles, including buses, shall be provided.

3.9.4 Staging areas for emergency service vehicles shall be provided.

3.9.5 Sufficient parking space and manoeuvring area shall be provided for vehicles loading and unloading
in designated areas.

3.10 Security and access control

3.10.1 The depot facility design shall incorporate a full perimeter barrier at a height of at least 3 m and
capped with intruder-deterrent fittings.

3.10.2 The depot facility design shall include an intrusion detection system.

3.10.3 The depot facility design shall include an access control system in accordance with the requirements
of Volume 4 Part 4 Railway Control Facilities, Appendix 21.

3.10.4 The depot facility design shall provide for fencing off buildings within the depot facility where access
is restricted.

3.10.5 The depot facility design shall avoid security blind spots in so far as this is reasonably practicable.

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3.10.6 Each depot entrance shall be equipped with:

a) a gatehouse;

b) electrically operated drop barriers;

c) metal grill gates 3 m high, which shall be lockable to prevent unauthorised entry; and

d) An area for security screening of vehicles as they enter and leave the depot.

3.10.7 Guard houses shall be equipped with:

a) a universal workstation for the monitoring of:

b) staff facilities area (kitchen, washroom, toilet, locker room, etc.

3.11 Environmental considerations

3.11.1 The depot facilities design and its construction shall:

a) conform to all appropriate local and international environmental standards and legislation-
refer to Volume 1 Part 1 Section 10;

b) where practicable and at reasonable cost, make use of recycled materials in compliance with
DM’s Green Building Regulations and Specifications;

c) aim to enhance energy efficiency in accordance with the sustainability requirements in RPDG
Volume 1, Systemwide Requirements.

3.11.2 The overall design of the depot shall take into account the nature of the work to be performed there
(including the effects from associated road traffic and rail vehicle movements and building services)
and shall aim to minimise noise and light impact on the surrounding areas.

3.11.3 The requirements for environmental protection and sustainability in Volume 1 Systemwide
Requirements shall apply to the design of the depot facilities.

3.11.4 The depot facilities shall be designed to ensure minimum environmental impact on surrounding
properties in terms of:

a) increased noise from operations and maintenance activities;

b) light spillage; and

c) road traffic.

3.12 General planning and design considerations

3.12.1 The design shall be configured to achieve maximum efficiency in the movement of people and
vehicles between the different areas of the depot, taking into account normal operations and
maintenance requirements.

3.12.2 The relative location of the work, storage, and ancillary accommodation shall be planned to optimise
efficiency of travel distance. It shall also take account of working shift patterns and varying levels of
supervision required.

3.12.3 The architecture of the overall depot facilities shall be designed to provide sensitive solutions to the
urban context of the depot facilities location(s), in line with the EIA and recommendations of Dubai
Municipality’s Environment Department (refer to Volume 1 Part Section 10), by careful design of:

a) site layouts;

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b) the size and form of buildings and structures;

c) type and colour of finishes; and

d) landscaping.

3.12.4 Depot facilities shall be accommodated in buildings which provide:

a) maximum natural light (in accordance with BS 8206-2:2008), controlled to avoid glare and
heating effect from the sun;

b) soundproofing to control ambient noise levels;

c) overall lighting and individual task lighting; and

d) adequate ventilation and air conditioning to ensure a comfortable working environment.

The Designer shall refer to Volume 5 Part 1 and its related Appendices for building services

3.12.5 Depot facilities shall provide a working environment which will promote a calm attentive
atmosphere, particularly at office areas which shall be effectively insulated from any distractions
emanating from workshop activities.

3.12.6 The location and size of staff amenities shall take account of varying work patterns, staff numbers
and walking distances from work areas, particularly in the extreme weather conditions of Dubai.

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4 Main workshop building facilities

4.1 General
4.1.1 The core element of the depot shall consist of a main workshop building that shall be configured in
such a manner that all the key maintenance activities are incorporated to minimise movement of
components, movement of equipment, optimise staff and space utilisation, and provide an
acceptable and safe working environment.

4.1.2 Maintenance of vehicles shall be planned to take place in the main workshop.

4.1.3 Maintenance of railway systems equipment shall also take place in this building and share common

4.1.4 The main workshop building shall include, without limitation, the following facilities:

a) heavy maintenance tracks;

b) heavy repair workshop, including a bogie and wheel shop;

c) support workshops for rolling stock and system-wide elements;

d) light maintenance tracks;

e) warehouse;

f) staff amenities;

g) electrical workshop;

h) signal & communications repair workshop;

i) electronics workshop;

j) automatic fare collection equipment repair workshop; and

k) office accommodation associated with the management, administration and supervision of

activities for each of the above.

4.1.5 Where depot size is not prohibitive, the heavy maintenance tracks and light maintenance tracks may
be located at separate buildings. However, the two buildings shall be designed in close proximity to
each other to minimize equipment and staff movement.

4.1.6 Buildings shall be designed such that the roof support column spans optimise the working space
specified alongside the maintenance berths, while minimising the building size.

4.1.7 Roof structures shall be designed to carry all required building services, which shall be brought down
to ground level, via walls and columns, as far as is practicable.

4.1.8 Service ducts in the floor slab shall be kept to a minimum and shall as far as is practicable be limited
to local supplies to floor-mounted equipment.

4.1.9 Metal covers on floor ducts, in areas which can be traversed by mobile equipment, shall not be

4.1.10 Entries for vehicles into the main depot building shall have bi-parting, powered sliding doors.

4.1.11 Storm-proof roller shutters shall be installed at all other primary openings.

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4.1.12 The heavy maintenance area shall be readily accessible by road vehicles allowing for the delivery of
heavy equipment and unloading by overhead lifting crane and fork lift.

4.1.13 The structural grid between columns shall be large enough to accommodate two vehicle berths and
provide unobstructed access to occupied bays by workshop equipment and vehicles.

4.1.14 Office accommodation for supervision activities immediately associated with the various vehicle
maintenance areas and adjacent workshops shall be located in close proximity to them at the same
level. All other office accommodation may be located on a higher level of the main depot building.

4.1.15 Support workshops shall be located adjacent to associated maintenance areas alongside the lifting
tracks area for repairing and testing components removed from the trains, so that both areas are
readily served.

4.1.16 Access ways to offices in the main depot building shall be segregated from the maintenance areas.

4.1.17 All floor areas shall be finished with a robust epoxy paint that will assist in maintaining a safe, dust-
free, slip-resistant, and easily cleaned working environment.

4.2 Heavy maintenance facilities (where required)

4.2.1 A sufficient number of bays for vehicle lifting facilities shall be provided to meet the operations and
maintenance philosophy and plan. Each bay shall be capable of accommodating the forecast size of
vehicle consist, or part thereof, over a number of bays.

4.2.2 Plant and equipment shall be provided to enable the safe and suitable under-floor lifting of all
vehicles consists for the purpose of removing bogies and under-frame mounted equipment for repair
and refurbishment.

4.2.3 Overhead lifting cranes shall be provided to lift vehicle bodies and components as described in the
maintenance manuals. They shall be equipped with all necessary lifting brackets, beams and slings,
and shall be capable of traversing the entire length and breadth of the heavy maintenance facility
and load-rated for the lifting operations specified.

4.2.4 No catenary line shall be provided in heavy maintenance tracks where overhead lifting crane is

4.2.5 Provision shall be made for the transfer of bogies from vehicles and bogie shop and for rotation of
the bogies. Turntables shall be located in relation to the bogie shop layout. Any turntables supplied
shall be of sufficient diameter to easily accommodate the longest bogie.

4.2.6 Provision shall be made to allow access to all parts of the vehicle within the workshops for the
maintenance/inspection activities as defined in the maintenance manuals. Methods shall include
mobile platforms, overhead working platforms and/or raised platforms.

4.2.7 All facilities provided shall be easily employed by one operator, shall be versatile and robust in
design and shall be safe to use. The access facilities provided shall enable staff to carry appropriate
tools and equipment to their point of work.

4.2.8 For electric traction systems, traction power stinger systems or swinging overhead conductors may
be used to provide power to vehicles to move into, within and out of the heavy maintenance facility.
Shunting tugs/tractors or winches may be used as an alternative.

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4.3 Light maintenance facilities

4.3.1 The light maintenance facilities design shall provide for the inspection and first line maintenance of

4.3.2 Access to parts of the vehicles to be inspected shall be provided with four levels of working as
specified below.

a) Lower level: this working level shall be below rail or guideway level. Movement of personnel
shall be unrestricted and provision shall be made for working on the underside of vehicles and
to aid the removal of LRU from vehicles in a safe and efficient manner. The transition from
lower level to ground level shall be via a ramp and stairs located intermittently along the area.

b) Rail or guideway level: this working level is the normal ground level of the inspection bay area
and work is only undertaken on the end of vehicles from this level;

c) Vehicle-floor level: this working level shall provide for ease of access to body sides and vehicle
interiors. Access shall be provided for the entire length of the vehicle consist;

d) Roof level: This working level shall provide for access to vehicle roof-mounted equipment.
Access shall be provided for the entire length of the vehicle. Access from one berth to the
adjacent berth at this level shall not be possible. If there are overhead power supplies to
adjacent berths, any overhead walkways between bays shall be partitioned to isolate staff from
live cables in the adjacent bay.

4.3.3 Running maintenance tracks shall have depressed floors 1,100mm below top of rail level with the
rails supported on columns. Between the rails on each track, the floor shall be depressed a further
320mm to facilitate ergonomic access to bogie-mounted equipment.

4.3.4 Each circulation area shall have a ramp at both ends for moving mobile equipment from ground level
to depressed-floor level.

4.3.5 Overhead lifting cranes shall be provided to lift vehicle components as described in the maintenance
manuals. They shall be equipped with all necessary lifting brackets, beams and slings, and shall be
capable of traversing the entire length and breadth of the light maintenance facility and load-rated
for the lifting operations specified.

4.3.6 Access to power, water, compressed air and other services for use on the vehicle, shall be provided
for each maintenance berth in the light maintenance facility.

4.3.7 An air conditioning unit cleaning facility shall be provided in each light maintenance bay capable of
cleaning the air conditioners on trains in-situ.

4.3.8 Audible and visible means shall be provided to inform personnel of the status of traction power
supply in each berth and any change of status.

4.4 Stabling areas

4.4.1 Stabling area sufficient for the ultimate fleet size apportioned to the depot facility shall be made
available. Stabling tracks and associated facilities may be constructed under a phased approach in
accordance with the forecasts given in project schedules.

4.4.2 Stabling areas shall provide enclosed undercover protection from climatic elements.

4.4.3 Alternative access routes to all stabling tracks shall be provided.

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4.4.4 Access ways for high-floor vehicle stabling tracks shall be grade separated and sufficiently

4.4.5 Access ways for low-floor vehicles may be at grade but shall be designated as safe walking routes
and shall be adequately protected.

4.4.6 Access ways to vehicles on stabling tracks shall be located alongside each stabling track to provide
access to vehicles via passenger doors.

4.4.7 Access ways to vehicles on stabling tracks shall provide for sufficient illumination, power and water
supplies, emergency and safety devices and or equipment.

4.4.8 The width of access ways to vehicles on stabling tracks shall take into consideration the equipment
being used by cleaners and technicians undertaking activities on the vehicles.

4.4.9 For UTO systems platforms to access trains shall be provided on all transfer tracks between
automatic and manual control areas.

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5 Wheel and bogie workshop

5.1 Bogie repairs

5.1.1 The bogie repair shop shall consist of a workshop located at the end of the such that the overhead
lifting cranes from the heavy maintenance berths can access the bogie shop directly.

5.1.2 Storage shall be provided for spare bogies.

5.1.3 Sufficient facilities shall be provided for the dismantling of bogies and the transfer of components to
other component workshops.

5.1.4 The bogie repair shop shall be provided with a flat floor surface and, for rail-based systems, a system
of rails and turntables for receiving and transferring bogies.

5.1.5 The design shall provide for electric overhead travelling cranes of sufficient capacity to lift a fully
assembled bogie, including traction motors. Lifting brackets, beams and slings shall also be provided.

5.1.6 The bogie repair shop shall include an automated bogie washing plant with capacity to deal with the
vehicle overhaul programme, and with additional capacity to allow for exceptional and emergency
situations. Maximum recycling of cleaning agents shall be achieved.

5.1.7 Discharge from the machine shall be drained to an oil and solid interception facility.

5.1.8 The bogie repair shop shall include test equipment to carry out crack detection tests using non-
destructive testing techniques.

5.1.9 The design shall provide for a standard means for lifting bogies, to enable bogie frames to be raised
to a position for both frame inspection and assembled bogie inspection. This system shall be safe
and capable of use by one operator.

5.1.10 The design shall provide for means for pre-loading rolling stock bogies prior to re-entering service,
providing this is required by the bogie technology adopted for the system. The pre-loading shall
ensure that correct maintenance to frames, suspension, etc. has been carried out.

5.1.11 Axle pits shall be provided for the separation / assembly of bogie frames and axles and the stripping
of the axles prior to wheel pressing. The axle pit shall be designed to give easy access to the
bogie/axle connection, axle bearings and gearboxes. This area shall be open to one side for easy
transfer of the bogie frames to the repair stands.

5.1.12 An overhead twin hoist crane shall be provided for handling of the axle housings, gearboxes, and
bearing extraction device as well as the transfer of the axles to the bogie/axle assembly area and the
handling of the axles in the wheel press.

5.1.13 The axle pit shall have a steel grid floor at a level of 600mm below top of rail. The axle pit shall be
drained through a light fluid separator. Steps at both head ends allow shall be provided to permit
easy access to the depressed floor area.

5.2 Wheel-set repairs

5.2.1 The wheel-set repair requirements shall also apply to rubber-tyred vehicles.

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5.2.2 The design shall provide that the wheel-set repair area shall be adjacent to the bogie shop to enable
wheel sets to be transferred from the bogie shop after being removed from a bogie and to be
returned to the bogie shop after processing to be replaced in a bogie.

5.2.3 The wheel-set repair area design shall provide a flat floor surface and, for rail based systems, a
system of rails and turntables for receiving and transferring bogies.

5.2.4 Wheel-set repair area design shall provide an above-floor wheel lathe for the re-profiling of wheels
and associated brake discs in the workshop.

5.2.5 The wheel-set repair area design shall provide a wheel press, which shall be suitable for the type of
wheel-set design employed on the rolling stock and adequate to carry out all required wheel-set
maintenance operations. Suitable jigging shall be provided.

5.2.6 The wheel-set repair area design shall provide facilities for stripping axle boxes and bearings,
together with corresponding extraction equipment. This area shall include a pit to give easy access to
the bogie/axle connection, axle bearings and gearboxes.

5.2.7 The wheel-set repair area design shall provide an area with suitable stands for inspection and repair
of axle boxes.

5.2.8 The wheel-set repair area design shall provide an area for bearing cleaning, examination and repair,
shall be of sufficient capacity to deal also with traction motor bearings, and shall be regarded as a
joint facility.

5.2.9 The wheel-set repair area design shall provide an area with suitable stands for inspection and repair
of gear cases, if appropriate to the design of gear cases.

5.2.10 The wheel-set repair area design shall provide facilities to carry out re-fitting of tyres, wheels and
gear wheels, where appropriate to the design of rolling stock wheel set.

5.2.11 The design shall provide sufficient portable-type test equipment to carry out wheel-set crack
detection tests using non-destructive testing techniques in the wheel-set repair area.

5.2.12 The wheel-set repair area design shall provide wheel centre boss and bore machining, where
appropriate to the design of wheel set to be employed on the rolling stock.

5.2.13 The design shall provide, where appropriate, axle turning and burnishing equipment in the wheel-set
repair area.

5.2.14 The design shall provide, where appropriate, storage space for wheels awaiting repair and for
repaired wheels awaiting collection.

5.2.15 The wheel-set repair area design shall provide overhead lifting cranes of sufficient capacity to lift a
complete wheel set with all attachments including gear case.

5.2.16 Overhead lifting cranes shall provide coverage of the entire area. Lifting devices and slings shall be
provided for handling complete wheel sets and individual components.

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6 Specialist workshop facilities

6.1 Traction motor repairs

6.1.1 This facility shall be in a full building height workshop, preferably in the same bay as the bogie shop
so that motors removed from the bogie on the dismantling hoists can be directly handled into the
motor repair shop.

6.1.2 The facilities for traction motor inspection and repair work shall be provided with equipment for
handling and manipulation of motors and components during stripping and rebuilding, together with
stands for accommodation and safe storage of component traction motor parts.

6.1.3 The design shall provide cleaning facilities with the capability of removal of any kind of deposits from
all parts of motors. The facilities shall also be capable of thoroughly drying motors.

6.1.4 The design shall provide hydraulically operated extraction equipment for removal of traction motor

6.1.5 The design shall provide dynamic test rig facilities, compatible with the traction motor performance.

6.1.6 The design shall provide overhead cranes with sufficient capacity to lift a complete traction motor,
including gearwheel where appropriate. The overhead cranes shall provide coverage of the entire
area. The design shall make provision for the supply lifting appliances for handling the various motor
components safely and without damage.

6.2 Mechanical component repairs

6.2.1 The facilities for mechanical component repairs shall be located within the proximity of the bogie
repair and main vehicle areas, from where most component repairs will originate. This facility shall
be capable of repairing components, including compressors.

6.2.2 Items removed from the bogie shall be maintained in the same bay as the bogie shop. Items
removed from the wheel sets shall be maintained in the same bay as the wheel-set shop and items
removed from the vehicle body shall be maintained adjacent to the vehicle body.

6.2.3 Damper test rig facilities shall be provided for testing of shock absorbers.

6.2.4 The design shall make spatial and services provision for accommodating all necessary benches and
storing hand-operated tools.

6.2.5 One of the bogie shop EOT cranes shall extend over the bogie component repair area. Lifting slings
shall be provided.

6.2.6 The design shall provide for adequate racking and shelving to accommodate work awaiting overhaul
and completed components.

6.3 Electrical component repairs

6.3.1 The facilities for electrical component repairs shall be in the proximity of the vehicle, air conditioning
and brake module repair areas. Mechanical handling equipment shall also provide coverage over the
module repair areas to facilitate transfer of components.

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6.3.2 The electrical component repair facilities shall include, but not be limited to, those necessary for
repair of:

a) electronic equipment;

b) low voltage and control equipment; and

c) traction current collection equipment.

6.3.3 The design shall make spatial and services provision for accommodating all necessary benches, hand-
operated tools and test equipment.

6.3.4 The design shall provide adequate racking and shelving to accommodate work awaiting overhaul and
completed components.

6.4 Battery maintenance areas

6.4.1 Battery-charging equipment shall be provided and arranged so as to provide separate areas for
rolling stock batteries, battery driven vehicles and all loose batteries. Pallets and stands shall be
provided for battery storage and handling.

6.4.2 Battery areas shall be arranged to ensure that the maintenance and charging of lead acid type
batteries is kept separate from those of nickel cadmium-type batteries.

6.4.3 Battery areas shall be arranged to ensure that the maintenance and charging of maintenance
vehicles batteries is kept separate from the train batteries.

6.4.4 The design shall provide fume extraction systems in each battery-charging area. These fume
extraction systems shall be of sufficient capacity to ensure that concentrations of gas given off are
diluted to an acceptable safe value.

6.4.5 Suitable gas detectors shall be provided to ensure gas levels do not constitute a hazard.

6.4.6 The design shall provide a water supply and compressed air supply within the battery maintenance

6.4.7 The design shall provide for hand- and eye-wash facilities in each battery maintenance area.

6.5 Air conditioning module repairs

6.5.1 The air conditioning module repair area shall provide facilities for stripping down, cleaning and
refurbishing the constituent parts of air conditioner units, except compressors and electric motors,
which shall be sent to the compressor and electric motor repair areas respectively. This area shall be
in close proximity to the electrical and compressor repair areas.

