L/epublit Tbe Bilippines Qt:ourt:fflanila: Second Division
L/epublit Tbe Bilippines Qt:ourt:fflanila: Second Division
L/epublit Tbe Bilippines Qt:ourt:fflanila: Second Division
~upreme Qt:ourt
On leave.
Rollo, pp. I9--39.
Id. at 42-44; penned by / :;sociate Justice Perpeiu:;. T. Atal-Paiio with Associate Justices Edgardo
A. CamP.llo and Maria Fi l )mena D. Singh, concurring.
Id. at 40-48; penned by _! .ssociate Justice Perpetua T. Atal-Paiio with Associate Justices Edgardo
A. Camel lo and Edgardo-:·. Lloren, concurring.
Decision 2 G.R. No. 232 120
The Antecedents
Respondent opposed the petition and countered that the BIR zonal
valuation is less than the property's fair market value. 7 She further
asserted that although the property is classified as agricultural, its actual
use is residential and the lots adjacent thereto are already industrial m
character. 8
Id. at 64-70.
Id. at 94-95: as c ulled from the Judgment dated August 20, 20 15 of Branch 8, Regional Trial
Court, C ity of Malaybalay.
., Id. at 95.
Id. at 105.
Id. at 95.
Id. at 11 5.
Decision G.R. No. 232120
Id. See also Commissionf.r's Appraisal & Assess men, Repo1t, id. at I I 6.
Id. at 130-13 1.
Id. at 94- 11 2; penned by I 'res iding Judge Isobel G. Barroso.
Decision 4 G.R. No. 232120
The RTC found that the valuation of the property at P25.OO per sq.
m. is too low, impractical, and unreasonable; 15 that, in the same manner,
the Pl 0.00 per sq. m. valuation of the BIR for taxation purposes is long
overdue for revision; 16 that, on the ·o ther hand, respondent's P3,OOO.OO
per sq. m. valuation is too high and speculative as it is based only on one
deed of sale and the proposed Comprehensive Land. Use Plan of the
Municipality of Maramag, Bukidnon. 17 Thus, the RTC took judicial
notice of the other ~xpropriation cases pending therein that involved
prope1ties similarly located in Brgy. North Poblacion, Maramag,
Bukidnon classified as agricultural land and yet, upon ocular inspection,
were industrial and1:,r_ zoned as "built-up" wherein the recommended
amounts for just compensation were P22O.OO and P6OO.OO per sq. m. 18
Ruling of the CA
Ti1e CA decla;·~d that despite the receipt of the Notice to File Brief
addressed to the counsel of petitioner, the latter failed to · file an
Appeilant's Brief. T11us, pursuant to Section 7, Rule 44 of the Rules of
Court, the CA, in a Resolution22 dated July 26, 2016, ruled that
petitioner's failure tr file an Appellant's Brief was an abandonment of its
appeal which caused its dismissal. 23
Our Ruling
11 Aguam v. Court ofAppec Is , 388 Phil. 587, 593-594 (2000); Philippine Merchant Marine School,
Inc. v_ Court ofAppeals, <:32 Phil. 733, 740-741 (2002), citing Rep. ofthe Phil_ v. Imperial, J1:, 362
Phil. 466,477 ( 1999), fur '. 1er citing Republic v. Cm1rt ofAppeals, li2 Phil. 741 , 766 ( 1978).
Sibayan v. Costales, 789 I ·i1il. I, 8 (20 I 6), citing Diaz v. People, et al., 704 Phil. 146, 157(20 13) .
.B Id.
i, Id.
P/VR v. Philippine Milli .~: Co., Inc., et al. , 136 Phil. 2 12, 215 (1 969) as cited in Philippine
Merchant Marine Schoor, : 'IC. v_ Court ofAppeals, supra note 3 1 at 741- 742_-
Decision 7 G.R. No'. 232120
( 1) The g~neral rule is for the Court of Appeals -to _dismiss ·an
appeal when m, appellant's brief is filed within the reglementary
period prescribe<... by the rules;
(4) In ca:., ~of late filing, the appe llate court has the power to .
still allow the a~•peal; however, for the proper exercise of the court's
leniency[,] it is ;.1-perative that:
of submission before the court. As the Court held in Viva Shipping Lines,
Inc. v. Keppel Phils. \1arine, Inc. , et al. :4 1
781 Phil. 95 (201 6).
Id. at 99.
Leca Realty Corp. v. Rep. ofthe Phils. , 534 Phi l. 693. 696 (2006).
"' Id.
f..epuhlic: v. Svouses Dari; ·cio, G.R. No. 227960, July ~4, 2019.
' Id.
National Power Corp. v. , !arasigcm. et al. , 82-J ;>h it. 1107, I 127(20 17).
Decision 10 G.R. No. 232120
There is also ro cogent reason for the Comito annul and set aside
the amount fixed herein as just compensation on the ground that the RTC
took judicial notice of other expropriation cases involving properties
similarly situated. The RTC did not merely adopt by reference th~
commissioner's reports in the other cited expropriation cases, but took it
into account in assessing just compensation because the properties
subject of the other cases were situated in the same place. As opined by
Associate Justice Ed_\ardo L. Paras, " [a] court will take judicial notice of
its own acts and rec~:rds in the same case, offacts established in prior
proceedings in the same case, of the authenticity of its own records of
another case between the same parties, of the files of related cases in the
same court, and of public records on file in the same court." 50 In al)y
case, it was not the only factor considered by the RTC. As can be
gleaned from the R--:'C Decision, the court also factored in the subject
property's actual use, its location, and its current market value. Between
the valuat~un submitred by petitioner's commissioner at a measly sum of
P25 .00 per sq. m., ar d that of the other two commissioners at P3 ,000.00
per sq. m. based on r·n e purchase price of a single deed of sale, the RTC 's
computation is more in accord with the principle that payment of just
compensation for pri ,·ate property taken for public use, as guaranteed no
less by our Constitution and is included in the Bill of Rights, should be
measured not by th-~ taker's gain, but the owner's loss and that the
amount to be tendued for the property to be taken shall be real,
substantial, full and ample.51
" Built-up" areas are areas that have ten or more dwelling units within the vicin ity. Rollo, p. 102, as
culled from the RTC Decision.
Rollo, p. IO I; as culled from the RTC Decis ion.
Rep. ofthe f'hils. v. CA, 343 Phil. 428,437 (1997). citing Graham en Evidence, I986 ed.
' National Power Corp. v. Spouses Zabala, 702 Phil. 491 , 499-500 (::.J 13). Citations omitted.
Decision 11 G.R. No. 232120
Associate Justice
Senior Associate Justice
(On leave) _
Associate Justice
I attest that the ,:onclusions in the above Decision had been ·reached
in consultation befor ~ the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion
of the Court's Divisi/)n.
AA0 ltt1/
Senior Associate Justice
Decision 12 G.R. No. 232120