Liposomal Drug Delivery Systems - A Review: October 2013
Liposomal Drug Delivery Systems - A Review: October 2013
Liposomal Drug Delivery Systems - A Review: October 2013
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Review Article
Vesicle type
Diameter Size
Size characteristics of liposome have a major effect on the Vesicle size and size distribution - Dynamic light
application they can be used. Physical integrity and scattering, TEM.
stability of lipid bilayers structure influence the Surface charge - Free flow electrophoresis
therapeutic applications of liposome. Therefore particle
size of the liposome must be considered for the liposome Electrical surface Potential and pH - Zeta potential
production procedure and it must be predictable and and pH sensitive probes
reproducible with particle size distribution within a
Lamellarity - NMR
certain size range. Sequential extrusion, gel
chromatography and sonication are the common Phase behaviour - DSC, freeze fracture electron
methods of sizing of liposomes, 15 microscopy
But ultimately these methods have the following Percent capture - Mini column centrifugation, gel
disadvantages: exclusion
1. Exclusion of oxygen is difficult which result in per Drug release - Diffuse cell / dialysis
oxidation reaction.
1. Visual Appearance
2. Titanium probes shed metal particle resulting in
Based on the particle size and composition the
appearance of the liposomal suspension may be varying
3. They can generate aerosols, which exclude them from from translucent to milky. The samples are homogeneous
use with certain agents. if the turbidity has a bluish shade; the presence of a
nonliposomal dispersion is by flat, grey colour and is most
These above problems are mainly related with the probe
likely a disperse inverse hexagonal phase or dispersed
sonication but these problems can be removed by using
the bath sonication. micro crystallites. An optical microscope can detect
liposome of size greater than 0.3 µm as well as
CHARACTERIZATION OF LIPOSOMES16-18 contamination with larger particles.
Liposome should be characterized for visual appearance, 2. Determination of Liposomal Size
turbidity, size distribution, lamellarity, concentration,
composition, presence of degradation products, and Size Distribution
stability. The behaviour of liposomes in both physical and It is usually measured by dynamic light scattering.
biological system is governed by these factors; therefore Liposomes with relatively homogeneous size distribution
liposomes are characterized for physical attributes and are reliable for this method. Gel exclusion
chemical compositions. chromatography is a simple method, in which a truly
hydrodynamic radius can be detected. Sephacryl-S100
A. Biological characterization
can separate liposome in size range of 30-300nm.
Sterility - Aerobic/anaerobic culture Sepharose -4B and -2B columns can separate SUV from
Pyrogenicity - Temperature (Rabbit) response
3. Determination of lamellarity
Animal toxicity - Monitoring survival of animals (rats)
The lamellarity of liposomes can be measured by electron
B. Chemical characterization
microscopy or spectroscopic techniques. The NMR
Phospholipids concentration - HPLC/Barrlet assay spectrum of liposome is recorded most frequently with
and without the addition of a paramagnetic agent that
Cholesterol concentration - HPLC / cholesterol shifts or bleaches the signal of the observed nuclei on the
oxide assay outer surface of liposome.
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