6.5.2 The design shall provide mechanical handling equipment to serve both this and the electrical
component repair area. Lifting beams and slings capable of handling complete air conditioning
modules shall be provided.

6.6 Brake module repairs

6.6.1 The brake module repair area shall be situated close to the electrical and air conditioning repair
areas in a clean room facility. This area shall be equipped for the overhaul and testing of rolling stock
brake modules, pneumatic parts, filters and compressors. Facilities shall be available for overhauling
and testing any other compressor in use on the system.

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6.6.2 The design shall provide mechanical handling equipment to serve both this and the electrical
component repair area. Lifting beams and slings shall be provided for handling complete brake

6.7 Vehicle and platform screen door repairs

6.7.1 The door repair area shall be in close proximity to the point of removal of the vehicle doors and
adjacent to the area for delivery of platform screen door sets. The design shall make provision for a
suitable rig for testing a door set, including the door operating mechanisms for both vehicles and
platform screen doors (PSD).

6.7.2 The design shall provide sufficient repair stands to enable vehicle doors and PSD to be overhauled in
accordance with the operations and maintenance philosophy and plan.

6.8 Vehicle coupler repairs

6.8.1 The design shall provide for suitable equipment and tooling to repair and test all types of coupler
supplied with the rolling stock and maintenance vehicles. The following coupler types shall be
provided for in the scope of equipment supply:

a) auto-couplers;

b) semi-permanent couplers; and

c) permanent couplers (if fitted).

6.8.2 The repair and testing requirements shall include the following:

a) crack-detection facilities (unless available via other shared maintenance activities);

b) coupler integrity checks to confirm no deformation of the coupler has taken place; and

c) facilities to test any sensors, connections (pneumatic, electrical, etc.), and mechanical functions
for operational integrity as required by the manufacturer of the coupling equipment.

6.9 Air receivers

6.9.1 The design shall provide suitable equipment and tooling to repair and test all types of air receiver
supplied with the rolling stock. The scope of equipment supply shall include the main reservoir and
brake reservoirs.

6.9.2 The repair and testing requirements shall include the following:

a) crack-detection facilities (unless available via other shared maintenance activities);

b) water pressure test; and

c) facilities to test any sensors, pressure control and safety valves (pneumatic, electrical, etc.), and
mechanical functions for operational integrity as required by the manufacturer of the air

6.9.3 The facility shall provide an air conditioned and dust-free environment.

6.10 Gangways and vehicle ends

6.10.1 The design shall provide suitable equipment and tooling to repair and test all types of gangway
supplied with the rolling stock.

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6.10.2 The equipment shall also be capable of carrying out repairs to the vehicle ends to preserve the
integrity of the vehicle after a minor collision.

6.11 Wheel wear, brake-pad wear and pantograph/current-collector wear monitoring

6.11.1 The design shall provide for automatic wheel tread diagnosis facilities capable of measuring wheel
profile wear and out-of-roundness, and identifying tread defects.

6.11.2 The design shall provide for a brake-pad wear diagnosis facility capable of measuring the brake-pad
thickness and identifying worn brake pads without human intervention.

6.11.3 The design shall provide for automatic monitoring of pantograph or current collector condition
identifying wear and cracks without human intervention.

6.11.4 All these functions should be combined into one measuring station at the entrance to the wash plant
where the trains will be moving slowly.

6.11.5 Facilities shall be provided for the mounting of this equipment together with all necessary services.

6.12 Wheel tread re-profiling in-situ

6.12.1 The design shall provide for a wheel tread re-profiling facility for in-situ wheel-set maintenance.

6.12.2 The design shall provide for an under-floor wheel lathe to re-profile wheel sets, whether fitted to
rolling stock, bogie-mounted or freestanding. Equipment such as slings, rolling stock shunting
devices, etc., shall be provided to ensure that wheel sets can be moved to the wheel re-profiling
facilities whatever the wheel-set mounting arrangements.

6.12.3 The wheel tread re-profiling facilities shall include provision for automatic swarf removal and loading
to either a road or rail vehicle.

6.12.4 Facilities shall be provided for the mounting of this equipment together with all necessary services.

6.13 Heavy cleaning

6.13.1 A heavy cleaning facility shall be provided within the covered area of the stabling building consisting
of an appropriate number of tracks in accordance with the operations and maintenance philosophy
and plan. Each track shall be capable of accommodating the full-length vehicle consist within the
covered area of the stabling sidings.

6.13.2 The track shall be at grade with a concrete floor with drainage channels under the vehicle body sides
to collect, treat, recycle or dispose of any wash-down water. .

6.13.3 Platforms shall be provided on both sides of the vehicle for continuous exit/entry of cleaning
personnel. The platforms shall be fitted with LV power outlets, water taps and connections to a
centralised vacuum system.

6.13.4 These tracks shall be located such that access for cleaners is readily afforded to the cleaning
platforms in a safe manner with mobile equipment.

6.13.5 Sufficient storage for cleaning equipment and materials shall be provided adjacent to the heavy
cleaning facility.

6.13.6 A central vacuum cleaning facility shall be installed to provide both a hot water and detergent mix
and a vacuum for removing dirt and debris from all surfaces of the vehicle interior.

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6.13.7 Outlets shall be located at suitable locations along cleaning platforms and accessible from within the
train interiors.

6.13.8 Any solid waste collected by the vacuum shall be filtered for separate disposal. Effluent collected by
the vacuum hoses shall be treated before disposal into the drainage system.

6.14 Paint shop

6.14.1 A paint shop, where required, shall be located within or adjacent to the main workshop.

6.14.2 Options exist where a mobile drop-down paint curtain can be provided for vehicles with minor
painted areas.

6.14.3 The paint shop shall be capable of dealing with the maximum number of vehicles for the forecasted
load, but as a minimum one vehicle body length shall be accommodated.

6.14.4 The paint shop shall consist of a body preparation area and a body painting area and the two areas
shall be physically partitioned and equipped with appropriate split-air extraction systems.

6.14.5 Equipment shall be provided for the automatic sanding, painting and drying of vehicle bodies in
addition to portable hand-held equipment for areas where automatic equipment is unsuitable.

6.14.6 For electric traction systems, traction power stinger systems may be used to move vehicles into,
within and out of the paint shop. Shunting tugs/tractors or winches may be used as an alternative.

6.15 Under-frame cleaning facility

6.15.1 A facility shall be provided for cleaning vehicle under-frames and associated equipment prior to
overhaul or whenever there is a build-up of contamination.

6.15.2 Water shall be the cleaning medium and the effluent from the cleaning process shall be discharged
to a drain where it can be collected for treatment.

6.15.3 The cleaning shall be automatic with a facility for human intervention in the case of difficult-to-
remove contamination.

6.15.4 The facility shall be capable of cleaning the maximum size anticipated for use on the project.

6.15.5 Waste water shall be treated, recycled or disposed of through the waste water treatment process.

6.15.6 Options exist where this facility may be replaced by a components cleaning facility for components
or assemblies removed from rolling stock if the operations and maintenance philosophy and plan
provide its justification.

6.15.7 The components cleaning facility shall be sized to suit the requirements of the operations and
maintenance philosophy and plan and the nature of the rolling stock required for use on the project.

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7 Offices and staff facilities

7.1 General
7.1.1 Offices and staff facilities shall be provided as required to meet the operating requirements defined
in the Project Brief to accommodate:

a) management and administration personnel consisting of:

i) operations including security;

ii) engineering;

iii) finance and accounting;

iv) human resources;

v) training;

vi) corporate services (IT, legal, business development, PR and marketing etc.)

b) training centre;

c) operations control centre;

d) staff canteen;

e) staff dormitory.

7.1.2 The number and type of offices and staff facilities to be provided shall depend on the type and size
of the system and the scope of the operations and maintenance organisation as defined in the
Project Brief.

7.1.3 The design shall make provision for the expected patterns of use of facilities, particularly sizing for
the change-over of shifts.

7.1.4 Area per person requirements for offices and staff facilities shall be agreed with the Review
Authority and the Operator on a project-by-project basis but shall generally meet the minimum
“working space” requirements (excluding space for special areas, circulation and support facilities) as
stated below.

7.2 Administration facility

7.2.1 The administration facility, where required for the Project, shall be capable of housing the
administration and management organisation and all associated office equipment in accordance
with the Project operations and maintenance plan.

7.2.2 Area per person requirements for offices shall meet the below minimum requirements (excluding
space for special areas, circulation and support facilities):

a) single office: 10m²

b) open office space: 4m²

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7.3 Training centre

7.3.1 The training centre, where required for the Project, shall provide training facilities in accordance
with the requirements of the operations maintenance and training plan for the Project. As a
minimum, the training centre shall provide for:

a) sufficient training rooms for the expected usage rate equipped with adequate audio and visual

i) minimum area per person: 0.8m² (excluding space for circulation and support facilities).

b) sufficient offices, storage and document production rooms for training centre personnel and
the requirements for document production and storage;

c) sufficient toilets, locker rooms, showers and associated amenities for training centre personnel-
in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code and as agreed with the Review Authority.

7.3.2 All training rooms shall be capable of being opened up into the adjoining room with the use of solid
and soundproof but divisible partitioning.

7.3.3 The training centre shall be located so as to allow easy access without the need for visitors or new
training recruits to access areas of the depot where safety qualifications are required or restricted
access is enforced.

7.3.4 Options can be introduced to include but are not limited to:

a) practical training area equipped with track/guideway sections, power supply and signalling

b) simulator rooms for operations control and rolling stock driving training; and

c) special equipment rooms equipped with platform screen doors and fare collecting equipment
such as ticket office equipment, vending machines and fare gates.

7.4 Operations Control Centre

7.4.1 Refer to Section 13 herein for OCC requirements.

7.5 Staff canteen

7.5.1 A staff canteen, where required for the Project, shall be provided as part of the depot facilities and
of sufficient size to accommodate the forecast number of users.

7.5.2 The primary function of the staff canteen is to provide meals to staff throughout the operational
period of the depot facility, taking account of the number of staff at the varying times of the
operational day.

7.5.3 The staff canteen shall be located either separately as a standalone facility or as part of either the
main depot building or administration building.

7.5.4 The canteen design shall allow a minimum area of 1m² per person/customer (excluding space for
circulation and support facilities).

7.6 Staff prayer room

7.6.1 The staff prayer rooms shall provide private space for staff for religious purposes.

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7.6.2 The location of the prayer rooms shall be suitable for use by all staff and conveniently located to
other staff facilities.

7.6.3 There shall be separate male and female prayer rooms.

7.6.4 The area for staff prayer room shall take into account that a minimum area of 2m² per user
(excluding space for circulation) shall be provided and that the design and layout shall be in
accordance with Dubai Municipality requirements.

7.6.5 The prayer room design shall include separate lobbies, which are visually screened from each other,
and from all general circulation areas.

7.6.6 Provision shall be made for separate ablution rooms to be connected to prayer rooms.

7.7 Staff facilities

7.7.1 Staff facilities shall be separate for male and female staff members and shall typically consist of:

a) locker room;

b) changing rooms;

c) shower cubicles;

d) toilets;

e) storage cabinets.

7.7.2 Sizing of staff facilities shall be in accordance with the forecast number of users and in accordance
with the Uniform Plumbing Code, unless otherwise required by the Review Authority.

7.8 Dormitories (if required)

7.8.1 Dormitories, where required for the Project, shall be provided for staff and divided into female and
male quarters.

7.8.2 Unless required otherwise by the Project Brief, dormitories shall consist of single rooms with en suite
bathroom facilities with a minimum over all area of 20m².

7.9 Parking
7.9.1 Parking areas shall be provided for:

a) staff cars, motorcycles and bicycles;

b) visitors cars;

c) buses; and

d) vehicle loading and unloading parts and equipment.

7.9.2 Areas for parking shall provide for the required manoeuvring of vehicles and efficient traffic flows.

7.9.3 The design shall make provision for the expected patterns of use of facilities, particularly sizing for
the change-over of shifts- the same shall be in accordance with Dubai Municipality Planning
Department’s requirements.

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8 Ancillary building facilities

8.1 Fuel bay

8.1.1 The Fuel Bay enclosure shall be designed to accommodate equipment that is to fuel both road and
rail-based maintenance vehicles.

8.1.2 The Fuel Bay, including the track and tanks, shall be on a hard stand in order to contain and enable
safe disposal of any spilt or leaked fuel.

8.2 Hazardous materials storage

8.2.1 To comply with legislation regarding the storage of dangerous goods, a dedicated hazardous
materials store shall be provided in the depot.

8.2.2 The hazardous materials store shall make provisions for all categories of dangerous goods with
different categories of dangerous goods being physically separated.

8.2.3 Hazardous materials shall include, but not be limited to the following:

a) oil;

b) radio-active materials store, if required;

c) solvents;

d) acids/alkalis;

e) paint;

f) batteries and fluorescent tubes;

g) gas bottles;

h) cement.

8.2.4 The design shall provide an adequately sized and constructed bund around or within any liquid
chemical storage facilities, providing a retention volume equal to the storage capacity.

8.3 Power substations

8.3.1 Facilities shall be provided as required for traction and auxiliary power substations within the depot
facilities as required by the design of the project power distribution.

8.3.2 Facilities shall comply with the requirements of DEWA and shall be the subject of formal hazard

8.4 Test track office/store

8.4.1 Where a test track is required to meet the operations and maintenance requirements defined in the
project brief, a building shall be provided with access from both outside and inside the segregated
test track area.

8.4.2 This building shall be provided with services appropriate to occasional occupancy and for the storage
of sensitive test apparatus.

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9 Storage facilities and materials


9.1 General requirements

9.1.1 The storage facilities design shall provide for the safe, secure and efficient storage of all spare parts,
consumables and special tools provided for the maintenance of the project.

9.1.2 Options exist for the stores and materials management to be either centralised from a single main
store or have a centralised main store with distributed sub stores. The selection of options shall be
based on the operations and maintenance philosophy and plan as required by the Project Brief and
the efficiencies recognised for each option.

9.1.3 Stores facilities shall be located within the depot workshop building. If the option of a decentralised
stores management is chosen, the main central store may be separate from the depot building with
a sub store being provided within the depot workshop building.

9.1.4 Stores shall be equipped with shelving, bins, racking and cupboards from floor to roof in sufficient
quantity to house the spares and consumables provided for the maintenance of the project.

9.1.5 Heavy goods may be held in pallets in an open floor area. Pallets may be stacked up to a limit
determined by the strength of the pallet goods and the safe reach capacity of the stores vehicles

9.1.6 End-access storage shall be provided for long components or materials. Storage shall be provided for
elements up to 10m in length, with a large access space at one end of the assembly to allow for
efficient storage and retrieval.

9.1.7 Sufficient area shall be provided to enable mobile equipment to access the goods in all areas of the
storage facility.

9.1.8 Security of stores shall be of high priority with appropriate access control and monitoring
supervision, in addition to CCTV surveillance.

9.1.9 Access to the stores facility shall be separated for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

9.1.10 Sufficient loading and unloading docks for trucks with appropriate access doors into the store shall
be provided. Additionally, the storage facility design shall provide for a loading and unloading dock
for maintenance vehicles where space permits and justification exists.

9.1.11 All access points shall have a minimum clear height of 5 m unobstructed by overhead line.

9.1.12 The stores facilities shall provide controlled conditions of even temperature and be free from
condensation as necessary.

9.1.13 Storage facilities shall also provide below the room temperature controlled facilities to store
materials such as rubbers, o-rings, seals, adhesives, sensitive electronic modules, etc.

9.1.14 Sufficient stores administration offices shall be provided for administering of the stores and
materials-handling functions.

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9.1.15 A goods reception and inspection area beside the loading and unloading docks shall be provided,
equipped with sufficient inspection benches and desk space.

9.1.16 Tools and parts dispensing counters of sufficient size shall be provided adjacent to the stores
administration facilities.

9.1.17 Hazardous materials shall be stored in a dedicated building as described in section 8.

9.2 Civil and track spares

9.2.1 Spares for track work shall be stored in the infrastructure maintenance facility where but such spares
shall remain under the control of the Main Stores facility to allow full asset control and reporting.

9.3 Cleaners’ store

9.3.1 The design shall provide for a store for cleaners’ materials located adjacent to the stabling sidings.
This store shall be lockable and contain sufficient cleaning materials for three days work without
needing replenishing.

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10 Infrastructure maintenance facilities

10.1 General requirements

10.1.1 The design shall provide maintenance facilities for the general maintenance, repair and overhaul of
infrastructure. These facilities may be provided as a separate facility or combined with an existing
facility depending on the size of the system proposed for the project.

10.1.2 The design shall provide for an area for stabling, general maintenance, repair and overhaul of the
maintenance vehicle fleet. Depending on its size, and if justification exists, a separate facility may be
designed exclusively for this purpose.

10.1.3 The design of the infrastructure maintenance facility shall be configured in such a manner that all the
key maintenance activities are incorporated to minimise movement of components, movement of
equipment, optimise staff and space utilisation, and provide an acceptable and safe working

10.1.4 This facility will require convenient access to the depot road network to receive and dispatch
equipment from remote sites.

10.1.5 Sufficient space and racks shall be provided for temporary holding of equipment spares and items of
equipment awaiting dispatch for off-site repair or replacement and repaired items of equipment.

10.1.6 The design shall provide for overhead lifting cranes and/or mechanical handling equipment for
handling items requiring maintenance.

10.1.7 The general maintenance area within the facility shall provide facilities for fault diagnosis and repair
of electro-mechanical equipment.

10.1.8 A structure gauge check shall be provided on the exit from this facility to ensure that all maintenance
vehicles and other wagons have been loaded within gauge before they leave the depot.

10.1.9 A storage compound equipped with overhead lifting cranes shall be provided for the storage of bulk
materials such as switches and crossings, ballast, etc. Access by both road and track shall be

10.2 Infrastructure maintenance facility workshops and offices

10.2.1 Workshops, tool rooms, storage areas and offices shall be provided in the infrastructure
maintenance facility for the maintenance of:

a) MEP Systems (including lifts and escalators);

b) civil structural works;

c) architectural works;

d) traction power distribution equipment; and

e) trackwork.

10.3 MEP system repairs and testing

10.3.1 The design shall provide electronic repair facilities in a fully air-conditioned, dust-free environment.

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10.3.2 The design shall provide diagnostic and test equipment in this area. This shall include, but not be
limited to, oscilloscopes, signal generators, power supplies, multi-meters and soldering equipment,
as well as component racking systems. Other specialised equipment considered necessary by the
design shall also be provided.

10.3.3 The design shall provide an anti-static area to enable the repair of electro-static sensitive equipment.

10.3.4 Such facilities shall include for the testing and recalibration of equipment as required.

10.3.5 Any compressed air supplies shall include suitable local valve arrangements, including means of
filtering and regulating compressed air.

10.4 Machining and fabricating facility

10.4.1 The design shall provide the means for modifying and fabricating any general component parts to
maintain the systems. Such facilities shall not provide parts or equipment intended for use in safety
critical systems.

10.4.2 The design shall provide overhead lifting crane facilities for the entire machining area.

10.5 Welding and cutting facilities

10.5.1 The design shall provide facilities for all metal welding and cutting operations to be carried out.
Suitable extract systems, protective clothing, furniture ancillary tools and consumables shall be
provided for the equipment specified.

10.5.2 The design shall provide a dedicated area for any welding to be carried out within the depot with
appropriate screening from other operations.

10.6 Small-parts paint shop

10.6.1 The design shall provide all equipment such as spray equipment, air-extract equipment and paint-
baking ovens as may be required.

10.6.2 Portable enclosures with associated ventilation equipment shall be provided for use away from the

10.7 Civil and track maintenance

10.7.1 Such facilities shall include machinery and equipment for the preparation and assembly of suitable
rail lengths and switches and crossings.

