T - Thermanit 304 H Cu - Gtaw - 01 - 01 - en PDF
T - Thermanit 304 H Cu - Gtaw - 01 - 01 - en PDF
T - Thermanit 304 H Cu - Gtaw - 01 - 01 - en PDF
Rev.: 2
GTAW welding rod
Typical analysis C Si Mn Cr Ni Nb Mo Cu N
in % 0.1 0.4 3.2 18.0 16.0 0.4 0.8 3.0 0.2
Mechanical proper- Heat- Yield strength Yield strength Tensile Elongation Impact values
ties of the weld treatment 0.2% 1.0% strength (L0=5d0) in J CVN
metal according MPa MPa MPa %
to EN ISO 15792-1 AW 350 400 590 25 47
(min. values at RT)
Structure Austenite
Welding instruction
Materials Preheating Postweld heat treatment
Joining on matching/similar None. Mostly none. If necessary, solution
CrNi(N)-steels/cast steel grades annealing at 1100 °C (2012 °F)
Polarity = –
Shielding gas (EN ISO 14175) I1