10.7.2 These shall be located in such a manner that all the key maintenance activities are incorporated to
minimise movement of components, movement of equipment, optimise staff and space utilisation,
and provide an acceptable and safe working environment.

10.7.3 The design shall provide overhead lifting cranes of sufficient lifting capacity to cover the civil and
track maintenance compound where rails and major track components are to be lifted.

10.7.4 Forklift trucks of sufficient capacity with suitable outreach shall also be provided along with swing-jib
cranes where necessary for loading wagons.

10.7.5 All equipment and tools necessary to repair, maintain or replace the track work shall be provided.

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10.8 Rail welding facility

10.8.1 The infrastructure maintenance facility shall include a facility for the welding of short lengths (20m)
of rail into long sections (100m).

10.8.2 The rail-welding facility shall consist of a rail stacking platform 5m wide x 110m long, with a flash
butt welding workshop 10m wide x 50m long at the dead end, where lengths of rail are welded

10.8.3 At the rear of this shall be another rail stacking platform 20m long x 10m wide for feeding the 20m
rail lengths into the welding facility.

10.8.4 A rail track shall be provided alongside the rail stacking platform for loading and unloading
maintenance vehicles.

10.8.5 The rail storage areas, stacking platform and maintenance vehicle berth shall be spanned by an
electric hoist gantry system to facilitate the movement of lengths of rail within the area. These
gantries shall be at 10m spacing, each with a 2 tonne hoist.

10.8.6 This facility may be built early to be used by the permanent-way construction and handed over in
good working order for on-going use at the end of construction.

10.9 Overhead line maintenance

10.9.1 Where the system proposed has overhead power collection there shall be a siding adjacent to the
overhead line stores, workshops and test facilities so that the overhead line vehicle can be loaded
with equipment in a convenient manner.

10.9.2 This facility may be built early to be used during construction and handed over in good working order
for on-going use at the end of construction.

10.10 Maintenance vehicle maintenance workshop

10.10.1 Each track in this workshop shall be long enough to accommodate the longest single vehicle that has
to be maintained.

10.10.2 All tracks shall have a flat concrete floor at grade, and two shall have centre pits for inspection of
vehicle under frames.

10.10.3 Tracks shall be extended outside the rear of the building such that the last maintenance vehicle in a
multiple vehicle consist can be located over the pit.

10.10.4 The tracks in front of the shed shall have sufficient length to the fouling point such that the front
vehicle in a multiple vehicle can be located over the pit.

10.10.5 There shall be sufficient allowance at each end of the longest vehicle to permit a person to ascend
from the pit beneath the vehicle without banging their head on any part of the vehicle.

10.10.6 There shall be a minimum of 5m of circulation space for mobile equipment at the front and rear of
the pit.

10.10.7 A lead acid battery shop shall be incorporated in the workshop area.

10.10.8 A diesel fuelling point shall be located on a concrete apron adjacent to the entrance tracks to this
facility to fuel self-propelled, rail-mounted maintenance vehicles.

10.10.9 Mobile lifting jacks sufficiently sized to lift rail-borne vehicles and wagons for changing wheels or
bogies shall also be provided in the facility.

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10.10.10 This facility may be built early to enable maintenance of construction locomotives and wagons to be
carried out during construction and handed over in good working order for on-going use at the end
of construction.

10.11 Maintenance vehicle stabling sidings

10.11.1 Stabling sidings shall be designed to collect oil and water spillage.

10.11.2 They shall be located within the infrastructure maintenance facility and be capable of stabling the
full fleet of locomotives and maintenance vehicles.

10.11.3 There shall be sufficient parallel sidings to ensure that operational vehicles are not frequently
trapped by others, resulting in unnecessary shunting.

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11 Vehicle wash and water treatment


11.1 Technical provisions

11.1.1 The wash plant enclosure shall include all equipment necessary for the operation of the wash plant
and shall include, but not be limited to: wash brushes and machines, sprays, pumps, tanks, pipe
work, control cubicles, neutralising plant and all items required to enable the vehicle wash plants to
fulfil their intended function.

11.1.2 The Wash plant shall be contained within a covered facility to protect brushes and equipment
against sand accumulation caused by sandstorms that may damage the train surface during washing.

11.1.3 The design shall establish interface details to enable the design of the civil works, power supply and
sewage system to be coordinated.

11.1.4 Each wash plant shall comprise but not be limited to the following:

a) speed monitoring;

b) pre-wet station;

c) detergent brush station;

d) water brush station;

e) final rinse station;

f) control and condition monitoring provision;

g) safety provision;

h) maintenance provision;

i) recycling provision;
j) water-storage tanks;

k) detergent storage tanks;

l) pumping equipment, pipe-work and fittings; and

m) emergency shower and eyewash units.

11.1.5 The water treatment system shall comprise but not be limited to the following:

a) settlement pond;

b) primary sludge filter module;

c) oil separator;

d) secondary filter pack module;

e) pH monitoring module with recorder;

f) treated water storage tank; and

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g) associated accessories and fittings.

11.1.6 The wash plant shall be designed to wash vehicles at five-minute intervals between the completion
of one wash cycle and the commencement of the next.

11.1.7 The wash plant shall be capable of washing the maximum size of vehicle on a daily basis, achieving a
standard of external cleanliness of the vehicle body, free from streaking and spotting, commensurate
with the image required for a prestigious public transport system.

11.1.8 The plant shall clean the body side of the vehicle, including articulations from sole bar to cant rail
level, and the leading and trailing ends.

11.1.9 A neutralisation plant shall be provided which shall treat the effluent from the wash plant in
accordance with local regulations, prior to discharge into the sewer system.

11.1.10 In the case of treated effluent from the wash plant not being acceptable for discharge into the sewer
system a retention plant shall be provided in the design for catchment and settlement, with the
residue to be removed by sludge tanker.

11.1.11 If the maintenance philosophy requires acid washing of the rolling stock, at least one combined
acid/detergent wash plant shall be designed and installed in order to minimise the cost of providing
separate plants and associated civil and drainage works.

11.2 Safety provisions

11.2.1 Emergency shower and eye-wash units shall be provided at the plant room and at the chemical
unloading station.

11.2.2 A minimum clearance of 750mm in any direction is required between any live part of the overhead
line system and the facility structure.

11.2.3 Safety signage shall be provided at appropriate locations in both English and Arabic.

11.3 Maintenance provisions

11.3.1 Spray-jets brushes, brush-drive gear and other equipment shall be accessible by fixed ladders, steps
or walkways to enable routine inspection or maintenance. No electrical overhead equipment or
wiring should be accessible from them.

11.4 Recycling provision

11.4.1 A water recycling system shall be provided to minimise the water consumption of the vehicle
washing plant and to recycle at least 80% of the water.

11.4.2 Used water from the final rinse station shall be collected by a recycling tank and be reused in the pre
wet station, water brush station and as make up water for the detergent wash.

11.4.3 For detergent solution application, a detergent recycling system shall be provided to recover
detergent solution through special drain valves.

11.4.4 The design shall incorporate a detergent solution collection tank complete with an accurate chemical
concentration measuring device for monitoring the replenishment of made-up water and detergent
of correct quantities.

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11.5 Operational provisions

11.5.1 The wash plants shall operate in a single direction only and shall comply with the following minimum

a) nominal washing speed: 3km/h;

b) maximum washing speed: 5km/h;

c) minimum water storage capacity: 4 hours; and

d) minimum detergent storage capacity: 1 week.

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12 Test-track facilities

12.1 Test-track facilities

12.1.1 Rolling stock test-track facilities shall be provided for the project based on the requirements of the
maintenance philosophy, the fleet size and the available opportunities to undertake rolling stock
testing on the main line outside of revenue operational hours.

12.1.2 Where a test track is to be provided it shall be located within the depot facility and segregated from
the rest of the depot. Where fencing is required it shall be 3m in height, with appropriate restricted-
area warning signs displayed along its perimeter.

12.1.3 The test track shall be of maximum length as possible to provide for testing at speed.

12.1.4 An option exists where the test track may also be used for training of operations and maintenance
personnel. Where this is required the systems and equipment on the test track shall:

a) be configured in such a way that the equipment can be safely isolated and locally controlled
from the test track facility when required;

b) be configured in such a way that equipment can be easily accessed from ground level as
required including any overhead catenary system equipment;

c) provide for sufficient area for trainee personnel to observe the equipment from close range.

12.1.5 The design shall provide all railway systems equipment necessary to make the test track suitable for
main line operation and shall contain as many of the railway systems features as would normally be
encountered on the main line including, but not limited to:

a) full signalling;

b) stations with platform screen doors;

c) traction power supply including OCS neutral sections, OCS section insulators and third
rail/induction rail gaps;

d) signalling for ATO and SM operation where applicable to the transit mode.

12.1.6 The design shall provide for the ability of personnel to carry out testing from track level and provide
refuge from a passing vehicle.

12.1.7 Lighting along the test track shall be a minimum of 300 lux.

12.1.8 Test track facility requirements shall be coordinated with the requirements in Volume 4.

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13 Operations control centre building

13.1 General
13.1.1 The operations control centre building shall contain the central control room from which all aspects
of the train network operation are monitored and controlled.

13.1.2 The Designer shall provide a working environment that promotes a calm attentive atmosphere that
enables network controllers to concentrate on the demanding tasks for which they are responsible.

13.1.3 The control spaces shall be effectively insulated from any distractions

13.1.4 The OCC building shall be designed in accordance with the OCC Ergonomic Study covered in Volume
4 Part 4, Appendix 1 Control Room Facilities and shall generally accommodate the following:

a) Natural light, controlled to avoid glare.

b) Soundproofing, to control ambient noise levels.

c) Overall room lighting and individual task lighting.

d) Heating and ventilation

e) Access control systems

f) Entry/exit doors and emergency evacuation routes

The Designer shall refer to Volume 5 Part 1 and its related Appendices for building services

13.1.5 Control spaces shall typically include:

e) Operation Control Centre;

f) Back-up Control Centre;

g) Crew assignment control office; and

h) Training facilities

13.2 Operations control centre

13.2.1 The operations control centre (OCC) shall be the centralised facility established to manage overall
control of operations. It shall include the central control room (CCR), incident management room
(IMR) and network maintenance management room (NMMR).

13.2.2 The OCC shall be located in accordance with the requirements of the Project Brief.

13.2.3 The OCC building shall incorporate appropriate facilities to ensure a highly secure working

13.2.4 The OCC and all other control room facilities, regardless of location, shall be based upon the
Universal Workstation philosophy.

13.2.1 Typical accommodation within an OCC shall include:

a) central control room (CCR);

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b) incident management room (IMR);

c) network maintenance management room (NMMR);

d) equipment rooms;

e) transportation planning room;

f) visitors gallery;

g) administration offices; and

h) personnel rest rooms.

The above rooms are discussed below (13.3-13.10).

13.2.2 Storage facilities for CCTV and voice recordings shall be sized and provided to be consistent with the
requirements in the Project Brief.

13.2.3 Functions to be managed in the OCC shall include as a minimum:

a) main line train control and supervision;

b) depot train control and supervision (including handover to manual control areas);

c) baggage handling control and supervision (where included in the Project);

d) engineering control and supervision (power supply, tunnel ventilation, fire alarm, building
services, lifts and escalators, fault reporting etc.);

e) communications;

f) passenger information control and supervision;

g) network maintenance management (alarm monitoring and fault response and coordination);

h) security access control and intrusion detection systems;

i) transportation and possession planning; and

j) incident management.

13.2.4 OCC room accommodations shall be proposed in accordance with a Control Room Functions Study
and the Ergonomic Study for the OCC control rooms.

13.2.5 Refer to Volume 4 Part 4 Railway Control Facilities, for requirements regarding the layout of the OCC.

13.3 Central Control Room (CCR)

13.3.1 The primary purpose of the central control room shall be to monitor and control all main line
operations, log system wide faults, manage fault responses, manage incidents and coordinate
maintenance activities during maintenance hours.

13.3.2 The Central Control Room will contain adequate Universal Workstations (including spares) for:

a) main line control and supervision;

b) depot control and supervision (auto area where applicable);

c) security/Transit Police function;

d) engineering control and supervision;

e) baggage handling control and supervision where applicable;

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f) information control and supervision; and

g) overall supervision.

13.4 Incident Management Room (IMR)

13.4.1 The IMR shall be separated from but have immediate access to the CCR and shall incorporate:
a) a universal workstation to allow occupants to monitor a major incident;

b) full record and playback facilities;

c) conference room facilities and video conferencing facilities;

d) a large passive line overview display (‘whiteboard’); and

e) CCTV monitors.

13.5 Network Maintenance Management Room (NMMR)

13.5.1 The NMMR shall be located separate from but adjacent to the CCR and shall incorporate:

a) sub system status and fault alarm displays and maintenance management system displays to
allow sub system specialist technicians to monitor, report and arrange responses to sub system

b) facilities to generate work orders for fault response and status tracking using the maintenance
management system;

c) workstations to cater for each subsystem;

d) a large passive line overview display (‘whiteboard’); and

e) CCTV monitors.

13.6 Equipment Rooms

13.6.1 Equipment Rooms shall be established as part of the OCC building and shall be sufficient to house, in
separate rooms, all subsystem servers required for the railway operations.

13.6.2 Such equipment shall be connected to the UPS system rated in accordance with the requirements
laid out in the Project Brief.
13.6.3 The rooms shall be separate from the CCR and provided with their own secure access.

13.7 Transportation Planning Room (TPR)

13.7.1 A transportation planning room shall be established as part of the OCC where the timetable
generation system shall be located for the management of existing timetable files and the
development of new timetables for special events or network maintenance.
13.7.2 A Universal Workstation shall be provided capable of operating as a playback of train operations to
observe timetables in action or for verification or simulation of prepared timetables when connected
to the timetable generation system.
13.7.3 The workstation shall be physically isolated from the operating system in playback and timetable
simulation mode such that the control and supervision of the railway is not affected by any input
from the workstation or timetable simulator.

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13.8 Visitor’s gallery

13.8.1 A visitor’s gallery may be provided as required in the Project Brief and shall provide a view of the CCR
from a location that does not affect the functional layout of the CCR.

13.8.2 The visitor’s gallery shall be sized to provide seating and other facilities for audio visual presentations
to visitors in addition to providing a view of the CCR.

13.8.3 Access to the visitor’s gallery shall be separate from the secure access to the CCR.

13.8.4 Multimedia systems shall be provided to allow the functions of the OCC to be viewed by visitors in
the gallery.

13.9 Administrative Offices

13.9.1 Requirements for administrative offices shall be specified for the control centre manager, the
systems administrator, back of house office staff and document storage.

13.9.2 One medium sized conference room shall be specified as a minimum to accommodate miscellaneous
operations meetings.

13.10 Personnel rest room, kitchen, bathrooms and locker rooms

13.10.1 Rest rooms for control room personnel equipped with kitchen, meals and lounge/TV area shall be
provided in addition to adequate bathroom and locker room facilities.

13.11 Backup Control Room (BCR)

13.11.1 Backup control facilities shall be provided at one or more alternative locations in the event that
control from the OCC is not possible if required by the operational requirements defined in the
Project Brief.

13.11.2 All references to communications with the OCC shall be interpreted to refer to the BCC in the event
that the OCC is unavailable.

13.11.3 The Back up Control Centre (BCC) shall be located in a building remote from the OCC. This facility will
be used in the event of non-availability of the OCC. It will comprise a Back up Control Room (BCR),
equipment rooms and essential staff facilities.

13.11.4 The BCR shall incorporate identical operational and technical functionality and facilities as that
specified for the CCR except no visitor’s gallery or administration offices will be required.

13.11.5 Each local control facility shall be equipped with a Universal Workstation and a CCTV overview panel.

13.12 Crew Assignment Control Office

13.12.1 Where crew assignment control offices are required, facilities shall be provided to enable train
attendant supervisors to monitor and supervise the allocation of train attendants to trains.

13.12.2 A crew assignment control office shall also be equipped with a Universal Workstation.

13.13 Dedicated Training Facilities

13.13.1 The training centre shall include a control room training room for the training of staff using Universal
Workstation facilities and sub system simulators.

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13.13.2 The railway control facilities designer shall provide two standalone (physically isolated from the
operating system) Universal Workstations in the training centre which shall have identical
functionality as “live” Universal Workstation facilities.

13.14 Ergonomic considerations in control Rooms Design

13.14.1 Key ergonomic / human factor issues to be addressed shall include, but not be limited to:

a) disposition of universal workstations within the room taking into account the need for
communication between staff;

b) overall room lighting and individual task lighting;

c) staged lighting control, i.e. lighting to specific areas of the Control Room;

d) reduction of glare;

e) control of ambient noise levels, use of soundproofing, etc.;

f) use of natural light;

g) provision of auxiliary facilities, such as but not limited to, visitor’s gallery, conference rooms,
bathrooms, locker rooms, rest rooms and kitchen facilities;

h) heating and ventilation;

i) access control systems; and

j) entry/exit doors and emergency evacuation routes.

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14 Tunnel portals

14.1 General functional requirements

14.1.1 Tunnel portal sites shall describe the points of entry/exit of a railway tunnel.

14.1.2 Tunnel portal sites shall be located in stable ground with sufficient space.

14.1.3 Tunnels with a high traffic volume and long tunnels shall be equipped with emergency vehicles at
each end.

14.1.4 In determining portal locations and where to end the approach structure and retaining walls,
protection should be provided against flooding or storm runoff.

14.1.5 Adequate provision should be made for immediate and effective removal of water from rainfall,
drainage, groundwater seepage, or any other source. Portal cross drain and sump-pump should be

14.1.6 Portals shall be located such that they satisfy environmental and air quality requirements as well as
the geometrical configuration of the tunnel.

14.1.7 Ameliorating measures shall be taken for portals with East and West orientations particularly at
tunnels serving trains with drivers as drivers might be blinded by the rising or setting sun.

14.1.8 Special lighting requirements at the portal shall be required to address the "black hole" effect.

14.1.9 The portal should be located at a point where the depth of the tunnel is suitably covered. This
depends on the type of construction, the crossing configuration, and the geometry of the tunnel.

14.1.10 All portal elements listed below in this section shall be considered and evaluated for potential
inclusion. Not all items will be necessary at every portal.

14.1.11 An assessment of which items of portal infrastructure should be located shall be made based on
tunnel configuration and portal locations.

14.2 Noise mitigation hood

14.2.1 Where noise mitigation is required the design shall allow for a space to accommodate a smooth
tapered hood (trumpet). This hood shall be designed to mitigate aerodynamic noise effects.

14.2.2 The face of the hood-structure (if provided) shall be inclined at least 45 degrees from the vertical for
noise mitigation purposes.

14.3 Portal ventilation building / shafts

14.3.1 Tunnels shall typically require assemblies of fans located in ventilation buildings located at the
tunnel portals. Alternatively, fans may be located at mid-line ventilation shafts or inclined ventilation
tunnels to enable smoke to be extracted from the tunnels as per NFPA 130 requirements.

14.3.2 Portal ventilation buildings shall require direct access to the tunnels and shall typically be located
immediately over the tunnel portals.

14.3.3 Heights of individual rooms in tunnel portal ventilation buildings shall vary according to equipment
planned to be installed.

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14.3.4 The portal ventilation buildings shall be designed to blend into the natural surroundings as much as

14.3.5 Landscaped backfill and embankments may be employed with appropriate vegetation.

14.4 Debris Containment

14.4.1 The design shall accommodate, as necessary, debris diversion or containment features such as
berms to ensure that no debris, soil or sand slides from slopes above the portal area and reaches the
tracks or damage equipment or structures.

14.4.2 Appropriate simulation-software shall be used to support determination of trench depths and fence

14.4.3 Each individual situation shall be evaluated through extensive, site-specific risk-assessment analysis.

14.5 Tunnel portal emergency access and facilities

14.5.1 Road access to portals shall be considered for use by emergency responders, for evacuating
passengers and for maintenance staff access.

14.5.2 Paved roadway or track-bed shall be provided to enable emergency response staff and equipment to
reach the tunnel portal from the access road and emergency-vehicle assembly and turn-around

14.5.3 Separate paved walkways shall be provided to enable passengers to egress the tunnel under
emergency conditions without conflict with emergency responders.

14.5.4 Minimum width of access roadways within the fenced site area will be in accordance with the fire
and life safety strategy requirements and sufficient to allow emergency vehicles to safely pass
anywhere within the site.

14.5.5 Assembly and turn-around areas for emergency vehicles shall be provided adjacent to the tunnel
portal, at the end of the access road within the fenced portal area.

14.5.6 Emergency Vehicle Assembly areas should be located within close proximity of the tunnel portal.
14.5.7 An area shall be provided for an emergency vehicle assembly and turn-around area. Dimensions of
this area shall be in accordance with the Fire and Life Safety strategy.

14.5.8 A Rescue Area / Passenger Assembly Area shall be provided as close as practical to the tunnel portal.
The rescue area shall be well lit and shall have access to the site access road.

14.5.9 A well-lit paved walkway outside the tunnel portal will connect the tunnel safety walkways to the
Passenger Assembly / Rescue Area.

14.5.10 Lighting systems will be provided so that during a train evacuation, illumination levels at the ground
surface of the portal site area can be maintained at no less than 20 lux.

14.5.11 The width of the emergency egress walkway will be in accordance with NFPA 130 requirements.

14.5.12 Water supply for tunnel fire-fighting purposes will be provided to points near the Emergency
Vehicle Assembly Areas.

14.5.13 Emergency telephones shall be provided within immediate proximity to the portal area Emergency
Vehicle Assembly and the Passenger Assembly / Rescue Areas.

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14.6 Parking for Tunnel Maintenance

14.6.1 A separate parking away from the emergency parking areas shall be provided for maintenance staff
for tunnels and other site facilities.

14.7 Landscaping
14.7.1 Unless specified otherwise in the Project Brief, landscaping with backfilling, grading and vegetation
shall be employed, as appropriate, to help blend structures into the surrounding natural condition.

14.7.2 Access shall be provided to allow maintenance of landscape vegetation.

14.8 Visual aspects

14.8.1 The visual aspects of the tunnel portals design shall:

a) integrate the tunnel entrance structure into the immediate landscaping in a discrete and
sensitive manner;

b) select appropriate materials for the trough walls to reduce visual impact, reflections and glare;

c) unless specified otherwise in the Project Brief, landscaping with backfilling, grading and
vegetation shall be employed, as appropriate, to help blend structures into the surrounding
natural condition and to reduce the visual impact of the portal;

d) unobtrusive access shall be provided to allow maintenance of landscape vegetation.

e) integrate any required noise barriers, security or other screening/fencing into overall design in
a visually cohesive and balanced manner; and

f) incorporate landscape elements in any acoustic screening where possible, including low massed
plantings, to reduce the visual impact of the acoustic screening from surrounding residential

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15 Tunnel ventilation / exhaust shafts

15.1 General Requirements

15.1.1 Tunnel shafts shall allow the air exchange between tunnels and the atmosphere.

15.1.2 This Section is only concerned with the exterior design of the exposed or above ground portion of
the shaft that shall require architectural design input.

15.1.3 The requirements herein shall apply to ventilation and exhaust shafts.

15.1.4 Vent shafts shall be provided with a roof covering to protect the fabric of the shaft and its associated
installations against exposure to the natural elements and weathering.

15.1.5 The covering of the shaft shall provide a suitable aesthetical appearance and shall facilitate periodic
maintenance access to the ventilation equipment.

15.1.6 Allowing for shaft maintenance necessitates that part(s) of the roof covering be removable, without
causing disturbance shaft structure, to allow any shaft equipment to be crane lifted.

15.1.7 Access ladders shall also be provided as required to enable maintenance access without
compromising the aesthetical quality of the shaft’s architectural design.

15.1.8 Acoustic dampers and other noise mitigating measures shall be incorporated as necessary to meet
the Project’s noise level requirements.

15.1.9 The design shall not allow services to enter or cross through the shaft unless they are serving the
shaft installations or equipment.

15.2 Visual aspects

15.2.1 The visual aspects of the ventilation, emergency egress and service shafts design shall:

a) provide a high-quality design response integrating architectural and landscape design elements;

b) utilise consistent design elements and appropriate architectural styles, building materials and
colour selection to achieve a visually acceptable outcome;

c) minimise the shaft’s visual bulk and impact on the surroundings by careful consideration of the
physical context;

d) maximise the use of planting as a screening and shading element;

e) integrate the all shaft elements required for ventilation, drainage and all associated
infrastructure into the natural setting of the local area;

f) incorporate anti-graffiti/vandalism measures; and

g) optimise the need for exposed drainage and other services (including CCTV installations) to
preserve the aesthetic integrity of the shaft’s architectural design.

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 3, Landscaping

Volume 2, Architecture, Part 3, Landscaping

© Roads & Transport Authority 2012

All rights reserved. No section or element of this document may be removed from this document, reproduced, electronically stored or
transmitted in any form without the written permission of Roads & Transport Authority.

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2.1 Introduction 2
2.2 Integration requirements 2
2.3 Interfacing requirements 2
2.4 Design management requirements 4
2.5 Testing requirements 6
2.6 System assurance requirements 6
2.7 Maintenance and spares requirements 6
3.1 General 7
3.2 Functional and aesthetic requirements for stations and transport interfaces 8
3.3 Functional and aesthetic requirements for non passenger areas 20
4.1 General 23
4.2 Functional and aesthetic requirements - all areas 25
4.3 Functional and aesthetic requirements – specific locations 27


Figure 3-1: An example of a palette of landscape paving materials 10

Figure 3-2 : An example of paving that could be used at station entrances 11
Figure 3-3: An example of a traffic island at a station (plan) 12
Figure 3-4 : Example of a group of features - Bicycle racks and benches 13
Figure 3-5: Example of a group of features - litter bn, tree guard, tree grille and planter 13
Figure 3-6: Example of mini-bollard; bollard; light bollard and light standard 15
Figure 3-7: A typical section showing street furniture at a transport interface 16
Figure 3-8: An example of a shade structure with slatted roof 18
Figure 3-9: Examples of Water Features 19
Figure 3-10 : An example of sculpture/art in station arrival spaces 20
Figure 4-1: An example of planting at a transport interface (section) 28
Figure 4-2: An example of avenue effect planting 28
Figure 4-3: An Example of a Desert Planting Palette 29
Figure 4-4: An example of a planting palette with striking foliage 30
Figure 4-5: A typical plan disposition and arrangement of landscape features at vent shafts / emergency egresses
Figure 4-6: An example of key design intent for peripheral trackside areas at depot 33

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 3, Landscaping

1 Introduction

1.1.1 This document forms part of Rail Planning and Design Guidelines Volume 2 for Architecture. It shall
be interpreted and applied as an integral part of the complete set of RPDG documents that together
define the planning and design guidelines for the Project.

1.1.2 The RPDG is structured in discrete Volumes, Parts and Appendices which describe the design
requirements for rail projects in Dubai. The Volumes, Parts and Appendices categorise the design
requirements by discipline, sub-discipline, element or technology. An Appendix has been created,
where necessary, to facilitate use but not all Parts have Appendices. An Appendix has been created
where there are a large number of requirements or a large amount of information needs to be
conveyed for a particular sub-discipline, element or technology.

1.1.3 Not all Volumes, Parts or Appendices apply to all Projects and this is dependent on the scope of the
Project, described in the Project Brief.

1.1.4 The Guide to the RPDG describes the high level aspirations or vision for the design of railways in
Dubai and more specific objectives by discipline. It also includes the RTA’s Vision and Strategic
Objectives. The design of railways in Dubai shall be executed to deliver this vision and the design
objectives for the RTA.

1.1.5 The RPDG is supplemented by the Project Brief, which defines the scope of work, operational
requirements and specific requirements for a Project.

1.1.6 The Project Brief may be supplemented by Project Information which may include more detailed
requirements for the design and implementation of a Project.

1.1.7 Where the Project is an extension to an Existing System and the Project Brief requires the
landscaping design to be built to the same standard as on the Existing System, landscaping shall
comply with the relevant specifications listed in the Project Information and

1.1.8 The RPDG Volume 1 Systemwide document specifies design requirements that will apply across all
elements of the Project.

1.1.9 The RPDG Volume 2 Architecture document specifies design requirements for all architectural input
to the planning and design of the Project.
1.1.10 The RPDG Volume 3 Civil Engineering document specifies design requirements for all civil
engineering and civil infrastructure design input to the planning and design of the Project.

1.1.11 The RPDG Volume 4 Railway Systems document specifies design requirements for all railway systems
input to the planning and design of the Project.

1.1.12 The RPDG Volume 5 Building Services document specifies design requirements for all building
services including passenger conveyance input to the planning and design of the Project.

1.1.13 The RPDG Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are structured in discrete Parts, Sections and Appendices which
describe design requirements at increasing levels of detail down to individually procured products
that may be required to implement a Project. Not all Parts, Sections and Appendices will apply to all

1.1.14 This document provides architectural design guidelines for the design of landscaping and all their
components that may be required in the construction of rail transport projects in Dubai.

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 3, Landscaping

2 Common technical requirements

2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 This Part and the supporting Appendices, contain the requirements for the design of landscape
design requirements that may be required for the delivery of rail transport in Dubai.

2.1.2 This document defines the scope of work specifically with respect to the design of the landscaping.

2.1.3 Landscape design is dependent on the station category, its location and importance.

2.2 Integration requirements

2.2.1 RPDG Volume 1, Part 1, Systemwide contains procedures that shall be applied to establish a formal
process of identifying and tracking interfaces to ensure that the station design interfaces with other
elements of the Project, including those of external parties and facilities, have been identified,
resolved and implemented.

2.2.2 The station design shall identify and address all appropriate design integration requirements in:

a) RPDG Volume 1 Systemwide;

b) RPDG Volume 2 Architecture;

c) RPDG Volume 3 Civil Engineering;

d) RPDG Volume 4 Railway Systems; and

e) RPDG Volume 5 Building Services.

2.2.3 Interface management procedures shall apply to all design interfaces with landscaping, regardless of
the contractual relationship between the designer of landscaping and the interfacing partner.

2.2.4 Design gates shall be identified for all elements of landscape design where design progress is
absolutely conditional on resolution of an interface. The minimum design gates are listed below by

2.2.5 All potential interfaces with the operator and maintainer shall be identified and recorded in a
separate interface register.

2.2.6 If the operator and maintainer are not available to provide input to the interface management
process, the Project Proposer and/or the Review Authority may at its sole discretion provide
assistance with the resolution of these interfaces.

2.3 Interfacing requirements

2.3.1 RPDG Volume 1, Part 1, Systemwide contains procedures that shall be applied to establish a formal
process of identifying and tracking interfaces to ensure that landscaping buildings design interfaces
with other elements of the Project, including those of external parties and facilities, have been
identified, resolved and implemented.

2.3.2 Interface management procedures shall apply to all design interfaces with landscaping regardless of
the contractual relationship between the Designer of landscaping and the interfacing partner.

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2.3.3 Design gates shall be identified for all elements of landscape design requirements where design
progress is absolutely conditional on resolution of an interface. The minimum design gates are listed
below by discipline.

Systemwide requirements

2.3.4 All potential interfaces with the operator and maintainer shall be identified and recorded in a
separate interface register.

2.3.5 If the operator and maintainer are not available to provide input to the interface management
process, the project proposer and/or the Review Authority may at its sole discretion provide
assistance with the resolution of these interfaces.

2.3.6 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:

a) confirmation of programme, project reporting and quality assurance requirements;

b) preliminary EIA requirements- refer to Volume 1 Section 10;

c) confirmation of any additional data collection requirements;

d) confirmation of stakeholder requirements;

e) confirmation of Review Authority requirements and standards;

f) stakeholder feedback;

g) specialist report approval;

h) confirmation of all departures and substitutions to the project requirements and standards;

i) design statement approval; and

j) specialist report approval.

Architectural requirements

2.3.7 All potential interfaces with architectural design shall be identified and recorded in a separate
interface register.

2.3.8 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:

a) definition of location, urban and environmental context and extent of landscaping zone;

b) definition of size and importance of the railway station or facility;

c) definition of masterplan, location of structure foundations, rail alignments;

d) definition of existing site conditions and soil preparation scope;

e) definition of lighting and signage requirements;

f) definition of safety and security requirements;

g) architectural design statement approval; and

h) confirmation of specification including list of material samples, visual and performance mock-
ups, required prototypes, laboratory and site tests.

Civil Engineering requirements

2.3.9 All potential interfaces with civil engineering design shall be identified and recorded in a separate
interface register.

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2.3.10 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:

a) confirmation of site boundaries and Right-of-Ways.

Railway Systems requirements

2.3.11 All potential interfaces with railway systems design shall be identified and recorded in a separate
interface register.

2.3.12 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:

a) track alignment and height constraints to platform location; and

b) definition of power supply interfaces.

Building Services requirements

2.3.13 All potential interfaces with building services design shall be identified and recorded in a separate
interface register.

2.4 Design management requirements

2.4.1 The formal process for design preparation, submission and review is described in the RPDG Volume 1
Systemwide Requirements Appendix 3 and shall apply to the Project except as modified below.

2.4.2 The design management requirements defined in the RPDG Volume 1 Systemwide Requirements
Appendix 3 shall be modified to incorporate the following particular requirements.

2.4.3 The design expression, material selection and articulation of the functional design elements shall be
based on a ‘kit-of-parts’ developed at the network/line/project level as specified in the Project Brief.

2.4.4 The Designer shall ensure that all design elements are function and context-responsive with regards
to selecting an appropriate scale, spatial configuration, orientation, sizing and level of finish and
articulation. The quality of finish and articulation shall be tailored to its:

a) location; and

b) position relative to observer.

2.4.5 A fully illustrated design statement shall be developed and submitted to the Review Authority for
approval at all stages of the design development at the:

a) line level to catalogue the key common design elements and components; and
b) station level to illustrate the application of the selected elements and components above.
2.4.6 Issues to be addressed in the design statement shall include but not be limited to the following:

a) system-wide consideration of all interfaces between all construction packages, including those
designed by or led by other disciplines such services, structural, civil, rolling stock.
b) compatibility with existing conditions and context;

c) construction sequencing and buildability; and

d) impact of maintenance, cleaning and replacement at the junction between differing

construction packages.
2.4.7 The design statement shall also catalogue the common design elements proposed. The common
design elements shall emphasise the following:

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a) the use of designs and materials that have proven successful in operation, as a starting point;
b) a limited number of elements and variations, in order to allow all parties to focus their
resources to the maximum effect; and
2.4.8 The landscaping design elements shall emphasise the following architectural design criteria:

a) consistent and appropriate material selection;

b) coordinated and coherent services integration;

c) consistent and coherent branding and line identity;

d) safe and integrated designs for movement; and

e) durable low maintenance designs.

2.4.9 The Designer shall provide all necessary calculations for client progress reporting, cost estimation
and statutory approvals. These items shall include but not be limited to the following areas.

f) gross floor area calculations;

g) irrigation and associated energy requirements; and

h) drainage requirements.

Design workshops
2.4.10 Regular design workshops shall be planned in accordance with the system assurance and compliance
plans. The workshops shall be recorded to ensure design development can be monitored and
function as part of a project management early warning system.

2.4.11 The design workshops shall be scheduled and structured around all:

a) Review Authority submissions and approval gates;

b) statutory approval submissions;

c) EIR assessments, as outlined in Volume1 Part 1 Section 12; and

d) sustainability assessments, as outlined in Volume1 Part 1 Section 13.

2.4.12 The design workshops agendas shall be structured to emphasise multi-disciplinary design reviews.
The integrated design themes to be reviewed shall include, but not limited to the following:

a) Fire and life safety;

b) security/crowd control;
c) operational requirements;

d) ergonomics;

e) maintenance, cleaning, servicing;

f) urban design;

g) traffic/ transport engineering;

h) passenger environment;

i) accessibility;

j) way finding and signage; and

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k) branding and advertising.

2.5 Testing requirements

2.5.1 Irrigation systems shall be installed and tested to conform to Dubai Municipality requirements.

2.5.2 Waterproofing works for landscaped areas stop of building structures whether above or
underground shall be tested for leakage.

2.6 System assurance requirements

2.6.1 The system assurance requirements defined in the RPDG Volume 1 Appendix 2 shall apply.

2.7 Maintenance and spares requirements

2.7.1 The documentation requirements for the above are as specified in the RPDG Volume 1 Appendix 5
and shall apply to the Project except as modified herein.

Requirements for maintenance

2.7.2 The requirements for the preparation of maintenance documentation stated in the RPDG Volume 1
Appendix 5 shall apply. These shall include but not be limited to the following:

a) supplier's maintenance instructions;

b) contact details of suppliers for any specific maintenance materials;

c) interim and final inspections reports; and

d) guarantees, warranties and test certificates.

Requirements for spares

2.7.3 During the design stage of the Project, replacement items which will critically affect the smooth
operation and appearance of landscaped areas shall be identified, particularly vulnerable and long
lead items.

2.7.4 Provision shall be made for the storage of such items.

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3 Hard landscaping

3.1 General
3.1.1 Landscaping covers both hard and soft landscaping in and around linear guided transportation
system developments in Dubai.

3.1.2 It shall be read in conjunction with other relevant aspects of Volume 2 (Architecture) and provides a
guide for consultants, contractors and developers on developing landscape designs for rail schemes
in Dubai.

3.1.3 The main element of each section (hard and soft) covers the detail requirements for firstly, features
common to all areas and secondly, those specific to stations, public areas and transport interfaces,
depots and trackside areas (urban/non-urban).

3.1.4 The Guidelines suggest palettes of materials that shall be used that are compatible with the local
context and that reinforce the distinctive aspects of the Dubai location and its cultural heritage.
Further advice on local planting and sustainable measures appropriate to Dubai shall be obtained
from the Dubai Municipality’s Public Parks and Horticulture Department.

3.1.5 The landscaping design shall accommodate the following key elements for all categories of rail
systems (the list is not comprehensive and may not be appropriate in all situations):

a) urban/non-urban character and visual amenity;

b) local context and distinctiveness;

c) cultural, social and user group requirements;

d) consistency and clarity;

e) access for all and fit for purpose;

f) climatic influences and growing environments,

g) durability and sustainability;

h) function and safety;

i) maintenance;

j) integration with other modes of transport;

k) quality of materials and workmanship;

l) enhanced security measures and implementation of Crime Prevention Through Environmental

Design (CPTED); and

m) capability of landscaped areas to accommodate crowd management measures for special

events, in order to regulate access into the station.

3.1.6 The landscaping elements shall be fully integrated with Architectural elements. In order to comply
with the RTA’s/Project Proposer’s Strategic Objectives and all operational requirements, the
landscaping elements shall also adhere to the relevant Systemwide, Civil Engineering, Rail System
and Building Services elements.

3.1.7 All landscape elements (both hard and soft) shall be developed in conjunction with other
architectural elements and shall proceed through the relevant design and project gateways in order

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to ensure full compatibility with other design disciplines. All third parties shall work within the same
high level operational requirements as other disciplines.

Design objectives

3.1.8 Two key objectives of the design of hard landscape and external spaces shall be:

a) creating a consistent aesthetic line identity throughout the network; and

b) creating individual aesthetic character and local distinctiveness at key locations and station

3.1.9 Creating a consistent line identity aesthetic can be achieved through the following:

a) use of a consistent range of street furniture;

b) use of a consistent suite of paving materials and sizes; and

c) a system-wide rail-related art programme.

3.1.10 Creating an individual aesthetic character that emphasizes the five station categories identified in
Volume 2, Part 1 and creating local distinctiveness of key locations can be achieved through the

a) design responses to unique location and contextual factors;

b) use of details and special landscape elements which develop specific thematic identities
allocated to each location;

c) rail related art in external spaces which develop their thematic identities; and

d) paving patterns and geometry that use the standard suite of paving materials in ways specific
to the location.

e) Landscaping at Station Categories 4 and 5 shall be designed to require minimum maintenance

and shall generally have no water features, no art sculptures, simple paving patterns and less
elaborate soft landscaping (with emphasis on xeriscaping), unless the Project Brief stipulates

Developing thematic identities

3.1.11 The functional and aesthetic requirements for landscape works in this section covers hard landscape,
features common to all areas and to specific locations.

3.1.12 Identities shall be established based on broad themes, which will be reflected in landscape works.

3.1.13 The appearance of each key location shall be designed to give an instant identity to it and, through
design, the thematic identities shall be reinforced as part of the landscape design.

3.1.14 All illustrations and photographs displayed as Figures in this section are for illustrative purposes only
in order to provide suggestions of a thematic identity.

Technical definitions

3.1.15 Hard landscaping shall mean any external works other than highways surfaces and structures and
irrigation’ as so defined.

3.2 Functional and aesthetic requirements for stations and transport interfaces
3.2.1 Stations shall be the subject of generally similar requirements with regard to the design of landscape
works although each should have an individual thematic identity.

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3.2.2 Whilst there shall be some more important and prominent stations, in general all stations shall
possess a number of key areas, which may include Arrival Spaces; Public Areas; Walkways; and

3.2.3 In front of and around each station structure shall be an arrival space. The primary function of this
space is to allow free, unobstructed pedestrian circulation from adjoining spaces to the station
entrance. It is also a setting for the station entrance structure to be viewed as part of the station
entrance and to create a coherent station entrance environment in coordination with station

3.2.4 It is mainly a transit environment associated with the use of the station but should also signify to
users, their proximity to the station entrance. The extent of the arrival space shall differ from station
to station but it shall be primarily that area in front of the entrance itself.

3.2.5 The Station Arrival Spaces are areas where people can engage in simple passive recreational
activities, associated with the use of the station, including waiting for trains, buses, or friends, as well
as a transit environment associated with the use of the station.

3.2.6 The functions of an Elevated Plaza is as a space allowing free and unobstructed pedestrian
circulation from adjoining footbridges and developments to the station; as a passive recreational
space and as a setting for the station structure to be viewed as part of the station entrance and to
create a coherent station entrance environment in coordination with station architecture.

3.2.7 The aesthetic and functional requirements for all areas shall be achieved by reference to the
following elements:

a) paving and hard surfaces;

b) drainage;

c) street furniture;

d) shade structures;

e) water features; and

f) art.

Paving and hard Surfaces - general requirements

3.2.8 Paved surfaces include all external pedestrian and cycling surfaces at ground level and on structures.
All paving shall use a palette of materials and colours. An example of a paving material palette
suitable for paving works at stations is given in Figure 3-1.

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Figure ‎3-1: An example of a palette of landscape paving materials

3.2.9 Pedestrian paving shall comprise a reasonably smooth paved area across which wheeled luggage and
trolleys can be easily pulled. The surface of the paving shall be slip resistant under wet and dry

3.2.10 Paving of pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle areas shall be such that they are visually distinctive and the
two surfaces shall at all times be kept separated.

3.2.11 Cycleways shall conform to the RTA ‘Dubai Bicycle Master Plan’. Paving (and any relevant hard
landscaping element) shall account for appropriate use for bicycles in terms of markings, surface
treatment and signage.

3.2.12 Drop kerbs shall be provided at all locations where kerbs are contained within the paving scheme
and where pedestrian circulation is reasonably likely from pedestrian to vehicular surfaces. In these
situations drop kerbs shall be provided at intervals to allow trolleys and luggage to transition from
pedestrian to vehicle surfaces.

3.2.13 Paving shall appear to be clean and uncluttered and all manholes and utility covers shall, where
practicable, be located in an orthogonal relationship to the laying of paving units and in any case
shall feature recessed lids to accept paving used in the surrounding area in a continuous pattern.

3.2.14 Note shall be made of the findings of the ‘Gap Analysis of Facilities for People with Special Needs
(PSN) – Dubai Metro Stations’, Planning and Development Department, Rail Agency, 2010. Complete
integration with accessibility requirements in other relevant parts of the RPDG (Volume 1, Section
14) shall be mandatory.

3.2.15 Tactile paving routes shall be provided from points of disembarkation from vehicles (PSN drop offs or
parking) to station facilities including PSN toilets. Tactile routes shall extend to all parts of a station
and connect with routes beyond the station and rail authority boundaries.

3.2.16 The layout of external areas shall conform to barrier free access standards as set out in the
‘Guidelines for Design of Accessible Transport in the Emirate of Dubai’, RTA.

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3.2.17 Any changes in level shall provide for disabled access and all changes in level shall be marked by a
change in paving colour and the treads and risers of all steps shall be finished in contrasting tones.
Handrails shall be provided at all changes in level.

Paving and hard surfaces – specific requirements

3.2.18 Paving at the Station Entrance should consist of the paving pattern and dimensions as that used in
the interiors of stations for example as shown in Figure 3-2.

Figure ‎3-2 : An example of paving that could be used at station entrances

3.2.19 In Elevated Plazas pedestrian paving should be laid out in a pattern matching that used for the
interiors of the stations.

3.2.20 The sitting spaces at Commuter Stations are areas where people can engage in simple passive
recreational activities, associated with the use of the station, including waiting for trains, buses, or

3.2.21 The primary function of sitting spaces is simple passive recreation, but they must also provide an
attractive setting for the station and therefore paving could be very different to the paving for
pedestrian areas.

3.2.22 Drop-offs/pick-ups and bus stops should have a clean and uncluttered appearance but must also
provide an attractive setting for the station and its entrances.

3.2.23 There shall be no obstructions to people entering and exiting vehicles and unloading/loading
luggage, except those required for security purposes.

3.2.24 Where appropriate, a traffic island shall allow for circulation of taxis dropping of passengers.
Depending on the layout of the drop-off/pick-up, it may be that passengers will alight on to the
traffic island itself.

3.2.25 The primary function of a traffic island is to provide a location of free vehicle circulation and allow
passengers to access and alight from vehicles.

3.2.26 A typical plan disposition and arrangement of landscape features in a traffic island is shown in Figure

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Figure ‎3-3: An example of a traffic island at a station (plan)

3.2.27 Roadside pavements at drop-offs/pick ups and bus stops shall have similar treatment. Liaison with
taxi and bus operators shall be required to obtain their requirements and make allowance for the
inclusion of facilities/structures/signage that they require.

3.2.28 If the traffic island is required to cater for passenger pick-up and drop-off or if pedestrians need to
cross the island to get to adjacent areas, then paved areas shall be provided for pedestrian
circulation in accordance with the specification for paved areas at Stations.

3.2.29 All paving shall be laid to falls away from entrances and provision shall be made for sub-surface
drainage. Surface channels shall not be permitted.

3.2.30 Where appropriate, porous pavers shall be used to keep water on site and allow it to percolate into
the ground.

3.2.31 Drain covers shall not impede the movement of wheeled luggage, trolleys and pushchairs or
wheelchairs and shall be easily removable to facilitate cleaning of debris such as blown sand and

3.2.32 Design of drain covers shall be aesthetically appropriate and shall be coordinated with the design of
adjacent paving. Drains shall be sized to prevent the flooding of station entrances in storm

Drainage - general requirements

3.2.33 All paving shall be laid to falls away from entrances and provision shall be made for sub-surface
drainage. Surface channels shall not be permitted.

3.2.34 Drain covers shall not impede the movement of wheeled luggage, trolleys and pushchairs or
wheelchairs and shall be easily removable to facilitate cleaning of debris such as blown sand and

3.2.35 Design of drain covers shall be aesthetically appropriate and shall be coordinated with the design of
adjacent paving. Drains shall be sized to prevent the flooding of station entrances in storm

Street furniture – general requirements

3.2.36 Street furniture shall be located such that it is visually unobtrusive, does not result in a visually
complex or confusing environment, is spaced at regular intervals and shall not impede free
pedestrian circulation.

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3.2.37 Groups of street furniture shall be of the same design intent, be constructed of the same materials
and be of the same scale. The following examples demonstrate how the relationship between groups
of street furniture may work.

Figure ‎3-4 : Example of a group of features - Bicycle racks and benches

Figure ‎3-5: Example of a group of features - litter bn, tree guard, tree grille and planter

3.2.38 Street Furniture includes all features facilitating the use of pedestrian areas and normally located in
those areas, including:

a) bicycle racks;

b) seating;

c) litter bins;

d) tree guards and grilles;

e) planters;

f) barriers; and

g) external lighting.

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Bicycle Parking

3.2.39 Small groups of bicycle parking stands shall be used to provide security for bikes and convenience
and wherever possible, the parking should be in view of the building's entrance so that it benefits
from casual as well as formal surveillance.

3.2.40 Secure and covered racks for bicycles shall be provided within a shaded area located no more than
thirty (30) metres from entrances of public places

3.2.41 Number of bicycle racks to be provided shall be in accordance with Dubai Municipality Building
Regulations, Administrative Resolution No.125-2001 or as stipulated in the Project Brief.


3.2.42 Bench supports shall be constructed of cast aluminium or cast brushed finish stainless steel, as
shown in Figure 6-4. The colour of the metal shall be its natural colour.

3.2.43 The bench seat shall be slatted and shall be of timber of durable hardwood sourced from sustainable
sources and should have the following characteristics; low shrinking and swelling, good colour with
age, natural decay resistance and long term strength.

Litter Bins

3.2.44 Litter bins shall be constructed of aluminium or brushed finish stainless steel to the overall plan and
elevation designs shown in Figure 6-5. The colour of the metal shall be its natural colour.

3.2.45 The litter bin shall possess apertures for inserting rubbish. The top of the litter bin shall be
removable so that litter can be removed by waste disposal operatives. It shall contain a removal
basket/ bucket supported on internal supports so that it can be lifted out in order to be emptied or

3.2.46 The bin shall be securable and fixed in place, but able to be removed and taken away (or replaced)
by the Maintainer without leaving any residual structure or fittings behind.

3.2.47 Litter bins shall be constructed to be blast proof and shall attain a UK Ministry of Defence Standard
UK/SC 4697 for ballistic and fragmentation protection VSO rating greater than 600 metres per
second, as a minimum.

Tree Guards and Grilles

3.2.48 The guard shall consist of vertical metal slats supported by a number of horizontal members. Metal
slats shall not be sharp and shall pose no significant danger of inadvertent injury.

3.2.49 The guard shall be constructed in three pieces bolted together such that it can be unbolted and
removed with the tree in-situ. At least three of the vertical members of the guard shall be inserted
into the soil to support the guard.

3.2.50 The tree grille shall be made in three pieces and shall contain a series of linear apertures to allow
water to drain in, but a surface which pedestrians can easily walk across.

3.2.51 The tree grille shall be supported below grade, on a support structure and shall not rest on the
topsoil. The thickness of the tree grille shall be such that it shall not flex or bend under the weight of
normal pedestrian traffic.


3.2.52 In situ planters shall consist of vertical concrete structures for retaining soil for the use of planting
flora and shall be free draining

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3.2.53 Planter walls shall be waterproofed and the design shall allow adequate means of draining the

3.2.54 The planter shall be durable and shall not show signs of corrosion or deterioration under normal use.

3.2.55 Movable planter pots shall be constructed to be blast proof and shall attain a UK Ministry of Defence
Standard UK/SC 4697 for ballistic and fragmentation protection VSO rating greater than 600 metres
per second, as a minimum.


3.2.56 Pedestrian barriers shall provide safe protection from changes in level which pose a risk of injury to
pedestrians and shall be sufficiently robust to prevent falls.

3.2.57 All barriers shall comply with PAS 68 and their heights shall be in accordance with Dubai Municipal

3.2.58 Bollards (as shown in Figure 3.7) shall be considered for use to deter vehicles or trolleys from
entering pedestrian areas. Bollards may be located at the threshold of areas from which it is
desirable to exclude vehicles or trolleys.

Figure ‎3-6: Example of mini-bollard; bollard; light bollard and light standard

3.2.59 Mini-bollards shall be considered for use to deter motor vehicles from parking on pedestrian areas
and where a visually unobtrusive deterrent is required. Mini-bollards may be located close to kerbs.

External Lighting

3.2.60 Additional external light fixtures may be required and shall accord with the overall design intent, for

a) tree up-lights;

b) recessed step lighting;

c) underwater and water feature lighting;

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d) recessed pavement lighting; and

e) miscellaneous feature lights associated with rail-related art, shade structures and landscape

3.2.61 All lights shall be constructed to a minimum IP65 rating. Where light bollards are located near water
features, irrigation sprinklers or exposed to water spray, then an appropriate IP rating above IP65
shall be required.

3.2.62 The light bollard shall be durable and robust and capable of providing even and efficient light
distribution to CIBSE standards for external areas.

Street Furniture – specific requirements


3.2.63 Benches shall be provided at sitting spaces and provision shall be made for shaded seating both
under trees or shade structures.

3.2.64 Seating shall be limited and spaced apart so as not to attract large numbers of people to gather, who
might cause a public nuisance or obstruction.

3.2.65 Benches shall be provided if they and people sitting on them shall not obstruct two way pedestrian
circulation and bus stop or taxi drop-off/pick-up queues as demonstrated in Figure 3.7.

Figure ‎3-7: A typical section showing street furniture at a transport interface

Litter Bins

3.2.66 Litter bins shall be provided at station entrances and at regular intervals in other spaces.


3.2.67 In situ planters shall be located in the sitting spaces and shall be located so as to provide a sense of
spatial enclosure and allow for planting interest for those using the space.


3.2.68 A pedestrian barrier shall be provided at all accessible locations along a waterfront. The barrier shall
be sufficiently robust and of sufficient height to prevent pedestrian fall. Barrier design shall not
unreasonably encourage pedestrians to climb up them.

External lighting

3.2.69 Light standards may be considered for use in large pedestrian areas where illumination from taller
units is required to provide adequate lux levels and where a large number of smaller units might be
considered to be visually obtrusive or would obstruct pedestrian flows.

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3.2.70 Alternatively, light bollards may be considered for use in small pedestrian areas where illumination
from such bollards shall provide adequate lux levels or where taller units might be considered to be
visually obtrusive.

3.2.71 At station entrances lighting provision shall be coordinated with ambient light from adjacent
buildings and structures.

3.2.72 At station arrival spaces a strip of in-ground LED or other similar lights can be used to show
information as appropriate or acceptable to the RTA/Project Proposer.

3.2.73 At transport interfaces the location of lighting units shall be unobtrusive, spaced at regular intervals
and shall not impede free pedestrian circulation. Lighting units shall be located in the centre or rear
of the space and not at the kerb edge.

3.2.74 Lighting positions shall be co-ordinated with the landscape and site plan to protect light standards
which are located adjacent to roadways and parking areas and to ensure that plantings will not
obscure the lighting distribution pattern.

3.2.75 Pedestrian lighting shall define pedestrian walkways, crosswalks, ramps, stairs, tunnels and bridges.

3.2.76 All changes in level at pedestrian routes shall be adequately illuminated to ensure public safety.

3.2.77 At waterfronts lighting shall not be located at the water’s edge as this impedes night-time views
across a waterbody.

Shade structures – general requirements

3.2.78 Shade structures are built features designed to screen the sun and provide shade. The design intent
is that the shade structures shall be to provide a shaded environment where there is a significant
reduction in temperature and solar radiation to create comfortable conditions for standing or sitting.

3.2.79 Shade structures should be visually elegant and appropriate to the architecture of the station
buildings and shall withstand normal climatic conditions.

3.2.80 The locations of shade structures and their supports shall be such that they do not interfere with
free circulation.

3.2.81 Clearances between ground level and the canopy itself shall be such that there is no unreasonable
risk of pedestrians jumping, grabbing or climbing up the structure. Guys shall not be of wire, but shall
be metal rods and shall pose no unreasonable risk of trip or other injury to pedestrians.

3.2.82 Shade structures shall meet the Dubai Municipality requirements for Solar Reflectance Index and
Light Reflectance Index.

3.2.83 Shade structures shall be designed to allow for reasonable maintenance access to their supports and

3.2.84 Shade structures shall include lighting units attached to or integral with their structure, which shall
illuminate areas under them at night and which may also provide visual interest by illuminating the
structures themselves.

Shade structures – specific requirements

3.2.85 Shade structures shall be provided at Sitting Spaces. The form of shade structures shall be based on
the relevant Thematic Design of the station.

3.2.86 Shade structures shall be an interpretation of an aspect of Arabic culture, using traditional Arabic
materials or geometries, which may be interpreted in a modern manner, as demonstrated in Figure

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Figure ‎3-8: An example of a shade structure with slatted roof

Water features – general requirements

3.2.87 The design intent of a water feature shall be that the water feature provides a focal point for the
public space, visual interest and also perhaps provide sound interest.

3.2.88 Water features shall be built components which incorporate the elements of water to create visual
interest and a sense of place. Water may be static or moving.

3.2.89 All water features shall have appropriate associated pump rooms and filtration systems and plant. All
such infrastructure shall be hidden from public view. Where appropriate for night-time effect,
lighting of water features shall be provided.

3.2.90 Water features shall not pose an unreasonable maintenance burden and there shall be no splash or
escape of water onto adjacent paved surfaces, unless this is specifically stated as being part of the
design intent.

3.2.91 Should the water feature pose an unreasonable potential danger to the public, a suitable barrier
shall be installed around it.

3.2.92 Water features shall not be permitted within the building envelope of key locations.

Water features – specific requirements

3.2.93 Within outdoor public areas in Stations, water features shall be located as an integral part of the
architecture and hard landscaping.

3.2.94 These water features could take the form of shallow raised basins resulting in a thin static film or
body of water. Water flows over the edge of the basin to be caught in a trough or drain below. Other
themes for water features could include an interpretation of a ziggurat form with water sliding down
the faces of the ziggurat. Examples are shown in Figure 3-9.

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Figure ‎3-9: Examples of Water Features

Art – General requirements

3.2.95 There may be a number of works of art in external areas. Works shall portray, characterize and
communicate the thematic identity of the location in question.

3.2.96 No art features shall have an external volume (measured from the outermost points of the structure
in all directions, excluding plinth) of less than 1.5 cubic metres. For flat features or screens, their
total area on one side shall be no less than 2 square metres.

3.2.97 Art works (including any moving, mechanical, electrical or other parts) shall be durable and robust.
Their design and construction shall not impose an unusual or unreasonable maintenance burden.

3.2.98 Art works should be capable of withstanding annual climactic conditions.

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Art – specific requirements

3.2.99 Pieces of station related art may take the form of sculptures, based on an overall design theme and
shall be an interpretation of an aspect of the characteristics of that theme.

3.2.100 For Example, artworks may show feature Arabic screens (Mashrabiyyas) and interpretations of them.
An indicative image showing the kind of sculpture that might be appropriate is shown in Figure 3-10.

Figure ‎3-10 : An example of sculpture/art in station arrival spaces

3.2.101 Sitting spaces shall provide a prime opportunity to interpret the thematic identity of each station and
appropriate art can bring to mind aspects of Arabic Culture or associations with business, commerce
and technology.

3.2.102 Metal spheres located within the water bodies such that they appear to be floating on the water.
Spheres shall be perforated with Arabic patterns and shall be lit from the inside at night.

3.2.103 Natural or artificial rock work boulders can be located at the edges of sitting spaces and along with
water features they can provide an expression of a design theme.

3.2.104 Rock work shall be wholly natural in appearance. And the locations of rock work shall not impede
pedestrian or traffic circulation.

3.3 Functional and aesthetic requirements for non passenger areas

Depots and rail authority areas – general requirements

3.3.1 Peripheral landscape areas are areas other than those mentioned above and particularly those areas
which interface the station environs with adjacent development/ infrastructure whose primary
objective of these spaces is to provide an appropriate functional interface for the station with
adjoining developments/ infrastructure.

3.3.2 Where the adjoining land use is a development frequented by those who may reasonably use the
station, the objective shall be to allow free access between the development and station via paved
areas, with appropriate planting and shade. In such cases, passive recreational facilities should be
provided for, such as benches with appropriate litter bins and lighting.

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3.3.3 It shall be the designer’s responsibility to design measures necessary to reasonably minimise the
threat of illegal entry to the trackside. This shall include a security fence such that it is reasonably
secure from unauthorised intruders, terrorist or other attack.

3.3.4 The design and location of these security features shall be such that they are also reasonably
sympathetic to the design of the trackside environment, consistent with performing their function

3.3.5 External areas shall be planned efficiently enabling train movement and maintenance. Typically,
external areas shall be characterised by the following:

a) entrance area for those entering the Depot by road;

b) planted terraces on Depot boundary;

c) public landscape terrace(s) associated with Administration Buildings;

d) trackside areas; and

e) vent shafts and emergency egresses.

Depot and rail authority areas – specific requirements

Depot Entrances

3.3.6 To minimise the threat of illegal entry to the Depot site, the Depot shall be fenced such that it is
reasonably secure from intruders, terrorist or other attack. Where a risk is considered to be high,
then the installation of kerb-side bollards, road blockers or other barriers shall be mandatory.

3.3.7 The design and location of these features shall be such that they are reasonably sympathetic to the
design of the depot and its environment, consistent with performing their function efficiently.

3.3.8 At entrances to loading bays, proprietary automatic retractable bollards shall be installed that
visually match the appearance and size of the fixed bollards.


3.3.9 Where the Depot building is to be integrated into the landscape earthworks shall be mounded
against the side of the Depot building to help screen the depot from adjacent land.

3.3.10 The embankment shall consist of a series of terraces with approximately 1.5m high walls (faced in
stone) that form a sinuous organic pattern along the boundary of the depot. A minimum of 1 m wide
maintenance strip paved with an even durable finish shall be provided along all terraces and located
so as to reduce its visibility.

3.3.11 Near the entrance to the site terraces features lines of planting shall be broken by lines of gravel to
create an effect.

Administration Building Terrace

3.3.12 Where an Administration Building is located at the depot, an elevated area of landscape shall be
formed into a landscape terrace.

3.3.13 The approach of the landscape design for the terrace shall be to leave the parapet overlooking the
depot clear for people to take in views of the facility.

3.3.14 A series of planters shall be arranged that form small spaces where people can sit to relax and take in
the view of the facilities.

Vent Shafts and Emergency Egresses

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3.3.15 Vent shafts and emergency egress structures shall typically be characterised by a large
superstructure (typically 10m to 15m high and a number of functional apertures and vents. Access
for heavy machinery will be required from time to time. Such facilities shall be secure from
unauthorised entry or terrorist threat.

3.3.16 In remote (or suburban) locations, a paved forecourt shall be constructed for maintenance and
emergency vehicle access and a perimeter security fence/wall.

3.3.17 Landscape design at vent shafts and emergency egress shafts shall be aimed at visual mitigation of
the structures (i.e. reducing their visual impact by either screening them from surrounding views or
by breaking up their visual mass).

3.3.18 It shall be a designer’s responsibility to design measures necessary to reasonably minimise the threat
of illegal entry to the Vent Shafts and Emergency Egresses. They shall be fenced such that it is
reasonably secure from unauthorised intruders, terrorist or other attack.

3.3.19 The design and location of these features shall be such that they are reasonably sympathetic to the
design of the depot and its environment consistent with performing their function efficiently.

Trackside Areas

3.3.20 Landscape design at trackside landscapes shall be aimed at visual mitigation of the railway features
and restoring residual areas to a visually pleasing appearance.

3.3.21 Tracksides shall also be secure from unauthorised entry or threat. In all trackside locations, there
shall be a requirement for a security fence to prevent unauthorised entry to the right of way.

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 3, Landscaping

4 Soft Landscaping

4.1 General
4.1.1 Architecture Part 3: Landscaping covers hard and soft landscape in and around linear guided
transportation system developments in Dubai. It is to be read in conjunction with other relevant
aspects of Volume 2 (Architecture) and provides a guide for consultants, contractors and developers
on developing landscape designs for rail schemes in Dubai.

4.1.2 Architecture Part 3: Landscaping is divided into two sections, one covering Hard Landscaping and the
other covering Soft. The main element of each section covers the detail requirements for features
common to all areas and then those specific to stations, public areas and transport interfaces,
depots and trackside areas (urban/non-urban).

4.1.3 The Guidelines make reference to Dubai Municipality’s Public Parks and Horticulture’s Plant List that
are to be used. These are compatible with the local context and shall reinforce the distinctive aspects
of the Dubai location and its cultural heritage

4.1.4 The aim shall be to enhance the quality of the local environment, promote the use of low
maintenance designs and use of sustainable techniques appropriate to the Dubai environment. Such
sustainable techniques shall include:

a) proper soil preparation and testing;

b) careful plant selection to suit soil and climatic conditions;

c) use of fertilisers to be matched with plant choice and avoidance where native plants are used;

d) effective pruning of trees and shrubs to encourage health growth and limit insect infestations
(thereby reducing the application of insecticides);

e) use of environmentally friendly pest control through use of integrated Pest Management
methods instead of relying on conventional pesticides;

f) avoiding large areas of grass lawn to reduce water consumption and consider xeriscaping as an

g) where appropriate, use of mulches to retain soil moisture and reduce erosion (a layer of gravel
can act as a mulch as well as more commonly used bark or coir materials); and

h) where appropriate, Green Roofs as part of urban wide initiatives to increase the coverage of
vegetation within cities.

4.1.5 The landscaping design shall accommodate the following key elements for all categories of rail
systems (the list is not comprehensive and may not be appropriate in all situations):

a) urban/non-urban character and visual amenity;

b) local context and distinctiveness;

c) cultural, social and user group requirements;

d) consistency and clarity;

e) access for all and fit for purpose;

f) climatic influences and growing environments;

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 3, Landscaping

g) durability and sustainability;

h) function and safety;

i) maintenance;

j) integration with other modes of transport; and

k) quality of materials and workmanship.

4.1.6 The Landscaping elements shall be fully integrated with Architectural elements. In order to comply
with the RTA’s/Project Proposer’s Strategic Objectives and all operational requirements, the
landscaping elements shall also adhere to the relevant System Wide, Civil Engineering and Rail
System elements.

4.1.7 All landscape elements (both hard and soft) shall be developed in conjunction with other
architectural elements and shall proceed through the relevant design and project gateways in order
to ensure full compatibility with other built and engineering designs..

Design objectives

4.1.8 Two key objectives of the design of soft landscape and external spaces shall be:

a) creating a consistent aesthetic line identity throughout; and

b) creating individual aesthetic character and local distinctiveness at key locations and station
types. .

4.1.9 Creating a consistent aesthetic line identity can be achieved through the following:

a) consistent landscape treatment throughout the network; and

b) use of a complementary palette of plants appropriate to the Dubai environment.

4.1.10 Creating an individual aesthetic character that emphasizes the five station categories identified in
Volume 2, Part 1 and creating local distinctiveness of key locations can be achieved through the

a) design responses to unique location and contextual factors;

b) use of details and special landscape elements which develop specific thematic identities
allocated to each location; and

c) use of suites of planting materials which respond to the thematic identities at each station and
which give it a distinctive character.

d) Soft landscaping at Station Categories 4 and 5 shall be designed to require minimum

maintenance and shall generally feature a less elaborate soft landscaping scheme with a limited
variety of native plant species and with emphasis on xeriscaping, unless the Project Brief
stipulates otherwise.

Developing thematic identities

4.1.11 The functional and aesthetic requirements for landscape works in this section covers soft landscape,
features common to all areas and to specific locations. Identities shall be established based on broad
themes, which shall be referenced in landscape works.

4.1.12 The appearance of each key location shall be designed to give an instant identity to it and through
design the thematic identities shall be reinforced as part of the landscape design.

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 3, Landscaping

4.1.13 All illustrations and photographs displayed as Figures in this section are for illustrative purposes only
in order to provide suggestions of a thematic identity.

Technical definitions

4.1.14 Soft Landscape shall mean any works associated with the planting and establishment of biotic flora,
including but not limited to trees, palms, shrubs, groundcovers, climbing plants, annuals, grass and

4.1.15 Establishment Works shall mean the watering, weeding, litter collection, fertilizing, pruning and
thinning and other operations of a horticultural nature specified to be carried out during the
Establishment Period which are necessary to ensure the proper establishment and health of plant

4.1.16 Establishment Period shall mean the period of time immediately following the completion of
planting during which Establishment Operations are to be carried out.

4.1.17 Irrigation shall mean the efficient delivery of water to plants to ensure their healthy and vigorous

4.1.18 Irrigation System shall mean the fixed mechanical and hydraulic systems involved in water delivery
including pipework, spray heads, computer systems, satellite station and pumps.

4.2 Functional and aesthetic requirements - all areas

4.2.1 The aesthetic and functional requirements of the following features common to all areas are further
developed herein:

a) planting;

b) irrigation systems;

c) topsoil.

4.2.2 The landscaping designer shall consult with Dubai Municipality’s Public Parks & Horticulture
Department and the top soil and planting selection shall be in accordance with their requirements
and recommendations. The planting selection shall also take into account irrigation requirements
which will also have to be coordinated with Dubai Municipality’s Drainage and Irrigation Department
prior to finalizing plant selection.


4.2.3 The primary objective of planting is to provide vigorous and healthy plant growth in a manner that is
aesthetically attractive to viewers. Plants must be suited to their conditions and capable of fulfilling
their particular function.

4.2.4 Any changes required to the design intent and any core plant species resulting from changes to
station layouts and context shall be submitted to the Review Authority for review.

4.2.5 All imported plants shall have been grown to industry standards, be disease and pest free and be
properly acclimatised before being released for installation.

4.2.6 Plant species shall be specified with regard to their particular growth habits, characteristics, speed of
growth, required root conditions, sunlight requirements, and relative dominance.

4.2.7 Any planting beneath the station canopy shall be shade tolerant and shall be suitably irrigated.

4.2.8 Irrigation shall be provided to ensure healthy growth of planting.

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 3, Landscaping

4.2.9 Planting shall not threaten the structural integrity of any structure or its function (e.g. such as air or
smoke vents).

4.2.10 Access and manhole covers shall not be located in planting areas, but shall always be in paved areas.

4.2.11 No plants with poisonous parts shall be planted on any scheme.

4.2.12 The planting scheme shall be coordinated with any outdoor CCTV surveillance installations so as not
to obstruct the viewing of cameras.

4.2.13 Tree pits for the planting of trees and palms shall be of a minimum internal dimension of 1000 mm x
1000 mm x 1200 mm deep (above drainage layer) and shall be free draining. Their base shall be lined
with free draining material (such as granite aggregate) and the vertical sides of the tree pit shall be
lined with a root barrier to prevent the penetration of roots sideways such that they might come into
contact with services, utilities or underground structures.

4.2.14 Trees shall be provided with irrigation and/or a means of direct watering to the tree roots.

4.2.15 In situations where roof landscaping or landscaping atop of underground structures is identified, the
landscaping designer shall coordinate with the relevant interfacing discipline specialists and
incorporate the appropriate design measures to ensure that landscaping works pose no threat to the
structural integrity of these buildings particularly in terms of imposed loads of soil or water
penetration of irrigation system.

Irrigation systems

4.2.16 An irrigation system shall be incorporated to automatically irrigate all landscape areas and be timed
to only irrigate during non-daylight hours (to minimise water lost to evaporation).

4.2.17 The Dubai Municipality’s Drainage and Irrigation Department shall be consulted for the coordination
and design of all irrigation systems employed on a site.

4.2.18 The system shall be designed to minimise surface spray components and should include moisture
sensors to control irrigation.

4.2.19 Where appropriate, and where acceptable to the Maintainer, a layer of mulch shall be utilised at the
base of all planting to reduce evaporation.

4.2.20 Application of water shall be based on specific plant requirements in order to adequately sustain the
plant material and to allow it to flourish.


4.2.21 Topsoil shall be a mixture of free-draining organic and mineral material, supplemented by chemical
and organic additives, promoting the vigorous and healthy growth of plants and biotic flora.

4.2.22 Topsoil shall be selected with thought and care and not by automatically using the site’s existing
topsoil or the first source of imported topsoil located.

4.2.23 Before considering importing topsoil, any existing site topsoil shall be properly assessed by
undertaking a Soil Analysis Survey, which evaluates the quality, quantity and suitability of the site’s
soil resources (topsoil and subsoils) for the intended landscape project.

4.2.24 Soil Analysis Surveys shall be undertaken by reputable soil scientists and involve a review of the
intended landscape scheme and its requirements, a site investigation and laboratory analysis of soil

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 3, Landscaping

4.2.25 Where the site topsoil is unsuitable for reuse or there is a shortage of suitable soil, imported topsoil
shall be sourced. This shall be achieved by including a Topsoil Specification within the Landscape
Architect’s Soft Landscaping Specification tender documents.

4.2.26 Different soil mixes (planting medium plus ameliorants) and specifications shall be required for
urban, non urban and planter/container planting situations.

4.2.27 Options for urban situations shall include use of ‘tree sand’, available in a variety of proprietary
forms, and containing a special mix of washed silica sand and organics blended to an appropriate
formula. This type of product benefits trees in urban situations where root zones around the root
ball will be compacted to carry pedestrian or vehicular traffic yet containing sufficient pore space
and nutrition to allow the root systems of the tree to benefit from the free flow of oxygen and

4.2.28 The British Standard for Topsoil BS 3882:2007 specifies the requirements for topsoil that is to be
imported or traded. It is not intended (or appropriate) for the assessment of topsoil that remains in-
situ. The standards shall be used for best practice guidance and shall be adapted to suit the variety of
different soil growing mediums, plant species and soft landscape applications.

4.3 Functional and aesthetic requirements – specific locations

Stations (arrival areas/ public areas/ walkways/ cycleways)

4.3.1 Trees shall not be planted close to the station structure to ensure that they do not reduce the
visibility of the entrance structures or retail units from surrounding areas.

4.3.2 Subject to the above, small trees shall be planted to provide shade and for an attractive station
environment. Trees shall also be planted along roadsides.

4.3.3 Planting in raised planters or at grade planters shall be provided if it does not obstruct the
movement of pedestrians, trolleys, or wheelchairs.

4.3.4 A top dressing of crushed local stone, granite, pea gravel or similar shall be utilized where
appropriate to prevent soils from drying out too quickly and to assist in the even distribution of
water through the soil.

4.3.5 Planting located in areas that are subject to shade, such as that cast by a station canopy, shall be
designed to survive the effects of shade.

4.3.6 No tree planting shall take place such that it either poses an obstruction to those entering or exiting
vehicles. No planting shall obstruct sight lines or pose a danger for pedestrians or those using

4.3.7 Trees and palms shall be planted in tree pits and covered by tree grilles flush with the paved surface
and tree guards.

4.3.8 Trees or palms shall not be planted below the station canopy.

4.3.9 Where low shrub planting is planted in an at-grade planter at the rear of the station entrance
structure, it shallnot obstruct functional vents or apertures.

Transport interfaces (parking/ bus/ taxi/ other modes)

4.3.10 A typical sectional arrangement of planting at a transport interface is shown in Figure 4-1.

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Figure ‎4-1: An example of planting at a transport interface (section)

4.3.11 Where possible, a line of large spreading canopy trees shall be planted to present a view of a wide
avenue of canopies overarching the station when viewed from the concourse below. An indicative
image of the intended effect is shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure ‎4-2: An example of avenue effect planting

4.3.12 Trees and palms shall be planted in tree pits and covered by tree grilles flush with the paved surface
and tree guards. Trees or palms shall not be planted below the station canopy.

4.3.13 Shrub and ground cover planting shall be provided in raised and at grade planters.

4.3.14 Planters shall not obstruct the movement of pedestrians, trolleys, wheelchairs etc.

4.3.15 Elevated plazas shall include in situ planters to allow for vegetation interest. In situ planters shall be
located on the sides of plaza to ensure that there is no obstruction of pedestrian movement and that
plants are not unduly shaded by the station canopy. Planters may form part of the parapet wall of
the elevated plaza.

4.3.16 In situ planters shall be located so as to provide a sense of spatial enclosure, allow for planting
interest for those using the space without obstructing pedestrian movement.

4.3.17 Broadleaved evergreen shade trees in at grade tree pits or in raised planters shall be planted in
sitting spaces and along Waterfronts to provide significant areas of shade. In addition to this, palm
trees may also be planted.

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 3, Landscaping

4.3.18 Where appropriate, sitting spaces at stations shall feature turf mounds or low oval planters in
organic ‘cellular’ shapes to create a variety of spaces between them.

4.3.19 Planting shall develop a thematic identity using a significant number of plant species that grow well
in Dubai and in accordance with Dubai Municipality’s Public Parks and Horticulture Department
requirements and recommendations. For example:

a) sand theme using plants with associations with the desert [Figure 4-3]; and

b) contemporary theme plants with striking foliage texture [Figure 4-4].

Figure ‎4-3: An Example of a Desert Planting Palette

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 3, Landscaping

Figure ‎4-4: An example of a planting palette with striking foliage

Depots and rail authority areas

4.3.20 Peripheral landscape areas are areas other than those mentioned above and particularly those areas
which interface the station environs with adjacent development/infrastructure.

4.3.21 Planting shall be provided in peripheral areas with the objective of providing shade to users of these
areas but also of creating an attractive station environment.

4.3.22 Where the adjoining land use is a development frequented by those who may reasonably use the
station, an objective shall be to allow free access between the development and station via paved
areas, with appropriate planting and shade. In such cases, it may also be appropriate to provide
passive recreational facilities, such as benches, litter bins and lighting.

4.3.23 In other situations, where the station environs have no functional relationship with the adjoining
development of infrastructure, a screen or buffer between the two features shall be provided. This
shall take the form of mass planting of trees and shrubs, as appropriate, to form a visual screen.
Whatever their function, these areas shall provide an attractive setting for the station.

4.3.24 If screening between the station and adjacent development is required, then buffer planting shall
consist of at least two layers of vegetation (i.e. tall shrubs and evergreen broadleaf trees).

4.3.25 In particular, the location of planting shall not interfere with pedestrian or traffic movements,
including sight lines.

Planted Areas at Depots

4.3.26 The primary objectives of planting at Depots shall be to plant trees and shrubs that will establish
quickly, screen unsightly features and quickly integrate the depot into the surrounding landscape.
Plants used shall therefore be fast growing, evergreen, upright in form and which require low
irrigation. Floral interest is not an important factor

Depot – Entrance Area

4.3.27 The primary function of the area is to create a striking and welcoming environment with a low-
maintenance landscape treatment consisting of lines of formal tree planting.

4.3.28 Trees shall be planted into rows of crushed gravel (to reduce maintenance and irrigation). Between
the rows of trees, lines of single species groundcover can be planted with the intention that the
contrast of colours between gravel and groundcover should provide a striking contrast and visual

4.3.29 These areas shall have a clean and uncluttered appearance but must also provide an attractive
setting for the Depot. Trees shall be planted in continuous lines or in groups, as necessary.

4.3.30 Trees and palms shall be planted in single species in gravel rows. Between rows of gravel there shall
be low single species groundcover planting.

4.3.31 Planting located in areas that are subject to shade, such as that cast by a station canopy, shall be
designed to survive the effects of shade.

4.3.32 No planting shall obstruct sight lines or pose a danger for pedestrians or those using highways.

4.3.33 No planting shall obstruct CCTV camera site lines and other lines of sight necessary for security.

4.3.34 Trees shall not be planted so close to security fences that they can be used to scale or jump over

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 3, Landscaping

4.3.35 Trees and shrub species shall be selected so that their root systems do not interfere with the
structural integrity of retaining wall structures.

4.3.36 Planting shall be set back from access paths to allow for unobstructed access. Allowance shall be
made for free drainage of planters, including across any structures.


4.3.37 The boundaries of Depots may consist of earthworks mounded against the side of the Depot building
structures - any resulting terraces shall be planted with low maintenance shrub planting, using some
native species. Alternate terraces shall be planted with lines of tree planting. The objective is to
create a striking, but natural visual effect, when seen from adjacent land.

4.3.38 Planting shall where practicable seek to screen the appearance of security fences from those viewing
the railway from the outside. A minimum 2 m wide access path with an even, durable finish shall be
constructed along the inside of all security fences to allow for maintenance and inspection of the

4.3.39 A 15m no planting zone shall be left adjacent to all trackworks to ensure that vegetation litter or tree
fall will not potentially affect depot operations.

Vent Shafts

4.3.40 The primary objectives of planting at the Vent Shafts and Emergency Egresses shall be to plant trees
and shrubs that will establish quickly, screen unsightly features and quickly integrate the depot into
the surrounding landscape.

4.3.41 Plants used shall be fast growing, evergreen, upright in form and require low irrigation. Floral
interest is not an important factor. A limited variety of tree species shall be planted to avoid a
uniform tree height, and to introduce some variety into the planting profile. Planting shall consist of
a belt of fast-growing, evergreen tall trees and shrubs around the boundary of the facility as shown
in Figure 4-5.

Figure ‎4-5: A typical plan disposition and arrangement of landscape features at vent shafts /
emergency egresses

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Volume 2, Architecture, Part 3, Landscaping

4.3.42 Planting shall where practicable seek to screen the appearance of security fences from those viewing
the facilities from the outside. No planting shall interfere with the operation of vents and functional

Trackside areas (urban/non urban)

4.3.43 The primary objectives of planting at the trackside shall be to plant trees and shrubs that will
establish quickly, screen the railway and quickly integrate it into the surrounding landscape.

4.3.44 Planting shall where practicable seek to screen the appearance of security fences from those viewing
the railway from the outside. A minimum 2 m wide access path with an even, durable finish shall be
constructed along the inside of all security fences to allow for maintenance of the fence.

4.3.45 No planting shall obstruct sight lines or pose a danger for those using the railway. Nor shall trees be
planted where their fall or litter might pose a threat of disruption to the operation of the railway or
to the safety of its users. In such situations, shrubs shall be preferred.

Peripheral landscape areas

4.3.46 Peripheral landscape areas are areas other than those mentioned above and particularly those areas
which interface the station environs with adjacent development/ infrastructure.

4.3.47 The primary objective of these spaces is to provide an appropriate functional interface for the
station with adjoining developments/infrastructure and to create an attractive landscape finish to
other wise unused areas.

4.3.48 Where the adjoining land use is a development frequented by those who may reasonably use the
station, an objective shall be to allow free access between the development and station via paved
areas, with appropriate planting and shade.

4.3.49 In other situations, where the station environs have no functional relationship with the adjoining
development of infrastructure, a screen or buffer shall be provided between the two features. This
can take the form of mass planting of trees and shrubs to form a visual screen. Whatever their
function, these areas shall provide an attractive setting for the station.

4.3.50 Landscape in these peripheral areas shall consist of trees that are planted into crushed gravel (to
reduce maintenance and irrigation), as shown in Figure 4-6. Between the rows of trees shall be lines
of single species groundcover planting providing a contrast of colours between gravel and
groundcover to create contrast and visual effect.

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Figure ‎4-6: An example of key design intent for peripheral trackside areas at depot

4.3.51 At the periphery of key sites such as the Depot, there shall be hedges to provide a visual barrier to
the facility, which when combined with tree planting inside the boundary, will help to screen and
integrate the depot facility into the environment.

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Volume 2, Part 4, Signage

Volume 2, Part 4, Signage

© Roads & Transport Authority 2012

All rights reserved. No section or element of this document may be removed from this document, reproduced, electronically stored or transmitted in any
form without the written permission of Roads & Transport Authority.

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Dubai Rail Planning & Design Guidelines
Volume 2, Part 4, Signage

2.1 Introduction 2
2.2 Integration and interfacing requirements 2
2.3 Scope of works 3
2.4 Applicability of international standards 4
2.5 Functional requirements 4
2.6 Design management requirements 7
2.7 Testing and commissioning requirements 7
2.8 System assurance requirements 7
2.9 Operations, maintenance and training requirements 7
3.1 Stations and buildings 9
3.2 Guideways and tunnels 11
3.3 Depot and ancillary buildings 12
4.1 Direct line telephone and help point signage 13
4.2 Floor plan signage 13
4.3 Door signs 13
4.4 Third party installations 13
4.5 Fire extinguisher and hose reel cabinet signs 13
4.6 First aid equipment signs 14
4.7 Road signs and markings 14
5.1 General 15
5.2 Hazardous materials signs 15
6.1 For Use by personnel 17
6.2 For use by passengers 17
7.1 General 18
7.2 Vehicle interiors 18
7.3 Train exteriors 18
7.4 Maintenance vehicles 19

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Volume 2, Part 4, Signage

1 Introduction
1.1.1 This document forms part of the Rail Planning and Design Guidelines (RPDG), Volume 2,
Architecture. It shall be interpreted and applied as an integral part of the complete set of
RPDG documents that together define the technical requirements for the Project.
1.1.2 The RPDG is structured in discrete Volumes, Parts and Appendices which describe the
design requirements for rail projects in Dubai. The Volumes, Parts and Appendices
categorise the design requirements by discipline, sub-discipline, element or technology. An
Appendix has been created, where necessary, to facilitate use but not all Parts have
Appendices. An Appendix has been created where there are a large number of requirements
or a large amount of information needs to be conveyed for a particular sub-discipline,
element or technology.
1.1.3 Not all Volumes, Parts or Appendices apply to all Projects and this is dependent on the
scope of the Project, described in the Project Brief.
1.1.4 The Guide to the RPDG describes the high level aspirations or vision for the design of
railways in Dubai and more specific objectives by discipline. It also includes the RTA’s Vision
and Strategic Objectives. The design of railways in Dubai shall be executed to deliver this
vision and the design objectives for the RTA.
1.1.5 The RPDG is supplemented by the Project Brief, which defines the scope of work,
operational requirements and specific requirements for a Project.
1.1.6 The Project Brief may be supplemented by Project Information which may include more
detailed requirements for the design and implementation of a Project.
1.1.7 Where the Project is an extension to an Existing System and the Project Brief requires the
signage to be built to the same standard as on the Existing System, the signage design shall
comply with the relevant specifications listed in the Project Information and conflicting
requirements in this document shall be waived.
1.1.8 The RPDG Volume 1 specifies the codes of practice for management processes and
technical requirements that shall be applied to all elements of a Project.
1.1.9 The RPDG Volume 2 Architecture document specifies the technical requirements that shall
be applied to the architectural and station planning elements of a Project.
1.1.10 The RPDG Volume 3 Civil Engineering document specifies the technical requirements that
shall be applied to the civil and structural infrastructure elements of a Project.
1.1.11 The RPDG Volume 4 Railway Systems document specifies the technical requirements that
shall be applied to the railway systems elements of a Project.
1.1.12 The RPDG Volume 5 Building Services document specifies the technical requirements that
shall be applied to the building services elements of a Project.
1.1.13 The Common Requirements section of this Part contains the common design requirements
that shall be applied to all signage, in addition to the requirements contained in RPDG
Volume 1, Part 1, Systemwide.
1.1.14 The subsequent sections of a Part and an Appendix define the specific requirements of sub-
disciplines, technologies or component parts of signage. The applicability of each Section of
the Part, or Appendix, shall be dependent on the scope of works defined in the Project Brief.

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Volume 2, Part 4, Signage

2 Common requirements

2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 This Part, contain the requirements for the design of all types of signage design that may be
required for the delivery of rail transport in Dubai.
2.1.2 This document defines the scope of work specifically with respect to the design of the
signage and shall be read in conjunction with the scope of work defined in RPDG Volumes 1,
3, 4 and 5.
2.1.3 Signage design is dependent on the transport mode identified in the Project Brief for the
2.1.4 The Glossary for signage is contained in RPDG Volume 1, Part 1, Systemwide.

2.2 Integration and interfacing requirements

2.2.1 The RPDG Volume 1, Part 1, Systemwide, includes procedures that shall be applied to
ensure that the signage design is fully integrated into other elements comprising the Project.
2.2.2 The signage design shall identify and address all appropriate design integration
requirements in:
a) RPDG Volume 1 Systemwide;
b) RPDG Volume 2 Architecture;
c) RPDG Volume 3 Civil Engineering;
d) RPDG Volume 4 Railway Systems; and
e) RPDG Volume 5 Building Services.
2.2.3 RPDG Volume 1, Part 1, Systemwide contains procedures that shall be applied to establish
a formal process of identifying and tracking interfaces to ensure that the signage interfaces
with other elements of the Project, including those of external parties and facilities, have
been identified, resolved and implemented.
2.2.4 Interface management procedures shall apply to all design interfaces with signage,
regardless of the contractual relationship between the designer of the signage and the
interfacing partner.
2.2.5 Design gates shall be identified for all elements of signage design where design progress is
absolutely conditional on resolution of an interface. The minimum design gates are listed
below by discipline.

Systemwide requirements
2.2.6 All potential interfaces with the operator shall be identified and recorded in a separate
interface register.
2.2.7 If the operator is not available to provide input to the interface management process, the
Project Proposer and/or the Review Authority may at its sole discretion provide assistance
with the resolution of these interfaces.
2.2.8 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:
a) planning of evacuation routes for all areas of the Project and coordination of
operational, architectural, signage and monitoring and control requirements;
b) adequacy of site lines for signage, CCTV and passenger information displays;

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Architectural requirements
2.2.9 All potential interfaces with architectural design shall be identified and recorded in a separate
interface register.
2.2.10 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:

a) coordination of signage layouts with architectural layouts;

b) consistency of theme and strategy of signage with architecture;

c) definition of headroom and signage ceiling zone allocations;

d) compatibility of finishes and fittings with architecture.

Civil Engineering requirements

2.2.11 All potential interfaces with civil engineering design shall be identified and recorded in a
separate interface register.
2.2.12 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:
a) definition of any significant structural loads.

Railway Systems requirements

2.2.13 All potential interfaces with railway systems design shall be identified and recorded in a
separate interface register.
2.2.14 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:
a) definition of control and monitoring interfaces with SMS/BMS; and
b) definition of interface with rolling stock, including maintenance vehicles.

Building Services requirements

2.2.15 All potential interfaces with building services design shall be identified and recorded in a
separate interface register.
2.2.16 Design gates shall be implemented as a minimum for the following elements:
a) definition of power supply requirements including criticality and locations; and
b) definition of lighting arrangements for each type of sign (internal external).

2.3 Scope of works

2.3.1 The scope of work relating specifically to Signage shall include but not be limited to the
following types of signage:
a) wayfinding signage:
i) railway line identification signs;
ii) station name signs;
iii) directional signs;
iv) travel information displays;
v) descriptive signs;
vi) emergency exit signs;
vii) trackside and tunnel signage; and
viii) other facility wayfinding signage.
b) warning, mandatory and prohibition signs;
c) instructions for use signs:

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i) for use by personnel; and

ii) for use by passengers.
d) vehicle signage:
i) passenger information;
ii) warning, mandatory and prohibition signs; and
iii) instructions for use signs.

2.4 Applicability of international standards

2.4.1 All international standards used in the design shall be referenced as required by the RPDG
Volume 1, Part 1, Systemwide.
2.4.2 The following standards may be used for guidance:
a) BS5499: Safety Signs, including fire safety signs; and
b) ISO7010: Graphical Symbols – Safety Colours and Safety Signs–Registered Safety

2.5 Functional requirements

General requirements
2.5.1 Wayfinding signage to be used by passengers and the public on the Project shall form an
important element of station or building design and shall be modern, simple, effective and
integrated with the facilities design theme allowing a principal of self-navigation with minimal
signage to be adopted.
2.5.2 The Signage system for the Project shall:
a) provide clear and comprehensive wayfinding information to personnel and passengers
across the Project. This wayfinding information shall be appropriate for all modes of
operation in accordance with the operations and safety plans of the Project;
b) provide appropriate information attached to all facilities, buildings and equipment of the
Project for personnel and passenger use with regards to instructions for use, warning
and safety and technical operation; and
c) provide clear and comprehensive information to operating and maintenance personnel
associated with activities on the infrastructure of the Project.
2.5.3 The Signage system for the Project shall be in accordance with The RTA Signage Design
Manual, statutory and operational requirements. It shall be in accordance with appropriate
international signage standards and best practice.
2.5.4 The Signage system for the Project shall incorporate the branding requirements of the
Project / RTA as specified in RPDG Volume 1, Part 1 and in the Project Brief.
2.5.5 The Signage system for the Project shall be in accordance with the requirements for
presentation, terminology and identification specified in RPDG Volume 1, Part 1,
2.5.6 The Signage system shall provide signs consistent with the requirements of the operations
and safety plans, as a minimum, for the following purposes in all areas of the Project:
a) information;
b) direction;
c) description;
d) instruction;
e) identification;
f) operation;
g) warning; and

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h) prohibition.
2.5.7 The Signage system shall be provided and configured to permit the phased commissioning
of the Project as specified in the Project Brief.
2.5.8 The positioning of passenger information displays and Signage shall provide the user with an
unimpeded view of such displays and signs easily distinguishable from other displays or
signage including advertising panels and architectural impediments.

Service life
2.5.9 All signage structural items shall have a Service Life of at least thirty (30) years. All electrical
equipment shall have a Service Life of at least fifteen (15) years and electronic equipment
shall have a Service Life of at least ten (10) years.
2.5.10 All passive signs shall remain clearly visible and exhibit no fading or other deterioration for at
least fifteen (15) years.

Arabic and English languages

2.5.11 All signs shall be displayed using Arabic and English languages with Arabic text placed
above English text.
2.5.12 Text displayed on dynamic displays, shall be presented first in Arabic text followed by
English text where they cannot be displayed simultaneously.
2.5.13 The spacing and dimensions of Arabic and English characters shall be proportional.

Passengers with special needs

2.5.14 The Signage system shall be designed to make provisions for Passengers with Special
Needs (PSN).
2.5.15 The Signage systems shall be in accordance with the accessibility requirements specified in
RPDG Volume 1, Part 1.

Technical requirements
2.5.16 Except where otherwise specified, all signs in public areas shall be mounted with hidden
fixings to ensure that all fixings, conduits and cables shall not be visible or accessible to the
public. Signs suspended below ceiling level shall be incorporated into the design of the
ceiling and be easily removable to allow access to services in the ceiling void above.
2.5.17 Signs located outside stations at street level shall be securely fixed to or mounted on free
standing pylons or masts. Liaison with the appropriate Relevant Authorities shall be
necessary to gain the necessary approvals.
2.5.18 Station entrance signs shall be illuminated and arranged such that all associated services
connections and fixing details shall not be visible or accessible by the public.
2.5.19 Signs shall be fully standardised throughout the Project, such that a series of typical sign
panel types are developed with common content and sizes. Variations on the type of typical
signs shall be minimised.
2.5.20 All panels and signs shall be constructed of robust, maintenance free and easily cleaned
2.5.21 All materials and components used in the construction of the panels and signs, including all
the associated equipment, shall be in accordance with the fire and life safety requirements in
RPDG Volume 1, Part 1.
2.5.22 Signs, panels, equipment and components shall be designed to enable rapid exchange of
modular units, which shall be designed to be interchangeable without the need for
2.5.23 Any component or assemblies that may need regular changing shall be installed to ensure
that it can be easily exchanged without the use of special tools and with no need to
dismantle other equipment to gain access.

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2.5.24 Sign face finishes should be within the eleven (11) to nineteen (19) degree gloss range when
measured on a sixty (60) degree gloss meter.
2.5.25 All replacement panels shall be capable of simple removal and replacement, without the
requirement of any sealant or compounds. Any hinged or removable panel shall be secured
from falling whilst being opened or removed and shall be free of sharp edges and corners.
2.5.26 Panels and signs shall be designed to minimise dust settlement and shall be sealed to
prevent ingress of liquid and dirt and also to facilitate cleaning. All signs and panels, exposed
to the outside elements shall be sealed to a minimum of IP 65 in accordance with EN 60529.
2.5.27 Illuminated signs and panels shall be designed to minimise the generation of heat and shall
not be hot when touched.
2.5.28 Illumination levels of signage shall be appropriate to their environment without causing glare.
2.5.29 Light sources shall not be perceived to flicker.
2.5.30 The minimum operational life of the fluorescent tubes (defined as 80% luminance
degradation) shall be at least 7,500 hours.
2.5.31 Where alternative switchable displays for signage have been specified, such signs shall be
monitored and/or controlled from the SMS/BMS as specified in RPDG Volume 4, Part 4,
Railway Control Facilities.
2.5.32 All active and/or illuminated signs required for wayfinding in emergencies shall be provided
with power from a UPS and shall remain illuminated for a minimum period of three hours in
the event of a power failure.
2.5.33 All signage, fixings, fittings shall be designed:
a) to a high quality of architectural in accordance with the facilities it serves; and
b) as a ‘kit-of-parts’ for integration into the overall design.
2.5.34 The medium used to deliver information shall not be unduly restricted and shall use the full
range of media including audio, visual and tactile, where appropriate.

Graphics and colours

2.5.35 The Signage system shall incorporate a clear and uncluttered design free of highly
decorative or ornamental applications.
2.5.36 One (1) standard font shall be used across the Signage System for each language to be
2.5.37 Characters shall be conventional in form, shall not be script, highly decorative, ornamental,
heavily serifed, too condensed or extended.
2.5.38 Pictograms shall be used throughout the Signage System accompanied by graphical text
where required.
2.5.39 Pictograms shall be based on or adapted from those approved by the International
Standards Organization.
2.5.40 Shapes and colours for warning, mandatory and regulatory signage shall be in accordance
with International Standards and best practice and shall be universally adopted throughout
the Project.
2.5.41 Colours shall be specified using the Pantone matching system.
2.5.42 To avoid variations in the same colour used for different applications, colours shall be
visually matched to approved samples.
2.5.43 Colours used in the illuminated signs shall be carefully matched with the local light source to
produce the correct hue.
2.5.44 Reproduction shall be by photographic or normal typesetting processes.

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2.6 Design management requirements

2.6.1 The formal process for design preparation, submission and review is described in the RPDG,
Volume 1, Part 1, Systemwide and shall apply to the Project except as modified below.

Signage manual
2.6.2 A signage manual shall be prepared and submitted for each stage of design describing the
theme and logic of the Signage system and identifying:
a) the graphic standards to be used;
b) fonts, colours shapes and sizes; and
c) type of signs, materials and their dimensions for use across the Project.
2.6.3 The signage manual shall incorporate:
a) facility numbering plan covering all stations, buildings, areas and rooms;
b) a colour coding system, artwork, nomenclature and content for all sign types and
locations used throughout the Project:
i) signage required by passengers and the public for system information;
ii) equipment to be used by passengers in the event of an emergency; and
iii) equipment to be used by operations and maintenance personnel.
c) a numbering plan for all equipment and parts to be supplied and interfacing with the
Computerised Maintenance Management System; and
d) a complete inventory of in list and graphic form.

Mock ups
2.6.4 Mock up signage examples shall be provided sufficient to allow the Review Authority to have
an overall visual aspect of the signs to be provided and how they are to be used throughout
the Project.

2.7 Testing and commissioning requirements

2.7.1 The formal process for testing and commissioning is described in the RPDG Volume 1, Part
1, Systemwide and shall apply to the Project except as modified below.
2.7.2 There are no particular testing requirements for signage.

2.8 System assurance requirements

2.8.1 The formal process for system assurance is described in the RPDG, Volume 1, Part 1,
Systemwide and shall apply to the Project except as modified below.
2.8.2 There are no particular system assurance requirements for signage.

2.9 Operations, maintenance and training requirements

2.9.1 The requirements for the preparation of maintenance documentation are specified in the
RPDG, Volume 1, Part 1, Appendix 5 and shall apply to the Project except as modified
2.9.2 The requirements for the preparation of maintenance documentation in the RPDG, Volume
1, Part 1, Appendix 5 shall be modified to incorporate the following particular requirements.

Operations documentation
2.9.3 Signage layouts shall be incorporated into emergency evacuations plans and drawings for
every stations, building, guideway and facility.

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Maintenance tools and test equipment

2.9.4 All special tools and test equipment intended for sole use in the maintenance of signage
shall be provided.

List of consumables
2.9.5 Calculations shall be provided to justify the proposed quantity of consumables based on the
specific items of signage,, the effective life of the consumable and the amount required in
each case.

List of non-consumable spares

2.9.6 Calculations shall be provided to justify the proposed quantity of non-consumable spares in
accordance with the methods described in the RPDG, Volume 1, Part 1, Appendix 5.

Strategic spares
2.9.7 There are no specific additional requirements for signage.

Training plan
2.9.8 There are no specific additional requirements for signage.

Training documentation
2.9.9 There are no specific additional requirements for signage.

Training aids
2.9.10 There are no specific additional requirements for signage.

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3 Wayfinding signage

3.1 Stations and buildings

3.1.1 The wayfinding signage shall be developed as an integral part of the overall station and
building designs from the outset to ensure that the resultant solutions are:
a) legible;
b) intuitive to use;
c) require minimal signage, and
d) well integrated with their surroundings.
3.1.2 The station and building wayfinding strategy shall cover signage external to those facilities
in order to provide a seamless way finding environment for the following transport modes:
a) other rail systems;
b) road;
c) bicycle;
d) marine; and
e) pedestrian.

Station location signs

3.1.3 Station locations shall be identified by distinctive pylons incorporating the station name and
number, line identification, Dubai rail transit maps, appropriate directional arrows to station
entrances and any other relevant information pertaining to the station area such as car
parking locations, bus or ferry.
3.1.4 Pylons shall be illuminated and visible from as many adjacent areas as possible.

Station name signs

3.1.5 A numbering system for stations shall be developed in accordance with the requirements for
presentation, terminology and identification specified in RPDG Volume 1, Part 1.
3.1.6 The station number shall be used on all signs or displays where the station name appears.
3.1.7 For station name signage, the line colour and/or name of the line shall be incorporated into
the signage.
3.1.8 Station name and number signs shall be displayed, as a minimum, at locations listed as
a) at stations incorporated into the main station identification signage;
b) at all station entrances; and
c) at platform level incorporated into the Platform Screen Door header panels. At least
one station name sign shall be visible from any location on the platform and shall be
integrated with the PID system in accordance with the Performance Specifications for
Platform Screen Doors and Communications.
3.1.9 All station name signs shall be illuminated.
3.1.10 The Signage shall be coordinated with the Passenger Information Display systems to be
provided as specified in RPDG Volume 4, Part 4, Railway Control Facilities.

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Station wayfinding signs

3.1.11 The frequency of station wayfinding signs shall be consistent with the operational and safety
requirements and shall be sufficient to guide passengers and personnel who are unfamiliar
with their surroundings.
3.1.12 Station wayfinding signs shall be so arranged to aid circulation by avoiding conflicting
passenger movements and provide a logical indication of safe egress routes in the event of
an emergency.
3.1.13 Station wayfinding signs shall be composed of sign messages and/or pictograms and not
provide conflicting information or instructions.
3.1.14 Station wayfinding signs shall be illuminated.

Wayfinding signage for train class designations on platforms

3.1.15 Train class designation wayfinding signage shall be on station platforms to designate the
platform waiting area for Gold Class cars.

Station exit directional signs

3.1.16 All exit and emergency exit directional signage shall be illuminated.
3.1.17 At platform level, exit directional signs shall be located to provide an unimpeded view along
platforms of exit points for alighting passengers. The signs are to clearly indicate the type of
exit such as stairs, escalators, ramps or lifts.
3.1.18 Emergency exit directional signage shall only be used to sign emergency exits and shall be
designed in accordance with statutory regulations, international standards, the fire and life
safety strategy specified in RPDG Volume 1, Part 1 and the station evacuation plans.
3.1.19 Sufficient directional signage showing the direction to emergency exits shall be placed
throughout the stations in accordance with those regulations and standards.
3.1.20 Emergency exit signage may be incorporated into the overall wayfinding signage designs
provided that statutory requirements and international standards, have been met.

Station travel information displays

3.1.21 Travel information displays shall be positioned at strategic and prominent locations within
stations to provide a one stop location for passengers to obtain detailed information on the
3.1.22 Travel information displays shall be appropriately illuminated and shall be designed so that
passengers will easily recognise the display as a primary source of information for the
3.1.23 Travel Information Displays shall be designed to aid passenger circulation while at the
display and not cause congestion.
3.1.24 Travel information displays shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a) train and flight (at remote baggage handling stations) information displays;
b) Dubai integrated transport maps;
c) locality maps and exit information;
d) 3D Station plan showing all levels;
e) system posters;
f) hours of operation notices;
g) fares and ticketing notices;
h) in-house posters; and
i) statutory requirements notices.

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3.1.25 Train and flight (at remote baggage handling stations) passenger information displays as
specified in the RPDG Volume 4, Part 4, Railway Control Facilities document shall be
incorporated into the travel information displays.
3.1.26 Dubai metro and local bus, tram and ferry maps shall be incorporated to aid passengers in
planning journeys across Dubai using the integrated transport system. These maps shall
clearly show all stations and stops and interchange locations for metro, bus and ferry
services. The map shall show the routes superimposed over a map of Dubai. They shall
enable passengers to identify stations in relation to local districts, landmarks and facilities.
3.1.27 Locality maps and exit information shall show the individual station and its respective exits in
relation to surrounding streets, buildings and local amenities. Exit information shall comprise
of a list of surrounding streets, buildings, local amenities and landmarks referencing the
locality map.
3.1.28 The exit information shall be complemented by additional signs above the display indicating
the direction to the exits, their numbers and the transport modes, local streets and landmarks
from each exit.
3.1.29 3D station plans shall show a 3 dimensional layout of all levels of the station and the facilities
contained on each level.
3.1.30 System posters shall provide information and safety tips on how to use the railway and its
3.1.31 Hours of operation notices shall provide information on the hours of operation of train
services operating from that station and shall include local bus, tram and ferry services.
3.1.32 Fares and ticketing notices shall provide information on fare rates and types of ticket as well
as any promotional offers available.
3.1.33 In-house posters shall provide information on any promotions, new services etc.
3.1.34 Statutory requirement notices shall warn the public of any statutory requirements applicable
to them.
3.1.35 All maps, diagrams and notices shall conform to the design theme of the Signage system.

3.2 Guideways and tunnels

3.2.1 A complete guideway and tunnel wayfinding signage system consisting of:
a) location signage;
b) emergency exit signage;
c) safe walking route identification including floor markings showing edges and highlighting
any slopes and changes of level; and
d) systems signage.
3.2.2 Secondary location signage shall incorporate materials for ease of readability in darkness
and be positioned such that they can be read from the onboard train CCTV system. They
shall be provided along the guideways and tunnels at intervals of no more than 10m
a) track or tunnel name;
b) direction and chainage of the track.
3.2.3 Primary location signage shall incorporate reflective materials for ease of readability in
darkness and be positioned such that they can be read from both directions from on board
vehicles and from guideway/walkway level. They shall be provided along the guideways and
tunnels at intervals of no more than 50m displaying:
a) track or tunnel name,
b) direction and chainage of the track;
c) distance to and name and number of, the next station in either direction;

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d) distance to the next tunnel emergency egress shaft in either direction;

e) distance to the next cross passage in either direction; and
f) distance to the next help point or direct line telephone in either direction.
3.2.4 Location signs shall also be provided at:
a) each access point to and from the guideway including surface entrances to intervention
shafts and emergency egress points;
b) at the ends of all platforms; and
c) depots where required.
3.2.5 The Location signs and the graphics shall incorporate reflective materials for ease of
readability in darkness and be positioned such that they can be read from both directions
from either on board vehicles or from ground/walkway level. (does this apply to only primary
location signage or both the primary location signage and secondary location signage?
Could be already covered in 3.2.3)
3.2.6 Emergency exit directional signage along tracks and tunnels shall be illuminated and
interfaced to the SMS/BMS system from which it shall be controlled and monitored as
described in RPDG Volume 4, Part 4, Railway Control Facilities.
3.2.7 Emergency exit directional signage and location signage may be incorporated together,
however, they must comply with statutory regulations, fire and life safety and international

3.3 Depot and ancillary buildings

3.3.1 Wayfinding signage shall be provided for the depots and all ancillary buildings across the
Project including:
a) depot and depot buildings;
b) stand alone electrical substations and sectioning facilities;
c) intervention shafts, stairs and access points;
d) trackside equipment buildings;
e) back of house (non public areas) areas of stations;
f) offices and workshops; and
g) any other buildings applicable to the Project.
3.3.2 Wayfinding signage shall incorporate a common design in accordance with the Signage
Manual and be illuminated in areas of high traffic or low visibility.
3.3.3 Wayfinding signage for depot and ancillary buildings shall include all floor markings for safe
walking routes and floor markings associated with any hazards.
3.3.4 Room and building identification shall include a unique number and the function of the room
or building.
3.3.5 Emergency signage shall be interfaced with equipment alarms where activation of an alarm
requires an emergency sign to be activated. (should this requirement also be mentioned
under ‘station exit directional sign’ mentioned above?)
3.3.6 Emergency exit directional signage shall be illuminated so that emergency egress routes will
be illuminated in line with predetermined evacuation scenarios. (should clause 3.1.16 be
reworded to look like this this requirement?)
3.3.7 Emergency exit directional signage may be incorporated into the general wayfinding signage
however this must comply with statutory regulations and international standards.

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4 Facilities signage

4.1 Direct line telephone and help point signage

4.1.1 Illuminated signs shall be provided at all direct line telephone and help point locations
indicating the location of such facilities.

4.2 Floor plan signage

4.2.1 Each building shall be provided with floor plan signage for use by personnel other than
passengers indicating:
a) a general layout plan of the building or floor for multiple storied buildings;
b) all rooms with numbers and functions indicated;
c) all exit points;
d) emergency evacuation routes; and
e) all emergency facilities such as fire fighting and first aid equipment.
4.2.2 Floor plan signs shall be made of robust waterproof material.
4.2.3 Floor plan signs shall be located as follows:
a) in lift lobby’s;
b) all stairwells at the exit to each level;
c) all exit and entry points to buildings; and
d) for fire panels, security offices and control rooms, in prominent locations and displaying
all floor plans for multi storied buildings.

4.3 Door signs

4.3.1 All doors shall be signed with appropriate mandatory signage in accordance with
international standards.
4.3.2 Doors with restricted access, particularly those leading from public areas, shall be signed for
the use of the particular authorised personnel.
4.3.3 Doors providing access to rooms of particular functions or equipment areas shall be provided
with signs indicating the room number and its function. Symbols or pictograms may be used
instead of written text where appropriate.

4.4 Third party installations

4.4.1 Signage for third party installations signs such as public telephones, ATMs and vending shall
be coordinated with the layouts of such installations.

4.5 Fire extinguisher and hose reel cabinet signs

4.5.1 Illuminated signs shall be provided at all fire extinguishers, fire panel and fire hose reel
locations indicating the location of fire fighting facilities.
4.5.2 Hose reel cabinet signs shall be mounted on the cabinet door and be clearly visible.
4.5.3 Fire extinguisher signs shall be mounted as close to the extinguishers as possible and be
clearly visible.
4.5.4 Fire panel signs shall be mounted as close to the panel as possible and be clearly visible.

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4.6 First aid equipment signs

4.6.1 Illuminated signs shall be provided at all first aid locations indicating the location of first aid
facilities. Such signs shall incorporate graphics and text in accordance with international

4.7 Road signs and markings

4.7.1 All road signs and associated road markings shall be provided where such road construction
is included in the Project.
4.7.2 Road signs shall incorporate but not be limited to the following:
a) speed, stop, one way and give way signs;
b) direction signs (including wayfinding signs to buildings and facilities);
c) hazard signs; and
d) any other road sign or marking appropriate for a particular area.
4.7.3 Road signs and associated markings shall be in accordance with RTA standards.

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5 Warning, mandatory and

prohibition signs

5.1 General
5.1.1 Warning, mandatory and prohibition signs shall be standardised throughout the Project and
shall be in accordance with statutory regulations and international standards.
5.1.2 Warning, mandatory and prohibition signs, including the fixing arrangement, shall be durable
and have the same service life as specified herein or the equipment or panel to which the
signs are attached.
5.1.3 This specification applies to all areas of the Project its equipment and facilities contained
therein including but not limited to:
a) stations;
b) depot and all depot buildings;
c) tunnels and track areas;
d) intervention shafts, stairs and access points;
e) substations and sectioning facilities; and
f) fencing and roadways.
5.1.4 Warning, mandatory and prohibition signs to be used by passengers and personnel shall
indicate as a minimum the following;
a) high voltage;
b) no access/ authorised personnel access;
c) dangers due to misuse or accident;
d) hazards associated with location;
e) hazards associated with equipment or environment;
f) requirement for personal protective equipment to be worn or carried;
g) no animals;
h) no eating or drinking;
i) no flammable goods;
j) no littering;
k) no smoking;
l) no spitting; and
m) any others appropriate to local culture or environment.
5.1.5 Warning, mandatory and prohibition signs shall be prominently displayed individually or
where appropriate in groups throughout the Project and shall be fully harmonised with the
overall Signage design.
5.1.6 Where appropriate, warning, mandatory and prohibition signs may be incorporated with
instructions for use and hazardous material signs.

5.2 Hazardous materials signs

5.2.1 Hazardous materials signs warning of the hazard of dangerous substances such as
flammable liquids / gases, explosive atmospheres, corrosive or toxic / noxious chemicals and

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the like shall be provided at all locations on the Project where such hazards are likely to
5.2.2 Any requirement for safety apparatus to be used or worn for protection against specific
hazards, shall be indicated on graphics standardised across the Project.
5.2.3 The signs shall be located and sized to alert the personnel present prior to any contact with
the hazard.
5.2.4 Mobile plant shall also have hazard warning signs affixed at a suitable location on the plant.
5.2.5 Where appropriate, hazardous material signs may be incorporated with instructions for use
and warning, mandatory and prohibition signs.

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6 Instructions for use signage

6.1 For Use by personnel

6.1.1 Instructions for use signs shall be provided for the use of personnel to facilitate the safe
operation of equipment and facilities in accordance with its various modes of operation.
6.1.2 Instructions-for-use signs shall be located adjacent to or where appropriate on the equipment
to which they apply and clearly visible to the personnel operating or maintaining the
6.1.3 Instructions for use signs shall be made of robust waterproof materials and clearly visible
when viewed under ambient lighting levels. Where this is not possible additional local
lighting shall be provided or the sign illuminated.
6.1.4 Instructions for use by personnel may be incorporated with instructions for passengers use
by where compatible.

6.2 For use by passengers

6.2.1 Instructions for use signs shall be provided for the use of passengers to facilitate the
operation of equipment (refer to Clause 6.2.2?) in accordance with its various modes of
6.2.2 Instructions for use signs shall be provided for but not limited to the following that has or may
have a passenger operation interface:
a) lifts and escalators;
b) fare collection and ticketing equipment;
c) platform screen doors;
d) direct line telephones;
e) emergency egress points and passageways; and
f) emergency equipment (fire alarms, hose reels etc).
6.2.3 Instructions-for-use signs shall be located adjacent to or where appropriate on the equipment
to which they apply and clearly visible to the passenger operating the equipment.
6.2.4 Instructions for use signs shall be made of robust waterproof materials and clearly visible
when viewed under ambient lighting levels. Where this is not possible additional local
lighting shall be provided or the sign illuminated.
6.2.5 Instructions for use signs used for emergency equipment or used in emergency situations
shall incorporate the relevant international or local standards for graphics, pictograms and
6.2.6 Instructions for use by passengers may be incorporated with instructions for use by
personnel where compatible.

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Volume 2, Part 4, Signage.docx
Dubai Rail Planning & Design Guidelines
Volume 2, Part 4, Signage

7 On board vehicle signage

7.1 General
7.1.1 All Vehicles shall be provided with appropriate signs relating to key features and the
information requirements of passengers.
7.1.2 Where signs relate to the operation of equipment they shall normally be located adjacent to
that equipment.
7.1.3 In the event that such equipment and the associated signs may be obscured by the
occupancy of a vehicle, additional signs shall be provided indicating the presence of such
7.1.4 Signs for vehicles shall be able to withstand the cleaning processes required without
suffering deterioration or becoming detached. They shall be capable of being easily
replaced by authorised personnel in the event that they become defaced or disfigured, but
discourage unauthorised removal. (should this be a general requirement that applies to all
signage rather than just signage onboard vehicles?)

7.2 Vehicle interiors

7.2.1 The interior of the Vehicles shall be equipped with, as a minimum requirement, the following
a) individual vehicle number;
b) doorway numbering and designation;
c) contents of equipment cupboards;
d) prohibition signs;
e) emergency egress signs;
f) priority passenger sections;
g) wheelchair locations and instructions-for-use of restraints;
h) train communication instructions;
i) emergency door release instructions;
j) hopper window’s opening instructions;
k) fire extinguisher location and instructions;
l) emergency egress route instructions;
m) domestic power supply location;
n) appropriate hazard signage at doors; and
o) brake isolating cock’s locations.
7.2.2 Signs used to instruct passengers on use of equipment should be pictogram type signs with
a numbered step process in the use of the equipment. As little text as possible should be
used as the signs will be usually read in an emergency.
7.2.3 Passenger information signs such as dynamic route maps and locality signs shall be
provided in accordance with the Communications specification.

7.3 Train exteriors

7.3.1 The exterior of Trains shall be equipped as a minimum with signs for the following:
a) above under body level:

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Volume 2, Part 4, Signage.docx
Dubai Rail Planning & Design Guidelines
Volume 2, Part 4, Signage

i) Individual Vehicle numbers visible through platform screen doors;

ii) hazard signs;
iii) emergency door releases;
iv) high voltage warnings;
v) traction supply isolation switches;
vi) wheelchair location; and
vii) line/operator symbol.
b) Below under body level:
i) equipment modules;
ii) parking brake release handles;
iii) brake isolating cocks;
iv) lifting and jacking points;
v) high voltage warnings;
vi) traction supply isolation switches;
vii) hazard signs;
viii) filler cap locations; and
ix) battery isolation switches.

7.4 Maintenance vehicles

7.4.1 A vehicle numbering system shall be proposed for maintenance vehicles.
7.4.2 Works train vehicles shall be equipped with signs in accordance with this specification (what
specification?) where appropriate to their use.
7.4.3 Additional signs shall also be provided in conjunction with any equipment carried on the
maintenance vehicles.

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